Building and enhancing new literacies across the curriculum

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Contents Preface................................................ .

Chapter 1

Introduction to 21st Century Literacies


Explore................................... .................


Traditional or Conventional Literacy...


Expanded Views of Literacy................


Literacy in the 21st Century..................


Enhance................................... ...............


Reflect .....................................................




References.................. ............................


Chapter 2

Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies


Explore................................................ ....................................


The Effects of Globalization.................................................


Cultural Literacy.................................... .................. .............


Multicultural Literacy.............................................................


Issues in Teaching and Learning Multicultural Literacy in the Philippines.








References............................... ................




Chapter 3 Social L ite ra c y ..................................................................................


Exp lore.........................................................................................


The Role of Parents and Teachers in Teaching Social Skills to Children............................................


Issues in Teaching Social Literacy................................ ...........


Enhance............................................................ ..........................






References............................................ .....................................


Chapter 4 Financia l lite ra c y..............................................................................




The Benefits of Financial Literacy...........................................


Financial Literacy in the Philippines........................................


Developing Personal Financial Literacy................................






Evaluate.................................. ..... ...............................................




Chapter 5 Media and Cyber o r D ig ita l Lite ra c ie s.......................................


Explore................................................. ....................... ................


Media Literacy............................................................................


What Media Literacy Is Not......................................................


Challenges to Media Literacy Education.............................


Digital Literacy............................................................................


Socio-Emotional Literacy within Digital Literacy..................


Digital Natives............................................................................




Challenges to Digital Literacy Education.............................






Evaluate.......................................... ............................................


R e fe re n c e s............ ...................................................................


Chapter 6 Ecological Lite ra c y...........................................................................




Environmental Literacy, Ecological Literacy, and Ecoliteracy..........................................................................


Greening Initiatives in Colleges and Universities..................








References............................................ .....................................


Chapter 7 A rtistic and Creative Lite ra c y ......................................................


Exp lore.........................................................................................


Characterizing Artistically Literate Individuals......................


Issues in Teaching Creativity........*............................................










Chapter 8 C ritic a l Lite ra c y ...............................................................................




History of Critical Literacy Theory............................................


Critical Literacy and the A rts...................................................






Evaluate................................ ......................................................








The contemporary age is characterized by knowledge and information production, industrialization, and increasing cultural and global integration. For individuals and professionals to thrive in the global community, they need to possess new skills, competencies, and dispositions as emerging technologies, industries, and relations have become more complex and intricate. In response to the needs and demands of the 21st century learners and context, the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) was formulated. It stipulates the expectations of teachers’ increasing levels of knowledge, practice, and professional engagement. At the same time, the standards allow for teachers’ growing understanding, applied with increasing sophistication across a broader and more complex range of teaching/learning situations (DO 42, 2017). The standards characterize 21st century teachers as lifelong learners and functional and multi-literate individuals. In consonance with the PPST, the outcomes-based curriculum for pre-service teacher education put premium on the development of the pedagogical content knowledge and 21st century skills and competencies of future teachers (CHED memo no. 74 and 75 s.2017). In fact, one of the professional education courses in both elementary and secondary education is Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the curriculum. This course introduces the concepts of new literacies in the 21 st century as an evolving social phenomenon and shared cultural practices across learning areas. The 21st century literacies shall include (a) globalization and multi­ cultural literacy, (b) social literacy, (c) media literacy, (d) financial literacy, (e) cyber/digital literacy, (f) eco-literacy, (g) arts and creativity literacy, and (h) critical literacy. This book is unique in examining new literacies through multiple theoretical lenses and in highlighting critical literacy in the list to put premium on the importance of critical thinking and evaluation of information and sources in the contemporary information and knowledge production age. It has a clearly defined instructional design that aids the teacher in facilitating


logical interactive classroom discourse and exchanges. Further, field-based interdisciplinary explorations and research-based teaching strategies shall be examined in this worktext. It offers fresh insights on literacy teaching and learning in the contemporary age. Finally, through this book, learners are expected to engage in meaningful learning and reflective practices.


OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to develop a clear and practical understanding of the following: •

definitions of conventional literacy; and

expanded views of literacy in the 21 st century.

Literacy is defined by dictionaries as the state of being able to read and write (Literacy, Literate, n.d.). Although it is the ultimate thesis of this chapter that such a traditional definition no longer suffices in the information age, a thorough understanding of literacy and its past nuances will give us a solid foundation in exploring and discussing the "new " literacies of the 21st century and why possessing them is now mandatory for both teachers and students in all levels of education. This chapter explores several definitions of literacy and what being literate means in the multiplicity of contexts in the 21st century, with the goal of raising awareness in readers who might be presently unaware of the evolving perspectives on literacy and giving teachers the opportunity to pause and reflect on their own literacies even as they attempt to teach the new literacies to their students. Traditional or Conventional Literacy



The word “literacy" stems from the word “literate,” which first appeared in the 15th century and is in turn derived from the Latin word litteratus, meaning “(a person) marked with letters"— that is, “distinguished or identified by letters”— and it carried with it the idea that such a person was cultured and educated. Since the subjects of the time (e.g., grammar, logic, arithmetic, geometry, etc.) all had written texts (which were composed of letters) that had to be studied, the ability to read and write was therefore of prime importance, leading to the strong association of being “literate” with the ability to read and write. Miller (1973) divides this conventional concept of literacy into three sub­ categories: 1.

Basic Literacy - It is the ability to correspond visual shapes to spoken sounds in order to decode written materials and translate them into oral language. Simply put, it is the ability to recognize letters and words. This would be akin to recognizing that the sequence of letters “b-a-s-a" forms the word basa in Filipino, even without understanding what it means.


Comprehension Literacy - It is the ability to understand the meaning of what is being read. To capitalize on the example above, this would be like knowing that basa can mean either “to read" or “to be wet."


Functional or Practical Literacy - It is the ability to read (i.e., decode and comprehend) written materials needed to perform everyday vocational tasks. This is the equivalent of reading the text “Ang bata ay nagbabasa.” and being able to understand that basa here refers to reading and not to being wet.

Based on this conventional view of literacy, we notice two things for reading (and therefore literacy) to exist: (1) a text (consisting of symbols and grammar) to be read; and (2) a meaning or message being communicated by the text for the reader to extract. Without a text, there would be nothing to read; without meaning, the text is reduced to series of incomprehensible doodles. It should therefore be noted that even in Miller's definition of literacy, the act of reading implies a level of understanding. Simply knowing how to say a word (or a series of words) is not the same as being able to understand what it means. Without understanding of the meaning of the words, reading has not taken place. Based on this, Schlechty (2001) defines the concept of functional illiteracy as the state of being able to read, but not well enough to manage daily living and employment tasks that require reading skills beyond a basic level.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

As the rest of this chapter will argue, this synchronicity between decoding textual symbols and being able to extract and understand their meaning is a necessary part of being literate, even as the new contexts of the 21st century change the nature of what the “text" is, and what it means to “read” and “write." Expanded Views of Literacy Despite the popularity of American films in the Philippines, many Filipinos cannot follow the actors’ dialogue, and thus resort to guessing the overall story based on the actions onscreen. Despite the ubiquity of the traditional view of literacy, Roberts (1995) notes that “in the past fifty years, hundreds of definitions of ‘literacy’ have been advanced by scholars, adult literacy workers, and programme planners," with even the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2006) acknowledging that literacy as a concept has proven to be complex and dynamic, it being continually defined and interpreted in multiple ways. In 2004, UNESCO formally defined literacy as “the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society. ” Note that “reading" does not appear in UNESCO's definition of literacy. Instead, literacy has taken on a definition more akin to “knowing about something and what to do with it." In this vein, Mkandawire (2018) more succinctly posits that literacy is “a form of knowledge, competence, and skills in a particular field or area,” being supported by UNESCO (2006), Barton (2007), and Mkandawire, SimooyaMudenda, & Cheelo (2017), which acknowledged that— as we have just pointed out— modern views appear to equate literacy with knowledge. This shift in the definition of literacy from "reading and writing" to “knowledge” is especially important as we explore the "new " literacies of the 21 st century that seem far-removed from the contexts upon which conventional literacy is based.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to 21st Century Literacies



Literacy in the 21st Century

When viewed from the perspective of conventional/traditional literacy, the concept of “new" literacies is a bit of a misnomer, as even these new literacies of the 21st century make generous use of being able to read and write, rather than supplant them as skills necessary for survival. However, when viewed from the perspective of literacy as knowledge, the new literacies begin to make sense as they are the "skills and bodies of knowledge” that are necessary for survival and productivity in the information age. In the same vein of reasoning, the new literacies are not "new ” per se— as in the sense that they never existed before. Rather, we consider them to be new because the contexts in which old skills and knowledge are being employed are new, both in nature and in scope. The ability to translate textual information into images is not a new skill, but it is the ability to do so in a way that is concise, complete, and clear that is certainly new, given that it will be how ninety percent of the population will be informed on the issue. Similarly, being able to verify the truth-value and veracity of a document is not a new skill— but being able to do so when there are a hundred similar documents available to you online is.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Case in point: Throughout history, humans have communicated on levels apart from the spoken and written word, for example, visually, using the long­ distance communication system of smoke signals used by the ancient Chinese, the ancient Greeks, and the indigenous peoples of North America. In the Victorian era, there was such a thing as the “Language of Flowers,” where the kind, color, and arrangement of a bouquet of flowers were used to communicate messages that could not otherwise be spoken aloud in Victorian society (Greenaway, 1884). For example, a bouquet of oak leaves (representing strength), purple roses (sorrow), white lilies (resurrection), and pale yellow tulips and rosemary (memory or remembrance) would altogether communicate a message of sympathy, usually over the death of a loved one. Successfully interpreting these “visual languages” required a kind of “visual literacy” to understand the message being presented and to manage the information encoded therein—skills which, as following chapters will further reveal, are coming into use again in the 21st century literacies. The difference is that now we are not analyzing smoke signals or bouquets, but rather sounds, texts, and images from a hundred different sources at a nearly non-stop rate to the point where accuracy, validity, and reliability of the messages we interpret form the basis for some very important personal and collective decision-making. Another difference involves the question of necessity: One did not need to be literate in the language of flowers to live a fruitful and fulfilled life in Victorianera England, but to be not media or digitally literate in the 21 st century makes one vulnerable to manipulation by those who are, and such manipulation can easily cost an individual time, money, property, and even life. These so-called “new” literacies arose from the increasing availability of communication technologies that were once unavailable to the average* individual. Technologies like blogging and vlogging, social networking, and even text-messaging change and expand both the extent and the form of our communication— blending text, sound, and images in ways unforeseen and unprecedented (Richardson, 2014). Never before have the opinions of a twelve year-old child in an unheard-of town in an unheard-of country been available for everyone on earth to read and hear, and while adults might scoff at a child’s opinions, that child might have more than a thousand online subscribers who certainly think his or her opinions are important, maybe even more so than the opinions of adults. Simply put, three things have been critical in the rise of the new literacies: 1.

Increased Reach - We are communicating with more people, from more diverse cultures, across vaster distances than ever before.


Increased Means of Communication - We are communicating in more ways and at faster speeds than ever before.


Increased Breadth of Content - We are communicating about more things than ever before. CHAPTER 1 Introduction to 21st-Century Literacies



How do we work together with people of different cultures who might have vastly different perspectives on communication, work ethics, values, religious beliefs, and worldviews? What do we do when some of these might be mutually exclusive to our own? In an age where information is power—where knowing more and knowing first can spell the difference between success and failure— how do we leverage both current and emergent technologies so that our endeavors are both productive and profitable? Moreover, how do we navigate and manage the veritable minefield of information that was once considered taboo and private and is now online, for all the world to see and judge, whether we like it or not? Answering such complex questions requires new sets of skills and knowledge—ones that our school system have never had to teach before. With these changes in with whom, how, and why we communicate, new literacies are required not only to make sense of the changes, but also to use these new technologies and paradigms in meaningful and productive ways— something required not only of students, but of teachers as well. To better address the need for teachers to be literate in these new literacies, this book discusses and explores them in the ensuing chapters, namely: Globalization and Multicultural Literacy discusses how our increasing ability to communicate with almost anyone, anywhere, in real time requires new skills and attitudes in interacting with people with cultures, perspectives, worldviews, and priorities different from our own, particularly with the end-view of not only peace and understanding, but also mutual benefit and productivity. The chapter on Social and Financial Literacies meanwhile explores the need for the ability to navigate our own social networks— of both the online and off-line variety—to not only communicate clearly, but also to leverage resources which we ourselves might not possess. At the same time, the chapter addresses the notorious problem of short-sightedness in Filipino culture regarding personal finances and how this must be addressed at an increasingly earlier age to help mitigate the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Media and Cyber/Digital Literacies explore the emerging need to locate, verify, and ultimately manage online information, especially in an age where information is power and where having the right (and wrong) information and the ability to communicate it with others and use it to address real-world problems easily spell the difference between both personal and career success and failure. Ecoliteracy and Artistic and Creative Literacy explore the emerging demands for knowing how to effectively and sustainably manage the natural resources that our increased industrialization and demands for productivity are so rapidly eating up. The chapter also explores how this increase in productivity also brings with it an increased demand for arts and aesthetics and the need to develop ways of effectively communicating through the creative arts in industries dominated by objective data. e

B. d -g and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Finally, Critical Literacy addresses the increasing need to discern the underlying (and often tacit) messages behind the new “texts” of the 21st century, particularly in an ever-increasingly multicultural society where ideas, cultures, and ideologies vie with one another for power and dominance in the minds of the masses.

One of the ways students can be trained in the new literacies is to engage them in digital storytelling, wherein the students take part in the traditional process of storytelling, but with some digital enhancements. They choose a topic, conduct research, write a script, develop a story, and through the use of multimedia, create something that can be played online or on a computer. Digital Storytelling can be broken down into following six steps: 1.

Writing - Write about a particular story from your life. The story must have a central theme.


Developing a Script - Develop a script that identifies the important points of your story.


Creating a Storyboard - Create a storyboard that visually organizes the flow of the story. Assign a particular image to portions of the script.


Locating Multimedia - Use search engines to locate photos and videos. Photos and videos from one's personal collection may also be used.


Creating the Digital Story - Record the voice over for your movie. Create the movie using the software that is available to you.


Sharing and Uploading - Share your story in class and upload your work online.

Wrap Up •

Traditional Literacy is the ability to read and write.

The traditional or conventional concept of literacy can be divided into sub-categories: 1.

Basic Literacy, which is the ability to recognize letters and words;


Comprehension Literacy, which is the ability to understand the meaning of what is being read; and

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to 21st Century Literacies |



Functional/Practical Literacy, which is the ability to read written materials needed to perform everyday vocational tasks.

Modern views of literacy equate it with knowledge.

New literacies have risen due to increased reach, increasedmeans of communication, and increased breadth of content. These new literacies are globalization and multicultural literacy, social and financial literacy, media and cyber/digital literacy, ecoliteracy, artistic and creative literacy, and critical literacy.

Questions to Ponder Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

Given the traditional/conventional concept of literacy, how literate are you?


How deep is your level of comprehension?


As a pre-service teacher, what kind of written materials should you be able to read and understand? Are you reading these materials? How well can you understand them?



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Which of the new literacies are you knowledgeable in? Which of the new literacies do you lack knowledge in?


Although reading education in the Philippines aims to develop Functional/ Practical literacy in learners, what level of literacy is being developed when classroom practices focus more on memorization rather than on understanding and application?

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

Compare and contrast the traditional concept of literacy to the modern view of literacy.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to 21st Century Literacies |


Describe the changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.

With a partner or triad, brainstorm and answer this question: What teaching strategies and forms of assessment could you use to help develop functional literacy?

Lesson Planning and Lesson Demonstration: Prepare and deliver a lesson that incorporates some of the new literacies.


Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Barton, D. (2007). Literacy: An introduction to the ecology of written language. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. Greenaway, K. (1884). The language of flowers. New York: Gramercy Publishing Company. Jakes, D. S., & Brennan, J. (2005). Capturing stories, capturing lives: An introduction to digital storytelling. Retrieved from http://www.jakesonline. org/dstoryjce.pdf Literacy, Literate (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. Retrieved from Miller, G. A. (1973). Linguistic communication: Perspectives for Research. Newark, Del.: International Reading Association. Mkandawire, S. B. (2018). Literacy versus language: Exploring their similarities and differences. Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, 2 (1). Mkandawire, S. B„ Simooya-Mudenda, S., & Cheelo, P. (2017). Cultural literacy in Zambia: A focus on selected myths and taboos. Lusaka: Unzapress. Nijhuis, M. (2015, August). The whistled language of Northern Turkey. Retrieved from Richardson, W. (2014). New literacies in the classroom. Retrieved from https:// Roberts, P. (1995). Defining literacy: Paradise, nightmare, or red herring? British Journal of Educational Studies, 43(4), 412-432. Robin, B. R. (2008). Digital storytelling: A powerful technology tool for the 21st century classroom. Theory into Practice, 47(3), 220-228. Schlechty, P. C. (2001). Shaking up the schoolhouse: How to support and sustain educational innovation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (2004). The plurality of literacy and its implications for policies and programmes. Retrieved from images/0013/001362/136246e.pdf United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (2006). Education for all global monitoring report. Retrieved from education/GMR2006/full/chapt6_ eng.pdf

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to 21st Century Literacies




Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to develop a clear and practical understanding of the following: •

globalization and its implications on both the national and individual level;

cultural and multicultural literacy in the Philippines; and

one's personal level of cultural and multicultural literacy.

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration between people, business entities, governments, and cultures from other nations, driven by international trade and investment and supported by information technology (Levin Institute, 2017). To better illustrate this, consider two people from different countries, for example, the Philippines and South Korea. Let us say they meet in college and become good friends, so that the Korean comes to be treated like a member of the Filipino’s family. After some time, the Korean returns to her own country, but something has changed—she notices an aspect of her culture that she finds herself wishing to be more Filipino. She knows very well that she cannot change Korean culture as a whole, so she decides to just change herself. She



does not change everything, of course—just a little thing here and there; she is still obviously Korean, but she just does a few things differently from those who have never been to the Philippines. Now suppose a little more time passes and the Korean is very happy with the changes she has made to her life that makes it just a little more Filipino. Let us say some of her colleagues notice how she does some things differently and they become curious, so she tells them about her experiences in the Philippines and how that in some ways, she wishes to do things the way the Filipinos do. Her colleagues decide to give it a try, and they find that they like this different way of doing things, too. Now let us say that when we look at the person from the Philippines, something similar has taken place: the Filipino, while still being Filipino through and through, has made a few changes in her life as a result of her experience of Korean culture through her friend during their years in college. Some of her friends have also noticed it and have made similar little changes in their own lives. Because our exposure to the concept of globalization has largely been through an economic lens, it is tempting to limit globalization as something that concerns economists and businessmen. But globalization and its effects go beyond import or export and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Notice that in our illustration, the friends of the two people in question were affected by their interaction, even if they themselves had never been to Korea or had not met a Filipino. Now scale this up to the point where it is not just two people from two different nations interacting, but millions of people, from nearly two hundred different countries, where we are no longer integrating just languages or mannerisms or food recipes, but everything from styles of clothing, forms of entertainment, education, technology, manufacturing, ways of doing business, ideas, and whole worldviews. This is globalization as we know it today. Globalization as a phenomenon is not new. Nations and cultures have been interacting and integrating with one another for millennia. Consider how ancient Greek culture was so widespread across the Mediterranean that even the Egyptians could speak their language, and how Rome was so inspired by Greek culture that they adopted it wholesale. Consider how so much of the Chinese, Arab, and Indian cultures have become part of our own; these interactions and subsequent integrations did not happen recently, but even during centuries before there was even a political entity known as the Philippines. What is different now, however, is the speed at which globalization is happening, its overall scope, and its effects on the lives of ordinary people. Not only are we interacting with, learning from, and integrating knowledge gleaned from other cultures and nations at an unprecedented rate, there is now also a sense that no matter where one lives or how limited is one's

3_ d "g and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

face-to-face interaction with members of another nation or culture and how limited one’s time is spent online, globalization and its effects are inescapable. Even remote villages will be exposed to the latest KPOP hit, if they have access to a radio. If they produce rice, they will also feel the effects of more affordable rice imports from Thailand and Vietnam. If they have access to a kerosene stove, they will feel the effects of the fluctuations in oil prices originating from Arab nations. All these things take place without having to know anyone from or anything about Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, or the Middle East. The Effects of Globalization

The effects of globalization are multi-dimensional. As shown earlier, they range from economic to cultural, on both national and individual levels. Meyer (2000) summarizes the effects of globalization as follows: •

economic, political, and military dependence and interdependence between nations;

expanded flow of individual people among societies;

interdependence of expressive culture among nations; and

expanded flow of instrumental culture around the world.

CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies



Economic Dependence/Interdependence When the term globalization entered the Philippine public mindset in the early 90s, it was popularly understood to be a mainly economic phenomenon, and a negative one at that. The idea that foreign-owned businesses could come into the country and freely "set-up shop," thereby choking-out local industries was not a welcome thought, even though it was erroneous. While Philippine society has come to realize that this early perspective represented a shallow understanding of globalization, the fact of the matter is that globalization has brought economic development to our society as a whole. By attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), new technologies, employment opportunities, and money have come into the country. The phenomenon of a taxi driver owning multiple smartphones to browse social media while stuck in traffic because of the rise of the number of vehicles on our roads is testament to this fact. This does not mean, however, that there have been no negative effects of globalization. Kentor (2001) notes that foreign capital dependence increases income inequality in four ways: (1) It creates a small, highly paid class of elites to manage these investments, who create many but usually low-pay jobs; (2) Profits from these investments are repatriated, rather than invested in the host country, therefore inhibiting domestic capital formation; (3) Foreign capital penetration tends to concentrate land ownership among the very rich; and (4) Host countries tend to create political and economic climates favorable to foreign capital that in turn limit domestic labor’s ability to obtain better wages. In simple words, ‘‘the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer.” Hout (1980) observes that international dependence (another word for globalization) tends to suppress adult wages, which in turn perpetuates the role of children as economic necessities (the familiar saying “Kapag maraming anak, maraming katulong sa hanapbuhay"), leading to explosive population growth. In a chain reaction of negative effects, this explosive population growth creates a large sub-sector of society that is insulated from economic development yet Competes for resources with the rest of the population. Coupled with the economic inequalities in which this society is couched, this encourages political instability, resulting in policies that favor the redistribution of income, which in turn discourages investment, which then slows economic growth. Political and Military Dependence/Interdependence A survey conducted in late 2018 found that three in five Filipinos believe that the United States would intervene on behalf of the country in case of war (Viray, 2018). Despite the current very conservative stance of the US on its foreign policies, this can be taken as evidence of the Philippines’ dependence on both the political and military power of the US in order to maintain its 16


Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

sovereignty as a nation-state in the Southeast Asia region. Similar things can be said of Russia and the many communist nations throughout the world. The point is that where there are some forms of economic dependence/ interdependence, political dependence/interdependence is not far behind, as the participating nations strive to protect their investments and interests in one another. Expanded Flow of Expressive and Instrumental Culture Expressive culture, as the term suggests, deals with how a particular culture expresses itself in its language, music, arts, and the like. Globalization encourages the monetization of these cultural artifacts and their import/export among participating cultures; the increased consumption of which changes the consuming culture. Case in point, KPOP music and culture was a relatively niche occupation ten years ago, with very few people aware of its existence, let alone actual fans. Today it is practically ubiquitous in Philippine society, alongside the consumption of all things Korean, from skin-care products to instant noodles. Instrumental culture, on the other hand, refers to "common models of social order" (Meyer, 2000)— that is, models or ways of thinking about and enacting national identity, nation-state policies both domestic and foreign, socio-economic development, human rights, education, and social progress. A simple example of this is the Philippine educational system: Closely patterned after the American educational system, education leaders in the country closely follow the educational trends in America and select European countries, perceiving them to be the global leaders in the field. While this has served us to an arguably satisfactory degree thus far, it is interesting to observe that the problems and difficulties in American education eventually show-up in Philippine education, albeit five to ten years removed. Expanded Flow of People among Societies The fact that globalization encourages the movement of people between nation-states should come as no surprise to us. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) estimates that there were 2.3 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) during the period of April to September 2017, who were responsible for up to 205.2 billion pesos in remittances (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2018). Meyer (2000) observes three reasons for this: socio-economic migration, political expulsion, and travel/tourism. Socio-economic migration explains the Philippines’ OFW phenomenon. Filipinos travel abroad to find better economic opportunities for themselves and their families for lack of said opportunities here. Political expulsion, on the other hand, has more to do with trying to escape the political climate of a particular country, thereby forcing an individual to seek asylum (and ultimately, resettlement) in another more favorable country. CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies



Travel for the sake of leisure (i.e., tourism) is a strong indicator of economic development as more and more Filipinos are able to finance short-term travels abroad, fueled by curiosity that is fed by social media and enabled by globalization. Cultural Literacy Cultural Literacy is a term coined by Hirsch (1983), referring to the ability to understand the signs and symbols of a given culture and being able to participate in its activities and customs as opposed to simply being a passive (and outside) observer. The signs and symbols of a culture include both its formal and informal languages, its idioms and forms of expression, entertainment, values, customs, roles, traditions, and the like— most of which are assumed and unstated. Thus, they are learned by being part of the culture, rather than by any formal means. To illustrate this, consider the following statement: “The classroom was in absolute bedlam." Without any sort of background, the reader is forced to guess the meaning of the word “bedlam” from its context within the sentence. As it turns out, “bedlam” refers to a scene of uproar, confusion, and chaos. The term is British in origin, referring to a psychiatric hospital in London by the name of St. Mary Bethlehem that was once representative of the worst excesses of insane asylums during the 14th century and “bedlam" is a corruption of the word “Bethlehem" in the name. While it is one thing to know that meaning of the word, note that it is knowledge of its cultural origins that better enables a person to both appreciate and participate in conversations and activities. Of course, by its very definition, cultural literacy is culture-specific, but it is not limited to national cultures, contrary to what many people assume. The culture of one workplace can be very different from another, just as the culture of a particular school can differ widely from another school nearby. There are far too many cultures for any one person to be literate in all of them. As more and more Filipinos travel— both domestically and abroad—as the result of globalization and the increased opportunities it brings, the need to develop new cultural literacies comes to the fore. Cultural Literacy in the Philippines The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is the government body tasked with the documentation, preservation, and dissemination of Philippine culture, both locally and abroad. Part of how the NCCA is addressing this and related matters is through the establishment of the Philippine Cultural Education Program (PCEP), which "envisions a nation of culturally literate and empowered Filipinos" (NCCA, 2015). Designed to make cultural education accessible to all sectors of Philippine society, the PCEP held national consultative meetings, conferences, workshops, art camps, and festivals on culture-based teaching and good governance from 2003 to 2007. As a result of Republic 18


Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Act 10066 (2010), PCEP has been designated as the body, together with the Department of Education (DepEd), tasked to "formulate the cultural heritage education programs both for local and overseas Filipinos” that are to be an integral part of Philippine education in all its aspects. Cultural education—and thus cultural literacy— in the Philippines is quite a challenge, given that Philippine culture is a complex blend of many indigenous and colonial cultures and varies widely across regions, and the average citizen is almost as ignorant of other Philippine cultures as foreigners are. To point out, consider the question, "What makes something or someone ‘Filipino’?” The average reader will be hard-pressed to pin down a definite answer. De Leon (2011) argues that this is in part due to a colonial mindset among Filipino artists that inhibits the full development and realization of Filipino artistic creativity—a kind of artistic and cultural creativity that is fully Filipino. De Leon (2011) coins this propensity for Filipinos to look at their culture and themselves through Western lenses as the Doha Victorina Syndrome, a kind of inferiority complex wherein anything and everything natively Filipino is considered by the Filipinos themselves as being inferior, backward, and worthless in comparison to their Western counterparts, and therefore a source of embarrassment and unease. As De Leon puts it, our low self-esteem borders on self-contempt, the results of which are doubt in the Filipino capacity for achievement, perverse delight in belittling ourselves, lack of respect and even outright contempt for one another, and blind dependence on foreign goods, concepts, techniques, approaches, and expertise (2011). The biggest challenge then, according to him, is the deconstruction of the negative selfimages and notions of ourselves that we have imbibed over generations through “a workable, effective program of education that can make Filipinos more responsive and sensitive to Filipino dignity, needs, values, and cultural potentials and assets." For De Leon, it is excellence in the arts— via an expression that is truly Filipino—that can form the core of national unity. Of course, this remains to be seen. Challenges for Cultural Literacy in the Philippines As Applebee (1987) observes, interesting discussions on cultural literacy give rise to some very difficult questions which are particularly important to a multicultural and multilingual nation like the Philippines. •

What kinds of knowledge constitute cultural literacy? Is it knowing facts, names, and dates, or is it something more experiential like being familiar with a story or a particular song?

If culture is more “caught than taught,” should cultural literacy be one of the goals of education? If yes, how does one teach it?

CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies



Whose cultures must we be literate in to be considered “culturally literate"? Who decides which cultures are included and which ones are excluded, and on what bases?

Is cultural literacy education simply a means for the dominant culture to express its dominance over minority cultures?

How is cultural literacy to be assessed and evaluated? How can we know someone is “culturally literate”?

As of the writing of this book, no definitive answers to these questions exist in the literature. Multicultural Literacy

The All-Nite Images [CC BY-SA2.0 (https://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)] <lavy_SEAL_Teams_One_and_Seven,_Naval_Special_Boat_Teams_12_and_20,_and_medical_personnef_assigned_to_Joint_Speciai_Operatioi



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

As cultures begin to mix and change as a result of globalization, conflicts inevitably arise over identity, values, and worldviews. This situation consequently needs for a literacy that enables us to quickly and easily identify and resolve such conflicts, preferably before they even begin. This has come to be understood as multicultural literacy. Multicultural Literacy as a set of skills and knowledge is difficult to define because of how it changes depending on the contexts in which it is discussed. For example, multicultural literacy as defined in American literature is different from how it is deployed in a more European context. In America, multicultural literacy has very strong leanings toward knowing or identifying the poly-ethnic origins of knowledge with the express goal of fostering equality, diversity, and social justice. This is in direct response to the “Euro-centric” and “white-dominant” traditions of education that in the eyes of American cultural minorities (particularly the blacks) is a form of racial injustice. This is very foreign to the Philippine context, which, despite having our own deeply ingrained traditions of discrimination, does not have the same issues of discrimination as in the United States, nor the same amount of hostility. Nevertheless, the fact that the perceived need for multicultural literacy stems from a slighted sense of justice for “the other” (that is, any individual, group, or culture that another individual, group, or culture considers “not of us,” for any reason) cannot be ignored in our attempts to pin down a functional definition of multicultural literacy for ourselves. Meanwhile, in Europe, multicultural literacy comes more in the form of intercultural communication competence (ICC), which is defined by Dusi, Messetti, and Steinbach (2014) as a composite of skills, abilities, attitudes, personality patterns, etc. necessary for clear and productive communication with cultures other than our own. Similarly, Fantini (2006) defines it as “a complex of abilities needed to perform effectively and appropriately when interacting with others who are linguistically and culturally different from oneself.” Clearly, the broader and more magnanimous European definition of multicultural literacy is more fitting for the Philippine context, even if the exact definition of what ICC consists of is still being hotly debated. For the purposes of this book, it would also be wise to include how justice contributes to the literacy; that is, there would be no discussion on multicultural literacy if not for the lack of justice in a multicultural discussion or discourse. We define multicultural literacy here as the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that any communication with a culture different from our own is clear, productive, and respectful such that their differences are celebrated and neither culture is demeaned or treated as inferior. It is important to realize that under this definition, a “different culture” is not just limited to “someone from another country,” but could also include someone whose gender, economic background, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or even sense of fashion is different from our own. CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies



The skills and knowledge required for one fo be multi-culturally literate are not mere language skills, since it is assumed that some medium of communication already exists between two cultures. Rather, true multicultural literacy consists of perspectives, attitudes, and beliefs about other cultures that affect the manner in which we communicate and the motives behind our communication. Here are some examples:



Be selfless - An attitude of selflessness— one that is less concerned with how I feel and more concerned with how I am making others feel—is crucial to multicultural literacy, as so much of the offense and conflict associated with the meeting of different cultures is the result of a “me first" attitude: I should be accommodated, you should be the one to adjust to me, I should feel comfortable with you before I make efforts to make you feel comfortable, etc. Such selflessness is not instinctive to people, and is especially difficult when one feels insecure of oneself and identity.


Know that good and useful things can (and do) come from those different from us - Hand-in-hand with a dismissive attitude toward another culture is the idea that nothing good can come from them. Furthermore, there is a tendency to ignore or outright dismiss evidence to the contrary. Simply acknowledging that good ideas and products have come from cultures we might not like goes a long way in preparing our minds to perceive them as being equally valuable.


Be willing to compromise - Any significant interaction with someone from a different culture is governed by the principle of “He/She wants something, and I want something." In other words, cultures do not interact out of pure magnanimity. If both of you are willing to give the other what they want, well and good. But what happens when one or both are unwilling to give what the other wants? There must be a compromise: a reciprocal adjustment of demands and expectations to accommodate what the other party is willing to give.


Accept that there are limits - At some point however, one or both cultures will be unwilling/unable to adjust their wants for the sake of the other any further. Beyond this point, the productivity of the interaction drops and one must either change the purpose of the interaction or walk away, accepting that what you want cannot be had from that particular source. Attempting to force the other party to adjust (when you refuse to do the same) only results in misunderstanding, hurt, and conflict. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can set realistic expectations of one another.

| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Issues in Teaching and Learning Multicultural Literacy in the Philippines

A number of important issues stand in the way of Philippine educators attempting to learn multicultural literacy for themselves and teach it in turn to others, which are different from what can be found in Western literature, particularly those of the United States. Conflicting Requirements for Peace When all is said and done, the heart of multicultural literacy is peace among different cultures—that is, productive and non-violent interaction. It is easy to assume that all cultures value peace to the same degree and are therefore willing to make the same compromises in order to attain it, but this is not necessarily true. Take for example the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which is really a conflict over territory: Both sides desire peace, but they do not desire it enough to be willing to compromise. In a very real sense, both sides would rather live in

CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies



perpetual conflict with one another rather than give-up their claim to the land which each side believes is rightfully theirs. On a more personal, immediate front, I am reminded of an activity a fellow teacher conducted in her class where she asked her students to write down how they defined “peace.” One student revealingly wrote: “Peace is when I get what I want.” Nationalistic and Regionalistic Pushback The increasing demand for multicultural sensitivity, inclusion, and diversity in the recent years has also given rise to resistance from groups who believe that their identity is being “watered-down" by the needed compromises. Case in point is the very recent proposal of “Ortograpiya ti Pagsasao nga llokano” by officials of the Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (KWF) in October of 2018. The proposal was met with intense backlash from group of llokano writers and language advocates over the “incompetence in preparing the llokano orthography that didn't conform with the existing orthography being used by the llokano writers and experts,” claiming that the proposed orthography was based on Tagalog and not llokano and that the commission's attempts to compel the regional language to conform to the standards of the Ortograpiyang Pambansa (National Orthography) would "destroy the identity of the llokano language" (Dumlao, 2018). In the ensuing online firestorm, one particular individual commented on how such regional pride is out of step with modernity, particularly with our need to be united as a country. Now this sentiment is consistent with the multicultural literacy of being able to put aside differences for the sake of a common goal, but notice how for the llokanos, national unity (as far as language is concerned) is not worth the cost of giving-up their ability to determine the orthography of their language for themselves. Such issues become even more complex and clouded when they come to a head with economics, social justice, and religion. What is to be done when accommodating the idiosyncrasies of another culture means decreased economic opportunities for other members of my culture? What about when we must decide between gender equality and retaining a venerable, historical institution like the Boy Scouts of the Philippines? What about if, for the sake of peace, one culture must compromise on its religious values? We might think that peace is worth it, but what if the other culture believes otherwise? We see here that while multicultural inclusiveness is by and large a good thing, it comes at a cost. Part of the identity of the host culture becomes diluted and lost—the inevitable result of the compromises necessary for it to have some form of multicultural understanding. In effect, pushing for multicultural inclusion might very well be asking some cultures to decide which has more value: Inclusion or Identity?



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

We must be aware that these questions are easier to answer for the culture that wants to be accommodated (because it will cost them nothing), rather than the one that must do the accommodating. The Persistence of the Problem On the surface, multicultural literacy might seem to just be a matter of “good common sense,” and understandably so, no one actively desires to experience discrimination regarding what they know and what they can and cannot do simply on the basis of race, ethnicity, or in the case of the Philippines, region of origin. It therefore makes perfect sense to collectively refrain from such behavior under the assumption that "If you don't do it to me, I won’t do it to you.” And yet, to our horror and shame, the practice persists. Worse, we sometimes find ourselves participating in and justifying such discriminatory behavior—if only online and not in real life (as if anything written or posted online is not, in fact, in real life). Therefore, the primary issue that educators face in teaching multicultural literacy to their students and learning it for themselves is, "Why does this problem persist?" Or to put it in another way, “Despite all out advances in science, technology, and culture, why is this still a problem today?” Boutte (2008) suggests that issues of discrimination in all its forms (racial, religious, tribal, cultural, etc.) are really issues of hatred, which she defines in an educational setting as “the lack of compassion and lack of respect for the rights of others," and that such hatred must be fought and its roots must be attacked, because for as long as hatred exists in the human mind, real peace will be impossible (Vreeland, 2001). If this is true, then it leads to some interesting questions: For one, what is the root of this hatred? Boutte (2008) suggests that, at least in an educational context, such hate is often unintentional, but is usually the result of a lack of education. Now if a lack of education is to blame, then a lack of education in what, exactly? Is it awareness of the existence of those different from us? Is it awareness that those different from us are worthy of respect? The former is unlikely: Thanks'to the Internet; we are very much aware of the existence of people and cultures that are fundamentally different from us, yet this has done nothing to mitigate the hatred that Boutte speaks of. The latter question is more promising, but presumes that something exists in all individuals—regardless of color, language, religion, education, social status, etc.— that is worthy of respect. If this is true, what is this something? How do you teach it? To date, no literature exists within academia that gives a definitive, authoritative, and final answer to these questions.

CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies |


The Question of Value

Another issue in teaching and learning multicultural literacy is better posited as a question: “Why should I treat people of another culture with respect?” It might seem that the answer to the question is a simple one: for peace. But as we have seen earlier, not everyone values peace to the same degree. What if, for a certain culture, it is easier to just destroy anyone who opposes them rather than expend the effort needed to come to a mutual understanding? Such statements might sound crass, but only if we believe that we, as a society, are above such things. How many times have we broken “small" laws and rules of etiquette— running red traffic lights “because no one is there to catch me,” or asking a vendor at a flea market or tiangge to list a different price on the receipt than what an item is worth— because it is more convenient than to do otherwise? How many times have we been selfish in our decision-making, not thinking about, not caring about its implications for others? And how many times have we justified such behavior “because of the circumstances” or “because everyone else is doing it”? In other words, “Why should I value another culture, another society, another person more than myself and my own?” If we subscribe to Dawkins' (2016) concept of a “selfish gene”—where on a genetic level, the more two individuals are genetically similar to one another, the more sense it makes to behave selflessly toward one another and selfishly toward others who are different— then we can easily frame the issue of discrimination of cultural discrimination and injustice as one of both genetics and survival. This means that the injustice you experience is necessary for my survival, and therefore it is in my best interests (genetic and otherwise) that I maintain the status quo—or



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

reverse it, as the case may be. Educators like Freire (2000) have recognized and written against such a monstrous perspective— and rightly so— but have also admitted that when the oppressed are freed from their oppression, they inevitably become the new oppressors. If such perspectives seem horrible to us (and they should), it is because the question of the value of humanity, both individually and collectively as a culture, makes no sense without subscribing to some absolute moral standard— one that is true and right for all people, regardless of race, color, or creed. But in today’s society where such absolutes are reduced to matters of perspective, there remains no final and sensible answer to the question.

A majority of research on multicultural literacy stems from the West, specifically the United States, and focuses on teaching teachers to be more multicultural in their pedagogies. •

Learn about other cultures. Banks (1991a) posits that the first step to teaching multiculturalism is knowing about cultures that are not your own. It follows that if you, the teacher, know only your own culture, then you will be unable to teach your students to appreciate a culture that is different from your own.

Familiarize yourself with how discrimination and prejudice appear in your own culture. Boutte (2008) and Banks (1991 b) agree that teachers must be able to identify and confront patterns of discrimination and prejudice in their own lives before they can teach their students to do the same. For example, when someone you just met says he or she is from Mindanao, what words immediately come out of your mouth, in response? Do Ihey express genuine acceptance, or do they betray some long-held preconceptions about people from the region?

As you are, so will you behave. Key to genuine multicultural literacy is core values—that is, what you, the teacher, really believe about people who are different from you; not the kind of belief that you can just say you possess when talking to your class, but the kind that determines your behavior when you think no one is watching.

Simply put, if you do not truly believe that those who are different have value equal to your own, it will show, and your students will detect it. It will be seen in the words you use, in the expression on your face, in the change of you behavior when you think no one can see, etc. The converse is also true: If you do believe others have value equal to your own, no matter their social class, educational background, skin color; or regional accent, it will show; and what is shown is what students will learn.

CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies



Model more, tell more. Young students, by nature, will have difficulty in exercising empathy toward those who are different from them. The ability is there, but it will naturally lack practice. It is therefore not enough that teachers tell them to be more compassionate— you, the teacher, must model for them what empathy and compassion for others look like on a day-to-day basis.

Wrap Up •

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration between people, business entities, governments, and cultures from other nations, driven by international trade and investment and supported by information technology.

Cultural Literacy is the knowledge and understanding of the life of a culture to the point where one can fluently participate in the activities of the said culture. This includes, but is not limited to, its languages, traditions, values, beliefs, forms of entertainment, and worldviews.

Multicultural Literacy is the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that any communication with a culture different from our own is clear, productive, and respectful such that their differences are celebrated and neither culture is demeaned or treated as inferior.

The skills and knowledge required to be multi-culturally literate are:




knowledge that good and useful things can (and do) come from those different from us;


willingness to compromise;


acceptance that there are limits; and


idea that we cannot be friends with everyone.

The issues in teaching and learning multicultural literacy in the Philippines are the nationalistic/regionalistic pushback, the persistence of the problem, and the question of value.

Questions to Ponder Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers on the space provided. 1.

What makes a person Filipino? If a person has Filipino parents but is born in another country, is he/she still a Filipino? What about if a person with



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

foreign parents is born and raised in the Philippines, is he/she Filipino? Explain your reasoning.


Have you interacted with people who have a different culture from yours? How was your interaction with them? Was it clear? Was it productive? Was it respectful? What could you have done for a better interaction?


What is your attitude toward people who have a different-culture from yours? Do you celebrate how they are different from you? Do you look down on them?


Consider regional discrimination in the Philippines: If a woman speaks Cebuano or bisaya in Manila, she is often assumed to be a maid or yaya; If a man speaks Tagalog with a heavy, provincial accent, he is often assumed to be a laborer, driver, or involved in some form of manual or servile labor. What are your own discriminatory practices?

CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies




What skills and knowledge do you need to improve in to become multiculturally literate?


Why should you as an individual respect and value people who are different from you?

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the-space provided. 1.


Describe globalization to a peer.

| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Explain to a peer what multi-cultural literacy is.


With a partner or triad, share answers to the following question: How can you teach multi-cultural literacy in the classroom?


Interview students in your school who are part of the cultural minority. They could be foreigners or fellow Filipinos who belong to a different ethnolinguistic group. Ask them about their culture, their difficulties in adjusting to the mainstream culture, and how students like you can help them.

CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies |


Applebee, A. N. (1987). ‘‘Musings...: Cultural literacy.” Research in the Teaching of English, 21 (3), 229-231. Banks, J. (1991a). Teaching multicultural literacy to teachers. Teaching Education, 4(1), 133-142. Banks, J. (1991b). Multicultural education: Its effects on students’ racial and gender role attitudes. In J. P. Shaver (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Social Studies Teaching and Learning (pp. 459-469). New York: Macmillan. Boutte, G. S. (2008). Beyond the illusion of diversity: How early childhood teachers can promote social justice. The Social Studies, 99(4), 165-173. Dawkins, R. (2016). The selfish gene (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. De Leon, F. (2011). In focus: Cultural identity and development. National Commission for Culture and the Arts. Retrieved from about-culture-and-arts/in-focus/cultural-identity-and-development/ Dumlao, A. (2018, October 30). Writers' groups protest KWF's ‘‘Tagalog-based” orthography for llokano. Philippine Star. Retrieved from https://www. writers-groups-protest-kwfstagalog-based-orthography-ilokano Dusi, P., Messetti, G., & Steinbach, M. (2014). Skills, attitudes, relational abilities, & reflexivity: Competencies for multicultural society. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 112, 538-547. Fantini, A. E. (2006). Exploring and assessing intercultural competence. Retrieved from http:// Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York, NY: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc. Hirsch, E. D. (1983). Cultural literacy. The American Scholar, 52(2), 159-169. Retrieved from Hout, M. (1980). Trade dependence and fertility in Hispanic America: 19001975. In A. Bergesen (Ed.), Studies of the Modern World System. New York: Academic Press. James, P. & Steger, M. B. (2014). A genealogy of globalization: The career of a concept. Globalizations. 7 / (4), 417-34.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Kentor, J. (2001). The long-term effects of globalization on income inequality, population growth, and economic development. Social Problems, 48(4), 435-455. Levin Institute (2017). What is globalization? Globalization 101. The State University of New York. Retrieved from what-is-globalization/ Meyer, J. W. (2000). Globalization: Sources and effects on national states and societies. International Sociology, 15(2), 233-248. National Commission for Culture and the Arts. (May 13, 2015). Philippine cultural education program (PCEP). Retrieved from philippine-cultural-education-program-pcep/ Philippine Statistics Authority. (2018, May 18j. 2017 survey on overseas Filipinos. Retrieved from: Viray, P. L. (2018, December 12). 3 in 5 Filipinos believe US will defend Philippines - SWS. Philippine Star. Retrieved from: https://www.philstar. com/headlines/2018/12/12/1876461 /3-5-filipinos-believe-us-will-defendphilippines-sws Vreeland, N. 2001. An open heart: Practicing compassion in everyday life: The . Dalai Lama. Boston: Little Brown. Photo/Image Attributions:, p 13 KangZeLiu [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], p 13 /, p 15, p 15 U.S. Navy photo [Public domain], p 15 U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance CpI. Jeremy J. Harper [Public domain], p 15 The All-Nite Images [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], p 20 https://commons.wikimedia.Org/wiki/File:US_Navy_090927-N-0120R002_U.S._Navy_SEAL_Teams_One_and_Seven,_Naval_Special_Boat_ Teams_12_and_20,_and_medical_personnel_assigned_to_Joint_Special_ Operations_Task_Force-Philippines_rescue_Manila_residents_after_ flooding_destroy.jpg, p 20 CHAPTER 2 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies


33 php?image=256495&picture=dove-flying-in-sky, p 23 445472/, p 23 U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class William Ramsey [Public domain], p 26



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Social Literacy OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to: develop understanding of the working definition of social literacy; •

explain the roles of parents and teachers in teaching social skills to children; and

discuss and examine issues in social literacy.





■ ::

Social literacy concerns itself with the development of social skills, knowledge and positive human values that enable human beings to act positively and responsibly in range of complex social settings. It is the knowledge



of how to behave and treat other people in a way that is morally upright, just, and equitable, with a view of promoting positive and productive relations that are free from unfair prejudices, hate, and discrimination. These three descriptions will be explained below. By morally upright, we refer to thoughts, speech, actions, and motivations that adhere to a standard of right and wrong. On the other hand, just refers to speech, actions, and behaviors that are in-line with a fixed standard of justice— a system that promotes and rewards good and at the same time punishes wrongdoing. Any system of justice, whether national, regional, or local, requires a body of rules or laws by which to measure and administer rewards and punishment. Equitable are the speech, actions, behaviors, and decisions that treat others fairly, regardless of background or circumstances. Not to be confused with equality, which connotes a fixed standard of treatment for all people, equity seeks the good of others, and labors to find means by which everyone gets “what they need” rather than simply “everyone gets the same thing in the same amount.” Peers and schools play a formative role on the social skills development of children. These social skills are often expressed as consisting of three inter-related components: social perception, social cognition and social performance (Arthur, Davison, & Stow, 2000). Increasing emphasis has been placed on the last component, particularly in terms of outcomes. Social skill is defined in literature as ‘the ability to interact with others in a given social context in specific ways that are socially acceptable or valued and at the same time personally beneficial, mutually beneficial, or primarily beneficial to others.’ There are several types of social skills that must be mastered for a child to be socially adept. These range from the ability to initiate, maintain, and end a conversation to reading social signals to more complex skills such as solving problems and resolving conflict (Lawson, 2003). The following.examples represent some of the fundamental principles of relating well to others. Children with social skill deficits can be taught these skills directly by parents, teachers, and/or professionals using the strategies of modeling, role-playing, rehearsal, and practice.



Greeting - Children develop relationships with peers by interacting with them. The first step in a social interaction is greeting someone. Greeting others is done not only with words like “Hi!” or "How are you?" but with facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures such as a nod or a wave. The nonverbal part of greeting someone is just as important as the words. It is not so much what one says but how he/ she says it that lets people know he/she is glad to see them.

Initiating Conversation - In order to carry on a conversation, a child must be able to initiate, maintain and close conversation appropriately. This requires good listening and attention skills, as well as the ability to take

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

turns and probe for missing information. Being a good conversationalist requires turn-taking and reciprocity. Children have to listen as well as talk. If they do not show an interest in what the other person has to say, they probably will not be interested in talking. Impulsive children often have trouble knowing when to talk and when to listen. Understanding the listener - Once a conversation is initiated, it has to be maintained. In order to do that, it is important to understand the audience one is talking to. A socially adept child quickly and unconsciously identifies and categorizes his listener, measures what he/she has planned to say against the anticipated response of the listener, and then proceeds, alters, or avoids what she has planned to say. He/She knows that talking to authority figures is not done in the same way when talking to peers. A misread of the listener often leads to a misunderstood message and potential social rejection. To converse in a socially appropriate manner, children must be able to take the perspective or point of view of the other person, i.e., think the way they think. To do this a child must pretend that he/she is the listener and think about what he/she needs to hear to understand what is being said. Empathizing - Empathy is more than perspective taking; it means that one is able to feel what the other person feels. Empathy allows one to really connect with other people. Other children often think of children who lack empathy as mean, unkind, or self-centered. Reading Social Cues - It is very important to read social cues in a conversation. Cues are the hints and signals that guide us to the next thing to say or do. Social cues can be verbal or nonverbal. Verbal cues are the words that the other person is saying. Tone of voice is an important part of verbal cues. Good detectives pay very close attention to nonverbal cues. Previewing or Planning - Conversations also require that one previews or thinks about what effect the words or actions may have on the listener before she says or does them. If the impact will be negative, one can adjust what she might say or do. Problem-Solving - Problems and conflict are often a part of social interactions. Someone may not agree, get angry, insult, or become aggressive at something that one says. How one reacts to these conflicts depends on how good her problem solving skills are. Conflicts cannot be avoided and are often necessary to "clear the air." Turning a conflict from a “win-lose” situation to a "win-win" situation is the best way to resolve conflict. This requires negotiation and compromise, give and take that results in a situation where all parties can live with and help maintain friendships.

CHAPTER 3 Social Literacy



Apologizing - Everyone 'makes social mistakes at one time or another. A person with good social skills is confident enough to make a sincere apology for her error. This is a courageous act and is the quickest and easiest way to correct a social blunder. In reality, other people usually have a higher opinion of someone who apologizes for making a mistake. Apologizing is a sign of humble and mature character when one commits mistakes.

The Role of Parents and Teachers in Teaching Social Skills to Children

Parents typically play the major role in teaching children social skills. Parents can directly teach social skills by modeling, role-playing, and providing opportunities for their child to rehearse and practice new skills. They should encourage and praise the child for successfully using a new skill. Professionals typically intervene only when children are having substantial social difficulty with peers. These individuals can implement structured, guided, and effective 38


Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

programs that often involve group work with peers. Children must then generalize the skills they learn in the group to school and other personal social situations. School is the place where children spend the majority of their time with peers. It is, therefore, a natural and perfect setting for children to learn and practice social skills. While teachers do not have to teach a class in social skills, they can take advantage of every opportunity to help children improve their social skills. They should be alert to teasing and bullying and aware of children that are rejected or ignored by their peers. They should work cooperatively with the children's parents to prevent the humiliation, embarrassment, and distress that befall these children. Pairing a socially inept child with a socially adept one, involving children in cooperative instead of competitive learning exercises, identifying and acknowledging the strengths of all children, understanding social weaknesses, and creating an environment in which diversity is accepted and celebrated can greatly enhance all children's social abilities, sense of belongingness, and self-esteem, not just in the classroom but in life as well. Issues in Teaching Social Literacy

How children develop their social literacy is intrinsically a contextual matter and is not something that can be easily traced in a linear or developmental fashion. The acquisition of social literacy is a complex process that is historically and culturally conditioned and context-specific. Children learn through social practices, both explicit and implicit, and become human through social interaction. Nevertheless, it is also the case that children engage in social

CHAPTER 3 Social Literacy



activity before they are taught it; in other words, children are disposed to be social before they learn what sociability is all about. There are two distinct ways of answering the question on how children learn to live socially with each other and with adults. The first view is normative and communal. From their culture, children learn customs that provide them with a guide to act in ways that minimize conflict. The second view is pragmatic and individualistic. The social order of children is created by explicit and implicit agreements entered into by self-seeking individuals to avert the worst consequences of their selfish instincts (Arthur, Davison, & Stow, 2000). In this last view, social order is dependent on sanctions and formal agreements. Rules are obeyed because they confer personal advantage on a child. In the normative view, children are persuaded of the moral force of acting socially through their voluntary associations with others, both in their immediate circle, such as the family, and in the wider community, for example, through membership of a church or club. The child in this normative view will not only know the correct behavior but will perform the role without any need for regular, conscious reference to the rules governing it. Teaching social literacy in schools is not as easy as it appears to be due to subjective standards of morality and inherent human capacity to judge and make excuses. Subjective Standards of Morality The natural outcome of postmodern philosophies is that truth and morality are considered subjective and open to individual interpretation. This can be seen in the current culture, where actions and behavioral patterns that were once considered bad have now become acceptable—so much so that many now consider them to be even good. When the standard of measure between good and bad changes, this gives us license to change as well and opens the gates to all kinds of abuse. This, in effect, pulls the rug out from under any and all attempts at true justice and equitability, since they themselves rely on a fixed moral standard. Interestingly, many of those who insist on a subjective moral standard will be the first to demand for a fixed moral standard when they themselves fall victim to a subjective morality's inevitable outcome. Human Nature While we would all like to believe that people are inherently good, experience has taught us that the inherent goodness of humanity is, at best, unreliable: Sometimes it is there, often it is not. We are quick to champion the cause of moral uprightness, justice, and equity, but balk when our words and actions come under their scrutiny. In other words, we insist that others be judged according to a fixed moral standard, but invoke a subjective one when our



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

own behavior is questioned. We demand justice when we perceive ourselves to be victims of wrongdoing, but we surround ourselves with excuses when we do wrong. We insist that others treat us equitably, but are reluctant when treating others with equity costs more than we expected.

Today's students have grown up with the Internet that they have become inseparable from their gadgets. Blake (2017) offers helpful reminders to young professionals in terms of social skills in the modern age. This situation underscores the importance of educating students in what could be called social literacy to ensure their academic and career success. Situational Awareness in the Workplace While casual office attire has become the norm in many offices, job interviews typically require more formal dress and behavior to demonstrate a level of respect. Stories prevail of young adults showing up to interviews in casual clothing, texting, or using phones during job interviews or even bringing their parents with them. Such behavior demonstrates a lack of situational awareness about what is appropriate to do in different social circumstances. While college classrooms or the actual office atmosphere CHAPTER 3 Social Literacy



may allow for a more casual dress code, students need to be taught what is socially acceptable in terms of dress or behavior for them to stand out above their colleagues. An ability to read social situations illustrates strength to employers— quickly picking up on a client’s mood or expectations in various business or cross-cultural situations can be the difference between success and failure. Social Intelligence in Technological Communication Text-speak and technology use have affected many young people’s ability to communicate. While email has deformalized much of the communication process, students still need to ensure their writing denotes respect and provides enough context for professors (or future employers) to readily respond. In addition, text-speak has reduced students’ ability to communicate using correct grammar. Through studying particular communication genres and what they demand, students can learn more about what individual situations demand in terms of the formality of communication. For example, if a professor signs an email with “Dr. Smith,” this is a fairly good indication that he expects to be addressed as such and not informally by his first name. Social Intelligence in Traditional Communication While email has taken over as the primary method of communication, traditional modes of discourse still exist. For example, many employers still expect cover letters in addition to resumes, and the lack of a thank-you note for a gift is often perceived as more than a simple social oversight. An ability to craft these types of documents illustrates an understanding of social expectations and denotes a level of respect or appreciation. While not related to the traditional educational canon, learning to properly write a cover letter or business letter or a thank-you card not only teaches students that these documents exist and are often necessary but also shows them how to craft such documents, saving them time and energy in the future.

Wrap Up •

Social literacy concerns itself with the development of social skills, knowledge, and positive human values that enable human beings to act positively and responsibly in range of complex social settings.

Social skills range from the ability to initiate, maintain, and end a conversation to reading social signals to more complex skills such as solving problems and resolving conflict.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

The modern age calls for young professionals to develop situational awareness and social intelligence in both technological and traditional communication to succeed in their academic and career endeavors.

Peers and schools play a formative role on the social skill development of children. »

• ■

Questions to Ponder Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skill/s do you think you need to develop? In what ways can you develop it/them?


If you were a parent at this time, what would you teach your children on social literacy? How would you teach them?


If you were an employer, what would you look for in aspirants or applicants to your company?

CHAPTER 3 Social Literacy |



How do teachers educate children of social literacy nowadays? What specific content and learning experiences are there in the curriculum that develop social literacy?

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

How do computer technology and social media affect your social skills and that of your peers? Cite positive and negative impacts of digital technology to communication.


Make a list of Dos and Don’ts in the school and the workplace in relation to social literacy. Present it creatively through an infographic.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Andreotti, V. (2006). Soft versus critical global citizenship education. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, 3 (Autumn), 40-51. Accessed on May 30, 2016 at issue3-focus4?page=show. Arthur, J., Davison, J., & Stow, W. (2000). Social literacy, citizenship education, and the national curriculum. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Blake, C. (2017, March 7). In the age of the smartphone, students need help with social literacy. Retrieved from blog/classroom-resources/social-literacy/ Cohen, C. (2000). Raise your child's social IQ: Stepping stones to people skills for kids. Silver Springs, MD: Advantage Books. Lawson, C. (2003, January 1). Social skills and school. Retrieved from https:// Oxfam. (2015). Global citizenship in the classroom—A guide for teachers. Oxford: Oxfam GB. Retrieved from global-citizenship/global-citizenship-guides Photo/Image Attributions:, p 35 ©Photo By: Daphne Jade Gabalunos, p 38 ©Photo B : Lowie Guevarra, p 38, p 39

CHAPTER 3 Social Literacy




Financial Literacy OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to: •

define financial literacy;

assess level of personal financial literacy using set of standards and questions;

characterize financial literacy in the Philippines; and start practical steps to develop personal financial literacy.



The National Endowment for Financial Education defines financial literacy as “the ability to read, analyze, manage, and communicate about the personal financial conditions that affect material well-being. It includes the ability to discern financial choices, discuss money and financial issues without (or despite) discomfort, plan for the future, and respond competently to life events that affect every day financial decisions, including events in the general economy" (Incharge Education Foundation, 2017). To put it simply, it is "the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security" (Mandell, 2009). Meanwhile, Hastings, et al. (2013) refers to financial literacy as: 1.

knowledge of financial products (e.g., a stock vs. a bond, fixed vs. adjustable rate mortgage);


knowledge of financial concepts (e.g., inflation, compounding, diversification, credit scores);


having the mathematical skills or numeracy necessary for effective financial decision making; and


being engaged in certain activities such as financial planning.

Public and private institutions alike have recognized the need for financial literacy to be incorporated in the school curriculum. Financial education and advocacy programs of the public and private sectors have been identified as key areas in building an improved financial system in the Philippines (Go, 2017). Republic Act 10922, otherwise known as the "Economic and Financial Literacy Act,” mandates DepEd to “ensure that economic and financial education becomes an integral part of formal learning." The Council for Economic Education, the leading organization in the United States that focuses on the economic and financial education of students from Kindergarten through high school developed six standards gearing toward deepening students’ understanding of personal finance through an economic perspective. The standards and key concepts are summarized in the table below. Standards Earning income



Key Concepts •

income earned or received by people

different types of jobs as well as different forms of income earned or received

benefits and costs of increasing income through the acquisition of education and skills

government programs that affect income

types of income and taxes

labor market

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Buying goods and services


scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost

factors that influence spending choices, such as advertising, peer pressure, and spending choices of others

comparing the costs and benefits of spending decisions

basics of budgeting and planning

making a spending decision

payment methods, costs, and benefits of each

budgeting and classification of expenses

satisfaction, determinants of demand, costs information search, choice of product durability

the role of government and other institutions in providing information for consumers

concept of saving and interest

how people save money, where people can save money, and why people save money

the role that financial institutions play as intermediaries between savers and borrowers

the role government agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) play in protecting savings deposits

role of markets in determining interest rates

the mathematics of saving

the power of compound interest

real versus nominal interest rates

present versus future value

financial regulators

the factors determining the value of a person’s savings over time

automatic savings plans, "rainy-day” funds

saving for retirement

CHAPTER 4 Financial Literacy |



Using Credit

Financial Investing

Protecting and Insuring



concept of credit and the cost of using credit

why people use credit and the sources of credit

why interest rates vary across borrowers

basic calculations related to borrowing (principal, interest, compound interest)

credit reports and credit scores

behaviors that contribute to strong credit reports and scores

impact of credit reports and scores on consumers

consumer protection laws

concept of financial investment

variety of possible financial investments

calculate rates of return

relevance and calculation of real and after-tax rates of return

how markets cause rates of return to change in response to variation in risk and maturity

how diversification can reduce risk

how financial markets react to changes in market conditions and information

concepts of financial risk and loss

insurance (transfer of risk through risk pooling)

managing risk

identity theft

life insurance products

how to protect oneself against identity theft

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

The Benefits of Financial Literacy

One's level of financial literacy affects one's quality of life significantly. It determines one’s ability to provide basic needs, attitude toward money and investment, as well as one’s contribution to the community. Financial literacy enables people to understand and apply knowledge and skills to achieve a lifestyle that is financially balanced, sustainable, ethical, and responsible. Increased personal financial literacy affects one's financial behavior. These changes in behavior pay dividends to society as well. People who work, spend, save, borrow, invest, and manage risk wisely are less likely to require a government rescue. Financial literacy does not totally eliminate the need for a social safety net because even the most prudent individual can encounter financial difficulties. But taking responsibility for one’s financial life cultivates proper decision-making skills and discipline. Most of the responsibility for managing financial matters rests with the individual. That responsibility is easier for adults to bear when they have learned the basics of personal finance in their youth. Financial Literacy in the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 Financial Literacy



In his article “State of Financial Education in the Philippines," Go (2017) indicated several findings of researches with regards to the state of financial literacy in the country including the following: •

World Bank study in 2014 estimated 20 million Filipinos saved money but only half had bank accounts.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) study in 2015 revealed that PH does not have a national strategy for financial education and literacy.

In 2016, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) released the national strategy for financial inclusion, stating that while institutions strive to broaden financial services, financial literacy should also complement such initiatives.

As per Standard & Poor's (S&P) Ratings services survey last year, only 25% of Filipinos are financially literate. This means that about 75 million Filipinos have no idea about inflation, risk diversification, insurance, compound interest, and bank savings.

Ten years after discovery of the stock market, still less than one percent of PH population is invested in it.

More than 80 percent of the working middle class have no formal financial plan.

Because of these findings, public and private sectors alike have recognized the need to strengthen financial education in the country. Last November 27-28, 2018, more than 1,000 leaders, decision-makers, influences, and representatives from public and private institutions, civic society, and the academe gathered for the first ever Financial Education Stakeholders Expo organized by BSP. The Expo is designed to build an organized network of players that share the vision of a financially literate citizenry and cohesively implement a variety of initiatives to achieve this vision. This is in line with the BSP advocacy for financial education and supports the BSP mandates of maintaining price stability, financial stability, and efficient payments system. It is the BSP’s conviction that a financially educated Filipino is an empowered Filipino who is able to make wise financial decisions that positively impact personal financial circumstances, and, consequently, contribute to inclusive and sustained economic development. The Expo supports Republic Act No. 10922 which designates second week of November as Economic and Financial Literacy Week. It is also aligned with the objectives of the Philippine National Strategy for Financial Inclusion, particularly the pillar on Financial Education and Consumer Protection. Developing Personal Financial Literacy One’s attitude about money is heavily influenced by the parents’ attitude and behavior about money. The attitudes you formed early in life probably



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

affect how you save, spend, and invest today. Do you behave similarly or differently from your parents about handling money? There are six major characteristic types in how people view money (Incharge, 2017). Frugal: Frugal people seek financial security by living below their means and saving money. They rarely buy luxurious items; they save money instead. They save money because they believe that money will offer protection from unprecedented events and expenses. Pleasure: Pleasure seekers use money to bring pleasure to themselves and to others. They are more likely to spend than to save. They often live beyond their means and spend more than they earn. If they are not careful and do not change, they may fall into deep debt. Status: Some people use money to express their social status. They like to purchase and “show off” their branded items. Indifference: Some people place very little importance on having money and would rather grow their own food and craft their own clothes. It is as if having too much money makes them nervous and uncomfortable. Powerful: Powerful people use money to express power or control over others. Self-worth: People who spend money for self-worth value how much they accumulate and tend to judge others based on the amount of money they have. Which characteristic closely resembles your attitude about money?. Explain your answer. Spending Patterns Are you prudent>or have you been accused of spending money lavishly? Or are you somewhere in between? Individuals have different spending patterns. Before one can come up with a financial improvement, plan,, one needs to analyze his/her spending habits. There are two common spending patterns: habitual spending and impulsive spending. Habitual spending occurs when one spends out of a habit, when one buys the same item daily, weekly, or monthly. Daily items may include water, rice, and cup of coffee. Week items may be grocery items. Monthly items are the electricity and Internet bills. Impulsive spending occurs when one mindlessly purchases items that he or she does not need. Many people are often enticed by monthly sales at the malls with the attitude that they may lose the items the following day. Fixed vs. Variable Expenses Fixed expenses remain the same year-round. Car payment is an example. Variable expenses occur regularly but the amount you pay varies. Electric and gas bills are examples of these. CHAPTER 4 Financial Literacy



Which expenses are fixed and which are variable? Indicate the monthly total. Put a check mark on the corresponding type. Monthly total



Food Clothing Gas Medicine Internet Needs vs. Wants Financial discipline starts with an ability to recognize whether expenses are needs or wants, and followed by ability to prioritize needs over wants. Needs are essential to our survival. Wants are things that you would like to have but you can live without, such as new clothes or a new cell phone model. You want them but do not necessarily need them. Too many wants can ruin a budget. Use the table below to list down all the expenses that belong to the needs and those that belong to the wants. Needs


Here are practical steps you can undertake to enhance your financial literacy. Setting Financial Goals Setting financial goals is the first step to managing one's financial life. Goals may be short, medium, and long-term. Short-term goals can be measured in weeks and can provide instant gratification and feedback. “I will ride on the LRT instead of taxi” and “I will bring lunch every day” are examples of short-term goals. Medium-term goals should be accomplished within one to six months. These goals provide opportunity for reflection and feedback and require discipline and consistency. Long-term financial goals can take years 54


Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

to achieve. These include saving money for a down payment on a home, a child's college education, and retirement. They may also include paying off a car, student loans, or credit card debt. Developing a Spending Plan Time and effort are necessary to build a sustainable spending plan. Three easy steps are proposed below when developing your personal spending plan: 1.

Record - Keep a record of what you spend.


Review - Analyze the information and decide what you do.


Take action - Do something about what you have written down.

Importance of Saving Because no one can predict the future with certainty, we need to save money for anything that might happen. Here are some reasons why saving is important: •

Emergency Bolster - You should save money to avoid going to debt just to pay emergency situations, like unexpected medical expenses and damages caused by calamities or accidents.

Retirement - You will need savings/investments to take the place of income you will no longer receive when you retire.

Future Events - You need to save for future events like weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and travels so as not to sacrifice your fixed expenses.

Instability of Social Security - Pensions from social security should only serve as supplementary and not the primary source of income after retirement.

A Little Goes a Long Way - Small consistent savings go a long way.

There are two ways to save: •

save before you spend; and

save after you spend wisely.

In order to stick to the savings habit, you should: 1. commit to a month; 2.

find an accountability partner;


find a savings role model who is successful with his/her money, through tried and true savings;


write your goal down and track it; and


avoid tempting situations (don’t go

to the mall to “hang out"). CHAPTER 4 Financial Literacy



Wrap Up •

Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.

Financial literacy enables people to understand and apply knowledge and skills to achieve a lifestyle that is financially balanced, sustainable, ethical, and responsible.

One’s attitude about money is heavily influenced by the parents' attitude and behavior about money.

Standards for developing understanding of financial literacy include earning income, buying goods and services, saving, using credit, financial investing, protecting, and insuring.

Questions to Ponder Read the questions and instructions carefully. Follow what is asked and write your answers in the space provided. 1.

How well do you understand personal finance concepts? Rate your knowledge below. 4: Above Average Knowledge 3: Average Knowledge 2: Limited Knowledge 1: No Knowledge


Financial literacy requires skills to aid you in making responsible and ethical financial decisions. These skills include being able to set goals, create and keep current a budget, formulate a spending plan, and keep organized records. Think about your overall skills in those mentioned and mark where you feel your overall skills level is. 4: Above Average Skill 3: Average Skill 2: Limited Skill 1: No Skill



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Behavior is applying what you learn to bring positive impact. Positive financial behavior brings numerous benefits. Paying bills and debts on time and making regular deposits in savings account are positive financial behaviors. Rate your ability to practice positive financial behavior. 4: Above Average Ability 3: Average Ability 2: Limited Ability 1: No Ability


How does your current budget pie chart look like? Using the following categories, map your ideal budget plan using a pie chart. You may use more categories as needed. a.



Electric bills











How does your current budget pie chart compare with your ideal budget pie chart?

CHAPTER 4 Financial Literacy



Read the following questions and instructions carefully. Write your answer on the space and table provided. 1.

Differentiate among the following financial goals: short-term, mediumterm, and long-term financial goals. Give examples for each. Goals



Short-term Medium-term Long-term 2.

Interview at least 10 friends, classmates, and relatives. Explore their financial behavior or spending and saving behavior and present data using any of the following forms: •





How would the different characteristic types react toward this SALE advertisement? Write below what each type of person would likely say about the advertisement.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum







CHAPTER 4 Financial Literacy



Council for Economic Education. (2013). National standards for financial literacy. Retrieved from https:// Go, V. (2017, August 21). State of financial education in the Philippines. Retrieved from 2017/08/21 /1731331 /state-financial-education-philippines


Hastings, J.S., Madrian, B.C., & Skimmyhorn, W.L. (2013). Financial literacy, financial education, and economic outcomes. Annual Review of Economics, 5, 347-373. Incharge Education Foundation. (2017). Incharge debt solutions. Retrieved from Mandell, L. (2009). The financial literacy of young American Adults: Results of the 2008 National Jump$tart Coalition Survey of High School Seniors and College Students. Washington D.C.: The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. , Maur, M. (2018, December). Financial literacy for Filipinos: Understanding for better living. Retrieved from Photo/Image Attributions:, p. 47, p 47, p 47, p 47, p 51 php?image=32920&picture=peso-bills, p 51


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

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Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to: •

develop a working understanding of Media and Cyber/Digital Literacy and how they relate to one another;

appreciate the importance of developing Media and Cyber/Digital Literacy both in ourselves and one another in the information age; and

realize that practical steps must be taken to develop these literacies early in children and cannot wait "until they are older."

Of all the 21st century literacies presented in this book, none of them embodies the “newness” of these literacies quite like those needed to make sense of the absolute deluge of information brought to us by the Internet. With the vast number of websites, web forums, and social media applications now available for us, never before has there been so much information— in nearly every form imaginable, from nearly every source imaginable— available to us twenty-four hours a day, no matter our location. Where once we had librarians— “information custodians,” as you will— to curate the information we regularly ingest, now there is nothing standing between the individual and the wellspring of information represented by the Internet. However, as we will soon discover, it is the so-called old literacies that will serve us just as faithfully in the new contexts we find ourselves today as they have done in the past. To begin our investigation, we must first understand the relationship between Media Literacy and Cyber/Digital Literacy.



Media Literacy

Like all the literacies discussed in this book, media literacy can be defined in several ways. Aufderheide (1993) defines it as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate messages in a wide variety of forms,” while Christ and Potter (1998) define it as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create messages across a variety of contexts.” Hobbs (1998) posits that it is a term used by modern scholars to refer to the process of critically analyzing and learning to create one's own messages in print, audio, video, and multimedia.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Perhaps in its simplest sense, media literacy can thus be defined as ‘‘the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they are communicating” (Common Sense Media, n.d.). The exact type of media varies—television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, handouts, flyers, etc.— but what they all have in common is that they were all created by someone, and that someone had a reason for creating them. According to Boyd (2014), media literacy education began in the United States and United Kingdom as a direct result of war propaganda in the 1930s and the rise of advertising in the 1960s. In both cases, media was being used to manipulate the perspective (and subsequent actions) of those exposed to it, thereby giving rise to the need to educate people on how to detect the biases, falsehoods, and half-truths depicted in print, radio, and television. Because media communication lends itself so easily and so well to the purpose of manipulating consumers' perceptions on issues both political and commercial, being able to understand the “why” behind media communication is the absolute heart of media literacy today. Despite the relatively simple and clear definition of media literacy, it should come as no surprise that scholars and educators have been debating for quite some time on how media literacy should be both defined and taught. Aufderheide (1993) and Hobbs (1998) reported, “At the 1993 Media Literacy National Leadership Conference, U.S. educators could not agree on the range of appropriate goals for media education or the scope of appropriate instructional techniques.” The conference did, however, identify five essential concepts necessary for any analysis of media messages: 1.

Media messages are constructed.


Media messages are produced within economic, social, political, historical, and aesthetic contexts.


The interpretative meaning-making processes involved in message reception consist of an interaction between the reader, the text, and the culture.


Media has unique “languages,” characteristics which typify various forms, genres, and symbol systems of communication.


Media representations play a role in people’s understanding of social reality.


What these five concepts boil down to is that while the producer of a particular media has an intended meaning behind the communication, what actually gets communicated to the consumers depends not only on the media itself but also on the consumers themselves and on their respective cultures. The consumers' perceived meaning is what then develops into how people understand social reality.

CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies |


An immediate example of this is the media portrayal of Mindanao. Because so little good news coming from the island is communicated by the news networks, the average Filipino—who might never have been to Mindanao— comes to believe that the entire island is involved in armed conflict, that anyone from Mindanao is somehow involved in the conflict, and therefore (understandably) refuses to go there, nor allow any of his or her relatives to do so. It is unlikely that this was the news media’s intention, but it is the viewer’s interpretation that ultimately determined his or her beliefs and behavior. What Media Literacy is Not Given the broad and somewhat nebulous nature of media literacy, its implied definition can be gleaned by understdnding what media literacy is not. The following is a list of actions that are often mistaken for being representative of media literacy (Center for Media Literacy, n.d.): •

Criticizing the media is not, in and of itself, media literacy. However, being media literate sometimes requires that one indeed criticize what one sees and hears.

Merely producing media is not media literacy although part of being media literate is the ability to produce media.

Teaching with media (videos, presentations, etc.) does not equal media literacy. An education in media literacy must also include teaching about media.

Viewing media and analyzing it from a single perspective is not media literacy. True media literacy requires both the ability and willingness to view and analyze media from multiple positions and perspectives.

Media literacy does not simply mean knowing what and what not to watch; it does mean “watch carefully, think critically.”

Challenges to Media Literacy Education One glaring challenge to teaching Media Literacy is, “how do we teach it?" Teaching it as a subject in itself might not be feasible given how overburdened the curriculum is at the moment, while integrating it into the subjects that are currently being taught might not be enough to teach what are essentially media consumption habits—skills and attitudes that are learned by doing and repetition rather than by mere classroom discussion (Koltay, 2011). Livingstone and Van Der Graaf (2010) identified “how to measure media literacy and evaluate the success of media literacy initiatives" as being one of the more pernicious challenges facing educators in the 21st century, for the simple reason that if we cannot somehow measure the presence of media literacy in our students, how do we know we have actually taught them?



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Finally, a more fundamental challenge to Media Literacy Education is one of purpose. As Chris & Potter (1998) put it, “Is media literacy best understood as a means of inoculating children against the potential harms of the media or as a means of enhancing their appreciation of the literary merits of the media?” Digital Literacy

In the first chapter of this book, we read how Gee, Hull, and Lankshear (1996) noted how literacy always has something to do with reading a text with understanding, and that there are many kinds of texts, and each one requires a specific set of skills to understand and make meaning out of them. Digital Literacy (also called e-literacy, cyber literacy, and even information literacy by some authors) is no different although now the “text” can actually be images, sound, video, music, or a combination thereof. Digital Literacy can be defined as the ability to locate, evaluate, create, and communicate information on various digital platforms. Put more broadly, it is the technical, cognitive, and sociological skills needed to perform tasks and solve CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies |


problems in digital environments (Eshet-Alkalai, 2004). It finds its origins in information and computer literacy (Bawden, 2008, 2001; Snavely & Cooper, 1997; Behrens, 1994; Andretta, 2007; Webber & Johnson, 2000), so much so that the skills and competencies listed by Shapiro and Hughes (1996) in a curriculum they envisioned to promote computer literacy should sound very familiar to readers today: •

tool literacy - competence in using hardware and software tools;

resource literacy - understanding forms of and access to information resources;

social-structural literacy - understanding the production and social significance of information;

research literacy - using IT tools for research and scholarship;

publishing literacy - ability to communicate and publish information;

emerging technologies literacy - understanding of new developments in IT; and

critical literacy - ability to evaluate the benefits of new technologies (Note that this literacy is not the same as “'critical thinking,” which is often regarded as a component of information literacy).

It should also come as no surprise that digital literacy shares a great deal of overlap with media literacy; so much so that digital literacy can be seen as a subset of media literacy, dealing particularly with media in digital form. The connection should be fairly obvious— if media literacy is “the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they are communicating," then digital literacy can be seen as "media literacy applied to the digital media,” albeit with a few adjustments. The term "digital literacy” is not new; Lanham (1995), in one of the earliest examples of a functional definition of the term described the "digitally literate person” as being skilled at deciphering and understanding the meanings of images, sounds, and the subtle uses of words so that he/she could match the medium of communication to the kind of information being presented and to whom the intended audience is. Two years later, Paul Gilster (1997) formally defined digital literacy as “the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers," explaining that not only must a person acquire the skill of finding things, he/she must also acquire the ability to use these things in life. Bawden (2008) collated the skills and competencies comprising digital literacy from contemporary scholars on the matter into four groups: 1.



Underpinnings - This refers to those skills and competencies that “support” or “enable” everything else within digital literacy, namely: traditional literacy and computer/ICT literacy (i.e., the ability to use computers in everyday life).

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Background Knowledge - This largely refers to knowing where information on a particular subject or topic can be found, how information is kept, and how it is disseminated— a skill taken for granted back in the day when information almost exclusively resided in the form of printed text.


Central Competencies - These are the skills and competencies that a majority of scholars agree on as being core to digital literacy today, namely: •

reading and understanding digital and non-digital formats;

creating and communicating digital information; evaluation of information;

knowledge assembly;

information literacy; and

• 4.

media literacy.

Attitudes and Perspectives - Bawden (2008) suggests that it is these attitudes and perspectives that link digital literacy today with traditional literacy, saying “it is not enough to have skills and competencies, they must be grounded in some moral framework," specifically: •

independent learning - the initiative and ability to learn whatever is needed for a person's specific situation; and

moral / social literacy - an understanding of correct, acceptable, and sensible behavior in a digital environment.

Information Literacy within Digital Literacy Given the ease with which digital media (as opposed to traditional print media) can be edited and manipulated, the ability to approach it with a healthy amount of skepticism has become a “survival skill” for media consumers. Eshet-Alkalai (2004) draws attention to Information Literacy as a critical component of Digital Literacy as “the cognitive skills that consumers use to evaluate information in an educated and effective manner.” In effect, Information Literacy acts as a filter by which consumers evaluate the veracity of the information being presented to them via digital media and thereupon sort the erroneous, irrelevant, and biased from what is demonstrably factual. From this perspective, part of the efforts of Digital Literacy Education should be toward developing media consumers who think critically and are ready to doubt the quality of the information they receive, even if said information comes from so-called “authoritative sources." However, a majority of studies on Information Literacy seem to concentrate more on the ability to search for information rather than its cognitive and pedagogical aspects (Eshet-Alkalai, 2004; Zinns, 2000; Burnett & McKinley, 1998). CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies



Socio-Emotional Literacy within Digital Literacy Alongside Information Literacy, Eshet-Alkalai. (2004) highlights a kind of Socio-Emotional literacy needed to navigate the Internet, raising questions such as, “How do I know if another user in a chatroom is who he says he is?” or “How do I know if a call for blood donations on the Internet is real or a hoax?” Such questions should make us realize that there are no hard and fast rules for determining the answers. Instead, there is a necessary familiarity with the unwritten rules of Cyberspace; an understanding that while the Internet is a global village of sorts, it is also a global jungle of human communication, embracing everything from truth to falsehoods, honesty and deceit, and ultimately, good and evil. According Eshet-Alkalai (2004), This Socio-Emotional literacy requires users to be “very critical, analytical, and mature”— implying a kind of richness of experience that the literate transfers from real life to their dealings online. Curiously, while research shows that the older a user is, the less likely they are to behave naively online, this does not exempt them from the occasional lapse; They might not believe that a Nigerian prince is bequeathing 100 million dollars in gold bullion to them in exchange for their bank details, but they might be willing to believe that someone really is giving away 1000 units of the latest smartphone in exchange for their contact information. Digitally literate users know how to avoid the “traps” of cyberspace mainly because they are familiar with the social and emotional patterns of working in cyberspace—that it is really just an outworking of human nature. Digital Natives The term digital native has become something of a buzzword in the education sector over the past decade. This was popularized by Prensky (2001) in reference to the generation that was born during the information age (as opposed to digital immigrants—the generation prior that acquired familiarity with digital systems only as adults) and who has not known a world without computers, the Internet, and connectivity. Despite the fact that Prensky's original paper was not an academic one and had no empirical evidence to support its claims, educators and parents alike latched onto the term, spawning a school of thought wherein the decline of modern education is explained by educators’ lack of understanding of how digital natives learn and make decisions. However, a popular misconception borne out of the term digital natives and the educational ideas it spawned is that the generation in question is born digitally literate. If this is the case, then the question, "How can digital immigrants teach digital natives a literacy they already have?" is a valid one, to which the answer would be, correctly, "they cannot.” But the problem here is that "digitally literate” is popularly defined as the ability to use computers or use the Internet, which as we have seen earlier, 68


Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

forms only one part of the crucial skills and competencies required to be digitally literate. Our expanded view of the term ‘‘literate” allows us to see that while the digital natives in our classrooms are most certainly familiar with digital systems— perhaps even more so than their instructors—this does not mean they automatically know how to read, write, process, and communicate information on these systems in ways that are both meaningful and ethical, especially when the information involved does not involve technology’s most common use: personal entertainment. That is to say, when the task at hand does not involve what the digital natives consider to be entertainment, the gaps in their literacy begin to show. A good example of this is the difficulty many Senior High School instructors have in teaching research: Students who are otherwise quite familiar with using the Internet for entertainment are suddenly at a loss in locating, accessing, and understanding information from research journals and websites, mainly because they are looking for information on topics they are either unfamiliar with, uninterested in, or both. Another problem concerning digital natives is the misconception that everyone belonging to the generation is on more or less equal.footing in regard to digital literacy. Although the drawing of such a conclusion is understandable (given the near-ubiquity of digital technology and the Internet), it is nonetheless mistaken, as no one is truly “born digital.” Instead, the determining factor is access to education and experience: children born to poorer families will naturally seem less digitally literate for lack of access to technology and an education in said technologies, while those born to privileged families will display more of the literacies discussed earlier. Challenges to Digital Literacy Education Digital Literacy Education shares many of the same challenges to Media Literacy For example: How should it be taught? How can it be measured and evaluated? Should it be taught for the protection of students in their consumption of information or should it be to develop their appreciation for digital media? Brown (2017) also noted that despite the global acknowledgement that Digital Literacy Education is a need, there is as of yet no overarching model or framework for addressing all of the skills deemed necessary. Put simply, there is no single and comprehensive plan anywhere for teaching digital literacy the way it should be taught. Accordingly, he asked, "What assumptions, theories, and research evidence underpin specific frameworks? Whose interests are being served when particular frameworks are being promoted? Beyond efforts to produce flashy and visually attractive models how might we reimagine digital literacies to promote critical mindsets and active citizenry in order to reshape our societies for new ways of living, learning, and working for a better future—for all?” CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies



Despite the challenges posed by the broad and fluid nature of media (and therefore digital) literacy, educators in the Philippines can spearhead literacy efforts by doubling-down on those concepts and principles of Media Literacy that are of utmost importance, namely, critical thinking and the grounding of critical thought in a moral framework.



Teach media and digital literacy integrally. Any attempt to teach these principles must first realize that they cannot be separated from context— meaning, they cannot be taught separately from other topics. Critical Thinking requires something other than itself to think critically about, and thus cannot develop in a vacuum. Similarly, developing a moral framework within students cannot be taught via merely talking about it. This moral framework develops by practicing it, that is, basing our decisions on it, in the context of everything else we do in our day-to-day lives. We therefore agree with Koltay (2011) that the teaching of the fundamental principles of these and other literacies should be done integratively with other subjects in school, however difficult the process might be. In other words, teach them in mathematics, sciences, language arts, social studies, and so on. Make them part of the school curriculum and in the everyday life of the students. Anything else will be as misguided as merely telling a plant to grow and expecting it to do so by the power of your words.

Master your subject matter. Whatever it is you teach, you must not only possess a thorough understanding of your subject matter, you must also understand why you are teaching it, and why it is important to learn. As educators, we must not shy away from a student genuinely asking us to explain why something we are teaching is important. After all, teaching is in itself a kind of media the students are obliged to consume; it is only fair they know why.

Think “multi-disciplinary.” How can educators integrate media and digital literacy in a subject as abstract as Mathematics, for example? The answer lies in stepping-out of the “pure mathematics” mindset and embracing communication as being just as important to math as computation. Once communication is accepted as important, this opens-up new venues where the new literacies can be exercised. For example, have students create a webpage detailing what systems of linear equations are, why they are important, and the techniques for solving them. Alternatively, they can create poster infographics that explain the same things. The exact same strategies can be applied to nearly any subject and any topic. It is just a matter of believing, as educators, that how we communicate is as important as what we communicate.

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Explore motivations, not just messages. While it is very important that students learn what is the message being communicated by any media text, it is also important to develop in them a habit for asking why is the message being communicated in the first place. In the case of an information pamphlet warning against some infectious disease for example, is there an outbreak we are being warned of? If not, could this then be an attempt to sow panic and discord in the target populace? Why? Who stands tp gain from doing such things? The objective here is not so much to find the correct answers, but rather to develop the habit of asking these questions.

Leverage skills that students already have. It is always surprising how much a person can do when they are personally and affectively motivated to do so— in other words, a person can do amazing things when they really want to. Students can produce remarkably wellresearched output for things they are deeply interested in, even without instruction. Harnessing this natural desire to explore whatever interests them will go a long way in improving media and digital literacy education in your classroom.

Wrap Up •

Media Literacy is the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they are communicating, including who is the intended audience and what is the motivation behind the message.

Digital/Cyber Literacy is a subset of media literacy; the ability to locate, evaluate, create, and communicate information on various digital platforms. This includes the ability to verify information as factual as well as identify and avoid communication with deceitful, malicious, and exploitative content.

Information Literacy is a subset of media literacy; the ability to locate, access, and evaluate information from a variety of media sources.

Of utmost importance to both literacies (media and digital) is the ability to analyze and think critically about what is being communicated. This means making value judgments about the message (i.e., identifying truth from falsehood, right from wrong, etc.), and goes beyond simply comprehending the what is being said.

Questions to Ponder


To better comprehend what each skill and competency requires and how educators are to learn and teach them in class, it is useful to summarize each

CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies |


one as a set of questions for discussion and reflection. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

Can I read/write? Do I know how to write and send emails, create documents and simple spreadsheets, use a web browser, and make sense of the search results returned by a search engine?


Do I know where to find information on local and national news, politics, and events? Do I know where I am likely to find reliable, factual information on a given topic? Do I have an understanding of the relationship between what the information is about and its ability to make itself stand-out?


Can I make sense of documents and images that must be scrolled through rather than flipped (i.e., like the pages of a book)? Do I have the stamina and ability to listen to and understand videos of people talking? How about animation? Do I know at least three ways to share information online? Do I know how to evaluate if a particular information source is factual/true and trustworthy? Do I know how to synthesize the contents of several texts on the same topic into a coherent whole? Do I know how to best match the manner in which I communicate information to my intended audience?


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum



Do I understand and accept the fact that with all these digital tools at my command, I have both the ability and responsibility to learn whatever I have to learn, and to do so on my own? Do I understand and agree that there are morally acceptable and unacceptable behaviors that ought to govern what, how, why, and with whom I communicate online?

Use the following questions to evaluate your understanding of the concepts, principles, and ideas in the chapter. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

Can you explain to a classmate how Media Literacy and Digital Literacy are related?


Can you explain how critical thinking is important to both Media and Digital Literacy?

CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies




If your principal asked you to insert Media Literacy into your subject, and you could only accommodate three skills/competencies, which competencies would you aim for? On what basis would you choose the three and exclude the others?


If you had to create a report on Boyle's Law, can you create a plan for locating and accessing the information you need? How would you ensure that you actually understand the information you find?


Can you explain why an email from a woman in an abusive relationship promising you 100,000 US dollars in exchange for your help is likely to be a scam? Can you explain how an advertisement on social media from an unknown company promising you a chance to win a brand new, top-ofthe-line smartphone is also likely to be a scam?


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Supplementary Activities Watch a TED talk online on a topic that is completely new and foreign to you. Create an outline or a mind-map of the speaker's lecture, using only what you were able to understand from the video. Then ask yourself the following questions: (a) How many times did I have to watch the video? If you had to view it more than once, why?

(b) Can I summarize the speaker’s lecture in a paragraph of written text? Why, or why not?

(c) At any point in the lecture, did the speaker say anything that made me doubt the trustworthiness of what he/she said?

CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies |


(d) If I had difficulties in extracting information from the speaker’s lecture, what are the chances of students doing the same thing? Does this exercise change how I will evaluate the suitability of online content for my classes?

Summary of the Video




Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Andretta, S. (Ed.). (2007). Change and challenge: Information literacy for the 21st century. Adelaide: Auslib Press. Aufderheide, P. (1993). National leadership conference on media literacy. Conference report. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute. Bawden, D. (2001). Information and digital literacies: A review of concepts. Journal of Documentation, 57(2), 218-259. Bawden, D. (2008). Origins and concepts of digital literacy. In C. Lankshear, & M. Knobel (Eds.), Digital literacies: Concepts, policies, and practices. New York: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers. Behrens, S. (1994). A conceptual analysis and historical overview of information literacy. College and Research Libraries, 55(4), 309-322. Boyd, D. (2014). It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. Brown, M. (2017). The challenge of digital literacy: Beyond narrow skills to critical mindsets. Unpublished manuscript. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin. com/pulse/challenge-digital-literacy-beyond-narrow-skills-critical-markbrown Buckingham, D. (2010) Defining digital literacy. In B. Bachmair (Ed.), Medienbildung in neuen Kulturraumen (pp. 59-72). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften. Burnett, K., & McKinley, E. G. (1998). Modelling information seeking. Interacting With Computers, 10, 285-302. Center for Media Literacy (n.d.). What media literacy is not. Retrieved from Christ, W. G., & Potter, W. J. (1998). Special issue on media literacy. Journal of Communication, 48(1). Common Sense Media (n.d.) What is media literacy, and why is it important? Retrieved from Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: A conceptual framework for survival skills in the digital era. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 13( 1), 93-106. Gee, J. P., Hull, G., & Lankshear, C. (1996). The new work order: Behind the language of the new capitalism. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Gilster, P. (1997). Digital literacy. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

CHAPTER 5 Media and Cyber or Digital Literacies |


Hobbs, R. (1998). The seven great debates in the media literacy movement. Journal of Communication, 48(1), pp.16-32. Hobbs, R., & Martens, H. (2015). How media literacy supports civic engagement in a digital age. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 23(2), 120-137. Koltay, T. (2011). The media and the literacies: Media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy. Media Culture Society, 33(2), 211-221. Lanham, R. (1995). Digital literacy. Scientific American, 273(3), 160-161. Livingstone, S., & Van Der Graaf, S. (2010). Media literacy. In Donsbach, W. (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication. New Jersey: Jon Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prensky, M. (2001, October). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. Shapiro, J., & Hughes, S. (1996). Information technology as a liberal art. Educom Review, 3/(2). Snavely, L„ & Cooper, N. (1997). The information literacy debate. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 23(1), 9-20. Webber, S., & Johnson, B. (2000). Conceptions of information literacy: New perspectives and implications. Journal of Information Science, 26(6), 381 -397. Zins, C. (2000). Success, a structures search strategy: Rationale, principles and implications. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51, 1232-1247. Photo/Image Attributions:, p 62! 1706, p 65


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Ecological Literacy OBJECtlVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to: •

define ecological.literacy;

distinguish among environmental literacy, ecoliteracy, and ecological literacy;

describe an ecoliterate person; and

recognize individual and collective roles in rehabilitating the environment and ecosystem.



The development of ecological understanding is not simply another subject to be learnt but a fundamental change in the way we see the world. -John Lyle, 1994 I


We are now at a critical point with many environmental issues such as climate change and rampant environmental destruction. Alienation from nature greatly contributes to the aggravation of these environmental problems. Ecological literacy is important to business and political leaders, and to all levels of education. Ecological literacy refers to an individual’s understanding not only of ecological concepts, but also of his or her place in the ecosystem (Meena & Alison, 2009). The term ecological literacy was first introduced by David Orr in 1989 in his essay "Ecological Literacy.” He indicated that knowing, caring, and practical competence form the foundation for ecological literacy. He pointed out that the root of environmental crisis is the individual’s inability to think about "ecological patterns, systems of causation, and long-term effects of human actions" (Orr, 1994). Thus, he emphasized the importance of experience in one’s natural environment that can enable humans to shift perspective from one of an economic emphasis to one of balance amongst economics, ecology, and cultures. Orr (1992) also argued that the ecologically literate person understands the dynamics of the environmental crisis, which includes an understanding of how people have become so destructive. Therefore, identifying school students’ ecological literacy levels is a necessary step to investigate their behavior, attitudes, sensitivity, and behavioral intention. In order to create awareness among students, it is important to foster correct knowledge to ensure positive approach to the environment (Hares, Eskonheimo, Myllytaus, & Luukkanen, 2006). Kahyaoglu (2009) also stated that positive attitudes and values toward the environment are occurred with a good knowledge. Developing environmentally responsible behavior requires correct knowledge about climate change, the cause of global warming, carbon emissions, and carbon footprint (Kuo & Chen, 2009). There has been an increasing concern with enhancing “ ecological literacy" in society. The current literature on ecological literacy emphasizes the role of scientific knowledge and ecological thinking in identifying cause-effect relationships in socio-environmental systems, in order to allow more enlightened decision-making; therefore, its primary pedagogical goals are cognitive and experimental. In this, it differs from the broader concept of environmental literacy, which incorporates civic literacy that pertains to changes in values and behaviors, and thus also contains affective and moral pedagogical goals (McBride et al. 2013). Ecological literacy is meant to enable conscious and participant citizens to make informed decisions or take action on environmental issues (Jordan et al. 2009). Efforts in this direction include books by experienced ecologists for the general public, of which two outstanding examples are Levin (2000) and Slobodkin (2003).


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Characterizing an Ecoliterate Person Dr. Tom Puk (2002) of Lakehead University characterized an ecologically literate person of the 21st century as “the responsible, lifelong learner who strives to improve the human condition and the environment within the context of self, human groups, the biosphere, and the ecosphere.” The ecologically literate person in order to achieve the aforementioned ultimate goal should become: •

an inquirer, who actively secures the basic skills and knowledge in order to carry out ecological responsibilities. This also enables her to reach her own potential and place in the physical and natural environment;

a reflective learner, who understands the value and limitations of human knowledge, the power and limitations of the natural world, the role of intuition in real life pursuits, and the role of self as it is manifested in one’s personal narrative;

intelligently self-directed, who engages in self-appraisal, sets new learning objectives, develops plan to achieve those objectives, carries out those plans in a flexible inquiry-directed manner, and reflects on the whole process;

morally responsible, who governs actions with precepts (responsibility, seeking justice and equality for all) that maintain harmonious relationships;

ecologically responsible, who embodies ecological ideals in daily life; and

seek self-transcendence, who moves, beyond the limitations of personal ego by identifying with human groups (past and future), flora and fauna, ecosphere, that transcend the individual life in scope and time.

The ecologically literate person of the 21st century has a positive view of life, grounded in the faith of interconnectedness, and has the capacity to competently perform significant life work and related tasks. Such a view enables her to look upon the human experience positively and all living things compassionately. Environmental Literacy, Ecological Literacy, and Ecoliteracy Frameworks for ecoliteracy exhibit a high degree of similarity with frameworks for environmental literacy, in that both sets include similar affective, knowledge, cognitive skills, and behavioral components. However, what most differentiates ecoliteracy from environmental literacy is the clear emphasis on sustainability, and the introduction of spiritual, holistic components, expressed

CHAPTER 6 Ecological Literacy |


in terms of “ celebration of Creation’’ (Orr, 1992), “ sp irit" and “ reverence for the Earth" (Capra, 1996,2007), and “ expansion of the so u l" (Wooltorton, 2006). An ecoliterate person is prepared to be an effective member of sustainable society, with well-rounded abilities of head, heart, hands, and spirit, comprising an organic understanding of the world and participatory action within and with the environment. Environmental literacy, ecological literacy, and ecoliteracy General conceptions of environment Environmental Problem literacy Field of values

Dominant educational objectives

Primary pedagogical approaches

Develop Cognitive problem-solving Pragmatic skills, from Affective/ diagnosis to Moral action Develop a system of ethics Adopt environmentally responsible behaviors

Ecological literacy

Object of Acquire study System knowledge of ecological concepts and principles Develop skills related to the scientific method: observation and experimentation Develop systems thinking: analysis and synthesis Understand environmental realities in view of informed decision-making



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Cognitive Experiential

Examples of strategies

Case study, issue analysis, problem-solving project Analysis and clarification of values, criticism of social values

Obser/ation, demonstration, experimentation Case study, environmental system analysis, construction of ecosystem models


Shared Promote and resource for contribute to sustainable economic living development Gaia that addresses social equity and ecological sustainability Develop the many dimensions of one's being in interaction with all aspects of the environment

Cognitive n uy 11 ivj i Holistic Intuitive/ Creative

Case study, social marketing, sustainable consumption activities, sustainable living management project Immersion, visualization, creative workshops

Develop an organic understanding of the world and participatory action in and with the environment

Greening Initiatives in Colleges and Universities

CHAPTER 6 Ecological Literacy



Increased awareness of environmental degradation and concern for its rehabilitation have prompted colleges and universities to green their campuses. A green campus is “a place where environmentally responsible practice and education go hand-in-hand and where environmentally responsible tenets are borne out by example" (NEIWPCC n.d.). The green campus institution is a model environmental community where operational functions, business practices, academic programs, and people are interlinked, providing educational and practical value to the institution, the region, and the world. Greening initiatives, although challenging and demanding, yield significant benefits in the long run: •

Environmental and economic sustainability. A system-wide culture of sustainability helps preserve and enhance what the institution values today as well as for the future.

Reputation as a leader through example. As colleges and universities offer courses in environmental management, engineering, laws and regulations, and assessment, greening initiatives provide them opportunities to practice what they preach and make their mark as environmental leaders. Colleges and universities need to examine their own organizations and implement on their own campuses what they and the public expect their industry to do.

Economic benefits. A routine, curriculum-based, environmental audit program that reveals waste and inefficiency associated with campus activities, coupled with the identification of environment-friendly alternatives, can yield significant cost savings for the institution.

“Real-life" work experience for your students. Environmental audits and pollution prevention evaluations can be integrated into the curriculum, providing students with hands-on investigative and problem-solving experience that they can take with them when they enter the workforce. This experience not only makes your students more marketable, it also provides them with the kinds of broadthinking skills that allow them to succeed and thrive once they are employed.

Improved quality of life in the campus. A Green Campus is a cleaner, safer, and healthier place to live and work.

Ecological literacy is a form of transformative education that requires shifts in three related areas: (1) perception (seeing), (2) conception (knowing), and (3) action (doing).


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

In schools, teachers are also required to shift emphasis through the following: •

From parts to whole - Subjects are to be taught as integrated, not as isolated units in the curriculum.

From objects to relationships - An ecosystem is a community. Communities are characterized by sets, networks, or relationships. Schools put premium on relationship-based processes such as cooperation, collaboration, and decision-making by consensus.

From objective knowledge to contextual knowledge - This shift requires one to explain properties of the parts within the context of the whole or in terms of environments and systems.

From quantity to quality - Assessments have traditionally emphasized standardized testing in terms of quantities, numeric scores, and measurements. Schools are challenged to design assessment more adequate than the standardized tests if they are to practice this principle.

From structure to process - Systems are dynamic and evolving. Thus, the understanding of living structures is linked to understanding renewal, change, and transformation. This shift is embodied in projectbased learning, which highlights the application of knowledge within evolving real-life contexts.

From contents to patterns - When we draw maps of relationships, we discover certain configurations of relationships that appear again and again. We call these configurations patterns. Instead of focusing on what a living system is made of, we study its patterns. Pedagogically, the shift reminds us of the importance of integrating art into programs of study. This enables children even at young age to recognize and express patterns whether we talk about poetry, literature, visual arts, performing arts, and music.

Wrap Up •

Ecological literacy refers to an individual’s understanding not only of ecological concepts, but also of his or her place in the ecosystem.

Ecological literacy is a form of transformative education that requires shifts in three related areas: (1) perception (seeing), (2) conception (knowing), and (3) action (doing).

The ecologically literate person of the 21st century has a positive view of life, grounded on the faith of interconnectedness, and has the capacity to competently perform significant life, work, and related tasks. CHAPTER 6 Ecological Literacy |


In schools, teachers are also required to shift emphasis through the following: •

From parts to whole - Subjects are to be taught as integrated, not as isolated units in the curriculum.

From objects to relationships - An ecosystem is a community. Communities are characterized by sets, networks, or relationships. Schools put premium on relationship-based processes such as cooperation, collaboration, and decision-making by consensus.

From objective knowledge to contextual knowledge - This shift requires one to explain properties of the parts within the context of the whole or in terms of environments and systems.

From quantity to quality - Assessments have traditionally emphasized standardized testing in terms of quantities, numeric scores, and measurements. Schools are challenged to design assessment more adequate than the standardized tests if they are to practice this principle.

From structure to process - Systems are dynamic and evolving. Thus, the understanding of living structures is linked to understanding renewal, change, and transformation. This shift is embodied in projectbased learning, which highlights the application of knowledge within evolving real-life contexts.

From contents to patterns - When we draw maps of relationships, we discover certain configurations of relationships that appear again and again. We call these configurations patterns. Instead of focusing on what a living system is made of, we study its patterns. Pedagogically, the shift reminds us of the importance of integrating art into programs of study. This enables children even at young age to recognize and express patterns whether we talk about poetry, literature, visual arts, performing arts, and music.

Wrap Up •

Ecological literacy refers to an individual’s understanding not only of ecological concepts, but also of his or her place in the ecosystem.

Ecological literacy is a form of transformative education that requires shifts in three related areas: (1) perception (seeing), (2) conception (knowing), and (3) action (doing).

The ecologically literate person of the 21st century has a positive view of life, grounded on the faith of interconnectedness, and has the capacity to competently perform significant life, work, and related tasks. CHAPTER 6 Ecological Literacy



Questions to Ponder Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the Space provided. 1.

In “Ecological Literacy among Secondary School Students,” Adawiah and Norizan (2013) identified essential ecological concepts that students need to understand. Let us see how well you know and understand these concepts by writing on the corresponding column key ideas. Key ideas

Concepts The Ecosystem Succession Energy Flow Conservation of Resources


Competition Niche Materials Cycling The Community Life History Strategies Ecosystem Fragility Food Webs Ecological Adaptation Environmental Heterogeneity Species Diversity Density Dependent Regulation Limiting Factors Carrying Capacity Maximum Sustainable Yield Population Cycles Predator-Prey Interactions


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum



What environmental issues and concerns move you and provoke you to action? What efforts and practical steps do you do to influence others to take action?

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

Develop a personal definition of sustainability.


What are greening initiatives done by your department or college?

CHAPTER 6 Ecological Literacy |



What personal greening initiatives would you propose to your own campus, community, and home?



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Adawiah, R. M„ & Norizan, E. (2013). Ecological *erac. z ~ z ~ g secondary school students. Retrieved from https://wwv. ^ :^ : :-':a te .n e t/ publication/263011210 Capra, F. (1996). The web of life. New York: Anchor Books. Capra, F. (2007). Sustainable living, ecological literacy, and the brea*n of life. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 12. Goleman, D„ Bennett, L„ & Barlow, Z. (2012). Ecoliterate: How educators are cultivating emotional, social, and ecological Intelligence. CA: Jossey-Bass. Hares, M„ Eskonheimo, A., Myllytaus, T„ & Luukkanen, O. (2006). Environmental literacy in interpreting endangered sustainability case studies from Thailand and the Sudan. Geoforum, 37(1), 128-144. Jordan, R„ Singer, F„ Vaughan, J., & Berkowitz, A. (2009). What should every citizen know about ecology? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7, 495-500. Kahyaoglu, M. (2009). Perspectives, readiness and self-efficacy of pre-service teachers related to teaching environmental problems in the context of science and technology education. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Faculty of Education, 9(17), 28-40. Kuo, N. W.( & Chen, P. H. (2009). Qualifying energy use, carbon dioxide emission and other environmental loads from island based on a life cycle assessment approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17, 1324-1330. Levin, S. A. (2000). Fragile dominion: Complexity and the commons. Cambridge, MA: Perseus. Lewinsohn, T. M., Attayde, J. L., Fonseca, C. R„ & Genade, G. (2014). Ecological literacy and beyond: Problem-based learning for future professionals. DOI 10.1007/s 13280-014-0539-2. Long, T. M., Dauer, J. T„ Kostelnik, K. M„ Momsen, J. L„ Wyse, S. A., Speth, E. B„ & Ebert-May, D. (2014). Fostering ecoliteracy through model-based instruction. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12, 138-139. McBride, B. B., Brewer, C. A., Berkowitz, A. R., & Borrie, W.T. (2013). Environmental literacy, ecological literacy, ecoliteracy: What do we mean and how did we get here? Ecosphere, 4(5), 67. Meena, M. B„ & Alison, M. W. (2009). Decisions and dilemmas: Using writing to learn activities to increase ecological literacy. Journal of Environmental Education, 40(3), 13-26. doi: 10.3200/JQEE.40.3.13-26.

CHAPTER 6 Ecological Literacy



New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) (N.D.). Greening the campus. Where practice and education go hand in hand. Retrieved 12 February 2019 from Orr, D. W. (1989). Ecological literacy. Conservation Biology, 3, 334-335. Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological literacy: Education and the transition to a postmodern world. Albany: State University of New York Press. Orr, D. W. (1994). Earth in mind. Washington, DC: Island Press. Orr, D. W. (2000). A sense of wonder. In Z. Barlow & M. Crabtree (Eds.), Ecoliteracy: Mapping the terrain (p. 19). Berkeley: Living in the Real World. Also available electronically at pdf/wonder.pdf Peacock, A. (2009). Teaching eco-literacy during a period of uncertainty. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review. Retrieved from Pool, R. F., Turner, G. D„ & Bottger, S.A. (2013). Ecology content in introductory biology courses: a comparative analysis. The American Biology Teacher, 75, 544-549. Puk, T. G., & Behm, D. (2003). The diluted curriculum: The role of government in developing ecological literacy in Ontario secondary schools. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 8, 217-23. Slobodkin, L. B. (2003). A citizen’s guide to ecology. New York: Oxford University Press. Toronto District School Board. (2015). Ecological literacy. Retrieved from https://ww Section%204.pdf. Photo/Image Attributions:, p 79 617121 /,

P 79, p 83



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Artistic and Creative Literacy OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to: •

characterize artistic literacy;

discuss the value of Arts to education and practical life;

identify approaches to developing/designing cultivates the arts and creativity among learners;

formulate a personal definition of creativity; and

design creative and innovative classroom activities for specific topic and grade level of students.





Artistic literacy is defined in the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards: A Conceptual Framework for Arts Learning (2014) as the knowledge and understanding required to participate authentically in the arts. While individuals can learn about dance, media, music, theater, and visual arts through reading print texts, artistic literacy requires that they engage in artistic creation processes directly through the use of materials (e.g., charcoal or paint or clay, musical instruments or scores) and in specific spaces (e.g., concert halls, stages, dance rehearsal spaces, arts studios, and computer labs). Researches have recognized that there are significant benefits of arts learning and engagement in schooling (Eisner, 2002; MENC, 1996; Perso, Nutton, Fraser, Silburn, & Tait, 2011). The arts have been shown to create environments and conditions that result in improved academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for students, from early childhood through the early and later years of schooling. However, due to the range of art forms and the diversity and complexity of programs and research that have been implemented, it is difficult to generalize findings concerning the strength of the relationships between the arts and learning and the causal mechanisms underpinning these associations. The flexibility of the forms comprising the arts positions students to embody a range of literate practices to; •

use their minds in verbal and nonverbal ways;

communicate complex ideas in a variety of forms;

understand words, sounds, or images;

imagine new possibilities; and

persevere to reach goals and make them happen.

Engaging in quality arts education experiences provides students with an outlet for powerful creative expression, communication, aesthetically rich understanding, and connection to the world around them. Being able to critically read, write, and speak about art should not be the sole constituting factors for what counts as literacy in the Arts (Shenfield, 2015). Considerably, more dialogue, discussion, and research are necessary to form a deeper picture of the Arts and creativity more broadly. The cultivation of imagination and creativity and the formation of deeper theory surrounding multimodality and multi-literacies in the Arts are paramount. Elliot Eisner posited valuable lessons or benefits that education can learn from arts and he summarized these into eight as follows: 1.



Form and content cannot be separated. How something is said or done shapes the content of experience. In education, how something is taught, how curricula are organized, and how schools are designed impact upon what students will learn. These “side effects” may be the real main effects of practice.

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum


Everything interacts; there is no content without form and no form without content. When the content of a form is changed, so too, is the form altered. Form and content are like two sides of a coin.


Nuance matters. To the extent to which teaching is an art, attention to nuance is critical. It can also be said that the aesthetic lives in the details that the maker can shape in the course of creation. How a word is spoken, how a gesture is made, how a line is written, and how a melody is played, all affect the character of the whole. All depend upon the modulation of the nuances that constitute the act.


Surprise is not to be seen as an intruder in the process of inquiry, but as a part of the rewards one reaps when working artistically. No surprise, no discovery, no discovery, no progress. Educators should not resist surprise, but create the conditions to make it happen. It is one of the most powerful sources of intrinsic satisfaction.


Slowing down perception is the most promising way to see what is actually there. It is true that we have certain words to designate high levels of intelligence. We describe somebody as being swift, or bright, or sharp, or fast on the pickup. Speed in its swift state is a descriptor for those we call smart. Yet, one of the qualities we ought to be promoting in our schools is a slowing down of perception: the ability to take one's time, to smell the flowers, to really perceive in the Deweyan sense, and not merely to recognize what one looks at.


The limits of language are not the limits of cognition. We know more than we can tell. In common terms, literacy refers essentially to the ability to read and to write. But literacy can be re-conceptualized as the creation and use of a form of representation that will enable one to create meaning— meaning that will not take the impress of language in its conventional form. In addition, literacy is associated with high-level forms of cognition. We tend to think that in order to know, one has to be able to say. However, as Polanyi (1969) reminds us, we know more than we can tell.


Somatic experience is one of the most important indicators that someone has gotten it right. Related to the multiple ways in which we represent the world through our multiple forms of literacy is the way in which we come to know the world through the entailments of our body. Sometimes one knows a process or an event through one's skin.


Open-ended tasks permit the exercise of imagination, and an exercise of the imagination is one of the most important of human aptitudes. It is imagination, not necessity, that is the mother of invention. Imagination is the source of new possibilities. In the arts, imagination is a primary virtue. So, it should be in the teaching of mathematics, in all of the sciences, in history, and, indeed, in virtually all that humans create. This achievement would require for its realization a culture of schooling in which the imaginative aspects of the human condition were made possible. CHAPTER 7 Artistic and Creative Literacy |


Characterizing Artistically Literate Individuals How would you characterize an artistically literate student? Literature on art education and art standards in education cited the following as common traits of artistically literate individuals: •

use a variety of artistic media, symbols, and metaphors to communicate their own ideas and respond to the artistic communications of others;

develop creative personal realization in at least one art form in which they continue active involvement as an adult;

cultivate culture, history, and other connections through diverse forms and genres of artwork;

find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, and meaning when they participate in the arts; and

seek artistic experiences and support the arts in their communities.

Issues in Teaching Creativity In his famous TED talks on creativity and innovation, Sir Ken Robinson (Do schools kill creativity? 2006; How to escape education’s death valley?, 2013) stressed paradigms in the education system that hamper the development of creative capacity among learners. He emphasized that schools stigmatize mistakes. This primarily prevents students from trying and coming up with original ideas. He also reiterated the hierarchy of systems. Firstly, most useful subjects such as Mathematics and languages for work are at the top while arts are at the bottom. Secondly, academic ability has come to dominate our view of intelligence. Curriculum competencies, classroom experiences, and assessment are geared toward the development of academic ability. Students are schooled in order to pass entrance exams in colleges and universities later on. Because of this painful truth, Robinson challenged educators to: educate the well-being of learners and shift from the conventional leanings toward academic ability alone; give equal weight to the arts, the humanities, and to physical education; facilitate learning and work toward stimulating curiosity among learners; awaken and develop powers of creativity among learners; and view intelligence as diverse, dynamic, and distinct, contrary to common belief that it should be academic ability-geared.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

In “First Literacies: Art, Creativity, Play, Constructive Meaning-Making," McArdle and Wright asserted that educators should make deliberate connections with children’s first literacies of art and play. A recommended new approach to early childhood pedagogy would emphasize children’s embodied experience through drawing. This would include a focus on children's creation, manipulation, and changing of meaning through engaged interaction with art materials (Dourish, 2001), through physical, emotional, and social immersion (Anderson, 2003). The authors proposed four essential components to developing or designing curriculum that cultivates students' artistic and creative literacy. Such approaches actively encourage the creative, constructive thinking involved in meaning making which are fundamental to the development of the systems of reading, writing, and numbering. 1.

Imagination and pretense, fantasy and metaphor A creative curriculum will not simply allow, but will actively support, play and playfulness. The teacher will plan for learning and teaching opportunities for children to be, at once, who they are and who they are not, transforming reality, building narratives, and mastering and manipulating signs and symbol systems.


Active menu to meaning making In a classroom where children can choose to draw, write, paint, or play in the way that suits their purpose and/or mood, literacy learning and arts learning will inform and support each other.


Intentional, holistic teaching A creative curriculum requires a creative teacher, who understands the creative processes, and purposefully supports learners in their experiences. Intentional teaching does not mean drill and rote learning and, indeed, endless rote learning exercises might indicate the very opposite of intentional teaching. What makes for intentional teaching is thoughtfulness and purpose, and this could occur in such activities as reading a story, adding a prop, drawing children’s attention to a spider’s web, and playing with rhythm and rhyme. Even the thoughtful and intentional imposing of constraints can lead to creativity.


Co-player, co-artist Educators must be reminded of the importance of understanding children as current citizens, with capacities and capabilities in the here and now. It is vital for teachers to know and appreciate children and what they know by being mindful of the present and making time for conversation, interacting with the children as they draw. Teachers must try to avoid letting the busy management work of their days take precedence and distract them from the ‘being.’ CHAPTER 7 Artistic and Creative Literacy |


Wrap Up •

Creativity can be defined as the process of having original ideas that have value.

All children have capacity for innovation and creativity.

Schools should work toward educating the whole-being of the child.

Questions to Ponder Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

What is your personal definition of creativity?


Recall some of the creative classroom activities you had in school. What made them creative?



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Is creativity the same with innovativeness? Read various definitions on these two concepts and organize your notes using a Venn diagram.

Refer to the characteristics of artistically literate students. Examine yourself and tell whether you possess any of the characteristics mentioned.

Explain this quote from Picasso: All children are born artists. The problem is to remain as an artist as we grow up.

CHAPTER 7 Artistic and Creative Literacy |


Is creativity the same with innovativeness? Read various definitions on these two concepts and organize your notes using a Venn diagram.

Refer to the characteristics of artistically literate students. Examine yourself and tell whether you possess any of the characteristics mentioned.

Explain this quote from Picasso: All children are born artists. The problem is to remain as an artist as we grow up.

CHAPTER 7 Artistic and Creative Literacy |


Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers on the space provided. 1.

How should arts learning be structured so that students can begin to think like an artist?


What are some best practices in teaching that create an active or studentcentered learning environment?


Why are 21st century skills or personal dispositions important goals for students in arts education?



I Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Guided by the characteristics mentioned, can you name artists from your family, school, and community? Make a profile of these artists.

Choose a grade level and topic. Design instructional plan showing creative classroom activities that will engage learners.

CHAPTER 7 Artistic and Creative Literacy



Anderson, M. L. (2003). Embodied cognition: A field guide. Artificial Intelligence, 149, 91-130. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1978). Intrinsic Rewards and Emergent Motivation. In M. Lepper & D. Green. The hidden cost of reward: New perspectives on the psychology of human motivation (p. 211). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Demaris, H. (2012). Motivating music learning through formative assessment and careful planning. In Brophy,T.,& Andreas Lehmann-Wermser, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on assessment in music education, The University of Bremen, Germany. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc. Dourish, P. (2001). Where the action is: The foundations of embodied interaction. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Eisner, E. W. (2002). What can education learn from the arts about the practice of education? The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education. Retrieved from education.htm Jensen, A., & Palmarini, J. (2014). The national core arts standards: An overview and Q&A. EdTA Conference 2014. Educational Theatre Association: Ohio. Kress, G. (1997). Before writing: Rethinking the paths to literacy. London: Routledge. McArdle, F„ & Wright, S. K. (2014). First literacies: Art, creativity, play, constructive meaning-making, in G. Barton (Ed.), Literacy in the arts: Retheorising learning and teaching (pp. 21-37). Cham: Springer-Verlag London Ltd.. National Coalition for Core Arts Standards, (n.d.) National core arts standards: A conceptual framework for arts learning. Retrieved from https://www. o re g o n.g o v/o d e /e d u c a to r-re so u rc e s/sta nd a rd s/a rts/D o c u m e n ts/ nccasconceptualframework4.pdf. Perso, T., Nutton, G„ Fraser, J., Silburn, S. R., & Tait, A. (2011).The Arts' in education: A review of arts in schools and arts-based teaching models that improve school engagement, academic, social and cultural learning. Darwin: Menzies School of Health Research. Robinson, K. (2006). Do schools kill creativity? TED talk. Retrieved from https:// Robinson, K. (2013). Flow to escape education’s death valley? TED talk. Retrieved from education_s_death_valley/ Shenfield, R. (2015). Literacy in the arts. Literacy Learning: the Middle Years. 23(1). CTU-SF L1BPAPY 100 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum ■1 “■

Photo/Image Attributions: /, p 91, p 91 791944/, p 91, p 91

CHAPTER 7 Artistic and Creative Literacy |


OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to: •

characterize critical literacy;

discuss a brief background of critical literacy theory; and

apply principles of critical literacy in designing lessons and classroom activities.

The concept of critical literacy is theoretically diverse and combines ideas' from various critical theories, such as critical linguistics, feminist theory, critical race theory, as well as reader response theory and cultural and media studies (Luke et al„ 2009). Critical literacy is a central thinking skill that involves the questioning and examination of ideas, and requires one to synthesize, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and respond to the texts read or listened to (University of Melbourne, 2018). Critical literacy uses texts and print skills in ways that enable students to examine the politics of daily life within contemporary society with a view to understanding what it means to locate and actively seek out contradictions within modes of life, theories, and substantive intellectual positions (Bishop, 2014). Rather than promoting any particular reading of any |


particular group or text, critical literacy seeks to examine the historical and contemporaneous privileging of and exclusion of groups of people and ideas from mainstream narratives (Lankshear & McLaren, 1993). It is a kind of literacy about structures, structural violence, and power systems. Since the 1990s, critical literacy theorists have outlined emancipatory theories of learning (Freire & Macedo, 1987) that addressed the complex relations of language and power through social critique, advocacy, and cultural transformation (Knoblauch & Brannon, 1993). Educational researchers discuss critical literacy as a theory of social practice, as the negotiation of and the creation of meaning for social justice (Greene, 2008). While there is no single model of critical literacy (as there is no single model of youth organizing), the emphasis on Freire’s (1970) action-reflection cycle of “praxis” has offered participants a concept through which to construct meanings that support their literacy for civic engagement (Lankshear & McClaren, 1993). History of Critical Literacy Theory Much of the earliest scholarship on critical literacy is grounded in Freirian pedagogy. In 1987, Freire and Macedo published their expansive volume on literacy and critical pedagogy. In it, they argued that those who are critically literate can understand not only how meaning is socially constructed within texts, but also the political and economic contexts in which those texts were created and embedded (Freire & Macedo, 1987). While Freire and Macedo were perhaps the first to initiate a dialogue around the idea of critical literacy in their collection, it was not until 1993 that Lankshear and McLaren issued what was to become the seminal text devoted to the topic. In it, they stated that literacy is more complex than the traditionally defined skills of reading and writing. Rather, they argued that such a traditional definition of literacy is ideologically aligned with particular postures of normative socio-political consciousness that are inherently exploitative. By contrast, critical literacy emphasized the social construction of reading, writing, and text production within political contexts of inequitable economic, cultural, political, and institutional structures. Lankshear and McLaren argued for critically reflective teaching and research focused on both the forms that literate skills take as social practices and the uses to which those skills are employed. The authors identified three forms of educational practice that critical literacy can take on, varying by their commitment to inquiry and action: liberal education, pluralism, and transformative praxis. Liberal education here means an approach to disciplinary knowledge where intellectual freedom exists and where disparate interpretations are considered, but inevitably contradiction is avoided and rational argumentation wins out. In pluralism, there is an emphasis on reading to evaluate principles that support a loose conception of tolerance. Tolerance here is aligned with a notion of diversity that is grounded on benevolence toward those who are not mainstream (and in the process 104


Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

maintains the mainstream). Against these approaches, the authors forwarded “transformative praxis” as that which takes the radical potential of critical literacy into direct emancipatory action in the world. Praxis is here defined through the Freirian (1970) process of naming the conditions of oppression and struggling collectively with others in a cycle of action-reflection-action against such oppression. Lankshear and McLaren argued that a guiding principle behind the processes of transformative critical literacy praxis involves an analysis “attempting to understand how agents working within established structures of power participate in the social construction of literacies, revealing their political implications” (p. 7). Critical literacy praxis, which Lankshear and McLaren also called “political and social literacies," involves textual studies that are analyzed at the discursive level in which the texts were created and in which they are sustained. While the authors understood that this move might lead to such literacies being seen as “potentially subversive," they forwarded a key distinction centering on the difference between political indoctrination and the development of a critical consciousness-or what Freire (1970) called “conscientization.” At the turn of the millennium, just before the 2001 re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as the controversial No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), Janks (2000) posited four possible orientations for future approaches to critical literacy education based on different perspectives on the relationship between language and power: (a) to understand how language maintains social and political forms of domination; (b) to provide access to dominant forms of language without compromising the integrity of non-dominant forms; (c) to promote a diversity which requires attention to the way that uses of language create social identities; and (d) to bring a design perspective that emphasizes the need to use and select from a wide range of available cultural sign systems. Although frequently taken in isolation, Janks argued that it is through the interdependence of these approaches that learners can most fully engage theories and pedagogies of critical literacy. Critical Literacy and the Arts The creation of artistic products by an individual and the perception and rejection upon others’ artworks showcase the power of critical literacies at work within Arts contexts. Luke (2000) argues that it is the primary aim of critical literacy to: 1.

allow students to see how texts work to construct their worlds, their cultures, and their identities in powerful, often overtly ideological ways; and


understand how they use texts as social tools in ways that allow for a reconstruction of these same worlds.

CHAPTER 8 Critical Literacy



The arts, literacies, and reality are dynamically linked and the understanding attained by critically reading aesthetic texts involves perceiving the relationship between the art, its creator, and its context. Both the practice and understanding of art forms, and being critically literate are interconnected. Indeed, critical literacy makes possible a more adequate ‘reading’ of the world, on the basis of which people can enter into ‘rewriting’ the world into a formation in which their interests, identities, and legitimate aspirations are more fully present and present more equally (Lankshear & McLaren, 1993, cited in Morgan, 2002, p. 6).

Freebody and Luke (cited in Luke, 2000) developed a four-tiered approach to early reading instruction that has now been widely adapted across Australian schools. These approaches are necessary but not sufficient sets of social practices requisite for critical literacy. A recent version of the model offered the following descriptions (Freebody, 1992; Luke & Freebody, 1997):



Coding Practices: Developing Resources as a Code Beaker - How do I crack this text? How does it work? What are its patterns and conventions? How do the sounds and the marks relate, singly and in combinations?

Text-Meaning Practices: Developing Resources as a Text Participant How do the ideas represented in the text string together? What cultural resources can be brought to bear on the text? What are the cultural meanings and possible readings that can be constructed from this text?

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Pragmatic Practices: Developing Resources as Text User - How do the uses of this text shape its composition? What do I do with this text, here and now? What will others do with it? What are my options and alternatives?

Critical Practices: Developing Resources as Text Analyst and Critic What kind of person, with what interests and values, could both write and read this naively and without anyproblem withit? What is this text trying to do to me? In whose interests? Whichpositions,voices, and interests are at play? Which are silent and absent?

There are a number of classroom activities that can be used to apply the aforementioned approaches. Textual Analysis Textual analysis can be guided by asking the learners to make their way systematically through a list of questions such as the following: •

What is the subject or topic of this text?

Why might the author have written it?

Who is it written for? How do you know?

What values does the author assume the reader holds? How do you know?

What knowledge does the reader need to bring to the text in order to understand it?

Who would feel ‘left out’ in this text and why? Who would feel that the claims made in the text clash with their own values, beliefs, or experiences?

How is the reader ‘positioned’ in relation to the author (e.g., as a friend, as an opponent, as someone who needs to be persuaded, as invisible, as someone who agrees with the author’s views)?

Another approach for analyzing texts is to use a checklist such as CARS (Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support), which was originally developed for use in evaluating web sites. Credibility Evidence of authenticity and reliability is very important. Tests that help the reader judge the credibility of a text include examining the author’s credentials and the quality of content. It is necessary to look for biographical details on their education, training, and/or experience in an area relevant to the information by asking, “Do they provide contact information (email or postal address,

CHAPTER 8 Critical Literacy |


phone number) ? What do you know about the author's reputation or previous publications”? Information texts should pass through a review process, where several readers examine and approve the content before it is published. Statements issued in the name of an organization have almost always been seen and approved by several people. Accuracy Information needs to be up to date, factual, detailed^ exact, and comprehensive. Things to bear in mind when judging accuracy include timeliness and comprehensiveness. We must therefore be careful to note when information was created, before deciding whether it is still of value. It is always a good idea to consult more than one text. Indicators that a text is inaccurate, either in whole or in part, include the absence of a date or an .old date on information known to change rapidly; vague or sweeping generalizations; and the failure to acknowledge opposing views. Reasonableness Reasonableness involves examining the information for fairness, objectivity, and moderateness. Fairness requires the writer to offer a balanced argument, and to consider claims made by people with opposing views. A good information text will have a calm, reasoned tone, arguing or presenting material thoughtfully. Like comprehensiveness, objectivity is difficult to achieve. Good writers, however, try to minimize bias. Support Support for the writer's argument from other sources strengthens their credibility. It can take various forms such as writing bibliography and references and corroboration. It is a good idea to triangulate information, that is to find at least three texts that agree. If other texts do not agree, further research into the range of opinion or disagreement is needed. Readers should be careful when statistics are presented without identifying the source or when they cannot find any other texts that present or acknowledge the same information. Text Clustering Text clustering involves confronting students with texts which obviously contradict each other. The task is to use whatever evidence they can find to try to make judgements about where the truth actually lies. Sometimes these judgements are relatively easy. News reports, fairy tales, everyday texts are good materials for text clustering.



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Wrap Up •

Critical literacy is a vital element to teach pupils in the 21 st century.

Critical literacy is a central thinking skill that involves the questioning and examination of ideas, and requires one to synthesize, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and respond to the texts read or listened to.

Texts are always situated in fields of power, with economic, cultural, and social exchange involved.

Questions to Ponder Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answer on the space provided. 1.


Assess your critical literacy skills by answering the following questions with YES or NO. a.

Do you evaluate your sources before using them in your essays?


Do you support your opinions and claims with experts' ideas?


Do you read with a critical eye?____________


Do you manage the vast amount of information you need to read?


Do you verify data and information before accepting them?

Let us explore your personal literacy histories by recalling and writing below your answers to the following: a.

Your first memories of reading (what, where, with whom?)

CHAPTER 8 Critical Literacy |



Favorite reading as a child and as an adult


The most important book/s or author/s in your life


The main roles and purpose of reading in your life (as a parent, professional, for pleasure, religious purposes, etc.)

Read the instructions carefully. Do what is asked. Write your answers in the space provided. 1.

List down the skills related to critical literacy.


| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Collect a range of reading materials. a.

Classify by categories (e.g., requests from charities, public information leaflets).


When you have worked out five or six broad types, identify: •

Who produced them (e.g., public bodies, commercial enterprises, local authorities)

For whom they are produced

Why the texts were produced

Whether each one is relevant to you or not, and why.

CHAPTER 8 Critical Literacy |





Choose one text from each category that particularly appeals to you, either because of its style or its content, and discuss with other members of the group.

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Bishop, E. (2014). Critical literacy: Bringing theory to praxis. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 30(1). Retrieved from article/view/457 Freebody, P. (1992). A sociocultural approach: Resourcing four rolls as a literacy learner. In A. Watson & A. Badenhop (Eds.), Prevention of reading failure (pp. 48-80). Sydney: Ashton-Scholastic. Freebody, P., & Luke, A. (1990) Literacies programs: Debates and demands in cultural context. Prospect: Australian Journal of TESOL, 5(7), 7-16. Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Herder & Herder. Freire, P., & Macedo, D. (1987). Literacy: Reading the word and the world. South Hadley, MA: Bergin & Garve. Janks, H. (2000). Domination, access, diversity, and design: A synthesis for critical literacy education. Educational Review, 52, 175-186. Knoblauch, C. H., & Brannon, L. (1993). Critical teaching and the idea of literacy. Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH. Lankshear, C., & McClaren, P. (Eds.). (1993). Critical literacy: Radical and postmodernist perspectives. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Luke, A. (in press). New narratives of human capital. In S.J. Ball (Ed.), Key readings in sociology of education. New York: Routledge. Luke, A. (1994). The social construction of literacy in the classroom. Melbourne: Macmillan Australia. Luke, A. (1996). Text and discourse in education: An introduction to critical discourse analysis. In M.W. Apple (Ed.), Review of research in education (pp. 3-48). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association. Luke, A. (1997). Genres of power. In R. Hasan & G. Williams (Eds.) Literacy in Society (pp. 308-338). London: Longman. Luke, A. (2001). Critical literacy in Australia. Retrieved from https://www. Luke, A., & Freebody, P. (1997). The social practices of reading. In S. Muspratt, A. Luke, & P. Freebody (Eds.), Constructing critical literacies (pp. 185-225). Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Luke, A., Lingard, R., Green, B„ & Comber, B. (1999). The abuses of literacy. In J. Marshall (Ed.) Educational policy. London: Edward Elgar. Luke, A., & Luke, C. (in press). A situated perspective on cultural globalisation. In N. Burbules & C. Torres (Eds.), Globalisation and education: Critical perspectives. New York: Routledge. |


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Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

]* b * m A

contents to patterns, 85

accuracy, 106

conversation, initiating, 36-37

active menu, 95

co-player, 95

apologizing, 38

Council for Economic Education, 48

artistic literacy

cover letters, 42

definition, 92

creative curriculum, 95

teaching, 95

creativity, teaching, 94

artistically literate individuals, 94

credibility, 105-6


credit, 50 benefits that education can learn from, 92-93

critical literacy praxis, 103 critical literacy, 66 and the arts, 103-4

critical literacy, 103-4 arts education, 92

approaches, 104

arts and creativity literacy, 6

definition, 7, 101

attitudes and perspectives, 67

forms of educational practice, 102-3


history, 102-4

background knowledge, 67

reading instruction, 104-5

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), 52

critical practices, 105

bank accounts of Filipinos, 52

critically literate, 102

basic literacy, 2

cultural education, 18, 19

“bedlam,” 18

cultural literacy, 18

breadth of content, increased, 5

challenges, 19-20

buying goods and services, 49 C central competencies, 67 co-artist, 95 coding practices, 104 communication technologies, 5, 42

in the Philippines, 18-19 cultural sign systems, 103 cyber/digital literacy, 6 D decoding textual symbols, 2

comprehension literacy, 2

Department of Education (DepEd), 19, 48

compromise, 22

digital immigrants, 68

conflicts, 36

digital literacy

I 115

overlap with digital literacy, 66

normative and communal view, 40

teaching, 70-71

nuance, 93

media literacy, 6 media messages, 63 motivations, 71 media producer, 63 media representations, 63 Mindanao, 64 money for self-worth, 53

O objective knowledge to contextual knowledge, 85 • objects to relationships, 85 open-ended tasks, 93 Ortograpiya ti Pagsasao nga llokano, 24 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), 17

to express power, 53 as social status, 53 morality, subjective standards of, 40 morally responsible person, 81 morally upright individual, 36 movement of people, 17 multicultural inclusiveness, 24 multicultural literacy definition, 6, 20-21 examples, 22

P pairing a socially inept child with a socially adept, 38 parents, roles in social literacy, 38-39 * parts to whole, 85 peace, 23 perception, slowing down, 93 persistence of the problem, 25 Philippine Cultural Education Program (PCEP), 18

issues in teaching and learning, 23-27

Philippine educational system, 17

research on, 27-28

play and playfulness, 95

teaching, 27-28

pleasure seekers, 53

planning, 37

pluralism, 102 N National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), 18 national strategy for financial education and literacy, 52

political and military dependence, 16-17 political and military interdependence, 16-17 political and social literacies, 103

nationalistic pushback, 24

political expulsion, 17

necessity, 5

poly-ethnic origins of knowledge, 21

needs vs. wants, 54

practical literacy, 2

negative self-images, 19

pragmatic and individualistic view, 40

new literacies, 4, 5-7

pragmatic practices, 105



Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

praxis, 103 prejudice, 27

com poref'*s 36-37

previewing, 37

definition, 6, 35-36

problem solving, 37

role of parents and teachers, 38-39

producing media, 64 protecting and insuring, 50

strategies, 36-38

publishing literacy, 66

teaching, 39-40 technologies and, 42


young adults and, 42

quality of life, 51 quantity to quality, 85

social performance, 36

question of value, 26-27

social practices, 39 social security, 55


social signals, 36

reach, increased, 5

social skills, 36, 41

reading and writing, 3

socially acceptable dress code, 42

reading, 2, 3

social-structural literacy, 66

reasonableness, 106

socio-emotional literacy, 68

reflective learner, 81

somatic experience, 93

regionalistic pushback, 24

spending patterns, 53

Republic Act 10066, 19

spending plan, 54

Republic Act 10922, 48, 52

stock market investing of Filipinos, 52

research (Senior High School), 69 research literacy, 66 resource literacy, 66

structure to process, 85 support for the writer’s argument, 106 surprise, 93

retirement, 55 Robinson, Sir Ken, 94 Russia, 17

T teacher as model of compassion, 28 teaching with media, 64

S saving, 49, 55 selfish gene, 26 selflessness, 22 self-transcendence, 81

technological communication, 42 text, 2 text clustering, 106 text-meaning practices, 104-6 textual analysis, 105

situational awareness in the workplace, 41-42

tolerance, 102

social cues, reading, 37

tourism, 18

tool literacy, 66




traditional communication, 42

veracity, 4

transformative praxis, 102-3

Victorian society, 5


viewing media, 64

underpinnings, 66


understanding, 2

wants vs. Needs, 54


Western lenses, 19

United Kingdom, 63

white-dominant traditions of education, 21

United States, 16, 17, 73 V

values, 27 valuing another culture, 26, 27 variable expenses, 53




| Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

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Articles inside

Critical Literacy and the A rts

pages 105-124

History of Critical Literacy Theory

page 104


pages 98-99


pages 96-97


pages 100-102


page 95


pages 89-90


pages 87-88

Environmental Literacy, Ecological Literacy, and Ecoliteracy

pages 81-82


page 84

R e f e r e n c e s

pages 77-78


pages 73-76


pages 85-86

Greening Initiatives in Colleges and Universities

page 83


pages 71-72


page 70

Challenges to Digital Literacy Education

page 69

Digital Lite ra c y

pages 65-67


pages 56-57


pages 58-59


pages 54-55


page 60

Developing Personal Financial Literacy

pages 52-53

Teaching Social Skills to Children

page 38


pages 42-43


pages 8-34


page 7


page 44


page 6


pages 45-46


page 41
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