Work sample

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SLIDING RECOMBINATION Academic/Space&Motion Study Individual Work My idea aims to use the most basic form to achieve the most effective space impact. In this case, I can change deform the units depends on different kinds of demands and keep the important space idea. On this point, Metabolism architect in 1960s accomplished some great jobs. Although their imagine of the future considered to be unrealistic, but the form and space of their works identical to my main idea. As a greet to Metabolism, I choose cuboid as the basic element of my project. The project start with a main room – an empty cuboid space with boundaries at each surface. Then I insert several small rooms into the main room, make holes on the surface. With simple motions of sliding and rotation, the small room can extremely change the typology of the interior and exterior space of the main room, also the relationship between the two kinds of rooms .


To study the variation of space, I use two robot to control the motion of each block, and use three cameras to record the process. The robot’s ability to move smoothly and precisely is regard to be the most advantage over stop motion or any other manually motion. Smooth and continent motions by robot are way more attractive on screen than intermittently motion by manually and definitely illustrate the motion idea more successfully. The BD move also allows us to program motions that can be hardly achieved be man hand.


From the second project we start to collaborate with Cirque De Solei and the first project requires us to apply our ideas into a theatre with the capacity of 3000 – 5000 peoples. My aim is to design a theatre that has a strong relation to the city and involve the audience into the show.

Academic/Theatre Design/Cirque De Solei Individual Work

Although we have different kinds of ideas at the beginning, we eventually split into two sides – either moving the stages or auditorium, partially or wholly. My idea belongs to the former group. In my project, horizontal motions of stages create a relation between theatre and the street and vertical motions change the space inside the building dramatically. Together, the two kinds of motion can constantly reverse and reform the active space.


01 Start with the basic form of theatre. Evevate the theatre to have a bird-eye view in the city.

02 Plug in support rooms to provide space for extra stags, back stages and auditoriums.

03 Locate the auditoriums around the stage to mix the performance and audience spaclialy.


04 Use the tent language to form the surface.

04 Insert sliding stages. Sliding stages can sliding horizontally, funtion as street show stage, bridge between back stage and main stage, and recombinational elements.

05 Insert elevating stages, which slide vertically and mainly reform the volume of the interior space of the theatre.


07 Open the surface btween two sliding stages and insert bridge stage to create the main street show surface.

08 Create outdoor auditorium for pedestrian.

09 Open the rooftop for after show party.




Academic/Complex/Cirque De Solei Individual Work After the presentation of the theatre with Cirque De Solei, we found it is hard to operate a cirque with the capacity of 5000 audiences in any other place than Las Vegas, with out the huge amount of tourists attracted by casino. So we decide to scale down the project and find a more propitious form for Cirque De Solei. Three sites in Los Angeles are chosen to for researching. We are aim to find an advanced form of cirque for each site based on our space and motion ideas. My site located on Wilshire Blvd, inside a large shopping area. Commercial complex is thought to be the best kind of architecture for this area.

Main Flow

Wide View

Main Road

01 Caculate the volume of the building and take the whole stie as the Nike Town.

02 Insert the curve walls to define space for moving stage. These walls also serve as structure parts.

03 Elevate the first floor to create a huge lobby for events.

04 Elevate the north east part to create the entrance plaza.

05 Open the surface according to the flow of pedestrians.

06 Make two holes on top to introduce sun light into the building.

07 Sink part of the first floor to create a stair way to underground gallery.

08 Plug in the cirque part. It moves along three railways and animate space where it stops.

09 In sert open spaces into the building. These space function as auditorium squire inside the building when events happen.

Most popular shops are on the north est part of the site. Wilshire Blvd also located on north, which indicate to attract more people, these parts of surfaces should be well designed. I choose to open the building to the city to create a visual connection between the complex and people.

ATTACHEMENT TO THE HISTORY Hulun Buir/China/Museum/Academic/Individual Work March.2012-April.2012/3rd Year Studio Tutor/Chang Jian To memorize the historical value of the Middle East Railway, local government planned to build a culture experience center. The Middle East Railway Architectural Culture Heritage Experience Pavilion serves as a place for culture collection, exhibition, educational research, and academic exchanges activities. Through those events, the government tries to revitalize Middle East Railway culture. This architectural design emphasizes on the establishment of a relationship between the newlybuilt structure and the historical one. Besides, the structure is a public building and constructed in the frigid region. Thus, fulfillment of functions and energy issues should also be paid attention to. Adhering to the continuation of the original urban fabric and street faรงade, the design wants to express the sense of harmonious coexistence of the old and new buildings. In addition, the design provides two public squares in the areas with large flow of people. This can not only better serve the public but also attract more visitors.

VERTICAL BLOCKS Dec.2012 - Jan.2013/4th Year Housing/Competition/Team Work Tong Qi/Jia Wenzhao/Xiao Chen Design/Diagram Tutor/Libao Chen Our plan procceed from vertical block which extends the normal block on the vertical dimension to build a serial street. 4 floors serve as a unit with some public space for the residents to communicate with each other. In this comfortably snug space, children can disport with their parents lightheartedly. Connected tall space is exist in each units and good for ventilation, while each units are rotated regularly. In the house types, the whole amalgamated dwelling set the sizes according to the household size, it contains 5 house types(single,a couple, the couple with a child, the couple with a child and an aged parent(s)).These 5 types offer different needs for different people,letting them to choose the most suitable and comfortable space for themselves. Inside the room, the vertical spiral stairs make the space more abundant.


I imagine the museum will arouse people's awareness of the value of history. So I took the public nature of the museum into consideration, trying to attract more people to the museum. And in order to coordinate with historical buildings, I use local elements of facades in the design.


Open square toward people flow


Connect historical buildings


Connect public square

The site located in the north of China. As a significant factor, the climite influnced the design a lot, especially the energy saving problem caused by the low temperature in the winter.


Use elements of local historical buildings

Dispersion structure lose more heat

Joint form has fewer radiating surface

perspective of courtyard

Block-b lobby: entrances of units (up to level 1 or down to bloch-d below), with some children room located on this level and two accessible units for senior tenants with a green-house facility

Block-d level 1: occupants reach thier units on this level from lobby level below,while some units entered from fire escape stairs.

level 1

Block-d level 2: which is extended space from units below and some are extended units from level 3 above.

level 2

Block-d level 3: highest level of blocka and most occupants on this level enter from the level above (blockb level lobby)

level 3

level 4

PROGRAMMABLE RANDOM Academic\Fabrication Physical Model Manufication\Video Recording 3 People Team Work This techseminar is about limit. And we think go over limit is a very cool thing. What robot always does id going through a programed path within a specific time and a certain load. So we want to produce something over the path, which means using a very simple path to create something really complex and beautiful.

Trail Pattern Program is always a loop, so we use a pattern like the shape of '8' to leave circulation possibility for the future programable robotic test.

Layers in timeline By presice calculation of motion of the bottle which provided by robot, and time of each motion stop to produce drawing, the robot produces almost the same complex pattern if we keep the length of the line and wight of the bottle. The sixth pattern might be a little due to the accumulated error.

Object Taking the advantage of programable or repeatable, we go further to explore the application of this production method. Starting from the original '8' pattern, the object is built up layer by layer with related reference to the grid and curve,

Tests This three tests are made by the same 8 pattern, but different time settings and stop times settings. although it is overlap, but it is still easy to distinguish each set. And each center of different sers are perfectly located in the projection of the 2D trail.

Material The bottle are carefullty designed. We have to control the speed if pigment. The diameter of the openning and the ratio of the pigment and water is extremely difficult to control. In order to keep the result on the canvas as same as when the pigment reach the surface, we carefully selected the media. Because the more sparse the pigment is the more fluent it can come out, but it would also be more difficult to keep precise drawing on canvas.

Related Layers We use flat drawings on the canvas with three-dimensional wood and resin produced by CNC and casting to create the container for the drawing. The robot can keep producing the same drawings to work in concert with the other objects designed differently. By adding three dimensional objects, the object is not only keeping the programable result, but also creating spacial characters like mess and light.



Detail Design

Digital Fabrication

OTHER WORKS Photograph

I'm always wandering on the street, hunting absorbing place, Indulged in unstoppable shooting.

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