CTM Uk Issue 1

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Issue 1 | June 2018 UK’s First Most Conservative News Magazine

Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit Lessons we should learn from the free speech protest in Whitehall By Chris Harries

The Belief Deficit

By Ralph Baldwin Bsc Hons

What is conservatism ? An opinion By Mackenzie Holland

Britain: The era of the Politically Homeless By Simon Trevor Clarke

First Most Conservative News Magazine Christian Times Magazine UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. CTM UK has been a reliable source of news. It has also provided many political and Christian articles. Whether you’re looking to read about the latest news, or you’re hot on British politics, Christian Times Magazine UK has it all for you.


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ISSUE 1 | JUNE 2018

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First Most Conservative News Magazine Christian Times Magazine UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. CTM UK has been a reliable source of news. It has also provided many political and Christian articles. Whether you’re looking to read about the latest news, or you’re hot on British politics, Christian Times Magazine UK has it all for you.


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ISSUE 1 | JUNE 2018

Welcome To Issue 1 of Christian Times Magazine UK. Christian Times Magazine UK Issue 1 is designed especially for people who really like news and political articles and consider picking up a news & political magazine. This is for readers who want up-to-date political and religious news and entertainment. We aim to cut through the confusion and give you clear, sensible and reliable information and news from writers and experts that you can trust. We want it to be entertaining and informative, but above all useful. Inside you’ll find a mixture of news, features and monthly regular columns/articles on a wide range of news and political topics. I hope you enjoy Issue 1 and do let us know if there are any articles you’d like to see covered in the future.



David Clarke

EDITOR Matthew Snape

CONTRIBUTERS Matthew Snape Chris Harries Ralph Baldwin Mackenzie Holland Simon Trevor Clarke Joshua D. Jones Gavin Ashenden


Copyright © 2018 by Christian Times Magazine UK (CTM UK) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, For permission requests, ctm.britain@gmail.com

First Most Conservative News Magazine Christian Times Magazine UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. CTM UK has been a reliable source of news. It has also provided many political and Christian articles. Whether you’re looking to read about the latest news, or you’re hot on British politics, Christian Times Magazine UK has it all for you.


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By Matthew Snape

Joshua D. Jones





By Chris Harries

pg.19 THE BELIEF DEFICIT By Ralph Baldwin, Bsc Hons


By Gavin Ashenden Former Chaplain to the Queen of UK


First Most Conservative News Magazine Christian Times Magazine UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. CTM UK has been a reliable source of news. It has also provided many political and Christian articles. Whether you’re looking to read about the latest news, or you’re hot on British politics, Christian Times Magazine UK has it all for you.


CTM UK offers opportunities for companies, other small and big businesses to advertise with us to promote their businesses, programmes, books, movies and products.

PAGE 8 Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit exposed

Issue 1 | June 2018

A letter leaked to Christian Times Magazine Uk reveals Stephen Kinnock is doing everything he can to undermine the referendum result.

Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit the European Union’s four freedoms of capital, services, goods and people. Lichtenstein serves as an example of an EEA member which has implemented an Australian points-based immigration system. When the UK voted to leave nearly two years ago, I considered the EEA to be the most satisfactory and pragmatic solution to prevent Brexit from causing disruption to the economy, whilst ensuring Britain has her Since June 23rd, 2016, Stephen Kinnock has

sovereignty restored to implement its own laws and

portrayed himself to media outlets as the man who

pursue free trade deals. However, over time I realised

supports the ‘softest’ Brexit possible, claiming he

myself that the EEA is not the best option for the UK as

respects the ‘will of the people’, but that we must leave

it prepares to leave the European Union. I remain

the European Union in the most economically viable

sceptical to this day that Britain will secure a free trade

way. Following Theresa May’s humiliating defeat in the

deal with her European allies by the time the transition

House of Lords that thwarted the ‘no deal’ option

deal, which retains the UK’s EEA membership up until

should her negotiations with Eurocrats fail, Mr.

January 1st, 2021, ends. Canada took ten years to

Kinnock produced an article for The Guardian on May

negotiate a free trade deal with the European Union.

8th outlining the benefits of remaining in the European

And Eurocrats like Michel Barnier once hinted a UK-EU

Economic Area (EEA), or the Single Market.

free trade deal could take that long as well. This was a central reason why so many Brits voted to leave the

In his article, Mr. Kinnock explainsthe benefits of EEA

European Union. For years we were told that the

membership, and there are plenty of them. Britain

European Union is central to Britain’s prosperity. The

could still pursue trade deals around the globe whilst

Great Recession of 2008 exposed the structural

ensuring it has full access to the European Union’s

weaknesses of the eurozone and the flaws in that

Single Market. There would be no compulsion for the

argument. On BBC’s The Daily Politics, Jacob Rees-

UK to retain the hated Common Agricultural and

Mogg destroyed the Government’s Brexit strategy. The

Common Fisheries Policies. Articles 112 and 113

truth about World Trade Organization (WTO) tariffs

provide EEA members with the sovereignty to reject

that the mainstream media do not report is that if

PAGE 9 Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit exposed

Issue 1 | June 2018

Britain traded with the European Union on WTO rules,

The European Union’s Customs Union was designed to

there would be zero tariffs imposed on British traders.

prevent domestic industries from being destroyed by

As James Forsyth wrote in The Spectator, the

external markets, which is why May must ensure she

Government is ill-prepared for the prospect of trading

does not cave in to Remainers urging her to adopt a

with the European Union under WTO rules, which

customs partnership, or even remain a member of this

means the chances of the Prime Minister walking away

hated European institution. Because the European

with no deal were already diminished before her

Union often rejects US imports, they are not delivered

embarrassing House of Lords defeat. So much for

to EEA member states. Stephen Kinnock is playing the

strong and stable leadership! If what Rees-Mogg

British public for fools. He attempts to display his

claims is true, it begs the following question: why does

acceptance of the referendum vote, but no media

the Government intend to negotiate a free trade deal

outlet has reported what he tried to do last year to

from within the European Union? Negotiating one

thwart the vote. Why can he just not be honest with

once the UK has left this protectionist racket would

voters that he does not want Brexit? I would have more

leave them in a more powerful position to demand

respect for him if he stated from the beginning he

access to Europe’s markets. Furthermore, the

despises Brexit? Christian Times Magazine UK has

Government has not even considered the possibility of

obtained a copy of a letter Mr. Kinnock wrote to Claire

re-joining the European Free Trade Association (EFTA),

Bassett, the Chief Executive of the Electoral

which Britain helped establish in the 1960s.

Commission, which was dated 28th February 2017. He accused Leave.EU (which was not the official Leave

There are two options available to the UK in terms of

campaign group during the referendum) of failing to

their future trading relationship with the European

declare donations-in-kind from an ineligible donor. He

Union: they can retain their EEA membership and trade

urged Ms Bassett to investigate whether they

with EFTA nations like Switzerland, or it can trade with

breached the Political Parties Elections and

the European Union without EEA membership, which

Referendums Act 2000.

means it can have tariff-free Single Market access through EFTA membership alone. This demonstrates

According to the Aberavon MP, The Observer reported

how both Cameron and May have failed to prepare

that Andy Wigmore, director of communications at

Britain for Brexit and it is a significant mistake that

Leave.EU, said Cambridge Analytica were not

could cost the Tories the next general election. Yet Mr.

employed by them. He quoted PR Week, who reported

Kinnock is aware EEA membership keeps Britain in the

in November 2015 that their director of programme

European Union by the backdoor. An Icelandic

development, Brittany Kaiser, started working for

historian wrote in CityAM that the EEA agreement

Leave.EU then. Mr. Kinnock accused the Leave group

demands transfer of national sovereignty to

of failing to declare a market donation that could be

supranational institutions. Also, they are expected to

worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. The

mirror the decisions made by the European Court of

Aberavon MP also suggested US consultants Goddard

Justice and the European Commission. EEA nations

Gunster were employed by Leave.EU, and they failed

can forge trade deals, but European Union legislation

to declare this on their returns. Coincidentally, the BBC

they must adopt prohibits trade with substantial

reported Leave.EU was fined £70,000 for breaching

countries like the United States due to trade barriers.

electoral law. It couldn’t have something to do with

PAGE 10 Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit exposed

Issue 1 | June 2018

Mr. Kinnock’s letter last year, could it? Arron Banks

reconsider the WTO option and prevent politicians

called this is a politically motivated attack. Now that

from blocking Brexit. The alternatives like retaining

Mr. Kinnock’s letter has been revealed, it would appear

EEA and/or Customs Union membership are terrible

his accusation is true. If any group, regardless of

and will result in Brexit-in-name only. To pursue these

whether they supported Remain or Leave, has

options would betray 17.4 million people who voted to

breached electoral spending limits, they should be

leave and the growing number of Tory voters who

rightly investigated. However, if Mr. Kinnock was truly

delivered an eight-year-old government a satisfactory

interested in democracy, he would have urged the

verdict at this year’s local elections. It would also

Electoral Commission to study the donations the

disillusion the many Remainers who now accept the

Stronger In Europe campaign received from the

result and want the Government to leave in the most

Government. Former international development

conceivable way.

secretary Priti Patel was correct to warn the Remain campaign overspent their spending cap during the

As for Stephen Kinnock, he deserves to be exposed. He

referendum following Cameron’s shambolic leaflet that

is not interested in accountability. If he was, he would

was distributed to every house in the country. Where is

have urged the Electoral Commission to investigate

Mr. Kinnock’s outcry here?

both sides. His letter to them is in the public interest. How can he have the audacity to publicly accept Brexit

Stephen Kinnock is a hypocrite. His Brexit protests

whilst undermining the outcome behind closed doors?

wouldn’t have anything to do with the Kinnocks’ family

His parents have a vested interest in this failing

fortune, would it? According to The Daily Telegraph,

project. James Forsyth made a powerful point in The

Lord Kinnock receives £90,000 a year from his

Spectator: the success of Brexit depends on our

European Union pension following his time as a

domestic politics. Once we leave the European Union,

European Commissioner. The Daily Express reported in

British politicians can no longer use Brussels as a

2009 that the Kinnocks may have pocketed £10 million

scapegoat for this nation’s woes. I would urge the

from the European Union, with Lady Kinnock earning

electors of Aberavon to unseat their MP in the next

£774,838 during her time as a MEP. Lord Kinnock

election. As a rising star in the Labour Party, he cannot

earned £1.85 million in salary during his ten years as a

be trusted to put Britain’s best interests at heart in an

European Commissioner. In all, the Kinnocks qualified

exciting post-European Union future.

for pay, allowances and pensions worth £10.2 million. For this family, the European Union has been nothing more than a cash cow. It is no wonder the entire Kinnock family have such a strong interest in ensuring Brexit fails.This may not motivate Stephen to undermine the referendum result, but it is clear his entire family benefit from European Union membership. With the entire political establishment and dynasties like the Kinnocks teaming together to destroy Brexit, the Prime Minister must walk away from these negotiations immediately. She should

PAGE 11 Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit exposed

Issue 1 | June 2018

A letter leaked to Christian Times Magazine reveals Stephen Kinnock is doing everything he can to undermine the referendum result.

PAGE 12 Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit exposed

Issue 1 | June 2018

PAGE 13 Stephen Kinnock’s secret attempt to undermine Brexit exposed

Issue 1 | June 2018

First Most Conservative News Magazine We are people who want to live well-outwardly, creative and intentionally. We are proChurch and we love our neighbors as ourselves. We serve the Creator, so-and love the great redemptive art is music, movies, books or design. Every day we are trying to show how God is working in the world and in our generation.

Whether you’re looking to read about the latest News, hot in British politics, Business and Entertainment CTM UK has it all for you.


CTM UK bylaws based on Christian conservative values. For lovers and Spirit-filled Christians,CTM UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. CTM UK has been a reliable source of News and Political articles and Christian Articles. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

PAGE 15 Lessons we should learn from the free speech protest in Whitehall

Issue 1 | June 2018

By Chris Harries

Lessons we should learn from the free speech protest in Whitehall The Whitehall protests were a missed opportunity, but they highlighted important lessons needed to be learnt if we are to continue to defend free speech.

One May weekend saw Whitehall occupied by a

various speakers with a symbolic gaffer tape gag. In

motley crew from across the political spectrum, the

the distance closer to the Parliament Square was

self-styled ‘Day for Freedom’ was an opportunity for

assembled a counter protest separated by a line of

drawing attention to perceived threats to freedom of

police officers. It would be remiss to write about such

speech. However, subsequent recriminations from

an event without considering the speakers. The

those incidences point to hypocrisy from the actual

organizers failed to include more speakers from within

organizers. Some believe freedom of speech is safe.

mainstream politics and public life. Overall the line-up

Events in recent months should be of concern to all.

was composed of those on the periphery of politics,

We have seen the use of the law to stifle debate. We

many with a reputation for controversy and a

have witnessed platforms being denied in both

commonality which was opposition to Islam. Would

academia and the media, including social media as

the presence of more mainstream speakers from across

well as the use of intimidation tactics. We have seen

the political spectrum have given the event enhanced

the erosion of freedom of speech and freedom of

credibility? The choice of speakers has given succor to

thought with the steady creep of behavior reminiscent

accusations that the event was far right, while the

of that seminal George Orwell novel ‘1984’.

failure to give a platform to those that the organizers may disagree with also undermined the argument

In the shadow of the Cenotaph, the stage had been set

regarding free speech.

for the event. An August location for such an event was a stark reminder of the price paid by previous

Footage emerged of Ali Dawah arriving at the event

generations for the liberties we possess. In front of the

after being invited to speak and being turned

stage assembled a congregation several thousand

away.This led to a confrontation and the denial of a

strong from across the country. I would wager that the

platform undermined the very cause that the event

audience consisted of those outside of the mainstream

purported to champion. This act of refusal to provide a

political process. Various groups had coordinated and

platform on the basis that people may disagree with

assembled at Speakers Corner. From there, they had

his opinions undermined the event, giving the

made a steady procession down to Whitehall. On

impression that the organisers were only concerned

Whitehall, the event organisers had assembled a

about free speech when they are comfortable with the

screen to provide a visual presentation that would

speaker. The organisers should have adopted the

shame some of the mainstream political parties. As we

position that everyone has an inalienable right to

waited in the sweltering heat for the arrival of those on

freedom of expression, providing the platform is not

the march, clips were played on the screen of the

used to cause harm. The event’s second failing was its

PAGE 16 Lessons we should learn from the free speech protest in Whitehall

Issue 1 | June 2018

refusal to discuss in more detail about other instances

espouse. I hasten to add that the freedom to speak

where freedom of speech is being impinged, from the

does not provide the freedom to incite violence.

university campus to social media. Instead of having

Freedom of speech, together with other freedoms, are

speakers use the platform provided to expose the

the foundation of our society. They underpin our

specific instances, too often the apparent cause was

ability to challenge the injustices we see. If debate is

hijacked by speakers who chose to assume the role of

restricted, how can we tackle injustices like female

a somewhat coarse Mark Anthony teasing and stirring

genital mutilation or modern-day slavery? Discourse is

the Roman funeral crowd. Where the debate and

part of the process of addressing these injustices and

discourse should have been on extolling the virtues of

while it may, on occasion, be unpleasant, uncouth or

free speech,most speakers chose diatribe against

plain crass, it may help highlight these issues. As a

Islam, child sexual exploitation and terrorism. To

society we keep hearing about the need for inclusion,

conflate the debate about free speech with such

yet we are risking moving groups to the margin of

issues risks equating free speech advocates with

debate. That is when they become dangerous as the

intolerance. The use of intemperate language and the

discourse becomes more extreme, fuelled by a belief

near pathological obsession by certain speakers of

they are being ignored and excluded from the debate.

playing to the audience’s instincts undermined the

Too readily, terms like racist or extremist are used to

salient message that could and should have been

shut down debate. Surely if the idea that warranted

advanced throughout the event.

such label was so objectionable, then they should challenge rather than simply have the application of a

In the interests of fairness, not every speaker on the

label and the cessation of the conversation.

roster fell into the trap of playing solely to the instincts and fears of the crowd. Sargon of Akkad made a

While I have addressed what I perceive to be flaws

succinct argument that should have been at the heart

with the nature of the event, it was also indicative of

of the event; that even those we disagree with should

the burgeoning power of social media over the

have the freedom to speak freely. The infamous Count

political system. All but one of the orators owed their

Dankula also provided relief from the script, advancing

place on the stage to social media rather than because

that freedom of speech is a cause that should be

of holding elected office. While the audience was born

championed across the political spectrum, while

of social media, the numbers were swelled by various

increasing legislation could lead to

groups who promoted the event. The counter protest

authoritarianism. At the heart of this is the fundamental

by various groupswas also organised via social media,

question of who is to define what is a legitimate

including Antifa. In the days since the ‘Day

subject of discussion? What is to stop subjects being

ForFreedom,’ social media has descended into a

considered off limits or for groups and individuals

maelstrom of accusation and recrimination as the

being excluded from debate? Debate should be open

various groups have debated the event and incidents

to include rather than to exclude. As part of rigorous

on the day. I fear that the ‘Day of Freedom’ was a

debate, those who advance ideas should be able to

missed opportunity, where the platform should have

defend and support their position. They should be

been used to highlight the merits of free speech and

exposed for the ignorance or intolerance they

its integral nature to our democratic process. Instead

PAGEÂ 17 Lessons we should learn from the free speech protest in Whitehall

Issue 1 | June 2018

we saw that platform used on several occasions in a manner that undermined the very event, giving succour to a media that was looking to place the event on the periphery of debate. Where the speakers should have chosen to discuss the imposition of draconian measures that limit discourse, many chose to discuss issues that were not connected to the subject at hand. I am of the belief that a right does come with a responsibility. That responsibility in my mind is to advance an opinion in such a way as to unintentionally cause offence or distress. I am not naive enough to believe that you can always avoid causing offence when talking about issues.However, I do believe that if it is possible to temper language to minimise offence whilst postulating your opinion, you should do so. Ideas should be shared freely and scrutinised and they are not dangerous unless they are acted upon. While I believe that event was a missed opportunity, I do not believe that the subject itself should ignored. Sometimes people who we may consider to be at the fringe of society with unpalatable views may have valid contributions to make to a debate. Tommy Robinson is considered by many to be at the unpalatable edge of politics because of free speech. He helped bring concerns about child sexual exploitation into the public domain. Whilst acknowledging this, I do accept there is a debate to be had regarding the methods and manner that this was achieved. Due to the roster of speakers, the event is at risk of being considered far right while the issue risks becoming the purview of fringe politics. Some would argue that the subject is being used like a Trojan horse. This is something to regret and the failure of mainstream political parties to stand and defend the very principle is also something to lament. Legislation is not the means to defend freedom of speech, it is our individual responsibility to defend both our own ability and the ability of those whom we may vehemently disagree with to speak freely.

First Most Conservative News Magazine We are people who want to live well-outwardly, creative and intentionally. We are proChurch and we love our neighbors as ourselves. We serve the Creator, so-and love the great redemptive art is music, movies, books or design. Every day we are trying to show how God is working in the world and in our generation.

Whether you’re looking to read about the latest News, hot in British politics, Business and Entertainment CTM UK has it all for you.


CTM UK bylaws based on Christian conservative values. For lovers and Spirit-filled Christians,CTM UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. CTM UK has been a reliable source of News and Political articles and Christian Articles. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Issue 1 | June 2018

The Belief Deficit

The Belief Deficit By Ralph Baldwin, Bsc Hons

I had a debate with a young man who exhibited

was necessary due to his general thoughts about it.

passion for a cause he identified with. On a Monday

We then had to hit science and the way in which he

he described how his cause was altruistic. His cause

referred to it to support his beliefs.

would solve world hunger, would bring equality to all and fairness. It would cease man-made global

Initially, he stated there was no such thing as God and

warming and rescue the world from environmental

that if there was one, then he was cruel. He supported

destruction. It would also save the poor and bring

this position with weak references to the Bible and

immediate aid to all people who, through no fault of

generalised comments about the cruelty of God in the

their own, found themselves to be trapped in poverty.

Old Testament. He attempted to apply the same label

All people would be educated and skilled with equal

to the New Testament.This collapsed the moment I

opportunities to thrive and all forms of hate and

asked for examples. He then admitted to having never

discrimination would be removed from the face of the

read any book of any religion. This heightened his


irritation and so we decided to move towards science. Science, he stated, has proven God does not exist and

This was Monday. It was a great place to end the first

that the universe was formed by a Big Bang. I tried not

discussion with the last point being the most telling. It

to laugh at this initially, not because of the criteria of

was also an appropriate time to end because we were

the validity of his claim, but because of the way it

at work and our lunch was over. I thanked him and

sounds like the “Big Bang” did it…. sounds childlike, a

told him with complete sincerity that I looked forward

bit like “God did it”.

to our next chat. I must confess I am a science graduate, as well as a Tuesday came and with it, a slight movement from his

Christian. But if anything, the virtue of understanding

initial position. He had now set the scene he had

objectivity and clear thought, as well as enjoying a

given me the general simplistic idea of the aims and

relationship with the most powerful being in existence,

motivations of his cause and this initial reference

has taught me that nothing ever was or ever will be

would be the foundation to his opinions to come.

this simple.

Tuesday was probably the memorable day.This was to

I put it to my colleague that the Big Bang is a theory.

be the day when the grand cause to which he allied

His response was “scientific theories are not like other

himself was to be compared with religion. He was, as

theories; they are true”. This led to me having to

is habitual amongst many adherents to his beliefs, fully

explain that scientific theories are not true until they

opposed to all forms of religion. At this second stage

are proven to be the case through exhaustive testing,

we had to go into a bit of depth about the Bible.This

observation, measuring and proof. He fully


Issue 1 | June 2018

The Belief Deficit

challenged this and refused to budge. He held onto

records of him being destroyed.Jesus, of course, was

his faith in science. I then introduced him to the

not even a Roman citizen and any records of him

concept of the hypothesis and that science, at its very

would not have been valued.If anything, he would

foundations, was built to question. This was the most

merely have been one number amongst many. But

challenging aspect of our discussion.He desperately

yes, I had no physical evidence to hand.

needed to believe that science was a foundation he could rely on for certainty. In the end, I had to print off

In any case, this was all he felt he needed and then

the definition of scientific hypothesis, so he could read

stated that all religion must end. That it was primitive,

it. At this stage, he was still uncomfortable with the

unthinking and barbaric. Christianity first and Islam

idea of challenging the status quo, which of course is

second. They were the source of all the world’s ills

what science is expected to do. We ended the

and would have to go. I joked and asked him to

discussion and he went away to cool off. This was a

perhaps not be so open about such views, should he

big leap for him. His faith had been shaken and his

find himself with his fellows in East London where

ideas of where he could place his faith brought into

many of them exercise their faith and might take


offence at being purged.

Wednesday came and we kept things light this

Thursday came and now he was in full flow. He was so

time.His approach was to haul in the church and

certain about his ever so simple solutions to the

condemn them for the many sins they had committed.

world’s ills. The Muslims would go, the Christians

The inquisitions, the cruelty and the casting of many

would already be gone, and capitalists were next. The

stones at victims whose behavior was judged and

corporate powers would be brought to heal and made

condemned by groups and individuals who disagreed

to pay, literally and metaphorically, for their sins.

with them. I did not challenge him here or mention

Sometimes he would point out an act that was indeed

that his belief had seen to the execution of over 100

terrible and performed by a corporation.It would be

million people as I was all too familiar with the excuses

swiftly followed by condemnation by governments and

and the denials. I decided instead to accept

other groups. His Utopian world would be built upon

culpability for the actions of the political church whose

the bones of believers who believe in something

aims were to spread and maintain an administration of

different and the new world that would be created

faith. Besides, I was not going to let them off the hook

would ensure that all people would be the same,

as it was the religious leaders and politicians of the

regardless of their views and values, their creed and

day who had murdered my favorite person ever…one

colour. To question the noble objectives was heresy

Jesus Christ. He continued by making a very powerful

and evil. Because today the greatest idol he would

claim.He stated that Jesus had never lived and that

refer to was government and the state. They would

there was no proof of him ever living.I was able to

solve and manage all things without question or

counter this position by stating that, until recently, we

challenge.Money would be provided for all matters

thought Pontius Pilate was considered a myth until

and projects. No questions would be asked as to

archaeologists unearthed evidence of his existence.

where such money came from or how it would be used

The fact there are no other records of Pilate imply that

to deliver a single outcome. Money would come and

his career ended badly and may have stopped with all

that is all that mattered.We would have to be informed


Issue 1 | June 2018

The Belief Deficit

that government is backed by science. Neither of which

the lovely man I was debating with. His faith and worship

could be challenged or tested. I was reminded of

without thought or dedication was directed at socialism

Boromir, son of Denethor, a lord from Lord of the Rings,

and science. His loyalty to them was not thought through.

when he made clear his noble intentions on how he

To him, they were a “religion.” They were a replacement

would order matters once he was in power before he

for something else and his emotional investment with

attempted to steal the One Ring from Frodo. Friday came

them were more important than reason. Millions have

and he had decided I was not quite his sort. He felt I had

perished in this world because of this thoughtless

not appreciated or lacked the ethical or necessary nature

devotion. Our love as followers of Christand the

to agree with what he considered to be common sense.

incredible things that he did were designed to give us a

We then decided to agree to disagree and only

place to go to take our faith, our devotion and to be

occasionally he muttered how much he hated Christians,

completely without fear of those who question and to

or how crap they were as he sought some form of

keep those stones in our bags for other purposes than

comeback. Had he read his history, he would have

harming people. I will leave you with this consideration of

realised that Christians have been persecuted for

immortality as children continue to learn and grow. Long

thousands of years (and still are) and the better ones

ago, we deemed that energy cannot be created or

chose not to venture into the realms of judgement and

destroyed. We now know we are composed of particles of

revenge, or the casting of stones some time ago. God

energy, as is the world and universe around us. The

probably did not create the universe in seven days and

reality is our energy never truly dies. The molecules

the Big Bang possibly did not occur in an instant;to this

change and the energy remains forever. So even at the

day, we still do not know. However, we do know some

most material level before we talk about who we are and

facts thanks to science. We know God is not an old man

the concept of the soul, we are introduced to immortality.

on a cloud because we know the heavens extend to

Immortality is a reality of the universe. Once more, even

boundaries and ranges completely beyond our feeble

with this old scientific Law of Thermodynamics (which is a

mortal comprehension. We still cannot account at this

rule of the universe and of creation itself), we learn that

time for most of the universe. We know that time itself, or

our bodies do not truly die but that they have always

the size of particles, again reach lengths and sizes that are

existed as energy and they always will. Is it such a great

beyond our knowledge. In fact, everywhere we look, we

leap to believe that God exists, and that Jesus rose and

recognize the dimensions of God. We witness first hand

did not need to break the laws of the universe, but instead

the incredible reality around us that is astoundingly small,

bent them? Godliness is everywhere, and science

infinitely large and unlimited in its time frame. We deal in

supports it everyday. It is bigger than any conception we

years; the universe deals in millions of years. Godliness is

can devise. We learn to love God by questioning our

everywhere. We also know that belief systems,whether

world and we can seek sanctuary in the humility of being

they be called “politics”, “religion”, or “science,” share far

mortal. We recognise we do not know everything because

too much in common and often brought into disrepute

it would take a God to do so. In doing so, we remind

when they are placed on pillars of emotion and worshiped

ourselves of the dangers of our tribal natures and the way

without thought or question. They are tribal and, as the

in which we seek to validate and reinforce our beliefs. For

story of Jesus highlights clearly,when he warns against

Jesus was the only leader of any “belief system” who

extremes and obsessions. His sacrifice to tribal groups

warned us all the dangers of being blinded by false idols,

who condemn him warns us of their dangers. They are

rituals, being judgmental and forgetting the very people

false idols; we are warned of by the Bible time and again.

around us who need us as we need them. This remains

We may have names for them. We may separate them, as

the case today after two thousand years.

proven with the example of

First Most Conservative News Magazine We are people who want to live well-outwardly, creative and intentionally. We are proChurch and we love our neighbors as ourselves. We serve the Creator, so-and love the great redemptive art is music, movies, books or design. Every day we are trying to show how God is working in the world and in our generation.

Whether you’re looking to read about the latest News, hot in British politics, Business and Entertainment CTM UK has it all for you.


CTM UK bylaws based on Christian conservative values. For lovers and Spirit-filled Christians,CTM UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. CTM UK has been a reliable source of News and Political articles and Christian Articles. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Issue 1 | June 2018

Britain: The era of the Politically Homeless


The Era of The Politically Homeless By Simon Trevor Clarke

Is there a political party out there that can represent the politically homeless? In 2018, can any of us truly be a Christian conservative

is not as right wing in ideology as those who claim to

in Britain? As a Christian, I find myself at a crossroads.

represent the ‘will of the people’. Currently, there is

To be a Christian is to support helping those who are

no political party that is against abortion in its

less fortunate than ourselves; as stated in Matthew

manifesto. Those who are part of the Conservative

5:42 ‘Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn

Party, that are openly Catholics and Christians, such as

away from the one who wants to borrow from you.’ On

Jacob Rees Mogg are called ‘hurtful’ by the New

the contrary, as a conservative I believe one must be

Statesman, accused of being an ‘extremist’ by the

held accountable for one’s own decisions. A thief

British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) and a

should be prosecuted; a criminal is a criminal

‘bigot’ by his colleagues within the Tory Party. Britain

regardless of the reason behind his/her actions. A

is no longer the leader in providing an open platform

citizen has no duty to care for anyone other than

for diversity of thought.

themselves and those they bring into this world. Currently, there is no political party that supports This conflict of ideology becomes more convoluted

freedom of speech (excluding advocating violence) in

when we consider that in Great Britain, the

its manifesto. For those who are from countries that we

Conservative Party are a centralist right party rather

have a close historical relationship with, such as those

than an advocate of traditional conservative values.

within the Commonwealth, like Lauren Southern, that

According to the 2018 BMG Research Poll, millions of

dare to call themselves a Christian conservative, are

people feel politically homeless with almost half of

refused entry for being supporters of ‘terrorism’ under

those questioned for it. The Independent said they did

Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. There is an

not feel represented by any established party. The

entire generation of Brits who share Lauren’s hope that

liberal agenda twists this result to infer the need for a

‘[the UK] would be pro-freedom of speech, and

centralist party. However, contrary to the mainstream

support people's right to question Islam, to even

media, the British public support a ‘hard Brexit’,

have cheeky posters, make jokes and social

‘tougher immigration’, ‘freedom of speech and

experiments.’ Let’s not forget that Britain is also the

expression’ and therefore the political establishment

country where 98 percent of universities suppress


Issue 1 | June 2018

Britain: The era of the Politically Homeless

freedom of speech according to the FSUR

EU being announced and Article 50 being triggered to

independent ranking survey. Currently, there is no

formally begin the process, 53 percent of those asked

political party that supports religious freedom in a

supported the death penalty. Mainstream news outlets

place of business. In Northern Ireland, an LGBT activist

like BBC, Channel 4, Sky and ITV have never covered

believed he had the right to force a Christian family

this statistic. Is this an example of the political

bakery to make a cake with the slogan ‘Support Gay

establishment out of touch with what voters want?

Marriage’, utilising Sesame Street characters as his right for ‘equal rights’ to overrule the Christian’s right

Currently, there is no political party that speak to the

to religious freedom. The punch below the belt was

working class. According to JRF.org, a quarter of low

the fact that this activist, Mr. Gareth Lee, knew that the

income voters do not support any political party.

owners did not support gay marriage personally. Lee

Compare this historically to British politics, and the

filed a lawsuit with the ‘Equality Commission’ suing for

working-class support for Labour has never been

discrimination. Setting a legal precedent, the British

lower. This is because 58 percent of working class

courts under EU guidance, found the bakery to have

people do not support Labour’s socialist idea of

unlawfully discriminated against Mr. Lee on grounds of

redistribution of wealth i.e. confiscating money from

sexual orientation and religious belief/political

the rich to give to the poor. British society was built on

opinion. In other words, the rights of the homosexual

the principle that hard work will result in a greater

were more important than the right of those who chose

standard of living; British children are taught ‘always

to live to the principles of Jesus Christ in a country that

better yourself’ in other words, always aim to move up

was based on Judeo-Christian values. The liberal

the social ladder from previous generations in the

agenda won. Currently, there is no political party that

family. These same voters do not relate to the

supports taking the life of someone who has chosen to

Conservative Party overreach as, unlike previously,

take the life of an innocent.

local councils do not receive the freedom to make decisions; current decisions are made to benefit the capital city. Is this a demand for small government that is not being met? Let’s not forget that only this month a British ‘sexuality expert’ called Deanne Carson claimed that parents should get consent from a child when changing their nappy to create a ‘culture of consent’; yet consent is not required to murder that child before birth. As much as mainstream media try to implore the contrary, the public do not support this hypocrisy. When it suits the liberal agenda, consent of a child is required, yet under British law a child cannot give consent as stated

According to a YouGov survey conducted between the

Internationally, Britain looks like it has collapsed with

period of the referendum result of Britain leaving the

its European allies under the weight of the ‘liberal


Issue 1 | June 2018

Britain: The era of the Politically Homeless

agenda’; its moral pursuit of believing it has an obligation to care for the people of the world. We can see this with net immigration figures. British politicians are destroying the Judo-Christian values that this great country was built on, to have an ‘acceptable multiculturalist society’. Thankfully, with 76 terrorist attacks in the UK in 2016, the British have woken up to the reality as shown with the June 2016 referendum to leave the European Union. The new political norm is politically homeless and that is a tragedy. The need for a new party in British politics has never been greater. However, hope is not lost, with Christian figures like Jacob Rees With Mogg rising in popularity, a return to British values can be achieved.


First Most Conservative News Magazine We are people who want to live well-outwardly, creative and intentionally. We are proChurch and we love our neighbors as ourselves. We serve the Creator, so-and love the great redemptive art is music, movies, books or design. Every day we are trying to show how God is working in the world and in our generation.

Whether you’re looking to read about the latest News, hot in British politics, Business and Entertainment CTM UK has it all for you.


CTM UK bylaws based on Christian conservative values. For lovers and Spirit-filled Christians,CTM UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. CTM UK has been a reliable source of News and Political articles and Christian Articles. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Issue 1 | June 2018



HUMAN HISTORY WILL END with a royal wedding. It

one Jezebel at the beginning of the book of

will be the wedding all other weddings were meant to

Revelation. She was a local fake teacher in Thyatira.

point us towards. On that day, no one will complain

Now he uses similar language to describe a global city

about the wedding sermon; for the Groom will be the

personified as a woman wrapped in colourful clothes

only Word that is given. He will be all that is necessary.

that bewitches the whole world and tries to corrupt the

The Bride was once an outsider to this monarchy. But

people of God with sexual immorality and idolatry.

the Groom has made her worthy with His own blood. Her beauty is a terror. This Jezebel does not desire to In addition to the breathtaking exaltation of the Bride,

merely manipulate a beta-king like Ahab. Rather, this

we are also amazed at the complete collapse of

grander Jezebel makes all the Earth’s rulers and

another woman. While one is made glorious, the other

mighty men ‘drunk on the wine of her sexual

is made desolate.

immorality’. She militarises her magnetism. All the seduced gather round. They drool over her breasts


and legs, are mesmerised by her dark eyes, and

Special attention is given this femme fatale in the final

hunger to be lost in her hills and valleys. Like a

pages of Scripture. John sees her and his mouth drops

magnificent black hole, she consumes whatever

open in amazement. He has already introduced us to

comes near. There are two ways to understand this monstrous


Issue 1 | June 2018


mistress. One way to view her is as the part of our

At the eternal Wedding, our souls are no longer soured

world that delights in revolution against God. She is

by sin. Our inner-Ahabs are buried and we are free. We

the cities of the earth that define themselves by sexual

love with liberated embrace, untainted by shadows of

immorality and sophisticated idolatry. She is the dark

impropriety, jealousy, or fear of unrequited affection.

side of Sodom, Corinth, Ancient Rome, 1930s Berlin,

We arrive at a sea of true and perfect love. The

San Francisco, Vegas, Bangkok, Rio, and Amsterdam.

counterfeit is gone.

She is the sites you visit online before you erase your browsing history. She has manifested herself in big

The blood that spilt from our bodies in heralding the

ways throughout history, and will continue in even

gospel did not fall silently into earth’s soil. The

grander displays before the End. She is the

Universe’s Judge has heard the cry of every innocent

counterpart to the Beast who influences through force

drop. Our own hands renounced vengeance because

and authority. She prefers to pull people into darkness

we knew our Avenger would be faithful. We knew

with charm―not threats.

because we read the culmination of the Holy Book where time ends and eternity begins.

We may also see her as the phantom that allures God’s people in every age to compromise. The Beast in

Now, the New Jerusalem arrives. The voice of the

Revelation persecutes Christ’s Bride from the outside.

Bridegroom shouts in celebration. God’s people party,

Jezebel corrupts her from within. Yes, the queen can

for there is no more perversion to protest. Our

be terribly totalitarian once fully enthroned. But she

protesting is done; paradise is here. Once persecuted

gets there craftily―one innocent compromise at a

saints now laugh as they feast on meat, not brought by

time. Though hell delights to see the holy Bride beaten

ravens, but by angels. Battle-scarred prophets raise

down, it prefers to see her sell out. That’s why Jezebel

their glasses in cheer. There is now and forever only a

pulls us away from the wholehearted worship of

glorious Bride. And the only thing left of the ancient

Yahweh and his Christ. She takes us from loyalty to the

sorceress, who lifted herself to heights of worldly

Scriptures and the power of the Spirit towards almost

glory, are the turds of banished and burning beasts.

any socio-political cause. She infiltrates souls and congregations alike. She is Fake Church. But have courage. John’s revelation displays the scene of her destruction. Just as Scripture records King Jehu judging the original Jezebel from his war chariot, so our greater King Jesus ‘judges the great prostitute’ from his battle horse. As dogs ate Jezebel’s body, so two beasts now ‘devour her flesh’. The feminine form once coveted by Kings is chewed by the cruellest of critters. She is judged―and the power of her allure shatters like stemware on stone. The Wedding

Joshua D. Jones

First Most Conservative News Magazine We are people who want to live well-outwardly, creative and intentionally. We are proChurch and we love our neighbors as ourselves. We serve the Creator, so-and love the great redemptive art is music, movies, books or design. Every day we are trying to show how God is working in the world and in our generation.

Whether you’re looking to read about the latest News, hot in British politics, Business and Entertainment CTM UK has it all for you.


CTM UK bylaws based on Christian conservative values. For lovers and Spirit-filled Christians,CTM UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. CTM UK has been a reliable source of News and Political articles and Christian Articles. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Issue 1 | June 2018

The struggle to tell the truth about Jesus. Welby, Curry and the integrity of the Gospel

The struggle to tell the truth about Jesus. Welby, Curry and the integrity of the Gospel By Gavin Ashenden

Former Chaplain to the Queen of UK

Michael Curry is a superb preacher and a delightful

would hear about God. And if they did hear about Him,

man. And if everything wrong in the world could be

what kind of God they would hear about. Some of my

put right by charm and beauty and wit, we would have

spiritual ancestors died and were put to death to

nothing to worry about. I was sorry to cast a cloud over

defend the enormous and deeply precious truth about

what was and should be a very happy event, as two

God and the quality of His love for us, so it is not much

people celebrated their love in public.

for me to risk a little social opprobrium for trying to do the same thing. The dear couple had no idea who was

One of the problems was that some events have a sub -

being asked to preach at their wedding.

text which is even more important than what was taking place at the time. A wedding was taking place.

It was an idea that Justin Welby, the Archbishop of

Love was being celebrated. But the sub-text was the

Canterbury, had suggested to them. They were hardly

struggle for the soul of a Church and how people

in a position to know or refuse.


Issue 1 | June 2018

The struggle to tell the truth about Jesus. Welby, Curry and the integrity of the Gospel

And at one level, the choice was brilliant. Michael

homosexual marriage and favours the quest for

Curry is a gifted preacher and black. What a great way

equality that left-wing politicians have made their life’s

of signalling the coming together of American and

work. Curry says wherever you find ‘love’ you have

British culture, white and coloured.

found God. But when Jesus defines love it sounds very different from Curry.

But there was a hidden sting in the tail. There is a civil war raging at the moment in Anglicanism (and

Love for Jesus starts with honouring and obeying the

elsewhere) between progressive Christianity that takes

Father who created us and renouncing anything that

its priorities from the zeitgeist, the present culture, and

displeases Him and pollutes his holiness.

a faithful orthodox belief, that keeps faith with what Jesus taught in the Gospels.

Jesus warned his followers time and time again against people who would come in His name and

This is quite a fight. Orthodox Christians believe that

teach different things.

we are caught up in a very serious struggle between Good and evil, and evil tries to trick us and hide the

What we have in the Anglican world at the moment is a

good from us; usually by dressing up something

struggle for the soul of the Church and a struggle to

corrupt which pretends to be goodness itself.

tell the truth about God and present the real Jesus.

This ‘telling the difference’ between good and evil is

There is a wonderful saying from Orthodox (Eastern)

as important as being able to tell the difference

Christianity, that our aim ought to be ‘to stand before

between medicine and poison. It may be the difference

the real God with the real self with our mind in our

between life and death.


So when Justin Welby suggested Michael Curry as the

If we modify the message of Jesus and the person of

preacher on this astonishing world-wide stage, he was

Jesus, we can never find the real God, and only by

also signing up one of the most effective street fighters

finding Him can we discover our real selves.

for progressive, distorted Christianity who – with great charm and verve – presents his own preferred version

Jesus warned people time and time again that the

of Jesus to the real one we find in the Gospels.

road to heaven was going to be very difficult, so difficult that not many would walk it. It was going to

This matters very much. Curry’s Jesus is preoccupied

involve his rejection, torture and death. It was going to

with social Justice and the celebration of romance and

involve our dying to ourselves. The other side of this

sexual love wherever it finds you. The real Jesus

death is eternal joy in the presence of God.

warned that social justice would never happen in this world, that heterosexual marriage was to be between a

But the other side of that joy is a place that, once they

man and a woman, and that equality had nothing to do

have given themselves to appetites that do not have

with the Kingdom of Heaven. Curry twists that round

the love of God at their centre, becomes a terrible

and turns it upside down. He says Jesus likes

destination of alienation and separation.


Issue 1 | June 2018

The struggle to tell the truth about Jesus. Welby, Curry and the integrity of the Gospel

Medicine or poison.

So it isn’t enough to talk about ‘love’ as Michael Curry did. It’s a very poor word in English, because it means so many different and sometimes contradictory things. While falling in love with someone is an epic experience, it does not automatically lead to the road to heaven. In fact, it can even get in the way of loving Jesus and serving the Kingdom of Heaven. If people are going to experience the love of God, find transformation and be brought to heaven, it can only happen by experiencing the real Jesus, and not the fake Jesus we invent for our short-term comfort. And that is the difference between the two sides in this civil war in Anglicanism. It was a brilliant move of Welby to sign Michael Curry up to present their joint vision of faith. But the reason for the struggle is that 90% of Anglicans in time, and nearly 100 % of Anglicans in history, do not or would not accept it as authentic, faithful Christianity. Nor would the Roman Catholic Church; nor the whole of Eastern Christianity; nor would biblical Protestantism. Only the failing compromised liberal Protestantism that has surrendered faithfulness to Bible and tradition in favour of secular and social affirmation. At stake is whether we offer the world medicine for the healing of their souls, or something that will have a very different effect, and nothing to do with the real Jesus.

By Gavin Ashenden

First Most Conservative News Magazine We are people who want to live well-outwardly, creative and intentionally. We are proChurch and we love our neighbors as ourselves. We serve the Creator, so-and love the great redemptive art is music, movies, books or design. Every day we are trying to show how God is working in the world and in our generation.

Whether you’re looking to read about the latest News, hot in British politics, Business and Entertainment CTM UK has it all for you.


CTM UK bylaws based on Christian conservative values. For lovers and Spirit-filled Christians,CTM UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. CTM UK has been a reliable source of News and Political articles and Christian Articles. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Issue 1 | June 2018

What is conservatism? An opinion

By Mackenzie Holland

What is conservatism? An opinion It is time to remind ourselves what conservatism is at a time when people are struggling to differentiate it from other ideas. One can rarely find anyone, not least of all

For me it is Quintin Hogg, later Lord Hailsham, who

Conservative Party members, who can answer the

best summed up in 1959 when chairman of the

question 'What is conservatism?’ People can identify

Conservative Party what conservatism is:

as conservatives and tell me what they think, or they

'Conservatism is not so much a philosophy as an

can rattle off the policies of the Conservative Party. It is

attitude, a constant force, performing a timeless

quite easy to say what socialism and fascism, the latter

function in the development of a free society, and

being an offshoot of the former, represent because all

corresponding to a deep and permanent requirement

these systems have been devised by people, normally

of human nature itself." 'Ideology' might be deployed

in the nineteenth or early twentieth centuries as a

to replace ‘philosophy’ almost sixty years later, but to a

universal panacea for a nation's ills. Only liberalism

modern reader this is not a concrete guide to a

can trace its roots back before that era, but only by

description of what unites conservatives.

another century and it, too, is based on ideas and theories that emerged from the Enlightenment. The

What I am going to attempt to do is posit a series of

problem with conservatism is that it was never

concepts which, together, informs and guides

invented; it has only been described.

conservatives. To make things neater I will take the word 'posit' as an acronym to list the five concepts that

Conservatism in its Anglophone form can ultimately be

I see as fundamental to conservatism and these are:

seen to descend from the writings of Tudor theologian

property, organic society, social order, imperfection of

Richard Hooker, who sought a uniquely English

man and tradition. These are not distinct categories

compromise between Roman Catholicism and its

and rely on each other to form a whole.

antithesis, the Swiss and German Reformation. This in turn, a century later, gave birth to the writings of

I am going to start with tradition and a memorable

Thomas Hobbes and Thomas Carlyle, but none of

quote from Conservative Prime Minister Stanley

these writers can effectively delineate conservatism.

Baldwin. He informed his electorate that: 'We mess

Conservatism is not an economic theory, given that

with tradition at our peril'. That is not to say that

conservatives have embraced a number of these over

conservatives are against change or even resistant to

the years. Post-war Tories embraced a highly invasive

it, but we do not ascribe to change for change's sake.

Keysianism which differs greatly from the monetarist

We remain sceptical of systems that purport to solve

polices of the Thatcher government that followed it.

the world’s problems through simplistic application of

Nor is there an end game which socialism and its

untried theory. The salient point is that tradition is the

derivatives are trying to achieve.

retention of practices that have been proved to have worked over the generations and that even where a


Issue 1 | June 2018

What is conservatism? An opinion

tradition is no longer directly useful, its retention is

recognises that equality does not exist and we are all

itself a useful practice that helps solidify society.

born uniquely, with different wealth, position, intelligence, attractiveness and other attributes that

For instance, drilling was a process that trained

are far too varied to attempt to control. Most

relatively unskilled recruits to become highly effective

importantly we believe that it is no shame to be born

at deploying basic firearms through breaking down


every action into an easily learnt system. The operator no longer needs to think but carries out the action

Another area where we differ from liberalism is the idea

even in the face of fire. It enabled the Prussian or

that we are imperfect creatures, a notion that closely

British soldier to dominate the eighteenth and

resonates with Christian ideals. Even a perfectly sane

nineteenth century battlefields but even when the

and rational person has different duties and loyalties.

invention of the bolt action rifle made drilling obsolete,

These are to themselves, to the wellbeing of their

its learning and practice is still retained because the

family, to their neighbours and friends and to the state

tradition is a massive catalyst for building group

and wider world when you add into the equation that

identity and morale.

we are creatures with cravings for wealth, sexual fulfilment and status. We finish with the obvious truth

The common law legal system is similarly based on

that we are irrational; indeed, we normally act

hundreds of years of interpretation and fine tuning. It

instinctively and often on false premises. It then

is based on precedent where judges interpret the law

becomes clear that only a system that has evolved to

according to an accepted body of previous

respond to and allow for these imperfections can truly

interpretation which is vital to stop law being arbitrary

serve mankind.

and overly responsive to fickle fashion. To safeguard society knowing the above, law and The organic society is central to conservative thought

order is paramount whereas radicals thrive on

and vital because it differentiates conservatism from

disorder. Our experience of the world tells us that true

classical liberalism, and its grandchild; neo-liberalism.

progress comes in small measured steps and that

Though both uphold the primacy of the individual, the

chaos is accompanied by slaughter and destruction at

conservative recognises that society is based upon the

home. Before anything else we need to be secure in

interaction of people in a general attitude of goodwill

our homes and in our streets. It is the primary duty of a

that accepts that people have different attributes,

government to protect its citizens from threats, both

wealth and position but who are valuable nonetheless.

domestic and foreign, and for that we need a single

They accept that those who are most favoured have at

authority on the use of force as the great writer

least a moral, if not strictly legal, duty to protect and

Hobbes established in his ground-breaking book

look after the unfortunate in their time of need. It is this


difference between moral and legal obligations that so differ conservativism from progressive thought which

However, in recognising that those who administer

seeks to entrench its various forms of redistribution in

force are imperfect people we must also have a robust

legal obligations and not just through need but

legal framework to protect the rights of people from

through a need to impose equality. A conservative

abuse by those who should safeguard it. The English


Issue 1 | June 2018

What is conservatism? An opinion

common law has, over the centuries, developed and improved such safeguards. Authoritarian states quickly remove such protections. We also need courts that enforce contracts justly and consistently which is why the law of precedent is so superior to the whims of judges working by statute alone and subject to only their interpretation. Individual judges are also flawed persons and are accountable to a body of jurisprudence that dates to ‘time immemorial’ (in fact about 800 years). Lastly is property. In fact, property is the most fundamental concept because, most importantly, we recognise that the rightful duty of government is to protect citizens, enforce contracts and provide safety nets and infrastructure and to otherwise leave people to run their lives as they see fit, but only in so far as they do not do undue harm to others, and, in extreme cases, themselves. It is because a person’s first interest will always be to their family, they will take care of them and build prosperity, in marked contrast to expecting people to put the same effort into communally owned property which they have little control over, and often take little reward from what is almost inevitably run on inefficient and corrupt methods. What makes conservatism also unique is that is does not prescribe any programme or economic policy. It recognises that a country at a certain time has unique needs and that governments can change their policies to deal with them. The economic polices we had in place during total war are going to be different from that of an enduring peace. We also understand that our comprehension of economics changes and to hold to a fixed position becomes more absurd as the world changes. But what is beyond doubt that is we deal with problems in a way that we have developed, but never perfected, over the centuries. There is no end game, no point of perfection we are heading to- we are a work in progress.

First Most Conservative News Magazine Christian Times Magazine UK is the main source of media that inspires them to radically change their world. We spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. CTM UK has been a reliable source of news. It has also provided many political and Christian articles. Whether you’re looking to read about the latest news, or you’re hot on British politics, Christian Times Magazine UK has it all for you.


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