140th Web Edition Canadian Trucking Magazine

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Dave brings 46 years of valuable and interesting experience in transportation, management, safety, business and compliance. Dave has driven in every condition across North America and overseas as Military, Police, Company Driver to an Owner Operator to transportation management. Now our Celebrity Editor Publisher of Canadian Trucking Magazine bringing you articles and entertainment in print and on the web. Join Dave on Face Book for real time updates and meet at your favorite stop or truck show! Be Happy to say Hi and maybe get a picture or two. See you down the road.

What a Great Front Cover this month with the Worlds most recognized truck Big Red that lead a Convoy of Trucks across Western Canada to Ottawa the Capital City. Pictured left to right is CTM Embedded FB Host Monique Young and Freedom Assembly Folks Chris Barber and Brigitte Belton. After two years of the most harsh Mandates in Canada ever evoked and with some Provinces worse than others, most Canadians said enough with Mandates and wanted thier voice heard by the Government of the Day in the People’s Capital Canadian City Ottawa. What started as a small Convoy of Truckers grew into a grass roots movement of millions lining the highways of Canada waving Flags and singing O’Canada as the Freedom Convoy rolled pass. Canadians commented that they had never felt such Pride in Canada in thier Lifetime and Felt Freedom and alive again. If you want to do a reality check here, 1,700 people allegedly died of Covid in the past 2 years in Manitoba. Last year alone 12,357 died, deaths in Vehicle Accidents and 2,900 People of Cancer. Death is a terrible reality of life.

But sometimes the attempted cure such as mandates seem worse than the virus we are fighting. Hindsight is easy but Canadians said enough is enough. Many had friends that had committed suicide as those rates gained with the pressure and anxiety of lookdowns, loss of jobs and small businessess, seniors dieing alone locked down in homes, break ups of families and friends as people divided. So Canadian Truckers sparked a flame of saying enough is enough and mounted up in Trucker Convoy fashion to the Capital of Canada to meet with the elected Government to say stop Mandates now and start the healing. With now most of Canada with the Freedom Convoy and the World these Canadians went to Ottawa. More on this in the Expanded Web Edition available on line @ www.ctmevents.ca

continued page 8 WEB Edition


Is that Gary McCulloch with his own spot in the Bar at the Famous Roadking Wok n Pub Page 8 this Edition. Awesome family member of Canadian Trucking Magazine you will see Gary here or on Line on FB with Canadian Trucking Magazine. Below of course is I love to do food reviews across North America so you have places to go that don’t make you Go, if you know what I Mean. Golden Corral is one of my Favorite Places for Great Food, Great Prices and always awesome people. Below me, at Golden Corral, is the awesome Kaitlyn from the Hair Brake at the Roadking Travel Centre in Calgary Page 30 in this Edition. I Love the Roadking in Calgary it has everything !! From the wash at Klarity to the Famous Hair Brake with a Chrome Shop, CB Shop, Store, Tim’s, Fuel Stop and where I do my Laundry. I even convinced PFM to get Tires there at the Tire Shop best prices in Calgary. A good time for me to get out of the Truck, take a clean modern room and relax and take in some TV on the flat screens, Beds are Awesome! Of course if we mention the Hair Brake at the Roadking we have to have a picture of Troy !! I don’t have enough paper in this magazine to describe the respect and Love I have for Troy not to mention she makes me look Great, LOL. So Page 5 at the top is before and after cut with Troy with her infectious smiles. Love U Troy,,, Spent over 2 months OTR with PFM, Pretty Freaking Marvelous Company Page 14, 15 n Back Cover this Edition, Told you I Love them. Most 4 OTR in years and Loving It!

Why !! did you see the snow and Cold Manitoba got in January n February this year! Meanwhile this Trucker was in Texas n Calgary back n forth dodging the bad weather and in shorts. But with my Big Family on Facebook 48,000+ Likes n over 6M following that I get to Host each Day I was never alone. I Like to be the Goof that makes you smile and brings you events, jokes, road conditions, gifts, product reviews, food reviews and laughs on our CTM FB Page. LIKE, FOLLOW and SHARE our Social Media on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter and put a smile on your Face with LIVE Videos of Entertainment with something for everyone. No Drama and No Hate allowed and a reach of over 10,000,000+ thats 10 MILLION, Love saying it. Imagine reaching 10M TEN Million People in a month on CTM! I just love this picture to the right from the OYO in Vegas with the Duke Earl Little, captures the fun I have OTR the Places I Love to stop.

In the printed only so much picture room for all the stops I do, so in the Web Edition ,more content and Entertainment for sure to read anywhere and time you have internet. One Big Family! Watch my LIVE Videos on the CTM FB page and follow along please. I like to say again thanks for reading CTM and I look forward to hearing from you, than about you. See you Over the Road..... Be safe my friends! Keep On Trucking, All the Best!!!!!!

Happy Trails.....



Ukraine n Canada World’s Second Largest Ukrainian Diaspora after Russia

Canada is home to 1.4 million people of Ukrainian descent – the world’s second largest Ukrainian diaspora after Russia. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians farmed the country’s west. The spires of their churches still dot rural landscapes and large cities. Prominent community leaders and politicians are of Ukrainian ancestry. Those cultural and political ties are particularly prominent in the Canadian Prairies, where generations Ukrainians have braided their culture and history into the vast landscape. In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, hundreds of one room schoolhouses were once named after Ukrainian figures and communities. Nearly 30 towns and a handful of parks are named after places and people from Ukraine Vegreville, Alberta, where I have visited, boasts one of the world’s largest pysankas – an intricately painted Ukrainian Easter egg weighing more than 5,500 pounds and drawing thousands of curious tourists each year.

Pictured to the right I am so very proud Kaitlynne together with William, John and Andrew who are Ukrainian dancers enjoyed from Angie’s rich Ukrainian heritage. As Ukrainian-Canadians pore over news accounts and social media lately has unearthed painful memories of their own family histories many of which are marked by conflict, dispossession and exile staring as early as 1896 to 1914 , 170,000 Ukrainians entered a Free Canada. Came here for a better life, they wanted a place where they could be free and where if you worked hard, Ukrainians could make something of themselves, and they did.

What is the Freedom Convoy

By Dave MacKENZIE Publisher/Editor Video Host CTM

Our Team at CANADIAN TRUCKING MAGAZINE have been covering the Freedom Convoy with truthful reporting since it’s grass roots start. Canadians have gone through the toughest years in this generation with the Mandates imposed during a pandemic. History and hindsight will some day bring to light what could have been done and should have been done but the majority of Canadians had losses far worst that the Covid itself. Terrible losses such as Teen suicide and seniors and loved ones dieing alone without family by thier side. Family businesses that were generations wiped out in bankruptcies because of being closed. Canadians watched as Sweden and closer to home like Florida stayed open for business and less restrictions without thier death toll no higher per capita then that of locked down Canadian Cities.

The Stats speak for themselves !! More people in my Province of Manitoba, Died of Cancer alone, last year then the total of Covid, in fact 3 times more. Suicides in Manitoba during the lockdowns took more lives than Covid. Traffic Fatalities in Manitoba last year were double the 1,400 lives lost in the past two years to Covid. What I am trying to put in prospective here is we do not want anyone to die, but did we go to far? Definition of Insanity is extreme Foolishness or Irrationality such as doing the same thing over and over for two years locking down your citizens and expecting a different result. For two years more and more mandates and fear and divide causing suicides and division of families and friends to fight a Covid never going away. How long do we continue this madness. If you have lived 65 years as I have you have seen a lot of deadly diseases and never this madness.

Contued on next pages please read on,,,,

What is the Freedom Convoy Continued


So before we go into the meat and potatoes of this Freedom Convoy I have to ask you what Freedom Means to You. What say you? Before and the last years I heard over and over again my body my choice. I have heard people say we need to have laws to protect the minority not the majority rules. Therefore we have come a far way over the years where your belief, your color of skin or who you chose your life with is nobodies business and certainly not the Government. We had in Canada a Charter of rights made up, enacted and signed. Please think a minute as you read on because Millions of People from all over the World came to Canada for something called Freedom. That included Freedom for everyone. So with that food for thought let’s talk the Freedom Convoy. Full disclosure here this Writer has come to respect these People and who they are and see why they stepped up to the plate for me, you and the World.

Yes I said the World !! A spark was lit by Canadians that lit the entire World on Fire for Freedom. Truckers had been praised as Heroes working from day one of the pandemic making sure the food chain and medicine and everything everyone needed got to them. Trucker were called an essential service and even loggin was suspended and people understood everything you got a Trucker Brought. Let’s be clear at the start and worse of the pandemic there were no shots for Truckers, restaurants and washroom facilities were closed to truckers and our Truckers went out into a Pandemic and did thier job. Then as mandates came off in countries around the world and a lesser non deadly covid presented itself, suddenly the Truckers definition from the Canadian Government Changed from Essential to Transportation and adding on restrictions never before. You mean people don’t need food, fuel, medicines and well everything. As the World sees Mandates are causing more harm than the Covid itself, Canada doubles down and divides it’s Citizens!

Continue reading next pages please

What is the Freedom Convoy Continued


So these Proud Canadian Truckers Mount up, and decide to exercise thier Rights under the Charter of Rights for Freedom of Assembly in thier Capital City of Canada Ottawa, and like Millions of others of done in past years, Assemble at thier Capital and gather audience with the elected Government of the Day, to put forth the concerns of Canadian Citizens. A Freedom Convoy is born unlike anyone seen in the history of the World. Millions of Canadians line the Highways of Canada in every Province to Cheer on this Convoy of Freedom and give whatever support they can. A Peaceful Loving People in this convoy lighting a Spark of Freedom around the world putting Canada and Canadians in a respected glowing light World Wide like never before. A Simple Message from the World no more mandates we want to live as Free People with safe guidance not lockdowns. You would think no one could not support such a thought as Freedom. What a Celebration of Life.

Miles and Miles of Freedom Trucks Lined the Highways from Sea to Sea in Canada and the outpouring of support and Love was infectious. Hutterite Colonies set up kitchens and bough food and drinks for everyone at no cost to the attendees at these stops. The Canadian Spirt was strong after Canadians fighting depression, anxiety and stress brought about by these harsh lockdowns. Canadians felt Freedom and there would be a tomorrow for them and our children and grandchildren. The Freedom Convoy became a message of Hope with songs, smiles and hugs for everyone. All there was around joy and tears of is this finally over. Politicians started listening to science, real science and statistics and most realizing people have suffered badly with Mandates.

Every Walk of Life was now involved with the Freedom Convoy from Nurses to Police, Ranchers and Farmers not just the Truckers that lite the Flame of Freedom it was everyone World Wide. Well not everyone surprising enough,,,,, The elected Prime Minister of Canada who was elected to represent every Canadian used words no leader of a country should call people. Trudeau demonized these Canadian Citizens calling names I perter not to repeat. This is a person who demonized India for not meeting and negotiating with the protest there. Ran his election saying a leader for all people. Took a knee with BLM after they burned, destroyed and killed people. But Peace Loving Canadians waving Canadian Flags and asking to be heard Trudeau ran and hid from them calling them territorialists going to over throw his government. The World called the Ottawa Freedom of Assembly the Worlds largest Dance Party, some said it was the biggest Canada Day in History. Police said crime was down 90% and the homeless were being feed and taken care of in the freedom camps. Ottawa Freedom Rally became the shinning example of Freedom to the World with no Hate, no Crime, No Arrests, No damage or looting. Provinces rapidly started looking at real science and removing Mandates. This is all these Great Canadians by the Millions wanted was to end Mandates. We are adults and know how to take care of ourselves because noone wants to get sick.

No sane Peace Loving Person could disagree with the word Freedom and what it really means. But Trudeau went from his lair of hilding to divide Canadians with hate speech against Canadians and fear everyone would die if they don’t do what Trudeau commands. With that Trudeau evoked the War Measures Act conveniently now called Emergency Measures Act with same authorities and before it could be voting down by Canada’s Senate sent Storm Troopers in Ottawa to Beat and Smash heads of Peace Loving Canadians. Now I hope Nobody out there is okay with beating non violent people like we saw. A stain on Canada a stain on democracy. Did that end the Freedom Convoy,,, Nope what does not kill you makes you stronger so much more to report on LIVE on Facebook CTM as Freedom Fighters are now 85% of Canadians.


Embedded w The


People’s Convoy

TRUTH That’s what you Get LIVE CTM FB w Keon Top Right Monique Bottom Right

Real Freedom Convoy Updates





Wanted by the CBSA

By Dave MacKENZIE over 40 years LawEnforcement Experience

Fort Erie, Ontario Canada Border Services Agency / Royal Canadian Mounted Police The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Southern Ontario Region, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Niagara-on-the-Lake (NOTL) Border Integrity (BI) Team, are committed to safeguarding our country and keeping contraband goods, such as narcotics, from reaching our communities. A commercial truck driven by a Quebec resident entered Canada in Fort Erie, Ontario, and was referred for a secondary examination The CBSA discovered and seized approximately 112.5 kg of suspected cocaine inside five duffle bags. The value of this seizure is estimated at $14 million. The CBSA arrested Pardeep Singh, and transferred him and the suspected cocaine under the custody of RCMP officers from NOTL BI unit. The RCMP have charged 24-year-old Singh of LaSalle, Quebec with: • Importation of a controlled substance, contrary to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Despite border restrictions in place due to COVID-19, commercial traffic continues. Cross-border supply chains are vital to the continued flow of goods, including food and medical supplies for all Canadians. CBSA continues to fulfill its mandate of stopping smuggling attempts of illegal narcotics. Quotes “The Canada Border Services Agency plays an integral role in keeping our communities safe. Our of-

ficers have interrupted the smuggling attempt of a massive amount of narcotics, and have put a full stop to the ripple effect these narcotics would have in neighborhoods across our country. The CBSA is extremely proud of its officers and their ongoing role in safeguarding our borders.” - Kim Upper, District Director, Fort Erie District Operations, Canada Border Services Agency “The Border Integrity Program is responsible for protecting our border by preventing, detecting, and disrupting cross border criminality. Securing the border contributes to the national security of Canada and protects Canadians from terrorism, organized crime and other border-related criminality. This large drug seizure and the investigation that ensued resulting in an individual being charged, is another example of the RCMP and the CBSA working together to protect our communities by preventing illegal drugs from reaching our streets.” -Superintendent Shawn Boudreau, Officer in Charge, RCMP Border Integrity Program, O Division

If you have information about suspicious cross-border activity, please contact the CBSA Border Watch Toll free Line at 1-888-502-9060.

CALL BORDER WATCH~ 1.888.502.9060

Note from Dave!

If you see suspicious activity, persons asking you for a ride across the border in your vehicle, a loose lipped driver talking about smuggling loads of weapons or drugs, do us all a big favour and contact authorities. Try to get as much information as possible without becoming involved and shut these bad guys down. They are bad for our business. 10


Angie Baby is so upset she has ordered 4 of these wall covers from amazon and they keep coming with the switch on the wrong side

RED SHIRT FRIDAY ~ On Friday’s please wear Red to thank those who run towards Danger as others Run Away ! Thank our Military, Veterans , Law Enforcement, Police, Fire, Rescue, Border Protection, DOT, MOT, Everyone who puts on a uniform in service for us!




PFM International - Proud of our People By Dave MacKenzie

Many companies have key phrases that they believe tells all readers what they are about. Sometimes they are true and sometimes they are not. At PFM, we truly are Proud of our People! From drivers, to dispatch, to office staff and management, all put 110% into the job and do it well. PFM was founded in 1998 by Sheldon and Mark Koslovsky. They grew rapidly from 1 truck and 2 trailers to over 30 trucks and 35 trailers because of their philosophy of making their company a family orientated business. The trucking industry is likely one of the most legislated industries out there. As a carrier, there is no way around all the red tape, rules are rules and they must be followed. However, as an employer, we can make this experience an easier one on the driver, with a mandate to ensure that the driver has a good pay cheque each and every payday.

We at PFM have succeeded in making a business plan that is both successful for the staff, management and most of all for the Driver and Owner Operators. Over the years, we have grown our business with technology and continue to improve our working experience and improved results to our customers. Recently we have implemented a training program for newer drivers. PFM is a premium refrigerated carrier, our lanes are specific. We have chosen to service Western Canada to the TX corridor and the Carolinas. Our customers and our drivers appreciate working with a well-established solution provider managed by very experienced people. Just like any new advertiser we at CTM like to check them out by me (Dave) taking a ride in thier truck and doing a full tour on the road. PFM passed in spades,, as one of the Best Trucking Companies I have had the pleasure to turn a wheel with. Come check them out!


By; Ellen Voie CAE, President/CEO Women in Trucking

l.The Women In Trucking Association (WIT) has

announced Ginger Pitts as its March 2022 Member of the Month. Ginger is an Automated Side Loader (ASL) Recycling Truck driver for Waste Management (WM) in Oklahoma City. Ginger is a native Oklahoman who grew up in Enid and moved to OKC about seven years ago. She has quite the entrepreneurial spirit as she ran a restaurant in Enid for almost 20 years before changing careers and starting a business. Her business transported pets of military families across the country from one duty station to the next because pets aren't included in the moving process. Ginger visited nearly every state in the nation before being injured while acting as a good Samaritan helping a stranded motorist. While Ginger was recuperating from the shoulder injury, she started training to drive a school bus. The training she received put her on the pathway to becoming a truck driver. As a child, she always loved watching the trash trucks empty the large metal cans and throwing them like they weighed nothing at all, but never dreamed of the possibility of driving a truck someday. She drove a school bus for Mustang


Public Schools and loved interacting with all the children. However, in May 2020, the school district shut down because of the pandemic. Ginger saw a sign that WM was hiring and decided to apply. She was hired and said she had finally found her niche. Ginger says the joystick-type controller is like playing a video game. There's a great deal of skill involved in using the joystick to empty the recycling carts without damaging or knocking them down. Each day her mission is the same, emptying an estimated 900 carts and returning each one to its original place without any damage or failure. “One of the things that many people don't know is the unique service offered to senior citizens or disabled individuals in that even with the automated trucks; the driver will stop the truck, retrieve the cart, empty it, and place it back in its spot. It is so rewarding to help these folks!” she said. A big benefit of the job is the smiles she receives from the children on her route. Ginger always waves or honks the horn for them. One young boy on her route draws pictures all about the recycling truck and all the recycled items. He leaves the pictures on the cart, and she keeps them in her truck and on her refrigerator at home. One thing most people don't know about Ginger is that she is in Oklahoma's Amateur Softball Association (ASA) Hall of Fame. She received this honor because of her skill as a shortstop for over 35 years in Oklahoma. Ginger loves her job and encourages other women to join, saying, "Don't hesitate! Women can do anything! It's a great industry! Jump in and enjoy the ride!" WM is a sponsor of the Salute to Women Behind the Wheel, an event hosted by WIT to celebrate female CDL holders on Friday, March 25, 2022 at the Mid-American Trucking Show in Louisville, KY.

Women In Trucking Association, Inc. is a nonprofit association established to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry. Membership is not limited to women, as 17 percent of its members are men who support the mission. Follow WIT on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. For more information, visit http://www.womenintrucking.org.


Rescue dogs and lost pets who need a ride home have a Awesome Group of allies in Canada, TRUCKERS. A group based in Thunder Bay, Ont., will help coordinate rides for animals who are heading from one part of the country to another. Furry Hobos and Hiway Heroes is the creation of Margaret Foster. A former truck driver, she took it upon herself to help coordinate rides for those with four legs. "It actually gives them something they feel good about. I mean, you go up and down the road here, you see the accidents and everything else that happens," said Foster. She said nearly 300 dogs have been transported through the group to their new homes, anywhere in Canada. She said some trucks in the United States are also now part of her 'network', allowing


for international movement of the animals in need. Foster said drivers are not compensated, but she asks for a donation of home baking, or a gift card for coffee. Help from the community Foster said many of the drivers have their own animals in their trucks, that they refer to as 'An Ambassador.' As for continuing to help ferry rescue animals, or those who are lost and found to their proper homes, Foster said most drivers can't get enough of it. "[One driver], he gets a hold of me all the time and says, 'Margaret, I'm getting tired of laughing at my own jokes, you'd better give me a dog.'" Visit on FaceBook; Furry Hobos N Hiway Hero"s. Dog gone Truckin! Thanks Margaret!!



Trucker ID/Dog Tags By; Dave MacKENZIE What a great idea and I am behind them 100%. These Tags are great for anyone and everyone especially for seniors and travelling public and Truckers. One tag has Laser Etched your name and ECN “emergency contact number” the other is a flash drive for you to put valuable information on such as your medical cards, prescriptions for drugs and or eyewear. Unlimited the information you can place on there. You can check out and LIKE the Trucker ID/Dog Tags on Facebook and order right from there. Use Dave from CTM for special discount prices.

Who is Monique Young ? Monique has been covering the Freedom Convoy 2022 everywhere it has been in Canada from Ottawa to Alberta. Giving us LIVE reports on the ground with the FB Page of CANADIAN TRUCKING MAGAZINE enjoying over a 26M (26,000,000) reach with 48,000 Likes and 5M following. Check out the LIVE Videos and Dave as he Chats LIVE each night at 9 pm Central Time. Searching for the Truth, you will find it right here on CTM Facebook.





BlueParrott B650-XT

Introducing our wireless headset for clear calls with Active Noise Cancellation

Active Noise Cancellation Yes

HearThrough Yes

Speaker size

40mm | 1.57in

Speaker max input power 50 mW

Speaker frequency range 20Hz - 20kHz

Speaker impedance 32 Ω

Audio codecs supported SBC

Microphone type

6 mm bi-directional noise canceling

Microphone sensitivity -47dBV/Pa

Certifications and compli ance


Proposition 65, RSC, CEC

Calling from your cab? With B650-XT, even if you’re right in the middle of a busy highway, windows down, radio blaring, they’ll still hear you loud and crystal-clear. The powerful ultra-noise-cancelling microphone removes an incredible 96% of background noise* from your end of the call. Giving you the freedom to call anyone. Anytime. Anywhere. OK - so they won’t hear the highway, but what about you? Powerful Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) works to remove ambient noise from your surroundings, so you can give them your full attention without having to crank up the volume. And if you really want to get lost in a more immersive entertainment experience, the B650-XT is able to convert into the ultimate noise-cancelling stereo headset (2nd earcup available as accessory). Need to stay connected even on the longest trucking routes? With up to 36 hours of talk time, you can drive for a few hours, touch base on a call with your boss while the truck is loaded, drive another stretch of road, call a few people before bed, and still have enough battery to do it all again tomorrow. And with up to 300 ft / 100 m of wireless range, you can leave your phone behind and get out to stretch your legs or check the rear tires of the truck pre-trip, without worrying about your connection dropping.




Credit: LA of the #4 M NASCAR Las Vegas

AS VEGAS, NEVADA - MARCH 04: John Hunter Nemechek, driver Mobil 1 Toyota, leads the field to the green flag to start the Camping World Truck Series Victoria's Voice Foundation 200 at s Motor

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - MARCH 04: Chandler Smith, driver of the #18 Safelite AutoGlass Toyota, celebrates with a burnout after winning the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Victoria's Voice Foundation 200 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on March 04, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Dylan

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - MARCH 04: Chandler Smith, driver of the #18 Safelite AutoGlass Toyota, celebrates in victory lane after winning the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Victoria's Voice Foundation 200 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on March 04, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Meg Oliphant/Getty Images)

AVONDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 12: Noah Gragson, driver of the #9 Bass Pro Shops/TrueTimber/BRCC Chevrolet, leads Brandon Jones, driver of the #19 Menards/Jeld-Wen Toyota, Justin Allgaier, driver of the #7 BRANDT Chevrolet, and Trevor Bayne, driver of the #18 Devotion Nutrition Toyota, during the NASCAR Xfinity Series United Rentals 200 at Phoenix Raceway on March 12, 2022 in Avondale, Arizona. (Photo by Logan Riely/Getty Images)

HAMPTON, GEORGIA - MARCH 19: Corey Heim, driver of the #51 JBL Toyota, celebrates with a burnout after winning the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Fr8 208 at Atlanta Motor Speedway on March 19, 2022 in Hampton, Georgia. (Photo by Sean Gardner/Getty Images)

HAMPTON, GEORGIA - MARCH 19: Ty Gibbs, driver of the #54 Sport Clips Haircuts Toyota, celebrates with a burnout after winning the NASCAR Xfinity Series Nalley Cars 250 at Atlanta Motor Speedway on March 19, 2022 in Hampton, Georgia. (Photo by Sean Gardner/Getty Images)





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