Whatise-mailmarketing:complete information?
What is email marketing: E-mail marketing which is a part of digital marketing. Most of you will know what E-mail is. E mail ID is used for maximum verification of things online. And nowadays e mail id has become a necessity, and in view of this need, people are starting marketing on e mail.
So today we will try to tell you about every information related to e mail marketing in this blog. What is Email Marketing? How is it done, what are its procedures, and how effective are they. So let's start.
What is email marketing-
Email marketing, as the name suggests, we have to do marketing that too on Email
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Email marketing marketing, as the name suggests, we have to do marketing that too on email. Promote your brand on email id , tell your service, and spread awareness. This is email marketing.
It is a part of digital marketing . Through which marketing is done. Talking about the methods of digital marketing, this is the most unique way among them, because this marketing method is very different
Different Methods of Digital Marketing?
In this we do not fight for ranking. It is strategy based marketing. Marketing in email marketing is very difficult without a strategy. If I say simply email marketing it is an automation process, in which everything is automated. It is not wrong to say that both the heart and heartbeat of email marketing are automation tools.
How does email marketing work -
Email marketing which is an automation process. Through which email is automated. Today we will tell you with an example how email marketing works for our business
Example Let's say you collected 100 leads from Facebook through ebook, then you created an email campaign for those 100 leads. At last you started sending emails to those 100 people. You have given those people the eBook again, this time the eBook will be paid. 50 out of 100 people bought this paid eBook. So your conversion rate was 50%. In this way you sold the eBook through email. This is how email marketing works.
What is Email Marketing Strategy-
Email marketing is something different in itself. These are very different from other types of marketing. In this we do not do marketing for competition, so this marketing is a little different. And in this type of marketing we need strategy.
Strategy is such a part of marketing without which we can do marketing, but not for long. Hence marketing done with strategy remains intact for a long time. So today we will tell you the important factor related to it. Which you have to keep in mind while doing email marketing, and follow
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Factors related to email marketing strategy-
Use a domain email We never have to use ESP while doing email marketing. We have to send email using domain email
Automation process with strategy Whenever we automate email in email marketing, then we have to set it under a strategy. So that it can be operated easily.
Use of A/B testing We have to use A/B testing while running email marketing campaigns. So that we can know which campaign is better.
Use of attachment element Whenever we create an email, we have to keep in mind that we have to use attachment in it. Like - photo, video, file etc.
Use the attractive subject line This is one such factor in email marketing. The one who has the most impotency. Because this is what the user sees first, so it is important to be attractive
Individually targeting This is one such factor in all types of digital marketing that are found only in email marketing. In this, you can target the customer individually.
Use the responsive design When we design the email, then we have to keep in mind that the design we are using is responsive for all the devices or not.
Proper use of call to action- This is an important part of any marketing. Where the user takes an action, where the type of call to action is required, there should be that type of CTA
Never use of spamming email- It tells a lot what you have to do in the world of marketing, but what not to do, it tells very little. We never want to use spam emails. These are neither effective nor important for our marketing.
Benefits of email marketing-
Talking about the benefits of this marketing. In this marketing we do Exact Marketing. Which you cannot do in any digital marketing that you can do in it. Marketing is being done in user's email. Marketing is happening inside the user's device. Due to which the chances of conversion remain high.
List of benefits
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– low cost high conversion exact marketing personalized marketing sales improve increase lead increase awareness
Important terminology related to email marketing-
This is such a terminology related to email marketing, which will come in front of you while marketing. If you are going to do email marketing, then you should know about these terms. So today we will tell you about important terminology
What is click through rate (CTR)-
CTR is the biggest term of a digital marketing. Which is useful in all types of marketing. This is a formula to measure clicks. The formula for CTR is click / impression * 100. By which we find the click rate. Example Suppose your email got 1000 impressions, and out of that 500 people clicked. So what will be your CTR 500 / 1000 * 100 = 50% CTR.
What is Email Automation-
Email marketing which is based only on automation. Everything is automated in automation. When will the emails go, how many emails will go, and to whom? All these are already automated. Because we cannot be available all the time. So by automating things, wherever you are, at whatever time the email is set, they will go away.
Email marketing automation tools list-
What is SMTP (full form)?
Simple mail transfer protocol ( SMTP ) This is a protocol to send an email. We can send email only by following the rules of SMTP. These are the protocols for sending
Emailmarketingtutorial Curiousknowledge Page4 collect feedback higher ROI
ActiveCampaign. mail chimp. Sendinblue. Hubspot. Drip.
then you can send email only by following the protocol of SMTP.
emails. If you have to
send an
the email will not go through.
want to
create a tool by following the rules of SMTP. If you do not follow the rules of SMTP in your email tool, then your software will not be able to build.
What is spam email?
and are only
to sell the product. These emails
do spamming in the name of
that is why their conversion / open rate always works.
And in this way you can never do email marketing. People use spamming in this
What is an Email Service Provider (ESP)?
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send email to anyone,
email against
make email software, then you can
are emails that are sent in bulk. These come without permission,
promoted. Spam email has only one purpose that is
are also called unwanted emails.
emails come under email marketing.
email marketing.
You must have heard the name of Gmail And many of you use it as well, so it's an ESP. Whoever provides the service of email, they are ESP. Email service providers are included in the form of extensions in the last. like curious12@gmail.com curious12@outlook.com curious12@yaho.com curious12@hubsport.com
Emailmarketingtutorial Curiousknowledge Page6 ESP provider list? Gmail Yahoo outlook HubSpot Titan sendinblue Email marketing stats? Article source click now Related post
Emailmarketingtutorial Curiousknowledge Page7 What is social media marketing? Valuable explain What is Business to business & business to customer marketing . What are Google ads? How does it work. Author bio Name Sawan Singh Source curious knowledge Website www.curiousknowladgego.in Thanks for reading