My Business Idea
In my coursework I intend to start my own business. I will devise my own business plan which outlines my business proposal and the key aspects, during this I will need to seek good business advice on the necessary steps I will have to make. As I go through the coursework I will show evidence, examples and explain how businesses are set up, what types of businesses there are and their similarities, the kind of targets businesses set for themselves and also the different objectives of different stakeholders. For my business I plan to sell toys and other game products that educate young children under the age of 11.
Starting up a business is difficult and risky. Anyone setting up needs to consider:
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Most people though have to research their product. Businesses also have to decide how the product is to be made.
No businesses can be set up without finance. Most people who start their own business underestimate the amount of money they will need to set up. They are often UNCAPITALISED and this causes problems as the business expands. Some businesses have the potential to be highly profitable but fail because they run out of cash at a crucial early stage in the life of the business. So it is very important to work out how much money is needed to start the business and to identify where the money will come from.
Identifying the sources of help
Essay about My Business Idea
Most new businesses don not survive for more than three years of trading. However, their chance of success is much greater if those setting up the business have received help from experts before the launch. Many new businesses turn to Business Link or to their local TEC. They can identify any grants, loans or benefits that are available from government or from bodies like the Prince's Trust. They can also organise training in setting up small businesses that is so often vital to the survival of the business.
Drawing up a business plan is very important. The business plan sets out how the business is to be set up and
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The business plan =================
HND in Business and Finance Unit Name: Business Strategy – 7 Assessors: Egya Gyamfi Student: Sulaiman Adebakin Introduction In this part of the assignment I will be defining and explaining mission, vision, objective, goals & core competencies, I will also be distinguishing the difference between each point and the role they play in the operation of a business, I will be reviewing the issues involved in strategic planning and explain the different planning techniques. 1.1 Explain strategic contexts and terminology– Missions Visions Objectives, Goals, Core competences About Walkers Walker is a British snack food manufacturer operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland and to a lesser extent on the more content...
There are many different types of objectives such as long–term and short term objectives. Long–term objectives focus on the desired performance and results of the organization on an on–going basis. An example of a long term objective setting out customer service goals by doing this you will be able to make sure that your organization aims to receive positive customer service feedback. Short–term objectives are concerned with short–term performance targets that the organisation is working towards in pursuing its strategies. Short–term objectives tend to last up to six months or a year. Core competence The core competences of an organisation are the things that the organisation is particularly good at, that is, the resources, processes and skills which give it a competitive advantage. It is very important to identify and build on these core competences because they are what enable them to stand out from other organisations. Apple being one of the most well–known brands will mean that customers will have high expectations on their products. Apple having distinctive features on their mobile phones (IPhone) will enable them to have a competitive advantage on their competitors. A competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices. 1.2 Review the issues involved in strategic
Business Strategy Essay
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In corporate America the term used to describe a person in a position of power is "Manager". A leader can be a manager, but a manager is not necessarily a leader. Leaders motivate, challenge, and influence others to achieve goals. Great leaders have the necessary skills and attributes which allow them to connect with the team and organization. Being a leader is not the same as managing an organization. Leader's posses the interpersonal skills needed to influence others to achieve a goal willingly. Leading is a major part of a manager's job. Leaders do not need to be a manager to lead people, but managers must know how to lead as well as manage. Each person in a company brings his or her own experiences, values, and beliefs to more content...
Bova (2008) states that the following four characteristics are found in good leaders: they believe in open communication, they do not stick with the status quo, they are selective in what they measure, and they have passion for values and culture. Each characteristic is essential to a healthy organizational culture. When an employee feels he or she has open communication with a leader, they are more inclined to share if problems arise whether or not work related. Non–work related issues may eventually take a toll on an employee's performance at work. However, with open communication, an employee feels comfortable in apprising the leader of a situation so that future problems are avoided. Not all managers are leaders and not all leaders are managers. The biggest difference between management and leadership is people skills. In determining if a person is a leader or a manager, Bova (2008) lists some differences with which many a person would agree. One difference is that a manager directs people. Managers essentially tell employees to get the job done. Many people work on autopilot until their work shift ends. However, people will follow a leader. Leaders inspire others to want to strive for their best and to go beyond their normal duties. Another difference between managers and leaders is that managers tend to control or micromanage their department. Such management style causes employees to be unhappy and possibly rebel. Under these types of
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Business Leadership Essay
E–business is the largest emerging trend in business today. The movement into e–business is dramatically changing the way people buy and sell. Business is no longer a one for all concept, that concept is being replaced by a consumer economy that is driven by choice. These choices are not only in product and price but in shopping environment as well, where their transactions can take place face to face or in an online environment. Not only are traditional businesses completing their transactions with other businesses in such an online format, but such transactions are taking place between businesses and consumers as well as consumers to consumers. The following paper outlines some of the differences and similarities of each more content...
I have outlined some strengths and weaknesses of business to consumer e–business and the way it is affecting the relationship between the consumer and merchant using's Virtual Retailing Model as an example. Virtual retailing involves the request for and closing of a transaction over the medium of the Internet, via a web page ( /retail.html). While the processing of the transaction, itself, is key to the existence of a virtual retailer, it is not the most important piece. The key to the success of a virtual retailer, according to Peter G. W. Keen, is the ability of that virtual retailer "to build strong customer relationships". has by far been one of the most successful virtual retailers in building strong customer relationships. 70% of Amazon's customers are repeat customers; this is no surprise when invests 20% of its revenue in attracting consumers and develops different techniques to "bond with the customers", such as "My Amazon" ( ). Traditionally businesses had to locate themselves, plant themselves several times over in
e-Business Essay example E–Business
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According to the ICCA there are two main types of tourism, leisure tourism and business tourism; the IMEX defines tourism as 'the provision of facilities and services to the millions of delegates who annually attend meetings, congresses, exhibitions, business events, incentive travel and corporate hospitality"[1] however there is no commonly used definition for business tourism as there are many different aspects to the terms of the meeting industry. Davidson 2003 and Swarbrooke 2001 state that 'business tourism is concerned with people travelling for purposes which are related to their work. As such it represents one of the oldest forms of tourism, man having travelled for the purpose of trade since very early times.' [2]
Trends have more content...
Each of these has a considerable affect on the business tourism industry and could help improve the ? for shugborough.
Conferencing is one of the largest sectors of business tourism according to the British conference market trends survey 2001 estimated to be worth ВЈ7.3 billion. There has been an increasing investment into global conferences industry infrastructure since the 1960's, which shows how important business tourism in terms of the economy adding to the existing leisure tourism developments and prestige associated with high profile conferences. As it is situated in Milford it is easily accessible from the M6 it makes it an ideal location to hold conferences, this would be possible through the use of The Saloon situated in the mansion house, The Lichfield suite would also be suitable for smaller business events. Shugrbough halls facilities has the ability to hold such things as business meetings for example team meetings, annual meetings, and company award ceremonies.
The second of the main types of business tourism is exhibitions. An exhibition is 'a professionally organized event that facilitates the meeting of buyers and sellers in a cost effective manner' (business tourism partnership) [5]. Exhibitions are the 5th largest marketing medium
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Business Tourism Essay example
Essay Question 2: In reviewing the last five years, describe a situation in which you felt particularly effective as a member of team. (Limit 500 words)
Picture an environment in which a 14 to 16 work day was the norm rather than the exception and where working through the night was as common as weekly status meetings. These were the realities of a Deloitte Consulting engagement I had worked on at Deutsche Bank. My first roll was to be part of the testing team. Since the system was to "go live" in 3 months the pressure was on to ensure that all the bugs in the system would be found and fixed. This put considerable stress on the team. The team didn't have enough time to give me an overview of the project. They basically gave me more content...
I put in extra effort to learn the system, even on my own personal time. Within 2 weeks I was up to speed and able to assist my team in testing. The testing team would work long hours due to the tight deadlines, and it was common for management to ask us to stay longer with little notice. I did not, however, let this affect my attitude towards the team. I understood that since this kind of system had never been built before, project time estimations would be inevitably off. I also helped the team when new team members joined. I knew how hard it was for me to learn the system by myself, and I was good at communicating technical material in a manner that non technical people understood, so I took the initiate to get them up to speed. This was necessary since other team members were busy and did not have the time to sit down with new team members. As the project progressed I was put on the operations team. The operations team was responsible for monitoring the system when trades would be sent. The team had to be able to understand how the whole system works. To accomplish this I had to put in a great effort to learn the whole system. Moreover, the system needed 24 hour support. The operations team was required to work in shifts to accomplish this task. The shifts occurred in 12 hour time frames but usually lasted up to 16 hours. The start times of the shifts would change due to changing business needs, and every week
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Business School Essay examples
I am a Business Management major and I have no clue what I intend to do with my life. I chose business management as my major, because despite being undecided, I thought that it was the most useful. Business management appeared to be the most useful to me, because everything is essentially a business. I'm not worried about what I'm going to do with my life though, I have faith that it will all work out. As it says in the bible, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27).
Faith can have a major impact on how business is conducted. A Christian's faith can lead them to make ethical and morally good business decisions. As said in the book, Instructors Guide business through the eyes of faith, "Christians, on the other hand, have an opportunity to see God 's good intentions for them in a business career. Business is, after all, an institutionalization of God's intention for us to work and to serve each other.". Businessmanagement will let me have control over a business, whether it's my own or or a company that I work for, and I will be able to be creative. It will allow me to develop skills, like leading, planning, and organizing, all of which mirror qualities that are Godly. Being a Christian will also let me be a good influence for others in the business world. Not only by making good ethical and moral decisions, but by also helping others and showing that you can have faith and still be a rational business person. A good example of this is the organization Wine to Water. They are a non–profit organization that uses donations to help solve the global water crisis in third world countries. This organization was founded by a man named Doc Hendley, because when he found out that only 1 in 9 people have access to safe and clean water, he was shocked. Doc Hendley was so shocked that he started the organization and decided to make a difference in the world, because he felt that it was his spiritual calling to help those people. My faith will hopefully lead me in the direction of a fulfilling life, both physically and spiritually. A potential future option of mine, that I've considered is going Get more
Reflective Essay On Business Management
The business world today is competitive. It's full of fierce, educated, and motivated people. For some people it's tough to rise to the top and for some people it comes much easier. It's not always about hard work! One might ask for a map to the yellow brick road, but few people are ever provided with it. Most people are stuck in an ocean making calculated guesses as to how they can reach land. Which route is the best? How much school is enough? How many certificates of accreditation is enough? How much work experience is enough? All of us ask these questions attempting to navigate our ships in a competitive world were only a few individuals ever get to their targeted career position. How many of those in leadership positions are women? more content...
They're looking for direction from their top leadership. When we speak of top management the first thing that comes to mind is the CEO. If you had to quickly name three CEO's off the top of your head who would they be? I'm sure many of you would have said Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Michael Dell. There is an un–shocking statistic that the vast majority of people who hold top management positions are men. Even for the average Joe it would be difficult to become a CEO of a billion dollar company. There are many more weeds women need to cut through to reach the top of their respective fields. The list of challenges that women face are exponential. The following are what many would believe to be the top three challenges. Women have faceddiscrimination towards their gender, their ability to be assertive, and some people say women don't have the ability to take their employees to the next level. Being discriminated against for being a woman is the most obvious challenge. If you think about the history of our country; it has only been about 90 years since women got the right to vote in 1920. In light of the election that just past I'm sure some of us still take those rights for granted. It has been an uphill battle for women seeking equal treatment to men in the work place. Yet there is still gender discrimination apparent in today's workforce.
The people in the United States as well as many other countries Get more content
Women in Business Essay
Business Plan Essay examples
Describe the type of business you have created including: a. the product or service, and general staffing plan. Provide a rationale for your plan. b. The form of your business and the benefits it offers your particular business, c. A chart of accounts specific to your business, including a rationale as to the selection of each account. (Note: The chart of accounts is a blueprint of your business for the lender/investor. It should report the expected resources that you will consume in your business (assets), the sources of those resources (liabilities and equity), the sources of revenue, and expenditures that you expect to incur to earn those revenues. You may build a detailed chart that includes business units, divisions, product more content...
Chris Forte chose to be a sole proprietor because sole proprietorships are mainly one–owner businesses. Chris Forte can close it, sell it or pass it down to his heirs at any time. A sole proprietor pays taxes as a part of his individual income tax filing. The costs of obtaining a license for sole proprietors are substantially less than those for corporations. Start–up costs for sole proprietorships are very low. The Startup cost for Shear Perfection Unisex Salon will consists of the cost of the building (23,000) five salon stations, five master barber chairs, each station requires a salon chair, cabinet, and a large mirror, shampoo bowl and a floor mat, five sit under dryers will be located in the rear of the salon. All other miscellaneous items such as curling irons, electric razor, several pairs of scissors, spray bottle, assorted combs and brushes all employees are expected to provide for themselves. Shampoo bowls and floor mats. Located in the front of the salon will be a desk for the receptionist, along with a computer for sales and booking appointments ,three couches for reception area and two flat screen televisions to entertain our clients. Located in the back of the salon will be an office for management with a computer for accountant purpose with a printer. DescriptionCost Building Total Cost of Building23,000 EquipmentTotal Amount of Equipment 4,723 FurnitureCost to Furnish Salon 9,753
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RUSH BAKERS& RESTAURANT (PVT) LTD No 56 New Bus Stand Nittambuwa Telephone–0773892174
Table of Contents
1.Executive Summary2
1.2 Mission
2.Company summary3
2.1 Company ownership
3.Start–up summary3
4. Products and Services4
5. Market Analysis Summary4
5.1 Market Segmentation
5.2 Target Market Segment Strategy
6. Strategy and Implementation Summary5
6.1 Competitive Edge
6.2 Marketing Strategy
6.3 Sales Strategy
6.4 Sales Forecast
7. Management Summary6
8. Financial Plan6
Business Plan-Example Essay
8.1 Important Assumptions
8.2 Break–even Analysis
8.3 Projected Profit & Loss
9. Summary7
1. Executive Summary
Rush Bakers & Restaurant (RBR) is a start–up more content...
–People or family members who come to Nittambuwa for shopping and who will be looking for walk–in food convenience feeling tired.
–Local travelers and tourists who are active restaurant seekers.
5.1 Market Segmentation
Rush Bakers intends to serve a wide range of customer base. Our market segment includes:
Young adults and business people
Families with children
Travelers and tourists
High–end singles or bachelors
5.2 Target Market Segment Strategy
The dominant target market for Rush Bakers & Restaurant is a regular stream of local residents. .We can specifically divide the market into two segments, ordinary people with families and business people.
6. Strategy and Implementation Summary
This business hopes to succeed by offering high quality foods and bakery products at a competitive price and superior customer service at a friendly neighborhood–feel atmosphere.
6.1 Competitive Edge
The competitive edge of Rush Bakers & Restaurant is relatively low level of competition in the local areas in this particular niche. Rush Bakers & Restaurant rely on two competitive advantages: The importance of experience–The customer experience is extremely important as an effective way of distinguishing offerings. When a customer has a good experience at a restaurant, the probability of the customer repeating to the hotel is more and there is chance of sharing his
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Business communication needs to become interpersonal again. No matter how we believe our human forms came into existence, we were built to need personal contact and function best with face–to–face communication. As children, we desired comfort from touch, a hug from our mothers. As teenagers, we held hands with our boyfriend or girlfriend. As adults in the workforce, we still need to feel that connection and comfort with our families and the people we work with. As Susan RoAne (2008), owner of a speaking, consulting, and coaching business, discusses one way we feel this connection is through getting to know and building trust by communicating in–person. Through this interpersonal interaction, we not only feel more comfortable more content...
For the greatest success of the business, employees need interpersonal communication to connect with their co–workers. A leadership expert, John C. Maxwell (2010) says: "Connecting goes beyond words." (p. 41). Physically being in the same room, verbally speaking thoughts, engaging in eye contact, and being able to see nonverbal responses are all important and add to a person's understanding of the message being communicated and feeling a connection. Overall, communicating face–to–face is more natural for employees. An employee knows who is hearing what they are saying and seeing their nonverbal gestures. The employee can either get immediate feedback whether or not the person understands or agrees or disagrees. The communication does not have to be formatted as it does on paper. An employee should still present themselves professionally, but communicating face–to–face is a process, instead of format. Through in–person communication, employees will be able to not only build needed connections, but relationships and trust with co–workers in the business. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is like a staircase, a person needs to satisfy the lower stairs to easily reach and fulfill the higher staircases. If you refer to Figure 1 on page 9, social needs, feeling connections with people around you, are
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Business Communication Essay example
Technology and Communication in Business
The technological advances achieved in the past few decades have brought about a revolution in the business world, affecting all aspects of a working life. People can reach each other throughout the world in a matter of seconds, without cost being increasingly negligible. Employees no longer need to be physically with their clients and co–workers; instead they can communicate effectively at home, at a distant office, across the world, and even in their car or on an airplane. Although thesenew technologies offer a wide variety of services and opportunities, they seem united by a single factor: increased efficiency and productivity. Indeed, companies have been quick to adopt many of more content... This has coincided with companies' realization that much is to be gained form supporting a teleworking model, not the least of which is the increased job satisfaction and retention of its female employees, which has a direct, positive impact on companies' bottom line.
First, business itself has moved from local to global, which has contributed to breaking down barriers to employees from different places, taking advantage of increased mobility or to many worker's needs. This new style of work is also evolving from hierarchical to flat, from departments to cross functional, and from individual to teams, who may no longer produce a widget, but develop an out come through shared ideas and collaboration across cities and continents.
Today, companies have thetechnology to allow workers to collaborate simultaneously and effectively from different locations. With sales forces on the road from Buffalo to Tokyo, engineers in Boston working with production managers in Taiwan and experts in from Silicon Valley to Silicon Alley, it is only common sense that teleworking should increasingly become the business model.
Teleworking and flextime have long been on the agenda of women who wished to find a way to balance work and family. Single mothers often wish to work at home to be able to
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6.1 Chapter overview
The chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of the market, services, corporate strategy and other aspects relating to the business concept of the company which is going to be established.
6.2Introduction to the business
Waas is going to start as alimited liability company with the desire to provide contingent and permanent workforce solution to the Sri Lankan corporate sector. In order to provide a highly satisfactory service to the target market, it will be well equipped with highly qualified professionals and experts who are specialized in the fields of accounting, finance, taxation, IT, legal consultation and cleaning services. The company is expected to be started as a limited liability company where the governance of the entire company placed upon the board of directors which consists of two independent non–executive directors and one executive directors. Thirty employees are expected to be hired who are well capable and experienced in the field.
Waas is structured like other temporary and permanent placement agencies. The company has four divisions which are focusing on the following areas.
Accounting, finance, and taxation
Legal consultation
Cleaning and other clerical services
Waas will handle recruiting of the professionals, including reference checks, skills evaluation, interviewing of applicants, selecting the most suitable employees for its corporate clients. Waas is ready to act
Business Concept : 6 Business Concepts Essay
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Sources of Finance for a Business
For a business to successfully run, it must have sources of finance. These are methods of financing the running of the business, buying of stock and paying of workers. Small businesses and large businesses have different sources of finance. In this section, I will discuss the different sources of finance used by small and large businesses, and the advantages and disadvantages of each, starting with small businesses.
Setting up a business costs money. For instance, setting up a bakery involves buying or renting a shop and buying stocks of flour and so on. One source of finance for a new business is equity or equity capital. This is money which is put into more content... Using retained profit has one advantage over borrowing money because the business doesn't have to make payments on the money that is retained. It does not have to be repaid, so no interest or dividends are due on it. However, a problem with retained profit is that it has to be accumulated, which takes a long time. A business must be successful to have a profit, especially to make enough where they can afford to retain some.
Many new businesses borrow money in order to start. As they continue trading, they may need to borrow more money to survive or expand. Banks are the main source of loans for small businesses. With abank loan, the business usually borrows a fixed amount of money. It will then pay this back in regular fixed instalments. These repayments include the interest on the outstanding money owed. The bank may ask for security or collateral on the loan, which means that the business must pledge assets to the bank. The bank can sell these assets if the business cannot repay the loan. The most common type of security is property, for example a factory. For a sole trader, there is no distinction between the assets of the business and the personal assets of the owner because of unlimited liability. Therefore, owners might offer their own houses as security. Bank loans secured on property are called mortgages. Mortgages are the main source of expansion for small businesses, as they Get
Sources of Finance for a Business Essay
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Establishing a Furniture Business
The name of my business is '???? ????' I am interested in establishing a furniture business because I think I can provide goods to sell to customers and other companies at affordable prices. My products will supply comfort and style at work or in the home. The needs and wants I am satisfying are to sell stylish, modern furniture designs (from fitted offices to tables and reception desks to storage space). I think my products will sell because each item is hand–made to individual order so the standard range can be adapted during production to suit each customer's specific requirements.
The products are made from many types of wood (oak, maple, beech, ash, more content...
To fill in a Deed of Partnership my partner and myself will have to decide and agree on the following (main agreements) :
The capital to be contributed by each partner – ВЈ100,000 each (ВЈ2000 from other contributors – they shall get a share in profits and shares)
The rate of interest to be allowed on partners capitals – 10% each
The rate of interest to be charged on partners drawings – 12% each
Any salaries payable to partners – separate accounts (with half of money in each)
The ratio in which the remaining profit / loss is to be shared – ВЅ each
We will also need to decide the working role of each partner; banking details; payment of tax; insurance arrangements; voting rights and arbitration arrangements; withdrawals and expenses due to each partner; changes in the members of the partnership; arrangements for ending the partnership; and arrangements in the event of the death of a partner.
Establishing a Furniture Business Essay example
The location of my business will have to start off as a small factory (including offices) because of all the other expenses. It will be just North of London so it is in an ideal location to serve London and South England. This means it is linked to the business environment. I have chosen this area because there is a large population. It will be situated in a
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Discuss and provide examples of the changing factors that will influence business in the future (e.g., new investment techniques, new forms of communication, new management structure, new technology, or new marketing techniques). Select 2 of the 5 identified factors and explain in detail the factor that was chosen and provide an example.
New marketing techniques
Green marketing is very important as the problems of environmental protection are essential for all countries all over the world nowadays. The recent researches give us evidences that anxiety concerning nature pollution is increasing. The ecological security became primary for consumers. Thus, it is high time to reconsider the understanding the nature as our habitat as well more content...
In summing up, all these elements are important and require serious consideration before being executed (Pakroo, 22–26). The business plan of the company development should include all these elements, because they will help building a working model of the business. Review any additional ideas that you may have about how future business will work.
In fact, the core of any business plan is based on a specific type of business (Timmons et al. 2004). This model shows how business creates profitability and success in the market. Four factors determine correctly created a business model. Here are four factors that determine a wisely created business model:
1. money;
2. definition of time;
3. competitive advantage;
4. basic skills. Firstly, it is important to think about the source of profitability. At this stage of business development, it is important to define whether the company will offer the products, services or both. Today the ecological problem is very important in any sphere of our life and the existing data of the problems of environmental protection showed that it is essential of nowadays research. The ecological problems become primary in the minds of consumers. Green marketing is a structural element of management of branch manufacture, can be realized on the basis of linear system when ecological problems are integrated into already existing organizational structure on the basis of expansion of duties of all levels of
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The Future of Business
An Introduction to Business
Business plays a major role within our society. It is a creative and competitive activity that continuously contributes to the shaping of our society. By satisfying the needs and wants people cannot satisfy themselves, businesses improve the quality of life for people and create a higher standard of living.
It is a way for individuals to provide goods and services to consumers, and at the same time, produce a profit for themselves. Businesses are not only important because they provide goods and services for consumers, but they also improve the economy and increase jobs for people within society which is an additional fact producing a higher standard of living. To measure our societies standard more content... International trade deficits occur when a nation imports more then it exports. The Decline of Smokestack America is when there is a change from an industrial to a post–industrial economy. Finally, the conservation of energy is so that there are a sufficient amount of natural resources necessary to produce goods. General economic growth or stagnation also has an important influence on business within our society. Many factors can affect it's condition, such as war, new inventions and technology, political assassinations, the discovery of physical and natural resources, labor negotiations, government action, and many others. When the economy is strong and the demand is high, businesses can prosper. Regardless of how great the economy may become, businesses still must compete with other firms for scarce raw materials and labor.
A businesses environment creates many opportunities as well as problems for prospering businesses. The environment determines what a business can do by shaping and channeling its development. Businesses function within an environment by allowing entrepreneurs to raise capital and create profits freely. The supply of money available within a business as well as the economic stability through times of growth and recession have strong effects on businesses. Not only is the physical environment, including natural resources, pollution and energy as discussed previously, important, but many other
An Introduction to Business Essay
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When brainstorming to start a business, it is essential to research the most efficient way to start a company and all the liabilities that can happen. Business can become successful with the right person in place and a unique idea. When making a company, it is crucial to determine the structure, which organization to start with and the liability that is involved. When taking a closer look at five different company structures Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership, Limited Partnership, S/C Corporation, and Limited Liability. Which have not honored the contract and are at risk for legal actions. The various liabilities between each owner will be discussed. Which will analyze ways to limit liability and display my future more content...
Now, A partnership is formed between two individuals and the agreement should be in a contract form or writing. The next two types that are discussed are general partnership and limited partnership. Silverbrand (2008) stated Partnerships are the primary form of business which larger companies begin (p.167). Partnerships are simple to start, no required registration only within certain states, and can end quite rapidly. A general partnership is where each partner is equal to liability or any litigation consequences. In a limited partnership, the liability is limited equal to the amount the limited partners at first invested. In fact, sometimes limited partners do not make business decisions but, own stock within the company. Basically, an LLC, with its hybrid nature, "provides owners...with the limited liability protection of a corporation, but without the potential for double taxation" (Jordan & Clark, 1197). The income created from a general partnership of a business is taxed as income earned by the person working for a different company. When starting a partnership it is best to discuss the amount of liability that each partner is responsible for. Which, will help when looking at the type of litigation described. The most recognized companies are Corporations and LLC's. According to Sonderquist (2000) Corporations are similar to limited partnerships Get
Essay On Business Structure
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The career that I want to major in is Agriculture Business and management. The reason why I want to major in Agriculture Business is because agriculture is an important aspect of every society for its social, economic, and environmental growth. I first heard of this career from my agriculture advisors, at Westminster High School's farm, when I was being shown a list of jobs and careers that involvedagriculture. I was interested in this career because I have a general interest in agriculture and farming, which is a fundamental part of human life, and to be able to get into a career that is involved in agriculture is an amazing opportunity. The responsibilities of an Agricultural Business Manager is, "to ensure that the production more content...
"Agricultural managers direct the activities of one of the world's largest and most productive agricultural sectors. They produce enough food and fiber to meet the needs of the United States and for export" (student scholarships 1). High school required classes to take in order to reach the career requirements are intro to agriculture, intro to agriculture economics, and computer science. The classes that Westminster High School has that are considered requirements are: intro to agriculture, computer science, agriculture mechanics, veterinary science, intro to business, economics, leadership. And FFA (club/organization). All the post high school courses needed are: "Ag. Economics, agribusinessmanagement, accounting I and II, environmental law and economic policy, agricultural marketing, financial management, human resource management, microeconomics, economics and business statistics, U.S. Ag. Policy, intro to agribusiness, applied ecology, managerial accounting or cost accounting, intro to computer applications, composition, critical reading and thinking, human relations, business math, Spanish communications I, and technical writing and communication,. For an elective the options are given to either take general psychology, political science, or sociology I" (DelawareTech 2). The colleges with the career major are CSU Fresno and Oregon State University. For on–going
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Business and Management Essay example