Cubi & Perina Cubi & Perina La ditta Cubi&Perina Impianti Elettrici Srl di Cubi Luca e Perina Giancarlo, fondata nel 1985, opera nel settore elettrico tramite un servizio personalizzato che parte dalla progettazione, fino al collaudo finale delle opere realizzate. La serietà e professionalità della nostra Azienda si riscontra sotto il profilo tecnico, economico, professionale e nel rispetto dei termini di consegna del lavoro per garantire una totale soddisfazione del cliente. L’Azienda è in possesso della certificazione S.O.A. (DPR 34/2000), ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 14001:2004 .
Cubi&Perina electrical system company established in 1985 by Mr. Cubi Luca & Mr. Perina Giancarlo operates in the electrical field through a personalized service. All projects and business operations are carried out starting from design phases right to the final test ones. The reliability and the professionalism of Cubi&Perina is demonstrated thanks to economic aspects and by respecting deadlines in order to guarantee a complete customer satisfaction. The Company has possession of the following certifications: SOA certification (DPR 34/2000), ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 14001:2004 .
Sede Legale, Uffici Amministrativi e Tecnici Cubi&Perina ha sede a Verona, a pochi minuti dall’aeroporto Valerio Catullo (Villafranca di Verona). La società Cubi&Perina di Cubi Luca e Perina Giancarlo è dotata di un proprio ufficio tecnico e di un proprio ufficio amministrativo. La sede principale è costruita all’interno di un lotto di 10.000 mq e si sviluppa su una superficie calpestabile di 3.400 mq, suddivisa su tre piani:
Corporeate Headquarters, Administrative and Technical Offices The Corporate headquarters are in Verona nearby the airport of Valerio Catullo (Villafranca). The Company of Cubi Luca & Perina Giancarlo has its own technical department and administrative offices. The building is located in an area of 10.000 sqm and its surface of 3.400 sqm is divided on three floors:
mq uffici tecnici amministrativI 200 mq officina di poduzione
mq magazzino e deposito automezzi
mq piazzale esterno
sqm technical and administrative offices 200 sqm production workshop
sqm warehouse, storeroom
sqm external yard
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i nostri servizi
our services
Cabine di trasformazione
Power transformer cabinets
Impianti elettrici civili, industriali, terziario
Electrical systems for civilian, industrial and tertiary areas
Impianti AVL per areoporti
Electrical AGL (aeronautical ground light) installation systems for airports
Impianti fonti rinnovabili + O&M
Renewable energy systems and O&M services
Sottostazioni in alta tensione
High voltage substations
Quadri elettrici & tecnologie
Electrical switchboards & technologies
Ricerca guasti
Damage management
ReperibilitĂ e noleggio trasformatori
Availability Service & Power transformer rental service
cabine di trasformazione
Power transformer cabinets
Punto di forza della Cubi&Perina Srl sono le conoscenze tecniche e pratiche per la progettazione, la costruzione e l’esercizio della cabine di trasformazione MT/bt. Quando un utente elettrico si trova nelle condizioni tali che il gestore di rete non è più in grado di soddisfare direttamente con forniture in bassa tensione e diviene necessario il passaggio alla fornitura in media tensione, la Cubi&Perina Srl può seguire il cliente direttamente dall’idea alla messa in esercizio, fornendo l’assistenza e la competenza da chi si occupa del settore da oltre 25 anni. Vista l’importanza che la continuità di servizio di una cabina MT/bt deve avere, la Cubi&Perina Srl offre un servizio di manutenzione, pronto intervento e assistenza tecnica generale per ogni realtà produttiva e non, che tra i suoi impianti includa una o più cabine di trasformazione. Le manutenzione delle cabine di trasformazione, è probabilmente l’attività che più di ogni altra deve essere presa in considerazione da ogni utente fornito in MT dall’ente distributore. La pulizia, il corretto serraggio di ogni connessione elettrica, la verifica del funzionamento delle protezioni, il controllo degli impianti di ventilazione sono le operazioni minimali da eseguire in ogni cabina MT/bt per garantire a questa una funzionalità e un durata consona all’importanza dell’impianto. L’attività nell’ambito della distribuzione in media tensione ha portato la Cubi&Perina Srl a qualificarsi quale fornitore per varie società di distribuzione di energia come ENEL, AGSM e SET. La presenza all’interno dello staff tecnico della ditta di ingegneri elettrotecnici e l’inserimento di personale operativo proveniente dall’ambito dell’alta tensione ha fatto sì che Cubi&Perina Srl potesse operare anche nell’ambito delle cabine primarie di trasformazione realizzandone su tutto il territorio nazionale.
Thanks to the experience gained and to the continuous training of our employees, our company is very well prepared and skilled on technical and practical aspects regarding design, construction and features of M.T and L.T. power transformer cabinets. When an electrical consumer comes to the situation where the network company is not able to fully satisfy the supply of low tension and it is necessary to pass to mid tension, Cubi&Perina – that has been in this field for more than 25 years - can take care of the client’s necessities assuring assistance and expertise. MT and LT power transformer cabinets are always in function and, for this reason, our company is able to provide and offer a maintenance & repair service (available 24/7) and technical assistance. The maintenance service provided for power transformer cabinets should be seriously considered as a very important aspect for all those who have a MT distribution supply. Keeping the MT power transformer cabinets clean, the correct tightening of all electrical connections, the correct functionality of protection devices and of the ventilation system are the minimal operations that should be performed for each MT / LT cabinet to ensure a correct and long-lasting functionality of the system. Thanks to the activities carried out regarding mid tension distribution Cubi&Perina has qualified as a supplier for various electrical distribution companies suche as ENEL (Ente Nazionale per l’energia Elettrica), AGSM (Azienda Generale Servizi Municipali di Verona) and SET. Thanks to the technical staff, the electrical engineers, all personnel, and their experience within high-tension background, the company was able to operate within the field of primary substations and realized several of them on national scale.
Electrical systems for civilian, industrial and tertiary areas
Nell’ambito dell’impiantistica in bt e MT la Ditta Cubi&Perina è particolarmente organizzata ed attrezzata per operare in realtà industriali o commerciali in cui sia imprescindibile l’esigenza di non interrompere il ciclo produttivo. Per quanto riguarda le grandi installazioni in MT, intratteniamo un ormai pluriennale rapporto di collaborazione con L’ENEL e AGSM per conto della quale abbiamo realizzato, e stiamo tutt’ora realizzando, numerose opere nell’ambito dell’ammodernamento e dell’ampliamento della rete MT facente capo alle zone di Verona Nord e Verona Sud. Inoltre, abbiamo conseguito le qualificazioni ENEL necessarie per poter operare con tale Ente. Da diversi anni, più precisamente dal 1996, la Cubi&Perina realizza impianti elettrici e speciali all’interno di strutture ospedaliere. In questi ultimi anni, grazie alla crescita tecnica, si è qualificata su impianti speciali di certo rilievo con una tecnologia elevata. Le fasi di lavoro sono diverse; si parte con la progettazione e la interconnessione con gli altri impiantisti e impresa edile per verificare gli spazi di passaggio; si passa alla posa di tubazioni e canalizzazioni per identificare lo “scheletro” della struttura impiantistica; poi posa di cavi, fili e il montaggio di apparecchiature; ed infine arrivano le finiture, collaudi e, molto importante, l’istruzione al personale che lavorerà all’interno della struttura stessa.
Regarding the design of L.T. e M.T. systems Cubi&Perina is very well organized and equipped to operate in both industrial and commercial branches in which efficiency and expertise are essential because it is necessary to not interrupt the production cycle. Giovanni Rana Spa (a famous Italian Company of foodproduction), Cariverona Banca Spa , Ente Ferrovie dello Stato SpA (the Italian rail system), and the Airport Valerio Catullo Spa in Verona are some of our customers. Concerning M.T. large-scale installations, we maintain a now long-standing relationship with ENEL (National electricity board) S.p.a. and A.G.S.M. (regional electricity board) on behalf of which we have achieved, and we are still realizing, several projects. The modernization and enlargement of the M.V. network, (referring to areas located in the north of Verona and in South Verona), is part of the project. In addition, we obtained an important ENEL (National electricity board) qualification and certification that is specifically required to operate with the authority mentioned. Since 1996, Cubi&Perina realises electrical systems and specific ones dedicated to hospital facilities. In the recent years, thanks to a technical growth and development, Cubi&Perina has reached and gained important qualifications dedicated to special systems of a certain significance and a high technology. There are various stages and phases of work, starting from the design and interconnection ones in collaboration with other technicians and the building contractor, to the verification of the area of passage; previously, it is necessary to identify the frame of the system structure. In a further stage cables and wires are laid as well as the installation of machinery and of all equipment; In the final phase finishing details, electronic testing and professional training for all personnel who work in the facility are carried out.
Dividiamo gli impianti in due grandi categorie: Impianti elettrici: cabine di media tensione, i quadri elettrici e power center, i gruppi elettrogeni, ups medicali, ups dati, ups per macchinari particolari (tipo angiografie), soccorritori per illuminazione di emergenza, trasformatori di isolamento e gli impianti luce e forza motrice all’interno dei reparti. Impianti speciali: l’impianto di rivelazione fumi, impianto di chiamata infermiere, impianto di controllo accessi, impianto di videosorveglianza, impianto cablaggio strutturato (con anelli di fibre ottiche), impianto gestione parcheggi, impianto videocitofonico, impianto tv e sat (a volte strutturato tramite domotica per la possibilità di attivare o meno le prese per le varie degenze dal locale caposala o ufficio tecnico), impianto interfonico, impianto di supervisione e regolazione (comprensivo di mappatura grafica, gestito tutto tramite pc o tablet, anche da remoto), impianto di anello di media tensione o gruppi elettrogeni gestiti da plc.
It is possible to distinguish these systems in two groups / categories: Electrical systems: mid-tension transformer rooms, switchboards and power centres, electrical generators, medical UPS, Data UPS, UPS dedicated to particular machinery such as angiography machines, emergency enlightenment systems, insulation power transformers, enlightenment systems and traction power within the hospital wards. Special Systems: smoke detection systems, nurse call systems, access control and videosurvellance ones, structured wiring systems (with optical fibre rings), car park management , video door phone, TV and sat installations, intercom, control and monitoring systems, circle mid-tension systems or electric generators managed by PLC.
Molto importante è lo studio dell’impianto di illuminazione, eseguendo calcoli illuminotecnici per ogni tipologia di locale (degenza, ambulatorio, corridoio, sale parto, sale operatorie, locale pre-post operatorie, ambulatori chirurgici, reparto di endoscopia, radiologia, risonanze magnetica, etc.) e per gli esterni, eseguendo rendering per le facciate della struttura, per le aree verdi e parcheggi.
The study of the enlightenment system is very important. For each award and room (such as the recovery rooms, ambulatories, corridors, delivery rooms and operating and pre and postoperating ones, surgical ambulatories, endoscopy radiology and magnetic resonance rooms etc) illumination engineering calculations are effectuated. These calculations are carried out for the outdoor area by developing renderings of the building’s facade, of the environmental locations and of the car parks.
Electrical AGL Installations systems for airports
* (aeronautical ground light)
La crescita tecnica maturata negli anni, insieme all’inserimento di personale altamente qualificato, all’investimento di capitale in attrezzature all’avanguardia ha permesso alla Ditta Cubi&Perina di poter inserirsi di diritto tra le realtà a livello nazionale in grado di operare nell’ambito dell’impiantistica aeroportuale. Lo staff di Cubi&Perina è, in totale autonomia, in grado di realizzare ogni lavorazione necessaria per lo sviluppo, l’ampliamento e la modifica dell’impiantistica aeroportuale. Si parte dalla realizzazione delle opere civili, come cavidotti interrati, basamenti in calcestruzzo o installazione di basi per segnali luminosi sulla superficie di pista e raccordi, per concludere con le attività di carattere strettamente impiantistico quali la stesura in campo dei cavi primari, secondari e di segnale, l’armamento dei pozzetti di campo con componenti
di potenza e controllo e relative giunzione, l’allestimento delle cabine elettriche con la fornitura e l’installazione delle unità a corrente costante, dei gruppi elettrogeni e degli UPS nonché il completo allestimento delle cabine di trasformazione. L’esperienza acquisita nell’ambito della distribuzione secondaria in bassa tensione fa sì che, all’interno della Cubi&Perina, si svolgano per intero le fasi di progettazione e costruzione dei Power Center di cabina, vero cuore pulsante dell’infrastruttura aeroportuale.
The technological growth and development gained during the years thanks to the integration of highly qualified personnel, the capital investment for the purchase of well-advanced equipment allowed Cubi&Perina to integrate de jour between national realities and to operate in the field of airport plants. The Company’s Staff is able to realise any work required for the development, improvement and modification for the plant design of an airport.
All realisations start from civil work such as underground cable ducts, concrete platforms or the installation of bases for light signs on runways and connections passing. Following, the final phases are faced which include activities linked to design such as the layout of the main and secondary cables and signal ones together with power and control components, the reinforcement of the basins related to connection, the staging of transformer rooms. We also supply and install direct-current units of the electrical generators and of UPS as well as the complete installation of the transformer rooms.
Questo, insieme ad una collaborazione pluriannuale con i principali costruttori mondiali di apparecchiature per la bassa tensione, permette a Cubi&Perina di interfacciarsi direttamente al progettista per individuare, di volta in volta, le migliori soluzioni per lo sviluppo del progetto con particole attenzione alla sicurezza della gestione elettrica aeroportuale. Anni di lavoro e collaborazione con le maggiori realtà europee nell’ambito della componentistica aeroportuale insieme alla formazione del proprio personale in ambito di security aeroportuale e Airside Driving Certificate, portano la Ditta Cubi&Perina a poter operare con sicurezza su ogni aeroporto in cui vi sia la necessità di operare con la velocità e con la sicurezza che il mondo aeroportuale richiede.
The experience gained within the area of secondary low-tension power engineering allows Cubi&Perina to project and build the power centre transformers, which are considered as the main element of the whole airport infrastructure. Thanks to our experience and to the collaborations with the most important European realities within the airport component area and thanks to the training phases for all personnel regarding airport security and airside driving certifications Cubi&Perina is able to operate in a secure way in each airport and guarantee a fast and secure installation.
EPC (Engineering Procurement & Construction) La Cubi&Perina negli ultimi anni ha sviluppato e realizzato numerosi progetti nel settore delle energie rinnovabili e più specificatamente nello sviluppo autorizzativo, progettuale e realizzazione “chiavi in mano” di impianti fotovoltaici, nella realizzazione di impianti elettrici e delle opere di connessione alla rete per impianti fotovoltaici, a Biogas, impianti di Cogenerazione e impianti Eolici. Nel settore fotovoltaico la Cubi&Perina sviluppa l’intero progetto, dallo studio di sostenibilità economica, con relativa stesura del Business Plan, alla redazione delle pratiche autorizzative comprensive di tutti gli adempimenti tecnico-amministrativi per la realizzazione del progetto, delle opere relative all’impianto fino alla connessione alla rete del Distributore. All’interno dell’ambito fotovoltaico ci occupiamo e prendiamo cura di: Progettazione: sviluppo di progetti fotovoltaici ad alto rendimento e diaspetti legati all’iter autorizzativo nei diversi impianti su scala internazionale Ingegneria: competenza e innovazione nella pianificazione e gestione del progetto grazie ai nostri ingegneri e tecnici fornendo massima qualità Economicità: calcoli dettagliati in termini di economicità e di flusso di capitali, previsioni dei rendimenti grazie ai nostri periti economici che verificano il rendimento Diritto, Normative e leggi: verifichiamo le normative e leggi di riferimento elaborando anche il contratto assicurando il massimo in termini di sicurezza giuridica Assistenza a 360°: gestione tecnica e commerciale, compresi la manutenzione e l’assistenza
In the last years, we have developed and implemented many projects in the renewable energy sector specifically regarding the development of all authorizations, planning and implementation aspects. Many other realisations of “turnkey” photovoltaic plants, of electrical systems and connection plants to the grid of PV systems, Biogas systems, cogeneration an Aeolian ones, were carried out. Regarding the photovoltaic sector the Company is perfectly able to develop the entire project, from the phases of the analysis of the business case to the economic aspects, the draft of the business plan and the elaboration of all construction permits including technical and administrative fulfilments. The construction and realisation work is done from the overture until the actual connection to the electric grid. We take care of the following aspects: Design: development of high performance PV projects and related rights on an international scale. Engineering: competence and innovation are the basis during every phase from the planning till the whole management of the project and we guarantee high quality performances and services. Investment: detailed calculations focused on economy and capital flow where our experts evaluate the profit of each project and investment. Law: we are able to guarantee legal support thanks to the collaborations we have with our legal studios on international scale so to be able to examine and elaborate a contract on the spot. Full Assistance (360°): commercial and technical business management, including provision of any service and maintenance service.
O&M: il nostro valore aggiunto
Added Value Services: O&M
Oltre all’installazione ed alla connessione di impianti Fotovoltaici e di energie rinnovabili in genere la Cubi&perina è in grado di offrire tutti i servizi necessari per una gestione ottimale e professionale degli impianti quali:
Over the entire installation and connection of the PV plants Cubi&Perina Srl is able to offer all the services necessary for a complete and professional management such as:
O&M - Supporto Tecnico 24/7 - Monitoraggio e manutenzione Gestione dell’impianto - Supporto amministrativo e burrocratico - Gestione centralizzata di impianti multipli Efficientamento - Checkup periodici dell’impainto Assicurazione - Copertura assicurativa idonea secondo il caso
O&M - Technical Support 24/7 - Professional maintenance and monitoring Management - Support in accounting - Centralized management of multiple plants Optimization - Periodic checkup of the plant Insurance - Optimizing coverage
Il personale Cubi&Perina con l’esperienza acquisita negli anni e in grado di realizzare ogni opera necessaria per la manutenzione, ammodernamento, ampliamento e costruzione sia di opere civili che elettromeccaniche in cabine primarie. Partendo dalle varie situazioni legate a singola cabina realizziamo:
Thanks to the experience gained in the years the staff of Cubi&Perina is able to realize and carry out any work necessary for the maintenance, modernization, improvement and construction for both civil and electromechanical work for prime power transformer cabinets.
Nelle nuove costruzioni e negli ampliamenti vengo realizzati opere di sbancamento per la realizzazione opere murarie come fondazioni e cavidotti, sistema di messa a terra, e drenaggio acque, con realizzazione finale del piazzale AT/MT/BT
Montaggio delle varie apparecchiature elettromeccaniche AT (sostegni, interruttori, sezionatori, TA, TV, trasformatori, isolatori, scaricatori, strutture per terminali AT, tralicci e portali arrivo linea, sistema a sbarre e collegamenti in corda singola e binaria o in tubo AT tra apparecchiature) Montaggio di quadri MT di potenza e BT per protezione
e controllo Posa e collegamento di cavetteria MT di potenza e BT di protezione e controllo Realizzazione dei terminali MT di collegamento tra apparecchiature e quadri MT Sistema di illuminazione esterna x grandi aree Realizzazione di impianti elettrici, antincendio ed emergenza Cablaggio delle protezioni associate allo studio di taratura e selettivitĂ Assistenza alle Varie case costruttrici di apparecchiature AT per le varie manutenzioni Stesura della documentazione finale
Starting from the various situations related to the single cabinet we realize: In new constructions and in the case of enlargement excavation operations in order to realize masonry works such as foundations and ducts, grounding systems and drainage ones to the final realization of High tension, Mid tension and low tension area. Installation of various high-voltage electro-mechanical equipment (braces, circuit breakers, disconnectors, TA, TV, transformers, insulators, lightning arresters, high voltage terminal structures, high voltage pylons and portals finish line, bus bar system and connections in single and binary string or pipe High tension between devices) Mid tension and low tension electrical cabinet assembly and installation for control and protection systems Installation and connection of mid tension wiring power protection and control Realization of mid tension connection terminals between equipment and mid tension cabinets Outdoor lighting systems for big areas Realization of electrical, fire and emergency systems Wiring of the protections associated with the study of calibration and selectivity Assistance and maintenance service for manufacturers of high voltage equipment Drafting and elaboration of final documentation
electrical switchboards & technologies
Nell’ambito della quadristica elettrica siamo in grado di seguire il lavoro dal progetto preliminare alle fasi di collaudo e certificazione, eseguendo:
Regarding switchboards and the various components, we are able to guarantee short delivery times, high quality and competitive prices. We are specialized in design, production and certification of all switchboards also for wiring aspects and control of functionalities trough isolation measurements between active cables and the ground ones. All these activities are performed in compliance with the CE certification according to the IEC 61439 standards and thanks to the maximum product safety. With these assumptions, our company manufactures powerful electrical panels and power control ones, distribution boards and general boards. The experience and expertise gained in the hospital and food sectors allow us to provide advanced technical solutions able to meet and satisfy the needs of a market that demands flexibility and that is in continuous evolution.
stesura schemi elettrici con software applicativi dedicati tracciamento layout del quadro con vista interna e esterna siglatura della apparecchiature, condutture e morsettiere serraggio della viteria con chiave dinamometrica collaudo finale simulando tutte le condizioni di funzionamento stesura dettagliata documentazione esecutiva e stesura finale delle verifiche di progetto
Per i quadri elettrici e tutte le loro componenti Vi possiamo garantire tempi di consegna brevi, altissima qualità e prezzi competitivi. Ci occupiamo della progettazione, produzione e certificazione di tutti i quadri elettrici, del cablaggio e del controllo delle funzionalità mediante misure di isolamento tra i conduttori attivi e verso il conduttore di terra. Tutto ciò avviene naturalmente nel rispetto della certificazione CE secondo le norme CEI EN 61439 e nella massima sicurezza del prodotto. Con questi presupposti, la nostra officina realizza quadri elettrici di potenza e di comando, quadri di distribuzione generale e sottoquadri. L’esperienza e professionalità maturata nei settori OSPEDALIERO ed ALIMENTARE ci consentono di fornire soluzioni tecniche all’avanguardia ed in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di un mercato che richiede flessibilità ed in continua evoluzione.
Regarding L.T. distribution switchboards, the company is qualified to follow all phases required by the work from preliminary stages to the testing ones by elaborating the following operations: Design of electrical schemes thanks to the use of a special software and of special applications Development of the layout of the switchboard All equipment, electrical lines and terminals are properly marked All screws are tightened with a torque wrench Final tests are carried out and all functional performances are tested Detailed documentation is produced and elaborated with the final test tryouts.
To complete our service we also offer an after-sales warranty repair and maintenance services and / or repairs with the possibility of 24-hour service availability.
La ricerca guasti nei cavi impiegati per il trasporto dell’energia viene eseguita da personale esperto mediante l’impiego di moderne strumentazioni che consentono di individuare con precisione il punto di guasto in una linea.
Troubleshooting in the cables used for energy transport is performed by expert personnel using modern instruments allow you to accurately identify the point of failure in a power line. The following phases characterise damage management:
Le operazioni di ricerca si articolano nelle seguenti fasi: Pre-localizzazione del guasto eseguita col metodo ecometrico Localizzazione precisa eseguita con il metodo acustico Trasformazione del guasto eseguito con il metodo della bruciatura Determinazione del percorso e della lunghezza dei cavi interrati Riparazione dei cavi mediante giunzioni eseguite da personale esperto
Pre-localisation of the damage thanks to and echo sounder; Precise localisation thanks to an acoustic technique; Transformation of the damage by using burning method; Identification of the rout and lengthy of the underground cables; Reparation of the cables trough junctions carried out by highly qualified personnel; Testing and commissioning of medium voltage cables through the applied voltage test performed according to CEI 11-17.
Collaudo e messa in servizio di cavi di media tensione mediante prova di tensione applicata eseguita secondo la normativa CEI 11-17
Availability Service & Power transformer rental service
Un aspetto che riteniamo molto importante come servizio al cliente è la garanzia della piena reperibilità 24 ore su 24, tutti i giorni dell’anno, festivi inclusi. In questo modo il cliente avrà l’opportunità di essere servito anche durante le ore notturne e non lavorative, in maniera tempestiva ed efficiente. In particolare la nostra Azienda ha sempre disponibili a magazzino trasformatori MT/bt di varie potenze, quadri MT pronti per essere collegati, cabine MT/bt provvisorie e quant’altro necessario per il ripristino dell’alimentazione nel più breve tempo possibile.
Another important aspect concerning our services is the availability that we offer to our customers. That is to say, a twenty-four- hours availability during the whole year including non-working days and holidays. Thanks to this service, we can assure to our client an efficient and prompt availability during night-time and in non-working hours. Cubi&Perina has always in stock a variety of M.T. / L.T. transformers and M.T. panels ready to be connected with any other typology of equipment and assortment that could be needed to restore power as quick as possible. In addition, if necessary, we have
Oltre a quanto sopra descritto, in caso di necessità abbiamo disponibili diversi gruppi elettrogeni che vanno da potenze di pochi KW fino a 250KW. Il gruppo elettrogeno da 250KW è stato installato in modo fisso e con l’aggiunta di cisterna supplementare, su un automezzo al fine garantire il minor tempo possibile di intervento.
electrical generators of various sets of power ranging starting form a few kW up to 250KW. The 250KW one is permanently installed on a vehicle in order to ensure the technical intervention as quickly as possible.
OHSAS Certification
The OHSAS 18001 certificate is the certif Management System of Health and Safety at Certificazione OHSAS with the standards of BS OHSAS 18001. Il Certificato OHSAS 18001 The OHSAS 18001 certificate is the certificate that recognizes that theè This system allows CP to control and limit the r che riconosce che il Management System of Health and Safety atl’attestato Work (OHSMS) is in accordance Sistema di Gestione della Salute e in the business in terms of safety (security). T with the standards of BS OHSAS 18001. della Sicurezza sul Lavoro (SGSSL) and controls that design this system. This system allows CP to control and limit the risks and hazards of work activities è in accordo con gli standards della All these three certifications together give in the business in terms of safety (security). This is due to internal procedures norma BS OHSAS 18001. Tale Gestione Integrato) Management Integrated andCertification controls that design this system. OHSAS sistema ci consente di controllare All these three certifications together give life to business SGI (Sistema di Environment that is implemented and maintai OHSAS Certification
e limitare i rischi e i pericoli delle
Gestione Integrato) Management Integratedattività System for Safety Quality anda lavorative nel ns settore The Environment OHSAS 18001 is and themaintained. certificate that recognizes that the thatCertifications iscertificate implemented livello di safety (sicurezza). Ciò grazie SOA Certification
Management System of Health and Safety ataWork (OHSMS) is in accordance procedure e controlli interni che withSOA the Certification standards ofCubi&Perina BS OHSASdi18001. danno vita al to Sistema suddetto.gained Tutti e during tre insieme danno Cubi L. & Perina G. thanks the experience the years hasvita achieved The SOA Certificate that the company has is a This system allows CP to control andcertifications. limit the risks and SGI hazards of work activities al nostro Sistema di Gestione integrato aziendale Sicurezza many important tenders for public contracts and public work co Qualità e Ambiente da noi procedures implementato e mantenuto. in the business in terms ofthe safety (security). is due to qualification internal The SOA Certificate that company has is aThis certificate of in order to participate to The certificate proves the economic and techn The certifications achieved the following: and controls that design this system. tenders for public contracts and public workare contracts. creating public works (depending on the categ Cubi&Perina di Cubi & Perina G. thanks to the All L.these three certifications together life capacity to business SGIto(Sistema The certificate proves theexperience economic and give technical of a firm qualify fordithe possibility of Certificazione SOA It confirms that the C •(depending ISO 9001 on the category of work for which the company wants to certify). gained during theGestione yearscreating has achieved important publicmany works Integrato) Management IntegratedUnSystem for Safety Quality and discorso a parte è la SOA. Il • ISO 14001 technical and professi certifications. The certifications achieved are the It following: confirms the Company has these specific qualifications based on Environment that is implemented andthat maintained. Certificato SOA è un’attestazione di • OHSAS 18001 · ISO 9001 executions. This certifi technical and professional abilities per according to previous experiences and qualificazione la partecipazione · ISO 14001 • executions. SOA This certification is required according to the Italian Law for the purposes of public pr a gare d’appalto pubbliche e ad · OHSAS 18001 SOA Certification • Enel certifications purposes of public procurements without the need to demonstrate the G. thanks to the experience gained during the years has achieved requirements every t appalti pubblici di lavori. Il Certificato · SOA requirements every time oncelathis certification is obtained. The SOA comprova capacità economica e certification is requir · Enel certifications certification required to participate toper most of inpublic The SOA Certificate ISO thatCertifications the companyishas is atecnica certificate of qualification orderprocurements to participate to especially when talkin di un’impresa qualificarsi he following: especially when talking ofpossibilità certain amounts. This certification has a (5) five alla contracts. year Certificazionitenders ISO for public contracts and public work The diISO realizzare 9001 certification relates to(a the legislation that describes thevalidity. year validity. lavori pubblici The certificate proves the economic and technical capacity of a firm to qualify for the possibility of Le norme della serie ISO 9000 sono essential principles of qualitydimanagement systems and their organization seconda della categoria lavori per definite dall’International Organization for creating public works (depending on the category of work for which the company wants to certify). within a company. cui ci si vuole certificare) superiori a 150.000 euro. Conferma in Standardization per delineare i requisiti It confirms that the Company has these qualifications based on Therefore, a company that specific implements an internal Quality Management poche parole che l’azienda ha questi requisiti (capacità tecnico per i sistemi di gestione qualità ENEL Certifications ENELdella Certifications technical and professional abilities accordingand tocontrol previous experiences and System based on procedures systems and wants to per certify this professionali, realizzazione di lavori passati similari a quelli all’interno delle aziende. La ISO 9001 è la structure standards of 9001che must obtain an Law ISO ai 9001 certification, executions. This certification isthe required according tolathe Italian for cui è by bandita la gara etc…) legge chiede finithe della normativa che descrive i Cubi principi & essenziali Perina also has Enel certifications. Enel Spamust (EntebeNazionale Cubi &The Perina also hasAuthority Enel certifications. Enel required to asenza Certifying Body. Certification contrattazione pubblica che sia dimostrare purposes of publicwhich procurements without the need tonecessario demonstrate the i dei sistemi di gestione per per l'energia la qualità ELettrica) e is an Italian electricwill utility company. With per l'energiadelELettrica) is an Italian electric ut evaluate through audits, if thecon structure requisiti ogni volta solamente l’esibizione certificato. requirements every time once this ma certification isorganizational obtained. The SOA and the della loro organizzazione all’interno di these certifications Cubi & Perina is enrolled in theirsempre register and company's Qualityè Management System comply with the UNI these certifications CubiEN& ISO Perina is enrolled i Quasi necessario essere in possesso del certificato certification to execution participate most of public procurements un’azienda. Pertanto un’azienda che hato public can be invited tenders heldisbyrequired them for the of atogara 9001:2008. evaluated these aspects, if approved the certificate will SOA perOnce partecipare di un certo importo contrattuale. LA can be invited to public tenders held by them f implementato al suoto interno un Sistema that describes O 9001 certification relates the legislation thewhen especially talking of of certain amounts. This certification has a (5) five works related to MT/bt systems up to an amount validità è4.000.000 diwill 5 anni. be issued and have€a validity of three-years. works related to MT/bt systems up to an amo di of gestione Qualità (SGQ) basato procedure e sistemi di ial principles qualitydella management systems andsutheir year validity. within the period oforganization a year and up till 500.000 € for public within the period of a year and up till 50 controllo su di esse e vuole certificare questa struttura secondo gli a company. lightening. standard della 9001 devean ottenere unaQuality certificazione ISO 9001 che ore, a company that implements internal Management lightening. Certificazioni ENEL
essere richiesta ad unsystems Ente Certificatore. Tale Certificazione m based on deve procedures and control and wants toEnte certify this I certificati di Enel invece sono riconducibili all’iscrizione al loro albo vaglia mediante auditmust la struttura e ilcertification, Sistema di gestione ure by the standards of 9001 obtainorganizzativa an ISO 9001 ENEL Certifications Imprese Fornitrici e quindi essere invitati a gare pubbliche da loro della Qualità se è The conforme alle norme UNI EN ISO must be required to a aziendale CertifyingeBody. Certification Authority indette per l’esecuzione The ISO 14001 certificate is the certificate that, in the same logic as the previous 9001:2008(norma definisce i requisiti di un sistema diand gestione valuate through audits, if Cubi the organizational the per la Enel Spa di lavori relativi lavori & Perina also structure has Enel certifications. (Ente Nazionale one that che certifies (always through an audit ofa the certification body) that the qualità per una organizzazione) rilasciawith tale certificato any's Quality Management System comply the UNI EN ha ISOvalenza su impianti MT/bt fino ain the company complies Environmental Management System implemented per l'energia ELettrica) is an Italian electric utility company. With conthese audit annuali di if mantenimento. 2008. Oncetriennale evaluated aspects, approved the certificate will un importo di 4.000.000 with UNI EN ISOis14001. Thisin certificates a system these certifications Cubi & Perina enrolled their register andthat has as its purpose the ued and will have a validity of three-years. euroandannui e per identification, kept under control coordination Il Certificato can ISObe 14001 invited to public tenders held by them for the execution ofof all activities that have an l’illuminazione pubblica environmental impact. This certification, basically, satisfies the requirements of è il certificato che, works mediante sempreto un MT/bt audit e una verifica dell’ente related systems up to an amount of 4.000.000 € fino a 500.000 euro. eco-friendly, pollution prevention and sustainable development of the di certificazione, attesta, nella stessa logica del precedente, che within the period of a year and up till 500.000 € for public business. il Sistema di Gestione Ambientale implementato in azienda è
conforme alla norma UNI EN ISO 14001. Prevede quindi la certificazione di un sistema che ha ertificate that, in the same logic as the previous come finalità l’identificazione, la tenuta gh an audit of the certification body) that the sotto controllo e il coordinamento di stem implemented in the company complies tutte le attività che hanno un impatto rtificates a system that has as its purpose the ambientale. Vantaggio è la prevenzione ol and coordination of all activities that have an attraverso procedure e controlli attivi fication, basically, satisfies the requirements of dei reati ambientali. Diciamo che tion and sustainable development of the soddisfa i requisiti di eco-compatibilità, prevenzione dell’inquinamento e sviluppo sostenibile delle attività aziendali.
OHSAS Certification
The OHSAS 18001 certificate is the certif Management System of Health and Safety at OHSAS Certification with the standards of BS OHSAS 18001. The OHSAS certificate the The OHSAS 18001 certificate is the certificate that 18001 recognizes that isthe This system allows CP to control and limit the r that recognizes that the Management System of Health and Safety atcertificate Work (OHSMS) is in accordance Management System of Health in the business in terms of safety (security). T with the standards of BS OHSAS 18001. and Safety at Work (OHSMS) is in and controls that design this system. This system allows CP to control and limit the risks and hazards of work activities accordance with the standards of All these three certifications together give in the business in terms of safety (security). This is due to internal procedures BS OHSAS 18001. Gestione Integrato) Management Integrated and controls that design this system. This system allows CP to control All these three certifications together give and life to business SGI (Sistema di Environment that is implemented and maintain OHSAS Certification limit the risks and hazards of OHSAS Certification
Gestione Integrato) Management Integratedwork System for Safety activities in the Quality businessand in Environment that is implemented and maintained. terms of safety (security). This is due SOA Certification
The OHSAS 18001 certificate is the certificate that recognizes that the to internal procedures and controls Management System of Health and Safety at Work (OHSMS) is in that design this system. All accordance these three certifications together give SOA Certification The SOA Certificate that the company has is a with the standards of BS OHSAS 18001. life to business SGI (Sistema di Gestione Integrato) Management tenders for public that contracts and public work co Integrated System for Safetyactivities Quality and Environment is ThisThe system allows CP to control and limit the risks and hazards of work SOA Certificate that the company has is a certificate of qualification in order to participate to The certificate proves the economic and techn implemented and maintained. in the business in terms of safety (security). This is due to internal procedures tenders for public contracts and public work contracts. Certifications public works (depending on the categ and The controls that proves designthe thiseconomic system. and technical capacity of a firm to qualify forcreating certificate the possibility of It confirms that the C All these together give lifeG.ofto business SGI di during creatingthree publiccertifications works (depending on the work for the(Sistema company wants to certify). Cubi&Perina di Cubi L. &category Perina thanks to which the experience gained the years has achieved SOA Certification technical and professi It confirms that the Company specific qualifications based on Gestione Integrato)many Management Integrated Systemhas forthese Safety Quality and G. thanks to the experience gained during the years hasimportant achieved certifications.The SOA Certificate that the executions. This certifi technical and professional abilities according to previous experiences and Environment that is implemented and maintained. company has is a certificate of executions.achieved This certification is required to the purposes of public pr The certifications arequalification the following: in orderaccording to participate to Italian Law for the purposes of public procurements without thecontracts need to demonstrate the requirements every t tenders for public he following: La ditta C.P. di Cubi Luca & Perina Giancarlo grazie all’esperienza SOA Certification requirements every time once this certification is obtained. The SOA and public work contracts. The certification is require • ISOcertificazioni: 9001 maturata nel corso degli anni ha raggiunto importanti to participate most of and public procurements certificate proves thetoeconomic • certification ISO 14001 is required especially when talkin - ISO 9001 especially when talking of certain amounts. Thistocertification a (5) five The SOA Certificate that company has is atechnical certificate of qualification in orderhas to participate to year validity. capacity of a firm qualify • the OHSAS 18001 - ISO 14001 validity. for the possibility of creating public and public work contracts. - OHSAS 18001 tenders for public contracts • year SOA workscapacity (depending the to category - SOA The certificate proves the economic and technical of aonfirm qualify for the possibility of • Enel certifications of work for which the company wants to certify). It confirms that - Certificazioni Enelcreating public works (depending on the category of work for which the company wants to certify). the Company has these specific qualifications based on technical ENEL Certifications It confirms that the Company has these specific qualifications based on ENEL Certifications and professional abilities according to previous experiences and ISO Certifications ISO Certification technical and professional abilities previous experiences executions. This according certification to is required according to the and Italian The ISO 9001 certification relates to the The Spa ISO(Ente 9001Nazionale certification relates to the legislation that describes the Cubi & Perina also has executions. Enel certifications. Enel Cubi & Perina also has This certification is required according to the Italian Law for thetoEnel certifications. Enel S Law for the purposes of public procurements without the need legislation that describes the essential essential principles of quality management systems and their organization per l'energia ELettrica) is an Italian electric utility company. With O 9001 certification relates to the legislation that describes theof public procurements demonstrate thewithout requirements time once this ELettrica) certification purposes the every needper to l'energia demonstrate the is an Italian electric uti principles of quality management within a company. these certifications & Perina is enrolled in their register and ial principles of quality management systems and theirCubi organization these certifications Cubi is obtained. The SOA certification is required to participate to & Perina is enrolled i systems and their organization within a requirements every time once this that certification is anobtained. The SOA Therefore, company internal Quality Management can be invited to public tenders held by them for theofaexecution of implements a company. most public procurements especially when talking of certain be invited to public tenders held by them f company. certification is an required to participate most of can public procurements System based on procedures control systems and wants to certify this relatedQuality to MT/bt systems up to amount of 4.000.000 € to and ore, a company that implementsworks an internal Management amounts. This certification has a (5) five year related validity. to MT/bt systems up to an amo Therefore, a company that implements works talking of by certain amounts. This certification (5) five structure of 9001 must obtain anhas ISOa9001 certification, within theand period acertify year this andwhen up till 500.000 € the forstandards public m based on an procedures and control systems wantsoftoespecially internal Quality Management System within the period ofAuthority a year and up till 50 which must be required to a Certifying Body. The Certification year validity. lightening. ure by the standards of 9001 must obtain an ISO 9001 certification, based on procedures and control lightening. will Certificazioni evaluate throughENEL audits, if the organizational structure and the must be required a Certifying Body. The Certification Authority systemstoand wants to certify this
valuate through audits, the organizational structure by the ifstandards of 9001 must structure and the ny's Quality Management System comply with the UNI EN ISO obtain an ISO 9001 certification, which ENEL Certifications 008. Oncemust evaluated thesetoaspects, if approved theCertification certificateAuthority will be required a Certifying Body. The ed and willwill have a validity of three-years. evaluate through audits, if the organizational structure and the
company's Quality System Enel comply the UNI EN ISO Cubi & Perina alsoManagement has Enel certifications. Spa with (Ente Nazionale 9001:2008. OnceELettrica) evaluatedis these aspects, if approved the certificate will per l’energia an Italian electric utility company. With be issued will have Cubi a validity of three-years. these and certifications
& Perina is enrolled in register and can & Perina also has Enelwith certifications. Spa (Ente Nazionale company’s QualityCubi Management System comply the UNI EN Enel their be invited to public per l'energia ELettrica) is an Italian electric utility company. With ISO 9001:2008. Once evaluated these aspects, if approved the tenders held by them certificate will be issued will have a validity theseand certifications Cubiof&three-years. Perina is enrolled in their register and for the execution of can be invited to public tenders held by them for the execution of The ISO 14001 certificate is theworks certificate that,toin the related MT/same logic as the previous ISO 14001 works related to MT/bt systems up to an amount of 4.000.000 €certification body) that the an auditup of the bt systems to an ertificate that, the same logic as the previous The inISO 14001 certificate is the one that certifies (always through within thelogic period of a year and up till 500.000 €implemented for public System of 4.000.000 € in the company complies gh an auditcertificate of the certification the that, in thebody) same that as Environmental Management amount within the period of a has as its purpose the with UNI EN ISO 14001. This certificates a system that lightening. stem implemented in the complies the previous one company that certifies (always year and up till 500.000 rtificates athrough system that has as the identification, kept under control and coordination of all activities that have an an audit of its thepurpose certification € for public basically, lightening.satisfies the requirements of body) that the Environmental ol and coordination of all activities that have an environmental impact. This certification,
Management System implementedofin fication, basically, satisfies the requirements company complies with UNIof ENthe ISO tion and the sustainable development
eco-friendly, pollution prevention and sustainable development of the business.
14001. This certificates a system that has as its purpose the identification, kept under control and coordination of all activities that have an environmental impact. This certification, basically, satisfies the requirements of eco-friendly, pollution prevention and sustainable development of the business. 29
i nostri clienti Settore industriale Secondary sectorÂ
Settore alimentare Food industryÂ
Settore abbigliamento Clothing industry
juliette srl
Settore servizi Services
settore ospedaliero The hospital sector
Settore civile, residenziale e alberghiero residential, civilian and hospitality sector
Settore aeroportuale airport sector
Settore energie rinnovabili Renewable energy sector
C.P. S.r.l di Cubi L. e Perina G. Via Alessandro Volta, 31 37062 Dossobuono Verona - Italy Tel. +39 045 8600065 Fax. +39 045 513470 E-mail: