Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
MacKenzie Forrest
Mrs. Gallos
English 3 Honors
21 November 2017
Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration, a hot topic among many Americans. Many americans seem to think that illegal immigrants are the sources of all the nations problems. The question that remains is are these people right? While illegal immigrants can cause some issues throughout the nation such as higher crime rates, terrorist threats, and disadvantage to american workers, they also do many good things such as boost the economy, add more cultural influence, and provide a cheap labor force.
An economic boost is something the government longs for and shockingly many illegal immigrants have provided just that. According to an article written by The Nation, "undocumented immigrants contribute about $11.6 billion to the economy annually, including nearly $7 billion in sales and excise taxes and $3.6 billion in property taxes. They are, in economic terms, productive citizens, and pay a higher effective tax rate than the top 1 percent income bracket." (Chen). This information helps put into perspective how much the undocumented immigrants contribute to america's economy.The thought that illegal immigrants have helped boost our economy is something that does not settle well with many americans. Americans do not like the fact that people who are not even truly apart of the country are the ones helping it rather than the naturally born citizens. The government has spent years trying to find ways to make the economy bigger and better. They never expected immigrants to be the solution.
Illegal immigration has supplied the work force with what many would consider to be cheap labor work. Cheap labor work is basically where people are working at a lower pay than the average working american. The cheap labor work force has many job slots needing to be filled. These immigrants coming through are the workers who are helping fill these spots. An article talking about immigrant workers in the U.S workforce says, "The U.S. population is aging as rapidly as the baby boom cohort enters old age and retirement. As a result, the labor force will increasingly depend upon immigrants and their children to replace current workers and fill new jobs." (Singer). This quote
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All of us, every single person had to come from somewhere. So if that's the case, then how can we make immigrants today feel safe and welcomed. An immigrant should feel ok to eat the foods they used to eat in their country. Most of the time they don't.In just 15 years a man or woman can become obese just because they want to fit in. "Immigrants to the United States may be packing on the pounds, in part, because of a desire to fit in with the citizens of their new country, a new study suggests. Immigrants and their children are known to put on weight after moving to the United States, with some approaching levels of obesity within 15 years." That tells us one thing. The immigrants are fitting in but not in a good way.
Immigrants can also
Argumentative Essay Immigration
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Illegal Immigration Argumentative Essay
The subject has become a news highlight reel because in the Unites States, at least, immigration has become an unmanageable thing. Our borders are too open and the process for becoming legal may just take too long. Benefits have to be presented for becoming a legal citizen. When we as a nation give those that are illegal the equivalent benefits of our citizens then they have no reason to follow procedure. In the 90's amnesty did not work instead people ran across the border, so that is a poor solution. The actions of the terrorist on 9/11, I don't think, is relevant to illegalimmigration as they were all here on valid student visas. However, with such actions and those of murders committed by illegals does draw light to the fact that he
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Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
Illegal Immigration
As the years are passing by there has been a tremendous amount of illegal immigration into the United States. Illegal immigration was what made the United States as it is today but now it is getting out of hand and is a great buren. We have been seeing alot of troubles arising because of this matter. We will soon run out of excuses for this unreasonable amount of IllegalImmigration it must be closely monitored or things could get hectic. Those who support illegal immigration are blinded by pitty and should become more knowledgeable of what is actually happening and the great damage that is happening to the United States. Illegal immigration was originally vital to the development and prosperity of the united states; however, it has now become a determine to the country, and data about illegal immigration delaying further growth of the United States will be included, and for the opposing side there will be examples of economic data and expert support. Opposition claims immigration improves the country. Those who support immigration, legal or illegal, use growth and diversity. Jason Furman (& Steven Cohen), believe this position to be true. One resource supporting legal or illegal immigration is "Ten ways Immigrants Help Build The Economy" (Furman Web). Furman asserts that immigration is good for the economy. He supports his assertion by describing ten ways immigration helps build up our economy. The author's purpose is to inform point out what's good for
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Illegal Immigration Arguments
This has been a ongoing problem in America for quite sometime now, It's a problem that is being widely addressed by people like our very own president of the United States. It's been an outrage to many people in our country. If you haven't guessed by now, the problem im referring to is illegal immigration and undocumented people coming into our country trying to become citizens. The reason that is a bad idea is because first off we don't know anything about these people sense they have no information about themself. Second because they can cause serious damage to our country. And lastly because they potentially ruin the us economy. I personally chose to argue with the side of not allowing undocumented people in our country because I more content...
This also lowers the wages being paid out for your hard worked hours, and with lower wages and not as many job opportunities that increase the amount of poverty in the united states. With the amount of poverty increasing due to the increase in population from illegal immigrants that also drains welfare. And considering that 58% of illegal immigrants rely on some kind of welfare not only are they causing others to be in poverty most of them move here already in poverty relying on some kind of welfare, so they clearly aren't good for our economy. Also money funded for welfare is from a percentage of your taxes, which most illegal immigrants do not pay. In fact they owe a total of $113 million of taxes money just to the federal level so they aren't paying their taxes. And lastly it may be there right to immigrate yes it's there right but there're way to do it that aren't illegal, such as a green card. But that's the whole problem they are doing it illegally, if they were doing it legally there would be no
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Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigrants
Franklin D. Roosevelt, an American president, has Dutch ancestry in his life. Anybody who comes to America are from different cultural backgrounds; every family arrives in the United States to make something of themselves. Families are getting ripped apart as they are being deported back to their homeland, and leaving the life they built behind. A great deal of diverse families who travel to theUnited States; are deprived of their American dream because of fear of deportation. Illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty because Immigrants are taking jobs many Americans do not want, they are taken advantage of for not having legal documents, and they are not secured by fundamental living rights. Hundreds and millions of illegal immigrants are a big part of the workforce in America. Plumbers, Electricians, and Landscapers are a variety of professions illegal immigrants do in order to put food on the table. More than others are astounded by the amount of jobs that are open because no one is willing to work them. Jobs are not secured for many diverse immigrants, some are occupied by people who are more advantaged than others in regards of experience and street–smarts. Illegal more content... Immigrant workers comply with the policy rules of the workplace, but the workplace does not comply with paying the right salary. This shows that immigrants are taken advantage of by their employer. Not to mention, the fear of deportation, many jobs are ransacked by government officials at any time for hiring illegal immigrants. As a result of this, immigrants are forced to flee in search of a new workplace. Immigrants suffer financially through having unstable jobs and sending money back to their homeland. Considering this, large amounts of immigrants are being deprived of the correct salary and should be granted
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Why The US Should Cut Immigration
Although President Trump's comments offer an anti–immigrant view based on fear of a Cold War anomaly and lack of better quality immigrant selection, history, and economic statistics support the idea that legal immigration has, and continues to be, vital to the development and prosperity of the United States.
Immigration was the foundation of the United States. The founding fathers left the British Empire to escape religious persecution in search of a new start in life. Today this American dream is what immigrants long for. Without immigration, the United States would most likely have seen minimal growth throughout history. Statistics prove that the economy and diversity of the United States significantly increased in relation to the amount of immigration. Despite the apparent importance of immigration to the United States, some argue that immigrants steal jobs and increase crime. In reality, immigrants increase jobs and further increase the stability of the United States. Supporters of cutting legal immigration fear the influx of undesirable immigrants as well as the possibility of terrorists entering the United States through immigration programs. President Trump and "his administration emphasize the idea that Americans and their jobs need to be protected from all newcomers" (CapГі Web) due to their belief that this position is true. One resource supporting restrictions on immigration is CapГі Jr.'s The White House Used This Moment as Proof the U.S. Should Cut Immigration.
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Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
"Building a wall is easy, and it can be done inexpensively," Donald Trump said in an interview. "It's not even a difficult project if you know what you're doing." Trump is proposing to build a massive, impenetrable wall along the U.S.–Mexico frontier to keep out illegal Mexican migrants. Building up a wall between the U.S. and Mexico is not going to stop the influx of illegals coming into the country. Any wall–building effort would cost billions of dollars and encounter a variety of obstacles. The border with Mexico is 1954 miles long. We currently have fences on 670 miles of it. A nearly 2000 miles Wall could cost as much as 30 billion dollars. The U.S. government would have to pay to maintain the wall, which could cost as much as $750 million a year, as well as a more content...
The answers for both questions vary from different perspectives. Some might argue that illegal immigrants strengthen the U.S economy, and others might argue the complete opposite. Most presidential candidates address illegal immigration as a major problem, but they do not propose solid solutions to the problem. Another way to reduce the number of illegal immigrants is to create a new or better job program, as well as implementing a better system that will effectively track down people who overstay their visas. Immigration benefits the U.S in a variety of ways. It creates more jobs, opens more opportunities, generates more economic revenue, makes the country more productive, makes our economy more flexible, and offers a mix of cultural benefits. So why not give these illegal immigrants a chance to live out of the shadow and have a better future? Legalization would allow these people to contribute in our economy through increased work force, additional taxes, and additional
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Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
MacKenzie Forrest Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors 21 November 2017 Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration, a hot topic among many Americans. Many americans seem to think that illegal immigrants are the sources of all the nations problems. The question that remains is are these people right? While illegal immigrants can cause some issues throughout the nation such as higher crime rates, terrorist threats, and disadvantage to american workers, they also do many good things such as boost the economy, add more cultural influence, and provide a cheap labor force. An economic boost is something the government longs for and shockingly many illegal immigrants have provided just that. According to an article written by The Nation, "undocumented immigrants contribute about $11.6 billion to the economy annually, including nearly $7 billion in sales and excise taxes and $3.6 billion in property taxes. They are, in economic terms, productive citizens, and pay a higher effective tax rate than the top 1 percent income bracket." (Chen). This information helps put into perspective how much the undocumented immigrants contribute to america's economy.The thought that illegal immigrants have helped boost our economy is something that does not settle well with many americans. Americans do not like the fact that people who are not even truly apart of the country are the ones helping it rather than the naturally born citizens. The government has spent years trying to find ways to make the
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Argumentative Essay: Undocumented Immigrants
Argumentative essay
More than 11 million undocumented illegal immigrants fill the US. Over the past hundreds years immigrants have been coming into the United States,this process has continued. And some may disagree and believe in that immigrants should not have a path to citizenship. It is immigrants should have a path to citizenship. Undocumented immigrants should get a path to citizenship One important reason that immigrants should have a path to citizenship is that the United States of America is a country filled with immigrants. We are are the land of freedom and opportunity. And according to Senator Charles E. Schumer Upfront Magazine 2015 he had stated ВЁMy home is in Brooklyn, I can see the more content...
Therefore in conclusion with my given reasons [And evidence] we should let undocumented immigrants have a path to citizenship. Simply because this A country full of immigrants. It is also good for the economy. Besides all these presidents and people want the best for the country and truly if they want that they should continue the tradition of accepting people and giving them a chance. But if we let this curfew continue more immigrants will come and our system will be destroyed and we will spend millions of money sending these people Back to their
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Illegal Immigration Research Paper
With President Trump's recent pledge to be harsher on illegal immigration, coupled with the rise in arrests and deportations made, my nightmare of finding my parents in detention and awaiting deportation is solidifying. For these last couple of months, while the house sleeps, I imagine different scenarios. Assuming I was still a minor, my younger brother and I would be sent with my parents. Dreams of attending a top–rate American university would be muted. What would happen if they were deported once I was eighteen? Assuming I was already in college, I would keep my brother and myself in America, taking legal guardianship of him. If that happened, I would have to transfer from my university to one closer to home and start working to more content...
The point, however, is that with such an impervious action not only would the life of my parents forever change, but also those of my brother and me. It's not realistic to imagine that individuals can be plucked from their homes, their neighborhoods, their cities without some ripple effect. Now, I acknowledge both sides of the illegal immigration issue. I realize that Americans stigmatize the general immigrant population as competition for jobs and benefits. In addition, the public misconceives that illegal immigrants are criminals (when in fact the crime rate among immigrants is lower than the native population). I also realize that immigrants are an economic boon. Finally, regardless of how they became "illegal", I realize that these immigrants have families (like mine), have lives (like mine), and have opportunities (like mine). With such a personal connection to this issue, I find myself defending these immigrants to a broad audience. A couple weeks ago, I attended my school's Model UN meeting concerning illegal immigration. While feeling grateful to find peers with similar opinions, I was still shocked to hear those who would, without hesitation, deport immigrants like my parents. Perhaps their point of view lacked a real–world context, so I decided to give them the benefit of doubt. At the time, however, I resisted from sharing my
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Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump's immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms.
Immigration has been an essential but disruptive aspect of the people and the political state of the United States; however, debates related to immigration and its benefits are intensified significantly. Opposing immigration keeps ranting on how government should exercise better law to control over the people entering into the States from the foreign land. One of the most buzzed argument is that American citizen is unemployed because immigrants stole their jobs and disrupted the economy (Hoban, 2017). Also, an appeal to National security and vulnerability after several terrorist attacks all over the world and also to the government to keep track and maintain the no. of immigrants to create a safer environment (Cafaro, 2009). However, the contrary to these arguments have often been proven right. The pattern of the immigration shows that the contribution of the immigrants has resulted in an economic boost that cannot be overlooked by the government. Most of the immigrants leave their home country and migrate to the United States because they can live in freedom, practice their religion and make the most out of their life (Arizaga 2006).
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
What exactly does illegal immigration mean? Illegal immigration can be defined as the migration of people across national borders while violating the laws of the destined country ("What is Illegal Immigration?"). Whether the unauthorized immigrants come by land, water, or air, they are considered to be illegal aliens. Those who do not leave after the expiration of their visas are also illegal immigrants. The presence of illegal immigrants not only affects the lives of many native Americans but goes against the laws of America, which highly threatens the democracy of the United States. Every year the amount of illegal immigrants residing in the United States increases by about half a million (Johnson). Most undocumented immigrants are entering America from borders such as Canada and Mexico. In doing so, the illegal immigrants are violating the law of America which is only worsening democracy of the U.S.. One of the main issues of illegal immigration is the fact that millions of illegal aliens are undermining multiple American Immigration Acts, such as the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Immigration Acts were and are created to limit the number of immigrants allowed in America. Illegal immigrants are both weakening the laws and deliberately disrespecting the morals of the United States. One article writes that The Immigration and Nationality Act "provides for an annual worldwide limit of 675,000 permanent immigrants" ("How the United States Immigration System Get
Illegal Immigration Amnesty There are many problems that the United States faces and the one that is causing several debates is illegal immigration. Thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants have come from many different places. All of them have different desires. One might want a safe future for their family, one is probably looking for a fresh start, or even a place to spread their knowledge. The big question is should illegal immigrants be granted amnesty? After the resources and argument, it is believed that Amnesty should be given to illegal aliens. What is amnesty? Amnesty is a pardon for someone who was convicted in a crime. Amnesty is tangled with the term "Illegal Aliens". Illegal aliens according to more content...
A huge part of the economy depends on the illegal immigrants such as agriculture. Natives have a mindset that they are too good to be working at such lowly ranked jobs so such labor depends on these immigrants. Without the support of the increased population of the illegal immigrants, the economy would be in a condition that's worse than it already is. Granting amnesty will also reduce crime because these immigrants will not fear about reporting crimes to authorities, therefore helping to reduce the crime rate to an extent. With legalization of these aliens it will strengthen and revitalize the nation and it will increase the nation's security. Granting amnesty will help the nation focus on more important resources such as militia. These resources that are focused on capturing illegal immigrants who enter the country for work could be redirected towards homeland security or funds for war. Not all agree that the "illegal aliens" should be able to get a chance to prove themselves. According to Heritage Foundation "Do not grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Regardless of the penalties imposed, any program that grants individuals who are unlawfully present the Get more content
on Immigration
I agree with the fact that Illegal immigrants shouldn't be in the United States and they are ruining this country. Illegal immigrants have the most influence in the economy. While the threat of crime and terrorism has increased due to this lack of enforcing border control, illegal immigration has the greatest impact on the American economy. As America goes through one of its worst economic crises yet, it is safe to say that illegal immigration and its effects on the American economy is a main problem. One of the counter arguments are regarding immigrants and the economy must do with jobs and wages. These illegal immigrants give back to this country with necessary workers to complete hard working work. In fact, is that these illegal immigrants
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Arguments Against Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration is a leading contentious issue in politics and news with recent crimes and Presidential nominees. All articles were in agreement that the largest portion of illegal immigrants are from Mexico. Many of the arguments against illegal immigration are that they raise costs due to education, health care, incarceration and crime expenses, as well welfare expenses. My original hypothesis is that illegal immigration results in a net economic loss due to those reasons.
Numerous laws addressing illegal immigration were outlined including the Deficit Reduction Act in 2005, Secure Border Initiative (2005), Arizona State Bill 1070 (2010), Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986), and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility more content...
If immigrants, legal and illegal, are coming to the United States for better opportunity one would assume that they would reside in areas where employment is plentiful. Becerra also points out that of the 11.9 million illegal immigrants, 8.3 million are represented in the workforce meaning that 70% of illegal immigrants are in the workforce in 2010. This is greater than the total 2010 average labor force participation rate of 64.7% (Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject, 2015) supporting that statement that illegal immigrants reduce unemployment as their participation rate exceeds that of the total
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Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
Do citizens of the United States feel safe with illegal immigrants living in our country? There are over eleven million illegal immigrants living in America, and half of them are from Mexico( ). Some people think illegal immigrants are helpful because they do the jobs that are unsought, while many other people think illegal immigrants cause violence and drug problems. Obama is taking a few steps to address the issue of illegal immigration, but if Trump becomes president he will completely change the way our government handles immigration. People in America are always discussing the topic of immigration because the majority of people do not feel safe with illegal immigrants living in our country, which is why most people like Trump's more content...
The drug Cartels are flowing across the border into America along with crime and many other problems they bring, so the border needs to be secured in order to stop the chaos. In Colbert's interview with Trump, after Trump said that he wants to stop crime and the drug trade, Colbert said, "Okay, well that would be good, that would be good, that would be good" ( ). Even though Colbert is okay with illegal immigrants in our country, because they are the people who work at undesired jobs, he is in agreement to keeping some of them out if it will protect our country from dangers. This means that Colbert is willing to compromise with Trump's ideas of cracking down on illegal immigrants that are subject to criminal activity because it will make America a safer country to live
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Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
Trejo 1
Illegal Immigration
"A special kind of courage that enabled them to leave their own land leave their friends, and their countrymen and come to this new and strange land" these are the words President Ronald Reagan used on describing illegal immigrants leaving their country and coming to the USA. There are huge amounts of illegal immigrants coming into the United States each year from all over the world. These immigrants want a better life for themselves and their family. More and more people in today's time are having issues on this topic because of the economy. Illegalimmigration can be a great thing for the economy because of taxes, labor and spending. Many people in today's time say many illegal immigrants harm the economy not help it because of welfare and stealing of jobs. Ironically, illegal immigrants are probably the only workers with below average income who pay federal taxes (Hicks). Immigrants pay their taxes on a regular every year although they do not get money refunds back. The total consumptive capacity of illegal immigrants remaining in the us is around $450 billion (Ramanujan). This amount of money is circulating around the economy in the united states helping boost up the economy. The urban institute estimated in 1995 that immigrants paid 1.9 billion in taxes (Ramanujan). This amount was estimated in 1995 imagine what it is in today's time! This money that illegal immigrants pay in taxes in used in many different places to help the United
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Illegal immigrants have always been known for many things. They have been known for their hard working labors, helping produce our goods, taking the jobs people don't necessarily want, (etc.) Illegal immigrants have managed to impact the U.S. terrestrially but also drain our economy. They do lower the prices of our items by their force labors but when it comes to our economy, using our taxes for their own can cause financial harm. Illegal immigrants are given things like free food stamps and health insurance. Meanwhile legal immigrants and citizens have to pay for because don't have these type of benefits.
Illegal Immigrants has increased our income to $1.6 trillion. Illegal immigrants are increasing are incomes while taking our minimum wages jobs more content...
Documented immigrants can become anything that can lead to more marketers, doctors, engineers, teachers, and more, we need more of this if we want to raise of economy. Also immigrants in general aren't as lazy as Americans, they work harder. But with illegal immigrants we pay only coins a day and give them our services doesn't do much improve to this economy. And if they want to continue doing these jobs when legalized they should be payed more. With more illegal immigrants we can be living heavily in debt and deporting them will not aid the economy. Legalizing them is best thing we can do so it would be less of a burden.
To end the negation with this situation illegalimmigration is an economic burden that can be a beneficial when it comes to our products but not our economy. As America we are not doing much of a job to save our economy from bankrupt. Undocumented immigrants cost money and when we try to get rid of them it costs even more. Legalizing them would be a big help to this economy because the only benefit of them being illegal were the rigid jobs they were doing.
Being legal gives the economy a way to impact the U.S. financially with citizenship the two main branches of a Get more content
Argumentative Essay
Illegal Immigration
Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration
Argumentative Essay on Immigration
Illegal immigration has been a problem for the United States for a long time. This phenomena is not new and thousands of illegal immigrants have come into US through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or through many other ways. Some people have entered the country legally through a visit visa, but then have stayed illegally and are working in various places. Illegal immigration is a double edged sword; on the one hand it provide the local economy with cost benefits as the illegal immigrants are not paid so much, while they are more productive. On the other hand, these illegal immigrants do not pay taxes and their employers also do not pay their taxes. There are both pros and cons of more content...
They first think about what their wages will be. If you are here illegally, you clearly have a competitive advantage (Howell 2006). Most of the Americans and the American officials are of the opinion that illegal immigration is bad for the country and it should be stopped completely. The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) is a law in theUnited States of America that pertains to the policies and regulations regarding employment. This law was enacted in 1986 for various reasons, which includes the fact that many illegal employees work in the United States. The two main requirements of the IRCA include: "(1) to hire only persons authorized to work in the United States and (2) to not discriminate on the basis of citizenship status or national origin" (LMD 1992). In order to be eligible to work in the United States, the workers must complete an I–9 form and must be able to prove their authorization to work in the United States to their employers. "Employers may not refuse to consider all qualified persons with work authorization, whether citizen or non–citizen. Employers must accept any document listed in the INS Handbook for Employers, and may not arbitrarily specify an INS document, or require additional documents. Employers may not refuse to hire a qualified worker whose employment authorization expires at a later date. IRCA imposes back pay and severe penalties on employers who commit immigration–related
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