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Textile factories produce 90% of Haitian exports

Real wages in Haiti declined



Between 1980 and 1990

Over 50%


Unemployment in crowded urban cities such as Port-auPrince was as high as

50 Percent

Hope I & Hope II Trade bills require yearly certification that Caribbean countries are complying with World Bank Policies


Of the $1billion Haitian budget is derived of foreign aid

Structural adjustment programs implemented in the


in an effort to open up Haiti’s economy further to foreign investment

Haiti is considered the poorest country


Nixon administration agrees to provide political support for the ruling dictatorship in return for the implementation of incentives to attract U.S. investors.


The U.S. begins to mold Haiti into a low-wage, export-friendly economy by using its political influence and development assistance programs


in the Western Hemisphere

Structural adjustment programs included the privatization of utilities and the removal of all state subsidies Structural adjustment program shifted focus from producing food for domestic market to producing for export Elimination of tariffs led to the importation of cheap goods, such as rice which led to the elimination of domestically grown rice Haiti’s wealth is usually distributed amongst Haitian elites who are mostly white, mulattoes and descendants of Immigrants

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