Six Free Ways Even Small Companies Can Prepare ForOnline Crisis

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Fall 2010

Six Free Ways Even Small Companies Can Prepare For Online Crisis

by Richard Levick


Customer Care News


ark Twain famously said, “A lie can make it half way around the world while the truth is put-

ting on its shoes.” In the Digital Age, what was

once hyperbole is now an extreme understatement. Companies

that survive online attacks unprepared — such as Domino’s,

United Airlines and Motrin — do so only because they have strong reputations that were built over time. Other companies

— usually smaller in size or involved in business-to-business sales — lack the “trust bank” of public support necessary to

survive an online crisis. These victims, such as Westland Meat

Packing Company and Eagle Warranty Company, don’t have strong brands to fall back on — and thus, fall off the map entirely.

Businesses of all sizes and specializations must regularly

monitor the conversations regarding their brands and proactively leverage online best practices to ensure they are prepared

for crisis. Fortunately, the tools and tactics that build brand equity and bulletproof brands are often free — and by utilizing

these online tools, companies can take greater control of their reputation now, before a reputational crisis strikes.

These six steps outline free measures every company can

take to protect its reputation and bulletproof its brands. 1. Establish Google Alerts

The first step in any online reputation protection effort is

to set up an effective system to monitor social and digital media

2. Prepare a Crisis Response Plan

To paraphrase the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, every

for mentions of your brand. Start by establishing Google Alerts

crisis communications battle is won or lost before it is

time. This not only serves as a crisis early warning system, it

comprehensive online crisis communications plan, what you

to monitor what people are saying about your company in real also allows you to identify conversation threads and trends

and begin to develop messaging attuned to key audiences.

In order to comprehensively monitor the online space and track all related conversations, however, you also need to follow the high-authority bloggers and social media users who cover your industry; they can help provide advance

warning when a competitor or shared industry practice comes under attack. Finally — and particularly if there are hundreds

of daily mentions of your brand online — consider

they can help streamline the process of filtering complex online conversations.

do in the eye of the storm might not make much difference at

all. A successful plan should incorporate both traditional

and digital responses and also include strategies that can be

deployed on a moment’s notice. For instance, your crisis plan should identify the team members who are best equipped

to manage diverse situational needs. Whether this means preparing to utilize Google AdWords to spread your

messaging, respond directly to critics both online and off, or

launch new landing pages where concerned parties can turn for more information (to name just a few items to prepare), it is

Fall 2010

paid monitoring options such as Techrigy or Radian6, as

ever fought. If you don’t use peacetime wisely to develop a

imperative that you have a plan in place before any reputational crisis strikes.


3. Implement an Employee Social Media Policy

engagement. Policies can range from detailed guidelines on how

ees to get involved in social media, they are bound to do so

and spread positive messaging to simple regulations for keeping

Regardless of whether your company encourages employ-

No matter the length or specifics of your social media policy, however, the most important result is that your employees understand the power and consequences

in their personal time. Unfortunately, even when

engaging social media on their own, employees can inadvertently cause severe

ter the length or specifics of your social media policy, however,

the most important result is that your employees understand the power and consequences of social media participation. 4. Flood the Web with Positive Content

of American companies

reputational crisis is bound to dominate search results for your

Thus, a straightforward step in protecting your online reputa-

the crisis, particularly considering the role search engines play

in 2009, eight percent

reported brand damage due to employees’ social media activity.

Fall 2010

professional and personal lives separate on social media. No mat-

brand damage. In fact,

of social media participation.

tion is the development and implementation of an employee social media policy that outlines the Dos and Don’ts of online


employees can use social media to help promote the company

If your company has limited involvement on the Web, any

company. Needless to say, such a situation only compounds in modern reputation management. In order to prepare your

company for such a situation, flood the Web with positive con-

Customer Care News

meaning that if you can generate a base of fans, followers or supporters, these social media profiles are also likely to crowd

reputational attacks out of the top search results for your company. Some social media platforms, such as Facebook, present

an ideal opportunity to create a forum for your supporters and customers to populate content — meaning all you have to do is

create the venue and monitor for anything objectionable. Other sites, such as Twitter, require only 140-character updates — meaning you can send

out multiple Tweets

each week to help

build brand equity and bulletproof your

brand with a relatively

small time commit-

Businesses of all sizes and specializations must regularly monitor the conversations regarding their brands and proactively leverage online best practices to ensure they are prepared for crisis.

ment. But no matter where you choose to get involved, be sure

to make it a conversation with your key audience. Social media

is not another corporate megaphone; instead, it is an opportunity to truly connect with and cultivate brand ambassadors in the online space.

6. Address Criticism and Complaints Whenever Possible

Internet users today place more focus than ever before on

peer reviews and online forums in making purchasing decisions. This means that it is even more important than ever to

keep track of these comments and respond when appropriate. Consider following the example of Comcast’s Twitter presence,

where the company responds in real time to customer com-

plaints. While some particularly vitriolic complaints may not warrant a response, by regularly monitoring the most prominent and relevant online forums — including social media — and tent surrounding your brand now, before it’s too late. In order to maximize your brand bulletproofing efforts, content should

also be optimized for search engines. Start by using tools such

joining the conversation, you can help nip any potential crises in the bud and insert corrective messaging before others pick up on false rumors. CCN

as Google Keyword Tool and WordTracker to identify the top

Richard Levick, Esq., President & CEO of Levick Strategic

oping a step-by-step guide for your Web writers that outlines

highest-stakes global crises and litigation. His firm has directed

keywords on which to focus your content. Also consider develhow to best write for search engines. If you are able to build up a storehouse of positive, optimized content, you will create

a much higher threshold for reputational attacks to overcome when it comes to influencing public perceptions. 5. Engage the Social Media Space

social media. Social media platforms are highly authoritative,

the media strategies on Guantanamo Bay; the Catholic Church; the Wall Street crisis; the major

recalls; and the largest environmental, regulatory, corruption, and

merger matters in the world. Levick

Strategic Communications, LLC is

based in Washington, D.C. and can

Fall 2010

As you build out a storehouse of positive online content

about your brand, there is no better place to do so than on

Communications, LLC, represents countries and companies in the

be reached at 202-973-1300 or at


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