CTM Christian Times Magazine
THE NEW AMERICAN DEBATE Katherine Schoonover
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Issue 23 | October 2018
Special Interview with Dottie Bailey
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The New American Debate By Katherine Schoonover
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How the Democrats started the 2008 Recession By Matthew Snape
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The Judicial System in America and Judge Brett Kavanaugh By Charles Lingerfelt
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Whatever Happened to the Jesus Movement? By Jesus Movement
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Time to Play Smash-Mouth Politics ! By Christopher Grahn Howard
Issue 23 | October 2018
findingjesusfilm Interview with Edward and Pamela
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“The Donkey Is In Disguise/Trying to look like an Elephant”
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New Inquiry Filed for 9/11 Reinvestigation
By Pastor David Colbert
By Lisa Cahill
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To Serve And Protect a christian way By Dan Brien
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How are you using your tongue ? By Robert Summers
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We Stand with Eretz Israel
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“I'm Living The Good Life”
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By Paul McCabe
by Pastor Evangelist Arthur L. Weathersby
The most important Mid-term election by Brandon Cook
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We are interviewing Dottie Bailey, Republican Candidate for State Representative District 110 Missouri. Thank you dottie for agreeing to this interview.
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Anil - What are your priorities for the Missouri District 110 ? Dottie Bailey - To further chip away at our tax burden so folks can keep more of their hard-earned money. Job creation is
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Anil - What has been the biggest challenge of your career so far? Dottie Bailey - When you put yourself out there to run for office, you are open to attacks from your opponent and others. It’s why many good candidates don’t run. I knew this going it but I also knew I could take it, and Liberty and Freedom are worth it.. As Plato said, “One of the penalties of not participating in politics is you will be governed by your inferiors.” The Founders knew this and it’s why they gave all, their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. In Keeping the Republic, they expect us to do the same. Anil - What has been your highlight? Dottie Bailey - As I campaigned I met so many of the constituents of District #110, when I looked in their eyes it made it all the more real that they were depending on me to defend their Constitutional rights and not to grow government. American citizens just want to live their own life and have government take its proper role which is to secure the rights and freedoms of the individual. You see in the media everyday how they say people want the government to care for them, but I found quite the opposite. I cherish those conversations with the voters to hear their love of Liberty and that they support my efforts in defending them to do so.
Anil - What challenges lie ahead for the state of Missouri?
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Dottie Bailey - Unfortunately we have languished toward the bottom of the 50 states in economic growth, it have been harmful to Missouri and we need less regulation to move the needle in the opposite direction. Anil - How has Missouri generally changed? Dottie Bailey - In recent years Missouri has gotten a lot of bad press but that is the liberal news media. The Missouri I know is kind and giving and full of wonderful people wanting to make our state great. The entrepreneurial spirit of Missourians is wonderful. The best thing government can do is get out of the way of Missouri and let the people do whatthey do best! Anil - Is there anything the opposition can use againstyou? Dottie Bailey - The opposition will always be there, I don’t deny that. But that is fine, it makes me work harder, lean on God more and trust that peace I have in this quest. My heart is for Liberty, it was put there by God many years ago because he set me free. There is nothing the opposition can do to me that isn’t expected or I can’t take. My faith is strong, and I have such amazing peace fighting for those who wish to be free and Keep our Republic. If the Founders of America can do it as they did, I certainly can step up in follow in those footsteps regardless of hardship. The hardship we face these days
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is nothing like it was or even close in the 1700’s Anil - How does your Christian faith challenge your role? Dottie Bailey - Our rights are inherent, essential and derived from Christ and they existed before America or any other country existed. I understand this quite well…. Our rights don’t come from Government, they come from God. So it isn’t something I have to ever question and why I am steadfast in Liberty. Anil - Has there ever been a time where you’ve had to compromise your Christian faith in yourrole? Dottie Bailey - It comes up all the time to compromise my faith. But before I took this role I knew I had to be solid in my beliefs but also be compassionate and show the true love of Christ in all endeavors.If I can keep that in my forefront, I can remain steady even though I disagree. Loving your enemies as Christ calls us to do is difficult and something you have to consciously do everyday. Anil - What are your views on same sex marriage LBGT issues? And have you had to compromise yourbeliefs on this issue in your role? Dottie Bailey - I am not for LBGT same sex marriage.
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No, while confronted by a same sex couple out campaigning, I was asked point blank about this issue. I first ask them questions about their view and then I began to by saying I appreciate their love for each other but as a Representative of a District I would vote in the majority of that District which would be no to same sex marriage. But we did have a conversation about it and I listened to their stories and I felt empathy for it. I tried to convey my love for them even though our lifestyles are completely different. This was a real opportunity to do what Christ called me to do, see people through his eyes. I knew at that moment I just needed to listen, be loving but also not lie about my position and explain to the best of my ability. In the end, they both shook my hand and said they were not in agreement with me but were happy that I didn’t lie to them. I walked away from that conversation respecting them and they respecting me. Anil - Are President Trump’s immigration policies workable? Dottie Bailey - Yes, his main focus is security for America and her people. Sadly, this day and age we do have to be very careful as there are so many who wish to harm us. I know the media makes him out to be a terrible person, but I know in my heart that he loves America and is doing the best thing for us. Of course, America is the melting pot of the world but we are at a point in history where we need to know who is coming and going to keep those who wish to harm us out. He also sees that we need to take care of our own, especially our Veterans before we can help others.
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Anil - How unrealistic is gun control Dottie Bailey - It is not realistic at all, the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution is why we still exist as a country. If we do not have the 2nd Amendment, then we do not have any of the other freedoms we cherish. The majority of Americans understand this and gun control is not for us. Anil - Thank You so much Dottie to give us time for this Interview, We hope and praying that God use you for our Great Nation. VOTE FOR DOTTIE !
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The New American Debate By Katherine Schoonover
Something has changed in the United States, and frankly throughout the free world, that is so profound it seems shocking that some are unaware of it. Many Americans think that we are merely having the same arguments that we always have between the two major political parties. However, there has been a dramatic shift, particularly on the national level, to the point where we are barely able to pretend that we are still talking about Republicans vs. Democrats. This current movement popularized within the last decade, although it is nothing new. It is merely a reawakening of the same old movement that continually opposes free societies. These same old ideas simmer beneath the surface only to resurface generation after generation. They have been called by many names: Progressivism, Postmodernism, Socialism, Communism, etc. The terms that we use to describe them are almost irrelevant as the labels and vocabulary are continually updated, while the ideas remain the same. All of the sudden, although not entirely without warning, we are actually publicly debating whether to continue to be American or not. When we talk about America we are not just talking about a place. We are talking about an idea, an ideology, and a system of government that is so unique that it has repeatedly been referred to as the Great Experiment. What we are debating, almost casually at times, is whether that experiment has failed and if it is time to adopt another ideology and system of government or not.
As we debate these issues, people are throwing a lot of words and ideas around without fully understanding their meaning, their history, or the potential consequences, even on an elementary level. It is almost as though huge sections of history are missing from the American memory, or are hidden from view. Have we forgotten what it means to be American? Do we really understand what it means to live under some of the alternative systems of government, even in some sort of as yet unachieved best-case scenario? This debate is beginning to emerge throughout the western world, and while some in the U.S. are joining the movement because of its emergence through the
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Democratic Party, others are joining because of its visible strength and popularity, a sense of disenfranchisement, a belief that it will change the world for the better, or because they see the potential power to be attained as leaders of the movement. This movement, however, is beginning to shift so far to the left that it is darting past even the far-left wing of the Democratic Party. Now it is beginning to directly confront the core American values that we have taken for granted as though the freedoms that we enjoy have always and will always be there. That is of course not the case as multiple wars have been fought, and elections won, to achieve what we have achieved here. What has changed in America that tells us that the national conversation is no longer a debate between Republican and Democratic policies anymore? We are still voting for and against politicians with Rs and Ds next to their names. We are still talking about many of the same issues. To be fair, some people are in fact still debating the usual issues from the usual positions. However, the trend of the nation overall is moving far beyond the usual, leaving those still fighting the same old battle behind on the platform. They are apparently unaware that not only have they missed the train but that it is moving full steam ahead, and in the opposite direction. The popular mainstream culture has shifted quickly and dramatically to the left reflecting the new, or rather the old movement revamped for a new generation, and those changes are reverberating throughout every facet of society. The tension has become so palpable at times that you can practically feel it in the air. You can see it quite clearly when you go onto the internet, even if you can only see glimpses and shadows of it in the news. We are seeing verbal, economic, and even physical attacks on people for not conforming with the ideological beliefs of this increasingly powerful movement. Those who have aligned themselves with this ideology are dividing themselves and others into groups and subgroups and then pitting groups against one another in an unwinnable war. The disputes are based on irrational hatred, moral posturing, and a struggle for power centering around how oppressed a person is according to some kind of points system based on all of his or her group associations. These group associations are, in many cases, completely irrelevant to individual lives.
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Beyond these ill-considered disputes, we are seeing a drastic increase in oppressive, tyrannical, and draconian efforts to suppress and limit free speech through false accusations of hate speech, offensive language, racism, sexism, and bigotry. These attacks are merely efforts to silence those who do not conform with the ideology of the movement. This is particularly alarming as freedom of speech is arguably the most crucial element of a free society. It ensures that the citizens can tell their government and their fellow citizens when something is wrong and ensures that they can both say what they believe and not to be forced to say what they do not believe. Controlling speech through suppression or compulsion is a crucial element of tyrannical authoritarianism. Allowing all individuals to speak means that there is a possibility that someone may say things that you do not want to hear. Someone might say something hurtful, false, evil, or that person might be the only one who knows the truth and is willing to speak it no matter the cost. Free speech is a particularly important protection for the poor and powerless who may be hurt by the majority and whose only protection is the ability to speak out. If limitations are placed on free speech such as the supposed right not to be offended, then the entire structure of free society breaks down and you are left with a capricious and controlling society with its most vulnerable citizens subject to the whims of the mob. As the influence of the movement increases, there is a growing reaction to those who oppose the loss of freedoms that they value. There is a huge external structure of communication developing online, that began with social media, but is not stopping there. It is acting much like a steam valve bursting open to allow the excess pressure to escape the restrictive confines of this encroachment on freedom. Everywhere you look new people are sharing information not covered in the news and speaking up about these issues. A particularly interesting development is what is being referred to as the intellectual dark web. This group of people, from the left and the right, are all classical liberals who value the principles of Americanism. They have all felt compelled to, and in some cases been forced, to cross traditional party lines and participate in this burgeoning debate.
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What exactly are the differences between the American ideology, or Americanism, and this opposing ideology that keeps re-emerging? Broadly speaking, everything. This movement’s ideological view of how society should function is the antithesis of Americanism every way. Setting aside the popularized labels and vocabulary and simply comparing the general concepts it is easy to observe the differences, as you can see below.
As these ideologies are polar opposites of each other, how exactly did we get to the point where we are seriously questioning the values of America in this way? Overall, we have failed to adequately communicate our values and to live up to our responsibilities to one another. Have we taught our children what it means to be American? Have we taught them about personal responsibility and their responsibilities to their fellow man? Have we reached out to our family, friends, and neighbors when they struggled, or did we gladly relinquish our responsibilities to the government, along with our freedoms, because it was easier? Now, as a nation, we are left to contemplate whether we value the ideas that made us a beacon of freedom and the envy of the world or if we consider the Great American Experiment to be a failure. This is a question that we will all have to answer for ourselves. Potential pull out quotes:
“Have we forgotten what it means to be American?” “the ideas that made us a beacon of freedom and the envy of the world”
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Katherine Schoonover
Katherine Schoonover is the Executive Director of the Modern Republic. She received a B.S. in Political Science with a minor in Criminal Justice at Old Dominion University. Katherine worked in the legislature for nearly a decade in both the House and the Senate. In addition, she served in many party leadership roles, founded a newspaper, taught school, and has been part of numerous efforts to promote bipartisanship and to help citizens better understand how government and the political world function.  During her free time, while working in the Virginia General Assembly, Katherine partnered with 2 universities and a bipartisan board of legislators and created an internship program and apolitical informational news source. The goals were to provide nonpartisan information about the issues being considered by the legislature and to allow journalism students an opportunity to gain some real-world experience in a safe environment.  After deciding not to return to the Virginia General Assembly she founded the Modern Republic. This new venture originally intended to focus on efforts to address the increasing polarization in politics, however, as she began her project she realized that the more critical issue was the fundamental lack of knowledge of how the legislature and politics work. Over time, her she realized that she was slowly creating a free online textbook and decided to embrace the challenge. In order to gain a better understanding of the problem and to gain some teaching experience she went to work for the public school system for a year and adjusted her approach even further. She is now in the process of incrementally publishing portions of the book online and has even added a free job board and social media features to help those who are just getting started in the field.
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How the Democrats started the 2008 Recession By Matthew Snape
The death of John McCain this year acts as a reminder that one significant event in American history has reached its ten-year anniversary already; the 2008 General Election. This occasion marked the election of Barack Obama, the United States’ first black president and a Democrat, after defeating the Arizona senator who represented the Republicans.
McCain wanted to be president for a long time. He suffered a ruthless defeat at the hands of George W. Bush during the Republican primaries in 2000. And after finally winning the Republican nomination in 2008, he had his chance to become the best president America never had. Sadly, the context of the year was unfavourable to the former senator. Bush had become deeply unpopular because of the 2003 Iraq War’s legacy, the media’s portrayal of his handling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and then the arrival of the 2008 Great Recession, which was blamed entirely, and unfairly, on the Bush administration at the time. With a charismatic black candidate representing the party that had failed to occupy the White House since 2000, Obama appeared to stand for everything both Bush and McCain did not; opposition to the Iraq War and a promise to lead the United States out of the worst recession to hit the country since the Second World War. Pardon the pun considering Obama is a former basketball player, but this was always going to be a slam dunk for him. The Arizona senator appeared out-of-touch with modern technology, his Vietnam war record, one of his proudest achievements, did not appeal to millennials and the Obama campaign kept exposing his voting record as consistent with that of the Bush administration’s. It was little wonder
people bought the ‘hope and change’ message. But since McCain died, no one has paid tribute to his attempt to prevent the US housing market from imploding. Although it was too late by 2006, the Arizona senator introduced a bill to curb the subprime mortgage crisis, which many economists and analysts now acknowledge was the main cause of the 2008 Recession. Although the bill failed, the former senator deserves credit for attempting to implement legislation to prevent this event from happening in the future. But who must be blamed for starting it? And why? After the recession, left and right-wing analysts have provided their own interpretations of the event. The left claim 2008 proved the free market went wild. The right argues that government intervention over the years finally failed. Based on the evidence thus far, the latter interpretation appears to be accurate. Subprime mortgages were introduced by President Carter. They were a form of government intervention designed to provide the poorest in society with the opportunity to own their own homes. This sounds like a wonderful idea in theory, yet sadly, the consequences decades later have proven catastrophic. 2008 proved yet again that despite the government’s best intentions, their interventions always fail. However, it was under the Clinton administration that the roots of the recession started. Bill is still rated as one of America’s most popular presidents for creating the largest surplus this nation has ever experienced, and rightly so. He also added millions of jobs to the economy. The 1990s will forever be remembered as a happy time, whether you were a kid or an adult, and the prosperity back then played a part in that. Despite this, he was still a government interventionist. His Third Way was designed to achieve the best of both the free market and social democracy. The latter part of his ideology resulted in his administration bullying Fannie Mae and Freddie
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Mac into loaning subprime mortgages to citizens who will never be able to pay them back. This action resulted in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac underwriting ‘affordable’ loans. The National Homeownership Strategy allowed lending windows to be opened wide. Banks were ordered to lend to people with suspicious credit histories. Clinton also set quotes for lending in high-risk communities under the Communities Investment Act, and those banks that failed to meet those quotas had their expansion plans halted. Nonetheless, that does not mean the Bush administration is innocent in this affair. President Bush was in office when the crisis started, so it is fair to conclude he could have done more to prevent it. Yet what commentators forget, even ten years after the crisis, is that the Bush administration did everything in their power to try and stop a recession. Also, Bush was elected when there was still an ongoing recession. The Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 played a substantial part in easing the 2000 recession as they increased supplyside economics and led to more demand in the economy. His administration experienced 56 months of unprecedented job growth once his tax plans took effect. To be fair to the former president, he deserves credit for lifting the US out of a recession his predecessor left behind. Since 2001, the Bush administration declared they wanted to tackle subprime mortgages. In 2002, he foresaw the problems Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going to create but was blamed for failing to curb the giant sooner. Vince Reinhardt, a former Federal Reserve economist who now works for a conservative-leaning research organisation called the American Enterprise Institute, told The New York Times the Treasury and the Federal Reserve should have been empowered to investigate their activities during the Bush presidency. Republican members of the Securities and Exchange Commission under Bush were ruthless to those who favoured tougher regulation. For example, William Donaldson was forced to quit as chairman of the Commission in 2005 after facing resistance from Republican colleagues. Yet what these short-sighted Republicans failed to realise (because the Clinton years must have already felt like a long time ago by then) was that Bush was trying to curb the government intervention of the Clinton administration, not police the free market. This was consistent with his lines from the 2000 presidential debates. And Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve throughout the 80s to the 00s, also interpreted President Bush’s policy as intervention. He received no aid from his Federal Reserve chairman. Another obstacle was Congress. Democrats feared Bush was going to rein in on the cherished policies that brought prosperity to America during the 90s. Despite the Clintons being obvious government interventionists, the Republicans failed to support their president as they believed he was intervening in the economy now. Harvey Rosen, an economist who served on Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, told The New York Times this was a ‘disaster in the making.’ The Bush administration was also betrayed by the Treasury. His top two Treasury secretaries, Paul O’Neill and John Snow, came from top jobs in industry, not Wall Street. They failed to comprehend how the free market worked. Bruce Bartlett, an advisor who worked for both President Reagan and
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President George H.W. Bush, told The New York Times Bush Junior should have appointed people with a background in finance. In his view, Hank Paulson would have been a better choice. By the time Paulson replaced Snow in 2006, the atmosphere was toxic. It was only a matter of time before the housing bubble would burst. But Bush does not deserve blame for allowing what should have been a mini recession, plunge into the worst one since the 1929 Great Depression. Ironically, Greenspan’s successor, Ben Bernanke, was a Great Depression expert. He knew the Feds caused this event. That did not stop him from flooding the economy with $1.7 trillion of quantitative easing, triggering the hazardous policy of money-printing. He also knew his Treasury yield curve, which keeps interest rates above bond yields by inverting the former, causes recessions. But like Mr. Bernanke’s predecessors, he deliberately inverted it, because he can. Alongside that, Mr. Bernanke dropped interest rates to near zero percent, his excuse to pursue his moneyprinting programme.
As a result, the Obama administration had to grapple with a massive deficit. Only ex-Senator Jim Bunning (R-Ky) was brave enough to refer to Mr. Bernanke as a ‘moral hazard’ while President Obama sung his praises. Therefore, it is unfair to blame Bush entirely for the 2008 Recession. Even his staunchest defenders admit this happened under his presidency. But it was the Clinton years that led to the expansion of subprime mortgage lending. President Bush was betrayed by supporters and opponents alike in Capitol Hill, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve who interpreted his actions as government intervention. These three institutions must share some guilt for this mess. It was Clinton’s intervention that caused the mess Bush inherited. But memories are short in politics. The Democrats are the architects of this mess, whose legacy in Trump, Brexit and the rise of populist politics in Europe lingers to this day.
The Great Recession has exposed the EU’s fundamental weaknesses, and I can guarantee another recession will happen this year ten years after the last one. But in October, it won’t happen because of failing banks. It will happen because Italy’s populist government will drag their nation out of the euro and cause monetary union to collapse. As the global economy continues to grow, only Europe’s lags. But an Italian recession will be experienced throughout the world. It will be a while before the effects of 2008 are long forgotten as they linger to this day and will spark a recession this year much worse than the one we witnessed ten years ago. As you read this in October, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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The Judicial System in America and Judge Brett Kavanaugh By Charles Lingerfelt Most of you reading this article now will know that President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be the next Associate Justice on the U. S. Supreme Court. If confirmed by the U. S. Senate he will be the replacement for the retiring Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy. Justice Kennedy announced his retirement last June 2018. Upon his announcement to retirement, President Trump nominated Appeals Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh on 9 July 2018.
When Ford spoke publicly for the first time, she said that one summer in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh and a friend — both “stumbling drunk,” Ford alleges — corralled her into a bedroom during a gathering of teenagers at a house in Montgomery County, Maryland. But the process before the Senate Judicial Committee wasn’t so smooth, when it seems that in ‘the eleventh hour’ before the committee prepares to vote, Sen. Dianne Feinstein(D) from the state of California, pulls out a letter which she said had been written by a woman in California, stating that she had been “sexually assaulted” by Brett Kavanaugh when they were in High School. Christine Blasey Ford had written a “confidential letter” to a senior Democrat lawmaker alleging that Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her more than three decades earlier, when they were high school students in suburban Maryland. For a number of days, she had watched as a “bare-bones version” of her story came forth out into the public without her name or her permission and drew a blanket denial from Kavanaugh and muddying up a nomination that a few days before seemed all but certain to succeed. And then, Ford decided that if her story was going to be told, she was going to be the one to tell it.
While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.” Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled from the house. Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The
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Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes supposedly said four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.
The Democrats in our federal government have forgotten that the U. S. Constitution is ‘the Law of the land.’ Or, they just have no respect for it and refuse to obey it. Their political party had been “highjacked” since the late 1940s by socialists/Fascists and Communists. Their party is totally different from what it used to be and gradually they are “changing” our system of government and the judicial process.
Notes from an individual therapy session the following year, when she was being treated for what she says have been long-term effects of the incident, show Ford described a “rape attempt” in her late teens.
If we Conservative Republicans allow the Democrats to consistently, and gradually, remove our foundational principles to the Left, very soon there will be No America at all. It will become nothing more than a “Union of Socialist States” and we will have NO Bill of Rights, NO Constitution, NO Executive Branch, NO true Houses of Congress elected by the people, for the people and of the people.
On a number of different occasions and through testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, under oath of perjury, Judge Brett Kavanaugh vehemently denied all accusations and all the persons Ford named in her testimony, under oath of perjury as well, denied knowing her, and even being at a party with Ford.
And, If we allow the Democrats in the Senate to “Ramrod” another nominee to the trash pile of liberalism, our process of filling vacancies on the U S Supreme Court will be “null and void.
Though the Democrats haven’t acted like it recently, in our system of judicial process a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
The true Patriots in the USA ought to daily calling for the “up or down Vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh” on the floor of The Senate immediately – and without hesitation.
The presumption of innocence is a keystone in our judicial system in America. That’s what makes us different from everyone else in the world. And our system is unique and has lasted for over 240 years. Other democracies have patterned after us and have sought to be like us for many years.
I for one, am extremely thankful that I live in a country where both elements of “due process and the presumption of innocence” are guaranteed to us, as citizens, and where we will not be “hounded“ by evil tyrants in the federal government.
When our founders began to meet to put in force a system of law and order, and “equal justice under the law,” they had already studied the Magna Carta, which today is more than 800 years old. The magna Carta is a charter of liberty and political rights which was obtained from King John of England by his rebellious barons at Runnymede in 1215, and which came to be seen as the seminal document of English constitutional practice. Our founders knew that if we as a New union were going to have an outstanding government, which would last and be one of the best ever established, they would have to include two ingredients in our Constitution which were of upmost importance: 1.) The right of due process; and, 2.) The presumption of innocence. Without these two, there can be no judicial system of right governance and equal justice under law.
Yet, we have a political party in this country filled with socialistic tyrants who want to rule this nation without the right of judicial process and equality justice under the law. That political party is the Democrat party of the USA. And we must continue to fight them “teeth-and-toenail” until we leave this good earth. In the Name of The Lord, we Shall fight. Charles Lingerfelt, Senior Columnist & Representative CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE
MOVEMENT IS BACK www.jesus-movement.org
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Whatever Happened to the Jesus Movement? By Jesus Movement
I've heard many people ask the question, "Whatever happened to the Jesus Movement of the 1960s and 1970s? Where have all the Jesus People gone? The Jesus Movement was not started by any church or Christian denomination; it was started by Jesus with a great outpouring of God's Spirit on any church and people that were open to His desire to reach the nations with His message of the Kingdom of God and His Salvation.
The young people, especially those who were into the Hippy Movement, were especially open to Jesus' message of Love and Peace to all those who received Him. This outpouring was especially great in Seattle, Washington where many churches such as St. Mary's, where Father Fulton was the pastor, St. Luke's in Ballard pastored by Dennis Bennet and other churches were touched by Jesus and created a city wide revival. But most importantly it was the street people and the Hippies who spread the Good News throughout the city, in the streets, schools and public arenas. While most people associate the Jesus Movement with Calvary Chapel in Southern California that certainly was not the only place where the Jesus Movement started. What happened in Seattle was arguably greater. This was later documented in a book, "Flower Power to Jesus Power", and available through Amazon.com. By the mid seventies most of the Jesus Houses started by the Jesus People began to close and all but disappeared. So what happened to the Jesus People
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themselves? Some people say that the Jesus Movement failed and disappeared, others say that the Jesus People went back to their old ways because they did not get grounded in God's Word. But the fact of the matter is that just as Jesus started the Jesus Movement, He also broke it up and dispersed the Jesus People just as He did the early church in the first century. While it may be true that some Jesus People did fall away from their faith, many also continued to follow Jesus in many different ways as Jesus continued to lead them; some into ministry, some into the business world and some into other countries to tell people about Jesus and what He had done for them. Today we see many Christian ministries that either started up back in the sixties and seventies or continued to grow and expand after the Jesus Movement appeared to "disappear" as a movement. Jesus clearly did not want the Jesus Movement to become a new denomination, but rather to invigorate His church as a whole, the body of Christ. Many of the old Jesus Movement ministries are still very much alive and still proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and Salvation in Jesus Christ and in Him alone. Calvary Chapel, one of the famous churches in southern California where many Hippies were baptized is still growing and many new Calvary Chapel churches have been opened around the
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country, Bill Lowery's bus and tent ministry "Christ is the Answer" has expanded into many countries around the world, Arthur Blessit continues to carry his cross around the world and has also started a web site and appears often on various Christian television programs, the "Children of God" have gone through many ups and downs and are now called "The Family International" and continue to preach the Gospel. Many Jesus People have also gone to Bible schools and Seminaries and have become ministers in either main line Protestant churches or other churches. Jim MacInnes, who was the leader of a Jesus Ministry in Sweden in the seventies called "Jutatorpet", is a pastor today of a nondenominational Christian Church congregation in Venice, Florida called Fisherman's Net Church. I might add, that one of the Jesus People that came out of Jim's ministry in Sweden, Christer Segerliv, started his own ministry in southern Sweden called "The Kingdom Center" which reaches out to people all over Sweden and the world. These are just a few of the ministries that have come out of the Jesus Movement. There are many more ministries and web sites that also came out of the Jesus Movement and continue to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God and Salvation through Jesus Christ. No, the Jesus Movement is NOT DEAD, it is very much alive and still very active in the world today. JESUS MOVEMENT IS BACK TO AMERICA
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Time to Play Smash-Mouth Politics ! By Christopher Grahn Howard
I had started another article for this month’s issue, a very different topic in mind. However, after last Thursday, September 27th, that changed for two very different reasons. First. The Kavanagh hearings and second the Thursday night NFL football game with the Rams Vs. The Vikings. How are these two related? Be patient…they are. First, I love football, yes even in spite of the protest issue. Football makes me think of fall, cooler temperatures, bratwurst, and most of all fall colors. So, what was special about the above-mentioned game? That game was a very high scoring offensive game. There was not a strong defense on either side. There were 69 points scored, which makes for an exciting game. I love that but I love a great intense defense that sacks QB’s, intercepts and takes the ball away. This was missing from that game. When I think of a great defensive player or teams I think of intense, aggressive players who play old fashioned smash mouth football. Teams like the 85 Chicago Bears, the greatest defense to ever walk on a field, the famed steel curtain of the 70’s Pittsburg Steelers, players such as Dick Butkis, Mike Singletary, Joe Greene, Deacon Jones, Reggie White, and Lawrence Taylor. These players inspired fear, trepidation, and awe from opponents. They did so because every single game was war, the ultimate battle and a master’s class in the proper use of directed violence. Please remember this will be a metaphorical example. Second, I spent all day watching the hearings, they were amazing and even riveting. Dr. Ford was compelling, raw and even believable. Yes, believable despite major holes in her narrative. When she was finished I was convinced of several things. I believe she was assaulted at some point, where, when and by whom…we are still not sure. I am not going to over analyze what was said or her statements. Rather, the manner in which this was handled by the Democrats. I truly feel for Dr. Ford. She is clearly a victim. The Democrats made her a victim again. Why? There is simply no proof of the assault, no proof of
who was here and no proof of what really happened, where it happened. The passionate and defiant response of Judge Kavanagh was inspiring and an outstanding example of telling truth to power and righteous indignation. Some may try to say that such a display will disqualify himself on the basis of lack of judicial temperament. Under normal circumstances, I would agree…under normal circumstances. There was nothing normal about this and the attack on the judge was deeply personal. I found his opening statement a refreshing exchange that the democrat senators needed to hear. As I write this, the FBI has been charged with investigating…again. No telling how it will turn out. This much we do know. Senator Feinstein had this information well in advance and could have had a proper investigation a while ago. Dr. Ford’s identity could have been protected. Her interviews could have been done privately in a considerably less stressful environment. Believe it when I say to you… the democrats did not want to protect Dr. Ford. They used her, took advantage of her and will discard her once this is over. Leaving her more victimized than she was before. This is the real crime and tragedy here. To the democrat senators, Dr. Ford was just a pawn, a disposable tool to be used and thrown away. I told you all of that, to say the following. Since Donald Trump decided to run for president and ever since he has been president he has not acted like what we have come to expect from a presidential candidate or a president. I have not been always happy about that. Thursday made it quite clear why Donald Trump has acted the way he has. Strangely enough that the message was delivered Thursday by the most unlikely of Republicans…Senator Lindsey Graham. President Trump has refused to play the game the way it has been played. That is why he was elected. It is crystal clear that Trump knew the only way to play the game was to change the way
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Republicans played. High time the rest of us figure that out. What was that message? That the time has come for the GOP, at every level, to start playing, smash-mouth politics. President Trump has been demonstrating this from the very beginning.
The liberal elite has made it clear this is a necessary tactic. Even the GOP political elite heard the clarion call from Senator Graham. The radical left is the mainstream left. There is no discernable difference between them. The despicable showing by Democrats like Booker, Feinstein, Durbin, and Harris have made the point crystal clear. This has little to do with concern about Kavanagh’s past. It is all politics all the way. I am often the one to be reasonable, not overly aggressive and radical. I truly prefer a sense of fairness and gentlemanly type behavior in politics. I abhor the actions of liberals who verbally assault conservatives in restaurants, yell and scream at those they oppose. After Thursday….I now get where our president has been coming from. We are in a real battle, real war on the field of politics if you will. Again, we must now engage in smash-mouth politics. To be clear, I am not in any way advocating violence or assault. I am advocating support for our Republican elected leaders to be considerably more aggressive with every single effort made by the liberals. Democrats need to be challenged on every front. Every action needs to be contested. I applaud Senator Graham’s efforts on Thursday and his subsequent call to investigate how the Democrats handled their end of this travesty. The time has now come for each of us to be the Butkis’ and Greene’s defending our freedoms and liberties. Democrats have changed the game. They have created this new reality. There is no depth they will not go. This desperation is because they are seeing the collapse of their agenda. We have seen glimpses of this before. If they want to play smash mouth politics…OK. Republicans need to respond in kind. It has taken me a long time to get to this point, reluctantly. I long for a more civil and respectful approach. Clearly, not happening any time soon. Honestly, our very freedoms are at risk. At risk of being taken away by those who think they know more about you and how you should live than you do. Those very freedoms and liberties are in fact in danger. Thursday proved that power at any cost is
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the game plan for the Democrats. Every freedom loving American must help sack these efforts. Whatever state you are in, go and help in this effort. There is a real danger in Republicans losing the house and even the Senate. Losing either of these will result in gridlock as you have never seen. The Democrats hope to cause disruptions and shutdowns and then hope to blame Trump. We need conservative activists to step up and take up the fight and not just on social media posts to the same group of people. Rather go outside of the comfort zone. The liberals hope to shame us into hiding from supporting the Trump agenda. Do not be ashamed of the agenda, the progress and the hope for the future. Be proud of the many accomplishments, the advanced freedoms and the promise of what is to come. There will be no future of that agenda if the GOP loses the house and/or Senate. President Trump has cut taxes, he wants to make them permanent; he has fulfilled the campaign promises of several presidents I moving our embassy to Jerusalem; our economy is growing at an amazing rate, unemployment is crashing. President Trump has done this….playing smash-mouth politics. Sadly, this is what it will take going forward. For our readers outside of the United States…please understand; the less free we are here, the less free you will be. America is the barometer of freedom for the world. Again to be perfectly clear…I am not suggesting that the President is advocating any sort of violence, mistreatment of victims, leveling unsubstantiated attacks, and neither am I. I am and believe the President Trump has been advocating for a considerably more aggressive response to the attacks from the liberals who believe they know more about how to live my life than I do.
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We are interviewing Edward and Pamela
Thank you for agreeing to this interview. 1. Please tell us what baptism means to you ? Edward – For me it’s an event that sparks change, a new you with an understanding that this will be the turning point. I suppose I can call it a cross roads, you are at the point in life where you can either stay as you are, or you make a decision that you are going to follow Christ. Our Baptism in the River Jordan will be the turning point for me and Pamela, where we can change our lives for the better. A significant event that will be the change we want for ourselves. 2 When did you come to believe and trust the Lord Jesus for salvation? Edward – – I personally don’t know how it happened, no one tried to sway me or offer me this belief. It just happened. Essentially, we have everything we could possibly want pertaining to a comfortable life. We have a beautiful house in Chiswick, great businesses and
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amazing friends. We wasn’t in any way destitute or experiencing grief or any other struggle, I guess we was just missing something. 3 You say you were struggling with your relationship with God for many years tell us, Has this struggle ended or is it ongoing? Edward – – I was a hard ball atheist, to the point where I would try to dismantle any argument that God existed etc. I would use the conventional questions such as ‘how could there be so much cruelty in the world if God existed’. Of course I forgot to ask ‘how can there be so much beauty in the world’. It is of course a Yin Yang world, you simply cant have one without the other. For me, the struggle was very deep, eventually, I didn’t have an argument anymore. 4 Pamela, Now you tell us about ShowbizbeeFilms? Pamela – –Filming, to us, has always been something more than just pictures on a television screen.We have always had an emotional connection with unique stories. TV& Film, by its nature is communicative. It is a storytelling medium that has this unique blend of narrative and technological elements. It is at its strongest when it
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captures the smallest moments of our humanity, in our humble view. Sure it can be bombastic and loud and there’s a place for that too because at the end of the day, we film makers are all storytellers out here saying‘this is my take’ on something. From our experience though, it is in the quiet moments where film strikes best; in the nuances of a single shot. Showbizbee explores real life, albeit, sometimes our own. 5 How does Showbizbee films relate to your story?
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9 Where can we listen to Radio broadcasts?
Edward – To be confirmed.
10 Where you had heard about CTM Christian Times Magazine.? Edward – We heard about CTM from Facebook.
Pamela – Using our film equipment, we will be travelling to Jerusalem to document our experience, faith and our emotions walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
6 Now tell me about your intended journey from London to the river Jordan and some the place you will visit? Pamela – Traveling from London, UK, Edward and I will begin our journey to Tel Aviv, Israel, then onto Jerusalem where we will be staying with Pastor Mazenat his Church situated 2min from The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. We will be documenting the whole journey, our experience, emotions,thoughts and feelings. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus through the Old City of Jerusalem. Visiting Gethsemane,Golgotha and many other spiritual and Holy sites. Our journey will end with our Baptism at the spot where John the Baptist Baptized Jesus in the River Jordan in Qasr Al Yahud.
7 You have mentioned you have a range of podcasts relating to the documentary; tell us briefly what they are about. ? Edward – We wont be doing Podcasts, jus daily updates on our Facebook page @findingjesusfilm where we will be uploading Vlogs, Blogs and photos leading up to and during the expedition.
8 Have you given interviews about your documentary and if so where ?
Edward – Keep the Faith Magazine (issue not out yet)
Thank You so much Edward and Pamela to give us your precious time for an Interview.
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By Joshua D.Jones
‘It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life.’ -1Kg 19
Elijah is depressed. At the very least, he is in a funk to the point of no longer wanting to be alive. Like a lot of mental health sufferers, it seems so illogical to outsiders: didn’t Elijah just have a major victory? Doesn’t he have a lot to be thankful for? Why isn’t he happy? Sometimes our internal pains make sense. Sometimes they do not. We find Elijah under the tree and he is so disillusioned that he wants to die. Many of us have been there at least once in life―maybe twice. Maybe more. Few things wound a man like disillusionment even though we may mentally acknowledge that the removal of our illusions is good for us. Our Long Saturdays I write this on the Saturday before Easter. Some have
called it ‘Long Saturday’ or ‘Silent Saturday’. It is the Saturday when the disciples were hurt and confused. The circumstantial drama of the crucifixion was over. The joy of Easter had not yet begun. The wound had been delivered. Now they were processing their pain. Disillusionment is a particular type of mental suffering. It is the effect of unmet expectations and disappointments amplified. Sometimes disillusionment is in the form of circumstances: the ideal job you wanted is not what you thought it would be. Sometimes it is in the quality of our churches: the people and leadership have a far more toxic culture than you ever anticipated. And other times it is in a relationship: a close family member or friend is not there for you in the way that they promised they would be. They may be suddenly gone. Or, you may realise the relationship was not at
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all what you thought it was. That is hard. We men fall to pieces so quietly at times. We hurt―but no one knows or understands how. At times, God allows his men to undergo this baptism of darkness. A minister of a previous generation once said that before God can use a man mightily, he must first wound him mightily. Perhaps. Sadly, Elijah’s loner ways have caught up with him, and there is no one around to encourage or comfort him. He goes through this valley with no human companionship. This loneliness seems to be as much a dynamic in Elijah’s breakdown as the disillusionment. Elijah tells God twice that ‘I alone am left’. That is not quite true of course. But it is how we feel at times. Loneliness is a cancer. It has destroyed far more Christians than homosexuality ever will. This spectre sneaks up on you and drops a surprise kiss on your soul like a fart from hell. It festers. Pastors suffer more than most―often unconsciously so. Spiritual leadership on that level is isolating, especially when most of the people you serve don’t understand what your job actually entails. Many come to you with their problems, but who do you go to with yours? In this book, we focus a lot on pornography and LGBT ideology. We haven’t said much about the adultery of pastors even though that has been hugely devastating to many. There are a couple of reasons
for that. The first is that there are currently no highprofile religious leaders writing books and giving talks about how it is morally acceptable for a pastor to commit adultery. We are not being asked to affirm them in their transgression. We all know it is wrong, even though it happens. If a pastor is found to be having an affair, he is removed. (Unless he has an affair with another man. Then he is applauded for coming out―depending on his denomination.) Lonely Affairs Pastors do not have affairs because they are encouraged to by fake teaching. They usually do not
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even have them out of lust―most ministers don’t have that level of energy! The majority of pastors who have had affairs have done so because they are lonely. They have a lack of healthy friendships, or an unhealthy marriage, or both. This is true of many Christian men, but especially pastors. For such a man, the affair is not the primary problem. It is the fake medication for the primary problem. Always encourage your pastor to take time away from ‘church work’ to invest in healthy relationships where he can be poured into. Your pastor probably pours out far more to you and your congregation than he gets poured into. The author of 1 Kings does not give us a full report on how Elijah slipped into this unfortunate state. After all, he had just performed a mighty miracle and won a decisive victory over the false religious teachers. Many of his countrymen turned to God as a result. Isn’t the success of revival supposed to make you feel better? He now has fans and a huge social media following―how could he be lonely? If only, But in spite his victory, this is where we find Elijah. Everything was building towards the confrontation at Mt. Carmel. And now it is over. It is a bit like how many people experience the intense build up to Christmas, only to feel empty once the celebrations are finished. Now Elijah is left wondering if his greatest moment is past. What else is on life’s radar? What do we do when the glory is gone and we are left with nothing but good memories? How long will this darkness last? What is there to live for? It is impossible to see Easter morning when you are in Silent Saturday―but it is coming. God is now doing his silent work in the confusion and the pain. You are treading paths that God’s men have plodded along for centuries. Keep being faithful. Be obedient to what God has given you to do. Invest in your relationship with Him and in healthy, honest relationships with brothers and sisters. God’s grace often comes through letting other saints speak to us in our vulnerability. We may think our story in God has tragically ended. In reality, He’s merely preparing us for the next chapter.
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“The Donkey Is In Disguise/Trying to look like an Elephant” By Pastor David Colbert I have a suggestion for the Democratic Party. They need to change their team mascot from a stubborn Donkey to a bull; because that is what they are full of. Bull. The Democratic candidates always talk like Republicans or Elephants, but when they are elected they act like what the mascot is, a Donkey.
office. I have lived through a lot of Presidents. President Obama spent half his Presidency on vacation; no wonder the country is in such a mess. I am not saying only Democratic Presidents take too many vacations. The Republicans are guilty of this as well. President Trump's stays busy for America.
My Great Grandfather was an Indian Chief. The story was told that he had some trouble getting his jack ass to move for him. My Great Grandfather was said to be a very strong man and he punched the jack ass out; needless to say that made the donkey a little more cooperative. I am not propagating violence, but I am just saying the best way to keep stubborn donkeys in their place is to maintain control. The democrats are known for delaying progress in this country, and I for one have had enough.
I don’t know about you, but I support this administration wholeheartedly. They have kept the media very busy. President Trump, I believe has gained more positive and negative press than any President in recent years. I am just speculating, not sure of the stats. I have noticed the Democratic ads especially here in Texas’ with Incumbent Senator Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke. I had to research Beto because I thought why a Republican would be running against a Republican. The Rhetoric is the same in the ads, but Beto is disguising himself as a Republican.
Donkeys are beasts of burden. They were created for that role. I would venture to say that an elephant can carry a donkey, but a donkey cannot carry an elephant. I think you get the picture. I find it very interesting that the Democratic Party plays their role as the donkey, or jackass so well. Please don’t fault me, it’s their party mascot. Don’t get me wrong, we need balance in government, but I say the Democrats need to take off their disguises, pretending to be bipartisan; because they clearly are not. The Democratic Party is always saying how Republicans are helping big business with tax breaks. I say, if you want them to hire more people you need to give them incentive; not tax them so much that they move jobs out of our country. The Democrats are always talking about the Republicans as always helping the rich. Newsflash, there are a lot of rich Democrats as well. It is like my mom use to say they are the “Skillet calling the kettle black.” I am so proud of our President Trump. He has not stopped working since he stepped into the oval
Don’t be fooled, he is a Democrat through and through, a real Donkey. I remember when the serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden he said “you shall not surely die”. He was Lucifer the father of deception. I am calling on all Republicans voters to not be fooled by smooth talking Democrats. They sound great, but don’t be deceived. We made that mistake with former President Obama. He was a great orator, but that’s all; his policies were a nightmare and often forced in place through misuse of executive order. The Supreme Court signaled its concern that the actions of Obama went beyond his duty, into executing or making law. We need to be as the Holy Bible says, “Wise as Serpents, but harmless as Doves”. When you go to the polls to vote this November, know your party’s platform, it counts. I don’t care how good a candidate sounds; you must look at the issues they support.
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Remember what I said earlier, the Donkeys are pretending now to get elected. Don’t be fooled by their Rhetoric “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck”. The majority of Democrats are Attorneys. They are great actors especially in hearings and in court. They are good at delaying processes and halting progress. I am excited to see the outcome of this year’s midterm elections. I think us as Republicans and conservatives will be able to maintain control of the House and the Senate. I have been praying that our country keeps moving forward towards restoration. It has been a disgrace to watch their behavior in the recent political attacks on Supreme Court Nominee Federal Judge Bret Kavanaugh in the Judicial Hearings. I pray we never see that circus again, but I know we will. I have a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Management. I worked very hard to earn it. I can see exactly what President Trump is doing economically in this country. I will tell you this, no change is painless. It took this country a long while to get into the condition it is in now. It will take a lot of hard work to return this country to strength, economically and politically. The moves President Trump is making are logical and calculated. He knows business. You may not understand what he is doing, but I do. President Trump is trying his best to turn our country back into producers rather than consumers; that is why the increase in tariffs, etc. This act causes us to focus on producing our own goods and bringing more money back into the U.S.A. We need to start depending on companies within our own borders, not depending on China or other countries and their products. We also need to have more respect for our American flag. Every country in existence has had their share of dark times and persecutions, sometimes within their own borders; we are not unique in that. Whatever your race, color or creed may be; I believe sin and shame puts us all in the same boat. We all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. As a people we need to work together in this country regardless of race and any other differences. We are Americans. It hurts the American people when the Democratic Party delays progress in our government; as they often do when they have the controlling votes.
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Obamacare was just a ploy to raise our taxes. Obama hurt this country. In case you did not know, Obama also used Obamacare to hire more IRS agents to make sure we are penalized for not having health insurance. Republicans please help the American people. I would like to thank President Trump for his efforts to make this country great; not because of our past, but because of its possible future, with a more stable economy and a less intrusive government.
This is Pastor David A. Colbert saying “God Bless America and the World” Thank you for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed it.
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New Inquiry Filed for 9/11 Reinvestigation By Lisa Cahill Many people know or at least suspect that the actual events of the Kennedy assassination differ from the government narrative produced by the Warren Commission. It’s been 55 years. No one really thinks of those who question the party line as “crazy conspiracy theorists” anymore. The whole event is largely fading into the sands of time. Many people know, or at least suspect, that the actual events of 9/11 differ from the government narrative produced by the 9/11 Commission. Many people are at least curious as to how an airplane could strike the Pentagon, one of the most heavily fortified buildings on the planet, two hours after we knew we were under domestic attack. But now it’s the 21st Century. Questioners can now talk amongst themselves via social media. They can form groups and organizations. And they have. So how many of these “crazy conspiracy theorists,” these “fringe groups,” are there? They represent thousands of supporters and millions of website readers. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (over 3,000 architects and engineers and an additional 22,500 members of the public.) Pilots for 9/11 Truth Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Scientists for 9/11 Truth Lawyers for 9/11 Truth Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth 58 have signed petition Commissioned and Non-commissioned US Military Officers for 9/11 Truth Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth
Veterans for 9/11 Truth Marines for 9/11 Truth Musicians for 9/11 Truth Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth Republicans for 9/11 Truth Firefighters for 9/11 Truth and Unity Worldwide Coalition for 9/11 Truth City groups, including Boston for 9/11 Truth, Rochester State, provincial, and regional groups including Calgary for 9/11 Truth, New York, Florida, Utah, Vermont, West Texas In fact, by 2013 a poll found that 38% of Americans have some doubts about the official account of 9/11. By the end of 2016, that number had increased to half. If half of Americans at least suspect that the 9/11 Commissions original findings, the party line, is wrong, this Grand Jury needs to be empaneled and to use its broad powers to conduct a legitimate inquiry and come to a factual conclusion. This summer one such group, Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry, filed a motion with the US Attorney in the Southern District of New York asking that a Grand Jury be impaneled to investigate “certain federal crimes that have been committed in your district” related to 9/11. The first petition, filed in April, has been amended to contain the following list. Federal Law Criminalizes Acts of Terrorism Transcending National Boundaries Federal Law Criminalizes Providing Material Support to Terrorists Federal Law Criminalizes the Killing of a Federal Government Agent or Employee Federal Law Criminalizes Bombings of Places of Public Use and Government Facilities Federal Law Criminalizes Aiding and Abetting, Accessories, and Conspirators of Federal Crimes Below are some quotes from the petition, which is 54 pages and followed by 57 Exhibits. “Overwhelming evidence presented here demonstrates that pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries – not just airplanes or fires – destroyed
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three steel-framed World Trade Center buildings that day in New York City and killed so many of these people. By law, the Department of Justice through the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York must present this evidence to a grand jury. Justice for these victims requires nothing less and the soul of our nation commands it.” “The evidence in this Petition goes well beyond rumor and innuendo. It includes forensic data, expert analysis, and eyewitness testimony from First Responders, WTC employees and by-standers who were on the scene at the time of the attacks.” “The Lawyer’s Committee has reviewed the relevant available evidence, including the evidentiary materials attached hereto and referenced herein, and has reached a consensus that there is not just substantial or persuasive evidence of yet-to-be prosecuted crimes related to the use of pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries to destroy WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC7 in New York City on 9/11, but there is actually conclusive evidence that such federal crimes were committed.”
Lisa Cahill
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To Serve And Protect a christian way By Dan Brien Police are not the enemy. Being a cop is a hard job and before taking an oath they prepare themselves for insults, threats and even death. As civilians we should ask ourselves, “Can I do their job?” Maybe Not! But in the last few yearsCommon citizens have increased Anger towards police officers in our communities because of the number of seemingly unnecessary fatal shootings.
hostile & often mind boggling drama’s that captivated audiences. The more violent the show, the more audiences loved it.
Officer Nakia Jones Passively speaks out against racist cops on the shooting of Alton Sterling
We are a nation that once served Christian values. But now violence seems to be the popular trend Shoot first, Ask questions later. This goes for civilians & Police officers. As a society we are all guilty of a lack of brotherly love. My desire as a Pastor & Christian writer is for all people to say to themselves, “Maybe I should be more patient with my fellow man and woman”. After all Jesus said Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13 The victim’s stories of these tragic shootings have made national headlines, and the angry responses by family & friends have made life harder for police officers – causing some to almost quit the force (Nakia Jones) – And others to be charged with murder (Officer Mohamed Noor). On JANUARY 11, 2017Pew Research Centerpublished an articleBehind The Badgerevealing a national survey conducted by the National Police Research Platform, stating that majorities of police officers say that recent high-profile fatal encounters between black citizens and police officers have made their jobs riskier. Of these officers, 86% say their jobs are harder, 93% are more concerned about their safety 72% are less willing to stop and question people who seem suspicious. Ever since the days of the Jerry Springer show, which aired for 27 years, people had access to real life violence on TV and viewers loved watching the
In her home video Warrensville police officer Nakia Jones boldly scolded a fellow officer from Minnesota who fatally shot Philando Castile for seemingly no reason. She says “There are many of us that would give our life for anybody”, and stated that she wanted to quit the force after watching the video of the shooting.
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Mohamed Noor The Minneapolis police officer who shot and killed Justine Damond In July has been charged with third-degree murder and seconddegree manslaughter.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.Psalms 37:5,6
cars had written on their vehicles, “To Serve And Protect”, and I loved it. Even as a kid I remember thinking it was the perfect statement, one that exemplified the purpose of a policeman. We don’t often see it on police cars anymore, if at all. Why? What happened?
To Police Officers--- You are not All Wise & Powerful. That’s God’s job!Your job is to serve and protect,busting bad guys is only one of your many duties.Be patient with civilians under your watch, realizing you cannot right every wrong. So, if you’re trusting Jesus to bring justice on earth, you can leave the final result of catching the bad guys to him. In the end, we will all stand before the throne of judgement.
Police are not exempt from temptation, or a lack of brotherly love. The Pew Research Center Showed 56% of officers believe an aggressive rather than courteous approach is more effective in certain neighborhoods, and 44% agree that some people can only be brought to reason the hard, physical way. But the Apostle Paul says 2 Timothy 2:25,26 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. That old saying, “You can catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar” It’s True!!! Even secular movies point to the fact - In the 1980’s movie COLORS, a film about inner city street gangs in Las Angeles, actor Robert Duval showed Sean Pen that kindness, and a desire to be patient with troubled teenagers, produced a better result than Pen’s hard nosed, bust all the bad guys attitude. 1 Peter 3:9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing Thankfully it’s not too late. God still loves America. The door to His kingdom is always open. We can still resolve to practice the love of Christ. But we must be willing to obey God - And this takes faith. To civilians--- Honor your brothers in arms. Be patient with police officers, and Avoid repaying insult for insult, even if you feel harassed or falsely accused. Practice faith, believing the Lord is protecting your honor, so bless and not curse. Because your Father in Heaven sees your good deeds.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.Galatians 6:7
Above all Prayer The Lord wants to hear from you daily, so keep in constant contact with God. Pray that you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Meet regularly at church because we all need continual encouragement from our brothers & sisters. Make every effort to be sure of your salvation. Stay encouraged in the Bible,and practice the love of Christ. In so doing, we can all get along better. Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32 God Bless You All Yours in Christ
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How are you using your tongue ? Robert Summers, Senior Pastor MOUNTAIN CREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH -Dallas, TX
The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Proverbs 18:21 NLT When I was a child, if I felt ill my mom would sometimes take me to see Dr. Locker. He was a country doctor. But he had an amazing ability to tell what was wrong with me. He would stand me up on his office stool and use a tongue depressor to peer down my throat. While I said a big “Ah-h-h-h,” he would shine his light to check out my tongue. That seasoned medical man could diagnose my problem by looking at my tongue!
Great minds discuss great ideas: Remember, great minds discuss great ideas. Average minds talk about events and things. Small minds talk about and criticize other people. Which one of these are you? How are you using your tongue? God has given each of us a tongue to use to sow seeds for a harvest of good. Speak life! Robert Summers, Senior Pastor MOUNTAIN CREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH -Dallas, TX
The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life. John 6:63
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In the same manner, I too can pinpoint most people’s problem by listening to what their tongue is saying. When I hear words of criticism, spoken words that are destructive, self-defeating, and even words that kill, I know that speaker has deep issues of the heart. He needs healing and deliverance.
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If we humans choose life, then we will want to live life “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) When we consume the Word of life and get its truth in our hearts, then what comes out of our speech will be seed words to produce the good fruit of life. This is the byproduct of a wholesome tongue. If we feed on noble, life-giving words, our speech becomes a channel of life-giving blessings. Our words have a one plus factor to them. There’s more to our confession than we know: either of death or life. A proper, Spirit anointed tongue can be good medicine, a therapeutic source for healing. A sick tongue sickens others. Ask the Lord to heal the hurts and bitterness in your heart. For it is out of the heart that words flow from the mouth. (Matthew 15:18) A healthy heart makes for a healthy tongue. The Lord will send His Word and heal your heart.
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We Stand with Eretz Israel By Paul McCabe
We know and understand history; we do not forget. For us, no visit to the Holocaust Museum is necessary; our fathers liberated the death camps, sweeping east in history’s greatest sturm und drang of liberation. We in the New World stand with Israel, whose father is America and whose mother is every European woman who wept from 1933 to 1945. We do not change sides when it is fashionable; we know right from wrong; we do not shrink from pointing it out to the whole world; and we teach it to our children. We admire Ambassador Daniel Moynihan who, as the Americans say, called a spade a spade and denounced the UN’s so-called “Zionism is racism” resolution of 1975 as it occurred. Likewise we admire his direct ideological descendant Ambassador Nikki Haley. We remember George Orwell who presciently informed us about the perversion of language for totalitarian purposes. We agree with the governments of Israel – every one of them elected – that there is a place for the Jewish people and it is in the Holy Land. After a very great series of wrongs in Europe, America set right the Euro-house and props it up still. The historical result of those almost unquantifiable evils, stretching from Norway to Vichy to Ukraine and Greece, was the State of Israel on the western edge of Asia. More than seventy years have passed since Allied troops with Western values and Western rules and Western leaders outfought, outgunned, and outlasted the Wehrmacht and its SS bosses. Yet we do not forget the indelible stains of the European systems we defeated with our terrible swift swords: US steel and blood and planning and guts and daring. As a nation we continue to value human individuality and freedom, based on our founding credo of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is a set of beliefs that has traveled around the world since 1776 – and has accelerated since 1989. It has not yet finished changing the possibilities of politics and history in many countries. These are democratic values that we share with the founders and the
people of Israel; they are the very basis of our longheld military and economic alliance. With President Kennedy, we say in a strong and clear voice: “…The same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe-the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. We dare not tempt (adversaries) with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah--to "undo the heavy burdens . . . (and) let the oppressed go free." Along with other voices, all the way from the last century, we hear the unequivocal speech of our young hero-President. He was a man who met with Ben-Gurion, Eshkol, and even the young Peres. We remember too the courage of President Truman who disputed his own advisers and announced US recognition of Israel within minutes in May 1948 at a crucial time. Israel remembers him too, giving his name to the Hebrew University’s Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace. Every American president has accepted the hand of friendship from our ally on the ancient Mediterranean eastern shore. The depth and breadth of our people- to-people ties cannot be overstated. Not only that, but Israel counts among its Prime Ministers Americans like Meir and Netanyahu. Was there ever a better example of an alliance in peace and war than Operation Nickel Grass in
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October 1973? Attacked by its enemies on a holy day, unprepared, Israel quickly came close to losing. On the orders of the President, the US responded by moving to Defcon 2 for the first and only time -- ever. Moreover American armed forces built an “air bridge” to Israel, landing crucial supplies three times an hour at the time of maximum danger.
Nor is it only American leaders who felt a strong connection with Israel. John Paul II was the first Pope in history to visit a synagogue (in Rome in 1986), where he referred to the Jewish people as "our elder brothers". The Pope was committed to the fight against anti-Semitism, which he saw as a sin against God and against humanity.
During his visit to Israel (another papal first) he included a visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial and meetings with the president and prime minister. He wrote a quiet message on a piece of paper which he placed between the rocks of the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site.
Under the leadership of President Trump, the US finally did what other Presidents had promised for 25 years. It opened an embassy in Jerusalem on May 14, 2018, marking the 70th anniversary of the independence of the modern State of Israel. This milestone emphasizes in a very real way the long and solid bond between the two countries. The list of historical and intellectual reasons why we support Israel is too long for this short space. But the main reason is that Israel, like America, has always been a democracy full of nation-builders. They were our friends as the sun rose on Israel and they are our friends now. It is not possible to divide an alliance so closely held and so strongly rooted. No autocratic monarchy, nor one-party state, nor sandy expanse of ignorance and darkness, will manipulate the US to undo its support of Israel, an oasis of democracy and Western values – our values. We stand with Eretz Israel. Why? Because in the last analysis they are us. We know and understand history; we do not forget. Nie wieder.
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“I'm Living The Good Life” by Pastor Evangelist Arthur L. Weathersby When we engage in conversation with people, one of the things they invariably ask is; “how are you doing or how is life treating you (I'm old and this is something I recall being asked)?” Most respond back with “I'm doing good or, I'm okay and/or I'm well!” For some Believers in Jesus Christ you will hear; “I'm blessed or, I'm blessed by The Best and/or I'm blessed and highly favored by God!” All responses sound good but I submit to you that everyone who says them, may not be honestly conveying how things are going! So the question is, why would someone give an inaccurate assessment about how they are doing and/or how their life really is? They are trying to respond to the questioners “expectation of what their life/lives should be!” We spend too much time and focus on either responding to or, focusing on what others expect our lives to be or, what “they want it to be” as opposed to just living and enjoying the life that was given to us by God! For starters, He created us in His own image and likeness (see Genesis 1:26-28 & 2:7) and once we accept Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior (see Romans 10:9); He begins to remake us into the image of Himself (see Romans 6th Chapter and 2 Corinthians 5:17)! I don't need to fabricate anything about the life I am living in order to appease others expectations or make me feel good about myself because I may not be truly happy with my life! All I need to do is to reflect and look back over my life and recall events and/or times when it seemed as though all hope was lost or, possibly my life was coming to an end due to some destructive things I was doing at the time (I wasn't born saved)! The strange thing is during the actual times of these moments, I never really focused so much on what was or appeared to be happening; I just partook of some “street pharmaceuticals and top shelf alcohol” and went about my way as though nothing was going on! As far as I was concerned, “I was living the good life;” without a real care in the world. I had a great job that I was highly successful in! I received many accolades and awards attesting to my success! I had many people that I associated and networked with that brought forth great rewards! So, I thought and believed! Then one day on January 21, 1996 at the age of 43 years and 4 months old, I surrendered my life over to Jesus Christ and my life has truly never been the same! I had no real knowledge of who He was as I was not “raised in the church atmosphere” nor did I have any biblical training! I was a true “NEW BABE in CHRIST!” I began learning at a rapid pace because when I surrendered my life over to God [Jesus Christ as per John 1:1); “I let go of what I thought I knew in order to begin learning what I didn't know about my new life in Christ (again refer to 2 Corinthians 5:17 that says; “Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.”)! This is when I began “living the good life!” My life truly is good because God is yet transforming me into the image and likeness of His Son through the Power of The Holy Ghost that I have allowed (this is what being humble is all about; check out Philippians 2:5-8) to control my life because of the trust I have in God (see Proverbs 3:5-6)! I don't need to fabricate nice sounding words and/or phrases to let someone believe my life is good; it TRULY is because of the relationship I have with Jesus Christ that each and every day continues to GROW as I GROW and MATURE in my relationship with Him! Besides, He promised to give me life and life more abundantly (see John 10:10) and as long as I stay within His Will as per John 14:13, He will provide and in Philippians 4:19 He says; “But my God shall supply all your need according to the riches and glory by Christ Jesus.” Once I redirected my focus from “worldly things to those eternal,” God ensured that I would not lack anything I needed! Psalm 23:1 says, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.” The reason why I don't want for nothing is because He supplies my needs (go back to Philippians 4:19) and because He does; there is no reason to want! If all you do is “want something,” you will always be in want because you will never be satisfied ! I am fully satisfied in my life with Jesus Christ because He is my all in all and in Acts 17:28a, you will find these words recorded; “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being;...” A life lived and I do mean “LIVED” for Christ, is a life that is fulfilling and rewarding! I am being fulfilled because I know everyday I am trying to live the life that will be pleasing to Him! This doesn't mean that I am “perfect” as that state of being is an impossibility in this life! The Bible declares in Romans 7:18 (all scripture is coming from The King James Bible); “For I know that in me (that is, my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.” God is yet perfecting (meaning completing --- 2 Timothy 3:17 that says; “That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.“) me in His ways as I surrender myself daily to Him and mortify (kill) the deeds of my flesh (Romans 8:13 states; “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of your body, ye shall live.”
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The most important Mid-term election by Brandon Cook
The most important election of our time is just around the corner, 38 days to be exact as I write this. Our Nation is divided more then almost any other time in our history. The political climate is so charged right now. Turn out is going to be key in winning on November 6th. We must turn out in droves to vote we can not stay home and hope that everything is going to be okay, it will not. We have to remember as we get ready to vote, don’t listen to the ads they will be fueled with lies and hatred do your own research. Common sense is going to be a very key tool to have when it comes to dealing with the ads this year. The Democrats will pull out all stops to regain control of the Senate and House. If the Democrats regain control you can count on them to shutdown President Trump’s agenda and absolutely nothing will get done until after the 2020 election. They don't care who’s life they destroy look at Judge Kavanaugh or Roy Moore just to mention a couple. Obstruct and delay is the motto of the Democrats. From the very first day when President Trump announced his bid for the White House they have done everything possible to derail his success. We the People have to stand up to this tyranny, they want our Nation to fail they want us to fail. The Democrats would rather see our Nation and We the People fail then see President Trump win. Come on that is some of the most cynical thinking that has ever been thought up. The very first thing they will do if they regain control of Congress is to file for impeachment of President Trump. They have no plans on keeping America great. There will be no more conservative judges confirmed, no more wall, no more increased military funding and no more tax cuts but there will be more illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and crime from illegals making our families less safe. We the People are winning America is winning and President Trump is winning for us. We need to stand by his side in November and bring him a Congress that will help him finish the promises he made to us. The America First Agenda is working and working bigly as President Trump would say. Some of you might not always agree with President Trump’s approach but trust me he has a plan and his plan is going exactly as he wants it to believe me. President Trump is doing the things that he told us he was going to do and he is doing exactly what we elected him to do.
It is our job and our job alone to elect our representatives in Washington D.C. and we can not let our Nation down now. We the People have the power and we must use that power in November we have to vote all of us.
, "In God We Trust," to be engraved on U.S. coins. However, it wasn’t until the war was over and President Lincoln had been assassinated that gold coins finallybore our National Motto. In 1866 the first 20$ Gold pieces were struck bearing, “In God We Trust.” This design only lasted until our One hundred Year anniversary in 1876. The similar phrase 'In God is our Trust' appears in "The Star-Spangled Banner", adopted as the national anthem of the United States in 1931. Written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, the fourth stanza includes the phrase, "And this be our motto: 'In God is our Trust'", which was adopted as the national motto.Once again our country is divided, our history is being erased across the country, We have an immeasurable amount of debt that’s growing by the day, our morality is at alltimelows, and our National Motto is being attacked like never before . These coins have already become increasingly harder to find, Call now for availability and pricing, 855-423-GOLD (4653)
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