Proud to be Mobile

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By Casa Thomas Jefferson November, 2013

About the “Proud to Be Mobile Contest” The “Proud to Be Mobile” was a contest at Casa Thomas Jefferson, a Binational Center in Brasilia, to encourage English teachers to think about, plan, collaborate on, and integrate the use of mobile devices in the language classroom. At CTJ, we have had sets of iPads to work with our students since the beginning of 2012, so the “Proud to Be Mobile” contest worked as a trigger for new perspectives on the innovative ways we can use amazing gadgets and apps to enhance motivation and engagement among our students. Another aspect of the contest was to share the lesson plans that were submitted by CTJ teachers with the educational community. Here we are with our “Proud to Be Mobile” e-book, hoping that you will try out in your English classes and adapt some of the lesson plan ideas presented here. If you ever want to share with us the outcomes and ideas you´ve got from this e-book, contact us at

Let the mobile revolution go on. CTJ Ed Tech Team and Academic Coordination

Teacher: Adriana Cunha Lesson Title: Using plot Elements to create a movie trailer Level/Course: Basic / Teens Name of the App: iMovie Learning Goal: Engage students in reading for meaningful purposes and pleasure.

Lesson Plan procedure:

* Relying on the material suggested for the D.E.A.R. project (Drop Everything and Read), have each student select a book to read in class. It should take about 10-20 minutes each class, until all students have finished reading. * Group 2-3 students who read the same book. Students discuss and share ideas in order to choose the most interesting parts of the story. They should select images and sentences to illustrate the main topics of the reading. * Using iMovie, students upload the images and write subtitles to create a movie trailer. They should choose style, sounds, effects etc. * The teacher shows the videos and students vote for the most appealing trailer.

Evidence of activity outcome: Videos

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Teachers: Denise de Felice and Ana Paula Lesson Title: Miming Jobs Level/Course: TF2 & 5B Name of the App: iPad camera + Keynote Learning Goal: Engage students in reading for meaningful purposes and pleasure.

Lesson Plan procedure:

1) Learning goals:

1.1) By the end of the lesson, students will be able to say the names of jobs in English and ask and answer yes/no questions about jobs, using the verb to be; 1.2) Sts will learn to use the iPad camera (none of the sts were familiar with using an iPad); 1.3) Sts will learn to prepare a simple Keynote presentation.

2)Teaching goals (beyond the target structure and vocabulary):

2.1) To engage different brain regions (e.g. the frontal lobes for cognitive processes; the motor cortex for mimicry) to promote deeper and longer-lasting learning; 2.2) To trigger sts’ motivation to learn by engaging them in preparing all the steps of a Keynote presentation; 2.3) To actively engage the sts throughout the lesson, giving them a sense of ownership of their learning; 2.4) To bring novelty to the class, helping to arouse sts’ curiosity and motivation, and, therefore, engaging sts in the learning process; 2.5) To help sts to develop their digital skills. 2.6) To help sts build up their confidence in using the target language.

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Lesson Plan procedure: 1) Start the lesson by reviewing names of professions: Show pictures projected on the board and have sts come to the board to make a list with the jobs displayed on the ppt slides; (Goal 1.1) 2) Mime one profession and ask sts to discover what you are. They are supposed to say “I think you are a ____________”. (Goals 1.1, 2.3) 3) Have a st come to the front of the class and mime a profession. The class guesses what the st is. (Goals 2.1, 2.4) 4) Take a picture of that student miming the profession. (Goal 2.3, 2.4) 5) Tell the sts that on that day you brought several iPads to class and invite them to learn to prepare a presentation on the iPad. Tell the sts that they will make a presentation with pictures of their friends miming a profession. (Goals 2.4) 6) sts learn how to take a picture with the iPad. (Goals 2.3, 1.2, 2.5) 7) Show how to turn on the iPad and how to find the camera. (Goal 2.5) 8) Hand out one iPad to each st. (Goal 2.4) 9) Mime a profession and have them take a picture of you. (Goals 2.2, 2.4, 2,5) 10) Invite a st to come to the front of the class and mime a profession. The other sts take a picture of that st. All sts should mime a profession. If you have a small group, the sts can mime two different professions. Sts are supposed to take a snapshot of every profession that their colleagues mime. (Goals 1.2, 2.2, 2.4, 2,5) 11) Ask sts to put the iPads on their desks. 12) Show the sts the steps to make a presentation on an iPad. Use two iPads for that: One for you to move around the class showing sts where they must click to perform a task, and the other to project onto the board some of the actions as you make one sample slide. Be sure to teach how to look for the Keynote app, how to choose a template, how to insert a photo, and how to write on the slide. (Goals 2.2, 2.4, 2,5) 13) Sts choose about six of the pictures they took and prepare their presentation. On each slide, they should insert one picture and write “I think he/she is a ___________”. (Goals 1.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2,5) 14) While sts are working on their presentations, move around and be available to provide any necessary support. A publicacion by Casa Thomas Jefferson

15) After sts have finished making their presentations, it’s time for them to show the class what they did. 16) Connect one of the sts’ iPads to the projector. The st stands up and comes to the front of the class. Display the first slide. The st is supposed to ask the st who is in the picture the question “Are you a/an __________?” If the guess was correct, move on to the next slide. If not, have the st make another guess. (Goasl 1.1, 2.6) 17) If you have a large group, show only two slides of each st’s presentation. 18) At the end, ask sts (in their L1, since this is a beginning level) what they learned that they liked best about the activity. Also ask if they now feel more confident about the names of professions in English and how to ask yes/no questions about jobs. Ask them why they think they feel more confident. (Goals 2.3, 2.6) Note 1: This final step (# 18) of the lesson plan is equally relevant. This is the time when sts can share their feelings about learning the language. They can talk about their strengths and weaknesses. This is a precious moment for you to congratulate the sts for their accomplishments and to boost sts’ motivation to keep on learning. This is also a good moment for you to receive feedback about your own teaching practice and make adjustments if necessary. Note 2: Sts in both groups had lots of fun miming the professions and taking pictures of their friends. Their feedback at the end showed how proud they were of themselves for their accomplishments. We were both delighted to see our sts’ enthusiasm and their active engagement throughout the lessons. Using this lesson plan with different contexts, age and proficiency levels made it possible to test the effectiveness of the principles on which the lesson plan stands: real student engagement, learners’ as owners of their learning, scaffolding to maximize confidence, and appropriate support and guidance from the teacher Note 3: Feedback from the teacher of the 5B class: “It was a sensation! As sts pointed out, “Awesome!”. I had never seen this age level, 5B, so engaged during pairwork. Correcting their mistakes was done at the end of each presentation, right on the images projected on the whiteboard; there was lots of peer correction. Thanks to iPads, we had a great time using creativity and the target structure which was future tenses. Loved it!” Evidence of activity outcome

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Teachers: Lilian Marchesoni and Carolina Godoy Lesson Title: At the Zoo Level/Course: Top Kids Name of the App: Tiny Tap and Popplet Learning Goal: By the end of the class students will be able to use superlatives to describe animals.

Lesson Plan procedure:

The teacher has introduced the lesson in the previous class (so students are already familiar with the use of superlatives). *At the beginning of the class, quickly review animals and superlatives used to describe them. *Give students instructions to perform the first activity by demonstrating/modeling the task before handing the iPads to students. *Students open the app “Tiny Tap” (where the game to be played has already been downloaded) and play (the game) in pairs. *Students read and listen to the questions and answers and click on the correct answer. Top Kids students are learning how to read and write in English and this activity might enhance this skill. *After playing the game, students create a poster using the app “Popplet”.Give instructions on how to use the app and what students are expected to perform, also modeling the activity. *Students first draw an animal and then create sentences using the superlatives learned to describe these animals; each popple created will contain a sentence or a drawing and the result will be a poster that can be printed and included in the students’ portfolios. Evidence of activity outcome:

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Teachers: José Antônio and Carolina Umetsu Lesson Title: Comparing Animals and Pets Level/Course: Teens 3 Name of the App: Keynote Learning Goal: To have students use adjectives to categorize and compare animals and pets Lesson Plan procedure:

Teens 3 Unit 3 – Lesson 1 A 1) Lead in Write “pet shop” on the board. Ask students to get their notebooks and make a list of pets people can have. Give them 3 minutes to make their lists. The one with the biggest list is the winner. Ask the winner to read his\her list. Write names on the board. Next ask students to suggest more names. If needed, you can introduce the pets that are in the lesson and were not mentioned by the students. Student book Do ex. 1a, 1b, 2a, and 2b to work a bit on language. 2) Digital stage – Opening a pet shop *Pair students up and tell them they will open a pet shop and each of them can start with 6 different pets. *Show how to open safari to look for images and how to save images to camera roll. *Hand out iPads and let students choose their pets. When they are done, get pairs together and let them share their pet collection. *Model language “In our pet shop there is a dog, a cat, etc.” *iPads closed. Elicit from students qualities\problems pets usually have. Start with “beautiful”, and elicit as much as possible from them. Teach them the vocabulary (adjectives) mentioned in the lesson. Then write some examples of adj + noun collocations, e.g., beautiful dog, independent cat, etc. A publicacion by Casa Thomas Jefferson

3) Digital stage – labeling your pets Still with students’ iPads closed, tell them they will now assign qualities to their pets. Teach them how to use Keynote by getting a pet and using the text feature to labelthe animals, e.g., slow tortoise, friendly dog, etc. Ask them to open their iPads and make one slide for each pet, labeling them accordingly, using adjective and noun. When they are done, you can display their work to the whole class or have them do it in small groups. *Student book Introduce comparatives using ppts and other resources. Make sure students understand how it works. *Digital stage – helping a customer *iPads closed. Elicit from students how you greet a costumer in a pet shop. Refer them to the dialogue and model the same dialogue with a couple of students. *Work on opposites and write them on the board as suggested in the book (ex. 3a). Next ask students to suppose they will buy a pet. iPads open. *Have them role-play costumer and pet shop owner. Make sure one in each pair remains in a station selling and the other moves around buying. Now they use their Keynote presentation to display their pets and their qualities. You can record the dialogue in audio or video to show to students later. Evidence of activity outcome

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Teachers: Daniela Lyra and Patrícia Castro Lesson Title: What if? Level/Course: Teens 4 / Creative Name of the App: Visualize and SonicPics Learning Goal: Create a personalized learning object (video) to promote opportunities to practice questions in the first conditional in a contextualized and meaningful way. Lesson Plan procedure:

Procedures Stage 1 - Making a poster - Visualize Ask students about their last trip, and if they travel much. Say, “Imagine a trip you really want to take.”, “Where are you going?”, “What are you going to do there?”, etc. Tell students they have 10 minutes to use Visualize to illustrate the trip of their dreams to their parents.

1. Display the app (Visualize) on the board and go over simple features. Show a sample of what is expected from them.

2. Write instructions of the board - check understanding. Open Visualize Make a poster about your dream trip to show your parents. Consider all the family member`s well being, costs, etc. Finish your work in about 10 minutes.

3. Deliver iPads; Monitor their work. Make sure all iPads are closed when debriefing starts.

4. Project students` work, and as they present, prompt other students to ask “what if” questions.

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Stage 2 - Voice poster over - SonicPics Ask students what parents will think about their choices for the destination and activities during the trip, and what kind of “what if” questions their parents could ask about their trips. Tell students they will voice their poster over in SonicPics. In the recording, only their part of the conversation should be heard. Show a video (final task) to make sure students understand what they are supposed to do. - Write clear instructions on the board. - Connect iPad to a datashow projector. - Open PictureSonic and show students its features. - Hand out iPads - Have students open the iPads and start working. (Monitor their work) - Students watch some of the videos, writing down the missing “what if” questions - for each of them. Play the videos and check students` work. Family / school connection Students email their work to their parents to let them know what their idea of dream trips is. Evidence of activity outcome

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Teacher: Daniela Lyra and Patrícia Castro Lesson Title: Suggestions for Hamilton Level/Course: Teens 4 / Creative Name of the App: SocketPuppet Learning Goal: Engage students in a problem-solving situation in which they are supposed to use the target language from the lesson to help solve “Ham’s problems”. By the end of this class, students will be able to use have to + verb to talk about obligations. Lesson Plan procedure:

Procedures Stage 1: contextualizing • Show students a PPT slide which contains pictures of Ham, a teenage boy. Tell them Ham has a problem that you’ll tell them about soon. • Give them some time to think about the pictures while you show the illustrations on the slides. • Ask them to talk to a partner and say what happened in the story. Give them some time and elicit possible answers. • After eliciting, tell the “real story”. Since he was young, Ham has liked to watch educational programs on TV. His parents, both of them teachers, valued learning. However, he struggled in class and his grades were poor. He was very inactive in class. His grades got worse and worse until he finally dropped out of school. Now, he is a mechanic in SIA. He has realized he needs and wants something better for his life. • Tell students they need to help Ham go back to school. To do so, they have to come up with sentences using have to and don’t have to, and solutions on how to improve Ham’s school life and attitude towards school. • Teacher writes on the board 3 or 4 examples provided by students to be used as a model.

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Stage 2: hands-on • Teacher tells students they will record a dialogue in Socket Puppet app. Show them a sample. • Deliver instructions and check understanding. Project socket Puppet and go over its features in the app. Hand iPads out. • Have students open the iPads and let them start working. (Teacher monitors) • Students watch some of the videos and select the best or most common suggestions. Connecting: Students email their work to their parents and to the teacher to let them know they’re able to solve problems from everyday life. The final digital production is often very funny because the app reproduces voices in a different tone, so students and parents might have lots of fun watching the videos. They will surely know that at Thomas we have fun studying! Evidence of activity outcome

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Teachers: Daniela Lyra and Patrícia Castro Lesson Title: Describe House Chores Level/Course: Teens 4 / Teens Name of the App: TinyTap Learning Goal: By the end of this class, students will be able to use have to + verb to talk about household chores and recognize the lesson vocabulary in a meaningful and creative way. Lesson Plan procedure:

Procedures Stage 1: contextualizing Start by telling students you had to do many things last weekend. Ask groups to list what they think you did. Show pictures with you doing things at home and have students check their guesses. Tell students you`d like to know who helps the most at home to give them a purpose for doing the tasks on page 55. Elicit answers Stage 2: Creating a digital Project into promote practice, personalization of language and self-assessment. Procedures Teacher tells students they will create a game in TinyTap app. Show a sample game and let them enjoy it. Help them notice that there`s a hint sentence with the target structure. Separate students into groups of three to write their hint sentences. Check students` work. Write the steps of the apptivity on the board. • Take pictures • Open TinyTap • Make your game (project the app and go features) Hand out the iPads

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About the pictures Teacher can work in two ways: If there’s time, students, in groups, use their iPad cameras to take pictures of them doing chores around school (cleaning the floor, organizing the material, studying long hours, etc.). Tell them they can come up with new sentences or base their pictures on the book vocabulary. If there’s not much time, use the previous pictures (the ones you’ve projected in the Contextualization step). Project them again and ask groups to take pictures. As students have played the game, they know they need to select three pictures per page and record their “hint sentence”. For example, they might say “You have to do it to keep the floor clean”. (The other group is supposed to tap on the picture with a person sweeping the floor). After saving their work with the help of the teacher, students exchange iPads to play the game. Connecting: Students email their work to their parents and challenge them to guess the correct answers. Students had lots of fun doing this activity and some of them downloaded the app on their personal iPads! Evidence of activity outcome

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Teacher: Élide Gonçalves Lesson Title: Describe House Chores Level/Course: 5B Name of the App: Keynote Learning Goal: To be able to use vocabulary from the unit in context to discuss what the future will be like. Lesson Plan procedure:

*Teacher first shows ss an image of a futuristic city (or any other image of the future) for them to guess the topic of the unit. *Then, they watch a video (A Day made of Glass) and discuss questions related to the video and their lives. *After talking about the video, T shows a slide with the instructions of what they have to do on the iPads. *They are to create a presentation using Keynote of what they think the future will be like. *They have to use images and texts to present to the class. *They are also to be told to use at least 4 (or more) words from the unit in their presentation. Ss use their book to figure out the meaning of the new words from the context given in the book. *Ss are separated into groups of 3 and each group is given an iPad. T also has to give ss some help on how to use the app. As each group presents their work, T calls attention to the new vocabulary used in each presentation.

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Teachers: Ricardo Nemetala and FĂĄbio Ferreira Lesson Title: Planning a Trip Level/Course: Conversation Plus Name of the App: Google Search/Google Maps/Keynote Learning Goal: Students are going to talk about traveling and use google search/ maps to set up a trip for their classmates (Travel agent role play). Lesson Plan procedure:

Students are going to talk about traveling and the use of technology to set up a trip for their classmates (Travel agent role play). Step 1: Teacher uses a ppt presentation to project questions on trips and traveling for discussion. Step 2: In groups, students fill in a travel questionnaire to design a perfect vacation. Step 3: Groups swap questionnaires. They are going to pretend they are travel agents and present two travel proposals. They are going to analyze the other group’s questionnaire and use Google Search to get images and accurate information (Transportation/Flight Time/hotels/distances/etc) for a further presentation. See attached file for content. Step 4: Using Keynote, students make a presentation to sell the travel plan. Evidence of activity outcome:

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Teachers: Raquel Batista and Rebeca Nascimento Lesson Title: Reported speech in comics Level/Course: Teens 7 Name of the App: Comic Life and Safari Learning Goal: By the end of the class students will be able to use reported speech to retell a story. Lesson Plan procedure:

1- In pairs, students will take Ipads and search for a fairy tale or a well-known story they like. 2- Read the story. 3- Still in pairs, students will open the app – Comic Life. 4- Teacher will show how to use it. 5- Each pair will create a comic to represent the story they’ve chosen. They may use their own photos, or they can select some from the internet. If the story is too long, they can choose just a segment of it. 6- When the pairs finish creating the stories, exchange the Ipads, and write down the story, now using reported speech. 7- Read the texts to the class.

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Teachers: Mariana Sucena and Fábio Ferreira Lesson Title: Drawing Faces Level/Course: Junior 2 Name of the App: Doodle Buddy Learning Goal: To make the students consolidade the vocabulary by drawing faces and making sentences, using iPads in a way that makes them feel motivated and entertained with the activity. Lesson Plan procedure:

STEPS: 1. Teacher explains the rules for using iPads in the classroom; 2. Teacher writes the steps on the board, explains and models them for the Sts: ● ● ● ● ●

APP: Doodle Buddy 5 minutes free Listen and draw faces Show your drawings Print the screen

3.Teacher distributes one iPad for each student and sets the clock at 5 minutes so students have the chance to familiarize themselves with the app. 4. When the 5 minutes are over, Teacher rings the bell and Sts get ready to start. 5.Teacher says HAPPY and students have 2 minutes to draw a face that is happy. Teacher rings the bell, Sts show their drawings to the whole class and print the screen. The activity is repeated with the words: COLD, BORED, EXCITED, SAD, HOT, OLD, YOUNG, ANGRY. 6. Teacher ask Sts to stand up and walk around the classroom showing their drawing and talking about their pictures, using the vocabulary. 7. Teacher writes the email on the board so Sts choose 2 images to send to the teacher for a a Tic Tac Toe to be played the following class.

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8. Sts sit on the floor in a circle. Teacher says that each S has to choose one face and put the iPad in front of him/her, so the others can see the face. 9. Teacher asks questions for the practice of short answers. Example: Is Pedro bored? No, he isn’t. 10. In their notebook, Sts have to write sentences about their classmates, as in the example: Ana Clara is happy. 11. When they finish, teacher checks the notebooks individually. CLOSURE - Hot Potato OPTION 1) In a circle, Sts close the iPad covers, and the class plays a Hot Potato with 2 potatoes - a blue and a red one. The St with the red potato has to say a sentence about the face of the St with the blue one. Then, the St with the blue one opens the iPad and shows it to the whole group to check. OPTION 2) Teacher collects the iPads. Sts play the Hot Potato. The St with the potato has to make a sentence about the face the Teacher shows on the iPad. Ex: Catarina is young.

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Teachers: Margarete Nogueira and Hermes Freire Lesson Title: A Creative Partnership Level/Course: Advanced/Special Courses Name of the App: Keynote Learning Goal: This is an m-learning project that aims at working with students in a communicative way while promoting cultural awareness and integrating reading, writing, listening and speaking skills Lesson Plan procedure:

This is a 50-minute timed activity which comprises the following steps: 1. Students are told what the project is about and are invited to pair up. 2. Ipads are distributed to each pair. 3. Students watch the video segment Sebastiao Salgado Genesis on YouTube www. (5 minutes). 4. Sts are asked to google the biography of Sebastiao Salgado and find out information about him and his work. 10 minutes. 5. Students report to the group something interesting/relevant they have learned. 10 minutes. 6. Students google : Sebastiao Salgado - licensed photos and pick out a picture that arouses their curiosity (5 minutes). 7. Students save the picture in the Keynote App and are expected to give the photo a title of their choosing (5 minutes). 8. iPads are switched among students for appreciation of their peers’ production (5 minutes). 9. Pairs are invited to go outside and take a photo (10 minutes). 10. Students return to the classroom and share their own photos. Evidence of activity outcome:

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Teachers: Lúcia Carneiro and Maria Inês Lesson Title: Jobs Level/Course: Junior 4 Name of the App: Aurasma Learning Goal: To teach students different jobs and how each one of them can help the community. Students will also review the use of third person singular in a meaningful way. Lesson Plan procedure:

To start with, students will bring photos of different jobs which were previously taught. Next, they will work in pairs and describe what each professional is expected to do (3rd person singular) and then record a short video presenting it. Then, they will take pictures of the photos they brought and, using the Aurasma App, create a link between the photo and the vídeo so that whenever they place the ipad in front of the photo, the video starts playing automatically. The photos will be displayed all over the classroom, so that students can check on each other´s production, and as they do it, they will consolidate the lesson learning goal.

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Teacher: Magda Marques Lesson Title: 100 years ago Level/Course: Teens 5 Name of the App: Educreations Learning Goal: To ask and answer questions about the past, using ‘was there/ were there’. Lesson Plan procedure:

Tell students to think about 2 objects there are common nowadays (or 2 objects they use/see everyday). Using Educreations, ask Sts to either draw or add photos of the objects they thought about. Ask sts if they think those objects existed 100 years ago. Let them speculate a bit. Then, pair sts up and have them record their dialog about the objects they have added to their page on Educreations. Put a model of the dialog on the board. Sts’ dialogs should go like this: ‘Was there guaraná Antarctica 100 years ago?’ ‘Yes, I think so/Yes, there was.’ ‘Were there balls 100 years ago?’ ‘No, I don’t think so/No, there weren’t.’ Student A should make questions about Student B’s objects and vice-versa. It would be a good idea to have ss practice the dialog first and then record it. I did this with my group, but even so some of the students made mistakes in the use of ‘was/were’. Some students recorded their work more than 2 times before they thought it was correct.

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Teachers: Marta Diniz and Victor Moura Lesson Title: What’s this in English? Level/Course: Flex 1 Name of the App: iPad camera,Befunky and Keynote Learning Goal: Review target vocabulary and practice the verb “to be” through speaking, listening and writing. Lesson Plan procedure:

First, students will review target vocabulary through a Keynote presentation in which pictures are blurred. Next they will work on a textbook exercise on the verb “to be” (chart and dialogue). Then they will watch a brief interview about their teacher’s name, hometown and occupation. A target vocabulary question is also included in a playful way. Afterwards, students have to produce a similar video by using the iPad camera. Finally, they have to paste their friend’s video on Keynote and write three sentences about the person in the interview. Evidence of activity outcome:

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Teacher: Patrícia Faustino Lesson Title: Hopes and Fears - Predictions Level/Course: Pre-intermediate 204 Name of the App: Comic Life Learning Goal: To talk about the future by practicing phrasal verbs with GET and future with WILL. Lesson Plan procedure:

1.Divide the students into groups of 3-5 students each. They will analyze our own society in terms of what is good and bad about it. After they have analyzed what is good and bad about our own society, the class will share ideas with the whole class. 2. For the next task, they will imagine they have been hired to create a new society. They need to give it a name, and keep the good points of our own society and change what is not working, or they can innovate completely. They will present their new society to the class, talking about how it will work. (We are practicing the future with will). 3. Once all groups are presented and the names of all new Utopian Societies are on the board, the sts are then divided into different groups of 3 and will imagine a “Day in Utopia”, using the information they have discussed for their own society or that of another group. They build their storyboards on paper. 4. Only then will they be ready to put it into the ipads in Comic Life. 5. They then present it to the class. Evidence of activity outcome:

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Teacher: Thais Baumgartner Lesson Title: Relative Clauses Level/Course: Teens 7 Name of the App: Keynote Learning Goal: To produce sentences using the relative pronouns ‘that’, ‘who’, ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘whose’. Lesson Plan procedure:

1. First, project some pictures with examples of sentences with relative clauses to review the content taught the previous class. 2. Students open their books to Unit 6 lesson 3b and on the page. The fact that the pronoun can be left out in some cases is introduced to them. 3. After that, students practice in the Creative Tasks workbook, where they join two sentences with a relative pronoun. Then sts say if the pronoun can be left out, depending on the structure of the sentence. Correction. 4. Teacher shows Keynote in the iPad demonstrat how it works. Show an example of what sts are supposed to do: writing at least 4 slides using a different pronoun in each of them. They can use the pictures that are already there or they can take their own photo in the classroom. Show them how to insert pictures, a new slide and animations to the slide, text and picture. After that, distribut the IPads and, once again, show them how to find the app and where they should click on. Sts can choose to work individually or in pairs. When they finish, they have to walk around, show and read the slides to their friends. Note: They were really excited about the IPads, so their engagement and productivity were very satisfying. Some students still had difficulties in forming sentences. They got confused and I helped them with the sentence construction. In this colaborative activity, they practiced grammar, writing and speaking. There wasn’t Internet connection at the school Branch, so I couldn’t send the slides to my email. A student took a picture of the classroom and wrote: “The classroom where I study is very organized.” Another pair took a picture of me and wrote: “This is the teacher who teaches teens 7.” Also, they wrote sentences using the pictures that were there and wrote sentences about Rome and the USA, for example. Therefore, students could make a good number of nice and correct sentences. A publicacion by Casa Thomas Jefferson

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