Diabetes and Health 26

Page 1



Thursday Dinner at Diabetics

A Hall The road led straight to the temple. Notre Dame, though not Gothic at all. The huge doors were closed. I chose one on the side, Not to the main building-to its left wing, The one in green copper, worn into gaps below. I pushed. Then it was revealed: An astonishing large hall, in warm light. Great statues of sitting women-goddesses, In draped robes, marked it with a rhythm. Color embraced me like the interior of a purple-brown ower Of unheard-of size. I walked, liberated From worries, pangs of conscience, and fears. I knew I was there as one day I would be. I woke up serene, thinking that this dream Answers my question, often asked: How is it when one passes the last threshold? Czeslaw Milosz


4 - 11 Diet and healthy life-style as an approach to management of diabetes type 2


12 - 14 Drug-drug and drug-food interactions 15

Erratic life-style furthers diabetes

16 - 17 Drink of health 18 - 19 Reishi 20 - 21 Diabetes type 3 22 -23 From America


24 - 25 We will never slim down on our own

54 - 57 Małgorzata Kalicińska prefers the hearth and home rather than high life glamour





Eating almonds eases the risk of diabetes



A letter to the Editorial team

Cukrzyca a Zdrowie




Miracle leaf




34 - 35 EM Technology HEALTHY LIFE-STYLE



Cherries settle sleeplessness, More efficient brain on the strength of berries


Glucos Care

38 - 39 40

42 - 43 Sunlight comes in aid of diabetes mellitus

Margarin or butter instead?

Do you know your type of personality? Part II



We discover enchanting sites of nature



45 - 51 As safely as Healthfully Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’ We introduce reprints for didactic and educational purposes based on regulations of the legislative articles 25, 26, 29, 33, and 49 in section 2 of copyright laws, and related laws dated 4.02.1994. (DzU* of 23.02.1994, no. 24, entry 83) and generally accepted editorial usages. • Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland

On the cover:

Andrzej Bauman – the Chairman of the Board of the Polish Diabetes Association


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Dr. Andrzej Paciorkowski – the Coordinator of the „Szkoła Cukrzycy” programme in Środa Wielkopolska

Prof. Maria Górska M.Sc.D., the Voivodship Consultant on Diabetology

Tadeusz Truskolaski, the President of Białystok, and the Priest Andrzej Dębski

„DIABETES AND HEALTH” EDITORIAL OFFICE” Publisher: University of Diabetes PSD OW Białystok Based in: Warszawska 23, 15-062 Białystok cont.no. 85 741 57 01, fax 85 732 99 74 e-mail: redakcja@cukrzycaazdrowie.pl www.cukrzycaazdrowie.pl Editor-in-chief: Danuta Maria Roszkowska EDITORIAL TEAM CO-OPERATES WITH: Prof.dr.hab. Maria Borawska Prof. Ewa Otto-Buczkowska M.Sc.D Anna Danilewicz Marek Dolecki Joanna Filipowska M.Sc.D. Małgorzata Frąś MA Hanna Bachórzewska-Gajewska M.Sc.D. Prof. Maria Górska M.Sc.D. Agnieszka Kierznowska-Rurarz Prof. Ida Kinalska M.Sc.D. Małgorzata Korolczuk-Zarachowicz M.Sc.D. Bogumiła Ławniczak MA Krzysztof Malinowski Jolanta Obidzińska MA Renata Saniewska Prof. Jacek Sieradzki M.Sc.D. Anastazja Szachowicz Ewa Szarkowska Lucyna Szepiel Prof. Małgorzata Szelachowska M.Sc.D. Prof. Mirosława Urban M.Sc.D. Anna Worowska English translations: Michał Iwańczuk MA Urszula Tarasewicz MA Spanish translations: Marcin Szachowicz

Mieczysław Kazimierz Baszko, the Vice-Marshal of Podlasie Voivodship, and Józef Piotr Klim – a Member of Parliament

As like as not, every one of us happened to find oneself somewhat taken aback receiving an unexpec- ted email message on a random occasion. Typically, such an electronic letter is embellished with design and music. Now and then it can be a kind of joke,while more often than not it tends to be texts regarding the depth of being and sense of life. For instance, the last correspondence I welcomed was related to love, or actually intense need for love, this what may translate into many a way, when for example work may turn into slavery, power may evolve into tyranny, or faith into fanaticism etc., the litany of which can be concluded as: „life without love is of no meaning”. So true to appear almost banal. However, it is not the content I am pointing to. In this given situation, the idea is so as to re-send the message to as many friends as possible as if it was to develop into multiplied dimensions of happiness for us ourselves at long last. This, what can be binding is belief, that it works. Regrettably, not all stand opportunity to play a part in these chain letters, which is those, who simply have not any access to internet. But yet, free contact with the net does not have to mean, that this person or another is willing to get involved. I am not asking for the answer who is naïve, and who is kind-hearted in the respect. For me, the most important is the everlasting striving for happiness the manhood has been after - so vital and elemental a value as health and love is. And, friendships is what parallels to it. Ones from the world wide web? Yes, why ever not? It is the times we are of. Danuta Maria Roszkowska

Colonel Leszek Czech, the Commandant of Podlasie Border Guards, and Insp. Igor Parfi eniuk, the Provincial Police Commissioner of Podlasie

Marek Siudym, a TV and theatre actor, together with Maciej Żywno, the Voivode of Podlasie

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Diet and healthy life-style as an approa Diabetes is a chronic disease, which develops when disordered metabolisms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins take their effect. And this what triggers the disorders is defective insulin economy, whether it is its secretion or performance. The number of the diabetes stricken is growing year by year far and wide over the globe. It has been estimated, that in 2030 the incidence will be the concern of 366 million patients. In Poland, it is already 2 million individuals who had been diagnosed with diabetes. As much as 90 - 95% of the population considered proves diabetes type 2. This type of diabetes engenders on the ground of obesity, inadequate diet, and lack of physical activity. Series of clinical and epidemiological studies demonstrated, that adjustment of life style enables to reduce the risk of diabetes prevalence and related complications altogether. This is the reason why securing suitable body mass is a principal element in prophylaxis and treatments of diabetes type 2. Obesity not only furthers the risk of diabetes threefold, but also equally exposes to interdependent complications and death rates on the whole. Scientists made it evident, that 5kg reduction of body mass plainly relieves glycaemia, moderates blood lipid concentrations, affords better glucose tolerability, and regulates arterial blood pressure all in all. Management of diabetes type 2 necessitates multidirectional approach, and bases on carbohydrates’ metabolism control, blood lipids’ levelling, arterial blood pressure stabilising, and body weight command. In order to make it accomplished, patients fulfil dietetic treatments, pharmacological therapies, and educational programs. Nevertheless, the question of any success possible rightly relies on the very patients themselves. It is their responsibility to realise all the medical support in everyday life. Adapting an appropriate diet, and exercising it in line throughout physical activity is as far effective as saves from the inevitability of drugs’ and medications’ use. The obese or over weighted patients are well-advised against any crash diets since such routines present with only short-lived immaterial body mass reductions leading to exaggerated instead secondary gaining in weight, so called yo-yo effect. Slimming down in this respect is meant to advance by degrees and be observed continually, the optimal results of which should come to 0,5-1,0kg weekly. So as to meet this aim patients are recommended diets which are 500 - 1000kcal lower in proportion to a given 24h energy requirement. 4

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Accordingly, such a diet needs to be appropriately balanced, in case of which fats provide not more than 2530% of total daily energy, proteins 10 - 20%, whereas carbohydrates the remaining demand, but still not less than 50%. Minding the diet to be multifarious, it is also expected to profile it low-fat (restraining from fatty meat, cold cut, fish, or full-cream dairy, junk-food and potato crisps), and similarly assumed to be free of simple sugars (for instance those found in table sugar, honey, confections, jams). In its place, the diet should comprise at least 400 g of vegetables, and some about 200 g of fruit. Regarding fluids, it is supposed to be 10 - 12 glasses of water drank on a daily basis. For best and winning results, the dietary caloric values and dietetic compositions have to be agreed together with applicable eating habits. Hence, meals should be as frequent as consumed 4-6 times a day while served in smaller doses. This in turn must be respected to be regular, being followed at the same hours every day, within no different breaks in-between.


ach to management of diabetes type 2 Then, the nourishment diabetes patients are advised is to be founded on polysaccharides (starch, dietary fibre), rather than easily digested carbohydrates (sugar, sweets). In line, proteins are supposed to supply 10-20% of needed energy, which in adults stands for 0,8-1,0g per 1kg of a given body mass. In case of those who suffer from mi- croalbuminuria, or early in stage overt nephropathy syndrome, the share of protein in the diet is pointed so as not to exceed 0,6 - 0,8 g per 1 kg of a given body weight. Correspondingly, still growing children and youth, pregnant and breast feeding women, need more protein quantities, which is understood to be 1-4 g per 1 kg of a given mass. Watching protein intakes, it is worthwhile to remember, that those of animal nature should cover 50% of total daily demand, for the ample content of amino acids they afford. In order, fats are meant to deliver not more than 30%

of required energy. Viewing the overall fat share in the diet, saturated fat acids (present in animal foods such as lard, butter, cream, backfat, bacon, etc.) should provide with 10% of energy, monounsaturated fat acids (e.g. olive oil) equally 10%, whereas polyunsaturated fat acids (contained in these vegetable oils which are based on soya, sunflower seed, rapeseed, or in fish as an alternative) additional 6-10% of total daily energy demand. In one, the concentration of cholesterol in blood cannot be hi- gher than 300mg a day (offal and eggs are thought to be reduced in use). In turn, carbohydrates are ascertained so as to cover 45-60% of total energy human body expends. These are the organic compounds every single meal should afford. As the main source of them dieticians suggest rich in vegetable fibre products, such as whole-wheat flours and breads, coarse grits, cereals, legumes and vegetables. Monosaccharaides (glucose, fructose), and disaccharides (saccharose, lactose), can be added in some set of choices, though in proportions of 10-30g regarding daily measures.Altogether, dietary fibre is one of the basic nutritional components, prescribed amounts of which should be as much as 10g per 1000kcal. The fibre regulates performance of the alimentary system, however far more important is the fact, that it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates moderately absorbing lipids instead. Dietary fibre is found in vegetables, fruit, dry seeds of leguminous plants, and cereals. Diabetes patients are encouraged to consume the fibre in higher than normal doses which is 15g per 1000kcal.All alike, any well-balanced diet is meant to afford fairly adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Dietsupplements are recommended only then when someevident scarcities transpire, or are very likely to takeplace (e.g. rapid growth of bones and tissues, menopause aftereffects, recurrent diarrhoea). Furthermore, daily intakes of salt need to be controlled so as to consume it not more than 5-6g, since it is the easiest and straightforward way to be able to prevent against hypertension, or maintain blood pressure levelled. In most cases, diabetes necessitates pharmacotherapy. Treatments of diabetes type 2 are generally based on oral anti-diabetic agents. They are employed in monotherapies, or in combined therapies, whereas in the course of the latter more than one medication is used, or the oral drugs are conjoined together with insulin. Generally, oral anti-diabetic class of medicines is divided into 2 groups, and this Cukrzyca a Zdrowie


CURRENT ISSUE what singles them out is the mechanism of performance; hypoglycaemic drugs – derivatives of sulfonylurea, glinides, and antihyperglyca-Iernie drugs - derivatives of biguanide (metformin), inhibitors glucosidases and glitazones. Insulin therapy is the sole form of treatment dia betes type 1can be subjected to. Diabetes type 2 pa tients are managed with insulin only when it is well-grounded - this is, as soon as glycaemia of 300mg/ dl is confirmed, persisting HbAl of above 7% is pro ved, or when other dietetic inaccuracies or other in effectiveness of oral drugs are observed. The most innovative generation of anti-diabetic drugs today is incretin medicines. Incretins are hormones secreted in L cells down in the intestines. The concentration of them grows throughout meals what stimulates releasing of insulin on one hand, andrestrains secretion of glucagon on the other. In turn, hyperglycaemia intensifies action of incretins. Incretin medicaments perform as analogically as the hormones produced in the intestines. They have been proved to be very effective in treatments of diabetes type 2, particularly in cases of patients over weighted and obese. Incretin drugs block against degradation of incretins, the hormones released during meals, on the strength of which pancreas secrets more insulin in an answer to blood sugar excess. Simultaneously, glucose production turns to decline then. Above and beyond, clinicians accept the perspective, that incretin medicines can be applied in case of patients, who are over weighted or obese but not any afflicted with diabetes in any way or form. Notwithstanding the methods of treatment pa tients have to consistently act upon discipline with regard to taking medications (regularly, every day at the same hours, in prescribed doses). Equally impor tant is correlating meals and drugs. As far as insulin therapy is concerned, insulin solution is supposed to be injected 30 min ahead of a meal,whereas insulin suspension 60 min prior to a meal. In turn, oral antidiabetic medicines, dependently on a kind of a given drug, are meant to be administered 10-15 min in advance of a meal, during a meal, or immediately after a meal. In case of diabetes type 2, one which happens to be associated with obesity and lipid metabolism disorder, the first choice drug is metformin. 6

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The substance reduces intensities of glucose in blood, and concentrations of glycosylated haemoglobin there, and altogether, moderates intensities of free fatty acids, triglycerides, total cholesterol in one with its fraction LDL. All through the duration of insulin therapy using alcohol is absolutely unacceptable, even in trace quantities comprised in some of medicaments. Persons, who are treated with insulin or oral hypo glycaemic drugs in combined therapies, are particularly exposed to hypoglycaemia episodes. This, what engenders deficiencies of sugar is: dietetic inaccuracies (imbalanced proportions of carbohydrates in given meals, overly small meals, irregularity of consumption, incidents of being peckish, missed meals), overdose occurrences, or unexpected instances of physical activity. In order to be able to prevent hypoglycaemia it is necessary so as to follow certain principles. First meals have to be consumed regularl day after day at the same hours. Secondly, medicaments must be administered systematically in prescribed doses. In line, frequency and intensity of physical activity should be in dividually adjusted taking given bodily conditions into consideration. Correspondingly, meals ought to be as numerous as 4 - 6 times a day, and each one of them is supposed to be composed of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. And, respectivel servings of food should consist of complex carbohydrates, dietary fibre, low-fat dairy products, and vegetable oils. One of the advantageous techniques used in favour of diabetic diets is applying of carbohydrate exchangers (bread units). A single carbohydrate exchanger stands for such an amount of food which affords l0 g of carbohydrates. Patients have to know how many of them they can eat in the course of a meal throughout a day. Tables of carbohydrate exchangers enable to reco gnise given groups of products, and facilitate compro mising individual gustatory preferences with a te dietary choices. In order to be able to prevent against acute al upsurges of glucose concentrations in blood intakes should be based on carbohydrate products low glycaemic index (GI). Some examples of them are: whole-wheat bread, wholemeal pasta, bats, whole wheat rice, cereals, green vegetattoes, apples, grapefruits, milk, and low-fat.

CURRENT ISSUE Table 1 shows the foods with glycemic index <50%. PRODUCT



Fresh peaches




Canned peaches in natural juice




Tinned peaches in natural syrup










Oat bran bread








Cooked chickpea




Drained cannedchickpea




Tinned chickpea in brine




White chocolate




Dark chocolate




Milk chocolate








Cooked white bean




Brown bean










Pudding Coarse-grained barley bread

Cooked black-eyed pea Haricot beans


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CURRENT ISSUE Canned pinto bean




Mung bean




Pressure cooked mung bean




Soaked mung bean cooked 20min




Cooked kidney-bean



Roasted bean


Pure fructose




Cooked pearl barley




Fruit cake









“LU petites�






Nut M&M







Instant noodles








Instant Asian noodles




Cooked split yellow pea







Tube-shaped pasta




Green pea







Cooked green pea




Cooked durum wheat drill-shaped pasta

Cooked frozen green pea




Cooked Vermicelli pasta











Tinned pears in natural juice




Cooked small-star shaped pasta Cooked carrot








Fresh carrot




Dried apples







Cooked pearl barley




Fresh carrot, fresh juice

Yogurt of 0% fat




Orange marmalade




Natural yogurt




Fat corrected milk










Low-fat fruit yogurt with aspartame


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Low-fat fruit yogurt with sugar

Capellini pasta

Milk of 3% fat

CURRENT ISSUE Chicken nuggets
















Fish fingers
















White flour spaghetti cooked 10-15min .




















Diet needs to be diversified, and composed of meals, which harmonise with the gustatory preferences of a given patient. Meals are supposed to be assorted supplying complex carbohydrates, fibre, proteins, and fats.

Tling. Cereal products and vegetables should not be completed overcooked, since it boosts glycaemic index, what all prompts blood glucose to gain in intensity after consumption. Hence, vegetables and fruit are meant to be served raw. For the fact, that vegetables differ in nature regarding the content of carbohydrates and dietary fibre they provide, we introduce the relevant characteristics in the table 2. Diabetes patients are recommended the produce belonging to the group 1 in the greatest extent possible, and those belonging to the group 2, but in a fairly smaller degree. Table 2. Content of carbohydrates in vegetables





< 6%

lettuce, cucumber, spinach, Chinese cabbage, courgette, leaf celery, tomato, asparagus, onion leaves, witloof, radish, pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, scallion, litvak, fresh mushrooms


6 – 11%

aubergine, turnip cabbage, red pepper, onion, white cabbage, runner bean, celery, pumpkin, savoy cabbage, mirepoix, Brussels sprout, carrot, beetroot, parsley root


> 11%

broad bean, green pea, potatoes, sweet corn, garlic


> 30%

Dry legumes - soybeans, peas, beans, lentils Cukrzyca a Zdrowie



In diabetes type 2 treatments physical activity is as important as diet is. Physical activity is immeasurably health promoting, both in case of those well-built diabetes patients, and those, who need to combat overweight, or obesity. Bodily exertion, whether it is work, or exercising, especially that which takes place systematically, advances alleviating of diabetes as: a) it favours expending of glucose, what exacts blood sugar levels reduced b) furthers competence of heart, lungs, and muscles, all of which uplifts general wellness c) consumes energy d) prevents against obesity, or relieves it As often as not, diabetes patients are recommended to practise aerobics. In order to be able to control glycaemia and secure given body mass the diabetes concerned have to exercise 150 minutes a week. Workouts can be drilled every day, or decided to have effect 3 times a week, however the gaps in-between cannot be longer than 2 days in a row. It is important viewing the fact, that heightened sensitivity to insulin extends over 72 hours only. Similarly, physical activity may be resolved to come to pass a few times a day instead, for instance 10 minutes walk after each one meal. Understandably, obese persons are meant to take care to keep fit not only so as to command glycaemia condition, but also so that they could reduce their body mass. The time they are expected to allocate for moderately intense exercising has to be lengthier, which is to be some about 7 hours a week. Those individuals, who never reposed actively, should start with brief physical endeavours, such as walks to work, for shopping, with a dog, as well as it can be opting for any action and movement together with children or grandchildren, together with friends, or even if with neighbours. Subsequently, the physical undertakings need to be progressively furthered. Home exercise program can be agreed with so called strength training (elastic belts, weights), what is usually adopted to take place 2-3 times a week. This form of working out builds up muscle mass, develops muscle fortitude, and all in all elevates sensitivity to insulin.


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Even so, physical activity has to be safe. Physical exertion is advised against in situation when blood sugar concentration is higher than 300mg/dl, or glycaemia on empty stomach higher than 250mg/ dl, and ketone bodies are present in urine altogether. Physical efforts in such conditions may exacerbate hypoglycaemia and set ketoacidosis in train. 100 mg/dl of blood sugar intensity is equally hazardous, and necessitates an extra portion of carbohydrates afore any exercising comes to pass. Also, it is essential so as to be taking readings of blood sugar before and after physical activity. If a given exercising is to last for more than an hour blood testing has to be carried out during the workout. When blood sugar intensity is lower than 70mg/dl a snack needs to be consumed, in situation of which one can administer such rations as 2-3 tablets of glucose, ½ glass of fruit juice, 1 glass of milk, or 1-2 spoons of sugar or honey. Then, after 15 minutes another examination of blood sugar concentration has to be conducted. If it still approximates 70mg/dl one more nibble needs to be consumed once again. In line, prolonged physical activity, for instance an excursion, similarly requires blood sugar evaluation, what is to have effect within a couple of hours afterwards. Other examples of protracted activity, however ones of aerobic character, are energetic walk, climbing stairs, swimming, dancing, biking, or playing tennis. Everyone who is diabetes concerned has to be clinically examined to be perfectly secure while planning taking up exercise programs. What should be specifically investigated is potential late complications, ones like lesions on the fundus of the eye, or diabetes neuropathy. Patients who prove retinopathy mustn’t lift weights, whereas persons who suffer from neuropathy ought to be exceedingly cautious minding their feet during a given activity. Appropriate eating patterns and physical activity in pair is what naturally levels glycaemia and exacts disordered lipid parameters restored reducing body mass all in one. Unmistakably, diabetes patients should feel free to follow this form of non invasive therapeutic management.

CURRENT ISSUE Table 3 Suggestions meal, depending on the type of physical activity and blood glucose. Types of physical activities

Activity of short duration (30min or less) and low-impact, e.g. 1 km walk, 30 min biking

Blood glucose concentration

Suggested meals

< 5,6 (<100)

1 fruit + 1 slice of bread + 1 slice of meat 1 slice of bread or 1 fruit An extra meal is not required

5,6-10,0 (100-180) > 10,0 (>180)

Activity of moderate duration (1hour) and temperate impact, e.g. tennis, swimming, jogging, biking, gardening, golf, vacuuming

< 5,6 (< 100) 5,6 – 10,0 (100-180) 10,0 – 13,3 (180 – 240) > 13,3 (> 240)

Activity of long duration (more than 2hours) and high impact, e.g. football, basketball, biking, swimming, ploughing, skiing

< 5,6 ( < 100)

1 slice of bread + 1 fruit 1 slice of bread + a piece of meat 1 slice of bread or 1 fruit An extra meal is not required

> 5,6 (> 100) ale < 7,8 (< 140) > 7,8 (> 140) ale < 10,0 (< 180)

A drink with sugar + yeast-raised cake or bread, grouts, pasta 2-3 slices of bread + poultry cold cut or cheese + fruit A sandwich with poultry or cottage cheese

1. Eat minimum 5 meals daily, regularly, at intervals of 2-3 hours 2. Consume minimum 400g of vegetables everyday (with the exception of potatoes, sweet corn, beet roots) 3. Refrain from highly-processed products, for instance fast-food 4. Be mindful of well-balanced diet, each one meal should afford 10g of fats, 15-20g of proteins, and 25-30g of carbohydrates 5. Drink 10-12 glasses of on a daily basis, preferably 1 glass an hour 6. Avoid those beverages which are sweetened with saccharose or fructose 7. Resist towards any crash diets. They work only the time while being practised. The moment of termination is when the effect of yo-yo transpires. 8. Exercise systemically, every other day if possible, minimum 45-60 minutes. The way of doing it is your own individual choice (whether it is biking, jogging, orbitrek, skipping rope or another form). 9. Make your efforts to conform your body weight to your age and height. 10. Observe your medical examinations to be regular. Carry out your everyday testings of blood glucose intensity, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Danuta Pawłowska M.Sc.D. Faculty of Public Health at WSAP, Białystok

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DRUG-DRUG AND DRUG-FOOD INTRACTIONS It is worthwhile to know, that consuming of some food products, partaking of some vitamin preparations, and using diet supple- ments, may engender a variety of biochemical interactions with drugs, that concurrently happen to be administered. These interac- tions every so often are exceedingly multifaceted, and tend to take place at this or another stage of drug absorption, or on the strength of metabolic reactions in the liver and intestines. Hence, the thera- peutic effect of a given prescribed medication can be unpredictable indeed. Quite a number of patients, who lastingly receive pharmaceuti- cals, and concomitantly use pills and tablets sold over the counter, are not aware of the fact, that drugs and food interact one with ano- ther. Successions of studies conducted in the USA provided the evi- dence, that more than the halftime of patients experienced some specifically negative aftereffects due to alimentary returns. The fi- nal outcomes which followed transpired to be very different in na- tures, some of them appeared to be as trivial as declined drug effi- cacies, whereas some of other instances as fatal as death ends. No- netheless, disorders of drug absorption is what has been established as the main ground of these interrelated chemical responses. Now then, some nutritional composites, for example dietary fibre, cal- cium present in dairy, or tannins comprised in tea, may exact drug substance assimilated only partially. It is what particularly disturbs performance of these antibiotics, which are intended to treat infec- tions of air passages and urinary tracts. As often as not, it results in dearth of therapeutic effect and general clinical revival altogether. It is decidedly difficult to foresee and determine the metabolic drug syndromes, which arise by means of flavonoids and furanoco- umarins found in citrus fruit, especially those in grapefruits. Sup- pression of the enzymes there in the liver and small bowel is situ- ation when medicaments received cannot be metabolised and va- stly amass leading to “overdose” set of symptoms. The best part of so far recognised cases relating to interactions between nourishments and medicines have effect all through drug absorption. It takes place when medication is received during a meal or 12

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before eating. Medicines are absorbed within the whole length of the alimentary tract, however mostly in the small bowel, where the tissue is penetratingly innervated. The impacts of described interactions go down diverse in strength, ho- wever in the view of statistics, 30% of cases is the incidence, when medical management turns aggravated. Prospective randomised research completed in Poland points, that the scale of the phenomenon is significant. Exposure to interactions discussed was di- stinguished in 62% of patients who received at least one type of drug, whereas the risk of an interaction grows along with the amount of administered medicaments. In Poland, it is fully 58% of persons, who permanently receive medicines for the period of 3 years uninterruptedly.

WORTHWHILE TO KNOW The survey executed by the Institute of Food and Nutrition reveal, that over 50% of respondents was not aware of potential inte- ractions food and drugs involve. Some basic knowledge may safeguard against inte- ractions in many a degree. It serves the right to be no- ticed, that these alimentary complications concern tho- se persons, who do not respect diet to be balanced. If some food products, or given nutrients, are consumed in excess, and some other in scarcity, then the risk of conceivable interactions turns to increase

Interactions between drugs and fats The absorption rate of some drugs depends on fat content given food affords. Fats amplify absorption of these drugs, which are more lipophilic than others, what means, that they have ability to dissolve in fats, oils, and lipids, but not in water. This category of medi- cations are very well-soluble in fats emulsified by bile acids. Fat emulsion becomes a drug carrier and cataly- ses its absorption. Some examples of aftereffects drug-fat interactions engender: Rich in fat meals, which advance absorption of the- ophylline, may expose patients to heart arrhythmia, ta- chycardia (palpitation), hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure), headaches, and sleep disturbances. Theophylline is a purine alkaloid present in tea, and other substances. First and foremost, it is employed in treatments of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmo- nary disease (the drugs based on it are euphylilin and teophylium).The contraindications which were affir- med in the case of theophylline refer to the persons who went through myocardial infraction, or suffer from arr- hythmia, severe arterial hypertension, epilepsy. Receiving of some lipophilic medicaments from the group of beta-adrenergic blocking agents before a meal, during a meal, or immediately after a meal, pro- viding it with volumes of fat, may prompt very serio- us body disorders, such as bradycardia, hypotension, heart block, and heart failure. Beta-blockers is a wideranged class of drugs exerted in cardiologic manage- ments being applied in case of coronary disease, arrhythmia, and hypertension (e.g. propranolol, bisocard, metocard). In turn, consuming meals full of fat along with some anti-depressants may trigger consciousness disturban- ces, sleep disturbances, and hypotension conditions.

What is the safety measure against interactions between drugs and fats? In case of receiving drugs, which may interact with fats, it is advised so as not to administer them before, during, and after meals, which present with ample qu- antities of fats. Examples of such meals are: fried on fat dishes, bacon, plentiful amounts of butter, or full-cream milk. Also, rich in fat meals or products should not be con- sumed two hours before taking drugs, as well as one hour afterwards. If a doctor, or a pharmacist, happens to command taking given medicines before, during, or after meals, then food choices should be low in fat. Likewise, products of low or average fat content con- sumed in greater amounts may equally contribute to the risk of an interaction. Interactions between drugs and grapefruit juic. MMetabolism of some types of medicaments, there in the liver and intestines, may become disturbed in case when the drugs are washed down with grapefruit ju- ice. This is what prompts given medicines to accumu- late, and acute poisoning arise as a result. The condi- tion takes place on the strength of grapefruit flavonoids – kaempferol, naryngenina, quercetin (organic chemical compounds functioning as pigments, antioxidants, and natural insecticides and fungicides, exacting intense co- lour in fruit, saving from harm of ultraviolet radiation, and protecting against insects and fungi), and furano- coumarins. These bio components, as well as drugs and other materials, are metabolised by P-450 cytochrome enzymes generated in the liver and intestines. Altoge- ther, P-450 cytochrome defends against toxic elements, and in the view of this fact is called to be “the second immunological system

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WORTHWHILE TO KNOW in humansâ€?. Receiving medici- nes with grapefruit juice chemically blocks this group of enzymes, drugs cannot be metabolised and amass ac- cordingly. Some examples of after-effects founded on interactions between drugs and grapefruit juice Ingestion of grapefruit juice or its whole pieces together with drugs intended for hypertension (calcium channel blockers, e.g. amlozek, ni- fedypine, isoptin, plendil) may engender as high as 3-10fold upsur- ge of drug concentration in blood, what is likely to lay given patients open to considerable blood pressure decline and headaches. Grapefruit juice used for washing cyclosporine down (an immuno- suppressive drug applied in treatments of patients after transplanta- tions, and in managements of acute atopic dermatitis and psoriasis) risks with drastic rise of blood tension, and ďŹ ts of convulsions in one.

Alike, any given produce of grapefruit should not be consumed along with some certain antihistaminic medicines (a basic group of drugs employed in treatments of atopic allergy diseases - e.g. astemi- zole), since it may prompt life-threating arrhythmia. In line, grapefruit juice should not be drank the moment when ben- zodiazepine associated drugs are taken. These are medicines which are of anxiolytic and hypnotic performance (diazepam, midazolam, triazolam). Clinical consequences of interactions by way of multiplied drug intensities in blood may be very dangereous, and lead to circu- latory and respiratory depression. What is the preventative measure against interactions between drugs and grapefruit juice? This variety of juice should not be partaken 4 hours before and four 4 hours after receiving given medicaments. The recommendation relates to all forms of grapefruit conceivable. Even a meagre portion of the juice (250ml) may effect an interaction. Correspondingly, there are also some certain diversities of oranges,that similarly affect alimentary responses. For this reason, let us not wash anything down with grapefruit juice unless we consult a doctor, or a pharmacist, whether a given drug runs a risk of inte- ractions or does not. The expertise of the interrelations between medicines and grapefruits is not fully satisfactory yet, therefore it is well-advised so as not to attempt the described drug-food combinations. However still, there are many other medicaments which do not interact with grapefruit juice, so the produce then can be freely consumed, especially when, it is a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and avonoids. Compiled by: Bohdan Waydyk


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NERRATIC LIFE-STYLE FURTHERS DIABETES The reasons why human body system discontinues producing insulin, or turns to resist it, have not been entirely recognised. However, the up-to-the-minute studies point it out, that the risk of diabetes incidence shows a relationship with the circadian rhythm – actually with its distractions and disruptions. The experiments were conducted by J. Bass and his associates from the North-western University in Evanston. The researchers reproduced laboratorial strains of mice beta cells and monitored the process of insulin production. What they concluded was the fact, that progress of diabetes may well advance by way of disturbance of a given pancreas body clock. The mice beta cells, isolated from the genes which regulate the circadian rhythm, evidently declined generating of insulin. They released less than 50% of the hormone the enervation of which is assumed to prompt diabetes type 2 fairly rapidly. Accordingly, the scientists determined it, that shift work, which observably upsets natural body clock for artificial light influence and unsettled day-to-day hours of functioning, must be the ground of diabetes to some extent. Now then, it is worthwhile to be mindful and cautious about this facet in respect of diabetes prophylaxis. The Source: medycyna24.pl

VIRUSES AND DIABETES TYPE 1 Some Australian scientists maintain,that viruses answer for diabetes type 1 progression. The researchers from the University of New South Wales, and ones from the Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes in Sydney, analysed 26 methodical programs, which involved participation of 4,5 thousand of diabetes type 1 patients. The investigators aimed to establish whether viruses have an actual effect on diabetes type 1 or not. And, in line with their opinion published in “The BMJ” they have: “The children with diabetes type 1 proved to experience enteroviral infections tenfold more frequently ( enteroviruses are those which induce infectivity of the respiratory system, as well as may engender meningitis). Consequently, the scientists reached the conclusion, that anti--enterovirus vaccination is what will enable to combat and win diabetes type 1 prevalence in children.Be that as it may, but we have to face the problem, thatv there are hundreds of enteroviruses far and wide. Identifying which one alone favours progression of diabetes may be exceptionally difficult – states dr. A. Foulis from the Royal Hospital in Glasgow. Then again, the experts attempt to counter the question, and consider the possible occurrence, that it is not enteroviruses what prompts diabetes, but instead it is diabetes what exposes to enteroviral infections. Altogether, it might be some another yet- -unrecognised factor – genetic, environmental,or combination of any given, that exacts children more susceptible to both diabetes and enteroviral infections. In order to determine it some further medical inquiries must be carried out.. The Source: Wojciech Moskal, Gazeta Wyborcza Cukrzyca a Zdrowie


WORTHWHILE TO KNOW Water has a beautiful regular hexagonal crystals, is most appropriate for living organisms..

DRINK OF HEALTH A Japanese scholar, a specialist of international relations, a doctor of alternative medicine, the professor Masaru Emoto has been examining water for 20 years now, and it is this length of time in the course of which he could not cease to resist its captivating value. The moment when he realised the fact, that water has capacity of saving and coding information, his life undeniably changed. He discovered this actuality in the United States, where he was introduced with the conception of water micro clusters, and familiarized with the magnetic resonance quantum analyser functions. Also, it was then when he met Lee H. Lorenc, the scientist who devised the technology which enables generating of highly dispersed water, magnetic water to be precise. Exploring the mysteries of water, prof. Emoto elaborated a revolutiona- ry method, which allows for photographing of crystals, namely its fro- zen constituent parts. The samples of water he screened were all of diffe- rent complexion and dissimilar origin – those derived from natural rese- rvoirs, those utilised by man, as well as those found in human body. As a result of growing interest, the world of science pays to his studies, affi- liates of the Research Institute HADO IHM were founded in Europe and the United States, and entrusted the very Masaru Emoto. Concurrently, he himself set up the IHM company, and launched the Friends of HADO IHM International Society. In order to explicate the idea of the HADO technology, and its relationship with water, we need to open the subject from the core, explicitly from the atom. Atoms are the basic units of matter that consist of a nucleus and electrons. The negatively charged electrons speedily orbit the positively charged nucleus, and emit unique, subtle vibrations called HADO. In line with the ancient scholarship of the East it is chi energy. By means of electrical interactions HADO diffuses rapidly forming a kind of an electromagnetic pattern. Viewing the fact, that there is not two identical fields possible to take place, such a phenomenon is termed to be chaos. Admittedly, the universal principles of atoms are known to the learned, but even so the modern science is still to face the challenge of “deciphering” what elemental particles represent. As far as prof. Emoto is concerned, the question remains unresolved, because these particles change their attributes depending on awareness and perception of a given observer. In other words, the world meets exactly the same level as human awareness happens to stand for. This in turn can be interpreted, that human awareness is capable of modelling each one creation all over the world. In contrast HADO, such a vital quality of energy, is not studied on, for it is undetectable to human eye. 16

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WORTHWHILE TO KNOW FBy use of photographs Masaru Emoto revealed existence of HADO energy in water crystals. He proved, that it can be employed in researchworks in order to explain many a phenomenon inso- far as it offers greater insight, that is, enables to see our health condition, mind condition, or water con- dition itself. It is because, HADO, the smallest partic- les of the invisible energy, is nothing but sound wa- ves, exactly the same as those applied in TV sets, radio receivers, cell phones. We are all globally immersed in HADO. The apparatus, which processes the unique modules of vibrations, and allows distinguishing HADO, was named Magnetic Resonance Quantum Analyser – MRQA. Prof. Emoto was the first one who employed this piece of equipment, and used it in order to explore HADO and water capacity of collecting and storing information. He managed to prove, that water can heal in this or another extent owing to the information it provides. The technique of photographing he developed made it possible to discover “the face of water” present in frozen crystals. The photos simply show the life energy water affords. Since water is us – humankind. Being fertilised eggs in motherly wombs we are water as much as in 95%, being adults we are water in 70% in turn. It is the proportion in which water co- vers Earth, living in oceans, clouds, rivers, mires, eter- nal snows of high mountains, or ice fields there in the poles. For us, common people, each one water is alike. Whereas, recorded on the photos samples of water drawn from several different places exposed variations of crystals, from those beautiful, rare, and symmetrical, to those disagreeable, and deformed. Every single photo was distinct. Monitoring of the crystallisation process gave ground so as to conclude it, that water “attempts” to shape crystals to be delightful, however happened to be unsuccessful on occasions. For instance, although tap water in Japan is restrictively supervised, the water was not able to form any regular crystals in many a sample. Hence, it must be the reason why water in Tokyo does not taste well. To be exact, it is what takes place in all massive agglome- rations - water crystals there repel dreadfulness. Water is the source of life. The moment it becomes contaminated is when all populations of living organisms befall to be in grave existential danger. Consequently, the professor makes his efforts so as to find out the method which would enable valuation of

wa- ter quality. Some experiments confirmed, that water can change, for example on the strength of music. It turned out, that water reacts to words, whether it is good ones, or bad ones, and, over and above, senses emotions and feelings. In point of fact, water records all singularities of us and life, and memorises it by means of its peculiar structure – set of particles which bond in clusters. These clu- sters are assumed to be some kind of memory cells, that can be com- pared to hard disc, where water saves everything what it sees, hears, senses, or even intuits. The structure, just as the nervous system, responses to any given stimulus. Each one cell encloses 44 thousand of information fields, whereas each one of them answers for a distinctive way of communication. Notwithstanding the fact, that the clusters are somewhat unstable, the interchangeable particles restore their integrity, and can last for a fairly long time. In reality, endurance of the structure is what facilitates securing new information, situation of which does not influence the chemical composition of water at the same time. Barbara Ciereszko, a therapist, and an inventor of unconventional health-promoting devices, desi- gned a plate, which converts phy- sical properties of water amplifying its pH up to 8,5 and energising it all together. The plate transforms tap water into spring water insofar as it purifies it away from harmful chemical compounds and pathogenic bacteria. The contrivance develops the energy from its shape and contained energising units. The influence of geometrical forms and shapes is called geoenergy. In the Cukrzyca a Zdrowie


WORTHWHILE TO KNOW ancient times, it was seen as divine or sacred geometry, something what manifests itself high and low, whether it is a microscopic particle, or a giant galaxy. The dynamism induces secret harmony and exacts environmental balance what from time immemorial was hold to account in the architecture planning. Today, this knowledge of geometry is discovered anew again. It is what guided Miss Ciereszko throughout the constructing of the plate. She explains, that the shape itself radiates with some quantity of energy. Furthermore, the plate is intended to be closed tight in a case, so as the energy can magnify, just as perpetuum mobile machines function. Then, strong dextrorotary motion emits above and below the plate ener- gising all what is around. The efficiency of the plate 8,5 was attested in the Hado Life Europe Institute of Emoto Masaru in Liechtenstein, where water was submitted to the action of the plate, and analysed afterwards. The crystals obtained turned out to be regularly hexagonal. Water of this nature is most valuable of all. It can be found only there where ecosystem happens to be intact and undisturbed. The examinations prof. Emoto carried out show, that he- xagonal water crystals are present in heal- thy tissues, whereas ill and sick cells pre- sent irregular crystals. Altogether, hexago- nal water penetrates cells far more easier, and exacts better hydration improving ab- sorption of nutrients. The hexagonal water attained from treatment by the plate 8,5 was also scrutinized in the Regional Environmental Inspectorate in Białystok. It was ascertained, that the wa- ter afforded more calcium and magnesium, whereas provided fourfold less iron. Likewise, the water treated by the plate 8,5 was furthermore examined what took place in the Water Mains Laboratory in Białystok. It was made certain, that the water delivered less of cola bacteria and less of nitrites. All in all, the water, energised by the plate, intensifies alkaline reaction up to 8,5, which is why it performs just like natural antioxidants safeguarding against acidification. Hence, it tones well with the saying: “water is health supporter”. Compiled by: Lucyna Szepiel


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Diabetes type 3 The neuropathologist, Susan de la Monte from the American Brown University, was the one, who proposed to name Alzheimer disease diabetes type 3. This was founded on the fact, that diabetes patients stand twofold higher risk of acquiring the disease, as well as they prove medical problems in terms of learning and memorising abilities. Insulin is the hormone which aids cells to store energy materials, namely carbohydrates and fats. In situation when body system generates it insufficiently (diabetes type 1), or defectively responses to it (diabetes type 2), metabolic disorders take place, exposing heart, vascular vessels, and peripheral nerves to endangerment.Formerly, it was thought, that the hormone is produced only in the pancreas, and does not affect the central nervous system as such. In the 1980s, insulin and its brain receptor was discovered. Then, it turned out, that it not only penetrates the blood-brain barrier, but also is generated there, however in small quantities. Soon after, insulin was confirmed to be the substance which improves learning and memory. Injected, or administered rostraly, it evidently advances memory performance. Susan de la Monte, and her co-workers, measured up the volume of insulin, and the number of its receptors, they extracted posthumously from braintissues of some given Alzheimer patients. “It explains the fact, that a person can be challenged by exactly the sameproblems as diabetes patients are, except related to the brain”- the scientistconcluded. And, for the reason that insulin concentrations in the brain arestrengthened by systemic insulin intensities, Alzheimer disease afflicts thediabetes concerned more often.

De la Monte, and other researchers, managed to find it out, that Alzheimer is associated with low brain levels of insulin-like growth factor IGF1 and its receptor. IGF1 is a protein which resembles insulin and its receptor (sometimes insulin binds to the receptor of IGF1, and vice versa, IGF1 binds to the receptor of insulin), what suggests, that Alzheimer disease develops from severe shortage of IGF1 in the brain. Some of the latest studies point, that there is a link between diabetes, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases alike. The Huntington patients acquire diabetes seven times more frequently, whereas the 50% of the Parkinson concerned are diagnosed with glucose metabolism syndromes. Though, it has been not established in what way scarcities of insulin and IGF1 may prejudice the condition of the brain. “It is the key issue we dedicate all our efforts to” – de la Monte states. Some of experts assume, that insulin is networked with protein deposits, which form in the brains of Alzheimer and Parkinson’s patients. The fact, that insulin and IGF1 are interrelated with neurodegenerative diseases, is not questioned any longer. Hence, there are continued endeavours piloted in order to institute a therapy, which would enable restoring insulin degrees to normal, or even could bring the progress of the diseases to an end. It was already demonstrated, that the dynamics, which reinforce responses of the brain and other organs to insulin, recess cognitive atrophy at the early stages of Alzheimer. “It is wonderful, that eventually we know the direction we need to follow” – de la Monte rejoices. Based on the article of Melinda Wenner “Świat Nauki”, issue of 7/204, comp. by ota Cukrzyca a Zdrowie


Window by Czeslaw Milosz I looked out the window at dawn and saw a young apple tree translucent in brightness. And when I looked out at dawn once again, an apple tree laden with fruit stood there. Many years had probably gone by but I remember nothing of what happened in my sleep.





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FROM AMERICA... RESTORING PENSIONERS TO HEALTH Martin. A decently tall man Bearded, and somewhat warm in nature. Trust-inspiring. A bus driver in Warsaw in Poland. A pension receiver. In America, a building worker. The job not any lightweight. Especially when compared with the one back in the mother country... When I saw him for the first time he did not look sickly. Actually, I never perceived him to be any ailing. Once, we went for fishing, choosing one of the Atlantic beaches (yes indeed, there are such places in the world where one catch fish from the seashore), and he introduced me with the story of his life.The „open wa ter”and favourable circumstances was what helped him to do so. He had been planning emigrating to America for many years before.Then again, he hesitated to leave his position for the social insurance he received. He was aware of the fact, that he would not be able to find any work incase he returned to Poland.Hence, he came up to an idea, which could meet the saying”wolf full and entire sheep: And, all of a sudden, headaches and spine pains transpired to affect him.His legs occurred to numb.He soldiered on visiting one doctor after another. In effect, he recurrently was on the sick-leaves. He received con tinual medical attention. He was treated in the spas all the more. In vain Then, he was granted a disability pension. Finally, he found his Golconda. Jadwiga Some about fifty years old, well-groomed. An accountant in Tarnow in Poland. In the USA, a domestic cleaner. Fairly tough physical labour. At times nerveracking. Employers can be of different character and make-up in any event The heart complaints she proved gave ground to a pension The doctors advised against any bodily exertion, and recommended avoiding stress. For a period of time she helped her daughter so as to raise her grand-child.The economic situation at home was quite limited.The son-in-law disappeared into thin air, and no one 22

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knew where he was, and what was doing. - A small boy aged thirty went out for milk and got missing in action” - she used to comment Having received an invitation from her friend she travelled down to the United States. For a while. Whereas, it appeared that „a while” was simply not enough.She stayed on. . Stasio... I learned his healthconditionin pretty comical a context Try and imagine a weekend afternoon in Key West in Flori da I am lying onadeckchair.Stasio is wet ting his feet in the ocean. Then, out of the blue, a desolate scream takes place.Stasio is stretching out on his back, all red in his face, crying at the top of his voice. For a time I could not realise what was on abo ut. Only when he administered some pills and settled down, he started to explain it to me. It turned outhat something drew on underneath his feeand forced him out onto the coastline. Most probably, it was a manatee, that moved out of the wa ter so as to breathe some air in The thing is, that Stasio is a pension receiver, since his heart had been confirmed to be in poor shape. He told me this in secret for he was concerned about his job to be secure. He carne from Wrodaw, where he was a te acher

WORTHWHILE TO KNOW of physics before he retired. In Florida, he worked in one of the local restau rants. The sanitary conditions there are further than damaging. The privation of air conditioning in such a Caribbean climate can break down many a man. But not Stasio. In Chicago, they say, that the ill and sick pensioners from Poland recover the moment they happen to have a drink from the Michigan lake waters. While some teasers add, that it equally relates to those husbands and wives who are left behind in the fatherland. Time and again, I wondered how it comes to pass, that afflicted with ill- ness pensioners are not able to board a bus being in their own country, whereas they come here, overseas, and recuperate. For instance, such a given pal receives a pension, attributable to his infirm joints or spine cord, but shifts tones of bricks somewhere in a building-site, and still is fit and ready to go for a pint with his fellows. For another example, a woman, whose heart pro- ves to be unmanageable, bustles with a vacuum cleaner up and down the floors, as well as frequently climbs windows. Obviously, she has to do shop- ping and cook afterwards altogether. In most cases, they all have that much stamina so as they are able to party right through the weekends on the whole. My good friend, Zibi, whom I introduced in the previous articles, explica- ted it to me presenting his own point of view. In order to be healthy each one of us needs this or another kind of motivation. Though, those who come here have no other alternative. They have to work, or else return home on the shield instead. And, this is seen to be humiliating. W hat would be the reaction of family and friends?

Hence, they disregard their maladies, and get down to earning their living. He could be right, I guess. After all, he is well-experienced being an asth- matic himself. At a time, he received a temporary pension alike. Similar- ly, he was treated in spas. The same as he administered numerous medica- tions in one. And, today, he smokes Red Marlboro, as much as 20 cigarettes a day. He does not want to opt for lighter ones for they affect asthma as far as he is concerned. Invariably, he takes any opportunity so as to go to Poland, and bring some packets of Extra Strong, or Russian Prima, or Biełamor in its place. He hardly uses pills, or the inhaler. And, when all things considered, he defies the humid pestilent climate of Chicago like no one else does. At one time, I went into details on it with one of my American colleagues, Greg. This was what revealed the overwhelming disparities in mentali ty we stand for as nations. Greg could not comprehend the fact, how the country, which is not that exceptionally wealthy, can support these masses of pensioners. And most of all, he could not figure it out, why healthy people, that is ones who work in the States, receive money in Poland, and are doubly insured altogether. Being an American, he found it to be unfair. He arrived at the conclusion, that American rules of mathematics must be different from the Polish arithmetic principles. By no means he could grasp the reality, that wages plus pension amounts to be one and half of wages, since one alone is not sufficient plainly. What is the difference in the average rate of salaries in Poland and America? – he asked. In the America, weekly earning meets the expense of humble living throughout whole month, in Poland in contrast, monthly pay lasts one week. – I explained. It was what naturally displeased him. myself in mind. Casey Kozlowski

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We will never slim down on our own - In the first place, you do need to lose some weight – the message diabetics and many other patients receive seeing doctors. It is because, overweight, obesity above all, is what engenders serious disorders, actually being considered to be civilisation diseases themselves, pandemic diseases, that plague the world of the satiated. “Slim down, please”. But how exactly? If the simple formula to be eating less than what consumed could be equally simple to be fulfilled, then the problem would not exist as a matter of fact. As a species timelessly endangered by hunger, evolutionarily taught to decide on high-energy food, we cannot manage to stand firm against the excess of readily available empty calories, especially when they are globally promoted in quite an uncompromising way. The causes of obesity have been ascertained, whether it is genetic, metabolic, or neurological ones. We know how it develops, but still are not able to find a method so as to challenge it. There is a copious number of diets advanced, whereas all of them are specifically difficult to follow. Researchers confirmed the fact, that two thirds of individuals who approached any of these nutritional regimes, after two years on proved to weigh far more. Maybe, biology alone cannot be sufficient to present the answer. Hence, it might be worthwhile to refer to the behavioural psychology, which explains the line we tend to conduct. Burrhus Frederic Skinner, a psychologist from the Harvard University, particularised the underlying principles of so called behavioural analysis. He concluded it, that psychological apparitions are specific side-effects of brain performance, and cannot be determined by means of scientific techniques, the attempts of which admit several interpretations. What he proposed as an alternative is repetitive actual observations on given locations, all in order to be able to associate based on fact environmental influences with psychological responses. 24

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This relies on the facility of telling apart which ones situations, and outcomes, effect given psychological reactions, and which ones of them in turn transpire to be positive reinforcement (reward), and which negative (punishment). Behavioural therapy appeared to be remarkably useful in case of autistic patients, and persons who prove to be alcoholics. As far obesity is concerned, this form of management has been put into practice for years and years now. Psychologists posed successions of questions. What is the reason why people so willingly consume “junk” food? What prompts them to lead unhealthy diets? What can be the best reward that would motivate them to be choosing wholesome nourishment? What would encourage them to live more actively? Accordingly, it has been learned, that lasting losing of weight can be realised by way of simple everyday monitoring, recording of calories consumed, body mass measures, in agreement with hours and intensity of physical exercises. Nonetheless, the decisive attitude to be taken is making small steps, rather than those unreasonably ambitious ones, and limiting given food products, instead of eliminating them on the whole. Altogether, equally effective are groups of support, that bind people sharing the same medical problem, and enable collective therapeutic treatment. In point of fact, it is the commanding idea the movement of Weight Watchers go along with. The association was set up in the United States of America in 1963. Over a span of years, they developed new eating patterns, exchanged the knowledge, but first and foremost were spiritual companions one for another. The Weight Watchers, just as other programs of slimming, did not offer the complete range of behavioural methods, one-to-one therapeutic sessions in particular, namely those, which make it possible to adapt a certain guidance to given home situation, work place, and environmental setting by and large. Even so, they achieved fairly a lot in the respect. It was no one else but them, who managed to maintain reduced body mass for the period of two years, during which the experiments were conducted. Then, they resolved the fact, that tenacity, and dutifulness, is as important as matching diet itself. Some American scientists, including Michael Cameron, the head of the behavioural analysis department in


the Harvard University, agreed to practise on improving, popularising, and individualising of the behavioural techniues. The four-person team of Cameron work only in small groups, or with single individuals, and employ personally adapted, optimalisated diets. They meet during videocon ferences, and exchange consultations. The reward for observing physical exercises is favourite food servings. In the course of one year, the partakers of the programme lost from 8 to 20 per cent of the initial body mass. In the search of the most precise way of controlling calories, Matt Normand, from the University of the Pacific, recommended collecting shopping receipts, tracking and noting amounts of food, as well revising it with pedometers’ readings. In return, the participants of the programme received daily balance sheets of calories. As a result, three persons out of four enduringly maintained their reduced body weight. Richard Fleming, from the Medical School Shrivel Centre University of Massachusetts, discovered that it is evenly effective so as to demonstrate to the adults what adequate portion of food is. In turn, in case of children, he accepted their liberty of choosing given delicacies, however on the condition, that they walked to the shop on foot. Why behavioural interventions are so efficacious? It is because they prompt environment to promote required attitudes. Being under pressure of ever-present commercials, which take advantage of our basic need to be sensually fulfilled, and our common credulity altogether, we call for any

support possible. And, taming of appetite can be achieved on the strength of continual encouragement received from the others around. Nevertheless, so far, there has not been found the universal solution so as to face this widespread problem of obesity. In spite of the fact, that the personalised behavioural therapy proves to be greatly practical, people concerned do not make their efforts to become involved to. Instead, they expect miracle diets to rescue them, or give up since they are not able to challenge genes… Though, the answer remains to be the shift of the habits we have developed, and this necessitates help from without. Why? Because, we human species have not changed by no means, whereas the environment has progressed markedly, and, exposes us to these all high-caloric, cheap, but attractively supplied food products. In this place, social policy may play a role, as far as it would promote producing and buying healthier, and less-processed groceries and victuals, as well as would advance the society towards engagement into physical activity. All in all, joint action and mutual furtherance is pivotal, whether it is family, friends, acquaintances, or unfamiliar persons in the same way. We will never slim down on our own. Compiled by: Dorota Wysocka Based on the article of David G. Freedman “Pokonać otyłość” Issued in the monthly “Świat Nauki” 3/235” Cukrzyca a Zdrowie





Improved diet and exercise are important elements of the treatment of type 2 diabetes Weight loss is an important therapeutic target in diabetes and is recommended for all patients with overweight and obesity. Even a modest weight loss reduces insulin resistance and improves blood glucose levels, reduces blood lipid levels and reduces the pressure Being overweight makes it difficult to control diabetes. In addition to weight reduction, proper diet is important to obtain and maintain normal levels of blood glucose - to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia and the risk of hypoglycemia. Diabetic diet should be planned to include the patient’s personal preferences. A big part of the form should also be taken by the patient’s medications.

The diet should also go hand in hand with appropriate exercise, contributing to weight loss. Diabetic diet should be varied and contain all the necessary nutrients. It is recommended that consumption of products containing soluble plant fiber - wholemeal bread, fresh fruit and vegetables (even frozen), fish. It is desirable to eat foods rich in fiber. Reducing the amount of fats, avoiding foods that contain easily digestible sugars (sweets). Avoid alcohol - it is empty calories The glucose level is also affected as all products in a meal and how to prepare and condition of fragmentation. The products should be combined with carbohydrate or protein-containing fiber, so that blood glucose levels rise slowly. Rice, cereal, pasta is best served cooked al dente. It is better to give potatoes cooked in total than in the form of a puree. It is better to eat fresh fruit rather than drink fruit juice. The less fragmented product, the more time is needed to digest and release of glucose, or blood sugar level is progressively invaded.

WHY HAVE SLIM FIGURE Achieving and maintaining a normal body weight primarily protect us against some diet-related diseases, such as: - Type 2 diabetes - Ischemic heart disease - Hypertension - kardiopatia - Heart failure - Stroke - Gallstones - Degenerative changes in joints - Some cancers - varicose veins - Hormonal disorders Losing weight will improve the condition of the body. Maintaining a healthy weight helps improve immunity, and can gain more confidence. Higher self-esteem is a source of success in work and interpersonal relations. makes that we feel better in your skin and so we are perceived by others. 26

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CONTEST Most people who care about doing it with a silhouette of aesthetic reasons. Attractive appearance counts the most. Meanwhile, obesity is a much more serious consequences - is the cause of one of the deadliest diseases, type 2 diabetes Polish Diabetes Association states, diagnosis of diabetes should be performed in all persons who have completed 45 years of age and repeated every three years. While the performance of diagnostic tests is particularly necessary in the groups of increased risk of diabetes. And here - beware! The first lists the people who are overweight or obese (in order of those with a family history of diabetes, less physically active, with impaired glucose metabolism, with hypertension or cardiovascular disease, with a common lipid disorders, a history of gestational diabetes). Diabetes continues to tighten its toll. The World Health Organisation raises the alarm: according to his data the number of patients suffering from it has increased by 11% per year. It is anticipated that in 2025, it will suffer approximately 300 million people. Stress, trauma, infection, aging of the body - all conducive to falling ill with type 2 diabetes However, the first on the list of causes of subsidence of the disease is unquestionably obesity. Right behind it ranks as the lack of physical activity. Therefore, it would seem that it is enough to take care of the line, and the problem will resolve itself. Unfortunately, not the way, as a very important thing is not only how much we eat but also what we eat. Our menu often consists of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats. People who practice this way of eating can be certain that a few years to experience it for yourself. Diabetes is a serious disease developing years. Has a huge impact on the functioning of our body. Beyond the question of acute seizure complications of diabetes, or hyper-and hypoglycemia, we should be aware of the complications that can cause this disease. The most common include eye damage, kidney damage, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, nervous system dysfunction.

The proof of the relationship between obesity and risk of developing type 2 diabetes confirmed by the fact that 90% of patients are people with abdominal obesity. This type of obesity, also known as obesity, type apple’’, characterized by a cumulation of fat on the stomach. The accumulation of fat inside the abdomen leads not only to diabetes but also hypertension and lipid disorders. In addition to ‚apple’ is also the gluteal-femoral obesity, type „pear”. It occurs more often in women. But there is good news for men. As specialists say, relatively easy to get rid of abdominal fat. The key to success is to reduce the calorie intake of products (to treat obesity, even drastic) and increased physical activity. What counts is negative energy balance, as measured by the difference between the energy obtained in the diet and expended by the body. Easy fight, no one promised. Combating obesity is an investment in your health. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie



Take a centimeter ! obesity and diabetes Obesity is now found in approximately 15 % of the general population and among the main factors conducive to the occurrence of type 2 diabetes Obesity has assumed epidemic form. Treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes, the two sides of the same coin

LET’S ADD QUALITY FOR LIFE - FIGHT OBESITY WISELY The amount of fat can be measured by waist-hip ratio, computed tomography and densitometry. Its more of the abdominal cavity accelerates the development of diabetes by increasing the generation of insulin resistance and overproduction of fatty acids (lipotoksyczność). These relationships are not linear and are also linked with the degree of overall obesity. For the development of diabetes is important to the duration of obesity, changes in the degree of overweight, age and current weight. All the elements listed above must be considered when developing a plan of treatment for diabetes associated with obesity. The normalization of blood sugar medication is combined with proper diet. We also recommend lifestyle changes and increased physical activity. Furthermore, normalization of body weight contributes to lower glucose levels, and even withdrawal symptoms. In the case of diabetes outside of body weight to the importance of issues such as the duration and degree of obesity, age and general health. All these factors must be considered arranging a treatment plan. Obesity naturally hampers the fight against diabetes, which is why an important part of therapy is to reduce weight. 28

Cukrzyca a Zdrowie

Proper diet is composing for people with diabetes, particularly important, not only helps control weight, but also to prevent surges in blood glucose. The diet of individuals with diabetes should be on products containing soluble plant fibers - wholemeal bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, lean fish. It is important to eat foods rich the fiber. It should also avoid foods that contain easily digestible sugars. An important part of the process of reducing weight is a physical activity. Healthy eating and moderate exercise to help. He favors the reduction of body fat and helps maintain proper body weight. Persistent exercise helps reduce blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, reduce the body’s need for insulin, strengthen bones and muscle strength. For weight loss in diabetes is a success - weight loss and maintenance of the developed state, very important is to change the current way of life for residents and a strong motivation and a change of mind. This is the healthy weight loss. This helps improve quality of life.


The educational program „Conscious diabetic” The educational program „Conscious with diabetes,” Diabetes is a disease that can lead to a long, good life. But you need to know how to do it - the consistent, proper self-control, knowledge of healthy eating and physical activity are just a few important issues that determine the quality of life with diabetes and the ability to „manage” the disease in daily life. We are so sure because in the journal „Diabetes and Health” consistently and systematically pass on the materials in this regard. This time we want to further motivate you to carefully read the educational materials, and send us answers to several questions in this regard. Welcome to the common adventure, during which you will be introduced to set out in the preceding pages educational material, cut out the coupon located below the competition, answer found in the questions, will add your details and send to us at: Editors’ „Diabetes and Health” st. Warsaw 23 15-062 Bialystok With a note COMPETITION For correct answers sent to your address by DIAGNOSIS DIAGOMAT meter company sp z o Participants who submit responses to the questions in three consecutive editions of the medical journal „Diabetes and Health”, draw lots for three cameras blood pressure AND the brand, model UA-767 Plus. The sole sponsor of the educational program is the company DIAGNOSIS Ltd.

COMPETITION QUESTIONS First Is the cause of obesity may be psychological factors? a) Yes b) No Second Is the most common cause of obesity is excessive food energy value? a) Yes b) No Third Does physical activity affect body weight due? a) Yes b) No NAME........................................................................................................................................................ SURNAME............................................................................................................................................... ADRESS....................................................................................................................................................




Eating almonds eases the risk of diabetes Consuming almonds may alleviate insulin-resistance, and reduce intensity of so called bad cholesterol in case of persons who prove imminent diabetes - follows from the research work published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. The scientists from American Loma Linda University made an attempt to analy- se the effect of rich in almonds diets on the risk of diabetes type 2, and cardiova- scular diseases, in a lot of 65 persons, who had been diagnosed with imminent dia- betes syndrome, and averagely aged 53. The subjects were divided into two groups, one of which respected non-nut ba- lanced diet, while the other received 20% of almond calorie intakes. Both of the re- gimes had been accepted by the American Diabetes Association. After 4 months of the trial, the individuals, who were treated with almonds, con- firmed substantial decline in concentration of bad cholesterol LDL, and insulin-re- sistance altogether. Almonds afford these properties on the strength of unsaturated fat acids, prote- ins, valuable vitamins, and minerals. The experts are convinced, that the nuts sho- uld be comprised in any daily diets. - Adjustments in eating patterns may well prevent against the risk factors of the abovementioned diseases – states dr. Michelle Wien, the specialist in charge. Today, the relevant estimations reveal, that imminent diabetes is a concern of more or less 16 million of Americans, and predicted to plague as much as the enti- re half of the society in 2020.


The Source: Rynek Zdrowia


Abbreviated Terms of educational program „Conscious diabetic” • Regulations referred to as the „Regulations”, defines the terms, conditions of participation and awards in the educational program „Conscious diabetic”, hereinafter referred to as „the Programme”. • The program is intended for participants with access to the journal contains a set of questions and the application form, or access to the organizer www.cukrzvcaazdrowie.pl, where the entry form is available. • The issues of the journal „Diabetes and health”, that will be shown during the program period are printed in sets of questions. Each kit contains 5 questions referring to information contained in the content of the magazine „Diabetes and health”. • Participants are required to answer all the questions contained in any issue of the journal and put them in the pages of registration, which they then send to the address of the Organizer: ul. Warsaw 23, 15-062 Bialystok. Correctly completed entry form must contain the answers to all questions in the issue of the journal „Diabetes and Health”. Responses will be accepted from February 2011 to end December 2011 • The reward for providing the address of the organizer during the period from February 2011 until December 2011, correctly and completely filled up answers to questions from a selected number of medical journal „Diabetes and health” is a device for measuring blood glucose DIAGOMAT to be sent to Program participant within 14 days from the date of its completion. • Participants who submit responses to the questions in three consecutive editions of the medical journal „Diabetes and health” will be drawn three apparatus for measuring blood pressure AND the brand, model UA-631. • The draw will be hearing within 14 days of the end of the Programme, and the list of winners will be published in upcoming issue of the medical journal „Diabetes and health” after the draw and the organizer’s website www.cukrzycaazdrowie.pl. Cameras will be sent to winners within 14 days after the draw. • Taking part in the Program, Participants agree to the collection and processing provided by their personal data by the Promoter for the purposes of promotion - marketing, to conduct its business by the entity in accordance with the Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997, program participants have the right to access their data and correct them. • Full Program Regulations is available in the Organizer’s office and on the website www.cukrzcaazdrowie.pl. Signature of Participant Education Program.............................................................................


letter to editorial team A

I am waiting… I am 25 years old. I have been living through diabetes type 1 for 10 years – facing it with courage, with resignation on occa-sions, with humility equally. There are moments when I turn he-ated with anger, and then, I ask why it is me to experience it, whe-reas I still love life, and wish for having a child… At present, I am in a relationship with a great, sensible, andpatient man. We walk our station of life together as one, and planto be sharing it with children in future. I am aware of the affliction, that befell me, but at the same time I appreciate my being tobe beautiful. Every single day, my head is absorbed, and focused, so as totake care of my health frame, while it is what saves me from the harm of the disease related complications. Now and again I feelproud of myself, now and again then the whole situation depres-ses me, and I assume, that I will not make the grade… Pregnancy, and labouring it to be hale and hearty in part of abeloved father, is my delight dream. Naturally, I bear some fears… Me and my husband, we hope, that we will win the miracle.We do make our efforts, and read all what is possible in concern ofgestational diabetes mellitus. We approach it in peaceful and sensible a manner, however being abreast of the fact, that it involvesrisk and stress on the way. At any rate, I know how importantself-discipline and smile is. Cheerfulness is what defies adversities. Smile unifies, whilewill-power heals and affords trust.Be strong and do not panic – which is what my husband likes to say… May you all be - Wiktoria Mierzwińska

The author of the published letter receives a reward from the Editorial Team which is a set of cosmetics made by the Laboratory of Natural Cosmetics FARMONA Ltd.

The Editorial Office: Readers’ Pages “Diabetes and Health” 23 Warszawska Street 15-062 Białystok


MIRACLE LEAF In Western Europe, in Poland and Russia, life leaf is cultiva- ted as a houseplant. It can reach the height of 1 meter provided that it is well maintained. The second year of growing is when it blooms with slightly violet and squat-like flowers. It is a medici- nal plant, not decorative, therefore it is better to cut it before blos- soming, namely when it is 1 year in age. This is because it affords then wealth of active bodies. Goethe leaf juice can be blended with apple juice, currant ju- ice, apricot juice, or mixed with bee honey, varieties of which mi- ght be monk seal, acacia flower, boraginis herba, and heather. The proportions suggested is 1 portion of Goethe leaf per 3 por- tions of honey.. Miracle Leaf (Kalanchoe Pirata), also called Air Leaf, Life Leaf, or Goethe Leaf, originates from the lands of South-Eastern Africa. It is a perennial of dark green, succulent leaves. On the margin of each one young leaf, tiny spores blossom out, develop into two blades and some fibres, which in turn fall down on the ground, root in it, and give rise to a new another plant. Air Leaf in its composition encloses polysaccharides, flavo- noids, vitamins (vit. C in particular), tannins, organic acids, mi- neral salts, enzymes, and other valuable biogenic compounds, that stimulate and regulate defence mechanisms of organisms. Studies conducted authenticate it, that performance of air leaf is multifarious: anti-inflammatory, safeguarding against bacteria, viruses, fungi, regenerating cells and tissues. Hence, it is high- ly recommended in case of patients who are treated with chemo- therapy and radiotherapy. 32

Cukrzyca a Zdrowie

Similarly, the plant can be extracted for both internal and external use in form of tinctures and ointments. These preparations serve medic treatments of many a disease, for instance diabetes (regulate pancreas performance), asthma, pneumonia, as well as eye syndromes (e.g. inhibit progress of cataract impro- ving focus of eye-sight in one). They adjust blood circulation system, streng- then heart, protect against aging. For another example, spirit of kalanchoe pi- rata prevents hair against falling out, regenerates its bulbs, or even restores its natural colour as far as it takes place in early stage of greying. Altogether, essences of miracle leaf are applied past intervention in thera- peutic managements of dental surgery, obstetric genecology, and general surgery, in cases of hardly-healing wounds, decubital ulcers, boils, gum inflammations, cavital oris infections of mucus membrane, tonsillitis, or otitis media. Compiled by: Aniela Szymańska

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Oxygen is very important for life, but life is too dangerous. Extremely highly reactive and can enter into relationships with almost all elements. An excessive amount of oxygen needed an opponent who keep him in check - so called. antioxidants. Different types of chemicals, have long been charged to our natural environment - air, water, soil and our bodies - continuously reacts with oxygen, ie, oxidize, or following their collapse. Nature itself does not keep pace with the progress of civilization, so the surrounding environment is not created enough antioxidants. That is why the world is in a constantly increasing oxidation, which damages the environment and man, because many compounds of oxygen is harmful to us or even poisonous. A number of specialized microorganisms to life in such environments and well oxygenated there develops. Antioxidants (antioxidants) are compounds that help the body to control the oxidation reaction and the elimination of free radicals. Also strengthens the immune system, immune, helping to ďŹ ght infection and neutralize toxins from the environment and prevent damage to DNA. Research shows that the damage caused by free radicals is accompanied aging of the body and cause the majority of common diseases. The ability to eliminate free radicals decreases with age, so you must supplement the level of antioxidants in the body to strengthen and maintain basic defense mechanisms. EM-X contains a rich set of antioxidants, minerals, amino acids interacting with each other, strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body of toxins. Antioxidants present in the EM-X strengthen the body’s natural defenses by: - Elimination of active oxygen and free radicals - Regeneration of cell and tissue damage - Strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body of toxins.


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EM is a Japanese environmental technology, developed on the basis of the discovery of the synergy * mikroorganicznej. The creator of the formula is Professor EM. Teruo Higa of Okinawa. Initially used in mikroorganicznej crop production, in a short time has been recognized as a means of regenerating ecosystems. The scope has widened to animal husbandry, organic waste and water treatment. EM preparations used in the immediate vicinity of man to protect against allergens, harmful effects of chemicals and to revitalize and refresh. EM is a revolutionary discovery. In their many practical applications, brings the solution to many problems of our world ...

EM-X GOLD Refreshing drink (Rfreshment drink) 0.5 liter capacity The new improved, stronger version of the preparation of EM-X. Green drink produced by fermentation prof. Teruo hige by traditional Japanese recipe diverse source of antioxidants, which are: - Cleanse the body from free radicals and toxins - Reduce fatigue and slow down the aging process - Stimulate the body to recover and return to health - Improve the functioning of the immune system - Help the body overcome allergies - Effectively cleanse the body and weight loss - Increase mental and physical strength Manufacturer: EM Research Organization Inc. Okinawa - Japan Greenland only EM-Trzcianka Technology 6 24-123 Janowiec Lasted 15 years research, conducted in Japan, confi rms that EM-X is a nutritional drink, which drink each may have many health benefits. This drink is produced by fermentation of a specific rice bran, seaweed, brown rice and papaya fruit with the participation of Effective Microorganisms (EM). Useful microorganisms are used since the dawn of humanity in the processing and production of food such as yoghurt, cheese, soy pasta, bread, pickled cucumbers and cabbage, leaven the white and red borsch, beer, wine, etc. podpiwek During the fermentation process unique blend of micro-organisms subjected to preliminary digestion of substrates, providing a large number of naturally occurring nutrients. The final product of the fermentation process is a golden colored liquid extract, containing easily digestible ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and compounds of plant origin to promote self-healing forces of the body. EM-X can drink in conjunction with tea, fruit juices, mineral water, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 1-3 times daily, during or between meals, at an advanced application of 4 - 8 tablespoons a day for three months. The product is safe at any age. Children under 12 years of age should be used 1 tablespoon (15 ml) per day. It can also be used for spraying fruits and vegetables to maintain freshness longer. Excellent for pets!

Antioxidants PRESENT The EM-X GOLD - Flavonoids: they have the ability to capture and eliminate free radicals, are necessary for the proper functioning of enzymes. - Saponin: Increase production of SOD (superoxide dismutase) and LPO (lipid peroxidase) involved in strengthening the immune system, protect the cellular DNA, delaying the aging process of cells. - Ubikwinon (coenzyme Q10): acts on the circulatory system, regulates blood pressure, increases energy production, strengthens the immune system. - Lycopene: a strong anti-oxidant properties, strengthens the immune system - Vitamin E (tocopherols complex) retards aging, stops the chain reaction of oxidation and prevents oxidation of lipids, including fatty acids wysokonienasyconych-building components of cell membranes, reduces muscle fatigue caused by excessive exercise. - Gamma-oryzanol: a powerful antioxidant that occurs only in rice bran and EM-X. There is a single compound but a mixture of 20 components having numerous antioxidant properties. Compiled by. Aniela Szymańska Cukrzyca a Zdrowie



Cherries settle sleeplessness Drinking cherry juice day after day relieves wakefulness and effects falling asleep - the Journal of Medicinal Food reports. Scientists have a suspicion, that cherries present these beneficial properties owing to the content of melatonin, the natural antioxidant, which regulates the rhythm of activeness and sleep. A panel of experts from the USA carried out a pilot survey in a group of 15 elderly individuals, who in the course of two weeks drank some about 225g of cherry juice every morning and every evening, and then in turn, another assortment of juice for two more weeks. It was evidenced, that the problem of sleeplessness eased for the period of drinking cherry juice, and the per- sons subjected tended to fall asleep 17 minutes earlier than usual, which is when they did not drink cherry essence. Dr R. Reiter from the University in Texas points, that although the supplements based on melatonin are widely promoted and recommended to persons who are influenced by sleeplessness, the healthier alternative is consuming fruit instead, especially when the produce is available all year throughout. He asserts it in view of the fact, that for instance Americans alone spend 84 mil- lion dollars yearly on soporific medicaments. - Regular intakes of cherries may come in aid so as to be able to regulate and adjust the natural cycle of daily activeness, and further the quality of sleep altogether. And, regarding the fact, that cherries afford some more other antioxidants the health avails grow indeed – dr Reiter states. The Source: PAP/Rynek Zdrowia

More efficient brain on the strength of berries

The most precarious of the processes which decide on dete- rioration of intellectual brain efficacy is age progressive decline in defence capacity against free radicals and inflammations. It is these disturbances berries safeguard us from. Some of fruit and nuts provide with polyphenols, the compounds which are highly antioxidating and anti-inflammatory in one. This is the reason why these chemicals can lastingly protect the brain from the harm of aging. In contrary to appearances possible the protection is fairly powerful. The team of dr Poulose from the United States conducted a sa- tisfying experiment on well advanced in years rats. The rodents, maintained in a laboratory, received food enriched with two percent extract of strawberries, berries, American blueberries, or black raspberries. The span of 2 months was as much as necessary to advance the effectiveness of their brains. Additionally, the researchers observed some another property the fruit present. Namely, taking the test results into account, berry fruit play a role in removing toxins and other unneeded substances away from the body system. The up-to-date studies confirm, that given diets composed of berries, along with fruit which is dark red, orange, or violet in colour, as well as walnuts, distinctly serve preserving intellectual efficiency all the way through to a grand old age. The Source: Nauka w Polsce


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Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre) to roślina pochodząca z południowych Indii, pnącze podobne do winorośli. Hindusi nazwali ją „niszczycielem cukru”, jako że żucie liści powoduje utratę słodkiego smaku. Przeprowadzono wiele badań i stwierdzono, że Gurmar jest niezwykle skuteczny w terapii cukrzycy typu 1 oraz w pewnych przypadkach cukrzycy typu 2. Gurmar oczyszcza organizm z trujących substancji. Liście tej rośliny mają działanie przeciwcukrzycowe, przeciwpasożytnicze i moczopędne. Regulują gospodarkę węglowodanową organizmu. Składniki Gymnemy sylvestre stymulują beta-komórki trzustki, co może zwiększać wydzielanie insuliny. Ponadto kwasy gymnemowe i gurmaryna, blokując receptory smakowe, hamują zdolność odczuwania smaku słodkiego lub gorzkiego bez wpływu na zdolność odczuwania smaku kwaśnego lub pikantnego, a tym samym zmniejszają zapotrzebowanie na słodycze.

GlucosCare - Herbata ziołowa - to suplement diety. SKŁADNIKI: liście gymnema sylvestre herbata zielona / camelia sinensis Zawiera wyłącznie składniki naturalne. Reguluje poziom cukru we krwi. Wspomaga proces spalania tłuszczu oraz przemianę materii w organizmie. Herbata idealna dla diabetyków, osób z nietolerancją glukozy. Sposób użycia: 1 saszetkę zalać szklanką (200 ml) wrzątku i zaparzać pod przykryciem 10 min. Pić najlepiej po posiłku. Jedną saszetkę można zaparzać 2 razy. Produkt posiada wszelkie niezbędne do jego dystrybucji na terenie Polski atesty, certyfikaty i opinie, wystawione przez Instytut Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich, Główny Inspektorat Sanitarny Wojewódzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Warszawie. Produkt „GlucosCare” jest także polecany przez Polskie Stowarzyszenia Diabetyków (PSD).37 Cukrzyca a Zdrowie

HEALTHY LIFE-STYLE Fats comprised in food are the most concentrated source of energy, and are those, which determine absorption of fat-soluble vita- mins (A, D, E, K), and supply with essential fatty acids (EFA) hu- man body system is not able to synthesise itself. One gram of fat is as much as 9 kcal, whereas one gram of protein, or carbohydrate af- fords 4 kcal. Providing that 30 per cent of energy is supposed to be imparted from fat, proportions of individual fats should compose as follows: saturated ones in 8%, monounsaturated in 14%, polyun- saturated in 8%. Fats play a structural role in the organism. They are constituents of cells and tissues, amount to body fluids, protect from excessive heat loss, obstruct contraction of stomach and secretion of gastric acid, upholding the organs in the abdominal ca- vity altogether. Some of groceries and victuals deliver so called invisible fats, ones of which are beyond perception of the end-users, but are present in cold cuts, bakery goods, or sweets for example. Such products as butter, lard, margarin, or comestible oil, are qualified to be visible fats in turn (some about 45%). Fats are esters of glycerol (or another organic alcohol) and of fatty acids. The saturation of the bindings between carbon atoms in the fatty acids is what determines biological properties of given eatable fats. Saturated fatty acids enclose single bindings of carbon atoms. Their share in fat particles exact fat consistency to be solid. The acids of the kind are generally found in animal fats (butter, lard, tallow), however also in some vegetable ones (e.g. palm tree oil, coconut oil). One of the advantages of such a structure fatty acids exemplify is their resistance to oxidation. In most cases, saturated fatty acids amplify intensity of cholesterol, and add to better blood coagulability. Unsaturated fatty acids, these ones which contain double bindings in the carbon chain, are divided according to the number of these bindings, and classified as monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fatty acids, such as ones which are present in olive oil, reduce concentrations of “bad” cholesterol (LDL), and heighten strengths of “good” cholesterol (HDL), whereas additionally they enhance activity of proteins which expand in the muscles, what in turn stimulates muscles to break down more amounts of calories, and more heat energy is generated as a result. Compa- rably, the soft home-made lard delivers 10% of unsaturated fatty acids, while olive oil no more than 8,5%. Regarding unsaturated fatty acids (omega and n-) the most beneficial are the groups of n-3 and n-6. Though, double bindings can take one of two special forms: cis and trans. And, it is trans isomers of fatty acids which are disadvantageous in respect of the hu- man body needs, since they:


Cukrzyca a Zdrowie

MARGARIN heighten total intensity of cholesterol in blood reduce concentration of HDL cholesterol exact firmer arteriosclerosis effects can degrade birth body mass of babies penetrating foetus may amplify insulin strength in blood perturb immune system performance lessen metabolic activity of linoleic acid

HEALTHY LIFE-STYLE What precisely margarin is? Margarin is emulsion of edible vegetable oils, blended with water or milk, and fortified with taste enhancers, enhancers of use properties and food value, as well as enhancers extending expiry date (emulsifiers, stabilisers, dyes, flavourings, vitamins A,D, E at times, salt, sugar, citric acid, alternately preservatives). The butter-like savour and aroma margarin acquires by means of tang extracts generated as a result of milk fermentation. Margarin is produced out of vegetable oils in the process of their solidification. This can be achieved by the method of hydrogenation (partly or complete hydrogen saturation of double bindings of the fatty acids – in hard cube ones, in confectionery ones, along with ones intended for frying), or by transestrification, throughout of which fats melting in low temperatures are exchan- ged with fats melting in high temperatures (mainly in margarin so called “kubkowa”). Particularly “unhealthy” margarins are those hard, because they cover both unfavourable isomers of trans fatty acids ( even up to 50%), and residues of unusa- ble to be removed catalysers, which separated during dehydrogenation (e.g. compounds of nickel, copper, chrome, or palladium). Fat content of these mar-

What specifically butter is? Butter is a high-fat diary product churned from milk exclusively. It is the most digestible of animal fats. Its defects in structure and in consistence arise from seasonal changes of milk fat composition, and failures in observance to adequate parameters throparameughout the process of production (maturing, rinsing, kneading). The share of trans fatty acid isomers in butter is limited (not more than 3%), though they are natural, being isomers of trans linoleic acid generated in the cow rumen. The isomers penetrate milk fat, and moderate given cancer progress in breast, large bowel, liver, reins and lungs, the anti-oxidation of which does not take place in any single brand of margarin. However, the mainstream of manufacturers in Poland supplement butter with natural colours (carotenes), and other additives, which are not specifically health-promoting! It has been proved, that isolated beta-carote- ne exaggerated risk of lung cancer in case of smokers who moreover happen to be exposed to asbestos, whe reas drinking carrot juice did not. Cholesterol consumed in line with butter is not that unsafe as the one produ- ced in the body system on the strength of disproportionate intakes of carbohydrates. Nonetheless, it is important to bear it in mind, that cholesterol as such is one of the essential constituents, since it

OR BUTTER INSTEAD? gari- nes encloses saturated fatty acids derived from dehy- drogenated oils of palm tree, lard, and tallow. Consuming the margarins, or cakes with custard, puff pastries, confectioneries (e.g. crackers, wafers, ice-creams), as well as products fried on this type of fat (chips, crisps), we contribute to expansion of “bad” cholesterol in the body system, promoting pro cancer lesions to take place, and allergic diseases to transpire. None of vegetable oils includes animal cholesterol, just as commercials assure, however hydrogenated vegetable oil in form of margarin boosts its levels in the organism, in spite of the fact, that the oils do not contain it as such.

builds cells mem- branes, synthetises bile acids, as well as processes steroid hormones. All told, scientists agree, that pregnant women and children should be advised against margarins, while re commended liquid vegetable oils, butter, and fish oils in- stead. In turn, anyone of us, who has reached the mid- dle age (namely the time of life when the number of procancer lesions tends to grow), needs to take it into con- sideration, whether to decide on butter and its anticancer properties, or on margarin, which does not prove it, counting no other health benefits known. Prof. dr. hab. Maria H. Borawska Maria Konopka MA Pharmacy Cukrzyca a Zdrowie



LITOTHERAPY Litotherapy, namely treatment with stones, was known as early as 3 thousand years ago, and was commonly practised in the ancient times. The exacted in the approach body and mind healing properties were recogni- sed and acknowledged by Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The then antique medics and astrologers recommended wearing stones as a steadfast line of health advancement. Today, this way of medicinal mana- gement meets the time of credit and appreciation de novo. Both the energy and the chemical composition of stones may equally influence the condition we happen to stand for. For example, adequately harmonised minerals can purge the negative radiation TV sets and computers emit (e.g. rhinestone). In turn, some of precious rocks are more advantageous to be physically worn along. Amber, for instance, is fossilised re- sin derived from coniferous trees. More often than not, it tends to encompass some plant residues and vestiges. It presents with honeylike colour, whereas may be found to be red or russet either. This is one of the stones which is highly curative in effect. As long as it is raw, it gives finest results possible. Amber palliates pain complaints, rheumatic ones in particular. It restores throat and thyroid disorders to health. Tincture of this organic agent warms up, while drinking it eliminates harmful microorganisms in the alimentary tract, and relieves colds, performing like a natural antibiotic in actual fact. In order to be able to conduct warm or cold massage sessions, two genres of stones are needed: marbles (white elements), and basalts (black elements). The latter are excavated from the ocean beds, where water and sand grind their textures, therefore they are so ideally smooth and level, and best-preserved in sea salt. Heated up to 50°C, they lastingly afford the temperature, and this is the reason why they tone, relax, stimulate blood circulation, and oxygenate in one. Marbles, on the contrary, are adapted in therapies of freezing, and applied in cases of local oedemas and contusions.

The technique of massaging with stones is based on the theory of the energy flow and flux. In the times past, some Chinese and Indian scholars managed to frame „maps of enerced in required body locations, and appropriately moved in given directions. The method allows migration of energy within fatigued, or diseased human body system. Depending on a specified concern, we may opt for a massage position on the back, or on the front. Subsequently, a person offering the treatment is expected to lay out stones, for instance anywhere on the back, or exclusively along the spine, or there on the cheeks, or laterally on the lower jaw, alternatively in-between the fingers and toes. Selecting the biggest two of the stones (bathed in olive oil or aromatic lubricant) the masseur uses them to knead all the length of the body subjected. If we are prepared to relax, warm stones will lighten up the muscles, then blood will circulate more freely, and at that point tissues and cells are bound to invigorate by virtue of oxygenating and detoxication. The worthiest positive sensations are assumed to be achieved in the way of interchangeable warm and cold stone massaging. Experts term it “race of energy”. Thanks to the temperature difference, human body system disposes itself of accumulated toxins, and some certain microscopic generators of energy form. It is what helps energy to travel to locations where its insufficiency transpire. In view of that, massage is suggested to those people, who prove metabolic syndromes, impaired immune systems, but first and foremost to those, who lead their life-styles far too intensely. Undeniably, there is almost not a person, who in this exceptionally busy commotion of the world, would not aim for some assured peaceful moments in life. Massage is one of the alternatives in the respect. Hence, taking a liberty of the kind might be a valuable expe rience. Compiled by: Karol Łyczkowski

RECIPE AND THE NATURE The simplest use of stevia is to add dried or fresh leaves to dishes while cooking. In the event that even for aesthetic reasons we prefer to leaves in the dish were not visible enough in advance to prepare syrup with stevia. This can be done by boiling the leaves for a few minutes on low heat in a small amount of water. It will provide a very sweet, concentrated decoction, which can be used for sweetening and can also be stored in refrigerator up to several days. It is very convenient because there is no need to prepare the brew every time. In the case of salads or as a supplement to additional sweetening some fruits such as strawberries, gooseberries, and blackberries good idea to use dried stevia very ďŹ nely ground. Then, stevioside is easily released and imposition of such a tiny amount of strawberries even stevia makes them much sweeter which will completely avoid sweetening with sugar. In the case of home making juice by juicer is best to boil the resulting juice with added stevia in the form of ground, after a few minutes of pictures of the ďŹ re ground leaves fall to the bottom and can easily run off the already sweetened juice containers. In countries where stevia originates stevia leaves often are treated by children as sweet and happy they are eaten fresh, usually straight from the garden (very young leaves are less sweet and therefore have better taste in the immediate consumption, because the older ones seem too sweet if eaten directly).

Another application of stevia are entirely arbitrary by taste, discretion is the better, with stevia tolerates high temperatures (up to 200 deg C) and is stable in acid, making it suitable and pastries and a typical acidic fruits such as currants, gooseberries. www.e-stewia.pl

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The latest discovery of the scientists from Łódź. The more it shines and is warmer the better diabetic patients feel. All to the extent, that doses of insulin can be reduced in the end of the summer. What the breakthrough developed from was an unintended conversation in a consulting room of the Children’s Hospital in Łódź. Dr. Beata Mianowska stated, that the young patients manage more advantageously during summertime. Someone commented it, that indeed, autumn and winter are the seasons, when the greatest part of the admitted children is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. In turn, another person present there, started a computer, and searched the internet in order to find relevant publications. There was none of the kind. The doctors decided to offer their supervisor an innovative piece of work dealing with the issue in question. - It is worthwhile to disclose the matter as far as it meets certainty - rejoined prof. Wojciech Młynarski, the head of the Clinic of Paediatrics, Oncology, Haematology and Diabetology. Dr. Mianowska referred to the hospital archives. There, she collected records of glycated haemoglobin (HbAc1) readings amassed within the last three years. It is a line of examinations each one diabetic patient is aimed to carry out every three months, for it enables to assess how effective was treatment throughout a given quarter. The blood measure sought-after is 7%, as it provides the evidence, that diabetes is balanced,and potential compli-

SUNLIGHT COMES I cations are unlikely. The higher the value is the more changeablethe disease develops. - From August 2006 to October 2009 the check-up was conducted as frequently as 5600 times – cites Wojciech Fendler, a physician from the clinic. - We scrutinized the data in detail, and assumed, that our colleague must have been right. The most disappointing results children with diabetes type 1 proved in winter: at the turn of January and February, the safest ones in summer: in August, and in the beginning of September. Prof. Młynarski: - I asked my associates to continue the undertaking. Although, I remarked, that I somewhat mistrust, whether anyone would earnestly consider a thesis titled as: “Weather and its influence on the course of diabetes type 1 in children”. The reason why? Well, because it sounds as exotic as “Aurora and penguins’ ovulation”. Such frivolousness returns with anti-Nobel rewards. Thus, the diabetes specialists resolved, that they will approach it in so serious a manner,as if could not perceive it any funny or silly. - Nevertheless, we advanced to it light-heartedly discussing the possible grounds of this singularity – says Fendler.One of the reasons could be the fact, that summer is when children do not have to go to school. After all, school amounts to stress, and altogether can be the same weighty a factor as vitamin levels, or intensity of sunrays on a given day. Some websites did suggest, that vitamin D may affect HbA1c, but then again there was nothing 42

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in regards to insolation. And, someone came up with the idea, so as to compare blood readings with weather news, immediately on the very day when examinations were run. Fendler: - Since the endeavour was agreed to be completed in a meaningful way, we opted out any amateur searching of archival forecast documentation. Hence, we requested experts from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management for any co-operation achievable. What they presented us with was precise certification of weather facts and figures, that had effect in 2006-2009 in Łódź. The rapport simplified what was the then insolation, air pressure, temperature, and how much of solar energy reached the ground altogether. - The statistics were obtained from a weather station located in a Łódź airport – informs Elżbieta Grzelak-Agaciak, one of the workers of IMiGW. – We are confident in 99%, that the results of measurements in the hospital, which is sited as remote as a few kilometres away, were nearly identical. The moment when the evaluations were matched against, there was no voices of scepticism ever since. The concentration of HbA1c was confirmed to remain in straight relation to weather conditions. The more pleasant aura took place ahead of examinations, the more recovering HbA1c transpired. The researchers ascertained the fact, that adults prove similar responses, however not proportionately strong, and it is the reason why the subject

IN AID OF DIABETES matter escaped medical attention. Nonetheless, diabetes patients living on the Northern hemisphere feel better on the turn of August and September, whereas those from the Southern hemisphere feel better on the turn of February and March instead. Prof. Młynarski: - For the time being, we are not able to explain these observations, though we plan to further the studies. How exactly should we understand the findings? - First of all, witnessing a situation when a patient undergoes winter in a worse condition, is not supposed to prompt panicking, as for it is a natural, transitional response in answer to darker and colder aura. – clarifies Fendler. – Then, what one can do is administering higher doses of insulin. In summer in reverse – dosages of medicaments can be reduced, because it is far easier then to stabilize blood glucose intensities. But still, it is not an argument for falling in euphoria, since it is equally transitional, just the same as weather is. The doctors concluded, that many clinical tests may be inaccurate, for were not determined with weather dynamics all along. The diabetes specialists articulated the discovery in a scientific article, and published it in the most renowned European magazine committed to the concern of diabetes therapies “Diabetology”. The Source: Adam Czerwiński, Gazeta Wyborcza

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It is fairly important so as notto forgetthis basic actuality, that there is as many diversified temperaments as people all over the globe. The identified four types of human dispositions allow only for generalised classification in the respect. Consequently, each and every person needs to be individually approached,and acqu ainted by reason of given behaviour and circumstances. And so, we may well proceed and introduce the remaining two types of personality.

Rapt choleric person

This category of temperaments belongs to those most dyna mic. As far as sociable sanguine proves to be somewhat careless and inconsequential, choleric character decides on a<ltion in its place. The quick-tempered type does not take an in rest of so meone else’s opinions and their limitations. This type is perfectly convinced to be right at all times, has things his or her own way, what in actual fact translates into successes achieved in life. He or she readily defies risks, and confronts responsibilities. A person of the kind tends to be tenacious, and unwilling to share power at disposal. Then again, he or she uses the power to render duties straightaway and to the last Such a type truly believes, that be ing in his or her command assures headways. His or her resolve and strong will goes in pair with determination and lightning re flex. The type organises everything completely respecting adver sities as motivating. Such a person is of no contest as for getting along oppressions. In the view of what above, it should not surprise anyone, that choleric type is not one, who is likely to have many friends. Whe reas, it equally arises from the fact that he or she does not actual ly need it All the time on the way is aimed to serve new further challenges, and crafting of strategies so as to fulfil them. It seems to be logical, that rapt choleric type is an indispensible feature of this world. One, who can be compared to an everworking machine. Although, some measure of tolerance and con sideration would add to the personality. In turn, some treat of pa tience is what would make him or her to slow down, and eventu ally rest. The fact that he or she is effortlessly competent, does not mean, that accepting arguments of others, or even making an apo logy on occasions, could change it at all. Indeed, these traits wo uld meet choleric existence to be the pillar of strength of the hu mankind. 44

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Self-possessed phlegmatic person

Relaxed temperament of this type plays a peculiar role in the relationships of people. It works for balance in front of go-ahe ad choleric attitude, ever-dissatisfied melancholic stance, or bri ght sanguine line. Phlegmatic person has an impartial flair of mitigating disputes, being patient and able to be listening to opponents. This character follows objectively inborn drive towards tranquillity,” and moments of reflexion. He and she is not any bossy, or attention-seeking. Such a type is far from radical statements, while prefers safe middle answers. Person of the kind is not hi ghly demanding. He and she can prove compo sure even in extreme situations relieving given tensions. Any urgency is not his or her concern. Accepting own fate, he or she is moderately free to agree to the pessimism on the cards. This type of personality does not dwell on setbacks just as perfect melancholic nature does. The fact that he or she is compassionate and able to listen sensi bly, is what contributes to the number of friends around. It is the reason why phlegmatic charac ter is an ideal subordinate. However, such a personality would reaso nably need an infusion of enthusiasm, some ac tion drive, and better aptitude for changes. It is the very phlegmatic temperament that is at times perceived to be more willing to await an earthqu ake, than independently stir tea in a cup. His or her indecisiveness delays „pressing matters” ad infinitum. Then again, the world devoid of phlegmatic character would be se ntenced to copious con flicts, ones of which could be pretty difficult to solve in case of the other three temperaments. Being aware of the dissimilarities we all sha re, it is far easier to understand the people we happen ID be in contact with. Nonetheless, it is a great fortune, that we are circumvolved with such a multiplicity.It is comparatively simple to observe, that each one type of personality plays a distinct in dispensible to the world role. This is the reason why opposites attract creating some sense of ba lance as a result. Whether we form relationships in a small community (family), or more or less bigger, it is worthwhile so as not „to bend” others to our own personal standards. Let us learn to coexist sup porting one another. Ewa Andrzejewska


AS SAFELY AS HEALTHFULLY Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’ It was an enchanting evening – shiny and balmy, and our another get-together fulfilled the restaurant with smile, humour, and general good spirits. As usual, the awaited guests appreciated the treat of the “thoughtful dinners”. This time, the Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’ was attended by gentlemen in representative uniforms. The way they looked, and the solemnity they aired, aroused a sense of security, hence it was the Police and the Border Guard officers who appeared. Insp. Igor Parfieniuk, the Provincial Police Commissioner of Podlasie, and Colonel Leszek Czech, the Commandant of Podlasie Border Guards, together with prof. Maria Górska M.Sc.D., and famed theatre actor Ryszard Doliński, were the virtuoso chefs, who served us health-giving and flavoursome dishes: broccoli cream soup, Chinese cabbage salad composed of amaranth popping seed based on pumpkin oil and a pinch of vingrette, basmati rice on vegetables, and plums in dark chocolate. Unsurprisingly, the reception ballroom was bursting at the seams, what evidently bears witness of noteworthy social interest. In any case, signals of popularity Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’ rejoices, come down from the furthest recesses of the country. We are pleased, that we stand for a significant place in the map of Podlasie, in the respect of meaningful communal integrity, and above all, patronage of the diabetes concerned. Indeed, it is what inspires us to continue the tradition of the Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’..

Bon appetite expressed by our pleasing and smiling chefs. Col. Leszek Czech composed an uncommonly healthy salad with popping, whereas insp. Igor Parfi eniuk velvet-like cream broccoli soup.

Ryszard Doliński prepared a carnival remedium based on basmati rice. The served dish he awarded with an ample measure of humour. The multicolour, appetizing, full of vegetables course met everyone’s liking.

Zenon Chwieśko M.Sc.D. gave us a lecture on non-traumatic diabetes rheumatic syndromes. The experience of making cream broccoli soup is what insp. Igor Parfi eniuk, the Provincial Police Commissioner of Podlasie, proved effortlessly. He daringly approached the duty, and completed it with such a savour … hhm, the plentiful number of seconds answered the quality.

Prof. Maria Górska, cheerful in her face, prepared a delectable dessert – plums in dark chocolate. Certainly, a dish of royal tradition. Education with taste, unpretentious in form, and naturally communicated, changes people’s attitude and life, and imparts joy of being healthy for longest possible…

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A sprinkling of education, a share of nostalgia - welcome to „Thursday Dinner at Diabetics” The history of Thursday Dinners reaches as far as 18th century. The king, Stanisław August Poniatowski, an enthusiast and connoisseur of culture, organised conventional get-togethers of intellectuals and artists, what he decided to take place in the court since 1770. In line of French salons’ formula, spontaneous discussions on science, art, and even politics were frequented. The then latest literary works were deliberated, and new trends in culture modelled. Some of those, who attended the gatherings, were noble citizens, to quote Ignacy Krasicki, Hugo Kołłątaj, Józef Wybicki, or Śniadecki brothers. This high profile of the guests, the patronage and presence of the king, was what assured the Thursday Dinners to be the legendary institution of culture. Regrettably, the conventions of the times outlawed women from any involvement in the meetings. In contrast, during our today’s “Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’”, ladies are unusually favourably received.

The tradition has been revived, and history renewed… And, we arrived there, where all was pioneered from – at the capital city… The recognised elegance, and judiciousness of such a meeting, the kind of which provi- des for satisfaction of even the most fastidio- us individuals, appealed not only to the gu- ests from Warsaw, but also to those from Sie- dlce, Sokołów Podlaski, Bydgoszcz, Białystok, Ciechanów, and Środa Wielkopolska. It was an outstanding get-together. The multifaceted menu of artistic, educational, and culinary shares appeared to be a wealth of great sensations. The new guests of the Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’ were astonished with the selection of presentations, and the reliability of the all endeavour in everyday life of diabetes patients, and society in general.


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The “Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’” are our innovative appro- ach to education. This is a form of cyclical get-togethers for the duration of which we head “health-promoting mission”. Assu- ming an original line, we propagate knowledge of healthy life-style. And, the artistically-educational-culinary fashion we ad- opted movingly smooths the progress of communication. By virtue of these happenings, people are further motivated to take care of their health, to confront their own vulnerability, as well as to proceed self-examinations. Consistently, the program of the “Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’” exacts public cooking, gustation, along with open lectures, and presentations of scien- ce findings, introduced by numerous experts of medical, dietetic, and rehabilitation background.

The exceptional guests among others: Maciej Żywno, the Voivode of Podlasie, Mieczysław Kazi- mierz Baszko, the Vice-Marshal of Podlasie, Józef Piotr Klim, a member of parliament, and Anna Ratowska, a representative of the Ministry of Health.


The audience was listening and posing questions. The subject matter was so extensive and thought-provoking, that the doctor promised to reintroduce it.

The lecture, “ The headways in diabetes management based on incretin medicines”, was delivered by dr.hab. Mariusz Jasik from the Warsaw University of Medicine.

The professional cook’s knife sharpened, a smile… and we are ready to be preparing the first course!

We served a royal menu indeed – a refined dinner of three courses, prepared by as many as six remarkable chefs. The entrée was pumpkin cream soup, interlaced with some droplets of cold pressed pumpkin oil funded by Szarłat company, which was cooperatively cooked by An- drzej Bauman, the Chairman of the Board of the PSD, and dr. Pacior- kowski, a coordinator of the “Szkoła Cukrzycy” program.

The chairman of the Board of the PSD Andrzej Bauman, and Andrzej Paciorkowski M.Sc.D., attentively attended by the Master of Ceremony Dariusz Szada-Borzyszkowski, were preparing pumpkin cream soup. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie



Pork loin on Antonovka apples – this culinary composition was performed by the noteworthy duet of the politicians from our Pod- lasie. The liaison over the pots appeared to be more than fl avour- some in effect, so the guests asked for seconds with much pleasure.

For the second course we offered: pork loin on Antonovka apples, puree made of lentils, and colourful salad with sauce vinaigrette and cold pressed flax seed oil sponsored by Szarłat company. The delicacies were kindly prepared by Mieczysław Kazimierz Baszko, the Vice-Marshal of Podlasie, and Józef Piotr Klim, a member of parliament in Poland. The dishes were lined with cold pressed oils since they are both scrumptious, and nutritious in respect of essential fats..

And, the dessert presented was plums in dark chocolate. This responsible errand was completed by Maciej Żywno, the Voivode of Podlasie, and Marek Siudym, a famous TV and theatre actor. .

Even during staging of cooking, one can be posing to photos and giving an interview on impressions of “Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’”, to Elżbieta Korczyńska, a radio reporter of the “Trójka”, who runs the cyclic programme “Na wyciągnięcie ręki”.


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In order, the artistic dessert, performed by “Sarakin” band, astounded Warsaw audience with their jazz-folk varia- tions on Chopin. The newly arranged music of the maestro, enriched the atmosphere, during which the instrumentalists proved, that classical music may be well received in modern and attention-holding a manner.

A conversation in the lobby… Anna Ratowska from the Ministry of Health, and Henryk Ochniak, a diabetes consultant in the PSD.

The diabetics from the capital city, and local boroughs, were highly appreciative towards this form of popularising knowledge, in respect of leading healthy life-style. Even so, the idea, it all developed from, was bringing tradition and contemporaneousness together. Our intention was to combine the pleasant with the useful, entertainment and education, enjoyable getting together and prophylaxis, all in one in the course of healthy and full of flavour dinning. You are more than welcome to be our guests.

Everyone savoured the food served, whereas Walentyna Rakiel-Czarnecka, the director of the Re- gional Masovian Tourism Organisation, asked for a recipe so as to make pork loin on Antonovka apples herself.

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DePe vocal band conducted by Grzegorz Perkowski

Danuta Pawłowska M.Sc.D., reassured us, that frozen fruit and vegetables are thoroughly essential in diabetic diet.

It was another extraordinary meeting. New guests, curious, but somewhat anxious, they proceeded to their seats… The “Thursday Dinner at Diabetics’” was commenced with a concert of DePe vocal band. It was an enthralling performance of young people, who on the strength of their gust and enthusiasm induced unflawed atmosphere, giving ground to the further artistic and educational interchanges… The culminating point of the evening was when cooking took place. The menu presented with kutia, full of poppy seed, nuts, figs, and almonds, then vegetable salad, fish roasted under colourful bedding, and plums in dark chocolate. There was three chefs on this occasion. Those, who attended the pans and pots were: Wojciech Dzierzgowski, the Vice-Voivode of Podlasie, Tadeusz Truskolaski, the President of Białystok, and the priest Andrzej Dębski. The aprons with printed logos of our “Diabetes and Health”, and “Thursday Dinners at Diabetics’” became them. And, the dishes they managed were undeniably palatable. The closing stage of the evening was when we all expressed our gratitude, and applauded. We are contented, that our attempts and efforts not only broaden the knowledge of diabetes far afield, but also give rise to more wholesome spirits. Warmly smiling faces, shaking of hands, showing thankfulness is what evinces the sought after recognition. Tradition and contemporaneousness, yesterday time and today moment, and the principal of matters – health, which is unchangeably actual notwithstanding time and space. Compiled by. Agnieszka Kierznowska

Three of honourable chefs, Wojciech Dzierzgowski, the Vice-Voivode of Podlasie, Tadeusz Truskolaski, the President of Białystok, and the priest Andrzej Dębski – charmed out delectable dishes of royal uprightness.


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The priest Andrzej Dębski was the one, who opened the cooking, and prepared fish roasted under colourful bedding.

GET-TOGETHERS The President Tadeusz Truskolaski single-handedly treated guests with kutia repleted with poppy seed and nuts. The traditional taste of childhood, and home atmosphere, was peculiarly favourably received by Tadeusz Kulikowski, the Mayor of Goniądz.

Wojciech Dzierzgowski, the Vice-Voivode of Podlasie, prepared a delicious dessert – frozen plums dipped in hot dark chocolate. The guests were looking forward to be served such a delectable dish. .

The vegetable salad made by Tadeusz Truskolaski, the President of Białystok, was what attracted the attention of media, particularly the reporter of TVP Białystok – Dorota Kuc.

The Marshal of Podlasie Voivodship, Mieczysław Kazimierz Baszko did not disap- point anyone as a rule. Today, he arrived to attend the Thursday Dinner as a gour- mand, and most probably he was drawn to pry how others would “contend” in the kitchen…

The guests from Augustów, Białystok, Bielsk Podlaski, Grajewo, Goniądz, Mońki, and Sokółka were pleased indeed. Rounds of applause resounded… Cukrzyca a Zdrowie



Rewarding is a value of its own accord They say, that the beneficiaries promote their pockets, while the benefactors satisfy hearts. Dedicating purifies and brings joy. Giving someone an Angel with Energy we give twofold- protec tion, and wings of inspiration ...

A NGELS for A NGELS The editorial team of the medical magazine „Diabetes and Health” ascertained a continued tribute to individuals and institutions, who uni quely support diabetes patients. The tribute is Angels ...

The Prizes of the Editorial Team 1. The principal idea of the „Angels for Angels” prize is to distinguish merits of individuals, businesses and institutions, who outstandingly have managed to enrich life quality of diabetes experienced pa tients, contribute to social awareness of the disease, and foster mutual understanding, acceptance and solidarity towards the diabetes stricken. 2. The prize is appointed by the Editorial Team of the „Diabetes and Health’’ magazine. 3. The prize is decided respectively to the following categories: a) BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS, that distinctively support diabetes experienced persons b) HEALTH SERVICE WORKFORCE, who are there on mission to serve diabetes diagnosed patients c) MEDIA AND JOURNALISTS, that advocate social and medicinal education in the line of diabetes disease d) PUBLIC FIGURES, who are unusually sensitive in relation to diabetes stricken, are personally invo lved and committed in aid of change for the better 4. The Editorial Team may resolve a Special Prize, apart from the categories, to pay recognition to any well-deserved contributions, that might happen to come to pass 5. The prize is a wooden sculptured statuette of an „Angel with Energy”, the creator of which is Aleksander Grzybek 6. The prizes are awarded once yearly 7. Sylwetki nagrodzonych prezentowane są w magazynie medycznym „Cukrzyca a Zdrowie”.


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W� �isc�� � � �n�h�n ��n� �i�e� � na � � ��... ONE OF SEQUENTIAL STOPS IN THE OPEN, namely a day off reserved for Masuria... Ziemio mazurska! Tyś mi jest magnesem Kiedy tu przyjeżdżam – przepadam z kretesem. Nie chce mi się wracać, bo kiedy to robię Znów planuję wyjazd – bo tęsknię po tobie. Ciągnie mnie do jezior, do lasów zielonych Do pól biwakowych, licznie rozproszonych. W terenach gościnnych, gdzie brzask dzień zaczyna Jest świerzop i gryka, jest też dzięcielina. Choć nie wiem, jak wygląda, lecz ją tu umieszczam Sławiona jest przecież przez naszego wieszcza. Musiał mieć na myśli właśnie te tereny Bo gdy w wolnej chwili tutaj przyjedziemy Wszystko nam się zgadza: przyrodą wspaniałą Można oko napaść – tutaj echo grało W odpowiedzi na zachwyt, naszym gromkim głosem, Tu po staropolsku częstują bigosem. A znamy ten przepis, co to w słowach trudno

Oddać smak przepyszny, wygląd i woń cudną. Kwaszona kapusta, jarzyny, mięsiwo Sprawia, że dokładki pochłaniamy żywo, Zagryzając chlebem swojskim, na zakwasie, Zdając sobie sprawę po niejakim czasie, Że uczty czas minął - i tylko na koniec Wokół nas powietrze aromatem zionie Bigosu oczywiście i kwiatków dokoła, Bo już na wycieczkę przyroda nas woła. Prosimy rodzinę oraz licznych gości Na spacer po lesie – tak dla zdrowotności. Tu przerwę, lecz ton ten utrzymam. Wszystkim się zdawało, że słyszą muzykę: To nam w duszach grało! Andrea

foto: Marek Tomaszuk



MAŁGORZATA KALICIŃSKA PREFERS THE HEARTH AND HOME RATHER THAN HIGH LIFE GLAMOUR Małgorzata Kalicińska, a writer, the author of the bestseller cycles “Nad rozlewiskiem”, is interviewed by Monika Zawadzka, and investigated on cooking, eating patterns, and healthy life-style. In the book “Fiołki na trzepaku”, you intro- duce readers with the memoirs of your chil- dhood. The depiction you presented sugge- sts, that it was time of carefreeness and en- joyment, as well as occupied with duties,at any rate moments so unlike to today world of young persons. - Only just now, I realise it, how impor- tant a stage my childhood was. What I instantly associate it with is vacation time I spent here, here in the local villa- ge Szafranki in the vicinity of Goniądz. It was exceptional years in my life. My mother was a teacher, hence she had two months of statutory holiday. All this long periods we passed in the countryside. We worked equally in the field, as in the garden. Undeniably, it was an uncommon school of life. I gained expe- rience of many a disposition, what proved to be worthwhile later on in adulthood. It was these very days in the village when I le- arned to attend duties first, and then take li- berty of leisureliness. I really held dear this blissful feeling when after given arduous labo- uring we took our blankets, and headed by the river to lie and relax. Actually, it was the way so as to be able to combine the pleasant with the useful. It rendered me well-ordered, and organised, what makes my life easier in return. Be as it may, I do not like the city, and I am very eager so as to finish the house construction, and move away from the urban hustle and bustle. Then, I would spend any of my spare time there where I feel at best. I plan to unreservedly leave Warsaw behind me, and settle in rural area. If I am to travel to the capital it would not be much frequent.


Cukrzyca a Zdrowie

INTERVIEW It is what will take place in the forthcoming future, whereas at present, you are simply fated to live in Warsaw. So, what is the life-style you lead at this point? - One of common middle-class means. I mind it to adjust to the rhythm of the milieu, but not specificallyseriously. Instead, I dedicate to the most basic and utmost imperative matters for me: giving birth to my children, bringing them up, and creating decent home for them. I always met my satisfaction in female concerns. I invariably fulfil myself performing the only too elementary household chores. I certainly not surge for changes, or impressive adventures. In its place, I favour ordinary existence in the course of which I can apprehend a multitude of my small valuable sensations. In truth, it is something of greatest essence from my perspective.

What is your standpoint in respect of physical activity? Do you do any sport yourself? - No, I do not. I am a typical “homebody”. The choicest point in time I remember was the maternity and paternity leave. I found it irresistible to accord with motherhood. The days I spent with my children, was when I developed patience, and sensitivity, simply by virtue of authentic love. As regards sport… I always joked, that it is bad for me. There was one occasion when I went for aerobic classes, and I happened to drill so hard, that only sweat run, breath escaped, and I decided so as not to follow up the feat ever again. No, it was never mycup of tea. Possibly, if I trained more systematically, I would find it any pleasurable. So far, I have not. Therefore, walking can be one of alternatives. The characters from your books every so often stroll along the Rozlewisko… - In my opinion, having a walk down a city is substantially nonsensical. It cannot be compared to pacing on foot along a village, on the way to a forest, or meadows for instance. Environment shapes thinking, even mentality. Village relieves to slow down, so as not to chase life, but to charge with positive energy found the- re. During such a solitary walking, more sagacious reflections come to mind, problems and difficulties ease. Walking in Warsaw may merely distress, since there is no ground for silence, and fresh air. It is not any diffe- rent in the parks, where traffic noise still reverberates, and the common is all over crowded. This way, or ano- ther, any peaceful moments must sooner or later come to an end in the street. Whereas, the delight of nature is in scents, wind, landscapes. It is what becomes a part of us, and lives within us ever after. And, it is coun- tryside that offers it.

Cukrzyca a Zdrowie


INTERVIEW On account of “Dom nad Rozlewiskiem”, the sequential books, and now the popular sitcom, you became fairly fa- mous. A significant turn. Today, you need to share out your time for public meetings, interviews, campaigns. How we- ighty bearing has this recognition on your everyday life? How exactly did you manage to get accustomed to it? - The popularity, the publicity, and related responsibilities, certainly reordered the previous currents, what many a time gave rise to intense maelstroms. Nonetheless, one thought unvaryingly requested my mind, actually a prudence voiced by my mother: If life fondles your lot, do not say it tires you, but present a smile accepting it. It might be once-in-the-lifeti- me. At present, life caresses me enormously, almost kills me with kindness, but I do not dare to have a word of compla- int! I cannot deny, that it is demanding, or onerous. Howe- ver, celebrity necessitates its price. And, I simply face it as na- tural and understandable, that I have to be travelling a great deal, and learning new endeavours I am not experienced of. Do you prefer solitude, or companionship instead? - I used to be sociable, indeed, but I needed to change in attitude towards regular get-togethers with other people. Today, I am more likely to appreciate serene evenings I spend with my partner. In fact, reading books and scrabble is what I favour far more than attending parties being their „attraction”. Definitely, quietness at home is of no contest in view of grooving somewhere outdoors. What was the reason behind the changes? - Actually, I do not know. In basic terms, I ceased to enjoy discos, or New Year bashes. In time, I abstained from social gatherings. In its place, I turned to value those cosy, relaxed, and dearer relationships with people. And, such bondsis what requires intimate surroundings. The atmosphere ofpublic venues defies it. Consequently, I prefer private engagements, during which I can have a talk with a friend, or thedaughter. Beyond doubt, ballrooms and dress without backis not my taste by any means. May I ask why don’t you drink coffee? - Because, I do not like it. I do not have to be using the stimulant. In case I need to fuel myself with some energy I am able to do this without the substance. 56

Cukrzyca a Zdrowie

Green tea as a substitute conceivably? - Yes, please! When I was in Japan, I run mad after green tea in any form imaginable. It is the country where the opportunity of exploring the plant is unmatched. In order,Southern Korea is the nation where one can find exceptionally unique varieties of tea, for instance those made of roasted rice grains, or concocted out of smoked herbal leaves. I try to familiarise with any tea assortment I happen to come across, however experimenting is what I generally avoid. Then again, chilled drinks are my favourite still. - While we are about it… I would like to draw attention to what we serve our children. More often than not we treat them with these unhealthy, coloured and carbonated drinks, whereas reviving the tradition of stewed fruits could be pretty rewarding. The home-made beverages are more wholesome, as well as fla- voursome, except they require some certain effort. After all, fruit must be collected, washed, cooked, and placed in jars… whereas any pitiful drink can bought in any shop given. It is the way how convenience wins through, at health expense of course. It should not be so in the respect, since anyone is able to conjure up some miracle tastes in the kitchen, and restore aura of old times.

INTERVIEW What cuisine would you single out, traditional, or some other more fanciful? - One, which is as much jumbled as is in the cards, combined out of everything what I like and recognise. Nevertheless, I make the condition, that it is not to be mo- lecular gastronome, either not fusion one, since I do not quite understand all the raptures over these oddities. However, I must admit, that my dishes fix mixtures from the four corners of the world. It is why I may well serve Rus- sian dumplings or any Korean elements. Mediterranean features is what I also welcome. I try to remain open and invariably curious. These days, healthy eating is widely promoted. Do you yourself pay attention to food and cooking?

Then, is the kitchen the place of your exact preference? - I coined an expression, which is mine, and which, I will guard to the last: Even though I am 53 years old I am still a nursing mother. It was always true, it is true now, and will be true ever. I am passionate about pretraw. paring meals, and feel really miserable when there is no one around I can cook for. This in fact is what causes the problem, that I do know how to cook in small measu- res, just as for one dinner only. It is essentially me and my partner now. Before the children left the nest, cooking was occasions of creativity as well as added productivity. It was impossible to cook sauerkraut stew in a small volu- me, or broth for one go simply. It is beyond my imagina- tion. What can be prepared in a small amount is scram- bled eggs, period. I grow very happy when my broods, or friends announce their visits. It means, that I can cook to a large extent. The kitchen is absolutely my space.

- I am pretty mindful what I eat and what I serve. It is equally important for me to have it flavoursome and healthful. Though, the present mainstream ECO orientation seems to me to be some exaggeration. In actual fact, it is somewhat pestering. Tracking shops, selecting producers, investigating ingredients is plainly time-consuming. Moderation is the answer in any circumstances thinkable. Some self-reliance altogether. Life is supposed to be pleasing rather than shadowing of calories or ecology. - At the moment, the question of soya bothers me a little. It appears to me to be as furtive as unhealthy. Fortunately, I do not use it much, but some people they do. Naturally cultivated soya is salubrious, but the modified tends to be corrupted… It is worthwhile to examine the subject and shape one’s opinion. I am on the point of doing it myself. What is your personal formula which translates into healthy life-style? - I reckon, that each one of us should be in tune with one- self. We all are meant to follow inner voice and respect gi- ven actual needs. It is called healthy egoism to know what is suitable and satisfying, and what is not. Everyone is re- sponsible for oneself. Hence, the moment we afford phy- sical and mental comfort is when we can share with the world. Thank you for the conversation. Cukrzyca a Zdrowie


ALLEGRO MA NON TROPPO Life, you’re beautiful (I say) you just couldn’t get more fecund, more befrogged or nightingaily, more anthillful or sproutspouting. I’m trying to court life’s favor, to get into its good graces, to anticipate its whims. I’m always the first to bow, always there where it can see me with my humble, reverent face, soaring on the wings of rapture, falling under waves of wonder. Oh how grassy is this hopper, how this berry ripely rasps. I would never have conceived it if I weren’t conceived myself! Life (I say) I’ve no idea what I could compare you to. No one else can make a pine cone and then make the pine cone’s clone. I praise your inventiveness, bounty, sweep, exactitude, sense of order – gifts that border on witchcraft and wizardry. I just don’t want to upset you, tease or anger, vex or rile. For millennia, I’ve been trying to appease you with my smile. I tug at life by its leaf hem: will it stop for me, just once, momentarily forgetting to what end it runs and runs?

Translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh 58

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