Advent for 2022 at Centenary Rev. Dr. P. Glenn Kinken III Senior Minister
dvent is a season of preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ. In the late 19th/early 20th century German Lutherans began using an Advent Calendar to count down the days in the season of Advent until Christmas. Typically, the doors or windows on these calendars would open to reveal a character from the
nativity scene or in the case of December 6 (the Feast of St. Nicholas) an image of the blessed saint. Nowadays, many of these calendars contain chocolates, small ornaments for an equally smaller tree, or some other treat as we count down the days toward Christmas. In a similar way, an additional candle on the Advent Wreath
is lighted each week in worship eagerly anticipating the birth of Christ. The candles remind us that at Christ’s birth the world received a gift of hope, peace, joy, and love. As you leave worship each Sunday during advent, you will receive one of these gifts to share with the world. It is a poignant reminder of the gift you received from God in Christ. This year we have a special treat. Christmas Day is on a Sunday. So not only will we count the weeks toward Christmas in worship, but we have the bonus of gathering for worship as a congregation on the day of Jesus birth. This guide to Advent contains a multitude of ways you and your family can count the days to Christmas and prepare your hearts to celebrate the birth of Christ. Make the commitment to participate in these opportunities and invite your friends, family, and neighbors to as well. In doing so you will receive the greatest of gifts.
A GIFT OF...ADVENT STUDY Thursdays • Dec. 1 - 22 • 10am • EB Room 112 Sundays • Nov. 27-Dec. 18 • 10am • Auditorium
Advent Worship At Centenary
You are invited to join Rev. Susannah Pittman in exploring the hope, peace, joy, and love of Advent through Scripture and carols. This 4-week class will be offered on Sunday and Thursday mornings. Registration is not required, and there are no additional resources to purchase. For questions or more information, please contact Rev. Susannah Pittman.
DECEMBER 4 A Service of Hope and Healing 5:00PM • Memorial Auditorium
ANGEL TREE The holidays are fast approaching and the Angel Trees are up! This year’s angel adoption process is all-in person so make sure to visit one of our trees to adopt an angel or two before you leave. You can find trees with angels in the 4 1⁄2 Street Reception Narthex, the Sanctuary Narthex, and the East Building 5th Street Entrance. Want to participate but don’t want to shop? You can sponsor an angel and one of our awesome shoppers will do the shopping for you. Sponsor an angel through your Realm account or on the church website through the “Give” tab. Simply designate your gift for Angel Tree. All gifts should be returned by Sunday, November 20. This year don’t wrap your presents, instead we are having a wrapping party for all ages on Sunday, December 4 from 3-5 pm in the Community Room on the second floor of the East Building. For more information please contact Kate May ( 1331). CHRISTMAS CRAFT NIGHT SUNDAY • NOVEMBER 20 • 3:30-5:30PM What is the best way to start the Advent season? By participating in Christmas Craft Night! This annual event will be back on Sunday, November 20 from 3:30-5:30 pm with all kinds of wonderful crafts and fellowship opportunities. Sign ups will start online November 1 and close November 16. There are limited supplies for each craft so you’ll want to sign up early through Realm or the church website. Do you want to be a part of bringing the joy to this wonderful event? This great afternoon is made successful by a tremendous group of folks doing prepwork and serving as greeters and helpers at the event. Contact Kate May to find the right spot for your gifts and talents! (kmay@centenary- 1331) KIDS DAY IN SATURDAY • DECEMBER 10 • 9:30-11:30AM Infants through second graders are invited to Kids Day In on Saturday, December 10. This is a time of fun and fellowship as we get ready for Jesus’ Birthday. Kids get to come and have a fun morning at church while their grown get a few minutes to themselves during this busy season. Registration will be open November 7-December 7. Register through the church website and on Realm. Cost is $5/child. We will also be collecting cereal bars for the Reynolds High School food pantry.
DECEMBER 11 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols 5:00PM • Sanctuary Prelude begins at 4:30PM
Christmas Eve 9:30AM Pre-school Pajama Party Community Room • East Building 2:00PM Candlelight Worship Memorial Auditorium • Communion 4:00PM Children’s Christmas Eve Worship Sanctuary 6:00PM Candlelight Worship Memorial Auditorium • Communion 11:00PM Candlelight Worship Sanctuary • Communion
Christmas Day 11:00AM Christmas Day Worship Only 11am • No Sunday School
DECEMBER 18 Impromptu Christmas Pageant 10:00AM • Sanctuary & Live Stream Join us for the telling of the Christmas story as our childen portray the many animals, angels and people from the scene. Children are invited to bring hats, gloves and scarves to decorate our tree of warmth for our friends at Brunson Elementary.
CENTENARY ADVENT MISSIONS CALENDAR To celebrate the Season of Advent, we invite you and your family to check out our Missions Advent Calendar. Each day you will be invited to pray for one of our Mission Partners and actively wait and prepare for the coming of Jesus with your friends and family through conversation, acts of kindness, and opportunities for both learning and giving. We are so grateful for the work that each of these organizations does in our community! Scan the QR code above to be connected to the Advent missions calendar.
646 West Fifth Street Winson-Salem, NC 27101 www.centenary-ws/org • 336-724-6311