Flanders for groups 2023/2024

Page 13

A guide to Flanders for UK Groups


S T E , D I



O p e n T u e s d a y t o S a t u r d a y.

To u r w i t h g u i d e a t 1 0 h 3 0 , 1 4 h 3 0 e n 1 6 h 3 0

P r i c e : € 1 2 p p

G r o u p m e a l s o n r e q u e s t .

B e e r t a s t i n g ( 2 x 1 5 c l ) a n d a b e e r p r a l i n e

Fre e b o t t l e o f s p e c i a l t y b e e r ( 7 5 c l )

R e a d m o r e o n w w w . b i e r k a s te e l . b e .

B r o u w e r i j s t r a a t 1 - 8 8 7 0 I z e g e m - i n f o @ b i e r k a s te e l . b e - w w w . b i e r k a s te e l . b e - V i s i t s & E v e n t s : + 3 2 ( 0 ) 5 1 / 6 2 2 7 3 0

Welcome to the e nchanting world of Fl ande rs

Where histor y, culture, and gastronomy come together to create an unforgettable travel experience. Nestled in the heart of Belgium, Flanders is a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be discovered

First, let us tantalize your taste buds with a culinar y delight that is synonymous with Belgian culture - golden ies e y ' re not just any ies ; the y ' re the national pride Did you know that Belgium boasts an astonishing 4,600 ies stands? at means you can find a ies stand in ever y district and village, showcasing the love and adoration the locals have for this humble yet delectable dish For the Flemish, ies are not merely a side dish; the y are a culinar y art form. And that's precisely why the y excel at making them

Now, let's embark on a journe y through Flanders, starting with Antwer p. Known as the diamond capital of the world , this vibrant cit y boasts a rich cultural heritage, exquisite architecture, and a bustling fashion scene Stroll through the medieval streets of Antwer p ' s historic canter, visit the iconic Cathedral of Our Lady, and lose yourself in the enchanting world of Rubens, the famous Flemish Baroque painter

Moving east, we arrive in the captivating region of Limburg. Here, you ' ll discover a landscape dotted with picturesque castles, rolling hills, and charming villages. Don't miss the chance to explore the Hoge Kempen National Park, a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. And while you ' re there, indulge in the region's culinar y delights, such as the famous Limburgse vlaai, a traditional pie bursting with flavour.

Ghent's medieval ambiance as you wander along its picturesque canals, admire the awe-inspiring architecture of the Castle of the Counts, and explore the cit y ' s vibrant scene. Ghent's youthful energ y, combined with its historical charm, makes it a must-visit destination for any traveller.

Last but certainly not least, we venture into the captivating cit y of Bruges Oen referred to as the " Venice of the North," Bruges is a fair y-tale destination with its romantic canals, cobblestone streets, and medieval buildings. Lose yourself in the cit y ' s enchanting atmosphere as you indulge in heavenly Belgian chocolates, explore its world-class museums, and take a leisurely boat ride through its winding waterways

Flanders is a region that captivates the senses and leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of those who visit Whether you ' re a histor y enthusiast, a food lover, an art aficionado, or simply seeking to immerse yourself in a vibrant cultural tapestr y, Flanders has something to offer ever yone

Happy travelling

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Tourism Flanders

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Further north lies the vibrant cit y of Ghent, a true hidden gem Immerse yourself in

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Nig el

Z eebrug g e is the g ateway to Flanders, a historic port with militar y histor y attractions Explore the coastline by tram, visit resorts like Knokke and Heist, and don't miss the International Sand Sculpture Festival.

e Gruuthouse in Brug es is a must-visit for art enthusiasts Brug es also hosts the Musica Antiqua festival and the Brug es Beer and Kookeet culinar y festivals, offering diverse experiences.

West Flanders, a captivating reg ion in Belg ium, offers a blend of rich histor y, picturesque landscapes, cultural heritag e

Discover the hidden g em of Popering e in West Flanders, Belg ium. Dive into its fascinating histor y, indulg e in local brews, explore cultural treasures, and embrace the warm hospitalit y of this enchanting town

Nestled in the picturesque West Flanders Hills, Heuvelland invites travelers to a tranquil escape. Explore rolling landscapes, historical sites, and embrace the charm of this Dutch word-def ying hillside reg ion

Immerse yourself in the captivating blend of medie val charm and vibrant modernit y in Ghent, Belg ium. Explore its architectural mar vels, cultural treasures, and lively atmosphere.

Indulg e in the dynamic energ y of Ant werp, Belg ium's fashion and cultural capital. Discover its stunning architecture, renowned diamond district, and thriving arts scene.

Uncover the hidden treasures of Mechelen, Belg ium's historic yet vibrant cit y

Experience the heart of Europe in Brussels, Belg ium. Immerse yourself in its rich histor y, indulg e in culinar y delig hts, and mar vel at its architectural g randeur

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5 J o a q u i n O s s o r i o C a s t i l l o s h u t t e r s t o c k O l i v e r H o ff m a n n s h u t t e r s t o c k T o u r i s m F l a n d e r s T o u r i s m F l a n d e r s C h r i s t i a n M u e l l e r T o u r i s m F l a n d e r s J u i c e T e a m s h u t t e r -

Z eebrug ge, welcome Fl ande rs

Zeebrug g e is the g ateway to Flanders Skip the detours throug h France or the Netherlands, and sail straig ht into this historic port that has ser ved as a ferr y terminal for decades and a strateg ic port for centuries.

For tourists with an interest in militar y histor y, Z eebrug g e harbour is a fascinating destination Among its Cold War relics, you'll find the imposing "Foxtrot," a massive Russian submarine Stretching 100 meters in leng th, this le viathan offers visitors a g limpse into the lives of its 75 crew members, who lived and worked submerg ed for months on end, poised on the brink of paranoia , and prepared to deliver nuclear Armag eddon to the decadent West. It's quite possible that, g iven its size, the crew members ne ver e ven met each other Perhaps their alternative was to drown their fears with copious amounts of contraband vodka .

For a different taste of maritime life, visit the WestHinder lig htship or explore Seafront, a vast indoor exhibition housed in the former Covered Fish Market (seafront be/en)

When it comes to coastline, Flanders certainly g ot the better deal compared to

Wallonia in Belg ium. e Flemish brethren manag ed to secure the entiret y of it. So, if you fanc y wig g ling your toes on a Belg ian beach, it will be in Flanders, and that's all there is to it.

Let's start our coastal exploration at the southern end, in the charming resort of De Panne Here, the rolling sands ser ve as a popular bridleway, offering ample opportunities for equestrian-themed selfies. You'll also find sand yachts, sand sculptures, and parents blissfully buried in the sand by their children, who have conveniently forg otten about them (we've all been there).

Adjacent to the town lies De Westhoek nature reser ve, an endless expanse of pristine g reener y and dunes In the Dumont district, with its charming cottag e-st yle houses and boutiques, you can obser ve the local wildlife Don't miss the statue of King Leopold, as its framing arch can be seen from almost any where in De Panne. Quite reg al indeed

Now, let's embark on a reg al journe y along the coast using the most practical attraction in Flanders the Kusttram (there's a bit of Dutch you can probably translate for yourselves).

De Panne ser ves as the southern terminal for this

fully functional ser vice that runs along the entire leng th of the Flanders coast, spanning over 70 kilometres. On one side, you'll be treated to an unending line of sandy beaches, while on the other, a string of thirteen delig htful seaside resorts awaits. is provides the perfect opportunit y to leisurely spend your day If you ' re traveling in a g roup of five or more, you qualif y for a cheap ticket as long as you stick tog ether. ere's also an individual ticket that g rants access to various coastal attractions, including the Plopsaland amusement park in De Panne's Dumont district. It e ven has its own stop, one before the terminus at Adinkerke (delijn be/en)

About sixt y stops away at the other end of the line, you'll find the adjacent resorts of Knokke and Heist. Knokke is a quintessential Flemish resort neat, tidy, and a mag net for artists in the 19th centur y is upscale town boasts eleg ant shops and coffee houses. e summer season bring s renowned cartoon exhibitions and an impressive fireworks festival, capturing the essence of Knokke's allure

Heist, on the other hand, resembles an upmarket Eng lish seaside villag e. It's a charming blend of Tudor Eng land and the Flemish

coast. Heist stands as a testament to the Flemish coast ' s status as a precursor to the Spanish costas, a time when foreig n travel was considerably more expensive than it is today. Well-heeled Eng lish tourists soug ht foreig n culture in this corner of the world, leaving their mark with a touch of eleg ance e y transformed this foreig n beach into a place that will fore ver be associated with Eng land at's our stor y, and we ' re sticking to it

ere's plent y more to experience with an authentic Flemish feel, so why not check out the promotional pass for additional ideas ( kustpas be)

Inte resting fact : D id you know that Ze ebrug ge is home to the annual " International S and Sculpture Festival"? Each year, talented sculptors om around the world gathe r to showcase their skills by creating incredible sculptures e ntirely out of sand . It's like a beach vacation on steroids, whe re sandcastles are taken to a whole new le vel! Just make sure not to mistake them for reg ular sandcastles and accide ntally knock them d own.

Flanders 6
T o u r i s m F l a n d e r s

Bruges sights and sounds

The Gruuthhouse in Brug es is a must-visit for art enthusiasts who appreciate fine crasmanship Don't be confused by the name, as it's oen mistaken for the Grunt House. Step inside and be captivated by the remarkable collections of tapestries, lace, sculpture, furniture, and silver amassed by Lodewijk van Gruuthuse, a fieenthcentur y Flemish courtier, bibliophile, soldier, and nobleman. You may recog nize him as the Earl of Winchester, a title bestowed upon him by King Edward IV in 1472 Displaying an impressive sense of architectural transformation, the Earl converted the family storehouse into a luxurious mansion that now houses these eclectic treasures.

While Brug es is renowned for its historic sig hts, the cit y is equally famous for its enchanting sounds. Since 1964, Brug es has hosted the Musica Antiqua festival, a prestig ious e vent that celebrates the finest young musicians performing the oldest music in Western culture. With its picturesque canals as a backdrop, Brug es becomes a mag net for special interest g roups e ver y summer, particularly in early Aug ust If you have a passion for traditional music, there are few places in the world better suited to indulg ing in

the concerts, workshops, and lectures offered during this international festival

But let's not forg et the culinar y delig hts of Brug es e cit y is celebrated for its g astronomic wonders and, of course, its beer And this bring s us to the Brug es Beer Festival, an early season treat that ser ves as the perfect excuse to visit Unlike rowdy beer festivals oen associated with excessive drinking , Brug es offers a refined and sophisticated experience For approximately five days in Februar y, the historic Grote Markt in the medie val cit y centre transforms into a beer lover's paradise. With over 80 breweries and 350 beers to choose from, the festival attracts thousands of enthusiasts from around the world. Local restaurants also join in the festivities by producing their own beers and craing themed menus to tantalize festival-g oers. In addition to savouring the beers, attendees can attend lectures, eng ag e in debates, and witness culinar y showcases, making it a wellrounded experience for all.

But the culinar y adventure doesn't end there. In early September, food lovers flock to Brug es for "Kookeet," a foodie extravag anza that attracts over 100,000 visitors. For three delig htful days, around 30 esteemed chefs,

some boasting Michelin stars, Bib Gourmand mentions, or hig h GaultMillau scores, eng ag e with the attendees to deliver an unparalleled dining experience Forg et about simple microwave fr y-ups ; Kookeet showcases the pinnacle of culinar y excellence

Brug es truly offers a diverse rang e of experiences that cater to art enthusiasts, music lovers, beer connoisseurs, and food aficionados alike. As you explore the cit y ' s sig hts and sounds, you'll discover a

captivating blend of histor y, culture, and indulg ence that makes Brug es a remarkable destination for travelers from around the g lobe.

Interesting fact:

Bruges is often referred to as the " Venice of the North" due to its numerous canals, reminiscent of the famous Italian cit y. These canals not only add to the cit y ' s charm but also provide scenic boat tours that allow visitors to explore Bruges from a unique perspective.

A n t o n I v a n o v s h u t8
e c s t k 2 2 s h u t t e r s t o c k

Ypres and the Weste rn Front

The centenaries of the War To End All Wars have passed, but the memories and sig nificance of the conflict remain etched in the histor y of Flanders Fields Ypres, a town known for its cloth weaving , holds a talismanic role in the act of remembrance, symbolizing the horrors witnessed on the Western Front Despite being razed during repeated bombardments, Ypres and its iconic Cloth Hall have been meticulously rebuilt, standing as a testament to the resilience of the communit y. Unlike the UK , which focused on modernization aer the war, the Continent dedicated efforts to rebuild, preser ving the rich heritag e of the reg ion

While Ypres boasts a rich histor y, it is the more recent past that draws most visitors to the town e nig htly act of remembrance at the Menin Gate is a somber and moving tribute to those whose lives were touched by the Great War is poig nant ceremony ser ves as a dig nified reminder of the sacrifices made and the lives lost during the conflict

Another notable connection to the Great War lies in Popering e, a town with a strong equestrian heritag e, the Hippo war visitor centre in Wareg em sheds lig ht on the role of Americans and war horses during the war. e centre ’ s exhibition showcases the connection bet ween the town ' s equestrian leg ac y and the American Cemeter y, where many fallen US troops rest. Additionally, the annual horse trials and countr y fair in September draw enthusiasts from across the continent.

For a panoramic view of the oncebattlefields, a visit to Z onnebeke Church Tower is a must. From its vantag e point, visitors can sur ve y the southern area of the Westhoek and explore the Memorial Museum Passchendaele

e church itself, the first modernist building in Flanders, offers an exhibition space over its se ven floors, providing an

P e c o l d s h u t t e r s t o c k

interpretation of Z onnebeke's historical de velopment At the top floor, visitors are rewarded with a panoramic view of the church, partially built upon the ruins of an old Aug ustine abbe y

Cycling enthusiasts can embark on the Cit y of Peace Route, which starts from Ypres and takes riders throug h the iconic spots of the Westhoek reg ion While challeng ing , it offers a unique perspective on the historical landscape Howe ver, for those less inclined to c ycle, there are other convenient transportation options available.

Althoug h the First World War is most closely associated with suffering and loss, Belg ium also experienced the hardships of

the Second World War.

e commemoration of the 75th anniversar y of D -Day in 2019 hig hlig hted the Allied forces' efforts to liberate Brussels, Ant werp, and much of Flanders. e ong oing L iberation Route Europe project ensures lasting reminders of this period throug hout the reg ion. One such reminder is the Poland- Canada WWII Museum in Adeg em, offering a g limpse into the historical context throug h beautiful g ardens, a tearoom, and e ven a dance school

In Ypres, the In Flanders Fields Museum remains a hub for discover y and reflection e current exhibition sheds lig ht on the sad realit y that the conflict did not end all wars but instead became a catalyst for further armed insurrections

worldwide. Howe ver, the museum also surprises visitors with new discoveries, including a special showcase of unusual Chinese art is collection focuses on exquisitely eng raved shell casing s made by the Chinese Labour Corps, hig hlig hting their sig nificant contributions to the clearance of battlefields and the establishment of war g raves and cemeteries.

Talbot House, located in Popering e, offers a unique perspective on life during the Great War Orig inally an officers' mess, it was transformed into a concert hall and became a respite from the surrounding de vastation. V isitors can step back in time and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of "L ittle Paris," Popering e ' s nickname during the war

With eig ht rooms available, it is e ven possible for a small g roup to stay overnig ht

For a different experience, Heuvelland presents a world of its own in the West Flanders Hills. Contrar y to the flat landscapes oen associated with Flanders, this rural municipalit y offers picturesque villag es nestled ag ainst the French border.

War redoubts and wellmaintained cemeteries ser ve as reminders of the past, while rolling landscapes and independent shops cater to a more rela xed visit. Eng ag ing with the friendly locals over a traditional coffee is an ideal way to soak in the charm of Heuvelland, which defies the assumption that there is no Dutch word for "hill."

Flanders 12
t r a b a n t o s s h u t t e r -


28.04.2023 > 18.02.2024

More than a 100 years after the end of the First World War, the l andscape of Fl anders Fields with its numerous military cemeteries remains as one of the l ast witnesses of the Great War. The exhibition ‘For Evermore’ reveals the stories kept alive by the British, French, German, Belgian and American military cemeteries A visit to the exhibtion, with or without an audio guide, is the ideal starting point to explore the former war l andscape of Fl anders Fields


The In Fl anders Fields Museum is the starting point of your visit to Ypres and the Westhoek! Hundreds of authentic objects and images tell the historical, multi-faceted stories of World War I in Belgium Throughout the trail, you will come face to face with war witnesses After your visit, you will be ready to discover the traces of the war in the l andscape with its many cemeteries, monuments and relics

Cloth Hall - Grote Markt 34 - 8900 Ieper flandersfields@ieper be - tel +32 (0)57 239 220 NEW EXPO!
In Flanders Fields Museum

Interesting fact: The area around Ypres and the Western Front is home to the largest Commonwealth war cemeter y in the world . Tyne Cot Cemeter y, located in Passchendaele, is the final resting place for almost 12,000 soldiers who lost their lives during World War I. Its name is derived from the Tyne Cottage, a farm building that stood on the same site during the war. Today, the cemeter y stands as a solemn memorial to the fallen soldiers and a reminder of the devastating impact of war.

Spotlight on

In Flanders Fields Museum: Discover the histor y of the First World War

e In Flanders Fields Museum presents the stor y of the First World War in the West Flanders front reg ion. It is located in the rebuilt Cloth Hall of Ypres, an important symbol of wartime hardship and later recover y From this symbolic accommodation, the museum pays g reat attention

to the contemporar y landscape as one of the last tang ible witnesses of the war histor y

e focus of the museum is on the human war experience, presenting hundreds of authentic objects and imag es in an experience-orientated setting e historical stor y of World War I is presented from different perspectives.

e stories of soldiers and citizens, of men and women, adults and children

In Flanders Fields Museum confronts the visitor with the consequences of e Great War and its rele vance today.

e multidimensional look of the museum ensures that e ver y visitor – young or old –can empathize with the people who were there at the time

New international exhibition For Evermore: Cemeteries of the First World War

“Can there be more potent advocates of peace upon earth than this massed multitude of silent witnesses to the desolation of war ?” –British King Georg e V

Today, the landscape of Flanders Fields with its numerous militar y cemeteries remains as one of the last witnesses of the Great War. On those cemeteries, the Stone of Remembrance claims ‘ eir name liveth for e vermore ’ But is that possible ? Is there no expiration date on commemoration?

ese questions are at the heart of the new temporar y exhibition ‘For Evermore : Cemeteries of the First World War ’ . It re veals the stories kept alive by the Commonwealth, French, Belg ian, German and American militar y cemeteries in Flanders Fields Not only do the y tell the personal histories of the dead who are buried there, but their location, architecture and histor y re veal a lot of information about the Great War as well. You learn how to ‘read’ these memorial sites

anks to a thoug htprovoking presentation, the exhibition takes you on a journe y that combines unique objects and personal stories with interactive and multimedia set-ups. A drone

video show the g reat diversit y in construction, shape and implantation in the landscape L isten to more in-depth information via an audio g uide or follow a customised audio route with your children

e exhibition ‘For Evermore’ is the ideal starting point to explore the former war landscape and militar y cemeteries of Flanders Fields. Practical information, opening times and entrance rates can be found on the museum website www.inflandersfields.be/en

A visit to the exhibition is included in the museum ticket, but the exhibition can also be visited separately

‘ For Evermore’ is organised within the theme year L ANDSCAPES | Feel Flanders Fields, coordinated and financed by Westtoer and Visit Flanders

14 I n F l a n d e r s F i e l d s M u s e u m
I n F l a n d e r s F i e l d s M u s e u m
I n F l a n d e r s F i e l d s M u s e u m
t o e r i s m e p o p e r i n g e . b e

The unique sig hts, the many hop fields, local beers and authentic pubs make Popering e a place you love to return to With plent y of opportunities for g roups, it is a must during your visit to Flanders

Anyone driving into Popering e will soon see them, the many hop fields shape the landscape in this reg ion If you come bet ween May and June, you will see the hop vines in g rowth. By July, the vines reach their hig hest point, to be

Pope ringe : Cit y of the good life

har vested in September e Hop Museum is the perfect starting place to learn more about the hop and beer culture with either a g uided visit or a tasting tour. e local hop farms offer g roup visits to see the har vest from close by. Or you can make a stop at the St. Bernardus brewer y to taste one of their delicious beers.

During World War I, Popering e was part of a small piece of unoccupied Belg ium Immerse yourself in Popering e ’ s cit y walk and

discover the cit y ’ s histor y. L ijssenthoek Militar y Cemeter y is the prime witness of more than four years of violent warfare e cemeter y e vokes daily reflections of the Great War. e visitor centre offers you an interpretation of this unique place as it used to be the big g est e vacuation hospital in the Ypres Salient. Talbot House invites you to visit the Old House, a home away from home for many soldiers e permanent exhibition shows the stor y of

Talbot House from its opening in 1915 till today

In Popering e, you can enjoy yourself in a friendly and rela xed way. Leave the hustle and bustle behind and take a break to soak up the unique atmosphere with delicious local products and t ypical old g ames in one of the many authentic pubs

Popering e, where life tastes g ood !

www.to eri smepopering e .be

I N G R O U P D I S COV E R T H E H O P M U S E U M & TA S T E LOCA L B E E R S D I V E I N TO T H E PA S T AT L I J SS E N T H O E K M.C. V I S I TO R C E N T R E O R TA L B OT H O U S E T o u r i s m F l a n d e r s
VISIT Poperinge
t o e r i s m e p o p e r i n g e . b e

Bierkasteel: Where Brewing Traditions Meet Modern Experiences

Nestled in the charming Belg ian countr yside, the Bierkasteel is a mecca for beer enthusiasts and a testament to the rich brewing heritag e of the reg ion. is architectural mar vel is not just a brewer y, but a captivating destination that invites visitors to embark on a journe y of flavours, histor y, and immersive experiences

fruit beers to rich and complex ales, there's something to please e ver y palate Savor the flavours, and let the expert g uides take you on a sensor y journe y, re vealing the intricacies and nuances of each brew

For a truly immersive experience, indulg e in the Beer & Food Pairing , where carefully curated dishes complement the flavours of the beers. Let the harmonious marriag e of

yourself in the world of beer, combining tradition, innovation, and a warm Belg ian welcome

Latest innovation

e seasons are not what the y used to be at’s why Kasteel Brouwerij

Vanhonsebrouck resolutely chooses summer With Kasteel Rubus Framboise (7%), the family brewer y from Izeg em is introducing a brand-new taste sensation based on real raspberries

CEO Xavier

To plan your visit to the Bierkasteel and uncover the secrets of Belg ian brewing , visit their official website at www.vanhonsebrouck.be/ bezoek/bierkasteel.

Located in the heart of West Flanders, the Bierkasteel is the brainchild of the renowned Van Honsebrouck Brewer y, a family-owned institution with over a centur y of brewing excellence. Step throug h its majestic doors and be transported to a world where traditional crasmanship meets modern innovation

e Bierkasteel offers a rang e of eng ag ing activities for beer lovers Beg in your visit with an insig htful brewer y tour, where you'll witness the meticulous brewing process firsthand Learn about the finest ing redients, the art of fermentation, and the secret recipes passed down throug h g enerations Mar vel at the state-of-the-art facilities that blend seamlessly with the brewer y ' s historic roots

Aer the tour, it's time to tantalize your taste buds. Head to the impressive tasting room, where a variet y of Van Honsebrouck's finest brews await. From refreshing

flavors unfold as you discover the perfect balance bet ween hops, malt, and culinar y delig hts.

e Bierkasteel also offers a delig htful shopping experience. Browse throug h their well-stocked beer shop, where you can find a wide selection of specialt y brews, g lassware, and beer-related merchandise Take a piece of the Bierkasteel's mag ic home with you and share it with friends and family.

As you bid farewell to the Bierkasteel, you'll carr y with you a new found appreciation for the art of brewing and the leg ac y of the Van Honsebrouck Brewer y. is remarkable destination invites you to immerse

Vanhonsebrouck describes his latest innovation as the eternal summer beer. ‘L ike many people, I feel at my best in the summer e sun shines, temperatures increase, and your energ y le vels g et a boost. at’s why I wanted to brew a beer that tasted of summer ’

Xavier and his brewing team found the summer flavour in the g enus Rubus that the raspberr y belong s to.

‘R aspberries are many people’s favourite red fruit Furthermore, raspberries g row best in sun-drenched spots, so the y are sun-seekers par excellence ’




Heuvelland is the only municipality in Flanders where there are still traces of the three great conflicts of the previous century. Inspired by the book The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century, 1914-1991 by the famous British historian Eric Hobsbawn, H e u ve l l a n d To u r i s m h a s p u t t o g e t h e r a n i n t e re s t i n g a r ra n g e m e n t . Ac c o m p a n i e d by a specialist guide, you will visit the following three sites:



I : B AY E R N WA L D :

The Germans captured this 40 metre-high strategic location in 1914 and turned it into an impregnable fortress, which they held until the summer of 1917 The ingenious trench system at Bayernwald was the German answer to the mining threat posed by their British opponents. Part of this system has been accurately reconstructed Its listening shafts, trenches and four bunkers tell the story of the war from the German side.

W W I I : B U N K E R F R O M T H E M A G I N OT L I N E O N T H E Z WA RT E B E R G :

Increasing German militarism during the 1930s forced France to build a new defensive line along its frontier The brain behind this plan was the French Minister of War, André Maginot, a decorated veteran from the Great War. He died in 1932 but the new fortifications were named after him posthumously. The Maginot bunker on the Black Mountain is of the S10 type and was known as Ermitage Sud (Hermitage South)

C O L D WA R : T H E C O M M A N D B U N K E R

After WWII, France, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg decided to develop a joint air defence system Three huge underground bunkers were constructed as part of this system, with one of them – in Kemmel, started in 1952 – serving as the command post. The guide will conduct you through two of the underground levels, where some of the more than 50 rooms have been turned into a museum Wherever possible, the rooms have been left as they were during the Cold War, so that you can sample the authentic 1950s atmosphere. All the locations in this arrangement can be visited individually.

Bayernwald MaginotbunkerCommandobunker 1953
V I S I TO R S C E N T R E ‘ H E T H E U V E L L A N D ’ Sint-Laurentiusplein 1, B-8950 Heuvelland-Kemmel T. +32 57 45 04 55 • E-mail: toerisme@heuvelland.be website: www.tourismheuvelland.be • facebook: www.facebook.com/heuvelland.be

 e Charm of He uvelland : An Und isco vere d Be lg ian Jewel

Tucked away in the heart of Western Flanders, Belg ium, is an enchanting locale that effortlessly marries beaut y, histor y, and culture : the captivating reg ion of Heuvelland. Oen overlooked for more renowned Belg ian destinations, Heuvelland's pastoral allure and rich tapestr y of experiences hold an uncharted appeal for e ver y t ype of traveler

Heuvelland, which translates to "Hill Countr y, " earns its name from the picturesque hills dotting its landscape, forming a mesmerizing tableau of vine yards, forests, and meadows. is striking topog raphy makes Heuvelland an idyllic retreat for nature enthusiasts. Hikers and c yclists are enticed by a

net work of trails that unravel the reg ion's stunning natural beaut y, while the Bayernwald Trenches and Pool of Peace are haunting remnants of the Great War that histor y aficionados will find intrig uing .

For g astronomes, the reg ional cuisine and wine are

delig htful reasons to visit. Heuvelland's rolling vine yards are not just a feast for the e yes, but the y also contribute to the reg ion's impressive wine heritag e Embarking on a wine tour offers the opportunit y to sample an array of locallyproduced wines, a testament to Heuvelland's thriving

viticulture. Coupled with the reg ion's traditional Belg ian cuisine, a culinar y exploration in Heuvelland promises to be a feast for the senses

One can ' t speak about Heuvelland without mentioning its vibrant culture. Annual e vents like

w w w . t o e r i s m e h e u v e l l a n d . b e

the "Peace Concert" at the St Laurentius Church or the whimsical "Cat Parade" in Ypres showcase the reg ion's cultural richness e y offer immersive experiences into the local way of life, allowing visitors to participate in traditions that have been passed down throug h g enerations

One of Heuvelland's standout historical sites is

Bayernwald, a ke y strateg ic location during World War I e Germans captured this 40-meter-hig h spot in 1914, transforming it into an impreg nable fortress held until the summer of 1917. Its cle verly constructed trench system was the German counteraction to the mining threat posed by the British Today, visitors can explore a faithfully reconstructed portion of this system,

including its listening shas, trenches, and four bunkers, providing an insig ht into the war from the German perspective.

Fast for ward to World War II, and the Mag inot bunker on the Zwarteberg , or Black Mountain, narrates another fascinating chapter of Heuvelland's histor y Built as a response to rising German militarism in the 1930s, this bunker was part of a French defensive line conceived by André Mag inot, a decorated Great War veteran e bunker, known as Ermitag e Sud, is a tang ible testament to Europe's tumultuous past.

Further along the timeline, the Command Bunker in Kemmel represents an era of unit y and cooperation. Built in the 1950s, this vast underg round complex was part of a joint air defence system de veloped by France,

Great Britain, Belg ium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg in the aermath of WWII Today, visitors can tour the bunker's t wo underg round le vels, with over 50 rooms transformed into a museum

e preser ved 1950s interiors offer a nostalg ic g limpse into the Cold War era .

Heuvelland's rich historical sites can be visited individually, inviting explorers to embark on a journe y throug h time in this verdant Belg ian reg ion

Whether you ' re a histor y buff, nature enthusiast, or a curious traveler, Heuvelland awaits, offering a captivating blend of natural beaut y, historical depth, and cultural richness w

b e w w w t o e r i s m e h e u v e l l a n d b e w w w . t o e r i s m e h e u v e l l a n d . b e
to erismeheuvelland

Van Eyck and On Your Bike

Ghent, a cit y renowned for its fine art, is a must-visit destination in Flanders. Discover artistic wonders at the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent.

From Flemish primitives to contemporar y masterpieces, their collection is a visual feast Immerse yourself in art ' s beaut y at www.mskg ent.be and experience the cultural leg ac y of Ghent, a cit y that celebrates creativit y in all its forms

Aer exploring the artistic wonders of Ghent, it's time to embark on a popular Flanders activit y : c ycling . Flanders is known for its c ycling culture, with numerous classic races that attract both local and international enthusiasts While the more competitive "sportive races " encourag e active participation, watching the races and cheering from the sidelines can be just as thrilling To g et

started, visit c ycling inflanders cc

One of the most renowned c ycling races in Flanders is the Tour of Flanders, now known as We Ride Flanders. is classic race, famous for its short and steep climbs, takes place in early April in Oudenaarde, just south of Ghent e challeng ing terrain adds an exciting element to the race, especially considering the g enerally flat landscape of Flanders

For a less intense c ycling experience, the Retroronde of Flanders is an excellent option. Starting from the Cit y Market Square in Oudenaarde, this colourful e vent bring s tog ether riders from all over Europe on vintag e bic ycles dressed in matching period clothing

e Retroronde offers a more rela xed and enjoyable c ycling experience, with routes rang ing from 25 to over 60 miles To participate, bikes

must date from before 1987, and clothing should reflect the same period. Check out retroronde.be for more details

If you prefer to take a break from c ycling , indulg e in the culinar y delig hts of Ghent during the Gent Smaakt festival is five-day g astronomic festival takes place in the heart of Ghent at the end of May Local chefs, including many prominent Ghent-born culinar y artists, ser ve delectable dishes made with locally sourced ing redients. It's a mouthwatering experience that shouldn't be missed V isit g entsmaakt.be for more information.

For music lovers, the Ghent Festival of Flanders is a mustattend e vent held in the latter half of September O ver three weeks, the cit y comes alive with hig h-qualit y concerts at various venues, including the iconic St. Bavo's Cathedral e festival offers a diverse rang e of performances, including jazz, world music, and dance, making it a cultural extravag anza worth experiencing . Learn more at g entfestival be

Just a short distance from Ghent, in the town of Aalst, lies an extraordinar y e vent known as the Aalst Carnival. Taking place at the beg inning of Lent, usually in late

Februar y or early March, this carnival features a vibrant parade with g ig antic and outlandish characters parading throug h the cit y streets. e carnival reaches its clima x when a carnival effig y is set ablaze on the Grote Markt, marking the end of the festivities. e Aalst Carnival is a spectacle that captures the attention of both residents and visitors alike V isit aalstcarnaval be to learn more

Twice a year, in spring and autumn, Beer velde Park opens its g ates just outside of Ghent. is internationally acclaimed g arden fair hosts over 200 exhibitors, creating a paradise for g ardening enthusiasts Desig ned in 1873 with inspiration from Eng lish landscape st yles, Beer velde Park offers a delig htful setting to explore the world of horticulture. Discover more about the fair at parkvanbeer velde be Inte resting fact : Ghe nt is home to one of the old est prese rved medieval strongholds in Europe e Gravenste en, or " Castle of the Counts," d ates back to the 12th centur y and offe rs a fascinating glimpse into the cit y ' s history. Today, it serves as a museum, allowing visitors to e xplore its fortified walls, towe rs, and even climb to the top for panoramic vie ws of Ghent

26 Ghe nt :
A l e x e y P e v n e v s h u t t e r s t o c k
D m i t r y R u k h l e n k o s h u t t e r s t o c k

Ant werp, known as the diamond capital of the world, has much more to offer be yond its stunning skyline e cit y ' s historical sig nificance dates back centuries, and its architectural mar vels are a testament to its rich heritag e. Exploring Ant werp is like taking a step back in time while simultaneously immersing yourself in a vibrant and contemporar y atmosphere

Beg in your journe y throug h

Ant werp by strolling along the fashion g olden mile, where renowned desig ners and luxur y brands line the streets. Feel the pulse of the fashion industr y as you admire the eleg ant window displays and shop in boutiques that showcase cutting -edg e desig ns

Ant werp ' s fashion scene has always been at the forefront of innovation and creativit y, with many influential desig ners calling the cit y their home

As you venture further, the g randeur of Centraal Station will captivate your attention is architectural masterpiece is more than just a transportation hub ; it's a work of art in itself. Mar vel at its intricate details, soaring ceiling s, and mag nificent dome. From here, it's just a short walk to one of the most conveniently located zoos in

Sur prising Antwe r p

the world. Ant werp Z oo is not only a haven for animal lovers but also a beautifully landscaped oasis where you can escape the bustling cit y and immerse yourself in nature.

Ant werp ' s skyline is a harmonious blend of historic and modern architecture e iconic renaissance building s, such as the Cit y Hall and the Cathedral of Our Lady, stand tall amidst the cit y ' s contemporar y structures e Cathedral of Our Lady is a UNESCO World Heritag e Site and a must-visit attraction. Admire its Gothic beaut y and step inside to mar vel at its stunning stained g lass windows and intricate art works.

For art enthusiasts, Ant werp offers a treasure trove of masterpieces. e Royal Museum of Fine Arts (KMSKA), is a testament to the cit y ' s commitment to preser ving and promoting art Its extensive collection includes works by Flemish masters like Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van D yck, and Jacob Jordaens. While KMSKA is closed, some of its finest art pieces are displayed in various locations across the cit y, providing a unique opportunit y to discover art in unexpected places.

Ant werp ' s cultural scene is

vibrant and diverse, with numerous festivals and e vents throug hout the year. Music lovers can immerse themselves in the enchanting melodies of the Laus Polyphoniae concert prog ramme, held in the historic AMUZ concert hall. e festival showcases the beaut y of polyphonic music and attracts renowned musicians from around the world

Beer enthusiasts can rejoice in June during the Beer Passion Weekend, where the Groenplaats square transforms into a beer lover's paradise With over 200 different beers from 40 breweries, it's an opportunit y to sample a wide rang e of flavours and experience the rich brewing traditions that Belg ium is famous for Ant werp ' s charm extends be yond its cit y centre Explore Het Eilandje district, a vibrant waterfront neig hbourhood that has underg one extensive re vitalization. e district is home to the red brick Museum aan de Stroom (MA S), where you can delve into the cit y ' s maritime histor y and enjoy panoramic views of Ant werp from its rooop terrace.

Ant werp ' s historical sig nificance is not limited to its architecture and art e cit y played a vital role in

European trade and exploration during the Ag e of Discover y. Its bustling docks, which make it the second busiest carg o port in Europe, are a testament to its maritime heritag e. Immerse yourself in the maritime histor y of Ant werp at the MA S and learn about the cit y ' s pivotal role in g lobal trade

To truly understand the soul of Ant werp, it's essential to explore its neig hbourhoods and interact with the locals Ant werp ' s residents, known as "sinjoren," are proud of their cit y and its unique culture

Interesting fact : Did you know that Antwer p is home to the world's old est stock e xchang e building ? e Antwe rp Stock Exchange, known as the Beurs van Antwe rpe n, has a rich history d ating back to 1531 It was established as a meeting place for me rchants and trade rs to conduct business and e xchange goods. O ve r the centuries, the building has unde rgone various architectural transformations, blending Re naissance and Baroque st yles

l e o k s s h u t t e r s t o c k

C h r i s t i a n M u e l l e r s h u t t e r s t o c k

Mechele n on d ay trip from Antwe r p or Brussels

Mechelen, a hidden g em nestled in the heart of Flanders, is a tantalizing destination that should not be missed if you find yourself in Ant werp or Brussels With its proximit y to these vibrant cities, Mechelen is just a short train ride or a quick

drive away, making it an ideal spot for a day trip or e ven a spontaneous g roup adventure. One particular hig hlig ht that sets Mechelen apart is the Mechelen

V leeshalle, also known as the Cit y Food Market, where culinar y delig hts await eag er

food enthusiasts.

e Mechelen V leeshalle

occua g rand space in the centre of the old cit y, once ser ving as the historic Mechelen meat market. Today, it has transformed into a bustling hub of

g astronomic excellence, earning a reputation as the cit y ' s latest culinar y hotspot

e market-st yle setting houses t welve vendors

offering a diverse rang e of delectable treats, accompanied by a pop -up food stall that adds an

Sergey Dzyuba

element of surprise. Whether you wish to shop for fresh ing redients or savour a heart y meal, the Mechelen V leeshalle caters to both locals and visitors alike Howe ver, do note that the market is closed on Mondays, so plan your visit according ly

While you can indulg e in a culinar y journe y spanning the g lobe at the Mechelen V leeshalle, make sure to sample some traditional Mechelen hone y.

e unique flavour of this local delicac y is ele vated when enjoyed under the mag nificent vaulted cast iron

balconies that g race the landmark building e Mechelen V leeshalle's histor y dates back to 1881 when it was desig ned by architect V ictor Louckx roug hout the years, it has experienced ups and downs, e ven ser ving as g overnment offices at one point. Howe ver, its current owners, passionate about food and culinar y experiences, breathed new life into the space less than a year ag o, unveiling its exciting transformation.

From the contemporar y culinar y scene, let us delve into Mechelen's rich histor y,

which dates back to medie val times St Rumbold's Cathedral, a true architectural mar vel, beckons visitors with its renowned carillon Aer experiencing the breathtaking melodies emanating from this colossal instrument, your ears may continue to resonate with the enchanting sounds. Some may e ven claim that it is the larg est and loudest carillon in the world, and it is difficult to dispute such claims e massive instrument's 49 bells consistently produce a captivating symphony that resonates throug hout the cit y. Leg end has it that the

unfinished state of the cathedral's tower is due to the irresistible allure of the carillon's captivating music, which has pre vented further construction

As you explore the historical capital of the Burg undian Netherlands, a visit to the Museum Hof van Busle yden is hig hly recommended Housed in a Renaissance palace in the heart of Mechelen, this museum provides an opportunit y to encounter historical fig ures from across Europe Notable personalities such as the philosopher Erasmus, whose

name adorns the popular student exchang e prog ram, and the Eng lish Catholic mart yr omas More, both play sig nificant roles within the museum ' s exhibits. e Museum Hof van Busle yden offers a captivating g limpse into histor y, e voking a sense of awe and contemplation

Be yond its historical and cultural attractions, Mechelen boasts an array of captivating experiences e vibrant Vrijbroekpark showcases a stunning display of nature ' s beaut y, with over a thousand species of roses and more than 300 species of dahlias, creating a colourful oasis For those seeking interactive and educational adventures, the Technopolis Science Centre offers a rang e of captivating experiments that cater to visitors of all ag es. Animal enthusiasts can explore the worldfamous zoo, while the toy museum promises a nostalg ic trip down memor y lane Finally, the Brusselspoort, one of Mechelen's last remaining medie val g ates, stands as a testament to the cit y ' s rich past,

D id you know that Mechelen is home to one of the most impressive and larg est carillons in the world ?

e carillon at St. Rumbold ' s Cathedral consists of a remarkable 49 bells, which are always turned up to their ma ximum volume. is medie val heavy metal instrume nt produces captivating melodies that can be heard resonating throughout the cit y. Some spe culate that the mesme rizing music of the carillon is responsible for the cathedral's unfinished tower, as the allure of the carillon's enchanting sounds has preve nted further construction S o, whe n you visit Me chelen, be pre pared to be surrounded by the magnifice nt melodies of this e xtraordinary carillon.

\ E a c c e n t s h u t t e r s t o c k

: e Shared Capital

Brussels, the capital cit y of Belg ium and the de facto capital of the European Union, is a vibrant and diverse metropolis that offers a unique blend of cultures, lang uag es, and attractions. While it may be considered a separate entit y in economic and political terms, the locals have their own perspectives on the cit y ' s identit y. For Dutch-speaking Belg ians, Brussels is seen as an integ ral part of Flanders, while French-speaking residents view it as part of Wallonia . Howe ver, these distinctions hold little sig nificance for visitors, as the y are warmly welcomed reg ardless of their backg round.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Brussels is its ling uistic diversit y. e cit y is officially biling ual, with both French and Dutch being recog nized as official lang uag es. Additionally, Eng lish is widely spoken, making it easier for tourists to navig ate the cit y and communicate with the locals. e multiling ual sig nag e may take some g etting used to, but it reflects the inclusive nature of the cit y and its residents' willing ness to embrace cultural differences.

When it comes to discussing Belg ium, certain topics are bound to bring people tog ether Belg ian fashion, renowned for its creativit y and crasmanship, is a subject that sparks pride among locals. e countr y ' s reputation for producing hig h-qualit y chocolate, delectable waffles, and a vast array of exquisite beers is also a source of national pride So, why not sit down with a Flemish, Walloon, or straig htfor ward Belg ian and eng ag e in a lively discussion about these shared cultural treasures ?

roug hout the year, Brussels hosts a variet y of e vents and festivals that cater to diverse interests. In mid-Februar y, the cit y comes alive with the "Brig ht Brussels

Festival Of L ig ht " During this e vent, contemporar y artists transform familiar landmarks into mesmerizing illuminated installations It's an enchanting experience that showcases the cit y ' s creative spirit visit brusse ls /en/sites/brig ht

In April, art enthusiasts can indulg e in the contemporar y fair known as "Art Brussels " With around 150 international g alleries participating , the e vent offers a unique opportunit y to explore the world of modern art (artbrussels com/en)

For histor y and culture enthusiasts, Gaasbeek Castle, located just southwest of Brussels in Anderlecht, is a must-visit destination. is year ' s major exhibition, " e Feast of Fools : Brueg el Rediscovered," captivated visitors with its exploration of Renaissance art and the castle's romantic ambiance www kastee lvang aasbe ek be

Another noteworthy attraction is the Floralia Brussels, a world-renowned floral display. Howe ver, for an e ven more breathtaking experience, consider visiting Kasteel Groot Bijg aarden, just outside the cit y In early spring , over one million bulbs are planted on the castle g rounds, transforming the estate into a captivating tapestr y of over 500 rare tulips and exotic plants. e picturesque setting , complete with a beautiful lake, offers a stunning backdrop for a leisurely stroll ( kasteelg rootbijg aarden.be).

Additionally, the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken open their doors for a limited t wo -week period in late spring , showcasing the vibrant azaleas in full bloom www br ussels be/visit-royalg re enho use s-laeken

For beer aficionados, Toer de Gueze is a must-visit e vent just outside Brussels in May. Traditional lambic breweries and

A n t o n I v a n o v s h u t t e r s t o c k 37

\ f u n k y f r o g s t o c k s h u t t e r s t o c k

e F e s e n k o s h u t t e r s t o c k

blending houses welcome the public, offering free g uided tours and the opportunit y to sample their exceptional brews ( horal be/en/toer-deg euze). In September, the Belg ian Beer Weekend takes place in Brussels, drawing in 60,000 beer enthusiasts to enjoy a wide selection of Belg ian beers ag ainst the backdrop of the iconic Grand-Place www.belgianbeer weekend.be www.belgianbrewers.be

Brueg el-themed g uided tour that takes visitors throug h the different stories connected to the renowned artist in the cit y centre. With six themed walks to choose from, these tours provide fresh perspectives on various parts of Brussels (visit.brussels/en/article/4brueg el-themed-g uided-tours) Additionally, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belg ium house works by Salvador Dalí and René Magritte. V isitors can explore the museum ' s extensive collection, including a special exhibition that runs until Februar y of the following year (fine-artsmuseum be/en/exhibitions/ dali-magritte)

For those seeking a different kind of cultural experience, Autoworld Brussels is an exciting destination. e museum currently hosts a special exhibition showcasing 50 iconic post-war Eng lish cars, offering a g limpse into the British automotive heritag e that has shaped lifest yle and culture (autoworld.be). e museum ' s location among the colonnades of Parc du Cinquantenaire adds to its allure.

No visit to Brussels would be complete without a visit to the iconic Atomium. Built

for the 1958 World Expo, this monumental structure has become a symbol of the cit y and Belg ium as a whole Exploring the tubes and spheres of the permanent exhibition inside the Atomium is a fascinating experience, and visitors can enjoy spectacular views of the cit y from the upper sphere www.atomium.be

One attraction that stands out for its uniqueness is Mini-Europe is interactive park allows visitors to explore scaleddown replicas of the most beautiful towns in Europe From mar velling at a functioning miniature Big Ben to witnessing the eruption of a model Vesuvius, there's a sense of wonder and playfulness as visitors navig ate throug h the tiny cities (minieurope com)

For those interested in politics and European affairs, a visit to the European Parliament is a must. V isitors can obser ve debates in the Hemic ycle, the vast debating chamber of the futuristic parliament building , and listen to translations in multiple lang uag es e European Parliament offers educational experiences for all ag es, including a discover y trail and the House of European Histor y. e Parliamentarium provides a fascinating journe y throug h the labyrinth of Continental politics and leg islature, offering insig hts into the European Union's working s (europarl.europa .eu/visiting/ en).

Brussels is a cit y that effortlessly blends cultures, lang uag es, and attractions. From its vibrant festivals and art exhibitions to its culinar y delig hts and architectural wonders, there is something

for e ver yone to enjoy Whether you ' re interested in histor y, art, food, or simply exploring the unique atmosphere of a multicultural cit y, Brussels is sure to captivate and leave a lasting impression

Brussels is famous for its

Brussels is also a must-visit for comic book enthusiasts, offering exhibitions, workshops, and a vast collection of comic books from around the

Exploring the Enchanting Beaut y of Meise Botanic Garden

comic book heritag e and is oen referred to as the "Comic Strip Capital " e cit y has a rich histor y of comic book creation and is the birthplace of many beloved comic book characters, including the world-renowned reporter Tintin, created by Belg ian cartoonist Herg é To celebrate its comic book leg ac y, Brussels has dedicated se veral colourful murals throug hout the cit y, known as "comic book walls." ese vibrant, larg er-than-life murals depict scenes from famous Belg ian comic books and add a touch of whimsy to the cit y ' s streets V isitors can take self-g uided tours to explore these artistic masterpieces and immerse themselves in the world of Belg ian comic books e Comic Strip Centre in

Nestled in the heart of Belg ium, just a short trip from Brussels Meise Botanic Garden stands as a tranquil oasis, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the captivating world of flora and fauna . With its rich botanical heritag e and breathtaking landscapes, this hidden g em offers an unforg ettable experience for nature enthusiasts and wanderers alike Captivating Gardens : Spanning over 92 hectares, Meise Botanic Garden boasts an extensive collection of

M e i s e B o t a n i c G a r d e n M e i s e B o t a n i c G a r d e n 41

plants from around the g lobe As you wander throug h its diverse g ardens, you'll encounter a mesmerizing array of flowers, trees, and shrubs, each one re vealing its unique charm. From the vibrant colors of the Rose Garden to the serenit y of the Japanese Garden, there is an ambiance of beaut y and serenit y at e ver y turn

Hidden Gems:

Meise Botanic Garden is

a series of g lasshouses, houses rare and exotic plants, creating an enchanting tropical paradise. e Tree Arboretum offers a delig htful stroll amidst towering trees from various continents, showcasing the awe-inspiring diversit y of the plant king dom.

Educational and Enter taining :

Be yond its natural allure, Meise Botanic Garden also caters to the curious minds of all ag es.

Group Discounts

Meise Botanic Garden offers g roup discounts for those planning a visit with friends, family, or org anizations

home to se veral hidden g ems that will leave visitors awestruck e Plant Palace,

e educational facilities and g uided tours provide fascinating insig hts into the world of botany and conser vation. e interactive exhibitions and workshops eng ag e visitors in hands-on activities, making learning a joyful experience

A Feast for the Senses : Meise Botanic Garden is not just a visual delig ht but also a treat for the senses e frag rant aromas of blooming flowers and the harmonious sounds of birdsong create a symphony of nature ' s wonders Pack a picnic and find a peaceful spot to savor the tranquilit y or relish a refreshing cup of tea at the g arden's charming café, surrounded by the beaut y of nature.

Whether you are seeking a peaceful retreat or a journe y of discover y, Meise Botanic

Garden is a destination that will leave an indelible mark on your heart. With its breathtaking g ardens, educational opportunities, and enchanting ambiance, this botanical haven invites you to escape the hustle and bustle of e ver yday life and reconnect with the beaut y and serenit y of the natural world Plan your visit today and explore the wonders of Meise Botanic Garden at www.meisebotanicgarden.be

Add some wonder to your walk • One of Europe’s largest botanical gardens • Historic castle grounds • 10 themed gardens and tropical greenhouses • Local Belgian cuisine and beers • Electric Botanic Garden Train meisebotanicgarden.be M e i s e B o t a n i c G a r d e n 42
S e r g e y D z y u b a s h u t t e r s t o c k 43

Welcome at Peace Village

Where to find us?

Messines, Belgium's smallest city, is steeped in history. Less than 10 km (15 minutes by car) from Ypres or the French border and with a view over the former battlefields, peaceful views are everywhere.


The Peace Village also houses a restaurant, several meeting rooms and a conference room for large events. All in all, ideally equipped for schools, youth groups or business conferences. In the evening, we can recommend you to try a local ale in our bar with game facilities and live sports.

Activities at Peace Village

Besides our two football pitches, the facilities also include a netball field, pingpong, pool table and table football. Campfires and karaoke are possible after reservation. Our local guides are happy to tailor your itinerary and in Flanders Fields, the cycling paradise is never far away.

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