點心歌三首 Three Dim Sum Songs 伍華晞 曲
Music by Ng Wah-hei
偉傑 詞
Words by Horris Tse
CU Chorus Choral Series
樂曲介紹 2012年,母校英華書院的男聲合唱團正籌備赴歐演出,音樂科李寶龍老師便委約我創作一套 香港題材作品,作為演出曲目。當時 巧讀到好友謝偉傑新近發表的幾首打油詩,而早前亦觀 賞中大合唱團演繹韋塔克以動物為題材的兩冊幽默小品《動物 乾》,就想到以幾首奇趣短歌 組成一套約六、七分鐘的歌集。我請謝偉傑寫作三首以點心為題材的短詩,以之譜曲,成為 部《點心歌三首》(2012)。第一及第二首以輕鬆佻皮的手法,描繪馬粒 、蝦餃與鳳爪三種 點心;第三首以一個集體回憶開始−−在手提電話仍未流行的時代,酒樓職員召喚個別茶客接 聽來電的經典廣播,由此展開一次短暫的懷舊之旅。
伍華晞(作曲) 伍華晞於香港中文大學音樂系畢業,獲文學士及音樂碩士學位,主修作曲,師承陳永華和陳偉 光,並於美國密蘇里大學堪 斯分校取得音樂博士學位,其老師包括陳怡、周龍及James Mobberley。作品由各地著名音樂家演出,包括香港青年交響樂團、格林美得主Charles Bruffy及Kansas City Chorale、北京現代室樂團、Jenga敲擊樂四重奏、紐約Talea現代音 樂室樂團、NEXTET、香港創樂團、六秀士等。伍氏屢獲作曲獎項,包括SCI/ASCAP學生作 曲比賽地區優勝者、Crescendo合唱作品比賽第一名、密蘇理州州立大學室內樂作曲比賽第 一名、Max Di Julio作曲獎。現居香港,為自由音樂人。
謝偉傑(作詞) 謝偉傑為初創公司創始人,六歲開始學習編寫電腦程式語言,及後入讀中文大學工程學系,與 科技結下不解緣。畢業後曾於世界五百強集團從事投資相關工作,但他對科技的熱誠,驅使他 放棄高薪穩定的工作,成立初創公司,展開創業體驗。他亦熱愛音樂和寫作,在中學及大學時 期均為學校管弦樂團的小提琴團員,也不時寫作新詩及歌詞,結合兩方面的興趣。
*樂曲介紹可在音樂會簡介及場刊上自由轉載。 *此曲需以 語演唱。本樂譜之 語注音採用香港語言學會 頁 https://www.lshk.org/jyutping
Programme Notes In 2012, the boys’ choir of my alma mater Ying Wa College was going to perform in Europe. Their music teacher, Mr Boron Li, then commissioned a suite with a Hong Kong related theme from me. At that time, I read a few freshly-written rhymes from my friend Horris Tse. I also recently attended a performance of CU Chorus with an all-Whitacre programme, which includes two books of witty choral suites called "Animal Crackers". From these I had an idea to write a short choral suite with a few humorous short pieces, lasting 6 to 7 minutes. Horris wrote three short poems on dim sum for me to set to music, which became this "Three Dim Sum Songs" (2012). The first and second songs use lively musical devices to portray Malay sponge cake, har gow, and phoenix claw. The third song begins with a collective memory from the time before mobile phones appear — as restaurant staff called out the guest's name to pick up phone calls, evoking the listeners' nostalgia. Ng Wah-Hei (composer) Ng Wah-hei obtained his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Music degrees at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in composition under Chan Wing-wah and Victor Chan. He finished his doctoral degree in the Musical Arts at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), where his composition teachers included Chen Yi, Zhou Long and James Mobberley. Ng's compositions are performed by renowned musicians worldwide, including Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra, Grammy Award-winning conductor Charles Bruffy with his Kansas City Chorale, Ensemble ConTempo Beijing, Jenga Percussion Quartet, Talea Ensemble of New York, NEXTET, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and Les Six. Ng’s music won many awards, including regional winner of SCI/ASCAP Student Composition Commission, First Prize of Crescendo Choral Competition, First Prize of Chamber Music Composition Competition at UMKC, and the Max Di Julio Prize. He currently lives in Hong Kong as a freelance musician. Horris Tse (lyricist) Horris Tse is a founder of a startup company which he currently manages. His encounter with technology began at the age of six, when he learnt computer coding, leading all the way to his studies at the engineering faculty at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. After graduation, he worked in investment-related jobs in companies listed by Fortune Global 500. However, his passion for technology eventually led to him giving up his stable, high-paying occupation, and establishing a startup company, a milestone to his entrepreneurship. Tse has a strong interest in both music and writing. As a violinist, he joined the school orchestras in secondary school and university. He also wrote poems and lyrics, a genre which unites both areas of his interests. *Programme Notes can be freely reproduced in concert introduction and house programmes. *This piece must be sung in Cantonese. The Cantonese transliteration of the sheet music is based on The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Cantonese Romanisation Scheme (Jyutping). For guidance on Cantonese pronunciation, please refer to this website: https://www.lshk.org/jyutping
I. 有一款點心美食 好一身古銅膚色 軟綿綿彈性身軀 未食都三尺口水
I. There is a type of dim sum1 Covered with bronze skin Its body soft and springy Causing such dripping sensation
只可惜毛孔太粗 唔係就 生傾慕 問下 有 綽號 會答馬拉之
But its pores are too big Or it will be admired by all Looking for its name? People will say it is Malay sponge cake2
II. 點左一籠蝦餃 再叫多 鳳爪 當成情人 趾 狠狠 一
II. Ordered a dish of har gow3 Then a plate of phoenix claw4 The claw so resembles my lover’s toes Tempting me to take a firm bite
你指甲油層膠 層皮 汁泡 無論有幾把炮 鮮蝦都要皮包
Its nails so polished Its skin well-seasoned with soy sauce… But no matter how good one looks It needs wrappings to hold fresh prawns in har gow!
III. (陳小姐請聽二號線) 句野 聽好幾年 推車阿姐 晒中氣 一盅兩件所剩無幾 家陣燒賣多粒鮑魚 蛋撻加燕窩多鬼餘
III. (Miss Chan, please pick up on line two) This announcement is unheard for years The dimsum cart ladies are old and weak Few places left with 'one bowl with two pieces'5 Adding morsels of abalone on siu mai6 Is as overdone as adding bird’s nests7 on egg tarts8
有人話我一成不變 我就話 唔識懷緬 間間酒樓同一集團 要怪就怪地產霸權
Some say I am too stubborn I would say they do not know the tradition All the restaurants are now under giant companies If anything’s to blame, it’s property hegemony
歌詞英譯 English translation of lyrics 陳
Johanna Chan
Notes: 1 dim
sum ( ): a range of small dishes in Cantonese traditional cuisine for breakfast and lunch, served in Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, and Chinese communities worldwide. 2 Malay 3 har
sponge cake (
gow (
4 phoenix
): a Cantonese dumpling that consists of shrimp and wrapper dough that turns translucent when steamed, typically ordered along with siu mai
claw ( and ingredients 5 one
): chicken feet marinated in sauce, such as soy sauce or vinegar, and is often flavored with garlic, minced ginger, cloves, chilli or other spices
bowl with two pieces ( than bite-sized 6 siu
mai (
): a fluffy yellow cake made of lard or butter, flour, sugar and eggs cooked in a bamboo steamer
): slang for one bowl of tea with two dishes of dim sum, in the old days, tea was served in bowls and dim sum was filling rather
): a Chinese dumping that consists of pork, shrimp, and mushrooms with a small yellow pleated wrapping
7 bird’s
nest ( ): swallow’s nest made of solidified saliva harvested for human consumption, has a gelatinous texture and is often used in soup or sweet soup, considered a luxurious ingredient 8 egg
tart (
): an egg custard tart, similar to the Portuguese pastel de nata but with a pastry crust and not caramelized.
2020 第一版 First Edition 2020 中大合唱協會有限公司出版 Published by CU Chorus Association Limited 樂曲介紹 Programme Notes: 朱振威 Leon Chu 樂譜排版 Music Typesetting: 太元 Zha Taiyuan 編輯 Editor: 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong 英文編輯 English Editor: 陳載恩 Johanna Chan © 2020 中大合唱協會有限公司 CU Chorus Association Limited www.cuchorus.org.hk cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk
版權所有,不得翻印。 All rights reserved. Copying and unauthorized reproduction prohibited by law.
ÈÒÌÍ OMOÚFÚNFKMFGÚFJÚH Catalogue No. CUCCS0015 ISMN 979-0-805701-04-2