Exercise 1

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Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials

1. Read the bibliography (8 papers + 1 thesis ďƒ web site) 2. Choose a topic of interest

3. Deepen the topic by new literature sources 4. Perform a search on the web to find information (pictures, drawings, posters) on projects of new buildings in Peru and in the Cusco town.

5. Produce A1 format poster (produce one or more layouts of your choice)

Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials 1. Quckly read the bibliography (8 papers + 1 thesis ďƒ web site + supplementary bibliography* ďƒ Pagliolico)

Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials

2. Choose a topic of your interest 2.1 Play a critical and comparative reading of the articles and papers 2.2 Synthesize and integrate the different literature sources 2.3 Plan an index of the arguments to be processed

Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials For example, the topics could be: From cancha to the casona colonial Cusqueñas: formal elements La vivienda popular in Peru Earthen architecture* The restoration of the historic center Balconies in Cusco Portals in Cusco Patios in Cusco Stone structures Building and construction materials in Peru Casona colonial Cusqueñas during the golden age (1650-1790) The popular suburban housing Construction techniques Bloques en altura en el uso residencial in South America New residential zones in the area of Cusco after 1950 earthquake Concrete Architecture in South America and Peru The single family house: the model of North American "chalet“ Public space in Cusco* *Supplementary bibliography

Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials 3. Deepen the topic by new literature, library research: •

Valentino Central Library,

Centro di ricerca e di documentazione in 'Tecnologia, architettura e città nei Paesi in via di sviluppo‘ _ c/o Galileo Ferraris, Corso Massimo d'Azeglio, 42, 2nd floor tel. + 39 0110906439/6429 centropvs@polito.it http://www.polito.it/crd-pvs),


Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials 4. Perform a search on the web to find information (pictures, drawings, posters, etc.) on projects of modern buildings in Peru and in Cusco town.

Longhi Architects of Peru “A House Forever”, “The Future of Homes”. http://indulgd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/striking-modern-home-peru-1.jpg

Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials 4. Perform a search on the web to find information (pictures, drawings, tables, etc.) on projects of modern buildings in Peru and in Cusco town.

Architecture WET Studio de California al Cusco - Intervenciones acad茅micas en el Centro Hist贸rico http://apuntesdearquitecturadigital.blogspot.it/2013/12/architecture-wet-studio-de-california.html

Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials 4. Perform a search on the web to find information (pictures, drawings, tables, etc.) on projects of modern buildings in Peru and in Cusco town.




Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials 4. Perform a search on the web to find information (pictures, drawings, tables, etc.) on projects of modern buildings in Peru and in Cusco town.


Exercise 1_traditional constructive technologies and materials 5. Produce A1 format poster (produce one or more layouts of your choice)

5.1 Starting from the index of arguments of your topic to be processed, develop images, drawings, renders which better explain your critical and comparative analysis (minimize the written text) (freehand drawings are preferred) 5.2 Synthesize, critically analyze and integrate the web search on modern buildings in Peru and in Cusco town.


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