The Beaver Dam - Inspiration

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Obama’s Visit to Friends Brother LoveBrazil Dream Grandfather Mother Boyfriend Life Girlfriend Father Love Grandmother Grandfather Mother Pets Sister Life Sister Brother Cousin Dream Cousin Grandfather Mother Brother Mom Dream Grandfather Love Mother Mother Life Sister Life Sister Friend Grandmother Father Father Love Life Dream Brother Sister Cousin Uncle Girlfriend Friends Brother Dream Grandfather Mother Boyfriend Uncle Girlfriend Father Pets Grandmother Grandfather Mother Life Sister Life Sister Brother Sister Dream Love Grandfather Mother Brother Dream Sister Grandfather Love Mother Uncle Friend Mother Pets Sister Life Sister Father Cousin Grandmother Father Grandmother Dream Life Pets Sister Uncle Girlfriend

p t n o n i a i I s r


Ana Maria Assumpção Director Isabela Villas Boas Academic Superintendent

The Beaver Dam Production Staff: Obama’s Visit to Friends Brother LoveBrazil Dream Grandfather Mother Boyfriend Life Girlfriend Father Love Grandmother Grandfather Mother Life Sister Life Sister Brother Cousin Dream Cousin Grandfather Mother Brother Mom Dream Grandfather Love Mother Mother Life Sister Life Sister Friend Grandmother Father Father Love Life Dream Brother Sister Cousin Uncle Girlfriend Friends Brother Dream Grandfather Mother Boyfriend Uncle Girlfriend Father Love Grandmother Grandfather Mother Life Sister Life Sister Brother Sister Dream Love Grandfather Mother Brother Dream Sister Grandfather Love Mother Uncle Friend Mother Life Sister Life Sister Father Cousin Grandmother Father Grandmother Dream Life Love Sister Uncle Girlfriend

Ana Maria Scandiuzzi Clarissa Bezerra Domingos Di Lello Elisabeth Blom Frank Couto Kátia Falcomer Katy Cox Lueli Loivos Márcia Ribeiro Ronaldo Mangueira Jr.

I ns pira ti o n


Robson Moura Abraão Cardozo Publication Manager Cover designer

We would like to thank all the teachers who dedicated their time and effort to making this project feasible.


p t n o n i a i I s r Mary Forbes Scott Cox Born into an academic Boston environment – father a university professor and publisher's assistant, mother a classical pianist/avid reader/artistic portrayer of birds, plants and people – she spent her teenage summers in a community on Lake Michigan. Theater and dance were her primary passions; in fact, theatrical versions of truth infused her with high expectations and unreachable destinies all of her life. She completed her university courses with memories mostly of stage, costumes and music. She completed most of a Master's degree…but what for? Not seeing any interesting use for this achievement, she gave it up. Now what? Fate serendipitously extended her a request to teach Braille (a previously unknown code) to a blind girl on a ranch in southern Montana. A dramatic challenge indeed. And at one of the noisy community dances that kept the rural folk entertained (when they weren't feeding cattle, branding calves, or baking pies), a modest but also imaginative cowboy fell in love and signed his name to almost all the remaining chapters of her life. The blind girl learned Braille, and my mother was not at the moment attracted to cattle, calves, or pies….so she went to Syria. A determined and desperate German school mistress enlisted her to teach Math (a subject about which she knew almost nothing) at a girl's school in Damascus. She went by ship to a very, very distant place and a way of life which connected her to camels instead of cows, and to the methodology of exploring herself and a population of people wrapped in shawls. In any case, the persistent, passionate cowboy was not far behind, having his own adventures never dreamed of in Montana pastures, and surfacing from time to time to remind her that a more mundane reality awaited her return. Finally, having reached the logical termination of the Syrian “production”, she heard the call of the cowboy, who went – in his Stetson hat and rancher's boots into the dim, exclusive men's club where Dr. Scott relaxed after hours – to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage.

Their life together took them to four different states and two countries, and towns and neighborhoods that they literally lost count of. Everywhere they went, she was the one on center stage – the political rebel, the mistress of artistic projects, the voice at a party holding listeners in thrall. She had a way with words, could tell a story like no other, convinced and bewitched with her writing (as vivid as her unfailing ability to make you laugh). And along the way, an accumulation of four children accompanied a rather nomadic search for something “permanent”…but there was always another cause to fight for, another house which would be fun to live in, a town which offered enticing rewards. But wherever we were, we could count on the reassuring pictures on the walls, the familiar books on their shelves, and the reading aloud which preceded bedtime (long after all of us were reading on our own; it was the performance which prevailed). Until her mind gave way under the strain, Mother was the master magician, the conjurer of scenes and dreams, defining life's parameters in ways that few people could follow with absolute faith. Throughout this colorful trajectory - even with reality becoming sometimes cruelly clearer with each passing year – she was my model, my muse…always on the center stage of my thoughts, with her personal version of what it should be like to be alive. Fortunately, she was my mother.

p t n o n i a i s I r

Student: Ana Luisa - Teacher: Andréa Figueiredo - Class: TPK-19 - Branch: Santo Antônio- Sudoeste

A Beautiful Example My brother's name is Eduardo. He was born in DF on March 30 and he is a beautiful example of the person I want to be because he's intelligent, creative, kind, polite, generous and friendly. He is tall and thin and he has curly black hair. He likes films, his family and he loves Jesus. He doesn't like physics, being sick and staying far from the people he loves. My brother is important to me because he makes my life letter and he opens my eyes to wonderful things and he always saves and protects me, even when I don't call him. Student: Emanuele Barbosa - Teacher: Silvia Caldas - Class: 54 - Branch: Taguatinga

My Boyfriend Makes Me Dream I'll write about my boyfriend. He was born in Brazil on February 17, in 1998. He is small, has short blond straight hair. He tends to wear shorts, a polo shirt and tennis shoes. He loves listening to Slipknot and all the rock bands. He hates his sister, but his sister is so cute and polite. I don't understand why he doesn't like her. He has a very talented band and he plays the guitar. He and his family love to travel. He already went to New York, Orlando, Miami, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay… All the time I ask him what he likes to do most, and he always says, “I love being with you.” I try to believe it but I think that he prefers to go out with his friends and play the guitar. When he was just a little boy, he was very messy and dreamed of being a scientist; he said that was because he wanted to discover things and make this a better world. I love him, and you should be asking why, so I will say: When I'm with him, I forget all the evil that exists in the word and forget the problems. He makes me smile when I'm sad and he makes me feel like a princess. He makes me dream of paradise and he always says, “Be happy, because your happiness is my life.” He has a saying that he always repeats: “When going right, go left”. He is my left, he is my safe spot. Student: Camila Xavier - Teacher: Thelma Peres - Class: 55 - Branch: Mackenzie - Lago Sul


A Person Who Inspires Me My grandfather is the person who most inspires me. When I remember his story, I can see that a good character, perseverance and discipline are qualities which everybody must have to succeed in life. His story was full of surprises, struggles and victories. When he was 17, his parents died and he moved to live in the home of acquaintances, as a favor. At the age of 18, he was serving in the army to have something to eat and a place to stay at. His life in the army was not easy. In addition to suffering prejudice for being black, he could not read or write. But, he didn't mind, and went on his journey. He became literate in the army and continued studying during his free time. Sometime later, he got married and had nine children with my grandmother. He got ahead in the Military career and decided, at the age of 34, to become a civil servant. He became sub-prosecutor of the Republic. From that point on, he started a new life. He gave the best education to his children and he taught them values such as humility, sincerity and charity. He wrote a book that helped lay people to understand the laws of our country. His book is used by many Law students. He also gave lectures on legislative matters. Universities in Brazil, the U.S., and Canada, invited him to attend meetings and make speeches. He was fluent in English, French, German and Latin, languages which he taught himself. So, because of his storied career, he is the one that most inspires me to lead my life in a better way and to succeed. Student: Lais Barrozo Fernandes da Silva - Teacher: Inez Woortmann - Class: 502 - Branch: Asa Norte

Army Dad

A Special Person

Wallace was born in Fortaleza in 1930. He didn't go the college. He entered the army in 1946 as a soldier in 1949 he married Marta, and one year later, they had their first son. In 1980, Wallace became a general and retired five years later. Wallace and Marta had a lot of children, and the last was in 1970, my dad!

Fabiane is a very special person. She was born in BrasĂ­lia on October 19th. She is smart, picky and easy going. She is tall, has short wavy brown hair, and she is beautiful. She likes reading, singing and hanging out with friends. She doesn't like exercising or doing boring things. She helps me with anything I need, like with homework or studying for tests and choosing my clothes. We like to watch movies, sing, dance and chat together.

Student: Gabriel Martins de Andrade Teacher: Regina Porto Class: 55-A Branch: Asa Norte

Student: DĂŠbora Ciampi Teacher: ClĂĄudia Farias Class: 55 - Branch: Asa Sul


Grandpa Luis Humberto There are many important people in my life, but there is one person that inspires me the most, my grandpa. His name is Luis Humberto, and he has always been around me and my family, but what makes him the most inspiring person in my life is the fact that he never gives up. My grandfather is a very intelligent and lively person. He has been through all sorts of situations, so he always knows what to do. He is very tall and a little bit chubby. He is a great person, with lots of good qualities, like his sensibility, his generosity, his morals and lots of other great qualities. He has had quite an interesting life. He graduated in photography and taught at UnB. He also worked as a photographer for the SARAH hospital. However, a few years ago, he had a health problem that made it really difficult for him to take photos, and even after that, he never quit his love for photography. Even when he was getting treated at the hospital, he kept taking photos, and when he got better, he even made a showcase at the hospital with the photos he took there. The fact that even when he was in the hospital he didn't give up is what makes him the most inspiring person in my life. That is why I'll always be grateful for having such a good person and such a good influence in my life. Student: Rafael Martins Chianca - Teacher: Luiz Felipe de Araújo - Class: 505-A - Branch: Lago Sul

My Hero

My grandfather is the most interesting person in the family. His name's Luiz Palhares. He was born in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, on October 21th, 1936. Today he is 73 years old. He has black hair and black eyes, he isn't so tall and he is the most easygoing person in my family; he always says “yes” to anything you want and he hates fighting. In 1952 he joined the school “formação de oficiais” in the Brazilian Army. In 1964 he met my grandmother Aila and until today they are happy together. In 1980, as a colonel, he left the army and began working as a system analyst. My grandfather is important to me because he is my hero. I love him so much. Student: Luisa Andrade Teacher: Herbênia Class: 52 Branch: Asa Norte

Student: Alice Martineli Rodigueiro Lopes de Oliveira Teacher: Juliana de Freitas Lewis - Class: TPK-12A Branch: SIGMA - Asa Norte 7

One of My Best Friends My sister Renata is a very special person to me. She was born on November 22nd in Brasília. She has long wavy blond hair. She is tall and thin. She is very smart sociable, friendly and organized. She likes playing the piano and violin, watching TV, playing with her dog and reading books. Her favorite book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. She doesn't like horses, running, swimming and cooking. She is important to me because she is one of my best friends and we do many things together. On weekends we usually play “Guitar Hero” on her video game or go to the cinema to watch action movies. During the week we don't go out because she works all day and studies at night. Student: Natalia Borges - Teacher: Claudia Farias - Class: 55 - Branch: Asa Sul

Petrus The person who most inspires me in my life is my friend Petrus. He's almost like family to me, and he inspires me because of his strength, his pure essence, and the way he handles his life. Petrus is a very humble and trustworthy person. It doesn't matter what happens, just a hug or a smile from him and everything gets better. You see in his eyes how much light there's in his heart. I know he'll be there for me whenever I'm in need. His life is very interesting especially because of the way he handles all of his problems. He's always so strong that when he cries, every tear drop breaks my heart in a thousand pieces. He has suffered a lot, and I wish I could be sure he would never suffer again. Petrus is a friend that has taught me a lot, and showed me faith. He inspires me a lot, and I'm sure he'll keep inspiring me in all of his actions. Student: Maria Luiza Serafim - Teacher: Evaristo de Moraes - Class: 505 - Branch: Lago Sul

Student: Ana Luíza Teacher: Daniela Lyra Class: TPK-17 - Branch: Lago Sul 8

My Reason to Keep Smiling and Following my Dreams It's a wonderful pleasure to talk about the most important people in my life, my parents, who are my support in never giving up my goals and my dreams. I remember when I was a child, my parents broke up and stayed apart for a couple of months. At that moment, I could see how loyal my mom was to her feelings. After they got back together, we moved to another city. Then my brothers and I had to learn how to be responsible and independent, because my parents worked in another city during the week. All my life, my parents have inspired me to be a better person. I grew up and one day, I decided to go to the U.S.A. to meet my ex-husband. I made a stir in my family. My dad was shocked, for he didn't accept it. But my mom was by my side, encouraging my hopeless dreams. Even though she knew that wasn't the best way to go, she let me grow up. After seven years and half, I moved back to Brazil with my cute son. It was so emotional when I saw my dad again, in the airport, waiting for my hug and telling me how happy he was. We cried a lot. I'll never forget that moment. Nowadays, I can understand how I hurt my father and my family, but even with all the suffering that I caused, I learned about the faithful love of parents. I sure take my hat off to my dear parents, who have never lost their honesty, compassion, friendship, and love between them and for us, their children. Today we live together and they still inspire me each day, showing me how important it is not to give up our dreams. To conclude, I'd like to say thank you, my dear parents, for showing me that life is not easy, but that we have to be wise and strong to find happiness. I'm so proud to be your daughter. I love you. Student: Roberta Aguiar - Teacher: Patr铆cia Fleury - Class: 501 - S - Branch: Asa Sul

She makes me Smile

Funny Warrior

Victoria was born in Brasilia, Brazil, on May 20th, 1998. She likes chocolate, sleeping and watching horror movies. She dislikes volleyball, studying and swimming. She has long straight brown hair. She is tall and thin. She is so important to me because she is my best friend, she always helps me and makes me smile when I am crying.

The name of my brother is Rafael and he was born on December 29th, 1986. He is the funniest person I know. He is a little bit taller than me and he doesn't have any hair. He is important to me because he is my inspiration. And he is a warrior to me because he had cancer and was still happy and funny. He loves to drink coca-cola and play jokes, but he doesn't like to go to the beach.

Student: Luisa Fernandes Carlos Teacher: Ana Gois Class: 58SA - Branch: Santo Ant么nio - Sudoeste

Student: Thiago Dias Pais Teacher: Leonardo Sampaio Class: 57A - Branch: Sudoeste


Student: André Felipe de Souza - Teacher: Juliana Lewis - Class: TPK-12A - Branch: SIGMA - Asa Norte

My sister, cool with curly hair My sister Maria Luiza is very cool but she is very timid. If people start to talk, she talks too. She has beautiful long curly hair. The friends of the family praise her hair. She has brown eyes. She likes videogames, television, drawing and music, and she dislikes Chili food. Every day, Maria Luiza calls me to play, but I don't have time; but at night, I have time and I play videogames with her. My sister was born in 2005 and I was born in 1998, and people say young sisters are boring. But I don't have problems with my sister. She is very cool. Because of that, I think my sister is very cool, because she likes the same things as me and she is very sociable with me. Student: João Pedro Souza - Teacher: Cláudia Farias - Class: 57 - Branch: Asa Sul


Big Hearted Dad My daddy's name is Alexandre. He's very tall, a little bit chubby, and very strong; he has brown eyes and brown hair. He's very smart, relaxed, open-minded and funny. He was born in Rio de Janeiro and his birthday is on July 13th. My daddy likes to fly airplanes; it's his job. He also likes watching UFC with me at night and he likes math; he is very smart, so he's good at it. My daddy dislikes picky people and waiting for something. To sum up, I admire him because he's very smart, he's good at his job and he has a big heart as well as a beautiful character. Student: Maria Gabriela Cunha - Teacher: Sarah AraĂşjo - Class: 54GA - Branch: Galois - Asa Sul

Student: Carolina Campos - Teacher: LĂ­gia Rolim - Class: TPK-16 - Branch: SIGMA - Asa Norte


My Mom - My Best Friend My mom is the person that I most admire in my life. She is my best friend and I know that I can trust her more than I can trust anyone else. She is such a good person. She always does her best in everything that she does. Everything that she promises to do, she does. For me, she is an example of dedication and determination. Her name is Vanessa and she is 39 years old. She is tall with long black hair and she is very beautiful. She is sweet, sincere, kind, very intelligent, polite, funny, smart, pretty, and friendly. She always helps others, for she is also affectionate, reliable, calm, sensitive and lovely. She knows how to cook, sing, dance, and play the piano. She is a dentist and a university professor. She always does the right thing and she has character. She only has one job but she has the ability for many others. She knows about a lot of things. She knows about good eating habits, medicines, clothes, hair and makeup, and decoration. She has a Master's degree and a PhD. She studied a lot to achieve her goals. She has participated in several conferences and has already presented papers in China, Australia and Chile. She is proficient in English. Her students and patients love her. In my opinion, she is perfect. She is a great mother, friend, wife, and professional. She inspires me to do good things, to never give up, to believe in my dreams, to dedicate myself in everything that I do, to help others, and to be a better person. I love her so much and one day I hope to be like her. Student: Milena Resende - Teacher: JoĂŁo Paulo de Alarcon - Class: 505 - Branch: Taguatinga

Student: Ester Gomes Leite - Teacher: Lueli Loivos de Azevedo - Class: TPK-18 - Branch: Mackenzie - Lago Sul

My Sports-Loving Sister Gabi is my sister. She is happy, smart and cool, she is tall and has brown eyes and long straight brown hair; she is older than me, she was born in BrasĂ­lia on 10/09/94. She loves ice cream and to play sports, she dislikes horror movies and studying math. My sister is important to me because she is nice and helps me with my homework. She and I love to go to the cinema and eat a lot of popcorn; we also like to play sports together. Student: Beatriz Santana - Teacher: ClĂĄudia Farias - Class: 57 - Branch: Asa Sul


Student: Cecília Araújo Carlos - Teacher: Maira Magalhães - Class: TPK-15 - Branch: Lago Sul

A Very Special Person A very special person who has had a great influence in my life is my grandmother. She is one of the strongest persons that I have ever known. She has always been a hardworking woman, and a very determined person. My grandmother was born in Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro, in the 30's. As a child, she learned how to be strong because she lost her dad at a very young age. When she was a teenager, she moved to Niterói to work and study, so, when she was 17, she used to cross the Rio-Niterói Bridge to study accounting and to work. On those days, she usually spent her time studying and reading books while getting back home by bus. After getting a degree, she got admitted in the Supreme Justice Court. At that time, she used to practice many sports, like paddling, swimming and volleyball. When the capital city was transferred to Brasília, she got sidetracked by her job because she loved Rio de Janeiro and she didn't want to come live here to work. However, the good point about it is that in Brasília, she met my grandfather at a swimming competition. They got married and had 3 children: my two uncles and my mom. Also, in Brasília, she reached the peak of her career, when she became a Director at the Supreme Justice Court. During her busy life, she had time to practice 14 different sports. Because of that, she was able to travel all over the country to compete. Nowadays, she likes to stay at home, but, as a movie lover, she enjoys going out to watch movies at the movie theater. She is also hooked on playing the lottery, just for fun. One of the most important things she has done was to tell me to study hard to become an independent woman. What inspires me is that she channeled all her energy into working hard and loving her family. To sum up, I have to take my hat off to her for having been an amazing woman during all her life. Student: Manoella Oliveira Aragão - Teacher: Inez Woortmann - Class: 502 - Branch: Asa Norte


Important Because of love My father, Márcio, is fat, short and has short straight hair. He is very calm, serious, old, organized and picky. He likes horror books and suspense movies. He doesn't like strange food. He is important to me because I love him and we can always watch movies together (eating popcorn). He was born on November 18th on a rainy day. Student: Ana Luiza Barbosa - Teacher: Cláudia Farias - Class: 57-Branch: Asa Sul

Cozy Cousin Solange Nogueira Costa was born in Brasília, Brazil, on March 29th, 1993. When she was a child, her hair was blond and her eyes were a mixture of green and brown. Today, her eyes are brown, almost dark, and her hair is long and brown. She is honest and very otimistic and because of those qualities, she always makes people happy. But it's very dangerous to annoy her. She loves candies and greasy food, but she doesn't get along very well with vegetables, only eating a little bit of them. She likes to watch TV and read romantic books. And she really loves to play “the Sims” and sleep. She is my cousin, and when I was a child, she took care of me and played games with me. Today she almost always gives advice to me and is an important partner of confessions. Student: Thais Nogueira - Teacher: Cristiane Gomes - Class: 58 LVS - Branch: Asa Sul

Student: Fernanda C. C. Oliveira - Teacher: Patrícia Assumpção- Class: TPK-19 - Branch: Marista - Lago Sul

Close Friends Cézar Augusto Quinan Franzão was born in Brasília, DF, on Dec. 4, 2002. He's small; he is 1.33 tall. He's thin; he weighs 30kgs. He likes to listen to music, play videogames, surf the web and he loves to play soccer. He's a little nice sometimes, but generally he is very boring because he is younger. However, he is my brother and we are close friends, I can't live without him and I love him. Student: Caio Henrique Macedo - Teacher: Carol Barretto Class: 55SA - Branch: Santo Antônio- Sudoeste 14

Cheese Bread Champion

My Dog Lolita

My Mom is the most important person in my life, because she gave me birth, education and all the things I need. Sometimes I see her as a bad Mom because she punishes me and I hate it, but I know that she does it for my own good. She is a short woman called Gloria, and she has short straight dark hair. She was born in Uberaba, a city in the Minas Gerais countryside, on December 12th, 1962. She is a very sociable person and the most organized person in my family. She loves cooking and she makes the best cheese bread (pão de queijo) I've ever eaten. She likes to go shopping, but she doesn't like to go shopping with me because I always look at the video games and she prefers to see clothes. I really enjoy her company and it is because of all these things that I love my Mom.

She is a Shih-tzu. She is very funny, lovely and she likes playing. She has short legs, black ears and a big nose. She likes to go to the park with me, play ball and bark at other people. She doesn't like to go home and take showers. Lolita doesn't like when we go to sleep and she stays alone. She is very important to me because she makes me feel happy in my bad times. She is just five months old and was born in Brasília.

Student: Raul Silva Menezes Teacher: Marcus Murilo Class: 54 - Branch: Asa Sul

Student: Maria Laura Teacher: Luis Dantas Class: 51MR Branch: Moraes Rêgo - Asa Sul

Student: Júlia Brunacci - Teacher: Cecília Umetsu - Class: TPK19SA - Branch: Santo Antônio - Sudoeste


The Person Who Most Inspires Me The person who most inspires me in my life is Satie, my mother. I admire my mother because I consider her to be a resilient person, and she always teaches me lessons in life, encouraging me to follow my dreams. My grandfather is Japanese, but my mother is from Brazil. She was born in a town called Ceres, which is next to Goiânia, Goiás. She is short, slim and has short, straight brown hair. She has a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry, but, curiously, she works as a meteorologist at the Goiânia airport. She loves traveling to seaside towns and getting to know new places. It is her favorite hobby. The quality of hers that I love the most is her determination. When she makes a plan, she tries to stick to it until the end, and she doesn't care whether it's difficult or not. Her life story is very interesting. She got married when she was only nineteen years old. My grandfather forced her to do it, and then, she had to stop studying. Five months after her wedding, her husband died and my mother went to Goiânia, to study Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the federal University of the State of Goiás. Her dream had been to become a doctor, but, unfortunately, she got sidetracked by her early marriage. A few years later, she met my father, they got married and I was born. They were married for eleven years, but got divorced. My mother and I came back to Goiânia because, at the time, we had been living in Palmas, and she raised me on her own. Last year, she started living with my stepfather and I left home to study in Brasília. Even though she was forty-four years old, she had a baby, because she wanted to have another child. My mother is a driven person, in spite of all the challenges and difficulties she has faced. She managed to get a university degree and to bring me up all by herself, because my father didn't help me so much. Also, she works very hard to support her new family and me. She never gives up trying to be happy. I love her. Student: Camila Tsuchida - Teacher: Inez Woortmann - Class: 502 - Branch: Asa Norte

The Best One The person who has inspired me the most is my mother. The reason for this is quite obvious; I have observed her since I was born. Her name is Marcia, and she has faced many difficulties in her life. She is a real go-getter, a very ambitious person. Also, I always admire the fact that she is a risk taker. She likes to try new ways of doing things, even if it means making mistakes sometimes. My mom is really intelligent and positive about everything. Even when she found out that she was pregnant when she was 20 years old, she continued to have a positive outlook on life and finished her law school. Nowadays, she is a civil servant and works at TJDFT. She is also highly productive and a team player. In general, she has to manage a lot of tasks at her work and deal with her coworkers. Although everyone tells her not to work so hard, she can´t help it. Normally, she helps me with my schoolwork because she is very creative and peaceful. She is an early riser, and as a rule, she is out of bed and preparing our breakfast by 6:20 a.m. on weekdays. Typically, she and I leave home before 7:00a.m.because she is afraid the traffic might be too heavy. She likes to cook and spend time with her family as well. She helps in her church and she tries to help anyone who needs it. I know she is not scared of anything at all. She has always been on my side, even when I am wrong. The best days that I have ever had in my life were with my mother. Basically, she is awesome and inspires everyone who knows her. Student: Maria Paula Mendonça - Teacher: Timothy Papantony - Class: 508 - Branch: Asa Norte


Tall and Strong

Builder at the Beginning

André was born in Itapagipe-MG on May 6th, 1970. He is tall and strong. He has short very dark hair. He is very cool. He is happy, intelligent and very funny. He likes horses, soccer and his family. But he doesn't like horror movies and irresponsibility. I admire him because he teaches me a lot of things and he is a very great person too.

My grandfather is the most important dead person to me. He was born in Pombal, Pernambuco, and he came to Brasília to build it. He was tall and he had short curly and brown hair. He liked playing soccer and having some fun very much. He didn't like quiet things. I think he was important to me because he built Brasília; if he hadn't done this, none of us would be here today.

Student: André Vasconcelos Teacher: Gustavo Class: 55LVT - Branch: Taguatinga

Student: Luiza Caetano - Teacher: Nadja Class: 56A - Branch: Asa Norte

Student: Clarice Coelho de Souza Teacher: Juliana Lewis Class: TPK12A Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

Student: David de Oliveira Lopes Teacher: Lueli Loivos - Class: TPK18 Branch: Mackenzie - Asa Norte

Grandma Helena My grandmother Helena is the most important dead person in my family. She was born in 1937, on April 27th in Belo Horizonte. She was tall and had curly short hair she was the most helpful person that I have ever seen. She was always thinking about the others and caring about them. She liked to go to the church and to stay with her children and grandchildren. She died of cancer in 2003, on September 17th, and everybody got really sad. I think she is the most important dead person in my family, because she taught everyone to be better and how to be brave and courageous in bad times. Student: Laura Caetano - Teacher: Nadja - Class: 56-A - Branch: Asa Norte


Student: Emmanuel Albuquerque Teacher: Lígia Rolim da Costa Class: TPK16 Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

My Best Friend, Fabrícia The person that inspires me very much is my best friend, Fabrícia. We've known each other for only three years, but it feels like an eternity. We have very different personalities, but we're still able to understand each other more than anyone. Fabrícia is very funny and sweet. She's also a really nurturing friend, so she's always taking care of me. I trust her more than anyone because I know how loyal she is. Even though she is very kind, she can also be a hothead sometimes. She is the kind of girl who has a strong personality, and you have to know how to deal with her. We're very different physically. Her skin is slightly tanned and she has long black hair. Her eyes are also black and she has an amazing smile. Her hobbies are really similar to mine. We love to go out, go shopping, to sleep, to listen to music, to sing and dance, and to travel. She is a dreamer. She is full of aspirations and one of them is coming true in July. We're both going, together, with a group of teenagers, to spend the whole month in the USA (NY/Disney) to celebrate our fifteenth birthday. She still can't believe it's happening, even though we have worked so hard and have been planning this trip for three years. Fabrícia is very important to me because she inspires me to be a better person every day. We help each other and try to be more mature and responsible. We're always trying to learn from our mistakes. She is the best friend I could ever have. Student: Natália H. Amorim - Teacher: Ellen Cintra - Class: 504 - Branch: Maristão - Lago Sul

Many Fine Things The person I admire the most is my mother. She was born in 1978 in Brasília. She is nice, very intelligent and generous. She is short and has short straight dark hair. She likes many things, but she really likes to go to the shopping mall and she doesn't like so much to go to to the movies. She is important for me, first because she is my mother and second because she is nice, generous, cool and funny. Student: Alisson da Cruz - Teacher: Haline Neiva - Class: 56 - Branch: Sudoeste


My Sister Rafaela is the best person I know. Maybe I am biased for saying that, since I am her sister. However, I can prove it. She is very sweet and understanding, even if she pushes me into doing the “best thing” sometimes. Also, she is extraordinarily intelligent and helps me whenever I need her. If I had to choose a role model for my life, it would certainly be my sister. She is kind and helpful. Besides that, she is really smart and persistent. Her aspirations are big, and she is very focused on making them happen. Rafa loves reading, and since she is always doing that, I can say it is part of her. With all her qualities, she inspires me a lot. My sister has had a storied life. As a student, she is very dedicated, and her aspiration is to be a renowned doctor, so she has been studying a lot since her sophomore year, and her efforts were paid off. Before even starting her senior year, she had already passed UnB's entrance exam twice; however, not for Medicine. If I were in her shoes, I would have been easily sidetracked, but Rafa channels her energy into making decisions that will help her later, like studying a lot. Some day I will be more like her. In conclusion, my sister is a very special person in my life and I would not be the same without her. She inspires me, helps me, loves me, and I could not live without her. Being who she is, I can say she is the best. Student: Tatiana Litvin Teacher: Conceição Machado - Class: 505B - Branch: Asa Sul

A Real Person Her name is Ana Flavia, she was born in October, in Canada. She is tall and thin, and she has wavy brown hair. She is very important for me because she is my cousin and a good listener. She is a very calm person. She is very sociable and neat too. She loves animals, and so she has a dog and a bird. She likes chocolate, but she doesn't like meat. She hates doing chores and studying. She is very fun and friendly, so she has many friends. Student: Lucca Henrique Rodrigues Teacher: Mariana Sucena - Class: 54 LVN - Branch: Leonardo da Vinci - Asa Norte

Student: Gabriel Alejandro Cintra Teacher: Lígia da Costa Class: TPK 16 Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte


My Taller Twin I thought a lot, and I decided to write about my brother. His name is Gabriel; he was born December 3th of 1998. He is 13 years old and definitely he was born to take care of me; sometimes I think he is my father! He is a very very very tall boy; sometimes I look like a baby when I'm beside him. By the way, he is my twin brother and he is twenty centimeters taller than me! Can you imagine how much food he eats to support all this height? His favorite foods are lasagna, spaghetti, chocolate and ice cream; just healthy food, right? I forgot to tell you that he loves to sing; but he doesn't know how to do this! “I like you� is rare in my vocabulary, but I'll tell you that I don't love him because he is perfect; he is perfect because I love him. Student: Luisa Campos - Teacher: Cristiane Gomes - Class: 58 LVS - Branch: Leonardo da Vinci -Asa Sul

Student: Giulia Paulucci da Hora Viana Class: TPK16 Teacher: LĂ­gia da Costa Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

Grandma Teresa Grandma Teresa is the most amazing woman I have ever met, and has taught me to be a better person. She was born 67 years ago, but she still has the mind of a teenager, being an extrovert and very open-minded about everything. She is a book worm, like my uncle and I like to say, and has influenced me to read and seek knowledge. Her job, however, doesn't demand all her intelligence, since all she has to do is sit in front of a computer in an office. In her life, she has done a lot of interesting things, like traveling to Portugal, New York, Paris, and Buenos Aires. She has been married three times, widowed by her first husband, and divorced the two others in order to explore her full potential. With a life story like hers, and the fact that she still keeps a smile on her face, she has taught me to love myself and keep fighting, no matter what. I love my grandma. Student: Beatriz Nunes - Teacher: Daniel Erijo - Class: 505 - Branch: Asa Norte 20

Student: Manuela Borges Raupp Teacher: Ana Carolina de Souza - Class: TPK 03 - Branch: Mackenzie - Lago Sul

Grandma Eni My name is Rebeca and I'm going tell some things about a person who I love very much: my grandmother Eni. She is 62 years old, and was born in Belo Horizonte on August 19, 1949. But she came to BrasĂ­lia when it was being built because my grandfather came to work here. She is short and a little bit chubby. She has short straight light brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She looks like an Indian because of her ancestry. Some people say that I look like her and I am happy because, in my opinion, she is very pretty. My grandma is the loveliest most generous person I know. She is also very helpful and is always willing to do everything that everyone needs. She takes care of my little cousins, cooks for the whole family every weekend and she is always making parties at her house. She loves to act, specially reciting poetry. Sometimes she even travels to recite in other cities or in other countries. She also likes to paint porcelain she has classes and paints very well. I love when she gives me something painted by her. The third thing she loves to do and does it absolutely well is knit. She knits a lot of scarves and, when she has time, she makes gloves and beanies. When I was a baby, I wore a lot of things that she made for me I love and admire my grandma because, since I was young, she always did everything for me. She taught me how to paint porcelain, knit and cook but I really love her so much because I have a lot of memories about her. For example, when she would help me to do my homework, when we made scarves for my dolls, when she was teaching me how to recite poetry and a lot of other things. I also admire her because of her patience, love and humility especially the fact that she never stops doing what she loves and being the way she is, and always treating everyone equally. Summarizing, I love her and consider her on example of life and when I grow up, I want to be a great woman just like her. Student: Rebeca Nunes - Teacher: Lucia Carneiro - Class: 54 - Branch: Asa Norte


My Idol, Grandma Antônia Everyone has an idol. There is always someone, from a family member to a famous personality, who inspires you when you are feeling down or an ordinary person who fought against the problems life brought to him or her. If there is someone that is an inspiration for me, that is definitely my grandmother. My grandma Antônia was born in Remígio, a remote city located in Paraíba, Brazil, in 1926. She was the youngest child of 19 brothers and sisters who lived in precarious conditions. As she was growing up, she started realizing that to succeed in life she would have to work hard, and then she moved to her older sister's house in João Pessoa at the age of 10 in order to go to school and finally learn how to read and write. Going to school was a turning point in her life. She not only finished school but also went to university and graduated as an accountant. Not satisfied, she moved to Rio de Janeiro, at that time the capital of Brazil, to work at “Ministério da Fazenda” as a civil servant. While she was living in Rio, she got married twice and had three kids (my mother, my uncle and my aunt) and, since she spent most of her life as a single mother, she raised them by herself. My grandmother is an inspiration because she represents everything to me – determination, overcoming and, above all, she represents the modern woman because all she did was considered an innovation for her time. She passed away in 2007 when she was 81 years old, but I still think about her and her strength when I need some motivation. Student: Raquel Vitório Pereira - Teacher: Luis Francisco Dantas - Class: 505- Branch: Galois - Asa Sul

Student: Helena Figueredo de Oliveira Teacher: Herbênia Pereira - Class: TKP16A Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

Student: Helena Santos Klein Teacher: Lígia da Costa - Class: TKP16 Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte 22

Mariana, an Inspiration My sister's name is Mariana and she is 17 years old. She lives in Brasília with me and my family. Her hair is black but she dyed it and now it is blond. She is short and has brown eyes. She loves to watch movies and surf the web, but she doesn't have time to do that because she needs to study for UnB. My sister has great taste in music and she is very intelligent. She hates when someone listens to Pop music and she hates guava juice. My sister is very important to me; she inspires me all the time and I love her … Student: Cecília Gomes - Teacher: Andréa Peixoto - Class: 54 LV - Branch: Leonardo da Vinci - Taguatinga

Student: Isabelle Rosa Santos - Teacher: Juliana Lewis - Class: TPK12A - Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte My organized Mom Anelise is my mother and I love her because she takes care of me really well and wakes up every day at 6 a.m. to make my breakfast. She was born in Pelotas on September 2nd, 1970. She is sociable, loving and friendly. She is kind of picky and serious. My mom is more organized than me and all of my family; that must be the reason why she works for UnB at the nutrition department. She is younger than my dad. Sometimes she is boring, but she is my mother, so she has to be boring sometimes, right? She doesn't like to watch TV or do the chores. She loves to eat salad and walk in the Parque da Cidade, but she hates mess in the house. She likes make up and reading. But, one thing that she really loves is when my brother and I do a surprise for her. On the last mother's day, he and I took her breakfast in bed; there was bread, butter and a lot of things that she likes on the tray, including a flower that I bought last night and a perfume from Boticário. The rest of the day, we dID some things that she likes. My mom is really important to me and to my brother! I think she is the best mom in the world. I love her, I really love her!!! Student: Bruna Rizzolo - Teacher: Wallace Barbosa - Class: 57 - Branch: Asa Sul


Student: Isabele Borges Toledo - Teacher: Lilian Maria - Class: TPK16 - Branch: Asa Sul

Major Care-Taker Ana Luisa, my mother, was born in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, on January 20th in 1968. She has one son, Gabriel; he was born on January 6th in 2002 and two daughters, Maria Beatriz and my sister were born on May 7th in 1996, and I was born on February 26th in 1999. She got married to my father, Carlos Vinicius, on October 10th in 1993. She is short, medium weight, she has brown eyes, shoulder-length straight light brown hair. She is picky, cute, rude, organized, funny and kind. She likes playing Tennis. (This is her favorite sport), she doesn't like eating sushi , she loves traveling, but she doesn't like shopping. She likes watching soccer (her favorite team is Internacional). She is a very important person to me because she is my mother, the one who takes care of me every day, who is always giving importance to all, including me. Student: Ana Carolina Campos Teacher: DĂŠbora LafetĂĄ Class: 55 - Branch: Lago Sul


Important and Supportive

Fast and Fun

Thaisa was born on May 27 in the city of Uberaba (MG). She has long dark hair, she is thin, has dark eyes and she is very beautiful. She's cool, stylish and intelligent, but sometimes she's boring. Thaisa likes volleyball and soccer but she doesn't like basketball; she thinks it's boring. She enjoys reading and eating pizza and chocolate. She doesn't like shopping with her mother because it takes hours and she doesn't like watching horror movies because she gets really scared. She is important to me because she helps me and supports me. I really love her; she is my best cousin.

Digerson is my grandfather. First, I like him because he is my grandfather and second, because he is a very crazy person. He is very fun and drives very fast. I like him because he goes to the farm every weekend and I go with him. He likes all animals, but he dislikes cats. He is 69 years old, but he looks like he is 90. I love him. He has short, white hair and black eyes. He has two brothers and worked as a police officer. He loves guns and has a lot of them. When I was five years old, he taught me how to shoot and I loved it. Student:Lucas Aciole Teacher: Carolina Martins Class: 55-A Branch: Asa Sul

Student: Giovanna GuimarĂŁes Teacher: Regina Porto Class: 57 Branch: Asa Norte

Student: Theodora Freire - Teacher: Paula TomĂŠ - Class: TPK12B - Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte 25

A Family Man Marcos Aurélio is my father. He was born in Brasília on April 9th, 1964. He studied Art, but now he works for the government. In 1995, he got married to my mother, AnaKelly. After three years I was born and then my brother Artur was born too. My father is kind of tall and chubby. He has short, straight and dark hair. He likes riding a bike and spending time with his family. He doesn't like to get up early and to do household chores. I love him because he is my father and my friend too. He loves me and we like to do everything together. Student: Vinícius de Amorim - Teacher: Lorena Torquato - Class:57A - Branch: Asa Sul

Student: Laura Coimbra Silvestre Teacher: Lueli Loivos Class: TPK18 Branch: Mackenzie - Lago Sul

My Best Inspiration Mom… Three letters that have a deep and indescribable meaning, but everyone can feel it. My mom, especially, has been inspiring me since I was born, and I know it will last forever, even when she is gone, because what has been learnt no one can take away from you. How can I show my thankfulness to a person that has shaped me? In every hug and smile, in every lesson and word, even when I was grounded, now I understand what she was trying to make me see, what kind of person I was willing to be, and how I should treat others. Also, I could learn what I wanted for my life. Even though I don't know yet which way will lead me there, my mom taught me to keep walking and be strong to carry on. My mom is an exemplary woman and a hard-working and outgoing person. She is always doing her best. She can always see the bright side of everyone and make people believe in their strength. Maybe angels exist and, I don't know why, I was picked by the best, who will always be looking after me. I just can say that I love my mom for everything she is and for everything she's made me become. Student: Gustavo Vila Lima - Teacher:Adriana Félix - Class:504A - Branch: Asa Norte


Student: João Lucas - Teacher: Lueli Loivos - Class: TPK18 - Branch: Mackenzie - Lago Sul

Good Journalist, Great Cousin In my family I love everybody, but there is one person that I trust more. This person is my cousin. His name is Rafael Vicentini; he is 26. I guess he is handsome. He's tall and thin. He looks young. Rafael has short black hair. He normally wears a simple T=shirt with black jeans. He lives in Mato Grosso. His birthday is on September 17th. He is important to me because I lived my best moments with him. He is very funny and good company. He likes watching cool films, playing bleeding games, he dislikes eating junk foods, wearing shabby clothes and working. I admire him because he is a good journalist, the best cousin I have; he is honest and he is a friendly person. Student: Luíza Vicentini - Teacher: Sarah Araújo - Class: 54-GA -Branch: Galois - Asa Sul 27

Student: Luisa Ribeiro Ramos Teacher: Juliana Lewis - Class: TPK12A - Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

My Older Sister The person I most admire is my older sister, Marina. She was born on December 18, 1994 and she is very pretty. She has shoulder-length straight dark hair and brown eyes. Also, she is very sociable. She loves hanging out with her friends and meeting new people. She doesn't like messy people because she is very organized. Moreover, she hates wasting money and mean people. Marina is very important to me because she's always there for me. She helps me all the time. In fact, she is a really kind-hearted person and she always helps me whenever I'm sad or can't do my homework. In sum, she is the best example for me, and that's why I think she is the most amazing person I know. Student: Maria Eduarda Sato Teacher: Anna LĂşcia - Class: 54 Branch: Lago Sul 28

Student: Luisa Miranda Anhezini Teacher: Lueli Loivos - Class: TPK18 - Branch: Mackenzie - Lago Sul

My Mom, Okay, this is one of the most important people in my life! In my opinion, she is beautiful. She has short, straight, blond hair and a beautiful smile. This is what I like the most about her. She likes to watch soap operas with me. She doesn't cook very well and she hates to watch soccer games, but I like it and I always watch games with my dad. She is important to me because she will always love me. She was born on July 13th, 1971, and her name is Alessandra. Student: Ana Luiza Teacher: Luis Dantas - Class: 56MR Branch: Marista - Lago Sul


A Modern Grandfather The most important person in my family is my grandfather. He is called Luís. He is important to me because he always helps me and he always stands by me. He is a very special person. My grandfather was born in São Paulo on August 10, the same day as my uncle. He is very intelligent and funny, but he is disorganized! My grandfather is tall. He has short black hair. He is a modern grandfather. He likes to travel and watch soccer. His team is Palmeiras. He likes to read books and he loves chemistry, but he doesn't like any noise. Student: Maria Luiza Pires - Teacher: Marcus Murillo - Class: 54 - Branch: Asa Sul

Student: Maitê Lacerda da Silveira Teacher: Lígia Rolim Class: TPK16 Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

My Father, Rudolfo The person who most inspired me is Rudolfo. He is my father and I chose him because he is polite, patient, and a pacifist. Rudolfo is a hardworking and calm person. He is small, a little fat, has black hair and brown eyes, and wears glasses. He is a journalist and is developing a new politics website named “Congresso em Foco”. He likes to play with model-cars, read books and listen to music like jazz and blues. Rudolfo has had a quiet and interesting life. He was born on September 19, 1964. He was the oldest of five children. After a few years in Rio de Janeiro, where he was born, he and his family moved to Brasilia. When he finished university, his father died and he and his mother had to take care of the youngest brothers, two of whom were still in high school at the time. In 1990 he got married, and in 1991 he became a father. My father inspires me because of his personality. He is an excellent father and an incredible professional. Student: Bruno Chassot Lago - Teacher: Magda Mendes - Class: 506 - Branch: Sudoeste


Student: Nicole Magalhães Soares Teacher: Lígia Rolim Class: TPK16 Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

The Person who Most Inspires Me My mother has always worked hard to achieve her objectives. That's why she is the person who most inspires me in my life. Her name is Teresa and she was born in São Paulo. Ever when she has difficulties, she doesn't give up her aspirations. She is blond and has blue eyes, she studied law and languages at university and now she works at TRT. She loves talking to her family and friends and she likes watching movies too. My mother's father went away when she was a child, and her mother had to raise her four children without any help. Still, my mother kept on studying hard, and then she met my father and came to Brasília. In the beginning, they didn't have much money but they channeled their energy into working until they could buy a house. And what I most admire in her is that she stayed by my father's side when he got sick. My mother went through bad times but she continued being strong, intelligent, determined and persistent. The way she faces life will always inspire me. Student: Angelina Guedes - Teacher: Cláudia Furtado - Class: 504A -Branch: Asa Sul

A Source of Memories His name is Weigan. He was born in Santana, one small city in Minas Gerais. He's my grandfather. He's a very intelligent person, but now he doesn't remember many things he does. He's very funny, but when he has to be upset he really is. My grandfather is the oldest person in my family. I like when he tells me his stories about when he was young, but I don't like when he is angry. He's very important to me because he is the kind of person that makes me happy and who lives many happy moments with me. Student: Rafael Batista - Teacher: Luis Dantas - Class: 61MR -Branch: Moraes Rêgo - Asa Sul 31

A VIP to ME The most important person in my life is my brother Bruno. I admire him because he is very intelligent, studious and very funny. He was born in Brasília on May 25th, 1982. He is very tall, he has short curly dark hair. He likes to play video games, watch films and hang out with me and his friends. He works here at CTJ. He is a very good teacher, in my opinion. We are very close. We like to eat hamburgers watching films or playing video games. I love him so much and he is very special. Student: João Henrique - Teacher: Luis Dantas - Class: 51MR - Branch: Moraes Rêgo – Asa Sul

My Cousin, Marina The person who most inspires me in my life is my older cousin, Marina. She's only one year older than me, but every time she does something, I feel like I have to do the exact same thing she did, the following year. She's calm and fun and I can always count on her to help me. Marina is good with children and is really kind. She may not be a good student, but she's really smart. When we were younger, she skipped a year and now she's in senior high. When she's not at school, she likes to spend time with friends or to paint. She's medium height, her eyes are light brown and she used to have curly brown hair, but now it's brown and straight. People say we look alike, although my skin and eyes are a little darker. At the age of seven, she and her family moved to the U.S. for a year. I really missed her. Last year, her older brother, Anderson, was an exchange student in Tennessee for a whole year. Later, Marina spent six months in Kentucky as an exchange student, too. Now she has many American friends. My cousin is very important to me because she's such a role model in some aspects. She's what I want to be when I grow up. Student: Anna Alice F. de Almeida - Teacher: Ricardo Nardelli - Class: 501SA - Branch: Asa Norte

Student: Rafaela Marques Costa - Teacher: Herbênia Pereira - Class: TPK12 - Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte 32

Student: Marcella Lanius Cabral Teacher: Lilian Maria Dias Class: TPK16 Branch: Asa Sul

Student: Maria Vit贸ria Teacher: Juliana Lewis Class: TPK12A Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

My Grandfather Dodo Dodo was my grandfather. He was my dad's father. He was born in February, 1953, in a small city called Pombal. He lived in a small house because his family wasn't rich. He was tall and slim, like my dad. Dodo's hair was short, wavy and silver. His real name was Fleudoaldo, but everybody called him Dodo. Fleudoaldo liked to study and write. He wrote one book about his life, but he didn't finish it. He liked to play instruments, too. He played a lot of instruments, especially the accordion and the guitar, and he loved his family, but he disliked hanging out. My grandfather Dodo is a role model to me because he studied and worked hard to give the best life to his sons and daughters. He was an excellent grandfather and dad. He died in May 7th, 2012, but he is unforgettable. Student: Camila Flor Dantas Teacher: Tatiana Reinehr Class: 57 - Branch: Sudoeste


Student: Luana Martins de Farias - Teacher: Juliana AraĂşjo - Class: TPK02 - Branch: Sudoeste

Turned on by Traveling The person I admire the most is MaĂ­ra, my mother. She was born here in Brasilia, on July 13th and it was a Friday (Friday 13th). She has short straight blond hair. She has blue eyes and is tall. She is funny and organized. Her favorite color is yellow. She is obsessed with this color. She loves traveling with the family. She is always wearing a watch and sunglasses. She hates mess and screams. She doesn't like sports, but my dad loves it. My mother is important to me because she gives her best for me. She gave me life. She is everything to me. She is the best! Those are the reasons why my mother is the person that I admire the most. Students: Marcela Venturoli - Teacher: FĂĄbio - Class: 56 - Branch: Asa Norte

My father, Raily The person that most inspires me in my life is Raily, my father. He is very busy and has been working since he was just a kid. During his childhood, he had to be the father of the family because he was the oldest child and his father was very absent. Raily lived with ten people crammed into a room and a living room of a very small house. Since he was a child, he has struggled and studied a lot to take care of everyone. He was very poor and had a lot of dreams that he just couldn't realize because of this short budget. But he studied so much to become a good doctor that nowadays he is a renowned cardiologist. He inspires me because he's had such a hard time with his dad and his poverty that it is just unexpected that a person that has been through it all could someday become someone so successful. Also, his stories cause a bit of a stir when you listen to them. But now he is a family man, a very successful professional and, most importantly, he is very happy with his life and family. Students: Morgana Margoto- Teacher: Magda Mendes - Class: 504 - Branch: Sudoeste


True Trust A really special person for me is called Bruna. She is the same age I am, twelve years old. She was born here in Brasília. She has shiny hair. It is short, wavy and chocolate brown. She has beautiful eyes too. They are big and brown. I like her so much. She is cute, funny, intelligent and very sociable. She likes to go out with friends, but she can't do it a lot. She hates Math, just like me. She is a really good and friendly person. I like her a lot. The best thing is that I know I can trust her and she can trust me. It's important for me to know that. Student: Ana Clara Farias de Negri - Teacher: Luis Dantas - Class: 56 Branch: Marista - Lago Sul

Student: Sofia Fragnan Silva Teacher: Lígia Rolim - Class: TPK16 Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte

Student: Victor Anderson Teacher: Lígia Rolim - Class: TPK16 Branch: Sigma - Asa Norte


Student: Manuela Manera de Miranda - Teacher: Lueli Loivos - Class: TPK18 - Branch: Mackenzie - Lago Sul Sunday Pizza Person If I had to write a biography about someone, I would choose my father. My father's name is Mario. He was born in Rio de Janeiro on August 28th, 1963. My father likes traveling, watching movies, especially Kung Fu Panda. He likes making new friends and reading the Holy Bible. On the other hand, he doesn't like doing all the chores alone. My father has a strong personality. He is a little picky, but very cool and funny. He likes going to the cinema and eating pizza. I think that is why he buys pizza every Sunday. He is a kind of fat and tall. He has short straight gray hair and brown eyes. My father is very important to me because he brought me up and gave me a lot of love. That is the reason why I admire my father. Student: Joyce de Souza Ribeiro - Teacher: FĂĄbio Ferreira - Class: 51 - Branch: Asa Norte

Student: Natasha Nuto Smidt - Teacher: Juliana AraĂşjo - Class: TPK01* - Branch: Sudoeste


Student: Sophia Costa e Silva Santos Teacher: Juliana Lewis Class: TPK 12A Branch:Sigma - Asa Norte

Student: Maria Paula de Mendonça Araújo Teacher: Lígia Rolim Class: TPK 16 Branch:Sigma - Asa Norte

My Grandfather, Gilson The person who most inspires me in my life is my grandfather, Gilson Brandão. He is such an old person that people are usually afraid of talking to him, but his white hair just disguises his knowledge. My grandfather is important to me because he is successful in life and has taught me that learning is essential. My grandfather says that the secret to success is never to give up. Being over 60 years old, Gilson leads an easy life but it has not always been like this. He lost his mother when he was just 6 years old, and while his father was working, he had to live with the neighbors. My grandfather grew up, studied, and got a good job, but only after working in the Navy. He married a wonderful woman called Terezinha and even with children to raise, he studied to get a better job and he got it. Nowadays, he is a successful lawyer. Gilson is such a dedicated person that he has never stopped studying. He graduated twice, and my mother says he is a bit old, but he is writing a book. He is always looking for information everywhere and he has just bought an iPad to access his e-mail while working. He loves travelling to get more experience and meet some friends. Also, he always has a book is his hands. My grandfather has been with me in every moment of my life. When I was just a child, I went to live with him and my grandmother. He taught me that reading is very important and he was the first person to give me a book. He inspired me to keep believing in myself even if the worst is happening. I want to be a great person and make a difference in someone's world, just like he has made in mine. Student: Camila Brandão - Teacher: Hermes Freire - Class: 505 Branch: Asa Sul


The Best Mom My mother is the most important person in my life, because she never lets me give up on my dreams. Her name is Ana Claudia, she is 42 years old and she is from Santiago Rio Grande do Sul. She was born on October 25th, 1969. She is tall and thin and she has long straight dark hair. She is very understanding with me. She likes going shopping, but she doesn't like sushi. She is very generous and funny. She doesn't like when things are messy, because she is very neat. When I'm very stressed, she always helps me. I have two siblings: Giovanna, who is seven years old, and my mom is pregnant now again. I'll have a new brother. His name is João Victor. She is a doctor. My mother is everything in my life. She is the best mom in the world. Student: Juliana - Teacher: Lilian Class: 57 - Branch: Asa Sul

Student: Marina Estrela Neder Teacher: Maria Magalhães Class: TPK02 Branch: Lago Sul

Someone Special The person that I'm going to talk about is my grandmother, Rita. She was very important to me because she helped to take care of me and she was a good example to follow. She was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1941. But, when she was 14, her father died. So, she had to help her mother because she had four younger brothers. She was very generous, kind and funny. She loved art, cooking, reading and gardening, but she didn't like anything related to computers. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away three months ago. For me, she will always be a very important person and I will always admire her. Student: Catharina Furtado Andreoli - Teacher: Lísel Fleury de Rezende Class: 56 - Branch: Lago Sul


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