NOVDEC2022 SUPPORTING VILLAGE LIFE & BACKING LOCAL BUSINESS • Markyate & Flamstead • Redbourn • Kinsbourne Green & North Harpenden • Caddington & Slip End • Studham & Gaddesden Row and Gt Gaddesden • Kensworth & Whipsnade • Inflation eating into your savings? - with Capital Manor • Constructive Dismissal - with Machins’ Solicitors • Do garage brokers give you the best deal? - with Redbourn Auto Solutions • Clothes Swap - and help save the planet • AUTUMN AT THE HERTFORDSHIRE GARDEN CENTRE • BUSINESS DIRECTORY/LOCAL CLUBS &SOCIETIES • Royal Quiz - 96 questions about our period of mourning. How much do you remember? • Dying without a Will - with Sherrards’ Solicitors • Puzzles • What’s On including Chiltern Walking Festival Also in this issue .... 10,000 Door-to-door deliveries and e-mag on line FREE
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts Our services • Ear Wax Removal b NHS Trained Professionals • Hearing Tests • Latest Digital Hearing Aids • Rechargeable Hearing Aids • Home visits availa & Hearing Aid Expe ts Ear Healt h Phona k A ud é o ™ P a r adis e Rediscover the wonder of sound now! i n f o@n atu r alhearing .c o.u k I ww w.n atu r alhea r in g .c o.u k C al l 080 0 999 599 2 o r 0 208 099 740 2 Luton 148 Sundon Park Road, Luton, LU3 3AH Hitchin 133 Cambridge Road, Hitchin, SG4 0JH Harpenden 136a Southdown Road, Harpenden, AL5 1PU
Dear Readers,
What a momentous month it has been for our country. Our beloved monarch, Queen Elizabeth II died, leaving us in shock. We knew the day would come because no one lives forever but her death still left most of us numb; sad for the loss of our sovereign who has always been there for us, a steadying rudder in times of turmoil and a beacon of joy in times of celebration.
I have never watched so many church services, backto-back and listened to wall-to-wall commentary of the constitutional juggernaut that rolled in for ten days from the moment she died to the state funeral. This day-in, day-out absorption gave me the idea to put together a quiz of 96 questions, each representing a year of our late sovereign’s life, centred around the proceedings 8th-19th September 2022. See page 38.
We also endured two months of hustings for the Tory membership to elect a new leader and therefore new Prime Minister. Wasn’t this a protracted process that went on and on, even though it was clear that Rishi Sunak wasn’t going to win about a month before the final votes were cast on 5th September?
And now, within two weeks of taking over, Liz Truss, our new PM and her new Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng have delivered a ‘mini-budget’ that has sent the financial markets into melt-down, giving the Bank of England the serious heebie jeebies!
There has been some good news. Do you remember the article I did about NASA’s Dart spacecraft last year? It has just successfully crashed into an asteroid and caused it to change direction. That means if an asteroid is on course to hit the world, we should be able to divert it before disaster strikes. Hooray!
Sue Mitchell, Editor
This product is made of a material from well-managed, FSC®-certified forests and other controlled sources. FSC® is dedicated to the promotion of the responsible forest management worldwide.
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Autumn is here but rainfall is still scarce, the nights are drawing-in and we are getting the blankets out.
Your local magazine for Redbourn, Kinsbourne Green and North Harpenden, Markyate, Flamstead, Caddington, Slip End, Aley Green, Woodside, Kensworth, Whipsnade, Studham, Gaddesden Row.
Disclaimer: MiMagazine is published in good faith and cannot be held responsible in any way for inaccuracies in reports, articles or advertising appearing in the magazine. The views expressed in editorial may not necessarily reflect the views of the editor. Photographs and materials submitted by readers or advertisers can only be published if permission has been granted by the photographer, author and the persons appearing in the photos. MiMagazine cannot be held responsible for checking all such permissions have been granted.
SPECIALIST NEUROLOGICAL PHYSIOTHERAPISTS We provide rehabilitation in your own home if you have a neurological deficit affecting your movement, including: • Stroke • Parkinson’s Disease • Multiple Sclerosis • Balance Problems • Children’s Physiotherapy • Occupational Therapy • Neuro Pilates classes • Neuro Fitness classes 07786 363638 / 07909 982569
Kensworth Village Hall was awash with colour on 3rd September for the annual show. Despite difficult conditions of late for gardeners, over 300 exhibits were displayed and attracted many compliments from those that crowded into the Village Hall for the presentations, which were made by Andrew Gibbons of Ashtons Estate Agents, who kindly sponsored the Show.
Not for the first time, Geoffrey Stafford walked away with the major awards as the Overall Winner and also for the Best Vegetables on display. Other winners included Emma Dick (Best Flowers), David Foster (Best Fruit), Catherine Porter (Flower Arrangement), Jenny Dries (Cookery & Craft), Anna Prosceinska (Preserves) and Ella Rice (Children’s Categories).
The award for the Best Front Garden went to Helen & Dave Gingell, whilst Best Allotment Awards were given to Graham Lee and Sharon Hutchins.
We will shortly commence the planning process for the 2023 Show and welcome anyone who might be interested in joining our small but friendly Committee. Any enquiries should be addressed to David Manton (
Image Mobile Hairdressing
Qualified Mobile hairdresser
Dry cut £12.00 Cut & set £20.00
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Colour tint £32.00 Colour regrowth £26.00
Hi Lights F/H from £40.00 Hi lights H/H from £30.00
Semi colour £24.00 Cap Hi lights £30.00
Under 12’s Dry cut £10.00 Under 5’s Dry cut £7.00
Blowdry after treatment £10.00 Second colour £7.00
Fully qualified Level 1, 2 & 3
11 years’ experience in a salon Monday Friday Harpenden, Redbourn, Caddington, Slip End & surrounding areas.
Telephone Charlotte 07513 101247
Please leave a message if not available and I will return the call when free.
Root retouch £30
Full head tint from £40
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Half head highlights from £40
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Keratin straightening treatment. Prices on consultation
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 4 2123 To Find out more or book a viewing contact Jessica on 01582 840586 • Healthy home cooked meals • Open 7.30am – 6.00pm all year round AppleTreesMarkyateMagazine Ad.indd 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ai15905750299_Neville Funerals Advert Colour May 2020.pdf 1 27/05/2020 11:23:50 * All Makes Repaired * Full Electrical Safety Tests * Evening & Weekend Appointments * All Work Guaranteed Vacuum Cleaners MIMagazine Jan/Feb 20.qxp_Layout 1 06/12/2019 14:15 Page 24 Hair, Nails & Waxing
Daniella 07502 604956 • Blow Dry £15 • Hair cut £20 • Cut & blowdry £30 • Gents £10 • Children from £5 •
Waxing and Nails. Prices on request
Dedicated to provide excellence in my service Senior Citizen 10% off all prices
1km - Female 1st Jacey Dyett (age 12) 2nd Lara Murfett (age 10) 3rd Sophia Zhou (9) 1km - Male 1st Harry Barrett (age 9)
2nd George McMahon (age 13) 3rd Liam Rickard (age 12)
3km - Female 1st Clara Upjohn (age 10) 2nd Matilda Bennett (age 13) 3rd Tilly O’Mahoney (age 10)
3km - Male 1st Thomas Burgess (age 10)2nd Archie Clarke (age 11) 3rd George McMahon (age 13)
5km - Female 1st Rachel Mackie 2nd Ellen Mayes
3rd Grace Allan (age 11)
5km - Male 1st Harry Barrett (age 9) 2nd Richard Goss
3rd Liam Rickard (age 12)
Relay - Years 2/3 Fast Falcons – Omid & Medhi Hassani-Pak, Mylo Barrett, Harry Cottle
Relay - Years 4/5/6 Thunderbolts – Thomas Bennett, Thomas Burgess, Theo Falkner, Harry Barrett
Listen Up!
Leigh Hibon
Daytime 07841 652496
Evening 01582 842764
Since launching the Redbourn Fun Run on 7th June 2015, our team have had a great time organising and promoting this wondering community event.
90 Trowley Hill Road, Flamstead, AL3 8EA
After six Fun Runs, 18 races, 3,500 runners and more than £50,000 raised, it is our turn to stand down.
If anyone would be interested in making the Fun Run 2023 happen, please email
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* Washing machines * Dishwashers * Tumble Dryers * Electric Ovens * Vacuum Cleaners ~ All makes repaired ~ Full Electrical Safey Tests ~ Evening and evening appointments ~ No Call Out charges ~ Honest and reliable ~ All work guaranteed
To adver�se call 07941 661004 Please men�on A J R B U I L D I N G S E R V I C E S Mobile: 07931 308306 Tel: 01582 475428 Email: . K i t c h e n s & B a t h r o o m s . R e f u r b i s h m e n t s . G a r a g e C o n v e r s i o n s & E x t e n s i o n s . P l a s t e r i n g , P a i n t i n g & D e c o r a t i n g . W a l l a n d F l o o r T i l i n g . P a t i o s a n d F e n c i n g . F a s c i a s & S o f f i t s . G e n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e A l l a s p e c t s o f b u i l d i n g w o r k u n d e r t a k e n : F R E E Q U O T A T I O N S z z z z z z O v e r 2 5 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e Friendly and Reliable Ser vice Fully insured AJRsmallad_Layout 1 07/12/2015 17:30 Page 1 That’s of people Uniformed• 100%• Regular• Free• All• No• Trust experts 01582 MMaid.indd 1 See our feedback on Check a trade Anderton Electrics Keeping you wired up. Contact James direct on: 07771 698 151 01582 343 123 ✔ Free quotations, ✔ Emergency ✔ Domestic ✔ A name library.indd 29 20/05/2022 16:38:48 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts tConstruction tDriveways tLandscaping tBlock paving tPatios tFoundations tPergolas 01582 447 284 tFootings tDrainage tBrickwork tFencing installation tArtificial grass tTurfing tPorcelian paving gates Family owned and run business based in Dunstable now in our 30th year of trade. Covering Beds, Herts & Bucks. Reliable, personal, polite, professional business manner, as well as our high standard of work Free, no obligation quotations. All work is fully guaranteed for 7 years 21 Your local supplier of Vehicle Maintenance for Light Commercials, PSV’s & HGV’s We are based on the A5183 (Watling Street) between Markyate and Dunstable Call 01582 843220 for further information or visit our website: • Rolling Road Brake Tester • Diagnostics • Servicing • IRTE Accredited Workshops
A coach carrying children en route to Beechwood Park School hits Fusion Foods in Markyate
On 21st September, a coach carrying children to Beechwood Park school, hit the corner of Fusion Foods’ building which is often damaged by large vehicles that fail to navigate successfully, the tight corner where Hicks Road meets the High Street.
A large window smashed, showering some of the children with glass and considerable damage was caused to Fusions Foods’ building as you can see from the photo. Russ at the Gym-Tro took some very distressed and tearful children into the gym and provided them with safety, care, first aid and sweets bought from the Nisa, to comfort them. The Head Teacher at Beechwood, Ed Balfour, thanked everyone “who took such care with the young children from the visiting school; it was a big shock to them, but they were ‘tough tortoises’ and showed a lot of resilience. They were all fine and enjoyed the sugary treats!” He thanked the kind people of Markyate and personally, thanked Russ at GymTro and Cora Ann Holloway who reported the incident on Markyate Matters’ page.
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Chimneys Swept Caps and Cowls
Chimneys Swept
Caps and Cowls
Wood and Multifuel Stove
Installation & Liners
Wood and Multifuel Stove
Installation &Liners
01582 932343 07989 418510
01582 932343 07989 418510
Look at this amazing picture of The Local in Markyate, painted by Ian Rackley, in Van Gogh style.
Sir Mike to retire
Holiday London Road, Markyate,
This shop has been clipped, even smashed on several occasions over the years. Lisa Sharp-Greer posted this photo (below) of the shop after being crashed into in the 1990s. Could there not be an alternative route for long vehicles?
New & new
Join us the
Dress code: Black Arrival at 7pm | Dinner
French Onion
Toasted Brioche
Woo Hoo! Redbourn has won Gold in Anglia in Bloom and 1st in Small Town category reports Pat Schofield
Grilled Sole with Asparagus and cherry tomato
Here is a photo of Van Gogh’s Cafe at night in Arles, 1888. I took it at Van Gogh Alive show last year in London. The style is unmistakeable. Van Gogh said in a letter to his brother:
Champagne Sorbet
“I have tried to express the idea that the cafe is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad or commit a crime! The way to love life is to love many things”
Fillet of Beef Rossini topped chicken paté and rich sauce. Portobello Mushroom sweet potatoe stout tart new potatoes, carrots, and tomato basil sauce.
“It is with the most discussions Abby, I have the next “I have spoken constituency to my Constituency “The trust showed as their unwavering. Hemel Hempstead faith the election “There can serve your a time when facts of I have by described is now time “Naturally, constituents MP,” said It is expected May 2024.
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To advertise call 07941 661004 Please
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and Canapes
soup gratinée toasted bloomer and Emmental Cheese Chicken and Apricot with
and Fruit
salsa ***
Call for a FREE, NO-OBLIGATION Quotation Now 01525 620247 Proud Sponsors of EB LIONS U8's Football Team Web // Email We are based in Eaton Bray Boiler On The Blink? Up to
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 8 MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WHILE - U - WAIT SERVICE Open Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm. Sat 8am - 1pm. Sun & Bank Holidays Closed. MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE No Spares, Repairs or Sales Pressure - Just a fair test! JUST MOT’s We are The Centre You Can Trust! Easy to nd 1 High Street Redbourn Herts AL3 7LE Easy to park! 2113 Please can you design a di erent advert to push vouchers: Give the gift of an adventure and a memory that will last forever! Personalise your gift voucher online at www.thexc. Pplease can you then have the words: Climbing, Caving, High Ropes and Skatepark somewhere on there to show what they can do. Thank you Personalise your gift voucher online at CLIMBINGHIGH ROPESCAVING SKATEPARK C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 87-mimagazine-advert-144x105.pdf 1 24/07/2019 13:55 22 To adver�se call 07941 661004 Please men�on when responding to adverts 13 Chimneys Swept Caps and Cowls Wood and Multifuel Stove Installation &Liners 01582 932343 07989 418510 Chimneys Swept Caps and Cowls Wood and Multifuel Stove Installation & Liners 01582 932343 07989 418510 Untitled-3 1 11/27/2019 3:56:47 PM Will Kimberley Garden Services Hedge cuttingHigh Hedges our speciality Tree work, pruning, removal Grass cutting (one-o and regular) Fencing new and repairs Garden shed construction and re-felting General Garden Tidy Up’s Garden clearance and maintenance Turf and gravel laying Contact Will for a free no obligation written estimate 01442 255784 or email: Will Kimberley.indd 1 03/02/2014 10:57:51 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts
friendly, no obligation quote to enjoying
These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Home Counties Loft Ladders come in.
value service.
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50sqft of boarding and a light - all fully fitted in less than a day from just £444! But it’s not just the affordability of the package that makes Home Counties Loft Ladders stand out, as manager Jamie Oakley explains:
‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen, so our customers are assured of the best job.
Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.
Our business relies on referrals and we get a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing
customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles.
At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every
installation we carry out!’
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, call Jamie free on 0808 301 9557 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!
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Home Counties Loft Ladders, Quality You Can Trust! • Loft Ladders • Hatches • Boarding • Insulation • Lights • Fully Guaranteed STARTER PACKAGE: Aluminium loft ladder, light plus 50 sqft boarding, fully fitted in less than a day from £444 Need more storage space? INSTALL A LOFT LADDER AND USE YOUR LOFT! replace failed or broken Wood, Aluminium, and Velux windows, as repairing locks, handles, and mechanisms. Call
328 8213 for a free,
your best
ADVERTISEMENT THEPANES THEFRAMES! CLOUDY WINDOWS, CLEARED. clouded up panes also fix faulty locks, seals & gaskets and fit dog & cat flaps. Free: 328 8213 Double Glazing Repair & Replacement 7
For information on scams and how to report them, go to the National Trading Standards Scams Team website.
For practical and impartial advice on how to resolve a consumer problem, contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133 or online Citizens Advice Consumer Service.
Beware Loft Insulation Scams
Hertfordshire County Council Trading Standards is warning of fraudulent cold calls being made to residents about loft insulation. This is yet another variation on the same fraud Herts CC warned about previously. This time fraudsters may tell you that old style loft insulation is causing issues with damp. They will try to frighten you by telling you that your rafters and roof are in danger of collapse unless you deal with this issue as soon as possible. They then go on to arrange an appointment to carry out a no obligation survey to check if there is a damp problem at your property. Unsurprisingly, once at your home, they will tell you that there is a problem and then sell you new insulation and a dehumidifier for your loft for a great deal of money. None of their claims are true. What is true however, is that customer lists have fallen into the hands of scammers who are making these targeted sales calls. This and any other cold calls about loft insulation, solar panels, new boilers and cavity wall insulation is a scam.
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Our aimis to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service
Our aimis to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service
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To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 10 Goldring Nursery.indd 1 3/26/2019 1:36:15 PM 21 To adver�se call 07941 661004 Please men�on when responding to adverts DRIPS ‘N’THINGS LTD Tel: 01582 862554 email: Small enough to care. Established 37 years No call out charge Same day service often available All domestic plumbing Plus:Bathroom Suites Supplied and Fitted Dishwashers, dripping taps, tanks and washing machines All work guaranteed FREE Estimates Will Kimberley Garden Services Hedge cuttingHigh Hedges our speciality Tree work, pruning, removal Grass cutting (one-o and regular) Fencing new and repairs Garden shed construction and re-felting General Garden Tidy Up’s Garden clearance and maintenance Turf and gravel laying Contact Will for a free no obligation written estimate 01442 255784 or email: Will Kimberley.indd 1 03/02/2014 10:57:51 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COMPANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COMPANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COM ANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COMPANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COM ANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COMPANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COMPANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage Company 01582 572967 LONG ESTABLISHEDREMOVAL COMPANY OFFERING A PROFESSIONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCEFREE ESTIMATES REMOVALS Local, National, International STORAGE Secure & Containerised PACKING Full or Part & Materials Specialising in house removals and office relocations in the UK, Europe and Overseas. Mem No S052 Stephen s Your Local Removals and Storage CompanyContactustoday: @stotengillam Our aimis to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service ✓ Established over 50 years ✓ Traditional values with forward thinking and modern technology ✓ Fullrange ofbusinessand personal accountancy and tax services ✓ Latest cloud software ✓ Free initialmeeting Tel:01582 608601 99HighStreet South, Dunstable, LU63SF Contactustoday: @stotengillam Our aimis to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service ✓ Established over 50 years ✓ Traditional values with forward thinking and modern technology ✓ Fullrange ofbusinessand personal accountancy and tax services ✓ Latest cloud software ✓ Free initialmeeting Tel:01582 608601 99HighStreet South, Dunstable, LU63SF Contactustoday: @stotengillam Our aimis to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service ✓ Established over 50 years ✓ Traditional values with forward thinking and modern technology ✓ Fullrange ofbusinessand personal accountancy and tax services ✓ Latest cloud software ✓ Free initialmeeting Tel:01582 608601 99HighStreet South, Dunstable, LU63SF Contactustoday: @stotengillam Our aimis to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service ✓ Established over 50 years ✓ Traditional values with forward thinking and modern technology ✓ Fullrange ofbusinessand personal accountancy and tax services ✓ Latest cloud software ✓ Free initialmeeting Tel:01582 608601 99HighStreet South, Dunstable, LU63SF Contactustoday: @stotengillam @stotengillam Contactustoday:
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C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ai16444023057_Neville Funerals Advert Colour Feb 2022.pdf 1 09/02/2022 10:25:06 Fraud on
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Herts news.indd 10 15/02/2022 11:07:20
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 11 Excellent Childcare, Outstanding Facilities & Affordable Prices! To Find out more or book a viewing contact Jessica on 01582 840586 Email: • Caterpillar room from birth – walking • Butterfly room from walking to 3 years • Pre-school from 3-5 years • After school club including collection • Healthy home cooked meals • 2 large fully equipped gardens • Vegetable patch • Outdoor classroom • Added security of gated drive & CCTV • Open 7.30am – 6.00pm all year round AppleTreesMarkyateMagazine Ad.indd 1 04/02/2015 14:08 17 To adver�se call 07941 661004 Please men�on when responding to adverts ROOFING DIVISION CLARIDGE & HALL BROS LTD Est 1890 01582 840201 Quality work at competitive prices in Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas SPECIALISTS IN ALL TYPES OF ROOFING WORK Please telephone Graham Parkins for advice or a FREE QUOTATION on 01582 840201 or email CLARIDGE & HALL BROS LTD - THE STABLES - VALLEY FARM - VALLEY LANE MARKYATE - HERTS - AL3 8AT Claridge New.indd 2 3/6/2017 4:01:19 PM Caddington Kensworth Markyate Redbourn 01582 206 004 01582 206 399 01582 206 004 01582 206 008
12 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mentionwhen responding to adverts To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts To adver�se call 07941 661004 Please men�on when responding to adverts Conservatories, Windows, Doors, Conservatory roof conversions, Roofline & Aluminium seamless guttering. Visit us at: Leighton Buzzard Garden Centre, Leighton Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 9NX or visit our Factory Showroom: Unit 17, Triumph Way, Woburn Rd Ind Est, Kempston, Beds MK42 7QB Contact Peter Pascan Tel: 01525 405330 Transform your home with beautiful new windows from Cladwinds. A trusted local firm with 35 years manufacturing and installing experience Est. since 1985 Insurance backed 10 year guarantee Cladwinds Full Jan 20.qxp_Layout 1 05/12/2019 12:43 Page 1 Page25.indd 25 12/6/2019 8:59:00 AM 07831 172792 Visit us at: Leighton Buzzard Garden Centre, Leighton Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 9NX or visit our Factory Showroon: 17 Lyon Close, Kempston MK42 7SB Clad Windows.indd 22 9/28/2020 10:22:08 AM Contact David Ross Tel: 01234 851111
To advertise call 07941 661004 Whether buying, selling or renting, we provide a personalised, professional and individual service to help make your move as smooth as possible. Speak to one of our friendly team today. 01582 841 200 1 Manor Road, Caddington, Bedfordshire, LU1 4EE Local agents, Local knowledge Goodson Builders Ltd Established 1975 Call: 07850 746171 Fax: 01582 873456 Email: All work quality assured & guaranteed Testimonials available New build extensions and renovations Expert in conservation & heritage work Complete service from drawings to decoration Quality old fashioned craftmanship Competitive old fashioned prices Guaranteed to please Full Building Maintenance Service Goodson.indd 1 Albans • Welwyn Garden City • Redbourn 04/06/2018 22:18 Ashtons, winners Fruit, next of the winner, aged 8 Please men�on when responding to adverts 9/23/2019 11:06:03 AM Please men�on DRIPS email: Small Dishwashers, Dripsnthingsquarternew.indd 1 03/02/2014 10:57:51 our Local RemovalsStorage Company Specialising in house rem ov als and office enquiries@stephensrem enquiries@stephensrem COMPREHENSIVE enquiries@stephensremLocal RemovalsStorage Company Specialising in house rem ov als and office Our aim is to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and ✓ Established over 50 years ✓ Traditional values with forward thinking and modern technology ✓ Full range of business and personal accountancy and tax services ✓ Latest cloud software ✓ Free initial meeting Contact us today: @stotengillam Our aim is to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service ✓ Established over 50 years ✓ Traditional values with forward thinking and modern technology ✓ Full range of business and personal accountancy and tax services ✓ Latest cloud software ✓ Free initial meeting Tel: 01582 608601 99 High Street South, Dunstable, LU6 3SF Contact us today: @stotengillam Our aim is to provide an outstanding professional, cost effective and friendly service ✓ Established over 50 years ✓ Traditional values with forward thinking and modern technology ✓ Full range of business and personal accountancy and tax services ✓ Latest cloud software ✓ Free initial meeting Tel: 01582 608601 99 High Street South, Dunstable, LU6 3SF Page21.indd 21
Solicitors LLP have offices in Luton and Berkhamsted. We are one of the leading law firms in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire and recognise the need to establish a proper relationship with our clients which allows us to understand individual requirements and to give effective practical advice in a pragmatic, cost effective way. We provide specialist advice and assistance
for businesses and individuals. Luton - 01582 514000 Berkhamsted - 01442 872311 Join our FREE Webinars 5th October 2022 7pm Cohabiting Couples and Living Together What are your legal rights? 2nd November 2022 10am The Importance of having a Lasting Power of Attorney 7th December 2022 10am Understanding Inheritance and Property - How to avoid disputes and claims To register your place on these webinars please visit or contact
As your income increases, the complexity of your finances may too.
Tax-efficiency is a key consideration when investing because it can make such an enormous difference to your wealth and quality of life.
However, the type of investment and tax efficiency you should be looking for depends firstly if your priority is to save a lump sum for the future or to draw an income today.
There are a number of allowances and reliefs available to UK taxpayers on their savings and investments. It is important to make use of these, as they can help to reduce your overall tax bill.
If you’re looking to save money on your taxes, if you’re a UK resident one way to do so is by contributing to an Individual Savings Account (ISA). With an ISA, you can shelter up to £20,000 of your income from taxation in the 2022/23 tax year.
If you’re looking to maximise your ISA allowance in this current tax year, you could consider opening a Stocks & Shares ISA. With a Stocks & Shares ISA, you can invest in a wide range of assets, including shares, corporate and government bonds, unit trusts, investment trusts, exchange-traded funds, individual stocks and shares and OEICs (Open Ended Investment Companies). Not only will your investment grow tax-efficiently, you’ll also benefit from the potential for capital gains.
Another option is to open a Cash ISA. With a Cash ISA, you can earn interest on your savings without having to pay any tax on the interest earned. This makes it an ideal way to boost your savings while minimising your tax liability. A Cash ISA is available to anyone aged 16 or over, while an ISA invested in any combination of cash and shares is available to those over the age of 18.
If you’re looking to save for retirement or to buy your first home, you may also want to consider opening a Lifetime ISA (USA), which is available for people aged between 18 and 40. With a Lifetime ISA, you can save up to £4,000 in the current tax year, which counts towards your annual ISA allowance. The government will add a 25% bonus to savings held in a LISA, up to a maximum of £1,000 per year, and this does not count towards your ISA allowance. You need to bear in mind that the money you put into a LISA each year forms part of your overall £20,000 ISA allowance - so if you put £4,000 in a LISA during the tax year, you’ll be able to put £16,000 into other ISAs.
Finally, if you have children, you may want to consider opening a Junior ISA (JISA) for them. The Junior ISA is available to UK residents aged under the age of 18 who do not have a child trust fund account (a child trust fund can be transferred into a Junior ISA to enable future subscriptions to be made to the Junior ISA - or the child trust fund can be kept and up to £9,000 pa can be paid into it instead of the Junior ISA). Under-18s, or their parents, can put up to £9,000 in a Junior ISA each tax year. The money saved in a Junior ISA will grow tax-efficiently and can be used for a wide range of purposes, including education and training costs.
If unused, your ISA allowance cannot be carried from one tax year to the next.
Under the current rules for tax year 2022/23, the maximum gross contributions that are eligible for tax relief each tax year are the lower of your gross earned income and £40,000. That includes employer
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and employee combined contributions and if this Annual Allowance is exceeded, a tax charge applies on the excess unless it can be covered by using carry forward. Very high earners may have a lower Annual Allowance.
Increasing your pension contributions is a very effective way of saving for retirement. By putting more into your pension, you will be able to build up a larger pot of money which can provide you with a comfortable retirement income.
It is also worth considering increasing your pension contributions if you have recently had a pay rise or come into some extra money. By doing this, you will ensure that you are making the most of your finances and making the most of your retirement prospects. You can also carry forward unused annual allowances from the previous three tax years, subject to certain rules, providing further scope for making contributions. If you earn over £100,000, making pension contributions can be highly advantageous. Your personal allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 of income above £100,000; this means your allowance is zero if your income is £125,140 or above. However, if you make a pension contribution this comes off your income figure for this purpose and so if the gross contribution is enough to reduce your total income below £125,140, you are able to offset or remove the reduction in your personal allowance.
For further information or to discuss your requirements, please contact us:
Capital Manor Financial Advisors Ltd
17 Manor Road, Caddington, LU1 4EE Tel: 01582 414514
Making use of these allowances and reliefs could save you a significant amount of money in taxes every year. Speak to us to see how you can make the most of them -to find out more, please contact us.
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Are you fit and healthy for your age?
Here is a summary of guidelines by age group from the UK Chief Medical Officer’s Physical Activity Guidelines:
Children and Young People (5 to 18 years)
• Children and young people should engage in moderateto-vigorous intensity physical activity for an average of at least 60 minutes per day across the week. This can include all forms of activity such as physical education, active travel, after-school activities, play and sports.
• Children and young people should engage in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week to develop movement skills, muscular fitness, and bone strength.
• Children and young people should aim to minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary, (ie sitting in front of electronic devices) and when physically possible should break up long periods of not moving with at least light physical activity.
Adults (19 to 64 years)
• For good physical and mental health, adults should aim to be physically active every day. Any activity is better than none, and more is better still.
• Adults should do activities to develop or maintain strength in the major muscle groups. These could include heavy gardening, carrying heavy shopping, or resistance exercise. Muscle strengthening activities should be done on at least two days a week, but any strengthening activity is better than none.
• Each week, adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) of moderate intensity activity (such as brisk walking or cycling); or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity (such as running); or even shorter durations of very vigorous intensity activity (such as sprinting or stair climbing); or a combination of moderate, vigorous and very vigorous intensity activity.
• Adults should aim to minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary, and when physically possible should break up long periods of inactivity with at least light physical activity.
Older Adults (65 years and over)
• Older adults should participate in daily physical activity to gain health benefits, including maintenance of good physical and mental health, wellbeing, and social functioning.
Some physical activity is better than none: even light activity brings some health benefits compared to being sedentary, while more
daily physical activity provides greater health and social benefits.
• Older adults should maintain or improve their physical function by undertaking activities aimed at improving or maintaining muscle strength, balance and flexibility on at least two days a week. These could be combined with sessions involving moderate aerobic activity or could be additional sessions aimed specifically at these components of fitness.
• Each week older adults should aim to accumulate 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate intensity aerobic activity, building up gradually from current levels. Those who are already regularly active can achieve these benefits through 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity, to achieve greater benefits. Weight-bearing activities which create an impact through the body help to maintain bone health.
• Older adults should break up prolonged periods of being sedentary with light activity when physically possible, or at least with standing, as this has distinct health benefits for older people.
“Despite the widely reported benefits of physical activity, most adults and many children across the UK are insufficiently active to meet the full set of recommendations.
... some (physical activity) is good, more is better”
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To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mentionwhen responding to adverts 19 4-16 yard SKIP HIRE 20-40 yard ROLL ON/OFF HIRE TRADE TIPPING WELCOME 01582-571200 WWW.GLYNNSSKIPS.CO.UK Unit 1, 250 Toddington Rd, Luton, LU4 9DZ
Sustainable Clothes Swaps
Inthe UK, we buy more clothes than any other country in Europe. The trend of ‘fast fashion’ has resulted in more than half of items bought being thrown away in less than a year. Around £140 million worth of clothes goes in our general waste bins in the UK every yearthat’s around 350,000 tonnes.
Disposing of these clothes and textiles costs the UK around £82 million each year. Globally, less than one per cent of the material used to produce clothing is recycled back into new clothing. Around 12 percent is recycled into other products, such as insulation or mattress stuffing.
Dacorum Borough Council wants to encourage residents to love their clothes and give them as much life as possible before ensuring that they are recycled and not sent to landfill.
If you do need to buy something, try and get it secondhand rather than new. There are many charity shops in Dacorum, as well as some great pre-loved and vintage shops. You can also try Facebook groups and apps such as Depop and Vinted.
Sustainable clothes swaps
Clothes swaps are a great way to refresh your wardrobe at no cost to you or the environment. We normally host sustainable clothes swap events every spring and autumn.
Taking part is simple - bring along your unwanted, goodquality items of clothing (10 items maximum) during the designated drop-off time, and then return during any of the swap times to pick up some 'new items. However many good quality items you brought in is the amount
that you are allowed to take away with you.
Next event
Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd October 2022 at The Forum, Hemel Hempstead
Friday 21 October - Drop off: 11.30am - 12.30pm, Swap: 1pm - 2pm; Friday 21 October - Drop off: 5.30pm6.30pm, Swap: 7pm - 8pm; Saturday 22 October - Drop off: 10am - 11am, Swap: Midday - 1.30pm
Clothes swap rules
Email to be added to their clothes swap mailing list for all the details and to be notified of all our future clothes swap events.
Love your clothes
They proudly support the Love Your Clothes campaign, which helps people take care of their clothes and increase their lifespan. Its website offers top tips on:
• Washing and drying clothes correctly
• Stain removal
• Making repairs and alterations
• Upcycling items
• Selling and donating
• If you no longer want your items and there's still plenty of life left in them, aim to sell or donate them to someone else who can enjoy them.
Clothes can also be sold on online marketplaces such as eBay, Preloved or Facebook Marketplace, sold physically at car boot or jumble sales, swapped for discounts through companies such as reGAIN, or donated to local charity shops.
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Recycling Unwearables
If it can’t be reworn, let it be reborn. Unwearables are clothes that are not destined to be worn again - for example, holey socks, ripped tights or torn T-shirts. Alternatively, they could be items that you wouldn’t pass on to someone else, such as underwear. The good news is these can have a life as something new.
If your items cannot be repaired, reused or worn again, take them along to your nearest neighbourhood textile recycling bank so that they can be reborn. Your ‘unwearables’ can become anything from a carpet or mattress, to sofa stuffing or wiper rags.
These neighbourhood textile recycling banks are only for flat textiles, such as clothes, curtains, duvet covers and pillowcases. Stuffed textiles, such as cushions, duvets and pillows need to be taken to the Recycling Centre to be recycled.
Remember: never put clothes in your kerbside binsthey cannot be recycled in your blue-lidded bin and if they go in your grey bin they will end up in landfill or incinerated.
Hertfordshire SaverCard
Half-fare bus travel for 11-25 year olds
If you are aged between 11 and 25 years old and travel by bus in Hertfordshire, you can travel for half price with a Hertfordshire SaverCard and SaverCard Plus. SaverCard Plus for 20-25 year olds
To get a SaverCard (11-19) years or SaverCard Plus (20-25 years) you need to:
• live in Hertfordshire
• pay a fee of £20 online (it’s £25 if you apply by post).
The card will arrive within 14 days. schools-and-education/travel-to-school/savercard/ savercard.aspx#twenty
Dear Redbourn Residents,
It is with great sadness that I convey the news of the passing of Peter Fox, fondly known as ‘Podge’. He will be sorely missed, and Redbourn Community Group send condolences to his family.
Many of you will be aware of Peter’s significant contribution; in 1980 a small group of people in Redbourn, led by Peter ‘Podge’ Fox MBE, began offering lifts to people in the village who for one reason or another couldn’t get to medical appointments by themselves. The service spread to include a wider number of drivers and “clients”. Very soon the founding volunteers established Redbourn Care Group as a social self-help organisation. It became a Registered Charity in 1987. The Care Group’s success was recognised with the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award in 2003: an award of national significance, celebrating the important contributions of volunteers to the well-being of their communities.
The founders remained active in the running of the organisation for many years before handing over the responsibilities to a new generation of trustees. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time. Kind regards,
Sally Bartlett Trustee of RCG
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The fashion industry is responsible for 10 per cent of global carbon emissions. This means that clothes are contributing to climate change more than air and sea travel combined.
If you would like to share any tributes to local people who may have won something special, celebrated a momentous occasion or died, we can print your own words and photos in this magazine. Email or upload directly to our website
Dying without a will The Inheritance Tax implications
Rik Mayall, the late comedian and actor, did not have a valid Will in place when he died in June 2014. He died “intestate” meaning his £1.2 million estate would have paid inheritance tax which could have been avoided with the right Will in place. Under the intestacy rules law, a significant part of Rik’s estate, as a married parent who died without a Will, would go straight to his children, triggering a potential tax liability.
The Intestacy Rules are set by law and can be summarised as follows:-
• Married/civil partner with no children. If you die without a Will everything goes to the spouse or civil partner
• Married/civil partner with children, and you die without a Will assets up to £270,000 and personal possessions (not land) go to the spouse or civil partner. Assets above that limit are split 50/50 between the spouse and the children.
• Unmarried, living with someone, with or without children, if you die without a Will the cohabitee receives nothing. Where there are children and/ or grandchildren, they receive everything in equal shares. Where there are no children, the deceased’s assets go to their parents or, if they have no parents, to their siblings.
If there are no children or other dependants, no parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, nephews, nieces, or aunts and uncles (blood relatives not relatives by marriage), the whole estate goes to the Crown.
To have a share in the estate the cohabitant would have to make a formal claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 unless all other potential beneficiaries were over 18 and agreed that some assets passed to the co-habitant. As you can imagine this is a costly and therefore stressful process.
What does this mean in terms of Inheritance Tax?
One of the key inheritance tax perks is that spouses/ civil partners can gift any amount to each other taxfree. However, giving assets to children will trigger an inheritance tax bill if the gift exceeds the “nil rate band” threshold of £325,000. There is also an additional exemption of up to £175,000 in relation to homes passing to “lineal descendants” provided certain conditions are met.
If everything passes to a spouse/civil partner, then on the second death, the first spouse’s/partner’s tax-free threshold can be added to their own – thus doubling what can pass before tax. Everything that passes
down above the tax-free allowances is taxed at 40% of that value.
Avoiding the Intestacy Rules is not the only reason that it is a good idea to make a Will.
With a Will:-
• You leave clear instructions about how your estate is to be distributed.
• You choose your own executors – the people who manage the estate. Appointing children who do not get on can lead to the estate administration coming to a standstill and they may end up going to Court!
• You appoint guardians to look after your children, if they are under 18, until they come of age. You can also make financial arrangements for their benefit. Otherwise, social services may end up deciding who your children will live with.
• You can make specific gifts to friends or family including items of jewellery.
• If you have remarried, you can ensure any children from your first marriage get a share of your estate.
• You can make provision for your pet.
• You can make gifts to charities
• You may avoid family disputes.
And just in case you were wondering, making a Will does not bring forward the date of your death!
Contact Nicole Marmor for more information.
Nicole Marmor Email:
Tel: +44 (0) 1727 738989 Mob: +44 (0) 7905 883 745
You’re invited to our upcoming Inheritance Tax seminar
“Preparing for the expected.”
We are working with Grosvenor Wealth Management to help you to protect your wealth and assets in this upcoming free seminar, complete with canapes and drinks afterwards. To join us and RSVP, simply email to join us at Shendish Manor, Hemel Hempstead, on 20th October at 6:30pm.
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To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mentionwhen responding to adverts 23 We are a friendly family run business with over 35 years experience specialising in central heating & plumbing installations, servicing and maintenance. 01582 487111 07723 612745 18 Cromer Way, Luton LU2 7EE We provide free, no obligation quotations. References available •Installations on gas, oil, electric and LPG boilers •Full central heating systems •Boiler servicing •Hot water cylinders •Nest, Hive, Wave Smart controls •Powerflushing •Megaflow (unvented) cylinders •Water softeners •Landlords Gas Safety checks •Annual boiler servicing •Maintenance contracts •Water main underground moling •Full bathroom design updates 56 Holly Farm Close, Caddington LU1 4ET Home Heating.indd 1 9/14/2018 9:29:09 AM
Caddhist Local History Group
On 25th of August 2022 Caddhist (Caddington Local History Group) had its annual summer party at Heathfield Centre in Caddington at 7:30pm. We had Maxine Smith to cater for us, and the committee helped with many tasks in preparation for the evening. Nearly 70 members sat with friends around nine tables, set out beautifully with tablecloths and table decorations made by Wendy Catford. As well as platters of food there was a quiz on each table that was made up of a written quiz and a picture quiz which tested our Royal knowledge. Members brought their own drinks to complement their buffet. There was also cheese and biscuits and wonderful desserts made by the members - around 19 in total, so plenty of choice, with a few people going back for seconds! Then it was time for people to try their knowledge at the “wartime food” anagram quiz that was dotted around the hall, enabling people to get out of their seats and socialise. The answers to the quizzes was given out after a period of time and one table was the winner and their prizes were wooden spoons! There were a few winners for the anagrams’ quiz but there were no prizes, as it was just the taking part that was fun! John then started us off with some a cappella singing.
Kay Palfrey
Check out our website:
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Here to help you wit h your Smar tphone, Tablet and Com puter Tel: 01727 617359 (Mon, Wed, Fri 10am 1pm) Email: cour FREE Drop-In Centres ST ALBANS Wednesdays 9.30am 12.00pm The Hub, Civic Centre, AL1 3LD Thursdays 1 30pm 4 30pm Marshalswick Baptist Free Church Sher wood Avenue, AL3 9QL Saturdays 2 00pm 4 30pm Islamic Community Centre 145/147 Hatfield Road, AL1 4JY Don’ t delay contact us today! Enjoy lots of skills & hobbies using your devices Get working with MicroSof t Office Get star ted with Apple iPad, Android and Windows HARPENDEN Thursdays 9.45am 12.15pm 12 Southdown Road (Quakers Meeting House), AL5 1PD FL AMSTEAD Wednesdays 10 30am 12 30pm (First Wednesday of each month) Spotted Dog Pub, 8 High Street, AL3 8BS The winning team
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to adverts Page34.indd 34 10/8/2019 12:47:46 PM To advertise call 07941 661004 Please
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to adverts 8 Terry Buxton and Cloud 9.indd 8 25/10/2021 11:58:2029 MoT and T&C.indd 17 06/04/2022 19:41:42Double page spread template.indd 10 25/05/2022 13:17:53 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 2113 To adver�se call 07941 661004 Please men�on when responding to adverts JARMAN PARK, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP2 4JS TEL: 01442 952333 GIVE THE GIFT OF AN MEMORY ADVENTURE THAT WILL LAST FOREVER! AND A MEMORY ADVENTURE Personalise your gift voucher online at GIFT VOUCHER ENJOYTHE EXPERIENCE! 81_XC_Voucher_210x99 copy.pdf 1 18/07/2019 15:57 CLIMBINGHIGHROPESCAVING SKATEPARK C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 87-mimagazine-advert-144x105.pdf 1 24/07/2019 13:55 To adver�se call 07941 661004 Please men�on when responding to adverts 01582 932343 07989 418510 Untitled-3 1 11/27/2019 3:56:47 PM email: wkgardens Will Kimberley.indd 1 03/02/2014 10:57:51 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts Page13.indd 13 7/27/2020 10:36:46 AM Page22.indd 22 2/22/2021 9:23:27 AM
Representative example - Kia Niro Estate 1.6 Gdi Hybrid 2 Dct (2022 on): On The Road Price £27,245.00 36 monthly payments of £295.82 Customer Deposit £4,450.00 Optional Final Payment / Guaranteed Future Value £14,364.00 Deposit Contribution £500.00 Total Amount Payable £29,963.52 Amount of Credit £22,295.00 Fixed Rate of Interest 2.52% p.a Interest £2,718.52 Representative 4.9% APR Total charge for credit interest £2,718.52 Duration of Agreement 37 months
Grovebury Cars
Do Garage brokers give you the best deal?
By Melanie Wooding Jones Redbourn Auto Solutions, Caring for you and your car
Our reliance on cars has increased over recent years. Of course, covid meant many felt safer in their cars, but it also had an impact on the transport network with many bus and train lines cutting the number of routes. As we now grapple with unreliable transport services and a steep rise in the cost of living, it has left us utilising our cars more and a trend towards keeping our cars for longer. So, will garage brokers help the burden and be the answer to our financial constraints?
Who are Garage Brokers?
A vehicle broker acts as the middleman between you and the garage. They provide the consumer with a network of ‘approved’ garages to find the best deal which is both convenient and cost-effective.
When using a website, they identify a match for the customer based on location, price and reviews. Garages typically buy into a service that has the potential to increase their footfall. They either pay monthly or annually, pay a percentage of the invoice or per booking, or a combination of the above.
They fall into 4 categories:
• Bidding Site: garages compete to give the lowest cost and win your custom
• Comparison Site: where garage services are
• Booking Site: book through them for a fixed price
• Membership-based: the consumer has to be a member to gain access to garages
There are so many, but a few examples are: Servicing Stop, Click Mechanic, RepairAnyCar, Service4Service, Motoreasy, etc.
They provide a simple and easy system, and can be great communicators (after all that is their core business!). The majority offer the following:
• Online booking and quote system, so you don’t have to call around to check availability and pricing
• Real-time quotes that are fixed for the repair
• Arrange collection and delivery of your car
• Service your car at a local garage
• A full cost breakdown is provided for any additional work
• There is no obligation for additional work
• Labour time is calculated according to the repair required for your vehicle
• All trusted garages on their network are approved/vetted
• There is a 12-month warranty on all parts (continued on page 30)
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 28
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 29 (continued on page 30) To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 34 SERVICE & REPAIR Routine Servicing All repairs undertaken Air-Con Servicing Diagnostics New Tyres, Brakes, Clutches SALES New cars and light commercial vehicles from ANY manufacturer Used vehicles WE SERVICE CARS AND LIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Now booking MOTs
• Existing manufacturer’s warranty is protected
If you don’t already have a relationship with a garage, then this can appear a decent option as someone else has found a trustworthy garage for you….. great news!?
Myth busting
There are numerous claims to be aware of before you take this route. Don’t be taken in by overpromotion. Many garages already give you this service, for instance…
One site claimed, ‘when you select your repair, we take your vehicle registration and cleverly find the correct parts and labour time to do that job’. The majority of garages work on labour times listed for your particular car, so this is nothing new or ‘clever’! To prevent an inaccurate diagnosis and incorrect repair, a good garage will want to see the car before they can give an accurate quote. This is not something that can be done over the phone or online.
All new parts come with a 12-month warranty. Nothing new here either and if using original or OE parts, then good garages are already protecting your manufacturer’s warranty.
For those garages that are CTSI (Chartered Trading Standards Institute) approved, they all quote and give you a breakdown of that cost before any work commences... And there is never an obligation to have the work done, after all it is the buyer’s choice! A garage fully understands and can explain the repair required and why so you can decide whether to go ahead or not. Cars can be complicated, so by going to your preferred garage you can ask as many questions as you’d like.
So, given the above, the list of benefits to garage brokers is substantially reduced to a network of trusted garages, the ability to book online (although many garages also do this), and potentially saving money.
How reliable is a garage broker?
Unsurprisingly, all brokers are businesses too! The RMI (Retail Motor Industry) states, that they ‘Make money from selling garage services to consumers…’ they achieve this by, ‘attracting consumers by various means of advertising such as TV, internet, social media, press and publications’.
In stark contrast to popular belief, the RMI uncovered that the vast majority of brokers failed to provide evidence that they had carried out any checks before placing the garage on their website. So, this is no better than walking into your nearest dealership and not checking their qualifications/knowledge!
All CTSI garages have been fully inspected and endorsed and follow the strict Consumer Codes Approval Scheme which protects the customer. This includes knowledgeable staff.
So, if you can identify your own trusted, local garage, then what about being able to save money?
Will I save money using a broker?
The brokers pricing structures were unclear in the RMI review but revealed that most brokers pay the garage a low rate and the consumer the retail rate, which, for the consumer, is no different than going direct to the garage! One provider even charged the consumer a 6% admin charge for the pleasure.
There are huge issues in comparing like-for-like within the motor industry. So, what you may think is a ‘Full Service’ in one garage, may only be an ‘Intermediate Service’ in another or a ‘B Service’ in another. This doesn’t help the consumer determine if they are getting a good deal or not, so the bidding and comparison sites are flawed right from the start. It’s a bit like purchasing a 15-year-old Peugeot, when you thought you were buying a new Porsche! They’re very different.
Some have also been found to list garages without their permission with incorrect higher prices, helping the garages who had signed up with them appear more competitive.
If a garage is being paid the minimum for a service/ repair, there may be a temptation to reduce their costs (use inferior parts, unqualified techs, etc), or to find faults (brakes, tyres, etc) to make the scheme cost-effective for them. This could be especially enticing as economic instability takes hold.
The payment is sometimes taken directly by the garage broker, although the legalities for providing you with a good standard of work rests completely with the garage involved. It can lead to legal complications later on should you need any support. Any garage you enlist should detail their provision for Alternative Dispute Resolution, which is another
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(continued from page 28) (continued on page 32)
With the Christmas season around the corner; office parties, dresses and family gatherings might not be the only things weighing on people’s minds. Whether you’re the cocktail party hostess, the office social butterfly or even the festive family cook, Christmas is a time when people want to look and feel at their best, which for many includes losing excess weight.
At LighterLife, we know there’s more to long-lasting weight loss than what’s going into your mouth - it’s about what’s going on in your head. That’s why we combine expert eating plans for fast, effective weight loss with free-to-attend weekly meetings.
Instead of focusing on recipes and exercise, you explore ideas that help you understand what triggers your overeating. That’s how
we are different – getting your mind sorted as well as your body.
We take away the stress of calorie counting and meal-planning with our nutritionally complete Foodpacks, which offers fast, safe and motivating weight loss. Available in a choice of plans to suit your weight-loss needs – conventional food is replaced with our nutritious and delicious products, giving you all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Alicia can be found at St Albans Girls School, Sandridgebury Lane, AL3 6DB on a Saturday at 10am, so come along and find out how to get started.
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Time for Change Kat lost 9 stone and has kept it off since 2018. #changeispossible Start now Scan me! Lose a stone a month and keep it off. Contact me today for our latest offers! Alicia 07952 171143
requirement of the CTSI, and although mentioned by several brokers, it is not necessarily checked.
So, are you getting a good deal or paying for the marketing that leads you to a garage? Are you guaranteed they are a trustworthy garage? The information reported by the RMI suggests not.
The RMI recommends consumers ‘seek to engage directly with local independent garage businesses and get to know them to build a lasting trusted relationship. The independent mark of quality that the consumer should look for is approval under the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme run by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute’. More information can be found at tradingstandards. uk/consumers
Redbourn Auto Solutions are CTSI approved; we provide estimates prior to any work commencing and it is the consumers’ choice to go ahead or not, we don’t talk jargon! Our technicians are highly qualified and we provide a collection and delivery service or courtesy car for your convenience. Our parts have a 12-month warranty and we maintain and protect your manufacturer’s warranty. There is an option to book on line if it’s more convenient.
We’re also local and put money directly back into your community!
Be Scam Aware warn Central Bedfordshire Council
Act with caution if you receive a suspicious WhatsApp message. Trading Standards have recently seen an increase in reports from residents who have received a suspicious WhatsApp message.
These messages can vary in tone but will commonly involve the sender attempting to trick you into thinking they are a family member or friend, by often claiming
“Mum, I’ve lost my phone, so I’m using a friend’s…” or “Hi, this is my new number…”.
They may claim they need your help and ask you to transfer money into a bank account so an urgent bill or fine can be paid.
The sender may even exchange further messages with you in an effort to try and convince you into thinking they are someone you know, but there again, they will eventually ask you to send them some money. These types of messages are scams!
The Trading Standards team is warning residents to act with caution if they receive a suspicious message similar to the above. Despite what the sender claims, always take a moment to contact the person the sender is claiming to be, by using contact details you already have and never trust those being used or given in the suspicious message.
Never engage or reply to these types of messages and instead block the number on your phone from further attempts to contact you.
If you wish to report a suspicious telephone call to us, please call 0808 223 1133
Please help prevent others from falling victim to this type of scam, by telling your family, friends and neighbours about this alert.
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(continued from page 30)
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 22 Nikki, Phil & The Team Welcome you to... ENJO Y RO AST D INNERS… EVERY DAY:EAT IN OR TO TAKE AWAY! The Bell in Studham "Fo r Fo od & Gift s we Love!" EAT IN FRESH DOUGH PIZZAS!...2 for 1 MON & THURS from 5pm! RESERVATIONS: 01582 872460 "An Award Winning Pub"... Dunstable Rd, Studham, Beds. LU6 2QG Email: GLUTEN FREE & VEGAN DISHES AVAILABLE FOOD~DRINK~GIFTS~SWEETS~CHUTNEYS~PRESERVES~VOUCHERS~TAKEAWAY
Autumn at The Hertfordshire Garden Centre
As our very hot, long summer recedes in readiness for Autumn, your garden is still bursting with colour and produce. The colour palette changes and the autumn hues of oranges, yellows and reds begin to take centre stage. It is always worth visiting the Garden Centre at this time of year to enjoy the abundance of late summer flowers on show and looking amazing!
Trees will slowly begin to take on their autumn ‘coats’ and with the hot dry summer we have had this year, they’re going to put on a firework display in about a months time. Once the leaves have dropped it will be the perfect time to do any pruning that may be required. You can start with any dead, damaged or diseased branches then move on to reshape the tree if it has grown a tad awkwardly.
This time of year is also the best to prepare your beds and borders in preparation for next year. Applying a fertile mulch now whilst there is still some warmth in the soil will encourage the worms to take it down deeper. By doing this, it opens the soil structure, adding humus and nutrients as it goes.
If your lawn is looking patchy and tired, there are specific autumn feeds that can be applied now, they act by strengthening the root system and adding nutrients the grass will use to make it stronger and greener next spring. This is also the perfect time of year to lay turf or grass seed, the warmth in the soil and the rains of autumn will ensure the seed will germinate and the turf will take. We stock topsoil in either carry bags for smaller patch repairs or in bulk bags for larger areas. We can deliver this at a time that will suit you.
Make the most of this season in your garden with our range of Kadai fire bowls and accessories. These fire bowls can be used for cooking and you can even get specialist additions like pizza ovens, chapati and paella pans and roasting pans. Our best seller last year was the marshmallow toasting fork - great for an evening round the fire with children.
Prepare for the colder months and stock up on logs. We stock Green Olive Kiln Dried logs in various sized bags, even a huge dumpy bag which can also be delivered straight to your door.
We’re open Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm & Sunday 10am-4pm. Visit us in-store and speak to our friendly, knowledgeable staff for any information or queries you may have about your garden. Redbourn, AL3 7PS
Alternatively, give us a call on 01582 792255
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Millers of stoneground organic flours, artisan bakers
• An eighteenth century working flour mill on the bank of the river Ver.
• Producing a range of stoneground, organic flours.
• Onsite bakery baking artisan loaves, cakes and biscuits.
• Four floors of the mill museum to explore.
• Regular baking classes. Gift vouchers available.
• Crossley HD11 oil engine.
Redbournbury Watermill & Bakery, Redbournbury Lane, St Albans AL3 6RS.
Tel: 01582 792874 @redbournbury Baking class enquiries:
Mill Open:
• Saturdays 9am 1pm
• Sundays 1pm 4.30pm
Bakery Open:
• Saturdays 9am 1pm
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36 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts ANSWERS ON PAGE 47 Royal Cross word Anagrams of everything Royal 1. Elizabeth Equine I 2. Helsinki Cigar I 3. Confronting Duke Mam Do Hi 4. Black Magic Hun Ape 5. War Crime Lip On 6. Dastardly Roan 7. Babysitter Men Sew 8. Disarranged Urge 9. Emmental Chow Hot 10.Alarm Bell Coats Crossword Clues Across 1. First word of Queen’s official residence in London 5. A coronation item of jewellery 7. Royal -------- drapes the coffin 9. Reposed 10. A line of seating 11. Area of Government 14. Coat of ---15. Platinum years 18. Head covering 19. An expression of grief 22. Crowned jewel 23. Daughter of Queen 24. Royal ---- in Edinburgh 25. Princess of Wales 26. March past Down 2. The King 3. Road from Admiralty Arch to Buckingham Palace 4. Be sad 5. George Regina 7. Not happy 8. Unit of army 10. A wish to God 12. Coronation jewel 13. Military dress 16. Queen Consort 17. Place of funeral 20. Second son 21. Countess of Wessex 23. Old B 1 U C 2 K I N G H A M 3 C 4 H A R 5 I N G 6 S 7 T A N D A R 8 D L 9 A Y R A R E L D L G P 10 E W W 11 E S T M I N S 12 T E R U 13 S M C A 14 R M S N S 15 E V E N T Y I C 16 N P E A 17 F A H 18 A T T 19 E A 20 R S 21 B O M R N O 22 R B R I A 23 N N E D P E M 24 I L E G R H Y L E K 25 A T E I P 26 A R A D E W E Q M O N A R C H U D I D T K O U N I O N C O R G I R M L L B E X S K I N G C H A R L E S Y E C R O W N P E U O N I F V M N C R O S S T G B E L F A S T E K X M U U N X N M F N C R X L E N G L A N D D W A L E S P I T P A L A C E Y P R I N C E Z H S R F W L O N D O N D R G A E F M R A C E H O R S E S E B M L Y E D I N B U R G H T I E A A B A L M O R A L H A D G T L G S C O T L A N D K J Y U H L B E L L S C A R D I F F N N O R T H E R N I R E L A N D Royal Word Search
37 Mid Herts Golf Club Lower Gustard Wood Lamer Lane, Wheathampstead Hertfordshire AL4 8RS Tel: 01582 832242 Golfers’ Winter Special Just £140 for a 4-Ball • Available on Wednesdays & Fridays • 1st November to 31st January • Coffee on arrival and tee off any time after 9am to play 18 holes • After golf, enjoy a tasty home-made pie and mash To book please contact Dave or Paul in the Golf Hub 01582 832242 (Option 1) Or email:
I write, we are just emerging from ten days of mourning, following the death of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II. We knew the day would come when she died but it was a day we didn’t want to think about; she had always been there for us and we couldn’t imagine what the UK would be like without her. She was a constant, a rock who united us and gave us hope and courage when life events were worrying and the road ahead was bumpy. Now she has gone, I believe I speak for the majority of people when I say that we will have faith in King Charles III although he has very big shoes to fill. We know so much about him, dirty laundry and all, whereas the Queen’s private life was a mystery even though she reigned for 70 years. Ascending the throne aged 73 will be a tough ask. Who takes on the biggest job of their career when their contemporaries
1. The Queen died at Balmoral Castle. In which county is it situated?
2. What major political event happened at Balmoral two days before the Queen died?
3. What is the name of the flag that drapes the royal coffin?
4. Where was the service of thanksgiving for the Queen conducted in Edinburgh?
5. Where did the Queen’s body lie in state in Scotland?
6. What material was the Queen’s coffin made of?
7. How many years ago was it made?
8. Where was the service of thanksgiving in Northern Ireland?
9. What was the name of the castle in Northern Ireland where the King and Queen Consort viewed an exhibition of the late Queen’s long
are enjoying retirement? Charles knows he has a lot to live up to, following in the shadow of his mother. But he has Camilla by his side; his ‘strength and stay’ to echo his mother’s words about the Duke of Edinburgh. Camilla’s acceptance by the people as the Queen Consort proves that time heals and people do forgive, even if they do not forget. Already we have witnessed a couple of flashes of temper from Charles during the grueling round of proclamations, meetings and services around the Kingdom. I don’t believe he has the patience or calm temperament of his mother but I am still prepared to give him a chance and I remain a supporter of our constitutional monarchy. It made me proud to witness a state funeral on a scale of magnitude and perfection that the world has never seen before. Long live the King.
association with Northern Ireland?
10. Who is second from right in the photo below left?
11. Where did the Queen’s coffin arrive on her return to London from Scotland?
12. What caused King Charles to lose his temper at Hillsborough Castle in Belfast?
13. What did King Charles get wrong when signing an official document?
14. Which member of the Royal family has been described as the Queen’s second daughter?
15. Where did the Queen lie in state in London?
16. Who also laid there in 1965?
17. Who also laid there in 2002?
18. When was this historic hall built? and by whom?
19. What was the name of the crown in the crown jewels?
20. Which guards are known as the Monarch’s Mob?
21. What is the role of the Black Rod in the funeral?
22. How many times does Black Rod bang on the door
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How much did you take in from our National Mourning?
96 Questions about the late Queen to represent her 96 years of life and 70 years of service to our nation. See how many you can answer without asking Alexa.
Our beloved late Queen performed her service to the nation until the end. She died at Balmoral which meant that the world’s focus was on Scotland and the mutual love between the late sovereign and the Scottish people was very much in evidence. At a time when the SNP is agitating for another independence vote, she could not have done more to promote the value of the Union than by dying in Balmoral. She also hung on to swear in Liz Truss as the new Prime Minister just two days before meeting her maker. She did her job magnificently, right to the end.
I took two grandchildren to London on the Saturday before the funeral to place some flowers in Green Park in remembrance of the Queen. It was incredibly busy but we enjoyed the atmosphere and were happy to be part
of the House of Commons for the MPs to follow into the House of Lords to hear the Queen’s Speech?
23. How many Prime Ministers have served during the Queen’s reign?
24. - 38. Can you name them with years of service?
39. Who was our second longest-serving monarch?
40. Who is going to adopt the Royal corgis?
41. Who is going to take on the Queen’s racehorses?
42. Where did the funeral take place for the Queen?
43. Where did the commital service take place?
44. Who organised the lying in state and the state funeral of the Queen?
45. For how many years has he been planning the funeral?
46. Where did King Charles III retreat to on Thursday 15th September for a day of rest and reflection?
47. Whose memoir, due for publication in November has been delayed?
48. Where was Princess Elizabeth when she was told of the death of her father, King George VIth in 1952?
49. Who conducted the funeral Service at Westminster Abbey?
50. Where did King George VIth die?
51. What is the national instrument of Wales?
52. Where was the remembrance service in Cardiff, attended by King Charles III and the Queen Consort?
53. Who is the First Minister of Wales?
54. Who is Secretary of State for Wales?
of this huge historic event. I hope the children appreciate what they witnessed in years to come. I was interviewed by a Polish TV station on Westminster Bridge and the reporter asked me my views on the late Queen, the new King and whether I thought there would be a monarchy in the UK in 1000 years time. I don’t have a crystal ball!
I admit to welling up with tears on several occasions during the ten days of mourning and I marvel at how all the members of the Royal family contained their grief, with hardly a tear or a quiver of the lip to be seen. People interviewed in the street were crying and sobbing but the royals remained stoical. Is emotional control trained into them from an early age or do they take medication? Roger Federer cried buckets of tears at his final match on live TV. He couldn’t help it. Curious.
55. How was the Queen’s coffin taken from Scotland to England?
56. The Archibishop of Wales, Bishop of Bangor, led the service in Llandaff Cathedral. What is his name?
57. Who did the Queen have tea and a marmalade sandwich with at Buckingham Palace?
58. How did the Queen arrive at the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics?
59. What tragic disaster in Wales did the Queen regret she took eight days to attend?
60. What happened there in 1966?
61. What is the Senedd Cymru?
62. When was King Charles’ investiture as The Prince of Wales?
63. Where did it take place?
64. What was the Queen’s connection to the Girl Guides?
65. Where was the end of the queue to the Queen’s laying in state?
66. Where did the Earl and Countess of Wessex visit on Thursday 15th September?
67. Who were the six grandchildren who stood vigil at the Queen’s coffin?
68. Who were the six former prime ministers past who attended the funeral?
69. What was used to pull the gun carriage bearing the Queen’s coffin?
70. How many monarchs, presidents and PMs attended the funeral?
mention when responding
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(continued on next page)
71. Whose words were these? “Those who serve will be loved and remembered when those who cling to power and privileges are long forgotten.”
72. What were the last words of the Archbishop’s sermon?
73. What led the procession from Westminster Abbey?
74. How many soldiers were involved in the procession?
75. How many steps to the minute were in the funeral march?
76. Where was the end of the gun carriage procession?
77. What uniform did Princess Anne wear?
78. What was the name of President Biden’s vehicle?
79. What happened to the Lord Chancellor’s wand?
80. What is the name of the straight road to Windsor Castle?
81. Where was the Queen laid to rest?
82. Who is in the royal vault with her?
83. What type of pony was the Queen still riding at Windsor into her 90s and what was her name?
84. Two Corgis met the Queen’s hearse at the Quadrangle at Windsor. What were their names?
85. What is the name of the plinth on which the Queen’s coffin was rested during services and lying in state?
86. What is the name of Princess Anne’s husband?
87. What is the name of the church at which the Royal Family worship when at Balmoral?
88. What is the name of the church at which the Royal family worship when at Sandringham?
89. What are the sceptre and orb a symbol of?
90. What makes up the Crown Jewels?
91. Who conducted the committal service at St James’s Chapel, Windsor?
92. What did the military affectionately refer to the Queen as?
93. How long will King Charles III reign?
94. Will the cold war between the Sussexes and the King and Prince of Wales thaw?
95. Will Australia become a republic and break away from the Commonwealth?
96. Will the monarchy still be here in 1000 years?
Answers to Royal Quiz
1. Aberdeenshire
2. Liz Truss was sworn in as Prime Minister by The Queen
3. Royal Standard
4. St Giles’ Cathedral
5. St Gile’s Cathedral
6. Oak
7. 30 years ago
8. St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast
9. Hillsborough Castle
10. Nichola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland
11. RAF Northholt
12. A leaky pen
13. He wrote 12th when if was 13th Sept
14. Sophie, Countess of Wessex
15. Westminster Hall
16. Sir Winston Churchill
17. HM The Queen Mother
18. 1097 and by William II, Rufus, son of William the Conqueror
19. Imperial State Crown
20. The Genadier Guards
21. Black Rod organises the logistics ‘the plan’ for the state funeral.
22. Three 23. Fifteen
Winston Churchill - 1951-1955
Anthony Eden - 1955-1957
Harold Macmillan 1957-1963
Alec Douglas Home1963-1964
Harold Wilson 1964-1970 and 1974-1976
Edward Heath 1970 - 1974
James Callaghan 1976 -1979
Margaret Thatcher 1979 - 1990
John Major 1990 - 1997
Tony Blair 1997 - 2007
Gordon Brown 2007 - 2010 David Cameron 2010-2016
Theresa May 2016 - 2019
Boris Johnson 2019 - 2022
Liz Truss 2022 -
39. Queen Victoria
40. Prince Andrew and Duchess of York
41. Camilla, Queen Consort is expected to become figure head for the sport of horseracing and assume the oversight of her beloved stable of racehorses.
42. Westminster Abbey
43. St George’s Chapel, Windsor
44. The 18th Duke of Norfolk as Earl Marshall. The organisation of the Coronation next year will be his responsibilty too.
45. 20 Years
46. Highgrove in Gloucestershire
47. Harry, Duke of Sussex
48. A safari lodge in Kenya.
49. The Dean of Westminster, The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle
50. Sandringham
51. The Harp
52. Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff
mention when responding
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to adverts 40
(Royal Quiz continued)
Answers to Royal Quiz continued
53. Mark Dreyford
54. Sir Robert Buckland
55. It was flown in an RAF C-17
56. Andy John
57. Paddington Bear
58. She jumped from a helicopter with James Bond!
59. Aberfan
60. A slag heap slid and engulfed the village. 144 people died, including 116 children.
61. Welsh parliament
62. 1st July 1969
63. Caernarfon Castle
64. She was Patron from 1953 until her death.
65. Southwark Park
66. Manchester Cathedral
67. Peter Philips, Zara Tindall, Prince William, Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Lady Louise Windsor and George Viscount Severn
68. John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson.
69. White rope, pulled by Royal Navy sailors.
70. 18 Monarchs, 55 Presidents, 25 Prime Ministers
71. The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Rev’d Justin Welby at his address at the funeral.
72. “We will meet again”
73. Four Canadian Mounties
74. 3,500 soldiers
75. Seventy-five
76. Wellington Arch
77. The Royal Navy ceremonial uniform
78. The Beast
79. He broke it and the broken wand was buried with the Queen.
80. The Long Walk
81. Kings George VIth Memorial Chapel
82. Her father King George IVth, The Queen Mother, HRH The Princess Margaret and her husband, The HRH Duke of Edinburgh
83. A Fell pony called Emma
84. Muick and Sandy 85. A catafalque
86. Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence
87. Crathie Kirk
88. St Mary Magdalene
89. Earthly power and Godley power respectively 90. The Imperial State Crown, The Orb and The Sceptre 91.The Dean of Windsor, The Right Reverend David Conner.
92.The Boss
93. Ask Nostradamus 94. Not looking likely 95. Looking likely 96. Will anyone be here in 1000 years!
To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts 41
10th Chilterns Walking Festival
The 10th Chilterns Walking Festival will take place 15th30th October. It will feature a programme of over 50 walks and events throughout the Chilterns. A chance to enjoy the autumn splendour, the golden beech trees and hedgerows bursting with colour. We have several new walking experiences on offer celebrating autumn in the Chilterns. Here is a flavour of what’s on offer:
•Join Pipsticks walks on the day before All Hallows Eve for a spooky walk along the River Thames and lots of ghostly tales from the Riverbank! Or take a Walk on the Dark Side with an exhilarating stroll through Bones Wood and Crowsley Park, tuning into the sounds and sights of the night, and ending at the pub for hot chocolate.
•Foraging walk amongst the magnificent sweet chestnut trees to learn about and enjoy the bountiful autumn ‘fruits of the forest’.
•Literary walk discovering George Orwell’s ‘golden country’ in south Oxfordshire including the house where he once lived.
•Discover and walk some of the ancient routes which criss-cross the Chilterns, exploring Drovers routes and the
‘Slow Ways’ historic routes.
•Nature walk at Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of National Nature Reserves. Join the Natural England rangers to see the wildlife that makes them so special, finishing with tea and cake.
•Lacemaking and cream tea experience in Marlow –tour guide Bobbie Latter will take you on a guided walk around historic Marlow, followed by a hands-on lacemaking experience and a delicious afternoon tea.
…plus map reading courses, pub walks, local produce tasting, historic garden tours and much more.
Listings are now live on our website: https://www.
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Groups & Societies
Care Group Help Line – 07972 152279
Care Bus – Sue and Malcolm Davies – 01582 840554 Bowls Club - 01582 840604
Slip End
Tennis Club - We are a small, friendly club open to all ages. Membership enquiries: Steve Lyons (01582 414162) Coaching enquiries: Sally Parry (01582 413501)
Gardening Club: We are a small, friendly club which meets five times per year, 8pm Slip End Village Hall. Guest speakers on gardening topics are booked for meetings. We organise the Village Open Gardens’ Day and Plant Sale in alternate years. Enquiries to Rosemary Wickens 01582 423622.
Computer Friendly Drop-in – for free and friendly help for your computer, tablet or smartphone. First Wednesday of the month at the Spotted Dog, Flamstead 10:30-12:30. Our contact details: Office 01727 617359,
Caddington and Slip End Runners – Front Street, Slip End 8pm Call 07587 189260
CaddingtonCare Good Neighbour Scheme
CaddingtonCare continues to run its core service MondayFriday between 9am and 4.30pm. Please call 07548 264672. The Library in Caddington, held in the Allotment Hut off Folly Lane reopened on Thursday 5th August and runs from 10 am to 12 noon on alternate Thursdays. There is a large selection of books and jigsaws. Coffee, tea and biscuits are also available.
Caddington W.I.
Now meet 1st Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm at the Caddington Sports and Social Club. Call Linda Edwards 01582 737036. We do a small amount of business followed by some entertainment or a speaker. Sometimes a quiz but always a cup of tea or coffee and cakes to enjoy. Do join us - we look forward to it.
Caddington Local History Group
We meet on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7.30 pm in the Heathfield Centre. Contact John 07763832245 Tai Chi
Mons 1.30pm & Weds 2pm Contact Christine 07850914438 12.30pm Chair Yoga Wednesdays
1.30pm Beginners Yoga Debbie 07948804031
CADS is an amateur dramatics group that meets every Tuesday from 8.00-9.30 pm at the Heathfield Centre, Caddington. We are a friendly bunch and welcome new members both onstage and off.
Village Hall – Sylvia Inns 07831 538682
Neighbourhood Watch – Caroline Streek 872410
Cricket Club – Duncan Wingfield 872743; Parish Council – Pat Mitchell 871178 Community Scheme – 07919 081473
Local History – Julia Holder 873465
Baby and Toddler Group - Jenny 07515 704404 or find us on Facebook. Meet Weds 10am - 11.30am, term time only in the Village Hall. £2 for the first child and £1 for each sibling.
Friends of Studham Common
See website
To advertise call 07941 661004
Studham Village Hall - Main hall and a meeting room available for hire. Modern kitchen. Activities include Art Club, Bingo, Carpet Bowls, Scrabble, Seniors Table Tennis, Women’s Institute (WI) Yoga. Contact: Des Salmon, 01582 872082
Tennis Club – Open to members and non-members. All welcome. Contact Andrew Jones Andrew.jones@ 07833 111682
Neighbourhood Watch – Richard Hodge 01582 873630
Studham Mums and Totts
Studham Village Hall - Tuesdays 9.30 - 11.30,friendly group.
Whipsnade Parish Council
Ken France 01582 872375; Village Hall – Sam Burr 07921 761730
Tennis at Redbourn Club - Join our friendly club off North Common in the heart of the village. Annual membership fee entitles play all year round. New easy to use court booking system. More details on new website - RedbournTennisClub
Redbourn Community Group
Amongst other things, RCG volunteers offer transport to medical appointments, outings in the minibus, practical help such as shopping and prescription deliveries, friendly talks and walks, and welcome packs for new residents. Call 01582 794550 or email:
More volunteers are always welcome.
Redbourn Bowls Club always welcomes new members. If you would like more details, please contact our Chairperson, Margaret Davis, on 01582 799075, email: margaretfdavis@ or Jez Cronshaw, Coach, at 07525 867450. Redbourn Community Library - open 6 days a week in our purpose-built centre beside the Fire Station offering great reads for adults and children, public computers, photocopying and scanning facilities and free wi-fi. If you would like to know more about joining our team of volunteers, pop in and see us, contact us via our Facebook page or email
Redbourn Players is an active amateur dramatic society performing two major productions every year in Spring and Autumn as well as other local drama events.
We are always looking for new members of all ages, whether you want to act, help backstage, build sets, make costumes, paint scenery or help with publicity.
If you are interested, or just want to find out more, please contact our Secretary Pauline (07771 931086) or email for details.’
Redbourn Village Museum
Silk Mill House The Common Redbourn Herts. AL3 7NB
Patron: Sir Simon Bowes Lyon
Museum open February to November Saturday & Sunday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Last admission 4:30pm
Tel: 01582 793397
Email: Visit us on the web at:
Kinsbourne Green WI
Meet 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm in St Mary’s Church Hall Kinsbourne Green.
Email for details.
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What’s On
Redbourn Fireworks Display
Saturday 5th November 2022
Plans are already well underway, however as always, we need your help to make this event as spectacular as ever. There's lots of different ways you can contribute to the smooth running by assisting with the set up in the morning, managing parking, selling raffle tickets, shaking buckets on the night and of course in the clear up afterwards. Please save the date in your diaries and head over to the signup genius page and put your name down. The Fireworks Committee: Redbourn Fireworks Display 2022 ( can also access the signup and more info about fireworks from website
Redbournbury Watermill
• is an 18th century, working flour mill on the bank of the river Ver.
• Millers of stoneground organic flours, artisan bakers of loaves, cakes and biscuits.
• Regular baking classes. Gift vouchers.
• Bakery open Sat 9am-1pm
• Mill Open Sat 9am- 1pm and Sun 1pm-4pm
Redbournbury Lane, Redbourn, AL3 6RS 01582 792874
Markyate Singers are back!
Every Thursday 8-9.30pm at the YK2 Hall Cavendish Rd
If you feel like getting out the house and having a sing song with a fantastic friendly group, then please come and join us!
Everyone is welcome of all ages!
It really doesn’t matter whether you can sing or not, it is a lovely social evening where we like to sing, chat and have a laugh!
44 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts
Half Term Halloween Trail at Dunstable
Foodbank Distribution Centre for clients to collect food parcels
Foodbank distribution Centre for clients to collect food parcels
Mondays from 14.00 - 15:30
Mondays from 14.00 - 15.30
at Redbourn methodist Church, North common, AL3 7BU
Redbourn Methodist Church, North Common, AL3 7BU
Allotment produce will be welcomed during the opening period but other donations should be taken to St Mary’s, the Co op and NISA Weymans.
The Warehouse on Redbourn Industrial Estate take donations but call first.
Thank you to everyone who helps with this and all who give so generously.
Allotment produce will be welcomed during the opening period but other donations should be taken to St Mary’s the Co-op and NISA Weymans. The Warehouse on Redbourn industrial Estate take donation but call first.
Redbourn Community Group and St Albans & District Foodbank are united in believing that no one should have to go without food or make choices about food or fuel. If you or anyone you know is in need of food support in Redbourn, please contact the RCG office on 01582 794550 for a referral.
Thank you to everyone who helps with this and all who give to generously.
Our resident witch and wizard, Witchsnade and Dumbledowns have lost their pet black cat on Dunstable Downs! Can you help them
Follow our trail, completing the activities jampacked with educational facts. Stop for a game of Quidditch on the way and even make your own broom!
For more information visit the St Albans & District Foodbank
Donate food | St Albans and District Foodbank
Redbourn Community Group and St Albans & District Foodbank are united in believing that no one should have to go without food or make choices about food or fuel.
Call 01727 613019 option 3
Taking place 22nd-30th October, 10am - 4pm. Turn up at any point to take part. No pre-booking necessary. £3 per ticket. Meet at the Visitor Centre Booking not required
If you or anyone you know is in need of food support in Redbourn, please contact the RCG office on 01582 794550 for a referral.
Charity Number: 1158917
For more information visit the St Albans & District.Foodbank
Call 01727 613019 - option 3
Charity number 1158917
but please let
mention when responding to adverts
On To advertise
07941 661004 Please
Inspired Villages Millfield Green Caddington Public Consultation event 6th October @ 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm Caddington Sports and Social Club, Manor Road, Caddington, LU1 4HH You are invited to the ‘Made in Markyate and Beyond’ Christmas Market is back on Saturday 3rd December 10:00am - 3:00pm at Markyate Village Hall. Featuring handcrafted goods and gifts from local artists and businesses including stained glass, jewellery, candles, handmade chocolates, imaginative gifts and lots more! Entry is free and there will be a café with a selection of cakes and Christmas treats. Sunday 27th November 2022
find it?
Redbourn Community Group’s AGM Tuesday 1st November 2022 Venue: Redbourn Village Hall Time: 7pm Guest speaker: Councillor Annie Brewster, Chair of Hertfordshire County Council All welcome to join us
if you are planning to attend.
What’s On
Caddington WI update
We had guests from Eaton Bray, Dunstable, Houghton Regis, and Studham at our 67th birthday celebration. Before we began the festivities, we all stood for 1 minute’s silence in honour of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Our meal was a fish and chip supper supplied by Skyfrys, Caddington’s local fish and chip shop. A big thank you to them. We had a mystery raffle where all prizes were pre-wrapped. The evening was rounded off nicely by an enjoyable sing-along by Ken and Sally (Ken from the Mercy Ships charity). The competition was for a table decoration, and these were used to decorate the dessert table.
In November we will be making something crafty for Christmas.
6th of December will be a Xmas party with games and food. Our competition is a Home Made Christmas Card.
9th of December we have our own Group Meeting where we are entertained and we provide supper. On Thursday 15th of December, we have invited Dunstable Ladies Choir to sing for us. This usually includes Christmas melodies and our joining in with familiar songs. Always a good selection of cakes and refreshments. This is an Open Evening so bring along your family and friends. Tickets, Venue, and Times will be printed next month. That’s all for now folks. Look forward to some of you ladies joining us. We are a friendly bunch of ladies with membership increasing steadily. We meet on the First Tuesday of each month at the Caddington Sports and Social Club.
Linda Edwards 07761 340108
Caddington Gardening Club
We are a friendly, happy group meeting on the second Tuesday of the month 7:30pm at The Baptist Hall. We have speakers, share ideas and in the summer run trips to interesting gardens.
Join us, new members always welcome. Any queries please contact: Sarah 01582419793, Wendy 410126, or Hilary 420159
27th Nov Harpenden Christmas Carnival
Christmas begins with the Harpenden Christmas Carnival and Lights Switch On, a wonderfully festive event!
This year, the Carnival will feature an exciting parade, magical entertainment, Christmas stalls, funfair rides, food and drink and of course a visit from Santa!
More information will be announced soon on our social media channels and website:
Luton Hoo Walled Garden Autumn/winter events
Wed 26th Oct - We have an Autumn Open Day (10.30-13.00) (school half-term). Children find the garden fascinating and enjoy the safe place to explore and learn about flowers and plants. Please see the website for more information. www.
28th Oct - The popular Friday talks begin from10.30-12.30 with the talk beginning at 11.00 for a £7.50 donation in aid of the continued revival of the walled garden. This fee includes tea or coffee at 10.30. Come to the Luton Hoo Estate Office, upstairs in the Lecture Room. Prior booking is required.
Topics are as follows:
28th Oct Opening the Museum at Luton Hoo after WW11
25th Nov Women’s Land Army at Luton Hoo in WW1
27th Jan Walled Garden in the 20th Century – Highs and Lows
24th Feb Water on the Estate – 18th-21st centuries
24th Mar 21years Reviving the Walled Garden
28th Apr Gertrude Jekyll in Bedfordshire
Talks and tours for groups are also available - email phone 01582 721443
Don't forget access is via the A1081 between Luton and Harpenden West Hyde Rd/Newmill End turning LU1 4LE - there is no entrance to or from the hotel.
To appear on these pages, please send information to:
This is a free service to the community for ‘not for profit’ events, societies and clubs.
Voluteers at Luton Hoo Wallled Garden
46 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts
47What’s On To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts Redbourn Community Group has been supporting and connecting the Village for over 40 years. Three of our longest serving Trustees are ‘retiring’ so we are looking for people who are enthusiastic about Redbourn and who wish to make a significant contribution to take their place. Can you give a few hours of your time each month to help us shape our plans and activities for future decades and provide strategic and/or operational support? All applications will be welcome. We are particularly hoping to find Trustees who are able to offer skills and experience in the following areas: 1. Finance, as we are seeking a new Treasurer 2. Fundraising campaigns / income generation / grant applications 3. Human Resources 4. Policy and procedures / delivery of training / volunteer management Find out more……….. Volunteer Roles - Redbourn Community Group ( For an informal chat about these opportunities please call 01582 794550 or email: Closing date for applications –5pm Thursday 3 November 2022 Solutions to puzzles on page 36 Royal Anagram: 1. Queen Elizabeth II 2. King Charles III 3. Monarch of United Kingdon 4. Buckingham Palace 5. Imperial Crown 6. Royal Standard 7. Westminster Abbey 8. Grenadier Guard 9. The Commonwealth 10. Balmoral Castle B 1 U C 2 K I N G H A M 3 C 4 H A R 5 I N G 6 S 7 T A N D A R 8 D L 9 A Y R A R E L D L G P 10 E W W 11 E S T M I N S 12 T E R U 13 S M C A 14 R M S N S 15 E V E N T Y I C 16 N P E A 17 F A H 18 A T T 19 E A 20 R S 21 B O M R N O 22 R B R I A 23 N N E D P E M 24 I L E G R H Y L E K 25 A T E I P 26 A R A D E W E Q M O N A R C H U D I D T K O U N I O N C O R G I R M L L B E X S K I N G C H A R L E S Y E C R O W N P E U O N I F V M N C R O S S T G B E L F A S T E K X M U U N X N M F N C R X L E N G L A N D D W A L E S P I T P A L A C E Y P R I N C E Z H S R F W L O N D O N D R G A E F M R A C E H O R S E S E B M L Y E D I N B U R G H T I E A A B A L M O R A L H A D G T L G S C O T L A N D K J Y U H L B E L L S C A R D I F F N N O R T H E R N I R E L A N D Could you join our board of Trustees? MORE DETAILS CAN BE FOUND AT: • Redbourn Community Group has been supporting and connecting the Village for over 40 years. Three of our longest serving Trustees are ‘retiring’ so we are looking for people who are enthusiastic about Redbourn and who wish to make a significant contribution to take their place. • Can you give a few hours of your time each month to help us shape our plans and activities for future decades and provide strategic and/or operational support? • All applications will be welcome. We are particularly hoping to find Trustees who are able to offer skills and experience in the following areas: Volunteer Roles – Redbourn Community Group ( For an informal chat about these opportunities please call 01582 794550 For an application form email: Closing date for applications – 5pm Thursday 3 November 2022 • Finance, as we are seeking a new Treasurer • Fundraising campaigns / income generation / grant applications • Human Resources • Policy and procedures / delivery of training / volunteer management Do you want to make a difference to your local community?
48 To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts You can now buy your advertising on line and save 10%. Visit We can design your advert at no extra charge. Just give us a call or emailWe can design your advert at no extra charge. Visit our website Hijet Chimney Sweep Established 1982 Family run business providing a professional & friendly service for all types of chimneys. Covering all areas in Herts,Beds & Bucks Home - 01582 841715 Jamie - 07772 614026 Lisa - 07813 609921 Hijet.indd 1 7/30/2019 11:50:14 AM BAXIER ELECTRICAL SERVICES NICEIC Registered Free Quotes For a friendly and reliable electrical service contact Chris Baxter - Phone: 07737 582735 Email: GUTTERMEDICS * Guttering cleared / repaired / replaced * UPVC facias & soffits fitted * Existing cleared plus conservatories * Roofing - New to repairs & felt Over 40 years experience Tel: 01582 872880 - 07815 115971
49 Local tradesperson? Why not try advertising in this magazine? Visit our website BOOK ON LINE and SAVE 10% Use this voucher code JANFEB2023 for the next issue and you save an additional 5% To advertise call 07941 661004 Please mention when responding to adverts Business card sized adverts just £39 or save 15% and get 3 issues for just £99 Tel: 07941 661004 or email janet@mimagazine or message us on FBWe can design your advert at no extra charge. Just give us a call, email or FB message You can now buy your advertising on line and save 10%. Visit We can design your advert at no extra charge. Just give us a call or emailWe can design your advert at no extra charge. Visit our website HYPNOTHERAPIST For further information Telephone: 07547 833822 Hypnotherapist.indd 1 4/7/2017 3:00:28 PM Sam Mancey Coaching & Consulting Need a qualified life or executive coach to discuss what you want to achieve in life or at work? Contact me Sam for a free introductory call we’ll plan how we get YOU to be your very best. w: t: 07534 218353 e:
• MiMagazine delivered to 10,000 homes door-to-door and read by 30,000 people • Bi-monthly • High Quality, Glossy magazine • The magazine is available to view on line as an e-magazine. It is posted on the social media sites for you to view and on our website. THE PERFECT PLACE TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS SEPTOCT2022 SUPPORTING VILLAGE LIFE & BACKING LOCAL BUSINESS Markyate & Flamstead Redbourn Kinsbourne Green & North Harpenden Caddington & Slip End Kensworth & Whipsnade Guide to Tax Year End Planning - with Capital Manor NHS Beds Hospitals reach out to the community to become members What is Road Worthiness? - with Redbourn Auto Solutions Beware scammers they are everywhere LOCAL CLUBS & SOCIETIES BUSINESS DIRECTORY No jab, no sick pay with Sherrards solicitors Divorcing couples ignoring pensions in financial settlements with Machins solicitors Computer Friendly offers free beginners’ courses A look at the changes to the Highway Code Could an apprentice help your organisation? Orange Rolling on The Downs What’s On Also in this issue .... 10,000 Door-to-door deliveries and e-mag on line Let us cater for your special party Multi award winning Fusion Foods can make your day extra special with an Asian style b-b-q or banquet Fusion Foods 121 High Street, Markyate, AL3 8JG Tel: 01582 842753 10% discount on collections over £15 FREE To order a takeaway, please buy on line through our website Visit www.mimagazine to check-out the choices and book your space in the next issue Prices start from just £33.34 for a Business Card sized advert when you book on-line Do you want to have maximum impact? Why not book a front cover or a back page? You can now buy your advertising space on line and save up to 15% Visit our website to read our customers’ reviews Circulation area We can design your leaflets or just deliver them
We offer invaluable guidance and insight into the changes to the pension rules and how this can affect you. Other services include: • INVESTMENTS • MORTGAGES • PERSONAL LIFE COVER & CRITICAL ILLNESS COVER • GENERAL INSURANCE • ESTATE PLANNING AND WILLS • BUSINESS PROTECTION The value of investments and pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. To arrange a free initial meeting contact: 01582 414 514 17 Manor Road, Caddington, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 4EE Email: Make the right choices for your future with expert pension advice from your local financial advisor... We offer invaluable guidance and insight into the changes to the pension rules and how this can affect you. Other services include: • INVESTMENTS • MORTGAGES • PERSONAL LIFE COVER & CRITICAL ILLNESS COVER • GENERAL INSURANCE • ESTATE PLANNING AND WILLS • BUSINESS PROTECTION To arrange a free initial meeting contact: 01582 414 514 17 Manor Road, Caddington, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 4EE Email: The value of investments and pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. Wills and Estate Planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Capital Manor Financial Advisors Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Lyncombe Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No 618025
15% discount for on line orders Tuesday and Wednesday four course banquet nights just £13.95 Come and experience fine Indian dining at its best at this multi-award winning restaurant at the heart of Markyate. Order on line, free home delivery. Tel: 01582 841112/290677 MARKYATE SPICE, 73 High St, Markyate, AL3 8PJ