O b je c tiv e Plan a lesson that uses a problem-solving strategy
Introduction Not all word problems promote problem-solving skills. In this lesson, you will let the characteristics of a good word problem, when it is best to give a word problem promote problem-solving skills, and how to process the students' varied solutions.
Think The problem-solving strategy involves students being challenged to collaborative solve real-world math problems that they have not yet previously encountered. It student-centered and promotes critical and creative-thinking skills, problem-solvin abilities, and communication skills. The integral part of this strategy is the time givei to the students to struggle with the problem, and its beauty is in the varied solution that the students would produce. There are three main elements of problem-solving that you should take note of; (1) the word problem, (2) the time given for the students to struggle with the problem, and (3) the mathematical discourse that happens during the struggle and during the processing of the student-generated solutions.
The Word Problem In many Filipino classrooms, word problems are given at the end of the lesson and the students are expected to answer them by applying the concept or skills that have just been taught to them. In most cases, the teacher first demonstrates how to solve a problem, and then the students would independently answer a similarly structured problem. In this practice, the students are not doing problem-solving— they already know how to solve the problem! They know that the just-taught lesson is the key to solve the problem and they pattern their solutions to what the teacher has demonstrated. In using the problem-solving strategy, the problem serves as the starting point of the learning experience. Therefore, it is given at the beginning of the lesson. The challenge for you, the teacher, is to choose or create a problem that can be 38