Historic Houses Castles and Gardens 2023

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Historic Houses,Ca stl es and Gard e ns 2023

A Beau Business Media Publication

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Welcome... Contents

Histor ic Houses and Gardens Supplement 2023

e 2023 edition of the Historic Houses, Castles and Gardens

Supplement is a must-have for those looking to explore the rich and diverse heritage of the British Isles With a fantastic collection of treasures waiting to be discovered , this supplement is packed full of inspiration for those looking to delve into our histor y and culture

e British Isles has a long and rich histor y, and it is no sur prise that this small geographical area is famous for its extraordinar y buildings, castles, and gardens From the most opulent of houses, to the most humble and important buildings of national significance, there is something here for ever yone

Whether your group is interested in royal histor y, or in exploring the opulence and extravagance of the past, this supplement will provide you with the information you need to plan your next adventure. From grand and stately homes to historic castles and beautifully landscaped gardens, the heritage and culture of the British Isles is truly something to behold.

In these pages, you will find a veritable mix of heritage and culture to explore, making 2023 the per fect time to celebrate all that the British Isles has to offer. Your support of these historic buildings, gardens, and places will help ensure that the y are preserved for generations to come and will allow others to experience the rich and diverse histor y of these incredible islands.

So why not plan a visit today and discover the rich heritage that Britain has to offer?

Welcome Heritage Organisations Location , Location , Location Spotlight on ... East of England East Midlands Hear t of England London Nor th East Nor th West South East South West Yorkshire Wales Scotland Ireland 3 4 8 10 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 32 36 38 40
This is a is a controlled circulation publication and freely available to qualifying applicants Care is taken to ensure that the infor mation contained within the magazine is accurate However, the publisher cannot accept liability for er rors or omissions, no matter how they arise Readers are advised to get facts and statements confir med by suppliers when making enquiries The opinions of the author are not necessarily those as the publisher All rights are reser ved No reproduction of any par t of this magazine may be car ried out without the consent of the publisher being obtained in the first instance Beau Business Media Group Ltd Publishing House, Windr ush, Ash Lane, Bir mingham, B48 7TS Tel: 0121 445 6961 e-mail: beaubusinessmedia@gmail com Sales:
Brett James Kirby
Design: Alexina Whittaker

At times, it can be overwhelming to discern the ownership of heritage organisations in the UK due to their sheer number. We present a g uide to help you navigate the world of Britain’s heritage.

Cadw / Historic Environment Scotl and / Love Heritage

NI Government

ag encies which run and promote historic building s and monuments on behalf of the de volved administrations of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively Cadw means ‘ protect ’ in Welsh and that is just what the y do, opening and looking aer 121

historic sites in Wales, which has the thickest densit y of castles in Europe HES and Love Heritag e NI do the same job for sites in Scotland and in Northern Ireland from castles to heng es. www.cadw.gov.wales /www.historicenvironment.scot / www.communities-ni.gov.uk

English Heritage

ing s are different in Eng land where Eng lish Heritag e is a stand alone national charit y which has been independent of g overnment since 1983. With a real focus on families, EH helps us all “Step into Eng land’s Stor y ” at over 400 historic places. www.english-heritage.org.uk

Heritage O pen Days / Doors O pen Days

Charities that encourag e public access to historic places, which are not normally open over a special festival period each September or October and including e ver y thing from townhouses, factories and mills to wartime bunkers. Look out for the pink bunting on 9 to 18 September 2022 in Eng land, and September weekends in Scotland www.heritageopendays.org.uk / www.doorsopendays.org.uk

Historic Houses

A not-for-profit org anisation which represents over 1500 owners of historic houses and their associated estates, g ardens and parks

Independently owned and sometimes idiosyncratic, members include many of the g reatest houses in the land O ver 320 are open reg ularly to the public, you can stay in some, g et married in many and others offer tours on specific dates. www.historichouses.org

Historic Royal Pal aces

e org anisation that runs and looks aer the six castles and palaces which belong to the nation and are not the private propert y of the Royal Family. www.hrp.org.uk

The L andmark Trust

A charit y that has rescued and restored over 200 neg lected historic building s, oen hig hly eccentric ones, so the y can be used for holiday lets Weekend in e Pig st y, anyone ? www.landmarktr ust.org.uk

Local authorities

Your local authorit y probably owns at least some historic building s and, of course, museums Many also own extraordinar y sites that rang e from ships to archaeolog y.

National Gardens Scheme / Scotl and’s Gardens

Charities set up aer World War 1 to raise mone y for nursing by donating fees g enerated by opening private g ardens to visitors. Now expanded to include g roups of villag e g ardens, providing g arden inspiration for all www.ngs.org.uk / www.scotlandsgardens.org

National Trust / National Trust for Scotl and National charities which have been caring for historic building s, countr yside and coastline “for e ver yone, for e ver ” since 1895 and 1931 respectively NT Eng land and Wales now has 5 million members and looks aer 300 historic building s, hundreds of miles of coastline and thousands of acres of countr yside. NT Scotland is smaller, with around 129 building s. www.nationaltr ust.org.uk / www.nts.org.uk

Other Organizations

Look be yond historic building s and there are plent y of org anisations whate ver your passion : the Association of Eng lish Cathedrals ; Association for Industrial Archaeolog y ; Battlefields Trust ; British Association of Friends of Museums ; Canal and River Trust ; Churches Conser vation Trust ; Council for British Archaeolog y ; Maritime Trust ; National Piers Societ y ; R ailway Heritag e Trust ; eatres Trust and many more e y variously own and run heritag e sites or org anise lectures, online study, visits and social e vents. It’s really just up to you to decide how you want to g et involved.


Bamburgh Ca stle in Northumberl and , Engl and , is over 1,400 years old and has been home to kings, saints, and warriors. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the region.

P a n g l o s s i a n s h u t t e r s t o c k

Location, location, location... Great Britain's stunning collection of ma jestic castles and stately homes has made it the top destination for filmmakers and movie location scouts. These photogenic locations offer an authentic snapshot of a certain period , making them the per fect choice for cinematic productions.

From the g randeur of Highclere Castle in Hampshire, Engl and , which served as the iconic filming location for Downton Abbe y, to the impressive Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, Engl and , which has been featured in Pride and Pre judice and The Duchess, these locations provide a picturesque backdrop for any film.

Other popul ar choices include Alnwick Castle in Northumberl and , Engl and , which pl ayed a starring role in the Harr y Potter films, and Culzean Castle in Ayrshire, Scotl and , which has appeared in Outl ander and The Wicker Man.

W hether it's a period drama or a fantasy adventure, these stunning locations have become a staple in the film industr y and continue to inspire filmmakers and moviegoers alike.

TOWE r OF LONDON - has been used in numerous films and T V series, including The Crown, Eliz abeth: The Golden Age, and Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides

One interesting anecdote about the Tower of London is that the ravens that live on the grounds are considered to be the guardians of the tower Legend has it that if the ravens ever leave, the tower will fall and the kingdom will crumble Visitors can save up to 30% on tickets if the y book for a group of 15 or more people www.hr p.org.uk/tower-of-london/#gs.r4qpus

WESTMiNSTE r ABBEy - has appeared in several films and T V series, including Four Weddings and a Funeral and The Da Vinci Code. An interesting anecdote about Westminster Abbe y is that it is home to a number of famous tombs, including those of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Geoffre y Chaucer. Visitors can save 10% on tickets if the y book for a group of 20 or more people. www.westminster-abbe y.org/visit-us

H AMPTON COurT PAL ACE - has been featured in several T V series and films, including The Other Bole yn Girl and The Tudors. One interesting anecdote about Hampton Court Palace is that it is said to be haunted by the ghost of Catherine Howard , the fifth wife of King Henr y VIII Visitors can save up to 15% on tickets if the y book for a group of 15 or more people www.hr p.org.uk/hampton-court-palace

OxFOrD uNi vE r SiT y - has been used as a filming location for several films and T V series, including Harr y Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, The Theor y of Ever ything , and Inspector Morse. An interesting anecdote about Oxford Universit y is that it has produced more British prime ministers than any other institution, including David Cameron and Theresa May. Visitors can save up to 15% on tickets if the y book for a group of 15 or more people.

www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/visiting/visiting-ox ford

DINBURGH C ASTL E - Edinburgh Castle has been used as a filming location for several movies, including Mar y, Queen of Scots and Outlaw King. One interesting anecdote about Edinburgh Castle is that it was once used as a prison, and many prisoners were executed within its walls. Visitors can save up to 20% on tickets if the y book for a group of 15 or more people.


BATH - The cit y of Bath has been used as a filming location for several movies and T V series, including Jane Austen's Persuasion and The Duchess One interesting anecdote about Bath is that Jane Austen lived in the cit y for a number of years and set two of her novels, Northanger Abbe y and Persuasion, there Visitors can save up to 20% on tickets if the y book for a group of 10 or more people Visit www visitbath co uk/ for more information .

HIGHCL E RE C ASTL E - the setting for the T V series Downton Abbe y, has become a popular tourist attraction in the UK One interesting anecdote about Highclere Castle is that it has been owned by the same family, the Carnarvons, for over 300 years. Visitors can save up to 10% on tickets if the y book for a group of 15 or more people.


CH ATSWORTH HOUSE - has been used as a filming location for several movies and T V series, including Pride and Pre judice and The Crown. One interesting anecdote about Chatsworth House is that it was used as a filming location for the movie The Duchess, which tells the stor y of Georgiana Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire, who lived at Chatsworth in the 18th centur y. Visitors can save up to 20% on tickets if the y book for a group of 15 or more people.

www.chatsworth.org/visit/plan- your-visit/

THE ROYAL PAVIL ION - The Royal Pavilion in Brighton has been used as a filming location for several movies and T V series, including The Young Victoria and Poirot One interesting anecdote about the Royal Pavilion is that it was used as a militar y hospital during World War I Visitors can save up to 20% on tickets if the y book for a group of 10 or more people

www brightonmuseums org uk/royalpavilion/

THE GLOBE THE ATRE - in London has been used as a filming location for several movies and T V series, including Shakespeare in Love and The Hollow Crown. An interesting anecdote about the Globe Theatre is that it is a replica of the original theatre, which was built in 1599 and burned down in 1613 during a per formance of Shakespeare's Henr y VIII. Visitors can save up to 20% on tickets if the y book for a group of 15 or more people.


So there you have it, some of the most iconic historical attractions in the UK , along with some interesting anecdotes and group discount information

Whether you ' re a histor y buff or a film fan, these attractions are well worth a visit

g o g a 1 8 1 2 8 s h u t t e r s t o c k

Hampton Court Pal ace is a sumptuous architectural master piece situated on the banks of the Thames in southwest London. Built in the early 16th centur y, it was once the residence of King Henr y VIII, who l avishly expanded and furnished the pal ace with priceless artwork and ornate furnishings.

One of the most intrig uing aspects of Hampton Court Pal ace is its famous hedge maze, which covers over half an acre of l and and dates back to the 17th centur y. Legend has it that a young l ady once became so lost in the maze that she had to be rescued by a g roup of gardeners.

Another interesting feature of the pal ace is its impressive astronomical clock, which is said to have been built by a 16th centur y clockmaker named Nichol as Kratzer. The clock is not only stunning to behold , but also boasts a number of astronomical functions, such as tracking the phases of the moon.

Finally, it's worth noting that Hampton Court Pal ace has pl ayed host to many important events throughout its histor y, including the christening of Prince Edward (son of Queen Elizabeth II) in 1964. With its rich histor y, stunning architecture, and fascinating features, Hampton Court Pal ace is truly a British treasure that continues to captivate visitors from around the world .

Spotlight on...

1620s House and Garden

e house is a sur viving example of a family home built in the 13th centur y and then modernised in 1618 Surrounding the house are period g ardens and woodland planted as part of the National Forest.

Address- e 1620s House and Garden, Leicestershire, UK , Manor Road, Coalville, United King dom, LE67 2F W

Email address1620shouse@leics g ov uk Phone number- 01455 290429

Admission details- ere is an admission charg e to the site, which allows unlimited repeat visits on non-event open days for a 12-month period. Family tickets available See website for details Free parking

Facilites- toilets and wheelchair accessible toilets on site. Assisted wheelchair users are welcome but there is restricted access to the upper floors of the house Staff assistance available Hearing loop/equipment available.

‘Architecture as theatre’ in the hear t of Devon

Recently described by Simon Jenkins in e Guardian as “architecture as theatre,”* Exeter Cathedral has stood at the heart

of Devon for nearly a thousand years Awe-inspiring beaut y and a fascinating histor y makes it a popular group travel destination, and Trip Advisor ’ s top -ranked ‘thing to do in Devon ’**

V isitors can explore the building and learn more about Exeter Cathedral’s histor y with a choice of entertaining tours ( including roof tours), and audio g uides in Eng lish, French, Italian and German ey can discover a unique g i collection in the Cathedral Shop, and enjoy locally-produced drinks and refreshments at the Ten Fi y café

For a truly unique experience, the cathedral hosts a vibrant calendar of events, performances, exhibitions and inclusive ser vices to suit all tastes Groups can also make an appointment to visit the L ibrar y & Archives and see treasures dating back over a thousand years

Special admission rates for groups of ten or more start at £5.50 per person for an ung uided visit, or £6 to include a standard tour Special tours are available from £8 per person

To find out more visit www.exetercathedral.org.uk/ plan-your-visit or email visit@exeter- cathedral.org.uk

Fur ther information about coach parking near Exeter Cathedral can be found at bit.ly/exeter- coaches

R aby Castle

R aby Castle is a landmark location in Count y Durham. V isit one of the most impressive intact castles in the North of Eng land, with a powerful exterior and superb collections. e castle is steeped in histor y, built by the powerful Nevilles in the 14th centur y, it has been the family home of the Vanes for nearly 400 years. Explore the picturesque parkland and meet the herds of red and fallow deer Join us for a delicious lunch at the Yurt Cafe and complete your day by heading over to the Hunters Yard to browse the beautiful Stables Shop.



1464 during the Wars of the Roses It has been the birthplace for a philanthropic foundation and favourite of V ictorian inventor and eng ineer, William Georg e Armstrong who restored Bamburg h Castle into his vision of the quintessential castle that stands today.

e Castle is still privately owned and manag ed by the Armstrong family.

Today, g uests can experience the mag ic, leg ends, folklore and rich histor y of the Castle and explore its State Rooms crammed with incredible artefacts like the Bamburg h Beast, a 7th centur y g old plaque, and explore nine acres of grounds with jawdropping sea views.

Bamburgh Castle

e fair y-tale like structure of Bamburg h Castle stands tall above the spectacular Northumberland shoreline, making this one of the most famous castles in the world

A natural fortress forg ed by volcanic rock, crashing waves and shiing sands, archaeolog ists believe people have lived here since the Bronze Ag e

e Castle’s royal ties date back to the 6th centur y King s of Northumbria who chose Bamburg h as their capital – a cosmopolitan citadel which drew people from across Europe.

Reimag ined by monarchs over the centuries as a Royal Palace and militar y fortress during wrests for power between Eng land and Scotland, the Castle has been an impenetrable Norman strong hold, the first castle to fall to cannon fire in

New immersive and interactive interpretations g ive a window into the Castle’s past and the people who have shaped its journey, while fans of hit Netflix series e Last King dom can g et up close to costumes and props worn by actors in an exclusive exhibition at the Castle which was the orig inal fortress of Bebbanburg that inspired both the series and Bernard Cornwell’s epic Sa xon Stories.

A hidden g em inside Bamburg h Castle is the newly refurbished Armstrong & Aviation museum New interpretations tell the stor y of William Armstrong and his mar vellous inventions that led to leg acies including the famous Spitfire aircra, Tower Bridg e and ever yday electric lig hting in our homes Connect with pioneering aviation histor y and Armstrong ' s brilliant innovations in the air, land and sea . Entr y is included with g eneral admission tickets

Bamburgh Castle is open daily with tickets available to buy online at www.bamburghcastle.com or at the gate. The Castle grounds are dog friendly

P h o t o g r a p h © E m m a S o l l e y

Un c ove r H i s to r y a t R a b y C a s t l e

Without a doubt, one of the most impressive intact castles in the Nor th of England.

Built by the mighty Nevill in the 14th Century, Raby has been home to Lord Barnard’s family since 1626 You’ll be fascinated as knowledgeable and friendly guides help bring histor y to life with a guided tour with our knowledgeable guides of the halls and chambers, which house fabulous interiors, art collections and dramatic architecture.

Enjoy a stroll outdoors and spot wildlife in the deer park A visit to the café and browse around the shop all combine for a memorable day out.

To find out more and book , visit: www.raby.co.uk

Raby Castle, Staindrop, County Durham, DL2 3AH

01833 660202 admin@raby.co.uk

Royal History

e King Richard III V isitor Centre is celebrating the 10th Anniversar y of Richard III ’ s rediscover y and reinterment, can you believe it has been 10 years since the greatest archaeolog ical detective stor y ever told, happened ? is year they are celebrating the 8th Anniversar y of the Reinterment of K RIII and of course all thing s CRIII Royal coronations are a piece of living medieval histor y, this is the first for almost 70 years and many aspects will be as they were during the ceremony that Richard III would have witnessed over 500 years ag o,

but not all coronations are the same Richard III and his Queen, Anne Neville, had a dual coronation on the 6th July 1483 Dual coronations are when the King and the Queen are coronated at the same time, something of a rarit y, having only occurred three times prior to Richard & Anne’s ceremony, and here we are 540 years later and Charles III and Queen Camilla will also be having a dual coronation, the King being coronated with all the reg alia of the medieval ceremony while Camilla will be crowned Queen Consort in a shorter and simpler ceremony both at Westminster Abbey on the 6th May 2023 Celebrate with us, come and see the grave site of Richard III and the multi-award-winning exhibition about his life, death, and re-discover y, on the ver y site where the incredible stor y of the King under the car park, last to die in battle, first to be DNA

tested, occurred As part of the 10th Anniversar y Celebrations the King Richard III V isitor Centre have an Annual Pass offer, valid for a year from purchase, £10 for Adults, £5 for Children (5-15), £25 for

Families (2 Adults, 2 Children under 16), £9 for O ver 60’s and Students, Children under 5 and official carers are free of charg e


10th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS www.kriii.com groups@kriii.com 0116 229 4132 Over 20% Group Rate Discount Free Entry for Tour Leader and Coach Driver Free Familiarisation Visit and Meet & Greet on Arrival MAKE YOUR VISIT PART OF HISTORY


Based around the ancient kingdom of East Anglia , the East of Engl and covers the six counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Nor folk and Suffolk

Anglesey Abbey

Gardens & Lode Mill, Quy Road, Lode, Cambridgeshire, CB25 9EJ tel: 01223 810080

Ashridge Ringshall

Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, HP4 1LT tel: 01442 851227 www nationaltrust org uk/ashridge

Belchamp Hall

Belchamp Walter Sudbury Suffolk CO10 7AT tel: 01787 881961 www belchamphall com

Benington Lordship Gardens

Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 7BS tel: 01438 869668 www beningtonlordship co uk

Berkhamsted Castle

Berkhamsted St Albans Hertfordshire tel: 01223 582700 www berkhamsted-castle org uk

Blickling Hall

Blickling Norwich Norfolk NR11 6NF tel: 01263 738030 www nationaltrust org uk/blickling

Bradenham Hall Gardens

Bradenham Thetford Norfolk IP25 7QP tel: 01362 687279 www bradenhamhall co uk

Cambridge University Botanic Garden

1 Brookside Cambridge CB2 1JE tel: 01223 336265

Castle Acre Priory

Stocks Green Castle Acre King'S Lynn Norfolk PE32 2XD tel: 01760 755394

Docwra's Manor Garden

Shepreth Royston Hertfordshire SG8 6PS tel: 01763 261473 www docwrasmanorgarden co uk

Elton Hall

Nr Peterborough, PE8 6SH tel: 01832 280468 www eltonhall com

Felbrigg Hall

Felbrigg, Norwich, Norfolk, NR11 8PR tel: 01263 837444

Flatford Bridge Cottage

Flatford, East Bergholt, Colchester, Essex, CO7 6UL tel: 01206 298260 www nationaltrust org uk/flatford-bridge-cottage

Framlingham Castle

Framlingham Suffolk IP13 9BP tel: 01728 724189

Gainsborough's House

46 Gainsborough St Sudbury Suffolk CO10 2EU tel: 01787 372958


St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 6AH tel: 01727 854051 www englisheritage org uk/visit/places/old-gorhambury-house/

Hadleigh Guildhall

Hadleigh Suffolk IP7 5DT tel: 01473 822544 www hadleightownhall co uk

Hatfield House

Hatfield House Hatfield Hertfordshire AL9 5NQ Tel: 01707 287010 www hatfield-house co uk

Hindringham Hall Gardens

Hindringham Hall, Hindringham, Fakenham Norfolk, NR21 0QA

Opening dates for 2023 are from 29th Marchl to September 27th or by arrangement

Contact : Charles Tucker Tel: 01328

878226 www hindringhamhall org

Haughley Park

Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 3JY tel: 01359 24070

www haughleyparkbarn co uk

Helmingham Hall Gardens

Helmingham Suffolk IP14 6EF tel: 01473 890799

Holkham Hall

Wells-next-the-Sea Norfolk NR23 1AB tel: 01328 710227

Houghton Hall

Houghton King's Lynn Norfolk PE31 6UE tel: 01485 528569

Hoveton Hall Gardens

Wroxham, Norwich, Norfolk, NR12 8RJ tel: 01603 782798 www hovetonhallgardens co uk

Hylands House & Estate

Hylands Park London Road Chelmsford CM2 8WQ tel: 01245 605500

Ickworth House

Parkland Woodland & Gardens Horringer Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP29 5QE tel: 01284 735270

Kentwell Hall

Long Melford, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9BA tel:01787 310 207 www kentwell co uk

Knebworth House

The Estate Office Knebworth House Knebworth Hertfordshire SG3 6PY tel: 01438 812661

Mannington Estate

Mannington Hall, Norwich, NR11 7BB

Tel : 01263 584175 www manningtonestate co uk

Melford Hall Long Melford Sudbury Suffolk CO10 9AA tel: 01787 379228 www melfordhall co uk

Moggerhanger Park, Park Road Moggerhanger Bedfordshire MK44 3RW www moggerhangerpark com

Oliver Cromwell's House

29 St Mary'S Street Ely Cambridgeshire CB7 4HF tel: 01353 662062 visitely eastcambs gov uk/cromwell/oliver-cromwells-house

Otley Hall

Hall Lane Otley Suffolk IP6 9PA tel: 01473 890264 www otleyhall co uk

Oxburgh Hall

Oxborough, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE33 9PS tel: 01366 328258

Raveningham Gardens

Raveningham, Norwich, Norfolk, NR14 6NS tel: 01508 548152 www raveningham com


Sandringham, Norfolk, PE35 6EN

Sandringham is the much-loved country retreat of the British Royal Family in Norfolk Sandringham House is nestled in historic Gardens, surrounded by 243 Hectares of dog friendly Royal Parkland, with nature trails and an adventure play area. Delicious local Estate produce can be found in the restaurant, café and shop at the Courtyard

Tel: 01485 545400 www sandringhamestate co uk

Shaw's Corner

Ayot St Lawrence Welwyn Hertfordshire AL6 9BX tel: 01438 820307 www nationaltrust org uk/shaws-corner


Old Warden Bedfordshire SG18 9EP tel: 01767 627927 www shuttleworth org

Somerleyton Hall & Gardens

Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 5QQ tel: 08712 224244 www somerleyton co uk

Elton Hall and Gardens Elton Hall, Elton, Nr Peterborough, PE8 6SH Telephone 07949 495422 / 01832 280468 Email: events@eltonhall.com


Make for historic East Midlands for magnificent castles and stately homes that provide a unique glimpse into the past.


Northampton, NN7 4HQ tel: 01604 770107 www althorp com

Aubourn Hall

Lincoln LN5 9DZ tel: 01522 788224 www aubournhall co uk

Bolsover Castle

Castle Street, Bolsover

Derbyshire S44 6PR

Tel: 01246 822844

www englishheritage org uk/bolsovercastle

Walk in the footsteps of master horseman William Cavendish, first Duke of Newcastle and learn about his extraordinar y life and its influence on this 17thcentur y fair ytale castle he created for pleasure Explore the exquisite Little Castle with replica tapestries and furnishing s and stroll around the wall walk which offers panoramic countr yside views and an over view of the Venus Garden below The impressive Riding House features an introductor y exhibition and summer weekend displays of costumed horsemanship (small charg e applies), which celebrate Cavendish’s passion for training horses Pre-booked g uided tours are available at an additional cost

Boughton House

Boughton House, Kettering, NN14 1BJ Tel: 01536 515731 www boughtonhouse org uk

Burghley House

Stamford Lincolnshire PE9 3JY tel: 01780 752451 www burghley co uk

Catton Hall

Catton Walton-On-Trent South Derbyshire DE12 8LN tel: 01283 716311 www catton-hall com

Chatsworth Chatsworth, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1PP tel: 01246 565300 www chatsworth org

Deene Park

Deene Park Deene Northamptonshire NN173EG

Home of the Brudenell family since 1514, Deene Park is a largely Tudor and Georgian mansion with links to the Crimean War

Tel: 01780 450278

Email: admin@deenepark.com

Easton Walled Gardens

Easton Walled Gardens, Easton, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG33 5AP tel: 01476 530063 www eastonwalledgardens co uk

Elsham Hall Gardens & Country Park

Elsham, North Lincolnshire, DN20 0QZ

Tel 01652 688698 www elshamhall co uk

Fulbeck Manor

Fulbeck Grantham Lincolnshire NG32 3JN tel: 01400 272231 www stately-homes com/fulbeck-manor

Gainsborough Old Hall

Parnell Street Gainsborough Lincolnshire DN21 2NB tel: 01427 612669 www gainsborougholdhall co uk

Haddon Hall

Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1LA tel:01629 812855 www haddonhall co uk

Lamport Hall & Gardens

Lamport Hall Northamptonshire NN6 9HD tel: 01604 686272 www lamporthall co uk

Kelmarsh Hall and Gardens

Kelmarsh Hall & Gardens, Kelmarsh, Northamptonshire, NN6 9LY

Tel: 01604686543

Kelmarsh Hall is a Palladian style country house located in the Northamptonshire countryside, with beautiful Grade II* listed gardens, servants quarters, tearoom and gift shop

www kelmarsh com

King Richard III Visitor Centre

4A St Martins

Old Town Leicester LE1 5DB

The King Richard III Visitor Centre have been celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the rediscovery of King Richard III, can you believe it has been ten years?

Tel: 0300 300 0900

www kriii com

Leadenham House

Leadenham House Lincolnshire LN5 0PU tel: 01400 273256

Newstead Abbey Historic House & Gardens

Newstead Abbey Park Nottinghamshire NG15 8NA tel: 01623 455900

Marstons Hall

Marston, Grantham, NG32 2HQ tel: 07812 356237 www.stately-homes.com/marston-hall

Renishaw Hall and Gardens

Renishaw Nr Sheffield Derbyshire S21 3WB tel: 01246 432310 www renishaw-hall co uk

Rockingham Castle

Rockingham, Market Harborough Leicestershire, LE16 8TH

Tel: 01536 770240 www rockinghamcastle com

Sulgrave Manor

Manor Road, Sulgrave, Banbury, OX17 2SD

Tel:01295 760205 enquiries@sulgravemanor org uk

www sulgravemanor org uk

Stanford Hall

Stanford Hall Lutterworth Leicestershire www stanfordhall co uk Tel: 01788 860250

Thrumpton Hall

Thrumpton Nottingham NG11 0AX tel: 07590818045 www thrumptonhall com

Wakefield Lodge

Potterspury Northamptonshire NN12 7QX tel: 01327 811395

Walcot Hall

Nr Alkborough North Lincolnshire DN15 9JT www walcothallestate co uk

Wollaton Hall & Deer Park

Wollaton Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG8 2AE

tel: 0115 915 3900

Woolsthorpe Manor

Water Lane, Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth, Grantham, NG33 5PD tel: 01476 862820 www nationaltrust org uk/ woolsthorpe-manor/


e Gardens at Renishaw Hall are open Online

Acres of Award Winning Gardens

Take a step into the past and visit the Museum of “The Sitwells” Courtyard Café with seasonal menu

Renishaw Hall Farm Shop selling locally sourced produce Hall and Garden Guided Tours available, but must be booked in advance

Vineyard Tours and wine tasting of National GB “Gold Award” Winning Wines

Book online renishaw-hall.co.uk/garden-entry (walk ins will be accepted)


One of the UK's most historic family homes, featuring stunning landscaped gardens, opulent interiors, exhilarating events and much more.


Open Wednesday

Sunday 10 30pm – 4.30pm

Open March to October

Home to authentic artisan foods, local crafts, gardening goodies and boutique brasserie, cafe & gin bar. Email groups@belvoircastle.com for exclusive discounts visit or call

Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, NG32 1PA www.belvoircastle.com


Booking Required
Now reopen
www.1620shouse.org.uk 01455 290429 • 1620s@leics gov uk Manor Road, Donington le Heath, Coalville, LE67 2FW /1620sHouse /1620sHouse
Open Thursday to Sunday and Bank Holidays, 10.30am - 4pm Step back in time to explore our early 17th century house and its gardens and see how people lived 400 years ago. Pre-b o oke d g roup visits are welcome including packages with exclusive access to the site Scan to plan your visit

Heart of England

The Heart of England is charmingly individual you can find fine gardens, historic buildings and don’t forget Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon.

Abbey Dore Court Garden

Abbey Dore, Herefordshire, HR2 0AD tel: 01981 240419 www abbeydorecourt co uk

Acton Burnell Castle

Acton Burnell Shrewsbury Shropshire tel: 01926 852078

www english-heritage org uk/daysout/properties/acton-burnell-castle

Arbury Hall

Heritage Property Arbury Hall Nuneaton Warwickshire CV10 7PT www arburyestate co uk

Attingham Park

Attingham Park Atcham Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 4TP tel: 01743 708170 / 162 www nationaltrust org uk/attingham-park

Baddesley Clinton

Baddesley Clinton Warwickshire B93 0DQ tel: 01564 783294 www nationaltrust org uk

Benthall Hall

Benthall Nr Broseley Shropshire TF12 5RX tel: 01952 882159 www nationaltrust org uk/benthall-hall

Berrington Hall

Berrington Hall, Nr Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0DW tel: 01568 615721 www nationaltrust org uk/berrington-hall

Birmingham Botanical Gardens And Glasshouse

Westbourne Road Edgbaston Birmingham

B15 3TR tel: 0121 454 1860

Casterne Hall

Ilam, Nr Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 2BA tel: 01335 310489 www casterne co uk

Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens

Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B36 9BT

tel: 0121 749 4100

www cbhgt org uk

Charlecote Park

Warwick, CV35 9ER tel: 01789 470277

www nationaltrust org uk

Compton Verney

Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HZ

www comptonverney org uk

Coughton Court

Alcester Warwickshire B49 5JA

tel: 01789 400777 www nationaltrust org uk

Coventry Cathedral

Priory St, Coventry, CV1 5FB

Tel: (0)24 7652 1234

www coventrycathedral org uk

Croome Garden

Near High Green, Worcestershire, WR8 9DW www nationaltrust org uk/croome

Eastnor Castle

Eastnor Castle Nr Ledbury Herefordshire

HR8 1RL www eastnorcastle com

Farnborough Hall

Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX17 1DU

tel: 01295 690002 (information line)

www nationaltrust org uk/farnborough-hall

Goodrich Castle

Ross-On-Wye, HR9 6HY tel: 01600 890538

www english-heritage org uk/daysout/properties/goodrich-castle

Hagley Hall

Hagley Park, Birmingham Road, Hagley Worcestershire DY9 9LR Tel:01562 882408

www hagleypark co uk


Hanbury Hall

Droitwich Worcestershire WR9 7EA

tel: 01527 821214 www nationaltrust org uk

Hampton Court Castle, Gardens & Parkland

Hope under Dinmore Leominster Herefordshire

HR6 0PN Tel: 01568 797 777

www hamptoncourt org uk

Hawkstone Hall & Gardens

Marchamley, Hodnet SY4 5UZ

Tel: 01630 685242

www hawkstonehall co uk

Hellens Manor

Much Marcle Ledbury HR8 2LY

www hellensmanor com

Hergest Croft Gardens


Moreton Corbet Castle

Moreton Corbet Shrewsbury Shropshire

tel: 01926 852078

National Memorial Arboretum

Croxall Road Alrewas

Staffordshire DE13 7AR Tel: 01283 245 100

Web:www thenma org uk

Oakley Hall

Oakley Hall, Market Drayton, Shropshire TF9 4AG

tel: 07799 114802 www oakleyhallweddings com

Old Sufton

Mordiford, Hereford, HR1 4EJ tel: 01432 870268

www stately-homes com/old-sufton

Packwood House

Packwood House Lapworth

Solihull B94 6AT www nationaltrust org uk/packwood-house

Langstone Court


Llangarron Ross On Wye Herefordshire HR9

tel: 01989 770254 www statelyhomes com/langstone-court

70 acre stunning gardens holding National collections of Maple and Birch trees Open daily –

Longner Hall

Ragley Hall & Gardens

Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 5NJ Tell: 01789 762090 www ragleyhall com

Sandon Hall

Sandon Staffordshire ST18 OBZ

Uffington Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 4TG

1st April – 29th October Gift Shop, Plant Sales, Tearoom Dogs on leads welcome Personalised tours – individual/groups booked in advance. Coaches by appt Tel:01544230160

tel: 01889 508004 www sandonhall co uk

www hergest co uk

tel: 01743 709215 www statelyhomes com/longner-hall

Longtown Castle

Abbey Dore Herefordshire

tel: 01299 896636 www english-heritage org uk/daysout/properties/longtown-castle

Ludlow Castle

Castle Square Ludlow

Shropshire, SY8 1AY

tel: 01584 873355 / 874465 www ludlowcastle com

Madresfield Court

Madresfield Malvern WR13 5AJ

tel: 01684 579947 www elmley org uk/pages/madresfield court asp

Selly Manor

Maple Road Bournville

West Midlands, B30 2AE Tel: 0121 472 0199

www sellymanormuseum org uk

The Shakespeare Houses

Henley Street, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 6QW tel: 01789 204016 (General enquiries)

www shakespeare org uk/visit-the-houses

The Trentham Estate

Stone Road Trentham

Staffordshire, ST4 8AX

www trentham co uk/the-trentham-estate

One of Worcestershire’s Bes t Kept Secre ts

Hagley Park and Visitor Centre is set in 350 acres of tranquil Worcestershire Countryside, and is owned by the 12th Viscount Cobham. Journey through our peaceful Georgian park and discover centuries of remarkable history with follies to view

A group day out to Hagley Park offers a lovely and unique experience We offer a guided tour, where you will uncover the history behind our beautiful follies and locations

Our guided tour package is £15.00 per person and includes a hot drink on arrival in our cafe, a short welcome talk, a tour of Hagley Park and a printed booklet We welcome organised groups who simply wish to visit the park and explore at their own leisure, without a tour. Free coach parking in our designated parking area Cafe open seven days per week, serving light lunches and delicious, homemade cakes

How to book?

Please contact us via email: info@hagleypark.co.uk or call 01562 307 308 to arrange your visit. Hagley Park, Birmingham Road, Hagley, Worcestershire DY9 9LR www hagleypark co uk

Trabantos shutterstock

Actors per forming pieces of Shakespeare's plays in his birth house in Stratford upon Avon


See the Tower of London or wander at the Tudor masterpiece that is Hampton Court Palace and admire the Regency façade of Buckingham Palace

Benjamin Franklin House

36 Craven Street London WC2N 5NF

tel: 020 7839 2006 www benjaminfranklinhouse org

Boston Manor House

Boston Manor Road Brentford TW8 9JX

tel: 0845 456 2824 www hounslow info/arts/bostonmanorhouse

Buckingham Palace

London SW1A 1AA Tel: 020 7766 7300

www royalcollection org uk/visit/ buckinghampalace

Burgh House

New End Square Hampstead London NW3 1LT

tel: 020 7431 0144

www burghhouse org

Chiswick House and Gardens Trust

Chiswick House and Gardens, Burlington Lane, Chiswick, London, W4 2QN

Tel: 0203 141 3350 groups@chgt.org.uk www.chiswickhouseandgardens.org.uk

Fitzroy House

Fitzroy Street London, Greater London

W1T 6DX 020 7255 2422 www fitzroyhouse org/

Forty Hall

Forty Hill Enfield Middlesex

EN2 9HA tel: 020 8363 8196 www enfield gov uk/fortyhall

Fulham Palace & Museum

Bishop's Avenue, Fulham, London SW6 6EA

tel: 020 7736 3233 www fulhampalace org

Ham House & Garden

Ham St Richmond-upon-Thames

Surrey TW10 7RS tel: 020 8940 1950 www nationaltrust org uk/ham-house

Hampton Court Palace

Molesey, East Molesey KT8 9AU tel: 0844 482 7777

www hrp org uk/HamptonCourtPalace

Keats House

Keats Grove Hampstead London

NW3 2RR tel: 020 7332 3868 www keatshouse cityoflondon gov uk

Kensington Palace

London W8 4PX tel: 0844 482 7777 www hrp org uk/KensingtonPalace

Kenwood House

Hampstead Lane, London NW3 7JR tel: 020 8348 1286 www english-heritage org uk/daysout/ properties/kenwood-house

Kew Gardens

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Richmond Surrey TW9 3AE www kew org

Tel: 020 8332 5655

Old Royal Naval College

Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London SE10 9NN

Tel: 020 8269 4799

Explore the historic buildings and extensive grounds of the Old Royal Naval College, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, including the magnificent Painted Hall www.ornc.org

Osterley Park and House

Jersey Road Isleworth Middlesex TW7 4RB tel: 020 8232 5050

www nationaltrust org uk/osterley-park

Palace Of Westminster

Parliament Square, London SW1A 0AA tel: 0844 847 1672

www parliament uk/visiting

Somerset House

Strand London WC2R 1LA tel: 020 7845 8686

www somersethouse org uk

Southside House

3 Woodhayes Road Wimbledon London SW19 4RJ tel: 020 8946 7643

www southsidehouse com

Strawberry Hill House & Gardens

268 Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, TW1 4ST

Telephone: +44 (0)20 8744 1241

Email: enquiry@strawberryhillhouse org uk

Strawberry Hill House & Garden is internationally famous as Britain’s finest example of Georgian Gothic Revival architecture It has been meticulously restored to ensure visitors enjoy the theatrical experience Horace Walpole intended

Open weekly, Sunday - Thursday www.strawberryhillhouse.org.uk

Syon Park

Syon House, Syon Park, Brentford TW8 8JF tel: 020 8560 0882

www syonpark co uk

The Charterhouse Charterhouse Square, Barbican, London EC1M 6AN

Tel: 020 3818 8873

A seven-acre site which has been a Carthusian monastery, a grand Tudor mansion, a boys’ school, and an almshouse which it remains to this day Contact: tours@thecharterhouse org www thechartehouse org

The Octagon, Orleans House Gallery

Riverside Twickenham

Middlesex TW1 3DJ

tel: 020 8831 6000 www stately-homes com/ the-octagon-orleans-house-gallery

Tower of London

St Katharine's & Wapping, London EC3N 4AB tel:0844 482 7777

www hrp org uk/tower-of-london

Westminster Abbey

The Chapter Office

20 Dean’s Yard

London SW1P 3PA

Tel: 0207 654 8587

Winchester Palace

Pickfords Lane, Winchester Palace, Southwark SE1 9DN

tel:0370 333 1181

Explore Horace Walpole’s beautif ully restored 18th centur y Gothic castle and garden. Guided Tours of this award-winning house run all year, Monday - Friday. A visit can be tailored to your needs and includes complimentar y admission for your guide. tours@strawberr yhillhouse.org.uk 020 8744 1241 268 Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, TW1 4ST strawberr yhillhouse.org.uk
James Brittain

Old Royal Naval College View of the Domes


Has been home to pioneers across the centuries Therefore there is no shortage of Historic Houses and Sites for your group to visit.

Alnwick Castle

Estate Office Alnwick Northumberland NE66 1NQ tel: 01665 511172 www alnwickcastlecottages co uk

Alnwick Garden

Denwick Lane, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 1YU tel: 01665 511350 www alnwickgarden co uk

Auckland Castle Deer House

Bishop Auckland Durham DL14 7NR tel: 0191 2691200

www english-heritage org uk/daysout/auckland-castle-deer-house

Bamburgh Castle

Bamburgh Castle Bamburgh

Northumberland NE69 7DF tel: 01668 214515 www bamburghcastle com

Barnard Castle

Barnard Castle Castle House Durham DL12 8PR tel: 01833 638212 www barnardcastleschool org uk

Capheaton Hall

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE19 2AB tel: 01830 530159

www capheatonhall co uk

Chillingham Castle

Chillingham Castle Northumberland NE66 5NJ tel: 01668 215359 www chillingham-castle com

Chipchase Castle

Chipchase Castle, Wark-on-Tyne, Hexham, Northumberland NE48 3NT www chipchasecastle com


Rothbury, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE65 7PX tel: 01669 620333 www nationaltrust org uk/cragside

Crook Hall & Gardens

Sidegate Durham DH1 5SZ tel: 0191 3848028 www crookhallgardens co uk

Durham Castle

Palace Green Durham DH1 3RW tel: 0191 3343800

www thisisdurham com/attractions/search /durham-castle

Edlingham Castle

Edlingham Alnwick Northumberland tel: 0191 269 1200

www english-heritage org uk/daysout/properties/edlingham-castle

Eshott Hall

Eshott Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland NE65 9EN tel: (01670) 787777

www eshotthall co uk

Etal Castle

Cornhill-On-Tweed Northumberland

TD12 4TN tel: 01890 820332 www ford-and-etal co uk

Finchale Priory

Finchdale Priory Brasside Newton Hall DH1 5SH

tel: 0191 269 1200 www english-heritage org uk/daysout/properties/finchale-priory


Nr Rowlands Gill Burnopfield Newcastle upon Tyne NE16 6BG tel: 01207 541820 www nationaltrust org uk/gibside

Herterton House Gardens

Hartington Cambo Morpeth Northumberland NE61 4BN tel: 01670 774278

Lady Waterford Hall & Gallery

Ford Berwick-Upon-Tweed TD15 2QA tel: 01890 820503

www visitnortheastengland com/what-to-see-and-do/attractions/lady-waterford-hall

Meldon Park

Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 3SW tel: 01670 772341 www meldonpark co uk

Prudhoe Castle

Prudhoe Northumberland NE42 6NA tel: 01661 833459

www english-heritage org uk/daysout/properties/prudhoe-castle

Raby Castle Staindrop, Darlington County Durham, DL2 3AH

Raby Castle is a landmark location in County Durham Visit one of the most impressive intact castles in the North of England, with a powerful exterior and superb collections

admin@raby co uk Tel: 01833 660202

www raby co uk/raby-castle

Wallington Cambo, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 4AR tel: 01670 773600 www nationaltrust org uk/wallington

Warkworth Castle

Warkworth Alnwick Northumberland NE65 0UJ tel: 01665 711423

www english-heritage org uk/ /warkworth-castle-and-hermitage

Washington Old Hall

The Avenue Washington Village Washington Tyne & Wear NE38 7LE tel: 0191 416 6879

www nationaltrust org uk/washington-old-hall

Please refer to our website for detailed information

Chillingham Castle is a 13th Century, Grade 1 Star-listed stronghold in Northumberland, famed for action and battles With its ne rooms, gardens, lakes, fountains and tea rooms it is a perfect day out for all the family Day visits, private functions, self-catering accommodation and ghost tours


Tel. +44 (0)1668 215359

Email: enquiries@chillingham-castle com


C h i l l i n g h a m C a s t l e N O R T H U M B E R L A N D H O M E O F S I R H U M P H RY WA K E F I E L D B T .
01665 511 184 Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 1NQ alnwickcastle.com/groups groups@alnwickcastle.com Alnwick Castle is the second largest inhabited castle in the UK; home to the Duke of Northumberland’s family, the Percys, for over 700 years and film location for Downton Abbey and Har r y Potter ’ s Hogwarts.
Includes entry into Armstrong & Aviation museum
high adventure fantastical
Journey back through 3000 years of history at this iconic castle! Experience
tales… land to roam… historic treasures… panoramic sea views and The Real Last Kingdom of Bebbanburg
R aby Castle


This is the region for historic streets and buildings discover the landscapes and gardens of unspoilt villages.

Arley Hall & Gardens

The Estate Office Arley Nr Northwich Cheshire

CW9 6NA tel: 01565 777353

www arleyhallandgardens com

Blackwell – the Arts & Crafts house

Bowness-on-Windermere Cumbria LA23 3JT

Tel: 01539 446139

Fall in love with a stunning Lake District historic house and a masterpiece of 20th century design

With remarkable views and a tranquil setting, Blackwell is filled with original decorative features, furniture, and objects by leading Arts & Crafts designers, and is home to an imaginative programme of exhibitions and cultural experiences

www blackwell org uk


Coniston, Cumbria, LA21 8AD tel: 01539 441396 www brantwood org uk

Capesthorne Hall

Siddington Macclesfield Cheshire SK11 9JY tel: 01625 861221 www capesthorne com

Cholmondeley Castle Garden

Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 8AH tel: 01829 720383

www cholmondeleycastle com

Dunham Massey

Altrincham Cheshire WA14 4S tel: 0161 941 1025

www nationaltrust org uk/dunhammassey

Gawsworth Hall

Macclesfield Cheshire SK11 9RN tel: 01260 223456

www gawsworthhall com

Heaton Park

Pestwich Manchester M25 2SW tel: 0161 773 1085

www heatonpark org uk

Hill Top

Near Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 0LF tel: 01539 436269 opt 5

www nationaltrust org uk/hilltop

Hoghton Tower

Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 0SH tel: 01254 852986 www hoghtontower co uk

Holker Hall & Gardens

Cumbria, LA11 7PL tel: 015395 58328 www holker co uk


Penrith Cumbria CA11 9TH tel: 017684 84449

www hutton-in-the-forest co uk

Levens Hall & Gardens

Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 0PD

Tel: 015395 60321

www levenshall co uk

Muncaster Castle Gardens & Owl Centre

Muncaster Castle Ravenglass Cumbria CA18 1RQ tel: 01229 717614

www muncaster co uk

Ness Botanic Gardens

Ness Neston Cheshire CH64 4AY tel: 0151 353 0123

www nessgardens org uk

Norton Priory Museum & Gardens

Tudor Road Manor Park Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1SX tel: 01928 569895

www nortonpriory org

Penrith Castle

Penrith Cumbria tel: 0161 242 1400

Quarry Bank Mill & Styal Estate

Styal Wilmslow SK9 4LA tel: 01625 527468

www nationaltrust org uk/quarry-bank-mill

Sizergh Castle & Garden

Sizergh, Nr Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8AE tel: 01539 560951

www nationaltrust org uk/sizergh

Speke Hall Garden & Estate

The Walk, Speke, Liverpool, L24 1XD tel: 0151 427 7231

www nationaltrust org uk/spekehall

Swarthmoor Hall

Swarthmoor Hall Ln, Ulverston LA12 0JQ Tel: 01229 583204

www swarthmoorhall co uk


Spotlight on... Leighton Hall

Junction 35 of

the M6

Contact Details

Leighton Hall, Carnfor th, Lancashire. L A5 9ST

10 minutes from M6 Junction 35

Tel: 01524 734474




Leig hton Hall’s half, full day and evening tours showcase the ver y best of Leig hton and their specially-selected partner venues

Dual destination excursions include rip -roaring automobiles at the Lakeland Motor Museum, serene cruising with Windermere Lake Cruises, and classic movie and steam nostalg ia at Carnforth Station Heritag e Centre

Pre-booked group tours are exclusively welcome all year round, illuminating Leig hton’s chang ing charms throug h the seasons ere’s seven seasonal packag es to choose from and whichever packag e you pick, central to your day is a warm welcome at this much-loved family home.

Explore g enerations of histor y, objets d’art and stunning Gillow furniture on a famously friendly g uided tour, stroll accessible paths throug h beautiful g ardens and woodland walks, and rela x with delicious home-made treats in the traditional tearoom Weather permitting g uests are treated to a birds of prey flying display (Summer season only)

A group day out to Leig hton Hall g ives you excellent value for money, ample free coach parking and driver refreshments Tours are safely manag ed so there’s no crowding , rushing or queuing ensuring they are rela xed and comfortable

Easy to find, Leig hton Hall is just a ten-minute drive from

Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 9ST

The Historic seat of the Gillow family

Welcome to Leighton Hall, which has been a much-loved family home and the centre of an agricultural estate since medieval times Come and discover the history of the hall and how it has changed in appearance and size over almost 800 years

Enjoy the famous collection of Gillow furniture and objets d’art, the gardens, woodland walk and our many special events

Tel:01524 734474 info@leightonhall co uk www.leightonhall.co.uk




back to new groupexclusive delights at Leighton Hall !
GROUP PACKAGES TO CHOOSE FROM Original and unusual dual destination day out. See www.leightonhall.co.uk for details. Ample free parking ~ Pre booked groups of 20 or more welcome all year round M6 Exit 35, Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 9ST • T: 01524 734474 www.leightonhall.co.uk
Leighton Hall


e stunning scener y and historical attractions have provided the per fect setting for many movies and T V shows. It also has Strong royal connections, royal residences, stately homes, castles and fortresses What more could you want?

Anne Of Cleves House

52 Southover High Street Lewes Sussex BN7 1JA tel: 01273 474610

www sussexpast co uk

Arundel Castle

Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9AB Tel:01903 882173

www arundelcastle org


Wing Leighton Buzzard Buckinghamshire LU7 0PR t el: 01296 688242

www ascottestate co uk

Avington Park

Winchester Hampshire SO21 1DB tel: 01962 779260

www avingtonpark co uk

Basildon Park

Lower Basildon, Reading, Berkshire RG8 9NR tel: 0118 984 3040


Beaulieu Hampshire SO42 7ZN tel: 01590 612345

www beaulieu co uk

Blenheim Palace

Blenheim Palace, Woodstock OX20 1PX tel: 01993 811091 www blenheimpalace com

Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Nr Robertsbridge East Sussex TN32 5UA tel: 01580 830196 www nationaltrust org uk/bodiam-castle

Borde Hill Garden

Borde Hill Lane, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1XP

Tel: 01444 450326

A quintessential English garden with tranquil outdoor ‘ rooms ’ , rare plants, champion trees, woodland walks and spectacular views. Events throughout the season. Delicious food Open daily 19 February – 13 November


www bordehill co uk

Broughton Castle

Broughton Castle Broughton Nr Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5EB tel: 01295 276070

www broughtoncastle com

Buscot Old Parsonage

Buscot Faringdon Oxfordshire SN7 8DQ tel: 01793 762209 www nationaltrust org uk/buscot-old-parsonage

Buscot Park

Buscot, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 8BU

tel: 01367 240932 www buscot-park com

Canterbury Cathedral

Cathedral House 11 The Precincts Canterbury CT1 2EH

www canterbury-cathedral org


Charleston, Firle, Nr Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6LL

www charleston org uk


Mapleton Road Westerham Kent TN16 1PS

tel: 01732 868381

www nationaltrust org uk/chartwell

Clandon Park

East Clandon, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7RT

tel: 01483222482

www nationaltrust org uk/clandon-park

Chiddingstone Castle

Hill Hoath Road Chiddingstone

Edenbridge Kent TN8 7AD

tel: +44 (0)1892 870347

www chiddingstonecastle org uk

Deal Castle

Victoria Road, Deal, Kent CT14 7BA

tel: 01304 372762 www english-heritage org uk/daysout/properties/deal-castle

Doddington Place Gardens

Doddington Nr Sittingbourne Kent ME9 0BB

tel: 01795 886101 www doddingtonplacegardens co uk

Dorney Court

Nr Windsor, Berkshire SL4 6QP

tel: 01628 604638 www dorneycourt co uk

Emmetts Garden

Ide Hill Sevenoaks Kent TN14 6BA

tel: 01732 750367 www nationaltrust org uk/emmetts-garden

Exbury Gardens & Steam Railway

Exbury, Southampton, Hampshire SO45 1AZ

tel: 023 8089 1203 www exbury co uk

Fishbourne Roman Palace

Gunner's Way Gosport Hampshire PO12 4DS

tel: 01243 785859 www sussexpast co uk

Great Dixter House & Gardens

Northiam, Rye, East Sussex TN31 6PH tel: 01797 252878

www greatdixter co uk

Greys Court

Rotherfield Greys Henley-On-Thames Oxfordshire

RG9 4PG tel: 01494 755564

www nationaltrust org uk/greys-court

Groombridge Place Gardens

Groombridge Tunbridge Wells Kent TN3 9QG tel: 01892 861444

www groombridge co uk

Hampton Court Palace

Surrey KT8 9AU tel: 0844 482 7777

www hrp org uk/HamptonCourtPalace

Hedingham Castle

Hedingham Castle, Bayley Street, Caste Hedingham, Halstead, Essex CO9 3DJ

Tel: 01787 460261 Email: mail@hedinghamcastle co uk

www hedinghamcastle co uk

Herstmonceux Castle

Hailsham E Sussex BN27 1RN tel: 01323 833816

www herstmonceux-castle com

Hever Castle & Gardens

Hever Castle Hever Edenbridge

Kent, TN8 7NG tel: 01732 865224

www hevercastle co uk

High Beeches Woodland and Water garden

High Beeches Lane, Handcross, West Sussex RH17 6HQTel: 01444 400589

Hinton Ampner

Bramdean Alresford Hampshire SO24 0LA tel: 01962 771305

www nationaltrust org uk/hinton-ampner

The Historic Dockyard Chatham

Chatham Kent ME4 4TZ

tel: Infoline:01634 823800

www thedockyard co uk



A Rothschild House & Gardens

Once the country home of the Rothschilds, this Renaissance-style château houses one of the finest collections of French 18th-century decorative arts in the world. Discover richly decorated interiors, fabulous treasures and landscaped grounds on a day out at Waddesdon



Set within picturesque Sussex parkland, Hammerwood Park is a Grade 1-listed country house and the first work of architect and polymath Benjamin Latrobe (1764-1820) celebrated for his later contributions to the White House and the Capitol in Washington D.C. Since 1982, the house has been the home of the Pinnegar family, who saved the historic property from dereliction and have continued to welcome visitors for guided tours, teas and concerts in the summer season.

COM E A N D E X PLOR E OUR BEAUTIFUL G A R DE N S www.exbury.co.uk Exbury Gardens, New Forest, Hampshire, SO45 1AZ info@exbury co uk | 023 8089 1203 The beauty of Exbury Gardens will delight groups of all ages Glorious gardens, woodland walks and river views with delicious food and drink waiting when the activity is done Throw in a ride on the steam train and you have a perfect day out More details at www.exbury.co.uk/groups H Hammerwood P Park, H Hammerwood East G Gri nstead , E Ea st S Sussex R H19 3 3Q E, Tel: 0 01342 8 85 0 5 594 w ww hammerwoodpa rk co uk
opening times and group rates groups@waddesdon.org.uk www.waddesdon.org.uk/groups
Experience 1,000 years of rural life in one remarkable site, with 40 acres and over 50 historic buildings to explore With a range of exciting seasonal activities throughout the year, whether you there is something for the whole fa Visit our website for more informa Open daily from 10 30am Historic wealddown.co.uk Tel: 01243 811363 Be part of something 1ENJOY 0% OFFtickets with code Historic10T&C apply
Near Aylesbury, Bucks HP18 0JH

Hole Park Gardens

Rolvenden Cranbrook TN17 4JA

tel: 01580 241344

www holepark com

Houghton Lodge Gardens

Stockbridge, Hampshire SO20 6LQ

tel: 01264 810502/912

www houghtonlodge co uk

Jane Austen's House Museum

Chawton, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1SD

tel: 01420 83262 www jane-austens-house-museum org uk

Kathy Brown's Garden

The Manor House Church Rd Stevington Bedford MK43 7QB

www kathybrownsgarden com tel: 01234 822064

Kew Palace

Kew Gardens Kew Richmond Surrey TW9 3AB

tel: Group Bookings 020 8332 5648

www hrp org uk/KewPalace#

Leeds Cas tle in Kent offers somethi ng for groups to experience ever y da y Discover themed events, falconr y displays, themed tours of the Castle for groups to pre-book.


01622 765400

Lewes Castle

Parham House & Gardens

Parham House & Gardens Pulborough

West Susses, RH20 4HR

Tel: 01903 742021

bookings@parhaminsussex co uk www parhaminsussex co uk

Pashley Manor Gardens

Ticehurst Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 7HE

tel: 01580 200888 www pashleymanorgardens com

Penshurst Place & Gardens

Penshurst, Nr Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8DG www penshurstplace com

Petworth House & Park

Church Street Petworth West Sussex GU28 0AE

tel: 01798 342207 www nationaltrust org uk/petworth-house

Rhs Garden Wisley

Nr Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB tel: 0845 260 9000 www rhs org uk

The Royal Pavilion

The Royal Pavilion Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1EE

tel: 01273 290900 www brighton-hove-rpml org uk/royalpavilion

Savill Garden

Wick Lane Englefield Green Surrey TW20 0UU tel: 01784 435544

www theroyallandscape co uk

Sir Harold Hillier Gardens

www wwww.leeds-castle.com/ www.ww.lww.leww.leeww.leed ww.leeds ww.leedsww.leeds-c ww.leeds-ca ww.leeds-cas ww.leeds-cast ww.leeds-castl ww.leeds-castle ww.leeds-castle. ww.leeds-castle.c ww.leeds-castle.co ww.leeds-castle.com

www.leeds-castle.com/groups ww.leeds-castle.com/g ww.leeds-castle.com/gr ww.leeds-castle.com/gro ww.leeds-castle.com/grou ww.leeds-castle.com/group ww.leeds-castle.com/groups

High St Lewes BN7 1YS

t el:01273 486290

www sussexpast co uk

Loseley Park

Events Office Loseley Park Guildford

Surrey GU3 1HS tel: 01483 304440

www loseleypark co uk

Mapledurham House

Mapledurham Reading RG4 7TR tel: 0118 9723350

www mapledurham co uk

Medieval Merchant's House

58 French Street Southampton Hampshire SO1 0AT tel: 02380 221503

Michelham Priory

Upper Dicker Hailsham Sussex BN27 3QS

tel: 01323 844224 www sussexpast co uk/properties-to-discover/michelham-priory

Milton Manor House

Milton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4EN

tel: 01235 831287 www miltonmanorhouse com

Morton Manor

Brading Isle Of Wight PO36 0EP tel: 01983 406168

www mortonmanor co uk

Mottistone Manor Garden

Mottistone Isle Of Wight PO30 4ED

tel: 01983 741302 www nationaltrust org uk/mottistone-manor-garden

Old Soar Manor

Plaxtol Borough Green Kent TN15 0QX

tel: 01732 810378 www nationaltrust org uk/old-soar-manor

Osborne House

East Cowes Isle of Wight PO32 6JX Tel: 01983 200022

www english-heritage org uk/osborne

Painshill Landscape Garden

Portsmouth Road Cobham

Surrey KT11 1JE

tel: 01932 868113

www painshill co uk

Jermyns Ln, Ampfield, Romsey SO51 0QA www hilliergardens org uk

Stansted Park

Rowlands Castle, Hampshire PO9 6DX www stanstedpark co uk

Stonor Park, Henley-On-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 6HF tel: 01491 638587

www stonor com

Stowe House

Stowe Buckingham MK18 5EH tel: 01280 818229

www stowe co uk/house

The Goodwood Estate

Chichester West Sussex PO18 0PX

Tel:+44 (0)1243 755055

www goodwood com

Titsey Place

Titsey Oxted

Surrey RH8 0SD tel: 01273 715359

www titsey org

Waddesdon Manor

Waddesdon, Nr Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP18 0JH tel: 01296 653211

www waddesdon org uk

Windsor Castle

Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1NJ tel: 020 7766 7304

www royalcollection org uk/visit/windsorcastle

Woolbeding Gardens

Brambling Ln, Woolbeding Midhurst GU29 9RR

Tel:01730 811360

www nationaltrust org uk/woolbeding-gardens

JuliaST shutterstock
Leeds Castle, Kent, England , at dawn


South West has World Heritage Sites with centuries of histor y and culture, stately homes with glorious landscaped gardens

Arlington Court

Nr Barnstaple, North Devon EX31 4LP tel: 01271 850296

www nationaltrust org uk/arlington-court

Athelhampton House & Gardens

Athelhampton Rd

Puddletown Dorchester DT2 7LG

tel: 01305 848363

www athelhampton com

Arlington Court

Nr Barnstaple, North Devon EX31 4LP tel: 01271 850296

www nationaltrust org uk/arlington-court

Barrington Court

Barrington Ilminster Somerset TA19 0NQ tel: 01460 241938

www nationaltrust org uk/barrington-court

Berkeley Castle

Gloucestershire, GL13 9BQ

Email: info@berkeley-castle com tel: 01453 810303 www berkeley-castle com

Bowood House & Gardens

Bowood House and Gardens Calne Wiltshire SN11 0LZ tel: 01249 812102

www bowood-house co uk

Boconnoc Estate, Cornwall

Boconnoc, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0RG Tel: 01208 872507

Among the most spectacular stately homes in Cornwall, Boconnoc is a unique destination for group stays, sleeping up to 40 Fascinating history, vibrant gardens, stunning parkland and endless woodland paths www.boconnoc.com

Bourton House Garden

Bourton-on-the-Hill Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 9AE www bourtonhouse com

Buckfast Abbey

Buckfast Abbey Buckfastleigh Devon TQ11 0EE Tel: 01364 645532

www buckfast org uk

Chedworth Roman Villa

Yanworth, Nr Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL54 3LJ www chedworthromanvilla com

Clevedon Court

Tickenham Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 6QU tel: 01275 872257

www nationaltrust org uk/clevedon-court

Caerhays Castle and Gardens

Caerhays Estate

St Austell, PL26 6LY

Website: www visit caerhays co uk

Tel: 01872 501310

Email: enquiries@caerhays co uk

Compton Castle

Marldon Paighton TQ3 1TA

www nationaltrust org uk/compton-castle

Exeter Cathedral

1 The Cloisters, Exeter, EX1 1HS

Recently described by Simon Jenkins in The Guardian as “architecture as theatre,”* Exeter Cathedral has stood at the heart of Devon for nearly a thousand years

Tel: 01392 255573

www exeter-cathedral org uk

Forde Abbey & Gardens

Forde Abbey Chard Somerset TA20 4LU tel: 01460 220231

www fordeabbey-gardens-dorset co uk

Fursdon House

Fursdon House Cadbury Exeter EX5 5JS tel: 01392 860860

www fursdon co uk

Glastonbury Abbey

Magdalene St, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9EL tel:01458 832267 www glastonburyabbey com

Great Fulford

Dunsford Exeter EX6 7AJ www greatfulford co uk

Hestercombe Gardens

Cheddon Fitzpaine Taunton Somerset TA2 8LG tel: 01823 413923

www hestercombe com

Highcliffe Castle

Rothesay Drive Highcliffe-On-Sea Christchurch BH23 4LEtel: 01425 278807

www highcliffecastle co uk

Lacock Abbey

Lacock, near Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 2LG Telephone Number: 01249730459

Country house with monastic roots once home to William Henry Fox Talbot The Abbey, located at the heart of the village within its own woodland grounds

www nationaltrust org uk/lacock

Longleat Longleat, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 7NW tel:01985 844400

www longleat co uk

Lulworth Castle & Park

East Lulworth Wareham Dorset BH20 5QS Tel: 0845 4501054

www lulworth com


Open Sun - Weds from 2nd April - 5th November 2023

• Acres of landscaped gardens & grounds

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Just 30 mins north of Bristol
6 miles from Cam & Dursley Station
SatNav GL13 9PJ
e: info@berkeley-castle.com stunning lm location of... Poldark Wolf Hall e White Princess

Lydney Park Estate

Estate Office Old Park Ayleburton GL15 6BUTel: 01594 842844www lydneyparkestate co uk

Mill Dene Garden

School Ln Blockley Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 9HU www milldenegarden co uk

Miserden Estate

The Estate Office Miserden Near Stroud Gloucestershire GL6 7JA

ttel: 01285821303, Email: estate office@miserden org Web:www miserden org

Mount Edgcumbe House & Country Park

Cremyll Torpoint Cornwall PL10 IHZ Tel: 01752 822236 www mountedgcumbe gov uk

Owlpen Manor Estate

Owlpen Manor Uley Dursley GL11 5BZ www owlpen com tel:01453-860261

Powderham Castle

Kenton Nr Exeter Devon EX6 8JQ tel: 01626 890243 www powderham co uk

RHS Garden Rosemoor

GREAT TORRINGTON DEVON EX38 8PH tel: 01805 624067 www rhs org uk

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2EF www salisburycathedral org uk

Sherborne Castle

New Road Sherborne Dorset DT9 5NR Tel (01935) 812072Email:castleoffice@sherbornecastle com www sherbornecastle com

St Michael’s Mount

Marazion Cornwall TR17 OHS CALL +44 (0)1736 710265EMAIL enquiries@stmichaelsmount co uk

Sudeley Castle & Gardens

Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire GL54 5JD tel: 01242 602308

Wyndham Estate

Orchard Wyndham Estate Office

Tel: 01984 632309

Office@wyndhamestate co uk

A place of beauty and tranquillity

The monks welcome you to their home and hope you find peace and rest here. Explore our beautiful Abbe y and gardens Enjoy lunch with loved ones or tak e some time for yourself.

Groups: 01364 645532 Accommodation: 01364 645630 Quote: HHGG23

B u c k f a s t A b b e y s a r e g i s t e r e d C h a r t y N o 2 3 2 4 9 7 Abbey Church • Working Monastery • Exhibition • Gardens • Shops • Restaurant • Hotel & Conference Centre Well behaved dogs on short leads welcome B u c k f ast Ab b ey, B u c k f a s t l e ig h , D evon TQ110EE • www.b u c k f ast.org.uk • FREE ENTRY F R E E PA R K I N G • Welcome to the home of Britain’s tallest spire and best preserved original Magna Carta Book your v isit today www salisburycathedral org uk Prepare to be Amazed...
Murray Golder shutterstock
at St Michael's Mount, Marazion, Cornwall


Take a trip back in time at atmospheric castles, abbe ys and historic houses

Aske Hall

Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL10 5HJ tel: 01748 822000 www aske co uk

Burton Constable

Skirlaugh East Yorkshire HU11 4LN tel: 01964 562400 www burtonconstable com

Bolton Castle

Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 4ET tel: 01969 623981 www boltoncastle co uk

Brockfield Hall

Warthill York YO19 5XJ tel: 01904 489362 www brockfieldhall co uk

Brodsworth Hall and Gardens

Brodsworth, Doncaster

South Yorkshire DN5 7XJ

Tel: 01302 722598


Not the usual historical showpiece displayed with grandeur, Brodsworth Hall was ‘frozen in time’ and conser ved as it was found by Eng lish Heritag e during the 1980s Reflecting its orig inal opulence, but well-worn and full of surprises, thousands of items of family clutter – from biscuit tins, to beds and electric fires and mag azines – are placed in their exact position Outside, the 15 acres of restored g ardens, planted as they would have been during the 1890s offer all-year interest, with a fern dell featuring unusual specimens and an alpine g arden, inspired by the travels of the estate ’ s wealthy V ictorian owners Pre-booked group ‘ Taster Tours’ allow access to the house before it opens Tearoom seats 70 inside and 80 outside

Broughton Hall

Skipton Yorkshire BD23 3AE tel: 01756 799608 www broughtonhall com

Burton Agnes Hall & Gardens

Driffield East Yorkshire YO25 4NB tel: 01262 49 www burtonagnes com

Cliffe Castle

Castle Keighley West Yorkshire BD20 6LH tel: 01535 618231

Castle Howard

Castle Howard, York, North Yorkshire, YO60 7DA tel: 01653 648333 www castlehoward

Cliffe Castle

Castle Keighley West Yorkshire BD20 6LH tel: 01535 618231

Conisbrough Castle

Castle Hill, Conisbrough, South Yorkshire, DN12 3 tel: 01709 863329 www conisbroughcastle org u

Constable Burton Hall Gardens

Leyburn North Yorkshire DL8 5LJ tel: 01677 450428 www constableburton com

Duncombe Park

Helmsley, North Yorkshire, YO62 5EB tel: 01439 770213 www duncombepark com

Fairfax House

Fairfax House Castlegate York YO1 9RN

tel: 01904 655543

www fairfaxhouse co uk

Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal

Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal

Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3DY tel: 01765 608888

www fountainsabbey org uk

Harewood House

Harewood, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS17 9LG tel: 0113 2181010

www harewood org

Helmsley Walled Garden

Cleveland Way Helmsley North Yorkshire YO62 5AH

Tel: 01439 771427

www helmsleywalledgarden org uk

Kiplin Hall

Nr Scorton Richmond North Yorkshire

DL10 6AT tel: 01748 818178 www kiplinhall co uk

Kirkham Priory

Kirkham Whitwell-On-The-Hil North Yorkshire

YO60 7JS tel: 01653 618768

Kirkstall Abbey Abbey Road, Leeds LS5 3EH museumsandgalleries leeds gov uk

Knaresborough Castle & Museum

Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, HG5 8AS

www knaresborough co uk/castle


Lotherton Lane, Aberford, Leeds, LS25 3EB

Tel: 0113 378 2959

Lotherton is a beautiful country estate, historic hall and wildlife park located on the outskirts of Leeds with regularly changing events and exhibitions

lotherton leeds gov uk lotherton@leeds gov uk

Markenfield Hall

Nr Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3ADtel: 01765 692303

www markenfield com

Relax in five tranquil acres




stunning and colourful floral displays
our heritage apple collections
Centre and Gift Shop
us on: D E Q
helmsleywalledgarden org uk
at The Vine House Café Plant


Plan your trip

See two new exhibitions in the historic hall and discover the rich history of the estate.

Wander the gardens and grounds as we continue to restore them to their former glory.

Enjoy a spot of lunch at our scenic cour tyard café and visit Wildlife World zoo.

Book at lother ton.leeds.gov.uk

Newby Hall & Gardens

Newby Hall, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 5AE tel: 01423 322583 www newbyhall com

Nunnington Hall

Nunnington North Yorkshire YO62 5UY tel: 01439 748283 www nationaltrust org uk/nunnington-hall

Rievaulx Abbey

Rievaulx , Hemlsley

North Yorkshire YO62 5LB

Tel: 01439 798228

www.english-heritage.org.uk/rievaulx abbey

Recent renovations at ruined Rievaulx Abbey now allow the chance to enjoy more of the special tranquillity of what was one of the most powerful monasteries in Europe in its beautiful wooded setting Get a remarkable insig ht into the lives of those who lived and worked here throug h a wealth of previously unseen objects on display in the museum and exhibition

An audio tour takes visitors on a journey throug h 900 years of the site’s rich histor y Delicious Yorkshire fare is on the menu in the self-ser vice tearoom Prebooked g uided tours are also available Combine with a visit to Mount Grace Prior y, House and Gardens

Ripley Castle

Ripley Castle Ripley Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 3AY tel: 01423 770152 www ripleycastle co uk

Skipton Castle

Skipton Castle Skipton North Yorkshire

BD23 1AW tel: 01756 792442 www skiptoncastle co uk

Sledmere House

Sledmere Driffield East Yorkshire YO25 3XG tel: 01377 236637 www sledmerehouse com

Temple Newsam

Temple Newsam Road, Leeds LS15 0AE www templenewsam leeds gov uk

The Merchant Adventurers' Hall

Fossgate York North Yorkshire YO1 9XD tel: 01904 654818

Wentworth Castle Gardens Lowe Lane, Stainborough Barnsley South Yorkshire S75 3ET tel: 01226 776040 www wentworthcastle org

Wentworth House

Wentworth Rotherham

South Yorkshire, S62 7TQ

Telephone Number 01226 351161

The most exciting regeneration project of our generation 2021 is the perfect time to visit supporting the vital work to regenerate this internationally significant site www wentworthwoodhouse org uk

A dramatic day out in Leeds Find out more and book at kirkstallabbey.leeds.gov.uk Explore one of the best preser ved Cistercian monasteries in the country.


e landscape is speckled with ancient castles which ever way you look, you’ll find something uniquely interesting in Wales’s brilliant bev y of baronial bricks and mortar

Abercamlais House

Abercamlais, Brecon, Powys LD3 8EY tel: 01874 636206 www abercamlais co uk

Aberconwy House

Castle Street Conwy LL32 8AY tel: 01492 592246

www nationaltrust org uk/aberconwy-house

Aberglasney Gardens

Llangathen, Carmarthenshire SA32 8QH tel: 01558 668998 www aberglasney org

Beaumaris Castle

Beaumaris Anglesey LL58 8AP tel: 01248 810361 www beaumaris com

Bodrhyddan Hall

Dyserth Rd Rhuddlan LL18 5SB

www bodrhyddan co uk tel:01745 590155

Bodnant Garden

Tal-Y-Cafn, Colwyn Bay LL28 5RE tel: 01492 650460 www bodnantgarden co uk


Chirk, Wrexham LL14 5NS tel: 01691 774159

www brynkinalt co uk

Bryngwyn Hall

Bryngwyn Hall Bwlch-y-Cibau Llanfyllin Powys SY22 5LJ Tel:01691 648647 / 07967 821191

enquiries@bryngwyn com

Caerphilly Castle

www bryngwyn com

Caerphilly CF83 1JD tel: 029 2088 3143

www castlewales com/caerphil html

Caldicot Castle & Country Park

Church Road Caldicot Monmouthshire

NP26 4HU tel: 01291 420241 www caldicotcastle co uk

Cardiff Castle

Castle Street, Cardiff CF10 3RB tel: 029 2087 8100 www cardiffcastle com

Carmarthen Castle

Carmarthen South Wales tel: 0126 7224923 www castlewales com/carmarth html

Chepstow Castle

Chepstow Monmouthshire NP16 5EY tel: 01291 624065

www castlewales com/chepstow html

Conwy Castle

Conwy LL32 8AY tel: 01492 592358 www conwy com

Denbigh Castle

Denbigh, Denbighshire LL16 3NB tel: 01745 813385

www castlewales com/denbigh html

Dyffryn Gardens And Arboretum

St Nicholas Nr Cardiff CF5 6SU tel: 029 2059 3328

www dyffryngardens org uk

Fonmon Castle

Fonmon, Barry, Vale Of Glamorgan CF62 3ZN tel: 01446 710206 www fonmoncastle com

Gwydir Castle

Llanrwst Gwynedd LL26 0PN tel: 01492 641687 www gwydircastle co uk

The Hall At Abbey-cwm-hir

Nr Llandrindod Wells Powys LD1 6PH tel: 01597 851727

www abbeycwmhir com

The Judge's Lodging

Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AD tel: 01544 260650

www judgeslodging org uk

Llancaiach Fawr Manor

Gelligaer Rd, Nelson, Treharris CF46 6ER

Tel:01443 412248 www llancaiachfawr co uk

Llanvihangel Court

Llanvihangel Court Llanvihangel Crucorney

Abergavenny NP7 8DH tel: 07806 768788

www llanvihangelcourt com

National Botanic Garden Of Wales

Llanarthne Carmarthenshire SA32 8HG

tel: 01558 667149 www gardenofwales org uk

Pembroke Castle

Pembroke SA71 4LA tel: 01646 681510

www pembroke-castle co uk

Picton Castle & Woodland Gardens

The Rhos, Near Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA62 4AS tel: 01437 751326 www pictoncastle co uk

Plas Mawr

High Street Conwy LL32 8DE tel: 01492 580167 www plas-mawr co uk

Plas Newydd Country House and Gardens

Llanfairpwll, Anglesey LL61 6DQ tel: 01248 714795

www nationaltrust org uk/plas-newydd

Plas Yn Rhiw

Rhiw, Pwllheli LL53 8AB tel: 01758 780219

www nationaltrust org uk/plas-yn-rhiw


Portmeirion Minffordd Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6ER tel: 01766 772311 www portmeirion co uk

Powis Castle & Garden

Nr Welshpool SY21 8RF tel: 01938 551929

www nationaltrust org uk/powis-castle

Raglan Castle

Raglan Monmouthshire NP15 2BT tel: 01291 690228

www castlewales com/raglan html

St Davids Cathedral

St Davids, Pembrokeshire SA62 6QWtel: 01437 720202

www stdavidscathedral org uk

Tredegar House & Park

Newport South Wales NP10 8YW tel: 01633 815880 www nationaltrust org uk/tredegar-house


Wonastow Nr Monmouth NP25 4DL tel: 01600 712031

www treowen co uk

Usk Castle Castle House,Monmouth Road, Usk, Monmouthshire, NP15, Tel: 01291 672563

www uskcastle com



Usk Castle, picturesque ruins set in

gardens of e Castle House, open Sunday, Monday and ursday April to the end of September, and Sunday only October to end of March. Entry £4 adults, children no charge

e Castle House, open : May (excluding Mondays) and Bank Holidays; entry £12 children £5. 2-5pm guided tours only, max group 7 adults.

@VisitCyfarthfa #DiscoverCyfarthfa Look out for our new walks, talks and workshops! Visit: www.cyfarthfa com Merthyr @VistCyfar thfa #DiscoverCyfar thfa Look out for our new walks, talks and workshops! Visit:www.wellbeingmerthyr.co.uk Just off the A470 at Merthyr
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Ymgollwch ym mywydau gweision y Cyrnol Pritchard. Pobl gy redin yn byw mewn cyfnod rhyfeddol! Immerse yourself in the lives of the servants of Colonel Pritchard. Ordinary people living in extraordinary times! www.llancaiachfawr.co.uk
Dr wy ganiatâd caredig Banbur y Phot ography / Image b y kind per mission of Banbur y Phot ography


Its diverse and exciting histor y is reflected in many of its Castles

Historic Houses and Gardens


The Abbotsford Trust, Abbotsford, Melrose, Roxburghshire, TD6 9BQ tel: 01896 752043 www scottsabbotsford co uk

Aberdour Castle and Gardens

Aberdour Fife KY3 0SL Tel: 01383 860519

Altyre Estate

Altyre Estate Forres Moray IV36 2SH tel: 01309 672265 www historic-scotland gov uk

Balfour Castle

Shapinsay, Orkney Islands, KW17 2DY tel: 01856 711282 www balfourcastle co uk

Ballindalloch Castle and Gardens

Ballindalloch, Banffshire, Scotland

AB37 9AX Tel:(+44) 01807 500205

Discover the ‘Pearl of the North’

Explore 450 years of Highland history, a magnificent mid-16th century Castle, acres of formal gardens, woodlands and riverside walks, Tearoom Gift Shop and some award-winning loos!

www ballindallochcastle co uk

Balmoral Castle

Balmoral Ballater Aberdeenshire

AB35 5TB tel: 013397 42534

www balmoralcastle com

Blair Castle

Blair Castle, Blair Atholl, Pitlochry, Perthshire, PH18 5TL tel: 01796 481207 www blair-castle co uk

Castle Kennedy & Gardens

Castle Kennedy Stranraer Dumfries and Galloway DG9 8SJ tel: 01776 702024/01581 400225

www castlekennedygardens co uk

Castle Of Mey

Thurso Caithness KW14 8XH tel: 01847 851473 www castleofmey org uk

Cawdor Castle

David Broadfoot MBE, Cawdor Castle, Nairn, Scotland, IV12 5RD tel: 01667 404401 www cawdorcastle com

Craigieburn Garden

Craigieburn House Nr Moffat Dumfriesshire DG10 9LF tel: 01683 221250 / 221758

www craigieburngarden com

Dalmeny House

Dalmeny House South Queensferry

Edinburgh EH30 9TQ tel: 0131 331 1888

www dalmeny co uk

Dumfries House

Dumfries House, Cumnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland, KA18 2NJ tel: 01290 425959 www dumfries-house org uk

Dunvegan Castle & Gardens

Dunvegan Castle Isle Of Skye

Scotland, IV55 8WF tel: 01470 521206

www dunvegancastle com

Edinburgh Castle

Castle Hill Edinburgh EH1 2NG

tel: 0131 225 9846

www edinburghcastle gov uk

Ferniehirst Castle


Built in the 15th century and steeped in a dramatic history, the castle is surrounded by forest and overlooks the river Jed in the ancient Jed Valley This seat of the Clan Kerr, lies two miles south of Jedburgh in the picturesque Scottish Borders

www ferniehirst com

Floors Castle

Roxburghe Estates Office Kelso Roxburghshire Scotland TD5 7SF tel: 01573 223333 www roxburghe net/floorscastle html

Georgian House

7 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4DR

tel: 0131 243 9300 www nts org uk/Property/Georgian-House

Glamis Castle

General Manager Estates Office Glamis By Forfar Angus DD8 1RJ tel: 01307 840393 www glamis-castle co uk

Gosford House

Longniddry, East Lothian, EH32 0PX tel: 01875 870201 www gosfordhouse co uk

Hill House

Upper Colquhoun Street Helensburgh G84 9AJ tel: 0844 493 2210 www nts org uk/Property/The-Hill-House

Hopetoun House

Hopetoun House, South Queensferry, Edinburgh, West Lothian, EH30 9SL tel: 0131 331 2451 www hopetoun co uk

House Of The Binns

Linlithgow West Lothian EH49 7NA tel: 0844 493 2127 www nts org uk/Property/House-of-the-Binns

Huntly Castle Huntly AB54 4SH tel: 01466 793191 www undiscoveredscotland co uk/ huntly/huntlycastle/index html

Inveraray Castle & Garden

Inveraray Castle Inveraray Argyll PA32 8XE tel: 01499 302203 www inveraray-castle com/gardens

Kelburn Castle & Country Centre

Fairlie By Largs Ayrshire

KA29 0BE tel: 01475 568685 www kelburnestate com

Leith Hall

Huntly Aberdeenshire AB54 4NQ tel: 0131 243 9300 www nts org uk/Property/Leith-Hall-Garden-Estate

Lennoxlove House

Haddington East Lothian

EH41 4NZ tel: 01620 828614 www lennoxlove com


Manderston Duns Berwickshire Scotland TD11 3PP tel: 01361 883450 www manderston co uk

Mellerstain House

Mellerstain Gordon Berwickshire

TD3 6LG tel: 01573 410225 www mellerstain com

Mount Stuart

Isle Of Bute PA20 9LR tel: 01700 503877 www mountstuart com

Newark Castle

Port Glasgow Strathclyde PA14 5NH tel: 01475 741858 www newark-sherwooddc gov uk

Palace Of Holyroodhouse

Edinburgh EH8 8DX tel: 0131 556 5100 www royalcollection org uk/visit/ palaceofholyroodhouse

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

0A Inverleith Row Edinburgh EH3 5LR tel: 0131 552 7171 www rbge org uk


Blair Castle & Atholl Estates

Located in Highland Perthshire, 90 minutes from Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness, Atholl Estates provides the perfect stop when exploring Scotland.

Enjoy a self-guided tour around Blair Castle’s 30 rooms, and watch as history unfolds right before your eyes Our knowledgable guides are on hand to enhance your experience. No visit is complete without a browse in the gift shop and a feast from Tullibardine Restaurant Wander around our enchanting gardens, there’s over nineacres to explore right on our doorstep

Looking for the perfect venue for your next event or dreaming of a castle wedding? Our ballroom is grand and spacious

There’s more to the estate than the castle and gardens, bring the whole family along for a break at Blair Castle Caravan Park, there’s pitches to suit all needs Live like a Duke or Duchess in our luxurious Highland Lodges With a range of self-catering accommodation and some of the best views in Highland Perthshire, reconnect with loved ones with a stay on Atholl Estates.


Ancestral seat to the E arls of Strathmore & Kinghorne, Childho o d Home of HM Q ue en Elizabeth e Q ue en Mother & Bir thplace of HRH e Princess Margaret. Guided Castle Tours Historic Gardens Picnic & Play Area Restaurant Gift Shop Seasonal Events Venue Hire Weddings Glamis , Angus , Scotland DD8 1RJ 01307 840393 enquiries@glamis-castle.co.uk www glamis-castle co uk Op ening Times March – October Monday – Sunday, 10am-5pm November – December ursday – Sunday, 10am-5pm
Mike Drosos shutterstock
Eilean Donan Castle


Ireland’s houses castles and gardens includes architectural treasures and fantastic examples of great Georgian buildings which it is famous for

Ardgillan Castle & Gardens

Ardgillan Castle, Balbriggan, Co Dublin Tel: 01 849 2212 www ardgillancastle ie

Blarney Castle & Gardens

Blarney, Cork, Ireland Tel: 00 353 21 438 5252 www blarneycastle ie

Cashel House Hotel & Gardens

Cashel, Connemara, Co Galway, Ireland Tel: +353 95 31001

www cashelhouse ie

Castle Coole

tel: +442866322690 castlecoole@nationaltrust org uk

www nationaltrust org uk/castlecoole

Castle Durrow Hotel & Gardens

Durrow, County Laois Ireland R32 EA02

tel: +353 57 8736555 www castledurrow com

Castle Ward & Gardens

Strangford Downpatrick County Down BT30 7BA

www nationaltrust org uk/castleward

Downhill Demesne & Hezlett House

Tel: +442870848728 Email:downhilldemesne@nationaltrust org uk

www nationaltrust org uk/downhilldemesne

Florence Court

Tel: +442866348249 www nationaltrust org uk/florencecourt

Hillsborough Castle & Gardens

The Square Hillsborough

BT26 6GT

Tel: 0333 320 6000

www hrp org uk/hillsborough-castle

Kilfane Glen & Waterfall

Tel: +353 56 7727105 www kilfane com

Kylemore Abbey & Victorian Walled Garden

Kylemore Abbey, Pollacappul, Connemara, Co Galway, Ireland

Tel : + 353 95 52001 www kylemoreabbey com

Mount Stewart House & Gardens

tel: +442842788387 Email:mountstewart@nationaltrust org uk

www nationaltrust org uk/mountstewart

Mount Usher Gardens

Tel: +353 404 40205 www mountushergardens ie

Newbridge House & Traditional Farm

Newbridge House & Farm Hearse Road Donabate

Co Dublin Tel: (01) 843 6534 www newbridgehouseandfarm com

Powerscourt House Gardens & Waterfall

Enniskerry Co Wicklow Ireland www powerscourt com

Ross Castle

Rosscahill County Galway Ireland H91 K25N

Tel 353 (0) 91 550183 www rosscastle com

Rowallane Garden

Tel: +442897510131 www nationaltrust org uk/rowallane-garden

Russborough House & Parklands

Blessington Co Wicklow Ireland W91 C640

Tel: +353 (0)45 865239 www russboroughhouse ie

Springhill House & Costume Collection

Tel: +442886748210 www nationaltrust org uk/springhill

Tullynally Castle & Gardens

Tullynally, Castlepollard, County Westmeath, Tel:00353 (0)449661159 www tullynallycastle com

Wells House and Gardens

Wells House, Wells, Ballyedmund, Gorey Co Wexford

Tel:00353539186737 www.wellshouse.ie

H I L L S B O R O U G H C AS T L E A N D G A R D E N S D I S C O V E R N O R T H E R N I R E L A N D ’ S R O Y A L R E S I D E N C E T O D AY J U ST 2 0 M I N U T E S F R O M B E L F AST G R O U P B O O K I N G S : H R P. O R G . U K / H I L L S B O R O U G H G R O U P S E N Q U I R I E S : G R O U P S A N D T R A V E L T R A D E @ H R P. O R G . U K


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