August 14, 2022 • 9am Worship

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SCRIPTURE — Luke 10:25-37 (pew Bible New Testament page 87) This is the word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. SERMON

WE RENEW OUR COMMITMENT OFFERTORY Light the Fire — Bill Maxwell DOXOLOGY #95 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow — OLD 100th Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


THE COMMUNITY GATHERS The gathering music signifies the beginning of worship. You are invited to be in a spirit of prayer and meditation. Please silence all mobile communication devices. †

Please stand as you are able

GATHERING MUSIC I Wanna Set the World on Fire — Britt Nicole

PRAYER OF DEDICATION Receive these gifts, O Lord. May they be magnified by your Holy Spirit to teach your children about your love, to show the world your grace, to bring healing to the broken hearted, to comfort the grieving, to embrace the needy, and to praise your name. We offer ourselves as instruments of your peace to the world. We offer our talents, our time, and our gifts to you. Use us as you will. Deploy us for your benevolence. Transform our hearts as we transform the world. We pray this in your Holy name. Amen.


GREETING OPENING PRAYER Almighty God, who sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your Church: Open our hearts to the riches of his grace, that we may bring forth the fruit if the Spirit in love and joy and peace; though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



#400 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing — NETTLETON



#378 Amazing Grace — AMAZING GRACE (Verses 1, 2, 4, and 6.)

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Thank you for joining us in worship today.

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MUSIC Eddie Pollock, Band Leader Lydia Berger • Nathan Clark • Sam Clark Matthew Epermanis • Joanna Holden • Jacob Hollar • Larry Hollar • Amy Goodman • Lilly Robbins

The anthem texts are printed with permission. One License A-707342 By entering the Sanctuary, you grant to Centenary United Methodist Church unrestricted right to use and publish, transmit or telecast photographs or likenesses that might be taken of you this day for use in communications related to the church.



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The congregation and staff of Centenary welcome you to today’s worship. It is our honor to have you with us! Our ministers, staff, welcome team and ushers are happy to assist you with any questions you may have. We hope our worship will inspire, comfort and challenge you as we hear God’s message proclamed through preaching, music, prayer and liturgy.



Sympathy is extended to Keith, Lisa, Ellie, Jack, Hamilton, and Mary Claire Norman on the passing of Keith’s mother, Marian Norman, on July 15, 2022.

9:00 am • Memorial Auditorium 11:00 am • Sanctuary

Sympathy is extended to Marilyn Alexander on the passing of her son, William Tyler Smith, on July 23, 2022.



We are eager to share Centenary’s story with you. If you are interested in learning about church membership, please contact Rev. Meg Gaston (336-724-6311 ext. 1361)/mgaston@ to schedule a time to meet.


Each Sunday morning, our 11:00 am worship service is broadcast on the Internet through our Live Stream. Visit Once there, scroll to the bottom of the home page and click on either Live Stream or the Live Stream arrow.


Our Sanctuary is fitted with a Hearing Loop system. Please switch your hearing device to T-coil. If you need a listening device, please contact one of our ushers. Be sure to sit in the pews located on the floor of the Nave.


There is always something happening at Centenary and we invite you to join us. To learn more about Centenary ministries and events, visit our website at You may also contact our receptionist who will guide you to the appropriate ministry area.


Reception Desk • 336-724-6311

CENTENARY LEADERSHIP CONNECTIONS Reverend Dr. P. Glenn Kinken III Senior Minister

ext. 1362

Rick Gibbons Congregational Care Assistant

ext. 1342

Mary Ann Wexler Executive Director

ext. 1346

Stacy Holley Exec. Assistant to Senior Minister

ext. 1359

Jonathan Emmons Director of Music Ministries

ext. 1339

John Markle Director of Operations

ext. 1347

Reverend R. Craig Ford Associate Minister

ext. 1353

Doug Peninger Director of Communications

ext. 1368

Reverend Meg Gaston ext. 1361 Assoc. Minister of Evangelism, Engagement & Missions

Tammy Pollock Director of Youth Ministries

ext. 1337

Reverend Kate May Associate Minister with Children

John Rogers Director of Information Technology

ext. 1356

Reverend Susannah Pittman ext. 1357 Associate Minister of Congregational Care CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 646 W. FIFTH STREET • WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27101 WWW.CENTENARY-WS.ORG • 336-724-6311

STEPHEN MINISTRY In Galatians 6:2 we read, “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Stephen Ministers are trained to provide care for those who are hurting or grieving with a one-on-one relationship. A Stephen Minister is a caring Christian presence to provide emotional and spiritual support. If you or someone you know could benefit from Stephen Ministry, please contact Deena Morgan (336-692-2314), Wilba Brady (336-723-6236), Rev. Craig Ford (336-724-6311 ext. 1353) or Rev. Susannah Pittman (336-724-6311 ext. 1357). SHINING LIGHT ON MENTAL HEALTH Shining Light on Mental Health is pleased to help raise awareness of a new 3-digit number that expands resources and support for those experiencing a mental health crisis. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) offers 24/7 call, text and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. For more information about 988, please visit Lifeline ( Please contact Rev. Susannah Pittman if the pastoral team or Shining Light on Mental Health team can support you in your journey. You do not journey alone.


336.724.6311 + Extension (for the Minister on Call • Option 2)

ext. 1331


PLAYGROUND SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAYS • NOW - AUGUST 21 Rising 1- 6 graders and their grown-ups are invited to join us for Playground Sunday School over the summer! During the summer, through August 21, we’ll gather on the playground from 10 - 10:45 am for play, fellowship, and a devotion plus donuts and coffee. In case of rain, we’ll gather in the Community Room. KINDERGARTEN WORSHIP READINESS SUNDAY • AUGUST 21 • 10 AM Kindergarteners and their grown-ups are invited to join Kate during the Sunday school hour on August 21 for an introduction to worship and children’s worship. You’ll get to explore the Sanctuary and learn about participating in worship together. Contact Jeanette Juran with questions or for more information.

BACKPACK BLESSING SATURDAY • AUGUST 21 • 5:30 PM-7 PM Join us for our Backpack Blessing on Sunday, August 21 from 5:30-7 pm. Families with students of any age are invited to attend. We’ll share dinner and fun activities together and of course a backpack blessing for each of our students. Contact Jeanette Juran with questions or for more information.

EVANGELISM & ENGAGEMENT BLOCK PARTY SUNDAY • SEPTEMBER 18 • NOON-2 PM We are having a Block Party and Engagement Fair Sunday, September 18, from Noon-2 pm! This will be a time for fun, fellowship, and food! There will be music by the Martha Bassett Band, a Bounce House in the playground, and Food Trucks. Bring towels or lawn chairs to spread out in the area between the Sanctuary and East Building and invite your friends! If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Meg Gaston.

MUSIC & THE ARTS CHILDREN’S MUSIC & ART CAMP ART DISPLAY Take a moment to admire the artistic creations of our Music & Arts Camp participants. Artwork is on display in the Atrium now until Sunday, August 21. Enjoy. WINSTON-SALEM GIRLS CHORUS Auditions are now open for new singers from grades K - 12 in the Winston-Salem Girls Chorus (WSGC). A Partner with the Music and Arts Ministry, WSGC’s mission is to offer a joyful and empowering experience for girls and young women through vocal music education and artistic excellence in choral music performance. Centenary families receive a tuition discount! For more information: / (336) 922-4073 / www.

YOUTH MINISTRY SAVE THE DATE • August 21: Love Thy Neighbor • August 26: 6th Grade Promotion Party • August 28: Fall Kick-Off For more information or to sign up to receive Youth Ministry updates by email, contact Tammy Pollock ( Or follow us on Instagram @centenary_youth. SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Join us in exploring Bob Goff’s latest book, Undistracted, as we pursue a focus more on living out the abundant life that Jesus came to give us. We will meet at 5:00 pm on Sunday evenings in Reynolda Village at Dough-Joe’s. Bring money for food & drinks and a blanket to sit on. SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Youth, 6 - 12 grade, are invited to summer Sunday school (June 5 - August 21) on the 4th floor. Join us from10:00 am-10:45 am for a light breakfast in the Youth Commons and conversation about Jesus.

CENTENARY NIGHT AT THE DASH DASH GAME FRIDAY • SEPTEMBER 9 • 7 PM Join us for a ballgame cheering on the WinstonSalem Dash on September 9! We’ll enjoy the game (which begins at 7 pm) and fireworks together and have time to fellowship. We have a block of seats reserved together. Tickets are $11 each, kids 3 years old and younger do not need a ticket. Go to the Engage page to purchase your tickets.

PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKSHOP JOURNEY OF THE SOUL THURSDAYS • SEPTEMBER 22 - NOVEMBER 10 10 AM - 11:30 AM • YOUTH SENIOR HIGH ROOM You are invited to take an eight-week photographic journey as you harness your creativity through imaging and words. You do not need a professional camera or any experience. A travel camera or even your smart device will be just fine. For more information, please contact Doug Peninger, Director of Communications and Master Photographer ( ext. 1368). Register through the Realm app or visit the church website at

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