
from the movie MAMA’s AFFAIR
from the movie MAMA’s AFFAIR
Music by Amos Wong
Words by Kingston Lo
青春就是懷著改變未來的自信, 怕世途多壞,用笑容披荊斬棘,用步履實現未來!
王樂行畢業於香港演藝學院,主修作曲及電子音樂。現於紐約大學修讀碩士,主修音樂劇寫作。曾在電影《阿媽 有 第二個》擔任臨時演員,並和演藝學院的朋友一同演出了歌曲《未來》。王氏參與作曲的音樂劇《再見螢火 蟲》(劇場空間)獲得香港戲劇協會第三十一屆香港舞台劇獎最佳原創音樂(音樂劇) 提名;其他作曲及音樂
總監的音樂劇包括《Show得吧2.0》(R&T TAP)、《再見螢火蟲》(劇場空間)、《浮城夢蝶》(傲楹藝 術)、《我城 • 我家》(演戲家族)。王氏亦致力為本地原創音樂劇編曲,協助出版演戲家族廣東話音樂劇《遇 上1941的女孩》樂譜,以及為劉穎途、張飛帆作品《一水南天》音樂劇編寫合唱組曲。
自由身戲劇工作者,涉獵編、導、戲劇評論、作詞等崗位。先後畢業於香港大學及香港演藝學院戲劇學院。憑畢 業作《金龍》獲校內傑出導演獎,並獲提名香港舞台劇獎最佳導演 (喜劇 / 鬧劇) 、提名香港小劇場獎最佳導 演,及提名IATC(HK)劇評人獎年度演出獎。執導作品香港話劇團《夜鶯玫瑰》獲提名年度導演獎;編劇作品 《皮蛋瘦肉粥》獲選 港澳戲劇交流計劃劇本創作比賽香港區優秀劇本。憑演、導作品《一切從海浪開始》獲得 2021年烏鎮戲劇節青年競賽最佳個人表現獎。盧氏為前進進戲劇工作坊三年共 計劃成員之一,也是劇場方程 式創辦人之一,主力編導。
*此曲需以 語演唱。本樂譜之 語注音採用香港語言學會 語拼音方案( 拼),相關指引請參考網頁 https:// www.lshk.org/jyutping
參考錄影 Sample Video
Youthfulness is to carry the confidence to change the future no matter how bad the world is, to overcome obstacles with a smile and take steps to build a future.
Amos Wong (composer)
Amos Wong graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Composition and Electronic Music under the guidance of Clarence Mak and Florence Cheung. He is currently studying a master's degree in Musical Theatre Writing at New York University. He appeared as an extra under the name Ringo Wong in Mama’s Affair and sang the song Future with his friends from HKAPA. His work in the musical Grave of the Fireflies (Theatre Space) was nominated for Best Musical Score at the 31st Hong Kong Drama Awards by the Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies. He has also served as composer and music director for various musicals, including Man of la central 2.0 (R&T TAP), Butterfly Lovers (Art Mentor), My City, My Home (Actors' Family). Amos is also dedicated to arranging music for Cantonese musicals. He has assisted the publication of musicals scores for 1941 Girl (Actors' Family), and arranged a choral suite for the musical Tale of the Southern Sky by Stoa Lau and Cheung Fei Fan.
Kingston Lo (lyricist)
Kingston Lo is a Hong Kong-based theatre maker involved in directing, playwriting, theatre criticism, and lyric writing. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts School of Drama. Kingston’s directing credits include Der goldene Drache which won him the Outstanding Director Award from HKAPA, School of Drama. He was nominated for Best Director (Comedy/Farce) at the Hong Kong Drama Awards and Best Director at the Hong Kong Theatre Libre for this production. His direction of Rose of Nightingale for Hong Kong Repertory Theatre was nominated for Best Director of the Year at the IATC(HK) Critics Awards. As a playwright, his play Century Egg & Pork Congee was selected as an Outstanding Script in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Drama Script Writing Competition. He won the Best Individual Performance Award at the 2021 Wuzhen Theatre Festival Emerging Theatre Artists’ Competition for his acting and directing in Everything Begins with the Wave. Kingston was a member of Table to-gather 2023-25 of the On & On Theatre Workshop. He also co-founded Theatre Formula, focusing on playwriting and directing.
*Programme Notes can be freely reproduced in concert introduction and house programmes. *This piece must be sung in Cantonese. The Cantonese transliteration of the sheet music is based on The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Cantonese Romanisation Scheme (Jyutping). For guidance on Cantonese pronunciation, please refer to this website: https://www.lshk.org/jyutping
Light shines through the sky
Reminding me of my future
Enduring through changes of this world
Fighting with all of my might
I need strength
To protect my innocence
I must persevere to face the setbacks (Unfinished aspirations)
With courage and faith I will come out unharmed
(Unafraid of hurt while crossing through the obstacles)
Come set aflame each moment
Working all out for your future
Forget those who neglect you
Unify your potential
Advancing through twists, turns and frustration
Looking forward to your future
Not abandoning your love
Duration ca. 0:54
OP: EEG Music Publishing Limited
All rights reserved. Any unauthorized copying is strictly prohibited.
Music by Amos Wong
Words by Kingston Lo
. ‰ j œ œ # œ œ œ 礙 ngoi 來 loi 燃 jin 亮 loeng 每 mui 刻 hak
œ œ œ J œ œ J œ 拼 ping 了 liu 命 ming 為 wai 了 liu 將 zoeng œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ J œ œ 拼 ping 了 liu 命 ming 為 wai 了 liu 將 zoeng
œ . ‰ j œ œ # œ # œ œ 礙 ngoi 來 loi 燃 jin 亮 loeng 每 mui 刻 hak œ . ‰ J œ œ # œ # œ œ 礙 ngoi 來 loi 燃 jin 亮 loeng 每 mui 刻 hak
œ œ œ J œ œ J œ 拼 ping
2023 第一版
First Edition 2023
Published by CU Chorus Association Limited
樂曲介紹 Programme Notes: 盧宜敬 Kingston Lo
樂譜排版 Music Typesetting: 王樂行 Amos Wong
中文編輯 Chinese Editor: 朱振威 Leon Chu
英文編輯 English Editor: 陳載恩 Johanna Chan
© 2023 中大合唱協會有限公司
CU Chorus Association Limited www.cuchorus.org.hk cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk
cuhkchorus cuchorus cuchorus
All rights reserved. Copying and unauthorized reproduction prohibited by law.
Catalogue No. CUCCS0040
ISMN 979-0-805701-29-5