Christian Times Magazine Issue 25

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DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR Remembering Childhood


‘How your imprints, memories and perceptions of them create your beliefs, choices and ultimately your life.’

By Ayn Dillard A Return To Childhood And Growing Up For The Purpose Of Awareness, Healing, Forgiveness And Joy! Ayn takes the reader on an enlightening and transforming journey. She articulates a message of selfawareness and strength that stems from an independent and determined mindset. Ayn says, "I love to write, but most importantly, through my book, I want to bring to light self-awareness through a process of how we can release limiting imprints and negative beliefs that familial and life experiences may leave upon us, in order that we are able to live a more fulfilling and emotionally healthy life - a life of awareness, healing and choice. When we have pain, we can either run towards and through it or away from it. At times, we need to run towards it to arrive at release and healing - other times, to step away. It takes awareness to know which will best serve us.

These stories are for remembrance and awareness leading to the release of limiting imprints beliefs and emotions, along with the understanding from where they derive. An important awareness is that wherever we land on earth, whatever our circumstances, it is the perfect place for us. Our soul is placed to accept, rise above, integrate, release, understand, forgive and or to break against to become more than what we were when we first arrived. Have you ever wondered why out of all the memories we have and are created in our lifetime, why specific ones we recall more often and stay with us, appearing to be the ones more significant? Perhaps these are the ones imprinted to bring us to our greatest awareness, healing of negativity or the ones that sustain us in positive feelings of love and joy. Our memories, imprints and perception of them are what create our beliefs about ourselves, others, our world and guide us as we travel through life. Until we become aware of them, their impact, examine them for their true meaning, we will be guided by them as if on remote control. When we are able to view them objectively, examine them from all viewpoints, release the ones needed to exit, we will be at awareness and more able to live our lives at choice. These stories are truth from my childhood and life based upon my perception of the imprints which created my belief system that created my life. Understanding the imprints along with hidden messages from childhood, I am then more able to see myself and others with clarity. As you read my stories, you may experience your own remembrances - my stories will trigger yours. And once you begin this journey of awareness, more imprints and memories will surface for you to examine. One may lead to another, onward to more awareness and clarity. Our imprints and memories of them are what create who we are and who we become. The truth of your childhood is imprinted in your mind, body and spirit. Imprints can even flow generational through family lineage. Most of us have similar feelings in childhood - circumstances and situations are just different.

In PART FOUR is A process to assist to release imprints, perceptions and limiting beliefs and how to find and identify the feeling and emotion associations with them.

"I learned to fly and my spirit soared and so can you." --- Author Ayn Dillard



Anil Anwar CEO / Editor In Chief

Editorial Member Charles Lingerfelt Raven Youngblood David Clarke CTM News Media




Published in United States of America Copyright Š 2018 by Christian Times Magazine (CTM) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, For permission requests, 202-800-9150 972 - 533- 3804

Issue 24 | November 2018


Why Immigration Matters More Than You May Think By Katherine Schoonover

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By Paul McCabe

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By Christienah Robertson Travis

By Dan Brien

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By Charles Lingerfelt

By David A. Colbert


Why Immigration Matters More Than You May Think By Katherine Schoonover

The issue of immigration has not been taken as seriously as it should have over the years. However, it has never been as important an issue as it is today. It has been an ongoing and growing issue because we have not upheld our own laws or kept them up to date. Typically, it would have been one of many smaller disputes in the ongoing tug of war between Republicans and Democrats. Now, it has surged to the forefront of U.S. politics, along with freedom of speech, at a crucial time for the nation. It has now become not just a leading issue but a linchpin tying a number of hotly disputed issues together into one decisive battle in a civil war that some people still do not realize we are fighting. As a result, it has become a much larger issue than it ever would have been on its own.

“A civil war that some people still do not realize we are fighting.” Why has immigration risen to such a level of importance when issues such as taxation or healthcare would more likely have taken center stage? It is because of the shifting political ideologies and goals in the United States and around the world. Set aside the typical arguments about border security, cheap labor, racism, globalism, and civil war and consider some of the deeper issues at stake. Below these Page 08

comparatively superficial, but by no means insignificant, issues, there are uniquely American issues being debated. Let us step back from the interminable political noise and focus on a few key issues such as citizenship, the U.S. Constitution, elections, and voting rights one by one, and how they tie in with each other, and with the overall immigration debate.

Christian Times Magazine

To begin with, why is citizenship so important? Does it really matter? Is it so unreasonable to include everyone who lives here, whether they are here legally or not? On the surface, it might

Central American migrants walking toward the U.S. depart Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018, despite Mexican efforts to stop them. The caravan advancing toward the U.S. border is estimated to be at least 7,000 people. As of Tuesday, Oct. 23, they still faced a journey of more than 1,000 miles. (Moises Castillo/Associated Press)

sound unfair or even cruel to question the idea that we should open our borders and ignore citizenship, but if you think it through then you realize that citizenship is no small matter. It is a foundational feature in the existence of any nation because it means belonging and acceptance which is a basic human need. It is particularly critical to the existence of the U.S. due to the nature of the unique constitutional republic that it is and how it functions. In some nations, citizenship may not be as meaningful, but the U.S. could not exist without citizenship. Before we tie citizenship in with the structure of the American system of government specifically let us contemplate citizenship in general. What is citizenship? Generally speaking, citizenship is a legally binding connection with a government, a nation, a place, a people, and a culture. With citizenship comes duties, rights, and privileges. Through citizenship, citizens and nations have duties to one another and an expectation of care and prioritization.

By accepting citizenship, a citizen assumes duties to its nation and fellow citizens and has the right to expect certain privileges and care in return. By accepting citizens, a nation takes on the responsibility for the care and protection of its citizens both within and outside of its borders. These are serious responsibilities.

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It is a privilege to be a citizen of any number of nations, but it is a distinct privilege to be a citizen of the United States of America. We have the most valuable and extensive codified list of rights and freedoms of any nation in the entire world throughout all recorded human history. Did you know that we are the only nation today that has true freedom of speech? We think that every western nation, at the very least, has freedom of speech but they do not. They may have a lot of leeway to speak their minds, but it is not the indelible right that is in the U.S. Beyond the more superficial, but by no means insignificant, benefits of U.S. citizenship, it is a requirement for our specific system of government to function. What is the foundation upon which every aspect of the U.S. operates from our values to the structure of our government? The U.S. Constitution is the foundation for everything that makes the U.S. what it is. It enshrines our ideology, individual rights and freedoms, outlines how our system of government will function, describes what authority we will allow it to have, specifies who will make up the government, and how they will be selected. While other nations have constitutions, the U.S. Constitution is unique and is the primary reason that the U.S. has been so successful. Unlike other nations whose governments have written constitutions allowing their citizens to have certain limited rights and freedoms, the U.S. Constitution is the People themselves listing outright the unalienable rights and freedoms that each individual will have come what may, implying a number of others, establishing that they will govern themselves, and listing the limited authority that the government, made up of citizen representatives selected from among themselves, will be allowed to have. It is the opposite perspective of every other nation. Our People give limited power to our government and other Governments give limited power to their people. The differences are even more significant than that. It is not merely a public document written by the government. The U.S. Constitution is an

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enormous private contract between and among all U.S. citizens. With citizenship, you enter into that contract with your fellow citizens both individually and as a group. By entering into that contract, you are agreeing to live your life according to the terms, conditions, and principles both expressly and implicitly codified in that contract. You do not force your way into a contract with other people. You must be invited into the contract and knowingly agree to abide by its terms. It must be an act of shared intent and responsibility.

“The U.S. Constitution is an enormous private contract between and among all U.S. citizens.” A person who illegally enters or remains in the U.S. has not entered into the contract, that describes Americanism, with the rest of us.

Members of a caravan of migrants from Central America walk towards the United States border and customs facility in Tijuana, Mexico, April 29, 2018. (Jorge Duenes/Reuters)

To be fair, I am sure many would like to, but they will remain in the shadows on the periphery of our society without citizenship. Their illegal presence and participation in our society incrementally erode our system of government, whether that is their intent or not because our society is not like others. Mere presence does not make someone an American. Because they have not gone through the process of obtaining citizenship we do not know if they share our values, particularly as they have already attempted to force their way into our contract showing that they do not understand or prize the value of that contract, just the safety and economic opportunities that our contract is responsible for ensuring in America.

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Among the privileges of citizenship is the right to vote. Why does it matter if non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? Citizenship is directly connected with the issue of voting, especially in U.S. elections. Because the U.S. is a specific form of constitutional republic, or representative government, where the People themselves hold all the sovereign authority of the nation, each citizen is essentially a percentage of a king, or one of many equally powerful kings, that rule the U.S. together. Non-citizen participation in U.S. elections is a direct violation of the sovereignty of each U.S. citizen individually and of the nation in its entirety. It is deliberate usurpation, however well meant, of the thrones, or collective throne, of the ruler(s) of the United States of America who hold a contractually agreed upon right to authority and selfgovernance.

“Non-citizen participation in U.S. elections is a usurpation of the sovereignty of each U.S. citizen”

Christian Times Magazine

With the adoption of self-governance through the establishment of the U.S. Constitution, we have transitioned away from the chaos and danger of violence previously used to determine political leadership. We have adopted a process of elections as a more civilized alternative. This means that each election is essentially a small revolution or war, hopefully without the bloodshed, where power changes hands peacefully at the end. The peaceful exchange of power from the current elected official to the newly elected official is critical for the stability of our nation and for a civilized society. Non-citizens voting in our elections it is like going to another nation, fighting in a war, and helping to prop up a new king to rule over them. It is basically participation in an attempt to take over another nation through warfare but in a more civilized way. It is still warfare and usurpation of U.S. citizens’ sovereign power no matter what the desire or intent may be. Non-citizen participation in U.S. elections can have a massive impact on the value and distribution of political power. One city or state could dramatically increase its voting population which could change the outcome of an election, increases the number of elected representatives that city or state can have, as well as increasing the number of electoral college votes in presidential elections. It is like playing football and bringing in a bunch of ringers to win a game. If you do not have enough votes, then just import some more. Even if that is not the intent, and for some it is, it has the same impact. Is it fair to U.S. citizens to have their political power diluted without their consent? All of this is happening without the consent or best interests of the citizens themselves being taken into consideration. U.S. citizens have the right to expect their elected U.S. representatives to put their interests ahead of the interests of citizens of other nations. In the U.S. we do not elect representatives of the world. We elect representatives of Americans. The elected members of the U.S. government have the obligation to ensure that the needs of its citizens take precedence over the needs of the citizens of other nations.

“government have the obligation to ensure that the needs of its citizens take precedence over the needs of the citizens of other nations” These are serious issues at the heart of the current immigration debate. Because immigration is now being used as a representation of a number of other political debates, these issues must be kept in mind as we look for ways to accommodate both the needs our nation and our desire to help the less fortunate.

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DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR Remembering Childhood


‘How your imprints, memories and perceptions of them create your beliefs, choices and ultimately your life.’

By Ayn Dillard A Return To Childhood And Growing Up For The Purpose Of Awareness, Healing, Forgiveness And Joy! Ayn takes the reader on an enlightening and transforming journey. She articulates a message of selfawareness and strength that stems from an independent and determined mindset. Ayn says, "I love to write, but most importantly, through my book, I want to bring to light self-awareness through a process of how we can release limiting imprints and negative beliefs that familial and life experiences may leave upon us, in order that we are able to live a more fulfilling and emotionally healthy life - a life of awareness, healing and choice. When we have pain, we can either run towards and through it or away from it. At times, we need to run towards it to arrive at release and healing - other times, to step away. It takes awareness to know which will best serve us.

These stories are for remembrance and awareness leading to the release of limiting imprints beliefs and emotions, along with the understanding from where they derive. An important awareness is that wherever we land on earth, whatever our circumstances, it is the perfect place for us. Our soul is placed to accept, rise above, integrate, release, understand, forgive and or to break against to become more than what we were when we first arrived. Have you ever wondered why out of all the memories we have and are created in our lifetime, why specific ones we recall more often and stay with us, appearing to be the ones more significant? Perhaps these are the ones imprinted to bring us to our greatest awareness, healing of negativity or the ones that sustain us in positive feelings of love and joy. Our memories, imprints and perception of them are what create our beliefs about ourselves, others, our world and guide us as we travel through life. Until we become aware of them, their impact, examine them for their true meaning, we will be guided by them as if on remote control. When we are able to view them objectively, examine them from all viewpoints, release the ones needed to exit, we will be at awareness and more able to live our lives at choice. These stories are truth from my childhood and life based upon my perception of the imprints which created my belief system that created my life. Understanding the imprints along with hidden messages from childhood, I am then more able to see myself and others with clarity. As you read my stories, you may experience your own remembrances - my stories will trigger yours. And once you begin this journey of awareness, more imprints and memories will surface for you to examine. One may lead to another, onward to more awareness and clarity. Our imprints and memories of them are what create who we are and who we become. The truth of your childhood is imprinted in your mind, body and spirit. Imprints can even flow generational through family lineage. Most of us have similar feelings in childhood - circumstances and situations are just different.

In PART FOUR is A process to assist to release imprints, perceptions and limiting beliefs and how to find and identify the feeling and emotion associations with them.

"I learned to fly and my spirit soared and so can you." --- Author Ayn Dillard








The 2018 mid-term elections were, mostly, a disappointment for the Democrats. After Trump won in 2016, their response to such an unexpected election result has been muddled. It started with accusations that the Russians interfered in the general election. Since then, they have questioned his mental health and his ability to govern, flirting with attempts to impeach him. The Democrats have also sat on the opposing side of every policy debate with the President in hope that they can pick up votes from those who are dissatisfied with Trump’s leadership.





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The problem is, their plans have backfired at every turn. Despite investigating alleged Russian interference for over a year, there is no conclusive evidence that Putin’s cronies determined the outcome of the 2016 general election. Those who have studied this election in detail suggest that even if Russian hackers did influence any American voters, they would have succeeded in influencing only 0.03 per cent of those who voted in 2016. The real reason the Democrats lost that year is because Hillary Clinton took the electorate for granted. She thought victory was already hers, whereas Trump reached out to disillusioned Democrat voters in the rust belt states. He may have lost the popular vote, but his electoral strategy worked as he won the states that would influence his journey to the White House under the Electoral College. Until the Democrats realize this, and learn from it, they will be locked out of the Oval Office for a long time.

What has surprised the Democrats the most is that the President has implemented many of his campaign policies. Jobs are returning to America from overseas. Domestically, more jobs are being created than ever before. Unemployment Page 13

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President Donald Trump waves during a campaign rally in Columbia, Missouri. AP Photo

is at its lowest rate ever. Trump succeeded in his campaign promise to cut taxes faster and further than the Reagan and Bush Junior administrations ever did, which has persuaded many firms to return home to the United States. The 2015 Iran Deal has been ripped up and North Korea is destroying many of its nuclear weapons. ISIS is in retreat. And despite alarm among many libertarians and traditional conservatives to the President’s tariffs on many of America’s trading partners, some of them have already been forced to cut their own tariffs. The EU has retreated in response to these protectionist policies and cut their own tariffs. Protectionism hurts in the short-term, but if this is only a short-term policy, let us hope the President can achieve his aim of creating fair trade and ending ‘stupid’ trade as he once called it. These achievements are impressive for someone who has no prior political experience. The American political landscape has been reshaped because of it, which leaves the Democrats in a difficult position to respond accordingly.

Equally, they adopt stances that harm their own electoral prospects. They failed to prevent Bill Kavanagh from becoming a Supreme Court

judge. Now that the Republicans occupy America’s highest court, the Democrats will find minimal support for their ideas there. Supporting the caravan movement from across the border will further damage their chances of winning in 2020. Trump’s immigration stance aided his 2016 victory and his attitude to the caravan movement is proving popular with voters. The wall Trump promised is under construction, too. The President has a chance to go further than his predecessors in finally reforming immigration. And moving further to the left will prohibit the Democrats’ chances of winning the White House in 2020. Not only did the Democrats lose in 2016, but as mentioned earlier, their anticipated ‘blue wave’ this year failed. Because of all the factors already discussed earlier that stemmed the Democrats in their tracks, they were never going to achieve outstanding mid-term results. This is disappointing for a political party considering many voters feel the ‘mid-term blues’ by this stage in a presidency. All of Trump’s predecessors felt it, yet the current President has been immune to it so far. To be fair to the Democrats, they did retake control of the House of Representatives, but they failed to achieve substantial gains in the Senate. The Republicans have retained their control of this chamber. This means no matter how many seats the Democrats won in the lower chamber, it is the upper chamber, the Senate, that determines which laws are passed and end up on the President’s desk. And with the Republicans dominating the Supreme Court, the Democrats have little hope of overturning Trump’s agenda or impeaching him. Trump’s opponents’ behavior will unintentionally create a successful electoral strategy for his base of support for 2020, which clearly remains as strong as it was in 2016: The President can say to voters ‘we have tried to work with the Democrats, but they tried to thwart my agenda at every turn. Vote for me to change that.’ The opposition will celebrate their House of Representatives victory, but they still have no credible leader to challenge the President in

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2020. They face a black hole of outstanding talent. As discussed in last month’s article, I highlighted who the likely contenders for the 2020 Democrat nomination might be: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and even Hillary Clinton. Yet the Democrats did not role any of them out to be their spokesperson for their 2018 mid-term campaign. Instead they depended upon Obama to do that, who, for obvious constitutional reasons, cannot stand for a third term. It is amazing that ten years on from his presidential victory, the opposition still cannot find a figure who can compete with Obama’s charisma and oratory. He remains one of America’s most popular presidents. If Democrats truly believe he is irreplaceable, it demonstrates what little confidence the opposition have in themselves to find a talented and charismatic 2020 nominee.

And who are the opposition’s supporters uniting around now? A slim, handsome, charismatic, yet defeated 2018 candidate with Obama’s mannerisms: Beto O’Rourke. But who is he, a question many of us asked prior to the mid-term elections. He is the Texan Democrat who was closely defeated by Senator Ted Cruz by a margin of 51 per cent. Defeated he may have been, but he may possess the personality to defeat Trump and the articulation to challenge the President in eloquent speaking style in live TV debates. As a businessman, Beto comprehends what it takes to create jobs and wealth. He is also more politically experienced than many commentators anticipate. Beto was a councillor on El Paso City Council from 2005 to 2011. And he is currently a member of the House of Representatives for the 16th congressional district for Texas. Beto’s full name is Robert Francis Beto O’Rourke. He possesses Spanish heritage, which will help Democrats appeal to the United States’ Hispanic population, which did not vote for Hillary in large numbers as anticipated. The Texan also has social media appeal, with many going wild as he posted a video of himself cooking a meal on Instagram. Is Beto the Texan and white ‘Obama successor’? He will only be a year older than Obama was when the latter stood for President in 2008. Beto will be 48 by 2020, showing he can appeal to America’s youth compared to the ageing Trump. Page 16

He certainly has all the appeal and considerable strengths, yet as columnist Freddy Gray, who writes for British magazine The Spectator argued, Beto’s sudden rise to fame represents a deep sense of trouble the opposition are in. Gray argues progressives’ obsession with ‘Betomania’, like Obama-mania in the late 2000s, demonstrates how needy they are. Women and gay men compete over their lust for him, with one gay man stating on social media he got pregnant over watching Beto cook on Instagram. Choosing to rename himself from Robert to Beto shows his desperate and phoney appeal to Hispanics. This was widely mocked by Ted Cruz’s campaign. And then there is the fact he still lost to Senator Cruz in a state where the Hispanic population is growing. Despite journalists’ love for him expressed through adoring profile pieces, Beto’s loss to Cruz may also show whether he really does have voter appeal. He upset El Paso electors when supporting his father-in-law’s controversial housing scheme. Beto is cringy, too. His blog about going for a run hours after his defeat on November 6th proves that. He wrote about a voter he met on his run who apologized for originating from Massachusetts, where Beto replied ‘it’s okay, we love Massachusetts too!’ Although he has stated he has no intention to run for president, he may not do that closer to 2020, with colleagues already encouraging Beto to do so. The Democrats are in crisis, but as Gray says, they have found a hero in Beto.

Democrats’ faith in a cringy and politically inexperienced congressman says they have little confidence in saving themselves by 2020. Beto still has every right to run in 2020, despite that. However, if President Trump continues to ‘win’, as he brags on social media, by 2020, it does not matter how competent the Democrats’ 2020 nominee maybe, they will still lose.

Christian Times Magazine



The reality is, Republicans may very well lose the House and may barely hold onto the Senate. Republicans losing the House will force Trump to move to the left or cause gridlock, unlike anything the Republicans were ever able to muster against Obama. The Trump/republican agenda will die in its tracks. The aforementioned, referring to my article this summer concerning the midterm elections. I might revise it a bit, in saying that the Trump agenda is dead. Rather it is prohibitively slowed. The GOP lost the House of Representatives. Mostly in suburban districts. Why? This cannot be stated clearly enough. The single biggest failure and disappointment of the Republicans was not having a completed healthcare plan by the midterms. The GOP won the House on this issue, Trump and almost every GOP candidate campaigned on this issue in 2016. Sadly, this was not really fixed or completed. Preexisting conditions and child healthcare options were messaging disasters. There was no cogent response to the attacks from the Democrats on these messaging points.

option was a failure, at least no answer on the above-mentioned issues. Yes, the (not so) Affordable Care Act was a failure. People wanted a better option. No option was not an answer. To be clear the Republicans lost, they were not beaten. Lost because moderate voters wanted results on the healthcare question. The 2020 election is a much tougher slog for the president for this fact. Trump has some very tough work ahead and his agenda is at risk for the next two years.

I hate to say “I told you so”! But…I told you so. First, the GOP must work on messaging. The greatest weakness is how the GOP is messaging, both in the wording and delivery. The GOP must find a way to paint a picture in such a way that people can visual understanding of the message. We must decide what the “shining city on the hill” will look like, how it will work, and if and how it can/not solve the people’s problems.

The Republicans had six years to get this prepared and completed. They knew the polling and that the people wanted a better healthcare option. No Page 18

President Donald Trump waves during a campaign rally in Columbia, Missouri. AP Photo

Yes, President Trump exceeded expectations. Yes, maintaining the Senate was a big victory… for the president. Where the president showed up and campaigned…mostly, he won. So, why the doom and gloom? The president and the Republicans could have had a truly historic win this last November. Could have set the Democrats on their heels…again, just like 2016. The only good news is that despite tariffs

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hurting them, rural districts held for the Republicans. The so-called blue wave hit the red break wall in the harbor.

illegal who violates other laws, violent or otherwise. A path for citizenship may be the only way to avoid mass deportations.

The sad truth is that the Republicans did…what they have done before. Waited too long to make more of the time they were given. The people wanted bold leadership, wanted systemic changes to how government worked.

Like President Reagan, President Trump may find offering an amnesty a worthwhile decision. Like President Reagan’s amnesty, it will be worthless in terms of preventing future need for amnesty programs without real border security. Reagan’s measure was only half-way, thus creating the problem we have now. Secure the border now, and then look at paths to citizenship. There are no easy answers, as much as I wish there were. The path to citizenship for these illegals needs to be realistic but harder than for those who entered legally. Fair is fair. Fair is never easy and is sometimes hard. If being an American is worth it to these “dreamers”/refugees they will do whatever it takes. Or not.

The president asked for these things and the Republicans in the House delayed, obfuscated and did too little too late. Leaving President Trump with a real hot mess on his hands. So now what? The future is murky at best. Trump will have the Senate to stop, what will sure to be, the far left agenda of Pelosi and friends (Comrades). Infrastructure may be a truly bipartisan success for both sides. Trump knows the need for a stronger infrastructure and this is something the Democrats want for their union base. Many states have serious issues with infrastructure and this is a proper role of government. Something President Trump may actually get Republicans and Democrats to do. We are all well aware of the immigration issue, a horde is attempting to enter this country right now, as of this writing. This is another example of both parties kicking the can down the road…only to find out, it is a dead-end street. The road ends right now with a 5,000+person caravan trying to enter illegally. Not only illegally but apparently willing to be violent in the process. This problem has been festering for a long time. Time to lance the boil.

Some thoughts on the illegal immigration issue. Until there is a substantial effort to secure our southern border there will be simply an ongoing generational problem that will cost trillions of dollars in the long term. I am not in favor of incentivizing illegal behavior. However, the idea of busses rounding up approximately 28,000,000 illegal immigrants and dumping them off on the other side of the border, is not the image I want to see in this country. President Trump is right to push for the removal of any

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Securing the border is essential, not just to this issue but to President Trump as he strongly campaigned on it. Building the wall, in some ways, is impractical. However, there is another potential solution that I have advocated for almost a decade now. Now, we have this in action to control and repel the horde advancing on out border. The US government has spent billions training a military to help control the borders of other countries. We should place a permanent detachment of our military on our border to do that training. Money is saved and our border is secured at the same time. I am not advocating for a military conflict with Mexico, nor am I suggesting that there should be one. Having our military training on the border would also serve as a deterrent to illegal entry into this country.

Ironically, that is happening right now on the border as we speak. The National Guard is set up along the border to repel the horde. Now that they are there. The military should set up a permanent base of operations until the wall, in various forms is built. Rotate the troops in and out to train on border interdiction. Oddly, even the Mexican Government is learning to sympathize with our blight.

Christian Times Magazine

Of growing concern to many are the political people looking to become a part of the Trump revolution, those that are not in this for the advantage to the people. Sadly they are in this for personal gain and fame. Now more than ever, Trump needs those who have a much bigger picture for a personal worldview, people who are truly America first and not sycophantic in an attempt to gain access for self. I see this too often in local politics, people who want a title and notoriety but will not put in the work, steal ideas from others or even do anything at all but to sit on that title. We, the president, this country and the world desperately need some people to step up and put the country first.

he can have the largest impact with a divided Congress. Trump must move away from the aggressive tone of the last several years and move into a strong statesman like prose. The president is capable of all these things and more. The world needs him to do this and more. I have every confidence he can and will do just that. I have said this many times, the world is freer, wealthier and safer when America is freer, wealthier and safer. It is just that simple.

Another potential pit for the Trump

administration is the never-ending Mueller investigation. Like most, I seriously doubt there will be any legal charges against the president or even any of his closer current advisors. However, politically any report is likely to present real challenges to the president in his effort to advance an agenda. Not to mention re-election. No matter how micro the rebuke in any Mueller report, the Democrats will act as if there is blood in the water and engage in a media feeding frenzy. 2020, will be the challenge. The economy must continue to be strong and get stronger, North Korea must follow the agreements and more fruitful discussions need to take place, as mentioned above a serious discussion on immigration needs to take place, China must become a fair trading partner for Trump to win re-election. President Trump has solid relationships with our key allies despite what is read in the press. These relationships will serve to help in the next two years. Foreign policy is where Page 20

Christopher Grahn Howard Republican Activist & Columnist CTM

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Thank You, Gaby Juergens, for giving us the time for this Interview.

Why did you decide to choose fashion designing as a career ? GABY: It actually chose me. Life is funny that way, I was a military spouse, married for 28 years, daughter of Veteran and a family background with a long history of military service. I was a member of those that support our loved ones who serve by volunteering, raising our kids, in conditions our civilian sisters and spouses might find extraordinarily challenging. Within those years I used my creative talent to volunteer illustrations, created my own note card collection and it was only after we left the military that I wondered, now what do I do with the rest of my life? Writing and design and fashion have always been a part of my life and interest and I am a girly girl. So, I decided to pursue a career in art licensing, from fabric design, apparel, home dÊcor etc., it led to a variety of opportunities to also tie my collections, to benefit with their purchase to give back to military charities. That was important to me. I love simplicity of design in fashion; I am a self-taught designer and also a great fan Coco Chanel and her contribution in silhouette and design that became iconic. I also believe less is more. How would you describe your personal style? GABY: I lived in Europe for many years, and I came to admire the Elegance of the Parisian woman in fashion. I am selective, I try not to follow a trend, but I believe that confidence is one of the greatest fashion statements women can make, comfort in your own skin. Then it’s the woman that will make the statement on her personal style.

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What is your Political Party affiliation?

Why you support President Trump?

GABY: Creative’s are by nature there to illuminate and in this climate that we live in today I think there is a line of politics and business, be it Hollywood, or singers making political stances that alienate those who simply want to appreciate their work. So, I am of the mind that I don’t share my own political beliefs publicly. I can only tell you I was raised in a Reagan conservative home and very proud of that; I consider him one of our greatest Presidents.

GABY: I am so grateful to the President and our beautiful and talented First Lady and what they have done in acknowledging our military families and service members. President Trump's focus on giving our military equipment, training, and support for our military families is exactly what was needed. Again, I refer back to when Reagan took office and our military felt proud and acknowledged and not just with words but being given the resources to do their job. Which is to be trained and ready to fight our wars? Defend our country. I believe we are getting there. Mrs. Pence’s focus on military spouse employment and entrepreneurship is a blessing. I am a member of that sisterhood; I am a former Milspouse entrepreneur, starting my studio from nothing. You never know who is watching and who you are inspiring, so this spotlight on this extraordinary community is priceless. I applaud her.

The designs Red Tie Rising you created are no doubt good enough, but who and which things were your inspiration while creating such designs? And no doubt this designs support President Trump, but which things were your inspiration while creating such designs ?

GABY: In creating Red Tie Rising, which is the reason I am grateful for the opportunity to talk about why I saw, as a designer, a collection that I felt would be embraced by such a vibrant, motivated, goal oriented demographic, which is the millennial vote; especially in the conservative arena. MAGA was and is a rallying cry that so many were drawn to and still are-I often reflect back on the Hal Riney ’84 Reagan Campaign “Morning in America” – the optimism, the pride in our country, getting back to work, that’s day to day life and important to Americans. Red Tie Rising was to give the younger millennial vote a sleeker iconic way of wearing their hope for the future. The messaging is simple but empowering, I have already created several other designs that with the inclusion of a RED TIE-- which so iconic of President Trump, makes a solid statement and does so in a stylish and less “Political wear.”

What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? GABY: My greatest strength I would say is my faith, I am so grateful to my parents for raising me with that, it has sustained me my whole life, most recently it was tested, through a broken marriage, infidelity and that heartbreak and then Stage 3 Breast Cancer all in the space of 6 months. Psalm 121 was ever present during those 16 months of fighting at Johns Hopkins. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. Amen.

Are you Christian Conservative? GABY: Iam a proud and humble Christian.

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What plans do you have for this brand? GABY: I would love to see it picked up by the Trump Organization stores especially the one in NYC- which is so iconic with our President as well as by other retailers in the country.

Thank You so much Gaby, Best wishes and many prayers.

What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

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Part Two

In July of this year, the CTM published the first of my articles, titled “A Democrat’s Lament”. Following the events since then, including the November elections, I am unhappy to report that a major update is needed. Many events have taken place which have no precedent in the long history of our Constitutional Republic. For example, President Trump’s predecessor -breaking all Presidential traditions of courtesy and civility -- has not stopped attacking him since 2015 and in fact stepped up his nefarious web of lies during the election season. No President before has violated this polite custom.

Showdown at the Supreme Court Page 26

How about the attempted character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh at the Senate hearings a few months ago? The attacks on him by Democratic Senators, by the Democratic media, and by wellfunded leftist political groups reached an unprecedented level of virulence and untruth. Even before the President announced his nominee, thousands of signs were printed and distributed, allowing demonstrators to “fill in the blank” later. Of course they did so.

Fairness, justice, rules of evidence, and proper parliamentary procedure were thrown out the windows of the Senate to the howling mobs. More than 300 shouting protesters were arrested on the opening days of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the hearing room itself.

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This never had happened before in the matter of a Supreme Court nominee. Later screaming sociopaths besieged the Court building itself and pounded on the huge doors, resembling welldressed patients who just escaped from an insane asylum. Within the Committee and the Senate, Democrats used every kind of falsehood and underhanded tactic. As the hearings began, my own Senator made a vicious attack speech full of obloquy and propaganda, apparently drafted by radicals at the Socialist Party and Planned Parenthood. Well after the hearings ended, the

Eric Risberg/AP Photo

aging weasel-like Senator Feinstein pulled a very odd rabbit out of a hat at the last minute to delay the Judge’s confirmation vote. This was the bizarre and confused cloud of deceit from a woman named Ford, whose imagination was working overtime as she spun her tales of a teenage party 35 years ago. Of course the antiTrump media discussed these sensationalist lies 24 hours a day and depicted the honorable Judge in the worst possible light. Despite this torrent of slander and perjury, the Senate narrowly approved Judge Kavanaugh and he was sworn in October 6. Breaking the Senate rules, the Democrats used every possible defamation, deception, and sneaky subterfuge to defeat the President’s nominee. The media circus on TV and the behavior of several Democratic Senators left millions of voters thoroughly outraged.

A Monster From Langley

President Obama nominated Brennan to be CIA director/AP Photo

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Former CIA director John Brennan, appointed by Obama, has been shouting on TV talk shows for almost two years his hateful and bitter views about the President and his policies. In August his security clearance was taken away. This is the first time this ever happened to a former CIA director. He is a well-known Democratic attack dog who worked as an advisor to Obama’s 2008 campaign, and he actually voted for the Communist Party in the 1976 election. CIA officials and others confirm that he converted to radical Islam while he was posted to Saudi Arabia in 1997. Brennan used his security clearance to get information which he then broadcast for his new leftist employer MSNBC. In July he poisonously called the President “treasonous”. The White House in its statement about ending Brennan’s security access referred to his “increasingly frenzied commentary…wild outbursts” and “unfounded and outrageous allegations” in the media. After a career in government service, his net worth is reported to be $33.5 million. How is this possible?

Driving Off A Cliff

A leading source of fake news, the New York Times in September 5th 2018 published for the first time ever an anonymous opinion piece. The NYT, for years the mouthpiece of the left side of the Democratic Party, claimed that the article originated with a senior official in the Trump administration. But many believe that someone within the newspaper wrote the deceitful and foul attack on the President. The White House replied, citing a “gutless anonymous source in the failing New York Times” and calling the story “a new low”. It went on to call for an apology, because “this is just another example of the liberal media’s concerted effort to discredit the President.” Such an anonymous article is quite unheard-of, even in the left-wing press, with no parallel since the NYT was founded in 1851.

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Flood of Lies

During the election of 2016 illegal immigration was a top issue. Now four states, 39 cities, and 364 counties have adopted official “sanctuary” policies and laws. The Congress passed the present immigration laws in every case at the Federal level. That means there is one set of laws for the country as a whole. The mayors and city councils of Seattle and Philadelphia, for example, cannot legally carry out their own immigration and foreign policies. These “sanctuary” locations have long been controlled by Democratic Party machinery, in most cases for decades. This year there has been broadcast a stunning amount of distortion about this complex issue. The Democrats and their news media have lied about every aspect. For years criminal adults have been smuggling children across the Mexican border for immoral purposes. When the US Border Patrol stopped this child trafficking, the Democrats and the media twists the facts to claim that the cruel Trump administration was “separating families” and “jailing juveniles.” The Congress still has not funded the border wall so necessary to stop the deluge of dangerous drugs and crime into the US. The wall was a strong reason why the President won the election. The Democratic machine needs new voters and it must import them. For every 700,000 new residents (citizens plus illegal and legal immigrants), a state receives an additional seat in Congress. A national census is coming up soon in 2020. So it’s a good time to stuff the ballot boxes at the local, state, and national levels. That is the real story going on in the background. More than 130 Democratic members of Congress wish to abolish the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) agency. Since July, such a bill has been pending in Congress. Now the southern border faces an Page 28

invasion in the form of “caravans” of illegal immigrants trying to force their way en masse into California (a sanctuary state) and other states. This unruly crowd, which attacked the Mexican police on its way north, includes hundreds of violent criminals and close to zero genuine asylum-seekers. The President of course sent troops to defend the border and the laws. Again the Democrats and their close friends in the media are telling lies about the situation. No other country in the world faces this – only the US and only at election time. Coincidence? No way. In urban areas controlled by the Democratic Party, the gunshot and murder rates are the highest in the country. So are the numbers of homeless. There are many estimates of how much these ill-conceived and mistaken policies are costing the taxpayers. All those estimates are in the tens of billions. One-third of the nation’s homeless live in California, drawn there by subsidies paid by the state, the counties, and the cities. That is to say: funded by taxpayers.

Elastic Elections The recent elections showed an extraordinary level and variety of cheating, irregularities, and vote fraud by Democrats. Across the nation they missed no trick or dishonest method to win. Several states actually let illegal immigrants vote. Several counties reported higher numbers of votes than county residents. Democrats who were losing on election night or the day after mysteriously found thousands of votes after a week, thus changing the election results. In every case, the Democratic candidate benefited from “new” or “absentee” or “uncounted” or “misplaced” votes and ballots. It is statistically impossible for this to occur, especially in states where the number of voters is more or less evenly divided along Democrat and Republican lines.sidies paid by the state, the counties, and the cities. That is to say: funded by taxpayers. Three races received a lot of attention: Governor and Senator in Florida and Governor in Georgia. The Democrats made their usual claims of racism and accused their opponents of what they were busy doing: stealing as many votes as possible. Democratic voting officials in two Florida counties cheated so brazenly and boldly that they were forced to resign pending criminal charges. Even

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after this shocking display, both Democratic candidates lost because the massive cheating was stopped in time. However while national attention was on the two southeastern states, others were busy across the country stealing elections. In Arizona a leftist pro-Taliban candidate who once called herself “a proud Prada socialist” somehow won a Senate seat against a female ex-Air Force fighter pilot. Though the Democrat Sinema was well behind on election night, by November 12, thousands of “new” votes were found and she was declared the winner. She won only five of Arizona’s counties (where the Democratic Party dominates) while the Republican McSally won 10 counties. This seems anomalous. Who believes that on the same election day, 1,321, 475 Arizonans voted for a Republican governor, while only 1,135,200 voted for the Republican Senate candidate? Who believes that 130,375 voters changed parties at the polling places… all in the five Democratic counties? In neighboring New Mexico, Republican Yvette Herrell alleged widespread vote tampering and fraud in the 2nd Congressional district race. Democrat X.T. Small narrowly won the race by 3,539 votes. Herrell was well ahead on election night and seemed to be the winner until 8,000 absentee ballots were later “found” in Dona Ana County, a Democratic stronghold which borders on Mexico near El Paso Texas. In traditionally Republican Orange County California, Republican candidates lost all four of the Republican seats. Now all six members of Congress will be Democrats -- in a county with 1.5 million registered Republicans. In the 39th Congressional district there, Democrat Gil Cisneros beat Republican Young Kim by 3,020 votes. Again, Kim appeared to win on election night but somehow Cisneros edged ahead in the days after the election. A similar thing took place in next-door 45th District, where Republican incumbent Mimi Walters lost by a small margin (3,797 votes) to Democratic newcomer Katie Porter after long delays in counting votes. There are plenty of examples of this and other voting irregularities in several other states too. Many of these races across the country attracted more money from out of state than the candidates themselves raised locally. Translation: Hollywood and other Democratic donors. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, America’s 10th richest man and once Page 29

the Republican mayor of New York City, contributed $100 million of his own money to help Democrats win in November. In the Texas Senate race, the losing Democratic candidate got $70.2 million in contributions. (This was more than double Republican Senator Cruz’s fundraising of $33.4 million.)

The Fire Next Time

The People’s Republic of California this year suffered the deadliest and most damaging wildfires in the state’s history. The property damage has not even been counted yet. Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated and displaced. Ironically the town of Paradise was turned into a fiery hell and destroyed. There terrible fires resulted from decades of silly and unscientific Democratic environmental policy and wishful thinking -which tried without success to legislate the laws of nature. It was the worst failure of forestry management ever – as the President quickly pointed out.

2019 Is Fast Approaching Starting January 3 some 234 Democrats will be running the House of Representatives and all its Committees. Given their recent record, the next two years will be a time of further corruption, obstruction, bombast, posturing, socialist proposals, and damage to the national security. In reviewing this year and looking forward at the next, reluctantly I must change the name of this article from A Democrat’s Lament. The new name is “A Democrat’s Deep Disgust, Disdain, Dissatisfaction, Dismay, and Disappointment” with the party that has alienated me and millions of other voters from sea to shining sea.

Christian Times Magazine

TRUMP AND ISRAEL by Christienah Robertson Travis

The month of December 2018 has barely begun and it is already apparent that this month will not end the year quietly for the United States and Israel. Both countries are hopeful that certain parties will be able to come together with a desire to work together on delicate internal and global issues. It is the time of year when another chapter is closed as we make room for 2019 and everything it has in store.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "...our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation. Conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure." -Gettysburg Address.

America prepares to welcome the Democrats to the House. While party division has been an issue in the past, it will be interesting to see what the new electees will bring to the table. Trump seems optimistic overall, so far, following the midterm elections.

It is for the sake of our future that we remember the past and celebrate both. During this month of celebration, we take pause to consider these things. We can ponder the weight of what the future holds hoping that we have a good idea of what could be. For Israel, the profound is more than speculative.

While we wait for the emerging of what is to come, America should take a moment to remember times past. That the path was not easy, but the possibility of what could be brought the nation together.

Israel has announced that it is inviting seventy nations to celebrate Hanukkah this month. This Hanukkah is special, because there will be a dedication of the alter for the Third Temple on the last day of the holiday. During the

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dedication, a declaration will be read. The timing of it is exciting. The Hebrew calendar has estimated this year to be the year 5779 since the beginning of September. Every year is marked in symbol to have a meaning for the upcoming year, so every year has a different prophecy to it. Hebrew year 5778 whispered of a hidden mystery and the world witnessed the Revelation 12 sign in labor that very month. September 2018 began the year 5779 that speaks of a seer, birth and a martyr. That can be translated to "Revealing the hidden sacrifice" and Israel is dedicating an alter. It's almost apocalyptic. Apocalypse being a Greek word that means "uncovering" or "disclosure of something hidden". A veiled bride or woman in labor often illustrate and embody the meaning, because it declares a time of revelation. Can we help, but to wonder what kind of disclosure? Is more waiting for us than merely the mystery that 2019 hides? Is it connected at all to a certain disclosure by President Trump that is in the back of everyone's mind? It is difficult these days to separate President Trump and Israel in conversation. There is no greater hot button topic today than the highly possible "unveiling" of an Israeli/Palestinian Peace Plan early in 2019. The exact date is unclear, but Trump's team has reassured media outlets that the proposal is complete. Release of the plan was postponed throughout 2018 in hopes for the very best timing possible. Despite outrage by Abbas, rumors and elections, the plan continued to develop undeterred. President Trump continues to assert that the Palestinians will be pleased with important parts of it. It can be assumed that there is a great deal of financial gain involved as part of the perks. This might prove motivating in the face of major loss of financial aid from the United States recently. Trump is seeking to modify the financial cut in recent news to assure that not all Palestinian aid is withheld. While the pride of the Palestinians is preventing them from moving forward, other nations have Page 31

begun to gather together in support of an agreement. Not necessarily to push Abbas into agreeing, but because this time these countries are waiting in the wings. As though they know that the more Abbas says no, the more the surrounding nations will gain. In essence, leaving the Palestinians behind to fend for themselves. Even though Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked believes the plan is "a waste of time", she freely admits that she is taking more of a "wait and see" approach. Everyone wants to know what is in it for them. Hints to Abbas from other Middle East leaders have in essence revealed that he should really come to the table this time. Perhaps, part of Trump's genius in the timing to offer the plan was to wait until the people were asking for the plan to be unveiled. Tension has been building throughout the 2018 year in anticipation of the release of the plan. Even to the point that rumors circulated that France would release their plan if Trump did not soon. France, who is having civil issues of their own, maintains that they believe that Trump will disclose the plan after midterms. That seems to have included Israel's midterms as well. Israel is in a historic time and President Trump has been pivotal in much of that since taking office. His involvement with Israel is unmatched to other former presidents. One reason could be that he is known as a deal maker. There is most likely no other deal that could tempt President Trump more. The most complicated deal in the world. The "Deal of the Century".

It is safe to say that President Trumps relationship with Israel is expected to stay strong and that Americans had that in mind when they elected him. The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, on the other hand, is hoping for a minimum of a few more months in office. Early 2019 could hold all of the critical factors to compel Trump to pull back the curtain of secrecy. In the meantime, Trump promises to keep troops in the Middle East for the main purpose of providing a measure of security for Israel.

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It should prove difficult to find many articles that do not refer to hopes for security, peace and safety when referring to the Middle East. While they all sound good on the surface, a wise man knows that not all that glitters is gold. That if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. Yet we are propelled into this time and compelled to witness it regardless.

So I also give thanks for the readers of CTM. May God bless you and keep you safe this holiday season.

Christmas and Hanukkah will give way to New Year's celebrations. While everyone is reminding themselves to write "2019", President Donald Trump will be on the verge of being in office for a mere two years. In a short time, he has shown his voters and people that voted against him alike, that he keeps his promises. Insomuch that a walk away movement from the democratic party kicked into high gear this year. If that weren't enough, people all over the world have noticed that as President Trump reaches his 2 year anniversary that a Super Blood Wolf Moon will appear across the North American continent January 20-21. While scientifically this simply means that the moon is closer and will cause high tides, to others the timing of this moon with Trump's anniversary seems more than a bit ominous.

By Christienah Robertson Travis Columnist at CTM

Since 2014 there have been quite a few significant Blood Moons, eclipses and even stars that beg to be noticed. The days keep moving forward, but the goings on in the heavens continue to keep our attention and many believing that the bodies above are somehow trying to tell us something. This year anything is possible. As 2018 comes to a close, it is "prudent" to make mention of the recent loss of America's 41st president. Former President George H.W. Bush has joined his bride Barbara Bush in eternity. Thoughts and condolences for the family during this holiday season.

Times like these remind us to be mindful of what we have in our lives, because life is continually changing. We don't know what doors will open or close next, but we do consider them. We think about the people we love. Especially, this time of year. Page 32

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If you have to ask the question, “Have I blasphemed the Holy Spirit?” Then you probably haven’t blasphemed Him! So rest easy! You’re not in danger of eternal damnation. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to attribute the miracles of God’s Spirit to Satan. The pharisees and teachers of the law hated God because they were hypocrites and false teachers, so they rejected the working of the Holy Spirit’s power to heal the sick through Jesus. One day, Jesus healed a demon possessed man who was blind and mute, and the pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by Satan, the prince of demons. Matthew 12:30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come

insult a man’s Father, he might forgive you. If you insult his Son, he might forgive you. But nobody insults a man’s Mama! From a certain perspective the Father places higher honor, and greater respect to His Spirit than he does Himself, or Jesus. The Spirit quietly and subtly performs the Almighty’s wonders in the world. And for all his power, he does not receive the visible recognition of God. But he is with us nevertheless, forever, and lead us into all truth. John 14:16,17 The Spirit of Peace John 14:26,27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


The Comforter

Figuratively speaking the Holy Spirit is like a mother, who acts as the nurturing side of God. As a mother He is emotional & intuitive with feelings and desires like we have, so he is a great comforter of God’s children. Even Jesus compared himself to a mother hen who would have gathered her children, the Israelites, to herself. But they rejected Jesus. Matthew 23:37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. That’s why, in my opinion, blasphemy against Him is unforgivable. If you Page 33

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INTERVIEW WITH DR. SHERMAN STEVEN Thank You Dr. Steven to give us time for Interview. What literary pilgrimages have you gone on? My pilgrimage was indeed a special one that took me through a vision for about three (3) years. I was awakened out of a deep sleep between the hours of 3:30am to 4:am after going to bed very tired the evening before. I realized it was a divine spirit that prompted me to write the topic of my book “How To Cope with Life’s Struggles” I wanted to wait until the sunlight was present. However, the Spirit again told me to write it down immediately before I had forgotten it. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly? A writer without strong emotions and conviction cannot influence others in their writing. Unless their emotions are deeply rooted in their hearts and soul. What inspired you to write “How to Cope with Life's Struggles”? After receiving a divine inspiration and followed the leading of the holy spirit, I began to see prevalent and prominent ills, not only in the Bahamas, but the world. For example, drug and alcohol abuse, teens struggling with peer pressure, struggling to make ends meet. It was enough to arouse my interest in starting on a good foundation. Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice? I see writing as a form of expressing my thoughts and ideas in a way that anyone who reads what i write will understand clearly. Writing to me becomes a spiritual practice when it is predicted in God’s word. When my thoughts and ideas is translated in writing, that brings focus to what Page 34

God wants people to do in general. I would then become a spiritual practice especially when it is done repeatedly. What did you edit out of this book? I found out that I had to edit simple things like family and friends who had passed away prior to the publication. I also changed or edited certain quotations to add more substance to a sentence. Some of the sentences and limited paragraphs had to be taken out, to get the best fit of a thought. Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones? I read book reviews and see them as essential. The bad reviews, I look at them with a critical eye to ascertain a review so to improve my overall thoughts and ideas expressed. The good reviews, I read the to see the strong points made, and thank God for a good review. Do you hide any secrets in your book that only a few people will find? The biggest secret I kept from my readers is having written twenty-six (26) chapters. I admonish the serious reader “it’s time to decide”. Several critical questions were asked that deals with man’s soul, action, behaviour and relationship with God. The reader who wants to improve his or her relationship with god, will find some secret questions at the end of the book. How long on average does it take you to write “How to Cope with Life's Struggles”? It took me three (3) long years to complete “How to Cope with Life's Struggles”. Why is topic “How to Cope with Life's Struggles” name of your book important to the average person?

Christian Times Magazine

Everyone struggles in our lives; Organizations, the Judiciary, Police department, Churches and Government organizations struggle to stay on top of mounting issues and problems.

Now that people have read “How to Cope with Life's Struggles, what do you hope they will do next?

It is hoped that people would turn their lives completely to the will of their Creator, if it is not a How will reading “How to Cope with Life's spiritual nature i.e.: struggling to pay mounting Struggles” change the minds or hearts or lives bills. They could use the wholesome advice given By Dan Brien of readers? to “what must we do” throughout “How to Cope with Life's Struggles” and apply it to their general Firstly, it all begins with the mindset a reader’s improvement of living a victorious Christian life. mind must be focus on what it is the want to achieve or improve in their lives. Whether it is secular or spiritual for the mind if focused properly will enhance a successful fruition. The Thank You so much Dr. Sherman Stevens, May topic “How to Cope with Life's Struggles” seek to God use you more and more in His great work. prepare the readers during the early stage in chapter one (1), how to grow and nurture their God Bless You mindset. The book encourages “all we can be victorious in it’s preface. Like the professional athlete training, preparation training is the key for achieving good results. So, does a reader, if he or she knows where they are headed and whose mind is focus on the lord, will achieve the ultimate success. The book was written with the view of changing hearts, mind and lives for the Kingdom of God. For example, it talks about persons who are suffering from two (2) or more illnesses. Persons who are afraid to die and struggling to make ends meet. It tells readers to avoid alcohol and drugs so, with that back drop it is geared towards changing the individual to the betterment of what God has to offer them. How difficult was it to bring these kinds of ideas into this book? It was not difficult because I had previously worked at a Rehabilitation Institution for the Government of the Bahamas. It is where I see many alcoholics and drug addicts everyday suffering from their regular habits. Some of the other ideas came through from inspiration from God. In addition, while driving, a thought or idea would come to mind. As a result, I would pull to the side of the road and write it down immediately. Later I would advance that idea into sentences and paragraphs.

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‘THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL’ By Charles Lingerfelt, Senior Correspondent And Associate Publisher

In a few days, Christians all around the world will be celebrating Christmas. Families will join together for great times of friendship, meals together, loving fellowship and the sharing of gifts. It’s always a loving occasion when families get together for these sweet times. In our family, we all celebrate the Birth of Jesus by reading Holy Scripture and talking with one another of that miraculous birth. Saint Matthew describes His birth in this manner:

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“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.

Christian Times Magazine

Matthew was a Jew and wrote his Gospel to the mind of the Jew to prove his lineage and deity.(Matthew 1:1-17) Saint Luke was a Physician and wrote his Gospel to style his message around the miracles of The Christ – Jesus, The Savior of the world. He had such a literary style and a range of vocabulary which clearly mark Luke as an educated man. And he was impressed with what he saw in the ministry of Jesus. Actually, there is proof in Scripture that he was of a particular type of Jewish Christian, those who strictly observed the rituals of Judaism. No support, therefore, is offered to the view that Luke was a Gentile. His intimate knowledge of the Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible) and the focus of interest in his writings favor, on balance, the view that he was a Jewish Christian who followed a Greek lifestyle and was comparatively lax in ritual observances.Therefore, the reader of his work will clearly see that he devoutly followed Jesus, The Christ. So, what we have recorded for us in the first four books of The New Testament is a “record” of the words and ministry of the life of Jesus. And, if we believe that the words of the Holy Scriptures were indelibly inspired by The Holy spirit – and I Do, then we believe that Jesus was the Son of God and “The Greatest Gift of All” to mankind. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”(2 Timothy 3:16) Jesus clearly was the Most Profound individual to have ever entered this universe. He came through the most conclusive process of natural birth, but his birth was most conclusively a divine miracle from God the Father in heaven. 1.) His Birth Was Prophesied – (Isaiah 7:14) - "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” Here we are once again in the midst of the Christmas season celebrating the miracle of Christ's birth on earth. In this message, I want to draw our attention to the remarkable season that it is. This is a season that God has given as a sign to an unbelieving generation, not only our generation, but every generation that has come and gone since the birth of Jesus Christ. For many Christians this is a time when we actually get distracted from the true worship of Christ and we seem to get caught up in the hustle and bustle that has resulted from the way the world has chosen to commercialize and market this yearly event. On the other hand, millions upon millions of people from every tribe and nation in the world are being reminded once again of the miracle of Christ's birth. This is the sign that was given to the world by God Himself - to bring mankind into salvation and a relationship with their God. It is a sign to all generations ! 2.) It Is a Sign To All Generations –

In the midst of Santa Claus and all of the other secular trappings that come with Christmas each year, we find traces of this miraculous sign everywhere we go: The manger scenes glorifying God for the whole community to be reminded of this miraculous sign, Singing Christmas trees, drive through nativity scenes that feature the life of Christ

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from His Birth to Ascension, multitudes of T.V. specials that pay homage to Christ's birth and millions of Christmas cards that are sent to friends and relatives with the message of Christ's birth. These are just a few of the events around our communities which are duplicated in many forms throughout the world to honor the birth of Christ. This season also brings forth an abundance of Christmas carols and pageants that lift up the name of Jesus as a sign to this unbelieving world of God's grace and majesty, and the miracle of the Christ child that was to be a sign to all generations. Today, throughout the world, there are countless numbers of people who are attending church services, maybe for the first time this year all because a sign was given. In every generation there are heroes and villains that are worshipped and then forgotten. But the name of Christ is a name that has been worshipped from generation to generation, because He was given as a sign for mankind to find God and eternal life in the midst of societies and generations that have been polluted with sin. (Psalms 33:11) – “The counsel of the LORD stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations.” (Psalms 45:17) – “I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations; Therefore the people shall praise You forever and ever.” (Luke 1:46-50) - And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.” Signs come in all kinds of shapes, colors and designs and give to us specific directions or instructions as to what to do in given situations and they change from generation to generation. But the sign of the Birth of Christ has been a consistent sign throughout the generations of mankind that has continually pointed us in one direction – to the Father and eternal life through Jesus Christ, His Son. John 14:6) - Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 17:3) - "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Many false prophets and teachers have come and gone, the name of Christ is the only name that has been accepted throughout the generations since His birth. He is the sign that the Father has given to us that we may know Him and have eternal life. Acts 4:12 "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." 3.) The Miracle of Christ’s Birth Let's take a look at the birth of Christ in detail and see what was so special about it that has caused it to be a sign throughout the generations.

1. The Word Became Flesh. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”(John 1:14) “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (Matthew

Christian Times Magazine

1:23) "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us." 2. Christ's Birth Was The Fulfillment Of Many Prophecies. • He was to descend from the tribe of Judah. Genesis 49:10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people. Luke 3:33 ...the son of Aminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah...

There is So much more that can be said of this miracle of God’s love to humanity; but I share these here with you, so that you all might Truly believe that the Gift of God’s love is truly ‘The Greatest Gift of All.’ God Bless You abundantly with His love and His greatest gift: The Gift of His Love through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. Merry CHRISTmas to all!!!!

• He was to be the Heir of David's Throne. Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Luke 1:32-33 "He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. "And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end." • He fulfilled the prophecy concerning time of His birth. Daniel 9:25 "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. Luke 2:1-2 “And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria.” • He was born of a virgin: Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” Matthew 1:18 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.” These are just a few of the many prophecies that were fulfilled by the coming of Christ and His birth and mission on earth. There are approximately 40 prophecies that Christ fulfilled throughout His 33 1/2 years as the Son of God. These prophecies were spoken and recorded between 700 - 4000 years before the birth of Christ by many different prophets and spokesmen for God. This is truly a miracle. The mathematical probability of this occurring is almost impossible, but yet it happened. 3. Mary Was Impregnated By The Holy Spirit. Luke 1:35 “And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Matthew 1:18 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child of The Holy spirit.”

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Christian Times Magazine

God, His Greatness, and the Government By Pastor David A. Colbert

We Serve A Great God And King, Be Encouraged My Dear Republican/ Conservative Readers: Romans 8:28 Says– And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose I love this scripture, and although things did not go the way I would have liked in the Mid-Term Elections. I will concede that God is still in control. History has been consistent as far as mid-term elections go regarding the Republican and Democratic parties. We lost control of the House, but we maintain control of the Senate and have captured some states’ governorships. I pray that in the coming years the Democratic Party will not delay or hurt the progress that the Trump Administration has already made. I hate to say it, but here comes the lawsuits that Democrats so often use to clog the wheels of progress. There is a fight brewing now with the language in “The Affordable Care Act”. I myself believe that there needs to be some legislation on how we are billed for medical incidents. I went to the emergency room recently and received 4 different bills from at least 2 different sources for the same thing. It is confusing to say the least. I often feel like I am being misled. Please, somebody in Congress do something about that! There was a question asked in USA Today “Will Trump be humbled by midterm losses and compromise……?” I think not. I do not believe that type of compromise is in President Trump’s DNA. He is a fighter and will compromise only, for the benefit of the American people. Paul Brandus, Columnist at USA Today, Paul you have your opinion, but the truth is that President Trump is not nervous about anything the Democrats are working on, to undermine his administration. I guarantee you that President Trump knew the statistics I alluded to earlier, and he is prepared for the fight. My biggest concern about the Democratic Party is that they see things the way they want, and most of the time it is not beneficial to the American people, only to their pocketbooks or wallets. My plea to the Democratic Party is to try and get something accomplished through coming to the table ready to negotiate, and not to shut down like a little toddler throwing a temper tantrum and rolling in the floor doing nothing and impeding us from forward movement in our government. I have lived in this country all of my life, I am an American citizen of African and Jewish decent. I love this country and desire that we move forward back to a country I was proud to be a part of, not ashamed of the twisted cultures that are being allowed to influence us, and even our children through liberal theologies and behaviors. I remember a time that believing and trusting in the God of the Bible was respected, and not taunted as mere mythology. I am ashamed of how we treat belief in Jesus the Christ in these United States of America. God is God and we are not. We need to wake up before it is too late for us as a country. The real crisis in this once Christian Nation is that, we as Christians have allowed all these ideals of the left to rule us. Abortion on demand, same sex “quote unquote marriage”, there is no such thing. Marriage is between a male and a female of our species known as humans. There is no amount of legislation on our parts or our governments’ in this or any other nation that can change that fact. God gives us free will. If you want to live that way I don’t Judge you, God does, but marriage is a Judeo-Christian Institution from God’s word, the Bible or what is known as the Holy Scriptures. You may be wondering why I bring these things up. It is because those that support these things have taken control of our House of Representatives. I cannot believe it but, they are supporting legalizing a drug that altars physical perception and clouds judgment, “Marijuana”. What is this Country of ours coming to? I preached a message recently and I made mention of a book written in the 1970s by John L. Mason “An Enemy Called Average”. He mentions an Old Arab Proverb in his book, and I think it is appropriate to describe our sitting President and his leadership. “An Army Of Sheep Led By A Lion Would Defeat An Army Of Lions Led By A Sheep.” – Old Arab Proverb. Our President is a Lion, he may not be perfect, but he is a great leader, and I believe history will confirm that fact. I would like to thank you for reading my column. I hope you enjoyed it, and that it helps you in some way. I am requesting that we as believers pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan who are suffering persecution for the sake of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I also request the same thing for all nations where Christians are being persecuted and killed for their belief in Christ Jesus. Thank you for your prayers and support. Have A Merry Christmas And A Happy And Prosperous New Year 2019 This is Pastor David A. Colbert signing off. “God Bless America and the World”

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