Established in 1982, the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) is committed to developing a connected alumni community and promoting alumni's sense of belongings to their alma mater. Our missions are:
To encourage alumni support on the mission and vision of the University
To engage alumni to contribute to the University in various capacities
To facilitate alumni to help promote good relations between the University and the general public
To strengthen alumni involvement in advancing the development of the University 香港中文大學校友事務處於1982年成立,致力建立與大學有緊密聯繫的校友社群,促進 校友對母校的歸屬感。我們的使命是: 鼓勵校友支持大學使命目標 推動校友以不同形式回饋母校 促進校友推廣大學與公眾之良好關係
連繫通訊 Communication
活動 Events / Programmes
Alumni Affairs Office
組織 / 網絡 Groups / Networks
資料庫 Database
「校友與母校,校友與校友之間的緊密聯繫和強固 健全的校友會組織,正是香港中文大學引以為傲的 特色之一。」這段說話出自30年前大學一本校慶刊 物《邁進中的大學 — 香港中文大學三十年》,並由 當時的歷史系教授吳倫霓霞博士撰寫。
同時,樂見畢業生人數由30年前的3萬8千, 發展至
當中最重要的,無疑是由殷巧兒師姐領導下的「大學 60周年校慶督導委員會」,其屬下的校友活動工作
小組,在各主要校友會的支持下,年度內舉行了超過 20項的校友慶祝活動;由年初到年底,精彩不絕,參與 的校友人數更超過1萬人次。其中最受關注的莫過 於 11月中的「中大60周年呈獻:馬友友與港樂」。馬友 友當晚的精湛演出,至今仍然為人津津樂道。不 單 如此,他更親臨校園與同學對話,為中大同學帶來 了一次終身難忘的學習經驗。此外,校友們亦因而捐 款成立「60周年校慶藝術人才培育基金」,每年資 助 中大同學參與音樂、藝術及文化管理有關的海內 外活動,令整個音樂會增添意義。
年底舉行的「中大校友日」錄得超過6千人報名出席, 更是歷年之冠。當日百萬大道人潮絡繹不絕,校友會 上下齊心協辦各項活動;而於晚上,書院及研究院校友 更可參與闊別了4年的「院長聚餐」。校友日畢業紀 念班為「中大校友傳承基金」籌得超過258萬港元, 亦是破紀錄。連同今年款項,基金已經籌得接近 1,400萬港元。
說到壓軸盛事,必定是12月舉行的「60周年校慶 晚宴」。當晚校友出席人數佔全場賓客近半,觥籌 交錯,賓主共歡,盡顯甲子連心,任重志遠。藉此, 向一眾的校友組織、校友領袖以及一直在方方面面 支持大學發展的校友們,表示衷心的感謝!
Alumni and their close ties with the alma mater, as well as the strong and well-established alumni associations network, are among the proud features of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This statement is taken from a university anniversary publication titled “A University on the Move – The Chinese University of Hong Kong at Thirty” written by Dr. NG Lun Ngai Ha, a former professor of the Department of History, 30 years ago.
Time flies, and 30 years passed in the blink of an eye. In 2023, the University celebrated its 60th anniversary. On this auspicious occasion, it is delightful to witness that the alumni associations network remained robust, powerful, and vibrant. This characteristic has always been cherished by the University. Additionally, it is gratifying to see the number of graduates increased from 38,000 thirty years ago to over 280,000 at present, nearly an eight-fold growth. The CUHK alumni community now spans over 30 cities in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and overseas, shining in various fields and making contributions to society.
Throughout different eras, the core mission of the Alumni Affairs Office has remained consistent: to unite alumni, establish a strong alumni network, and solicit alumni support for the University's development. This annual report will focus on four aspects, covering event programmes, communication, alumni networks, and database, so as to introduce the remarkable moments and new records in alumni affairs over the year.
First and foremost, it is worth mentioning the “60th Anniversary Celebration Steering Committee” led by
Alumna Lina YAN. The Alumni Sub-group under the committee organized over 20 alumni celebratory events throughout the year, with over 10,000 alumni participating. Among them, the most significant event was the “CUHK 60th Anniversary: Yo-Yo Ma & HK Phil” in mid-November. Moreover, Yo-Yo paid visit to the campus and had conversations with students, providing them with an unforgettable learning experience. Meanwhile, our alumni jointly established the “CUHK 60th Anniversary Artistic Talent Development Fund”, which would support CUHK students participating in music, arts, and cultural management activities and added meaning to the concert.
Gratefully, the “CUHK Alumni Homecoming” in December recorded over 6,000 registrants, an unprecedented number in history. The “Alumni Reunion Dinners” hosted by Colleges and the Graduate School returned on the same day. The “CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” also raised over HK$2.58 million for the “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund”another record-breaking figure. So far, the fund has raised nearly HK$14 million since 2014.
Among all events, the “CUHK 60th Anniversary Banquet” in December should be a highlight. Nearly half of the guests at the banquet were alumni, and it was a night of celebration, warmth, and shared joy. Last but not the least, we would like to express our immense gratitude to all alumni associations, alumni leaders, and alumni supporters.
No. of CUHK 60th anniversary celebratory alumni events organized
No. of alumni participated in various celebratory events
年內透過校友事務處捐款之金額 (港元)
Donations raised via Alumni Affairs Office in the year (HKD)
為「中大校友傳承基金」累積籌得金額 (港元)
Accumulative donations for CUHK Alumni Torch Fund (HKD)
校友事務處YouTube頻道累計推出241條短片,累積逾4,600 訂閱人數,而年度觀看次數多達
AAO YouTube channel released 241 videos, accumulating over 4,600 subscribers with annual views reached
Reachable contacts
畢業生總數 Graduates in total
CUHK 60th Anniversary:
A Year to Celebrate
籌得款項 (港元)
Raised (HKD)
5.64 百萬捐款
CUHK 60th Anniversary Artistic Talent Development Fund
Alumni Torch Fund
No. of Celebratory
校友慶祝活動 Alumni Activities
超過 Over
10,000 參加者 Participants
創意 Innovation | 探索 Exploration
藝術 Arts | 體育 Sports
典禮 Ceremony | 聚會 Gathering
為慶祝創校 60 周年,中大以「甲子連心,任重志遠」 為主題,安排了超過 120 項豐富多元的慶祝活動。當中 22 項慶祝活動,是由 60 周年校慶工作委員會屬下校友 活動工作小組統籌,多個校友組織以及校友事務處積 極推動,目的是讓校友能藉校慶聚首一堂,為母校送 上祝福及貢獻,並一同回顧大學經歷一甲子蛻變所締 結的豐碩成果。
To celebrate its 60 th Anniversary, CUHK has arranged a rich and diverse programme of over 120 celebratory activities throughout the year with the theme of “Where Great Minds Shine”. Among the activities, 22 were held by the Alumni Sub-group under the Working Group on 60th Anniversary, as well as various alumni associations and the Alumni Affairs Office.
An engagement gathering was held to update the alumni leaders of local alumni associations about the key information of 60th anniversary celebratory events.
一眾校友於馬會廂房內觀賞賽事,新知舊 雨,聚首一堂。
The event brought alumni together to watch the races and have a joyful reunion.
都可以用中大不同書院校友 冠名,實屬空前。
逾千名嘉賓、師生及校友齊聚百萬大道,見證大學踏入重要的里 程碑,共慶鑽禧。
More than 1,000 guests, teachers, students and alumni gathered at the University Mall to celebrate the University’s diamond jubilee.
超過60位資深校友透過一系列分享會及諮詢服 務,為年輕校友指點迷津。
Through a series of interactive sharing sessions and career consultation sessions, more than 60 senior alumni shared their expertise and provided valuable guidance to young alumni.
劉世鏞校友從60年代的柴油火車說起,沿著大學火車站,走進今 昔的中大情。
Alumnus S.Y. Lau took us back to the 1960s, starting with the diesel train at the University Station and reminisced about the good old days in CUHK with alumni.
黃惠敏校友:最觸動我的是劉世鏞校友在 大學站前慨嘆:「滄海桑田」。六十甲子,人 事變遷,唯中大精神始終未變。
蔡明都校友:今年能夠與年輕校友對談並分享職業 發展的一些經驗,我深感欣慰。
Over 80 alumni joined the two-day exchange tour to Dongguan and Shenzhen.
不同年代的校友聚首一堂,切磋球技,活動亦首次推出三項新興運動體 驗,包括圓網球、躲避盤及地壺球,讓校友攜同子女參加。
Alumni from different generations came together to showcase their skills and participate in friendly matches. Three emerging sports activities including Roundnet, Dodgebee and Floor Curling, were provided for alumni and their children to play together.
中大人・情・事 甲子校園遊
李致和校友:我非常榮幸 參與上述活動的籌備工作,為 書院、大學作出貢獻,並向校 友、師生推廣體育運動。
全年舉行一共四場不同主題的校 園遊,首場將由劉義章教授帶領 校友遊覽校園,細味60年來中大 的人、情和事。
There were four campus tours featuring different themes throughout the year. The first tour was led by Prof LAU Yee Cheung, which focused on CUHK history, as well as stories that shaped CUHK over the decades.
李劍雄校友:校友們十分享受這種沉浸式的校園遊體 驗,嘉賓教授講解準備充足,參與者都留下深刻的溫馨、 愉快印記。
《致‧中大》短片系列 :
回到尚未有CUSIS的80-90年代,梁光漢校 友細談讓人緊張又興奮的Reg科經歷。
Alumnus Philip LEUNG showed us how nervewracking yet exhilarating course registration was without CUSIS in the 1980-90s.
張力行校友:我深深感受到無論老中青,校友對中大的 愛和歸屬感一樣濃厚!
校友藝術展一連三日於西九文化區舉行,匯聚不同年代 及背景的藝術創作,包括國學泰斗饒宗頤教授及丁衍庸 教授之作品,展示中大人於藝術界的無限潛力。是次展 覽售出之作品收益,扣除開支後捐助「中大60周年校慶 藝術人才培育基金」,別具意義。
The Alumni Art Exhibition held at the West Kowloon Cultural District for three consecutive days. It featured stunning artworks from more than 60 alumni artists,
teachers and heavyweight art masters, including renowned masters Prof JAO Tsung-I and Prof TING Yin-yung, highlighting the boundless artistic potential of CUHK alumni in the field of art. To groom local art talents, sales proceeds of the artworks were donated to CUHK 60th Anniversary Artistic Talent Development Fund after deduction of expenses.
中大港深 兩地校友交流團
逾40位來自中大 (深圳) 的校友遊覽中大校園最新建設 及科學園校友企業等。
CUHK (Shenzhen) alumni joined a two-day trip to visit the Shatin campus and alumni-related enterprises in the Science Park to explore the latest development of CUHK.
為了讓校友對「中大60周年呈獻:馬友友與港 樂」音樂會有更多了解,劉長江教授和胡銘堯校 友特別在講座,分享大提琴家馬友友的音樂、生 活,以及如何將音樂融入生命。
Prof Frederick LAU and Alumnus Dennis WU specially held a pre-concert talk to provide alumni with a deeper understanding of the world-renowned cellist before the “CUHK 60th Anniversary: Yo-Yo Ma & HK Phil” concert.
姚濬康校友及李浩文教授從討論學生的調皮故事,感受 大學之「大」。
Alumnus Anthony YIU and Prof Jimmy LEE uncovered students’ mischievous stories and the essence of the University’s “greatness”.
鄧蕙盈校友:非常感恩在大學的路上遇上許多良師益友,文行忠信, 博文約禮,融通合一,釀造不一樣的人生。
超過230位內地本科生校友及其親友回到校園慶祝校慶,共敘情誼。 More than 230 mainland undergraduate alumni and their families returned to campus to celebrate CUHK 60th Anniversary.
衷心感謝校友事務處和內地生校友會的組織和協助,讓200多位校友 回到闊別已久的校園,重溫在中大度過的共同歲月。
兩大中大獨角獸及44隊中大創業團隊參與創業日,共同展 示中大多元創科成果。
Two major CUHK unicorns and 44 entrepreneurial teams joined together to showcase the diverse and cutting-edge innovation projects.
林曉鋒校友:本年度的創業日能夠讓中大教授、 校友、學生的創新公司盡情表現,開啟疫情後中大 創科的新篇章。
徐國榮教授帶領校友參觀大學科研設施, 展現中大科研的雄厚實力。
Prof TSUI Kwok Wing led the tour to CUHK’s state-of-the-art facilities, providing an opportunity for the alumni to witness the University’s strong research capabilities.
由朱競翔教授和韓曼博士帶領校友漫步校園, 闡釋大學建築特色,了解中大規劃建設的 歷史、現在及未來。
Led by Prof ZHU Jingxiang and Dr HAN Man, the tour visited University campus, exploring the architectural beauty and significance, and how buildings shaped the CUHK we know.
洪勁松校友以自身故事分享中大如何幫助及成就她在科技界世界舞 台上發揮所長。
Alumna Stephanie HUNG shared with students, staff and alumni her profound global experience and valuable insights.
《致‧中大》短片系列 :
洪浚偉校友、謝建璋校友、鄧建達校友和鄭錦聯校友討論在 中大流傳以久的DEMBEAT文化,多年留下來的是愛還是恨。
Alumnus Wayne HUNG, Edward TSE, Bacary TANG and Tommy CHENG shared their views on DEMBEAT.
夏浩彬校友:致中大讓我回想起在中大青春過、瘋癲過的日子,這些歲月痕跡能為 當下帶點暖心的作用。
馬友友偕同指揮家梵志登大展技藝,約一個半小 時的演出令樂迷賞心悅目,全場座無虛席。眾多 社會賢達入場觀賞音樂會,現場星光熠熠。大 學更特意成立「中大60周年校慶藝術人才培育 基金」,銳意栽培中大的藝術人才,資助以音 樂、藝術及文化管理為志向的學生參與相關的 學習、實習或海外交流活動,至今基金已籌得 逾300萬港元捐款。
中大與友邦保險共同呈獻:馬友友與中大學生對話 — 音樂與未來領導才能
蜚聲國際的大提琴家馬友友事隔30載再次親臨中大校園,與 200多名大學生對話,並即席演奏,讓芸芸學子在校慶音樂會 前,率先一睹音樂大師的風采。
In the lead-up to the musical extravaganza, renowned cellist Yo-Yo MA graced us with his presence on campus again for a valuable dialogue with more than 200 students, followed by an impromptu performance, allowing them to witness the brilliance of a musical master first-hand.
Yo-Yo MA performed for approximately an hour and a half, under the baton of Jaap van Zweden, receiving great acclaim from the audience of music enthusiasts. It was a star-studded occasion which filled with many social elites. Inspired by Ma’s visit, the University set up the “CUHK 60th Anniversary Artistic Talent Development Fund” for nurturing art talents by subsidising arts students to take part in internship or overseas exchange programmes to lay a solid foundation in their respective professions. The Fund has received over HK$3 million donation.
林健枝教授帶領校友漫步中大校園,探尋鳥獸蟲魚的棲息 地,並親歷馬料水山頭雄壯地貌。
Led by Prof LAM Kin Che, alumni strolled leisurely through the campus, observing many varieties of flora and fauna from a distance, as well as experiencing the majestic landscape of Ma Liu Shui.
透過虛擬運動「高爾夫球模擬器」及「體感大激鬥」, 向校友提供嶄新運動體驗。
Featuring different types of virtual exercise, “Golf Simulator” and “Luca and Friends” brought a transformative sports experience to our alumni and friends.
超過6,000名來自不同年代的校友報名出席, 帶同家人重返母校,使校園洋溢着歡樂氣氛。
The grand occasion brought together 6,000 alumni from different generations and their families, filling the campus with an air of nostalgia and vibrancy.
校友日可以讓我的孩子認識中大怡人的綠色校園 和獨特的書院文化。
專程回港慶祝大學校慶的海外校友, 參加兩日一夜的旅行團, 與昔日同 窗好友聯誼相聚。
Overseas alumni who made a special trip back to Hong Kong to celebrate the University anniversary joined the two-day tour to have a delightful reunion with former classmates.
校慶晚宴匯聚逾2,000名中大學生、教職員、校友及友好, 共同慶祝中大在學術發展及文化傳承等各方面的成就。
The banquet brought together over 2,000 CUHK students, staff, alumni, and friends to celebrate the University’s achievements, culture, and academic spirit.
足球賽在夏鼎基足球場順利舉行,吸引約330位校友參 與這日緊張刺激的比賽。
The football matches were successfully held at the University Soccer Pitch, attracting around 330 alumni to participate in this intense and exciting event.
張福英校友:最令我感動的是大家打破超越半世紀的距 離,海外校友的活力與年輕校友的熱情,共同打造一段充滿 歡樂、美好且難忘的時刻。
馮栩浚校友:從足球賽體驗到校友們對中 大的無私奉獻和愛。希望大家可以繼續保持著 這團火。
精彩盛事 校友同歡
CUHK Young Alumni Career Day
A career planning and development event specially targeting young alumni graduated in the recent 10 years.
‧ 適逢中大60周年甲子校慶,以 「甲子連心」為 主題,寓意全力發揚「以心連繫」及「傳承啟 導」的中大傳統
‧ 獲20個本地校友組織支持及協辦
‧ 7場 熱門主題分享會,涵蓋資訊科技、國際組 織、研究出路、媒體生態、政府工、銀行工作 及新興行業
‧ 舉辦逾 70 節個人化職業諮詢及履歷表診症室 環節
‧ Coinciding with CUHK's 60th anniversary, the theme was “Jia Zi Lian Xin” (meaning “Unity in the 60th year”), symbolizing the commitment to uphold CUHK's traditions of “Connecting with Heart” and “Passing on with Inspiration”
‧ Supported and co-organized by 20 local alumni associations
‧ 7 popular interactive thematic sharing sessions covering topics such as information technology, international organizations, career paths in research, media ecology, government job, banking, and emerging industries
personalized career consultation sessions
‧ 吸引200多位年輕校友及中大學生登記出席
‧ 獲60多位校友擔任講者、主持及諮詢環節學長,傳承經驗及解答職場迷思
‧ Attendance of more than 200 young graduates and students
‧ Support received from more than 60 alumni serving as speakers, moderators and mentors
連續九年舉辦,為師生校友提供一站式創新 創意的交流平台。
‧ 首次聯乘「中大創新日」,一連三日呈獻 逾50多個中大師生校友創業創新項目
‧ 展覽設「互動展示區」,邀請 6所中大 InnoHK研究中心及兩間中大獨角獸 (商湯科技及思謀集團) 參與
‧ 活動內容多樣化,包括專題演講、 創業 主題講座、 大學教授與投資者會面、 Happy Hour創業訪談、中大創業大賽、單 對單創業諮詢及展覽導賞團等
‧ 第7屆 「中大創業大賽」吸引 20多隊 創 業隊伍報名參賽,終極5強於決賽爭奪
‧ 與上海校友會合辦 「滬港兩地創業連 線」,分享兩地創業經驗
‧ 「產學研—大學教授與投資者會面」:組
織校友投資者與大學教授會面交流, 了
‧ 創業校友會主理「創業Café」,現場沖 調免費咖啡及安排小型創業分享 環節
‧ Collaborated with the
, featuring innovative entrepreneurship projects by CUHK students, alumni, and faculty members over a three-day period
‧ Participated by research centers and (SenseTime and SmartMore) at “Interactive Display Zone”
‧ The event offered a diverse range of activities, including entrepreneurship-themed lectures and sharing, CUHK Professors Meeting with Investors, Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk, the CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition, one-to-one consultations, and exhibition guided tours
‧ Over participated in the 7th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition to compete for the championship.
Total prize valued in the final round
‧ Jointly organized with the Shanghai Alumni Association for
‧ Meetup arranged between university professors and investors, to facilitate exchanges, understand market needs, and provide professional advice
‧ organized by the CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association, provided small-scale entrepreneurial sharing sessions with free coffee
‧ 超過600位師生校友及公眾人士報名參與創業日
‧ 獲59位校友鼎力支持,擔任活動的講者、主持、 投資者、評審及學長
‧ 與研究及知識轉移服務處、創業研究中心、創新 科技中心、前期創業育成中心、創業創新副修課 程、博群全人發展中心、中大創新有限公司、多 個校友組織,以及中大深圳研究院等合作推廣中 大創業文化
‧ 成功展示中大人創業意念及成果
‧ Over alumni and visitors registered to join the event
‧ Supported by alumni who served as speakers, moderators, investors, judges, and mentors
‧ Jointly collaborated with internal units and alumni bodies to promote entrepreneurship and innovation on campus
‧ Successfully showcased the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit borne by CUHK members
本年度 獲邀傑出校友
The Incumbent of The Year
Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme
以「破框前行 擁抱無限」為主題,第五屆計劃邀得洪勁松校友回到校園,透過短期而密 集式的活動,與學生及年輕校友進行深度交流互動。
‧ 為期3天,舉辦7項活動
‧ 超過740位師生校友參與
‧ 為大學構建平台,讓學生、教職員及校友 社群加強聯繫
專題講座「AI新世紀的跨領域人才」暨 閉幕 典禮
‧ 7 major events in a 3-day itinerary
‧ Over 740 participants
‧ A platform to strengthen the bonding among CUHK members
破紀錄吸引逾 6,000 位報名者,其中有近 60 位海外校友專程返港,暢聚校園,參與當日 40多項大大小小、為不同年代校友而設的節目,一同慶祝母校創校60周年。
專題參觀導賞 Thematic Tours
文物館 Art Museum
大學圖書館 University Library 氣候變化博物館 Museum of Climate Change
Grand Carnival, Handicraft Market and Alumni Busking Performance
Faculties / Departments Open Houses
College / Graduate School Alumni Reunion Dinners
崇基 Chung
VIVA 運動電競
VIVA E-Sports
健康講座馬拉松 Health Talk Marathon
New Asia
“CU Alumni” Quarterly Magazine (備網上版 also available online)
報導大學發展 / 校友會 / 校友的消息
多元化專題採訪 / 報導 No. of Featured Topics / Reports:
超過 多個主題,包括對談:四位高官細訴中大人流金歲 月、中大 周年校慶專題 科研篇、金融篇、文化藝術篇、 海外教授篇 、中大 周年校友校慶活動報導、創新及科 技系列、大學生活老幼記、傑出校友訪問計劃…等。
Magazine Interview Videos
一直以來,校友事務處致力製作引人入勝的影片,過去一年共有 13條訪問故事短片,受訪者為來自不同國家、不同行業的校友, 分享其於自己領域及於中大的精彩故事。透過將影片發布到不同 平台,校友故事能夠以更深入、更多元的方式分享予世界各地校 友讀者,打破時間及空間限制。
《中大校友》YouTube播放清單 “CU Alumni”YouTube Playlist
《中大校友》網上版 “CU Alumni” Online Version
中大人展現不同面貌 共賀甲子之喜
Special Feature Series in Celebration of CUHK 60th Anniversary
為慶祝中大創校 60周年,《中大校友》季刊推出專題特輯 ̶《 60周 年校慶專題》。由2023年3月號起,一連5期專訪(包括2024年3月號), 紀錄不同校友於科研、金融、文化藝術,以及各行各業的成就,暢 談大學教育和生活如何有助他們確立目標、培養積極獨立的人生態 度,以及放眼思考香港、乃至世界發展。
YouTube Channel & Social Media Platforms
為加強與校友的聯繫,校友事務處積極發展YouTube頻道,各色各樣的影片系列娛樂與資訊兼備,配 合多個社交平台宣傳,全面滿足校友的不同喜好。
AAO strives to enhance communication with alumni and has proactively developed our YouTube Channel and social media platforms to disseminate information and engage the alumni community.
Video uploaded in 2023
頻道 Channel
Video views in 2023 訂閱人數
“Alumni Matters” Monthly E-newsletter
Providing “University News”, “Alumni Interviews”, “Exclusive Benefits” and “Study Opportunities” and more
No. of news updates in 2023
CUHK “Alumni Matters”
CU Global Activity List for Alumni (CU GALA)
Quick access to local and offshore alumni activities
No. of news updates:
《文藝話匣子》“Art Encounters”
YouTube Channel
@Link Email Service and Free Email Forwarding Address
Free @Link email service and cloud storage service (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk)
Free email forwarding address (name@alumni.cuhk.net)
(於30個國際城市in 30 world cities) 總數 85
No. of Local Alumni Associations
No. of Offshore Alumni Associations
即將成立校友會 / 網絡的城市
Cities where alumni assosciations / networks will be established
New York
San Francisco
Silicon Valley
Los Angeles
成都 Chengdu
Hong Kong
深圳 Shenzhen
Kuala Lumpur
‧ The 2023 fundraising campaign raised over HK$700,000 with the objective of supporting CUHK’s Co-operative Education Programme (Co-op@CUHK) which aims to foster students’ workplace professionalism and continuous advancement
學.在職計劃」 ,冀能為學生帶來更多正面的 改變,全面鞏固學生專業知識,提升學生從業 技能
‧ 創新創業小組舉辦「創業導航 — 初創企業如何 在大灣區找資金」及「深港澳數智化財稅管理 」論壇,亦協辦「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列 講座,邀請校友講者介紹AI在各個行業的應用
‧ 校友聯絡推廣小組舉辦Happy Hour聚會及校友 電影優先場。亦於中大校友日特設攤位,提供 「親子爬蟲教室」,享受免費爆谷
‧ 教育事務小組舉辦「當教育遇上機器人 — 政策 !對策!」教育研討會
‧ 社會服務小組參與「敢.想 — 校園設計師培訓 課程」及「博群帶你入社區:戒毒過來人分享 及單車導賞團」活動
香港中文大學校友評議會「傑出服務及創意學生 獎」、「學生進步獎」及「研究生入學獎學金」
‧ 續設獎項予在社會服務、校內服務及創意方面
有傑出表現的中大本科生,和獎勵清貧及學業 成績有進步之中大本科生,以及嘉許具優異學 業成績及非學術特質,又能夠擔當學生大使的
‧ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sub-Committee organized “Entrepreneurial Navigation: How Startups Can Find Funding in the Greater Bay Area” and “Digitalized Financial and Tax Management in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Macau” Seminars. It also assisted in organizing the “Happy Hour” Talks
‧ Alumni Relations Sub-Committee organized various events including Happy Hour Gathering, Alumni Movie Premiere as well as Convocation Booth at CUHK Alumni Homecoming
‧ Education Sub-Committee organized an Education Seminar on “When Education Meets Robots - Policies! Countermeasures!”
‧ Social Services Sub-Committee participated in the “Power Your Future” and involved in the “A Walk in Community with I·CARE: Cycling Guided Tour and Sharing from Ex-drug Abusers”
CUHK Convocation “Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards”, “Academic Improvement Award” and “Postgraduate Admission Scholarships”
‧ Provided scholarships to undergraduates with outstanding performances on social services, community services and creativity as well as to needy students who have shown great to non-local postgraduates with outstanding academic and non-academic achievements
CUHK Alumni Cup
Around 250 university officers, alumni, their families and friends attended this inaugural event of the CUHK's 60th Anniversary Alumni Celebration at the Jockey Club Box
新舊校友相聚一堂,互相切磋球技、同賀校慶。當日逾250名主管嘉賓、校友及親友出席、 560名觀眾報名觀賞各球類賽事,場面熱鬧
The event brought together alumni of different generations to compete in sports and celebrate the University’s anniversary together. It drew more than 250 university officers, alumni family and friends, as well as 560 alumni who registered for the event to watch the games
聚餐晚會於善衡書院飯堂舉行,筵開23席。校長段崇智教授擔任主禮嘉賓, 一眾大學管理層、書院院長等亦支持出席
The dinner took place at the canteen of S.H. Ho College with 23 tables. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof Rocky TUAN was the Guest of Honor. It was further graced by other University officers, including Head of the Colleges
活動讓校友了解聯會教育基金 會屬校的最新辦學情況
To keep alumni abreast of the latest development of FAA affiliated schools, a school visit was organized
在聯會及各方協助下,活動得以順利舉行。當日有超過6,000名校友及其親友 參加活動;聯會更組織了10多名義工,負責照顧在海外回來的校友
The event, in which 6,000 alumni and friends took part, was held successfully with assistance from FAA and various parties. FAA also organized a team with around 10 volunteers to take care of overseas alumni from overseas
CUHK Alumni Torch Fund
業生,包括「中大青年校友職業發展日」 及「中大創業日」。
今年,17位校友組成「中大校友日畢 業紀念班籌款委員會」,為基金籌款。
適逢中大創校60周年,基金喜獲 6 位策 略捐款人合共捐出 120萬港 元成立1:1 的配對基金,鼓勵校友踴躍捐款。
經配對後,今年籌款總額超過 258萬 港元,創下歷年來年度最高籌款記錄。
The “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” is a special alumni group. The Executive Committee of the Fund coordinates activities for young alumni, including the “CUHK Young Alumni Career Day” and “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”. This year, 17 alumni representatives formed the “2023 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” to raise money for the Fund. On the special occasion of the 60th anniversary of CUHK, alumni donors contributed a total of to set up a 1:1 matching fund to encourage alumni’s support.
Together with the matching fund, a record-breaking donation amount of was raised. As of December 2023, the accumulative donation amount raised for the Fund already near to .
The Federation of Graduate School Alumni Associations of CUHK (FGSAA)
“Hong Kong: The Next Virtual Asset Hub?” Seminar
Organized the seminar as a supporting organization and invited alumni and industry experts to share insights on the future development of Hong Kong's virtual asset ecosystem
Zetland Golf Society邀請賽
Zetland Golf Society Silver Jubilee Invitational
Sent representatives to join the competition and achieved the “Gross Scores First Runner-up Team”
環保活動 ─ 參觀碧瑤綠色集團
Environmental Activity - Visit to the Baguio Green Group
A very fruitful activity, comprising a visit to the Baguio’s recycling factory and a lunch gathering at Lau Fau Shan
由校友事務處支持發起、中大校友傳承基金及多個校內部門 和校友組織籌組成立,旨在推廣及促進中大創新創業文化。
Supported by AAO, CUEA is formed by the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, various entrepreneurship-related internal units and alumni bodies to foster CUHK's innovation and entrepreneurial culture.
第六輪「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列
“Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series
由「中大創業者聯盟」各成員輪流安排。本輪邀得共 15 位嘉賓講者,合共 舉辦了10場活動,獲近500位中大校友、師生登記參與。除講座形式外,更 跳出校園,新設參觀或聯誼活動等,並以嶄新科技為主幹,為參加者介紹
“Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series were held, featuring staff and students registered. In addition to talk-style sessions, the series expanded beyond the campus with outreach activities such as visits and social gatherings. With a focus on cutting-edge technology, this round introduced
粵港澳大灣區校友會及校友事務處在 2023 年合辦共兩次大灣區交流團, 分別是在4月接待逾80位中大校友,參觀中大 (深圳) 及中大深圳研究院, 並造訪多個校友企業;以及在7月招待約40多位中大 (深圳) 校友及代表參 觀中大校園及與本地校友交流。
The CUHK Greater Bay Area Alumni Association and AAO jointly organized two Greater Bay Area Exchange Tours in 2023. In April, over participants visited CUHK (Shenzhen) and CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute, and some alumnirelated enterprises. In July, more than alumni and representatives from CUHK (Shenzhen) came to CUHK campus and interacted with local alumni.
內地生校友會舉辦首個一連兩天的「內地 生校友返校日」,吸引超過 230 位內地本 科生 校友及其親友從不同城市回到校園出 席此盛事。
Organized by The Mainland Alumni Association for the first time, the two-day event brought together over mainland undergraduate alumni and their families from different cities to return to campus.
中大港深兩地校友交流團 CUHKAlumni(HongKong/Shenzhen)ExchangeTour
由校友會聯會主辦的兩日一夜旅行團,帶領近 40 位來自世 界不同城市的校友走訪澳門及珠海多個景點,認識當地歷史 及文化。
Around overseas alumni visited various spots in Macau and Zhuhai to explore the local history and culture through the two-day tour organized by FAA.
‧ 不時與校友評議會、校友會聯會、書院校友會,
以及各地校友會 聯繫,讓他們得知校友事務處 及大學 — 特別是有關60周年校慶活動的最新消 息,增進交流及參與度
‧ 多個主要校友組織的主席 / 會長擔任60周年校
慶工作委員會屬下校友活動工作小組的成員 ,
‧ 透過海外校友會特地鼓勵當地校友專程回港 , 出席12月的多項大型校慶活動,包括於校園舉 行的「中大校友日」及於會展舉行的「60周年 校慶晚宴」
‧ 36個來自世界各地的校友會製作短片,
‧ were kept abreast with the latest news of AAO and the University at-large, especially those related to CUHK’s 60th Anniversary ‧ Chairmen / Presidents of various under the Working Group on 60th Anniversary to plan and organize a number of alumni activities in celebration of CUHK’s diamond jubilee
‧ were specially invited to encourage their members to come back to Hong Kong to participate in the CUHK 60th Anniversary celebratory activities in December, including the CUHK Alumni Homecoming on campus, and the Anniversary Banquet held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
‧ from around the world produced video messages to say “Happy Birthday” to their alma mater
‧ 新加坡校友會 積極協助由中大校長段崇智教授 擔任主席的「環球校友諮詢委員會」 (2020-23)
之第三次會議,並特別設宴接待大學訪問團, 獲80多位校友出席
‧ 位於 倫敦、悉尼、北京、上海及廣州的校友會 熱切接待前往當地訪問的中大代表團
‧ 20位來自10個境外校友會特地趁回港之際到訪
‧ rendered support to the third meeting of the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Global Alumni Advisory Board (GAAB) and hosted a dinner for the CUHK delegation attended by over alumni
warmly received the University Officers who joined the outbound trips to the respective areas
‧ As many as specially visited campus to learn the development of the University
Distribution by obtained Degree and Diploma
Bachelor’s Degree
研究院學位 / 文憑畢業生
Postgraduate Degree and Diploma
Diploma (1963 - 1967)
Local and Offshore Alumni Groups
畢業生總數 Graduates in total: 281,986
Distribution by Graduation Year 1950’s 1960’s
Alumni Groups by Category
校友事務處存有超過28萬位中大畢業生資料,包括高達91.8%的有效聯絡方法。不斷更新的資料庫讓我們能有 效地發掘、聯絡及邀請來自不同地域、不同專業界別的校友,支持大學及校友會的活動。
As of December 2023, AAO maintained over 280,000 graduates records in our database. 91.8% of graduates could be reached via their up-to-date addresses/emails. With such an effective database, it has facilitated us to solicit support for various University-wide programmes and AA activities from alumni of different geographical locations, professions and fields.
Degrees / Diplomas
書院 / 學院 / 學系
Colleges / Faculties / Departments
專業界別 / 行業
Professions / Industries 參與校友會事務 Involvements in AAs
Years of graduation
Contact information
Distinguished interviewees for “CU Alumni” quarterly magazine
Alumni in various professional fields
Alumni with diversified background to meet with University Officers
(最新優惠 / 免費電郵 / 生日禮遇)
To get them updated of alumni priviledges information
To inform alumni of the latest news from the University
To notify alumni of the latest news from the Alumni Associations
To support fundraising campaigns on University’s projects
參與校友活動 / 學長計劃
To join alumni activities / Mentorship Programmes
接待出訪的大學人員 / 中大交換生
To receive CUHK delegations / outbound exchange students
自2018年起,校友事務處於每年暑假為2至4名中大本科生 提供實習機會,今年共有2位中大學生參與為期六星期的實 習工作。
‧ 參與不同類型校友活動,包括「咫尺之圓・甲子有藝」校友 藝術展 、《致.中大》校 慶短片拍攝等中大60周年校慶校 友慶祝活動
‧ 構思並創作「WhatsApp貼圖」、「社交平台特效濾鏡」等 不同形式的宣傳品
‧ 協助拍攝校友分享節目「友佢話 事」系列,並為其他短片提供後 製和撰寫宣傳內容
‧ 為「大學校史館」展覽整合有關 校友的資料並製作電子展品
‧ 透過與不同校友領袖見面,增加 對校友事務及校友組織網絡的認識
‧ Participated in various alumni activities, such as Alumni Art Exhibition “Where Great Minds Shine”, shooting of mini-video series “Cheers to CU” and other CUHK 60th Anniversary Celebratory Alumni Activities
‧ Designed and created an array of promotional materials, such as “WhatsApp Stickers”, “Facebook / Instagram Filters”
‧ Assisted in producing “Wisdom of Life” video series and provided support in post-production and copywriting for other videos
‧ Consolidated and utilized data and materials to output the digital exhibit for CUHK History Gallery Gained deeper understanding of alumni affairs and alumni associations network through meetings with different alumni leaders
2023年共有超過 14,000 名 畢業生成為 中大校友一份子,校友事務處不時透過
新畢業生應對充滿挑戰的就業前景,校 友事務處每年也與校友傳承基金舉辦
輕畢業生而設的職涯發展、個人成長及 諮詢活動,以提升其職場競爭力。此外,
平台,展示由校友企業以至其他機構提 供的各類型職位空缺資訊,自推出後已
獲 300 多間企業使用,刊登近 2,000 個 職位空缺,讓年輕畢業生有更多途徑探 索職涯的出路。
社交媒體 Social Media Platforms
校友通訊 Communication
新畢業生 與母校保持聯繫
Connected with New Graduates
青年校友 聯業發展日 Young Alumni Career Day
職場漫遊 Career Corner
校友事務處與校內單位緊密合作,以達至大學 長遠策略性目標,其中包括:
‧ 於各平台如《中大校友》季刊、校友電子月 報、電郵等向校友發佈有關大學發展、書院 活動、各學院的進修學習等資訊
‧ 與校內10個創業相關的單位及校友組織成 立中大創業者聯盟,並定期舉辦講座,推動 中大創新創業發展
‧ 協助各書院、學院、研究院學系成立校友會
‧ 安排不同書院、專業及行業,以至不同地域 的校友與大學主管人員會面交流
‧ 與拓展及籌募處配合,呼籲校友支持不同的 籌款項目,以支持大學發展
‧ 配合學術交流處之學生交流計劃,邀請海外 校友接待及協助前往當地作交流生的中大學 生
‧ 每三個月向各個學院分享本處活動最新的校 友嘉賓名單,讓各學院掌握其所屬校友參與 校友事務的近況
AAO maintains close collaborations with internal units to engage alumni for achieving the strategic goals and development of the University:
• Promoting events / campus news through “CU Alumni” magazine, “Alumni Matters”, mass emails, etc.
• Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation on campus through forming CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance with 10 entrepreneurship-related internal units and alumni organizations
• Giving advice on the establishment of alumni associations of various colleges / faculties and Graduate School’s departments
• Arranging meetings and networking gatherings between University’s officers and alumni from different sectors, professions and geographic locations
• Encouraging alumni to support fundraising projects of the Office of Institutional Advancement
• Collaborating with Office of Academic Links to invite overseas alumni to receive and provide assistances to CUHK students on exchange
• Sharing alumni list of AAO event’s participants with Faculties every three months, enabling the Faculties to stay updated on the engagement of their affiliate alumni
2023年是中大「甲子」之年,感謝校友們 的熱心支持及參與,特此予以鳴謝:
‧ 多個主要校友組織的主席 / 會長擔任60 周年校慶工作委員會屬下校友活動工作 小組的成員,籌備一連串精彩的校慶校 友活動
‧ 超過10,000名校友參與了一系列60周年 校慶校友慶祝活動
‧ 逾168位各行各業資深的校友協助擔任校 友活動包括中大青年校友職業發展日、 中大創業日、「Happy Hour」創業訪談、 中大校友日等的分享嘉賓、主持和學長
‧ 17位畢業班代表校友組織成2023年「中大 校友日畢業紀念班籌款委員會」為大學 籌款。今年「中大校友傳承基金」更有 幸得到6位策略捐款人,包括張煊昌校友、 郭碧蓮校友、1976崇基畢業生伉儷、 張宏毅校友、蔣威廉校友及曾立基校友, 合共捐款120萬港元成立配對基金。基 金本年共籌得138萬港元,連同配對基 金,捐款總額 超過258萬港元 ,創下基 金創立以來的最高籌款記錄。基金自 2014年成立,已經獲得超過 3,100位校 友支持,捐款總額累計近1,400萬港元
‧ 「中大60周年呈獻:馬友友與港樂」音 樂會在熱心校友捐款支持下成立了「中 大60周年校慶藝術人才培育基金」,募 得超過300萬港元
‧ 85個本地校友會及47個境外校友會積極 支持全球校友會網絡的持續發展
‧ 校友日報名人數打破歷年紀錄, 超過 6,000位校友 報名參與,其中 逾60位 海 外校友專程返港,慶祝母校鑽禧
Our heartfelt thanks for the staunch support from our alumni in 2023, especially in celebration of the diamond jubilee of CUHK:
‧ Chairmen / Presidents of various major alumni associations served as members of the Alumni Sub-group under the Working Group on 60th Anniversary to plan and organize an array of alumni activities in celebration of CUHK’s diamond jubilee
‧ Over 10,000 alumni participated in a series of CUHK 60th Anniversary Celebratory Alumni Activities
‧ Over 168 professional alumni from various sectors and industries served as speakers, moderators or mentors at alumni events including CUHK Young Alumni Career Day, CUHK Entrepreneur Day, “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series, CUHK Alumni Homecoming, etc
‧ 17 alumni representatives of their classes formed the 2023 Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee to raise money for CUHK. This year’s Alumni Torch Fund was glad to have 6 strategic donors, namely, alumnus Thomas CHEUNG Huen Cheong, alumna Barbara KWOK Pik Lin, a Couple of 1976 Chung Chi graduates, alumnus Joseph CHEUNG Wang Ngai, alumnus William CHEUNG and alumnus Richard TSANG Lap Ki, who donated a total of HK$1.2 million to establish a matching fund. HK$1.38 million was raised for the fund this year. Together with the matching fund, the total donation amount has exceeded HK$2.58 million, setting the highest fundraising record since the establishment of the fund in 2014. Nearly HK$14 million has been accumulated with the contribution of over since 2014
‧ With staunch support from alumni for the “CUHK 60th Anniversary: Yo-Yo Ma & HK Phil” concert, the “CUHK 60 th Anniversary Artistic Talent Development Fund” was set up with donations of over HK$3 million raised
85 local alumni associations and 47 offshore alumni associations were established to form a connected global alumni association network
‧ The number of registrants for 2023 CUHK Alumni Homecoming exceeded 6,000, breaking the yearly record. Over 60 overseas alumni came back and attended the event for the first time after the pandemic to celebrate the University’s 60th anniversary together
中大校友向來關心母校發展,並積極參與。他們的關愛是大學發展 的重要支柱。隨著我們邁入2024年,殷切期待在這堅實的基礎上,
‧ 與人力資源管理校友會籌委們合作,組織2024年3月「青年校友職業發展日」,並引入 各種新的特色活動和元素
‧ 發掘及表彰更多來自本地以及非本地的本科和研究生課程的校友之成就和貢獻
‧ 進一步策略性收集資料,令校友聯繫的工作,更深入和扎實
‧ 藉慶祝中大創業日十周年,突出中大創業者之才能及貢獻,彰顯大學創新發展
‧ 安排拓展項目,進一步擴大校友會及發展本地校友專業網絡,協助推動大學的發展
As always, CUHK alumni are actively engaged and supportive, serving as the crucial pillar to the University’s development. Building upon this solid foundation, we anticipate further leveraging the strength of our alumni community and achieving the following new milestones in the year ahead.
‧ Collaborating with the preparatory committee of Human Resources Management Alumni Association to organize the Young Alumni Career NetWORK Day in March 2024 with various new programmes and features
‧ Exploring and showcasing the diverse and extraordinary achievements of our undergraduate and postgraduate alumni who are from local and afar
‧ Collecting data strategically to strengthen and optimize the efforts in engaging alumni on an impactful and steadfast basis
‧ Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of CUHK Entrepreneur Day with a highlight of the contributions and achievements of CUHK entrepreneur talents and the innovative feature of the University
‧ Arranging outreach projects for the further growth of alumni associations as well as the development of local alumni professional network, in support of the advancement of the University