Important Things to Know as a First-Year Student
Adapting to university life is already scary, and it’s no secret that Curtin tends to make things a lot more complicated than necessary. So we’re providing you with some important tips that may help ease your transition into Curtin University.

E-Student sucks, so you’re likely to enrol in the wrong units. It’s common for first-year students to accidentally enrol in second, third or fourth-year units, so don’t freak out if this happens to you. E-Student is terribly designed, and Curtin loves to make their enrolment instructions as vague as possible. But there’s a clever way to avoid coming across this issue.
Always check the first digit of the unit code when enrolling. For example, if the unit code begins with a 1 — then it’s a first-year unit. If the code starts with a 2 — it’s a second-year unit, and so on. You’re likely to pick up this pattern while attending your orientation sessions this week, but there’s nothing wrong with getting a head start! Textbooks are a scam, so don’t waste your money on them. Trust us, it’s unlikely that you’ll be using those “compulsory” textbooks that your course wants you to purchase. They’re not worth going broke 90% of the time, and your wallet will thank you.

To avoid paying the ridiculous full price for a book that’s nowhere near worth $80 to $150, you can buy them second-hand or use free trials of the digital versions provided through Blackboard. And on the off-chance that those second-hand copies or digital versions aren’t available — just wing it. If we can do it, you can do it.
Seriously, get your work over and done with. Be mindful of how much you procrastinate. It’s easy to get used to your newfound independence by attending or watching your lectures and tutorials whenever it suits you. Chances are, your workload will pile up to the point where it’s beyond your control — even though it is.
At the end of the day, you’re the only one responsible for getting things done. Don’t make your life harder than it needs to be by refusing to do your assessments until the very last minute. Just get them done as quickly as possible, and then you’ll have more time to do whatever you want.

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We regularly publish through our website and produce a print edition each year, which you can pick up at Guild outlets and across campus.
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Grok Magazine is Curtin University’s student-run media outlet that has been producing content since 1969.
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Feeling Hungry? Here’s What to Eat on Campus!
Let’s be honest. Although the coffee is worth paying for, the food can make a serious dent in your wallet. That’s why we’ve given you a cheeky guide on what to order if you’re hungry, on a budget or want good food regardless of the price.
Mallokup Café (Level 1, Building 210A)
Suppose you’re looking for the best gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan options. Mallokup Café to the rescue! It’s the only outdoor Guild outlet specialising in healthier meals. Selections include sandwiches, baguettes, sushi and their delicious Nourish Bowls, which change daily.
We recommend purchasing the Tomato Basil Buffalo Mozzarella and Roast Beef, the Cheese Sandwich with Bush Tomato Chutney or any of the raw slices. Since meals with dietary requirements tend to be pricier, products can range anywhere between
$5 to $17.
Basement Café (Engineering Precinct, Building 204)
Looking to get some protein in your body? The Basement Café is an indoor Guild outlet specialising in halal snack packs, kebabs and mini pizzas. They also provide a selection of sushi, baked goods and fresh sandwiches. Grok has immense love for Rina, our Basement queen! Her customer service is always on point, so come say g’day!
Since the Basement Café has the best HSP on campus, we urge you to try them out! The Chicken and Parma deal is also a must-eat - so look out for it whenever available. As for prices, products can range anywhere between $5 to $15.
Food Trucks (Creative Quarter, Sir Charles Court Promenade)
If you’re searching for a wider range of options, Food Trucks available from 11:00am to 3:00pm on certain days are worth the price. Although the trucks will change daily, common services include Master Panda, Honey Creme, Porta Pizza, Spanish Casa and

As to what food trucks we recommend, here’s our pick. Keep an eye out for Jumplings. They have the best duck dumplings in Perth. The Paella Truck is well-known for its chicken or veggie paella bowls. Franny’s Moving Kitchen sells delicious Korean fried chicken. Food trucks can be $ $ $, so the prices can range anywhere between $10 to $20.
Articles produced by Cheyenne Valero and Athina Hilman. Illustration and layout design by Kate LovedayTOGA TOGA TOGA
Get ready for the best party on campus - TOGA!
If you’ve never been to a toga party, it’s a lot of fun. Get ready to hang out with the new friends you made at O’Day and dance the night away.
For many first years, it’s probably your first time at a toga party. Here are some tips to ensure you have a fun night

1. Not all sheets are made equally. This is super important. DO NOT buy a fitted sheet. DO BUY a flat sheet. You have no idea the sheer nightmare it is trying to make a toga out of fitted sheets. INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING

2. Give the toga your own fashion flair. Go on. Add that chunky belt. Add that long sleeve shirt. There is no right way to make a toga, so make it as comfortable as you can while still adding that fashion flair

3. Sandals vs Shoes. If we’re talking about footwear, sandals are probably more authentic. (Being barefoot is more authentic - but there’s nothing worse than dancing on a sticky wooden floor.) Please keep it safe and wear enclosed shoes.

Make sure you come to TOGA at the Tav on March 3rd 2023, from 6pm until midnight.
It will be a spectacular night with live entertainment, free photo booth, special TOGA drinks and a special food offering. See ya’ll on the dance floor!
Super unco with making costumes? We’ve got you:

Guild Student Kitchen (Building 106C): YAY
• perfect place to microwave your two minute noodles, or grab a free tea or instant coffee (if theres any left!)
Curtin School of Allied Health (Building 401): YAY

• This is psychology territory, so everything is zen, complete with a Japanese garden. Best place to de-stress
Curtin Connect (Building 102): NAY

• Waiting for Curtin Connect is similar to waiting to see your dentist. It’s time-consuming, and you’re left with a lot of pain. Skip the lines and try calling.

T.L. Robertson Library (Building 105): NAY
• The go-to place to stress about exams (when it’s actually open for students)
• Please, don’t have sex here. Please, we beg you.
The Architect Building (Building 201): NAY
• Fuck this place. Whoever designed this place hates Curtin or needs a new hobby.
Mallokup Café (Building 210A): YAY
• For vegans, vegetarians, allergen-free humans or those with severe IBS - this is your MECCA!
Basement Café (Building 204): YAY

• 100% delicious. 100% Halal. 100% comfort food and 100% great service (We see you, Rina!)
Curtin Business School (Building 207): NAY

• The uniform is a White Fox jumper, hair hung in a messy bun and sweat pants. It’s the “I don’t want to look like I tried too hard, but I still tried hard” look.

School of Design and Built Environment
(Building 418): YAY

• Aesthetically pleasing. Best building on campus with top-notch air-conditioning
• Design and Built Environment students are territorial as fuck. They’ll look at you like someone from the golden triangle looks at someone from Vic Park. Ignore their stares and sit your ass down at one of their many open study spaces.

Curtin Medical School (Building 410): YAY
• Best toilets on campus. Sorry, med students!
Curtin Student Guild (Building 106F): YAY

• Got issues with teaching staff, and it’s going nowhere? Visit your faculty rep to

• New to StuPol? This is the house that Illuminate built. More precisely, 99% Illuminate, 1% Left-Action.
The Tav (Building 106C): YAY
• Down a bevvy after a stressful group presentation because, once again, your entire group has dropped out of the unit.

Engineering Pavillion (Building 215): NAY

• Let us know when you meet an engineering student who wasn’t full of themselves. You’ll

Creative Quarter (near Building 208): YAY
• Spend your lunch break watching fashionable hot jourstudents look good too, I guess.)
• Find your food trucks here!