Christian Times Magazine Issue 14

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Christian Times Magazine


The Voice Of Truth


By Charles Lingerfelt

A CASE FOR THE TRUMP TAX CUTS By Christopher Grahn Howard



DENNIS GUTH Iowa State Senator from the 4th District

Silence In The Heartland By Chris Rose

I Trust Charles Lingerfelt

For US Congress District 5 Dallas, Texas

PD, POL, ADV By The Charles Lingerfelt Campaign


ONLY $9.99

g this esentin r p r o f he on any in t the reas m d o n t a n n r a nce Qur various great co t of the e c d h e e t j s b u m u a o s c as the ng fr le to which h n treats migrati o m i ’s t s i a m r easonab i c l i o r l s r s b r u e u m t M e P f c e xo ami red. This , it s ive influ e occur se in Isl he USA s i t v s r a d a a h n m t a o t a t n tai s th rren is due reat Bri problem h the cu G t e i , e h w t p o o h t r S i o Eu al w West. orld int er to de d w r e o h t n i f lam parts o ots of Is o r e h t r discove

By David Clarke

I Trust Charles Lingerfelt

For US Congress District 5 Dallas, Texas

PD, POL, ADV By The Charles Lingerfelt Campaign



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Editor Note Welcome to the 14th Issue of Christian Times Magazine, Christian Times Magazine Issue 14 designed especially for people who really like News and Political Magazine and consider picking up a News & Political magazine. This is for readers who want to up-to-date with political, Religious and Entertainment News. While as a nation We aim to cut through the confusion and give you clear, sensible and reliable information and News from writers and experts that you can trust. We want it to be entertaining and informative, at times contrary, but above all useful. Inside you’ll find a mixture of news, features and Monthly regular columns/articles on a wide range of News and Political related topics. I hope you enjoy this Issue 14 and do let us know if there are any article you’d like to see covered in the future.

Thank You Anil Anwar President / CEO Christian Times Magazine









THE CASE FOR THE TRUMP TAX CUTS By Christopher Grahn Howard


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 By Charles Lingerfelt








INS I D E QU E T T A C H U R C H A T T A C K By Patrick Sarooj

Christian Times Magazine

Christian Times Magazine Issue 14

Contributors Chris Rose, USA Charles Lingerfelt, USA Avigdor Eskin, Jerusalem Israel Christopher Grahn Howard, USA Raven Youngblood, USA David Clarke, UK Matthew Snape, UK Patrick Sarooj Steven Lacroix, USA




Silence in the Heartland BY CHRIS ROSE


Right-to-Life, equality, and religious liberty

those who claim universal love trumps what

are the hot political and social issues of our

Jesus Christ hates. As the fight against our

day. All of them are legislatively important

Christian liberty continues, there is something

to the Iowa Christian, but there is silence in

of critical importance to understand—

the heartland.For decades upon decades the

Christians are empowered and enabled to the

body of Christ has handled, discussed,

pulling down of strongholds that shackle our

viewed, lobbied against, and then saddened

neighbors. We are not employed to tear down

over the grievances that abortion and all

human life and its soul. We are the

things homosexual has had on the human

Ambassadors of Christ and not the assistant to

soul, on American society, and on God’s

a devil who is eager to destroy.

heart. However, we are accountable for the Almost 60 million aborted babies stand

enactments that legislatively liberate the

before us in judgement. Their blood has

lawless and move our nation out from

been sprinkled on the flag of the United

underneath God and His provision. Let the

States of America disfiguring its stars and

God-sown Vine of Truth and His fruit ripen in

redefining its stripes. Gay marriage continues

our hearts. It is difficult to fight against the sin

to provoke, taunt, and divide the Christian

that has been knitted and sewn over the flesh

family. This fist in the face of God has

of our co-workers, sons, daughters, friends,

infiltrated biblical doctrine and theology and

and neighbors. Present generations who

has been found dominating public rhetoric.

personally identify as their sinful nature

In our streets and from our pulpits the old

dictates refuse to live according to the

Nicolaitan doctrine has captured the hearts of

righteousness of






God and His Christ. Abortion and

of the Christian and their brick and mortar

homosexuality are classified as social issues

businesses, while legislating immorality against

because men and women proudly and publicly

God’s established order?

banner them across their lives, demanding constitutional protection. Liberal women parade

Through His unchangeable, infallible, inerrant,

in the streets with signs that say “Abortion now,

and clearly spoken word our Creator has

abortion forever!” Promiscuous, half naked men

effectively communicated to His created. God

and women march in defiance while shouting,

purposely allows us to see His love-filled heart

“Equality!” The heartland remains silent.

for Christian liberty, His aborted unborn children, the homosexuality identified person, and all those who govern nations. To the Almighty God,the unborn cries: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my

Should government ignore moral obligation by

unformed substance; in your book were written, every

usurping God’s authority, trouncing on the spirit

one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as

in which our country was founded? Should

yet there was none of them.”

government forever oppress the rights of the

Psalms 139:13-16 ESV

unborn person, men and women with unwanted homosexual orientation, and the religious liberty

To the Governor God Almighty directs:




“For the word of the Lord is right; and all His works

a Christian lobbyist, a pastor who is also an

are done in truth.” Psalm 33:4 KJV“ Woe to those who

author and former radio broadcaster, and

decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep

Almighty God, through His immutable Word.

writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey! What will you do on the day of punishment, in the ruin that will come from afar? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you leave your wealth? Nothing remains but to crouch among the prisoners or fall among the slain. For all this His anger has not turned away, and His hand is stretched out still.”Isaiah 10:1-3 ESV



Unto Liberty God Almighty promises: “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.”Isaiah 54:17 ESV


Unto the homosexual God Almighty warns and rescues: “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor

Republican gubernatorial candidate Steven Ray

crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let

states: “Our Faith in Christ gives each of us an

there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that

opportunity to pursue the best we can do for one

everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is

another. I see that opportunity in seeking higher

covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the

public office. I have been disappointed in Iowa’s

kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you

lack of dealing with very basic issues that affect

with empty words, for because of these things the

real people and their needs with our state.”

wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.”Ephesians 5:4-6 ESV“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to

Iowa State Senator Dennis Guth who campaigns

bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the

for truth and strength for every lawmaker

captives, and the opening of the prison to those who

regardless of party affiliation says:

are bound”.Isaiah 61:1 ESV “My wife and I pray for legislators on both sides Those who are not silent and were interviewed

of the aisle during our commute to the Capital

for this article include one Iowa gubernatorial

each day. It is great to walk into the Senate

candidate, one Christian Iowa State Senator,

Chambers knowing God is in control! While the





a Christian lobbyist, a pastor who is also an author and former radio broadcaster, and Almighty God, through His immutable Word. There are three Iowa Republican gubernatorial candidates set to compete for the Governor’s office in the soon-coming June 5th primary. Each one proudly claims to have a Christian confession and identity.We are assured that Jesus Christ anchors their souls and securely dwells in their hearts.Iowa Christians who are worth their salt take their confessions seriously,anticipating mighty works and strong tower results. Yet when


reviewing each candidate’s campaign website, as of December 19, 2017, only one candidate competing for the Christian vote stood out-Steven Ray, Republican candidate for Governor. So far, Ray is the only Republican gubernatorial

challenge to live for Christ in the political arena is huge, I feel more excited about it every season. What an honor to serve God by serving His people!”

candidate who has addressed the issues most important to the Christian voter. Seemingly unafraid, bold, and confident, Ray trumpets his take on the issues at:

STEVEN RAY Tim Overlin, Executive Director of Personhood Iowa proclaims:“The prolife coalition has shown the GOP our attitude, we want life at conception and the defunding of the abortion industry.”

Pastor Tim Morgan campaigns for the body of Christ primarily asking “Is America a nation under God or a nation getting over God? Everyone







Each candidate was offered an opportunity to speak to the issues and directly address Iowa Christian Times Magazine (CTM), committed to being the“voice of truth,” reached out to the campaigns of Kim Reynolds, Ron Corbett, and Steven Ray.


Christians. Surprisingly, Steven Ray alone responded. Of greater concern is why have Reynolds and Corbett chosen to remain silent on the issues that matter so deeply to Christians ? Political experts might explain their silence as a campaign strategy. Perhaps their political advisors suggest that their groomed candidate distance themselves from any controversial topic, especially in an election year. If true, such a strategy means nothing to hard-working, taxpaying Iowa Christians who deserve better, and who tirelessly advocate for the unborn person and spiritual reparative therapy for the homosexual. Christian Times Magazine formally thanks Steven Ray for sharing his Christian heart with Iowa’s Christian base.“I took my first leap of faith!” Steven Ray has traded a comfortable thirty-year career in public safety and is now devoted to a singular focus, running to become Iowa’s next Governor. Flashes of possible failure




do not seem to sway this candidate. “I left my career, but our future will be fine, regardless, because we put our faith in God. Whatever is right for my wife and I, one way or another we will be fine.” Ray’s bold confidence continues: “I am not a millionaire, independently wealthy, and I am not part of the establishment in our state’s capitol. I have, however, seen how special interests have ruined politics, and I feel that money and special interests have put the government’s role to serve the people well on the back-burner, and I do not

of politics, and for those that seek and hold

feel that is the true Christian way that public

office, is to encourage constituents to be tolerant

servants should serve their constituents. I have

of others. This belief system will make us all

worked in government long enough to see the

better children in the presence of our Lord Jesus

bad decisions leaders have made that were not in

Christ.” If ever there was an underdog, Ray is that

the best interests of Iowans. That’s what I want

candidate! But his voice is being heard as he

to change.” “I am very concerned about mental

breaks the silence. “It is clear the Republican

health services in Iowa and how far behind we

Party of Iowa is tied-in lock-step with Governor

are with the rest of the country. We must fix this

Kim Reynolds to ensure her campaign. I believe

situation. I’m concerned about privatization of

I can do a great deal of good for Iowans with my

Medicaid because we have spent millions to

experiences and my beliefs and a desire to put

privatize. Those needing help are often at the

Iowans first, but the money on the GOP side is

mercy of a business model and not what is right

following Governor Reynolds. If people desire

for them as an individual. These are not

positive change, they have an opportunity in my

political-party issues, in fact these, as I see it, are

candidacy, but I need their support, in the ballot

issues of practical, common-sense. These issues

box and financially.”

may not be those that are followed by hard-line views within my own party, but I believe a true

CTM asked Tim Overlin, Executive Director of

leader is an individual who can govern with

Personhood Iowa:Who do you favor to win the

independence and not because they feel

2018 gubernatorial race?“I’m not favoring anyone

“compelled” to do so by a political ideology.”

right now.

I’m waiting for somebody to respond, that they will defend

During our interview with Steven Ray it became

life and that they will go on

clear that his heart, his strength, and his personal

record and start talking about it,

conviction rests in Jesus Christ for the people of

protecting Iowa’s unborn

Iowa.“As Christians, we may not always agree

children.” “I have asked for

with many issues, especially those that

leadership to step up- like now

encompass social philosophies. The greater good

Governor Reynolds, like Senate




Majority Leader Bill Dix, like President of the Senate Jack Whitver, Speaker of the House Linda Upmeyer, Majority Leader Chris Hagenow, and Zack Nunn, the Whip of the House. Their silence is deafening on this issue, not only on our particular issue, but social conservative issues in general”. Although Overlin appreciates legislative work that has partially defunded the Iowa abortion industry, Planned Parenthood, he reminds CTM that since the close of the most recent Iowa legislative session 3,200 unborn persons have perished in Iowa, every death under constitutional “protection.”

information on, and I should help them

PHOTOhas CREDIT NBCof yet, Albeit the Reynold’s campaign not, as :

responded in direct comment to CTM in regard to the Iowa Christian, her political longevity may be attributed to the Christian population. According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette of June 20, 2016,77% of Iowa’s population is Christian. Governor Reynolds has been seen and heard,on the right side of the Christian voter, addressing themin forums such as those sponsored by the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition. But tears still stain the faces of Christians as thousands of innocent unborn persons perish, and the questionremains, “Why does the Iowa State House, governed by a Christian Pro-life Governor with nearly two-thirds majority in both the house and senate still have legalized abortion and Life unrecognized at the moment of conception?” Christian legislator, Iowa State Senator Dennis Guthsays, “Another responsibility I have as a Christian legislator is to educate constituents, especially Christians. I should explain how the political process works and how citizens can influence the outcome of that process. There are many issues that most people have incomplete

understand the issue better.Example:Life at conception, if passed into law, would prohibit some birth control options which interfere with a fertilized egg implanting on the uterus wall. That is not a contraceptive, it is an abortifacient.” All Iowa voters must give a “standing ovation” applauding the transparency of gubernatorial candidates and Iowa lawmakers. Guth comments further,“As a Christian politician, I need to show my constituents that I live by a biblical worldview. By that I mean I believe the Bible has something to say about every issue.” Christian Times Magazine,“the voice of truth”asked Senator Guth this question: Politically, does the gubernatorial candidate count on the Christian vote even while silent, demanding recognition supplied through their professed spiritual conviction and party affiliation ? Senator Guth graciously responds, “From the candidate’s side, especially when all Primary candidates have similar claims of being Christian, they need actions to prove what they claim. It’s not like there are no social issues in play to comment on. If a candidate would make a statement about gender being binary, or life begins at conception, or even freedom of speech on our college campuses, a voter would have reason to believe that they are willing to act on their stated beliefs.




Once we get to a General election, it is a little less

This small Iowa town, nestled in the heartland, is

critical, since the Republican and Democratic Party

small in its population but mighty through its

platforms both make statements that should help a

sports teams, hometown hospitality, and the

Christian choose. Still, if a candidate wants to

righteousness of God. I knew very well what I

motivate the Christian base to get out and vote, they

should do and what I shouldn’t do. I suspect that

need to generate some enthusiasm by taking a stand on

even today the people of Sully, Iowa, still honor

today’s issues. An attack by media, for that stand,

God. I pray that will never change. Back then, in

might just motivate Christians to take action in favor

almost every Iowa town,it was not considered

of the candidate.”

proper to mow your lawn on the Sabbath day. But today a man may choose to dishonor God

Tim Morgan pastor of the Kellogg-Pleasant View

by mowing his lawn on Sunday in five inch high

United Methodist Churches has written a

heels and a full ballerina skirt.

profound and thought-provoking book, “If God Won Our Elections”. He strongly advocates for

Iowans are not fooled, though we may have been

the Bible as being the “greatest guide PHOTOvoter CREDIT NBC ever

trained into silence from years of political and

written” and gives us a challenging statement

social demands. Our Bibles are opened, read,

asserting that “voting booths are declared a God-

and understood as we sip hot cups of coffee at

free zone”. Morgan encourages and edifies us as

our kitchen tables as the sun shows its first light.

Christians to remember that “If we return to the

Husbands and wives continuepraying together

Bible and trust it to guide our decisions, instead

for childrenwho have been abandoned by their

of getting over God, America can again be the

fathers, and for the parents of those children who

nation that the Declaration of Independence and

have been ripped from their mother’s womb.The

the blood of fallen heroes has made us: One

fervent prayer of theIowa Christianreaches the

nation under God”. Senator Dennis Guth seconds

ear of God.


that motion, “The Founder’s Bible has been a great encouragement, showing me how the

The Iowa heartland continues to be the beating

Founders of our country took the scriptures and

heart of our nation. Our state is searching for a

applied them to establish a government that

governor who is bold and is willing to use her or

recognizes the sinful nature of man.”Historically,

his voice standing in one accord with every

Iowa has been on the forefront of national

Iowan.Although the voter may think that

politics. Regardless of “party affiliation” Iowa’s

legislative power is found in the Iowa courts, the

political prowess has shaped the United States

governorship cannot be stripped of its God-given

and has given rhetoric into the mouths of elected

authority. This political office demands an

officials. Today, perhaps Iowa’s message is

awesome accountability to God. Throughout this

changing. As a young boy I was raised by a single

political season the people ask…”What say you?”

mother in a single-wide trailer house situated on the outskirts of Sully, Iowa.



ONLY $9.99

g this esentin r p r o f he on any in t the reas m d o n t a n n r a nce Qur various great co t of the e c d h e e t j s b u m u a o s c as the ng fr le to which h n treats migrati o m i ’s t s i a m r easonab i c l i o r l s r s b r u e u m t M e P f c e xo ami red. This , it s ive influ e occur se in Isl he USA s i t v s r a d a a h n m t a o t a t n tai s th rren is due reat Bri problem h the cu G t e i , e h w t p o o h t r S i o Eu al w West. orld int er to de d w r e o h t n i f lam parts o ots of Is o r e h t r discove

By David Clarke





Thanksgiving And Dedication January 2018

Dr. Ben Carson Photo Source Google

BY DAVID CLARKE In this January 2018 edition of Christian Times Magazine, I wish as a Vice President of Christian Times Magazine, to express my delight at the progress of President Donald Trump in his work of making America great again. I was thankful and delighted at the prayer offered by Ben Carson, at the last cabinet meeting in December, 2017 before the Tax Reform vote. In essence “Give wisdom govern this nation”. Now let me extend a welcome to you all and to those who have contacted me via Facebook.



I am David Clarke the Founder & President to Bierton Particular Baptists in the UK and PSSS Christchurch Bierton Particular Baptists in Pakistan and a Vice President for Christian Times Magazine USA. And I get many requests from abroad for help, from Christians in India, Pakistan and other countries but am not able to respond to them all. So in order to help let me tell you first of all we are not in a position to give money but can help in other ways. Our wish is to help, by way of education, that is teaching the doctrines of grace though publishing books, video’s and public speaking in order to assist Christians in a local area to establish gospel churches. We are thankful for Donald Trump’s declared objective to promote Christianity in America. So let me tell you about our doctrinal position in respect to the Christian Religion in order to not wast your time and we are available to give you all the assistance you need to learn. We are able to offer free PDF publications of our text books Youtube video’s, and doctrinal matters, all hard copies are available from and to purchase. We teach that the salvation, which is in the lord Jesus Christ, includes those from every tongue and nation named in scripture as the whole world, and are the elect and called the church. We are believe the scriptures are the word of God preserved for us and these are the infallible rule of life for us. We use the Authorized King James bible as our text and teach the doctrines of grace known as Calvinism. That is we believe in the total ruin and fall of man in the first man Adam. That all men descend from Adam and derive a sinful nature from him we are guilty by imputation and practice and this is original sin. We believe death both spiritual and corporal was the judgment on Adam for his sin. We believe that God is revealed to us in the New Testament as Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Spirit). That there is only one God and yet in the divine essence these three divine persons.That the Son of God, begotten by the father, before all worlds, became man and is Jesus the Christ. He lived died and rose again from the dead. To purchase salvation from ours sins and from the death that we have in Adam and to bestow all spiritual blessings that are in Christ. We believe the creation of all worlds was to display all the divine perfections in God as creator, sustained, provider and redeemer as taught in the Old and New Testament scriptures.We believe God has predestined all things and nothing comes to pass but by divine degree. That Providence is the unfolding hand of God’s predestined purposes. We believe that God has, before the worlds, set His love upon a vast but


certain number of men (men and women) and chosen them to obtain salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. That these are called the Church and the elect, made-up of both Jew and Gentile. We believe that the lord Jesus died for their sins and made a full and complete atonement for all their sins. Jesus died for the elect. We believe the Lord Jesus purchased our redemption from sin, death and Hell. That this redemption is of bother body and soul. This redemption provides all those spiritual blessings that are in Christ and include, Pardon from sin , Justification, regeneration, Effectual Calling, conversion. That justification is by the imputation of Christ’s righteousness and our continued preservation to eternal life resulting in the resurrection or individual change of the believers body into one like unto Christ glorious body. We believe that the preaching or teaching of the gospel is the means of calling those from out of the world who are ordained to eternal life to faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that the Spirit of God, the third person in the Trinity regenerates, those who are dead in trespasses and sins, and quickens them to spiritual life. That this process is regeneration and the new birth. Without which one cannot see or enter into the Kingdom of God We believe there is but one people of God called the Church of God in Christ. That national or present day Israel according to the flesh or Jews, are not the people of God. That the salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ is to be preached to the Jew, Muslim and Gentile declaring whosoever believes on Him shall be saved. We teach the five points of Calvinism and are aware that end time views may vary among believers but a persuaded that Full Preteristic views of eschatology are far more clear than Amillennium, Historic or Dispensational view and Premillenium. For those interested in eschatology we can put you in touch with those who are able to help and we recommend on our publication The Parousia, by James Stuart Russell.

Please feel free to discuss and ask questions and we are open to suggestion as to how we may help at homeland abroad.

I Trust Charles Lingerfelt

For US Congress District 5 Dallas, Texas

PD, POL, ADV By The Charles Lingerfelt Campaign







Our presidents have failed to deliver on their promise to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Despite all of President Trump’s faults, one cannot claim he is not a man of his word, unlike his predecessors. In 1976, former US president Jimmy Carter said the US Embassy will be relocated to West Jerusalem. In 1992, both Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush vowed to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. President Clinton then forgot he made this vow, though he deserves credit for negotiating the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords, officially called the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements.


Signed by the then US president, Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and the chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) Yasser Arafat, Mr. Rabin recognised the PLO as the official representative of the Palestinian people and Mr. Arafat accepted Israel’s existence. However, the Accords did not acknowledge the Palestinian state, an issue which continues to linger in the Middle East. In the year 2000, after ten years of missed opportunities to relocate the US Embassy to Jerusalem, George W. Bush made the same campaign promise during his race to the White House that he would fulfil the





American pledge to accept Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. Yet that does not mean progress was made in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during the Bush years. Israel could not have asked for a more genuine ally during the 2000s and vice versa. Israel was very supportive towards the US after 9/11 and was more than happy to support the Republican president’s stance towards Iraq in 2003. President Bush denounced Mr. Arafat’s support for terrorism and violence. However, President Bush helped instrument dialogue between Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian National Authority president Mahmoud Abbas. President Bush aided Mr. Sharon with his unilateral disengagement plan and lauded the democratic elections held in Palestine following Mr. Arafat’s death. Sadly, President Bush forgot to relocate the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Nonetheless, 9/11 and the 2003 Iraq War distracted him from his radical foreign and domestic policies that he campaigned on during the 2000 Presidential Election. PHOTO






By the 2008 Presidential Election, Barack Obama campaigned on a pledge to deliver on an outdated vow that his predecessors collectively failed to achieve; making Jerusalem the Israeli capital. The difference between President Obama and his predecessors is that they all promised to relocate the US Embassy to Jerusalem once during their respective campaigns and it was never mentioned again. President Obama, however, was televised making this precise aim twice in 2008. Unsurprisingly, it failed to






materialize. Relations between the US and Israel worsened under President Obama’s watch. America has long been criticised for its record in the Middle East because of the lobbying power the Jewish population has over US politicians. In 2012, it was estimated eight million Jews resided in the US. This is much less than Israel’s Jewish population, which currently stands at six million. Jews make up between one to two per cent of the US’s population, but their influence over American

politics is considerable, which is why many US presidents fear offending this important ethnic group. Mitchell Bard said the three main Jewish lobbying groups in the US are Christians United for Israel, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. In his 2006 book The Restoration of Israel: Christian Zionism in Religion, Literature and Politics,



sociologist Gerhard Falk suggested there are too many pro-Israeli lobbying groups to list them all. Mr. Bard said Jews have the highest electoral turnout of any ethnic group in America and ninety-four per cent of them reside in key Electoral College states that determine who will become president. This proves there is no benefit for any US politician to adopt an anti-Israel stance during any election. That lobbying power did not matter to President Obama. Ignoring the substantial influence the Jewish population had over Obama’s 2008 victory, in March 2010 the former president took a public stance against plans by the then Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu to continue building Jewish housing projects in predominantly Arab neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem. This was the greatest insult the US could have thrown to its only reliable ally in the Middle East considering the Palestinians have consistently failed to engage in constructive dialogue over territory since the 1990s. The problem with Obama’s Israeli foreign policy was that it was an incoherent muddle designed to appease both Israel and Palestine. Adding weight to his public condemnation of new Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, the US vetoed a Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements, with America being the only nation to do so. Three months later, he described the bond between America and Israel as ‘unbreakable.’ The US increased

its military cooperation with Israel, including PHOTO CREDIT: WSJ

increased military aid, re-establishment of the US-Israeli Joint Military Group and the Defense Policy Advisory Group, and an increase in visits among high-level military



officials of both nations. President Obama persuaded Congress to invest money in the Iron Dome programme in response to the dozens of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel. President Obama’s attitude changed in 2013, regarding Mr. Netanyahu’s attempt to build new settlements as a path towards near isolation. Then in 2014, he likened the Zionist Movement to the Civil Rights Movement that fought for equal rights for black Americans in the 1960s. During the 2014 Israel-Gaze Conflict, President Obama expressed his support for Israel to defend itself during that war. On December 23rd, 2016, the United Nations (UN) passed United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which passed without US support. The Obama administration abstained from the vote. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned President Obama’s inaction over this resolution and withdrew Israel’s UN funding, which totalled $6 million, on January 6th, 2017. The day before, the US House of Representatives voted 342-80 to lambast the UN resolution. President Donald Trump was elected on November 2016 on a pledge to rebuild relations between Israel and the US. During his inauguration in January, President Trump claimed his predecessors all made the Washington elite wealthier at the expense of the ‘ordinary people’ who elected him to power. He should have made a more specific reference to his predecessors’ failure to relocate the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. On December



6th, 2017, the current President finally fulfilled the forty-one-year-old promise both Democrat and Republican presidents have made to their staunch ally since. On May 22nd, 2017, the President visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem too. Though he pledged to remain neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this move represents the most significant step the President has made so far to rebuild the American-Israeli relationship. Senator Ben Cardin, a Democrat who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said there was nothing wrong with President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, but he should have offered the Palestinians more in return. British Prime Minister Theresa May condemned the President’s choice and protests en-flamed streets throughout Palestine after the decision was made. British Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt said the British Government had no plans to relocate the British Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. British Labour Party’s shadow foreign secretary Emily Thorn-berry said the decision legitimizes Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem. Despite this, current Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn’s links to Hamas and Hezbollah receive inadequate scrutiny. The British press are nothing but silent about Mr. Corbyn’s support for terrorism, except for a few outlets. President Trump’s critics fail to realize that his decision to recognize the Jewish capital can be regarded as a step towards establishing a permanent solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The President of the Czech Republic also supports the US’s decision. Former Democrat representative for New York, Steve Israel, wrote a contribution on The Hill’s website explaining why he supported the President’s decision after initially supporting the move in Congress in 2011. He said Palestinian leaders have been manipulating the peace process to their advantage for too long. The President’s proposal stresses that the Embassy will not be relocated until 2020. President Trump has also not closed the door on negotiations entirely. Live Mint produced an article supporting the President’s decision.



The Embassy is being relocated to West Jerusalem. This section of the capital was sanctified by the 1949 armistice agreement and then formalized in 1967, thereby forming the basis for the Oslo Accords which President Clinton negotiated in 1993. This line demarcates the State of Israel. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation recognized this under Mr. Arafat’s leadership in 1993. This makes the current President’s policy consistent with what President Clinton helped arrange when formulating the Oslo Accords. It is an advancement of the former Democrat president’s achievement. President Trump reiterated that his decision does not represent a final US decision on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In 2010, President Obama relocated the Embassy from its original East Jerusalem location to Tel Aviv. This demonstrates the current President’s decision does not represent the annexation of East Jerusalem by relocating it to West Jerusalem. The US consulate in the city would have denounced President Trump’s decision if it did. The truth is that the peace process in the Middle East has been dead since the start of the millennium, when Mr. Arafat rejected the proposed final settlement at the Camp David Summit in July 2000, which President Clinton also helped orchestrate. That deal offered him ninety-five per cent of the West Bank, all of Gaza, compensation in lieu of the right of return of the Palestinian diaspora and East Jerusalem. Instead, the former PLO chief decided the best way to secure a better deal was to trigger a second intifada in September of that same year, leaving President Clinton’s record on the issue in tatters. Throughout the 1990s, Israel’s approach was to provide the Palestinians with carrots, the carrots being what the Israeli’s offered them and the sticks being the settlements they threatened to build. It sent a message to the PLO that unless they accepted what the Israelis offered them, they would keep occupying their territory. To give credit where it is due, the Israelis withdrew its settlements and troops from Gaza after the second intifada ended in 2005. The Palestinians, though, will deploy violence to achieve their goals.



President Trump has now issued a firing shot to both sides, warning them they must reach a deal during his presidency. This Embassy move carries the threat that it will sanctify or reject Israeli control of East Jerusalem. Equally, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be foolish to withdraw Israeli settlements at this critical stage as it would hinder his domestic support.



only US leader since 1976 to have laid the foundations of peace in Israel before it was destroyed by Mr. Arafat. Equally, President Bush helped resolve the second intifada. President Obama played both sides against each other and made the conflict worse. The end may be in sight for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict under the current President’s watch after building on President Clinton’s achievements. It is down to the Palestinians to take advantage of this opportunity. If history is to teach us anything, it is that they will always use violence to fulfil their goals and no solution will ever be adequate. As long as the UN regards East Jerusalem as occupied territory following the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, which secured Israel’s right to exist, there will never be international support for any move the US makes in ending this prolonged conflict.


President Trump has now issued a firing shot to both sides, warning them they must reach a deal during his presidency. This Embassy move carries the threat that it will sanctify or reject Israeli control of East Jerusalem. Equally, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be foolish to withdraw Israeli settlements at this critical stage as it would hinder his domestic support.

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In 1979, Canadian prime minister Joe Clark announced he would relocate the Canadian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He backed down because of international pressure and terrorism. President Trump never said Israel must occupy the entire city at the end of the peace process, or rule out the option of both Palestine and Israel administering the city together. Instead, facts have been blinded by anti-Trump hysteria. US presidents since 1976 have a collective record of betraying Israel on recognising the Jewish capital, but President Trump is the first one to have done so. President Clinton was the



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One of my favorite debates in politics centers around economic policy. The Trump tax cuts have passed and by the time this is published will have been signed into law. Conservatives will have rejoiced and liberals will have lamented. What exactly is at the heart of the issue? Liberals attack the so called trickle-down economics involved in tax cut schemes. Conservatives praise the benefits of tax cuts. When consumers purchase more goods, plants use more of their capacity, men are hired instead of laid off, investment increases, and profits are high. Corporate tax rates must also be cut to increase incentives and the availability of investment capital. The government has

already taken major steps this year to reduce business tax liability and to stimulate the modernization of our productive plant and equipment. Source: JFK Speech at the New York Economic Club, New York City, Dec 14, 1962



First, let me say that pure trickle down economics is a myth. Like any economic construct, there comes a point in any given cycle of diminishing returns and limited elasticity. Simply allowing the rich to keep more of their money will not translate to giving poor people more. However, this is not what the tax cuts are about. Those who are critical of the Trump tax cuts cite this as the primary reason. Regardless that the money still belongs to the rich to begin with. What is important to understand is how the economy actually works. Liberals tinker at an economy as if it worked the way they wish it did. This is not to say tax cuts will not help the economy. In fact Tax cuts will always help any economy. However, there are many factors that will affect the economy, and they have to work in tandem with each other to be effective. Another myth is that tax cuts to companies who pay the most taxes will hurt the poor. At any given time there are limited resources for a company to utilize in the operation of that business. Every dollar that is freed up by the government can be used directly for the function of the company goals. Allowing for investment in technology, expansion and yes, hiring of new people. These are precisely the goals of these tax cuts. This is what the President is looking for. What drives any economy? What motivates the richest players in the economy? How do the poorest people break the poverty cycle? I am a Conservative, which means I want less government. Reduced government spending and less government intrusion in the open marketplace will facilitate an efficient allocation of resources. The free market works when buyers and sellers are mutually benefited by the transaction. A greater number of poor require lower prices or there are less buyers to make a business profitable. If the middle class and poor become less able to purchase goods and services, how then will the rich and businesses become more profitable? Simply put, it makes little sense to believe that the super-rich and big corporations want more poor people. This is a myth of fear advanced by those who, mistakenly, believe that there is a limit to wealth creation, a limit to the pie. Which brings us back to the question: why are liberals upset at the Trump tax cut bill? What is so offensive? Republicans want more Americans to keep more of the fruits of their labor so they will have the economic


freedom to participate in our economy as they see fit. This is where Democrats have it wrong. The tax cuts are not about trickle-down economics. The Trump tax cuts are about enabling more players in the economy. That is how one creates wealth. As many a conservative has stated it is not about more taxes but about more tax payers in the system. More tax payers means more taxes dollars than less taxpayers paying a higher taxes. In reality it is a trickle-up economy, and that works. This is how one raises revenues for the government to be more effective. Democrats too often assume that Republicans want no government or even a weak one. Not true, what Republicans want is a limited but strong and responsive government.


Again, Congress has passed and President Trump has signed into law a comprehensive overhaul of America’s tax code for the first time since 1986. This is a historic moment for the United States and honestly the world. An economically stronger America is good for the world. Despite what the lame stream media would have you believe, President Trump is proving his point, economically speaking. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowers tax rates across the board, eliminating costly special-interest tax breaks and modernizing the international tax system. This pro-growth tax reform package will create more jobs, increase paychecks, and make the tax code simpler and fairer.This legislation effectively repeals Obamacare’s individual mandate tax to help provide additional relief to low- and middle-income families. In addition:




The economy has been a tough road for several years. Any additional money that can be returned to tax payers is a good thing. Honestly, I wish this had included 1.5 trillion in reductions in wasteful spending. Work for another day and I will be content to see more money in the hands of companies and individuals.

It doubles the child tax credit from the current $1,000 to $2,000 – allowing more parents to claim the credit. Additionally, it increases the child tax credit’s refund-ability to 70 percent; It reduces individual tax rates for middle-income Americans, which will help taxpayers keep even more of their hard-earned money; and It even nearly doubles the standard deduction. It establishes a permanent reduction in the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21%. The rate reduction generally takes effect on January 1, 2018. Under this bill, a family of four making $73,000 will see its taxes drop by more than $2,000. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act also creates a first-ever 20 percent deduction for passthrough business income, which is a significant tax cut for Main Street businesses across the country. The new law retains seven tax brackets but modifies the “breakpoints” for the brackets and reduces the rate for the top bracket to 37%. The temporary (2025) new brackets are: 10%,2%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37%. The top rate applies to single filers with income over $500,000 and married joint filers with income over $600,000. The standard deduction is temporarily increased to $24,000 for joint filers and $12,000 for individual filers, with these deductions indexed annually. At the same time, the deduction for personal exemptions is repealed, while the child tax credit is increased and the phase-out thresholds is substantially increased. These are just a few of the key points in this massive tax overhaul. There are still many deductions remaining—deductions that Democrats said were cut. Only time will tell if this is a success. I expect, as did the Reagan tax cuts were, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will prove to be exactly what President Trump has said it will be.

Christopher Grahn Howard

I Trust Charles Lingerfelt

For US Congress District 5 Dallas, Texas

PD, POL, ADV By The Charles Lingerfelt Campaign




HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 By Charles Lingerfelt

Senior Columnist Christian Times Magazine

Sometimes life can be messy - more messy at times than at others! How you 'look at it and respond to it' will determine what kind of person You will become. Life hasn't always been a "cup of tea" for me; and really, I never expected it to be. I've seen the 'good, bad and ugly' in life and in individuals. I've had people to "do me wrong" - call me very ugly names - misunderstand me totally 'double-cross' me - talk about me behind-my-back and many other things too numerous to mention. Always, I have tried to respond in the most positive of ways possible. I've helped "other people's kids" get off drug and alcohol addiction I've held the pans for adults in the mornings as they regurgitated and had "the dry heaves" as their bodies 'called for' drugs and alcohol. I've fed many a person meals when they were hungry, counseled many thousands of hours to those who needed it because of various and sundry situations - Not bragging, just the facts! YES - Life can be 'messy' sometimes - and Life can deal You a stealthy blow when You least expect it!

Tornadoes and earthquakes can come in a moment's notice - and when they Do, they always cause pain, heartaches, sorrow, death and great losses. From a small kid growing up in East Tennessee near Knoxville until now, I know that I have had many "lessons" to learn to get me to this point in my life, and from this point forward, I shall have many more to "learn" as well. To me, life has been a journey. It's been a journey of learning my lessons and accepting the 'teaching' of many along the way. Thousands of people have come and gone - some 'up close and personal' and some not so close. But all along the way, I have tried to be disciplined enough to "Stop -

Look - and Listen!" My mother taught us boys that, "God gave us two ears and one mouth - and that we ought to listen twice as much as we speak!" I now smile a lot at that, but in my heart I always knew she was 'speaking the truth.' I have for a long while considered my life as a 'Journey into Faith and Patriotism.' Along the way I have been taught by many, and I hope that I might say with confidence, "I have learned my lessons well." I am 'TRYING' now, more than ever before, to learn them - teach them to others - and to TRY to leave somewhat of a legacy to others along this path - so that it just MIGHT not be so difficult for others on their journey. I don't think that God is "finished" with me yet - and, I believe I shall have many more lessons to 'learn' - and much more teaching as well along the path. So, as I trek along, I believe there are two very important things to remember from Jesus - and I now "pass them along" to you. While he was here on earth, He taught us to: 1:) "Love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength." and, 2.) "Love our neighbor as our self." So, as I think about the New Year ahead of us, I pass this along to you for your consideration. And further, be mindful of what God is trying to "Teach" you as you 'journey’ through this life. Sometimes, He uses the "messy ones" and their "messes" to teach us lessons we NEED to know - So that we might grow and mature for Him and His glory. 'Stop Look - and Listen well.' Life may be messy at times - But It sure does teach us a lot!! Still on "The Journey....." God is Love - God is Patient - God is truthful - And, God is firm too! But always, God is Good!!! Learn your lessons well...... Charles Lingerfelt Candidate for U S Congress-District 5(Texas) Dallas, Texas USA




Palestine Fake Claim BY AVIGDOR ESKIN "Our narrative says that we have been have been in this land since before Abraham. I am not saying it. The Bible says it. The Bible says, in these words, that the Palestinians existed before Abraham”. This statement has been made by the chairman of the terrorist PLO organization, which is usually called Palestinian Autonomy, - Mahmoud Abbas. He repeats over and over again that the Arab population of Israel, including Judea, Samaria and Gaza, constitutes a separate ethnic group which has preceded Abraham and his descendants in the land of Israel. This claim belongs to the category of laughable falsehoods which can be refuted in easiest way possible. There was no such a claim of separate Palestinian nation until sixties. No document, no evidence of any group which declared or professed Palestinian national identity. Of course, the Arabs of “Palestine” were called Palestinians during the time of British mandate from 1917 until 1948. This is the name which was given to this land by ancient Roman invaders who conquered the Holy Land and destroyed the Second Temple. The British took the name for the land from them. But also all the Jews there, Christians, Druze and all the Arabs of today’s Jordan were also called then Palestinians, which

referred to their citizenship under the British rule. However, this had nothing to do with any separate or national identity. This fake identity became PR tool for the terrorists of Palestinian Liberation organization, which had been formed in 1964 for the purpose of total destruction of Israel. We are talking about total destruction of Israel in pre-1967 borders, of course. Today we hear from the terrorist leaders that they might consider the coexistence with Israel if the Jewish state will return back to the old boundaries before 1967 and the state of Palestine will rule in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and East Jerusalem. This is also the excepted attitude of the majority of international community. However, let us read the astounding article 24 from the Palestinian Charter of 1964. The original PLO constitution states that the Palestinians have no claims for Judea and Samaria and even not for Gaza: “This Organization does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area. Its activities will be on the national popular level in the liberation, organizational, political and financial fields”.




In other words, the international community felt no need to create any Palestinian state on the territories illegally occupied by Jordan in 1948. Moreover, the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) have never expressed any desire for any independent state for themselves where they lived. The radicals among them joined the call of the PLO from 1964 to replace Israel in pre-1967 borders. And no claim for any piece of land in the West Bank, as we see from their charter, when it was under Jordanian occupation. This article of the PLO Charter was rewritten in 1968, which does not make their claim for these territories less ludicrous. There is no rational explanation for this collective madness when Israel is discussed. Today the term “occupied Palestinian territories” became a widely excepted international cliché. And nobody really questions this hackneyed phrase. But let us think for a second. Does it mean that Israel occupied the territories which belonged to the Palestinians? Yes, this is the only meaning. Israel invaded and took the land of the Palestinian people. But how can it be? These territories were a part of Ottoman Empire, then a part of British Palestine and between 1948 and 1967 this was “the West Bank” - illegally occupied by Jordan. This land had never belonged to any Palestinian people. Therefore the whole international discourse on this matter is nothing, but shameful and fanatical lunacy, totally divorced from any reality. When someone says that Turkey occupied Cyprian territories, so he means that Ankara invaded and took under control a part of Cyprus, which was the case. If someone accuses Armenia of having occupied Azeri land, so this means that Armenia chopped some territory which was under recognized Azeri rule. Israel has conquered the territory in 1967, which was illegally occupied by Jordan and this was after Israel had been attacked by Jordan. Somehow the people say that Israel had occupied Palestinian land… Since nobody could and would ever refute any of the arguments above, we could stop the discussion right here, but the matter of Palestinian identity appears to have deeper spiritual significance. Not only that, but after having dismissed any claim of Palestinian identity before sixties we can consider somehow yielding to their desire to be considered a separate nation with a very precisely defined idea of destruction of Israel. No separate language, no ethnic culture or tradition, but hatred and destruction as a basic national idea. No literature, not a single song


and no common genetic or historic ground. As we know, there Palestinians of today are descendants of Arabs from different countries around who moved to the Land of Israel during 19th and 20th centuries alongside a tiny minority, whose ancestors had settled there not some time before. Nevertheless, these people have something very important in common: they want to stop the return of the entire nation of Israel to the Holy Land; they want to prevent the building of the Third Temple. No positive agenda, but very solid common ground to prevent the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. By doing so, they become a nation with raison d’etre of preventing Israel from returning to the Land and preventing the Messiah – from coming. They become by their choice a nation of Anti-Messiah or of Anti-Christ (as Christian believers would define them). The Arab residents of the Holy Land today may be determined as descendants of Ishmael: they are Sunni Muslims and could be naturally considered a part of pan-Arab conglomerate. However, they themselves ask us to call them Palestinians; this is their chief Mahmoud Abbas who insists, that “Palestinians' roots in ancient Canaan”. While this statement is comical from historical point of view, we can take it as a spiritual and ideological declaration. There were no Palestinians even sixty years ago but why can’t we say that there is a nation with the purpose of being the spearhead of Anti-Messiah in the world? Why can we say that today they are a separate national entity founded on the basis on the hatred of Israel and Divine prophesies for our days. The term Palestinians appears in the Holy Bible as Philistines, and they were one of the Canaan nations (deriving from the Hebrew source PaLaSh, which means invasion and occupation). Interestingly enough, philistine has a meaning in English of somebody uncultured, lowbrow, anti-intellectual. As it appears in Genesis chapter 10, the Philistines are descendants of Ham, the cursed son of Noah. Famous Jewish Bible commentator RaShI (rabbi Shlomo Ben Yitzchak) noticed that the origin of Philistines is incest. No wonder that we see in Genesis chapter 26: “For all the wells which his father's servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had sealed them, and filled them with dust”. Since the wells symbolize the presence of spiritual nourishment, the annihilators are those who appear as negative and destructive force who dare to seal the sources of Divine spirit and wisdom. We also read in 1 Samuel chapter 5 about how the Philistines captured the Ark of Covenant: “Now the Philistines had taken the ark of God, and they brought it from Eben-ezer unto Ashdod. And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon… But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and He destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, even Ashdod and the borders thereof”. We see them here as a destructive pagan force to confront Israel both spiritually



and physically with the purpose of replacement. This is what “plishtim” (invaders) are about. They strive to fend off Israel from fulfilling the Divine mission and to replace Israel. We also find a theological confirmation for the thesis of Anti-Messiah nation in the battle between Goliath the Palestinian and the forefather of Messiah – King David. Open 1 Samuel chapter 17 and you will discover the answer to what are the spiritual routs of Palestinians. “And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle. For Israel and the Philistines had put the battle in array, army against army. And David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage, and ran into the army, and came and saluted his brethren. And as he talked with them, behold, there came up the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, out of the armies of the Philistines, and spake according to the same words: and David heard them… And David spake to the men that stood by him, saying, What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and take away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” So the battle is not another power struggle between ancient tribes. Future king of Israel and the forefather of Messiah came to stop the Palestinian from humiliating the name of G-d: “Is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” Then we read in the same chapter: “And the Philistine came on and drew near unto David; and the man that bare the shield went before him. And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field. Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in


Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the LORD save not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands. And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the earth”. As all other ancient Canaan nations, the Philistines had disappeared more than two thousand years ago. We have no signs of their heritage besides what we read in the Holy Bible. However, when PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas insists that the roots of his murderous constituency derives from the ancient Philistines, let it be. Not in any historical, ethnical or cultural sense, but if these people want to become spiritual successors of the ancient barbaric pagan nation, let it be. They have made their point when their previous leader, Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini became Hitler’s collaborator. This leader of the Palestinians urged Hitler to exterminate all the Jewish people back in autumn 1941, before the infamous “final solution” plan had been accepted. Let us take it seriously. The PLO and Hamas terrorists tell us, in fact, that they are not descendants of Ishmael, not a part of peaceful monotheistic Islam. They choose to be a nation of Anti-Messiah (Anti-Christ). Let us respect their choice.

Avigdor Eskin




INSIDE QUETTA CHURCH ATTACK Suicide bombers attack Quetta church in Pakistan Killing 9 & wounded over 50


On 17, December 2017 Four suicide bombers have attacked a church in the Pakistani city of Quetta, killing nine people and wounding more than 50 innocent Christian.

Baluchistan Police Chief Moazzam Jah said the venue Bethel Memorial Methodist Church - was on high alert as Christian places of worship are often targeted by Islamist extremists over the Christmas season. More than 400 of worshippers were attending services at the church before Christmas and attackers clashed with security forces, one attacker killed at the main entrance inside but the second attacker detonated hisexplosives-filled vest outside its prayer hall. Aqil Anjum, who was shot in his right arm, said he heard a blast in the middle of the service, followed by heavy gunfire.

BY PATRICK SAROOJ “It was chaos. Bullets were hitting people inside the closed hall, broken wooden benches, shards of glass and musical instruments were scattered around a Christmas tree inside the prayer hall that was splashed with blood stains. I appreciate the response of security forces guarding the church, the attacker who made it inside was wounded and unable to reach the main building, otherwise the loss of lives could have been much higher. The Quetta police chief, Abdur Razzaq Cheema, said a search was under way for two suspected accomplices who escaped. The Islamic State armed group claimed responsibility for the attack in an online statement published by its Amaq outlet. The group did not provide any evidence for its claim.




Pakistani Christians, who number around 2 million in a nation of more than 200 million people, have been the target of a series of attacks in recent years.

Taliban Attacked Christians in a Lahore park on Easter Sunday, killing 70 & wounded over 300. 27 March, 2016 in the eastern city of Lahore on Easter Day attack in a public park that killed 70 innocent and wounding more than 300 other, most of them women and children, it was claimed by a Taliban splinter group previously associated with Islamic State. A suicide bomber set off an explosive vest packed with ball bearings in the main gate of the park, close to the swings and rides of the children's play area.

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan Attacked on Pashawar Church, 80 Killing & wounded over 100 On 22 September 2013, Twin explosions at All Saint's Church in Peshawar's Kohati gate area killed 80 innocent Christian and wounded over 100 others on Sunday. The two bombers detonated their explosive vests within an interval of 30 seconds after entering the church. The victims of the blast included children and women. The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have distanced themselves from the attack and denied that they were responsible.

Condemn and Condolence I am very sad to say many cases are waiting for justice; Pakistani Government should provide Justice and protection to Minorities. I strongly condemn terrorist attack on Churches, Christians Colonies, and false blasphemy cases, because many Innocent Christians have been lost their life and homes. My sincere condolence and prayers are with the aggrieved Christian families who lost their beloved in terrorist attacks. May God save all Pakistani Christians.

Talban Attacked on Lahore Churches, 15 Killing & wounded over 80 15 March, 2015 At least 15 people died and over 80 were wounded in deadly bomb blasts outside two churches in the Pakistani city of Lahore on Sunday during morning prayers, marking one of the country’s worst-ever attacks on its Christian minority. Two churches located around half a kilometre apart in the city's Youhanabad neighbourhood that is home to more than 100,000 Christians. 125 Christians houses burnt over Blasphemy 9 March, 2013 the blasphemy suspect was identified as 26-year-old Sawan Masih. Police took him into custody in the small hours of Saturday. Later a magistrate sent him on judicial remand. An over 3,000-strong mob set ablaze more than 175 houses of Christians in Lahore’s Joseph Colony on March 9 to “take revenge of the blasphemy” allegedly committed by a Christian two days earlier. Thousands of protesters armed with sticks, clubs and stones ransacked Joseph Colony.





Have you ever imagined what Christmas would be without snow-covered rooftops waiting for Santa and his reindeer sleigh? Or a white Christmas without icy streets lined with snow-covered trees? Now if you’re stuck in Christmas Past,like I was too, then it’s time to throw out the shovels, scarves, gloves and boots, let go of the old and embrace the new. If you’re looking for something new, then close your eyes for a few and take a ride with me to a land where Christmas is not like what you’ve known it to be. Aloha, Mele Kalikimaka,that’s the Hawaiian way for saying “Welcome” and “Merry Christmas”. Now open your eyes and see for you have just entered the land where Christmas takes on a whole new meaning for you and for me. It’s time to experience a new type of Christmas in a warm Polynesian tropical style way in sunny downtown West Palm Beach, Southern Florida. Men put on your shorts and shades while the ladies get their grass skirts, leis and flip-flops too. Don’t forget to grab your chair and camera too.



Welcome to the annual Aloha Islanders Polynesian Christmas Spectacular Family Event!! This annual,multi-cultural celebration now in it’s 7th year brings families and friend of all ages from far and near to participate in traditional and non-traditional holiday activities. With free parking and food vendors all around, this event will satisfy your hunger and holiday cravings too. Along with the beautifully hand-carved 6000-pound sand sculpture lighted Christmas tree display,

known as Sandi and her new beau Duke, you will immediately be transformed into a tropical paradise to start a new Christmas tradition accented with a tropical flair. The Aloha Islanders Hawaiian Entertainment group put on this spectacular family event. Along with their professional Polynesian dancers accompanied by their Sound of Aloha Band, these exotic performers kept us entertained with our good oldtraditional Christmas singalong songs as well as teaching us theirPolynesian-style traditional holiday music. This three-hour, non-stop, holiday Polynesian show kept us energizedwhile participating with them for the different contests in spite of the liquid snow known to Floridians as liquid sunshine. The show opened up with the traditional blowing of the conch shell that officially started the event.Then the fun began as multi-aged exotic Polynesian dancers kept us entertained singing our favorite holiday songs in between the rain that didn’t put a damper on this event. The audience from all ages very quickly and easily became engaged with the performers to participate in the hula dance contests. These volunteered participants were taught how to dance the hula and sway their hips to the sound of the beating drums as they competed against each other for their five minutes of fame in the spotlight. We also had the privilege of being entertained by a group of students from all ages that were learning how to play the ukulele. These local students under the direction of one of the professional dancers did an amazing job serenading the audience with their selection of holiday favorites too. The night went on as many different Polynesian exotic dancers kept us entertained with their different multicultural holiday performances. Volunteers from the


audience were asked to participate in their annual conchblowing contest. These volunteers made up of men, women and young adults were all taught how to perform this difficult breath-blowing ritual. It definitely looked easier than what it was. This definitely is a learned technique that one must perfect in order to create the desired results that will blow you away. Each person was asked to do their best in performing this ritual as the audience gave their approval rating with cheers and a few jeers. The top three were chosen to perform again as the audience selected the winner and runner-ups. Congratulations to all the volunteers that did their best trying to outdo each other to blow away their competitors while serenading the rest. The men were put on the spot, as it was time to select the Big Kahuna from the group of men that were chosen by the exotic dancers from the audience and brought up on stage to perform their best version of a specially selected hula taught dance. Each man had their moment to shine as they were taught how to move and sway their bodies in ways not normal to many. The audience was going crazy especially the women as they laughed, roared, and cheered the men through this pain-staking ritual. The winner who was chosen as the Big Kahuna had big coconuts to fill in many ways. The exotic female leaders dressed this man in a grass skirt and coconut bra top as he performed his swinging and swaying to the hula dancing music. Needless to say the audience was on there feet roaring while cheering him on to victory. As evening came upon us this amazing show ended up in flames with the grand finale performance of the all male fire-knife dancers from the island of Samoa. These man of all ages performed their fire-breathing dances using real fire knives too as they juggled them in the air and between their bodies too. This was quite the sight to see as the audience stood in awe and on there feet.The grand finale was truly a feat as the skies opened up and tried to drench their flame. Even Mother Nature in all her fury could not diminish or hinder these men during this risky performance. It was a great way to bring this night to an end. So yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus in a bright-red suit and Christmas does come every year. It’s now up to you to choose how you want to celebrate this Christmas season each and every year. Christmas around the world is still about the birth of Christ and keeping Christ in Christmas. The joy comes from experiencing the different traditions and cultures that each nation has to celebrate this event. When we truly experience and honor our differences in traditions and values and not fight about the ways of men that separate us then we will finally have Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards All Men. MeleKalikimaka – Merry Christmas






CHRIST ROSE MINISTRIES Being known as a former homosexual the most frequent question I get asked is: “How did you come out of the gay lifestyle?” I love answering this question because it opens the door to demonstrate the power that is found in the name of Jesus and what faith in Him can do.After nearly fifteen years of living in the LGBTQ community,I came out calling on the name of Jesus. A simple prayer cascaded over years of pain and heartache, “Jesus, just take care of me.”It was faith in Jesus, knowing that somehow He would carry the alcoholism, drug addictions, and sexual uncleanness.

Photo Source: News CN I didn’t know how He would do it, but I knew that He could and He did. Another important question asked of me are those of Christian parents who have children that have become members of the LGBTQ community. Often sons and daughters will approach their parents with the exciting news that they have come to accept themselves as homosexual. For some Christian parents this is like a knife vigorously thrust into their hearts not once but over and over again. Immediately they are petitioned to love their child’s sin. Some parents refuse to endorse this petition, while others eagerly “sign” on the dotted line as a testimony of their unconditional love. Often ignored is the unread “fine print”. In the larger sense, the petition reads of their child’s prerogative to live outside of God’s provision. Their child becomes unclean, joined with an unsuitable partner, and enticed into a romantic delusion with death. The father and mother, who in their ignorance have in realty signed away their parental rights to an enemy hungry to devour their child’s soul. Lucifer, the accuser, has now gained a legal right to destroy the child. When the time comes to intercede for a homosexuality identified child. the parent(s)must tear up this contract as my mother did. A few years after I had turned away from a homosexual identity, my mother phoned, in tears, asking for my forgiveness. Sobbing she confessed that she was wrong to support a homosexual identity in her son. When asked what scripture drove her to this conclusion, she was unable to recall, but

what was clear is that the Spirit of God took a hold of my mother that day. He renewed an understanding of her obligation to raise her children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord God Almighty. Even though her children are now in their forties, she remains committed with a watchful eye over pitfalls which threaten to destroy their souls. “And, ye father, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 KJV I honor my mother who continues to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. She knew that she had failed in her obligation to train and educate her children in reverent respect to what pleases God. She now advocates the honoring of God through biblical sexual expression, and wants for her children a lifestyle of receiving God’s conventional provisions. By her apology she gave an overdue instruction on the importance of living according to God’s expectations, worshiping Him for the covenants that He established, especially to that which is between a man and a woman. Reaching out to my mother I asked her to recall this tearful moment confirming the accuracy of my own recollection. “I believe that only Father God, His son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit could’ve answered my prayer and fulfilled a promise in the heart of a young boy, reassuring a young mother’s heart. It has always been my prayer that my children would be protected and kept safe from harm. God’s steadfast love has provided a way for my boy to receive a new heart, a new path, and brand new identity in Christ Jesus. Before he came to the Lord Jesus for help there seemed to be a dark shadow over my son, I never knew what concerned him. Eight years ago he returned to my home and I saw a change in him that only my heavenly Father could have given. Seeing my Father’s hand on my son’s heart, I too renewed my faith. There has been tremendous change in the both of us, our relationship has improved greatly, and we have grown closer.” Thank you mom for sharing your heart with the world!I am impressed with how much you’ve grown in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is finished Mom! No more days of drugs and nights of drinking. No more dark alleys and musty corners. Great is the Lord for He is restoring me. I am safe, kept safe in His arms forever! It seems so long ago were the days when fine fathers and mothers would raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, teaching them to honor God with their bodies as well as their minds. In this era of depravity we are refreshed when brought back into theaccount of God’s compassion when He formed the family unit. We are assured that when each part of this unit performs obediently, the results are of the utmost purity.



“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 KJV When studying the word of God a broad understanding is captured when analyzing scripture from its original language. Take the word “man” from the above scripture. The Hebrew language characterizes “man” to be good, great, and mighty, a man of high degree. The wife in this context is said to be an aid to her husband, a perfect counterpart who is faithful alongside him. It is the father and mother who are responsible for building these characteristics into their children. When the time is right and the work is done, the father will permit his son to leave the family and cleave or be joined together with his wife. We now live in a biblically apostate culture,witnessing fathers and mothers permitting their untrained children to cleave to certain spiritual death. When I lived in the gay lifestyle, it was imperative that everyone accept me as homosexual. I figured society had an obligation to treat others as they wanted to be treated. Occasionally, I would introduce myself through my sexual preference as a test of their character. If my demand was not met a war was waged. In my mind homosexuality was natural; something that I had fought against but eventually came to accept. It was inexplicable for someone to show indifference. Homosexuality was my identity. So, if people did not love my supposed sin they did not love me. All-inall I led a fifteen year long campaign to ensure my own dignity through social engineering. However, this burden was lifted when God’s light shown into the darkness of my depravity and ignorance. Over time the identity crisis that led to my homosexual behavior was fixed, homosexuality was no longer tolerated in my redeemed life. Fully trusting in Calvary’s accomplishment I left behind my former ways. I began to walk and live in the resurrected life Jesus provided through His death and resurrection. Homosexuality identified persons who claim Christian salvation yet walk in the darkness of sexual uncleanness are not walking hand in hand with the Savior. Perhaps they remain blinded and tethered to social fallacies that claim homosexuality is a normal and natural sexual variant. Perhaps they consider monogamous love between themselves a glorification to God. I did. But the true nature of a Christian is the nature of Christ Jesus Himself. Simply put, if our lifestyle looks nothing like His life, then who and whose are we? Once justified and sanctified the Christian is commanded to throw off behaviors for which Christ died. In the beginning this was difficult as I struggled to hold onto the appetites of my sinful flesh. But God’s word began to change my heart. It became more important to be found in His Son Jesus Christ and no longer cold, homeless, and broken in a depraved and lawless world. Parents! There is hope for your wayward child. As the LGBTQ community and their allies demand a change in Christian theology and doctrine, our love is on trial. Body of Christ, we are in a difficult situation. Do we justify our love by accepting a lifestyle that comes with an eternal damnation? No! A good and righteous father will never gift his child with a stone. Why would you advocate homosexuality that in God’s heart is likened to bestiality? “I no longer tell God what He should accept, but today as a redeemed child of God I ask what is acceptable to Him.” When I saw God’s heart and felt His sorrow I wanted nothing to do with homosexuality.


So, I slayer it with the Sword of the Spirit! I love my Father and I need Him, Jesus in my life. This is what my Father said to me, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty”. 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 KJV I am reminded of the encounter that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman. At noon, passing through Samaria He was wearied by His journey. While His disciples were on their way to gather food, Jesus rested at Jacob’s well. Before long a Samaritan woman came to draw water. It is here we begin to see how Jesus interacted with a woman who was not aware of her sinful condition and her need of salvation. The conversation starts as Jesus asks her for a drink of water and ends with her belief in Him as the awaited Messiah. Some commentators speculate that His asking for water was in part a way to introduce the Samaritan woman to the gift of salvation. .“If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10 ESV. Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14 ESV Even though she remained blindfolded to her condition, Jesus began to show her His deity, told everything she had ever done. I believe that the Samaritan woman was convicted of her sin. I believe she turned from sin and unto God’s righteousness and received salvation. Jesus lights the way in how we must lovingly and correctly lead darkened sinners from their path of destruction. At no time did Jesus accept, justify, or play down the Samaritan woman’s sin, but He first spoke of salvation. The Samaritan women was blinded and cuffed in her sinful condition, but as the Lord Jesus told of her sin we must acknowledge the Spirit’s ability to convict. The Samaritan did not justify her sin as many do today. The most profound moment, I believe, was when the Samaritan woman begins to talk about worship. As the Lord Jesus spoke and His words were trusted, He introduces a promise that the Samaritans and all people, not just the Jews, will worship God.He gives the distinction to those who truly worship Him. “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23 KJV After fifteen years of sexual depravity I finally worship God with my mind and body. This is the kind of worship our Heavenly Father is looking for. How do we love the sinner but hate the sin?Love the sinner by showing them the truth. Stand firm even if they crucify you. Their soul is valued by His death on that old rugged cross. Be blessed body of Christ as we are reminded of God’s provision for man’s sinful condition.



“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 KJV When studying the word of God a broad understanding is captured when analyzing scripture from its original language. Take the word “man” from the above scripture. The Hebrew language characterizes “man” to be good, great, and mighty, a man of high degree. The wife in this context is said to be an aid to her husband, a perfect counterpart who is faithful alongside him. It is the father and mother who are responsible for building these characteristics into their children. When the time is right and the work is done, the father will permit his son to leave the family and cleave or be joined together with his wife. We now live in a biblically apostate culture,witnessing fathers and mothers permitting their untrained children to cleave to certain spiritual death. When I lived in the gay lifestyle, it was imperative that everyone accept me as homosexual. I figured society had an obligation to treat others as they wanted to be treated. Occasionally, I would introduce myself through my sexual preference as a test of their character. If my demand was not met a war was waged. In my mind homosexuality was natural; something that I had fought against but eventually came to accept. It was inexplicable for someone to show indifference. Homosexuality was my identity. So, if people did not love my supposed sin they did not love me. All-inall I led a fifteen year long campaign to ensure my own dignity through social engineering. However, this burden was lifted when God’s light shown into the darkness of my depravity and ignorance. Over time the identity crisis that led to my homosexual behavior was fixed, homosexuality was no longer tolerated in my redeemed life. Fully trusting in Calvary’s accomplishment I left behind my former ways. I began to walk and live in the resurrected life Jesus provided through His death and resurrection. Homosexuality identified persons who claim Christian salvation yet walk in the darkness of sexual uncleanness are not walking hand in hand with the Savior. Perhaps they remain blinded and tethered to social fallacies that claim homosexuality is a normal and natural sexual variant. Perhaps they consider monogamous love between themselves a glorification to God. I did. But the true nature of a Christian is the nature of Christ Jesus Himself. Simply put, if our lifestyle looks nothing like His life, then who and whose are we? Once justified and sanctified the Christian is commanded to throw off behaviors for which Christ died. In the beginning this was difficult as I struggled to hold onto the appetites of my sinful flesh. But God’s word began to change my heart. It became more important to be found in His Son Jesus Christ and no longer cold, homeless, and broken in a depraved and lawless world. Parents! There is hope for your wayward child. As the LGBTQ community and their allies demand a change in Christian theology and doctrine, our love is on trial. Body of Christ, we are in a difficult situation. Do we justify our love by accepting a lifestyle that comes with an eternal damnation? No! A good and righteous father will never gift his child with a stone. Why would you advocate homosexuality that in God’s heart is likened to bestiality? “I no longer tell God what He should accept, but today as a redeemed child of God I ask what is acceptable to Him.” When I saw God’s heart and felt His sorrow I wanted nothing to do with homosexuality.


So, I slayer it with the Sword of the Spirit! I love my Father and I need Him, Jesus in my life. This is what my Father said to me, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty”. 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 KJV I am reminded of the encounter that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman. At noon, passing through Samaria He was wearied by His journey. While His disciples were on their way to gather food, Jesus rested at Jacob’s well. Before long a Samaritan woman came to draw water. It is here we begin to see how Jesus interacted with a woman who was not aware of her sinful condition and her need of salvation. The conversation starts as Jesus asks her for a drink of water and ends with her belief in Him as the awaited Messiah. Some commentators speculate that His asking for water was in part a way to introduce the Samaritan woman to the gift of salvation. .“If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10 ESV. Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14 ESV Even though she remained blindfolded to her condition, Jesus began to show her His deity, told everything she had ever done. I believe that the Samaritan woman was convicted of her sin. I believe she turned from sin and unto God’s righteousness and received salvation. Jesus lights the way in how we must lovingly and correctly lead darkened sinners from their path of destruction. At no time did Jesus accept, justify, or play down the Samaritan woman’s sin, but He first spoke of salvation. The Samaritan women was blinded and cuffed in her sinful condition, but as the Lord Jesus told of her sin we must acknowledge the Spirit’s ability to convict. The Samaritan did not justify her sin as many do today. The most profound moment, I believe, was when the Samaritan woman begins to talk about worship. As the Lord Jesus spoke and His words were trusted, He introduces a promise that the Samaritans and all people, not just the Jews, will worship God.He gives the distinction to those who truly worship Him. “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23 KJV After fifteen years of sexual depravity I finally worship God with my mind and body. This is the kind of worship our Heavenly Father is looking for. How do we love the sinner but hate the sin?Love the sinner by showing them the truth. Stand firm even if they crucify you. Their soul is valued by His death on that old rugged cross. Be blessed body of Christ as we are reminded of God’s provision for man’s sinful condition.


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By David Clarke

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