香港新界沙田香港中文大學富爾敦樓3樓 3/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, New Territories
2 0 2 1
+852 3943 7861 +852 2603 6226 cuhkaao cuhkaao cuhkaao aaocuhk CUHK Alumni Affairs Office
「百萬豐彩」── 中大首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」(NFT) 網上賣物籌款作品
‘Million Colors of CUHK’ – Collage for CUHK’s First Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Charity Sale
香港中文大學校友事務處於1982年成立,致力建立與大學有緊密聯繫的 校友社群,促進校友對母校的歸屬感。我們的使命是: 鼓勵校友支持大學使命目標
連繫通訊 Communication
活動 Events / Programmes
組織 / 網絡 Groups / Networks
資料庫 Database
推動校友以不同形式回饋母校 促進校友推廣大學與公眾之良好關係 加強校友協助推動大學發展
Established in 1982, the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) is committed to developing a connected alumni community and promoting alumni's sense of belonging to their alma mater. Our missions are:
校友事務處 Alumni Affairs Office
To encourage alumni support on the mission and vision of the University To engage alumni to contribute to the University in various capacities To facilitate alumni to help promote good relations between the University and the general public To strengthen alumni involvement in advancing the development of the University
香港中文大學校友事務處於1982年成立,致力建立與大學有緊密聯繫的 校友社群,促進校友對母校的歸屬感。我們的使命是: 鼓勵校友支持大學使命目標
連繫通訊 Communication
活動 Events / Programmes
組織 / 網絡 Groups / Networks
資料庫 Database
推動校友以不同形式回饋母校 促進校友推廣大學與公眾之良好關係 加強校友協助推動大學發展
Established in 1982, the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) is committed to developing a connected alumni community and promoting alumni's sense of belonging to their alma mater. Our missions are:
校友事務處 Alumni Affairs Office
To encourage alumni support on the mission and vision of the University To engage alumni to contribute to the University in various capacities To facilitate alumni to help promote good relations between the University and the general public To strengthen alumni involvement in advancing the development of the University
2021是非常忙碌的一年,但同時亦都是一個穩定發展 又孕育著希望和前進的一年。隨着當時本地疫情逐漸 穩定和受控,大學已在9月份開始實體上課,校園 回復昔日熱鬧,期間校友事務處所舉辦的校友活動 未曾休止,由線上節目,再到年尾的實體大型活動, 着力為校友帶來一個接一個精彩活動,促進大學與 校友的聯繫。 校友事務處一直強調四方面的工作:一、發展及鞏固 校友組織網絡;二、籌辦各種校友活動以聯繫校友; 三、發展 不 同 通 訊 媒 介 , 與 校 友 保 持緊 密 溝 通 ; 四、加強校友資料庫系統。除堅守核心工作內容, 校友事務處亦增加科技新元素,務求為校友活動帶來 新發展。在疫情不穩的日子,校友事務處的工作亦 依然從未間斷,同事馬不停蹄,創造出令人鼓舞的 數字,在各種各樣的忙碌之下,日子走得特別快速。 以往校友事務處每年只在年尾舉行一項大型活動 — —「中大校友日」。但近年來,校友事務處的校友 活動推陳出新,單計今年,已經籌辦32項校友活動, 當中更包括年度4項大型活動,包括:「青年校友職業 發展週」、「中大創業日」、「傑出校友訪問計劃」 以及年底舉行的「中大校友日」,緊貼校友需要。 除了以活 動 聯 繫 校 友 , 今 年 我 們 更 銳意 透過 社 交 媒體,加強校友事務的工作。今年初我們特別開設 了 校 友 事務處的YouTube頻道,逢星期四上載一條新 影片。一年下來,我們一共上載了超過122條影片, 以不同的短片題材,聯繫本地及海外的中大校友。
另外,本年度亦有一項重大突破,就是今年的校友 日畢業紀念班籌款委員會以創新NFT慈善義賣方式籌 款,連同本年籌得之其他款項,為校友傳承基金合共 籌得134萬港元,亦因此令校友傳承基金累積收到的 捐款突破第一個1,000萬港元,實在可喜可賀。 轉眼間,中大將迎來60周年校慶,在2023年定有一 番熱鬧慶祝。而由明年開始,一連串的籌備工作就 會如火如荼地進行。六十年一甲子,相信廣大校友 都熱切期待中大在新的時代如何繼續茁壯成長,抓 緊整 個 世 界 創 新 蛻 變 的 大 洪 流 , 尋 找 新 機 遇 及 發 展空間,在香港、全中國、亞太以至世界舞台中找 到自己的位置。 毫無疑問,25萬校友是大學發展的重要後盾,校友 事務處定當繼續擴闊及深化校友聯繫,不斷努力,百尺 竿頭,更進一步。願我們攜手努力,一同為母校的 發展作出更大貢獻。 2021年12月
2021 was a busy year, but it was also a year of progression, hope and perseverance. As the COVID-19 pandemic has somewhat stabilized in Hong Kong, people’s daily lives and businesses are gradually put back on track; the University has resumed in-person teaching and learning in September, which instilled the campus with the vibrance before, along with the incremental resumption of alumni activities. We hold to our four strategic pillars: develop and strengthen alumni groups and networks; foster a stronger relationship with alumni through organizing an array of alumni events; expand communication to maintain close contact with our alumni; and upkeep a strong alumni database. As technology evolves, our work in alumni engagement has been adapting appropriately. Alumni engagement has been ceaseless despite the ever-changing situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The multitude of work made time fly by. In the earlier years, we were accustomed to just one annual event at the year end – “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”. In recent years, we have evolved into hosting four events annually, including “Young Alumni Career Day / Week”, “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, “Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme” and “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”. Aside from engaging with alumni through annual activities, we have devised a spread of social media content to magnify our engagement in the digital world since the beginning of 2021 with a regular upload on every Thursday on the AAO’s
YouTube channel. In the year, we had accumulated 122 video uploads on YouTube, which contain varied themes to engage alumni from near and far. Another spotlight of 2021 is CUHK’s first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) online charity sale organized by the 2021 Alumni Homecoming Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee. Together with the other donations received, more than HK$1.34 million was raised in the year for the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund. We are heartened that the donations accumulated for the Fund has reached a milestone of its first HK$10 million. CUHK will soon enter its 60th anniversary in 2023, and we trust that a series of celebration activities will begin in 2022. In the upcoming 60th year, we believe our alumni would be eagerly anticipating the transcendence of our University’s legacy in this new era, by striving for innovation, embracing new opportunities globally, continuing to look forward, and strengthening our presence in Hong Kong, our country, Asia-Pacific and the world. Undoubtedly, our 250,000 alumni are one of the cornerstones for the University’s development. We will continue the effort to expand and enrich the ties with our alumni. Our aspirational goal is to build supportive and sustainable relationships with our alumni which can help assemble their support for their community as well as to the missions of the University. December 2021
2021是非常忙碌的一年,但同時亦都是一個穩定發展 又孕育著希望和前進的一年。隨着當時本地疫情逐漸 穩定和受控,大學已在9月份開始實體上課,校園 回復昔日熱鬧,期間校友事務處所舉辦的校友活動 未曾休止,由線上節目,再到年尾的實體大型活動, 着力為校友帶來一個接一個精彩活動,促進大學與 校友的聯繫。 校友事務處一直強調四方面的工作:一、發展及鞏固 校友組織網絡;二、籌辦各種校友活動以聯繫校友; 三、發展 不 同 通 訊 媒 介 , 與 校 友 保 持緊 密 溝 通 ; 四、加強校友資料庫系統。除堅守核心工作內容, 校友事務處亦增加科技新元素,務求為校友活動帶來 新發展。在疫情不穩的日子,校友事務處的工作亦 依然從未間斷,同事馬不停蹄,創造出令人鼓舞的 數字,在各種各樣的忙碌之下,日子走得特別快速。 以往校友事務處每年只在年尾舉行一項大型活動 — —「中大校友日」。但近年來,校友事務處的校友 活動推陳出新,單計今年,已經籌辦32項校友活動, 當中更包括年度4項大型活動,包括:「青年校友職業 發展週」、「中大創業日」、「傑出校友訪問計劃」 以及年底舉行的「中大校友日」,緊貼校友需要。 除了以活 動 聯 繫 校 友 , 今 年 我 們 更 銳意 透過 社 交 媒體,加強校友事務的工作。今年初我們特別開設 了 校 友 事務處的YouTube頻道,逢星期四上載一條新 影片。一年下來,我們一共上載了超過122條影片, 以不同的短片題材,聯繫本地及海外的中大校友。
另外,本年度亦有一項重大突破,就是今年的校友 日畢業紀念班籌款委員會以創新NFT慈善義賣方式籌 款,連同本年籌得之其他款項,為校友傳承基金合共 籌得134萬港元,亦因此令校友傳承基金累積收到的 捐款突破第一個1,000萬港元,實在可喜可賀。 轉眼間,中大將迎來60周年校慶,在2023年定有一 番熱鬧慶祝。而由明年開始,一連串的籌備工作就 會如火如荼地進行。六十年一甲子,相信廣大校友 都熱切期待中大在新的時代如何繼續茁壯成長,抓 緊整 個 世 界 創 新 蛻 變 的 大 洪 流 , 尋 找 新 機 遇 及 發 展空間,在香港、全中國、亞太以至世界舞台中找 到自己的位置。 毫無疑問,25萬校友是大學發展的重要後盾,校友 事務處定當繼續擴闊及深化校友聯繫,不斷努力,百尺 竿頭,更進一步。願我們攜手努力,一同為母校的 發展作出更大貢獻。 2021年12月
2021 was a busy year, but it was also a year of progression, hope and perseverance. As the COVID-19 pandemic has somewhat stabilized in Hong Kong, people’s daily lives and businesses are gradually put back on track; the University has resumed in-person teaching and learning in September, which instilled the campus with the vibrance before, along with the incremental resumption of alumni activities. We hold to our four strategic pillars: develop and strengthen alumni groups and networks; foster a stronger relationship with alumni through organizing an array of alumni events; expand communication to maintain close contact with our alumni; and upkeep a strong alumni database. As technology evolves, our work in alumni engagement has been adapting appropriately. Alumni engagement has been ceaseless despite the ever-changing situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The multitude of work made time fly by. In the earlier years, we were accustomed to just one annual event at the year end – “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”. In recent years, we have evolved into hosting four events annually, including “Young Alumni Career Day / Week”, “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, “Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme” and “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”. Aside from engaging with alumni through annual activities, we have devised a spread of social media content to magnify our engagement in the digital world since the beginning of 2021 with a regular upload on every Thursday on the AAO’s
YouTube channel. In the year, we had accumulated 122 video uploads on YouTube, which contain varied themes to engage alumni from near and far. Another spotlight of 2021 is CUHK’s first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) online charity sale organized by the 2021 Alumni Homecoming Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee. Together with the other donations received, more than HK$1.34 million was raised in the year for the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund. We are heartened that the donations accumulated for the Fund has reached a milestone of its first HK$10 million. CUHK will soon enter its 60th anniversary in 2023, and we trust that a series of celebration activities will begin in 2022. In the upcoming 60th year, we believe our alumni would be eagerly anticipating the transcendence of our University’s legacy in this new era, by striving for innovation, embracing new opportunities globally, continuing to look forward, and strengthening our presence in Hong Kong, our country, Asia-Pacific and the world. Undoubtedly, our 250,000 alumni are one of the cornerstones for the University’s development. We will continue the effort to expand and enrich the ties with our alumni. Our aspirational goal is to build supportive and sustainable relationships with our alumni which can help assemble their support for their community as well as to the missions of the University. December 2021
為「中大校友傳承基金」累積籌得金額 (港元) Accumulative donations raised for CUHK Alumni Torch Fund (Hong Kong Dollar)
Highlights of the Year
校友事務處一直努力不懈推出不同校友活動,並積極發展網上社交平台,切合大學超過25萬校友 的需要,年內錄得多個令人鼓舞的數字: AAO is dedicated to strengthening our alumni community of over 250,000 alumni by organising different alumni events and developing various online social media platforms with a number of encouraging figures being recorded in 2021:
全球校友會數目增至 Number of alumni associations increased to
首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」(NFT) 賣物籌款成功 籌募金額 (港元) First landmark NFT image charity sale successfully raised (Hong Kong Dollar)
推出122條短片上載至校友事務處YouTube頻道,累積接近 2,500訂閱人數,以及年度觀看次數多達 Produced 122 videos to the AAO YouTube channel, and accumulated near 2,500 subscribers and annual views reached
277,564 逾25萬畢業生中,有效聯絡方法高達 Reachable contacts out of over 250,000 graduates
91% 05
為「中大校友傳承基金」累積籌得金額 (港元) Accumulative donations raised for CUHK Alumni Torch Fund (Hong Kong Dollar)
Highlights of the Year
校友事務處一直努力不懈推出不同校友活動,並積極發展網上社交平台,切合大學超過25萬校友 的需要,年內錄得多個令人鼓舞的數字: AAO is dedicated to strengthening our alumni community of over 250,000 alumni by organising different alumni events and developing various online social media platforms with a number of encouraging figures being recorded in 2021:
全球校友會數目增至 Number of alumni associations increased to
首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」(NFT) 賣物籌款成功 籌募金額 (港元) First landmark NFT image charity sale successfully raised (Hong Kong Dollar)
推出122條短片上載至校友事務處YouTube頻道,累積接近 2,500訂閱人數,以及年度觀看次數多達 Produced 122 videos to the AAO YouTube channel, and accumulated near 2,500 subscribers and annual views reached
277,564 逾25萬畢業生中,有效聯絡方法高達 Reachable contacts out of over 250,000 graduates
91% 05
Alumni Events / Programmes 於2021年全年,校友事務處隆重推出32項校友活動,包括4個 年度大學盛事─「青年校友職業發展週」、「中大創業日」、 「傑出校友訪問計劃」,以及「中大校友日」,讓不同屆別的海內外校友參與。 Throughout 2021, AAO proudly presented 32 alumni events / programmes including 4 signature annual events, “CUHK Young Alumni Career Week”, “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, “Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme” and “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”, to connect alumni from around the world.
中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列
CUHK Young Alumni Career Week 2021
CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series
連續第五年舉辦,專為本科畢業10年內的年青校友而設的職業發展活動。 A career event held for the fifth consecutive year, targeting young alumni graduated in the recent 10 years. 特色元素: • 規模擴展至一個星期,於晚上時段直播,方便日 間需要上班之校友參與 • 以新心態、新機遇、新行業及新技能為題,啟發 年青校友於疫情中裝備自己 • 6場主題及行業講座,涵蓋廣泛行業如數碼營銷、 金融科技、生物科技及行政管理 • 逾60節單對單職業諮詢及履歷表診症室環節 • GCDF全球職涯發展師 / 職涯服務規劃師「與你 同行」計劃 (與中大專業進修學院合辦) • 2場職場工作坊,教授網上面試技巧及建立個人 品牌 new
FEATURES: • With scale expanded to one-week long plus the live broadcasting conducted at a convenient time • Themed as "New mindset; New opportunities; New industries; New skill sets” • 6 thematic seminars and career talks • Over 60 one-to-one career consultation sessions and CV Clinic • Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) / CCSP Career Development GPS Scheme (co-organized with CUSCS) • 2 workshops on online interview skills and personal brand building new
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 吸引逾 400 位年輕校友及中大同學登記出席 • 邀得近70位校友講者及學長傳承職場經驗 06
• 深受年輕校友支持的職業交流平台,有效獲取行 業資訊及學長真摰的經驗分享
• Attendance of more than 400 young alumni and students • Engaging nearly 70 alumni speakers and mentors • An effective career platform acclaimed by young alumni
承上年聲勢,中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談活 動由聯盟各成員再接再厲,輪流安排嘉賓講者,逢星期五 傍晚到大學站旁之全新共創空間InnoPort與志同道合的中 大創業人交流及聯誼。 “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series is organized by members of the CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance every Friday evening. Guest speakers are invited to gather with like-minded CU entrepreneurs at InnoPort, a brand new co-creation space next to University Station. • 第三輪及第四輪活動分別於3月至5月及9月至11月期間舉行 • 兩輪活動合共舉行了20場講座 • 嘉賓講題涉獵不同創新創業範疇,由電動車能源、微網紅 經營、到創辦社會企業等 • The 3rd and 4th rounds of “Happy Hour” were staged • A total of 20 talks were held in these two rounds • Various areas of innovation and entrepreneurship were covered by the guest speakers
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 邀請到41位中大傑出創業校友、教職員作嘉賓 講者及主持分享經驗心得 • 逾1,930位中大校友、師生登記參與 • 於校友事務處Facebook專頁上發佈的活動重溫 共吸引近5,000次觀看,獲得超過150個讚好 • 與多個校內部門和校友組織合作推廣及促進中 大創新創業文化 • 41 distinguished CUHK alumni and staff were invited as guest speakers and moderators • Registration from over 1,930 alumni, staff and students • Recaps of “Happy Hour” sessions posted on AAO's Facebook page garnered nearly 5,000 views and over 150 likes • Collaboration among various internal units and alumni bodies to foster CUHK's innovation and entrepreneurial culture 歡迎到中大創業者聯盟網頁重溫活動精彩片段 Please visit the website of CUEA to review event highlights
Alumni Events / Programmes 於2021年全年,校友事務處隆重推出32項校友活動,包括4個 年度大學盛事─「青年校友職業發展週」、「中大創業日」、 「傑出校友訪問計劃」,以及「中大校友日」,讓不同屆別的海內外校友參與。 Throughout 2021, AAO proudly presented 32 alumni events / programmes including 4 signature annual events, “CUHK Young Alumni Career Week”, “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, “Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme” and “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”, to connect alumni from around the world.
中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列
CUHK Young Alumni Career Week 2021
CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series
連續第五年舉辦,專為本科畢業10年內的年青校友而設的職業發展活動。 A career event held for the fifth consecutive year, targeting young alumni graduated in the recent 10 years. 特色元素: • 規模擴展至一個星期,於晚上時段直播,方便日 間需要上班之校友參與 • 以新心態、新機遇、新行業及新技能為題,啟發 年青校友於疫情中裝備自己 • 6場主題及行業講座,涵蓋廣泛行業如數碼營銷、 金融科技、生物科技及行政管理 • 逾60節單對單職業諮詢及履歷表診症室環節 • GCDF全球職涯發展師 / 職涯服務規劃師「與你 同行」計劃 (與中大專業進修學院合辦) • 2場職場工作坊,教授網上面試技巧及建立個人 品牌 new
FEATURES: • With scale expanded to one-week long plus the live broadcasting conducted at a convenient time • Themed as "New mindset; New opportunities; New industries; New skill sets” • 6 thematic seminars and career talks • Over 60 one-to-one career consultation sessions and CV Clinic • Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) / CCSP Career Development GPS Scheme (co-organized with CUSCS) • 2 workshops on online interview skills and personal brand building new
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 吸引逾 400 位年輕校友及中大同學登記出席 • 邀得近70位校友講者及學長傳承職場經驗 06
• 深受年輕校友支持的職業交流平台,有效獲取行 業資訊及學長真摰的經驗分享
• Attendance of more than 400 young alumni and students • Engaging nearly 70 alumni speakers and mentors • An effective career platform acclaimed by young alumni
承上年聲勢,中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談活 動由聯盟各成員再接再厲,輪流安排嘉賓講者,逢星期五 傍晚到大學站旁之全新共創空間InnoPort與志同道合的中 大創業人交流及聯誼。 “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series is organized by members of the CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance every Friday evening. Guest speakers are invited to gather with like-minded CU entrepreneurs at InnoPort, a brand new co-creation space next to University Station. • 第三輪及第四輪活動分別於3月至5月及9月至11月期間舉行 • 兩輪活動合共舉行了20場講座 • 嘉賓講題涉獵不同創新創業範疇,由電動車能源、微網紅 經營、到創辦社會企業等 • The 3rd and 4th rounds of “Happy Hour” were staged • A total of 20 talks were held in these two rounds • Various areas of innovation and entrepreneurship were covered by the guest speakers
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 邀請到41位中大傑出創業校友、教職員作嘉賓 講者及主持分享經驗心得 • 逾1,930位中大校友、師生登記參與 • 於校友事務處Facebook專頁上發佈的活動重溫 共吸引近5,000次觀看,獲得超過150個讚好 • 與多個校內部門和校友組織合作推廣及促進中 大創新創業文化 • 41 distinguished CUHK alumni and staff were invited as guest speakers and moderators • Registration from over 1,930 alumni, staff and students • Recaps of “Happy Hour” sessions posted on AAO's Facebook page garnered nearly 5,000 views and over 150 likes • Collaboration among various internal units and alumni bodies to foster CUHK's innovation and entrepreneurial culture 歡迎到中大創業者聯盟網頁重溫活動精彩片段 Please visit the website of CUEA to review event highlights
中大創業日 2021
中大校友初創名錄 CUHK Alumni Startup Directory
CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2021 連續七年舉辦,為師生校友提供一站式創新創意的交 流平台及打造中大獨特的創業生態。 Held for 7 consecutive years, “CUHK Entrepreneur Day” is an annual one-stop platform to nurture entrepreneurship and innovation among alumni, students and staff on campus and promote CUHK’s distinctive entrepreneurship ecosystem. 特色元素: • 線上及實體形式同步舉行,打破地域界限 • 逾100個中大校友及師生創業項目展覽 • 7場由校友及師生主講的創業及社創講座 • 第五屆「中大創業大賽」吸引 52隊 創業隊 伍報名參賽,最後5強於決賽爭奪冠軍殊榮 及總值10萬港元獎金 • 1場 創業大師班XHappy Hour及3場 創業小 型工作坊 • 創業團隊與投資者交流環節 • 創業項目互動展示區
• 中大教授與業界人士交流
• 特別邀請校友創作大型立體藝術裝置,為 活動增添色彩 new
FEATURES: • Held in hybrid format, allowing to engage in-person and virtual attendees • More than 100 entrepreneurship and innovation projects showcased online • 7 thematic seminars on entrepreneurship and social innovation • 5 start-up finalists, out of the 52 participating teams, competing for championship and awards valued HK$100,000 in 5th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition • 1 master class crossover with CUEA Happy Hour and 3 workshops co-organized with CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association • “Meeting with Investors” for start-ups to explore the collaboration opportunities with alumni investors • Interactive Display Zone new • “Meeting with Investors” for CUHK professors new • A three-dimensional art installation new
為凝聚中大校友創業家、加強彼此之間的聯 繫,並通過互相交流以推動中大獨特的創業 生態圈;本年創業日特意推出「中大校友初 創名錄」,讓中大創業人透過此網站展示其 初創公司的產品和服務,與大眾分享其創業 創新成果,進一步提昇中大初創在市場上的 曝光率。名錄現時收錄逾100隊中大初創,項 目涵蓋9大類別,並不時更新。 In order to unite CUHK alumni entrepreneurs and promote CUHK’s unique entrepreneurship ecosystem, the "CUHK Alumni Startup Directory" was set up this year. The Directory showcases the products and services of alumni startups and aims at enhancing visibility of the startups among the CUHK community and their impact to the general public. The directory currently includes more than 100 startups, covering 9 main categories, which are being updated from time to time.
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 逾800師生校友及公眾人士報名參與 • 網上創業展覽吸引近6,400人次瀏覽 • 首次邀請香港科技園、數碼港及阿里巴巴 創業者基金成為支持單位,共同推動創業 風氣 • 成功展示中大人創業意念及成果 08
• Registration from over 800 alumni and visitors • Online exhibition attracted nearly 6,400 visits • Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport and Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund were invited to join as supporting units for the first time • Successfully showcasing the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship borne by CUHK members 09
中大創業日 2021
中大校友初創名錄 CUHK Alumni Startup Directory
CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2021 連續七年舉辦,為師生校友提供一站式創新創意的交 流平台及打造中大獨特的創業生態。 Held for 7 consecutive years, “CUHK Entrepreneur Day” is an annual one-stop platform to nurture entrepreneurship and innovation among alumni, students and staff on campus and promote CUHK’s distinctive entrepreneurship ecosystem. 特色元素: • 線上及實體形式同步舉行,打破地域界限 • 逾100個中大校友及師生創業項目展覽 • 7場由校友及師生主講的創業及社創講座 • 第五屆「中大創業大賽」吸引 52隊 創業隊 伍報名參賽,最後5強於決賽爭奪冠軍殊榮 及總值10萬港元獎金 • 1場 創業大師班XHappy Hour及3場 創業小 型工作坊 • 創業團隊與投資者交流環節 • 創業項目互動展示區
• 中大教授與業界人士交流
• 特別邀請校友創作大型立體藝術裝置,為 活動增添色彩 new
FEATURES: • Held in hybrid format, allowing to engage in-person and virtual attendees • More than 100 entrepreneurship and innovation projects showcased online • 7 thematic seminars on entrepreneurship and social innovation • 5 start-up finalists, out of the 52 participating teams, competing for championship and awards valued HK$100,000 in 5th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition • 1 master class crossover with CUEA Happy Hour and 3 workshops co-organized with CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association • “Meeting with Investors” for start-ups to explore the collaboration opportunities with alumni investors • Interactive Display Zone new • “Meeting with Investors” for CUHK professors new • A three-dimensional art installation new
為凝聚中大校友創業家、加強彼此之間的聯 繫,並通過互相交流以推動中大獨特的創業 生態圈;本年創業日特意推出「中大校友初 創名錄」,讓中大創業人透過此網站展示其 初創公司的產品和服務,與大眾分享其創業 創新成果,進一步提昇中大初創在市場上的 曝光率。名錄現時收錄逾100隊中大初創,項 目涵蓋9大類別,並不時更新。 In order to unite CUHK alumni entrepreneurs and promote CUHK’s unique entrepreneurship ecosystem, the "CUHK Alumni Startup Directory" was set up this year. The Directory showcases the products and services of alumni startups and aims at enhancing visibility of the startups among the CUHK community and their impact to the general public. The directory currently includes more than 100 startups, covering 9 main categories, which are being updated from time to time.
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 逾800師生校友及公眾人士報名參與 • 網上創業展覽吸引近6,400人次瀏覽 • 首次邀請香港科技園、數碼港及阿里巴巴 創業者基金成為支持單位,共同推動創業 風氣 • 成功展示中大人創業意念及成果 08
• Registration from over 800 alumni and visitors • Online exhibition attracted nearly 6,400 visits • Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport and Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund were invited to join as supporting units for the first time • Successfully showcasing the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship borne by CUHK members 09
傑出校友訪問計劃 Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme (DARP)
「傑出校友訪問計劃」於本年度再次舉辦,第三屆訪問計 劃特別邀得3位傳播界的傑出校友,進行為期4天一系列活 動,如客席講座、參觀、工作坊,並推出全新的傑出校友 訪問計劃 — 學長計劃,以期能夠擴闊及深化此訪問計劃 對中大社群的影響。 The 3rd “Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme” was held this year in a 4-day scale. This year, the event specially invited 3 outstanding alumni from the media and communication industry to present an array of activities including guest talks, visits, workshops, and the brand new mentorship programme, in order to deepen the influence of the event to the CUHK community.
本年度獲邀傑出校友 The incumbents of the year 陳早標校友
開幕禮暨專題講座「新科技對傳媒及企業 品牌的挑戰與機遇」 Opening Ceremony cum Keynote Speech – “The Challenges and Opportunities to Media and Brands Brought by Technologies”
Night Talk at Ying Lin Tang: Five Most Important Things in University
Hong Kong Economic Times Office Tour
節目製作Pitching工作坊 Workshop: Video Program Ideas Pitching
Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu
(1979 / 崇基學院 / 生物) 經濟日報集團執行董事、 社長及集團編務內容總監 (1979 / Chung Chi College / Biology) Executive Director, Publisher and Group Director of Content, Hong Kong Economic Times Holdings Limited
Alumna Quince Chong Wai-yan
(1986 / 聯合書院 / 政治與行政) 中華電力有限公司企業發展總裁 (1986 / United College / Government and Public Administration) Chief Corporate Development Officer, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
客席講座:「從紙媒到多媒體:三十年傳媒 人的經驗談 / 新聞教育」
Guest Lecture: Branding with Class
Guest Lecture: 30 Years Through the Evolving Media Environment
Alumnus Lofai Lo Ting-fai
(2002 / 聯合書院 / 新聞及傳播學) 香港電視娛樂有限公司董事兼總經理 (2002 / United College / Journalism and Communication) Director and General Manager, HK Television Entertainment Company Limited (ViuTV)
客席講座:「ViuTV台長解 構Mirror、Error現象及經營 電視台的創意心得」 “Mirror and Error Phenomenon”: From the Views of ViuTV Commander-in-Chief and the Creativity underneath TV Channel Operations
閉幕禮暨DARP論壇「媒體與企業在數碼 新常態下的發展及出路」 公關個案研究「公關=拆彈專家?」 Guest Tutorial: PR Case Study
傑出校友訪問計劃學長計劃 DARP Mentorship Programme
DARP Forum: “Prospects of Media and Corporate Communication under the New Normal of Digital Era” cum Closing Ceremony
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 為期4天,舉辦10項活動 • 活動參與人次逾1,400 • 為大學構建平台,讓學生、教職員及校友社 群加強聯繫
• 10 major events in a 4-day itinerary • Over 1,400 participants • A platform to strengthen the bonding among CUHK members 11
傑出校友訪問計劃 Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme (DARP)
「傑出校友訪問計劃」於本年度再次舉辦,第三屆訪問計 劃特別邀得3位傳播界的傑出校友,進行為期4天一系列活 動,如客席講座、參觀、工作坊,並推出全新的傑出校友 訪問計劃 — 學長計劃,以期能夠擴闊及深化此訪問計劃 對中大社群的影響。 The 3rd “Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme” was held this year in a 4-day scale. This year, the event specially invited 3 outstanding alumni from the media and communication industry to present an array of activities including guest talks, visits, workshops, and the brand new mentorship programme, in order to deepen the influence of the event to the CUHK community.
本年度獲邀傑出校友 The incumbents of the year 陳早標校友
開幕禮暨專題講座「新科技對傳媒及企業 品牌的挑戰與機遇」 Opening Ceremony cum Keynote Speech – “The Challenges and Opportunities to Media and Brands Brought by Technologies”
Night Talk at Ying Lin Tang: Five Most Important Things in University
Hong Kong Economic Times Office Tour
節目製作Pitching工作坊 Workshop: Video Program Ideas Pitching
Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu
(1979 / 崇基學院 / 生物) 經濟日報集團執行董事、 社長及集團編務內容總監 (1979 / Chung Chi College / Biology) Executive Director, Publisher and Group Director of Content, Hong Kong Economic Times Holdings Limited
Alumna Quince Chong Wai-yan
(1986 / 聯合書院 / 政治與行政) 中華電力有限公司企業發展總裁 (1986 / United College / Government and Public Administration) Chief Corporate Development Officer, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
客席講座:「從紙媒到多媒體:三十年傳媒 人的經驗談 / 新聞教育」
Guest Lecture: Branding with Class
Guest Lecture: 30 Years Through the Evolving Media Environment
Alumnus Lofai Lo Ting-fai
(2002 / 聯合書院 / 新聞及傳播學) 香港電視娛樂有限公司董事兼總經理 (2002 / United College / Journalism and Communication) Director and General Manager, HK Television Entertainment Company Limited (ViuTV)
客席講座:「ViuTV台長解 構Mirror、Error現象及經營 電視台的創意心得」 “Mirror and Error Phenomenon”: From the Views of ViuTV Commander-in-Chief and the Creativity underneath TV Channel Operations
閉幕禮暨DARP論壇「媒體與企業在數碼 新常態下的發展及出路」 公關個案研究「公關=拆彈專家?」 Guest Tutorial: PR Case Study
傑出校友訪問計劃學長計劃 DARP Mentorship Programme
DARP Forum: “Prospects of Media and Corporate Communication under the New Normal of Digital Era” cum Closing Ceremony
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 為期4天,舉辦10項活動 • 活動參與人次逾1,400 • 為大學構建平台,讓學生、教職員及校友社 群加強聯繫
• 10 major events in a 4-day itinerary • Over 1,400 participants • A platform to strengthen the bonding among CUHK members 11
中大校友日 CUHK Alumni Homecoming 「中大校友日」為校友事務處最大型且富傳統的校友活動,每年邀請 校友回母校,了解大學近況及發展。由於疫情尚未結束,「2021中大 校友日」繼續以網上形式舉行,輔以適當實體活動,並吸引逾3,700 位報名者。 “CUHK Alumni Homecoming” is the largest alumni event held by AAO to welcome alumni around the world to revisit their alma mater and learn the latest developments of the University. The “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” continued to conduct online with some off-line programmes. It attracted over 3,700 registered participants.
中大校園遊 - 「山。城。遊蹤」 Virtual Campus Tour – CUHK’s Hidden Wonders
開幕禮 Opening Ceremony
中大入學分享 - 與校友對談 Dialogue with Alumni Parents: Top Tips for Entering CUHK
「中大創新.改變世界」 - 中大頂尖科研大解構 CUHK Innovations That Changed the World
「全球校友線上跑 - 走遍世界 心繫中大」 Global Alumni Virtual Fun Run
健康講座 Health Talks
中大廚房 - 檸檬批 CUHK Kitchen – Alumni Recreate a Lemon Pie Recipe
精彩節目重溫 Recaps of Highlighted Programmes
中大校友日 CUHK Alumni Homecoming 「中大校友日」為校友事務處最大型且富傳統的校友活動,每年邀請 校友回母校,了解大學近況及發展。由於疫情尚未結束,「2021中大 校友日」繼續以網上形式舉行,輔以適當實體活動,並吸引逾3,700 位報名者。 “CUHK Alumni Homecoming” is the largest alumni event held by AAO to welcome alumni around the world to revisit their alma mater and learn the latest developments of the University. The “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” continued to conduct online with some off-line programmes. It attracted over 3,700 registered participants.
中大校園遊 - 「山。城。遊蹤」 Virtual Campus Tour – CUHK’s Hidden Wonders
開幕禮 Opening Ceremony
中大入學分享 - 與校友對談 Dialogue with Alumni Parents: Top Tips for Entering CUHK
「中大創新.改變世界」 - 中大頂尖科研大解構 CUHK Innovations That Changed the World
「全球校友線上跑 - 走遍世界 心繫中大」 Global Alumni Virtual Fun Run
健康講座 Health Talks
中大廚房 - 檸檬批 CUHK Kitchen – Alumni Recreate a Lemon Pie Recipe
精彩節目重溫 Recaps of Highlighted Programmes
籌款及銘謝喜訊 Fundraising and Acknowledgement News
Diversity and Inclusion
•「2021中大校友日畢業紀念班籌款委員會」多月來 努力為「中大校友傳承基金」籌款,並於11月推出 非常創新之中大首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」 (NFT) 網上賣物籌款
• 大學在2003年慶祝創校四十 周年時,將校園本部大學泳池 西側草坪,闢作「校友園」, 並於園內豎立校友捐贈銘謝牌匾
• 活動得到一眾熱心中大人慷慨競投,推出三日內籌 得近80萬港元,連同其他熱心校友捐款,本年度籌 得款項合共134萬港元,為歷年第二佳績
• 2021中大校友日特別舉辦新一輪「校友捐贈銘謝牌匾 揭幕典禮」,以答謝在2015至2019年期間慨捐5萬港 元或以上的校友捐款人,對母校的支持
• 其中9位畢業紀念班籌款委員會委員於「2021中大 校友日」開幕禮現場向校方致贈支票
• 當日揭幕之5塊銘謝牌匾,刻有近500個捐款校友芳名, 捐款總額近1億7,000萬港元
•「中大校友傳承基金」自2014年成立以來已累積籌 得超過1,000萬港元 CUHK Alumni Torch Fund Cheque Presentation • The “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” launched a novel CUHK Landmark Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Image Charity Sale for the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund • It raised close to HK$800,000 in just 3 days. Inclusive of other donations, a total of HK$1,340,000 was raised for the Fund • A dummy cheque was presented to the University at the Opening Ceremony of the“2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” • An accumulative donation of CUHK Alumni Torch Fund has reached the HK$10,000,000 mark
Alumni Donor Commemorative Plaque Unveiling Ceremony • In celebration of the University’s 40th anniversary in 2003, the Alumni Garden was named adjacent to the University Swimming Pool. Commemorative plaques were installed in the Garden to recognize the support of alumni donors • Similar commemorative plaques for alumni donors were unveiled in the Ceremony at the “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” to recognize alumni who donated HK$50,000 or above to the University in each single year between 2015 and 2019 • Close to 500 alumni’s names were engraved. The total sum of donation involved is close to HK$170,000,000
大學一直提倡多元與共融,創建更美好及和 諧的校園。為響應多元共融事務處推出的 「多元共融週」,校友事務處特意舉辦兩場 網上校友講座,分別邀請來自津巴布韋的 Innocent Mutanga 校友,以及香港體育學院 教練課程導師潘健侶校友擔任講者。 Mutanga校友是首位成功入讀本地大學的非 洲政治難民,而潘校友則多年來擔任傷殘運 動員教練工作,帶領香港傷殘運動員於多屆 奧運會屢奪獎牌。兩位校友透過分享自身經 歷,為參加者提供在多元中彼此尊重的精神 的實用建議。
The University has always advocated diversity and inclusiveness to create a better and harmonious campus. In response to the "Diversity Inclusion Week" launched by the Diversity and Inclusion Office, AAO specially organized two online alumni seminars, inviting alumnus Innocent Mutanga from Zimbabwe and alumnus Poon Kin Lui, a coaching course instructor of the Hong Kong Sports Institute as speakers. Alumnus Mutanga is the first African political refugee to successfully enter a local university, while alumnus Poon has served as a coach for disabled athletes for many years, leading Hong Kong disabled athletes to win medals in many Olympic Games. By sharing their own experiences, the two alumni provided participants with practical suggestions on the spirit of respect for each other in diversity.
籌款及銘謝喜訊 Fundraising and Acknowledgement News
Diversity and Inclusion
•「2021中大校友日畢業紀念班籌款委員會」多月來 努力為「中大校友傳承基金」籌款,並於11月推出 非常創新之中大首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」 (NFT) 網上賣物籌款
• 大學在2003年慶祝創校四十 周年時,將校園本部大學泳池 西側草坪,闢作「校友園」, 並於園內豎立校友捐贈銘謝牌匾
• 活動得到一眾熱心中大人慷慨競投,推出三日內籌 得近80萬港元,連同其他熱心校友捐款,本年度籌 得款項合共134萬港元,為歷年第二佳績
• 2021中大校友日特別舉辦新一輪「校友捐贈銘謝牌匾 揭幕典禮」,以答謝在2015至2019年期間慨捐5萬港 元或以上的校友捐款人,對母校的支持
• 其中9位畢業紀念班籌款委員會委員於「2021中大 校友日」開幕禮現場向校方致贈支票
• 當日揭幕之5塊銘謝牌匾,刻有近500個捐款校友芳名, 捐款總額近1億7,000萬港元
•「中大校友傳承基金」自2014年成立以來已累積籌 得超過1,000萬港元 CUHK Alumni Torch Fund Cheque Presentation • The “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” launched a novel CUHK Landmark Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Image Charity Sale for the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund • It raised close to HK$800,000 in just 3 days. Inclusive of other donations, a total of HK$1,340,000 was raised for the Fund • A dummy cheque was presented to the University at the Opening Ceremony of the“2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” • An accumulative donation of CUHK Alumni Torch Fund has reached the HK$10,000,000 mark
Alumni Donor Commemorative Plaque Unveiling Ceremony • In celebration of the University’s 40th anniversary in 2003, the Alumni Garden was named adjacent to the University Swimming Pool. Commemorative plaques were installed in the Garden to recognize the support of alumni donors • Similar commemorative plaques for alumni donors were unveiled in the Ceremony at the “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” to recognize alumni who donated HK$50,000 or above to the University in each single year between 2015 and 2019 • Close to 500 alumni’s names were engraved. The total sum of donation involved is close to HK$170,000,000
大學一直提倡多元與共融,創建更美好及和 諧的校園。為響應多元共融事務處推出的 「多元共融週」,校友事務處特意舉辦兩場 網上校友講座,分別邀請來自津巴布韋的 Innocent Mutanga 校友,以及香港體育學院 教練課程導師潘健侶校友擔任講者。 Mutanga校友是首位成功入讀本地大學的非 洲政治難民,而潘校友則多年來擔任傷殘運 動員教練工作,帶領香港傷殘運動員於多屆 奧運會屢奪獎牌。兩位校友透過分享自身經 歷,為參加者提供在多元中彼此尊重的精神 的實用建議。
The University has always advocated diversity and inclusiveness to create a better and harmonious campus. In response to the "Diversity Inclusion Week" launched by the Diversity and Inclusion Office, AAO specially organized two online alumni seminars, inviting alumnus Innocent Mutanga from Zimbabwe and alumnus Poon Kin Lui, a coaching course instructor of the Hong Kong Sports Institute as speakers. Alumnus Mutanga is the first African political refugee to successfully enter a local university, while alumnus Poon has served as a coach for disabled athletes for many years, leading Hong Kong disabled athletes to win medals in many Olympic Games. By sharing their own experiences, the two alumni provided participants with practical suggestions on the spirit of respect for each other in diversity.
中大校友事務處致力建立強大的聯繫通訊平台,透過多個有效 渠道,與校友保持聯繫,並發掘及報導校友的超卓成就。為配 合數碼時代的發展趨勢,校友事務處通訊平台廣泛採用適應性 版面設計,以便利流動裝置瀏覽。更特別加強社交媒體宣傳,善 用各種平台的特色及滲透力,配合不同的宣傳策略,製作符合 推廣對象興趣的內容。
AAO is devoted to building a wide range of effective communication platforms for our alumni. Not only do we endeavour to keep alumni abreast of the news of their alma mater, but we also seize every opportunity to identify and feature alumni who have made outstanding achievements and remarkable contributions to the University and alumni community. To strengthen communication in the digital age, digital communications efforts have been made such as widely adopting responsive design on communication platforms and strategically utilizing different social media tools to engage alumni.
另外,校友事務處亦積極利用影片宣傳,連同各項校友活動的 宣傳短片及回顧影片,今年共製作超過122部影片,影片類別 包括校友訪問、校園街訪、分享知識、校園風景、創業資訊及 校友服務等等。
Together with promotional videos and recaps of different alumni events, AAO has produced over 122 videos this year. Various video categories include alumni interview, student interview, knowledge sharing, campus scenery, entrepreneurial-related information and alumni services.
《中大校友》季刊 (備網上版) “CU Alumni” Quarterly Magazine (also available online) 最新發行量 Circulation:
134,500 (
全年專訪校友人數 No. of alumni interviewees:
> 62 多元化專題採訪 / 報導 No. of featured topics / reports: 達10多個主題,包括: 創新及科技系列、靈活變通始能「疫」轉勝、中大醫院初訪、外地生活苦 與樂、大學生活老幼記、我們走過的創業路、傑出校友訪問計劃、「在學·在職」計劃等。 More than 10 features / series, including: Innovation and Technologies Series, Agility and Resilience Amid COVID’s Shifting Needs, CUHKMC Ready to Welcome New Patients, Joy and Sorrow of Moving Abroad, College Hostels through the Decades, The Untold Stories of Entrepreneurship, Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme and Co-op@CUHK etc. 報導大學發展 / 校友會 / 校友的消息 No. of news on the University / alumni associations / alumni:
>386 16
人物專訪短片 Magazine Interview Videos
《中大校友》YouTube播放清單 “CU Alumni” YouTube Playlist
年內製作13段訪問故事短片,進一步增加《中大校友》 季刊於社交平台之曝光率,亦得到傳媒廣泛轉載;而 訪問內容亦分拆發放到不同社交媒體,以迎合讀者閱 讀習慣,全天候均能細閱精彩校友故事。 13 interview videos were produced to further increase the exposure rate of the “CU Alumni” Magazine on social platforms, with different media publications sharing the contents. Alumni interview articles were also separated in bite-sized sections and published on social media to fit the reading habits of the new generation.
全新欄目 - 大學生活老幼記 Fresh Column – College Hostels through the Decades 全新推出宿舍專題欄目,邀約不同年代校友,分享彼此校園生活 趣事,見證不同時空下,大學生活呈現出來的樣式,相映成趣, 從中亦體會到中大歷年變遷。 A new dormitory thematic column was launched with alumni from different generations as interviewees to share interesting recollection of their campus life.
中大校友事務處致力建立強大的聯繫通訊平台,透過多個有效 渠道,與校友保持聯繫,並發掘及報導校友的超卓成就。為配 合數碼時代的發展趨勢,校友事務處通訊平台廣泛採用適應性 版面設計,以便利流動裝置瀏覽。更特別加強社交媒體宣傳,善 用各種平台的特色及滲透力,配合不同的宣傳策略,製作符合 推廣對象興趣的內容。
AAO is devoted to building a wide range of effective communication platforms for our alumni. Not only do we endeavour to keep alumni abreast of the news of their alma mater, but we also seize every opportunity to identify and feature alumni who have made outstanding achievements and remarkable contributions to the University and alumni community. To strengthen communication in the digital age, digital communications efforts have been made such as widely adopting responsive design on communication platforms and strategically utilizing different social media tools to engage alumni.
另外,校友事務處亦積極利用影片宣傳,連同各項校友活動的 宣傳短片及回顧影片,今年共製作超過122部影片,影片類別 包括校友訪問、校園街訪、分享知識、校園風景、創業資訊及 校友服務等等。
Together with promotional videos and recaps of different alumni events, AAO has produced over 122 videos this year. Various video categories include alumni interview, student interview, knowledge sharing, campus scenery, entrepreneurial-related information and alumni services.
《中大校友》季刊 (備網上版) “CU Alumni” Quarterly Magazine (also available online) 最新發行量 Circulation:
134,500 (
全年專訪校友人數 No. of alumni interviewees:
> 62 多元化專題採訪 / 報導 No. of featured topics / reports: 達10多個主題,包括: 創新及科技系列、靈活變通始能「疫」轉勝、中大醫院初訪、外地生活苦 與樂、大學生活老幼記、我們走過的創業路、傑出校友訪問計劃、「在學·在職」計劃等。 More than 10 features / series, including: Innovation and Technologies Series, Agility and Resilience Amid COVID’s Shifting Needs, CUHKMC Ready to Welcome New Patients, Joy and Sorrow of Moving Abroad, College Hostels through the Decades, The Untold Stories of Entrepreneurship, Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme and Co-op@CUHK etc. 報導大學發展 / 校友會 / 校友的消息 No. of news on the University / alumni associations / alumni:
>386 16
人物專訪短片 Magazine Interview Videos
《中大校友》YouTube播放清單 “CU Alumni” YouTube Playlist
年內製作13段訪問故事短片,進一步增加《中大校友》 季刊於社交平台之曝光率,亦得到傳媒廣泛轉載;而 訪問內容亦分拆發放到不同社交媒體,以迎合讀者閱 讀習慣,全天候均能細閱精彩校友故事。 13 interview videos were produced to further increase the exposure rate of the “CU Alumni” Magazine on social platforms, with different media publications sharing the contents. Alumni interview articles were also separated in bite-sized sections and published on social media to fit the reading habits of the new generation.
全新欄目 - 大學生活老幼記 Fresh Column – College Hostels through the Decades 全新推出宿舍專題欄目,邀約不同年代校友,分享彼此校園生活 趣事,見證不同時空下,大學生活呈現出來的樣式,相映成趣, 從中亦體會到中大歷年變遷。 A new dormitory thematic column was launched with alumni from different generations as interviewees to share interesting recollection of their campus life.
也無風雨也無晴 Come Rain or Come Shine
“Roll Call Alum”
關百豪風浪中見智慧 How Bankee Kwan grows in wisdom through storms and crises
與中大資訊處合作,每月專訪一位在不 同領域有傑出成就的校友,在中大網站 及校友電子月報發佈,與校友社群分享 他們的故事。
鐵甲俠的繞指柔 Iron Man’s Tender Hands
Collaborating with Information Services Office, the project features each month the story of an alumnus / alumna who excels in one’s own field and shares it with the alumni community via the University’s website and the monthly e-newsletter “Alumni Matters”
張晧程的流動復康夢 Alvin Cheung’s dream of mobile rehabilitation
CU Global Activity List for Alumni (CU GALA) 支援手機瀏覽,幫助校友掌握本地及世界各地舉辦的校友活動 Adopting mobile responsive layout to facilitate the alumni to access information of alumni activities around the globe
中大校友電子月報 “Alumni Matters” Monthly E-newsletter • 適應性網頁設計,圖像豐富
「泳」無止境 Never out of Her Element 蔡曉慧與游泳的羅曼史 Sherry Tsai and her endless romance with swimming 「榜上友名」 "Roll Call Alum"
中大校友全球 活動概覽 CU GALA
• 提供大學資訊、校友專訪、校友活動、校友優惠 及進修機會 • A responsive design with vivid visuals • Providing “University News”, “Roll Call Alum”, “Alumni Activities”,“Alumni Benefits” and “Study Opportunities”
最新發行量 Circulation:
消息數目 No. of news:
> 287
中大校友電子月報 "Alumni Matters"
@Link 校友電郵及1TB雲端儲存空間服務
@Link Alumni Email Service and 1TB Cloud Storage Service
Alumni Affairs Office Website • 簡潔版面設計,並支援手機及平板電腦瀏覽 • 整合海內外校友網絡地圖
校友事務處網頁 AAO Website
• 連接社交平台 • 瀏覽《中大校友》季刊網上版、精彩活動花絮等 • • • •
A neat and mobile responsive design An interactive map to show the global alumni network Connect to our different social media platforms Quick access to “CU Alumni” magazine online version, event photos and videos
為與校友保持聯繫,大學向畢業校友提供免費校友電郵 ( 及1TB OneDrive雲端儲存空 間服務。這些服務大受校友歡迎,有超過48,000名校友登記使用@Link校友電郵;另共錄得超過51,000名校友 登記免費電郵轉遞地址服務( To stay connected with our alumni, application for @Link alumni email service ( and 1TB cloud storage service is open for all alumni. These services have been well received by alumni, with over 48,000 alumni opting-in @Link alumni email service and over 51,000 alumni registering for the free forwarding email address ( 我們還透過以下平台,建立無遠弗屆的網絡,將全球校友緊密聯繫。 We also connect with our alumni globally via channels below: cuhkaao
CUHK Alumni Affairs Office
也無風雨也無晴 Come Rain or Come Shine
“Roll Call Alum”
關百豪風浪中見智慧 How Bankee Kwan grows in wisdom through storms and crises
與中大資訊處合作,每月專訪一位在不 同領域有傑出成就的校友,在中大網站 及校友電子月報發佈,與校友社群分享 他們的故事。
鐵甲俠的繞指柔 Iron Man’s Tender Hands
Collaborating with Information Services Office, the project features each month the story of an alumnus / alumna who excels in one’s own field and shares it with the alumni community via the University’s website and the monthly e-newsletter “Alumni Matters”
張晧程的流動復康夢 Alvin Cheung’s dream of mobile rehabilitation
CU Global Activity List for Alumni (CU GALA) 支援手機瀏覽,幫助校友掌握本地及世界各地舉辦的校友活動 Adopting mobile responsive layout to facilitate the alumni to access information of alumni activities around the globe
中大校友電子月報 “Alumni Matters” Monthly E-newsletter • 適應性網頁設計,圖像豐富
「泳」無止境 Never out of Her Element 蔡曉慧與游泳的羅曼史 Sherry Tsai and her endless romance with swimming 「榜上友名」 "Roll Call Alum"
中大校友全球 活動概覽 CU GALA
• 提供大學資訊、校友專訪、校友活動、校友優惠 及進修機會 • A responsive design with vivid visuals • Providing “University News”, “Roll Call Alum”, “Alumni Activities”,“Alumni Benefits” and “Study Opportunities”
最新發行量 Circulation:
消息數目 No. of news:
> 287
中大校友電子月報 "Alumni Matters"
@Link 校友電郵及1TB雲端儲存空間服務
@Link Alumni Email Service and 1TB Cloud Storage Service
Alumni Affairs Office Website • 簡潔版面設計,並支援手機及平板電腦瀏覽 • 整合海內外校友網絡地圖
校友事務處網頁 AAO Website
• 連接社交平台 • 瀏覽《中大校友》季刊網上版、精彩活動花絮等 • • • •
A neat and mobile responsive design An interactive map to show the global alumni network Connect to our different social media platforms Quick access to “CU Alumni” magazine online version, event photos and videos
為與校友保持聯繫,大學向畢業校友提供免費校友電郵 ( 及1TB OneDrive雲端儲存空 間服務。這些服務大受校友歡迎,有超過48,000名校友登記使用@Link校友電郵;另共錄得超過51,000名校友 登記免費電郵轉遞地址服務( To stay connected with our alumni, application for @Link alumni email service ( and 1TB cloud storage service is open for all alumni. These services have been well received by alumni, with over 48,000 alumni opting-in @Link alumni email service and over 51,000 alumni registering for the free forwarding email address ( 我們還透過以下平台,建立無遠弗屆的網絡,將全球校友緊密聯繫。 We also connect with our alumni globally via channels below: cuhkaao
CUHK Alumni Affairs Office
校友事務處 YouTube 頻道
精選系列 Popular Video Series
YouTube Channel 為加強與校友的聯繫,中大校友事務處今年積極開拓YouTube頻道,運用影片發放校友 資訊。由1月起,校友事務處頻道每逢星期四推出一段影片,亦製作多個影片系列,包 括《中大校友》雜誌人物專訪、「校園街訪」及「友佢話事.300秒說......」、「校友 服務常見問題」及「中大創業者聯盟Happy Hour創業訪談」系列,娛樂與資訊兼備,以 迎合不同校友喜好。 Alumni Affairs Office strives to enhance communication with alumni and has proactively developed its YouTube Channel to disseminate information and engage alumni community. Starting from January, Alumni Affairs Office uploads a video on YouTube Channel every Thursday. Several video series have been produced to meet varying preferences.
全年上載影片數目 Video uploads in 2021:
全年總瀏覽次數 Video views in 2021:
訂閱人數 Subscribers:
165% + (From 665 to 2357)
「友佢話事.300秒說……」 300 Seconds Alumni Sharing Series 校友自由發揮 限時300秒濃縮智慧
「校園街訪」 Street Interview Series 訪問中大學生 勾起校友昔日回憶
校友事務處2021 YouTube頻道 回顧影片
2021 YouTube Channel Recap Video
「中大創業者聯盟Happy Hour創業訪談」 Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk Series 集合優秀創業者 分享實用創業資訊
校友事務處 YouTube 頻道
精選系列 Popular Video Series
YouTube Channel 為加強與校友的聯繫,中大校友事務處今年積極開拓YouTube頻道,運用影片發放校友 資訊。由1月起,校友事務處頻道每逢星期四推出一段影片,亦製作多個影片系列,包 括《中大校友》雜誌人物專訪、「校園街訪」及「友佢話事.300秒說......」、「校友 服務常見問題」及「中大創業者聯盟Happy Hour創業訪談」系列,娛樂與資訊兼備,以 迎合不同校友喜好。 Alumni Affairs Office strives to enhance communication with alumni and has proactively developed its YouTube Channel to disseminate information and engage alumni community. Starting from January, Alumni Affairs Office uploads a video on YouTube Channel every Thursday. Several video series have been produced to meet varying preferences.
全年上載影片數目 Video uploads in 2021:
全年總瀏覽次數 Video views in 2021:
訂閱人數 Subscribers:
165% + (From 665 to 2357)
「友佢話事.300秒說……」 300 Seconds Alumni Sharing Series 校友自由發揮 限時300秒濃縮智慧
「校園街訪」 Street Interview Series 訪問中大學生 勾起校友昔日回憶
校友事務處2021 YouTube頻道 回顧影片
2021 YouTube Channel Recap Video
「中大創業者聯盟Happy Hour創業訪談」 Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk Series 集合優秀創業者 分享實用創業資訊
Alumni Groups and Networks
中大擁有強大的校友組織網絡。截至2021年底, 世界各地共有139個中大校友組織,其中92個以香 港為基地,另有47個境外校友組織在30個國際城 市成立。大學透過校友事務處與校友組織緊密聯 繫,能更有效地凝聚各地校友。 CUHK has a strong global alumni network. As of the end of 2021, there are 139 CUHK alumni organizations, 92 of which are Hong Kong based while 47 are located in 30 worldwide cities. The University maintains close ties with alumni organizations via AAO to better connect with alumni around the world.
成都 Chengdu 温哥華 Vancouver
倫敦 London 多倫多 Toronto
卡城 Calgary
斯德哥爾摩 Stockholm
愛民頓 Edmonton
紐約 New York 三藩市 San Francisco
瑞士 Switzerland 華盛頓 Washington
巴黎 Paris
深圳 Shenzhen
廈門 Xiamen
台北 Taipei
Hong Kong
波士頓 Boston
侯斯頓 Houston
廣州 Guangzhou 沙巴 Sabah 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur 新加坡 Singapore
洛杉磯 Los Angeles
上海 Shanghai
澳門 Macau
矽谷 Silicon Valley
檀香山 Honolulu
北京 Beijing
珠海 Zhuhai 柏林 Berlin
西雅圖 Seattle
芝加哥 Chicago
即將成立校友會 / 網絡的城市 Cities where alumni assosciations / networks will be established
武漢 Wuhan
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
悉尼 Sydney
布里斯班 Brisbane
奧克蘭 Auckland
東京 Tokyo
墨爾本 Melbourne 23
Alumni Groups and Networks
中大擁有強大的校友組織網絡。截至2021年底, 世界各地共有139個中大校友組織,其中92個以香 港為基地,另有47個境外校友組織在30個國際城 市成立。大學透過校友事務處與校友組織緊密聯 繫,能更有效地凝聚各地校友。 CUHK has a strong global alumni network. As of the end of 2021, there are 139 CUHK alumni organizations, 92 of which are Hong Kong based while 47 are located in 30 worldwide cities. The University maintains close ties with alumni organizations via AAO to better connect with alumni around the world.
成都 Chengdu 温哥華 Vancouver
倫敦 London 多倫多 Toronto
卡城 Calgary
斯德哥爾摩 Stockholm
愛民頓 Edmonton
紐約 New York 三藩市 San Francisco
瑞士 Switzerland 華盛頓 Washington
巴黎 Paris
深圳 Shenzhen
廈門 Xiamen
台北 Taipei
Hong Kong
波士頓 Boston
侯斯頓 Houston
廣州 Guangzhou 沙巴 Sabah 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur 新加坡 Singapore
洛杉磯 Los Angeles
上海 Shanghai
澳門 Macau
矽谷 Silicon Valley
檀香山 Honolulu
北京 Beijing
珠海 Zhuhai 柏林 Berlin
西雅圖 Seattle
芝加哥 Chicago
即將成立校友會 / 網絡的城市 Cities where alumni assosciations / networks will be established
武漢 Wuhan
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
悉尼 Sydney
布里斯班 Brisbane
奧克蘭 Auckland
東京 Tokyo
墨爾本 Melbourne 23
CUHK Convocation
The Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK (FAA)
• 2021籌款活動共籌得款項35萬港元
• 聯會與一群熱心校友及電影界校友於年初 已就構思拍攝電影《高錕傳》(暫名) 馬不 停蹄地展開不同的籌備工作,包括經費籌 募、電影前期資料搜集等,現階段劇本已 完成,至於開拍資金及具體安排仍需進一 步籌備及策劃,以恭賀母校60周年
• 用作設立「香港中文大學校友評議會研究生入學獎」, 旨在嘉許優秀的非本地新生,加強中大國際化,以 及提升中大的形象,和推廣中大校友評議會;對象 為於獲獎年度入讀中大修課式研究生課程之非本地生 屬下小組協助舉辦活動 • 創新創業小組協助舉辦兩場「Happy Hour」創業訪 談系列講座,包括「From Zero to Hero」及「迎合 生活•美化生活」。小組與多個校內單位及校外組織 合辦「粵港澳大灣區電子商貿及數據科學論壇」,與 粵港澳三地交流創業心得,共同推動創業風氣 • 校友聯絡推廣小組安排健步行活動及長洲遊,亦與其 他校友會合辦「與高永文醫生走出疫情」線上講座 • 上述兩小組亦為組員安排參觀中大醫院,一睹該醫 院的最新設備 • 再次贊助於校園舉行的「香港中文大學校友評議會 盃足球賽」 「傑出服務及創意學生獎」及「學生進步獎」 • 2021續設獎項予在社會服務、校內服務及創意方面 有傑出表現的中大本科生 • 設獎學金獎勵清貧及學業成績有進步之中大本科生
Fundraising campaign • The 2021 fundraising campaign raised HK$350,000 with the objective of setting up “CUHK Convocation Postgraduate Admission Scholarships” to award non-local new students to further enhance internationalization on campus Sub-Committees’ Events • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sub-Committee assisted in organizing two sessions of CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance’s “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurship Talk Series. Effort was also made to join hands with other units to co-organize forum relating to e-commerce and big data science in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area • Alumni Relations Sub-Committee arranged hiking activity as well as day trip to Cheung Chau Island. An online talk with Dr Ko Wing-man was jointly organized with the support of several alumni associations • CUHK Medical Centre Visit • CUHK Convocation Cup Soccer Match “Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards” and “Academic Improvement Award” • Awarded undergraduates with outstanding performances on social services, community services and creativity • Provided scholarship to needy students who have shown great academic improvement
積極推動成立研究院校友會聯會事宜 • 聯會會長與14位來自不同學院/課程的研 究院校友會代表於年度內舉行多次會議, 積極為成立一個全新的研究院校友會聯會 之事宜,展開各種籌備工作,以冀進一步 凝聚及團結各研究院校友會的力量 周年會員大會暨交職典禮 • 9月中舉行聯會周年會員大會暨交職典禮, 是次交職典禮是疫情後首個實體活動,邀 請到一眾大學高層撥冗抽空參與,與校友 共聚交流 中大校友日 • 積極與各主要校友會參與「全球校友線上 跑」影片拍攝、協助主持多項節目包括 「中大廚房」、兩場「健康講座」等
A movie about Prof Charles Kao, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK • FAA, AAO, together with a group of alumni who work in the movie industry had jointly made effort on the various preparation work for producing a memoir movie of the late Prof Charles Kao. The movie script has been completed while further planning and specific arrangements are still under preparation to celebrate CUHK’s 60th anniversary New establishment of the Federation of Graduate School Alumni Associations • FAA President organized a number of meetings with 14 representatives from the alumni associations of different faculties / programmes of Graduate School (GS) this year, to facilitate the new establishment of the Federation of Graduate School Alumni Associations in order to strengthen the GS alumni community Annual General Meeting and Inauguration Ceremony • Held in mid-September, this is the first physical event after the pandemic outbreak, which received strong support from University Officers CUHK Alumni Homecoming • Actively participated in the video shooting of “Global Alumni Virtual Fun Run” with other major alumni associations. Also hosted various programmes including “CUHK Kitchen” and two “Health Talks”
CUHK Convocation
The Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK (FAA)
• 2021籌款活動共籌得款項35萬港元
• 聯會與一群熱心校友及電影界校友於年初 已就構思拍攝電影《高錕傳》(暫名) 馬不 停蹄地展開不同的籌備工作,包括經費籌 募、電影前期資料搜集等,現階段劇本已 完成,至於開拍資金及具體安排仍需進一 步籌備及策劃,以恭賀母校60周年
• 用作設立「香港中文大學校友評議會研究生入學獎」, 旨在嘉許優秀的非本地新生,加強中大國際化,以 及提升中大的形象,和推廣中大校友評議會;對象 為於獲獎年度入讀中大修課式研究生課程之非本地生 屬下小組協助舉辦活動 • 創新創業小組協助舉辦兩場「Happy Hour」創業訪 談系列講座,包括「From Zero to Hero」及「迎合 生活•美化生活」。小組與多個校內單位及校外組織 合辦「粵港澳大灣區電子商貿及數據科學論壇」,與 粵港澳三地交流創業心得,共同推動創業風氣 • 校友聯絡推廣小組安排健步行活動及長洲遊,亦與其 他校友會合辦「與高永文醫生走出疫情」線上講座 • 上述兩小組亦為組員安排參觀中大醫院,一睹該醫 院的最新設備 • 再次贊助於校園舉行的「香港中文大學校友評議會 盃足球賽」 「傑出服務及創意學生獎」及「學生進步獎」 • 2021續設獎項予在社會服務、校內服務及創意方面 有傑出表現的中大本科生 • 設獎學金獎勵清貧及學業成績有進步之中大本科生
Fundraising campaign • The 2021 fundraising campaign raised HK$350,000 with the objective of setting up “CUHK Convocation Postgraduate Admission Scholarships” to award non-local new students to further enhance internationalization on campus Sub-Committees’ Events • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sub-Committee assisted in organizing two sessions of CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance’s “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurship Talk Series. Effort was also made to join hands with other units to co-organize forum relating to e-commerce and big data science in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area • Alumni Relations Sub-Committee arranged hiking activity as well as day trip to Cheung Chau Island. An online talk with Dr Ko Wing-man was jointly organized with the support of several alumni associations • CUHK Medical Centre Visit • CUHK Convocation Cup Soccer Match “Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards” and “Academic Improvement Award” • Awarded undergraduates with outstanding performances on social services, community services and creativity • Provided scholarship to needy students who have shown great academic improvement
積極推動成立研究院校友會聯會事宜 • 聯會會長與14位來自不同學院/課程的研 究院校友會代表於年度內舉行多次會議, 積極為成立一個全新的研究院校友會聯會 之事宜,展開各種籌備工作,以冀進一步 凝聚及團結各研究院校友會的力量 周年會員大會暨交職典禮 • 9月中舉行聯會周年會員大會暨交職典禮, 是次交職典禮是疫情後首個實體活動,邀 請到一眾大學高層撥冗抽空參與,與校友 共聚交流 中大校友日 • 積極與各主要校友會參與「全球校友線上 跑」影片拍攝、協助主持多項節目包括 「中大廚房」、兩場「健康講座」等
A movie about Prof Charles Kao, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK • FAA, AAO, together with a group of alumni who work in the movie industry had jointly made effort on the various preparation work for producing a memoir movie of the late Prof Charles Kao. The movie script has been completed while further planning and specific arrangements are still under preparation to celebrate CUHK’s 60th anniversary New establishment of the Federation of Graduate School Alumni Associations • FAA President organized a number of meetings with 14 representatives from the alumni associations of different faculties / programmes of Graduate School (GS) this year, to facilitate the new establishment of the Federation of Graduate School Alumni Associations in order to strengthen the GS alumni community Annual General Meeting and Inauguration Ceremony • Held in mid-September, this is the first physical event after the pandemic outbreak, which received strong support from University Officers CUHK Alumni Homecoming • Actively participated in the video shooting of “Global Alumni Virtual Fun Run” with other major alumni associations. Also hosted various programmes including “CUHK Kitchen” and two “Health Talks”
校友傳承基金 Alumni Torch Fund
校友傳承基金為一個特別的校友網絡,其執行委員會致力 籌辦活動支持中大年青校友在就業及創業方面的發展,其 中大型活動包括「青年校友職業發展週」及「創業日」。 基金每年從「中大校友日畢業紀念班」中招募約20位校 友代表組成籌款委員會。「2021中大校友日畢業紀念班籌款 委員會」更於本年推出中大首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」 (NFT) 網上賣物籌款,100塊地標於活動推出3日內全數售 罄,籌得近80萬港元。連同本年籌得之其他款項,合共籌 得134萬港元。自2014年以來,基金累積收到捐款已突破 1,000萬港元。
中大創業者聯盟 CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) The “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” is a special alumni group. The Executive Committee of the Fund coordinates activities to support the career and entrepreneurship development of young alumni from CUHK through the two large-scale events “Young Alumni Career Week” and “Entrepreneur Day”. Around 20 alumni representatives are recruited annually from different homecoming anniversary classes to raise funds for the University. The “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” successfully launched the CUHK first-ever non-fungible token (NFT) charity sale and raised HK$0.8 million. Together with the other donations, the Committee raised HK$1.34 million in total for the Fund in 2021. Currently, this fund has an accumulated donation amount of over HK$10 million.
由校友事務處支持發起的中大創業者聯盟已於 2021年的中大創業日當天舉行啟動儀式,聯盟 成員涵蓋校內單位及校友組織共10個。聯盟的產 生是為進一步集結創業日各合辦單位的力量,透過定 期舉辦創業相關活動,包括「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列, 為中大成員建立具質素的創業資訊分享及交流平台,並匯聚 中大創業者及投資者,營造有利和多元的創業生態圈。
創業 校友會
Supported by the Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) had held the Inauguration Ceremony at the 2021 CUHK Entrepreneur Day. The alliance members include 10 entrepreneurship-related Internal Units and alumni bodies. CUEA is formed to establish a quality entrepreneurial information sharing and exchange platform for CUHK members, and create a diverse entrepreneurship ecosystem by regularly organizing entrepreneurial activities and gathering the strength of the co-organizers of the Entrepreneur Day.
校友傳承基金 Alumni Torch Fund
校友傳承基金為一個特別的校友網絡,其執行委員會致力 籌辦活動支持中大年青校友在就業及創業方面的發展,其 中大型活動包括「青年校友職業發展週」及「創業日」。 基金每年從「中大校友日畢業紀念班」中招募約20位校 友代表組成籌款委員會。「2021中大校友日畢業紀念班籌款 委員會」更於本年推出中大首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」 (NFT) 網上賣物籌款,100塊地標於活動推出3日內全數售 罄,籌得近80萬港元。連同本年籌得之其他款項,合共籌 得134萬港元。自2014年以來,基金累積收到捐款已突破 1,000萬港元。
中大創業者聯盟 CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) The “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” is a special alumni group. The Executive Committee of the Fund coordinates activities to support the career and entrepreneurship development of young alumni from CUHK through the two large-scale events “Young Alumni Career Week” and “Entrepreneur Day”. Around 20 alumni representatives are recruited annually from different homecoming anniversary classes to raise funds for the University. The “2021 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” successfully launched the CUHK first-ever non-fungible token (NFT) charity sale and raised HK$0.8 million. Together with the other donations, the Committee raised HK$1.34 million in total for the Fund in 2021. Currently, this fund has an accumulated donation amount of over HK$10 million.
由校友事務處支持發起的中大創業者聯盟已於 2021年的中大創業日當天舉行啟動儀式,聯盟 成員涵蓋校內單位及校友組織共10個。聯盟的產 生是為進一步集結創業日各合辦單位的力量,透過定 期舉辦創業相關活動,包括「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列, 為中大成員建立具質素的創業資訊分享及交流平台,並匯聚 中大創業者及投資者,營造有利和多元的創業生態圈。
創業 校友會
Supported by the Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) had held the Inauguration Ceremony at the 2021 CUHK Entrepreneur Day. The alliance members include 10 entrepreneurship-related Internal Units and alumni bodies. CUEA is formed to establish a quality entrepreneurial information sharing and exchange platform for CUHK members, and create a diverse entrepreneurship ecosystem by regularly organizing entrepreneurial activities and gathering the strength of the co-organizers of the Entrepreneur Day.
其他校友網絡 Other Alumni Networks 與全球校友會保持聯繫 • 在符合防疫條件下,舉辦「本地校友組織午餐聚會」, 讓一眾校友會聯誼交流,並邀得大學副校長陳德章 教授出席介紹大學最新發展
Connecting Alumni Associations Worldwide • Organized the “Local AA Gathering” with Pro-ViceChancellor Prof Anthony Chan as the Guest of Honor to introduce the University’s latest development • Kept Convocation, FAA, College AAs and other AAs worldwide abreast with the latest news and activities of the AAO and the University at-large to facilitate information exchange and enhance engagement • Actively promoted the formation of new AAs including "Urban Studies Alumni Association", "Greater Bay Area Alumni Association” and “Alumni Association in Guangzhou”. With the establishment of the latter, the CUHK alumni network in the Mainland gains foothold in all the 4 major cities, including, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen
• 支援大學新一屆「環球校友諮詢委員會」(2020-21) 成立,並協助舉行4場會議。該委員會由中大校長段 崇智教授擔任主席,成員包括12位來自全球各地、 從事不同行業和畢業於不同年代的傑出校友。冀以 他們的專長、經驗,以及網絡,為大學提供策略性 建議,支持大學未來發展
難。為促進校友組織之間的聯繫,校友事務處連同資訊科 Zoom雲端會議帳戶。44個校友組織分別於年中登記此服 務。 虛擬背景 視像會議成為衆校友於新常態時代下的工作及生活之一部分,
• 致力促進新校友組織成立,包括「城市研究校友會」、 「粵港澳大灣區校友會」,以及「廣州校友會」, 後者的創立更讓中大在內地擁有「北京、上海、廣 州、深圳」四個重要據點 其他校友網絡
疫情下,各地校友組織的聯誼活動因為通行限制而變得困 技服務處向各海內外校友組織提供免費且無使用上限的
• 不時與校友評議會、校友會聯會、書院校友會,以 及各地校友會聯繫,讓他們得知校友事務處及大學 的最新消息及項目,增進交流及參與度
• 鼓勵尚未有校友會的地區成立校友網絡,現時已有 校友網絡的地區包括加拿大愛民頓、美國西雅圖及 波士頓、德國柏林、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹、瑞典斯德哥 爾摩、瑞士及馬來西亞吉隆坡
向各海內外校友會提供免費 Zoom 賬戶
校友事務處亦因此推出以中大校園及花季美景為題的虛擬背 景供校友下載,讓校友瞬間遊覽令人難以忘懷的中大校園之 餘,亦希望為校友增加正能量。 Other Alumni Networks • Encouraged alumni to set up alumni networks before formally establishing an AA. There are alumni networks in Edmonton, Canada; Boston & Seattle, USA; Berlin, Germany; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Stockholm, Sweden; Switzerland and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Supported the formation of the new board of “ViceChancellor’s Global Alumni Advisory Board” (GAAB) (202021) and assisted the conduct of 4 meeting sessions. Chaired by Prof Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, GAAB consists of 12 distinguished alumni from different parts of the world and different industries to provide strategic advice to CUHK in fulfilling its vision and goal
Provide free licensed Zoom accounts to local and overseas Alumni Associations To facilitate the needs for meeting online, AAO and ITSC have provided a free and unlimited licensed Zoom Cloud Meeting service to local and global Alumni Associations. As a result, 44 Alumni Associations have benefited greatly from this service. Virtual backgrounds Virtual meeting has been tightly integrated into our work and personal lives in the new normal era. An assorted collection of virtual backgrounds are available for our alumni, with themes such as the scenery on campus and the season of flourishing.
下載虛擬背景 Download Virtual Backgrounds
其他校友網絡 Other Alumni Networks 與全球校友會保持聯繫 • 在符合防疫條件下,舉辦「本地校友組織午餐聚會」, 讓一眾校友會聯誼交流,並邀得大學副校長陳德章 教授出席介紹大學最新發展
Connecting Alumni Associations Worldwide • Organized the “Local AA Gathering” with Pro-ViceChancellor Prof Anthony Chan as the Guest of Honor to introduce the University’s latest development • Kept Convocation, FAA, College AAs and other AAs worldwide abreast with the latest news and activities of the AAO and the University at-large to facilitate information exchange and enhance engagement • Actively promoted the formation of new AAs including "Urban Studies Alumni Association", "Greater Bay Area Alumni Association” and “Alumni Association in Guangzhou”. With the establishment of the latter, the CUHK alumni network in the Mainland gains foothold in all the 4 major cities, including, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen
• 支援大學新一屆「環球校友諮詢委員會」(2020-21) 成立,並協助舉行4場會議。該委員會由中大校長段 崇智教授擔任主席,成員包括12位來自全球各地、 從事不同行業和畢業於不同年代的傑出校友。冀以 他們的專長、經驗,以及網絡,為大學提供策略性 建議,支持大學未來發展
難。為促進校友組織之間的聯繫,校友事務處連同資訊科 Zoom雲端會議帳戶。44個校友組織分別於年中登記此服 務。 虛擬背景 視像會議成為衆校友於新常態時代下的工作及生活之一部分,
• 致力促進新校友組織成立,包括「城市研究校友會」、 「粵港澳大灣區校友會」,以及「廣州校友會」, 後者的創立更讓中大在內地擁有「北京、上海、廣 州、深圳」四個重要據點 其他校友網絡
疫情下,各地校友組織的聯誼活動因為通行限制而變得困 技服務處向各海內外校友組織提供免費且無使用上限的
• 不時與校友評議會、校友會聯會、書院校友會,以 及各地校友會聯繫,讓他們得知校友事務處及大學 的最新消息及項目,增進交流及參與度
• 鼓勵尚未有校友會的地區成立校友網絡,現時已有 校友網絡的地區包括加拿大愛民頓、美國西雅圖及 波士頓、德國柏林、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹、瑞典斯德哥 爾摩、瑞士及馬來西亞吉隆坡
向各海內外校友會提供免費 Zoom 賬戶
校友事務處亦因此推出以中大校園及花季美景為題的虛擬背 景供校友下載,讓校友瞬間遊覽令人難以忘懷的中大校園之 餘,亦希望為校友增加正能量。 Other Alumni Networks • Encouraged alumni to set up alumni networks before formally establishing an AA. There are alumni networks in Edmonton, Canada; Boston & Seattle, USA; Berlin, Germany; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Stockholm, Sweden; Switzerland and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Supported the formation of the new board of “ViceChancellor’s Global Alumni Advisory Board” (GAAB) (202021) and assisted the conduct of 4 meeting sessions. Chaired by Prof Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, GAAB consists of 12 distinguished alumni from different parts of the world and different industries to provide strategic advice to CUHK in fulfilling its vision and goal
Provide free licensed Zoom accounts to local and overseas Alumni Associations To facilitate the needs for meeting online, AAO and ITSC have provided a free and unlimited licensed Zoom Cloud Meeting service to local and global Alumni Associations. As a result, 44 Alumni Associations have benefited greatly from this service. Virtual backgrounds Virtual meeting has been tightly integrated into our work and personal lives in the new normal era. An assorted collection of virtual backgrounds are available for our alumni, with themes such as the scenery on campus and the season of flourishing.
下載虛擬背景 Download Virtual Backgrounds
校友事務處存有超過25萬位中大畢業生資料,包括高達 91%的有效聯絡方法。不斷更新的資料庫讓我們能有效 地發掘、聯絡及邀請來自不同地域、不同專業界別的校 友,支持大學及校友會的活動。
Alumni Database
畢業生總數 Graduates in total:
畢業生修讀學位分佈 Distribution by obtained Degree and Diploma
畢業年代分佈 Distribution by Graduation Year
本科學位畢業生 Bachelor’s Degree
/ 文憑畢業生 52.88% 研究院學位 Postgraduate Degree and Diploma 專上學院統一文憑畢業生 Joint Diploma (1963 - 1967)
大學成立前原成員書院文憑畢業生 Pre-University College Diploma
Professions / Industries
Involvements in AAs
Years of graduation
Contact information
1990’s 2010’s
校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Groups: 校友組織類別 Alumni Groups by Category
4.31% 5.76%
海外 Overseas 47 總數 Total
學院 / 學系 / 課程 Faculties / Departments / Programmes of Studies
專業 / 興趣 Professions / Interests 地域 Geographic Locations 其他 Others
《中大校友》/ 「榜上友名」專訪
邀請 INVITING 捐款支持大學項目
(最新優惠 / 免費電郵 / 生日禮遇) To update alumni with information of their privileges as CUHK alumni
To support fundraising campaigns on University’s projects
參與校友活動 / 學長計劃
To inform alumni of the latest news from the University
To join alumni activities / Mentorship Programmes
接待出訪的大學人員 / 中大交換生
Alumni with diversified background to meet with University Officers
To notify alumni of the latest news from the Alumni Associations
To receive CUHK delegations / outbound exchange students
連結不同專業行業的校友 Alumni in various professional fields
宿舍 Halls 139
發掘 EXPLORING Distinguished interviewees for “CU Alumni” magazine / “Roll Call Alum”
書院 Colleges 本地 Local
校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Groups
專業界別 / 行業
Colleges / Faculties / Departments
書院 / 學院 / 學系
0.59% 0.14%
修讀學位 Degrees / Diplomas
As of December 2021, AAO maintained over 250,000 graduates records in our database. 91% of graduates could be reached via their up-to-date addresses / emails. With such an effective database, it has facilitated us to solicit support for various University-wide programmes and AA activities from alumni of different geographical locations, professions and fields.
註 Note:以2021年12月31日計算 Figures as at December 31, 2021
校友事務處存有超過25萬位中大畢業生資料,包括高達 91%的有效聯絡方法。不斷更新的資料庫讓我們能有效 地發掘、聯絡及邀請來自不同地域、不同專業界別的校 友,支持大學及校友會的活動。
Alumni Database
畢業生總數 Graduates in total:
畢業生修讀學位分佈 Distribution by obtained Degree and Diploma
畢業年代分佈 Distribution by Graduation Year
本科學位畢業生 Bachelor’s Degree
/ 文憑畢業生 52.88% 研究院學位 Postgraduate Degree and Diploma 專上學院統一文憑畢業生 Joint Diploma (1963 - 1967)
大學成立前原成員書院文憑畢業生 Pre-University College Diploma
Professions / Industries
Involvements in AAs
Years of graduation
Contact information
1990’s 2010’s
校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Groups: 校友組織類別 Alumni Groups by Category
4.31% 5.76%
海外 Overseas 47 總數 Total
學院 / 學系 / 課程 Faculties / Departments / Programmes of Studies
專業 / 興趣 Professions / Interests 地域 Geographic Locations 其他 Others
《中大校友》/ 「榜上友名」專訪
邀請 INVITING 捐款支持大學項目
(最新優惠 / 免費電郵 / 生日禮遇) To update alumni with information of their privileges as CUHK alumni
To support fundraising campaigns on University’s projects
參與校友活動 / 學長計劃
To inform alumni of the latest news from the University
To join alumni activities / Mentorship Programmes
接待出訪的大學人員 / 中大交換生
Alumni with diversified background to meet with University Officers
To notify alumni of the latest news from the Alumni Associations
To receive CUHK delegations / outbound exchange students
連結不同專業行業的校友 Alumni in various professional fields
宿舍 Halls 139
發掘 EXPLORING Distinguished interviewees for “CU Alumni” magazine / “Roll Call Alum”
書院 Colleges 本地 Local
校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Groups
專業界別 / 行業
Colleges / Faculties / Departments
書院 / 學院 / 學系
0.59% 0.14%
修讀學位 Degrees / Diplomas
As of December 2021, AAO maintained over 250,000 graduates records in our database. 91% of graduates could be reached via their up-to-date addresses / emails. With such an effective database, it has facilitated us to solicit support for various University-wide programmes and AA activities from alumni of different geographical locations, professions and fields.
註 Note:以2021年12月31日計算 Figures as at December 31, 2021
校友會會議中心 Alumni Associations Centre 線上線下的混合會議已成為會議主流,在此後疫 情時代的會議新常態,位於富爾敦樓地下的「校 友會會議中心」大大便利校友組織召開視訊或實 體會議。該中心自2018年成立之初已設有不少先 進的智能設備,既能照顧到現場與會者,又能在 全球疫情下無遠弗屆地和各地與會校友成員交流。
Welcome New Graduates
Hybrid meetings combining the benefits of the virtual with the physical have become the mainstream. Under the new normal, the “Alumni Associations Centre” located at John Fulton Centre equips with state-of-the-art devices for alumni associations to convene virtual and physical meetings, facilitating the communications among attending alumni members around the world under the pandemic.
暑期實習生計劃 Summer Internship Programme
校友事務處暑假實習生計劃於2021 年特別分為兩期,合共4位中大學生 先後參與為期6星期的實習工作。學 生透過協助宣傳校友活動及製作影 片,獲取相關經驗。該計劃於2018 年首次推出,每年暑假為2至4名中 大本科生提供實習機會。 2021 AAO Summer Internship Programme specially separated into 2 phases with 4 student interns’ participation in total. The 6-week internship trainings provided the student interns a precious opportunity to gain invaluable experience of event promotion and video production.Launched in 2018, this Programme has provided comprehensive administrative training for 2 to 4 CUHK undergraduate students every summer. 32
今年共有超過10,000名畢業生成為中大 校友一份子,校友事務處不時透過電郵、 郵寄刊物,以及Facebook、YouTube 等各大社交平台,發放校友活動和校園 資訊,讓畢業生時刻與母校保持聯繫。 備受畢業生歡迎的「免費拍攝畢業照片 服務」因疫情而不能如期於2021年畢業 禮中舉行。然而,為了幫助新畢業生應 對充滿挑戰的就業前景,校友事務處特 別於2022年2月初舉行「中大青年校友 職業發展日」,提供專為新畢業生而設 的網上活動,以提升其職場競爭力。
Over 10,000 graduates are joining the CU alumni family this year. To keep them abreast of the latest news of their alma mater, AAO shares the updates from the University and upcoming alumni activities with them via email, printed publications and different social media platforms including Facebook and YouTube from time to time. The exclusive photo-taking service for graduates could not be held at Congregation 2021 as scheduled due to the consideration of COVID-19 pandemic. However, AAO specially presents tailor-made online sessions to fresh graduates in the “CUHK Young Alumni Career Day” held in February 2022 to enhance their competitiveness.
職場漫遊 Career Corner
特色: • 提供機會參與不同類型校 友活動 • 指導及提供行政工作體驗 • 培養工作責任感 • 增加對校友事務及校友組 織網絡認識
FEATURES: • Access and exposure to various alumni activities • Coaching and administrative training opportunities • Building sense of responsibility and commitment • Understanding of alumni affairs and alumni associations network of CUHK
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 協助校友活動宣傳影片 拍攝 • 協助活動宣傳及現場支援 • 協助社交媒體推廣 • 設計校友活動紀念品
• Assisted in producing alumni event promotional videos • Assisted in event promotion and logistics support • Supported social media promotion • Supported souvenir design for alumni events
校友事務處網站設有「職場漫遊」平台,好讓校友更易獲得由校友企 業以至其他機構提供的各類型職位空缺。與此同時,「職場漫遊」亦 為中大校友僱主提供免費刊登招聘訊息服務,協助尋找合適的人才, 尤其是來自中大的學弟學妹。「職場漫遊」自推出後已獲300多間企業 使用,刊登1,000多個職位空缺。 “Career Corner”, an online platform which displays various job vacancies from numerous employers, is now available on the AAO website. In the meantime, alumni employers are highly encouraged to use this free platform in offering job opportunities to our alumni community, especially young graduates. Since its launch, “Career Corner” has been widely used by more than 300 companies and displays thousands of job postings. 33
校友會會議中心 Alumni Associations Centre 線上線下的混合會議已成為會議主流,在此後疫 情時代的會議新常態,位於富爾敦樓地下的「校 友會會議中心」大大便利校友組織召開視訊或實 體會議。該中心自2018年成立之初已設有不少先 進的智能設備,既能照顧到現場與會者,又能在 全球疫情下無遠弗屆地和各地與會校友成員交流。
Welcome New Graduates
Hybrid meetings combining the benefits of the virtual with the physical have become the mainstream. Under the new normal, the “Alumni Associations Centre” located at John Fulton Centre equips with state-of-the-art devices for alumni associations to convene virtual and physical meetings, facilitating the communications among attending alumni members around the world under the pandemic.
暑期實習生計劃 Summer Internship Programme
校友事務處暑假實習生計劃於2021 年特別分為兩期,合共4位中大學生 先後參與為期6星期的實習工作。學 生透過協助宣傳校友活動及製作影 片,獲取相關經驗。該計劃於2018 年首次推出,每年暑假為2至4名中 大本科生提供實習機會。 2021 AAO Summer Internship Programme specially separated into 2 phases with 4 student interns’ participation in total. The 6-week internship trainings provided the student interns a precious opportunity to gain invaluable experience of event promotion and video production.Launched in 2018, this Programme has provided comprehensive administrative training for 2 to 4 CUHK undergraduate students every summer. 32
今年共有超過10,000名畢業生成為中大 校友一份子,校友事務處不時透過電郵、 郵寄刊物,以及Facebook、YouTube 等各大社交平台,發放校友活動和校園 資訊,讓畢業生時刻與母校保持聯繫。 備受畢業生歡迎的「免費拍攝畢業照片 服務」因疫情而不能如期於2021年畢業 禮中舉行。然而,為了幫助新畢業生應 對充滿挑戰的就業前景,校友事務處特 別於2022年2月初舉行「中大青年校友 職業發展日」,提供專為新畢業生而設 的網上活動,以提升其職場競爭力。
Over 10,000 graduates are joining the CU alumni family this year. To keep them abreast of the latest news of their alma mater, AAO shares the updates from the University and upcoming alumni activities with them via email, printed publications and different social media platforms including Facebook and YouTube from time to time. The exclusive photo-taking service for graduates could not be held at Congregation 2021 as scheduled due to the consideration of COVID-19 pandemic. However, AAO specially presents tailor-made online sessions to fresh graduates in the “CUHK Young Alumni Career Day” held in February 2022 to enhance their competitiveness.
職場漫遊 Career Corner
特色: • 提供機會參與不同類型校 友活動 • 指導及提供行政工作體驗 • 培養工作責任感 • 增加對校友事務及校友組 織網絡認識
FEATURES: • Access and exposure to various alumni activities • Coaching and administrative training opportunities • Building sense of responsibility and commitment • Understanding of alumni affairs and alumni associations network of CUHK
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS • 協助校友活動宣傳影片 拍攝 • 協助活動宣傳及現場支援 • 協助社交媒體推廣 • 設計校友活動紀念品
• Assisted in producing alumni event promotional videos • Assisted in event promotion and logistics support • Supported social media promotion • Supported souvenir design for alumni events
校友事務處網站設有「職場漫遊」平台,好讓校友更易獲得由校友企 業以至其他機構提供的各類型職位空缺。與此同時,「職場漫遊」亦 為中大校友僱主提供免費刊登招聘訊息服務,協助尋找合適的人才, 尤其是來自中大的學弟學妹。「職場漫遊」自推出後已獲300多間企業 使用,刊登1,000多個職位空缺。 “Career Corner”, an online platform which displays various job vacancies from numerous employers, is now available on the AAO website. In the meantime, alumni employers are highly encouraged to use this free platform in offering job opportunities to our alumni community, especially young graduates. Since its launch, “Career Corner” has been widely used by more than 300 companies and displays thousands of job postings. 33
Collaborations with Internal Units
與各學院定期分享資訊 Cooperation with Faculties
校友事務處與校內單位緊密合作,以達至大學長遠策略性 目標,其中包括: • 於各平台如《中大校友》季刊、校友電子月報、電郵 等向校友發佈有關大學發展、書院活動、各學院的進 修學習等資訊 • 為校內10個創業相關的單位及校友組織成立中大創業 者聯盟,並定期舉辦講座,推動中大創新創業發展 • 廣邀校友支持為學生而設的體驗計劃,包括暑假實習 計劃、學長計劃及博群計劃等 • 協助各書院、學院、研究院學系成立校友會 • 定期安排來自跨年代之不同書院、專業及行業的校友 與大學主管人員會面交流 • 與拓展及籌募處配合,呼籲校友支持不同的籌款項目, 以支持大學發展 • 按入學及學生資助處需要,就大學收錄國際生事宜, 安排與來自不同地區的校友聯繫,以及邀請海外校友 在有需要時向前往當地作交流生的中大學生提供支援 AAO maintains close collaborations with internal units to engage alumni for achieving the strategic goals and development of the University: • Promoting events / campus news through “CU Alumni” magazine, “Alumni Matters”, mass emails, etc. • Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation on campus through forming CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance with 10 entrepreneurship-related internal units and alumni organizations 34
• Appealing to alumni for support on student enrichment opportunities, such as internships, mentorships and I-CARE Programme • Giving advice on the establishment of AAs of various colleges / faculties and Graduate School’s departments • Arranging meetings and networking gatherings between University’s officers and alumni from different sectors and professions • Encouraging alumni to support fundraising projects of the Office of Institutional Advancement • Arranging networking opportunities for Office of Admissions and Financial Aid to meet overseas alumni for admission matters, and invite them to provide assistance for CUHK exchange students
為加強資訊交流,校友事務處定期每3個月將該期 間所有曾擔任本處活動的校友嘉賓之名單,分享 予8個不同學院,讓各學院清楚掌握到其所屬校友 在參與校友事務方面之情況。
In order to strengthen the exchange of information, the Alumni Affairs Office regularly shares the alumni list of whom participated in AAO’s alumni events as guests in a certain period with the 8 different Faculties every 3 months, to provide a clear picture for the Faculties to understand the participation of their affiliated alumni.
實習計劃 Mentorship Programmes 為協助大學推動「服務 學習」之理念,讓同學 更深入了解大學生的社 會責任,以及親身認識 及體驗在教育界的工作環境,中大校友校長會於 2021年6月至8月聯同理學院、學生事務處及校友 事務處首次舉辦「理學院同學實習計劃」。 此外,「校友同行就業支援網絡」旨在幫助同學 及早裝備自己,應付社會新常態及職場挑戰。為 此,校友事務處與學生事務處就業策劃及發展中 心及大學8個學院邀請了38位年輕校友,並成功配 對了76位相近背景的學弟妹,通過為期一年的會 面及活動,給同學提供涵蓋學術、生活及就業的
To further the University’s effort of promoting the theme of Learning through Serving, CUHK School Heads Alumni Association collaborated with the Faculty of Science, Office of Student Affairs and AAO for the first time to initiate STEM Internship in Schools during June to August in 2021. This internship programme aims to raise the sense of social responsibility in our students and enrich their practical experience in education through experiential training in schools. Besides, AAO provided support to Career Planning and Development Centre at the Office of Student Affairs to launch “Young Alumni Career-Supporting Network” with the 8 Faculties, to equip undergraduate students with the skills and knowledge to adapt to the new normal in the work environment. 76 students have received useful mentorship from 38 young alumni via regular meetings and events.
全面支援。 35
Collaborations with Internal Units
與各學院定期分享資訊 Cooperation with Faculties
校友事務處與校內單位緊密合作,以達至大學長遠策略性 目標,其中包括: • 於各平台如《中大校友》季刊、校友電子月報、電郵 等向校友發佈有關大學發展、書院活動、各學院的進 修學習等資訊 • 為校內10個創業相關的單位及校友組織成立中大創業 者聯盟,並定期舉辦講座,推動中大創新創業發展 • 廣邀校友支持為學生而設的體驗計劃,包括暑假實習 計劃、學長計劃及博群計劃等 • 協助各書院、學院、研究院學系成立校友會 • 定期安排來自跨年代之不同書院、專業及行業的校友 與大學主管人員會面交流 • 與拓展及籌募處配合,呼籲校友支持不同的籌款項目, 以支持大學發展 • 按入學及學生資助處需要,就大學收錄國際生事宜, 安排與來自不同地區的校友聯繫,以及邀請海外校友 在有需要時向前往當地作交流生的中大學生提供支援 AAO maintains close collaborations with internal units to engage alumni for achieving the strategic goals and development of the University: • Promoting events / campus news through “CU Alumni” magazine, “Alumni Matters”, mass emails, etc. • Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation on campus through forming CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance with 10 entrepreneurship-related internal units and alumni organizations 34
• Appealing to alumni for support on student enrichment opportunities, such as internships, mentorships and I-CARE Programme • Giving advice on the establishment of AAs of various colleges / faculties and Graduate School’s departments • Arranging meetings and networking gatherings between University’s officers and alumni from different sectors and professions • Encouraging alumni to support fundraising projects of the Office of Institutional Advancement • Arranging networking opportunities for Office of Admissions and Financial Aid to meet overseas alumni for admission matters, and invite them to provide assistance for CUHK exchange students
為加強資訊交流,校友事務處定期每3個月將該期 間所有曾擔任本處活動的校友嘉賓之名單,分享 予8個不同學院,讓各學院清楚掌握到其所屬校友 在參與校友事務方面之情況。
In order to strengthen the exchange of information, the Alumni Affairs Office regularly shares the alumni list of whom participated in AAO’s alumni events as guests in a certain period with the 8 different Faculties every 3 months, to provide a clear picture for the Faculties to understand the participation of their affiliated alumni.
實習計劃 Mentorship Programmes 為協助大學推動「服務 學習」之理念,讓同學 更深入了解大學生的社 會責任,以及親身認識 及體驗在教育界的工作環境,中大校友校長會於 2021年6月至8月聯同理學院、學生事務處及校友 事務處首次舉辦「理學院同學實習計劃」。 此外,「校友同行就業支援網絡」旨在幫助同學 及早裝備自己,應付社會新常態及職場挑戰。為 此,校友事務處與學生事務處就業策劃及發展中 心及大學8個學院邀請了38位年輕校友,並成功配 對了76位相近背景的學弟妹,通過為期一年的會 面及活動,給同學提供涵蓋學術、生活及就業的
To further the University’s effort of promoting the theme of Learning through Serving, CUHK School Heads Alumni Association collaborated with the Faculty of Science, Office of Student Affairs and AAO for the first time to initiate STEM Internship in Schools during June to August in 2021. This internship programme aims to raise the sense of social responsibility in our students and enrich their practical experience in education through experiential training in schools. Besides, AAO provided support to Career Planning and Development Centre at the Office of Student Affairs to launch “Young Alumni Career-Supporting Network” with the 8 Faculties, to equip undergraduate students with the skills and knowledge to adapt to the new normal in the work environment. 76 students have received useful mentorship from 38 young alumni via regular meetings and events.
全面支援。 35
校友事務能在2021年有豐盛發展,實有賴校友們的熱 心支持及參與。 我們衷心感謝: • 逾11,734位校友積極支持及參與各項線上線下校友 活動 • 逾354位各行各業資深的校友協助擔任校友活動的 分享嘉賓、主持和學長,其中包括中大青年校友職 業發展週、中大創業日、「Happy Hour」創業訪談、 中大校友日 (健康講座) 等,部分亦應邀接受《中大 校友》雜誌及「榜上友名」訪問 • 19位畢業班代表校友組織成2021年「中大校友日畢 業紀念班籌款委員會」,連同首個地標圖像「非同 質化代幣 」(NFT) 賣物籌款,一共為「中大校友傳 承基金」成功向近300位校友及善心人士 / 單位籌募 134萬港元。截至2021年11月,基金捐款累積逾 1,000萬港元 • 逾1,000位來自世界各地的校友參與「全球校友線 上跑」,跑步距離累計長度達到5,000公里 • 92個本地校友會及47個海外校友會積極支持全球校 友會網絡的持續發展 • 逾60位來自不同書院、行業、畢業年代及校友組織 的校友應邀出席副校長校友日聚餐
展望 We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our alumni for their staunch support and engagement to alumni affairs in 2021: • Over 11,734 alumni participated in various online and physical alumni events • Over 354 professional alumni from various sectors and industries hosted as speakers, moderators or mentors, in alumni events including Young Alumni Career Week, Entrepreneur Day, “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series, Alumni Homecoming (Health Talks), etc., while a number of them participated in the interview of “CU Alumni” magazine and “Roll Call Alum” • 19 alumni representatives of their classes joined the 2021 Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee and successfully raised HK$ 1,340,000 for CUHK Alumni Torch Fund from near 300 alumni / units by launching the first NFT charity sale and other initiatives. As of November 2021, the fund has accumulated over HK$10,000,000 • Over 1,000 alumni worldwide participated in the “Global Alumni Virtual Fun Run” and accumulated over 5,000km of running distance • 92 local alumni associations and 47 overseas alumni associations were established to form a connected global alumni association network • Over 60 alumni from different colleges, faculties, generations, sectors and alumni associations were invited to join the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Luncheon at Homecoming
Looking Ahead
• 持續深化與全球校友的聯繫,包括本地、內地及 海外校友;同時亦加強凝聚不同課程畢業生,包 括本科和研究院校友 • 投放資源,藉不同活動、通訊媒體,和組織網絡, 培育及加強校友對大學的歸屬感、認同感和榮譽 感 • 促進校友與學生之間更多有益及具正面影響之交 流活動;善用校友才幹、閱歷、網絡及資源,啟 發及豐富同學們的學習經驗和全人發展 • 加強校內不同單位之間在凝聚校友和拓展及籌募 方面之協作,發揮更大和更多協同效應
• Further deepen the connection with alumni around the world including local, mainland and overseas communities while strengthening the ties among undergraduate and postgraduate alumni in diverse disciplines • Deploy resources to cultivate and foster alumni’s sustained sense of belonging, recognition and pride to the alma mater through an array of engagement events, communication, alumni associations and networks • Foster valuable and positive interaction between alumni and students while capitalizing alumni’s talents, expertise, networks and resources in nurturing and contributing to students’ whole-person development and learning experience • Enhance the partnerships among different internal units to create greater synergy and stronger impact on alumni engagement and institutional advancement
校友事務能在2021年有豐盛發展,實有賴校友們的熱 心支持及參與。 我們衷心感謝: • 逾11,734位校友積極支持及參與各項線上線下校友 活動 • 逾354位各行各業資深的校友協助擔任校友活動的 分享嘉賓、主持和學長,其中包括中大青年校友職 業發展週、中大創業日、「Happy Hour」創業訪談、 中大校友日 (健康講座) 等,部分亦應邀接受《中大 校友》雜誌及「榜上友名」訪問 • 19位畢業班代表校友組織成2021年「中大校友日畢 業紀念班籌款委員會」,連同首個地標圖像「非同 質化代幣 」(NFT) 賣物籌款,一共為「中大校友傳 承基金」成功向近300位校友及善心人士 / 單位籌募 134萬港元。截至2021年11月,基金捐款累積逾 1,000萬港元 • 逾1,000位來自世界各地的校友參與「全球校友線 上跑」,跑步距離累計長度達到5,000公里 • 92個本地校友會及47個海外校友會積極支持全球校 友會網絡的持續發展 • 逾60位來自不同書院、行業、畢業年代及校友組織 的校友應邀出席副校長校友日聚餐
展望 We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our alumni for their staunch support and engagement to alumni affairs in 2021: • Over 11,734 alumni participated in various online and physical alumni events • Over 354 professional alumni from various sectors and industries hosted as speakers, moderators or mentors, in alumni events including Young Alumni Career Week, Entrepreneur Day, “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series, Alumni Homecoming (Health Talks), etc., while a number of them participated in the interview of “CU Alumni” magazine and “Roll Call Alum” • 19 alumni representatives of their classes joined the 2021 Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee and successfully raised HK$ 1,340,000 for CUHK Alumni Torch Fund from near 300 alumni / units by launching the first NFT charity sale and other initiatives. As of November 2021, the fund has accumulated over HK$10,000,000 • Over 1,000 alumni worldwide participated in the “Global Alumni Virtual Fun Run” and accumulated over 5,000km of running distance • 92 local alumni associations and 47 overseas alumni associations were established to form a connected global alumni association network • Over 60 alumni from different colleges, faculties, generations, sectors and alumni associations were invited to join the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Luncheon at Homecoming
Looking Ahead
• 持續深化與全球校友的聯繫,包括本地、內地及 海外校友;同時亦加強凝聚不同課程畢業生,包 括本科和研究院校友 • 投放資源,藉不同活動、通訊媒體,和組織網絡, 培育及加強校友對大學的歸屬感、認同感和榮譽 感 • 促進校友與學生之間更多有益及具正面影響之交 流活動;善用校友才幹、閱歷、網絡及資源,啟 發及豐富同學們的學習經驗和全人發展 • 加強校內不同單位之間在凝聚校友和拓展及籌募 方面之協作,發揮更大和更多協同效應
• Further deepen the connection with alumni around the world including local, mainland and overseas communities while strengthening the ties among undergraduate and postgraduate alumni in diverse disciplines • Deploy resources to cultivate and foster alumni’s sustained sense of belonging, recognition and pride to the alma mater through an array of engagement events, communication, alumni associations and networks • Foster valuable and positive interaction between alumni and students while capitalizing alumni’s talents, expertise, networks and resources in nurturing and contributing to students’ whole-person development and learning experience • Enhance the partnerships among different internal units to create greater synergy and stronger impact on alumni engagement and institutional advancement
香港新界沙田香港中文大學富爾敦樓3樓 3/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, New Territories
2 0 2 1
+852 3943 7861 +852 2603 6226 cuhkaao cuhkaao cuhkaao aaocuhk CUHK Alumni Affairs Office
「百萬豐彩」── 中大首個地標圖像「非同質化代幣」(NFT) 網上賣物籌款作品
‘Million Colors of CUHK’ – Collage for CUHK’s First Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Charity Sale