THE TOWER OF BABEL „What time is it?” „Oh yes, I’m so happy; all I need is a little bell round my neck to jingle over you while you’re asleep.” „Didn’t you hear the storm? The north wind shook the walls; the tower gate, like a lion’s maw, yawned on its creaking hinges.” „How could you forget? I had on that plain gray dress that fastens on the shoulder.” „At that moment, myriad exploswns shook the sky.” „How could I come in? You weren’t alone, affer all.” „I glimpsed colors older than sight itself” „Too bad you can’t promise me.” „You’re right, it must have been a dream.” „Why all these lies; why do you call me by her name; do you still love her?” „Of course, I want you to stay with me.” „I can’t complain. I should have guessed myself.” „Do you still think about him?” „But I’m not crying.” „That’s all there is?” „No one but you.” „At least you’re honest.” „Don’t worry, I’m leaving town.” „Don’t worry, I’m going.” „You have such beautiful hands.” „That’s ancient historv; the blade went through, but missed the bone.” „Never mind, darling, never mind.” „I don’t know what time it is, and I don’t care. Translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh
4 4
Apple juice and Alzheimer
Urine tests apt to detect appendicitis
Kissing reduces stress
Buzzing in the ears
page 16
6 - 12
Obesity and diabetes. Therapeutic challenge
page 5
Sweets may pay for risk of pancreas cancer
14 - 15 From America ... 16 Vitamin A 17 Management of gums advances
page 19 page 6-12
therapies of diabetes
18 19 20
Vitamin D and exposure
21 - 23 Do not be afraid of yourself
to metabolic syndrome
24 - 25 Restless legs syndrome
Wheat and diabetes type 1 Strawberries
26 - 27 Do you know the personality type you are? Part 1 FEUILLETON
28 - 29 Whirl-dancing Dervishes page 17
page 14-15
Anti-diabetic grapes
Mint tea
32 - 33 Hypoglycaemia – state of captious emergency READER‘S PAGES page 28-29
34 - 35 A letter to editorial team Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
36 - 40 Garlic the king 40
Culinary deliberations, namely a handful of refl ections the prolonged weekend led to LIFE WITH DIABETES
Diary Alphabet A TOUCH ON HEALTH
page 46
44 - 45 Dread to fear 46 Diabetes endangers females’ sexual problems COMPETITION
page 36-40
Rewarded persons NATURE RECIPES page 54-55
48 - 49 Therapeutic depth of herbal tea sachets 49 Camomile tea as a touch of relief 50
for diabetics Bran eases risks of decease in case of female diabetes
page 51
Distinguished with the fi rst prize ANGELS
Angels for Angels
List do Pani Minister Zdrowia TOURISTS VIEW
54 - 55 We discover delightful settings... Another Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’
56 - 57 Another Thursday Dinner
page 56-57
at Diabetics’ page 52
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„DIABETES AND HEALTH” MAGAZINE EDITORIAL UNIT The publisher: University of Diabetes PSD ZW in Białystok Editors’ address: Warszawska Street 23, 15-062 Białystok Tel. +48 085 741 57 01, tel/fax +48 085 732 99 74 e-mail: General editor: Danuta Maria Roszkowska IN COOPERATION WITH OUR EDITORS: mgr Edyta Adamska prof. dr hab. Maria Borawska prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Otto-Buczkowska Anna Danilewicz Marek Dolecki dr n. med. Joanna Filipowska mgr Małgorzata Frąś dr n. med. Hanna Bachórzewska-Gajewska prof. dr hab. n. med. Maria Górska Agnieszka Kierznowska-Rurarz prof. dr hab. n. med. Ida Kinalska dr n. med. Małgorzata Korolczuk-Zarachowicz mgr Bogumiła Ławniczak Krzysztof Malinowski mgr Jolanta Obidzińska Renata Saniewska prof. dr hab. n. med. Jacek Sieradzki Anastazja Szachowicz Ewa Szarkowska Lucyna Szepiel prof. dr hab. n. med. Małgorzata Szelachowska prof. dr hab. n. med. Mirosława Urban Wojciech Wojszko Anna Worowska
A Hindu philosopher and poet, Rabindranath Tagore was accustomed to say: „The demon of the contemporary civilisation has violated the humankind sense of balance”. The price is a long figure, namely health of us, and happiness altogether, what more often than not escapes our attentiveness. We chase career, money, and any other assets. We can not afford time for a peaceful meal, some rest, neither for a get-together with the dearest. Indeed, our schedule points at the „urgent”, but at the appointments with contractors, or those persons who we can expect profits from. And the moment a disease collars us is when we ask questions why our bodies refuse this function or another, why now, when we have planned this and that minute, then only it occurs to mind, that our elaborated notion of life may crash with reality. We turn to all this, what exacts instant effects, what relieves pain at once or would keep us on top form round the clock. Strewn with „chemistry”, we do not relax the pace... till next time, except it might be the last one.
English translations: mgr Michał Iwańczuk mgr Urszula Tarasewicz Spanish translations: Marcin Szachowicz
“May someone halt the time I am stepping off...” goes the song of Anna Maria Jopek. Certainly, many of us should rely on the lyrics. Until it is not too late to
fot. Anna Worowska Marek Dolecki
calm down, to „restore” our today habits, so as to be reThe edition of this magazine has been financially supported by Governmental Disabled Persons
We introduce reprints for didactic and educational purposes based on regulations of legislative articles , 25, 26, 29, 33, and 49 in section 2 of copyright laws and related laws act dated 4.02.1994. of 23.02.1994, no. 24, entry 83)
ady to trust the olden natural formulations of past generations, when an ailment happens to seize us. We can save fears, the contemporary science and medicine is more and more receptive to natural remedies and traditional approaches to come in aid of health, it is what we would like to introduce you with. Danuta Maria Roszkowska
and generally accepted editorial usages. • Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland
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Apple juice
in relation to Alzheimer Regular drinking of apple juice may counter disorders Alzheimer patients experience. Scientists proved, that mice subjected to be consuming apple juice generated less beta-amyloids – namely chemical compounds, that build so called amyloidal plaques. These formations are observed in individuals, who suffer Alzheimer. For the duration of a month, the mice were drinking this kind of juice in amounts of two glasses daily, quoted in human equivalent. The study assures, that incidence of many diseases is dependent not only on genetic factors, but also on a diet.
Buzzing in the ears – the reason already known Learning the grounds of persistent buzzing in the ears should serve its effective treatments – the magazine “Neuroscience” informs. The ringing in the ears (tinnitus in Latin) is the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external acoustic sound. This fatiguing indisposition affl icts millions of individuals worldwide. Most people happens to experience it every now and then, whereas 5% of the whole population suffer it chronic and unusually troublesome. It may even perturb everyday responsibilities. The tinnitus might occur as ringing, clattering, whistling, jingling, shrilling, or hissing. It is concurrent to nearly all of ear ailments, and is likely to appear past a head injury or any traumas stemmed from noise. As a rule, damage of nerve ending in the inner ear is the most frequent cause, however there are other dynamics prompting it, such as allergy, goose egg, diabetes, thyroid complaints, blood circulation disorders due to over- or under pressure, or using some of drugs (e.g. aspirin). Scientists at the University of Western Australia carried out a study employing guinea-pigs. They demonstrated, that buzzing in the ears is engendered by excessive stimulation of nerves located in these areas of brain, where sound is processed. This is how the echoes develop. In conclusion, the core of the illness is degenerative changes in the genes, therefore the point we start from to heal it is “calming” these genes. Yet before the fi ndings, a Belgian neurosurgeon Dirk De Ridder conducted an experiment applying electrodes against patients’ brains. The results were fortunate, except an occasion, when a person had a sensation, as if he was coming out beyond his body.
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Urine tests apt to reveal appendicitis A commonplace urine analysis may come in aid to detect the inflammation of appendix, colloquially called blinddarm - the journal “Annals of Emergency Medicine” updates. The appendix, resembling as if a worm, is a protrusion of the large bowel to be found next to the intersection with the small one. It might be life-threatening, especially when the pus swollen appendix pops, what leads to peritoneum inflammation. Nonetheless, diagnosis of the condition is troublesome. The most frequent of symptoms is abdominal pain, sited at the right bottom of the hip (namely at the right bottom of stomach), however the appendix may be situated wherever else. Fever and increased concentration of white blood cells are not reliable indicators, hence in such cases ultrasonography or computed tomography is employed, provided that doctors are equipped with the apparatus. Quite often, there are both unrecognised inflammations remaining, and ill-conceived operations, when a healthy appendix is removed. The experts of the Children’s Hospital in Boston discovered the protein LRG in urine, which might be accountable for appendicitis. To be able to mark it, they use mass spectrometry, nevertheless it is fairly probable to invent appropriate test strips. PAP – Science in Poland
What comes into sight is, that kissing serves health not only in respect of our relationships, but also our bodies as such. A few minutes of lips contact efficiently lowers the stress hormone intensity. Prof. Wendy Hill, the neurologist and the dean from the Lafayette College Biology Department in the USA, she carried out a trial, to find out what comes to pass the moment we are at the point of exchanging kisses. It was heterosexual students, who were invited for participation in the experiment. Firstly, samples of blood and saliva were drawn from the subjects. Then, they were asked to be kissing for 15 minutes in presence of music. As soon as the couples have finished, again, samples of blood and saliva were taken and chemical analysis of them was conducted. The 15 minutes was as much as necessary to evoke substantial decrease of cortisol concentration (the hormone of stress), and at the same time induce increase of oxytocin, namely the hormone associated with bond and care. Peculiar indeed, that the strength of the OXT modestly declined in case of females. Prof. Hill effected the try-out in the premises of university health centre, and now she is intending to accomplish it in a more romantic environment.
Kissing reduces stress
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OBESITY and DIABETES Therapeutic challenge The definition and classification of obesity Overweight and obesity are generally ascertained on the basis of body mass index (BMI). In case of adult organisms, the referred indicator correlates with total fat content. It is considered, that the accurate BMI should not surpass 25kg/m², 25-30kg/ m² is attributed to overweight, while further up 30kg/m² is assumed to be obesity. Clinically, the distribution of the adipose tissue is more decisive. Obesity attracted the attention as early as in fifties, which is when an upsurge of death rates was reported. The case pertained to bus drivers in London, among whom the share of broader girth died more habitually, than the share, who were more active and slimmer in waist. Ischemic heart disease was found the main reason behind the mortality. In 1956, it was suggested, that android (masculine) nature of obesity is strictly related to diabetes type 2 and arteriosclerosis. Since then, a sudden stream of research and examinations took place, to prove, that abdominal fat is the reliable warning of a potential metabolic syndrome and its all recognizable features. This was the moment, when it became clear, that BMI alone is not enough to pinpoint obesity. In consequence, WHR indicator (waist to hip ratio) was introduced. At present, diagnostics of centripetal obesity is far easier, and depends on measuring of waistline, which unfailingly shows a relationship with BMI. The probability of metabolic complications due to obesity is minimal as long as female middle amounts to <80, and male’s < 94. 6
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Epidemiology of obesity and diabetes type 2 The NHANES III investigation (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey), organized in 1988-94 in the USA, provided the evidence, that the problem is a concern of a greater part of the population. The criterion was met by 25% of women and 20% of men, save from the fact of converted proportion, that 5,1% of inhabitants proved a giant dimension of obesity, that is BMI>40 kg/m². Apart from grand fatness, the individuals were diagnosed with the following facets of metabolic syn-
drome: arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemics, impaired tolerance towards carbohydrates. The conclusion is, that 2/3 of society runs the risk of chronic metabolic diseases. On the whole, the most serious aftermath of obesity is diabetes type 2. The figures of patients escalate right now and we can feel free to state, that it is already of pandemic character, also, reaching Poland in the same way.
What is obesity and overweight caused by?
CURRENT ISSUE Obesity is determined by many a dynamic, namely metabolic, endocrinological (hormonal), genetic, environmental, social, psychological, and behavioural likewise. The established references afford sufficient data, to be able to confirm, that it is environmental factor and so called “western life style” to be reproached for the fact obesity developed to this extent. Secondary obesity occurs in such cases as: certain endocrinological diseases, organic hypothalamus disorders, genetically conditioned syndromes, and altogether it necessitates separate diagnostics and specialised treatment. Incidence of obesity has also its iatrogenic root, namely attributable to using such drugs as neuroleptic medicines, antidepressants, antiepileptic tablets, sedative ones, steroid and beta-adrenergic hormones, and alike antidiabetic medications – insulin and derivates of sulfonylurea.
There is justifiable to raise some of alarm, for obesity amounts to all carbohydrate metabolism disorders, diabetes type 2 in particular, and again, treatments of this type of diabetes mellitus further gaining in weight. We, now, witness the real global dimension of diabetes epidemic. Regarding medical corollaries and social import of these associated diseases, we do hope, that we will be able to make progress and be able to prevent them ahead of time.
The function of adipose tissue It has been established, that the fat tissue is not merely a storage of body energy, but also does modulate metabolisms of other vital organs, such as brain, muscles (cardiac muscle), liver. Adipocytes (fat cells) manage to regulate the two of following interrelated mechanisms: 1/ the adipose tissue serves as an endocrine gland, synthesising and secreting series of endopeptidases, ordering metabolism by this means 2/ PPAR-gamma (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma) – the nuclear receptor and transcription factor, activates cascades of molecular sequences, what in turn commands saving fats and carbohydrates, and as a final point determines fat body mass.
The adipose tissue as an endocrine gland. The fat tissue have important bearing on metabolism. It liberates a rank of substances, that fundamentally support other separate tissues and organs. This body fat is essential for the duration of puberty and preserving fertility. These released via fatty tissue substances play many an endocrinal role: perform paracrine distribution, regulate triglyceride metabolism, operate coagulation, are source of free fatty acids (FFA). This numerous chemical material affords energetic balance and exacts unity of mechanisms within human body system, adjusting satiety hormones, cytokines and free fatty acids to be working together. Fatty acids, prostaglandins and their derivates remain in natural affinity to PPAR-gamma receptors, in turn tiazolidinedions (drugs) are their synthetic ligands.
Insulin-resistance: The mechanism and chemical mediators. Centripetal obesity stands for a great deal of risk factors, that are more than likely to lead to arteriosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, all of which add up to metabolic syndrome and are attributed to be all engendered by insulin-resistance. The relationship of obesity and insulin-resistance has been established and documented, however these days, scientists concentrated on endo and paracrine distribution of adiopocytes. Still, insulin-resistance based metabolic disorders exacerbate proliferation of blood vessels, generate inflammation and upgrade number of plaques. The substances the adipose tissue secretes, elevate insulin-resistance above all. These compounds are: leptin, TNF-α (tumour necrosis factor), IL-6 (Interleukin-6), resistin, adiponectin, but first and foremost it is products of lipolysis – free fatty acids, and many more. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Debased insulin sensitiveness can be ascertained many years ahead the very diagnosis of diabetes type 2, and insulin-resistance, being its most dangerous independent risk factor outpaces diabetes incidence even 10 years ahead.
Genetic factors and pathogenesis of obesity So far, the obesity gene has not been found. What was identified to this point is rare genetic syndromes, that are phenotypically related to obesity, whereas it is believed, that it can not be one single gene accountable for obesity, but it must be a complex variety of genes. Genetic predisposition to obesity relies on leptin receptor, adrenergic receptor beta-3, insulin receptor, and many others. Currently, the PPAR gamma gene is regarded to be the most serious risk factor prompting obesity. The gene, that decodes this receptor is located at the short arm of the chromosome 3 (3p25). The receptor PPAR-gamma appears to have central impact on lipid metabolism, energy balance and insulin sensitiveness. Obesity incidence unfolds all around the world and engenders fairly critical global problems, equally of medical, economical and societal nature. Treating the disease is very difficult in ac8
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tual fact, for the reasons and dynamics behind it are not sufficiently acknowledged. Nonetheless, a significant sum of evidence has been drawn together, in order to be able to understand genetic background of eating patterns, for instance tendencies towards greater or lesser amounts food or potential genetic interrelations.
Obesity complications It is assumed, that it is females, who is more susceptible to obesity. The problem affects girls during puberty, and women in the course of childbirth and breast-feeding. Any consecutive pregnancy contributes to body weight gain of around 12 kg. Menopause and shifts in hormonal metabolism generate abdominal fat tissue, the way it is characteristic to males. It initiates due to decreased concentration of estrogen and increased intensity of testosterone. Menopausal period is moreover aggravated with psychosocial factors, since it is when people retire or are made redundant. Also, the value of good looks is what humans do take care about, and in case of oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dissatisfaction it might cause depression, what more often than not brings obesity about. In here, these are potential hormonal complaints obesity is likely to prompt:
- abnormal insulin realising tending to insulin-resistance condition - hyperfunction of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis - testosterone deficiency affecting males, and superfluity concerning females growth hormone inadequacy. Developed countries face country-wide crisis to achieve treatments of obesity and its complications. However in Poland, diabetes and obesity are still underestimated issues. Chronic character of the disease and the aftermath it involves, all of this necessitate patients, their families, doctors, and educational institutions to assume appropriate routines. Therefore, there must be a solid system set up, guarded by apposite regulations and laws, and supported by independent budgets, policies, organisations, all of which should go in one accord with the public opinion and interests. Apart from the fat accumulated in subcutaneous tissue and visceral peritoneum, there is fat material, that turns amassed in liver and many other inner organs. About 70% of obese patients suffer steatohepatitis, whereas 3% of obese individuals develop some warning signs of cirrhosis. Likewise, obesity gives rise to hepatolithiasis, joint diseases (degenerative arthritis, spine staticsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; distortions, sciatica) and blood vessels syndromes. Also, in recent times, the incidence of obstructive pulmonary disease comes into the light, one that is associated with abnormal lung ventilation ratio next to perfusion, hypoxemia, hypercapnia and sleep apnea. Threefold times more frequently obese persons experience diabetes, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, hepatolithiasis, ischemic heart disease, gout and degenerative arthritis. Again, twofold times more often they go through cancers, polycystic ovarian diseases, fertility complications and connate fetus defects. It should not take by surprise, that obesity reduces life longevity. Hence, the pandemic scale of obesity is
CURRENT ISSUE one of the most challenging issues nations worldwide are to confront. And now, the substantial matter is expenditures on health service and treatments. It dictates the combat strategy to reflect all the population in total and to be oriented towards maximum of risks. As far as this, obesity treatments have been practiced by the therapeutic methods as follows: non-pharmacological approach, diet, physical activity, pharmacotherapy of obesity, diabetes pharmacotherapy. The problem is, that the non-pharmacological approach (life style adjustment) is as if underestimated, in spite of the fact it is this very method that proves superlative. On the other side, diet and physical activity alone do not meet the demand, and diabetes patients have no alternative, but take oral hypoglycemic agents and/or insulin. Yet again, both the agents and insulin effect body weight gain. This in turn is more than probable to lead to ischemic heart diseases, what in turn again, confines to hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Consequently, body mass reduction is strictly dependent on the treatments of diabetes and concomitant heart diseases.
Incretion hormones and diabetes. The epidemiological statistics allow to conclude, that obesity and diabetes will become the dominant health issue in global scale. The prophylaxis in this respect is publicizing and promoting healthy life style, in order to uphold confirmed balance of energy potential. Today urbanization does not favor obesity and diabetes, for people have to be commuting instead of walking. Also, the urban arrangements provide to few of affordable recreation sites, promenades, cycle routes, or swimming pools. Still, the efficacy of the preventive policies is conditional upon the cooperation of institutions and local authorities. None the less, there is great hopes and expectations towards the hormones secreted via digestive tract, namely incretion hormones GLP-1 and GIP. The abbreviations stand for glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and glucagon like peptide 1 respectively. GIP is the first identified incretion,
secreted by K cells of small bowel, to be stimulating β cells of pancreas in the direction of insulin releasing. GIP-1 is a natural product of glucagon gene activity. It is generated by hormonal L cells in distal part of ileum and colon. Both hormones become activated the moment they intermix with the receptor, that binds the protein G. The partner receptor for GLP-1 is located in the β and ι pancreas cells, and peripheral tissues: peripheral and central nervous system, reins, heart, lungs, alimentary tract. The main influence GLP-1 exacts is inspiring insulin releasing on the strength of current glucose intensity. Incretion effect of GLP-1 is 70% insulin response to an oral glucose feeding. Furthermore, GLP-1 reduces demand for after-meal glucagon doses, it slows down stomach voiding and eases appetite altogether. It was demonstrated, that diabetic type 2 patients prove downgraded GLP1 liberating. Multi-function efficiency of GLP-1 adjusts glyceamia and furthers losing body weight, so then appe-
Key features of diabetes treatments The end results we have been achieving show plainly, that the diabetes therapies we employ are imperfect to a certain extent. It arises from inadequate monitoring of diabetes, screened by measures of glucose and glycated hemoglobin HbA1C concentrations, the latter of which is a retrospective indicator of 24 h glyceamia adjusting, of potential incidence of cardiovascular complications, and of other internal complications. On the other hand, more restrictive approaches give grounds to such serious complications as hypoglycemia or weight gain. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
CURRENT ISSUE ars to be a desirable diabetes type 2 medicine. However, pharmacotherapy on GLP-1 is restricted by too short a half-life (ab. 2 min.). GLP-1 gives way to dipeptidyl peptidase IV enzyme (DPP IV) and disintegrates rapidly. The therapeutic potency of GLP1 gave rise to manufacturing of incretion hormones agonists. Eksenatide is the first agonist of GLP-1 ever produced and made accessible in the market. It performs GLP-1 activity and regulates carbohydrate metabolism, being doubly operational for it is resistant to the dipeptidyl peptidase IV enzyme. Eksenatide was incorporated as a legal drug on the condition that it is meant to be associated with metformin and/or derivates of sulfonylurea, in cases when given patients are not able to achieve optimal glyceamia levels while on maximal doses of oral anti-diabetic agents. Clinical studies provides evidence, that diabetes type 2 treatments on eksenatide afford reducing glyceamia on empty stomach, aftermeal upsurges and HbA1c. Next to it, patients receiving eksenatide were observed losing their weight. In the course of 3-week blind clinic control placebo tests, introducing eksenatide to the placebo medicaments exacted the subjects to lose 1,6-2,8 kg of their body weight, while it was 0,3-0,9 kg in the control group. Continuation of eksenatide therapy in open, prolonged phase of the study resulted in 4,5 kg of body mass reduction within the span of 3 years. It was 84% of the subjects, who proved the fact of slimming down. Moreover, there was directly the proportional interdependence between output values of BMI and degree of body weight loss. The output BMI<30 kg/m² correlated to 3,9 kg of weight reduction, in turn BMI>30 kg/ m² to 5,8 kg. It was confirmed, that subjects, during the therapy, they did not experience undesirable commotions such as nausea or vomiting. It is remarkable indeed, that for the 3-year period of the observation, the patients were not 10
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required to change their life styles in regard of diet or physical activity. In comparison to insulin, eksenatide was the source of 2,3 kg weight reduction, compared to glargine 5,5 kg, to two-phase aspart mixture 30/70. In contrast, glargine therapies were the occasions when people put up 1,9 kg of weight, or 2,9 kg while being treated aspart. GLP-1 and Eksenatide functioning: both stimulate releasing of insulin on the strength of glucose, they increase generating of insulin in liver, they decrease stomach voiding, equally decrease glucose-dependant secreting of glucagon, reduce appetite and foster satiety. In many a physical exam, Eksenatide improved treatments of diabetic patients, who were obese. This medicament enables to convalesce, as it stati-
stically lessens HBA1C and gradually improves body weight. Within the period of 3 years the patients lost 5,5 kg of their body mass. In brief, administering Eksenatide extorted glyceamia adjusted and risk factors of heart complications reduced. As it was mentioned, Eksenatide and long-run glargine insulin exact comparable stability of diabetes, however the former comes in aid to be able to alter body weight predicament. Yet in this respect, Eksenatide prompted some of side-effects in form of stomach and bowel complaints.
Well-timed diagnosis and adequate treatments of diabetes type 2 prevents against chronic complications
CURRENT ISSUE The critical issue in this kind of disease is patients’ obesity. The very obesity is one of the diabetes triggers, nonetheless it might develop under the weight of oral hypoglycemic agents used. For this reason, incretion hormones become so practical in combat with diabetes obesity. Notwithstanding there is variety of oral drugs aimed to be applied in mono- and politherapies, attempts to keep glyceamia in control is still substandard. Numerous of these oral drugs actually contribute to be gaining weight, they intensify insulin production to hyper an extent or even induce hypoglycemia. On the other hand, there is often want of acceptance in case of insulin therapies, because of the inevitability of injections, self-examinations, and greater probabilities of sugar fluctuations. The incretion system, that secretes the hormones in the gastro-intestinal tract, and stabilizes hypoglycemia prevalence, is now regarded to be corresponding to quantity of carbohydrates consumed. Both of the hormones are released in answer to alimentary stimulus and prompt insulin secreting, what takes place likewise in case of healthy individuals and diabetes type2 patients. However, diabetics respond to it all the more, for the fact their bodies decrease releasing of GLP-1, while uphold GIP levels, all of which interfere with insulin during postprandial point in time. Clinical studies show, that in contrast to GIP, GLP-1 not only amplifies releasing of insulin, but also, all at once, cohabits releasing of glucagon in α pancreas cells. It happens thanks to uninterrupted impact on GLP-1 receptor in the α cells, and indirectly on the strength of paracrine distribution of substances liberated by β and γ cells. Releasing of glucagon on the basis of GLP-1 increases hypoglycaemic effect. Then again, the effect is exactingly dependent on regular or elevated degree of glucose. The functioning remains in contrast to functioning of drugs found on derivates of sulfonylurea, what redu-
ces exposure to hypoglycemia. Researchers reveal, that GLP-1 favours mass of β cells, what in turn is attributable to deepened proliferation and curbed apoptosis. The benefits GLP-1 serves to glyceamia profile is firmly related to its influence on the alimentary tract, namely how far it slows down stomach voiding and peristalsis of small bowel, or how much it enhances pyloric voltage, all of which sums up to easing appetite and boosting satiety. Hence, GLP-1 analogs renders immediate anorexia effect. Still, losing weight by means of it involves undesirable fits of nausea and vomiting, and it concerns 36-51% of patients. Still again, GLP-1 promotes also arterial pressure, as well as reading of triglycerides. Furthermore, none of GPL-1 influence on alimentary motility or central nervous system was established, neither in trials on humans nor on animals. Deactivation of both hormones takes place in the presence of an enzyme, the serine protease – the dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-4). The degradation of GLP-1 and GIP comes to pass fairly rapidly, incredibly near to their very secretion, and this is the basic limitation to employ them in the therapies. For that reason, inhibitors of DPP-4 must be incorporated altogether. At this time, two such substances are in service: sitagliptin and vildagliptin. Both of drugs are administered orally and deliver glycemic effect, particularly during the aftermeal phase, but also on empty stomach. These medicines can be used the same in monotherapies, as in association with other
oral drugs (metformin, derivates of sulfonylurea). It has been proved, that metformin combined with sitagliptin afford adduct. Nevertheless, execution of DPP-4 inhibitors does not equal to execution of exogenously applied incretion hormones. As it was mentioned before, diabetes type 2 patients produce insufficient amounts of GLP-1, when additionally GLP-1 concentration does not stand linear independence with DPP-
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CURRENT ISSUE 4 release-inhibiting. So as to be able to use the inhibitors of DPP-4, there must be a scarce probability of hypoglycemia incidence after meal and on empty stomach. It is caused under influence of GLP-1 and GIP secretion before and after meals and the inhibitors work only at physiological time. The likelihood of hypoglycemia increases minutely if the inhibitors are associated with other drugs, especially the derivates of sulfonylurea. The then unwelcome side-effects are also of alimentary character: stomach aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. In line, there might also occur upper respiratory tract infections, nasopharyngeal in particular, urinary tract infections, pains of joints, or pains of extremities, however these complaints were observed more frequent when inhibitors DPP-4 were applied, than when DPP-4 per body mass. Sitagliptin is the first inhibitor of DPP-4, that was employed in therapeutics. It is assessed, that it reduces HbA1c in 0,6-0,8%. Applied in a one-off dose down into digestive system it gets absorbed irrespective of what nature previous food intake was. Sitagliptin is metabolized in liver by a small amount, chiefly under weight of the cytochrome CYP 3A4, or CYP 2C8, in 87% voided with urine, whereas in 23% with faeces. The recommended dosage is 100g, both as a drug of a monotherapy, and as a medicine associated with other drugs. The half-life of the drug is ab. 12,4h. In case of kidneys incompetence, it is advised to moderate the prescribed amount to 50mg (if GFR 30-50 ml/min) or to 25mg (if GFR<30 ml/min) and receive it once daily. Vildagliptin was recognized latterly. In phase 3 study, it was demonstrated, that 25-100 mg/day of vildagliptin, notwithstanding mono- or politherapies, exacts reduction of HbA1c in 0,8-1%. In turn, vildagliptin in combination with pioglitazone appeared more effective, that is in 1,7-1,9%. Another study case proved, that administering vildagliptin together with a derivate of sulfonylurea 12
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and one of tiazolidinedions was well tolerated and there was none of interactions, that could alter pharmakinetics of the drugs involved. To sum up, the inhibitors of DPP-4 stand acceptable way of applying, run low risk of hypoglycemia, exceptionally deliver objectionable side-effects and are trouble-free to be combined with other drugs. All the findings is a greatly promising alternative to the people suffering from diabetes round the world. The medicine based on incretion hormones seems to be practical and convenient as far as the initial studies show, nonetheless we remain convinced, that further observations should be more conclusive. Prof. dr. hab. Ida Kinalska PhD
Sweets may pay for risk of pancreas cancer
Diet abounding with choices, that can be expected to afford rapid blood sugar upsurges, may contribute to worsen risks of pancreas cancer – the magazine „Annals of Epidemiology” informs. Italian scientists found, that products of high glycemic index, for instance confectionery, white bread, white rice or potatoes, ones that expose us to impulsive surges of blood glucose, may pessimistically fuel risks of pancreas cancer in case of the elderly. The researchers make aware, that these items for consumption, processed carbohydrates in particular, honey and jam among them, can be replaced with food of low glycemic index, such as vegetables and fruit, yoghurts, soya or lens, for this kind of goods exact gradual expanding of sugar in blood and serve to save risks of the cancer. The cancer of pancreas is a fairly rare, but exceptionally alarming form of tumour – 5-year survival rate is proved merely by 5% of patients. The diagnosis of it is diffi cult to be achieved, since within the initial stadium of progression the affl iction does not deliver any symptoms apart from indigestion, and this is far insuffi cient to identify the root cause.
In the course of latest studies, Marta Rossi from the Mario Negri Institute in Milan, she carried out a survey to review 326 persons, who suffer from pancreas cancer. The questionnaires were meant to evaluate lifestyle, state of health and eating patterns in the span of 2 years before they had been diagnosed. The results were compared to answers of healthy people in the clinical control group. One third of this share of subjects, who partook most of high glycemic index food were ascertained to stand 78% higher risks, than individuals, who followed diet of low glycemic index. Accordingly to Ross, the incidence is not entirely dependent on diabetes, obesity or smoking. She points out, that notwithstanding the fact one is a diabetic one is not, eating groceries of sugar rich content affects releasing of insulin and prompts cell differentiation from the pancreas parent tissue. The investigators believe, that superfl uity of insulin may also engender cancerous cellules in the organ. The source: PAP – Science in Poland
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FROM AMERICA... Up till now, I do not know, whether obesity is a disease, one of lifestyle upshots, or a peculiar kind of a choice. The latter the least I guess. I believe, that it simply becomes one of options the moment we accept it as a fact. My friend Zibi, who I shared a fl at for four years with, he was apt to choose. He said he did not mind his obesity and found it charming even. In spurs of passion he dined white meat, which essentially was salo aged in paprika. As a desert he served himself a so called antidepressant deal, namely a prepack of cake. Naturally, his choice engendered out of powerlessness in the combat with overweight. Except, he managed to surrender to it smartly and with a wit. America, a country of the obese – a statement I came across on one an occasion. Then, an opportunity to confront it came to pass. The fi rst location in the USA I reached to was Philadelphia, the state regarded as the centre of overweight population, as well as settled by Afro-Americans for the most part. An Afro-American is a politically correct term to name black citizens. They were a good neighbourhood. Yet, it is another story. Obese America and its heart of obesity in Philadelphia. I admit, that what I witnessed there was beyond any of my imagination. A car, Chrysler Town and Country. One of the biggest family automobiles manufactured round the world. Open wide front doors. Spacious within. And, a lady striving to get behind the wheel. Striving, since her dimensions squeezed in-between the door frames. As soon as she handles the situation it is the time to position the stomach, some beneath and some above the steering-wheel. Obviously, the seat pulled backwards farthest possible. 14
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I am walking down a street. In front of me two people. Perhaps, a husband and a wife. She is of middle height and slender. Him ...! If he had had a trunk he would have been an elephant. Skimpy shorts reveal two pillars. My waistline is humbler than his thigh perimeter. I am outpacing them, and discreetly send a peek sideways. Too baggy a shirt at shoulders sticks to his belly that stretches to knees. Trickles of sweat running down his cheeks. A parking lot opposite to a shop. I am watching a group of giggling teenage girls. They wear scanty tops, exposing their tummies, and undersized skirts. Doubles of fat pour out from underneath of their garments. It was not this disgusting for the only reason they were young. At fi rst, the sight of this dreadfully obese people moved me deeply. What is all-encompassing in here is uncommonness in Poland. Fortunately, to say. Some time had to elapse and I accustomed to it.
Nonetheless, I kept asking myself to reason it why one single country has amassed so many of obese inhabitants ... There are the conclusions I have drawn as a foreigner. For a start – life style, sedentary lifestyle to be precise. An average American, he or she, if uses legs it is so to be able to shift his or her body from the bed, leave it behind an armchair, get in touch with his or her vehicle and rest in an offi ce. Confessedly, one can spot people jogging in the morning, then again it is slim people. And, by the way of digression, what is the point of be doing so amidst the pollution we face. Maybe, there is some, to the degree they are not obese...
To continue – eating patterns. Pizza, hamburger, hot-dog, doughnut, popcorn, or chips do not favour good body profi le. Ready-made, crammed with chemicals dishes from a local superstore ... School automats provide children with sweets, coca-cola or any other confectionery. It is just recent years when authorities have decided to retire them altogether with the “nourishment” content. This a huge social step to be become aware how threatening issues arise from civilisation. Furthermore – obesity has its psychological background. Something like a way of adaptation form. Communing with those, who are obese, makes it possible, that sooner or later one identifi es with the other. It is an opinion of doctors, who treat psychosomatic disorders. Then, it turns to be a vicious circle. The more fat people around us the more it is likely we will be faithful copies of them. Some overweight is not a tragedy. However obesity leads to crippledom. And, the theme of the disabled, the responsibility of the state and societal interrelations I am willing to introduce in another article. Casey Kozłowski Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
VITAMIN Vitamin A is essential to sustain any of healthy mucus membranes. The membranes are build out of two layers. The external lining is epithelium (ependyma), that constitutes milliards of cells. The very mucus membrane is composed of thin, elastic, expandable fibres of autonomous muscles. The degree how vital the ependyma is depends on resources of vitamin A. The moment there is deficiencies of vitamin A is when cells of ependyma harden, degenerate in form of cornification and their functioning is more and more depressed, for instance the delivery of disinfectant mucus becomes insufficient. Such shortfalls of vitamin A prompt infections and may affect reins and bladder, ureters, anus, lips, nasal cavities, frontal sinus, tongue, ear canal, eyes and lacrimal canal. Vitamin A , termed as a vitamin of growth, was discovered before all the others. The complaints dearth of it engenders were treated as early as in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. On the strength of this vitamin our bones, teeth, soft tissues grow and develop, and manifold of glands perform as it should be. And altogether, the vitamin supports our entire immune system. Initial stadium of vitamin A deficiency is signalled by such symptoms as: dry skin and its exfoliation, by and large on arms and legs, ailments of digestive system (bowels), diarrhoea, pale appetite, disorganized growth, comedown of stamina, losing body weight and general bodily sickliness; among other warning signs it might be atrophy of glands, backward dentition down to deformation of dental enamel, poor dentina and inferior pulp cavity. It is probable, that scarcities of vitamin A may lead to infertility, deformation of peripheral nerves, and may generate nephritic and urinary calculus. Scientists believe, that shortages of vitamin A are caused by unsatisfactory supplies of this chemical compound from alimentary tract or genetic deprivation of metabolism. Those two symptoms require a diagnosis and professional treatments. Another source of vitamin A deficiencies is using some of mineral oils, spent as carriers of vitamin A, except that they impair absorption of vitamin A down in digestive system. It is the reason why we ought not to season salads with the mineral oils. In case, we are willing to indulge this way we are better to consult it with a doctor beforehand. What gives natural protection against bacterial infections is cleaning and disposing of damaged skin (peeling traces). We can easily guard ourselves against deficits of vitamin A drinking raw fresh carrot juice and be safe from infections. Vitamin A is a lipid-soluble vitamin, it does not stand water solubility. It means, that overabundance of vitamin A can not be voided with body fluids, for example with urine or perspiration, but it is stored within. Some about 958 of vitamin A units is amassed in liver, and some minor amounts in other tissues and organs, e.g. hypodermically, in reins or lungs. Liver is very capacious and can accommodate these constituents even for years. The general idea is to maintain â&#x20AC;&#x17E;hard-and fast reserveâ&#x20AC;? to optimal degree, all of which necessitates everyday regular intakes. For instance: 250ml (a glassful) of raw fresh carrot juice comprises on average 50 000 units of vitamin A. Serving it in this way and in these amounts will certainly satisfy our needs on a daily basis. The source:
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USEFUL TO KNOW Medical attention to periodontitis, inflammatory diseases of gums and peridental tissues, comes in aid to be able to reduce blood glucose in case of diabetics type 2. Scientists from the Edinburgh University, in cooperation with associates from Great Britain and Canada, they conducted a study and examined diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2 individuals, who were diagnosed periodontitis. Despite the fact that both of diseases engender higher than normal glucose concentrations, they differ in background and progression. Diabetes type 1, that barely accounts for 10% in total number of diabetes patients, is by and large the concern of children and youth. The root cause of the syndrome is deficiency of insulin (the hormone that controls glucose intensities). Insulin production does not take place down to ruination of pancreas beta cells on the strength of immune system. It is one of so called auto-aggressive diseases and the moment it is diagnosed it necessitates insulin administration. Diabetes type 2 more often than not affects people at age of 45-50, however there are more and more cases when it aďŹ&#x201E;icts young persons and children. The predisposing cause is insufficient responsiveness to insulin. The malady develops as a result of fat diet ill-treat and
Management of gums advances therapies of diabetes inactivity. It is the reason why exercising is recommended, and by implication losing some of body weight. The next phase is therapy on oral drugs and the point in time it proves unreliable patients are treated with insulin. Self-examination is decisively important and diabetics, independently, have to measure their own blood pressure, screen cholesterol and read triglycerides. All of it gives a sense of prevention against these serious complications, such as cardiovascular, renal or ocular diseases. Today analysis shows, that attending periodontitis relieves prophylaxis of diabetes as much as it enables reducing blood glucose levels. Nonetheless, it is diabetes type 2, that answers to this dependability. These findings substantiate the correlation between diseases of gums and diabetes. And, in line with the authors, stomatologists may play a great role in the field of diabetology. The researchers explain, that the bacteria behind periodontitis prompt inflammation of oral cavity, what in turn triggers certain chemical reactions and impairs insulin potency. Consequently, periodontitis may impede efforts of blood sugar testing. The Source: Health Market Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Vitamin D and exposure to metabolic syndrome The elderly often prove deficiencies of vitamin D, what in one line translates into vulnerability to metabolic syndrome. .
Metabolic disorder is a set of interrelated dynamics, that significantly upgrade risks of arteriosclerosis and diabetes type 2, both of which engender vascular complications. Statistically in Poland, it is a concern of 20-26% of the population and afflicts women slightly more often than men. What appears representative is the fact, that the frequency of its prevalence grows the older we become – the closer it draws to age of 60 the more recurrent complaints happen to be. Marelise Eekhoff and her associates from the University Medical Center in Amsterdam, they examined 1300 individuals, all of whom were aged 60 and over, to find out whether there is a correlation between metabolic symptoms and vitamin D potency. Nearly 37% of the subjects were diagnosed metabolic syndrome in the course of the study – high blood pressure, centripetal obesity, abnormal cholesterol and glucose intensities. Scientists observed, that people, whose reading of vitamin D was lower than 50 nanomols per one litre of blood (scarcity) are more liable to experience metabolic conditions, far more than individuals, who achieve it over 50 nanomols. This shortages of vitamin D are strictly related to two of metabolic symptoms – low strength of HDL, namely the “good” cholesterol, and abdominal obesity. In turn, the sex appeared to be of no bearing, females and males provided evidence of comparable results. At present, the researchers, employing the same group of individuals, are going to renew the experiment and continue the analysis. “It is vital to ascertain it precisely what kind of an immediate effect vitamin D has on advance of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases”. The source: Health Market
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WHEAT and DIABETES type 1 Some Canadian scientists observed, that abnormal immune responsiveness to proteins of wheat may contribute to progression of diabetes type 1, the type that generally prevails in childhood and is not prompted by obesity or physical inactivity. The researchers from the University of Medicine in Ottawa examined 42 persons, diabetes type 1 patients, and ascertained, that half of the group subjected proved anomalous sensitivity to wheat proteins, what led to intensive cell division and intensifi ed secretion of pro-infl ammatory proteins. Reactions to other nutritional antigens, for instance hen egg protein, gluten (present in wheat also), phytohemagglutinin (kidney-bean is a rich source of), were not so highly developed. What turned out was, that all examined individuals, who effected nonstandard receptiveness to wheat proteins, they all had the HLA-DR4 gene, the one that is interrelated with diabetes type 1. The person in command of the analysis, dr Fraser Scott, asserts, that human body needs to establish immunological balance, so as to be able to safeguard itself against extraneous cells and particles and not to be destructive to own tissues or over reactive to environment at the same time. It is particularly challenging in bowels, where great quantities of nourishment and bacteria arrive at. Scott accents, that this case study shows, that some of genes predispose to hypersensitivity towards wheat and other food components down in intestines.
Infl ammations, that take place in the digestive system can affect immune responses and consequently aggravate the probability of diabetes type 1. Dr Mikael Knip, a diabetologist from Finland approves the opinion. Diabetes type 1 is considered to be one of the auto immunological diseases, that arise from disregulation of immune cells. As early as possible, the cells are supposed to learn to distinguish what is extraneous constituents, like viral or bacterial ones, and what is innate tissues and harmless food agents. Otherwise immune cells become confused and attack their own tissues, initiating auto immunological diseases, or react excessively to neutral chemicals, giving ground to allergies. In case if diabetes type 1, immune cells impair their own cells in pancreas, it is where insulin is produced. Insulin is a hormone responsible for metabolism of glucose, the defi ciency of which engenders dangerous glucose upsurges, what in turn leads to damage of tissues and organs. In his previous tests on animals, dr Scott demonstrated likewise, that low in wheat diets reduces risks of diabetes type 1 incidence. The Source: Health Market Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
STRAWBERRIES So they say ..that if you divide a strawberry in halves and share it with someone, then you will fall in love one with another ... This red, succulent, delicious fruit was a symbol of Greek goddess of love, actually by reason of the very colour and shape. However, this image of summer was bred in non-natural conditions. The innovative outgrowth appeared in 18th century, when fragaria virginiana and fragaria chiloensis were hybridized and introduced from North America and South America to Europe. This genetic cross gave rise to a new species of fruit â&#x20AC;&#x201C; garden strawberry (fragaria ananassa). It could happen so thanks to the king Louis XVI of France, who traded the fragarias in, and entrusted them to his botanist, somebody by the name of Duchesne, so as to let it be raised in his estate of Versailles. Nonetheless, it was the English, who have the lead in the field. Still, strawberries became more and more accepted, initially as an elegant appetizer round the tables of magnates, then widespread popular. Altogether, the produce affords a great many of dietetic and health-promoting qualities. It is a rich source of vitamin C â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we can satisfy our daily requirement for it in 20 pieces of this unusually aromatic fruit. To say, deficiency of this vitamin weakens body immune system, upgrades cholesterol concentrations in blood or may engender such serious complaints as scurvy. Furthermore, strawberries comprise quantities of other vitamins: K, B2, PP, including carotene, which is provitamin A. These chemical substances enhance functioning of nervous system, eye-sight, as well as physiologically regulate cholesterol and blood sugar intensities. Also, the fruit delivers valuable minerals: iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, or cobalt, all of which are essential to uphold teeth and bones in good physical shape. Still more, strawberries work against bacteria, what takes place on the strength of phytonzides (just like horseradish, garlic and onion generate it). Apart from the prophylaxis strawberries serve, there are treatments of diseases the fruit contributes to. Owing to alkalinizing and diuretic properties strawberries are recommended for rheumatism, arthritic complaints, as well as for insufficiency of reins or liver. .
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On the same basis, diabetes patients can feel free to be eating strawberries, for the simple fact the produce supplies fructose for the most part, the compound that liver is capable to extract from intestines and process it into glucose without insulin. Strawberries are a palatial choice since they offer just 40 calories per 100 grams, and not an iota of fats, to add they teem with pectin and their tiny grains develop intestinal peristalsis. Moreover, the fruit temper appetite, and in one inhibit sugars to be absorbed. For the content of iron strawberries are beneficial for our blood. The diuretic quality helps to cleanse body system away from toxins. Again, protein-digesting bromelaine together with fat-processing enzymes improve global digestion. To mention household modes of cosmetics, there is a variety of beauty fruit pulp masks one can enjoy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; whitening (fruit flesh mixed with olive oil), refreshing (fruit tissue combined with tea and bee honey), or antibacterial-and-moisturizing (fruit soft tissue jointly with face cream). Equally, crushed fruit serves treating freckles and discolouration. In last word, it might be a kind of domestic dental nursing to rub some fruit onto gums, so as to achieve teeth strengthened. Compiled by. A. Kierznowska-Rurarz
DO NOT BE AFRAID OF YOURSELF Journey to the roots … Some of us happened to learn diabetes as early as in childhood, and have been living it ever since, however being that young makes it nigh possible to be able to comprehend, that the disease is “life-bound”. Others, in turn, were to experience it and face it being teenagers, adolescents, at some point of youth rebellion, or in the course of discovering the nature of the world, all when it is the time for far more important issues. Those, who befell ill as infants are actually not able to recall it what diabetes-free existence means, they see it as it is “always to be”. Nonetheless, in case of each one of these individuals, the affliction determines their future that is to come, whether it is societal or private conduct and subsistence. It is when patterns and mechanisms of behaviour form and we evolve it into adulthood and act upon. Regrettably, it often challenges psychological adequacies. We, adults, try to confront life complexities and attempt to afford them as good as one can, and it comes to pass, that we repeat the mistakes, end up in identically difficult situations. For instance, we involve anew with the same type of a partner to go down again, or we entangle in duplicate con-
flicts at work as before. We tend to forget, that the very source of these intricacies is deeply-ingrained in our babyhood and in the incidence of the disease. The way we perceive ourselves being in poor health is what shapes our life in all dimensions. And, if we are tied in with inferior emotions, then we are to carry effects of anxiety, frustration, mistrust or anger all the days and years long. We make efforts to improve, but somehow we are not capable of it. Maybe, it is worthwhile to recognize it as a challenge life offers. We do know it, don’t we, how it goes in fairytales – the hero is subjected to an ordeal, and then has to meet it head-on, equally in the combat with the enemy and with the very him himself.
. Passing through seven of mountains and down along seven rivers …
The equipment we move out with is of our parents’ profile. Because, it is not only the child, who has to familiarize with the disease and understand it when it prevails. It is also mother and father, who are supposed to be responsible enough and guide through the reality of family. The role they play in the
actuality of their children is critical, for the line of upbringing is what children are taught and embody, what in turn is bound to be mirrored in the degree of their independence, their trust towards themselves and all of other potentials. There are parents, who did not hesitate to give children wide open doors into the world, thereby giving courage, liberating them from complexes disease engenders, schooling them directly so as not to feel “abnormal”, but nourish one’s self-esteem. Children, who happened to receive such salutary lessons, or at any rate they could draw from parental example, they certainly were well-prepared to cross the threshold of maturity. Such persons, saved from fear and alive with confidence, can prove it true that notwithstanding affliction their world is their oyster. In folk stories, the hero appears to be this the third, the youngest and the least quick-witted, but one following his heart and being insightful towards others. The inner system of values affords him to be able to make apposite decisions, to engage into worthful relationships, to be capable to know right from wrong, to offer help and support, whereas enables to be approachable to receive likewise. Thanks to his attitude, the hero Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
ABOUT US bravely fulfils any trial the destiny imposes upon him, and at the twilight of the journey, what in legends symbolizes inner process and development, he achieves his humanity completed. He meets his identity and oneness and then knows it all out what he had been originated for – this mythical motive was epitomized in happy ends, such as winning a princess and gaining a kingdom, and “living happy ever after” was nothing else than living wisdom and self-realization. Simply different situation is when the hero is not as much outfitted. Admittedly, the course of his life compromises less problems, nonetheless is similarly full of meanders, and still necessitates sojourning seven mountains and seven rivers. Still again, his fate is to blend with mistakes and complications. Those children, who had not been provided with a particular parental “supply” of self-confidence, and were tolerated to be overwhelmed with their anxieties and complexes, typify such heroes. These people have the makings, but somehow are in need of help to face adversities of life. They have to struggle years by the sweat of one’s brow to disentangle ties and knots from childhood, so as to recreate their autonomy and candour. Actually, it is the very parents, who uphold constant apprehensions to perceive their children healthy and secure, what saddles offspring instead. Children “inherit” these anxieties, incorporate them and become somewhat confined. We can presume, that parents justify a number of their unmerited choices on behalf of concern for children, but are not aware or prefer not to see it, that in fact they do a harmful duty. There should not be any consent for the situation, when trepidation deprives children of the most precious experience, which is childhood, then adolescence. It is senseless to outlaw children under a veil of diabetes truth and keep them sheltered. It is undeniable, that 22
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coming to a decision can not be always easy for parents (whereas any of us can assuredly recollect this irritating phrase “you will understand the moment you become a parent”), however it would be rewarding to take a stand from perspective of a child and recognize his essence. Isolating, over-protectiveness, hampering independence is utterly the reverse what children need. Again, far more gratifying it proves to encourage, be supportive or plainly be there for them. .
The falcon on the tree and beneath the tree the well The aptitude to come in for reality is appreciably related to the degree of self-reliance. Alienation or escapism most often stems from low self-appraisal and lack of skill to handle everyday problems. In turn, one who trusts his or her own judgment and derives satisfaction from being in the middle of the matters is certainly far from separating oneself. Such a person eagerly faces life, sensibly draws conclusions and is ready to build valuable relationships with people. Young diabetes patients, wanting self-confidence and faith, wrestling to accept the disease, make great efforts to cope with anxieties and establish hearty, moral bonds with others. Among observable facts there is one, that the youth yearn to ascertain their own identity in answer to the medical condition. Two such persons call to my mind now. They represented these radical, extreme standpoints. One of the girls dated many a boyfriend, whereas each of her relationships run the same course of affairs. There was always the same point in time or say the same threshold she never managed to surpass. The problem was, that she was unable to base a partnership on trust, simply for the reason she did not expose any so as to share it. However, when the critical moment drew nearer, namely the time to be re-
ady to reveal the fact of the disease, she habitually broke up with the other half. She tended to act as if the strategy or say the game amused her, but one day she owned up deep in herself, that the psychological barrier was a serious setback. We lost touch and I do not know who she is and where she is now. In turn, the other person was an attractive, outspoken secondary school student, who in contrast and to the point of exaggeration, informed everyone from corner to corner she is a diabetes patient. Most often than not it was rather ostentatious of her to engage coincidental passengers or passer-bys to manifest what an extensive “diabetes self-help manual” was, to this extent even that she
was more than willing to stage routines of blood screening and insulin injections then-and-there. Needless to say it was oddly sensational. While the onlookers tended to turn shocked, she was in her element to provoke them and exact some attention or some brief conversations. Perhaps, she regarded such an approach as a kind of a mission to go round and educate populace on diabetes, especially when people were a great deal behind the subject matter. In fair chance, it was tests and trials she herself felt like facing up to ?
The return via water of life I can remember my own anxiety and uncertainty as soon as it became obvious I had no alternative but to reveal my “secret”. Not being ready to “stutter it out” I am a diabetic if truth to be told, and to be told to my best friend of she-friends, I instantly anticipated her to desert me and dreaded my world to collapse. I was literally paralysed, still, we set off to walk round the locality three times repe-
atedly, and then I could discover my fears groundless. My companionships with males were occasions, when it all appeared easier for me, and I can recollect three cases in point, when I happened to meet three different masculine airs. An individual, who I was affectionate towards, acted it out self-interestedly, attributing my disease to his own line of life dilemmas. The other, he brushed it aside, to be precise he ignored it without a reflection, what a challenge it was for me to own up. Lastly, the gent, who defied his initial apprehension and managed to be all with me then, arrived on the scene to be The One. It might be discerned by some people, that the actuality of having confidence in somebody is illusive and misleading. As far as I am concerned, I do not think it must be a rule. On the contrary, we have to have courage to take up the gauntlet, even if it seems to be diving into a deep void. It is a veritable fact, that the moment we leave ourselves open is when we become more vulnerable, however the situation when we are unable to be free to trust others gives us pale chances to be able to found interpersonal bonds and intimate relationships. It is because mutual reliance makes it possible to express one’s personality unreservedly, what in turn awards space to authentic love. Naturally, one can not be perfectly assured, that commitment to others will never be answered in betrayal or faced with disappointment. Still and again, it does not mean to abandon this way of life and turn sceptical ever since. We do need intimacy and it should remain unquestionable. Nonetheless, genuine satisfying relationships are to go together with understanding and shared respect. And above all, it is the very us to be good and perceptive towards the very selves, what is the most challenging task we “have to” rise to. “If it is not me to be my best friend, who then?” – the simplicity of the lyrics, for example performed in nursery schools among other recipients, is inviting indeed. And what a fairy-land destination our hero has reached? Well, what he shows us is the personal position within which he is able to lead his life independently, as far, off course, as the source of his happiness is his own heart. He does not make believe any more, he is not afraid any longer, he does not seek any escape – all this for the reason he has become himself... J.W. Foto: Deviantart Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Do you often experience sensations of tingling, numbness or itching? Does any of it relent the moment you set your extremity in motion? Why not to �ind it out, whether or not you happen to have the medical condition of the restless legs syndrome.
. over my body I can feel ants all It is very diffi cult to identify the symptoms, that are associated with the restless legs syndrome. The sensations are most frequently described as lack of feeling, and itchiness (as if there were ants underneath the skin), any of which tend to pair with irresistible urge to change positions or be moving around. These unwelcome sensations originate from the deep parts of muscles, chiefl y from those between knee and ankle, rather than from feet, thighs, arms or hands. It may come to pass unilaterally, but it is more likely to take place bilaterally. The expressions of the syndrome can be strenuous indeed. Suppose, there is a business conference and the chairman turns incited to take wing out of his seat so as to briskly bend or straighten his leg. Embarrassing, is it not? Equally burdensome situation is, when we are willing to go out, suppose to cinema, theatre, or we are on the point of driving or fl ying a plane. Basically, the indispositions have their effect at some stage of rest, namely the time while we are sitting or having a lie. During the daytime, the longer we remain static the more probable it is, that these distempers will arise. Still, the discomforts discussed take place mainly in the evening and by night, what exacts repose nigh impossible. We are not able then to have an uninterrupted sleep, plainly for the strength of impulses to get up and stretch. Likewise, tossing and turning in bed might be so persistent, that we are simply bound to stand up to be walking a while round the room. And, it is when the oddly sensations go by. Except, what passes by altogether is the precious time designed for hours of darkness. Then, in the morning, doziness and tiredness are to meet us. Hence, the syndrome of restless legs occasionally engenders insomnia. 24
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It is just fatigue... A good number of people, who go through the symptoms introduced above, they lay the blame on the stress of everyday life and necessitated by it weariness, and that is why they are anxious to be paid no attention to. Misjudgement! The restless legs syndrome is an unfamiliar medical pattern indeed, therefore even general practitioners fi nd problems to be able to identify it. None the less, we can learn or at least talk about it..
In case, you are uncertain whether you suffer from the restless legs syndrome or not, you are welcome to solve it with answers for the following questions: •
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Do you experience any distressing sensations there in lower extremities? Do the sensations arise throughout rest?? Do the sensations relent in the course of body activity? Is it evening and night when the sensations prevail predominantly?
If each one of your answers proves affi rmative, it is suffi cient to establish the diagnosis, that you qualify as a patient of the syndrome. In this situation, you are well-advised to turn to a neurologist, who will expertise it beyond any further doubt and will help to adapt adequate treatment. It is important also to inform your doctor in details what specifi c complaints you suffer from. This is vital in actual fact, for there are no chemical tests or a kind of examination contemporary medicine can provide in order to distinguish the ailment. For the time being, the researchers presume it is disorders of dopamine brain system to be the key cause behind the upsetting body sensations. They found it also, that it is females rather than males to be ill with the malady. What is more, the symptoms may stay in force since early childhood up to advanced senility. Additionally, 60% of cases is presupposed to be genetically conditioned. However, there are instances, when defi ciencies of iron prompt the incidence of these distempers. That is the reason, why women face it during pregnancy. To add, diabetes and nephropathy patients belong to this group of risk as well.
Treatment. 3 therapy aspects. 1. Life style adjustment is thought to be based on: regular
physical exercising on a daily basis, banding legs or using compressive stockings, easing consumption of coffee, alcohol and nicotine, and observing sleep hygiene (airing bedroom before going to sleep, fi xed hours of night resting). Plus, what we recommend before bedtime is: having a walk, stretching legs, working out some push-ups, shaking feet for some seconds, massaging legs, the latter of which can be fulfi lled in the freedom of choices: one can wash legs either in warm or cold water, then can apply cold or warm compress on, to lie down oneself on one side with a pillow in-between the knees.
2. Medical attention to coexisting ailments (iron defi ciency, diabetes).
3. Pharmaceutical approach . The Sorce: Foto: Deviantart
e, people, experience it on many an occasion, that we are not satisfyingly able to communicate with one another, win dividing opinions or accept shared demeanours. What it breeds is cross-purposes and confl icts, whereas not a soul can tell, if confrontation is to come. We expend a great deal of time to make others believe it is them who labour under a mistake, just because they stand a different point of view. Practically any of us nurture the expectation, that our command have got to be recognised, and with the aim of realizing it we make attempts to “remodel” others. It applies in the same way to personal partnerships, as well as to broader family relationships or societal liaisons. The time we fi nd ourselves defeated once again anew, we feel disappointed, fatigued, simply helpless. It resembles the tilt at windmills in actual fact. Even so, there is solid dynamics behind it. s early as a handful centuries before our era, Hippocrates systemised the theory, that every human being proves a different type of personality. It means, that two persons, who happen to face comparable circumstances given, each one may act in utterly different a manner, driven by singular perceptions and private priorities, etc.
nyone of us stands a unique combination of respective natures, but there is always one type, that dominates and governs our being. None the less, it is comforting to state it, that there is no such a thing as better or worse selfhoods. In order to pinpoint the meanings the types bear relevant adjectives can be employed. There you go:
1. outgoing sanguine 2. idealistic melancholic 3. energetic choleric 4. tranquil phlegmatic 26
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Generally, we can distinguish four temperament personalities: • Sanguine • Melancholic • Choleric • Phlegmatic
ow, the listing pictures the fact, that assets are to be found whoever the character might be. Familiarising with them and leaning towards particular plus points is how we can manage demerits they embody altogether. Everyone on this earth personifi es both of positive and negative, so we need to be aware, that the latter is not the dice loaded against us or them. Accordingly, we can move on and review the attributes of each type.
Outgoing sanguine
his kind of human temperament exemplifi es effusive openness and vibrant insight one can stand. Emotional mind-set of such a person leads the line for all time. The occasions we happen to be next to this nature in the fl esh, we sense beyond any doubt it is a sanguine. He or she shines with fl owery narrative, is easy to enjoy life on the whole. Such an individual is gifted to be generating interest and tends to reach moments and places of this or that commotion. His or her heartedness gives the impression of naivety. All people around are perceived as friends, so this type is likely to be physically touching others in direct contact, even though it is not generally accepted it speaks itself as a basic need of close relationships.. Sanguine is somewhat attention-seeking. With the intention of gaining popularity such an individuality ventures varieties of positions, however disregards realities out and within him. A person of this character cares to be supportive, still neglecting consequences at the same time. Nonetheless, one can count on his or her resourcefulness and eagerness wherever people are ineffective. Sanguine have the import to inspire milieus, what grants the person standing of a leader, no matter if it is out of one’s charisma or aggrandizing. ll those traits of character may be diversely received by diversely versed personalities in any diverse circumstances. Stretching angles from whichever of sides may be arduous indeed. That is the reason why we should keep it in mind, that a sanguine treats consequences as last of issues. Also, trusting his or her infallibility, or predisposition towards exaggeration, and chaotic spirit, necessitates potentials of patience. Nevertheless, understanding and appreciating sanguine types rewards with their optimism and enthusiasm.
Idealistic melancholic
he character is the very opposition to what sanguine individuals correspond to. He or she is well-conducted, dutiful, and mindful of consequences. This kind of personality values beauty, gusto and culture. We should be rather grateful in the respect of these qualities. In pair, a person of this type embodies analytical and composed mind. In this case, everything is to be considered and planned in advance. He or she attends errands as nothing can be faulted, and it is what he expects from others around. Someone of such nature is not able to function when subjected to chaos.
t work, melancholic type is apt to observe details to minuteness, tables, charts, anything has to be in place. He or she is exceptionally demanding towards oneself and others likewise, and more often than not is very effi cient. The aim behind is perfection. Such an individual is talented and creative. His or her self-realization develops on artistic grounds, where one can share ingenious personal fl airs or loveliness of world nature. A melancholic can be unusually sensitive and considerate. This type tends to be a good friend, advise-giver, what works on the strength of listening to others and being compassionate. till, the personality of the kind proves many a contradiction. Whether it is successes or fi ascos he or she is bound to experience all deeply. While, states of depression are not any uncommon. What is more, self-esteem is fairly in need. Time and again, we perceive this type as quite uninteresting and discouraging. One can effortlessly offend such a person. Not surprisingly then, a melancholic has to trim those too high expectations and learn from sanguines how to relax and let go. Again and again, our civilisation would not progress without melancholics. What remains for us is to be thankful for their contribution into our life and try to make them more cheerful in exchange. onetheless, the most vital objective in front of us is to discover and comprehend the core nature of ourselves. In reality, it is futile to engage a sanguine into complicated, precisionchallenging tasks by brute force. The same it should not take aback, that a melancholic perfectionist does not complement a role of a ringleader. Taking into consideration the temperament types as such we have to regard it, that people embody amalgamation of them all. n essence, anyone of us for common good is believed to be able to recognise personalities of others, for the simple raison d’être it serves ability to comprehend one’s own on an equal footing. It is what can liberate us from time-consuming and energy-wasting struggling against social harm and sense of rejection. Each and every one is unique and only one of its kind. Every single one person contributes something to the existence. And, all in all, multiplicity by itself favours evolution and opportunities, so whoever it comes to be is to fi nd one’s matchless destination.
Ewa Andrzejewska Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Whirl - dancing
he opening scream of a human baby, then at the very moment it meets the world, proclaims loud - There I am! It is you to take care of me until the time I will be able to do so myself. Or, it simply means there is one more patient in the order or one more of future doctors. Whoever the newborn being is, he or she, sooner or later, will happen to need some medical attention. Good fortune if it is to come to pass on some occasions only. Worse fate befalls one, who is to be confi ned to an affl iction life-long.
he giant pharmaceutical business expands further still each time a new infant draws its fi rst breath. These days, the fi rst person whom we see at the threshold is a doctor. And again, the last person, one who is to confi rm our death, is a doctor. Medicine is our everyday life. The reasons behind it are of various nature. Gre28
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at, as far as it is no more than prophylaxis. Then again, as preventative approach to health is in great need, it regrettably does take place in moneyed families alone. Another problem is, that we go to consult a doctor when we are really forced to. Too often it is too late. And then, doctors might be unable to do a thing. And, we have no alternative but seeking substitute solutions. t
or instance, we turn to accept unconventional medicine, or, perish the thought, we encounter not healers, but cheaters. It is common knowledge, that medicine, as a nexus of sciences, developed from archaic herbalism and folk practices of shamans and witch-doctors. As far the healers and whichever witch-doctors naturally belong to the era they have always belonged, doctors of our times labour the chasm between then and now through ages of experiments and studies. Nevertheless, there are inscrutable entities in this world, or at least those, that can not be answered in logic.
Dervishes C
ountries and homes round the Earth, cultures and religions, all them offer wealth of medicaments and healing methods. Time and again mysterious ones. At times awe-inducing. Equally, ones verging on mysticism. Whirl-dancing Dervishes. The performers, clad in white lengthy robs and tall ethnic hats, can twirl their bodies pivotally no less than dozen minutes solid and reach a mental state of trance. Though, it is not what is particularly unusual. Dervishes are members of Sufi fraternity. Sufi sm is an Islamic mystical orientation aiming the grace of extrasensory touch with the presence of the Divine. The members of the confraternity are blessed with paranormal powers. For example, they can voluntarily mutilate themselves and the wounds heal as immediately as painlessly. Jaman N. Hussein, a university physician from Baghdad, has been investigated this phenomena since early eighties. The sect of Dervishes he is predominantly concerned is Tariga Kasnazaniyyah, what translates into English THE WAY KNOWN TO NOONE..
n the course of the study, what took place in Amman in Jordan, 28 members of the sect skewered their tongues, chins, stomachs, arms, chests. They bit and swallowed glass and blades. Further, they hammered poniards down the skull fl anks and under the eyes. The dervishes clutched glowing-hot plates in their hands and mouths. They were to expose their tongues to poisonous bite of snakes and scorpions, or to burn their bodies with fl aming brands. The wounds healed and evanesced within seconds. The subjects did not manifest a sign of pain. In the face of contaminated objects used there was not incidences of infections. All the way long the dervishes were conscious and physiological tests on them did not prove any aberrations. The investigators claim, that the supernatural faculties of the Sufi s are neither innate nor acquired via trance.
Alike, they are not sacred signs for the chosen. They are simply conferred by a specifi cally selected master in a 3 minute act of dabbing his hand against postulant’s head. In conclusion, the scrutiny reveals, that we do not observe a marvel of a variant state of consciousness or an internal power, but of an external power in point of fact. Curious indeed, that dervishes are not able to heal accidental wounds.
n the circles of contemporary science, the thesis on external powers or unidentifi ed energies is challenged by relatively sceptical reception. The scholars indicate, that the fi ndings of the research are oftentimes inconsistent and self-contradicting. Whereas, the experimentators explain, that the leading motivation was generating of some material scientists could elaborate. Also, they aspired, they still do, to provide access of the self-healing aptitudes to general public. To refl ect it, say, there is the School of Sufi Arts in Poland, which was offi cially established in 1982. It is an affi liate of Confraternity of Purity from India. The institution makes it available to receive spiritual training within the tradition of fi ve sufi paths. The right of entry is not any restricted..
n word, there are a great deal of extraordinary and enigmatic phenomena all over the four corners of the world. Sadly, some share of them is merely deception of sundry con artists. Nevertheless, this kind of singularities is easy to decipher, for it transpires to turn an effortless profi t. Still, there are consummately deeper wonders, as those portrayed above. It is worth a merit to ponder them and make attempts to fi nd the truths they envelop. The voluminous scholarship of medicine gives hope to millions. However, life teaches us incessantly, while science is to keep the pace. If we mention natural death we mean it decease out of old age. It is when human body fails on the strength of exploitation. These days however, we die down to diseases. To awaken for a brief moment and realize how trivial we are and what imperfection knowledge stands. Kazimierz Kozłowski Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
ANTI-DIABETIC GRAPES The news bulletin EurekAlert has published the results of a research, and reported that grapes prove to reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Scientists of the Michigan University discerned it, that diets rich in the fruit may safeguard against metabolic syndrome, which is one of indications of arteriosclerosis and diabetes type 2. It has been estimated, that the problem is a concern of 50 million Americans. The valuable properties of grapes are attributed to phytochemicals, namely vegetal active substances, that perform antioxidation functions. The scientists conducted an experiment in the course of which they administered powdered blend of green, red and black grapes to rats, that were thought to tend to gain weight. Next to the fruit fusion the animals received high-fat food reflecting the American style of eating patterns. Then, the rats were matched up against rats of clinical control group, ones that did not consume pulverized grapes. Three months passed by, and it appeared, that the rats from the first testing group afforded aortal pressure abated and triglycerides reduced in number. This, in turn, effected recovery of heart functioning and upgrading of glucose tolerance. In one, none of body weight changes was observed. Despite the fact the trial was carried out on rats, the researchers do not hesitate to recommend grapes to humans. - Toning down the risk factors may inhibit progression of diabetes and heart diseases, or at least may relieve the conditions. At any rate, it is believed to contribute and lighten the load of growing population of patients societies face â&#x20AC;&#x201C; states dr Mitchell Seymour, the author of the study. The Source: PAP/Health Market
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HEALTHY LIFESTYLE A cup of Brazilian mint tea is considered to embody analgesic properties, such as those we find in commercial painkilling medicaments, the results of a study suggest. Crenata Hyptis is advised by Brazilian healers from time immemorial, for it naturally fights headaches, stomach aches, just as fever and flu. A panel of experts from the Newcastle University was able to prove it on mice, that the ancient were in the right. The scientists assumed the challenge to re-enact the olden traditional methods of treatments as faithfully as is humanly possible. In order to do so, they surveyed Brazilian society to find it out how mint is to be prepared and what quantities are aimed to be consumed. They learned, that the customary manner was brewing dried leaves within the time of 30 minutes. The concoction was meant to freshen and then served to the ill. The researchers discovered, that the doses of the herb ascertained by the antique healers generated palliative effects as good as those of synthetic aspirin Indometacin. Some further clinical tests on mint are planned with the purpose to attest it pain relieving. The head of the search, Graciela Rocha said:: „“From the dawn of history humans have never ceased to explore organic potentials to treat medical discomforts. It has been assessed, that 50 000 of plants is employed in medicinal use all over the globe. Our team of professionals was only to provide authorized evidence, that this aromatic herb affords actual painkilling qualities and may be applied to all comers, as synthetic drugs are.” Even the searcher herself admits, that she can remember mint she was given when she was a child.. “The tea is not much flavoursome, it tastes somewhat like sage, then again pills and tablets never feel appetizing, do they?”, Rocha adds. In line with Beverly Collet from the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition, auxiliary studies are essential so as to be able to identify all of the chemical components, that ease pain. She does not deny the study is interesting and originates hopes, that a new painkilling agent can be introduced in a near future. The research was published in the magazine “Acta Horticulturae” The Source: Foto: Deviantart
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Hypoglycaemia – Diabetes manifests itself with higher glucose concentrations in blood. If such a health condition continues to last years, it impairs body system and exposes to risks of cardiovascular, renal, eye-sight disorders and diseases... Therapy in this case means radical adaptation steps in respect of life style led, diet observed, pharmacological discipline and necessity of insulin injections. All of this is intended to be able to achieve euglycemia. However, diabetes patients are aware, that dangerous difficulties may arise on the strength of other dynamics. Particularly health-threatening or even threatening life is hypoglycaemia, what stands for blood sugar deficiency. What is hypoglycaemia? It is a bodily state, when blood glucose intensity comes down to abnormally low levels. Hypoglycaemia in its full dimensions prevails the moment glucose oscillates below 40 mg/dl, whereas the fi rst symptoms take place at the point lower than 50 mg/dl. Diabetes patients may experience the symptoms as soon as glucose fl uctuates around 60 mg/dl. What are the warning signs of hypoglycaemia? The most common are: shivering of hands, yearning food, quickened heart beat, confl uent perspiration, anxiety, apathy, unfounded aggression. Can hypoglycaemia be precarious? The question is not if it can be, but how serious it can be. All human body cells need energy in form of glucose. Those most sensitive to sugar insuffi ciency are nervous ones. It is because they have no capacity to store glucose and die away as a result. Consequently, brain is the organ pressurized to the greatest an extent. Are all the episodes of hypoglycaemia equally dangerous? If there is an alarming decreasing of blood sugar during the daytime, brain is able to “warn” us and generates symptoms quoted above. Then, we are ready to counteract, for instance with liquid glucose intakes. Night hypoglycaemia outbreaks are more hazardous – they are often placid or just slightly disturbing, so we do not get prompted to awake to neutralize them. It is in the morning when headache or general body disruption tells us what had happened throughout the night. 32
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– captious state of emergency What the hypoglycaemia symptoms originate for? These are signs of alert our brain “sends out” to inform us we are in jeopardy. They are a kind of stimuli to mobilise body defences and our preventive conduct. May physical activity trigger hypoglycaemia? Extensive, highly demanding body exercising (jogging, biking) may be the occasion of dangerous losses of glucose in blood even in case of people, who are not diabetics. Do diabetes type 2 patients run the risk? Those, who are endangered far more than others are individuals receiving insulin. To be precise, it is diabetics type 1 who ought to be on the qui vive. Still, diabetes type 2 patients stand this potential of risk as well, particularly when they are treated on insulin or some specifi c oral medicines (derivates of sulfonylurea). Can pregnancy actuate hypoglycaemia? Yes, it can. There are certain instances, when yet-to-be born baby absorbs great a lot of mother’s glucose leaving her without it. Suppose one uses alcohol? The substance impairs liver activity and its capacity of glucose supply, masking the malfunction at the same time.. How can we prevent hypoglycaemia? The critical point in this respect is an adequate personalized diet. Also, as a provisional measure we can equip ourselves with liquid insulin or sweet drinks. One of relatively new solutions is standardized snacks of prolonged carbohydrate release. For example, Extend Bar bites liberate carbohydrates within up to 9 hours, what affords protection against hypoglycaemia equally during the daytime as throughout nights. To add, the nibbles exact the very 75% reduction in night-time rate of incidences. The bars do not comprise sugar and gluten, so diabetes patients can be free to adapt it among other food intakes.
R E A D E R S’ P A G E S
A letter to editorial team
Dear Editorial Team So far, diabetes mellitus has been illustrated and explained in broad an extent indeed, whereas I would like to ask, whether there were instances of individuals ever depicted, who claimed the disease to have restored their health. No, it is not a slip of the tongue. I am one of the kind. It was as per usual: family duties, job, everyday responsibilities. My healthiness “in accord with my age”. To point it straight in line: blood sugar read normal. At any rate, it was what general practitioners assured me with. Now, I am aware it was, but upper limit of normal. Even so, I grew fond of the term “norm”, at least to be at ease to be able to justify my lack of interest in such a prosaic issue as sugar. Obviously, I had heard of diabetes hardships people face, but myself felt safe proving typical sugar concentrations. Some time passed, and some odd medical problems transpired: light-headedness, asthenia... For me then it was mere fatigue, privation of time, etc. I could admit how advantageous it is to “slow down”, to shift diet dimensions from “quantities” to “qualities”, to keep oneself fit, except I was focused on more important matters. Anyway, the clinical findings were all fine. Actually, they used to be. More and more complaints began to be my concern. It was when a simple reflection told me to oblige my GP to conduct further check ups. What a bolt from the blue? Me diabetes-stricken! Are the medical results erroneous or not at all? None the less, I must have had some positive thinking encoded, for there on my way I happened to get in touch with a doctor diabetologist, who was lovable and competent in one. During the first consultation she gave me space to cry my fill and then afterwards she was able to withstand this worst phase “Why me?”. This was the moment when she stated: We are out of the woods – the time to get down to work and it should be better and better. A discovery! It is me to come to a decision, whether to bring this disinterest in health to an end and break this passive tying in with what fortune offers. And, if truth to be told, diabetes arrived on the scene challenging. Diet, physical activity (will I be strong enough?), medications, among which the dreadful word insulin, all altogether. Family and their support is absolutely vital as it is, however I did care also to share any achievements with my doctor. The way she tended to praise me before was inspiring to be better still. It might be perceived as infantile, but in fact was a source of great motivation. Regrettably, we are more likely to be unmindful of those values, then to come to appreciate them. Now, the improvements: many an inscrutable condition has ceased, blood sugar – regularly screened to be in norm, insulin and drugs belong to the past (excepting one small preventative pill), body weight loss of 7-8 kg (a miracle!) And, some of astonishing conclusions: 1. It is possible to survive eating less but more frequently 2. It is not only diabetes patients who drink non-sugar coffee 3. The market selection of wholemeal bread is more plenteous than it is of white bread 4. Biking being aged 50 something is not to render you deceased 5. It is fairly enjoyable to go out, do a thing, instead of idling down an armchair – diabetes still on your shoulder! 6. Taking care of yourself favours well-being of your family and the milieu And the fact I do carry my personal glucometer? There is many other belongings in my bag that go in pair! With respect to all this I have my right to assert it, that diabetes enabled me to return and head the desirable choice of my health. I can feel I hold the reins. Attention please: I am in command both of myself and the disease. I do not know, if it is comfortable or not, but will learn this. To date, it has been barely one and half years since the first insulin injection. I wish all diabetes were on their guard. It is not worthwhile to brush aside anything what is beyond our comprehension. Let us encourage those, who are reluctant to be examining blood sugar. In word, we do need to familiarise with problems, for then, when revealed, they are not that scary anymore. Everything considered, we are well-advised not to forget, that even if one is to confront high blood sugar intensities, his or her perseverance is to defy the adversity to the point medicine turns helpless ( a gentle joke). Ewa
CLOUDS by Wisława Szymborska
I’d have to be really quick to describe clouds a split second’s enough for them to start being something else. Their trademark: they don’t repeat a single shape, shade, pose, arrangement. Unburdened by memory of any kind, they float easily over the facts. What on earth could they bear witness to? They scatter whenever something happens. Compared to clouds, life rests on solid ground, practically permanent, almost eternal. Next to clouds even a stone seems like a brother, someone you can trust, while they’re just distant, flighty cousins. Let people exist if they want, and then die, one after another: clouds simply don’t care what they’re up to down there. And so their haughty fleet cruises smoothly over your whole life and mine, still incomplete. They aren’t obliged to vanish when we’re gone. They don’t have to be seen while sailing on. Translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh
Pythagoras gave it the title to be the king of flavourings, Horace wrote poems in tribute to it, in turn Alexander Dumas introduced it in the „Culinary Glossary” saying: „The air in Provence is saturated with aroma of garlic, so it is truly healthful to breathe with it...”
eculiar tang, beautiful blossom, that flourishes into white spicy flesh in tissue-like rind. Garlic. From time immemorial to go round all the continents, the vegetable has inspired uncommonly valuable folklore and related to it symbolism. It originated from Asia, purportedly down from desert Kyrgyzstan, where from was reproduced in Europe and Northern Africa as a domesticated plant already, while soon after was adapted and bred in the four corners of the globe.
he narrations on garlic to be found date just about 5 thousand years back now. It was cultivated by Romans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Hebrews, Arabs. The world literature provides fairly substantial evidence how ancient cultures appreciated garlic to lace it with food and how they welcomed it as a kind of medicine. Among Babylonians, it was the very king – god to esteem the aromatic plant. Likewise, the acts of reverence Egyptian nations paid to their pharaohs were offerings of onion and garlic. It was there, where a 7kg sack of garlic was priced as highly as equal to a male slave in barter. It was 1600 B.C., when the builders of the pyramids were not given garlic and rebellion erupted on the spot. In the prehistoric times, garlic was respected as a symbol of the universe. It has been established, that onion and garlic were used in mummification practices – they were believed to safeguard the deceased. Egyptian manuscripts encompass 800 medical prescriptions, 22 of which were supposed to be based on garlic.
hoenicians and Vikings, whose home was sea and sea again, they equipped themselves with massive supplies of garlic. It served them both as an item of their cuisine and as one of resourceful remedies. Whereas, in 450 B.C, Indians composed a “song on garlic” to sing the praises how the herb renews human lives up to hundreds of years. In turn, Jewish Talmud proposes its properties directly, as it “pleases and heats up body, enriches face with beam, fosters capacity of semen and gets rid of bowel parasites”. 36
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s far as roman senators fed their legionnaires with ample measures of this remarkable vegetable, them themselves did not learn the savour of it. It was because roman law interdicted entry to the temple of Cybele, the mother of Zeus, to those, who had consumed garlic. Raised on garlic legionaries met no incidences of diseases and astonished other civilisations with their physical potency of muscles. Again, it was them to familiarise general population with the herbal vegetable. Greeks alike had faith in the invigorative strength of garlic and armed themselves with it before any of battles (the odour must have been a weighty weapon on its own). It is thought, that garlic bulbs were buried amidst stones at the crossroads, so as to daunt Hecate – the goddess of magic underground world. Either, Romans and Greeks had their special garlic gardens, where the plant was nurtured. Byzantine populace cherished the vegetable to the extent they ate it without restraint, with no accompaniment, still unripe and soft in form. Also, olden societies accepted it as true, that garlic protects against snake bites and poisonous upshots. In the West in turn, the plant is considered to be a reliable agent to treat sexual powerlessness. To quote another illustration, Arabs maintain up till now, that intakes of garlic prevent from need for liquids drought prompts. Again, Spanish matadors profess the “stinking rose” whiff to be killing the bulls throughout the rodeos...
n the Middle Ages, people attempted to blend garlic with other natural essences as honey or wine. It was chiefly harvesters, for the fact the then aristocracy did not embrace the value of the vegetable. The Castilian monarch Alfonso, he was so immensely allergic to garlic, that in 1330 he introduced the commandment, that none of knights were allowed to cross the threshold of the royal court if having garlic or onion in their blood. In one, they were forbidden to speak to any of courtiers for the time of 4 weeks in view of such an occurrence.
n 1726, when the deadly plague devastated Marseille, there were four myrmidons, who robbed the departed, and who evaded the pestilence as if through a gate of a miracle. Captured, interrogated, they came clean and provided healing recommendation, one that was tested on con gravediggers. It was vinegar macerated garlic, soon dubbed as “vinegar of four muggers”. One was to use a tampon, soak it in the preparation, and inhale it. The nose burnt, but intestines were secured. A phenomenal remedy...
he dish “Aillée” – namely garlic sauce, became reasonably popular in the course of 12nd century till the 14th. Actually, it was soup-like, as people dipped bread in it and infused it with consommé. Another culinary custom was to crush garlic, almonds or walnuts together, conformably to a region, intermix it with bread crumbs, what was meant to go jointly with meat or poultry bouillon. Allegedly, Aillée was particularly salutary at wintertime, for it saved from harm of bronchitis and influenza. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
t was discovered during the conquest of the American continent, that local Indians employed garlic in medicine routines and incorporated it in their ethnic traditions. There was a great deal of prescriptions found, also those that translate some of our contemporary ailments. For instance, a preparation for an ear-ache: a clove of garlic wrapped in a wool cloth was to be placed in one’s ear. Or, in case of a foot injury, the wound was to be coated with a mash of crushed heated garlic. Reportedly, the city Chicago owes its name to nothing than garlic again. It was on the way to the Great Lakes, when the missionary and traveller Jacques Marquette and his companions would have died but for a wild intensively aromatic plant of garlic they stumbled upon. The terrain it grew within was called Cigaga – Wuuj. And, the settlement erected there were christened Chicago anon. he vegetable of garlic arrived at the Polish lands shipped by Tatars or merchants in the Middle Age. In a couple of centuries after that, it was all-purpose item for consumption and universal medication. Its healing assets were effected by peasants in cases like: respiratory system disorders, alimentary system diseases (parasitic roundworm ailments in particular), infectious diseases (e.g. jaundice, typhus), cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism, or such complaints as aching teeth and gums, headaches. The contemporaneous studies ascertain the fact, that garlic can be used as a natural antibiotic, since it proves antiviral and antibacterial qualities. In one, it combats fungi and microbes. It all works on the strength of allicin, the chemical constituent garlic releases when fresh and squashed. The substance was scientifically discerned in 1944. To say, the only indigestible part of garlic is its sprout. And to explain, it was the discovery of penicillin that was this one episode in history, when garlic was not paid attention to, however not before long the First World War it regained its trustworthy position, since access to antibiotics then was quite unmanageable, while garlic habitually ready at hand.
hat garlic comprises is sulphur compounds, mineral salts, B and C vitamins, all of which composed with pectin, calcium, selenium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, cobalt. These are garlic attributes that revitalize every single bodily function. Also, as long as the vegetable is consumed regularly and in raw, its chemical elements antagonize cancer cells and their potential progression. Likewise, we can use it both as a preventative and therapeutic agent to counteract cardiovascular diseases (2-3 cloves daily downgrades risks of coronary attacks). Garlic intensifies generation of insulin and reduces blood sugar concentrations. Altogether, it relieves more of complaints, for instance it is advised to be externally applied on infected and hardly-healing wounds, burns, ulcerations, or mycoses. Garlic based alcoholic tinctures ease rheumatic indispositions. Further to quote, concoctions founded on this herbal vegetable neutralize nicotine intoxications. In one, pulps on this organic material alleviate acne skin complexions when delicately rubbed in. 38
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie John William Waterhouse - „Magic Circle” 1886
consists of come in aid to fall asleep in more trouble-free a way. It neutralises poison of wasps, bees, mosquitoes, black flies, ticks, even of scorpions and snakes, all on the condition that some paste of garlic is immediately harnessed spot on the bite. Equally, garlic combats Salmonella and Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which fact was scientifically proved. o garden without weeds”, garlic stands some shortcomings accordingly. It might exact heartburn and flatulence. The plant favours intestinal gases. Its smell and aftertaste discourage people, for the obscurity to divest oneself of them. One good news in here, there is garlic in tablets. hermally processed garlic does not exhaust its wondrous properties, provided that straight after cutting, grating or squeezing we put it aside for 10 minutes to rest. It is the time needed so as maximum of allicin can be liberated. Then, the vegetable is not supposed to be fried or cooked long – 5 minutes before the dish is about to be finished is when we season it with garlic. arlic may interact with some of anticoagulant drugs, for example with warfarin. Therefore, in case we have to receive blood-diluting medicines it is worthwhile to consult a doctor. Likewise, garlic supplements can not be accepted within 2 weeks facing expected surgeries coming, for it may encumber coagulation, or even it may lead to haemorrhage. his aromatic vegetable has been adopted in many a form: fresh raw, dried, powdered or in capsules. Naturally, the best is when it is fresh and shredded. Also, high temperatures do not serve its antibacterial attributes. Preventatively, one clove daily is a sufficient dose. arlic is not an enemy of lovers, quite the reverse! Copious sulphur compounds generate aphrodisiac elements. Henry IV Bourbon, who was named garlic clove, as for he was well-known to be exuding bad breath on occasions of amorous engagements, was actually far better known as a conqueror of female hearts. n Tibetan monasteries, garlic was disqualified for its exceptionally stimulating potential. Ovid in his “Ars Amandi”, or Shakespeare in “Winter’s Tale” introduced it as an agent of passion. In turn, breakfast of Don Juan was depicted to consist of 50 oysters and an omelette on eggs and mass of herbs and relishes, among which mainly basil, lovage and garlic. One of great devotees to this white vegetable was also Pablo Picasso, who was famed not only for his painting masterpieces, but also for his amorous conquests. The master of cubism was to find garlic irresistible whatever a form it was. He kept it near at hand next to bread and wine while he was creating his genius works in his studio. “I adore him, Pablo is my master, when it is hard to be talking with him for he horribly smells with garlic” – Salvador Dali was accustomed to say. None the less, musses and lovers of the Spanish paramour must have not minded it. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie 39
his vigorous plant has also capacity to protect us against infections of pharynx and larynx. Thanks to its volatile substances, ones liberated during chewing, it lightens cold, asthma, whooping cough. In line with folk medicine it is beneficial to be drinking a glass of milk together with crushed garlic then on empty stomach, and pause eating for next three hours on. For best results it is to be repeated in the evening before one goes to sleep. t effectively exacts prophylactic and therapeutic weight on alimentary system what might be a remedy for liver malfunctions, obesity or climacterium. On the strength of its antioxidating qualities garlic protects against free radicals. It stimulates metabolism of fats reducing cholesterol levels in blood. Sulphur compounds it contains rouse white blood cells to defend body against contagions. Reducing points of triglycerides it safeguards arteries and heart in one. Its chemical activity assists many a function: biligenic, cholagogic, diastolic, antiparasitic, antiarteriosclerotic, immunological, digestion regulating, blood pressure adjusting. Applied in enemas it fights pinworms children happen to have, disinfects urinary tracts, runs down antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Useful chemicals garlic
ince the unpalatable scent does not promote amorous elation one can manage it chewing parsley or washing it down with yogurt, milk or wine. Some people suggest coffee beans, others honey, cloves, thyme, cumin, green beans, mint, celery, raw broad beans, lemon or orange peel, apple. Still, the best of options appears to be chewing fresh rue leaves. arlic, as a magical plant, symbolised the planet Mars (just as sulphur and mustard), what was meant to be guarding against evil. In medieval Europe, garlic was believed to be unsurpassed protection in front of black magic and vampires. Hanged on doorways it saved from harm of witches. Corresponding to Arabic lore, these extraordinary properties originated form the fact, that Satan carried a garlic bulb on a hoof when driven out of paradise. In Bohemia, in aim to safeguard cattle from devilry garlic was added to pasturage, in turn on the New Year day there folks used to place garlic behind dogs’ collars, so as they would be certain to keep and watch the year on. If to mention polish villages, countrymen were to effect garlic against evil spirits and spells. Depending on a region, garlic was worn as a personal talisman, on the neck, in a pocket, sewn in garments or physically rubbed in skin. On the terrains of Tatra Mountains, garlic was sanctifi ed on the day of Saint Łucja (Lucia), since when people accustomed to coat cowsheds with it or to perform fi gurative signs of cross, all to salvage inventory. It was generally believed, that imps, sprites, banshees, any demons dreaded the tangy bouquet of the plant. Far off in Africa, it is still preserved a custom to rub bodies with garlic and scare crocodiles away, a supernatural plant indeed...
ONION OF WISE WOMEN– it is a plant of various names agreed, like wood garlic, wild garlic, bear’s garlic, and affords all the valuable qualities cultivated garlic does. Though, it differs in appearance and in the kind of ecosystem it grows in. Its bulb is narrow and oblong, which is the nest for two leaves to blossom out in early spring (like in lily of the valley). From in-between the two blades a cauliform develops to fl ourish with a round head of white fl owers. It blooms from April to May. Today, it vegetates just and only in natural environment, in shady and watery meadows, within thickets, on the lengths of forest clearings. The leaves of bear’s garlic effi ciently counteract against hyper pressure, arteriosclerosis, fl atulence, being supportive to alimentary system and metabolism in one. The leaves are meant to be collected on the onset of April, the bulbs in August-September. Tinctures based on shredded leaves should be prepared in spring, whereas those on bulbs in autumn. The infusions are believed to nurse weakening memory and bronchitis. In culinary use, it is leaves only, and only if fresh, that serve some benefi ts. Both leaves and bulbs can be applied to spice soups, sauces, or hamburgers. ne more of features – garlic fl owers, they are sweet tiny and beautiful, often highly appreciated in bouquets. The merits are, that they keep their verdure fairly long and some of them secrete subtle fragrance of honey.
Compilated by: Antonina Niekrasz
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CULINARY DELIBERATIONS NAMELY A HANDFUL OF REFLECTIONS THE PROLONGED WEEKEND LED TO Diabetes diet! You are the very health. Is one to appreciate you highly I ask humbly? The question can be answered The moment one meets you in practice... Today I can embody your wisdom I have tried it out and trust it – I am grateful For the wondrous results: For being well in flesh and mind, For the instance my pancreas recovered fine, A new lease of life – contrasted with what was before, When I overindulged food and drank beyond a law Now, there is more meals, but in smaller measures. My spine relieved, “aching of bones” eases. Lighter cooking – not a great art. Anyone can find the way, the one who seeks to be smart. Even if it was only to view it, that fish, vegetables Is what wellbeing enables Fatty meat, noodles, foreshanks, cakes All are bound to prove body weight gains Sugar in one accord – common knowledge to any man So what is it to halt you ladies and gentlemen, To let horse sense prevail each day again and anew? Especially when diabetes diet is really true To bring profits to anyone – that is a discovery: Even to those actually healthy - To sum it all up it makes life more lengthy! Ewa Andrzejewska
Song onbytheCzeslaw EndMilosz of the World On the day the world ends A bee circles a clover, A Fisherman mends a glimmering net. Happy porpoises jump in the sea, By the rainspout young sparrows are playing And the snake is gold-skinned as it it should always be. On the day the world ends Women walk through fields under their umbrellas A drunkard grows sleepy at the edge of a lawn, Vegetable peddlers shout in the street And a yellow-sailed boat comes nearer the island, The voice of a violin lasts in the air And leads into a starry night. And those who expected lightning and thunder Are disappointed. And those who expected signs and archangelsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; trumps Do not believe it is happening now. As long as the sun and the moon are above, As long as the bumblebee visits a rose As long as rosy infants are born No one believes it is happening now. Only a white-haired old man, who would be a prophet, Yet is not a prophet, for heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s much too busy, Repeats while he binds his tomatoes: No other end of the world there will be, No other end of the world there will be.
A TOUCH ON HEALTH The commonplace name of saprophytic fungi is mould, what arises from the simple fact we manage it in everyday life. The spawn of mould can develop on such organic bases as vegetable feed, compost, skin, where it generates thick, white or coloured coat within. Most the times, we do not realize how unfavourable mould is when it takes place on food, particularly on vegetables and fruit that we consume raw. In commercial practice, the produce affected by mould is trimmed down in flesh and then in prices to gain what is left in bargain. The lower cost usually wins through, whereas the remnant of the goods is healthy but in appearance only, for this reason that mould, if infects, it does throughout a given body, not solely spot there where the flare-up happens to be. It works the same rule in case of bread; we can not handle mould cutting greenish or whitish slices away. Even if the baking looks all fine after an intervention of the kind, it is still whole ill.
The organisms stand highly advanced and extraordinary sensitive system, one that enables them reception of external stimuli and memorising collected information. More, they are even able to communicate one with another. The only faculty they are not capable of is escape. At any rate, they do not have to, they have no enemies round the Earth. This mortal menace to humankind – FUNGI! Fungi is as if a slower-in-motion variation of animal species. The only faculty they are not capable of is running away – the American biologist Jack Schultz stated in 1985. Anyhow, he observed at the same point, that it does not discourage fungi a touch to engage in the battle for the primacy in this globe. There is a good many natural scientists, who share the qualm and caution against this uncompromising and deadly adversary. Fungi do infest, they can be found everywhere, in jungles, in sweltering lifeless crevices throughout deserts of Northern America, as well as underneath massive ice stratums of Antarctica. They are able to adapt to any conditions given and to settle to any food that is to come. The creatures can be eating midget living beings the same as decayed material, the same as they can survive on industrial waste.To crown it all, the genus multiply in transmutations, and to say it firm, it happens on the strength people contribute to.
DREAD For instance, we are not sincerely aware how “rich with its own inner life” our pot of soup may turn out to be, and how promptly it may have effect altogether, all if we rest it for tomorrow or after tomorrow. But sanitary inspectors and experts on epidemiology are fastidiously aware, they have revised many a public catering location. However, no one of such competence scrutinizes our kitchens. It was less than one hundred years it took human civilisation to ruin natural steadiness and potency of ecosystems. Industrialisation of agriculture engrossed soils with masses of pesticide artificials, what soon appeared to be the first of choices fungi rely on. Besides, mineral salts stimulate fungi to be producing more toxins, which are still more intoxicating. And, in addition, the poison fungi saturate lands with is further toxic than the poison in their very mycelium. Oleg Monatyrski, a Russian scientist from the European Mycological Association published reports, that bear out the evidence that we are to confront mounting peril. He disco44
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A TOUCH ON HEALTH As much as 150 fungi species feed on life forms. They can ingest minuscule roundworms, sky-high trees or ... human beings. The scientists warn, that the next giant civilisation on the Earth might be fungi one, straight down on the debris of ours. Fungi face no antagonistic genera, do not have to run away anywhere, still that contemporary science has not managed to identify these hybrids to successfully challenge them. Then, we do not know what a turn our future is to withstand.. vered, that some fungi are already capable to generate several dozen variants of poisons. For an example he quotes Fusano fungi, the genus that wreck corn crops. This type of fungi exude 40 poisonous natures, whereas just three of them have been sufficiently recognised. Hence, it is an immeasurable problem, all the more that chemically engineered fertilising serves fungi mutations and their immunity. Modern farming goes up against these great dangers and there are introduced further innovations of plant protective agents. Unfortunately, it devastates the bionetwork with chemicals more still, and doubly promotes the realm of fungi!
TO FEAR It has been revealed, that notwithstanding fungi flora origin, they have a lot in common with animals. Namely, they belong to the family of organisms, whose cells develop a nucleus. It was ascertained also, that they stand highly advanced and extraordinary sensitive body system, one that enables them reception of external stimuli and memorising collected information. What is more, they are able to communicate one with another, just as their biochemical processes resemble human nature of patterns. The fascination scientists harboured towards these atypical organisms translates more into trepidation now, particularly when they realise, that the fungi stand a deadly weapon, which is mycotoxin, long-winded and unbeatably effective contaminant.
In 20th century, round then eighties, an average polish fruit cultivator applied some about 16 sprays to expect to harvest a crop of ripe healthy apples. Now, last year, the New York Academy of Science issued their account on fungi food contamination. They pronounced it a global problem, since 80% of produce that reaches our tables world-wide is mycointoxicated. Admittedly, in Europe and America there are respective regulations sanctioning goods affected by fungi to lead it out of circumvolution. However the situation when such commodities match up the established norms they are legal to enter the markets. It is not difficult to anticipate what must take place in human stomachs under the weight of so fatal an influence. One of other findings was an accidentally detected toxin patulin, that achieved it in Northern America and Europe to infect 50% of apples and nearly 80% of fruit juice assortments. The researchers disclose, that they unearth more and more fungi deviations, which appear to be more and more expansive. In the USA, there has been a governmental programme appointed, so as to investigate the environmental impact of mycotoxins. In sum, there was 2000 fungi poisons recognised, 300 of which have been examined and analysed. The researchers estimate, that it is at least 2000 more round the four corners of the globe. I need to acknowledge it with some tone of personal shame, that we can not offer a kind of command how to call the invasion to a halt â&#x20AC;&#x201C; doctor Monatyrski states. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; What I am certain of is the fact, that this way of civilisation progress, in this tempo and of this character, guarantees the triumph of fungi on this planet! Compilated by Irena Lus Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
A TOUCH ON HEALTH I t has been estimated, that one third of women who go through diabetes type 1 happen to experience some predicaments in the sexual sphere. More often than not it pairs together with depression. Reuters Health and Diabetes Care magazine provide medicinal conclusions drawn from a study conducted in Belgium on 600 female individuals. The patients were subjected to an investigation in respect of their psychological condition, underwent clinical tests and were asked to meet an inquiry form in relation to their personal bearing on sex. 35% of the trial participants were recognised to undergo various sexual disorders. The most frequent complaints were libido in decline, inability to climax, wetness round intimate areas, sexual tension and pain during performance. The preliminary analysis pinpointed these medical problems to be a concern of the elderly, the unmarried, those past menopause, depressed or challenged by blood circulatory syndrome. However, more elaborated examinations ordered the list above to depression and social status only. The panel of experts suggested to use the findings on a daily basis, and then combine regular screenings of female diabetes type 1 with equally regular check-ups towards their mental state and sexual stands.
Night Thoughts Stars, you are unfortunate, I pity you, Beautiful as you are, shining in your glory, Who guide seafaring men through stress and peril And have no recompense from gods or mortals, Love you do not, nor do you know what love is. Hours that are aeons urgently conducting Your figures in a dance through the vast heaven, What journey have you ended in this moment, Since lingering in the arms of my beloved I lost all memory of you and midnight. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~ Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
NATURE RECIPES The moment I am on the point of brewing herbs I feel as if I was a wise woman. The fact they lived in commercial sachets does not belittle my zeal. My nose is stimulated on the strength of aromas... I am a household herbalist, who enjoys drinking camomile, sage, melissa. It is the reason why I plan to set up a little herbaceous garden on my private site this year. Certainly, I am going to do this armed with some professional manuals. As far as this, it is spring onion ponderously resting on my window sill.
THER A PEUTIC DEPTH OF HERBA L TEA SACHETS The earliest narrations on herbal medicine we can find, is historical documentations amassed in Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, what has been dated as old as born in 2000 B.C. The healing plants they refer to are camomile, saffron, wormwood, liquorice, dame, pot marigold, common fennel and some others. To be precise, the very fathers of medical knowledge were temple priests of ancient Egypt. The precincts of the shrines were grounds where plants were cultivated and the chambers of these holy places served space to be able to prepare specifically formulated medicaments. The generous material on Egyptian medical expertise is comprised in the Ebers Papyrus (1500 B.C.) in form of 900 well-defined prescriptions. For instance, Egyptians already then practised treatments on poppy seed, which is such a substance, that can afford incredibly strong anaesthetics, to quote morphine as an example. The current medical comprehension was introduced by Greeks in 4 and 5 BC. As it was mentioned, healing treatments were initially based on religious cults and performed in sanctuaries. Some time passed, and magical elements gave way to more worldly therapeutic routines. Also, more and more people acquired the competence of drug dispensing. There was specialisations like “pharmacopoeia persons”, namely ones who composed medicaments, and “rhyzotoms”, who cast about herbs, collected them and provided them to the former. Herbs were sold to doctors and patients in purposely designated outposts as an “apotheke”, what translates into today’s “apothecary”. Herbalism has been highly appreciated in Chinese and Indian medicine up to the present day. For example, Chinese medics were able to apply the Ephedra sinica plant to treat respiratory diseases as early as 2000 B.C. The ephedrine, in it’s active chemical compound is invariably adapted to the modern day exactly for the use in therapies such as asthma and bronchitis. 48
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In turn, in the Middle Ages, it was Charles the Great (768-814) who instituted cultivation of healing herbs and aromatic plants. Botanical medicine then, likewise, developed in Christian monasteries in line with monastic traditions. Herbs were grown and nursed in the gardens alongside priories, noblemen’s manors or church hospitals. It was the time, when the art of voluminous and lavishly illustrated herbariums was paid many an effort and effected. In 10th and 11st century Europe, it was Benedictines from Salerno who mastered medical herbalism. Further on, in 13rd and 14th centuries, first pharmacies were created, called “stores of pepper” or “spice shops”, where healing roots, flavourings, and scents were put on the market. The breakthrough moment in the botanic history of healing was when Paracelsus proclaimed, that God bestowed people with all-curing remedy (Arcanum), altogether with signs (signatures) leading to the sought solution to be found. Accordingly, Paracelsus prescribed kidney-shaped produce in case of nephritis, yellow-coloured natural products in case of jaundice, or poppy-heads for head-aches. In one, he devised methods of processing, so as to be able to extract plant essences, what we term today as active chemical agents. It is how he earned the title to be the pioneer of phytochemistry and pharmacognosia.
NATURE RECIPES Within last years of 20nd century and on the opening years of 21st , there was a recognisable swing towards natural therapies. The most popular merchandise now is ready-made herbal mixtures. The only question that remains is the worth of efficacy. Standard herbal tea we buy is a blend of raw materials and is as if a protoplast of a combination-type medicine. Quite often, there are additives enhancing flavour and colouring. Some of ingredients are multidirectional, however might be previously associated and work synergistically, that is they might add force to the principal constituent. General practitioners are well-familiarised with medicaments, that afford herbal activity. At present, pharmacologists, microbiologists, botanists, chemists in unity, are engaged and committed to discover more of herbal substances sources. Nowadays, phytotherapy has become more than an alternative approach since it was accepted as one of classical medicines. Numerous officially legal drugs, whether in tablets, liquids or ointments, comprise plant active ingredients, that had been proved throughout business-like scientific studies. Then, phytotherapy is an organic integral face of chemical science. Many a time, medicines on plants save human lives. Equally, phytotherapy may be just one of supportive treatments and it is difficult to assess efficiency of any involved in respect. Herbalism as an alternative approach encompasses many traditions: those of ancient Greeks and Romans, or those originated in India, China, Tibet, ones that have shamanic backgrounds. The followers of the alternative line admit steadfast, that conventional medicine is more proficient in case of emergencies, when pressure of time is critical. Whereas herbal medicine is more prophylaxis oriented, it can reinforce immune defences as appositely as ably to bring chronic diseases progression to a close. Phytotherapy, as an alternative medical speciality, is a controversial theme, but solely from the point of view of scientists. What they reproach is low profile and subdued credibility of literature herbalists and their culture have provided. To cite their standpoint, phytotherapy may be the same as a substantial contribution to academic medicine, as well as a ground of hoax practices. The factual outcomes depend on content-related formulations, methods of practice and spiritual understanding. The famous Polish herbalists are Czesław Klimuszko and Grzegorz Sroka. Compiled by. Aniela Szymańska
Camomile tea as a touch of relief for diabetics A cup of camomile tea daily may be one of preventive steps against acute complications diabetes type 2 engenders, what might be loss of eye-sight or impairment of nerves and kidneys among many others – British scientists in cooperation with Japanese associates have established. However, the British party from the Diabetes UK foundation, one that attends and supports diabetes individuals being an authorized scientific researches group, they reckon, that diabetes patients should not redouble the prescribed measure of camomile infusions. „There is a necessity further studies ought to be conducted to be able to decisively ascertain camomile bearing on diabetes complications” – they assert. In turn, some of the authors of the scrutiny state it publicly, published on the pages of the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry”, that their analysis and examinations may lead to innovative solutions in diabetes type 2 pharmacology. The investigators from the Toyama University cooperatively with the British unit, they administered camomile brew to diabetes stricken rats for the period of 21 days trial. The test results were compared to the clinical control group readings. And, the rodents receiving camomile proved blood glucose concentrations far lower than the animals in the control group. What is more, camomile has been observed to reduce intensity of aldolase reductase, the enzyme that prejudices such diabetes complications as defects of retina or reins. In case of glucose superfluity, aldolase reductase converts the sugar into alcohol termed sorbitol. Then, this substance accumulates in body cells, e.g. there in retina or reins, what triggers oedema, deforms structures and handicaps functioning. In due course, it brings the organs to ruin in form of blindness or renal failure. Again, Dr. Victoria King from the Diabetes UK purports, that it is a premature conclusion for diabetics to be drinking more camomile. According to her, diabetes type 2 can be sufficiently stabilised on the strength of a proper diet, physical activity, and adapted medicines. The Source: Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Bran eases risks of decease in case of female diabetics W
omen, who face diabetes type 2 and observe rich in bran diet are less liable to happen to pass away, than diabetes patients, who do not include the fibre in their eating patterns – Harvard University scientists distinguish. One of the researchers, dr. Lu Qi, finds it promising, especially when the diabetes individuals stand two- or threefold more serious exposure to loss of life. r. Qi and his associates have managed to analyse records of 7822 females, who were diagnosed diabetes type 2 at the age of 30. This most frequent in incidence type of diabetes, strictly related to overweight and physical inactivity, is mainly a concern of people middle-aged and at age advanced. All the patients involved in the large scale American “Nurses’’ Health Study” (NHS, 1976) were actually nurses by profession. Every two years subjects fulfilled questionnaires on illness history and life style led, whereas it was every four years they filled up inquiry forms in respect of food consumed. Their state of health was monitored for the duration of 26 years. Within the time mentioned, there were 852 death cases, 295 of which were corresponding to blood circulation diseases. he analysis, in terms of age, provided evidence, that women who treated themselves with bran (in average 9,7 grams daily) proved to reduce decease risks in 55% while regarding a variety of factors at stake, or in 64% in confrontation to blood circulation syndromes, what showed contrast to females, who did not eat bran cereal at all. he scientists took into account several issues of life style, such as smoking or fitness activities. None the less, it was bran intakes, that had statistical weight on death rates cutbacks. Dr. Qi explains it the way, that diabetes, as a chronic inflammation disease features moderate growths of post inflammatory dynamics and characterises dysfunction of endothelial tissue, namely cells, that line up blood vessels and drive the there pressure. oth aspects play a role in cardiovascular complications prevalence. Therefore, aiming post inflammatory dynamics to be reduced and endothelial tissue to be recovered, anyone is well-advised wholemeal products in plenitudes.
The Source: Health Market
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We have been acknowledged! And distinguished with the first prize in the Contest „Social Initiative 2009”
It was an honour to be granted the reward for an original diabetes oriented education formula we have been realizing throughout the “ Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’”. The idea to be proceeding the historical tradition of the “Dinners at King Staś’” has been achieved by the editorial team of the “DIABETES and HEALTH” magazine.
THE REPRESENTATIVE STATUETTE OF THE BLUE LIGHT BULB WAS COLLECTED BY THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DANUTA ROSZKOWSKA Deeply moved, she received congratulations expressed by Maciej Żywno, the Voivode of Podlasie. It is no wonder: the recognition of efforts paid to support diabetes individuals, or to build societal integration altogether, brings not only kinds of personal satisfaction, but also general reputation broadened via press publishing. Especially, that the Voivode wished us equally fruitful future, as well as “positive standpoint of governmental administration” counting his own private contribution. And, that is the spirit! Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Rewarding is a value of its own accord They say, that the beneficiaries promote their pockets, while the benefactors satisfy hearts. Dedicating purifies and brings joy. Giving someone an Angel with Energy we give twofold – protection, and wings of inspiration ...
ANGELS for ANGELS The editorial team of the medical magazine „Diabetes and Health” ascertained a continued tribute to individuals and institutions, who uniquely support diabetes patients. The tribute is Angels...
The Rewards of the Editorial Team 1. The principal idea of the “Angels for Angels” reward is to distinguish merits of individuals, businesses and institutions who outstandingly have managed to enrich life quality of diabetes experienced patients, contribute to social awareness of the disease and foster mutual understanding, acceptance and solidarity towards the diabetes stricken. 2. The reward is appointed by the Editorial Team of the “Diabetes and Health” magazine. 3. The reward is decided respectively to the following categories: a) BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS, that distinctively support diabetes experienced persons b) HEALTH SERVICE WORKFORCE, who are there on mission to serve diabetes diagnosed patients c) MEDIA AND JOURNALISTS, that advocate social and medicinal education in the line of diabetes disease d) PUBLIC FIGURES, who are unusually sensitive in relation to diabetes stricken, are personally involved and committed in aid of change for the better 4. The Editorial Team may resolve a Special Reward, apart from the categories, to pay recognition to any well-deserved contributions, that might happen to come to pass 5. The reward is a wooden sculptured statuette of an “Angel with Energy”, the creator of which is Aleksander Grzybek 6. The prizes are awarded once yearly 7. The profiles of the distinguished are appreciatively introduced on the pages of the “Diabetes and Health” medical magazine 52
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Szanowna Pani Ewa Kopacz Minister Zdrowia Ministerstwo Zdrowia ul. Miodowa 15 00-952 Warszawa
Szanowna Pani Minister Jako organizacja skupiająca w swoich szeregach osoby chore na cukrzycę, z zadowoleniem przyjęliśmy Stanowisko Rady Konsultacyjnej Agencji Oceny Technologii Medycznych z 15.02., 15.03, 29.03 oraz 12.04 br., w których to Rada Konsultacyjna uznała za zasadne zakwalifikowanie leków z grupy GLP 1 (eksenatyd, liraglutyd) oraz DPP4 (saksagliptyna, widagliptyna) jako świadczeń gwarantowanych, finansowanych w ramach wykazu leków refundowanych, z 50% odpłatnością. Rekomendacje AOTM traktujemy jako duży krok naprzeciw potrzebom i oczekiwaniom chorych na cukrzycę w zakresie dostępu do nowych leków i doceniamy wykazaną przez Ministerstwo Zdrowia troskę o poprawę naszej sytuacji. Jednocześnie chcielibyśmy uzyskać informacje, kiedy ww. rekomendacje znajdą odzwierciedlenie w obowiązującej liście leków refundowanych. Wiemy, że dostęp do tych leków jest szczególnie ważny dla pewnej, stosunkowo niewielkiej, grupy pacjentów, u których mogą one opóźnić czas rozpoczęcia insulinoterapii. To niezwykle istotna korzyść i jesteśmy przekonani, że trzeba zrobić wszystko, żeby chorzy mieli możliwość jej doświadczyć. Niestety, nawet z 50 procentową dopłatą koszt zakupu leków będzie przekraczał możliwości finansowe większości chorych. Dlatego zwracamy się z prośbą, aby te leki były dla najbardziej potrzebujących i chorych dostępne nieodpłatnie.
Z wyrazami szacunku
Danuta Roszkowska
Prezes Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Diabetyków Oddział Wojewódzki w Białymstoku i redaktor naczelna Magazynu „Cukrzyca a Zdrowie”
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Foto: Dorota Andrzejewska
We discover delightful settings... Suppose, one is watching a TV weather forecast and shifts his or her eyes on the north-eastern corner of Poland there close to Suwałki, and what he or she is likely to associate it with? Well, a Polish pole of cold temperatures. Nevertheless, many of our countrymen and even some of foreigners, ones who ever happened to visit the lands, are impressed how picturesque and sui generis the sites are. The familiar phrase “green lungs of Poland” does not read the captivating features of these glacial scenes, spread with dimensions of lakes, hillocks, hills in places. Driving up north from Augustów towards Sejny we may go and witness one of the most beautiful lakes – Serwy. This nearly 8 kilometres long reservoir, squared in 460 ha, fuels the Augustów Canal with its waters and serves scenery to the localities of Macharka, Sucha Rzeczka, Serwy. We choose Sucha Rzeczka to have a stop there, for it is the angle of the lake, where both of its peripheries are within reach of an eye. Being lucky to enjoy the weather today we feel tempted to stay a while in here. In front of us, there is one of countless piers and people bathing in sun. An occasion to ask for a guidance. Not as far! It is some German tourists! Anyway, it is not unusual here. Foreign people holiday at this junc-
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
ture. Trying and mixing tongue and sign languages we turn to be admiring the clearness of the Serwy lake and the bulrush around. It is beautiful environs. To have a swim is certainly a good idea. Wonderfully refreshing water. Nothing but to give in to the nature... Except, there in the rushes a company of swans, the father, altogether a leader in the front line, what all means to abandon the spot any opposite direction in any style. Now, time for a thing or two. A local shop, some fresh peach yogurts, for the lunch as it should be. Hold on, why on earth the people, ones equipped with fi shing rods, they have vanished behind the shop? We peer there where back-up facilities are and rub eyes out of the disclosure – next of lakes? The ecosystem is profuse. We decide to cull some facts what we are actually viewing. We chanced on a friendly inhabitant of Sucha Rzeczka, Fabian Rowiński in family name, who told us, that the lake is called “Małe” (Small One). Indeed, matched up against all the others its 6 ha does not stir, then again the sight of it affords a picture for a postcard from our vacation time. Whereas, back to the topic on Serwy, the lake, along via Augustów Canal, adds up to the waterway leading straight to the river Niemen. The
TOURIST VIEWS lake accommodates three islands: Sosnowo, Dębowo and Lipówek. The biggest of them is Sosnowo, where cormorants and grey herons build their nests, among which even white-tailed eagles happen to be spotted. Also, for the fact it is within the very heart of the Augustów Primeval Forest, the there woods is home for families of deer, elk, roe deer, wild boar, wolf. By the way, we are quite fortunate, as our guide, mister Fabian, is a member of Forest Inspectorate staff, so the information is fi rst hand. And, a brief message for the anglers: perches, pikes, powans, eels, mints, roaches, all there. The lake depth of 41,5 m provides the space for such a variety. A changeover, we rent bicycles. We are going to circle Serwy, which is a 20 km ride. There, what a traveller selection! Fairly sizeable camping sites, holiday homes, guest-houses, catering, anyone is welcome. Then, well, moderation is the golden mean. We opt for the last trip to fi nd an offer of the regional cuisine. A relief to be on the bikes... We return to Sucha Rzeczka. There is already the sunset on the horizon. We have a rest by the waterside and can not believe what we see – such a spectrum of refl ecting colours can be created only by nature and by nature only. It is worth hours and hours to feel at one with. Back to reality. A whiff of a savour reaches our senses, as if an aroma of some mushroom soup. There, people stage a barbeque and are keen to spend the evening on this or another conversation The dilemma arises: are we to stretch a tent and join the yet unacquainted or we are better to be homecoming? Well...
Foto: Anna Worowska
Foto: Marek Dolecki
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Another Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’
Surge of the heart – compositions of J.S. Bach, Ave Maria among, and own creations, were blown on flugelhorn by Maciej Mucha
The lecture of prof. dr hab. Ida Kinalska on friendly diabetes diet
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
There you go! We are at an established position to perform a continued agenda of bonding events the public is concerned to frequent. ’ We have been officially acknowledged and distinguished with the first prize for the Social Initiative of the Year 2009 (the particulars in the issue content). Within the sequence of our get-togethers, led as a rule by the Master of Ceremony Dariusz Szada-Borzyszkowski, we have remained to be faithful to the predetermined tradition affording spiritual fare, both artistic and educational, whereas still attending existential needs. .This is the reason why we engage in the culinary motif and already stand quite fair achievements. Within the framework of our artistic desserts talented soloists and instrumentalists offered us enchanting acts and concerts.. However, the principal aspiration that guides THURSDAY DINNERS AT DIABETICS’ is to familiarise diabetes patients and society with knowledge, that will enable to come into one’s own in everyday life, will motivate to care of one’s health, will fill with optimism altogether.
Liza Sacharczuk and Wojciech Ślusarski inspired some sublime atmosphere
One of educational nurses, Anna Borysiuk, advised how important apt self-examination is to be able to treat diabetes
We will be musing it over how accordant voices of Maria Magdalena Kośnik and Kamil Wróblewski were
Agnieszka Wysocka, a physiotherapist, explained how human energetical potential can be enhanced
Aneta and Paulina Remża demonstrated a set of physical exercises for people obese and diabetes patients
Old Polish sauerkraut stew on red wine was prepared by: Lech Michalak – the President of the Regional Diabetes Association in Hajnówka, and Jan Prokopiuk - the Chairman of the Aid for Disabled Association “Szansa” in Bielsk Podlaski
Piotr Dąbrowski, the Director of the Drama Theatre casseroles delicious sole fish with mozzarella cheese
We listen ... and bear in mind ... Foto: Maciej Bogdański
Wspieramy polską kulturę
In order to nurture the tradition of “Dinners at King Staś’” and promote it as equally culinary as judicious and culturally enriching we keep it at the highest of levels thanks to our Partners:
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
That Love is All There is
That Love is all there is, Is all we know of Love It is enough, the freight should be Proportioned to the groove.
~ Emily Dickenson ~