Global Marketing Essay

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Global Marketing Leadership

Global Marketing: Leadership and Ethical Issues

Diamond Thomas–Parks

BMGT8008 – Ethics and Leadership in Global Environment

November 11, 2012

PO BOX 26083

Tucson, AZ 85726

Telephone: 520–861–3118


Instructor: Dr. Tracy Elazier


Some scholars view culture as fragile and if influenced by western marketing principles can compromise the integrity and uniqueness of non–western cultures. The fragility of non–western cultures is compounded with the lack of technology to preserve and document the nuances of their cultures. Global marketing is viewed as the compromising factor of many cultures untouched by western culture experience ethics dilemmas in the administration of marketing. Is more content...

Kant (1788) metaphysics view on ethics and morality utilized a utilitarian theory and focused on the duties of the business not being associated with complete self–interest (Carrigan et. al., 2005, p. 481). Metaphysical morality when applied to global marketing directs businesses to seek to satisfy objectives other than business interest. Kant's study continues to reveal that businesses have a duty to satisfy and deliver benefits through ethical marketing strategies sensitive to the cultures they are trying to influence (Carrigan et. al., 2005, p.481). The pay–off and ultimate moral imperative for a business is securing the sale of the items marketed globally. The businesses' utilization of Kant's metaphysical morality can lead to increased market presence as the business appears ethical to the global consumer. The first principle of global marketing is to appear acceptable in behavior, ethical and culturally sensitive during the marketing process. While appearing ethical in marketing, businesses must also adhere to varying truth standards for each global market the business enters. Epistemology: What is true? Epistemology as a marketing ethics and leadership

component is demonstrated in the study of knowledge and justified beliefs (Carrigan et. al., 2005). Marketing on a global scale must make normative moral decisions

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Marketing

GLOBAL MARKETING is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.

пѓ In global marketing, marketing activities take place in more than one country.

пѓ Marketing concepts, processes and principles are universally applicable and the marketer's task is the same whether doing business in different countries.

пѓ Business goal is to make the profits by promoting, pricing and distributing products for which there is a market.

пѓ Global marketing means that an organisation standardizes its products and marketing programs across the world markets and practices global integration.


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пѓ Subcontracting has been used widely by MNCs seeking low labor costs in a host country.

пѓ It is the process in which a foreign company provides a local manufacturer with raw materials, semi finished products, sophisticated components or technology for producing final goods that will be bought back by the foreign company.

пѓ In most subcontracting business, local manufacturers are responsible only for processing or assembly in exchange for processing fees.

пѓ Nike, for example is still using subcontracting as its primary mode in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Bangladesh. The company provides raw materials and technology, maintains proprietary rights over materials and products, controls production processes and product quality and pays processing fees to local factories.

пѓ Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) is one specific form of international subcontracting in which a foreign firm supplies a local company with technology and sophisticated components so that latter can manufacture goods that the foreign firm will market under its own brand in international markets. 3.

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Chapter 1

Introduction to Global Marketing


§ What is Global Marketing?

Global Marketing is the process of focusing the resources and objectives of a company on global marketing opportunities. It means widening the business horizons to encompass the world when scanning for opportunity and threat. This decision to entering new markets depends strongly on the company's resources, managerial mindset and the nature of opportunity and threat, which not every company is able to.

In the 1990s, the concept of the 4p's was outdated and there was a shift of the focus from the customer to the customer in the external environment. Then, the means of strategic Management for the integration of Marketing with other Management functions came up more content...

Now, a few global corporations dominate the world market, as it is for example in the market for automobiles. Mergers are common and will be the future pressure in this industry. Due to changing economic conditions, mergers & acquisitions and innovation, major changes can occur. From the many hundreds of small car manufactures in the USA are now 2 left.

В§ Management Orientations

The form of a company's response to global market opportunities depend greatly on management's assumptions or beliefs about the nature of the world. Therefore, the worldview of a company can be different.

1.Ethnocentric Orientation

This person thinks that his/her home country is superior compared to the rest of the world. These people see only similarities in the foreign markets and assume that their product, as it is superior, will be successful everywhere. These companies have therefore a centralized Marketing Management.

2.Polycentric Orientation

This is the opposite of ethnocentrism. Here, the Management has often unconscious belief or assumption that each country is unique. Each subsidiary develops its own unique business and marketing strategies. These companies have therefore a decentralized Marketing Management.

3.Regiocentric Orientation

Here, the management sees regions as unique and seeks to develop an integrated regional strategy. A focus on the EU would be part of this view. These companies have therefore a

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Global strategy: Global strategy is considered as a detailed plan on how an organization or a firm can be successful marketing its products or services at global level to enhance business growth, and increase profit margin (Lynch, 2014).

Organizations or firms will have many reasons why its imperial for the businesses to penetrate or enter global market, some of these reasons will include to increase profit margin, increase sales, expand the scope of the business at a global scale, and increase market competitiveness (Winters, 2015). To effectively accomplish the global business goals and objectives by any firm, the company will require an extensive detailed comprehensive global strategy to effectively accomplish their business goals.

Other International strategies: Some of the international strategies to include multinational strategy where a company is involved in several market outside of its home country, the company will then be required to designed different strategic methods for each of the markets because of competition, customers request and demand are different from country to country as competitive advantage is determined separately from each country (Lynch, 2914). Another international strategy is the global strategy where a company designed a marketing plan for entire global market, the organization now consider global market as largely a market, which means market and competitive approach is designed largely on a global scale respectively (Winters, 2015).

Global Strategy : Global Marketing
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Global Market

The Callaway Golf might have pros and cons if they prefer either to use of a global marketing or multi–domestic marketing. The Callaway Golf can have a big market in worldwide which may increase the amount of its revenue. Moreover, the products of Callaway can be known by people around the world, especially who interested in golf. By using the global marketing approach to marketing for Callaway, the company may have no problem in producing and distributing its products to other countries because of the same products inside and outside the United States. The only thing that the company needs to focus on is the quality control of the products. However, the Callaway Golf might face a problem if its products unable to compete more content...

Economic factors are one of the environmental factors, involve economic variables, such as prices and wages, could have a major impact on the marketing of golf clubs internationally. According to Marx, "The Japanese economy collapsed in the mid–1990s, and the salary man class lost its monopoly on social prestige. Golf was a core tradition of corporate warriors, and it therefore also suffered a reputation loss from its over–association with the dominant old–man contingent". This impact has hurt Callaway Golf and other golf equipment manufactures. Demographics factors also brought a large impact on the marketing of golf clubs internationally. Younger golfers are working more hours to support themselves and the aging Japanese population, leaving them fewer hours on the course to enjoy themselves. This may impact the downsizing of the golf players in the next few years. In South Korea, the environmental factor that could have a major impact on the marketing of golf clubs internationally is social factors which can affect the lifestyles as a society. According to Kerin, Hartley, and Rudelius, "Korean women account for the lion's share of the $600 million in golf and apparel/footwear sales tallied at retail compared to hard goods sales of $275 million". This would also bring a great impact for most golf equipment manufacturers, including Callaway, in pursuing the female lifestyles domestically and internationally. I would

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Global Market Essay example

Global marketing management first involves the same elements as any type of marketing management and then must take into account the different requirements of the global marketplace, the different opportunities, and the pitfalls that must be avoided in this developing arena. Deciding what works and what does not and seeing to it that the company follows what works is the job of the marketing manager. While the purpose of marketing is the same in the global marketplace as in the domestic market, namely to decide what the customer wants and then to provide it, the task can be more complicated in the global market because the manager will not be as familiar with that market, because that market is not one market at all but many markets more content...

Such marketing is necessarily global as well, for the Internet crosses borders quite freely, except in those countries able to impose limitations, such as China has been doing. Geraldine T. Cohen notes, The nationally based business will start with cautious testing of new markets, often selected with a similar culture, having a focus that is culturally and managerially В‘ethnocentric ' or centered around the home market. A multinational business will have a В‘polycentric ' orientation, i.e. a focus based on the understanding and appreciation of different operating contexts. (Cohen 195)

Global marketing has to begin with a decision about how broad a market is to be served, and the choice of media may determine this question to a great extent. This is why an e–company by its very nature has to have a global perspective to be successful. Many marketing experts would agree with John Quelch and Edward Hoff when they write, "The big issue today is not whether to go global but how to tailor the global marketing concept to fit each business and how to make it work" (Quelch and Hoff 60). That was in the 1980s, and the demand is even greater today as companies seek to compete in the global arena on the Internet and in more traditional venues at the same time. Global trade shapes the way companies operate, the goods they produce, the alliances they make, and certainly the messages they use to sell their products. In the past, a product might be sold one way

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Global Marketing Management

Describe the five stages in the evolution of global marketing emphasizing on the management orientations at different stages. As we know, marketing is essentially a creative corporate activity involving the planning and execution of the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, products, and services in an exchange that not only satisfies customers' current needs but also anticipates and create their future needs at a profit. There have five (5) stages in the evolution of global marketing that emphasizing on the management orientations at different stages which are domestic, export, international, multinational and global marketing.

The first stage is domestic marketing where a strategy that is based on information exclusively from domestic industry and customer demands, as well as the domestic cultural conditions (economic, technological, political, and social environments). This is the first stage in how firm marketing strategies evolve. In addition, before the marketers' before entry into international markets, many companies focus solely on their domestic market. Their marketing strategy is developed based on more content...

When external marketing becomes increasingly more important and successful for the business, they will begin seeking new sources of growth and profit. New countries serve as new markets, thus international marketing begins. International Marketing is approached by concentrating product and promotional strategy to a given foreign market. Furthermore, an international marketing firm has polycentric orientation with emphasis on product and promotional adaptation in foreign markets whenever necessary. They make strategic decisions that are tailored to suit the cultures of the foreign countries. The company may establish an independent foreign subsidiary in each and every foreign market it services В such efforts are also called multi–domestic

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The Principles Of Global Marketing

The principles of global marketing Introduction

Global marketing, which is a theory about the worldwide merchandising strategy, establishes the basement of marketing. As globalization is combined with diverse cultures from the whole world, costumers have different demands which have to achieve by businesses. In addition, the strategy of global marketing is necessary for companies to develop new markets. This assignment will firstly explain what global marketing is. After that, it will confer strategy of global marketing in 4Ps (product, price, place, promotion) and some examples. Finally, it will discuss relevancies to society.


Global marketing is a universal and natural discipline. The first reason is people in diverse countries having differences. In addition, the practices of marketing will alter from country to country. In other words, a successful marketing plan in one country may not necessarily work in other areas. The second one is people in a variety of areas have their own thinking, own values, own habits, and own taboos in different cultures. (Keegan, W., & Green, M. 2011: 9) Mooij(2005) explains that international marketing which is a global process of planning and completing the production, pricing, promotion and delivering of ideas, goods, and services to satisfy individual and organizational costumers. As a result, the mission of global marketing is extending the plains and programs in different areas. Moreover, in different global marketing

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CHAPTER 5– The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments of Global Marketing Introduction

The global marketer must attempt to comply with each nation's laws and regulations with respect to the cross–border movement of services, people, money, and know–how. Laws and regulations that change frequently or are ambiguous can hamper the company's activities. The Political Environment Made up of governmental institutions, political parties, and organizations that rulers and people use to wield power Each nation's political culture reflects the importance of the government and legal system. Issues for foreign investors include the governing party's view on sovereignty, political risk, taxes, equity dilution, more content...

r types of issues arising outside of a nation's borders or to exercise power over individuals or entities from different countries Employees of foreign companies should understand the extent to which they are subject to jurisdiction of host–country courts Courts have jurisdiction if it can be demonstrated that the company is doing business in the state the court sits Intellectual Property Intellectual property must be registered in each country where business is conducted Patent–gives an inventor exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified period of time Trademark–distinctive mark, motto, device, or emblem used to distinguish it from competing products Copyright–establishes ownership of a written, recorded, performed, or filmed creative work Infringement of Intellectual Property Counterfeiting–unauthorized copying and production of a product Associative counterfeit/imitation–product name differs slightly from a well–known brand Piracy–unauthorized publication or reproduction of copyrighted work Intellectual Property Protecting Intellectual Property In the United States, registration is with the Federal Patent Office In Europe, applicants use the European Patent Office or register country by country Soon the Community Patent Convention will cover 25 countries World Intellectual Property Organization Governed

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Global Marketing Summary Chapter 5-10

Global Marketing Plan

Yve Franks


Executive Summary

Gambit Sports Outreach Program is designed to reach the children and the residents of Haiti. Gambits purpose is to develop a nonprofit sports soccer facility that focuses on educating the whole person through education, nutrition and sports. Children are in important part of our future and Gambit wants to be able to help Haiti and the children build up confidence in the people as well as a positive change. Haiti is a place that is known for soccer and Gambit wants the chance to build up Haiti and the people that live there.

Gambit Sports Outreach program will create more content...

Buyers are able to shift purchases or put pressure on the seller. These forces carry over directly to the global case (Johansson, 2009). Gambit will always make sure that the supplier power is always met. Gambit will always have the necessary equipment available for the player at the residents. We pursue our goal for providing a positive integrity soccer experience by incorporating the Porters five force model into our strategic marketing plan. The Aim of Gambit is to use Sports to help in the social, environmental, and ethical issues that the Haitian community faces. The Environmental Regulations that are placed on Haiti have an influence on the forces of competition. The regulation helps to create a new thriving competitive environment. In Table Two the Porters five force model gives an overview of the forces and how they apply to each other.

Strategic Alliances

It is imperative that Strategic Alliance be formed with Haiti's National Soccer Foundation, Haitian Business Investors and other Domestics Investor in order to gain as well as foster positive collaboration. This collaboration will share vital information, assets, and technology as well as will be seen as a stronger business force or coalition unit that will pursue the joint venture of establishing the Gambit Outreach Soccer Program building and stadium.

The Strategic Alliance will also have the necessary bargaining power,

Global Marketing
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"Global Marketing Management"

"Bridgestone: European Marketing Strategy"


1.0: Make an assessment of the competitive strategies that Michelin, Continental and Goodyear respectively may pursue to strengthen their European Market position. Page 4–6

2.0 Make an assessment of the alternative competitive strategies that Bridgestone can pursue to strengthen its European Market position. Page 7–8

3.0 Give a well–reasoned proposal for the criteria to be used by Bridgestone when choosing market (country) that requires a larger marketing effort (you can also include central and eastern Europe). Page 9–10 more content...

They hope to continue to maintain their market position, with innovative advertising and promotion schemes which will add to the development of their already high brand awareness within the tyre market.

In relation to Porters Generic Strategy it is thought that Michelin has a strategy based on differentiation as their product range and amount of services are second to none throughout the world. The ability to provide tyres to different countries that have entirely different needs is efficient. For example, providing tyres for the American market where there is a fashionable status around their cars. Another example would be how Michelin provide tyres for the Asian market, where the cars that they drive and the environment that they drive in require different tyres which encourages Michelin to adapt to all of these markets.

Essay on Global Marketing

Differentiation is a key factor and is used to provide Michelin with a competitive edge over their rivals.


Goodyear currently maintains an 18.2% market share, behind Michelin and Bridgestone. Although the company is the second largest tyre maker in Europe, in order to maintain and strengthen this position, in 1998 Goodyear pursued an alliance with Sunitomo Rubber Industries. This was a good strategy, as it allowed Goodyear to take control of the Dunlop brand in both Europe and North America. This may provide Goodyear with the advantage of eventually taking complete ownership of Dunlop's tyre activities, a move which would

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Two opposite viewpoints for developing global marketing strategy are commonly expounded. According to one school of thought, marketing is an inherently local problem. Due to cultural and other differences among countries, marketing programs should be tailor–made for each country. The opposing view treats marketing as know–how that can be transferred from country to country. It has been argued that the worldwide marketplace has become so homogenized that multinational corporations can market standardized products and services all over the world with identical strategies, thus lowering their costs and earning higher margins.

Localized Strategy

The proponents of localized marketing strategies support their viewpoint based on more content... Similarly, advertisers have encountered difficulty when using colors in certain foreign countries. For example, purple is a death color in Brazil, white is for funerals in Hong Kong, and yellow signifies jealousy in Thailand. In Egypt the use of green, which is the national color, is frowned upon for packaging. Socioeconomic differences (i.e., per capita income, level of education, level of unemployment) among countries also call for a localized approach toward international marketing. For example, limited economic means may prevent masses in developing countries from buying the variety of products that U.S. consumers consider essential. To bring such products as automobiles and appliances within the reach of the middle class in developing countries, for example, the products must be appropriately modified to cut costs without reducing functional quality. Differences in the character of local marketing infrastructure across countries may suggest pursuing country–specific marketing strategies. The marketing infrastructure consists of the institutions and functions necessary to create, develop, and service demand, including retailers, wholesalers, sales agents, warehousing, transportation, credit, media, and more. Consider the case of media. Commercial television is not available in many countries. Sweden, for example, lacks this element of the marketing infrastructure. In many countries, for example, Switzerland, commercials on

Global Marketing Strategies Essay
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2)Sourcing assets and not just products: Sourcing products and elements internationally based has long been a trademark of international business. However this features understood that global marketing strategies are much about strength assessing for market approach justification as they are about trademark hoarding abroad. 3)Market approaches in line with breakeven: in order to reach in global market a organization need to be the extensive in its category. Alternatively it typically capable to initiate the magnitude of sales the essential infrastructure commands.

4)Contesting assets: The other characteristic of global organizations is it can equalize the assets and expertise of its competitors. For example, if competitors enforced to diversion from a reduced cost to high cost, it too can do so. Uniformly if a competitor acquires access to a new technology, it can do the same.

5)Businesses have a global orientation: The rivalry at the global market stage is not just at the product or service stage. It is also about constructing and sustain multinational infrastructure. The above five features taken sensible operational global strategy. Conclusion: Global marketing strategies are aiming significant as more and more more content... This fetch in the way HR are served has come about due to the existing impression that human resource are sources of aggressive profit and not simply employees making their job authority. The point here is the present ideas in HRD tends employees as great author and assets build on the RBV Resource Based View of the organization that has appear in the Strategic Human Resource

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Sales promotion is any paid, short–term communication program that adds tangible value to a product or brand. Consumer sales promotions are targeted at ultimate consumers; trade sales promotions are used in business–to–business marketing. Sampling gives prospective customers a chance to try a product or service at no cost. A coupon is a certificate that entitles the bearer to a price reduction or other value–enhancing consideration when purchasing a product or service.

Personal selling is face–to–face communication between a prospective buyer and a company representative. more content... The increasing popularity of sales promotion as a marketing communication tool can be explained in terms of several strengths and advantages: Sales promotions provide a tangible incentive to buyers. Sales promotions reduce the perceived risk buyers may associate with purchasing. Sales promotion provides accountability; the manager in charge of the promotion can immediately track the results of the promotion.

As with other aspects of marketing communication, a key issue is whether promotion efforts should be directed by headquarters or left to local country managers.

Four factors have been identified that contribute to more headquarters involvement in the sales promotion effort: cost, complexity, global branding, and transnational trade:

1. As sales promotions command ever–larger budget allocations, headquarters naturally takes a greater interest.

2. The formulation,

Global Marketing

implementation, and follow–up of a promotion program may require skills that local managers lack. 3. The increasing importance of global brands justifies headquarters involvement to maintain consistency from country to country and ensure that successful local promotion programs are leveraged in other markets. 4. As mergers and acquisitions lead to increased concentration in the retail industry and as the industry globalizes, retailers will seek coordinated promotional programs from their

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Student Name: Eunice Enriquez

1)In your own words, describe what are brands, and what are their functions in global marketing? What is a brand image, and how is it different from brand equity? How is a brand equity formed? Please illustrate using an example of a global brand.

Brand in marketing is not just about the famous designers and their line ups, it is also a way the customer sees the company. Brand is also a way to give originality to each corporation. It tells who they are and who are their target segments, what kind of products they provide, and most likely their reputations to their consumers based on their service and quality of products. The function of brand in global marketing is competition between companies, it helps corporation improve on their plans and strategy to attract customers. As mentioned above, brands have specific target segments; global marketing comes in place with helping what part of the world they can sell their products.

Brand image is the customer's view on a product whether or not it is based from their own experience. On the other hand, brand equity is when the brand name sells itself rather than the product. Nowadays, people focus on quality meaning they rather pay more money for a product that will last a long time. One good example of a brand equity product is the famous bag Coach, this company originated from New York, USA. Although this product is being manufactured abroad Get

Marketing Analysis : Global Marketing Essay
Marketing MKTG 469 – 31296
–home Quiz 2.
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Various Global Marketing Environments

Various Marketing Environments

All the factors that are external to the organization form the marketing environment for it. These factors also form the marketing environment when we talk about it in a global context. These factors cannot be controlled, even though the marketers can influence these factors to some extent. Social environment can have a great deal of effect on marketing globally. By the social environment we mean the consumption trends of groups and individuals. The main factors that come under the category of social environment are demographic and cultural trends. These two factors mainly control the social environment for marketing. Economic environment consists of the relationship between the production of goods and their purchase in a particular set up. The economic environment also explains the consumption power of the customers. The market activities are also influenced by the political and legal environment. This implies that the market will suffer if there any potential threats and it will grow if the conditions are peaceful. Moreover the laws and regulations of a particular country also constraint the activities of the marketers; however most of the marketers are able to identify the opportunities that result from the regulations and political trends (Vitullo–Martin, 1997). If marketers want to make a good deal of profit, they need to keep a constant check on the technological advances. Many innovative techniques have been introduced that have

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Global Marketing and Standardization

Running Head: Global Marketing Global Marketing Global Marketing 1.Standardization directly opposes marketing and pricing strategies because when standardization takes place everyone is bound to follow the standards, which also includes the prices of products this. When this happens, pricing strategies are no longer required (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2007). Similarly, price is a very important factor when marketing a product when the prices are standardized marketing is no longer required. Quality of a product will more or less remain the same for every supplier as improving quality will lead to increased cost and with fixed prices profit margin of the producers will decrease. Flour is a very good example, as it is a product, which is consumed by the masses and needs to be standardized (Moran, 2006). Following are the advantages of Direct Investment: I.Causes flow of money into the economy, which in turns generate economic activity. II.It increases employment. III.Aggregate supply will increase. IV.Encourage local suppliers to produce more. Following are the disadvantages of Direct Investment: I.It may lead to inflation. II.Local firms may be harmed adversely if they do not avail the opportunity Canadian chemical company Seagram is a very good example. 2.If an organization decides to expand its operating activities to another country, it will have to revise its strategies. When a company is targeting local market, its strategy is different as it targets all its Get more content

Global marketing is the process of making a product popular internationally, increasing customer needs and satisfying their requirements. Marketing comes in a broad assortment of aspect based on audience, advertisements and promotions in today's active market place. The way of doing business by using different marketing tools, especially focus on customer demands is also known as marketing. As the world has grown smaller, an increasing number of companies have been trying to reach new markets. Large businesses often have offices in the foreign countries. The main problem is the obstacle to understanding customer behavior. This essay will highlight the difficulties facing companies from legal constraints and the problems that create from inadequate cross cultural strategy. Legal constraints tend to effect on marketing. It will then go to determine the effective solutions for these issues.

It is evidently true that there are various problems facing companies that are trying to expand in other countries. The first main problem, large proportion of enterprises will encounter is how to understand customer behavior of a particular country. Different countries customers have different kinds of behavior depends on various factors such as their needs, tastes and preferences, perception and personality, age, social and cultural backgrounds. 'All marketing decisions are based on assumptions and knowledge of customer behavior' (Hawkins & Mothers Baugh 2007). As a result, it is

Global Marketing
Challenges Faced By
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The rapid growth of globalization has created a boundary less organization. To manage such an organization, there is a need for a global manager, one who manages across distances, countries and cultures. Considered by some authors to be a myth, wider research, readings and understanding suggest its existence. There are certain criteria which define a global manager, which are truly essential to successful manage in the international context. These managers are invaluable to the organization as they provide the competitive edge. However, there has been shortage of such global managers due to the recruitment of such managers only from the home country of the organization. This is created a limited pool more content...

As companies become more global minded, the need for managers with global perspective, international experience and skills that translate well to broader global context has increased. These new breed of managers, known as global managers, are those who manage across multiple time zones, country infrastructures, and cultural expectations. A major challenge facing many multinational firms to successfully compete and grow in worldwide markets is the recruitment and development of a cadre of good managers with a global mindset who can succeed in the international market place. Various studies have been conducted in order to come up with the criteria that constitute a global manager, based on skills, capabilities and knowledge.

A recent research conducted by

the Center for Creative Leadership

(CCL), a nonprofit educational institution, identified some essential managing capabilities to successfully manage the challenges of the global business environment. These managerial capabilities are similar but different when applied in a global setting and include decision making, planning, managing people, motivating others, leadership, managing action and information, stress management, and having business knowledge.

In addition to these managerial capabilities, the research identified four pivotal capabilities uniquely related to effective global managers. The first one being the superior knowledge

Essay on The Global Manager
The Global Manager
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Global marketing strategy

Kit Kat is produced within 21 countries by Nestle and by the Hershey Company in the USA due to a prior licensing agreement. Kit Kat has unique appeal and ows much of its success to this and its common availability. It is sold in most convenience stores, corner shops and supermarkets. The brand has survived for the past 75 years due to its attraction across different age groups and genders. It's unique selling points are implemented through the following brand strategies:

Different varieties and limited edition

Limited edition chocolates are used to attract consumers. Market research has shown that loyal customers prefer these to be available for a limited time only. They return to the original Kit Kat shortly after. This is a good strategy to to test a new market and increase the product life more content...

It has maintained this position ever since. During the war, it was portrayed as a valuable wartime food and advertised as "What active people need". Kit Kat 4 Finger

Kit Kat has appeared in the traditional red and white wrapper for most of its life. But in 1945, due to the shortages of milk after the world war, it was produced as plain chocolate and packaged in a blue wrapper. But it was withdrawn in 1947 when the standard milk chocolate Kit Kat was reintroduced.

Kit Kat was first advertised on TV in the year 1957 with the first color advert in 1967. The 'Dancing Panda' in 1987 and the 'Have a Break' adverts in the 90's have been some of the some of the famous ones. KitKat is produced at the NestlГ© Rowntree Factory. The Orange and Mint variants have been introduced over the years in the Kit Kat 4 Finger and in 2004 a Lemon + Yogurt flavour, a Halloween variant, Blood Orange, and Lime flavoured Kit Kat were introduced. A Caramac variant has proved to be one of the most successful variants to date, it was launched in 2005.

New Kit Kat 4 Finger Fine

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