How To Write A Good Narrative Essay

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My Reading & Writing Experience

My experiences as a writer have been both very engrossing and strenuous. I have learned a great quantity on both reading and writing, though, I continue to struggle on things that I have learned by this time, making the same mistakes that I do not even realize. Sometimes things are not so easy to understand when reading information, especially if the wording of an article is difficult for example. I love the idea of learning new things everyday. These past years as a writer have been very interesting, and I have learned and grasped many concepts I have been taught along the way.

Weaknesses I have had difficulty on is having to write essays. Every time my teachers assign me work to perform that involveswriting an essay for instance, I tend to get frustrated. I would often spend hours trying to craft an idea on what to write about and how I should word it in my essay. An additional problem is when I read thepaper to myself and looks fine, but when I turn the paper over to someone else, they do not find the point I was trying to convey. Then, I would have to verbally express the key ideas or meaning of the essay. My next two weaknesses are the ones that I still continue to kind of struggle. Those weaknesses are not finding the right words to write and being more content... I always try to make sure that my teachers understand what they are reading or writing, the reason is because when I read, I like to make sure I am understanding the material I am reading.When I finish a sentence, I stop to reread it. If it sounds correct to me, I move on to the next sentence. If a sentence does not sound correct, I work on it for it to sound better. The same rule applies to paragraphs. I always make sure I edit a paragraph before I move on to the next. I have done this with all essays. I would make sure a paragraph conveys important points relating to the topic of the

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Last night was all a blur. It was definitely one of the most memorable night of my life. Everyone was all done up in expensive and ornate clothing. I felt so plain in my simple party dress. I silently drifted through the crowd choosing to observe the crowd rather than joining in on their festivities. After all, the only way I was able to obtain an invitation was through work. You see, my boss wanted me to write an article on Gatsby's party. I was refused at first but my boss knows some things about me that I do not under any circumstances want exposed. Okay, so back to the party. I decided to that the faster I talked to Gatsby the better so I went to go find him. I thought the best place to start was out in the garden where I thought he would be conversing with his guests. I walked to the garden avoiding eye contact and feigned conversations with the people around me. As I searched the garden for Gatsby, I quietly listened for all the bits of gossip the partygoers were discussing. Probably the most interesting story was that Gatsby was having an affair with a married woman. The couple believed that the woman was none other than Miss Baker. I knew this rumour wasn't completely true. Gatsby was indeed having an affair with someone but she wasn't married and she wasn't Miss Baker. In fact, you know this person quite well but, I won't tell you who it is so don't even think of asking me. Anyways, I searched the garden for Gatsby but he was nowhere to be found. I then

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Narrative Essay On The Great Gatsby

Personal Narrative My Life

I never really thought about where my life was going. I always believed life took me where I wanted to go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. Once I entered high school I changed the way I thought. This is why I chose to go to college. I believe that college will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life. This way I can choose for myself where I go instead of someone choosing for me. I have chosen to go to the local community college to get used to the college experience. College life can be an exciting time but at the same time it can be a challenge. I feel that starting out at the community college would be a better chose than "jumping" into life at more content...

I know this is what I want to do with my life. I want to be a positive influence in the lives of children. I want to be able to stand up and show the children that it is okay to be yourself and stand up for what you believe in. I am a well round student. For nine years I was actively involved in a girls organization. This experience taught me many things. We were actively involved in community service activities, for which I received the Silver Award. ( The second highest award in the organization.) I learned about the value of friendship and patients with others. This organization first introduced me to my future career. I was also involved for three and a half years in a student government club on campus. In this club I learned many life lessons. One of which was the value of hard work. I was one of the few people that organized the Junior/Senior Prom of 2000. My responsibilities included planning corranation, buying and organizing decorations, planning the busing schedule, booking the photographers, fundraising, ect. This taught me about hard work. But the best part of it was going to Prom knowing I was one of the only reasons that it happened. As far asschool goes, my schedule is very diverse. I am taking child development lab, which is a class where students from my high school can go to the local elementary schools and work one on one with the students. I have work in the elementary school for two and a half years. I

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Personal Narrative My Life Essay

Narrative Ability to provide psychosocial treatment to a wide variety of individuals from various socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, educational, and other diversified backgrounds. This requires knowledge of human development and behavior (physical and psychological), and the differential influences of the environment, society, and culture. Answer As with all social work endeavors, a client's SES, culture, ethnicity, education level, age, and social capital needs to be addressed at all stages of psychological treatment. To disregard the relevancies of any of these traits from the veteran's background would be detrimental in attending, diagnosing, and developing a care plan for the veteran. Above all, the above markers provide a base to more content...

Once that is established, it is important to know the client's functioning, background, and chief complaints that bring them to meet with the clinician; this can be achieved through conducting the department's intake, bio–psycho–social–spiritual assessment, and subsequent inventories. Next, the clinician needs to match up the client's current situation with an evidence based practice. If the clinician is not familiar with the best practice, they can either become acquainted with it through education and supervision or refer the client to another counselor. During the client meetings, it is best to observe strengths that the client possesses and within their system. If plausible, the clinician should encourage the client to include their family into her/his treatment so the family can better support their veteran and so that the clinician can better understand the veteran's home

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Narrative Essay
Social Work

Narrative Essay

*What is a Narrative Essay? Narrative writing tells a story. In essays, the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author's values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. The author may write about: –An experience or event from his or her past.–A recent or ongoing experience or event.–Something that happened to someone else, such as a parent or a grandparent.

*Basic qualities of a narrative essay: A narrative essay is a piece ofwriting that recreates an experience through time. Unlike other essays, more content...

*Revising your narrative essay:

After spending time away from the draft of your narrative essay, read through the essay and think about whether the writing effectively recreates the experience for your readers. Ask other people to read through the essay and offer their impressions. Identify where more details and descriptions are needed. Identify and consider removing any information that seems to distract from the focus and main narrative of the essay. Think about whether you've presented information in the most effective order.

*Prompts for your narrative essay:

1. A childhood event. Think of an experience when you learned something for the first time, or when you realized how important someone was for you. 2. Achieving a goal. Think about a particularly meaningful achievement in your life. This could be something as seemingly minor as achieving a good grade on a difficult assignment, or this could be something with more long–lasting effects, like getting the job you desired or getting into the best school to which you applied. 3. A failure. Think about a time when you did not perform as well as you had wanted. Focusing on an experience like this can result in rewarding reflections about the positive emerging from the negative. 4. A good or bad deed. Think about a time when you did or did not stand up for yourself or someone else in the face of adversity or challenge.

The Narrative Essay
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Personal Narrative

Carleigh Grupe

Professor Schnell

English 1301

9 September 2015

Personal Narrative – Rough Draft

The lake glistened before me as my mom and I pulled into Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp just outside Twin Lakes Michigan. I had been accepted into the International Youth SymphonyOrchestra program where after spending a week at the camp the entire orchestra would be heading off on a six week European Tour to share our musical talents and American culture with another part of the world. I knew traveling to a different continent would give me further insight as to who I was a person, but did not imagine the people I would meet would impact me as much as they did.

His name was Alex Peabody, a 16 year old junior from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Although we weren't best friends, we were still close with one another throughout the tour. He had messy brown hair that framed his round face and always wore a big flashy smile. One of my favorite moments with him was while we were waiting to board the bus to go the the airport. While we sat waiting, I was practicing my flute in preparation for our first concert in France. Many of the other students were practicing, talking, giggling, or sharing newly found favorite songs with their friends. The noise was deafening and created a carnival of sound that grew louder with each passing minute. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex, a cello player, watching me practice, his eyes bright with fascination. "Alex, do you know how to play flute?" I called to

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Personal Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay Write a two (or more) page essay in which you will tell a personal narrative (story) in the first person. You are encouraged to share a memory or story that you would be comfortable sharing with myself and the entire class. Remember, your audience is your fellow students or peers. Although no topic is off–limits and no censorship is required, please do not share a story that would make you uncomfortable to share. Everyone has stories to tell, but please peruse through other short narrative accounts to get a sense of how they develop. Reader?s Digest is a good source for this, or personal accounts from magazines, or the ?This I Believe? series on NPR. A narrative essay depends on a narrative that is profound and memorable, life–changing and hopefully interesting and/or entertaining. A trip to the grocery store, unless something more content...

Unique and engaging title ? Introduction with an attention getter ? Theme or thesis: usually the lesson learned ? Background of the complication or conflict ? Complication or conflict ? Engaging and relatable character(s) ? Plot with events ? Vivid details?engage the senses ? Resolution or wrap up of the complication in a clear conclusion If you do use outside sources, please cite using proper MLA documentation or make clear in the essay what your source is. However, the source must be relevant to the narrative itself. A works cited page is not required. Assessment: Your proposal is worth 15% of your overall grade and worth 100 points. ? Content: How thoughtfully and thoroughly you write about each required narrative section, with vivid detail. 50 points. ? Organization: How clearly ideas and information are arranged within and between paragraphs. Use of MLA style and proper flow. 30 points. ? Style: How effectively you use word choice and sentences to convey ideas. 20 points. Due dates: ? Outline (on this sheet or you can make your own) brought to class for an activity on Mon

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Narrative Essay About My Best Vacation

It was Mexico three years ago. My dad's job was celebrating in Mexico and our family ( which is my brother, mom, and Maria) could come with him. We went to this 5 star resort by the beach. IT WAS AMAZING! There were so many pools and the hotel room was so fancy! The aqua blue ocean was so warm, that it felt like there was a heater in the water. We went swimming multiple times and I think i saw a whale jumping from the water. Everywhere I looked, there was something new to see. Other than the fact that I got sunburned a lot, I thought that this was an awesome vacation. We could even bring our nanny, Maria. We spent mornings eating breakfast from the giant bufe and afternoons were spent swimming or finishing my rainbow loom bracelet. The evening was for eating yummy dinner and facetiming with my friends. I was exploding with joy. When my dad had free time from work, we were browsing around and we saw a stand with a bunch of pamphlets. Dad and Mom said that we got to choose one activity to do. We looked at caverns and zip lining but then I saw it. Dolphins! It said that you got to do tricks and get your picture taken! I showed the flyer to my parents immediately. "Mom! Dad! Look!" I squealed, racing to them. My brother, who wasn't a fan of water said, "I wanna go too!" And then we were off. We took a shuttle to the place. I was so nervous! My heart was pounding. I finally got to meet one of my favorite animals! When we arrived, a helper asked us to get on our swim suits or

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Narrative: A memorable event.

I woke to my body jittering with anxiety. It was 7 o'clock on a Saturday morning, and it was the day that I had been awaiting for. I was almost ready when my Dad shouted '' Ya betta get ya'self moving Kertesha, we're gonna be late!''.

I paused, and took one last look at myself in the mirror. My hair was scraped back, my polo necked fleece was suffocating and itchy, my black ribbed jodhpurs were tight around my midriff, but there was one thing missing. It was one thing which all the girls on the internet, in the movies, and in all the equestrian magazines had – A gilet. Mine was a pink Abercrombie & Fitch one, with ribbed salmon trims around the waistband and collar; it was not a real equestrian gilet, more content...

Although the smell of the manure was strong, over time I began to appreciate it, and so it became more of an aroma, than an odour. But this is something my Dad never seemed to get used, to let alone appreciate. The entire stable had a rather odd smell; it was a mixture of hay, cut grass, dust, manure, and oddly, a hint of leather. This was a smell which I soon became very fond of.

There were six of us in the group, we were all new to Dulwhich Riding School and filled with enthusiasm. After being handed our riding hats, we were alphabetically permitted to choose a horse, and as always, I was last in the alphabet. I was left with a choice of two, one was a blue roan filly. She was a young slate coloured horse who reminded me of Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh), and was also a lot smaller than the other horses. Then I saw the attractive sorrel coloured gelding, he stood glaring at me with his head poking out of the barn gate. His mane was dark and silky, and he had a striking white birthmark on the bridge of his nose. I had an instant connection with him, and proclaimed his name as Cashmere.

As I lead Cashmere towards the indoor riding arena, my heart raced. The inconsistent sound hoofs trotting along the cobbled ground were intensifying. As I stroked Cashmere's muzzle and gave him a mint polo (he's favourites), I began to mentally prepared myself to mount, and ride him.

Cashmere was Get more content

Narrative: a Memorable Event. Essay

Very briefly summarize the narrative in 4–10 sentences. 2) Identify one particular detail (we will call this a "salient detail") that stood out to you from the text. Quote a portion of that detail here and explain why you think this detail stuck with you after reading the essay. 3) Explain what you think was the point or purpose of the essay. In other words, if you had to try to create a thesis for the essay, what would that be? This narrative talking about a boy with his girl friend who had completed an advanced self–defense course. then one day while they are strolled two men bounding out of a pedestrian underpass. they are loud and drunk .his girl friend said to them very firmly back off! go away! then they went to cash machine and wait

In 4-10 Paragraphs
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War Story– Personal Narrative Finally we got a well deserved break from what seemed like our endless marching. As we stopped pain shot up my left leg like a bullet. I looked automatically to my right. Nobody was there. My best friend Simon would usually stand there, as he had in the war before, I could imagine the grin on his face. The images of all those years ago started to play in my mind...

It began when we were assembled in the safety of the trench. Then we heard those dreaded words that can make a man throw up with fear for his life.

"Go! Over the top men, go!"

I froze, not breathing, not even blinking I was paralysed, standing there motionless, my legs as solid more content... Then, turning my head again I saw Simon dive to my aid. He did not utter a single word but just gave a faint grin then promptly looked down at my leg and set to work. He freed me and with a little help I made it to the safety of the next shell hole. I owed him my life.

Simon refused to stop. He climbed up again to help the others. I tried to tug him back but my efforts were worthless; seen as I was wounded. Gun shots and shell fire pounded my ears like a right hand from a heavy weight boxer. I will never forget the next sound I heard. I knew it was the end so I looked up at the morning sun and prayed towards the heavens. I could hear the screams penetrating throughout my mind.

Now I'm standing here about to march on to fight in another war, fighting for my dear friend. When will man kind learn? Now, however, I fear this time I might not be so lucky, especially now, without Simon, who I did not even get a chance to thank for saving my life. Now I try to put the thoughts out of my mind with a tear in my eye turning away from the other soldiers so they cannot see.

I can see a large church in front of me and can hear the sounds of children playing. I begin to think about the contrast. The young, blameless children playing happily with each other only a short distance away from where us, the adults are contemplating what lies ahead hideously slaughtering the

War Story- Personal Narrative Essay
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Hi, I'm Brooke Yliniemi. I am an involved high school student at Menahga High School. Through creative writing class, I was able to broaden and strengthen all my writing skills. I have always enjoyed writing, but never truly knew where to begin. With creative writing, I was able to find out my personal style of writing and what interests me. My writing has improved abundantly when it comes to writing poetry, and short stories. Through each section, I was able to grasp new skills and create personal goals to become my own writer. When it comes to everyday life I enjoy being funny and I try to be in all aspects in my life. The feeling of changing someone's attitude for the better is very fulfilling to me. So, in the beginning, that's what

Personal Narrative: My Writing
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I sat inside watching t.v., wondering what I should do. I looked outside, sunny, a few clouds in the sky but other than that it was a pretty nice day. There wasn't much to do my mom told me not to go outside alone so I wasn't doing that. Tom knocked on the door. I looked up and rolled off the couch. Why does he always have to be so annoying he's the absolute worst . I hate him, he's always go,go,go, never break, and trust me you can't say no. he'll flip out and tell his mom what I said and then his mom will come. She always says the same thing. Look kiddo can you please play with him he doesn't have many friends, and then leaves. It's so annoying. I approached the door and opened it. Instantly tom said, "Do you want to go in the woods, maybe catch some frogs?" He spoke so quickly it took me a couple seconds to comprehend it. "Sure," I sighed, not wanting to go at all. I detested him. He was the worst if I could I would run away from him as soon as he turned his head.

"Then what are you waiting for let's go" he exclaimed enthusiastically, as if he was a four year old going to a candy store. I walked outside ready for whatever lie ahead you never really know with tom. We wandered into the woods Tom looked confused on where we were but I'm sure he had it covered. We passed a snake. I saw a frog so I picked it up. Tom saw it to and instantaneously took it away, and put it in his jar.

"We should go to the creek," He mentioned.

"Fine," I grumbled. I knew how this was going

Personal Narrative Essay : A Good Day
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The literacy narrative essay, "Proficiency" by Shannon Nichols, is intended for people who suddenly quit after facing setbacks or challenges in their lives. Its purpose is to show people, especially the arrogant people, that failures should humble you. Failures can demoralize us after working so hard to get where we are at. However, failures shouldn't stop you from getting to your goals. Failures should serve as a motivation. I can personally relate to Nichols, because I have failed at something I worked so hard for. Unlike Nichols, I did not quit, or felt discouraged. The essay was about Shannon Nichols describing her experience taking the writing proficiency test in high school. Nichols thought highly of herself, because of her achievements

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Achieving A Personal Goal

In the beginning of the semester, I felt a little annoyed that I had to plan a personal goal. I was afraid that I was going to fail once again during the journey of losing weight. My personal goal was to lose five pounds by April 1, 2016. I had planned to achieve this goal by eating healthier snacks, exercising, and meal prepping. Trying to achieve this goal was not easy. I had a constant temptation of breaking my diet and I kept trying to buy fast food whenever I saw myself tight with my school and work schedule. However, I was able to achieve my goal because I was meal prepping every night, I kept an alarm on my phone to remind me when I should be exercising, I read articles that provided me with a list of healthy foods, I carried a more content... It requires commitment and self–awareness of one's judgment and decision–making. One of the main models that served as a guide of which steps I need to take was the chain model. The chain model I created for myself allowed me to visualize my available resources and it formed a sequence of my possible decisions. Choosing healthier foods after being used to eating fast food almost every day was a challenge. Every moment I was about to break my healthy eating habit; I kept saying positive things to my self. Overall, I am very happy of my results and I am very thankful that this class allowed me to achieve my personal

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I have never been a loud person, and because of that fact I have always loved to read. I find comfort in curling up with a good book and will almost always take staying in reading over going out to see the latest box office hit. In my tenth–grade english class, it was the first time participation through speaking up in class would impact my grade significantly, and consequently I was forced to voice my opinion. The first time I spoke up in class I remember being very nervous to do so. I was afraid my opinion would be wrong or people would not like what I had to say, but as I spoke, I slowly saw heads nodding towards me, whispers of agreement, and finally a positive remark from my teacher for my analysis. From that moment on, I felt comfortable

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Personal Narrative: My Tenth Grade English Class

After paragraph: I have a soccer game, It is the afternoon,"watch out!" I yell The other team is almost at our goal! The kid is huge! He is an 8th grader I think named andrew. Woah he missed! People always say "there is no I in team." but in my team there is an I in team! My teammates never pass to me. I do not know if it is because they think I am not good enough, or if it is because I am the only 7th grade boy on my team.About 6/12 of the kids in my team are 9th graders. Those 6 that are in 9th grade are all the other boys on my team. All the girls are 7th graders. We usually are short of players cause some play travel league soccer. None of the boys pass to each anyone and the girls pass to everyone. We usually win but this team is amazing

On 8th Grade
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Hi I'm Paige and if you had told me last year I'd be in Office Administration I would've said, "no way, not even close". That's one of those jobs requiring you to be cool calm and collected. The atmospheres are peaceful and then people work constantly. It's the opposite of my desired profession and personality. I'm the opposite of my career, or well it was until I met my instructor, Miss Young. She changed my mind about how I perceived the trade and what I could do with the skills once I completed. Was very instrumental in helping me obtain the necessary skills to make the most money in the field of Office work. I managed to get my typing up to the speed of over 60 words per minute. I learned all the processes of Windows Operating Systems, I even got a glimpse of Windows 10. more content...

I loved learning. Data entry was a breeze for me as was all the other work in Office Administration because you just get projects and assignments, follow the directions was simple, and get it done. Again, Ms. Young did her job well. Whether in a large office space separated by cubicles, or a nice private office, I'm certain that I can raise to the occasion and do well for myself. Passing the certification will be easy. I was excited that completing my trade only took me4 months. The next decision was to decide what I was going to pursue with my completion and certification. I have options depending upon the level I'm seeking to achieve, there are quite a few. The amount of words you type and keyboarding skills make a difference. I can type 50wpm. Office positions are wide open all over the country, depending upon your skill level, they're not isolated to a high–rise building filled with windows in a 4,000 square foot space of cubicles. Very large companies such as Ashley Furniture, Office Depot, Walmart, and Luxury Car Dealerships like Mercedes and Lexus have teams of Administrative staff. They are the backbone of a

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How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay

My Fear– Personal Narrative Every child, teenager and adult has experienced anxiety, fear or worry at some time in their lives. Everyone has their own phobias. Some are just temporary whereas others just linger, haunting them forever. Life allows us each of us to experience challenges in our own way. But when these challenges become almost impossible to complete, they become long term problems. When faced with fear, one looks for the easiest route out, but in my case, there were no signposts. There is one part of my life that I vividly recall. I don't really know when or how it started. Maybe I'd had it all my life or maybe it developed at a certain age. Perhaps, that will remain an unsolved more content...

I didn't know why this was happening and felt that I had no control over my thoughts or fears. By this stage, I would have persistent nightmares of my house burning down where everyone in the building would escape, with the exception of me. I remember how I felt after being awoken by the fear of death. It was a feeling of confusion and I didn't know why this was happening. My phobia totally disabled me and at the time I found it difficult to relax. I live alone with my mum and she was unaware of what I was secretly going through. At the time, I never really opened my eyes to the fact that I had a problem. I told myself that it was just a phase and that I was fine but deep down I think I always knew that this was untrue. Another habit of mine was counting syllables of words. Whenever I would see a shop sign I would count the syllables of the words written and would ensure that the number of syllables did not exceed sixteen (my favourite number). One evening, a friend of mine had visited my home for dinner and I could do nothing but worry about the food overcooking and causing a fire. It would not leave my mind and was all that I could think of. That is when I noticed that my actions were odd. I almost immediately logged on to the internet and searched for fire related obsessions.

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My Fear- Personal Narrative Essay

How To Write A Literacy Narrative Essay

On the other hand, writing on topics that fascinate and intrigue me, is rather enjoyable than feeling like a chore. Ideas stream and words flow naturally without having to mimic and echo others voice. A literacy narrative is a piece of text written from my own perspective for the intermediate English composition class. A literacy narrative is anessay about my writing and reading literacy, looking back to various incidents with a brand new outlook. Writing this essay allowed me to revisit and assess highlights that contributed to my writing and reading literacy. The main goal of literacy narrative essay is to define literacy, discuss my own personal literacy rituals leading to how my literacy formalized every step of the way. In general, the

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