Headways in diabetes therapies – incretin medicine ABOUT US
Hypoglycaemia – how to control it? USEFUL TO KNOW
Page. 4 - 7
10 - 11 I will play the role you had happened to script 12 - 13 Depression and diabetes 14 - 15 From America… 16 - 17 Fat is not half bad actually 18 - 20 Linseed OUR GET-TOGETHERS
22 - 25 Dinners at Diabetics’
Page. 8-9 Page. 10-11
26 - 27 In case when foot endangers the leg READERS PAGES
A letter to the editorial team HEALTHY LIFESTYLE
30 Diabetics are more exposed to liver disease 30 Beetroot juice relieves hypertension 31 Healing energy of green clay 32 Curry herb counteracts diabetes 32 Cinnamon reduces blood sugar intensities 33 What is the number of Poles who are not Page. 14-15 Page. 26-27
aware of being diabetes concerned? Disorders of body clock may engender diabetes Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
36 - 39 Let us follow the times past of sugar… LIVING WITH DIABETES
Alfa diary alphabet Page. 36-39
42 43
Diabetes type 2 effects the risk of Alzheimer Garlic oil safeguards diabetics’ hearts
44 - 45 Lycopene 46 - 47 Minerals for diabetics – Life elements 48
Alpha-lipoic acid Page. 46-47 Page. 44-45
50 - 51 Stevia Page. 53
Angels for Angels
Diabetica Expo 2010
54 - 55 Sightseeing and exploring IDEAS FOR HEALTH FULNESS
Page. 56 Page. 52
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„DIABETES AND HEALTH” EDITORIAL OFFICE” Editor: University of Diabetes PSD OW Białystok Based in: Warszawska 23, 15-062 Białystok +48 85 741 57 01, fax +48 85 732 99 74 e-mail:
I already learned how to appreciate the gift of life now, how to be driving dynamic force, how to be
Editor-in-chief: Danuta Maria Roszkowska EDITORIAL TEAM CO-OPERATES WITH:
still open just as a proverbial hero.
Edyta Adamska MA Prof.dr.hab. Maria Borawska Prof. Ewa Otto-Buczkowska M.Sc.D Anna Danilewicz Marek Dolecki Joanna Filipowska M.Sc.D. Małgorzata Frąś MA Hanna Bachórzewska-Gajewska M.Sc.D. Prof. Maria Górska M.Sc.D. Agnieszka Kierznowska-Rurarz Prof. Ida Kinalska M.Sc.D. Małgorzata Korolczuk-Zarachowicz M.Sc.D. Bogumiła Ławniczak MA Krzysztof Malinowski Jolanta Obidzińska MA Renata Saniewska Prof. Jacek Sieradzki M.Sc.D. Anastazja Szachowicz Ewa Szarkowska Lucyna Szepiel Prof. Małgorzata Szelachowska M.Sc.D. Prof. Mirosława Urban M.Sc.D. Wojciech Wojszko Anna Worowska English translations: Michał Iwańczuk MA Urszula Tarasewicz MA Spanish translations: Marcin Szachowicz
ge it, all to make it accomplished
We do need to attempt to encourareal. This, in turn, relies on trust one can afford on the strength of the good. This or another effect or outcome must come to light sooner or later. Still, we do not domicile a desert or a jungle either. Indeed, it is a fact of life, that our civilisation of growing hostility, daily basis deprivation, societal insecurity, does not give ground to expect any vista of any well-being. Nonetheless, the commonplace complaining people tend to recourse to or hiding behind stereotypes, ones like: business parties must be thieves, doctors are bound to be bribe-takers, or reporters are obvious to be deceivers, is somewhat half-truth, and cannot dispense us from facing efforts against hardships we happen to befall under. Perhaps, we have to understand this, that satisfying one’s own material needs, however important they are, is not the square and unquestionable way to achieve thedesirable state of happiness, but mainly the source of frustration and personal aggression that takes place instead. Whoever it might be, he or she, you or me, we receive some potentials throughout existence, some qu-
alities and some disfavours. Whereas, it is our atti-
On the cover: Kazimierz Mieczysław Baszko – fot. Marek Dolecki
a Board Member of the Podlasie Voivodeship
tude and approach what is the answer to win a given destiny, what we all share collectively. May it never misses love, for it is as much essential as oxygen is
Andrzej Beya Zaborski – a TVs actor and theater performer
I wish it for You and me likewise. Danuta Maria Roszkowska
We introduce reprints for didactic and educational purposes based on regulations of the legislative articles 25, 26, 29, 33, and 49 in section 2 of copyright laws and related laws dated 4.02.1994. (DzU* of 23.02.1994, no. 24, entry 83) and generally accepted editorial usages. • Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland
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Mariusz Jasik M.Sc.D. who represents a Gastroenterology and Metabolism Conversion Clinic of a Medicine University, and prof. dr hab. Waldemar Karnafel, the president of the Department, are the clinicians who introduce what follows. It has been estimated, that in Poland the number of the diabetes stricken reaches as far as up to 2760000, among whom there is some about 800 thousand of the unaware who are uninformed that they are in concern and should be receiving medical attention. Dr hab. n. med. Mariusz Jasik
Headways in diabetes therapies - incretin medicine The incidence of diabetes syndrome grows the more the more old we become, and people who age further than 65 run the risk of 25-30 percent to befall it, while, the equal proportion of population already prove bodily condition that is bound to lead to the disease. The statistics show, that 50% of the diabetes type 2 patients are endangered with ischaemic heart, whereas it is 80% of them to confirm arterial hypertension. Nephropathy, that may ensue down to diabetes, necessitates conducting unceasing interventions of dialysis, all in order to be of assistance to at least thousands individuals, when it is to add, that diabetes foot amputations come to pass in 15 000 cases yearly. Diabetes imposes life quality and its span to degrade and abridge. The metabolic disorder engenders serious cardio-vascular complaints, what prompts coronary attacks to have effect, cerebral crisis all along, what in due course results in higher than usual mortality rates in this group of persons. The aim of diabetes treatments is controlling glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), if possible as near as 7%, though it needs to be stressed, that the quotient below 6,5% is to be the interest of diabetes type 1 and those, who happen to experience just episodes or short-living periods of the affliction. For the time being, Polish practitioners achieve it in the field of 25% of diabetes type 2, and there in 5% of type 1 diabetics. The official figures provide the evidence, that diabetological health care in Poland has been evaluated as a long way away from European standings as in the 25 position out of 30 in respect of reimbursing diabetes hospitalisations, threefold less than it takes place in the continent. That is why prevention and restoring is the only answer to be able to warrant any kind of wellbeing.
Historical report
Diabetes has been recognised that early when in the ancient times. It is one of singular diseases, that was inscripted in the papyrus of Ebers, the one dated 1550 B.C., there where all symptoms of polyuria and the sweet aftertaste of urine were introduced. Some about 150 A.D. Aretaeus of Cappadocia was the first to familiarise comprehensive knowledge of diabetes, describing it to be a quite unusual, rather uncanny ailment, one that characterises with serious kidney and bladder disorders and gives rise to excessive craving for fluids, all of which may be likely to draw to a close as death. 4
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CURRENT ISSUE It was ages to find out and ascertain the reason why diabetic urine imparts sweet olfactory properties. Then, in the 19th century, it was discovered that deceased diabetes patients had had their pancreas damaged. Subsequently, in 1869, Paul Langerhans established pancreas to be composed of isles’ areas, whereas in 1889 Oskar Minkowski confirmed, that in case of dogs ectomy of this organ prompts diabetes. Afterwards, it was concluded, that insulin is generated in Langerhans Isles cells. To add, that diabetes at that time was diagnosed not otherwise but by tracking presence of sugar down in urine, and the only one method of treatment in those days was non-carbohydrate diet, what all in any rate still culminated in fatality of diabetes concerned.
The unearthing of insulin and the current approach to insulin-associated therapy The breakthrough in the field was determining insulin in human body system, what took place in the Toronto University in 1921-1922, and was as far substantial as to gain forces towards the disease, a disease of mortal nature. It was then, when physically and mentally devastated, coma-prone, or dying diabetics were able to restore their existence. A fairly young surgeon, Friderick Banting, in cooperation with a then student of medicine Charles Best, carried through their own theory, and conducted experiments using pancreas extracts they drew from dogs. The animals selected had their pancreatic ducts ligated. A professor of physiology, J.J.R. Mcleod, provided access to a laboratory and the dogs to be tested. The scientific findings achieved surpassed all expectations, and rendered insulin officially approved to be life-rescue diabetes driving force. Subsequently, in 1923, Banting and Mcleod were awarded for the discovery and honoured with the Nobel Prize. Bringing insulin to light turned out to be an indisputable revolution, and today affords unceasing evolution in the line of diabetes pharmacotherapy, development of which gained in intensity these days and furthers life quality and span of both diabetes type 1 and 2 patients. Now, it has been 90 years of insulin medical practice. The longstanding research routines were consistently conducted in order to recreate physiological insulin secretion. One of the most substantial achievements was employing insulin analogues. At the moment, we administer five varieties of insulin analogues, three of which is of fast performance (aspart, glulisine, lispro), and two of them is long-lasting ones (detemir, glargine). Also, combinations of analogues (diphase analogues) is an effective therapeutical option correspondingly. There is an opinion, that analogue insulin preparations improve diabetes metabolic adjustment, what all takes place on the strength of post-meal glycaemia reduction and preservation against another impending hypoglycaemia. In relation to emerging suggestions, that glargine may run the risk of tumour, scientific societies answer, that there has not been any considerable evidence provided to prove it. The Polish Diabetes Society purport, that long-lasting insulin analogues add up to the present advanced diabetes treatment, and there is a pressing need to incorporate these agents in the process of therapies.
Paracelsus 1493 - 1541
Paul Langerhans 1847-1888
Prevailing methods of diabetes type 2 treatments Although insulin has been successfully adapted in the course of diabetes type 2 management, principally on the basis of hyperinsulinemia, insulin-resistance and obesity is not primary treatment in this nosological entity. It is the reason why unremitting studies have been carried out so as to find better and better solutions. Drawing observations from the past necessitates the conclusion, that
Oskar Minkowski 1858-1931 Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
CURRENT ISSUE probing for an operative, safe, an optimally tolerated diabetes drug has transpired to be unusually difficult. Notwithstanding all the efforts so far, the only one medication for diabetes type 2, one which has remained in practical use, is biguanide( metformin), the medicine introduced as far in the past as 50 years ago. It is worth to explain also, that metformin-associated therapies are more often than not combined with sulfonylurea derivates agents, those which were instituted in the market then in the fifties of the last century. However, there was a great deal of modifications, all to prove, that phenformin must be withdrawn in the face of much safer metformin and preparations of prolonged-releasing. Furthermore, there was advanced sulfonylurea derivates introduced, ones that proved to be effective, but exercised risks of hypoglycaemia and exacted body weight gain. In the mid-Nineties, there was a dynamic progress to come to pass, which was when new groups of drugs like alfa-glucosidase inhibitors, glinides, or thiazolidinedione medications were integrated into therapies’ process and afforded far more hope for better diabetes health care. The alfa-glucosidase anticatalysts function fairly mildly whereas are very helpful to the elderly patients, nonetheless still they challenge patients to observe diet against adverse answers of alimentary system. In turn, the thiazolidinediones were anticipated to bring even greater relief, what was all on account of eliminating this peculiarly serious diabetes type 2 pathological factor which is insulin-resistance. On the contrary, it happened to be confirmed, that rosiglitazone is considerably likely to induce cardio-vascular disorders. Repaglinide, a medicine that belongs to the family of glinides, is an advantageous option towards sulfonylurea derivates, entirely because of the potential to be free to use it each time it may come, straight before meals likewise. Regrettably, to state it in the last verse, the repaglinide and rosiglitazone are not reimbursed, whereas the prices are far too high a common person is able to pay for.
As of yet, it has been recognised, that secretions of insulin and glucagon (the antagonistic hormone in the direction of insulin) regulates glucose levels in blood. However, scientists have recently discovered, that these glucose concentrations are equally governed by incretine hormones, those which are produced in L intestine in relation to glycaemia strength and serves optimal sugar intensities in blood. By reason of meals consumed, the upgrowths of incretion material stimulate insulin liberating whereas abridges rele- asing of glucagon, all of which has effect in answer to existing glycaemia. The incretine chemical substances evenly contribute to insulin and glucagon releasing there in pancreas, the progression of which takes place in relation to glycaemia strength and serves optimal sugar intensities in blood. By reason of meals consumed, the upgrowths of incretion material stimulate insulin liberating whereas abridges releasing of glucagon, all of which has effect in answer to existing glycaemia.
Modern pharmacology of diabetes type 2 – incretin medications Deterioration of diabetes type 2 metabolism adjustment is what happens when pancreas beta cells can not generate sufficient amounts of insulin anymore, what in turn triggers increasing insulin-resistance, especially in case of people, who stand overweight or obesity all the more. The topical identification of diabetes type 2 pathogenesis rendered it possible to ascertain, that the influential weight on the course of the disease is incretion system disorders, and that drugs related to the incretion functioning are of great importance. 6
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1.Sulfonylurea derivatives 2.Inhibitors of alfa-glucosidase Glinides Thiazolidinediones 3.Biguanide derivatives 4.Insulin 5.Incretin medications
CURRENT ISSUE This is the grounds where hyperglycaemia prompts intensification of incretin body chemicals, while, hypoglycaemia tightens action of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP 1), then leading to reducing a given glycaemia degree. It has been learned, that regarding diabetes type 2, secretion and operational strength of incretins is simply disturbed, what in consequence exacts GLP1 condensed. What follows it is weakened and slower pancreas beta cells reaction to glycaemia dynamics and causes blood sugar metabolism further unlevelled. The incretin medications emulate natural incretin hormones’ structures, produced there in intestines, and are those which do extort insulin quantities freed by means of meals, all to prevent a next one incidence of glycaemia to occur. It has been established, that incretin remedies directly induce incretin hormones to gain in number, glucagon-like reactive peptide-1 (GLP1) in particular, the one engendered in L intestine cells, what in turn necessitates insulin to be produced in physical response to a meal. The response cohabits releasing of glucagon and enhances insulin sensitiveness what helps stomach to void and extends pancreas running by expanding its mass of cells. As it was mentioned, the population of diabetes type 2 is patients who prove significantly lowered incretin secretion and this is the reason why incretin medications is an advantageous answer to the problem. What we count among incretin medicaments available is agonists of GLP-1 receptor (exenatide, liraglutide), chemicals that enhance incretin effect on the basis of stimulation of the GLP-1 receptor. The agonists of GLP-1 receptor bond with the specific GLP-1 receptor, stimulation of which affords activation of metabolic pathways promoting glycaemia-correlated insulin secretion, what all comes to pass as effectively as in case of endogenous GLP-1 performance. Another group of incretin medicines to quote is DPP IV inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (saxagliptin, sitagliptin, vildagliptin) which exact prolonged functioning due to the capacity of weighing down their own incretin degradation. Incretin medications have been ascertained to relieve diabetes mellitus type 2 even to noteworthy degree, whereas are particularly recommended to the patients who are overweight and obese, those who prove unsatisfactory HbA1c readings above 8%, and those altogether who have not happened to meet with therapies based on oral anti-diabetes prescriptions, metformin in the main. The clinical advantages incretin drugs secure is potent glycaemia management, elimination of hyperglycaemia incidence, considerable body mass reduction (agonists of GLP-1 receptor) or neutral influence on body weight measurements (DPP-4 inhibitors), some mild lessening of contractile blood
pressure, beta cells upgrading leading to up growths of insulin secretions. These incretin medicines are advised as a preventive pharmacological option as metformin mono-therapies had occurred to fail. In case of maladjusted metabolism of diabetes type 2, it is advocated to combine incretin medicaments with metformin and sulfonylurea derivates, or metformin together with thiazolidinediones. It is anticipated, that further scientific development of incretin medicines is bound to have effect. This is because they are innovative, and are one of promising therapeutic alternatives. The medicaments serve patients to be more observant to doctors’ conclusions, serve to attain better glycaemia control, to preserve body mass standing, to lighten heart cardio-vascular risks, all of which exacts life-quality evolved. As far as now, there was not any objections raised against applying the remedies to individuals advanced in age. The only one restriction in case of GLP-1 receptor is alimentary track disturbances (nausea, retching, diarrhoea) and light-headedness in pair with headaches. Also, some of difficulties might be hypodermic way of injections. Whereas, to add in word, the DPP-4 inhibitors are more often than not fairly well-tolerated being administered orally once a day. Regrettably, the drugs are not accessible as it should be for the price they achieve in the market. None the less, the perspectives of their efficacy and safety are still being scrutinised.
Figure2. The family of incretin medications A Incretin medications B Inhibitors of DPP-4 saxagliptin, sitagliptin, vildagliptin C Agonists of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1) D Exendin derivatives e.g. exenatide E Analogues of human GLP-1 e.g. liraglutide
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HYPOGLYCAEMIA - how to control it?
Hypoglycaemia classification 1. Symptomless hypoglycaemia - glucose intensities which 2. Moderate hypoglycaemia - there are alarming warning signs generated via autonomic nervous system 3. Hypoglycaemia beyond patient’s awareness - brain related symptoms (neuroglycopenia) are perceptible to people who happen to be in contact 4. Intense hypoglycaemia - disease signs must be attended by other persons (glucagon injections) 5. Night time hypoglycaemia - occurrence of which is fairly frequent, prolonged, more often than not symptomless, and non-invading in terms of sleep duration. Night time hypoglycaemia syndrome is to be considered when before breakfast blood glucose concentrations are far too short, and then when anxiety states, dreaming or conscious convulsions are observed, or when there is deprived power of logical thinking, somnolence, dysphoria and headaches sensed. Clinical recognition of such conditions can be ascertained just and only on the account of glycaemia testings in a course of regular night hours’ examinations. Night hypoglycaemia pattern cannot be concluded on the base of before-sleep blood glucose readings alone (more actual and proving are past-midnight check-ups). Hypoglycaemia treatments One of the most important principles is that a diabetic who is exposed to hypoglycaemia should obey to the discipline to mind and exercise reserves of sweet provisions: glucose, sugar, juices, or for instance “Extend- Bar” chocolate bars. Hypoglycaemia proceeds quite fast, usually within minutes, while it tends to end the moment sweet products have been consumed. It is the way to handle temperate hypoglycaemia states. The most common inaccuracy is in-taking bread and cakes (products that release glucose slower what results in difficulty to be able to curb hunger for heavier and heavier meals and leads to hypoglycaemia altogether). It is the reason why it is important to have emergency supplies like “ExtendBar” chocolate snacks. 8
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ABOUT US Both the persons who stand close relations with a pa- tient, and those, who accidentally happen to face a seizure of hypoglycaemia, are advised to provide sweet victuals, what is the simplest response to the glucose deprivation. However, there might be medical conditions unworka- ble down to advanced pathological lesions (aggression, anorexia nervosa). In such a case glucagon injections of 1,0 g must be carried out (if at all possible via thigh muscle tissue) followed by oral glucose ingestion, as long as a gi- ven patient is back to consciousness. It is the reason why any diabetes concerned patient should be at all times equ- ipped with a glucagon injection kit, what equally means that persons immediately related have to acquire self-re- liant aptitude to be able to conduct injections. The situation when a patient is insentient is much more complicated. This state of mind and body prompts hypo- glycaemic coma to be expected in a straight line. It is when a patient needs to be laid down on one side with his or her head lowered. A senseless patient cannot be fed with any oral takings, whereas is capable to receive a cube of su- gar, which ought to be placed in-between teeth and cheek. Then, it is the moment when 1,0g glucagon dosage sho- uld be infused in a muscle. In case of drug-induced hypo- glycaemia, or an incidence of unconsciousness past 10 minutes after glucagon insertion, a certain patient requires one’s own hospitalisation.
Night time hypoglycaemia is a quite common phenomenon. Levelling of such a symptom as sugar deficit is managed by reducing night oriented hypoglycaemia drug, or intakes of slow-absorbed carbohydrates before sleep (e.g. cottage cheese, lean meat together with bread, chocolate bar). Altogether, it can be also accomplished by means of pharmacological alternatives. What plays one of important roles in the area of prophylaxis is medical education offered to the patients. The typical diabetes mellitus symptoms and routines of approaching to them must be indisputably brought under control. This is why it is worthwhile to turn for medical support of doctors, diabetic field experts in particular. Likewise, knowledge needed is at hand in local diabetes associations, the institutions which co-operate jointly with hospitals, ambulatories, and apothecaries. In conclusion, the basic recommendations are: advancing faculty of glucometer handling, securing the gear which is essential to be able to be doing so, respecting regular blood sugar testing, and, diet-observance including sweet products supplies on the daily basis, one of which may be “Extend-Bar” chocolate snack. Compiled by: Agnieszka Kierznowska-Rurarz
I will act the play you had happened to script - namely how expectations become reality
Pygmalion, a legendary king of Cyprus, was one who fell in love with a statue he had sculptured himself. He yearned the figure of the woman to come life. He longed it so deeply as it met actuality. The female human-like carving, bearing the name Galatea, metamorphosed into being, and what followed was a factual marriage of the bodies depicted. Unquestionably, it is a delightful myth, however, in real, manifests a form of self-fulfilling prophecy. Nevertheless, it epitomizes both the good and the bad sides of it.
he self-fulfilling prophecy, quoted as the effect of Pygmalion (expectations towards positives), or the air of Golem (anticipations for negatives), is the answer how our mindset and attitude influences a given actuality. What drives the syndrome is subtle mental signals autonomically sent to the environment around. For instance, we may anticipate others to treat us gently in this or that instance. This in turn unconsciously translates into our behaviour, and we tend to make particular faces, apply specific tones of voice, and in consequence receive a particular feedback in form of a smile or another gesture. For example, we might assume, that our superior does not appreciate our vocational competency. Then, we are liable to be pondering what is the reason why our given boss is certain to think wrong of us. And, when it comes to a face-to-face confrontation we stand lower confidence, more often than not speaking weaker voice, and escaping any eye-contact possible. The person in charge concerned can hear it, can see it, and hesitations arise, whether we are adept or not in point of fact. These doubtful messages are reflected in gestures, verbal communication, voice expression, body posture. We are able to sense and understand those signals and catch 22 situation takes place. In the final we meet what we had envisaged. Another illustration of the pattern: we are on the way to an institution counting our business deal not to be aptly attended by the there clerks. The moment we are walking or driving there is when we are fairly convinced it is bound to happen. It is us then who involuntarily project specified officers so as they are not capable Ernest Normand, Pygmalion i Galatea, 1886 to serve information needed, all of which is very likely to pass as a result of our own physical and mental language, what may be echoed in abortive body attitude or failed oral interaction. Whereas, it might appear, that the expectancies described do not work, since the given officeholders can be aware of such psychological The self-fulfilling prophecomplexities and could handle it in practice.
cy, quoted as the effect of Pygmalion (expectations towards positives), or the air of Golem (anticipations for negatives), is the answer how our mindset and attitude influences a given actuality.
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ne of the scientists, who explored self-fulfilling prophecy effect, was Robert Rosenthal, a psychologist dealing with learning faculties. In the sixties of the last century, he conducted series of experimentations, firstly in his labs, and then in natural conditions, during which he proved, that we are capable to have some bearing on developing human and animal sphere of cognition, what can be achieved irrespectively of the given predispositions set in genes. He ascertained the truth, that teachers may have an effect on intelligence drive depending on their attitude to their pupils, especially in case of those who attend elementary schools, whereas it is realizable notwithstanding given intellectual and emotional predispositions. In the initial approach, Rosenthal examined rats, but actually all for the pretence to investigate his students. He asked them the task to instruct the rodents to find orientation in a labyrinth. In one, he informed the apprentices, that there was a gro-
USEFUL TO KNOW up of intelligent animals, while the rest involved were some retarded. The more gifted animals appeared to learn skills faster than others, although they had not been any trained, but were assigned randomly. The difference in question was the selection of information students had received beforehand. Accordingly, the disparities must have developed from what the students expected but not from the individual attributes of the animals.
osenthal opted a direction to abandon laboratory conditions in the aim of search for applied evidence. Then, he and his associate, Jacobsen, marked out primary schools as the target. It was presupposed by them, that expectations of teachers frame end results children complete in school. The hypothesis was based on the observation of the practice followed in the United States, where IQ tests are conducted in the beginning of education, and records obtained are introduced to immediate schoolteachers. Indeed, all the pupils surveyed were tested in terms of intelligence quotient. The teachers concerned in the case were informed, that there was an assessment, carried out in order to calculate prospects of potential learning outcomes. They were handed a list of their own pupils who purportedly stood best vistas to accomplish leading grades, whereas the persons pointed had not been proved to be better than any others . In end of the year the IQ of the children was analyzed anew once more. On average, those examined who had been presumed to achieve higher ratings substantiated far better conclusions of intelligence, in contrast to those who had been supposed to be less clever. And, again, the surnames comprised in the inquiry were introduced haphazardly. The research demonstrated it, that the predispositions of the children did not play such a great role as anticipations of the teachers. The effect of the expectations described was definitely more weighty the younger children were. Elementary school is this stage of children growth, when the sense of aptitude takes some fundamental shape. It is the time when we meet the belief that work is responsibility and reward, or may be a source of inferior self-esteem instead. The next step was to investigate methods teachers use to communicate their recognition towards pupils. Yet again, teachers were guided who of the subjects was more talented although each one child was selected at random. Certain modes of manner were discerned and recorded. Teachers tended to smile at those “bright”, continued to stay in eye-contact with them, and more favourably reacted to their behaviour. In answer to these higher expectations and encouraging line these children were more eager to attend school, more frequently received constructive feedback regarding eventual mistakes, and were more hard-working to be still better. Indeed, expectations developed into reality. The studies Rosenthal founded, albeit controversial in ethical facet, is a great contribution to understanding of educational course of action. Nevertheless, anyone of us would be far at mistake to figure teachers as those who befall under the phenomena. Everybody, whoever it might be, is liable to this mechanism.
e parents likewise exemplify specific attitudes. We favour some of family over the others overlooking the latter. We support them in our own good faith, or faster than this typecast them inflexibly as being lazy, overly responsible, or ignoramus in cases, or extraordinarily smart, or retarded as it may come. Instead of factual information to build on, we tag people around on the base of our personal ideas, what sooner or later turns out to be the mentioned self-fulfilling prophecy. All the worse is when the foresights are of negative character. If a child receives a message, that he or she is indolent, or slow-witted for instance, such a person is bound to mirror it taking it into heart, and then proving it in life, what all in time takes form of deprived motivation and efforts beyond reach. To apprehend the issue from the other way round we need to be aware, that a son, or a daughter, accepted as a genius in another example, may face unfathomable problems so as to be able to live up to the role and aspirations rested in him or her. This self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon can be a singularity of many a circumstance, whether it is home related situations, work liaisons, interactions on a bus, or any other state of affairs we happen to be involved into. We do induce quoted expectancies people around us comply with, as well as we function in line with their beliefs equally: being apt or half-witted, appearing polite or indecorous on the contrary, transpiring as resourceful or awkward in contrast, hardworking or lazy for another instance, in poor health or in hale-and-hearty condition for next one – all of which takes place irrespective of what we stand.
lthough we are not capable to control our worlds with willpower on its own, we should rather be more mindful towards what comes in the way of life. Strength of character and intellect is one of securing answers in order to be dependable against influences generated by us all altogether, but which are not factual or born in day-to-day existence. Some of insight and afterthought is inevitably essential to challenge rigid patterns and meet individual destinies. Jolanta Obidzińska, psycholog Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Diabetes mellitus experienced persons more often than not suffer from depression while on the equal footing people depressed are far more susceptible to acquire diabetic syndrome on the other way round. What is the reason why behind?
The question posed above cannot be answered as a straight cure, however there is many a scientific research conducted what hopefully will give rise to practical solutions in the theme. The predicaments diabetes exacts challenges patients to the extent, that they meet the end to be coerced in the corners of depression. It is a mental state, when diet necessities are further unreachable, just as body exercise, or medicine taking discipline. This is when the auto-fuelling mechanism leads to exacerbation of the diorder, resulting in complications diabetes engenders, in one with the danger of death point of two-fold heightened risk at ske . – At the time I was going through depression I could hardly function – states Anna at her age of 64. – I was filled with anger. The only one way to endure it was lying in bed and watching fish in aquarium. I did not feel like doing a single thing. It was long months during which I neglected glucose readings, and tended to consume sweets, taking medicaments just and only to handle sugar concentrations in blood. My depression waited behind to be diagnosed, that is what diabetes patients happen to face. Altogether, I masked it in front of diabetologists, whereas no one of them made an effort to ask about my condition seeing me subdued. For the fact, that individuals suffer diabetes along with depression, scientists decided to investigate whether depression foreordains diabetes in a consecutive line. Simultaneously, the research is oriented towards methods of treatment, that would exact relief of both complaints in concern.
The correlation between diabetes and depression was ascertained and introduced in the 17th century by Thomas Willis, a remarkable English doctor, who was the first one to associate chronic low mental disposition with diabetes. - A great deal of diabetes patients are not recognised to prove depression, what in consequence cannot be attended medically. Equally, more than often as it comes to pass, people react to antidepressants in unsatisfactory a way – relates Frans Pouwer from the University Medical Centre in Amsterdam. All what we have to study and examine is bodily mechanisms, that engender depression in case of individuals with diabetes, or prompt diabetes mellitus in case of persons who suffer depression.
The latest findings quote, that it is 15% of diabetes stricken who share it with depression, among whom 25% happen to experience some symptoms of depressive disorder at some irregular intervals. These proportions are fairly higher than what the healthy population stands. The academics are not assured what triggers what as the first instance – whether it is diabetes or depression – as well as cannot delineate what comes first in place regarding diabetes type 1 and type 2. Diabetes mellitus type 1 is rather more frequent in case of people young, and it devastates cells of insulin source. In turn, diabetes type 2 concerns people obese, and answers for insulin-resistance. Inadequate or wanting identification and diagnosis, what should follow, enforces the proverbial question “Which one was first – hen or egg in reverse?”, a convolution indeed. The referred in the article Anna had heard the messages she was likely to fall down to the disease, but it was years when eventually she received definite medic opinion. The woman had to tackle her moods in decline – especially at the time when she was to confront her own intimate problems – but, still, it was concluding apprehension of the disease what made her herself mentally unbearable. In the spring of 2006, Frans Pouwer and his collaborates made this particular choice to contend, that it is depression that induces diabetes. They determined it, that chronic depression adds to the risk of diabetes in 37%, what contributes to the complaint in the same rate as smoking or casualness of body fitness. Nonetheless, the evidence amassed is not ample enough to verdict that depression is a direct cause of diabetes. Also, the statistics gathered does not allow to determine 12
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USEFUL TO KNOW the interrelation between the diseases. However, some indications have been elaborated. Years and years of studies have afforded the thesis, that brain structure of diabetes type 1 patients is different from brain composition of healthy individuals. It is less impenetrable and compact, and not as much sensitive in the area of prefrontal cortex, the area which answers for emotional stability, or disorders of depression on the contrary. Even so, it is already planned to broaden the research so as to find it out how these lesions affect patients, and whether they may exacerbate in the nearest future.
Some other scientists are on the point of accomplishing reliable knowledge on the stress hormone – cortisol, one that tends to accumulate in tissues of people, who happen to experience depression. Cortisol weakens the potency of insulin body production, and deteriorates effectiveness of human reactions to influence it – to refer, it is basic predicaments diabetes involves. The case one suffers deficiency of insulin is when his or her body system is not able to process food intakes into “fuel” and naturally function in everyday life in consequence.. Pat Lustman, a psychiatrist from the Washington University in St. Louis, carried out a series of analysis in order to ascertain it, whether diet, physical exercise, and medicaments for rising insulin responsiveness, enhance anti-depressants value likewise. The studies was based on the confirmation, that relieving depression by diabetes patients is what comes in aid to be capable to control their blood sugar intensities. Some particular case studies suggest, that anti-depressant drugs may be this what links diabetes and depression. In intention to prove the argument valid, they gave an estimate, that patients who happened to undergo depression symptoms at the beginning of 3-year period of the research, and were on antidepressants at the same time, they stood higher risk of diabetes incidence. The objective of the research was attaining prevention ends against diabetes in case of people who were established to be more than likely to befall it (namely those with elevated blood sugar concentrations). What the scientists discovered was the fact, that persons using antidepressant medicaments in one with metformin (a drug lowering blood sugar intensities) did not acquire diabetes. This was the breakthrough to be able to state firmly, that metformin must be a strong protective agent to challenge potential detrimental effects antidepressants exact.
The scholars have not reached the position to be able to clarify those quizzing assumptions, however Richard Rubin from the John Hopkins University, the head of the project proceedings, feels earnest to urge patients so as not to discontinue taking antidepressants, for the studies mentioned have not rule it out, that they are neutral as far as diabetes is concerned. Another nature of contribution to the irritations discussed is immune system unrest. Both diabetes type 2 and depression is manifested by lifted levels of cytokines and immunological proteins, ones that transmit given information to hypothalamus, which is this brain area that controls emotions and blood sugar amounts in mutual relation. Therefore, the target to be achieved is power to curb the inflammations considered. To follow the goal, Dutch experts decided to examine omega-3 acid fats. These substances, extracted from some fish species and vegetable oils, promote communication there in-between brain cells and slow down irritations, that may come down in the system. Low omega-3 fat acid body dispositions correlates with depression and debilitates blood sugar control. This is the reason why the academics make efforts to authenticate it whether higher omega-3 acids actually add to better mood, and, in the same line, whether they relieve resistance to insulin diabetics in depression live through.
Speaking of Anna, we had already been introduced with, her personal and medical approach to depression was what rescued her from some of diabetes complaints she suffers from. Her friends won her to engage her into professional field and help she may be free to expect from. The specialist she turned to prescribed antidepressants what afforded her temper and humour much alleviated. It was then Anna was ready to exercise, capable to take care of diet, all of which resulted in 30kg less body weight and lack of restrictions diabetes drugs imposed. – The time when depression came to be the past I could handle my life, maybe not in full, but in far better a way - she says. - Diabetes I have been to confront is in my reins now at last, just as antidepressant prescriptions, which I can manage in minimal doses possible. Compiled by. M. Iwańczuk; Foto: Marek Dolecki Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
FROM AMERICA… Surrounded by one of New York junctions we happen to be drawn against a roadblock. Ambulances, fire brigades, police cars and sirens all going there. I approach the place of the commotion. An unusual accident. A woman, driving out a side street, she made a dent down in the surface of a huge Lincoln. The person responsible appears to be a round-shouldered tiny old lady. Give or take a few she is some 80 years of age. Her nerves shudder her hands. She must have forgotten the fact, that self-change gearbox vehicles won’t stop even the moment when one frees brake pedal. I am on a motorway. There is a Ford in front of me, very much slow moving in its pace. What I do is changing the lane, passing it and checking what is going on. Again, an elderly by the wheel. He wears glasses as if it was devised out of binoculars. His seat pushed forward to the controls as close as possible. The face of him glued to the front pane. A car park opposite to a shop somewhere in Chicago. Well-advanced in age woman leading her way in her wheel-chair. Who follows her behind is a store staff person carrying a cart filled with shopping goods. He packs the supplies into the trunk and comes in aid to position the lady as a driver. The woman sports her spectacles and set the engines on, all so as to start her massive yank-tank and find some certain destinations. In our country, Poland, such situations tend to be commented as: “Put your sleepers on and rest as elsewhere as far from the driving wheel”. There, in America, it is common day routine people can exact. It is where senescence is not perceived as crippledom, whereas cripplehood is not sensed as something abnormal likewise. In simple words, senility is a biological condition, that requires cordiality, understanding, and assistance of any others around. Absolutely, it cannot sentence civil rights abridged. An old person has to be naturally liberated to function exactly the same as young people are able to. He or she should feel uninhibited to manoeuvre cars, board and fly planes, and it cannot be any surprising to anyone that may come. Cars is this means of transport that is basic regarding America standards. Citizens, who cannot afford it are more than likely to face difficulties so as to reach local shops, clinics, or churches. It would be a problem to travel to family and friends miles away. 14
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USEFUL TO KNOW The range of agglomerations is vast while public services are too often overmuch sorry and overly burdensome. The Constitution reads that everyone is equal and the law is observed. The time I arrived in the United States was when I was fairly shocked how many disabled I saw nearly any corner I turned to. My impression was that it is a country of obese and handicapped. I couldn’t be more mistaken. Statistically, the nation stands comparable figures of those invalids as any other fatherland. Polish people mind themselves special in the respect whereas it is our approach what differs us from the rest of the world. A Giant supermarket in Westchester in Pennsylvania. I am on the point of doing shopping this one evening. At that late hours it is rather a scarcity of clients. There is some of shop personnel working round the shelves in order to assort commodities. They seem somewhat strange as if detached and muted. Then, I ask after their manager. What transpires on the spot is the fact, that the person in charge employs people who had been diagnosed mentally backward. A Jewell-Osco in Chicago. In general, tills in grocery shops are operated by two workers – cashier and packer. Not otherwise in this place. All the products are distributed by persons of moderate mental deficiency, or non-graduates, who are keen to make effort to eke out. There around, we are most likely to acknowledge people on electric-driven wheel-chairs, or those on hand-steered ones. The areas situated by restaurants, shops and institutions, is where invalids are entitled to well-deserved preferential treatment in terms of parking space provided. In case of an infringement there is a regulation of the fine of 375$. It was fairly recently when I happened upon a TVP coverage which was themed on an incident of a wheel-chaired person shown the door. In America, such a contravention is sanctioned with a legal action and indemnification that may follow it. Inability of social fellow-feeling, lack of tolerance, architecture barriers and wanting legislation is what leads us against understanding of the afflicted. They in turn simply recourse to isolate themselves, quite often being physically immobilised all the more. They are far from attracting attention of those who share merely mercy being crudely ignorant. There is a school in Wheaton in Chicago. I pay a visit to associates who work there. It is late afternoon, the students of SA are already back at home. Conversely, we can notice some bustling along corridors, it appears to be building services. My friend Zibi explains it to me, that two disabled newcomers have been admitted. It is all in regard of them, a special lift is being under construction to enable the children reach up to the second floor.
Chicago. A nursery house nearby my home. A mother guides her child in its wheel-chair. The driveway is rather steep. I can hear it how she requests for better facilities. A week after there is concrete laid and anyone concerned is far more comfortable. A department store of “Sears”. A middle-aged man, walking on a triple-leg support, hesitates to step in a moving stairway. Then in a second, there is a call for assistance transmitted via public speakers. It is a matter of a minute when a smiling Mexican turns up, and lends a hand so as to show the client automatic lifts. What is needed to be asserted is the fact, that any hindrance disabled face is reflected by immediate social response. And, it is not a concern of those only who stand physical features which reveal their crippledom. Likewise, this societal understanding is mirrored in the access to specially-adapted buses and architecture. The technology of lowered bus entries and all-purpose customised infrastructure is one of the answers in the field. In turn, the national mentality of the people is what completes it throughout. Another viewpoint is tax regulations, ones which are encouraging to be ready to employ persons disabled. In here, there is substantial financial grants in order to enable to maintain existing work posts and tax breaks. Austerely obeyed Constitution readings, those stating impartiality in terms of race, religious beliefs, political orientation and health standing, is what renders the handicapped equal as far as in taking part in the job market in this country. One can rejoin, that the USA is the richest of the rich and they can afford those conveniences. Whereas, staying in Poland reminds me of the fact, that there must be a radical change in this collective thinking, something that must resolve both in civil and governmental approach. And, for an instance of the kind, there are moments when I have to, like any others, wade through snow drifts given in the season, and bear it in mind, that there are the handicapped who are simply not able to challenge it. Then, there are nights and weekends of blissful rest and silence, when nobody around is at point of being working. Is it the truth we Casey Kozłowski are wealthy already? Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
FAT IS NOT HALF BAD ACTUALLY Instead of maudlin regretting a given occasion, when one had happened to consume goose liver, it is far better to work it out in any active way. Our body weight relies not only on calorie intakes, but also on a number of corresponding unconscious habits – states Xavier Leverve, a French doctor, a professor specializing in nutrition and healthy eating patterns, who conducts his practice in Joseph Fourier University and via the National Institute of Agronomical Research. Le Monde: What is the kind of food we should prefer in order to be able to improve our being and nourishment? In equal, what is the set of choices we shall refrain from in turn? Xavier Leverve: DThe diet we basically need is one that must be multifarious. In opposition to the adverts they publicise, it is not fairly easy to eat less fatty produce, then less of sweet products, or less of salt altogether. All human daily routines serve species to continue and the reasons behind it make them evenly powerful, both physically and psychically. We enjoy sugar, fat and salt, for our biological needs call for it. Then would we rather have to consider the question of obesity that spreads throughout populations around the globe? The sociological phenomenon of today obesity is undeniably a curiosity of all times although there were periods of food abundance humankind lived through. The same finding has been established, when it was proved, that free access to groceries is not the answer to the problem. The overweight, we nations face, is engendered in the change of lifestyle we lead, and so far devastated environment of nature. And, what may follow it in consequence, is also diseases of diabetes, disorders of heart functioning, malconditions of blood circulation, and cancer incidences. Accordingly, it is not sufficient to adjust diet alone, but to correct our lifestyle? Indeed. The decisions made by the table are equally important to those which we exact behind it. We have grown to perceive goose liver as unhealthy, whereas moderation in the respect, say once and again in a year, is what turns out to be practical 16
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in terms of our physical condition. In any event, such an approach is more beneficial, than eating so called healthy goods, as bread, with cheese or cold cut, on a daily basis on and on. In my opinion, demonising some of food products favouring others in response is not what we should go along with. Instead, health and nutrition should be realized in broader context. The best way acknowledged is not eliminating fats as such, but balancing them with regular, frequent body exercise. It is advantageous all the more, when we come to the understanding, that it has some bearing on any other habitual patterns of behaviour. For instance, you or me do sport, then we are far more likely to smoke less and eat in healthier a way. Comfort and short cuts is what we highly appreciate nowadays, and this demands mindfulness in regards of our everyday lifestyle in first instance. It is the base so as to be able to effect an individual line of nutrition. For example? The societal tendencies at the present is maximalising leisure time by minimalising time of work. This actuality means, that supper has become the main meal. To quote optimal biological predisposition, we should refer to the Spanish custom of eating, and point that they consume most lavish servings of food in midday, and rest the burning up during siesta afterwards. Also, it is worth to be considered in here, that children are more hungry around ten o’clock, and a snack then is better that generous breakfast in the morning. Still again, sport is the idea, that must be our genuine mentality and reality in one. “Slimming” products and strategies against fat cannot be an answer simply.
USEFUL TO KNOW In the field of nourishment further and further “social disparities� can be recognised. Is it possible to find a solution so as anyone could afford fruit and vegetables right through all year long? It is unquestionably valuable to enrich diet with fructus and legumes all the more the produce exacts supplementary role in the whole range of food products. Nonetheless those items of consumption reach still higher prices. Speaking of financial aspect of the issue I am willing to recommend familiarising seasonal bio-fluctuations. It was then before the time of globalisation, when we were all fine to be eating anything what was to grow as closest neighbourhood as one could achieve, and more often than not it was apples and pears in winter, whereas in spring any other outgrowth. To exact our health in long run, we do not have to supply ourselves with the organic essentials continuously. Our body system is self-governing and autonomically saves all what is needed. And, in word, it is also worthwhile noting, that vegetables are equally good being fresh, frozen, conserved, all the like. Does the era of globalisation mean standardisation in the matter of nutrition? I suppose it does. The traffic all through the planet exacts local problems international. For instance, the obesity, that plagued the United States, reached Europe to outbreak in Asia. The only exception is Sothern Korea and Japan, countries that do not change their eating patterns maintaining their food and drink low-fat. The evolution mentioned takes identical course everywhere far and wide: the more we develop and become affluent the more we consume and eat more and more animal fat. Another example is China, where it is in good tone to offer milk as a kind of aperitif, whereas their tendencies to have snacks all over during the day is fairly fatal a leaning for results in growing in weight within the population.
an ailment, diabetes all among. Still, I am perfectly ready to stand a bet, that we are faster to take a line of more balanced a diet in concern... We humans are born to adjust. One of illustrations can be the case of Eskimos, who eat only animal fat and related proteins, having far less of fruit and vegetables. Whereas, poor Asian populaces in turn, feed themselves with rice and legume without any animal protein intake. It has been centuries of such ethnic eating norms. It may serve an evidence how we compromise all this in disposition with this what is our individual metabolic requirements. What must be concluded in here is the fact, that nourishment is both a condition so as to uphold one’s health, and a basic function of existence in one. . May I ask what is your viewpoint of culinary delights? No one of us can deny, that healthful and balanced approach allows the liberty to have occasional drinks of brandy or sporadic sumptuous treats. What must be affirmed altogether is the fact, that there are scientific proceedings conducted in France, and we are able to understand those all facets of cuisine better than ever. The findings referred serve knowledge how to keep ourselves in shape, fit in body and fit in mind. Perhaps, the researchers will discover other tastes than the ones we have been familiar with so far, or they will locate other ways of our sensual receptions. My question in turn is why we should not be attempting mutating these genes of propensity towards sweets when it can revolutionise our sugar predilection.? Laetitia Clavreul, Catherine Vincent (Le Monde) Comp. by J.N.
What is your foresight towards our future way of sustenance? If food is to be more expensive we are bound to spend money on it in a greater extent. If our gluttony is about to take its price upon health on its own then we are more likely to redirect to another source of pleasure. Now already the very environment and defective food quality in return is the driving factors leading to many Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
LINSEED Linen oil is a fairly unique variety of bio-oils for it comprises deal proportions of omega-3 and omega-6 fat acids. Linseed or seeds of cultivated flax bears its name to be one of herbal medicinal agents in the contemporary use. It is a pretty underestimated food product, regarding the fact it combines nutritional qualities altogether with healing properties. Nevertheless, the composition of it is rather worth of interest. For instance, being a vegetable the produce contains affluence of unsaturated omega-3 acids just as fish does. Flax-seed provides organic ingredients, that help sustaining our cholesterol in good a level. The grains of it are flat and take colour of grey-brown. Infused with hot water they turn dark-brown, and secrets a natural kind of specific fluid. Those tiny seeds are rich in such elements as vitamin E, the most appreciated antioxidant against free radicals, zinc, vitamins B1 and B6, folic acid, magnesium and iron. Altogether, linseed affords phytosterins and flavonoids, which safeguard heart, counteract cataract, arteriosclerosis, brain stroke, or blood hyper tension. What is more to be quoted is its composition of phytoestrogens, the ones that block receptors of oestrogen, what fosters tissues of breasts, womb and prostate against risks of cancer prevalence. This quality mentioned may be an answer to conditions exacted under duress of steroids, or those induced on strength of menopause likewise. 18
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All in all, the form of applying is equally important. The best of ways is to use it ground. It allows body system for far better assimilation. The seeds can be bought in any pharmacy, grocery shop or healthy food stores in free access. Then, we are advised to grind it, in a coffee mill for instance, and seal it in a hermetic jar for the extracted oil oxidises comparatively fast.
1-2 spoons can be suffused with hot water. Then, the potion has capacity to protect the mucus membrane of our alimentary tract. Also, one of ideas recommended may be “sesame-like linseed�. What we do is simply roasting the seed in a covered pan adding some portions of honey afterwards. Tasteful and healthful! None the less, there are some disadvantages. Flax seed is naturally bound in calories: one spoon serving (9g) is as much as 46 kcal. And, in one, it runs out of use quite shortly due to the content of polyunsaturated fat acids.
USEFUL TO KNOW Nevertheless, linseed is what is suggested to be employed in treatments of catarrh of stomach, intestines, duodenum, in case of diarrhoea, chlorhydria and ulcers. In order, soaked mashed flaxseed, administered in the morning and in the evening, comes in aid in instances of constipation. Moreover, flaxseed is a generous agent to be applied in skin treatments. Hot compresses made of the produce softens skin tissue, relieves burns, congelations, and heal-resisting wounds. Altogether, other complaints, such as dry peeling skin, acne, allergic rash, itching bedsore, dehydrated and damaged hair may be also lightened on the basis of linseed. Seeds of cultivated flax provide a great deal of proteins, all in pair with amino acids and microelements. These properties are those, which protect and stabilise against coronary diseases and potential strokes. In line, we may consume it in order to supply our tissues with choline, the substance found in lecithin. Linseed naturally helps so as to divest oneself of so called bad cholesterol alike. Further, we can expect vastness of easily absorbed exogenous proteins by means of it. In another instance, it may be used for enhancing mucosa moisture, in case one happens to suffer from dry cough. Flaxseed is an ideal product recommended to those who aim slimming down, or those who mind it to maintain their body weight. The produce presents with low measures of carbohydrates affording great proportions of dietary fibre and healthy fat instead. The nutritional ingredients, which are worthwhile to be quoted, are: - omega-3 fat acids- st– very potent biological complexes, that safeguard against inflammations. In view of scientific findings, inflammations contribute to the processes of such chronic diseases as heart disorders, arthritis, diabetes, or even some cancers. The basic omega-3 fat acid found in linseed is alpha linolenic acid (ALA). It is an acid precursor of salmon fat acids EPA and DHA. Flaxseed oil is not the only source of the acids, however in contrast to fish, it considerably squares the balance between omega-3 and omega-6 relative amounts.
• linseed is copiously rich in dietary fibre, therefore it is best to begin using it in small measures and moderately increase dosages. Otherwise, it can prompt purgation, when it is to be said, that persons affected by irritable bowel syndrome are particularly defenceless in the respect. • the fat comprised in flax seed is mainly composed of unsaturated fat acids what makes it much exposed to rancidity. For that reason, it is advised to store it in raw. The safekeeping period of untreated material is far longer, than the extent of ground seeds and oil, and takes one year, a few months, and a couple of days respectively. Regardless of a form it should be shielded against warmth and light. • just as any other natural products linseed covers some slight traces of cyanic composites, especially when it is consumed unprocessed. Then again, human body system has the capacity to neutralise it to a degree – 3 spoons of flax seed daily is utterly safe and even health-promoting.
- dietary fibre - soluble and insoluble. On the strength of plentiful share of it linseed reduces concentrations of cholesterol. - phytocomponents – afford antioxidants and lignans. Lignans are converted in the intestines into compounds, that serve females’ hormonal economy. Similarly, lignans have been proved to upsurge fertility, relieve menopause, and counteract mammary gland cancers. Altogether, the composites play some role in prevention against diabetes type 2. Notwithstanding the abovementioned benefits of flax seed there are some limitations in terms of applying it. Namely: Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
How to apply flax seed: • At first, doses should be fairly light, and little by little increased on. • Linseed happens to be used as a substitute of eggs in case of persons who cannot eat the dairy produce. Common flax generously relieves dry and irritated skin. It invigorates, sleeks, and saves it from harm of allergies.
ROLLS WITH LINSEED * ½ - ¼ glass of milk * a half of glass of water * 1 spoonful of honey * 1 big egg * 1/5 spoonful of hazelnut oil or melted butter * 2 ¼ glass of wheat flour * 1 ¼ of wholemeal wheat flour * a half of ground linseed * a spoonful of salt * 1 1/3 spoonful of dry yeasts
SMOOTHING MASK BY MEANS OF LINSEED 2 spoonful of linseed is supposed to be infused with some portion of distilled water and rested until it swells. The mixture obtained should be applied on the face and covered with a piece of gauze, one wetted with daisy brew potion. The compress is meant to be removed after 15-20 minutes and skin rinsed with warm water.
COOKIES WITH FLAX SEED * 250g of flour * 100g of ground flax * 25g of flax in seeds * 25g of oatmeal * 100g of brown sugar * 2 spoons of cacao * a pinch of salt * 250g of butter * 4 egg yolks * 50g of dessert chocolate * some brown sugar and flax for coating Mix all the dry ingredients with flax. Then as quickly as possible blend the concoction together with butter, add yolks, and knead it into dense dough. Combine the mass with chopped chocolate. Form it into 4cm in diameter rollers, and coat with brown sugar or flax. Wrap the lot in a length of cooking foil and place it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Heat the oven up to 180ºC and line the tin with baking paper. The frozen dough cut into 1cm slices and lay them down in the tin. Bake it 12-14 minutes. Cool the cookies on the grille. You can store the sweets in a steel box, though not for long. 20
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Yeasts are to be melted in 1/3 glass of warm milk, blended together with honey and 2 spoons of flour. The mixture then should be put aside for 15minutes. The rest of flour, ground linseed, yeast, warm water, milk, salt and egg has to be poured into a bowl. The mass is to be kneaded into dough, finished with oil, and rested until it grows (the moment when it doubles up in volume). The dough is meant to be cut into 16 equal-in-size pieces and formed round. The raw rolls are to be placed in a tin, one lined with baking paper and sprinkled with flour . All this should be covered with a cloth and left while waiting 30 minutes for its growing. The lot is supposed to be completed with whipped egg and dusted with linseed. Baking must be effected in 180 degrees within 20 minutes. Compiled by. Antonina Niekrasz
PPHU „Szarłat” s.c została powołana w 1993 roku w celu wdrożenia do produkcji i organizacji rynku amarantusa w Polsce. Przy jej udziale w 1993 roku zostały założone pierwsze plantacje w kraju. W ciągu minionych lat w ścisłej współpracy z wieloma placówkami naukowo-badawczymi, Firma „Szarłat” wdrożyła technologię produkcji amarantusa umożliwiającą pozyskanie surowca bardzo dobrej jakości. Przedmiotem współpracy firmy z jednostkami badawczymi było również opracowanie i wdrożenie wzorcowych receptur wykorzystania nasion amarantusa, mąki, płatków, nasion ekspandowanych (Poppingu) a od 2006 roku również oleju amarantusowego. W kolejnych latach firma wprowadziła na rynek następujące produkty: Rok 1999
POPPING (ekspandowane nasiona amarantusa)
Rok 2005
PŁATKI z nasion amarantusa i OLEJ LNIANY
Rok 2006
Rok 2007
Prozdrowotne Mieszanki Piekarskie i OLEJ z pestek DYNI Od roku 2005 PPHU „Szarłat” s.c posiada w swojej ofercie również produkty ekologiczne.
Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowo-Usługowe
„Szarłat” s.c.
ul. Wyszyńskiego 2/2, 18 - 400 Łomża, POLSKA tel./fax +48 86 218 67 87 tel. +48 86 218 02 91
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Thursday Dinn
Tomatoes and peppers as the main features
Thursday – the conventional day when diabetes concerned attend their monthly Dinner. We can say, that this first decade of the autumn as if necessitated the concept of the menu the masters of the cuisine happened to be required for. “Adiòs tomatoes” appeared to be the label that perfectly translated the aura of the evening. Consistently, the atmosphere was reflected by performance of Wiesław Michnikowski, who decorously managed to sing the phrase in one of the songs of the Cabaret of Older Gentlemen. Although have lived to see the times when tomatoes are available all year long, it is invariably true, that only those summer ones are really aromatic and flavoursome. Everyone who is a frequent guest at the Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’, knows the fact, that tomatoes are vegetables wholeheartedly recommended to the diabetes related persons, as well as to all consumers likewise. Unassumingly, it is such a source of vitamins and microelements, that cannot be replaced by any dietary supplements. It is fairly easier to talk about effective self-management in a larger group and companionship
As for the Thursday get-togethers are intended to be healthy-lifestyle promoting – which is what does not have to essentially mean arduous ruling out of particular nutriments – we try to join our education on diabetes prophylaxis and management with culinary culture. After all, each one of us takes pleasure in eating good and appetising food and the shared dining is the reason why we meet. Respectable guests of our Thursdays’ get-togethers
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ners at Diabetics
The dessert ahead of the dinner… It has already been our tradition and we are well accustomed to it by now. Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’ commence with a dessert. Artistic dessert. We would take the liberty and present the quotation: “people tend to appreciate others somewhere else neglecting what or who is available next to them themselves”. In turn, in case of the Dinners at Diabetic’s, the performers are indeed those undiscovered thus far, however so talented, that certainly merit our attention and consideration of the local medias.
Joanna Niewińska
Youthful Joanna Niewińska from Łapy, a laureate of Chance for Success, staged a brief recital. She acted some songs of Renata Przemyk repertoire – some of which were zealous, some erotically-undertoned, some actually “adult” in character. If truth be told, the compositions felt somewhat alarmingly and definitely intriguingly being performed by the junior high school looking girl.
Education with sense of humour From the right on: prof. Maria Górska M.Sc.D., the Voivodship Consultant on Diabetology, Rev. Jarosław Chojnowski, and Danuta Roszkowska, the Editor-in-Chief of the “Diabetes and Health”
A portion of knowledge It was not the first occasion when diabetes foot was the theme of the lecture. The diabetes concerned are familiar with it like no one else and understand how important it is to review the subject. However, not all of the diabetes patients are aware of the consequences ignorance and neglectedness engender. Beata Telejko M.Sc.D. reminded us in a few words what the standards should be observed in order to be able to reduce the risks diabetes foot involves. The doctor encouraged to be using straightforward tests, which allow to ascertain, whether a given condition compromises further complications and eventual amputation of the foot or its part.
Beata Telejko M.Sc.D.
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Adiòs tomatoes Mieczysław Kazimierz Baszko from the Voivodship Executive Board of Białystok has already acquired the experience of preparing the main course in favour of the Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’. Whereas, Andrzej Beya Zaborski was making his debut - nonetheless first appearance is what he professionally goes through being an actor who stars in movies, theatre, and television.
Finely prepared dishes pleased all the guests
What enriched the dish into relish was cubed sausage. Herbal seasoning in turn finished it with spicy tang and decorative touch. Before the chiefs have accomplished the preparations, and the Elida waitresses have served the dinner, we, in the meanwhile, were introduced with some varieties of rare eatable oils of poppy and pumpkin seed. To our delectation, these wholesome products were benevolently afforded by the owner of Szarłat company from Łomża. Mieczysław Kazimierz Baszko and Andrzej Beya Zaborski
Both gentlemen present body type which would point toward that they must have familiarised with the secrets of cuisine. On balance, anyone who enjoys good food is most likely to become a cook sooner or later. In the end, it is best to rely on oneself in the respect. The headword “Adiòs tomatoes” disguises a dish, one that is unusually simple to be made and uncommonly appetizing in taste. To be precise, it is a kind of lescó. It was based on the original Hungarian formula, however some altered, but then again equally full of flavour. The main ingredients it comprised were: tomatoes, red peppers, and courgettes. 24
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Cooking in the spotlight – our way to awareness through the stomach
OUR GET-TOGETHERS Within the last number of months we have the pleasure to be staging our Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’ hosting friends coming from all parts of the Podlasie Voivodship. This time, the representatives of diabetes circles travelled from Hajnówka, Siemiatycze, Sokółka, so we all could meet in some union.
Tasting of the palatial, healthful products the Szarłat company delivered
From the left on: Zbigniew Karwowski - the Mayor of Mońki,Wiesława Kitlas – the Village-Mayor of Jasionówka, Lila Micun – the Head of the Department of Health, Social Service, and Civil Affairs in the Poviat County Office in Sokółka, Krystyna Korolkiewicz – the Director of the Foster Care Maintenance Organization in Krynki, Danuta Roszkowska – the Editor-in-Chief of the “Diabetes and Health”, Mieczysław Kazimierz Baszko – a Member of the Voivodship Executive Board of Białystok, Witold Łapiński – the Village-Mayor of Poświętne, Tadeusz Kulikowski - the Mayor of Goniądz.
Ola Maj, a singing actress
Entertaining – we are educating…!...!
oprac. Janina Werpachowska
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DIABETIC VADEMECUM Bogusław Panek M.Sc.D. from the Surgery Clinic of Blood Vessels and Transplantations at the Medical University in Białystok is interviewed by Dorota Wysocka
Dr hab. n. med. Bogusław Panek
In case when foot endangers the leg
Although the term “diabetes foot” does not sound particularly threateningly, it disguises one of the most serious complications. What then does it stand for? - It is any single pathological lesion observed in the area of feet diabetes patients happen to experience. Such a kind of injury is called “diabetes foot” irrespective of the cause given. Indeed, more often than not it transpires in fairly a harmless way - down to a tiny cut or an abrasion, time and again effected by the very patient. Nonetheless, the wound won’t close up… To be precise diabetes exacts everything to cure far worse. - Yes, it does. The longer the disease continues and is inadequately stabilized in one the more arduous healing becomes. Hence, diabetes foot does not take place without warning in case of persons who do not suspect it? - Diabetes is an exceptionally deceitful syndrome. It may be in its course for years symptomlessly. And, certain patients turn to us just by reason of ulceration. The elderly in turn, are still more challenging individuals, for their conditions engross several medical problems en block, what makes diagnosis difficult to be categorized. 26
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Accordingly, what is it that triggers the disease? - Basically, neuropathy, namely such a damage to the peripheral nervous system, that had been produced on the strength of diabetes. The reception of sensations grows disturbed and patients are unable to detect pain. It is why persons concerned tend to be stepping on harsh surface or walking bleeding being unaware of soreness. Due to the impairment of the autonomic nervous system feet turn to be dry, rubicund, and even deformed altogether. Correspondingly, foot ischemia can be the dynamics applicable. It is less frequent, but more demanding in treatment. Macroangiopathy is what develops in the larger vessels, and microangiopathy what advances in the capillaries. Likewise, diabetes affects those smaller peripheral vessels, whereas arteriosclerosis those larger ones. Also, every now and then, there are incidences of combined diabetes foot, which is neuropathological-ischemic disorder. You have said, that inadequate levelling of diabetes results in higher risk of complications. How can one prevent it best possible? - First and foremost, feet have to be guarded against any injuries imaginable. Nursing and tending
is of great importance. Patients should wash them every day with soap and in warm water (it helps to test temperature with a thermometer so as to secure oneself counter to eventual scalds), and need to carefully wipe them afterwards, especially in-between the toes. Necessary it might appear to use talc in case of excessive sweating, or petroleum oil when skin is too dry. Certainly essential is wearing comfortable shoes, preferably one size bigger. Covered with fabric or leather (sandals are simply unacceptable) are meant to be dressed even around the home. Socks are to be of natural fibres only. Unquestionably, venturing it bare is beyond of any options. It is better not to cut nails. Instead, filing off edges is recommended. Feet cannot be treated with electric heating pads. All in all, they should be regularly examined with a mirror. Though, diabetes foot is not a sentence. - No, it is not. We have a range of means and methods at the command, and are able to effectively attend our patients. What we start with is levelling of diabetes readings. In case of ischemic foot, when there are already serious lesions in the larger vessels – coarctations or occlusions of the aorta, or of
DIABETIC VADEMECUM iliacor or popliteal artery – revascularisation is needed in order to render blood circulation improved. In simple words, convalesced distribution of blood advances healing. This coronary artery bypass surgery is one of those conducted in the Clinic of Blood Vessels and Transplantations I work for. In turn, in case of neuropathic foot, we deal with disorders of peripheral microvasculature. Yet fortunately, the new generation medicines, such as alpha-liponic acid, or benfotiamine, significantly reduce neuropathy syndrome.
Is it chiefly surgeons who treat diabetes foot? - Of course not. Diabetes foot necessitates consideration of many an expert. In superior diabetogenic centres this medical problem is attended by panels of diabetologists, vascular surgeons, general surgeons, orthopaedists and podologists. . A podologist is a specialist of… - The lesions that take place in the area of feet. In a matter of fact, it is a very complex organ, one that responses enormous loads, even those of five hundred kilograms per square centimetre. The moment when deformations develop toes bent hammer-like and some-
what tighten, cannons twist downwards, and all this distorts the points where pressure is received. Though, there are sophisticated devises, that identify these locations, and we are able to make corrections by means of fitting leg lifts. Also, so called pneumatic shoes are now available, and are very useful so as to direct gravity onto shins. It is as if they shifted feet in the air and wounds can heal more freely. Regrettably, such shoes cannot be applied in case of ischemic foot. There are merely a few diabetogenic clinics, so where are the patients doctored? - The treatment is generally ambulatory in spite of the fact some of them do need hospitalisation as early as at the very onset. However, the reality is that the patients are diagnosed, administered an appropriate strategy, and assigned to a given health centre, where they frequent averagely every other week. . The outlooks are not bad… - Nonetheless, everything actually relies on patient’s discipline and self-control. It may be as prosaic as changing dressings two, three times a day, however still very important. Any malpractice may give rise to absolutely serious final outcome – amputation - now and then just of a toe when now and again up to the knee. Patience and tenacity is unconditionally vital altogether. Diabetes foot is reportedly the most frequent instance giving grounds to amputation. - Yes, that is correct. Nevertheless, it is what concludes the nightmare of endless pain. If an amputation surgery comes to pass aptly managed and prosthesis appositely adapted quality of life becomes greatly furthered.
At a time, it was heard, that some specialists employ larvae of a certain fly genus. Allegedly, these young insects purge necrotic tissue once they are introduced in the wound. - We have experimented with this method, it brought about fairly good results, so we are quite agreeable to follow it in some future. Anything what helps our patients is valued. This disease dictates us to be somewhat versatile in approach. The methods vary depending on a case. Neuropathic foot is treated differently than ischemic foot or neuropathic-ischemic foot. All things considered, each one patient is individual being at any rate. Diabetes more and more advances in incidence. Does it mean that diabetes foot will match the prevalence? - It is some about 20% of diabetics who suffer from ulcerations. The elderly and diabetes type 2 patients are more vulnerable, however everyone in the concern is at risk. It is the reason why no one of us can afford a slightest inattention in the respect. Hence, feet must be nursed, protected and continually inspected. The health rests on the very patient indeed. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Recreation and diabetes Irrespective of what we happen to do on a daily basis, we all sooner or later have to examine such questions as: where to spend given vacation, how to organise it, in what manner to regenerate, all so as to be able to deal with the responsibilities awaiting. It concerns each one of us, whether we professionally work, study, or continue to remain at home for this reason or another. This is particularly important for those the latter, for it definitely serves the aim of changing the routine, refreshing mental being, and revitalizing general body and mind condition. However, the diabetes patients are those who are prone to face rather specific challenge in the respect. It is because their everyday schedule of the day is not only vocational commitments, but also run-of-the-mill fulltime duties in order to exact acceptable levels of glycaemia: they have to be incessantly thoughtful to be taking medicaments or insulin, persistently watchful of the diet they course, as well as repetitively alert to afford right and proper physical activity. Hence, conscious repose is one of the measures of controlling blood sugar intensities likewise. Then again, does it have to add up to the fact, that diabetes individuals are to be certain to lose their spontaneity and joy when it comes to relaxing? Viewing motor activity as another prescribed treatment is what evokes the conviction of the affliction, and infirmity. Consequently, it seems to be best so as to approach leisure time regarding oneself normally healthful. It should not conflict with the compliance expected. In any event, the sun shines for one and all. Mountains, forests, lakes tender each and every one person notwithstanding who is healthy and who is not. It must be the reason why it is not worthwhile to be dwelling upon one’s deficiencies or confinements. Diabetes concerned do cycle, do climb mountains, do camp under tents. All in all, absolutely anyone of us needs one and the same life remedy – positive thinking.
l e t t e r to e d i tori al te a m
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A Tourist
Readers’ Pages “Diabetes and Health” Editorial Office Warszawska Street 23 15-062 Białystok
Firma Kosmetyki Naturalne SMOOTH powstała w 1991r. Jej założycielem i właścicielem jest pani Barbara Miedziak. Firma prowadzi działalność w zakresie produkcji i handlu kosmetykami z zielonej glinki i rokitnika. Produkcja kosmetyków firmy SMOOTH oparta jest wyłącznie na naturalnych komponentach. Dowodem tego są liczne nagrody i wyróżnienia na branżowychtargach, np.:
Złoty Medal Międzynarodowych Targów Poznańskich za maseczkę z zielonej glinki.
SMOOTH - Miedziak Barbara 62-020 Swarzędz, os. Raczyńskiego 4/19 tel./fax:(061)8175495, gsm +48 601711004
Diabetics are more exposed to liver diseases The adults, who were diagnosed with diabetes, stand higher risks of serious liver disorders, such as cirrhosis, or insufďŹ ciency of this so important an organ. It has been ascertained, that diabetes affects functioning of eyes, reins, or blood vessels, however the concern of liver in the respect remains inexplicit. In order to investigate it the scientists from the St. Michael&Hospital at the University of Toronto and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Toronto spent 13 years examining as much as 438 thousand grownups (aged from 30 up to 75) who had been proved diabetes, and 2 million of those, who had not (control group). It turned out, that the diabetes stricken contracted liver ailments two times more often in comparison with the diabetes-free individuals. Additionally, the researchers determined, that the situation becomes most hazardous when given diabetes patients are obese and live through hypertension all in one. In view of that, the examiners intend to scrutinise the fact, whether slimming, in pair with regular controls of sugar and lipid readings, would have an effect to recover liver condition. The Source: Rynek Zdrowia
Beetroot juice relieves hypertension On the strength of beet nitrates arterial pressure levels alleviate The scientists from the Queen Maria University in London observed, that the patients, who drank beetroot juice, or received tablets based on nitrates, proved lower arterial blood pressure as soon as within 24 hours. It must be a good news for anyone who aim to combat hypertension in a natural way. Prof. Amrita Ahluwalia explains, that beetroot nitrates increase intensities of blood nitric oxide, what normalises hypertension subsequently. All the more, it was also evidenced, that the higher blood pressure is the stronger nitrates function. Hence, the risk of infraction or heart attack can be well reduced as far as we are willing to interlace the diet with beetroot (the effects transpire by virtue of 250 millilitres), or alternatively with lettuce, spinach, cabbage. All in all, hypertension is a concern of 25 per cent of the adult population. And, the estimations show, that the proportion in 2025 will reach 30 % already. The Source: PAP
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The products based on green clay (also called as “bentonite”) are currently one of the most valuable supplements applied in treatments of numerous afflictions whether it is alimentary tract disorders or chronic skin lesions. Green clay, familiarised and practised as soon as in the primordial times, spread far and wide around all the continents. In China it is lived out every day, whereas in the Near East, Southern America and Africa it is customarily consumed. On the basis of its biologically active compounds green clay is exerted in favour of cosmetic purposes: so as to affirm body fairness, or resist aging, as well as in support of therapeutic ends: in order to alleviate all body system via its influence on the endogenous organs. For instance, it can be quoted, bathing in green clay is highly recommended and greatly effective in case of rheumatic diseases, bone and cartilage syndromes, arthritis, and some instances of blood ailments. This method of treatment is universally conducted in sanatoriums and health spas. The market today offers it at herbalist’s, in medic shops, health food stores, pharmacies, beauty parlours, clinics, directly from the producers or in mail-order. The finest of varieties is green clay followed in quality by white, red and yellow. What differs the assortments is the content of microelements, for example some afford more silicon, some other more magnesium and calcium. Each one of them has distinct properties, however all of them share one and the same feature – they are fat-soluble – the attribute of which enhances their potency. It means, that a given choice must depend on individual needs of internal and external use. GREEN CLAY – is the most precious among others as for presents the greatest substance of mineral composites and serves manifold principles. It provides constituents employed in medicine manufacturing, and various solutions and ointments are generated. Likewise, a range of cosmetics are founded on its mixtures, for instance face masks, creams, lotions, tooth pastes. Nevertheless, the prevalent application of it is dermatological resolutions. It is because green clay clears some of skin lesions (e.g. acne), removes wrinkles, prevents against spider angiomatas, frees of toxins, and improves pH altogether. Hence, it is well advised to be used both in remedial and prophylactic aim, since it cannot be any detrimental but beneficial only. However, green clay is not a panacea. It is simply one of medicaments which should definitely be paid attention to. Compiled by. Aniela Szymańska na podstawie książki: Barbara Miedziak, Uzdrawiająca moc glinki zielonej, Swarzędz 2003 Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Curry herb counteracts diabetes American scientists have discovered, that the aromatic leaves of the Curry Trees found there in Ceylon and India, reduce blood sugar intensities diabetes disease exacts. Curry leaves is one of seasonings used in the Indian cuisine. Now, this flavouring is available worldwide sold in form of whole leafage or powdered substance. Additionally, some tests on animals conducted at a university in Chicago proved, that the plant moderates cholesterol concentrations altogether. It is because it affords beneficial compounds, which regulate glucose degrees, what in turn alleviates levels of cholesterol.
CINNAMON REDUCES BLOOD SUGAR INTENSITIES Cinnamon, the herb that affords sweet-spicy, somewhat stinging tang, is found to be health-promoting. Scientists report, that water soluble infusion of cinnamon presents with anti-oxidants and relieves heart and diabetes syndromes. A group of 22 obese individuals, who proved to live through some disorders of blood glucose concentrations, were observed on the course of 12 weeks. The condition they confirmed is called imminent diabetes state – EurekAlert informs. The partakers were randomly assigned in-between two groups, and twice a day received either placebo or 250 mg of dried water soluble cinnamon essence. Blood samples were drawn in the beginning of the investigation, then after 6 weeks, and subsequently 12 weeks, all in order to monitor given fluctuations of glucose and anti-oxidants. This study was managed by the Department of Agriculture, and a chemist in person, Richard Anderson, and provided the evidence, that water soluble cinnamon brew multiplies the quantity of antioxidants in 13 or up to 23 per cent, what in turn degrades glucose concentration in blood. The Source: PAP - Nauka w Polsce 32
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What is the number of Poles who are not aware of being diabetes concerned? The population of the diabetes stricken in Poland reaches the rate of 2,5 million individuals, among of whom 750 thousand are perfectly unsuspecting of it and accordingly cannot be offered any treatments – the report of the Polish Diabetes Society reveals. This account reads, that estimations point the proportion to grow to 3,2 million in 2030. The incidence of the disease escalates attributably to age. It is over 20% of those 60 years old who suffer from diabetes, whereas further 20% stand impaired tolerance of blood glucose. 50% of them live through myocardial ischemia. Correspondingly, 77% of the patients are subjected to hypertension altogether. In our country, there is 3 thousand diabetics, who are continually attended with haemodialysis. Here, it is 14 thousand of amputations, that take place every single year. In 2007, the frequency of deceases in Poland was as high as 6,3 thousand. In 2010, it appeared to be 29 thousand already – the authors of the report ascertain. The persons in the concern necessitate life-long pharmacological treatments, being invariably exposed to critically serious complications, such as heart attack, stroke, reins damage, blindness or ulcerations effecting in amputations. The target of diabetes management is levelling blood glucose readings as close as below 6,5 – 7 per cent. Whereas, it has been assessed, that it is merely 26% of diabetes type 2 patients, and equally 6% of diabetes type 1, who accomplish it in a matter of fact. In the view of the account, national expenditure on diabetes treatments amounts to 2,5 milliard zlotys covered with NFZ public financial resources. Along the lines of the International Diabetes Federation the 2010 disbursement in Europe alone came to 105,5 milliard of dollars, and by 2025 will have involved 10% of the total budget.
The statement quotes, that in Poland in 2002 average annual medical cost per capita in case of diabetes type 2 individuals was 2429 zlotys, which was three times lower than the share recorded in Western Europe. In turn, in agreement with the 2008 Euro Consumer Diabetes Index Poland was nominated the 25th position (out of 30) relating to quality of diabetes care and nursing. And, there has been not a relevant investigation conducted since 2002 on. Diabetes is a chronic disease. It is recognised to take one of two forms: diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2. Nevertheless, each case engrosses life-long treatments and equally exposes to life-threatening complications abovementioned. The report „“Diabetes. The hidden pandemic. The situation in Poland” was executed by the Danish company Novo Nordisk, one that cooperates in the sector of health care. The work was a combined collective effort of: dr.hab. Leszek Czupryniak from the Clinic of Internal Diseases and Diabetes at the University of Medicine in Łódź, prof. Władysław Grzeszczak and prof. Krzysztof Strojek from the Clinic of Internal Diseases, Diabetes and Nephrology at the Silesian University of Medicine. And, all the endeavour was supported under the patronage of the Polish Diabetes Society.. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Disorders of body clock may engender diabetes It does have not to be necessarily ill-adapted diet to be the focal grounds of diabetes, the disease that spreads throughout the industrialised countries. The latest findings of an international panel of experts provide the evidence, that the syndrome may stay in close relation to our increasingly unbalanced life-style we tend to lead. It is quoted in a website of “Nature Medicine” magazine, that disturbed biological clock is what also contributes to disarranged blood sugar distribution. According to the researchers from the San Diego University of California, the Salk Institute and the Chinese Academy of Sciences the observations show, that the cryptochrome, which is a protein regulating the circadian rhythm, influences glucose production in liver as well. Likewise, they managed to confirm it, that fluctuations of this chemical compound can significantly improve condition of a diabetes-traumatized mouse. The cryptochrome “informs” our body systems when it is time of activity and potential meals, or in turn time of rest for the duration of which glucose needs to be generated on the strength of liver glycogen.
The discovery may well revolutionise the medicine and the combat with diabetes and related epidemic of obesity. It appears understandable that we are bound to suffer from it as long as our life-style, shift mode of work, activity of 24 hours remains in conflict with the natural body clock. This inner biological mechanism is what serves the economy of sugars in all human and animal organisms. The news should not be any inviting to be eating to one’s heart’s content, but provoking to be more conscientious of sleep and repose instead.
The Source: RMF.FM
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KULE WELLOS Kule do prania WELLOS są skuteczne! Dzięki swoim unikalnym właściwościom fizykochemicznym, kula zastępuje proszek, wybielacz, zmiękczacz i antyseptyk. Przede wszystkim nie wywołuje alergii. Kule posiadają także właściwości antybakteryjne i antygrzybiczne co sprawia, że są bezpieczne nawet dla skóry niemowląt. Uprane tkaniny stają się delikatne i nie powodują podrażnień.
Wellos Korea jest szybko rozwijającą się fi rmą odnoszącą liczne sukcesy i pionierem w branży ekologicznych produktów przemysłowych. Podstawą linii technologicznej jest wykorzystanie materiałów i wiedzy dla stworzenia wielu produktów ekologicznych. Firma Wellos Korea przywiązuje wielką wagę do rozwoju nowych technologii w celu poprawienia jakości życia. Firmowe produkty są dostępne na rynkach Unii Europejskiej, Ameryki Północnej, Azji, Afryki i krajów Bliskiego Wschodu. Sztandarowym produktem fi rmy Wellos Korea jest pierwsza generacja kul do prania.
Kule do prania WELLOS mogą być stosowane do prania odzieży białej i kolorowej. Są przeznaczone do efektywnego i ekonomicznego prania, nie wywierając przy tym negatywnych skutków na środowisko naturalne. Projektując kule WELLOS wykorzystano silne pole magnetyczne oraz znane zasady hydrodynamiki celem zmiany struktury molekularnej wody przy zastosowaniu tylko i wyłącznie specyficznych procesów fizycznych. Dodatkowo kule do prania posiadają cztery rodzaje naukowo opracowanych, naturalnych kulek ceramicznych. Zastosowane elementy regulują poziom pH wody, jej twardość, obniżają poziom zawartości chloru w wodzie, sterylizują i dezynfekują praną odzież. Silne promieniowanie dalekiej podczerwieni uwalniane podczas prania przez kule WELLOS, rozbija molekuły wody na mniejsze cząsteczki, które wnikając lepiej w praną odzież zwiększają siłę czyszczenia. Dzięki zastosowaniu kul do prania WELLOS usuwane są z pralki i odzieży: pleśń, grzyby oraz wszelkiego rodzaju mi- Jestem młodym mężczyzną, u którego problem alergiczny kroorganizmy chorobotwórcze szkodzące naszemu zdrowiu. skóry pojawił się trzy lata temu. Skóra na moich dłoniach
łuszczy się. Wizyty u lekarza dermatologa, nie wyjaśniły
Dzięki zastosowaniu kul do prania WELLOS obniża się przyczyny mojej choroby. Stałem się królikiem wydatki o 90 proc. kosztów prania z zastosowaniem tradydoświadczalnym sprawdzającym skuteczność działania cyjnych środków piorących. Żywotność kul została obliczomaści, kremów i tabletek - ale to nie przynosiło na na około 1200 prań, co w przeliczeniu daje okres około pożądanego efektu. Po wielu badaniach i testach wyszło, 3 lat zakładając jedno pranie dziennie. Stosując kule do prania iż przyczyną mojej alergii są detergenty. Proszki, stały się WELLOS nie musimy już używać dodatkowo płynów do przyczyną mojego nieszczęścia. Będąc coraz bardziej zmiękczania, wybielaczy itp. Wyprana odzież jest bardziej zdesperowany, zacząłem poszukiwać dla siebie pomocy puszysta i nie podlega tak silnym procesom tarcia, dzięki czew Internecie, i tak znalazłem hipoalergiczne kule mu w naturalny sposób zwiększa się trwałość pranych rzedo prania, których producentem jest firma z Korei czy. Proces suszenia jest krótszy, i w dużej mierze nie ma koPołudniowej. Chcąc dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej nieczności prasowania upranych ubrań. Kule do prania WELLOS przeszły bardzo rygorystyczne badania w Instytucie Badań i Testów w Korei oraz w Koreańskim Stowarzyszeniu IR. Kule posiadają certyfikaty jakości europejskiego instytutu SGS i TUV Rheinland.
na temat ich produktu skontaktowałem się bezpośrednio z firmą. Otrzymane wiadomości bardzo mnie zainteresowały i wzbudziły we mnie nadzieję.
Dawid Moskalik
Let us follow the times past of sugar… “(...) the flavour of sugar and other exotic articles changed the face of this planet far more significantly than ages of history and conquests.” Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat In the present day, it is hardly viable to imagine the world left without sugar and its derivatives. This today ubiquity is so natural and evident, that we are not much prompted to believe, that in olden times sugar was used as a medicine and consumed in small quantities. If compared with flour or salt, it appeared in Europe relatively behind in time progressively replacing honey.
What it all began with was sugar-cane juice The history of sugar is as long as 3 thousand years and principally involves the produce of sugar-cane. This gigantic perennial grass, expertly called Saccharum officinarum, originates from New Guinea, and is one of the few plants, that organically generate sucrose, mainly under conditions of tropical climate. Other rich in saccharose plants are dates, figs, or rock maples, but none of them is so abundant and easy in cultivation as sugar cane is. Though here and now sugar associates with white (generally) crystals, it is worth to mention, that the essence it is derived from is juice (extract of sugar-cane or sugar beet), while then again the first laymen chewed it in its place. In agreement with the ancient records, sugar cane was commonly grown in India, specifically in the ravine of Ganges, where in primitive a way sweet substance was isolated. The juice was boiled up until it turned syrupy, then rested so as to dry, in the course of which salt-like crystals were obtained. The Persian people discovered it there in the South Asia at some stage of their war voyages. They were intrigued how a plant can “produce honey employing no bees”, and engender something resembling salt except sweet (it is the reason behind the term “Indian salt”). These Iranic pioneers were ones who introduced it in the lands of the Near East, where from transported it to Greece.
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A drawing, “Sugar manufacture” of Jan Van der Straat, 1584
Arab people and others However, it was not sooner than the 7th century A.D., when conquests of Arabs initiated the momentous uninterrupted global spreading of sugar. This, both meaning in the territorial sense (expanding of agricultural areas: from Iran throughout Syria and Egypt, farther to southern regions of Spain and such islands as Cyprus, Crete, Malta, Sicily), and in the qualitative import on top. On the strength of their knowledge and experience Arabs led the way to develop methods of mass-scale production. In 1000, they established the earliest industrial sugar refinery on Crete, whereas their culinary finesse returned in unprecedented multiplicity of sweet subtleties. It is them whom we owe caramel to.
A postcard depicting a sugar cane plantation in Haiti of the 19th century
Since the 11st century sugar little by little reaches European countries. The cruciate contestants start to bring it as a part of their loot. As any other novelty the flavouring does not win the hearts and palates of Europeans straightforwardly. Instead, it remains a luxurious medicament, sold in apothecaries, whereas any self-respecting (say wealthy) housewife does care to have some of it in a personal medicinal chest. Nonetheless, the monopoly of Arabs turns abolished fairly soon after. The Dutch, Portuguese, French, exploiting slaves, found their own plantations in overseas colonies. Alongside, the Venetians attempt to familiarise the production, but actually trade more than farm. The growing competitiveness exacts prices to drop, what in consequence results in inflated consumption. Sugar becomes cheaper and cheaper, transpiring to be a delicacy rather than a medicament, still being unavailable to the poorest. In the 19th century, further economical improvements take place, this time in view of beet sugar harvests. White beet is somewhat a belated discovery. In 1745, a German chemist, Andreas S. Marggraf, manages to extract sugar from beets, nevertheless the step forward needs 100 hundred years to be realised. Then, in 1900, the food item accounts for 50% of the global production. At that point, it seems, that Europe found the new, low-cost source of this valuable ingredient. Regrettably not, one world war after the other is what impedes the manufacturing to render its dynamics much diminished ever after. Henceforth, it is the situation we face in our day: cane sugar stands for 70% of global production, while beet sugar merely 30%. In total, the yearly supply of the goods is 130 million of tones solid.
A young man on a truck loaded with white beets, Northern Korea, 1915
In search of advantages It is the 16th century when the consumption of sugar in Europe grows and grows to flourish three times fold in the 18th century. This singularity is additionally strengthened in the presence of already quite popular exotic articles, such as chocolate, coffee, tea, which all are sweetened intensely. For instance, the philosophers of the Enlightenment take their pleasure in coffee swe et to this extent that it should be called black thick body indeed. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
FOR THOSE WHO ARE EAGER FOR THE WORLD In ordinary routine, sugar is used so as to be able to prepare jams, preserve fruit (candying), make aromatic syrups of fruit, herbs, roots, and flowers. It serves for candying cloves, ginger-race, aniseed, redcedar, almonds, as well pine-cone seeds. In turn, in practice of those more affluent, it becomes increasingly fashionable to form massive figures and statues, which are permeated with rubber, and placed as a decorative motive on the tables. Confectioners sculpt it into bastilles, digits, coats of arms, houses, what they complete with statuettes of people and animals, so as such a given assembly resembles a street or a garden. What causes sugar to be so popular is the fact how multi-purpose it is: sweetens, preserves, imparts colour (caramel), hardens textures, exacts yeast to ferment (the quality of which is utilised in the alcohol industry). Although it is basically exercised in sweet dishes, it is also slightly laced with sauces, meats, pickles, mustards, mayonnaise, etc. Likewise, the pharmaceutical engineering employs it as an agent, that preserves and enhances taste of medicaments. Similarly, the cosmetic commerce use it as a base of depilation beauty products or peelings. Even our resourceful grandmas know how to apply it and starch clothing or fix hair. Either, all the way through the époques, sugar confections are widely appreciated as souvenirs, no different in the royal courts on a par. Still, the colonial period is these incomparable times, when sugar cane syrup, next to tobacco, functioned as a kind of currency. For example, a barrel of this sweet substance could afford given goods imported from Europe.
White or brown? This day and age, we are free to choose, whether it is white, brown, or raw sugar preferred. In each one case saccharose is the basic constituent, whereas the colour depends on the degree of refinement and not on the genus of a plant it happened to be made of. White sugar is the brand, that is purified to the furthest extent, throughout of which all the russet syrup of molasses turns withdrawn. Brown sugar is not any different in quality, except of the pigment it presents. This is because the process of production is identical, when in contrast, molasses is retrieved, added back, and crystals dried anew. Raw sugar in turn is this variety, that is not any subjected to the process of refining. It is the reason why it is brown in colour and comprises traces of minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium), while still and unfortunately the elements are not of any special worth in respect of health benefits.
Sweet or sweeter? Notwithstanding the common positive reception of what sugar is, there are distinct taste preferences round all four corners of the world. And, for instance, the Asians favour less sweet products than the people of the West do. It is the fact the company Kraft faced when attempted to launch the first choice of Americans, Oreo cookies, in the Chinese market. The sales literally took no place for years, until someone called on an idea so as to introduce it in a less sweetened version. It worked out, that it was an exactly right step, as the retailing mo38
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FOR THOSE WHO ARE EAGER FOR THE WORLD ved from the time on. In turn, the Arabic nations like sweetness to be intense and condensed, but in small servings. Hence, the multitude of miniature delicacies is what sells there. In order, the Western countries are dominated and supplied by a few giant monopolistic concerns, and the taste comes to be typical with the aim of matching it to the largest population possible. Deplorably, the small confectioneries and local relishes vanish in the wake of it. In answer to this fairly serious problem, some European countries, for instance Belgium, France, Switzerland, mindfully cultivate their native traditions of making sweets. In France, all regions make effort to familiarise their home confections on specially designed websites. Altogether, they celebrate it and organise annual “sweet” feasts, such as Fête de la Mirabelle (Feast of the Cherry Plum), Fête de la Myrtille (Feast of the Bilberry), or Fête du la Pain d’Epice (Feast of the Ginger Cake). Those, who for this reason or another are not able to attend the festivals, can take the liberty and visit the Bonbon Museum (Le Musée du bonbon) or other frequent smaller specialité museums. Speaking colloquially, no matter how you slice it, sugar has spread overwhelmingly and rendered us somewhat addicted indeed.
Ewa Szarkowska
DIABETIC’S CHOCOLATE COOKIES 1150g of dark chocolate 80g of butter 80g of maple syrup (which can be replaced with beet syrup or sugar) 1 spoonful of liquid sweetener 120g of amaranthus flour 1 spoon of cacao ¼ spoonful of baking soda A pinch of iodinated salt An egg 4 spoons of milk (30 pieces – the time of preparation: ab. 30 min. – the time of baking: 25-30 min. 1 portion stands for: ap. 70 kcal, 1g of protein, 4g of fat, 7g of carbohydrate) Chocolate is meant to melt together with 75g of butter. It is to be poured into a bowl and mixed with maple syrup and sweetener. In meanwhile, the oven should be heated up to 180ºC. The rest of butter has to be spread on a 20x20 cake tin. Then, flour, cacao, soda, and salt is supposed to be blended alike. In next, the chocolate-buttery mass obtained goes with egg being ceaselessly stirred and sprinkled with flour. The dough must be kneaded until it is smooth. In the last touch, milk is to be added otherwise the lot turns thick. Then, it should be placed in the tin, on the middle shelf in the oven, and baked for 25-30 minutes. The moment it is ready we cut it into squares.
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Alfabet pamiętnika Zieleń Przeglądam się w wiosennym liściu. W zielonych gałęzi ramionach ma dusza odpoczywa. Konary otulajac mnie zielenią sprawiają, że znikam, a jednocześnie jestem intensywniej i naprawdę. Otoczenie wokół mnie otwiera się zielenią. Miejska struktura wypełnia się nią, przeistaczając się w krajobraz. Zieleń drzew, krzewów i traw znosi znużenie zabudowań i ulic łagodnością dopełnienia i otwiera je na przestrzeń. Widzę dalej niż sięga spojrzenie mych oczu i posuwam się o krok, nieodmierzany odległością ani czasem. Barwa zielona jest zwizualizowaną tajemnicą wiecznej sławy szerokich pól nadziei, przebudzenia, nowej jakości życia. Posiada możliwość stawania się samowystarczalną oazą wschodów i zachodów. Ogrzewa i chłodzi, płonie i marznie. W osobie i czasie me życie tworzy obrazy – zwyczajne i magiczne, oczywiste i niepojęte – w widzialności i ukryciu. Idę w życia płynną energię odległości wąwozem i wracam doliną perspektywy niezaspokojonego do końca pragnienia. Życie jest zawsze nadzieją - na ocalenie czegoś, na to, że minie ból, zagrożenie, złe samopoczucie, dramatyczna sytuacja, na sens wszystkiego, pomimo wszystko. Zielone szkło pamięci ukazuje mi jakby odnowioną mą istotę – w innych asymetrycznych sferach. W pamięci idę powrotnie zieloną aleją niuansów, poprzez seledyn do malachitu. W jasności i ciemnym tonie mieści się wszystko co poznane, lecz co bolało – nie zna bólu, a co złe było – zła się wyrzekło.To zaś co piękne, radosne – melancholia wplata w kwiaty, trawy i gałęzie, by dotknąć przestrzeni, firmamentu i tego, co potem, a równie ważne i piękne. Tchnienie, przestronność zieleni czyni mnie immanentną z wielką naturą stworzenia. Uczy czułości ogrodów, lasów, łąk i tego, że są prawdą. Pamięcią - me życie jest stanem wielkiego przebywania, nie ograniczonego mieszkania. Mieszkanie bowiem zdeterminowane jest posiadaniem do nieuniknionego końca. Przebywanie natomiast, rację bytu zyskuje niespodziewanie i na stałe. Wewnętrzność jest czymś trwałym, bo to, co zewnętrzne, jest nabyte. Zieleń jest trwała, trwalsza nawet od samej pamięci, która ją eksponuje. Spaja wewnętrzność z zewnętrznością tak, iż nawet zgaszona, pozostaje siłą w świecie i czyni rzeczywistością pamięć. Odradza się odwiecznie na obszarach przemian, a nawet zniszczenia. Niweluje światowe różnice, podziały, braki i przesyty. Jak szkło, za którym wszystko jest inaczej. W wymiarowości istoty pamięć – lustrzana, szklista - odbija, utrwala to, co zaistniało w przemijalnej naturze, odwrotnością duchowej rzeczywistości. Pochłania słońce i cień. Czas zapada w westchnienie i zmróżenie oczu. Aranże pamięci przełamują nietrwałość. Zieleń chroni mnie przed przewrotnością personalnej natury, własnym niepokojem. Ta barwa zawiera w sobie wyzwalającą z miazmatów i realiów prawdę, że pozostanę duszą na wieczność, nawet gdy ma osoba przeminie, a sytuacje świata utracą jakiekolwiek znaczenie. Mogę żyć wieczną młodością, siłą długich spojrzeń, małych kroków. Pamięć zieleni poszerza mą świadomość zamknięcia spraw i rzeczy. Wskazuje, iż owo zamknięcie to tylko iluzja człowieka dysponującego ograniczoną zdolnością poznania. W zieleni, choroba komponuje się ze zdrowiem, smutek z radością, słabość z siłą. Niczym zieleń z czerwienią. Zieleń pamięci jest zawsze na szczęście, że można pamiętać, to, czego się pragnie i pragnąć pamiętać. Pamięć bowiem jest perspektywą i retrospekcją we mnie. - prywatną, a przywraca mnie korzeniom, ogrodom, pełni. Istnieję w tle, kreuję je pragnieniem, marzeniem, żarem duszy. To tło jest pomijaną w świecie lecz konieczną dla jego istnienia alternatywą, tchnieniem w przemijającej postaci ziemi. Żyć w tle, to jak przypominać światu ducha i sumienie, uszlachetniać jego mentalność i być przystankiem w pośpiechu. To dobra rola i warta przeżycia – artysta przestrzeni... Autor : Lila
Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Woda która leczy ,
Zastosowanie zjonizowanej wody zasadowej i kwaśnej jako podstawy medycyny przyszłości.
becnie lista chorób, w których zastosowanie wody zjonizowanej pomaga organizmowi usunąć je lub znacznie złagodzić objawy, składa się z ponad 35 nazw, wśród których znajdują się: przewlekłe gruczolak zapalenie wątroby, cukrzyca, prostaty, odmiedniczkowe zapalenie nerek, zapalenie pęcherza moczowego, zapalenia i zwyrodnienia stawów, alergiczne zapalenia skóry, wrzody żołądka, zapalenia żołądka i jelita grubego, wrzody troficzne, ropiejące rany, złamania związane z podeszłym wiekiem, odleżyny, oparzenia, paradontozę i inne. W trakcie wielu lat stosowania wody zjonizowanej dzisiaj już wiemy, dlaczego żywa woda pomaga przy tak wielu i to tak różnych chorobach. Woda kwaśna niszczy bakterie i wiele wirusów, grzyby, posiada właściwości przeciwzapalne, przeciwalergiczne i przeciwobrzękowe. Woda zasadowa ma właściwości immunostymulujące i antyoksydacyjne, przyśpiesza gojenie tkanek, pomaga przy łagodzeniu objawów cukrzycy, nadciśnienia, osteoporozy i innych chorób.
I najważniejsze: Mówiąc o wodnych roztworach aktywowanych, mówimy o preparatach wspomagających leczenie, których mechanizm działania ma zdecydowanie nową jakość – nie chemiczną, jak zwykłe środki lecznicze, ale elektrochemiczną, bardziej odpowiadającą reakcjom utleniająco-redukcyjnym, stale przebiegającym w żywym organizmie. Człowiek będąc swego rodzaju „żywym” wodnym roztworem, „żywym” zbiorem utleniaczy i reduktorów, stale współredagujących ze sobą, podlega tym samym prawom, co pozostała część Przyrody. Oznacza to, że potencjał redoks, określający szybkość i kierunek wszystkich reakcji elektrochemicznych określa szybkość i kierunek, a często i w ogóle możliwość, przebiegania tych reakcji. A czym w ogóle są reakcje utleniająco-redukcyjne w naszym organizmie? To proces oddychania, przetwarzania energii, zachowania homeostazy (stałego składu i właściwości środowiska wewnętrznego), to proces starzenia, obrona organizmu przed drobnoustrojami, tworzenie wolnych rodników, praca enzymów. Dlaczego ulegamy zakwaszeniu? Teoria zakwaszania organizmu lub egzogennej acydozy wyjaśnia przyczyny i powikłania wielu chorób i z tego powodu szeroko rozpowszechniła się ostatnio na Zachodzie. Zgodnie z tą teorią ponad 70% ludności w dzisiejszych czasach cierpi z powodu zaburzenia równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej, przy czym chodzi o przesunięcie pH w stronę kwasową. Winowajcą są tu w pierwszym rzędzie stres oraz produkty żywnościowe i metody ich przetwarzania. Prawie 80% produktów spożywczych, które zjadamy, zaliczanych jest do kwasotwórczych. I nie chodzi tu bynajmniej o to, jaki mają smak. Po prostu podczas ich rozkładu w organizmie tworzy się więcej kwasów niż zasad. Do produktów kwasotwórczych należy wołowina, wieprzowina, baranina, mięso kurze, kiełbasa, produkty z białej mąki, cukier,
Picie żywej wody (zjonizowanej, zrestrukturyzowanej, zasadowej): • • • • • •
Wspomaga leczenie cukrzycy Reguluje poziom cholesterolu Wpływa na poprawę ciśnienia tętniczego Wpływa na poprawę pracy systemu odpornościowego Wspomaga leczenie guzów złośliwych (raka) Pomaga organizmowi podczas radioterapii
kawa, czarna herbata, wszystkie napoje alkoholowe, soki pasteryzowane, ryba i owoce morza, twaróg, ser, orzechy i pestki, zboża, chleb, bułki i torty, lody, jajka, słodkie napoje gazowane, Coca Cola. Listę można by przedłużyć, ale i tak jest ona wystarczająco przekonująca i smutna. A co zalicza się do zasadotwórczych produktów żywnościowych? Owoce (za wyjątkiem konserwowanych), warzywa, zielone części roślin, naturalny jogurt, kasza jaglana, mineralna woda niegazowana, ziemniaki. Już na pierwszy rzut oka widać przewagę produktów kwaśnych. Nasuwa się wniosek, że podtrzymywanie równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej wyłącznie przy pomocy odżywiania jest w przypadku wielu osób niemożliwe – ze zbyt wielu rzeczy trzeba by zrezygnować. Większość ludzi praktycznie nie jest w stanie jeść w ciągu dnia 3 kg warzyw i owoców i wyłączyć z menu produkty kwasotwórcze takie jak mięso, ser, kiełbasa, cukier, kawa. A co z napojami, które pijemy? Jakie napoje dominują w naszej diecie? Kwaśne czy zasadowe? Rozwiązanie polegające na wprowadzeniu do diety oraz do przygotowywania posiłków zjonizowanej wody zasadowej jest najbardziej praktycznym sposobem zabezpieczenia się przed zakwaszeniem organizmu.
Stacjonarny jonizator z wymiennymi przegrodami półprzepuszczalnymi.
Firma DORSIM sp. z o.o. Tel/Fax: 22 403 6355 Strona edukacyjna: Strona handlowa:, Konsultacje: Inż. Chemik Marek Królikowski Tel. 885 560 375, 605 080 896, email:
Diabetes type 2 effects the risk of Alzheimer The persons affected with diabetes type 2 have been proved to stand higher risk of brain lesions typical to Alzheimer disease – a study reveals on the pages of the “Neurology”. The scientists from the Kyushu University in Fukuoka in Japan have investigated this fact. Specifically, they focused on amyloid plagues and neurofibrillary tangles that form in the brain. And, they ascertained, that these plagues, namely beta-amyloid lodgements, damage neurons, what in consequence engenders such disorders as disturbed memory and conduct, and personality shifts. 135 elderly individuals were involved in the research, all of whom were aged 67 at an average. They were subjected to relevant diabetes type 2 tests, and analysed in terms of glucose on empty stomach, oral glucose tolerance (measured in two hours after consumption of 75g of sugar), insulin concentration on empty stomach, and insulin-resistance. In order, their health condition was monitored throughout next 10-15 years. The examiners scrutinised patients’ age, sex, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, their habits of smoking, physical activity, and brain circulation disorders. The symptoms of Alzheimer transpired in case of 16% of the patients. The moment they died some areas of their brains were extracted and probed in aim of finding Alzheimer’s traces. The plagues were located in case of 65% of the bodies. The results showed, that elevated level of glucose arising in 2 hours after oral receiving, higher intensity of insulin on empty stomach, and insulin-resistance were all related with greater risk of plagues’ prevalence. These structures were present in case of 72% of the insulin-resistant, while in case of those free of the complaint it came down to 62%. This correlation expressly concerned the patients, who were confirmed with the genetic Alzheimer risk factor - APOE. In contrast, it has not been determined, whether glucose metabolism disorders stayed in any relationship with neurofibrillary tangles. In the view of the report, the scientists will continue the observations, so as to conclude or exclude the fact, that insulin-resistance stimulates brain tissues to produce amyloid plagues. „If it does, then prevention or adequate control of diabetes type 2 may appear to be the best answer to counteract progression of Alzheimer” - dr. Sasaki comments. 42
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The number of diabetes stricken escalates all over the globe, the fact of which prompts the World Health Organisation declare it to be a non-infectious epidemic of the 21st century.. As the societies grow older and older the incidence of Alzheimer grows correspondingly. It is the reason why further enquires and examinations should resolve the question how matching the diseases are. The Source:
Garlic oil
diabetics’ hearts The life-threatening impairment of the cardiac muscle may develop on the strength of several diabetes dynamics, for instance too high intensity of glucose in blood results in hyperproduction of free radicals, and devastating processes take place. This, all the more, that heart organs in case of diabetes patients do not produce due enzymes which neutralise these oxygen derived compounds. Consequently, numbers of muscle cells die away in the course of suicidal fatality, and functioning of the heart systematically decline. Some scientists from a Chinese University of Medicine in Taiwan attempted to investigate the fact, whether garlic oil may be an applicable protective agent. It is because, that it had been already observed, that garlic is exceptionally beneficial to blood circulation system, as for it cohabits the enzymes involved in the synthesis of fats, it can counteract forming clots, as well as can counterbalance free radicals. And, purportedly, it might regulate blood glucose, what all in all would conclude to the problem. The latest trials were conducted on rats. Diabetes was experimentally induced in the animals in a laboratory. They were divided into four groups, three of which every other day received garlic oil in assorted doses – 10, 50, and 100mg per 1 kg of body mass. The fourth group was so called control group, and was fed with corn oil instead. The assessment lasted 16 days. And, it provided the evidence, that garlic oil, dependently on given doses, alleviated the adverse lesions diabetes engendered in the cardiac muscles, protecting them altogether.
Garlic may prevent against cardiomyopathy, namely damage of the cardiac muscle diabetes patients frequently live through – “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” reports. Cardiovascular disease is the major and the most serious complication diabetes exacts as it accounts for 80% of deceases in the concern. Diabetes stricken prove these mortality rates 2-3 times higher than all the rest of general population compared.
Echocardiography was what allowed the researchers to monitor the activity of improved contractile heart performance in case of rodents which were administered garlic oil. Also, they discerned it, that in one accord, production of anti-oxidising enzymes advanced and averted dyeing of cells, apoptosis, to some extent. The chemical composites of sulphur garlic comprises have been ascertained to decide on the effect of the anti-oxidation. There are 20 of them, among which disulphide and trisulphide of 1,5-hexadiene are of greatest influence. These findings confirm, that garlic may importantly serve heart conditions of diabetes patients. Thus, it all encourages to be proceeding further analysis works. The Source: PAP Cukrzyca a Zdrowie
Tomatoes owe their particular crimson colour to the chemical compound lycopene. These vegetables are its natural and richest source to be found. Lycopene belongs to the vast family of carotenoids, which is an immensely diversiďż˝ied class of phytochemical composites, that organically exact colours of red, yellow, and orange in plants. Human body system is not able to generate carotenoids on its own, therefore they have to be supplied from vegetables and fruit on the basis of the diet we lead. Biologically, lycopene can be delivered from tomatoes (85%), or from watermelons, guavas, papayas, and pink grapefruit (15%). In order, the tomatoes grown in greenhouses, are those which afford much less lycopene content. In its place, dishes prepared on cooked or dried tomatoes are fairly recommended, since heat-broken tissues free more extract and lycopene appears to be better absorbed. In one, this assimilation can be enhanced by virtue of unsaturated fats, so stewing in olive oil is advised to be practised. In line, ketchup also provides much of lycopene, and is tasty altogether, but its concentration of sugar is not inviting. Some of carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, are pro-vitamins of vitamin A, and are essential in the instance of healthy eye-sight. However, the general role of lycopene remains undetermined fully, whereas some conďŹ rmed observations prove its substantial bearing on cancer prophylaxis and many others. Now then, lycopene may well relieve cancers of prostate, pancreas, breasts, uterine cervix, alimentary tract. Along, lycopene mitigates arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis, as in case of the latter it augments density of bones. Two meals, on tomatoes baked in olive, or ones avoured with tomato sauce alone, exercised every week, is what should hamper the risk of prostate cancer in 25%. Still, it is meant to be prepared out of squeezed tomatoes, rather than tomato puree, that contains needless sugar. The scientists from the universities in Manchester and Newcastle established, that tomatoes further skin defences against ultraviolet. It gave grounds 44
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DIABETIC VADEMECUM to proceed the studies, and verify it, whether the vegetable is potent enough to combat skin cancer all the like.. If to describe tomato as such, it presents with minerals: sodium, potassium, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, phosphor, fluorine, chlorine, carotene, then vitamins: K, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, and acids: pantothenic, folic, oxalic, p-coumaric, chlorogenic, altogether with biotin. Initially, Europeans perceived it to be poisonous, and cultivated it in the gardens just as a decorative plant. In 1893, the Supreme Court of America, in the course of differentiating the then custom duties into categories of vegetables and fruit, attributed tomato to vegetables ( in relation to culinary routines), renouncing to assign it in respect of the botanical classification. Be as it may, from the scientific point of view tomato is fruit!
oprac. Zofi a Zaremba
The up-to-date studies show, that tomatoes can be employed in the prophylaxis of lungs altogether. It is because, two components of the vegetable, which is p-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, are presumed to block nitrosamines, the strongest toxins produced in our organisms and cigarette smoke.
TOMATO-CARROT COCKTAIL Ingredients: garlic, oatmeal, tomato juice, carrot juice, parsley. All given components should be blended together in the following proportions: 3 spoonful of oatmeal, ½ glass of tomato juice, ¼ glass of carrot juice, half a bunch of parsley, and a clove of garlic.
VITAMINS LACED WITH PEPPER Ingredients: ½ kg of ripe tomatoes, small celeriac (ab.20g), 0,5l of boiled water, chopped dill, salt, pepper. The vegetables are meant to be washed (celeriac peeled), cut into tiny pieces, and processed in a juicer. Water should be boiled together with salt and pepper, chilled, and fused with the juice obtained. It is well to be served with dill on top.
Tomatoes can be entitled to be the dietetic star among vegetables. The produce is recommended to one and all, but still expressly to the diabetes concerned. Tomatoes provide a small share of calories. 100g of this vegetable is merely 15kcal, hence one piece of 150g equals to 23kcal and 4g of digestible carbohydrates, which stands for 0,4 of bread unit. Consequently, diabetes patients are all encouraged to take advantage and shape line on the strength of tomatoes.
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Diabetes patients are those, who are well exposed to oxidative stress, which is accumulation of free radicals there in tissues, and more often than not leads to impairments of blood vessels and nerves. Whereas, chromium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium are very potent antioxygen agents, and play important role in carbohydrate metabolism. In one, these 4 essential elements assist the processes of synthesis and releasing of insulin altogether. Hence, it is objectively advised so as to mind it in the everyday diet.
CHROMIUM Chrome is an unusual element. Its most focal function is stimulating pancreas insulin production and contributing to metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. This chemical regulates cholesterol in blood, relieves headaches, soothes nerves, alleviates from mental irritation and general fatigue. Chromium, shared with good eating habits and physical activity, advances burning of fats and slimming down respectively. The complex is best absorbed by virtue of vitamin C. Conversely, it turns wasted with urine by reason of calcium and simple sugars. The most valuable sources of chromium to be quoted are: brewer’s yeast, liver, chicken thighs, corned meat, coarse grits and cereals, eggs and apples. Also, it is worthwhile to tend to: mushrooms, dried plums, nuts, wheat germs, jacket potatoes, sea food, fish, or fresh vegetables, such as broccoli, green peas, and all in all seasonings (preferably black pepper).
Irritation, nervousness, heart palpitation, sleeplessness, weariness, muscle spasms or eye-lid tics, is what organism signals to be deficiency of magnesium. Our today chasing in life, overcoming stress, processed food, effects body undersupplied of it. While, magnesium stabilises nervous system, tempering hyperactivity, tranquilising, improving memory likewise. Similarly, it partakes in metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. In order, magnesium normalises cardiovascular system. The element, in pair with calcium and vitamin D, builds up teeth and bones, preventing against osteoporosis. Along, it advances digestion and counteracts forming of stones in the reins. Further, it regulates functioning of thyroid. Expanding air passages it serves treatments of asthma and bronchitis. Still, magnesium protects against toxic substances (e.g. lead, cadmium, mercury). Again, it eases muscles tones, what favours healing of contusions. Likewise, the chemical reduces painful tensions of pre-menstrual syndrome. What is more and of great importance, it may safeguard against diabetes type 2 and related complications. Referring to the sources of magnesium we suggest: cereal products, particularly pointing buckwheat, pearl barley, and oatmeal. Then, legumes, nuts, seafood, cacao, chocolate, as well as dark bread, spinach, fish, yellow cheese and bananas. 46
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SELENIUM Selenium is probably the most indispensable of microelements. It accounts for numerous dynamics being compatible with other minerals and vitamins as for instance beta-carotene, B6, C, E, zinc. The warning signs of its scarcity is chronic tiredness, muscle weakening, frequent colds, herpes, skin inflammation. It is because, selenium secures immunity. In line, it supports treatments of such protracted disorders as rheumatoid arthritis or discoid lupus. In one, selenium is a beneficial chemical protecting blood vessels against arteriosclerosis. It prevents from cataract and degeneracy of the yellow spot. Alike, this is an essential element regulating hormone metabolism of thyroid. On the other hand, it relieves menopause complaints, and boosts libido. However, men need this chemical compound more than women, since in case of the former selenium amasses in testicles and is voided with sperm. Also, the element safes from harm of the sun, and toxic material (e.g. lead). Along, it is fairly vital in reducing risks of cancers, whether it is of prostate, anus, cervix uteri, or ovaries. What enhances its strength is vitamin E, whereas simple sugars and surplus of vitamin C is what depletes it. The greatest essence of selenium can be found in: onion, garlic, sesame seed, wheatgerm, wheat bran, corn, tomatoes, red grapes, yolks, mushrooms, sea salt, rock salt, cereals, wholemeal bread, sea food, fish (tuna, herrings), or poultry.
ZINC Zinc reaches each and every one cell of human body, particularly in the organs of eyes, liver, brain, muscles and genitalia. In the view of the last studies, zinc invigorates these brain areas, which answer for taste and smell sensations. It also corresponds to the faculty of developing memories. In one, the element serves immunity we stand. In case of the very eyes, it supports performance of retina, the yellow spot to be precise. Additionally, the chemical is “a mineral of beauty”, for it enriches skin texture and colour, and manages fat acids altogether. Furthermore, it regulates hormone and sebum distribution, thanks to which it lightens acne. Then, palms and hair is good manifestation, whether zinc is well supplied or not. Hence, brittle and splitting nails, hair that falls out and turns matt, is what warns, that there must be some insufficiency of the compound. Concluding, the pace of life necessitates it, that we have to be more and more thoughtful to deliver zinc in proportions needed. The best share of zinc is comprised in oysters – 10 times more than in any other source. Nonetheless, we can find it in liver, champagne, tinned fish, wholemeal bread, grainy mustard. Regrettably, vegetables are the produce, that afford far less of easily digested zinc, so vegetarians are advised to opt for diets, which present with cheese, eggs, and if possible – are encouraged to consider supplements. Compiled by:. Antonina Niekrasz
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Kwas alfa liponowy - silny przeciwutleniacz, który naprawia uszkodzone nerwy i jest uzupełnieniem diety dla diabetyków Kwas liponowy jako ALA jest doskonałym antyoksydantem (przeciwutleniaczem) nawet 100 razy silniejszym niż witaminy C czy E. W skojarzeniu z witaminami z grupy B wpływa na metabolizm w komórkach nerwowych, ma działanie neuroprotekcyjne (neuroochronne). Zwiększa stężenie glikogenu w wątrobie co z kolei działa ochronnie na wątrobę. oraz neutralizuje wolne rodniki. Dzięki temu suplementy diety zawierające kwas alfa liponowy wspomagają odchudzanie, usprawniają pracę układu krążenia oraz zwiększają wydolność organizmu. Organizm ludzi sam wytwarza niewielkie ilości kwasu liponowego. Można go także znaleźć pożywieniu, np. w: szpinaku, brokułach, grochu, drożdżach piwnych, brukselce, otrębach ryżowe i w wątróbce. Głównymi wskazaniami do stosowania kwasu alfa liponowego są schorzenia takie jak: • cukrzyca - zwiększa wrażliwość tkanek na insulinę • choroby serca • miażdżyca • przeciwdziała polineuropatii cukrzycowej • pomaga przy zaburzeniach koncentracji • choroby wątroby (hepatopatie) - usprawnia pracę wątroby, przeciwdziała kamicy żółciowej • problemy ze wzrokiem - wspomaga prawidłowe czynności narządu wzroku, przeciwdziała katarakcie, zaćmie i jaskrze • prawdopodobnie wspomaga leczenie stwardnienia rozsianego, • wspomaga pamięć - może łagodzić objawy choroby Alzheimera i udar mózgu • nadwaga, otyłość - pobudza metabolizm, • palenie tytoniu - jako antyoksydant neutralizuje szkodliwe działanie tytoniu, • podeszły wiek - działanie przeciwutleniające hamuje procesy starzenia się komórek, • ma właściwości moczopędne • wspomaga układ krążenia i wydolności, zwiększa siłę mięśni, ich wytrzymałość i strukturę • wspomaga organizm przy zatruciach grzybami • może być pomocny przy nadciśnieniu tętniczym i chorobach autoimmunologicznych • zapobiega nowotworom i łagodzi skutki chemioterapii 48
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Nazywany jest uniwersalnym antyoksydantem z uwagi na właściwości: - neutralizuje wolne rodniki, jest jednym z najbardziej wszechstronnych antyoksydantów (spowalnia proces starzenia się) - umożliwia regenerację uszkodzonych struktur DNA, lipidów i protein - wiąże toksyczne związki metali obecne w organizmie i pozwala w ten sposób na usunięcie ich w bezpieczny sposób z organizmu człowieka, co zapobiega uszkodzeniom spowodowanym toksycznością związków takich jak: kadm, rtęć, ołów, arsen - pozwala regenerować się innym antyoksydantom w organizmie ludzkim – wit. C, E, koenzymowi Q10 - wykazuje działanie w środowisku wodnym i tłuszczowym (jest rozpuszczalny w wodzie i w tłuszczach), co zwiększa spektrum jego działania w organizmie człowieka. oprac. Karol Łyczkowski
PRAYER OF THOMAS AQUINAS Good Lord, you know it far better than me, That I am growing in age and will be old one of these days. Save me from malignant opining, From partiality of judging one and all each and every time. From regarding myself to be more upright than others. Compose me to be more serious-minded while not ill-humoured, To be more keen and involved rather than intrusive. I do wish to harness at least some of resources of wisdom I am of, Thereby I can secure the friendships I do care about. Liberate me from constant struggle over given details, So I could reach my imaginativeness, And be more straightforward. Silence me in front of my shortcomings and sorrows, Notwithstanding how tempting it is to expatiate. I do not ask for leniency in order to riot over burdens of others, I plead for patience so as to be able to listen to them. I do not dare to implore for better memory gift, But I do beseech for greater humility and steadfastness, Then when my reminiscences seem to be conicting with those of others. Bless me with the right to be mistaken now and again. Safeguard me to remain kind towards people, Setting aside how unbearable they happen to be! I do not aspire to be a saint, nonetheless being a peevish whitebeard must be one of Satan’s best expressions. Bestow me with the insight of what is good In any person it might be, At any occasion possible. Present me, Good Lord, with the grace to commune it. The manuscript of the contemplation is found in the grave of the Saint in Toulouse
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STEWIA Mam w doniczce pewną roślinę. Liście z niedużego kwitnącego na biało krzewu przepełnione są słodyczą. Wystarczy zalać je wrzątkiem, by uzyskać bardzo słodki ekstrakt. Kilka kropli osłodzi dzbanek herbaty. Co to?
o roślina zwana stewią (łac. Stevia rebaudiana) od wieków znana w Ameryce Południowej. Plemiona Guaraní w Paragwaju, Boliwii i Brazylii od stuleci wykorzystują stewię, którą nazywają ka’a he’ê („słodkie zioło”), do słodzenia yerba mate i herbatek leczniczych na zgagę i inne dolegliwości. Indianie słodzili potrawy oraz żuli liście (dziś fakt używania stewii przez tak długi czas jest argumentem w rękach jej zwolenników, potwierdzającym, że nie wywołuje ona jakichkolwiek negatywnych skutków). Już w XVI w. była ona tak znana do słodzenia potraw, że nawet hiszpańscy konkwistadorzy nauczyli się ją rozpoznawać i stosować.
edycyna ludowa Indian poleca ją szczególnie jako środek wzmacniający serce, układ krążenia, regulujący ciśnienie krwi. Stewie stosuje się w schorzeniach wątroby, bólach żołądka i nadkwasocie. Sprawdza się również jako łagodny środek stymulujący układ nerwowy i naturalny „antydepresant”. Z pewnością herbatka z melisą, posłodzona liśćmi stewii byłaby wspaniałym antidotum na szaroburą, deszczową pogodę. Zasobna w witaminę C, selen i cynk – stewia wzmacnia układ odpornościowy, zmniejsza częstotliwość przeziębień i grypowych infekcji. Ma zastosowanie w medycynie dentystycznej. Paradoksem wydaje się to, że ta bardzo słodka roślina jest skutecznym środkiem w leczeniu paradontozy i próchnicy zębów, czego nie można powiedzieć o słodzikach chemicznych i o cukrze rafinowanym. Natomiast regularne płukanie jamy ustnej naparem z liści zapobiega tworzeniu się kamienia i osadu na zębach. Dzięki silnym właściwościom antybakteryjnym sprawdza się doskonale w leczeniu oparzeń, skaleczeń i trudno gojących się ran. Od dawna stewia zalecana jest do pielęgnacji skóry. Indianki np. stosują maseczki i okłady ze sproszkowanych liści, ujędrniają cerę, poprawiają koloryt, wygładzają zmarszczki, szczególnie w okolicach oczu. Podobno stewia pomocna jest także w ograniczeniu uzależnienia od papierosów i alkoholu.
tewia jest rośliną wyjątkowo szczodrze obdarowaną przez naturę. Posiada intensywny smak, bogaty asortyment cennych minerałów i mikroelementów takich jak: wapń, potas, magnez, żelazo, chrom, mangan, selen, krzem, kobalt, cynk. W jej skład wchodzi również szereg witamin z grupy B, witamina C, beta-karoten, itp.. A co ważne dla diabetyków, to wyciągi ze stewii: - mają zero węglowodanów, zero cukru, zero tłuszczu i zero cholesterolu. - minimalizują łaknienie cukru - są 250-300 krotnie słodsze od sacharozy - są stabilne do temperatury 198-200°C co umożliwia stosowanie stewii do wypieków - nie ulegają fermentacji - nie posiadają praktycznie żadnej wartości kalorycznej - są stabilne w środowisku kwaśnym, co pozwala na stosowanie ich również do marynat
ożna używać liści świeżych, suszonych w całości lub sproszkowanych. Najwartościowsze są jasnozielone, zbierane przed kwitnieniem. Co najważniejsze stewia ma właściwości bakteriobójcze, przeciwgrzybiczne i obniżające ciśnienie. Szwajcarski botanik Bertoni opisał stewię pod koniec XIX wieku, ale w Europie nie jest nadal zbyt popularna. Za to w Japonii moda na stewię nie słabnie od lat 70 tych. Dodawana jest do konserw, marynat, pasztetów, lodów i gumy do żucia. Japoński przemysł używa stewii zamiast sztucznych słodzików od 36 lat, a mimo to nie było żadnych doniesień na temat zaburzeń zdrowotnych wywołanych przez stewię. Susz stewiowy zużywany jest tam na tony. Firmy takie jak Sunkist i Nestle stosują stewię jako substancję słodzącą, a Coca-Cola używa stewii w swojej Diet Coce. Jest też masowo używana do słodzenia sosu sojowego i marynowanych warzyw. Stewia może być wykorzystywana w leczeniu raka skóry i leczeniu kandydiozy.
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tewie obecnie uprawiana jest w Chinach, Japonii, Kanadzie, Korei, Indonezji, Izraelu, Tajlandii i Brazylii. Ciekawostką jest fakt, iż Brytyjczycy w 1941 roku rozważali zastosowanie stewii wobec niewystarczających rezerw cukru. Już w niedalekiej przyszłości produkty otrzymywane na bazie stewii staną się obiecującą alternatywą dla syntetycznych substancji słodzących. Staną się powszechne.
tewia jest substancją naturalną, niewymagającą jakiegokolwiek patentu na produkcję. W 1995 roku dopuszcza się stewię do obrotu jako suplement diety, choć nie jako dodatek do żywności. Zwolennicy stewii wskazują na wewnętrzną sprzeczność tego rozwiązania.
rawdopodobnie ekstrakty z liści stewii zmniejszają ryzyko nowotworów, gdyż są bogate w polifenole ( kwercetynę i kempferol), które działają antyoksydacyjnie i chronią DNA przed uszkodzeniami. Niedawne badania wykazały potencjalne zastosowanie stewi w leczeniu otyłości i nadciśnienia. W przeciwieństwie do niektórych leków stosowanych w leczeniu nadciśnienia użycie stewii nie wpływa negatywnie na sprawność seksualną.
asygnalizowano również możliwość wykorzystania liści stewii w leczeniu osteoporozy, co sugeruje wniosek patentowy, w którym stwierdzono, że kruchość skorupki jajka można zredukować o 75 proc. dodając niewielką ilość sproszkowanych liści stewii do karmy dla kur. Pojawiły się również sygnały, że zwierzęta karmione ekstraktem ze stewii wykazują dwukrotnie wyższą ilość wapnia w mięsie, jednakże informacje te wciąż czekają na weryfikację.
Należy jednak pamiętać, że w przypadku hipoglikemii stewia lub stewiozyd nie są w stanie zastąpić cukru. W takim przypadku należy się skonsultować z lekarzem. Roślina przepełniona słodyczą czeka na swoja szansę, warto jej właściwości rozpowszechnić i stosować w codziennej diecie. Stewia, roślina słodsza niż cukier... oprac. Agnieszka Kierznowska-Rurarz
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Rewarding is a value of its own accord They say, that the beneficiaries promote their pockets, while the benefactors satisfy hearts. Dedicating purifies and brings joy. Giving someone an Angel with Energy we give twofold – protection, and wings of inspiration ...
ANGELS for ANGELS The editorial team of the medical magazine “Diabetes and Health” ascertained a continued tribute to individuals and institutions, who uniquely support diabetes patients. The tribute is Angels ...
The Prizes of the Editorial Team 1.The principal idea of the “Angels for Angels” prize is to distinguish merits of individuals, businesses and institutions, who outstandingly have managed to enrich life quality of diabetes experienced patients, contribute to social awareness of the disease, and foster mutual understanding, acceptance and solidarity towards the diabetes stricken. 2.The prize is appointed by the Editorial Team of the “Diabetes and Health” magazine. 3.The prize is decided respectively to the following categories: a) BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS, that distinctively support diabetes experienced persons b) HEALTH SERVICE WORKFORCE, who are there on mission to serve diabetes diagnosed patients c) MEDIA AND JOURNALISTS, that advocate social and medicinal education in the lin of diabetes disease d) PUBLIC FIGURES, who are unusually sensitive in relation to diabetes stricken, are personally involved and committed in aid of change for the better 4.The Editorial Team may resolve a Special Prize, apart from the categories, to pay recognition to any well-deserved contributions, that might happen to come to pass 5.The prize is a wooden sculptured statuette of an “Angel with Energy”, the creator of which is Aleksander Grzybek 6. The prizes are awarded once yearly 7. The profiles of the distinguished are appreciatively introduced on the pages of the “Diabetes and Health” medical magazine
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WE HAVE BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED XIV All-Poland Diabetes Symposium
„Diabetica Expo 2010” VIII All-Polish Forum on Prophylaxis and Management of Obesity „The editorial team of the medical magazine “Diabetes and Health” had the honour of holding the patronage of the XIV All-Poland Diabetes Symposium “Diabetica Expo 2010”, and the VII All-Polish Forum on Prophylaxis and Management of Obesity, the events of which took place in Toruń. This beautiful listed city presented us with remarkable hospitability. We were invited to participate in a number of sessions, demonstrations, and conferences. In the course of these occasions, we all could make it certain how vital prophylaxis and safety is in the face of diabetes, how urgent innovation and effectiveness turns out to be in respect of the combat this global disease necessitates. On account of medical activity of given businesses, and their products, life quality of diabetes patients genuinely improves, therefore the relevant marketable displays and expositions were as equally contributing as the lectures of the clinicians. The fi nal accent of the seminar appeared to be the moment of distinction our periodical “Diabetes and Health” was acknowledged for “Health-promoting education in aid of diabetes concerned and publicising the symposium and the forum in all institutions involved”. We are proud and fairly satisfied that such an official voice of appreciation has been raised. The sessions and lectures during the Symposium ...
From the right on: Henryk Zamorski – the Director of the Expo-Andre Centre of Conferences and Exhibitions, prof. dr.hab. Irena Ponikowska – the State Consultant on Balneology and Physical Therapies in Bydgoszcz, Łukasz Wojnowski – the Chairman of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian General Medical Council, Andrzej Bauman -the President of the PSD, Alicja Kolańska – the Se-
The exhibitors and visitors – the foyer of UMK
cretary of Toruń City, Piotr Kryn – Marshall Administrative Centre of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodship in Toruń – the announcement of the Best Product Award of the Fair.
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F R O M T O U R I S T S’ P O I N T O F V I E W
Sightseeing and exploring…
Foto: Dorota Andrzejewska
t can befall fortuitously, or out of measured plans, that vacation time will urge us to head to the lands of Northern-Eastern Poland. As the case might be, the locality presents with many a capturing site. Apart from the famous touristic trails, such as Białowieża or Augustów, there are other equally remarkable spaces, ones that seize with beauty, afford tranquillity, and engrave in memory ever after.
ouring down the road between Sucha Rzeczka and Lake Serwy, moving then on the way to Płaska village, we turn off alongside the Augustów Canal. A picturesque little bridge is where we come to a halt, and take photos against a background of the well-known waterway, which leads towards Belarus, and farther on to the vicinity of Neman. 54
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hen there, something like a vantage tower looms out from amongst the forest. Why not to have a look! Tactically, we advance longwise the Canal, all so as not to lose orientation. And, again, something very curious comes into view in front of us: a park in the middle of the woods? The modern buildings we spot around made it all clear: we arrived at the Płaska Forest Inspectorate in Żyliny. The tower – is an observation post indeed – it serves watching the terrain from above. Its height shows, that the range of surveillance is fairly extensive.
he area which we naively guessed to be a common ground, actually turns out to be a well-rounded, educational footpath that is perfectly integrated within the woodlands.
ow then, time for relax, nonetheless spent actively in an attempt to be pursuing the nature and the wildlife. It is fascinating, that knowledge can be gained in such lovely a way. We did not expect it how interesting longevity of an ordinary birch may be, the tree tends to reach the age of 200 years. Those, who are more keen are likely to discover the fact, that Poland is the terra firma, where the eastern boundary of European beech stretch goes across. Nevertheless, this what was of greatest essence for us, was viewing all the species in natural surroundings. Although the ground is vast, we walk from one tree to another, trying to recognise particular types, and confronting it according to the nameplates placed on each one tree. Pretty amusing, whether for children or for adults.
hough, it is not the end of the story. One more of encounters is a station, where cross-sections of tree-trunks are displayed, and everyone can watch it and touch it..
ll the way through, there are information boards spread depicting given specimen. Anyone is welcomed to familiarise with such features as biotic community, life cycle of tree stand, bird singing performance. Correspondingly, it is quite worthy to become and be aware why forest is so important, what forest protection is, or what dangers it is exposed to.
owever, the didactic character of the trip cannot be the only facet. There, ahead of us, we can see a massive shelter intended to be a bonfire camp. A musical base next to it. All inviting to enjoy peacefulness. We grow to be fulfilled with the scenery comeliness, with the ubiquity of trees, bushes, flowers. It is when we feel reasonably pleased, that we had cared for some new camera batteries, and could save the experience.
n last of reflections, we have to admit, that these staff members of the Forest Inspectorate must be some privileged ones. Even so, we are no different inspired to return and visit the place again…Andrea
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15-085 Białystok ul Branickiego 1 tel. 85 741 37 71 RÓWNIEŻ SPRZEDAŻ WYSYŁKOWA
Flavonoids are a class of organic chemical compounds universally found in a number of plants. In plants, they function as pigments, antioxidants, or protective agents against insects and fungi. In human organisms in turn, their role is as similar as this of vitamins. At present, these natural composites are a great concern in the field of scientific research, as for they prove to be antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidating, and anticancer in one. So far, there has been identified 7000 distinct natures of flavonoids. Basically, they can be afforded from such sources as fruit (esp. grapefruit), vegetables (e.g. tomatoes, broccoli, pepper, lettuce), buckwheat, legumes (part. soya), green tea, red wine, beer, early pepper veins, chocolate, cacao, olive oil, as well as herbs, for instance rosemary Flavonoids safeguard our hearts. They counteract arteriosclerosis and prevent against forming of blood clots, development of which leads to strokes. Along, the composites advance body system immunity. Garlic in this respect is the best example of flavonoids. Consuming it we ward off not only colds and other infections, but also cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Additionally, these complexes belong to this group of sparse substances, which bind and neutralise various toxic elements, such as copper, or lead. The most common and best known flavonoids are quercetin and rutin. Being counterparts of vitamin C they strengthen blood vessels. In line, both sulforafen, the phytocompound generated in broccoli, and genistein, the isoflavone of soya, reduce risks of breast cancer and large bowel melanoma. In order, para-coumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, and lycopene, all which can be found in tomatoes, also inhibit formation of cancer cells there in large bowel, as well as shield liver against malignant cells. Correspondingly, produced in cabbage phenetyl isothiocyanate counteracts lung cancer. Likewise, ellagic acid, one that can be found in strawber-
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ries, grapes, black raspberries, or whortleberries, counterbalances these cancer dynamics, that lead to degeneration of DNA giving rise to tumours of liver, gullet, and skin. Delivered in soybeans sitosterol and stigmasterol are called plant hormones (phytoestrogens), and are applied in preparations intended to treat menopause, employed at times in preference to hormonal replacement therapies. Flavonoids uphold activity of adrenalin, the latter of which stimulates and rouses. Consequently, it is worthwhile to provide for diversity of fruit, vegetables, legumes, some red wine, and certain amounts of green tea. Presently, biologically effective combinations of flavonoids are termed bioflavonoids. Deficiencies of these compounds generally transpire in appearance of capillaries’ fissures (subcutaneous microhemorrhages, bruises, gum bleedings, face or leg capillarectasia, etc.). These are cases, when rutin, citrus fruit flavonoids, and brews of ruta, heartsease, or may are approvingly advised. Altogether, herbs also provide some range of flavonoids. For instance, extracts of liquorice are equally antioxidating and antibacterial, and accordingly are exerted in medicaments, that relieve inflammations, ulcers, spasms, phlegm, or allergies. In another example, nasturtium opposes bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including those, which are antibiotic resistant. It clears and disinfects air passages and urinary tracts, especially in the areas of bladder, renal pelvis, prostate, regarding the case of the latter. Also, nasturtium essences are recommended in treatments of bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, inflammations of throat and tonsils, as well as wounds and boils. In one, this natural plant can be applied externally what secures and strengthens hair. Hence, it is fairly sensible to “arm” ourselves with flavonoids. Respective diet or dietary supplements should be the answer. Mariusz Gładysz