The Link Between Employee Attitudes, Customer Attitudes and Customer Spending
s CEOs will agree, the most important issue
Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Employee
driving profitable revenue growth. As research
examines the results of implementing an Integrated Internal
facing chief executives is continuous focus on
continues to show — in this study and others from the Forum
— there is a direct link between employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and profit. It is time and money well spent for
C-suite executives to invest in their employees’ engagement and
Attitudes, Customer Attitudes and Customer Spending,” Marketing (IIM) Model at a major hotel chain. The IIM Model
is designed to link employee and customer behaviors to financial outcomes as shown in Fig. 1.
To investigate these connections, the study pulled informa-
understanding of brand values. In a study from the Forum for
tion from employee and customer surveys and connected it to
show a direct relationship between employees and customer
database. Main findings include:
People Performance Management and Measurement, the results perceptions of a hotel brand and increased customer spending
behavior. While this study specifically examines a hotel chain, the benefit of supporting employees to understand and deliver
the brand value of an organization to its customers is transferable across every industry.
The study, “Testing the Internal Marketing Model: An
the same customers’ spending behavior from a loyalty program • The key drivers of brand value to customers can be identified and linked to customer behavior. The drivers for the
hotel chain are fast and efficient check-in, employee efforts
to satisfy customers, hotel options and amenities, and precision in service.
• Employee perceptions of brand value are similar to custom-
ers, but lack uniformity across hotel locations. This shows
up as inconsistency in employee attitudes and, consequently, customer experiences.
• Customer perceptions of the brand have a direct and posi-
tive impact on how much money customers spend per hotel
Fall 2012
These findings support management action to influence
employee attitudes and behaviors to create a positive revenue Figure 1
Customer Care News