Ukrainian culture

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A brief diary-record about Competition and External programs films at the Third OIFF


The city where cinema was born, and the city created for cinema

Ukrainian Culture #7 (1003), 2012 Vasylkivska St. 1, Kyiv, 03040 +38 (044) 498-23-61 Edition: 2000

The magazine has been publishing since June 1921 Founder: The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine Publisher: State Enterprise «National newspaper and magazine publishing» 03040, Kyiv, Vasylkivska Str., 1; tel. +38 (044) 498-23-64

The phrase «the life is like a film» is very often to be heared. But after visiting the OIFF-2012 I’ve changed this phrase for something like this: you should live in your own frame in life and in the movie. Staying at the film festival in Odessa, which is rightly perceived as a separate state with its vivid personalities and their own laws, our editorial primarily visited Odessa Film Studio where the film culture of Ukraine has been created.

General director: Olesya Bilash Editorial board: Olesya Bilash, Victor Pasak, Maxim Budarin, Victor Vecherskiy, Elena Voronko, Olga Darybogova, Oksana Ionova, Larysa Lebedivna, Ivan Mechkov, Larisa Nikiforenko, Elena Cherednichenko, Mikhailo Shved, Igor Gyrych, Lyudmila Gnatiuk, Olga Golynska, Alla Pidluzhna, Natalia Potushnyak

This studio has a leadership in the numerous of movies, the world known artists started their career here. It was at Odessa Film Studio Dovzhenko shot his first film, and nowadays this studio is associated with the name of Kira Muratova — perhaps the most famous director in Ukraine. We managed to get exclusive photos from the archives of the oldest film studio in Ukraine and we present them in this UC issue. We also got to know a lot of interesting historical aspects about studio life.

Chief еditor: Oksana Gayduk The issue has been worked out by: Yana Levytska, Oksana Gayduk, Oksana Zhenzhera, Larysa Goncharenko, Kateryna Kot Authors: Anita Grabska, Yana Levytska, Oksana Gayduk, Oksana Ostrovska, Anton Filatov, Igor Bondar-Tereshchenko, Anna Zhuravska, Olexiy Gavrylenko, Olena Malyarenko, Olexander Moskalets, Olexander Gusev Cover photos are provided by the National Center of Olexander Dovzhenko (Ukrainian) and the OIFF Press Service (English) 1 cover — Frame from the film by O.Dovzhenko «Earth» 4 cover — Geraldine Chaplin. American and British actress, Charlie Chaplin's daughter Distribution, subscription, advertisement: +38 (044) 498-23-64, +38 (050) 310-56-63 Official registration licence of the media organisation: CR № 1118 from 08.12.1994 The printery: «Publishing and Printing Company «Express Polygraph», LLC 04080, Kyiv, Str., Frunze, 47B, Bldg. 2, tel. +38 (044) 417-25-93 Signed for publication on: July 5, 2012

Odessa International Film Festival became an outstanding event not just for the city but also for every Ukrainian who is in love with cinema. The city has turned to Ukrainian Cannes for nine days. The main this year innovation at OIFF is the viewers voting that determines who gets the Grand Prix — «Golden Duke» statuette — in the main International Competition. The grandiose OIFF event was the open-air show of the legendary «Earth» on Langeron descent — the silent film of 1930, the best Olexander Dovzhenko movie that usually is considered to be one of the most important films of the Soviet era along with «Potemkin Ironclad» by Sergiy Eisenstein and «Man with Movie Camera» by Dzyga Vertov. According to the OIFF tradition the demonstration of the film from the golden fund of world cinema took place on the open-air at Potyomkin Stairs. This year it was Charlie Chaplin and his «City Lights». Silent film, shot by Chaplin in the early era of sound films, was one of the major events of world cinema and inspired geniuses of different generations, from Orson Welles and Federico Fellini to Woody Allen. The most part of our issue is dedicated to the movie topic. We also present materials about the First Kyiv Biennale of Contemporary Art ARSENALE 2012, which is a real breakthrough, the biggest art event in the cultural life of our country. In the July issue read the special exclusive for «Ukrainian culture»: the annotation of new books that will be presented at the Lviv Book Fair; analysis the modern place of translated literature and the role of translation in Ukrainian cultural space; the first large-scale festival to Grygoriy Skovoroda anniversary is announced; and also a lot of interesting events of cultural and artistic life are written about. Dear readers! Meet the new issue and feel free to live in your own frame, because life is just like movie.

Oksana Gayduk, Chief Editor of «Ukrainian Culture»











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ALINA OSTROVA, THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARTS IN THE STATE INSTITUTION «THE STATE LIBRARY OF UKRAINE FOR YOUTH»: Ukrainian culture — is a national culture, people’s culture, and it is the basis of professional science, literature and art.

ANTON LIRNYK, SHOWMAN, SCREENWRITER: Ukrainian culture — is a literature (it’s not much of it, but there’s not much Polish literature too, isn’t it?), is music (it’s not much of it too, but: look previous section), is dances (as much as in other nations). Let’s add some more things that are difficult to be expressed by words. And nobody knows what we can do with this. We should ask Polish, what if they know.

KAPRANOV BROTHERS, WRITERS: Ukrainian culture — is the way of existence of Ukrainian people. From everyday life and morality to the art and dreams.


SERGIY KOSTETSKY, DANCER: Ukrainian culture — is the creative wealth of Ukraine, in my opinion. The way creative people sacrifice for art, live in art and make something extraordinary and beautiful that raises the cultural level of Ukrainians. Every nation has a centuries culture, we must know, appreciate and be proud of our. Respecting and supporting national traditions, we get stronger in our patriotism and get proud we are Ukrainians.

MAX PAPERNYK, THE DIRECTOR: Your question is not to be answered correctly. There is an absurdist play «Waiting for Godot». Everybody waits for Godot, but no one knows who he is and how he looks. Ukrainian culture is in the same place: everybody writes and speaks about it but nobody knows correctly what it is. You’ll throw me with stones and say: «We have Lina Kostenko, Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainian, and Honchar, and Lysenko, and Dovzhenko and Bohdan Stupka». But all Ukrainian culture comes to wide trousers, embroidered shirts, hopak and dumplings in the practice. Although I do like Mariya Bashkyrtseva whose works adorn the museums of Paris and St. Petersburg, but noone promotes THIS layer of culture, and I’m afraid just few of us know about it. I'm sorry, it’s more than one sentence.

When one cares not only for his dinner, but also for what Ukrainian community is tomorrow, how to live and what are the values!

OLEG CHORNYY, PRODUCER: Ukrainian culture — hopefuly it’s my children’s future!

DENIS SYLANTYEV, HONORED MASTER OF SPORTS, WORLD CHAMPION, EUROPEAN CHAMPION IN SWIMMING: Ukrainian culture — is to know the history of Ukraine, its traditions and customs. You must always remember that you represent your country, and your behavior, what you say and what you do is the face of your country. Each nation has its own mentality. Ukraine is welcoming, beautiful and generous country. And people living here are the same.

IVAN HMILYOVSKY, ICONOGRAPHER: Ukrainian culture — is a huge layer of centuries-old skills, abilities, household and professional traditions of our people and even spiritual state that forms and defines us as Ukrainians. It’s impossible to describe the variety of Ukrainian culture in two words of «blitz» formate. Ukrainian culture is probably a list of habitual and cherished things for every Ukrainian since his childhood.


SERGIY ANTONYUK, KIFF PRODUCER Ukrainian culture — first of all these are persons who epitomize high spirituality, professionalism, persons who young people want to be like. The combination of ethnicity and contemporary — these are the trends today. They must be skillfully combined and actively promoted in the country and all around the world, what we try to do. I would like the Ministry of Culture took active part in providing events and activities.




Lots of rumors and legends have always extended around Odessa Film Studio. During the reign they were associated with Odessa «moving images», in the Soviet period — with original directors and actors, nowadays... with the resounding privatization of Odessa Film Studio. But there’s no history without legends. Generally acknowledged historian of cinema George Sadul and his «General History of Cinema» indicate that movie began in Paris and it was invented by Lumiere Brothers. But Odessa citizen, as usual, have their own true confirmed by facts




f you ask Odessa citizen where the first movie appeared you will get an answer — in Odessa of course! And it's not a joke. Two years before Lumiere Brothers invent cinema, chief engineer of Odessa (Novorosiysk those days) University Joseph Tymchenko becomes famous in Russia as Odessa inventor. He created the first motion-picture machine in summer 1893, shot two films, which were so-named «moving pictures»: «Rider that rides» and «The Spear thrower». He demonstrated them to Odessa audience at the hotel «France» in the corner of Derybasivska Street and Kolodyaz Lane in November. Some time later the invention was demonstrated at the All-Russian Congress of Naturalists in Moscow. Congress approved the invention and thanked Tymchenko. But noone guessed that the cinema was born and the invention should have been patented! Lumiere Brothers turned to be smarter in this regard... Proud Odessa citizen challenged not the fact of French invention of the cinema.

Odessa is a city where cinema was born, and the city created for cinema Peter Todorovsky, the director

Shooting of «The Venue Can’t Be Changed»

«Spring in Zarechna Street»

«D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers», the film frame



NINE DAYS WITHOUT SEA Odessa International Film Festival confirms his status as one of the main cultural events in the country. In this short festival blog you’ll find a brief report on the competition films and on the most interesting pictures of the external programs on the Third OIFF

JULY, 13th Between the morning press preview of the Opening Film and it’s eve premiere there was a number of pretty boring press conferences and the solemn Opening Ceremony stylized as a «Song of the Year». The Opening Film «Reality» by Matteo Garrone (Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival) at first seems no more than nice tragicomedy about the loser in the style of Italian neo-realism, but it quietly goes to the level of important cultural and philosophical generalizations. The hero of the movie imagines that TV-workers shadows him to find out if he deserves to participate the TV-show. That’s why he starts to run the charity. Garrone shows how in philistine’s mentality of modern society that loses faith, God’s place is taken by media whos fast-recognition people tries to achieve.

Opening Film «Reality», Matteo Garrone

JULY, 14th Secular fanfares of red carpets have already baged but the festival has not gained momentum yet: just one of competition films is shown, this is British «Broken» by Rufus Norris. This average and well-made melodrama conquered the audience by sentimental relationship troubles of some residents of the suburbs. Grand Prix was given by the audience voting this year and «Broken» who received 4,7 rating from the touched spectators won the Third OIFF. In Festival of Festivals section was shown «Clip» by Serbian director Maja Milos (the prize of Rotterdam International Film Festival). «Clip» is a film about a schoolgirl spendig time at the discos and in the gateways in the heat of alcohol and sexual experimentations. Unfortunately the story is very reliable and relevant for our latitudes.

International Competition «Broken», Rufus Norris, UK



THE ALTERNATIVE HISTORY OF CINEMA During the current season of historical and cultural amnesia that prevails in the minds of a wide audience in Ukraine, it is difficult to overestimate the educational role of television and cinema — the role meant by visionary Comrade Lenin as the most important of the arts in the case of any revolution. However, if you look at the current «revolution» in the current forms of educational television projects, you’ll be poorly comforted ...


ind of discussion about the appropriateness of the film adaptation of the literary and historical classics — only in the community of social networks in Internet and only few splashes in the media — was raised by two or three cult TV series, that were shown in UkraineRussian screens (these were «Master and Margaret» by V.Bortko and «Esenin» by I.Zaitseva), while the long-playing «Moscow Saga» by V.Aksenov novel and «Children of Arbat» by A.Rybakov epic were hardly noticed. Last large budget films directed by A.Malyukov received a low degree of discussions, particularly his «Match» in the genre of alternative history, not mentioning the loud slap to the national history quietly made in the action movie «We Are from the Future». In the «Match» the main character is the goalkeeper of Kyiv Dynamo of 1941, who was acted by ubiquitous Sergiy Bezrukov. Ukrainians are shown as traitors of the Soviet people and the nationalist forces are blamed ones again in the collaboration with the enemy, though modern judges and interpreters of history look like the pot that call the kettle black. Despite all the heroism of Kiev players who played the «death match» with a team of German troops, they still are «people enemies» to Soviet because of staying in the occupied territories during the war. And there’s no word about it in the film. Except that is noted that after the match all players were shot because they won the Germans. But it’s not the truth. Only a few of Dynamo players were punished in a year after the «death match», those were killed for the diversion on the bakery plant where they worked as handlers. Sport victories, as we see, don’t make the plot, the plot is in the party and even in the underground, because some of Kyiv Dynamo players were in the PCIA (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) ranks, and in the metropolitan police, and so on — it was impossible to play in the republic central command and stay unaffiliated.


Ukrainian insurgents of the 1940s in the film «We Are from the Future-2» look inadequate to the true history too. In the farcical role of forestry leader incidentally starred Ostap Stupka, who also played grotesque policeman in «Match», and if we correlate this «figurative» frequency with the permanent character of all historical and literary films and serials made by Sergiy Bezrukov, who played Esenin, Pushkin and Vysotsky, as we remember, the kind of tendency will be traced. The fact is that success of the film adaptation of anything classical, as Quentin Tarantino tested practice tells, depends not on the plot, script or even the cult author of a literary source. Success depends on the performer of the primary role. Coming back to the «We Are from the Future» we should note that this military field phantasmagoria about four young destroyers of mass graves who get in the past with the noise of the illustrative and patriotic propaganda, richly sins with misconstrues not in a favor of mass audience but in the favor of apostates who get blind on any lie about their history if the last is broadcasted by their favorite actor. Besides the brand method of postmodern cinema that flirts with the «alternative history» with Tarantino’s light hand (who has removed this topic movie «Inglourious Basterds» about American special forces warfare during France occupation in 1940s) continues exploitation of the leading actors in secondary characters, while thirdheroes tend to be played by celebrated actors. For example, such great actor as Tim Roth on the background of «reborn» and priority John Travolta in «Pulp Fiction», or even more marginal and not realy necessary to be Bruce Willis in «Four Rooms». In its turn RussianUkrainian film industry took the same intense course inviting at least a couple of stars on TV soap and cinematic campaigning and saving this way any serial bungling.

«SUMMER LITERATURE SCHOOL 2012» IN THE CARPATHIANS On the 3-18th of August 2012 «Summer Literature School 2012» in the Carpathians will be held for the third time. It traditionally is one of the most notable events in the literary process of Ukraine and this year it goes to the international level (foreign invited lecturers, writers).

Location: Yablunytsia village on the top of a mountain pass Yabluniv near Bukovel (Ivano-Frankivsk region).

During the summer literary school — this innovative project for Ukraine — writers, publishers, cultural managers will lead workshops, master classes, discussions. There are poetry readings, movie screenings on artistic subjects, a variety of role plays, workshops also in the program.

EVERYBODY GOES TO THE FAIR! From the 14th till 19th of August 2012 in Velyki Sorochyntsi village Myrgorod district Poltava region the National Sorochynsky Fair will be held. Official Opening on the 15th of August.

of Poltava province formation and 160 years since Mykola Gogol death.

Noteworthy events of this year are the 75th anniversary of Poltava region formation, 210 years

SEE YOU AT «3AXID 2012» August, the 17h–19h, Rodatychi village not far from Lviv at the recreation center «Solar Lawn» a festival «3AXID 2012»will be held. National level festival «3AXID» — is an unprecedented phenomenon, which pleases its guests with an original musical program and fun events — it’s going to incredible scale this year. The aim of the festival is to promote Ukrainian song and the propagation of active lifestyle and recreation.

Music styles during the three-day festival — are ethnic and rock. Each year the festival is attended by over fifty different musical groups and singers. Another zest of this action is the literary part, where guests have the opportunity to get acquainted with the modern Ukrainian literary word. So visit this event without fail to get great memories and dreams for the next 363 days,.

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL «ETNOVYR» August, the 22th– 26th, the International Festival «Etnovyr» invites to Lviv. There will be performances of colorful group s from different countries, the streets parade, entertainment and meals, dance workshops. Folklore Festival in Ukraine will gather at Market Square partici-


pants from Poland, Spain, Belarus, India and Turkey. During the festival at Market Square all teams participate the outdoors preparing their countries traditional dishes. Festival visitors will have the opportunity to try the original or even exotic dishes and experience the flavor of the coun-

tries-participants. The Fifth Jubilee Festival of Folklore «Etnovyr» will be held under the auspices of the International Council of Organizations for Folklore Festivals and Folk Art (CIOFF) of UNESCO and the International Organization of Folk Art (IOV). Organizer — is NGO «Etnovyr» with the support of Lviv City Council.

«FRANKO-FEST» WAS HELD IN LVIV In the native Ivan Franko village Nahuievychi the festival «Franko-fest» was held for the first time. Guests drew, read poems, set plays, played and sang there.

The wooden house where the poet grew up, became the heart of the festival. It was visited by a record number of tourists. After all, every day about 20 thousand people gathered in Nahuievychi. Guests from all Ukraine came to the holiday. Someone was coming daily from Lviv or Drohobych, and someone lived in tents near the forest.

Action was taking place at three grounds simultaneously. And viewers choose what they like. Franko word was heared from the scene during the literary readings and singers performances. Organizers have made the program in the way to show the versatility of the poet figure. At the «Franko-fest» he was shown not only like Stonemason-revolutionary, but also as a deep philosopher and romantic lyric.

«Those people are going to be different, they will be aware they are not alone, they will feel friend’s, comrade’s shoulder. They will know if it is difficult they can open Franko poems and it helps», — says Mykola Pohodzhay, the organizer of «Franko-fest».

Alena Matviychuk arrived to Nahuievychi up from Donetsk: «I realized that he had a strong intimate lyrics. These poems have so fragile, so delicate world, he writes very well about love» — says the member of «Franko-fest».

Organizers are convinced the holiday is succeeded, and partly of course is because of information about it spread in social networks and artistic media. The “Franko-fest» members say the are ready to go to such actions in other regions. After all, Ukraine is rich in majestic figures, whose creativity must be promoted.

«NEW WAVE». BRONZE FOR UKRAINE Nilufar Rasulmuhamedova (Nile), the participant of Ukrainian vocal show «Voice of the Country» won the international competition of young singers «New Wave-2012». In turn, the representative of Ukraine, finalist of the same show «Voice of the Country» Maria Yaremchuk won the third place and won the audience award. This creates an unprecedented situation when two participants of Ukrainian vocal show become winners of the prestigious international competition at once. Music producer and member of the «New Wave2012» jury Kostyantyn Meladze marked Mary’s performanc and said that she conquered the

competition judges: «No matter how the contest is over, the most important is that Mary got to the strongest three at the great international competition, this is a tremendous achievement. «New Wave» jury are great professionals, who see immediately that before them is not just a young performer, who sings well, but a girl who possesses qualities of a genuine popular actress. First of all, these are voice and vocal, the second — is a beautiful appearance, and the third one, the most important thing, is that she knows how to present herself to catch the viewer: a facial, plastic, voice possession and ability to induce both tears and joy».

KAZANTIP CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY In August 2012 Kazantip is special — Republic Z celebrates twenty years anniversary! Kazantip — is the only Ukrainian Music Festival, the fame of which has moved beyond Ukraine long ago. In the early 1990th it was held in the north-eastern part of the Crimea, on Kazantip Cape. Hence the name of the project. At first it was a sporting event that gathered windsurfing fans. It was accompanied by music. In the early 2000th «Kazantip» moved to the west of the Crimea, to Popovka, and was soon renamed to the «Republic Z». Every year Russians, Belorussians, Poles, Italians and Germans come to Kazantip. All are attracted by the atmosphere of serenity and, as Kazantip people say, the atmosphere of happiness. You won’t hear big names of famous DJs, but the various of electronic music will be sufficient. Kazantip suitable for those who can enjoy the warm Crimean sun and sea and get the positive charge.


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