Christian Times Magazine Issue 31

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ISSN:Â 2639-7730 (ONLINE) ISSN 2639-7714 (PRINT)


ISSUE 31 | JUNE 2019

Christian Times Magazine

Why Rabia Kazan abandoned Islam and chose Jesus Christ?

Rabia Kazan Interview with

Award-winning Women's Rights Activist, Former Muslim and The best-selling Author of the Book "The Angels of Tehran" a story of the legal prostitution system in Iran.


Angels are all around us, they get drunk off espresso, wear clothes like normal human beings and yes even have families like the rest of human society.These were just a few of the things Elizabeth was about to learn.Photographer and graphic artist, Elizabeth is out in the middle of the country taking pictures of a cloudy sky when she witnesses an angel descend through rays of light. Shocked, she passes out. Upon awakening, Elizabeth sees Samuel kneeling next to her calling her name with a voice so pure she's sure it isn't real.Samuel pops in and out of her life, confusing her as to what's real and what isn't. The two of them fall in love, sending Elizabeth on the adventure of a lifetime. Will their love be strong enough to fight against the darkness that surrounds them? "Captivating. That's how I felt about this book.� --Alexandria Weis



Anil Anwar CEO / Editor In Chief


Charles Lingerfelt Managing editor & Senior Associate Publisher Editorial Member David Clarke Matthew Snape

Contributors Matthew Snape David A. Colbert Charles Lingerfelt Joann H. Buchanan Steve P. Ray Katherine Schoonover Christopher Grahn Howard Charlie Keeble Cover Photo by Rabia Kazan


ISSUE 31 | MAY Published in United States of America Copyright Š 2019 by Christian Times Magazine (CTM)

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EDITOR NOTE At Christian Times Magazine, our mission is to distinguish ourselves from those who are providing the world with fake news. We report on facts and we have a team of professional reporters and columnists who provide insightful analysis and accurate reporting on the breaking stories happening right now. We are a source of truth and tradition at a time when the world needs it most.

CTM has been established for some time and we are becoming a respected brand across the United States. To continue that success, we need support from our readers, who make everything we do possible.

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CTM intends to launch a News TV channel soon, which shows how well Christian Times Magazine is doing across our nation. But again, we cannot make these accomplishments happen without your support. Together, Christian Times Magazine's readers and writers can Make America Great Again.

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Anil Anwar CEO / President




















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Interview with Rabia Kazan By Anil Anwar CEO / President CTM

ANIL : Tell us about Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition and

ANIL: There are Moderate Muslims who would say that your

National Diversity Coalition for Trump?

conversion really wasn’t a conversion at all — that Allah and the Christian God are the same, and you’re just swimming in a

RABIA KAZAN: After 12 years my activism against woman and child sex trafficking under Sharia Culture in the Middle East, I

different river that leads to the same ocean. What would you say to those people?

decided it was time to launch The Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition in 2018. The MEWC board consisted largely of women

RABIA KAZAN: My response to this statement is as follows:

activists from all nationalities, most of whom experienced firsthand

Allah and Christian God are definitely not the same. As a former

the horrors of Sharia Culture and are fighting to expose Sharia Law

Muslim, Allah represents to me a God of fear that does not love

and trying to save girls and women from it. We are committed to

me. Because I never felt love from Allah through his teachings, I

inform the world about the plight of Middle Eastern women who

never felt love of God until found Jesus Christ.

are suffering in the hope of reaching as wide an audience as possible. We will not relent in our fight for women’s rights and our

ANIL : What’s one part of the Bible that made you

staunch opposition to Middle Eastern practices through

uncomfortable when you first became a Christian, and how did

Fundamentalism in Islam such as child marriages, genital

you handle it?

mutilation, and violence against women, repressive Islamic Dress codes, polygamy, and honor killings.

RABIA KAZAN: I was always comfortable with the bible and its teachings. The teachings of Jesus amazed me and filled my heart

“NDC for Trump” is coalition of diversity of minority leaders or a

with joy and the calmness of peace. The culture and the religion I

voice from the United States who are actively supporting President

left behind was the total opposite to the bible teachings, which are

Trump for the betterment of this world. Working on the board for

all about love. This is what resonated with, through, and in me.

the past three years at National Diversity Coalition for Trump, I supported and explained the diversity and plight of the Middle

ANIL : Do you feel that people from the Muslim community

Eastern women to President Trump and the world.

judge or treat you badly, because of your choice?

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RABIA KAZAN: Even the moderate Muslim community has

RABIA KAZAN: There are so many moderate and peaceful

judged me and treated me badly because converting to other

Muslims that are not supportive of the verses of violence in the

religion from Islam makes you an “Infidel.” I had to keep my

Quran. Unfortunately, they are still silent when they witness the

beliefs hidden, even from my family and close friends. For

violence and barbaric cultural influences taught through the

conservatives in Muslim society, judgments became actions some

Muslim religion and culture.

times, which lead to insults and threats upon my life, especially when I would comment about the Muslim religion.

ANIL : How can Islam move forward in the 21st century?

ANIL : What made you leave Islam? Where you very religious,

RABIA KAZAN: Honestly, Islam lives in the Dark Ages and

before you left or where you was just Muslim by birth and not

needs reformation immediately. Moderate Muslims have to break

know much about the religion?

their silence and condemn Sharia Law and barbaric culture. I believe this will happen through the voice of women.

RABIA KAZAN: It was in 2006 when I went Iran. I have witnessed many horrific events against women. I witnessed legal

ANIL : Do you believe Islamophobia is a real thing?

prostitution it’s called “Siga,” temporary marriage. I have interviewed almost 200 hundred women. They were forcing

RABIA KAZAN : There are two kind of “Islamophobia” exist

women into prostitution and it was legal. I also witnessed child

today. The first one is being used by Muslims as a form of

marriages. I have also met two little girls, approx. 8-10 years old;

“intimidation” to silence people who try to speak about Islam, or

they were both already married to a man who was my father’s age

express any criticism. The second one is used as means to promote

(60 Years old). They were basically sex slaves, under the child

a “fear and prejudice towards Islam and Muslims.” Islamophobia

marriage laws of the Islamic regime.

existed before the 9/11 Islamic Terror Attacks and “Islamophobia” increased after that. I believe these days, “Islamophobia” turns out

That day, in my mind I rebelled, and then when I questioned this

be more often “Islamic propaganda” because even I was accused to

law and that Mohammed had the same child marriages, it was

be “Islamophobic” when I tried to expose Sharia Law.

explained that whatever Mohammed had done was considered acceptable in Muslim teachings and therefore a law. I cried all

ANIL : Why would you support President Donald J. Trump?

night and said that this is not my Allah. That I would believe. RABIA KAZAN: I came to this country for only one reason: to ANIL : When did you become a Christian? And How Jesus

share the voice of voiceless. But it wasn't easy. In 2014, I launched

Christ has changed your life?

a Global Campaign against Sharia Law called “This is not my Allah.” But the mainstream media didn't give me a voice. We

RABIA KAZAN: ) I was a columnist and investigative journalist

weren't allowed to even use the term “Radical Islam.” But

for Turkish Daily. In 2005, I interviewed the man who attacked

President Trump fearless and boldly spoke and stood against

Pope John Paul II. I worked on this story for months, and I was

Radical Islam. His decisive policies and voice are helping women

touched by the power of the Pope had in giving forgiveness to a

in Middle East. Finally, there is hope for us because of President

man who tried to kill him. This was a very moving emotion of pure

Trump. He is changing the game. He is the only one fighting for

peace for me to observe and experience. It created the seed of

us, and for our human rights.”

Christianity in my heart. At that time, I didn't know or understand about Jesus or his teachings. However, I was inspired through this

ANIL : Would you like to say something for CTM “Christian

interview. I found Jesus in 2009 in Istanbul. My life has changed

Times Magazine “?

since I found love of God. I feel an unconditional love from the Lord. Jesus Christ was all about love and peace. This was real God

RABIA KAZAN: I am grateful to Lord for this opportunity and I

who created me loved me and died for me on cross. Two years ago,

want to add this: I have left Islam, but I will never leave little

the Catholic Church baptized me and I still go and pray to this very

innocent Muslim girls alone, I will keep fighting for their freedom.

day. I am blessed.

Thank you, CTM.

ANIL : Was Islam spread by the sword?

RABIA KAZAN: I would say yes. The Jihad, the war against the non-Muslims, so frequently recommended in the Madinan surah, The Quran almost became, as with the Kharijites, a “sixth pillar of Islam.” Islam owes it to her expansion, in which “the mission,” properly speaking, has played an insignificant role.

ANIL : How do you feel about people who interpret the Quran as a book that promotes terrorism and child grooming?

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RABIA KAZAN Award-winning Women Rights Activist, Former Muslim, and The best-selling Author of the Book "The Angels of Tehran" about the legal prostitution system in Iran.

Rabia Kazan is an award-winning women's rights activist, former Muslim who converted to Christianity, best-selling author of the book 'The Angels of Tehran' about the legal prostitution system in Iran, the president of the Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition (MEWC), and former board of directors for the National Diversity Coalition for Trump (NDC TRUMP).

In 2007, Kazan went to Iran undercover, where she witnessed child marriages, women trafficking, and wedleases. She discovered a legal prostitution system within the Islamic regime. She reported child marriages and interviewed approximately 200 women. When Kazan returned to her country she published her book Tehran Melekleri (Legal Prostitution) (The Angels of Tehran), which was about Nikah mut‘ah.

Kazan moved to the United States in 2010 and began working with the World Federation of United Nations Associations at the United Nations. In 2012, she decided to remove her hijab, which she was forced to wear from age seven and started working as a writer and women's rights activist at the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA).

Kazan and French political analyst Alain Wagner, launched a global campaign in 2014 called 'This Is Not My Allah', fighting against Islamic Terrorism. The campaign represented a voice for Muslims who feared speaking out against radical Islam.

In 2016, Kazan gave an interview to CNN News, "Islamic Regime hates America", in which she spoke about how she believes that the way President Trump is handling radical Islamists is correct and how moderate Muslims need to stand up against radical Islam.

In 2018 she founded the Middle Eastern Women's Coalition (MEWC), which has now been seen and heard by millions of Americans! MEWC is fighting against antisemitism, the barbaric practices of child marriages, genital mutilations, honor killings, FGM, and dress code restrictions by initiating a cultural and religious revolution throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions!


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Theresa May | AP Photo

Since Theresa May announced her resignation on Friday May 24th, the number of articles being published tarnishing her legacy are limitless. There has not been one column that has praised her record in the role, and this one does not intend to be any kinder. When she first became Prime Minister, many, including myself, did not envy the position she was in and felt nothing but sympathy for her. Her predecessor, David Cameron, failed to make any contingency plans in the likely event that Britain would leave the European Union, and that the UK could crash out of the political union without a deal. This is an act of political treachery and summed up the complacency and arrogance that clouded Cameron’s judgement. When Harold Wilson legislated for a referendum on the European Economic Community (precursor to the EU), he had contingency plans ready for the possibility that the UK might vote to leave it. Today’s British politicians are not of the same calibre of the likes of Wilson and Thatcher, though.

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From the beginning, May struck the right chord with Brexit. She

in the UK, it prohibited Britain from doing trade deals with

delayed triggering Article 50 until her vision for leaving the EU

countries like the US, retained Northern Ireland’s status in the

was clear, which she spelt out during her 2017 Lancaster House

Single Market as part of a hated Irish backstop, whilst the rest of

speech. When Donald Trump was elected President of the

the UK was separate from it. It allowed for close alignment with EU rules to prevent Britain from being hit with tariffs as part of a customs arrangement and Britain had to pay a divorce bill with no input into the EU rules it agreed to align itself to. It reduced Britain to an EU colony, something many politicians and voters found unacceptable.

Despite the heated opposition from the Democratic Unionist Party, the European Research Group of Tory Brexiteers and arch-Remainers on all sides of the House of Commons, the WA has failed to be legislated in Parliament. May was never an enthusiastic advocate of no deal Brexit and her words ‘any deal is better than a bad deal’ became a hollow mantra that meant nothing when she continually delayed Britain’s EU exit to April, to June and then to October. Even federalists like France’s Emmanuel Macron are so fed up of the UK that he wants them

United States, she seemed enthusiastic about the possibility of a US-UK trade deal, which the new President said the UK is now at the front of the queue. His predecessor, Barack Obama, placed Britain at the back of the queue thanks to a PR stunt Cameron put him up to. It all seemed so positive and it came as little surprise that the Prime Minister then called for a general election so that she had a mandate to pursue a clean Brexit.

However, the way she behaved throughout the election was appalling. She was complacent and never thought the country

to leave as soon as possible. She betrayed everybody and

was serious about electing a Marxist as Prime Minister. She

pleased nobody, which is what her WA was designed to do. But

missed out on a TV debate and left her Home Secretary, Amber

the WA is neither Leave nor Remain and many MPs could not

Rudd, to fight her battles for her. It then came as no surprise that

accept it for those reasons. She backtracked on her Brexit

she threw away the Tories’ majority. She was left paralysed in a

promises during the general election and tore up her own

hung parliament. And since then, May’s premiership has been a

manifesto, which she paid the price for at this year’s local

devastating story.

elections. Losing 1,300 council seats is a record for any British political party and scores of Tories flocked to the Brexit Party at

Whilst triggering Article 50 might have made her popular in the

the European elections (which the Prime Minister also said

short-term, it was clear that she never had contingency plans in

Britain would not be participating in but ended up doing so

place either. She made the same mistake her predecessor did.

anyway). Once she offered a second referendum on her deal,

The Civil Service was not instructed to make plans for no deal

that was the final nail in the coffin for her abysmal premiership

and with the Conservatives weak in Parliament, this meant the

and she had to resign after that.

EU knew that Britain could not quit its negotiations with them and that they had to accept any deal Brussels offered them. This,

Never has a British Prime Minister broken so many promises all

and the lack of a majority, allowed a Remainer like May to

at once to the extent that they make the likes of Gordon Brown

purposefully scupper Brexit and conjure up a Withdrawal

look like a brilliant Prime Minister in comparison. All this

Agreement (WA) at Chequers that completely misunderstood

impacted on the UK’s relationship with the US. May is a

why people voted to leave the EU. There were elements of it that

Remainer and was never interested in Britain becoming a trading

ended the free movement of people, the Common Agricultural

powerhouse post-Brexit, which meant everything she said to

Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy. Nonetheless, it also

President Trump meant nothing.

allowed for the European Court of Justice to have jurisdiction

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When the President came to the UK last year for a quasi-state

defended him once. At every opportunity, she has undermined

visit, he stated the WA would prevent Britain from agreeing a

the US and damaged the special relationship.

trade deal with his country, though he later went on to say he will let May pursue any deal with the EU she wants. Yet that

In an age that has witnessed Brexit and Trump, May was never

mutual respect was never there from the beginning. This was

the right Prime Minister for the right time. Trump is looking

shown by 2020 Democrat nominee and former US Vice

likely to win the 2020 General Election and he is not going

President, Joe Biden, claiming that the Prime Minister (who he

anywhere, which means there are still another potential five

mistook for Margaret Thatcher) recently phoned him, along with

years left to negotiate a US-UK trade deal. The next British

13 other world leaders, to express their concern about Donald

Prime Minister must take advantage of this opportunity and

Trump. Trump is the most pro-British President the US has had

withdraw the UK from the EU completely, or it cannot survive

since George W. Bush and May had a golden opportunity to

in this brave new world.

enhance that special relationship by drawing up contingency plans for a US-UK trade deal once Britain leaves the EU. But she has damaged the special relationship and, along with her shambolic handling of Brexit, this will be one of the most tarnishing aspects of her premiership.

Like wanting Remain to win the EU Referendum, it is no secret the Prime Minister secretly wanted Hilary Clinton to win the 2016 General Election, though she did not publicly admit it. This was the same mistake John Major made in 1992 when George H W Bush was running for his second term in the White House, but Bill Clinton won instead. May has been pictured numerous times enthusiastically shaking Hilary’s hand and if she became President, she would not have provided the UK with a trade deal. This would have made May’s job of negotiating, or renegotiating, new and existing trade deals with countries easier considering what little enthusiasm she had for free trade from the beginning. Thatcher once said the Labour Party wants Britain to remain tied to the EU because they do such a terrible job of running the economy that Brussels would take that responsibility away from them. Maybe that is why the Prime Minister wants us to remain in the EU- she is so terrible at negotiating trade deals that Brussels takes that responsibility away from her.

Whoever succeeds May as Prime Minister would be insane not to take advantage of the opportunities a US-UK trade deal offers Britain. The EU has a substantial trade deficit with the UK and its global GDP is set to shrink to 16 percent by the 2020s. According to the US Trade Representative, in 2018 America had a trade surplus with Britain worth $19 billion. Imagine how much more that trade would be worth if both countries agree to lower tariffs imposed by the EU.

Donald Trump has done more to defend a post-Brexit UK than May ever has. Last year, he increased tariffs on EU goods to force Brussels to slash their tariffs on US products in return. The tactic worked to the extent that the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, was forced to travel to Washington and persuade the US President to cut tariffs if the EU did the same in good faith. But a picture can tell a thousand words, and last year May was pictured ganging up on the President at a NATO summit with other EU leaders to protest his tariffs. Furthermore, every time Trump has urged NATO leaders to increase their defence spending, May has not

Matthew Snape, Columnist at Christian Times Magazine


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and interaction taking place online, particularly on social media, the internet has become the new public square. It is a terrifying prospect to think that large media companies, that control a significant percentage of public interaction throughout the world, are censoring speech and impeding commerce in the worldwide public square. We cannot allow censorship online.

“We cannot allow censorship online” The New Invention & Free Speech

It may seem as though the internet has been here forever but, in many ways, it is still in its infancy. While much of our interaction with the internet is through Wi-Fi, the internet is just a bunch of computers hardwired together. We merely access these computers remotely through radio waves. That means that the internet is physical property owned by private individuals and businesses. While it is private property, it has been built largely by people who were excited to share ideas and information with the public for free. There was and is a great amount of open source sharing among people who enjoy contributing to the creation of this new technology called the internet.

Katherine Schoonover

The internet is an incredibly interesting place full of information that is accessible to everyone for nothing more than the cost of going online It has always been a bit like an odd combination of the Wild West and a hippie commune full of intense geniuses

A serious problem has developed that is beginning to directly

building cities that spring up overnight in the “cloud.”

threaten free speech as well as our ability to communicate or even conduct business in this technological era in which we

From the beginning, the internet was full of staunch advocates

live. The suppression of speech, the manipulation of perception,

for free speech, freedom of expression, and the free exchange of

and the weaponization of technology are incredibly dangerous to

ideas. Everyone seemed to be making statements about

a free society that relies upon the unimpeded communication

protecting freedom online and it seemed to reinvigorate the

and interaction between individuals. It is unconstitutional when

world with a renewed sense of hope, cooperation, and

the government attempts to do this. It is unacceptable at the

entrepreneurship readily accessible at our fingertips.

very least, certainly unethical, definitely unamerican, and potentially a violation of civil rights when private companies do this. With a significant percentage of all public communication

The Internet is the New Public Square

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The internet changed everything. It is one of those amazing

These changes have come with the rise of big media companies.

technologies, like the combustion engine, that has had the power

They started out as small startups in garages and basements and

to transform the world. With every invention, the world shifts

have developed into incredibly influential behemoths. Their

slightly, but the internet caused exponential change as humanity

success has altered their position in society from small private

leapt forward technologically. It has likely changed how we

companies with purely internal concerns to publicly traded

will interact forever. It has of course been a long time since we

companies whose operations are a matter of great public

walked or rode horses to the town square to meet people and sell


our wares. However, we used to at least need to leave our homes or get something printed to interact with the public in some way. Now we do not necessarily even need to get out of

Power Corrupts

bed to go to work, get food, or participate in a town hall meeting with the members of our community and our elected officials.

Now that we are so heavily dependent on these websites, and the

Because the internet has replaced the public square, what

companies that own them, they have begun to shift from being

happens on that private property significantly impacts the

the neutral platforms and beacons of free speech that they once


were to being “publishers.” They are now unilaterally determining what is considered fact, which opinions may be heard, and who may have access to public discourse. Their

“The internet has replaced the public square”

desire to regulate our speech on, and sometimes off, their sites is alarming. It becomes even more disturbing as many of them have announced plans to interfere even more. To be fair, some of this is pressure being placed upon them by other companies, political figures, and political movements, but not all. Much of this is their own desire to control the public, and we cannot allow it to happen.

If an individual is deplatformed, shadowbanned, or downgraded in some way by a social media site it is no longer just a matter of the interests of that company but of society as a whole. That


person is not merely being removed from one store in one town. That person is being removed almost completely from society

To say that this virtual world has replaced the public square may

and is potentially being directly prevented from earning a living.

sound like an exaggeration, but the vast majority of the civilized world is now online. Looking at the United States alone, 90%

There are concerning parallels between removing someone from

of Americans use the internet and 79% have social media

the internet and the way that we remove someone from society

accounts. (1) 77% of Americans go online daily, with 43% of

by placing them in jail, but without the usual protection of

them going online multiple times a day, and 26% going online

rights, laws, and due process, as developed and agreed upon by

constantly. (2)

an elected and representative body. We are not talking about taking a toy away from a naughty child. We are talking about

Social media sites, that used to be considered toys, are now part

preventing adults from participating in society and altering our

of serious news stories and how people conduct business.

impression of reality. Social media sites have been targeting

Public figures, companies, and individuals have profiles and are

those whose political ideology the leadership disagrees with and

using them to make money, influence the public, and to

preventing them from participating for violating what they refer

communicate with one another and the entire world. They have

to as “community standards” or other similar terms. In reality,

become incredibly powerful and are playing a significant role in

the only crime is having a different political opinion and voicing

politics. Looking at the statistics for social media use in the

it publicly.

U.S. you can see that it plays a large part in our lives both directly and indirectly.

Social media is just a part of the problem. Even those who do not spend any significant time on social media sites still use search engines to find information online. The mechanisms that search engines use to curate results can easily be altered to promote or hide information. If those search engines operate based on criteria designed to alter the search results so that they are no longer impartial platforms, then it changes our perception of what the facts are and diminishes our access to information. More than one search engine got caught tampering with search results during the last election with the obvious intent of influencing voters with a false impression of the facts.


Solutions We must not allow this to continue and we certainly cannot allow it to get any worse. There are two basic solutions. We either tell these companies that they need to straighten up or we will go elsewhere, or we look to government to regulate the internet. They are not hearing much from us on this subject. For the most part, the only people who are complaining are those who being targeted and those doing the targeting and attempting to use the power of media companies use their power to control speech. We are hearing very few people demand that these companies stop playing politics with their websites, that they clearly promoted as mere platforms for speech, or they will leave. I do not think that it is even necessary to actually abandon these websites, but it is necessary to speak up and defend free speech in the public square. The only power that these companies have is the power that we freely give them. If

Bait & Switch

we all walked away tomorrow these websites would be ghost towns. Their only content is what we provide. Their product is us, our information, and our activity on their sites.

It would be unjust to accuse these companies of a nefarious plot to pull a bait and switch. No one planned this from the very beginning, because no one knew the technology that would exist today. No one expected toys to take the place of the public square; to be used to alter our perception of people, ideas, and reality; or to be turned into propaganda delivery systems or

“The only power that these companies have

totalitarian pseudo governments. No one expected beacons of free speech and open communication to quietly write algorithms and design bots to tamper with history, facts, the meaning of words, or what is happening in the world. That is not to say that no one is making plans no to take advantage of the power that

is the power that we freely give them”

has been accumulated. Obviously that it is precisely what is happening now.

Leaving this problem to the government is not that simple. The internet is too complicated to regulate as a public utility, the

It must be incredibly tempting to take advantage of the power

government is rarely good at solving problems, and if we

that they have accumulated, especially if they think that they are

demand that government step in, then we hand the government

making the world a better place by breaking the rules

the ultimate temptation. Imagine, if you will, the U.S.

themselves. But there is a reason that we talk about unintended

government being run by the worst President, Congress, and

consequences and say that “the road to Hell is paved with good

Supreme Court Justices that you can possibly think of. Now

intentions.” Even if it is not the government doing the

imagine giving those people the power to control your speech

censoring, the invariable result of the suppression of speech is

online. You might not be worried when your friends and allies

oppression and tyranny.

are in control but imagine your enemies in control. That is what you should always think about when you consider whether to give the government control of anything. It is inevitable that at

Monsters of Our Own Making

some point your enemies will be in control, and you have set a precedent, ignored a law, or simply handed them the tools to

We cannot lay the entirety of the blame for this problem at the

destroy everything that you care about. That thought should

feet of tech companies. We turned a blind eye to what was

frighten us and all and kill our desire for most government

clearly coming for the sake of our own conveniences and benefit

intervention. But it means that we as individuals need to work

when we should have been standing up for the rights of others.

together to address problems on our own. Maybe the solution to

Many rationalized the problems away because the targets were

this is as simple us all writing a message to these companies and

people who we considered to be bad and whose opinions we

saying this is unacceptable or sharing a public post with a

could not stand. But things like this never stop the bad guys.

hashtag to get their attention. If that does not work, then maybe

Today it is some lunatic whose political ideology we find

we do have to consider walking away. But, we cannot ignore

abhorrent. Tomorrow it is a stranger whose post was

this problem anymore. Think about that the next time you post

misinterpreted. The next day it is a friend, and eventually, it

a comment or search the web.

could be you or me. It is a very slippery slope when you start down the path of deciding whose opinion is allowed to be heard

Statistics from: (1) Statistical, (2) Pew Research, and (3) Stat

and whose is not.


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Getty Images | BERTRAND GUAY

‘The Greatest Generation’ By Charles Lingerfelt Managing Editor & Sr. Associate Publisher CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE

This month, we Honor all those who helped “Storm the beaches” in Normandy, France on 6 June 1944. We Remember Them In Honor, Respect and Love!

The Normandy landings were the landing operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history. The operation began the liberation of German-occupied France (and later Europe) from Nazi control, and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.

Special recognition is herewith given to my mother’s 22year-old brother, PFC Richard Roberson(US Army) who was one of many who fought through the Utah Beach Invasion. Ten miles into France, PFC Roberson was shot in the head by a German sniper on 4 July 1944 and killed instantly.

This complete story was told to me(1970s) over the phone by his “Buddy” who was with him through Basic Training and with him through all his rigors of Service and Battle, including the day he died.

His buddy, Blake Farmer, was from Bradley county Tennessee. He was able to return home after the War was over. I have always felt it was my duty and honor to relay this story of my mother’s brother and his honorable service to this great nation, as much as possible.

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The entire Story of PFC Richard Roberson is recorded in my

It now has been 75 years since that fateful day on the

Book, ‘Journey Into Faith and Patriotism’ and is available from

beaches of France. The waters of the English Channel

Amazon and

were extremely bloody all up and down the sea coast of France. It was a costly price to pay for freedom; but I’ll remind you once again that “freedom is never free.“

That generation of young men were some of the bravest who have ever lived. That generation of young men paid a terrible price for the liberty and freedom of the whole world.

But in so doing, they became known as, ‘The Greatest Generation!’ We will never forget them, their bravery, their courage and the blood which they shed through the lives that were lost to liberate France, Europe and the entire world. And we will never forget those who suffered many injuries, and came back home broken in body and spirit; but indeed they all were thankful to be alive - even though they suffered much!

It is herewith that I express my love and honor to all of those young men who left home and fought for the freedoms we enjoy today!

Today and forever, we will Honor and Remember ‘The Greatest Generation.’

In Memory, Love and Respect

On that day, 6 June 1944, more than 150,000 Allied Troops crossed the English channel and “Stormed” the beaches of Normandy to set in course the liberation of France - and ultimately the whole of Europe and the entire world. It was the largest amalgamation of Troops and forces ever put together on Sea, on Land, and in the air. Specifically, the purpose was to conquer and defeat the tyrant, Adolph Hitler, and to remove his ruthlessness and killings from the face of the earth.

At the end of that fateful Day in June, 1944, more than 10,000 Allied troops were dead. It was a supreme sacrifice to pay and much blood was shed to conquer the enemy and liberate France.

The brave troops and soldiers went on to completely deliver Europe from the hands of the hateful enemy, Adolf Hitler.

There is perhaps, no greater story to read in the annals of history than this great story of the young men from many nations who served and fought under the leadership of Gen. Dwight D Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of The Allied Forces on that day, which was D-Day 1944.

Charles Lingerfelt, Managing Editor & Sr. Associate Publisher CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE

CTM | ISSUE 31 | PAGE 22

Attacks on Western Civilization By Joann H. Buchanan

(Photo: Algerina Perna, AP)

The world watched on April 15th, 2019 as the spires of Notre

director of the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination

Dame became engulphed by flames believed to be caused

against Christians, “France is now the “worst country in

accidentally by maintenance being performed. Leading up to

Europe” for “secularist”, anti-religious intolerance. Attacking

the devastating event that was streamed live on every news

churches is considered a way to attack authority and the

outlet and social media organization, several smaller catholic

patriarchy. “In other words, burning down a church is

churches in France were vandalized and also set on fire.

considered an attack on Western Civilization.

Several sources on the internet state many different numbers; but they all have one thing in common—they are an attack on

With the string of attacks against the very foundation of

Western Civilization.

Western Civilization, Christianity faces rising hostilities all over the world. The acts of violence and rage against Christians

Fox News Anchor Shepherd Smith shut down a French media

stems from the hatred demonstrated by the Islamist of the world

Analyst when he started to speculate if the Notre Dame fire was

who generally despise anything not Muslim. On April 21st,

related to the string of church attacks. Later on, Neil Covuto cut

2019; Easter Sunday—three churches in Sri Lanka and three

off the President for the Catholic League for Religious and

luxury hotels in the commercial capital Colombo were targeted

Civil Rights after the guest wanted to venture into the territory

in a series of coordinated terrorist bombings. The violence

of attacks against Catholic Churches. This has left many

killed at least 257 people and wounded 500 others. Catholic

Christians speculating about the complete lack of transparency

services were cancelled for two weeks in Sri Lanka after the

when it comes to criticizing those involved.

government was warned of more possible attacks.

According to “Church Leaders;’’ a website dedicated to news

Though the terrorist attacks were claimed by jihadist, the

affecting Christians all around the world, two churches in

mainstream media along with ex-President Obama and 2016

France are vandalized daily. Ellen Fantini, the executive

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton all called those

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attacked,“Easter Worshipers” and refused to state the obvious. This was an attack on Christians worshiping on the most important day of the year—the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Between mainstream media hushing the growing issue of attacks against Christians and propaganda machines constantly covering for the quote, religion of peace, it’s very apparent that nothing is going to be done to stop the clash of the two main ideologies on the planet. As long as the media continues to put the kibosh on criticism about Islam, then changes will never be made that will stop the devastation from occurring.

There is an undeniable section of Islam that regards the political activism of Islam's Prophet as a set standard of how modern day Muslims are supposed to react to those who are considered infidels. Through the written rules and regulations, Islam's Prophet sent his jihads against society over a thousand years ago—one that still rages today. There are those who consider the USA an enemy of Islam because of the strong support given to Israel and the Jewish people of the world. Yet the media and liberal politicians continue to stand by quietly about the dangers that reside within the Muslim population and their religion.

Though the incident in Notre Dame wasn’t an act of terrorism, we must ask ourselves if we are ignoring the signs that are occurring all around the world when it comes to the growing hostility toward Christians. Hiding the truth could lead to another genocide…and the fall of Western Civilization itself. As the year continues and the body count rises; we have to ask ourselves when those we choose to lead us are going to step up to the plate and tell the world we have had enough. However, as long as the left continues to play into the propaganda fed by those who despise Western Civilization, changes will not take place and the acceptance of violence against Christians will continue to grow. It may even become expected.

It all begs the question: Will the world stand by and live stream as Christians are killed for no other reason than believing in Jesus Christ?

By Joann H. Buchanan CTM Columnist

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By Steven P. Ray, CTM Columnist & former Iowa GOP gubernatorial candidate &

States must be involved in everything international without financial commitment from other countries, a stark yet notable diversion from past administrations, is very much keenly aware of the problems that are simmering near the boiling point in the Middle East. The president also knows the main threatening actor-state in the region is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The failed Iran nuclear deal was a disaster that former President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State John Kerry forged to get Iran to agree to a reduction in their manufacturing of uranium enrichment for weapons-grade production, more oversight by nuclear inspectors and significantly reducing their heavy-water production as a result of nuclear fuel rod storage.

Iran was NOT conforming to the deal to which Obama gave the Iranian regime $1.7 billion in cash and also lifted sanctions that allowed them access to hundreds of billions of dollars in frozen assets worldwide. President Trump has largely called the Obama-era deal a complete and utter failure for which we gave so much money back to a regime that undoubtedly will use that money to thwart peace efforts in the Middle East.

Iran continues to be one of the most financially-strategic sources for terrorist organizations in the destabilized region. Iran has long continued to interfere with Iraq’s post-war development; the Syrian conflict; its desire to taunt Israel and the west’s support of the small democratic country; and it makes no pretense of its disdain for Saudi Arabia and its ties He keeps going and going and going. Donald J. Trump, our

with the west.

energizer president! Iran provides support for Hezbollah and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs With the post-Mueller Report era upon us, President Donald Trump keeps motivated every day doing what he enjoys immensely: fighting for our country, our people and our way of life. The president is not the type of leader to cower under pressure and let the negative rhetoric of the other side bog him down. This is the trademark of a true leader to find perseverance as an offensive tool to keep winning, and winning we are.

Brigade, both of which target Israel from the outside and within by supporting insurgents to continue fighting against Israeli sovereignty and to push for a Palestinian state at the expense of killing all those that stand in the way of Israeli sovereignty, which is all they ask for in being left alone. There has never been a platform or purpose to create a Palestinian state ever since the nation of Israel was founded in 1948. A Palestinian state is simply found within the borders of the Arab countries in the region.

The president is committed to making many of his key issues prevail. He has continued to work tirelessly on immigration, building the wall and enforcing the law and, augmenting that approach with tariffs on Mexico to hold them accountable.

President Trump has taken extreme and righteous measures to declare the Iranian government as less purposeful than they imagine themselves, a method by a U.S. president longoverdue. His strong leadership in determining Jerusalem as the

President Trump, who has scoffed at the notion the United

capital of Israel and where the U.S. embassy will be housed

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was a not-so-subtle message to Iran that their perceived role in

They realize there is no possible way to do so. The only

determining the fate of the Middle East is no longer in question,

outcome would be their complete annihilation. Likewise,

in fact what Iran wants doesn’t matter anymore to Donald

President Trump has very little interest (sans a complete


provocation) to engage in a war with Iran either. It goes against his desire to bog American troops and resources down

For nearly 4 decades, Iran has utilized its radical religious

on foreign soil when those resources are better spent at home.

leaders to sway their power in the region to accomplish one

thing: destroy Israel. Yet, with all the rhetoric, they can only

The success Trump shares in many of his achievements, that

win by cowardly paying terrorist groups to do their bidding.

will also follow with his dealings in Iran, is that he knows the

Iran knows they fall short of any real military might and they

intricacies of the players and how the deal can best be brokered

also have realized they have met something far beyond their

to give him a win and for them to feel they didn’t really lose.

match today: President Donald Trump.

In these cases knowing you didn’t really lose is simply understanding that you were never going to out-whit Donald

President Trump will be last person made to feel held hostage

Trump. And that my friends is the art of any good deal.

by the Iranian regime in his efforts to build-up Israel and

protect its sovereignty and democratic ideals. He also knows

All the more reason the United States needs Donald J. Trump to

that maintaining a close relationship with Saudi Arabia assures

remain president after the 2020 election!

Iran’s disgust while ensuring the United States possesses strategic land space for mobilization in the region if military intervention should ever ensue. Further, President Trump adds to Iran’s frustrations by keeping a tight net around the Syrian conflict to ensure Iran is not able to spread that conflict further toward Israel or its occupied territories.

By signaling to the world that he categorically rejects the Obama-led Iranian deal, President Trump has single-handedly taken control of the world stage in how Iran is perceived and how they will be handled in the years and months ahead. Iran has been left with little wiggle-room and, most certainly, Iran has been minimized from an oil-rich nation, whose leaders wish they could control nuclear weapons and destroy the U.S. and Israel, to a rogue nation that only has power through financially-supported terrorist groups. That is a label no country can gain credibility by and President Trump has them right where he wants them.

The president, just the other day, said if Iran ever wants to talk to him he is always available. A signal the president is far from done in his dealings with Iran. They will never have success in threatening our allies, including Israel, so long as President Trump is in charge, and they know that. There is a sneaking suspicion that the Iranians will ask to come to the table sometime soon. It will help their cause in the long run, but any false rhetoric on their intentions will be rooted-out by Trump, unequivocally. Trump will have a long list of conditions they must meet in order to be treated with any kind of fairness as a sovereign nation, the least of which will be their complete abandonment of their nuclear programs and their end to threats to Israel. President Trump will accept nothing less.

Iran’s leaders are conscious enough outside their radicalized thought process to understand they would never win a war against the United States.

Steven P. Ray

CTM | ISSUE 31 | PAGE 26

Understanding Capitalism versus Socialism The Parable of the American Pie By Christopher Grahn Howard

The current state of the American economy is a fascinating

The reality here is that there are two views on our pie.

battle between those who favor a socialist model versus the

Socialists look at the pie and see people without pie and want

capitalist model. This dialogue is not as simple as it may sound.

them to have some. Remember, compassion at any cost is the

There are many intentional and natural forces at work. If, by

liberal view. The plan then becomes one of sharing or

chance, you have read my previous article concerning the

redistributing pie. In the socialist view, there is always a finite

delicate balance between too much and too little government

amount of pie. In a world with a finite amount of pie, there is

intervention, this article is a companion. The appeal to

only one way for people to have more pie...redistribute and

socialists is the ability of the government to force social change

regulate pie. Sadly, Liberals and socialists never see the ability

and the attempt to force equality of outcomes. This approach

to grow, produce more of anything. There is always a finite

denies any other outcome which in turn violates the liberty of a

amount of pie, money, and means of production.

person or group of people to enjoy a differing outcome. One

Conservatives/capitalists want you to have this pie as well.

that may or may not be better than the prescribed one.

They want to make more; more varieties, more flavors, more! Capitalists believe that more pie can always be made and

In addition to the desire to force a social outcome, the natural


progression of government is to get larger, take more control, and to dominate the markets in which it engages. Economic

Remember that pie represents your happiness, your American

freedom is the key to real freedom. It is as simple and as

Dream. When we use the government to ‘fix” problems; then

complex as that. The right to fail is as much a part of the

we are asking the government to make decisions about our

American dream as a success. So, what is the American dream

happiness and to regulate the American dream. Where is the

and is it a socialist or capitalist one?

Constitutional Liberty in that? I do believe that the government wants us all to enjoy the pie. If the government is the chosen

The answer is like fantastic apple pie. Apple pie so amazing

answer, that will preclude any other option being presented.

that it is the shining example of American culinary greatness. I

Nothing can compete with the Government. Every time the

am talking about a large fresh steaming pie with a perfectly

government is supplying the product or service, which denies

flaky crust, the best tart apples, sweet gooey brown sugar, and

an individual/s from providing that service and that always

cinnamon, that makes the whole house smell great for hours.

denies happiness.

Pie so good you can hear it begging for good vanilla bean ice cream and a glass of milk. We are talking about such an

I am not suggesting that no regulation or laws should be in

amazing apple pie that just thinking about it makes your mouth

place by our government or that some sort of capitalistic

water and brings back a flood of happy thoughts, from the

anarchy is a viable economic construct. Rather, true capitalism

aroma alone. Are you hungry for your American dream yet?

suggests that every “baker of pie” has the right to improve on the pie, produce more pie, and sell that pie in another market –

The American dream is that pie, or rather the pursuit of that

at a profit of course. The consequence of over-regulation is that

succulent pie. Liberals and Conservatives, socialists and

no variations can take place; profit margins are determined in a

capitalists all look at that pie in amazement. The entire world

vacuum and not based on the fluctuating demand for pie.

agrees that it is the best pie ever. Pie so wonderfully amazing that everyone should have a taste of some of it. Pie so

Real capitalism is about the seller and purchaser in exchange

wonderfully made that just a taste will make you happy. So, the

and that both parties have benefited from that exchange. Sadly,

question stands, how do we get pie for everyone? This is where

this is rarely the case; as a consumer that exchange is more one-

the agreement ends.

sided in favor of the seller and no longer a mutually beneficial exchange. Why? We have lost sight of the real value of our

The American dream can be anything you want, it is personal,

money and thus, accept the uneven exchange as a part of the

sometimes private, always a part of who you are and want to


be. Your pursuit of happiness defines you. As discussed, when our founding fathers agreed to the language of the Pursuit of

We have lost sight of the idea that our money is the product of

Happiness, what they were referring to be the right of citizens

our labor and it is not a means to an end but the representation

to own property which will enable a citizen to enjoy and or

of our potential happiness. This is not to be confused with

keep the fruits of their labor.


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Remember, your money, produce, product and labor are the fruit of your effort. You should be able to enjoy it and as much as possible. Stuff does not equal happiness, rather the pride in your work and the various joys that can bring are happiness and that is what you have a right to pursue.

What if pie with more or less cinnamon becomes more or less in demand? Does the regulation allow for this variance in ingredients? Remember, we agreed on the perfect pie...can we change it? If more cinnamon is in demand, will the government’s pies be worth as much? This pie is now your regulated happiness. Capitalists want more happiness, not less. Regulated happiness is not more or true happiness.

The second issue at work is redistribution – pies get stale quickly. No one can argue that a warm fresh pie with ice cream (oops, may not be allowed under health regulations) is fantastic, mouthwatering even. Such a pie is clearly worth more than a pie made in DC and shipped to Missouri and then reheated. Something is lost. How much happiness can that pie bring? Rather pie made in Missouri, taken to DC and then shipped to those needing pie, is that better? Liberals argue that it is better than no pie at all. I agree, but why settle for less? Socialists think this is the only way.

People in Missouri, Arizona, Wisconsin, etc. can make pie, maybe more so, to create and bake fresh new pies. Does a stale, cold, reheated pie inspire like the fresh one? Would it not be more cost effective to make the pie where it is needed/desired?

Capitalists believe that local pie, fresh pie, the warm pie is, in fact, better pie. That anyone who has the desire to work hard and take some risk can make better pies. Yes, we believe there needs to be some regulation for the common good. Not so much as to restrict the bakers of our American Dream to improve the quality of, freshness of the pie. What if the desire for pie shifted to cherry? Now the government would have to define the perfect cherry pie. Why? This kind of over-regulation could keep the good cherry pie from people for years, decades even while the definition is being worked out in Washington. You’re denied happiness yet again. Remember, pie is your American dream.

The cost of this debate and the regulation that follows could make the cherry pie too costly to produce. Remember that the government already took some of your happiness to create these regulations; which are now making pie cost more. Which in turn will mean fewer people will have the new fresh pie… so the government can take more of your happiness…you get the idea. True capitalists want you to have whatever pie you want; however, you want it and whenever you want. Better policies make a better pie.

Christopher Grahn Howard

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In April 2019 Israel launched a spacecraft called Beresheet. It’s

after Russia, America and China. Beresheet was carrying an

goal was to land on the Moon and conduct scientific activities.

assignment of Israeli and American technology. These

This was not an ordinary machine built by the Israeli

instruments included a magnetic field detector, a laser

government, it was a private enterprise set up by three founders

retroreflector and a “time capsule” containing a digital

called SpaceIL. The name Beresheet means Genesis in Hebrew.

collection of people’s names that contributed to the spaceflight,

It was one of the greatest achievements in Israel’s history as a

books, drawings from Israeli schoolchildren, songs and records

sovereign nation.

of the culture and history of Israel.

This is a wholly remarkable achievement for a small country

Beresheet was launched in a shared ride to space aboard a

that has some of the greatest science and technology creators in

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Florida. I

the Middle East. The spacecraft has a nifty design that was built

remember watching the launch quite vividly. I was amazed at

from funding to SpaceIL, which is a non-profit organisation,

how this small country with high ambitions can achieve

mostly from private donors and capital investment. Beresheet

something this big. It represents the grand ambition of people

carried the hopes and dreams of Israel with the intention of

with strong determination and endless creativity. But Israel’s

winning the Google Lunar X Prize contest. A $20 million prize

scientific achievements are also found much closer to Earth.

for private industries to win on successfully landing a

Since gaining independence in 1948 Israel has provided some

spacecraft on the Moon.

useful solutions to innovations to the world.

Unfortunately Beresheet crashed just as it was about 500 feet

Israelis have given many great inventions and discoveries to the

above the Lunar surface. The cause of the crash was due to a

world. As a desert nation in it’s early years it learnt how to

break in the spacecraft’s communications channel. This mission

solve water shortages. In 1965 an engineer called Simcha Blass

would have made Israel the fourth nation to land on the Moon

discovered by accident that plants which get water in small

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amounts can grow more efficiently than being watered over

In 1923 he visited and planted a palm tree in the grounds of

intervals of time. This led to the invention of the drip irrigation

the campus. Today the university provides degrees across a

system, which allows farmers to water crops and plants with a

broad spectrum of different scientific subjects form aerospace

constant supply of water. Making Israel one of the most fertile

engineering to medicine. Another of Israel’s finest research

lands in the Middle East. Then there is computing and

establishments is the Weizmann Institute of Science founded in

electronic engineering. These days personal data and digital

1934 by Chaim Weizmann a biochemist and Zionist leader.

media is carried around on a small block of plastic with an

Over 3800 scientists and students work here focusing on

interface known as the USB flash drive. This was a product of

natural and exact science. The Weizmann Institute also boasts

the Israeli based M-systems and developed with IBM under the

it’s own particle accelerator developed in collaboration with

leadership of Dov Moran in 1998. With this inexpensive high

Canada, that attracts researchers from across the world working

capacity memory gadget, we can carry all the files and media

on high energy particle physics. Israel’s appreciation of

that we treasure in our pockets and bring them to life on our

scientific intellectuals reaches into high places of the Knesset.

electronic gadgets. All of which have a standardised universal

Some of it’s politicians are scientists as well. They even asked

connecting port.

Albert Einstein to become Israel’s second president. In November 1952 US ambassador to Israel Abba Eban wrote to

Uber is a taxi company that provides a means for customers to

Einstein asking him to run for Israel’s next president with the

hire a ride from their phones by allowing the driver to home in

incentive of having freedom to pursue his great scientific work

on the customer using the GPS network. The process that

afforded by the government and the people that are conscious

makes this work was first developed by an Israeli software

of his achievements. Einstein refused to take the offer stating

company called Gett in 2009. It’s creators might started later

that he wanted ‘to carry on with his theoretical physics studies

than Uber but the technology they have allows for more secure

in America because politics would make his intelligence suffer

and safe passenger usage.

as he lacked the experience to deal with people and official functions’. Had Einstein been elected to run for office perhaps

Israel has also made great strides in medicine and life sciences.

Israel would have made great strides in bringing technological

Among them are biological pest control systems that breed

advances to the Middle East. Enabling the region to build

beneficial insects for pollination and pest control. This is useful

bridges to the West. Most scientists are more attached to their

for countries that have a decline in bee populations, which are

objective thinking that they struggle to understand people. But

vital for botany and apiculture. I would dread to think of a

Einstein may be more difficult around people than others. After

world without honey, which has some very good antibacterial

his death his brain was preserved for anatomy purposes and

properties for human nutrition. Israeli inventors Gabi Iddan and

studies on his brain have revealed that he may have been

Paul Swain achieved another medical marvel in 1997 with the

autistic. As an autistic myself I find this connection to be

invention of the Pillcam. A micro-sized camera that a patient

valuable because it shows that neurodivergent people including

can swallow and use to see the inside of the body for medical

autistics have special neurological abilities. In my book A

purposes. A much more pleasant and useful alternative to a

Puzzle in a Tunnel I wrote about the need for acceptance and

colonoscopy for examining the digestive tract.

the right of self-determination for autism. I have read about the story of the Jews and their fight for self determination in

Recently Israeli scientists at Tel Aviv University have made a

creating Israel. Their story inspires my advocacy for

breakthrough in developing first ever 3D-printed heart

acceptance of my autism and getting people to embrace my

complete with working cells and blood vessels. This artificial

abilities, intelligence, creativity and usefulness. By getting

heart is a massive improvement on the spare organ market

people to see value in the neurodiversity movement we can

which has relied mostly on mechanical tickers made out of

expel that negative depiction of autistic people as helpless,

stainless steel, which can only support people with heart

pathetic and vulnerable creatures that have no way of

disease for up to a few months. This 3D-printed heart is

connecting with people socially or emotionally. Israelis

composed of biosynthetic ink, vascularised and perfusable

understand this and have just started to value autistic people. In

meaning that blood can be pushed through the vessels. In effect

2013 the Israeli Defence Force started to recruit autistics into a

this means that we have an artificial heart that perfectly mimics

special taskforce to harness their unique aptitudes or as they

the functions of an organic human organ. Israel’s successful

call it their ‘superpowers’. This programme is called Roim

ability to be self-sufficient and creative in making itself a

Rachok, Hebrew for ‘seeing into the future’ and consists of

technological paradise is owed to the government’s

autistic teens using the highly prized analytical skills to

commitment to providing a strong technical education to it’s

interpret intelligence data. Making autistic brains useful in

people. When Israel was first established in the break up of the

defending Israel’s borders against it’s troublesome neighbours.

Ottoman empire in the 1920s the Jews were determined to not

This programme in the military has given them opportunities

only have their own homeland, but to be capable of making

that they can transfer into civilian life after doing active service

themselves able to build it as a powerful nation with the

in the IDF. I have great commendation for Israel for their

greatest technical expertise they could create.

scientific accomplishments. They represent a shining light in

Many of the founders of Israel’s scientific institutes were

the world. It’s a hive of intellectual creativity, intelligence and

European Jews. Amongst them was Albert Einstein. He

ability. With what they have achieved recently for autistics I

contributed to the founding of Israel’s first public research

hope that there will come more remarkable ideas. Not bad for a

university called the Technion.

small country with big dreams.

CTM | ISSUE 31 | PAGE 30


I remember when being a member of the Democratic Party

The Holy Bible asks the question “Can two walk together,

meant something. I remember the when Democrats said things

accept they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3 KJV). There is Power in

like “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You, But What


You Can Do for Your Country”. I ask the Democratic Party that same question today as President John F. Kennedy did over

We are a Nation of immigrants. The people of this country have

50 years ago to the American citizens. Unfortunately, this

made this a great nation. Our country is comprised of many

question has fallen on the deaf ears of our present Democratic

nations, tongues and kindreds. I find it confusing that our

Party members.

government who represents or should represent its people cannot come together despite their differences. If our

The Democratic party of today is doing what Lawyers often do,

businesses in this country ran the way the government does,

file lawsuits. We the People need more than that from our

they would all go bankrupt. In any endeavor it is hard to be

public servants, yes, public servants. A lot of so-called

successful if one side refuses to come to the table without

politicians have forgotten who put them in office. The

trying to start a fight. The Democratic Party leaders dislike

American people elected President Trump, and I for one

President Trump, but do they also hate the American citizens,

believe it was our best decision in years.

because we are the ones that are hurt by their policies.

I believe it is time for the Democratic Party to meet the

According to the May 2019 measuring

Republican Party in the middle so we all can help make

performance; new data shows absolute economic destruction

America greater than it has ever been. I say to my friends in the

when Former President Obama held office. They also show an

Democratic Party a quote from an unwise and violent abusive

almost complete turnaround in the short time President Trump

man, and I quote “Can’t We All Just Get Along”. You can learn

has held office.

something even from a fool if he makes a wise statement. People have used this quote for years. He is gone now, but this

You must be insane not to notice the changes in our country’s

quote lives on. It is his Legacy.

economy. I have said it many times before. Things are finally getting done. The Democrats are talking loud and saying

I believe that the Democratic Party will have another President

nothing. They are truly as stubborn as Donkeys, but thank God

someday but let’s help this President who has done a lot of

for the Elephant, because they have great memories. President

good for our country. I have lived for a few years, and I have

Trump did not take office and forget his promise to the

never seen a perfect President, but to the Democratic Party.

American people as many so-called politicians have done. He

You cannot deny the good that has occurred for women and

remembered his promises and has gone out of his way to bring

minorities since President Trump has been elected into office.

them to fruition. I have even heard some in the Democratic

The Democratic Party is acting like those people who cut you

Party complain about him doing things to keep his promise. It

off in traffic, and then flip you the bird. President Trump

is like the co-worker saying to another worker, you are making

always gives opportunity for the Democratic Party to respond

us look bad, because you are doing your job too well.

and have their investigations. It is costing our country a lot. It is a waste of time and money what the Democratic Party is

I was so upset before writing my column, because of all the

doing. What have they done in the last two years?

foolishness going on in Washington D.C. The Democratic Party has spent the last 2 years on a witch hunt. The country is doing

I love a President like President Trump. He is always working

much better, but all they do is complain. They are like little

for the good of the American people, like a dad trying to

children who did not get their way. They cry and cry and cry

prevent his child from being mistreated. Great job Mr.

sing that, they done me wrong song. I for one am fed up with

President, I will vote for you again if you promise to continue

their bickering and childish behavior. Please for the sake of the

being you. Don’t let anyone change you. You are blessed.

American citizens grow up.

The Democratic Party has an opportunity to make this session

I would like someone to come up with a line item

of Congress and the House the best in history, all they must do

impeachment. The Democratic Party is always calling for the

is work with all parties, to make America Greater than ever.

impeachment of President Trump. I would like to impeach the

CTM | ISSUE 31 | PAGE 31

Democratic Party. The Party should be the Tea Party and The Republican Party. I am so sick of the Democratic Party trying to jump into the limelight. I am not mentioning any names in this article on purpose. I am just venting.

I love America and I want to see us do much better. I believe what God says in his Word the Holy Bible (KJV). “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap”. We need to stop sowing death through on-demand Abortion, Violent Video Games, and Bullying which sometimes leads to suicide and or school shootings. Seed time and harvest will continue as long as the earth continues. We need to plant seeds of life. We need to dwell together in unity as a people and a government.

I would like to take a moment and thank the American people for believing that things can change. I would also like to thank our President for sticking to his guns and not being pushed back by the Democratic Party’s witch hunts. I am proud to be an American.

I would like to thank you for reading this article. I feel as though I have something to say. I would like to thank the C.E.O of Christian Times Magazine Anil Anwar and his staff for giving me this opportunity to share my views on the present goings on in this Great Nation.

This is Pastor David Colbert saying God Bless America and The World.

By David A. Colbert


The National Association of Women’s Prison Reform and Men’s Prison Reform, was born out of a strong desire to change the way women and men re-enter the workforce after serving their prison time. Inspired by our founder Jennifer Rogers’ true story of great injustice and great success, we are committed to training, hiring and teaching women and men how to thrive after prison.

With the right tools, women and men can access more than just day-to-day employment; they can secure high paying jobs with benefits, identify their strengths and find their voice. Now in the top 1% of women in sales for the last nine years, Jennifer leads our mission by setting an example of the modern model citizen. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, we are committed to expanding our services to support women and men across the country, helping them achieve the equality they deserve.

Harnessing the power of justice to help formerly incarcerated women and men establish themselves in the workforce.

By empowering formerly incarcerated women and men to advance their careers with companies that are seeking outsourced calling support, we are bridging the gap between time behind bars and a life worth living.

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