3 minute read
Z eebrug ge, welcome Fl ande rs
Zeebrug g e is the g ateway to Flanders. Skip the detours throug h France or the Netherlands, and sail straig ht into this historic port that has ser ved as a ferr y terminal for decades and a strateg ic port for centuries
For tourists with an interest in militar y histor y, Z eebrug g e harbour is a fascinating destination. Among its Cold War relics, you'll find the imposing "Foxtrot," a massive Russian submarine Stretching 100 meters in leng th, this le viathan offers visitors a g limpse into the lives of its 75 crew members, who lived and worked submerg ed for months on end, poised on the brink of paranoia , and prepared to deliver nuclear Armag eddon to the decadent West. It's quite possible that, g iven its size, the crew members ne ver e ven met each other. Perhaps their alternative was to drown their fears with copious amounts of contraband vodka
For a different taste of maritime life, visit the WestHinder lig htship or explore Seafront, a vast indoor exhibition housed in the former Covered Fish Market (seafront be/en)
When it comes to coastline, Flanders certainly g ot the better deal compared to
Wallonia in Belg ium e Flemish brethren manag ed to secure the entiret y of it So, if you fanc y wig g ling your toes on a Belg ian beach, it will be in Flanders, and that's all there is to it.
Let's start our coastal exploration at the southern end, in the charming resort of De Panne Here, the rolling sands ser ve as a popular bridleway, offering ample opportunities for equestrian-themed selfies. You'll also find sand yachts, sand sculptures, and parents blissfully buried in the sand by their children, who have conveniently forg otten about them (we've all been there).
Adjacent to the town lies De Westhoek nature reser ve, an endless expanse of pristine g reener y and dunes In the Dumont district, with its charming cottag e-st yle houses and boutiques, you can obser ve the local wildlife. Don't miss the statue of King Leopold, as its framing arch can be seen from almost any where in De Panne Quite reg al indeed.
Now, let's embark on a reg al journe y along the coast using the most practical attraction in Flanders the Kusttram (there's a bit of Dutch you can probably translate for yourselves)
De Panne ser ves as the southern terminal for this fully functional ser vice that runs along the entire leng th of the Flanders coast, spanning over 70 kilometres. On one side, you'll be treated to an unending line of sandy beaches, while on the other, a string of thirteen delig htful seaside resorts awaits is provides the perfect opportunit y to leisurely spend your day If you ' re traveling in a g roup of five or more, you qualif y for a cheap ticket as long as you stick tog ether. ere's also an individual ticket that g rants access to various coastal attractions, including the Plopsaland amusement park in De Panne's Dumont district. It e ven has its own stop, one before the terminus at Adinkerke (delijn.be/en).
About sixt y stops away at the other end of the line, you'll find the adjacent resorts of Knokke and Heist Knokke is a quintessential Flemish resort neat, tidy, and a mag net for artists in the 19th centur y. is upscale town boasts eleg ant shops and coffee houses e summer season bring s renowned cartoon exhibitions and an impressive fireworks festival, capturing the essence of Knokke's allure
Heist, on the other hand, resembles an upmarket Eng lish seaside villag e It's a charming blend of Tudor Eng land and the Flemish coast Heist stands as a testament to the Flemish coast ' s status as a precursor to the Spanish costas, a time when foreig n travel was considerably more expensive than it is today. Well-heeled Eng lish tourists soug ht foreig n culture in this corner of the world, leaving their mark with a touch of eleg ance e y transformed this foreig n beach into a place that will fore ver be associated with Eng land at's our stor y, and we ' re sticking to it
ere's plent y more to experience with an authentic Flemish feel, so why not check out the promotional pass for additional ideas ( kustpas be)
Inte resting fact : D id you know that Ze ebrug ge is home to the annual " International S and Sculpture Festival"? Each year, talented sculptors om around the world gathe r to showcase their skills by creating incredible sculptures e ntirely out of sand It's like a beach vacation on steroids, whe re sandcastles are taken to a whole new le vel! Just make sure not to mistake them for reg ular sandcastles and accide ntally knock them d own