This Publication treats the subject of the Quran and the reason for presenting this is due to a rise in Islamic terrorism which has caused great concern to many in the West. So with the current massive influx of Muslim’s migrating from the various parts of the world into Europe, Great Britain and the USA,Â
State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor
******************************************************************* VOTE FOR STEVEN P. RAY, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018! *******************************************************************
Thank you for taking a moment to read a little about my campaign and my vision for a better Iowa as I prepare for the June 5, 2018, GOP primary election. I have over 29 years of government experience in public safety and serving as a local elected official in my hometown of Boone. I look forward to applying my vast experience successfully as our state’s chief executive. I would appreciate your support and please consider a contribution to our campaign.
A Governor Ray will support: ✓
✓ ✓
All public employees at city, county and state levels. Public employees are NOT the problem in government. Our elected leaders, and those they appoint to key positions, are the problem with their lack of vision and ability to prioritize budgeting tax dollars to provide the best service for Iowans. Agriculture and continue making it #1 for Iowa’s economy. I support Iowa family farm operations 100%. Education for Iowa’s children and fully funding educational initiatives 100%, while ensuring that education is controlled completely at the local level where our teachers know what is best for our students. Iowa law enforcement and our peace officers every single day, not just during tough times. Our men and women in law enforcement will know every day they have their governor solidly behind them as they enforce our laws and protect our citizens. Law and order will be a top priority. A Governor Ray would be an unprecedented supporter of Iowa law enforcement. The state focusing on mental health issues and support for those who need it. This is an area of great concern and it must be dealt with effectively for the families it affects and to keep those needing mental health assistance out of the criminal justice system and in treatment where their real medical issues can be addressed by professionals and not law enforcement. We must stop burdening our local county sheriffs, and their budgets, in dealing with these issues. Not tackling this problem head-on immediately is a serious public safety threat and poses a significant hazard for our peace officers who often interact with those afflicted with mental illness. The 2nd Amendment and oppose all laws that would restrict the constitutional rights of gun owners. Lawabiding citizens have the right to protect themselves and their families.
Laws requiring waiting period for abortions, abortion bans after a specific gestational period and no taxsupported subsidies for women’s health clinics that perform abortions. A Governor Ray would support abortions for women who are victims of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is compromised by their pregnancy. ✓ Current laws regarding gay rights and marriage. There are many gay Iowans who also support Republican causes but have not felt welcome in our party. This philosophy must change and we must continue to focus on broadening our party with those that share different ideas and views. Our party must become more inclusive and I want to see it grow and be a part of helping our party increase identified members. ✓ Bipartisanship and, as governor, would extend my hand across the aisle to the other party to work together for the betterment of Iowa. Political ideology cannot stand in the way of common sense and doing what is right for ALL Iowans. ✓ Stronger laws to protect our companion animals. As an animal advocate, a Governor Ray would support stiffer penalties for those who deliberately harm domesticated animals and pets. ✓ Our Iowa veterans and would like to work with our legislature to create a veteran benefit bonus for those that have served our nation and protected our rights and lives as a free people back home and for those abroad who have lived under oppression by dictators and evil demagogues. ✓ I will be 100% accountable as governor for anything that goes bad and will not care who gets the credit when things are going well.
Experienced, Dedicated, and Trustworthy ➢
➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢
Over 29-year career in public safety with combined government service experience at the city, county, state and federal level. Career spanned 7 years with the Boone County Sheriff’s Office and over 22 years with the Iowa Department of Public Safety Presently a Boone City Council member at-large, also serving as mayor pro-tem, present chair of the city’s policy and administration and public safety & transportation committees and former chair of the economic development committee. Local elected official since 2004. Long-time and current member of the Boone County 9-1-1 Service Board and the Boone County Emergency Management Commission. Past member of the state of Iowa 9-1-1 Communications Council for 11 years, and chair of the council for over 8 years. Helped manage the state of Iowa’s AMBER Alert program for 14 years and remains a strong advocate for our children’s safety with extensive training and experience in this area. Serving since 2002 as a local board member of the federal Selective Service Commission, elevated to the state of Iowa district appeal board in 2017. Boone High School Class of 1988; graduate of DMACC, Boone campus, 1990; BA Political Science, Iowa State University, 1992; graduate of the Certified Public Manager program, Drake University, 2012.
Steven and his wife, Lisa, a licensed practical nurse, have two adult daughters and live in Boone. They have 4 Boston Terriers and one cat. Steven left his full-time employment with the state of Iowa in late August 2017 to focus his entire attention on the 2018 GOP primary campaign and his vision of a better Iowa, responsible government and to work hard for a brighter future for ALL Iowans. It is time for a change in leadership and direction in our state’s capitol. With your help and support, we can make that change and make a positive difference in the lives of our state’s citizens and for our state’s future. Again, we would appreciate your support and considering contributions to our campaign for a better Iowa. Please visit our website at for more information on the issues. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor
State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor
CONTACT US CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE 113 East Elm Street Sedan Kansas 67361, USA 812-567-3618
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WELCOME Welcome to the Iowa First Issue of Christian Times Magazine, Christian Times Magazine Iowa First Issue designed especially for the people of Iowa who really like News and Political articles and consider picking up a News & Political magazine. This is for readers who want to up-to-date with political, Religious and Entertainment News. While as a nation We aim to cut through the confusion and give you clear, sensible and reliable information and News from writers and experts that you can trust. Iowa 1st issue Leading article Navigating the Eternal Sea by Steven P Ray, For Iowa Governor 2018 We want it to be entertaining and informative, at times contrary, but above all useful. Inside you’ll find a mixture of news, features and Monthly regular columns/articles on a wide range of News and Political related topics. I hope you enjoy this First Iowa Issue and do let us know if there are any article you’d like to see covered in the future.
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DAVID CLARKE Operations Editor
CONTRIBUTORS Steven P Ray Christopher Grahn Howard Matthew Snape
Please be aware that all the articles published in Christian Times magazine are the personal views of writers / columnist and not necessarily the views of Christian Times Magazine.Our views are expressed in our CTM Bylaws . Our Church History’ ‘Bierton Particular Baptists "Articles of Religion" you can get directly from us on request. You are welcome to question or raise objections to anything written.
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UNINSTALLING DACA By Christopher Grahn Howard
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Fighting the establishment as a true outsider with an absence of power By Steven P. Ray, GOP candidate for governor of Iowa
Theologians have long determined the term “eternal sea,”
I have thought about running for governor of Iowa for many
quoted in the Bible, as referring to the world of politics. The
years. I wanted the timing to be right for me and my family. I
world of politics, or the inner-workings perhaps, along with its
have worked many years in my career, but was nowhere close
“sausage-making” productivity, can seem to conflict with the
to retirement age. We had a long-time governor that was
role within all of us as we profess our daily Christian values.
potentially poised for retirement, at some point, but then was named ambassador to China by President Donald Trump.
I have lived around public service and politics, and am now in my third decade of working in it, throughout my over 47 years
His lieutenant governor was to take over in mid-2017 and
of life. Public service has been sacred to me and I have
would still pose a challenge as an incumbent successor with
achieved great personal satisfaction from the time and
time to establish her own course by primary election time in
devotion of my life to serving the needs of my fellow citizens.
June 2018. This was a tough decision, but I decided to take
My time in public safety work, to serving my community on the
the plunge. If not now, I faced either a newly incumbent
city council, along with my lifetime of exposure to the
winning a first full-term to face in 4 years, or a new governor
workings of public service and politics, prepared me well for
from the Democrats who also would have a term under their
serving my fellow citizens. I always said that serving on a city
belt in 4 years as well. It seemed logical to try now, but the task
council was the best practice to running for higher office
would be guaranteed monumental. I put great faith in God
because you learn quickly how your decisions as a leader
and our Savior Jesus Christ to guide me in everything that I do.
affect those closest to you. It’s much easier to run for an office
I am not rich, independently wealthy, or come from a
where you can sit in your ivory tower and make decisions that
background where there are no worries about the future of
affect your constituents, but you are so far removed from them
myself and my family. The decision was made, but it has
that how it truly affects them doesn’t matter and, for some
proven to be just as difficult as I had imagined it would be. As
elected officials, that seems to work best.
Christians, we are taught to see the good everything we can.
State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor
- PAGE 10 -
As difficult as that can be, I try so very hard. We have seen so
constituents should be a more common occurrence, not an
many things of importance neglected in society and in my
anomaly that still attracts little attention. While no mere mortal
state of Iowa as well. Politics as usual, the rough eternal sea,
could ever assume the understanding of the challenges our
sweeps across the land and, yet, it seems that the electorate
Savior endured during His time on this earth, Jesus
remains apathetic, quick to criticize how government works, or
understood what it was like going against the establishment.
lacks effective response, but voters still go out and vote back-
We all learn from Him how to manage those tough times and
in the same people repeatedly. When, at some point, will
keep the faith that he taught us to behold, pursue and
people look for true change in their political leaders? When
cherish. I am trying to do the same and continue to fight for my
will people long for a true, positive change in those they elect
place in the vast eternal sea. I don’t know if this will be my
to represent them? I believe our Christian faith dictates
time, or another time will come for me to help my fellow
tolerance, even to those that have differing views. Whether it is
human beings in a role of leadership, but I will persevere with
our views on abortion from a social aspect, or on the economy,
time and with my continued faith.
Christian leaders must do their due diligence by using their leadership ability to draw people into the fold and not leave
Whenever it happens, if it happens, I will give my solemn
them out. To do otherwise creates division and, just perhaps,
promise, through my faith, that I will be a leader for everyone
gives voters no real reason to believe in a change of their
and a voice for those who felt they never had one. That is what
views for themselves. We can’t change everyone and that isn’t
we owe one another among our shared faith as Christians.
our role. Faith in God and Jesus Christ is what it takes for others to have the epiphany needed to make real change in their views toward how our society is best set to handle the future and lead our lives in devotion to our faith. Which, in turn, brings me back to the basics of maneuvering the sea of politics. We see so much that has continued to test our faith as it relates to government and politics. To run for governor, you are trying to show that you can separate yourself from others with an ability to truly lead for the people of your state. Unfortunately, those already in charge seem to have lost touch with that and many, I believe, who seek to run for higher office, are off-shoots of the establishment and more fortunate people who, by all accounts, are good people but will never bring real change because they don’t bring with them the knowledge of what they have witnessed done incorrectly in government for decades, as I have, and know the detrimental effects of an ineffective government which can have real consequences for the average citizen. I decided to run for governor as an agent of that real, needed change. I am a true outsider because I am not part of the establishment, I am not a current governor who had the job handed to them on a silver-platter, I am not a lawyer or a doctor or professional politician who didn’t have to work under the decisions they made in government that affected other real people, such as myself and others I know so well. The media is just as responsible for allowing politicians to continue in power as the voters that put them there. The media could care less that someone, such as me, who gave-up his career to try and make his state better for everyone and decided with his wife to try and live off her salary as a nurse, even though my wife gave me all the support in the world to do so. But, if I messed-up, just as others in politics have, they’d be all over me for that story. Trying to be a normal guy, running for office and trying to do well for his
Steven P. Ray, GOP candidate for governor of Iowa
State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor
10 By Matthew Snape Senior Columnist CTM
If there was ever an ideal time for the Democrats to be slaughtered in mid-term elections, then it is now. Since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, they have thwarted his keystone policies at every opportunity. They have taken advantage of Trump’s political inexperience and allied with anti-Trump Republicans to destroy his agenda. For them, the Trump presidency has not been about the national interest; it has been about self-interest.
The recent shutdown of the federal government will do
opposition have put illegal immigrants’ interests above
the Democrats no long-termfavors. The publicity they
the American people’s. It was Trump’s anti-
have received from the mainstream media for it has
establishment agenda which won him scores of votes
been appalling and they have played into the
from Hillary Clinton in traditional Democrat heartlands.
President’s hands, who tweeted at the time that his
If they hope to regain in the states that
- PAGE 13 -
abandoned the Democrats for Trump, they are not doing it the right way. They are alienating their core voters more. After his failure to repeal Obamacare, the President needs a stronger support base in Congress to pass through his radical measures. He has made significant changes to the makeup of the Supreme Court. Last November, he lined up five prospective conservative candidates to fill a Supreme Court vacancy. Prior to that, he named Neil Grouch to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia, which restored the Supreme Court’s conservative majority. He now needs to ensure both Houses of Congress are filled with Republican politicians who support his policies. However, there is no sufficient reason to believe the President will not win scores of victories in the 2018 midterm elections. Here are ten reasons why
Photo Credit: Lucy Nicholson | Reuters Also, Oprah Winfrey hinted that she would run for president in 2020. She was also pictured on numerous occasions with Mr. Weinstein, even though she spoke out against Hollywood’s
Republicans can win :-
sex culture. Where was she when all this was happening? Why
1. The Democrats are still tarnished for their association with
like the Clinton's and the Obama's more vocal about Mr.
celebrities. Last year’s Harvey Weinstein scandal shook the
Weinstein when he was found guilty? If there is one card the
Hollywood establishment to its core.
Republicans should play well during the midterm elections, it
did she not speak out then? Why weren’t Democrat grandees
should be this one.
2. The Democrats’ track record in US politics and history is an appalling one. This party is morally bankrupt, and many questionable individuals have been allowed to progress within its ranks. Fox journalist Katie Pavlich said in her book the Republicans have also allowed corrupt characters to strive Photo Source CNN Numerous celebrities who trashed Trump in the mainstream media prior to his victory have been pictured with the former producer, including Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep, who are outspoken critics of the President.Before he was elected, many celebrities jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon after his sex tape was leaked to the press. KATIE PAVLICH PHOTO COURTESY WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
strive within their party too, but they do not pretend to have a monopoly over basic human values; the Democrats do. The Democrats are the party of the Kennedy's, whose most Jessica Drake Porn actress sex with 100's of men blaim on Trump that He touched her
famous president, John F. Kennedy, had a suspicious background because of his involvement with Marilyn Munroe.
However, Hollywood hypocrisy was exposed at its finest after many of these same celebrities who did everything in their power to stop Trump winning were pictured with Mr. Weinstein. If Hollywood teams together to produce more cringe worthy propaganda urging Americans to vote for anyone but the Republicans, like they did during the last presidential election, the GOP could play on this and remind CBS PHOTO ARCHIVE/GETTY; ALFRED EISENSTAEDT/THE LIFE PICTURE COLLECTION/GETTY
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3. The Democrats’ economic recovery this decade has been a marginal one. Many are praising Barack Obama for rescuing the economy from the 2008 Recession. This is a huge misconception the GOP need to stress to the electorate.This could be where they can use the Democrats’ past to win.The Democrats are only interested in keeping Americans poor. Why is it that a party with a history of discriminating and enslaving black Americans is the home for black voters? THIS OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PHOTO OF MONICA LEWINSKY AND BILL CLINTON, TAKEN NOV. 17, 1995, WAS INCLUDED IN INDEPENDENT COUNSEL KENNETH STARR'S REPORT ON THE EX-POTUS. (AP)
Because the Democrats lie to voters about what they will do for them to lift them out of poverty. Their answer to creating wealth is for the state to intervene. Because if there were no poor Americans, the Democrats would have no one to vote for them. As I said earlier, the Republicans should play on their
Bill Clinton was the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter to win a
opponent’s past. Using the subprime mortgage crisis as an
presidential victory in 1992, and then another one in 1996. Yet
example, the Democrats used this policy to create poorer
his past is far from clean. He lied under oath that he was not
Americans. The intention behind the scheme was for every
having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, but was caught
American, regardless of their financial background, to be
doing the opposite. assuming many of the videos circulating
given a chance to own their own home. Yet many of them
round social media of Mr. Clinton engaging in sexual activity
could not afford the mortgage rates. George W. Bush
with anyone but Hillary are accurate, then he has learnt
cottoned on to this during his first term, but the Democrats
nothing from the 1990s. Despite this, the electorate won’t be
stopped him in 2003 from reforming subprime mortgages. In
interested in the Democrats’ past. Every Republican will know
2005, the Head of the Federal Reserve warned Congress they
this is the party that supported slavery and then the Jim Crow
need to end the housing bubble. In 2006, John McCain
Laws that legalized discrimination against black Americans
brought in a bill to curb subprime mortgages, but by then the
until 1965. Most GOP voters will be aware that this was the
housing crisis was too late to stop. At least Senator McCain
party that legalized subprime mortgages under Carter’s
tried to do something about it. As a result, President Bush had
presidency in 1977 and disrupted George W. Bush’s attempts
to increase the debt ceiling that same year. A young senator
in the 2000s to reform this scheme. It is the floating voters that
called Barack Obama described Bush’s decision as a failure of
the Republicans need to convince. They will want to know
leadership, yet he did not vote on Senator McCain’s bill. And
now why they should not vote for these hypocrites. The
now, Mr. Obama takes the credit for rescuing the economy
Republicans need to play on the Democrats’ failure to support
from a mess his party created in the late ‘70s. The Democrats
the President at every turn. Even though both Houses of
take the Americans for fools. The GOP should remind them not
Congress have a GOP majority, instead of voting for policies in
to do it again.
the national interest, the Democrats have allied with antiTrump Republicans to try and cancel policies the electorate
4. The economy is recovering at a rapid rate under Trump. To
voted for. These include repealing Obamacare and the tax
coin a phrase from Mr. Clinton- ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’
cuts the President passed through Congress before
Unemployment is at its lowest in seventeen years and the
stock markets are reaching record highs. GDP growth in the third quarter of 2017 was three per cent. Trump’s policies have accelerated this. His tax reforms slashed corporation tax to twenty-one per cent and he has repealed other regulations that hindered growth. The Republicans must demonstrate they are proud of this record over a year into Trump’s presidency if they hope to do well this year. 5. Established Republicans are retiring at a record pace. This includes Representative Sam Johnson (Texas), who first joined the House of Representatives in 1991; Representative
As mentioned earlier, they have now put the interests of illegal immigrants before Americans and shut down the federal government. This is not a party concerned about the United States, with maybe a few exceptions. If the Republicans hope to win in 2018, they need to remind the floaters which party is on their side; the GOP.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida), who first arrived in Capitol Hill in 1989, and Representative John Duncan (Tennessee).These are opponents of Trump’s agenda. The President has an opportunity to field candidates who support his political outlook. Trump must also learn from the mistakes made in Alabama. Roy Moore was a disastrous candidate and the GOP should not have lost a by-election in a strong Republican area.
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If the President does not learn from his mistakes, there could
10. In September 2017, Gallup reported Congress’s approval
be more Alabama-style disasters across the United States.
rating stood at sixteen per cent. The President is succeeding in portraying Congress as an enemy of the people, and it is
6. The Republicans must play on the President’s foreign policy
working. If pro-Trump politicians can win in the midterm
achievements, which have been discredited at every turn by
elections, they can help build bridges with the President and
the mainstream media. Journalists portray him as an ‘idiot’
assist him with his goals. This may improve Congress’s
who does not know how to behave on the international stage.
Regardless of whether one agrees with how Trump antagonized North Korea, it is clear Pyongyang has abandoned its hopes of ever launching a nuclear missile at the United States after the President reminded them of America’s military might. He also helped orchestrate Pyongyang’s and Seoul’s efforts to cast aside their differences for this year’s Olympics. Trump has also fulfilled a long-awaited promise to Israel that the US Embassy will finally move to Jerusalem, something his predecessors continually failed to do. This will play into the GOP’s Jewish support base, which has resulted in many presidents winning elections in the past. Considering Obama was responsible for ISIS’s rise, the terrorist organization is now in full retreat since the President came to power. Trump is also smoothing relations with Russia, which is critical for world peace, whilst showing he is not afraid to defend America. This is a record the President can be proud of and one he can boast to the electorate this year. 7. The Democrats are divided. Trump has transformed American politics and his opposition are unsure how to respond to that. They have flirted with nominating a celebrity as their 2020 presidential candidate to Senator Bernie Sanders, who would take the party down a leftward spiral. The media love to play on GOP divisions when it is the Democrats who are hopelessly fighting each other. The Republicans would do well to remind the electorate which party is in a mess during the midterm elections. 8. Trump is popular with his core supporters. Admittedly, the President is much more comfortable with campaigning than he is in politics. He is the first president in my lifetime to still be on the campaign trail after being elected. Sky News produced a documentary asking Trump voters what they think about the President a year after his inauguration and many of them still hold the same opinion. This will aide many pro-Trump Republicans’ chances of beating the Democrats at the polls. 9. The President has established a reputation for being one of the few politicians who delivers on the promises he keeps. Last year, he withdrew America from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, implemented his tax cuts, repealed many regulations and delivered record economic growth and job creation. But he failed to repeal Obamacare, the wall has not been legalized yet and he has not reformed the North American Free Trade Agreement. If scores of pro-Trump Republicans win in the midterm elections, it will be easier for Trump to achieve more of his core campaign pledges.
It is all to play for this year. But there is no reason why the Republicans cannot smash the 2018 Midterm Elections based on these 10 reasons to win.
State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor
Photo source: National Sentinel
Time For a Reboot Senior Writer Christopher Grahn Howard
DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Aliens (or as many conservatives are now calling it – Democrats Against Children of America) is now at the center of a government shutdown and possibly another one looming, bringing more attention to an issue that is needed. A bit of history-- DACA was passed in 2012 and expanded via-executive order in 2014 by then President Obama. President Obama acknowledged at
The democrats are worried that there will be no bill
the time his actions might not be constitutional, and we
offered by the deadline. Hence the threat of shutdown.
now know they were not. DACA is mostly funded by the
You see, by helping these illegals, democrats feel they
fees it collects for the application process. Essentially
will creates very large voting bloc in the future, just as
this is a program for minors who entered this country
African-Americans were after the civil rights legislation
illegally with parents or family members.
of 1964. The irony being that in 1964, that legislation never passes without the republican minority. There
The program provides protections and incentives for
were not enough democrats willing to vote for the
these minors to stay in this country. President Trump
measure. Let me be clear from the start. I love that this
signed an executive order ending the DACA
country is a nation of immigrants and love that we
program with a six month window for a resolution to
are free to become anything we want in this country
the policy concerns.
if you are willing to work hard enough. I am proud
that the United States of America is a true beacon to the
realistic but harder than for those who entered legally.
rest of the people of the world who want to be free. No
Fair is fair. Fair is never easy and is sometimes hard. If
matter what country you are coming from, I want you
being an American is worth it to these “dreamers” (I
here IF…you want to make the soup better (refer to my
hate that term) they will do whatever it takes. Or not.
previous article “The Melting Pot?”) To be clear, as of
Securing the border is essential, not just to this issue
the writing of this article a deal has been struck to end
but to President Trump as he strongly campaigned on
the shutdown today—today being January 22nd. The
it. Building the wall, in some ways, is impractical.
deal requires a vote no later than February 8th, 2018.
However, there is another potential solution that I have
My guess is that the messaging of the shutdown
advocated for almost a decade now.
did/was not working for the democrats. My sources state that the new DACA deal will have a path to
The US government has spent billions training a
citizenship for these so-called ‘dreamers’and will also
military to help control the borders of other countries.
have more money on tighter boarder security. We shall
We should place a permanent detachment of our
see. The devil is always in the details. As I am sitting
military on our border to do that training. Money is
here writing this, the government shutdown has ended.
saved and our border is secured at the same time. I am not advocating for a military conflict with Mexico, nor
Concerning the DACA program, I have a couple of
am I suggesting that there should be one. Having our
thoughts. First, this program rewards illegal entry into
military training on the border would also serve as a
this country. Until there is a substantial effort to secure
deterrent to illegal entry into this country.
our southern border there will be simply an ongoing generational problem that will cost trillions of dollars in
As for solutions for DACA, there are several possible. Minors should be considered illegals first and foremost. Second, they should be given student visas that must be renewed every two years, depending on their academic progress. Dropouts should be deported and students with GPAs below a 2.0 should be deported. Remember, if they really want to be here and contribute, they will. Illegal activities should also obviously be grounds for deportation.The status of the minor should not guarantee a status for parents, and they can be deported for illegal activities and/or not applying for visas as well.
.Photo Source:the atlantic Photo Credit: John Moore/Getty Images
in the long term. I am not in favor of incentivizing illegal behavior. However, the idea of busses rounding up approximately 28,000,000 illegal immigrants and dumping them off is not the image I want to see in this country. President Trump is right to push for the removal of any illegal who violates other laws, violent or otherwise. A path for citizenship may be the only way to avoid mass deportations. Like President Reagan, President Trump may find offering an amnesty a worthwhile decision. . Like President Reagan’s amnesty it will be worthless in terms of preventing future need for amnesty programs without real border security. Reagan’s measure was only half-way, thus creating the problem we have now. Secure the border now, and then look at paths to citizenship. There are no easy answers, as much as I wish there were. The path to citizenship for these illegals needs to be
The dropout or failure rate of the student should impact the visas of the parents as well. Those seeking to serve in the military should earn special consideration in attaining citizen status. Dishonorable discharge of any kind should result in deportation. I know this all sounds harsh and uncaring, but it is caring that we do not seek to deport all of these minors and their families for having broken our laws by illegally entering this country to begin with. I do not want to see families broken up. I don’t want to see mass deportations. But at the same time our national rule of law must be observed. Attaining citizenship must mean something, and they must be willing to work for that right and privilege. The big question is this: how much are these “dreamers” willing to work for the American dream? Do they want to live it, or are they just dreaming about the dream? Time will tell.
Americans can no longer pay for the illegal activity of
Finally, as a reminder: none of this matters if the border
others who do not have a right to be here. They may
is not secured. The problems just keep on coming, and
have a desire to be here, but that’s not the same as the
the cost will keep on rising.
right to be here. Earn it and stay-- make the soup better. Help us make America great again or get out of the way,
We must have an endgame in the plan. Illegals will
meaning go back to what is your home.
keep coming, and the cost of managing that will be a drain on things like education, jobs, training, and finally
I realize that these minors did not have a choice, but
a spiraling tax burden with no end in sight.
they have one now. Take full advantage or be left out of the American dream.
As President Trump has said, a better America is a better world. MAGA.
If you are going to be a drain on society, do that where you came from. Or stay here and make it better-- all of it. Remember, God does not sanction illegal behavior, but he will forgive and so can we.
photo source: News Boston Post
State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor
State of Iowa Primary Election on Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Ray Governor