7 minute read
e Shared Capital
Brussels, the capital cit y of Belg ium and the de facto capital of the European Union, is a vibrant and diverse metropolis that offers a unique blend of cultures, lang uag es, and attractions While it may be considered a separate entit y in economic and political terms, the locals have their own perspectives on the cit y ' s identit y For Dutch-speaking Belg ians, Brussels is seen as an integ ral part of Flanders, while French-speaking residents view it as part of Wallonia . Howe ver, these distinctions hold little sig nificance for visitors, as the y are warmly welcomed reg ardless of their backg round.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Brussels is its ling uistic diversit y. e cit y is officially biling ual, with both French and Dutch being recog nized as official lang uag es. Additionally, Eng lish is widely spoken, making it easier for tourists to navig ate the cit y and communicate with the locals. e multiling ual sig nag e may take some g etting used to, but it reflects the inclusive nature of the cit y and its residents' willing ness to embrace cultural differences
When it comes to discussing Belg ium, certain topics are bound to bring people tog ether. Belg ian fashion, renowned for its creativit y and crasmanship, is a subject that sparks pride among locals e countr y ' s reputation for producing hig h-qualit y chocolate, delectable waffles, and a vast array of exquisite beers is also a source of national pride. So, why not sit down with a Flemish, Walloon, or straig htfor ward Belg ian and eng ag e in a lively discussion about these shared cultural treasures ?
roug hout the year, Brussels hosts a variet y of e vents and festivals that cater to diverse interests In mid-Februar y, the cit y comes alive with the "Brig ht Brussels
Festival Of L ig ht." During this e vent, contemporar y artists transform familiar landmarks into mesmerizing illuminated installations. It's an enchanting experience that showcases the cit y ' s creative spirit visit.brusse ls /en/sites/brig ht
In April, art enthusiasts can indulg e in the contemporar y fair known as "Art Brussels." With around 150 international g alleries participating , the e vent offers a unique opportunit y to explore the world of modern art (artbrussels com/en)
For histor y and culture enthusiasts, Gaasbeek Castle, located just southwest of Brussels in Anderlecht, is a must-visit destination. is year ' s major exhibition, " e Feast of Fools : Brueg el Rediscovered," captivated visitors with its exploration of Renaissance art and the castle's romantic ambiance www kastee lvang aasbe ek be
Another noteworthy attraction is the Floralia Brussels, a world-renowned floral display. Howe ver, for an e ven more breathtaking experience, consider visiting Kasteel Groot Bijg aarden, just outside the cit y. In early spring , over one million bulbs are planted on the castle g rounds, transforming the estate into a captivating tapestr y of over 500 rare tulips and exotic plants e picturesque setting , complete with a beautiful lake, offers a stunning backdrop for a leisurely stroll ( kasteelg rootbijg aarden be)
Additionally, the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken open their doors for a limited t wo -week period in late spring , showcasing the vibrant azaleas in full bloom www br ussels be/visit-royalg re enho use s-laeken
For beer aficionados, Toer de Gueze is a must-visit e vent just outside Brussels in May Traditional lambic breweries and

\ f u n k y f r o g s t o c k s h u t t e r s t o c k blending houses welcome the public, offering free g uided tours and the opportunit y to sample their exceptional brews ( horal.be/en/toer-deg euze). In September, the Belg ian Beer Weekend takes place in Brussels, drawing in 60,000 beer enthusiasts to enjoy a wide selection of Belg ian beers ag ainst the backdrop of the iconic Grand-Place www.belgianbeer weekend.be www.belgianbrewers.be

Brueg el-themed g uided tour that takes visitors throug h the different stories connected to the renowned artist in the cit y centre With six themed walks to choose from, these tours provide fresh perspectives on various parts of Brussels (visit.brussels/en/article/4brueg el-themed-g uided-tours ). Additionally, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belg ium house works by Salvador Dalí and René Mag ritte. V isitors can explore the museum ' s extensive collection, including a special exhibition that runs until Februar y of the following year (fine-artsmuseum.be/en/exhibitions/ dali-mag ritte).
For those seeking a different kind of cultural experience, Autoworld Brussels is an exciting destination e museum currently hosts a special exhibition showcasing 50 iconic post-war Eng lish cars, offering a g limpse into the British automotive heritag e that has shaped lifest yle and culture (autoworld.be). e museum ' s location among the colonnades of Parc du Cinquantenaire adds to its allure.
No visit to Brussels would be complete without a visit to the iconic Atomium Built for the 1958 World Expo, this monumental structure has become a symbol of the cit y and Belg ium as a whole Exploring the tubes and spheres of the permanent exhibition inside the Atomium is a fascinating experience, and visitors can enjoy spectacular views of the cit y from the upper sphere www.atomium.be
One attraction that stands out for its uniqueness is Mini-Europe. is interactive park allows visitors to explore scaleddown replicas of the most beautiful towns in Europe From mar velling at a functioning miniature Big Ben to witnessing the eruption of a model Vesuvius, there's a sense of wonder and playfulness as visitors navig ate throug h the tiny cities (minieurope.com).
For those interested in politics and European affairs, a visit to the European Parliament is a must. V isitors can obser ve debates in the Hemic ycle, the vast debating chamber of the futuristic parliament building , and listen to translations in multiple lang uag es. e European Parliament offers educational experiences for all ag es, including a discover y trail and the House of European Histor y e Parliamentarium provides a fascinating journe y throug h the labyrinth of Continental politics and leg islature, offering insig hts into the European Union's working s (europarl europa eu/visiting/ en).
Brussels is a cit y that effortlessly blends cultures, lang uag es, and attractions. From its vibrant festivals and art exhibitions to its culinar y delig hts and architectural wonders, there is something for e ver yone to enjoy Whether you ' re interested in histor y, art, food, or simply exploring the unique atmosphere of a multicultural cit y, Brussels is sure to captivate and leave a lasting impression.

Brussels is famous for its comic book heritag e and is oen referred to as the "Comic Strip Capital." e cit y has a rich histor y of comic book creation and is the birthplace of many beloved comic book characters, including the world-renowned reporter Tintin, created by Belg ian cartoonist Herg é To celebrate its comic book leg ac y, Brussels has dedicated se veral colourful murals throug hout the cit y, known as "comic book walls." ese vibrant, larg er-than-life murals depict scenes from famous Belg ian comic books and add a touch of whimsy to the cit y ' s streets V isitors can take self-g uided tours to explore these artistic masterpieces and immerse themselves in the world of Belg ian comic books. e Comic Strip Centre in
Brussels is also a must-visit for comic book enthusiasts, offering exhibitions, workshops, and a vast collection of comic books from around the
Exploring the Enchanting Beaut y of Meise Botanic Garden
Nestled in the heart of Belg ium, just a short trip from Brussels Meise Botanic Garden stands as a tranquil oasis, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the captivating world of flora and fauna With its rich botanical heritag e and breathtaking landscapes, this hidden g em offers an unforg ettable experience for nature enthusiasts and wanderers alike.Captivating Gardens : Spanning over 92 hectares, Meise Botanic Garden boasts an extensive collection of plants from around the g lobe. As you wander throug h its diverse g ardens, you'll encounter a mesmerizing array of flowers, trees, and shrubs, each one re vealing its unique charm From the vibrant colors of the Rose Garden to the serenit y of the Japanese Garden, there is an ambiance of beaut y and serenit y at e ver y turn

Hidden Gems: Meise Botanic Garden is rare and exotic plants, creating an enchanting tropical paradise e Tree Arboretum offers a delig htful stroll amidst towering trees from various continents, showcasing the awe-inspiring diversit y of the plant king dom.
Educational and Enter taining :

Be yond its natural allure, Meise Botanic Garden also caters to the curious minds of all ag es g roup discounts for those planning a visit with friends, family, or org anizations
A Feast for the Senses : home to se veral hidden g ems that will leave visitors awestruck . e Plant Palace, a series of g lasshouses, houses
e educational facilities and g uided tours provide fascinating insig hts into the world of botany and conser vation. e interactive exhibitions and workshops eng ag e visitors in hands-on activities, making learning a joyful experience.

Group Discounts
Meise Botanic Garden offers
Meise Botanic Garden is not just a visual delig ht but also a treat for the senses. e frag rant aromas of blooming flowers and the harmonious sounds of birdsong create a symphony of nature ' s wonders Pack a picnic and find a peaceful spot to savor the tranquilit y or relish a refreshing cup of tea at the g arden's charming café, surrounded by the beaut y of nature
Whether you are seeking a peaceful retreat or a journe y of discover y, Meise Botanic Garden is a destination that will leave an indelible mark on your heart With its breathtaking g ardens, educational opportunities, and enchanting ambiance, this botanical haven invites you to escape the hustle and bustle of e ver yday life and reconnect with the beaut y and serenit y of the natural world Plan your visit today and explore the wonders of Meise Botanic Garden at www.meisebotanicgarden.be