The Best Companies Get Results Through People A Customer Care News recently asked Jennifer Kluge to provide
fter more than 10 years of conducting best
to Work For, a human resources awards program she created
regions, 101 Best and Brightest Companies
us with information about 101 Best and Brightest Companies
company competitions in several Midwest
to recognize those companies that are making the lives of their
to Work For has found that successful companies under-
lowing article highlights some of the strategies that have proved
and strength of their customer relationships, are directly
employees better as well as the community as a whole. The fol-
successful for those companies that have been deemed “The Best and Brightest.” We at CCN truly believe that learning from others’ successes (and failures) is a great way to improve your own policies and programs to ensure both your employees and customers
tied to how well they focus on the employee as a whole
person. They know that an employee who is valued and connected to his or her work is more likely to listen and
deliver the kind of value that today’s customers demand. They also know that engaged employees give higher levels
Fall 2011
are satisf ied, which will ultimately lead to business success.
stand that their business results, including the quality
Customer Care News