Why Caring Companies Win
ome of the most forward-thinking companies in
genuinely emphasizes the quality of people’s lives with a
their employees’ experiences at work and their
For the past two years, most business leaders have been
the country are putting people first by improving
work/life balance. And they are prospering. The approach may
preoccupied with finding ways to keep their core busi-
mance in an economy battered by change, according to a recent
Employees have been exposed to a variety of strategies
be the most effective strategy for improving company perforstudy by the Forum for People Performance Management and
Measurement, a Naperville, Ill.-based research center affiliated with Northwestern University.
Post-recession economics are paving the way for new
approaches to employee engagement and business productivity. The emergence of social media, an increasing need
for transparency, and labor market trends are transforming
Fall 2010
the global marketplace into a people-centered economy,
giving rise to a new concept called “employee enrich-
ment.” Employee enrichment is a strategic approach that
“people-first” orientation.
ness operating — to simply keep the organization alive. designed not only to attract the best talent, but to also
make them as productive as possible. Engagement techniques such as special training, career development and
employee incentives have worked, often yielding measurable results. Nevertheless, the past two years have seen far
too many employees preoccupied with the impact of a shrinking economy and company downsizing. This has left them
grateful for just being able to keep the jobs they have and their
leaders at a loss as to how to improve employee engagement and productivity.
Customer Care News