Extreme Executive Education World-class programs where executives can grow and strengthen their knowledge base and skill set
Photo courtesy of Stanford Graduate School of Business
by Anne Seebaldt
Vidalakis Dining Room at Schwab Residential Center at Stanford doubles as a classroom for out-of-the-box assignments in which participants roll up their sleeves and work in teams. Schwab annually houses more than 200 full-time students—primarily first-year MBAs. In summer, it exclusively houses Executive Education participants.
hether they’re located in the north, south, east or west, some of the country’s best business graduate schools are offering extreme
their companies drive corporate performance and sustain strategic advantage — even in an uncertain global economy.…”
HBS’ Executive Education Program includes a wide variety
executive education these days. The following article highlights
of leadership and management courses, incorporating vital topics
the top in Business Insider’s exclusive listing of the top full-time
ing, customer relations and employee relations. Relevant customer
the executive education offerings of 15 schools ranked among MBA programs in the world (excluding those not located in the United States).
Harvard Business School
An acknowledged leader in business, Harvard Business School’s
(HBS) Executive Education Program includes the Program for
Leadership Development, the General Management Program and the Advanced Management Program. David B. Yoffie, senior associ-
such as dealing with global markets, media management/market-
care courses currently being offered, according to Charlie Breckling, managing director, marketing, executive education, HBS, include “Building and Leading Customer-Centric Organizations” (sched-
uled to take place at the HBS campus in May 2011; it is also offered in Europe the following year). Another key program, offered on
campus this April, is “Achieving Breakthrough Service Driving Performance and Profitability.”
According to Yoffie’s written message, the program utilizes
ate dean, chair, executive education at Harvard Business School,
social media programs such as LinkedIn to allow executives who
Education Message: “From our main campus in Boston to our many
readily share what they learned from their experiences. Breckling
had this to say about the program in his written HBS Executive
venues around the world, we offer more than 60 open-enrollment programs designed to meet today’s global challenges…. Each inten-
sive offering is designed to develop visionary leaders who can help
have taken part in the program to not only keep in touch, but to also
said Harvard carefully studied social media networks before dipping its collective toe into the water in 2009. Today, he added, “We have a pretty broad social network.”