CT Real Estate Today - November 2022 Edition

Page 8

When, Where and How to Vote From: cbia.com Connecticut voters go to the polls on Tuesday

If you’re a first time voter, you must present

November 8, 2022 to vote for the state’s

current valid photo identification that shows your

next governor, all statewide officers, one U.S.

name and address; or a current utility bill, bank

Senate seat, all five members of the U.S. House statement, government check, paycheck, or of Representatives, and all 187 members of the

government document that shows your name

General Assembly.

and address; or cast a provisional vote.

Where Do You Vote?

All other voters must present their Social

Use the Secretary of State’s online locator to find your local polling place.

Security card or any pre-printed identification showing name and address; or name and signature; or name and photograph. If you

Connecticut polling places are open from 6 am

cannot present identification, you can sign a

to 8 pm on Election Day (November 8, 2022).

statement acknowledging your identity.

Any voter standing in line at the polls at 8 pm will be allowed to cast a ballot. Voters in Connecticut have certain rights—know your rights before you vote.

Voter ID Requirements You will be asked to provide identification

How Do You Vote? An optical scan machine is used by most inperson voters. A vote-by-phone option is available at every polling place for voters with disabilities or for any voter who prefers this option.

when checking in at your polling place before you vote.

08 / News & Views From The Capitol

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