Customer Care Glossary
Blog: A blog is an online journal that’s updated on a regular basis with entries that appear in reverse chronological order. Blogs can be about any subject. They typically contain comments by other readers, links to other sites and permalinks. See SOCAP’s blog at BOS: Business Operating System — An environment that represents the vast warehouses of knowledge of an organization-the way a business is run, the way
API: An API (a technical term for application pro-
people and information come together to add value to
Abandoned Call: The caller hangs up before reaching
gramming interface) allows users to get a data feed
a business process. A BOS is a repository composed of
an agent. (Also called a lost call.)
directly into their own sites, providing continually
a common operating environment, a business process
Access Provider: An organization that provides
updated, streaming data — text, images, video — for
library and enterprise workflow.
access to the Internet. (Also called an Internet Service
display. For example, Flickr’s API might allow you to
Brand Equity: The level of awareness and consumer
Provider [ISP].)
display photos from the site on your blog. When sites
goodwill generated by a company’s brands and/or
ACD: Automatic Call Distributor automatically
like Twitter and Facebook “open up” their APIs, it
answers calls, queues calls, distributes calls to agents,
means that developers can build applications that build
Business Process Improvement (BPI): Betterment of
plays delay announcements and provides real-time and
new functionality on top of the underlying service.
an organization’s business practices through the analysis
historical reports on these activities.
Application Based Routing and Reporting: The ACD
of activities to reduce or eliminate non-value-added
ACS: Automatic Call Sequencer automatically answers
capability to route and track transactions by type of
activities or costs, while maintaining or improving qual-
and sequences calls on a first-in/first-out basis.
ity, productivity, timeliness or other strategic or business
ACTUAL VALUE: The net present value of future
ARU: Audio Response Unit; automated attendants that
objectives as evidenced by performance measures.
financial contributions from the designated customer,
route calls based on digits callers enter on touch-tone
Business Process Re-engineering: A structured
behaving in the way he is expected to behave, knowing
phones. It responds to caller-entered digits or speech
approach by all or part of an enterprise to improve
what we know now, with no significant unanticipated
recognition in much the same way that a conventional
the value of its products and services while reducing
change in the customer’s needs, in the competitive
computer responds to keystrokes or clicks of a mouse.
resource requirements.
landscape, or in the company’s planned strategy. Same
(Also called IVR, VRU)
as lifetime value (LTV).
ASA: Average Speed of Answer
ACW: After-Call Work. Work that is necessitated by
Average Time to Abandonment: The average time that
and immediately follows an inbound transaction (Also
callers wait in queue before abandoning.
called Wrap-up and Post Call Processing.) Aggregation: Combining data in a way that creates new information. For example, adding the dollar values
Call Blending: Combining traditionally separate inbound and outbound agent groups into one group of agents responsible for handling both inbound and outbound contacts.
Baseline Market Segmentation Study: The first mar-
Call by Call Routing: The process of routing each call
of all of a customer’s transactions together to create a
ket segmentation study conducted by an organization.
to the optimum destination according to real-time
new field that reflects total purchases.
BELOW ZEROs (BZs): The customers who cost more
AHT: Average Handling Time; the sum of average talk
to serve than they will ever return in value. Examples: A
Call Center: Term used to include reservation cen-
time and average after-call work for a specified time
Below Zero might be somebody who takes a lot of free
ters, help desks, information lines or customer service
period. OR Average Hold Time.
services, but doesn’t return much revenue. It could be
centers. The term contact center is being used more
AI: Artificial Intelligence is computers that act in a way
a complainer whose complaint was never resolved and
frequently, as calls are just one type of transaction tak-
analogous to intelligent human behavior.
therefore no longer does business with you. Not only
ing place. It is the part of an organization that handles
AMIS: Audio Messaging Interchange Specification; a
is that person worth zero on that account, but actually
inbound/outbound communications with customers.
standard that permits networking of voice mail systems
has below-zero value because he or she will tarnish your
Calls in Queue: The number of calls received that the
from different manufacturers.
reputation in speaking to other customers.
ACD system has received but that haven’t connected to an agent.
Fall 2012
Channel: An avenue through which products and services are rendered to end-use customers. Car dealers, retailers, computer resellers, grocery wholesalers are all examples of channel members.
Customer Care News