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January 2013 • CULTURE 5


The Wrath of Pod

Adam Carolla rants about politics, his record-setting podcast and a certain plant On the cover: Photo by David Marcus

departments 10 Letter from the Editor Just say no—to your medicine cabinet. 12 News Nuggets Cannabis makes headlines here, there, everywhere—and we give you the scoop—PLUS our latest By the Numbers 20 Destination Unknown Let it snow, let it snow . . . in Encarnación, Paraguay! 22 Strain & Edible Reviews Our ever-popular sampling of amazing strains and edibles currently provided by your friendly neighborhood dispensary.

features 16 Small Victory An Alameda County judge dismantles the feds’ favorite eviction tactic. 18 Divide & Conquer New research suggests cannabis may work to treat bipolar disorder.

30 Profiles in Courage Our latest feature provides insight into the life—and struggle—of a medical cannabis patient near you. 32 Cool Stuff From the Barracuda Cone Filler to the WakaWaka Solar Lamp, if it’s a cutting-edge product or cool lifestyle gear, we’re all over it. 34 Shooting Gallery Here are the med-friendly things we saw you doing around town. 36 Recipes Let’s honor the spirit of MLK by enjoying culinary contributions from the South. 40 Entertainment Reviews The latest films, books, music and more that define our culture. 42 Let’s Do This Our wrap-up of some of NorCal’s coolest events.

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January 2013 • CULTURE 7

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January 2013 • CULTURE 9

letter from the editor

Vol 4 IssUE 7


Jeremy Zachary


Roberto C. Hernandez Editor-In-Chief


Roberto C. Hernandez

Managing Editor Lynn Lieu

Editorial Contributors

Dennis Argenzia, Omar Aziz, Sarah Bennett, Jacob Browne, David Burton, Michael Carlos, Grace Cayosa, Jasen T. Davis, Stacy Davies, Rev. Dr. Kymron de Cesare, Alex Distefano, David Downs, James P. Gray, Lillian Isley, David Jenison, Liquid Todd, Kevin Longrie, Meital Manzuri, Jane Mast, Sandra Moriarty, Damian Nassiri, Keller O’Malley, Paul Rogers, Jeff Schwartz, Lanny Swerdlow, Arrissia Owen


Steve Baker, Kristopher Christensen, John Gilhooley, Amanda Holguin, Khai Le, David Elliot Lewis, Mark Malijan Patrick Roddie, Michael Seto, Kim Sidwell


Truth or Consequences As you might guess, I spend quite a bit of time reading and looking for information about medical cannabis. Many times, I come across things that catch my eyes (President Obama’s “We’ve got bigger fish to fry” comments); things that really make me think (I recently interviewed a family that says a concentrated, non-psychoactive form of the plant saved their father from brain cancer) . . . and sometimes I read about things that really make my blood boil. It was an article with the dramatic headline of “Legal drugs, deadly outcomes.” It’s a startling, frame-by-frame account of doctors who knowingly prescribed legal (I can’t stress that enough) pharmaceutical drugs to addicts and junkies who were addicted to painkillers. In many cases, the doctors were clearly aware that their patients were addicts and/or were lying about injuries and pains so that they could get their prescriptions filled. The result? People died. Many, many people died. And we’re not talking about Tylenol with codeine here, folks. We’re talking about an epidemic of OxyContin, Vicodin and Xanax. Out of a total of 3,733 overdose deaths between 2006 and 2011, nearly half (47 percent, or 1,762) were from drugs for which the victim had a legal prescription. At one point, prescriptions from 71 doctors caused or contributed to nearly 300 deaths.

And yet the Drug Warriors and those that fight medical cannabis “tooth and nail” would lead us to believe that a green plant is the true scourge of society. Our patients suffer from real-deal illnesses, diseases and ailments. I’ve interviewed people suffering from Stage 4 cancer. I’ve made friends with people whose lives are crippled by pain and severe injuries. I know people with Crohn’s disease who say a plant that grows out of the ground provides them with precious relief. Do our patients OD? Let’s check the body count . . . nope. And yet those who oppose MMJ would like us to think that cannabis is the source of addiction, health problems . . . and death. Maybe those people need to pop a “reality” pill because the truth is, the real drug danger—like it or not—lies inside the medical cabinet. Prescription painkiller abuse led to a 129 percent increase in emergency room visits between 2004 and 2009, and a more than 500 percent increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addictions to opioids. And yet we have people who still think the biggest enemy to Western civilization is a plant that has been cultivated by the Chinese since Neolithic times. Make no mistake—medical cannabis is real. Our patients our real. Our industry is truly compassionate. And we have the facts and studies to back us up. And if you, President Obama, really have “bigger fish to fry,” then I’ve got just the “reality” pill for you. Don’t worry—it’s legal where I live. c

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January 2013 • CULTURE 11

to state officials involved in the banning outdoor cannabis cannabis—even the medical kind, according to SF Weekly. The licensing of marijuana retailers cultivation

The Concord City Council held a public forum last month to discuss a potential ban on growing cannabis outdoors, the Contra Costa Times reports. The issue was first brought to the city’s attention when a local resident complained that her neighbor, a patient, was growing cannabis outside and that the plant created an offensive odor that wafted onto her property. Police investigated and determined that the neighbor was growing cannabis within the Advocates to Sacramento: confines of state law. However, the city is considering Ease up on dispensary ban After being forced to close their banning outdoor cultivation doors by a countywide ordinance because it “creates a risk to public safety, since [its] value and visibility one year ago, a group of former encourage[s] trespass and theft, cannabis dispensary operators and medical cannabis advocates posing the risk of violence and lobbied the Sacramento County injury.” No firm decision was made, but the city council did pass the Board of Supervisors at its issue along to the city attorney for Dec. 11 meeting to ease the review. The council also stated that unilateral ban on all businesses it would review the cannabis ban that contradict federal law, The in place at nearby Moraga, possibly Sacramento Bee reports. The using it as a model. broadly-worded ordinance was passed last month amid a Public housing not wave of federal crackdowns on necessarily patientCalifornia cannabis businesses, and effectively led to the closure friendly It seems even Bay Area of thousands of dispensarie= residents aren’t safe from across Sacramento County. MMJ prejudice, despite what Over the summer, activists tried to initiate a ballot measure California law says. Public housing hasn’t taken kindly to eliminate the ban, but to patients, with at least one they fell short of the 42,231 signatures needed. At the board company (contracted to manage units and tenants) issuing meeting, the campaigners rules that strictly prohibit presented more than 30,000 signatures they had collected as supporting evidence. Activists argued that county officials should allow at least 22 cannabis retail outlets—one for every 25,000 residents—to operate within county lines. The board says it was “not prepared to take those actions.”


firm, The John Stewart Company, manages the Hunters View development in Hunters Point. Federal officials have previously said that public housing and landlords who accept Section 8 vouchers are not required to make “accommodations” for those who use cannabis.


use cannabis.

Senate to discuss state cannabis legalization

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) plans to hold a hearing this year to discuss federal policy in the light of Colorado and Washington’s cannabis legalization. In a letter to Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske, the senator asks for clarification on the issue stating, “How does the Office of National Drug Control Policy intend to prioritize Federal resources, and what recommendations are you making to the Department of Justice and other agencies in light of the choice by citizens of Colorado and Washington to legalize personal use of small amounts of marijuana?” He goes on to ask, “What assurance can and will the administration give

that they will not face Federal criminal penalties for carrying out duties assigned to them under state law?” Leahy finishes his letter urging to “resolve the differences between federal and state law” and to “end the uncertainty.” He recommends the amendment of the Federal Controlled Substances Act to allow possession of up to one once of cannabis where it is legal under state law.

Illinois representative pushes for MMJ legalization

In the wake of the November election, a member of the Illinois state House of Representatives is pushing a bill to legalize the cannabis for medicinal purposes. U.S. Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie) has drafted similar legislation previously, but to no avail. He is confident, however, that he has now secured the votes to

Concord considers

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approve the legislation when it comes to a vote this month. “Nobody should fear the bill,” Lang told Patch. “This is about quality of life for people.” If passed, Bill 0030 would make Illinois the 19th state to legalize MMJ, including the most recent additions to that list: Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.

Arizona Attorney Ready to Fight

Maricopa County Lawyer Bill Montgomery is planning to petition the state Court of Appeals, so that the state’s medicinal cannabis law will be rendered temporarily unconstitutional. According to Arizona Central, his intentions became clear after a Superior Court judge denied Montgomery’s request to stay or suspend the ruling, allowing dispensaries to operate in the state so long as they provide zoning documentation. Arizona has already opened two dispensaries in Sun City and Tucson, with a third licensed for Cochise.

THE WORLD Britain’s Parliament calls for cannabis legalization

After a year-long study, the senior members of Parliament called for the legalization of cannabis. It also suggests looking at decriminalization of drugs such as heroin. The ministers’ recommendation came in a report from Parliament’s Home Affairs Committee. According to the MPs, the UK’s current approach isn’t working. The committee suggests government fund detailed research efforts into “the overall costs and benefits of cannabis legalization,” according to The Sun. The committee also urges Prime Minister David Cameron to set a Royal Commission to review all options before the next election. The year-long study included witness accounts including comic and former heroin addict Russell Brand.

by the numbers





The amount of dried cannabis (in ounces) that two Sonoma County supervisors were pushing to establish as a new limit: 8 (Source: The Press Democrat).


The total number of cannabis plants allowed by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors since 2006: 30 (Source: Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana).


The amount of dried cannabis (in pounds) allowed by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors since 2006: 3 (Source: Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana).


The number of mature cannabis plants that two Sonoma County supervisors were pushing to establish as a new limit: 6 (Source: The Press Democrat).


The number of immature cannabis plants that two Sonoma County supervisors were pushing to establish as a new limit: 12 (Source: The Press Democrat).

The percentage of people who think states should determine whether or not to legalize cannabis: 59 (Source:


The percentage of people who think the federal government should determine whether or not to legalize cannabis: 34 (Source:


The number of “likes” an Instagram photo of Rihanna holding a large cannabis cigarette generated: 205,000 (Source: The Hamilton Spectator)

The number of comments an Instagram photo of Rihanna holding a large cannabis cigarette generated: 7,000 (Source: The Hamilton Spectator)

Percentage of people who supported medical marijuana: 83 (Source: CBS News poll)


The percentage of Democrats who supported legalization: 51 (Source: CBS News poll).


The percentage of Republicans who supported legalization: 27 (Source: CBS News poll).

Mike Epps With a professional career that started with HBO’s Def Comedy Jam in the mid’90s, Mike Epps is not only a stand-up comedian— this actor, producer, rapper and writer is, hands down, famous for bringing the most memorable lines to any movie or TV special he appears in. From playing “Black Doug” in The Hangover to acting as Ice Cube’s cousin Day-Day in Next Friday, Epps is known to provide the funny in many top Hollywood features. Releasing songs with the titles “Big Girls” and “Trying to Be a Gangsta,” it’s impossible for Epps to shy away from his funny-guy business even in the world of music. He first appeared in the public eye as a comedian and remains very successful at this trade—his 2006 TV series for HBO entitled Inappropriate Behavior was ranked as one of the top one-hour specials of the year. So, before you start bitchin‘ and moanin‘ about when the next (and last?) Friday sequel is going to be released (because you can never get enough Day-Day Jones), check out Epps, armed with a mic and dangerous.



The number of states that have adopted laws that deny students federal financial aid for one year if they are convicted of cannabis possession: 28 (Source:

What: Mike Epps. When/Where: Feb. 8 at the Paramount Theater, 2025 Broadway, Oakland. Info: Tickets $47.50$79.50. Go to www. or call (800) 745-3000.

January 2013 • CULTURE 15


The Right Ruling A Harborside case suggests the feds cannot force landlords to evict dispensaries {By Philip Dawdy} In what has to count as one of the biggest court rulings concerning medical cannabis in California this past year, an Alameda County Superior Court judge ruled last month that the landlords of Harborside Health Center’s Oakland facility could not evict the world’s largest dispensary. The judge found that Harborside was following the Golden State’s MMJ law and that the landlord has no power to enforce federal law “I think it was tremendous victory,” says Steve DeAngelo, Harborside’s executive director. “The ruling protects Harborside and every other dispensary in California that’s stated its purpose

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on its business license.” California dispensaries have been plagued over the past year with repeated efforts by the state’s four U.S. Attorneys to shut them down by threatening build-

ing owners with seizure of their property unless they kick out their tenants. The method has succeeded in shuttering hundreds of dispensaries in California, particularly in the Los Angeles area. Civil

Paradigm Shift In regards to the Harborside case, one longtime cannabis defense attorney thinks he detects a shift in judges’ thinking. “I see a trend among some judges that they are just fed up with marijuana cases,” says Jeffrey Steinborn, a NORML board member and Seattle-based attorney whose defended cannabis cases for 40 years. “They see what’s hurting society and what isn’t and marijuana isn’t harming anyone. In the old days, they usually put their thumb on the scales of justice against us just because it was about pot. That’s changing. I’m going to take an optimistic posture on this one.”

forfeiture threats have also been used by U.S. Attorneys in Colorado and Washington in recent months as well, resulting in dozens of closures in those states. In Harborside’s case, Melinda Haag, U.S. Attorney for California’s Northern District, said in a July statement that the move was “part of our measured effort to address the proliferation of illegal marijuana businesses.” By Haag’s yardstick, Harborside was too big to not be illegal under California law, so she would use federal forfeiture laws to fix that. Harborside’s Oakland and San Jose locations made a reported $27 million in revenue in 2011. Last July, Haag’s office began civil forfeiture proceedings against Harborside’s two landlords, who responded with eviction orders. Harborside took their landlords to court and, for the moment, would appear to be able to continue operations in Oakland. In the San Jose case, Harborside recently lost a ruling in that case and will now take it to trial next year. But now it appears there might be a chink in the feds’ approach given the Oakland outcome. If they cannot make threats against landlords turn into evicted dispensaries, then they have to turn to other methods for going after the state’s dispensaries, or maybe even give up. And, if the method doesn’t work in California, then how would it work in Seattle and Denver? We’ll soon know if such optimism is justified. The week after the Oakland ruling Harborside was back in court in a complicated case involving the City of Oakland, the two landlords and the federal government. The feds are trying to stop Harborside from selling cannabis while the civil forfeiture proceedings are underway, the landlords are still trying to evict Harborside and Oakland is asking the judge to force the feds to halt all legal actions against Harborside and others in compliance with state law. A hearing in the case was held on Dec. 20. The judge’s ruling should come early in 2013. c

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January 2013 • CULTURE 17


Emotional Response Medical Study Indicates Cannabis May Treat Bipolar Disorder {By Jasen T. Davis}

Bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive) is a psychological condition that affects 4 percent of the population in America at one point in their lives. A person with bipolar disorder will experience manic states, where he/ she is euphoric, impulsive, excitable and erratic, followed by depressive states, where he/she sad, negative, irritable and lethargic. Because of these emotional rollercoaster rides that can vary in frequency, duration and intensity, people with bipolar disorder can have many difficulties maintaining jobs and healthy relationships throughout their lives. Proper psychological care—and sometimes pharmaceutical medication—can help sufferers cope with the disease and have normal lives. But evidence now suggests that cannabis may offer help. In a recent collaborative study—“Cognitive and clinical outcomes associated with cannabis use in patients with bipolar disorder”—performed by scientists at The Zucker Hillside Hospital in Long Island, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York researchers determined that the plant could help improve the lives of those grappling with the disorder. The study was recently published in Psychiatry Research Dr. Raphael Braga, of Zucker

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Hillside, led a group of researchers that performed a series of tests on 200 patients suffering from bipolar disorder. Out of these 200, 50 were heavy users of cannabis. The purpose of the study was to compare the results of all the patients’ clinical, neurocognitive tests against each other. The cannabis users’ results were also compared to the other 150 patients. The results? Regardless

of age or gender, patients who used cannabis, when tested for cognitive functioning including attention, processing speed and working memory, showed greater improvement and performed better during the testing than the bipolar patients who did not use the plant. “These analyses indicate an interesting pattern suggesting superior neurocognitive performance

“These data could be interpreted to suggest that cannabis use may have a beneficial effect on cognitive functioning in patients with severe psychiatric disorders.” —Dr. Raphael Braga, The Zucker Hillside Hospital in Long Island

among bipolar patients with cannabis use disorder when compared to bipolar patients without a history of cannabis use,” Braga says. “Moreover, this cognitive advantage is noted in spite of evidence of a more severe clinical course.” Interestingly enough, back in 2010, researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway came up with the same conclusion. In their own study, 133 patients with bipolar disorder who later frequently used cannabis showed improved neurocognitive functioning, including improved attention span, verbal fluency, logic, learning and memory. Clinical research also indicates that cannabis may be useful in treating schizophrenia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Braga says that there is still a lot of research to be done. Researchers even suggested one possible goal of identifying a method of treatment that mimics the positive effects of cannabis “These data could be interpreted to suggest that cannabis use may have a beneficial effect on cognitive functioning in patients with severe psychiatric disorders,” reports Dr. Braga. “We hope that the results from our study will help guide and encourage future large studies and help further elucidate the multifaceted associations and possible impact of cannabis use in bipolar disorder.” c

How do you know if you have a bipolar disorder? Check with your doctor, but be aware of some of its classic symptoms. Dramatic and unpredictable mood swings is a red flag for mania, according to WebMD. Excessive happiness, racing thoughts—plus anxiety, irritability and suicidal thoughts—are also warning signs of depression.

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January 2013 • CULTURE 19

destination unknown


Hour Party, People!

by David Jenison

Photo by David Jenison

Encarnación: Carnival Capital of Paraguay

Carnival photos courtesy of Carnavales Encarneacenos

The Mayan calendar might be over, but the Latin American parties are just beginning with Carnival season in full swing. Most people know Brazil is the party’s international hotspot, but the Paraguayan city of Encarnación is the fast-rising new star. Located in the southeast corner of the country, Encarnación is the Carnival Capital of Paraguay with lively parades, vibrant colors and juvenile playfulness. The party is smaller and less pricey, but it is no less excessive. For the festival, Avenida Francia becomes a Sambódromo-style procession with elaborate floats, cerveza-sponsored dancers and half-naked garotas (parade girls) in ornate outfits. Hard-partying crowds watch from the bleachers and luxury boxes as snow rains down like a blizzard. Snow? No, it doesn’t really snow in Paraguay, but it is a local Carnival tradition to blast everyone with lanzanieves “snow spray” that comes in an aerosol can. After the parade, people pile into the nearby clubs with many patrons still covered in fake snow. Visitors usually come prepared for the snow fights, but they better not forget about the Saturday afternoon Water Wars. For several hours, the city engages in a giant water fight, and the local kids gear up like it was a Call of Duty: Black Ops convention. Many fill up water buckets and douse unsuspecting people from rooftops, while

The Lonely Planet guide says the Encarnación Carnival is “much more fun” than Rio, which is quite an overstatement, but it is not an either-or proposition. The three Brazilian hotspots—Rio, Salvador and Olinda—start Carnival on Feb. 8 this year. In Encarnación, however, the party starts Jan. 18 and continues every weekend through the traditional Carnival dates. This means a traveler can start the party in Encarnación, head to Rio for the main event and then keep the liver abuse rolling with the “Ressaca” after-party on Tinharé Island. That tallies up to almost two straight weeks of partying. Paraguay might get its Carnival influence from Brazil, but guess where Brazil gets its smoke? Supplying most of eastern South America, Paraguay is second only to Mexico as the world’s largest cannabis producer. The government has traditionally had a relaxed attitude about enforcement, but the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (read: U.S.A.) is now putting pressure on the Paraguayan government. In other words, traveling patients should be low-key about use and avoid crossing borders with medicine, though finding cannabis in Encarnación should not be a problem. Every party-friendly individual should experience at least one Carnival party, but remember that U.S. citizens need a tourist visa to visit Paraguay or Brazil. c

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water balloons come from any direction, including from passing cars. Adults are even known to wield a mean garden hose or water cannon. Sure, the whole party reeks of frat-house immaturity, but don’t most Carnival celebrations? Encarnación, “The Pearl of the South,” sits on the Paraná River just across the water from Argentina. The city features a modern hilltop neighborhood called Zona

Alta where travelers should stay, while the crumbling Zona Baja is the spot for serious bargain shopping. Encarnación even has a sandy, two-mile river beach with volleyball courts, water sports and swimming areas. A short distance outside of town, the UNESCO-honored Jesuit Ruins are considered the most impressive mission remnants in South America. Even if nursing a hangover, travelers should not miss the ruins.

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January 2013 • CULTURE 21

strain & edible reviews

Venice Cookie Co.’s Chocolate Macaroon Chunk Save money on tropical air travel with this edible staycation. Venice Cookie Co.’s Chocolate Macaroon Chunk (from Natural Herbal Pain Relief in San Jose) combines rich, dark chocolate and coconut with high amounts of cannabinoids for maximum pain relief and sedation. These gourmet chocolates come in 8x and 15x strength. Professionally packaged in pink or blue foil, the detailed labeling states that the 8x is equal to 2.24 grams of flowers, while the 12x is equal to 3.36 grams. Inside the foil, the treat smells super-chocolaty and inviting. Each chocolate square tastes of rich, dark cocoa, while the chocolate filling and coconut bits change up the texture. We didn’t taste the cannabis at all in here, so watch out. These very high potency edibles can create an extremely relaxing, sedative effect which can last for hours and can be used to tackle insomnia and neuropathic pain.


Bubblicious Cookies We literally could not believe our noses when we twisted open the jar of Bubblicious Cookies and smelled pink bubble gum. That iconic, synthetic, light-pink candy bubblegum sweetness was somehow wafting off a plant! Bubblicious—available from the good folks at HHCC in San Jose—is supposed to be a cross of Pandora’s Box and Querkle from seed company Wonka as well as Nirvana. Only one of four strain phenotypes is supposed to have this powerful pink bubblegum smell and HHCC’s got it. Ours looked like Cookies: hyper-dense, multi-colored green, orange and purple, with white trichomes layered on thick like cake frosting. Ground up, the bubblicious smell was even stronger while the smoke was surprisingly light, earthy and kushy. Strong, top-shelf, indica-dominant hybrids like this can be used by cancer patients to treat chemotherapy-related nausea and neuropathic pain.

Jack the Ripper We’re always excited when things have Jack in them and Ripper is like an amplification of the Cup-winning hit. With killer genetics from TGA, Jack the Ripper— from Yerba Buena in San Jose—offers an extremely uplifting, psychedelic sativa experience that first-timers might want to sidestep. TGA’s Subcool mixed Jack Herer, Northern Lights, Purple Haze, C99 and Romulan to create this sativa-dominant hybrid. These top-shelf, rock-hard boulders smelled as sweet as a candy necklace. Expertly cured and trimmed, the shimmering colas released even sweeter notes of lemon, mango, pine and hash on the grind, while its smoke was surprisingly light and sweet. Patients report treating depression and chronic pain with this sativa-dominant hybrid, which can heighten physical sensations and fuel creativity. However, such effects can be too intense for new patients who sometimes report anxiety, increased heart rate and paranoia.

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Blue Flower Talk about a crossing. This exclusive from Emerald Crossings in San Jose mixed up rare, blue-colored sativa Blue Bull with Super Sour Flower (which is a cross of Sour Diesel and Super Silver Haze). The result is a rangy, airy, medium-sized, bright lime-green bud with long blond, wispy pistils, flowing like licks of fire. Under the scope we saw model trichome formation: fat THC factories were tightly packed onto most surfaces. The light, hay smell of this sativa belied its big fruity, lemon and blueberry taste. Blue Flower’s effects were on par with Green Crack—the heightening of the senses, the soaring euphoria, meanwhile the 20-percent indica component in this cross dialed things back nicely. Patients can use strong sativas like this to treat Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD, lift moods for depression, stimulate appetite and treat pain.

CannaMin Cannabis use doesn’t have to be euphoric to be healthy. The primary active molecule, THC, is totally inactive in its raw form, known as THCA, where the A stands for “acid.” Smokers apply heat to buds to convert THCA to THC and unlock the plant’s psychoactive potential. However, the acids themselves protect neurons and reduce pain and inflammation, giving rise to a new trend: juicing. Canna Culture Collective now offers a proprietary CannaMin THCA- and CBDA-enriched cannabis juice. The little bottle is full of fruit and vegetable juices. It smells like a super-wholesome, fruit-filled V8, and tastes like a sweet, store-bought juice mixture with no grassy taste. Some physicians recommend seniors suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory and chronic pain conditions to ingest THCA and CBDA daily to get all the good stuff from cannabis without the drowsiness, or dizziness of smoking it.

Raindrop Kush This raindrop can keep falling on our heads. An El Dorado County breeder named this custom strain in honor of his dog, who had to have been a mutt, considering the plant’s genetics include OG Kush and Hash plant crossed with Bubba Kush and Mr. Nice Guy. Raindrop Kush—from NC3 in San Jose—smells sweet, fruity, light and inviting, and feels less dense than most Kush strains. Big, dark and flocked with trichomes, closer inspection reveals a true rainbow of rust-colored hairs and purple and medium-green leaves. Raindrop is well cured. Under a microscope the buds’ trichomes are tightly spaced together and tall with clear, fat heads. Grinding releases spicy hash plant notes, and Raindrop has a rich, sweet, dank smoke. Patients report using strong hybrids like this to treat stress and chronic pain, among a number of other conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome. January 2013 • CULTURE 23

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January 2013 • CULTURE 25

Photo by Craig Larsen

26 CULTURE • January JANUARY 2013

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Adam Carolla knows how to take on a challenge. He made a name for himself dishing out relationship advice as co-host of the syndicated Loveline radio program. His forays into television included a home improvement show on TLC, a car show on Speed TV and puppets making prank calls on Comedy Central’s Crank Yankers. He hosted The Man Show alongside Jimmy Kimmel, and he took over Howard Stern’s timeslot when the shock jock jumped to SiriusXM. Carolla competed on Dancing with the Stars and Celebrity Apprentice, and last April he actually won the Pro/Celebrity Race at the Toyota Grand Prix. He even wrote several books, including 2012’s New York Times bestseller Not Taco Bell Material, named after the fast-food joint that once shot down his job application. Still, the multi-tasking star truly challenged himself last year when he turned down a sevenfigure radio deal in favor of continuing his own Internet podcasts. This decision was quite a risk, but The Adam Carolla Podcast has proven to be quite a show. The right-leaning, pro-cannabis-rights Carolla— cited by the Marijuana Policy Project as a member of its VIP Advisory Board (composed of “high-profile people who are interested in being involved in and helping the cause in whatever ways they prefer,” according to the MPP)—started the podcast just days after his radio gig ended in 2009, and the inaugural show scored a quarter-million downloads in the first 24 hours alone. Two years later, the podcast reached 59,574,843 unique downloads, which pushed it past The Ricky Gervais Show as the most downloaded podcast in history. It is now officially etched into the Guinness World Records because Carolla decided to look forward with an emerging platform rather than look back with traditional media. Some might call him the white middle-aged P. Diddy, and while he’s not dropping a rap album, Carolla is tackling yet another challenge. He is currently taking his podcast and stand-up comedy—plus his Loveline Tour with Dr. Drew—on the road. Despite racking up the overtime, Carolla peeled away enough time to talk with CULTURE about podcasting, hanging out with Snoop Dogg cannabis and why he thinks people should be able to use cannabis however they want.

January 2013 • CULTURE 27 JANUARY

You have taken The Adam Carolla Podcast on the road with live events. How are the live events different than the in-studio podcasts? It is like doing a live standup comedy show in a weird way. We are up on stage with microphones. It would be like a four-piece band doing an acoustic show on stage or something of that nature. It is really part live radio and part stand-up comedy show. When we have someone like Graham Parker on the show, we have a little live music as well. A few days after The Adam Carolla Show ended on radio, you launched The Adam Carolla Podcast and eventually set a world record for downloads. Did you suspect that podcasting had this much potential, and how is it going now? It is sort of steady as she goes. We just try to keep moving forward by putting out product and being innovative and finding different ways to monetize our product. The challenge is how do we put out this daily podcast and keep it free for the listeners, and then how do I pay the mortgage at the warehouse and pay for the equipment, the studio, all the employees and all the other various expenses we have around here? The answer to that is people clicking through Amazon and buying my new Mangria— which I am very proud of. I always say, “It is like a thousand hoses on trickle going into one bathtub.” It is not about making a ton of money, doing live shows or doing stand-up or from advertising. It is a little bit here, a little bit there. Sell a book, sell a live show ticket, sell some Mangria, and at the end of the month, it starts to add up. Tell me about Mangria. It’s a mix of red wine and vodka, correct? Yeah. It’s actually grape-based vodka because there are legal

individual thing I do really lasts more than 90 minutes. Honestly, the cell phone has helped a lot.

I support legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana. —on his political views

issues, but yeah, that is what it is. You have to buy it online if you want to try it, but hopefully it will be in stores soon. Did Ricky Gervais say anything about the world record you took from him? No, I have never spoken to Ricky Gervais. I have no idea. To be honest, I really have no idea if he even knows about our podcast. The way I am wired, I would be surprised if he’s even heard of this podcast. I don’t know why, but that’s what I think. I guess that’s the way I like to think so that way I never get disappointed. You are doing podcasts, live events, stand-up comedy and writing books. With so much going on, how do you divide up your time? Right now I am at my studio getting ready to do my Ace on the House and CarCast shows, and tonight, after doing my regular podcast, I am calling the Nick & Artie Show and doing that on the ride home. I look at it this way—your show schedule is a lot of bricks, and your mortar is all the in-between stuff. It’s a hectic schedule, but no

When you did The Man Show, you and Jimmy [Kimmel] visited Snoop Dogg’s house and sampled some cannabis. Yeah, that was fun. Tell us, how potent was Snoop’s cannabis? Good enough! It certainly worked on me. The Marijuana Policy Project lists you on its Advisory Board, which is “composed of celebrities and public figures who support ending marijuana prohibition.” It includes Bill Maher, Jack Black, Adrianne Curry and Melissa Etheridge. Tell us about that. They just put [me] on there. I support legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana. What are your thoughts on the medical cannabis movement? In the past you’ve criticized the War on Drugs and said people should be allowed to use cannabis any way they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone. My whole thing is to call it what it is. Someone says, “I want to smoke pot.” Fine, here is your pot. You don’t need a note from your doctor. If you want to smoke pot, smoke pot . . . it’s none of anyone’s business. If you want it, you want it. You can argue that a cigarette is good for you if it relaxes you, or booze is good for you if it helps you sleep. People argue that pot is good for you . . . It’s your business. I’ll stay out of your shit. c

//IN CONCERT// Appearing Feb. 16 at the Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara 28 CULTURE • January 2013

If you think Adam Carolla has an issue with the government . . . just listen to his podcasts: “Politicians in both parties are guilty of perpetuating this, but the liberals are definitely on the correct side,” he podcast in 2010. “I go nuts when I hear about what the DEA spends on pot versus what they spend on crystal meth . . . when the history books are written, the prohibition of marijuana is gonna look like the prohibition of alcohol in the ’20s and ’30s. Our grandkids will think we were idiots . . . it should have been legalized in the 1970s.” V I S I T U S AT i R e a d C u l t u r e . c o m

January 2013 • CULTURE 29

profiles in courage

Are you an MMJ patient from NorCal with a compelling story to tell? If so, we want to hear from you. Email your name, contact information and details about your experiences with medical cannabis to

Why did you start using medical cannabis? Patient:

John McCarthy

AGE: 30

Condition/ Illness: Psoriatic arthritis

Using medical cannabis since:

Photo by Amanda Holguin


I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, a condition that has no known cure, and the only option I was presented with was taking an injection for the rest of my life that would treat some of my symptoms and had significant side effects.

Did you try other methods or treatments before cannabis? I had doctors that prescribed me cancer meds that were sometimes used with advanced cases of arthritis, but the relief I get from cannabis is so much more significant and [gives] me a better quality of life.

What’s the most important issue or problem facing medical cannabis patients?

The most important issue/problem facing medical cannabis is educating people on all the benefits that the cannabis plant has and the importance of safe access to lab-tested cannabis for patients.

What do you say to folks who are skeptical about cannabis as medicine?

For the people [who] are skeptical, I say, “Walk a day in my shoes.” c

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January 2013 • CULTURE 31

cool stuff Vans x Metallica 20th Anniversary Half Cab Shoe Enter Vansman? Iconic metal band Metallica teamed up with Vans, the original skate shoe company, to come up with the Vans x Metallica 20th Anniversary Half Cab Shoe. “Thrash” just got redefined. ($85)

Barracuda Cone Filler Isn’t it about time you made life a little easier? How about taking the work out of filling your pre-roll cones by hand? Enter the Barracuda Cone Filler. Slide on the cone, scoop up some herbs, pack it in, twist it and—voila!—time to medicate. (MSRP $4.99)

WakaWaka Solar Lamp Whether you’re planning for the end of the world (again), or just a Doomsday Preppers sort of person, this solar-powered lamp provides 16 hours of light on one day’s worth of sun. Developed for Third World countries as an alternative to kerosene and candles, this makes an excellent pick for emergency kits. (MSRP $79)

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Shooting Gallery GET YOUR HITS HERE

The Cave Mixer w/Salt (Photos by Amanda Holguin)

The Emerald Cup (Photos by David Downs)

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By Aunt Sandy

Jan. 21 is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, and to celebrate the iconic civil rights leader, CULTURE has prepared a menu based on traditional—and delicious— African American dishes.


Collard Greens with Bacon Oven Fried Bacon Red Beans & Rice Sweet Potato Pie Sweet Iced Tea

Sandy Moriarty is the author of Aunt’ Sandy’s Medical Marijuana Cookbook: Comfort Food for Body & Mind and a Professor of Culinary Arts at Oaksterdam University. She is also the co-founder of Oaksterdam’s Bakery.

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Collard Greens with Bacon Makes 6 servings 1 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 4 cloves garlic, minced Red wine vinegar

1 pound collard greens 6 slices bacon, chopped 2 cups water 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped sweet red pepper

Wash collard greens thoroughly in cold water and drain well. Discard stems and trim bruised leaves. Chop the leaves coarsely so they still amount to about six cups of greens, lightly packed. Set aside. In a large saucepan cook bacon until crisp. Remove bacon, but save drippings in saucepan. Drain bacon on paper towels and set aside. Add water, onion, sweet red pepper, sugar, salt , cayenne pepper and garlic to the saucepan with the bacon drippings. Bring to a boil, add chopped collard greens and reduce heat. Simmer covered for one hour or until greens are tender. Add bacon and remove from heat. Serve with a slotted spoon. Drizzle with a little red wine vinegar if desired.

Red Beans & Rice Makes 6 servings 1 large onion, cut into thin wedges 1 cup chopped red sweet pepper 4 cloves garlic, minced 3 tablespoons Cannabis-Infused Oil** 1/2 cup fresh cilantro 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 16-ounce cans of kidney beans, rinsed and drained 1 cup vegetable broth 1/4 cup lime juice 2 cups cooked brown rice

Oven Fried Chicken Makes 6 servings

In a large saucepan cook onion, sweet pepper and garlic in hot oil over medium heat for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 1/4 cup of cilantro, plus the oregano, cumin and black pepper. Cook and stir for one minute. Add beans and broth. Bring to a boil, then reduce and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes or until liquid is thickened to desired consistency. Serve beans over rice and sprinkle with remaining cilantro.

1 egg, slightly beaten 3 tablespoons milk 1 1/4 cups crushed saltine crackers, about 35 1 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 3 tablespoon Canna Butter*, melted 3 pounds assorted chicken pieces Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl combine egg and milk. For the coating, in a shallow dish combine the crushed crackers, thyme, paprika, salt and pepper. Stir in melted Canna Butter and set aside. Dip chicken pieces into the egg-milk mixture one at a time and then coat with the cracker mixture. In a 15x10 baking pan, arrange the chicken bone sides down so pieces aren’t touching. Sprinkle chicken pieces with any remaining cracker mixture so they are well coated. Bake uncovered for one hour or until chicken is done and crispy. Do not turn chicken while baking. January 2013 • CULTURE 37

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Sweet Potato Pie Makes 8 servings 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup shortening

1/4 cup Canna Butter*, cut up 1/4 cup ice water Pie filling (see recipe below)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In a medium bowl, stir together flour and salt. Using a pastry blender, cut in shortening and butter until pieces are pea size. Sprinkle one tablespoon of water over part of the flour mixture and toss with a fork. Push moistened pastry to side of the bowl. Repeat moistening flour mixture using one tablespoon at a time until all the flour mixture is moistened. Gather flour mixture into a ball, kneading gently until it holds together. On a lightly floured surface use your hands to slightly flatten pastry. Roll pastry from center to edges into a circle, about 12 inches in diameter. Ease into a 9-inch pie pan, trim a half-inch beyond end of pan, crimp edges and prick bottom and sides with a fork. Bake for eight minutes, remove foil, bake for another eight minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Pour in Pie Filling. Bake for about 40 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for at least 30 minutes. Cover and chill for two hours.

Sweet Iced Tea

Pie Filling 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice 2 cups mashed cooked sweet pota1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg toes (or 1 can sweet potatoes, drained 1/8 teaspoon salt and mashed) 3 eggs, beaten 4 tablespoon Canna Butter*, melted 1 cup buttermilk or dairy sour cream 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon In a large bowl stir together sweet potatoes, sugar, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg and salt. Add eggs and beat lightly with a fork until combined. Gradually stir in buttermilk (or sour cream) until thoroughly mixed.

Ice 5 ounces of iced tea 1 ounce Cannabis Simple Syrup*** Sprig of fresh mint In an eight-ounce glass filled with ice, add tea and Cannabis Simple Syrup and stir. Garnish with mint.

Canna Butter* 1 cup unsalted butter 1 ounce low to average quality dried leaf marijuana or 1/2 ounce average dried bud 4 cups water Bring water and butter to boil in a small pot, lower heat to simmer. Simmer gently for about 1 1/2 hours. Mash and stir frequently to extract all THC from the plant material. After cooking, use cheesecloth to strain the butter/water mixture. Pour about 2 cups clean boiling water over the leaves in the strainer to extract every last drop of butter. Squeeze plant material well to remove as much liquid as possible. Chill the butter/water mixture in the refrigerator until the butter has solidified (1 to 2 hours). Separate butter from water and keep butter in the refrigerator (or freezer for longer storage) until needed.

Cannabis Simple Syrup*** 1/2 oz cannabis buds 1 cup sugar 1 cup water In a saucepan, sauté the buds in sugar and water over medium heat for 20 minutes. Strain the buds. Pour the remaining green-colored syrup into a glass container. Let it cool and refrigerate. Pour over fruit or fruit salad and let the syrup fully absorb.

Cannabis-Infused Oil** 1 cup cooking oil 1 1/4 ounces low to average quality dried leaf marijuana or 3/4 ounce average dried bud Place cannabis in a slow cooker. Add oil. If necessary, add a little extra oil in order to just cover the cannabis. Cook on low for six to eight hours, stirring often. Strain through cheesecloth to remove plant material. For further purity, strain through a coffee filter. Store in the refrigerator for up to three months.

Legal Disclaimer

Publishers of this publication are not making any representations with respect to the safety or legality of the use of medical marijuana. The recipes listed here are for general entertainment purposes only, and are intended for use only where medical marijuana is not a violation of state law. Edibles can vary in potency while a consumers’ weight, metabolism and eating habits may affect effectiveness and safety. Ingredient management is important when cooking with cannabis for proper dosage. Please consume responsibly and check with your doctor before consumption to make sure that it is safe to do so.

January 2013 • CULTURE 39

entertainment reviews Media Shower Double A.B. & Dub Sonata Man Bites Dog The world of rap music tends to be a major contradiction more often than not. You’ll hear music with great rhymes but lousy backing music, or vice versa. The best resolutions are the cleverest ones and teamwork seems to be the melodic answer here. New York rapper Double A.B. has combined his wit and words with spin master Dub Sonata, creating what can best be described as audio art. Media Shower is a collaboration that stands out heads and shoulders above the most of the genre. Dub Sonata’s symphony of cinematic and vintage samples blend together near seamlessly, with rare doldrums that are quickly swept behind as the music leaves the listener spellbound. A.B. also deserves his due for rhyming about serious and relevant subject matters—the title song is an insightful critique on 21st century entertainment saturation that delivers a strong message while keeping a consistent pace and rhythm. Looking for a good single? Start with “Lo Siento Amigo” and “Drug Wars.” (Joe Martone)

True Living Organics: The Ultimate Guide to Growing All-Natural Marijuana Indoors By The Rev Green Candy Press Know the difference between earthworm casings and soft rock phosphate? Did you know that alfalfa pellets can add nitrogen to your soil mix? No—well, no worries because cultivator extraordinaire The Rev has all the answers: just add water. No joke—his “True Living Organics” methods shy away from chemical addictives and nutrient solutions and, for example embraces organic teas that provide the necessary “microlife” to your plants’ soil. The Rev starts with the basics (the fundamental roles of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in a plant’s nutrition), provides you with tips (Did you know you can use grape juice to adjust the pH?) and guides you step-by-step all the way to self-sufficiency: making your own TLO container and “brewing” your own teas for your plants’ various stages of development. Even veterans might learn something new (freshwater aquarium water and rainwater are full of good microlife—wow!). If you think all-natural cannabis is what mother nature intended, pick up this book. (Matt Tapia)

The Replacements Color Me Obsessed: A Film About the Replacements MVD It’s almost fitting that a DVD documenting the history of one of America’s most beloved yet bewildering punk bands of the ’80s doesn’t feature any of their own music being performed (the Replacements recently reunited in the studio to record . . . a bunch of cover songs!) nor does it feature any current interviews of the band members themselves (much like their “Bastards of Young” video in which the Replacements never appeared). But what Color Me Obsessed does feature is a lengthy interview list, talking with the who’s who of the Minneapolis punk scene some 30 years ago, including friends, promoters, journalists, fans and even members of area punk vets, Hüsker Dü. It’s a comprehensive, chronological look at the band’s output and experiences, but Color Me Obsessed might not be of extreme interest to the casual punk listener. If you’ve got Tim on three formats shelved between copies of frontman Paul Westerberg’s solo catalog, this documentary will be a worthy addition to the ’Mats collection. Indeed, Color Me Obsessed is best suited for those who are truly Replacements obsessed. (Justin Cienega)

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“Cannabis in California: Ending the 100 Year War” California NORML—which cut its teeth under the name Amorphia when it organized a state cannabis initiative way back in 1972—has been fighting the good fight for decades. And by “good fight,” I mean convincing our government to let responsible adults use a plant for whatever reasons they see fit—be they medical or recreational. Cal NORML was also one of the original sponsors of Prop. 215—so you know it’s got our back! Ready for the next chapter? Join these commonsense crusaders for the “Cannabis in California: Ending the 100 Year War” conference marking the 100th anniversary of prohibition in the Golden State. Among some of the discussions, speeches and panels are “Federal Interference – Will it Continue and Where?” featuring Harborside’s Steve DeAngelo and Rob Kampia of the Marijuana Policy Project; and “Lessons From Washington, Colorado & Prop. 19” showcasing Oaksterdam’s Richard Lee and Mason Tvert, co-director of Colorado’s successful push to legalize small amounts of cannabis via Amendment 64. This conference will be a meeting of the minds—consider joining the session entitled “The Next California Initiative,” why don’t you?


What: “Cannabis in California: Ending the 100 Year War.” When/Where: Jan. 26-27 at the Fort Mason Center, Conference Center, Building A, San Francisco. Info: Go to www.canorml. org/100years.

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January 2013 • CULTURE 41

let’s do this Our picks for the coolest things to do around town Conscious Hip-Hop Night, Jan. 4

Hip-hop is more than just spittin‘ lyrics and droppin‘ beats—hiphop is activism. It’s about expanding your awareness to new sounds as well as new ideas. Let Dregs One’s influence and Multiple Organisms’ experimentation bring you to the next level. 924 Gilman, Berkeley

Bay Area Brew Festival, Jan. 5

Step right up to the fourth annual Bay Area Brew Festival and gain unlimited access to over 100 different international and domestic brews from over a dozen different brewers. Southern Sandwich, Pizza Orgasmica, Bombzies BBQ and many other food trucks will also be at the festival—ensuring you don’t get too sloppy to take a decent picture at one of the photo booths. The Mason Center, San Francisco

House of Floyd, Jan. 12

An atmospheric musical experience complete with psychedelic lights, lasers and fog pay the ultimate tribute to Pink Floyd by mirroring the intrinsic style. Club Fox, Redwood City

The Born This Way Ball Starring Lady Gaga, Jan. 17

From riding up fiercely on a mechanical horse to performing “Alejandro,” while rolling around on a meat couch with half-naked men, Lady Gaga sets an innovative (and controversial) stage. Expect deliverance of hit singles from Born This Way while the unpredictable Gaga pushes the envelope—dressed from head to toe in Armani’s finest custom threads. HP Pavilion, San Jose

In the Name of Love: The 11th Annual Tribute honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jan. 19

As one of the most powerful iconic men in American history, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will be honored again this year through profound musical performances in Oakland. Come together to celebrate his dreams of peace, unity and equality. Paramount Theatre, Oakland

Muse, Jan. 28

We can’t go a couple minutes without hearing one of their melodic hits on the radio station and we’re not complaining. One of the top rock bands of this generation will be coming to Oakland touring behind its newest album, The 2nd Law. Oracle Arena, Oakland 42 CULTURE • January 2013

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Chuck Shepherd

News of the



; Plastic surgeons in Turkey and France told CNN in November that mustache implants have suddenly surged in popularity as Middle Eastern men use their increased lip bushiness to convey power and prestige. Surgeons extract follicles from hairier parts of the body in procedures that cost the equivalent of around $7,000 and show full results in about six months. An anthropology professor told CNN that, by tradition in Arab countries, a man of honor would “swear on my mustache,” use mustaches as collateral for

loans, shave off a vanquished foe’s mustache as a reward and gravely insult enemies with “Curse be upon your mustache!”


; Police were seeking a 6-foot-3 man concerning an attempted child-abduction in November after a father intervened as the man led the father’s 2-year-old daughter toward an exit of the Fashion Square mall in Charlottesville, Va. The father alerted Fashion Square’s security, and the cops took the man into “custody,” which turned out to mean escorting him

off the property and warning him not to return (catch and release?). ; Questionable Product Launches: (1) The Demeter Fragrance Library (maker of such “classic” scents as “Dirt,” “Crayon” and “Laundromat”) has added to its line with “Sushi” cologne, reported the website in November. Fortunately, the scent is not that of raw fish, but “cooked sticky rice,” seaweed, ginger and lemon essences. (2) A company called Beverly Hills Caviar recently installed three vending machines in the Los Angeles area that sell nothing but varieties of caviar (ranging from pink mother of pearl ($4) to Imperial River Beluga ($500 an ounce).


; “In beautiful La Jolla Cove,” wrote The New York Times in November, describing the cliffside-vista community near San Diego, “art galleries and coffee shops meet a stretch of unspoiled cliffs and Pacific Ocean”—unspoiled, that is, until recently, when seagulls took over. Now,

because of California’s showcase environmental regulations, use of the cove has been restricted, and cleaning the bird droppings from the land is subject to a permitapplication process that might take two years. Some residents profess not to mind (“Smells just like the ocean,” said one, “but maybe a little ‘heightened’”) while others are appalled (“As soon as we pulled up, it was like, this is awful”). Even though the smell grows “more acrid by the day,” according to the Times, residents’ and visitors’ only short-term hope is for cleansing by the traditional winter rains (which, fortunately, do not require California permits). ; In 2011 only 75 worldwide shark attacks on humans were reported, with only 12 fatal, yet researchers writing recently in the journal Conservation Biology found that about 60 percent of all media reporting about sharks emphasized just the serious dangers that human swimmers face. By contrast, only about 7 percent of the reports were focused on shark biology or ecology, though the sorry state of shark survival would

January 2013 • CULTURE 43

seem more important, in that an estimated 26 million to 73 million sharks are killed annually from the harvesting of their fins.


; Update: There was no one more different from us than Dennis Avner, last reported here in 2005. Having transformed his body through surgery, tattoos and implants, he had almost completely adopted the persona of a cat (“Stalking Cat,” as he was known in the body-modification community). Mr. Avner had tiger-stripe tattoos covering most of his body, dental implants sharpened to points to resemble tiger teeth and metalstud implants around his mouth to hold his long, plastic whiskers. Ear and lip surgery had made his head more catlike, and special contact lenses made his eyes appear as ovals. Mr. Avner passed away in Las Vegas in November at the age of 54, reportedly of suicide. ; Maturity-Challenged: Attorney Thomas Corea of Palmer, Texas, was indicted in August for four felonies

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related to misuse of clients’ trust accounts, and in October a panel of the State Bar of Texas voted to revoke his license. He apparently did not take the news well. On Oct. 31 (according to a judge’s later findings), Corea vandalized his rented law office, resulting, said the landlord’s representative, in “complete destruction,” with “penis graffiti on every single wall throughout the building,” with the representative’s name written next to several of the penises. Furthermore, at the November sentencing hearing, the judge had to admonish Corea to stop making faces in the courtroom.


Rookie Mistake: Joseph O’Callaghan, 31, was sentenced to nine years in prison by a court in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in November for having robbed an armored-car guard in 2011. He had made off with the guard’s cashbox, but since he had accosted the guard on his way into Northern Bank, and not on his way out, the box contained no money.

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