Production log deadline Monday 17th for unit 14 report Magazine & Production Log Friday the 28th June
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“ MY
V 1 R
1 reveals how writing music is his purpose and how it connects to people. “I like how writing music connects to people and how people understand where I’m coming from, it’s a feeling you can’t explain. I’m truly blessed”. V1 is an up and coming grime musician from Lewisham. He first started making music and putting it up on SoundCloud at the age of 12. He said, “music was away to escape the pressures that I had in my life”. However, he had a fair amount of struggles in his life until the grime artist Skepta discovered him on SoundCloud in 2017 and signed him, from that moment on V1 blow up and its changed his life forever “it’s crazy how my life changed overnight like I never thought I would get this famous”. He began to tour with Skepta in March 2018, and he received a large amount of love from the fans of Skepta. Touring with Skepta allowed him to gain a large amount of following on social media he went from 5,000 followers on Instagram to 1.2
million in 6 weeks. It is safe to say that he is a truly talented artist. V1 is realising his album in December 2019 called “erosion” which has a huge amount of hype around as his two singles that he dropped “Silence” and “Title” has over 30 million streams and being compared to legendary artist such as Dave and Giggs. The album is about the struggles that he has experienced, such as heart break, unloyal friends and the struggles of doing coursework. Furthermore, V1 first worldwide tour is kicking off in January 2020. The tour sold out in 10 minutes in England and then sold out completely in 2 days leaving fans gutted who didn’t get their hands on ticket. V1 expressed how overwhelming the whole experiences was “its mad how the tour sold out, I would of never dreamed of this happing to me”. V1 is a truly talent artist who has plenty of charisma, but he stays humble and relatable which is why he has a huge following. By Lara Young.
Photograph By Lara Young
This was the frist draft. I wasn�t going use this image as it didn’t fit the genre. I was experimenting with colour and text. i wanted to use balck and yellow as they are contrasting olours and fit the rap genre.
I Added text and increased the size of the title and i addead a pull quote. i wanted to fill as much of the white space as possible.
I deleted the the phot moved the text on the other side and made it blue. I also moved the text over to the next page. the reason for using blue as i felt it was much more of a stronger colour. I added a drop capatil to help it look more like a magazine.
added in a piture that fits the genre a lot better as t model is holding a mic. i then moved the text arou fill some of the space.
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added in page numbers and moved the centre of the page to help fil the white s increased the text size
e text more space. I
added in the rectangle tool 4 times and colou same colour as the text so it fits the house sty this in to add more colour and give the page m ter. I made the text more bold so it would sta
ured them the yle. I added more characand out.
I added the photography credit to help.