Enough is enough If you do it right, your standard working day at the office has plenty of variation in tasks and activities. If that is not the case and you have ample time between those tasks, you may be one of those people who fill those voids with snacks, coffee or other stimulants. Too often, the candy-drawer is visited.
C u r a ç a o b u s i ne s s
| number 1 | 2013
In spite of calls for more exercise, office work is, in general, sedentary work. An office employee burns too few calories and eating habits are not adjusted to that static work. This caloric imbalance can lead to excessive weight and lower levels of performance and wellbeing. It’s high time to take action! Following are a few suggestions and tips:
Consumption A male office worker of between 25 and 51 years of age who, apart from his work, does not participate in any sports, has a daily nutritional need of about 2,200 calories (kcal). A woman’s needs is around 1,900 kcal. Try to respect that limit. It is advisable is to spread the intake of energy over the day, so it’s best to schedule healthy snacks throughout the day. Ask yourself what you consider more important, a grand meal during the lunch break with your co-workers or a royal dinner at home in the evening. Once this has been determined, consider the amount of food