November 2 0 1 2
Looking Back, Peeking Forward Niki Terpstra wins Amstel Curaçao race At the time of writing this newsletter, we have just
In this edition Looking Back, Peeking Forward P.1
heard that Niki Terpstra has won the Amstel Curaçao race. Curaçao resident Marc De Maar finished right after. Congratulations to both sportsmen and to
In the spotlight 1 P.2
organiser Leo Van Vliet for another successful edi-
Looking Back, Peeking Forward
tion that attracted many prominent sports persons
(continued) P.3 In the spotlight 2 P.4
and their fan base to our lovely little island. MCB Kids Golf Clinic at Blue Bay Curacao No less than 75 school kids enjoyed a chance to get their feet wet at golfing last week. Thanks to sponsors MCB Bank and Blue Bay Golf, a team of international and
RE/MAX BonBini Curaçao
local golf pro’s and advanced amateurs lead a free kids workshop. They demonstrated techniques, assisted the
Head office
kids in playing and even helped them winning a game
Renaissance Riffort #507
from the pros. 16 year old player Maria Torres explained
tel. +5999 462-9770
the kids how her hard work and devotion to golf paid
Blue Bay Golf & Beach Resort
off: MCB, CTB and Blue Bay now generously sponsor
tel. +5999 868-2536
her trips to, and presence at various international
info@realestate.cw www.realestate.cw facebook.com/remaxbonbini twitter.com/RemaxBonBini
tournaments. Tula The Movie As we speak, an international movie is being filmed on our island. Theme is the 1795 slave revolt lead by Tula. Producer / director Jeroen Leinders attended school on our island as a child but never learned about the revolt. He decided to create a movie based on the event. Leinders attracted a top crew including well known actors like Danny Glover and Jeroen Krabbé. The movie
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will be released next spring.