3 minute read


28.04.2023 > 18.02.2024

More than a 100 years after the end of the First World War, the l andscape of Fl anders Fields with its numerous military cemeteries remains as one of the l ast witnesses of the Great War The exhibition


‘For Evermore’ reveals the stories kept alive by the British, French, German, Belgian and American military cemeteries A visit to the exhibtion, with or without an audio guide, is the ideal starting point to explore the former war l andscape of Fl anders Fields

Permanent Exhibition

The In Fl anders Fields Museum is the starting point of your visit to Ypres and the Westhoek!

Hundreds of authentic objects and images tell the historical, multi-faceted stories of World War I in Belgium Throughout the trail, you will come face to face with war witnesses After your visit, you will be ready to discover the traces of the war in the l andscape with its many cemeteries, monuments and relics

Interesting fact:

The area around Ypres and the Western Front is home to the largest Commonwealth war cemeter y in the world . Tyne Cot Cemeter y, located in Passchendaele, is the final resting place for almost 12,000 soldiers who lost their lives during World War I. Its name is derived from the Tyne Cottage, a farm building that stood on the same site during the war. Today, the cemeter y stands as a solemn memorial to the fallen soldiers and a reminder of the devastating impact of war.

Spotlight on

In Flanders Fields Museum: Discover the histor y of the First World War

e In Flanders Fields Museum presents the stor y of the First World War in the West Flanders front reg ion It is located in the rebuilt Cloth Hall of Ypres, an important symbol of wartime hardship and later recover y From this symbolic accommodation, the museum pays g reat attention to the contemporar y landscape as one of the last tang ible witnesses of the war histor y

e focus of the museum is on the human war experience, presenting hundreds of authentic objects and imag es in an experience-orientated setting . e historical stor y of World War I is presented from different perspectives e stories of soldiers and citizens, of men and women, adults and children

In Flanders Fields Museum confronts the visitor with the consequences of e Great War and its rele vance today. e multidimensional look of the museum ensures that e ver y visitor – young or old –can empathize with the people who were there at the time.

New international exhibition For Evermore: Cemeteries of the First World War

“Can there be more potent advocates of peace upon earth than this massed multitude of silent witnesses to the desolation of war ?” –British King Georg e V

Today, the landscape of Flanders Fields with its numerous militar y cemeteries remains as one of the last witnesses of the Great War. On those cemeteries, the Stone of Remembrance claims ‘ eir name liveth for e vermore ’ . But is that possible ? Is there no expiration date on commemoration?

ese questions are at the heart of the new temporar y exhibition ‘For Evermore : Cemeteries of the First World War ’ . It re veals the stories kept alive by the Commonwealth, French, Belg ian, German and American militar y cemeteries in Flanders Fields Not only do the y tell the personal histories of the dead who are buried there, but their location, architecture and histor y re veal a lot of information about the Great War as well You learn how to ‘read’ these memorial sites anks to a thoug htprovoking presentation, the exhibition takes you on a journe y that combines unique objects and personal stories with interactive and multimedia set-ups A drone video show the g reat diversit y in construction, shape and implantation in the landscape L isten to more in-depth information via an audio g uide or follow a customised audio route with your children.

e exhibition ‘For Evermore’ is the ideal starting point to explore the former war landscape and militar y cemeteries of Flanders Fields Practical information, opening times and entrance rates can be found on the museum website www.inflandersfields.be/en

A visit to the exhibition is included in the museum ticket, but the exhibition can also be visited separately

‘ For Evermore’ is organised within the theme year L ANDSCAPES | Feel Flanders Fields, coordinated and financed by Westtoer and Visit Flanders

The unique sig hts, the many hop fields, local beers and authentic pubs make Popering e a place you love to return to. With plent y of opportunities for g roups, it is a must during your visit to Flanders.

Anyone driving into Popering e will soon see them, the many hop fields shape the landscape in this reg ion. If you come bet ween May and June, you will see the hop vines in g rowth. By July, the vines reach their hig hest point, to be

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