Friends news september 2013

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Schizostylis coccinea by Howard Rice

Friends’ News The return of Apple Day Family favourite, Apple Day, returns to the Garden this autumn on Sunday 27 October, 10am-4pm, for the first time in five years. At the core (pun fully intended!) we will be again scouring the region to bring together a diverse collection of apples to taste and try before you buy, including some seldom sold and heritage varieties. perennial favourites is a wonderfully moist apple, almond and cinnamon streusel cake. We will bring samples of both to Apple Day as well as recipes for visitors to bring home, and we really look forward to sharing ideas with visitors.’

Tim Elbourn of Cam Valley Orchards is predicting a bumper, though late, maincrop harvest and expects to be picking right into November – a consequence of the miserable May that delayed flowering. He picks out the Cox varieties in particular as all fruiting really well, and is expecting a good haul of Princess and Hereford Russets, Ashmead’s Kernel, Winter Gem and Adams Pearmain. However the coldest spring for fifty years did affect blossom and fruit set at just the wrong time for some of the heritage varieties, resulting in scarce D’Arcy Spice or Pitmaston Pineapple. Nevertheless, we are confident of a wide range from russets, cookers and crisp Cox to dessert apples for storing.

Experts from the East of England Apples and Orchards Project (EEAOP) will also be on hand offering a pruning and care advice service, including a selection of heritage rootstocks available to order for autumn planting and a display of Cambridgeshire apple varieties. EEAOP seeks to remind us that the county was once a major grower of apples and other fruit, but only 20% of orchards documented in 1950 survive today, and orchard acreage is still declining due to development, neglect or conversion to arable land. Please do bring along your apples from home for identification by the team – you can find out what’s growing in your garden while our apple experts are fervently hoping that citizen science in action will bring a lost heritage variety to light. And speaking of science, keep an eye out for Sir Isaac Newton, near his eponymous apple tree on Brookside Lawn, a scion of the original Woolsthorpe Manor apple tree said to have inspired Newton’s theory of gravity….

An enlarged produce tent on the Main Lawn will see familiar favourites from Cassels Cider, Watergull Orchards and the delectable cakes of the WI, but we also welcome some new Apple Day converts, including Tom’s Cakes, the Cambridge Cheese Company and the Cambridge Cookery School. Principal of the School, Tine Roche, says: ‘We enjoy cooking with apples at the Cookery School, not least in our artisan breads and cakes – at this time of year we love to add aromatic apples and sage to savoury breads like focaccia. Obviously, we also use apples in our cakes and one of our

Apples have inspired not only scientists but storytellers since before the Garden of Eden, and feature particularly richly in classical mythology: the judgment of Paris awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite, who granted him Helen of Troy in return, the most beautiful woman in the world, thereby sparking the Trojan Wars; while the swift-footed huntress Atalanta, determined never to marry, challenged all potential suitors to a running race. She won them all until Hippomenes laid down golden apples to distract her, allowing him to win the race and her hand. To celebrate

the return of Apple Day, colleagues at the Museum of Classical Archaeology will be holding a follow-up, half-term storytelling session on 31 October for 7-11 year olds exploring Hercules's labour to fetch the golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides – (please book via the Festival of Ideas website). And back at our Apple Day we’ll be exploring all sorts of apple stories and running lots of apple-related activities at our family apple station, plus Garden staff will be leading tours of apple-related plants in our collections, including the lovely crab apples that bring jewel-coloured baubles to the autumn garden. But perhaps the most remarkable story still is the slow journey of the orchard apple from its wild abode in the Tien Shan mountains of Central Asia eastwards to China and westwards through Turkey to Europe, diversifying over the centuries into the 7,500 cultivars grown today. Come and discover just a fraction of them at Apple Day this October.

Advance Apple Day tickets Normal admission charges apply plus £3 Apple Day ticket for everyone aged 17+. Free entry for children 16 years and under. Advance ticket purchase is strongly recommended from either Brookside or Station Road ticket offices during normal Garden opening hours. This will allow ‘fast track’ entry on Apple Day. You must remember to bring both your Friends membership card and your advance Apple Day ticket(s) to use the 'fast track'entry on Apple Day itself. Please note that renewal of your Friends’ membership will not be possible on Apple Day due to the large numbers of visitors expected. Thank you!

Friends’ News – Issue 93 – September 2013

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