Speech Critique Assignment For the Speech Critique Assignment, my critique is on Xao Yang informative speech presentation. Xao chose to give her speech on Michelle Phan, a YouTuber and an entrepreneur. When Xao gave her speech, I was focusing on whether she covered all the requirements on the Speech Evaluation Form that includes Substance & Organization, Delivery, and other Considerations. Xao's informative speech presentation was based on a successful YouTuber and an entrepreneur who serves as a great inspiration to many young girls and boys, and her name is Michelle Phan. Xao's speech introduction started off with a quote by Michelle Phan, "We all have a story to tell and we are all part of something beautiful. To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world. Every great dream begins with a dreamer and every dreamer has a story." By stated a quote in her introduction, she informed the audience something as well as increased listener's understanding of what might her speech be about, like an inspirational person. Xao later explains in her speech that a quote cannot speak for ...show more content...
In my opinion, Xao's informative speech was cultural and personal for the following reasons, Xao mentioned that Michelle Phan was born in Boston, Massachusetts and her name in Vietnamese is "Avalanche" which made me think that Xao has some type of Vietnamese culture background. Personal because Xao stated a few quotes from Michelle Phan that were inspirational to her. In making this comment, one of the quotes Xao uses from Michelle Phan is "And even though makeup can change the way you look, I want everyone watching my videos to know perfection doesn't exist. That's why I show my face without products–pimples included–and that's why I'm sharing this story." As Xao used quotes from Michelle Phan, her techniques for her speech were description and
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Speech Critique
Self Critique Speech
Self Critique Paper
What did you do well?
My visual aid was the strongest part about my speech. I brought in the ingredients to make Tiramisu to show which brands I like to use for the recipe. I also prepared Tiramisu for the class as my hold interest technique. To relate the topic to the audience, I told them that they could make this recipe when they want to impress someone. My credibility was also convincing as I informed the class I had researched and compiled the best recipe. My introduction in general was concise and convinced the audience pay attention to the rest of my speech. I also thought my tone was conversational and not too formal. What could you improve?
My organization in general was lackluster. I forgot my transitions which
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Letchworth State Park Speech Analysis
My speech on Letchworth State Park went well. There were some positives and negatives in making my speech as effective as possible. I felt pretty comfortable because I practiced my speech multiple times with friends. I made sure they videotaped me to see what mistakes I might make. Practicing my speech made feel more comfortable, and I believe made for a clearer message. My introduction to speech was effective and caught the audience's attention. Making sure I had an attention getter, creditability and a thesis statement kept the audience engaged. The main points that I decided to over in my speech were that Letchworth State Park offers yearlong activities, tons of hiking trails to explore, and camping for everyone. I believe that I got my
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My Self-Evaluation Of Speech
This paper will discuss mine self–evaluation and do into detail about my first speech. My first speech takes place in front of my class and I have to tell a story of an experience that has happened to me. Telling a speech was a new experience for me and I embrace the challenge. A speech can have an impact on a person life and the audience can also relate a topic that is being presented. I will explore and go into the details of ethos, pathos and logos of my speech for my personal assessment. I think I did a good job presenting my ethos through my speech story. I convince my audience with my credibility through my speech and the way how talk throughout the speech. For example, throughout my whole speech, I shown my hands and did not hide my hands. By keeping my hands in plain view, it shows my audience nonverbally that I can be trusted. The volume of my voice was at a normal speaking tone and was not too low. Most of my audience was able to hear me and listen to me very clearly. I also presented myself with confidence and gave off the impression that I was prepared. For example, I had a smile and had constant eye contact with my audience throughout my speech. There was certain things that I was doing that was ineffective while I was talking. Throughout my speech, I kept saying um and was pausing at times. I did not realize how much I was saying and doing these actions. These actions are something I need to work on more when I present my public communication to my audience Get
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Critique Of A Public Speech
Critique Of A Public Speech
Presenting a speech can have it difficulties, whether it is you not having a loud speaking voice or nervousness, you still have to have the ability to deliver a great speech to your audience. On January 20, 1961 over 49 years ago our late President John F. Kennedypresented the Inaugural Address, in Washington D.C. The weather was very cold, and it was one of the largest crowds at the Inauguration. As I am watching the speech for the very first time, multiple thoughts are coming to my head. Here is our President –Elect presenting this speech to us about how much he is going to help change our county for the better. The beginning first words of his...show more content...
President Kennedy did a wonderful job on presenting his first Inaugural Address. I would not change anything he did but I am able to take away. He did not change the style of his voice, and when he made a statement you knew because the way he presented. He was a talented speaker, and I have learned not to be afraid to speak about what I believe in no matter who the audience. I have learned to make sure the topic fits your audience because to keep from not becoming entertained by your speech. I have also learned speak slowly and clearly so everyone will be able to understand you. Overall when listening and looking a presidential speech you have high exceptions from that president speaking. I was very amazed at President Kennedy pointing out issues like racism, and religion among the entire world. He believed in equality and freedom and was not afraid to say that. He spoke very easily and kind hearted, in a very caring and concerned voice. Every presidential speech I have seen and watched was only president who delivered and spoke what was true, President Kennedy, Clinton and Obama. Great changes in America came from President Kennedy, even though he was in office for only four
Critique of a Public Speech Essay
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Out of class speech Critique The speech that I attended and will be writing about is a campaign speech that Devaughn Williams gave while running for president of Phi Delta Theta Ohio Gamma chapter here at Ohio University. The audience was consisted of initiated members of Phi Delta Theta around 40 members were in attendance for the speech, for the elections, this was a formal event that the nominees and audience members dressed up for and at the end of each speech there was a Q&A session between the audience and the Canadettes. There were 3 people that were running for president. During his speech I noticed that he complemented the current president before he talked about what he would do differently giving the current president the respect that he earned during his term which gave him credibility and connected with us in the audience. During the body of his speech Devaughn talked about the former position that he had which was the recruitment chair. He then listed the accomplishments that he achieved during his term as recruitment chair. He transitioned from that by talking about what he would hope to achieve as acting president of Phi Delta Theta, his main points were about expanding popularity and continued growth of the fraternity, making sure we have good relationships with all other Greek life on campus here at Ohio University. And having fun and respecting all the rules and regulations set by Phi Delta Theta headquarters along with the IFC board which is the
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Example Of A Speech Critique
Informative Speech Outline On
Student Name: Connor
Teacher Name: Mrs. G
Class Comp 1
Date Title
Thesis: The History of paint and how it changed people lives through art and how people use it today.
Topic Sentence 1– How paint was worked and found throughout the ages.
.Supporting Reason 1–Cave Dwellers used crude paints to leave behind the graphic representations of their lives that even today decorate the walls of their ancient Rock dwellings.
Explanation– Scientist have been able to find pictures in caves and tell what they hunted or what the live of a cave dweller was and the culture that they believed in.
Supporting Reason 2– In the 1880s paint factories were being built in residential areas and industrial areas across the Nation.
Explanation– in the industrial...show more content...
Explanation– That most people wouldn't know how paint came through the ages as for example is that they came all the way from just drawings on the walls and up to the industrial revolution.
Topic Sentence 2– Origins Of Renaissance Art and How it was Effected by paint
Supporting Reason 1– The Renaissance began in the late 13th Century and the Early 14th Century, Italian artist saw the roman culture and thought that they wanted to copy that style and make it there own version so they started to invent and to paint.
Explanation Leonardo da Vinci was known as the " Renaissance Man." Leonardo was a brilliant man and came up with many inventions and many famous painting's. Some of which are the Mona Lisa, The Virgin of the rocks, and the last Supper.
Supporting Reason 2
Another major artist during the Renaissance was a paint known as Masaccio. Masaccio is know for his frescoes of the Trinity in the Church of Santa Maria Novella and the Brancacci Capel the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine.( Which are both churches in Florence)
Explanation Masaccio was only painting for around six years and Get more content
Failure is an obstacle, everyone during their life must face and come to accept. But, what really is failure? I see failure as when you try to achieve at something, but do not succeed in doing so. A person who has faced many letdowns in his life is Denzel Washington; as he talks about failures in his 2011 University of Pennsylvania Commencement Address. During his speech, uses ofrhetoric can be heard all throughout his words. Making the message he is trying to say to the graduating students that still have their lives in front of them, just so much more robust. Washington's use of all three kinds of rhetoric throughout his speech about defeat and how to change your thoughts to overcome them. Washington starts off his speech with pathos. Pathos is appealing to the emotional side of the audience and trying to get an emotional response from them. Washington begins his speech on why he is doing the speech in the first place. His son went to Penn U, so he was already officiated with the school. Him sharing his information about his past with the school makes the crowd feel more relax and less anxious. Knowing the person who is speaking, understands what you are going through helps a lot in building a connection with the Washington. With a smooth beginning, Washington begins to tell jokes about the staff and how everyone here hates the Yankees. Washington, first establishing baseline with the audience, was key to conveyance his message to the spectators. Washington evens tells the people, that he is nervous and uncomfortable for he has not done this kind of speech before. The feeling of knowing this man in front of you is speaking to thousands of people is afraid, even though he is such a famous actor makes you feel empathy for him. This connection is strong for even though he is famous, he can still get nervous like all the graduates. Washington brings up ideas he had for this speech, making jokes about his co–workers and stories of them. He did not decide to use one of those because he wanted to leave a message worth leaving for the graduates that will last a lifetime. Washington even connects with the parents, by saying "I always like to check how my money is getting used, am I right parents?". (Penn's 2011
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SPEECH CRITIQUE In this paper, I will critique one of the most famous speeches in American History. This speech was given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement on August 28, 1963, and is known as the "I Have a Dream Speech". This critique will focus on his exceptional delivery, his superior organizational skills, and his emotional appeals to the audience. INTRODUCTION It started with a powerful location. Dr. King recited his speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. President Lincoln was known for being the president who defeated the southern states on the issue of slavery. In his speech, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. opened by expressing to everyone that he was joining them in "The Greatest Demonstration for Freedom in the History of...show more content...
This really made an impact on me. By stating that "he had a dream", Dr. King wanted to transmit his wishes and faith for a better future where people will treat each other equally, without any discrimination or segregation. The ending was the most heartwarming aspect of the entire speech. When he started with the lines from the song "My country Tis of Thee", the crowd erupted in praise and cheer.
After listening to this speech, it is in my opinion that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr is probably one of the best orators the world has ever seen. He not only was able to make clear and valid points, but could identify with the people, keeping the audience engaged and responsive throughout the entire speech. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr made this speech memorable by emphasizing phrases with repetition at the beginning of sentences. He also repeated key words throughout the entire speech. He incorporated quotes from historical documents, the bible, and used metaphors to highlight contrasting concepts. His repetition of Let Freedom Ring truly drove the speech home. I would recommend this remarkable speech to anyone who hasn't gotten the chance to experience Get more content
Critique Of Martin
King's Speech
Critique of "The Importance of the Person in the Role of Teacher" Quality relationships between students and teachers are foundational to an effective learning environment. David Hansen, author to "The Importance of the Person in the Role of Teacher" shares his observations of three teachers that have established good relationships with their students. The relationship between these teachers and their students is strong and genuine, so that these teachers have a positive influence in their students' lives. That is the essential question that Hansen seeks to provide the answer. The question being "how can teachers have a positive influence on their students' behavior and learning?" Hansen's answer to the question is to have a person committed...show more content...
In my practice, I prioritize treating my students with respect. I believe that respect is the foundation which grounds the sense of community in my class. Respect also begets the trust that is essential to engage students in their learning. Viewing students as "persons–in–the–making," allows to approach student learning holistically. Ms. Smith, in an interview with Hansen, states "learning subject matter involves learning how to conduct oneself confidently and wisely" (Hansen, 1998, p.401). This statement rings true to me, as I agree, student learning is not reserved to subject content only but encompasses the student's sense of self and capability. Guiding the student to develop their sense of self and their academic knowledge enables the student to participate in class discussion with
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Obama's back to school speech given in Philadelphia was given to a crowd of all ages and all different levels of education. His speech was based on how important education really is and how inspiring the youth of today is by the hard work their giving in school. He discussed how he was once not as determined as he is today and how he overcame his obstacles in school by a motivational talk with his mother. She told him to put his best foot forward if he wanted to get far in life. He explained to the crowd that without hard work and determination he wouldn't be where he is today.
Throughout his speech he gave a lot of credibility to past experiences he had in his life. He reached out to the crowd, mostly those in school, by connecting what...show more content...
He didn't overload his message to the audience, his speech stayed very structured throughout it. The audience could easily follow, and with the different age groups in the crowd, each and everyone could grasp what the President was saying. I especially liked how with everything he brought out in his speech he gave an example for each aspect. I rate him a 10 on non verbal communication and verbal communication. I give President Obama a 99% grade on his speech. He had an effective delivery as well as communication. He used his audience analysis to connect to whom he was speaking to and he used his personal credibility to back up what he was saying to the crowd. His kinesics and eye contact was very well used as he never took his eye off his audience. He made sure the audience had his undivided attention throughout his entire speech. His verbal and non verbal usage put a personal touch to his speech because of the presentation of his speech. He used appropriate language , was very clear in his delivery and appearance, and he inspired his audience with his conclusion, not by only inspiring but thanking the youth for their hard work. Overall, the speech was very well given and presented and I didn't see one
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Obama Speech Critique Essay
Speech Critique
(Self–Critique=2 x 25 Possible Points)
(Peer Critique=25 Possible Points)
For the process and informative speeches you will view the video of your presentation and critique yourself. Your responses to the questions below will be submitted to the D2L dropbox as a MS Word file by the date designated on the syllabus for each speech. You will use the same questions for your peer critique. When answering questions, answer in complete sentence form, check spelling/grammar, and use punctuation.
1.What were the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction? How did you gain the audience's attention?
My introduction begins with a video in which a child asks her mother why he is so fat. It is a good start to get the attention of audience and clarify what the speech topic is about.
It provides the preview statement clearly. Begging a speech with a video is a good idea to get attention of audiences.
It lacked a good flow of speech. It did not clearly mention about the central idea of the speech.
2.What was the central idea of the speech? How were the central idea and main points of the speech previewed?
пѓЁThe causes of children obesity in the United States are improper dietary habit, inactive life style, and genetics, which was the central idea of the speech.
пѓЁI mentioned that there are three main reasons of children obesity: improper dietary habit, inactive life style, and genetics.
3.What method of organization was used to
Speech Critique : Critique And Critique
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This speech took place on August 28, 1963 millions of citizens, children, law and policy makers attended while 250,000 watched on TV as a Baptist Preacher ,a Boston University Graduate Dr, Martin Luther King stood behind a podium. He established an immediate rapport with an ever changing audience and communicated on a meaningful level, by appealing to moral conscience of Americans standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. He gave the rhetorical demands that racial justice no longer shall people be divided by race or religion. Although at the time it wasn't the case, it was a future vision that " all people are created equal" ( M.L.K.) The central Idea or purpose of his speech was and is to...show more content...
( M.L.K.). Allerations that were stated by King in the speech were " Symbolic shadow we stand today" this was in reference to standing on the steps of the Lincoln memorial to the president who defeated southern states over slavery. " Being behind a great leader" meaning the father of Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln. Another alleration is " We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of the self–hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating"(M.L.K.).The repetitition in the speech is with rhythm and was actually not even in the original speech the whole part of the speech when King states " I Have A Dream' was add libbed the day of the speech. King uses repetition to touch on main points that King wants to express the most and generate strong emotion to and among leaders. When king keeps repeating " I Have A Dream, Let Freedom Ring".it is merely a technique to aid in memorability. Allegory in the speech is " Negro being free", and Persuading you to see and want the same. The Forecasting King used in the speech was stating in the beginning of the speech
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Speech Critique: Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Self–Critique of a Speech: Strawberry Banana Smoothie Speech
I gave a speech about making a strawberry–banana smoothie. Overall, I feel as if I did a good job on this speech. It was an informative speech. Therefore, my goal was to teach people how to make a strawberry–banana smoothie. I feel like any person who saw the speech and the related demonstration would have been able to make a strawberry–banana smoothie. In addition, I feel like I kept the speech simple, so that someone could replicate the process at home without having to refer to notes or any written materials. My peer critiques agree with my self–assessment that the speech was good, overall, but highlighted an area for improvement.
My speech was characterized by three overall strengths. The first strength is that I was fluent and used good hand gestures to help explain my meaning for the audience. The second strength was that I spoke for the audience, using an animated voice that was not monotonous. The third strength was that I engaged the audience by using good eye contact. Combined together, these three strengths helped establish a relationship between me and the audience so that I felt as if I was actually teaching them a skill, not simply giving a presentation to a disinterested group. However, I was very nervous giving the speech. This is a weakness that I noticed and that was mentioned by the peer evaluators. The most obvious sign of my nervousness was my repetitive use of the space–filler "mmmm"
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Critique Essay Examples
Critique Essay of Process and Learning
Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged how I thought about scientific journals when it came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my understanding of science writing grew with thispaper.
With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the professor, outside the classroom during your office...show more content...
For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that related to each of our health profession majors. Our research for the proposal revealed the importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the changing technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we chose to have our proposal addressing the need for occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused on prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was following the break down for each section of the proposal that you, the professor, provided our peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the proposal. With each Get more
For my out of class speaker critique assignment, I chose to go and attend the public lecture on campus by Mr. Jim Davis, the creator of the Garfield the Cat syndicated comics. The event took place in Sursa Hall inside the Music Instruction Building, and it lasted an hour and half long from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. This lecture occurred on Wednesday, February 15th. In his speech, Mr. Davis talked about his youthful years, the initial challenges he faced, the business strategies he used, and the wild adventure he endured throughout his comical Garfield business adventures. Regarding his desired response from the audience in his speech, Mr. Davis made it overtly clear that he wanted the audience to listen and learn from his story. I was able to...show more content...
Otherwise, there seemed to be no significant or obvious distinction amongst members. The attitudinal makeup of the audience was either neutral or positive, as Davis and his work are most known for being lighthearted and joyful. Mr. Davis undoubtedly considered these elements when he planned his lecture, as a large portion of it was centered around the nostalgic feeling the Garfield comics give to the crowd (C3). Regarding the introduction used during the lecture, I felt that it was more than effective in its explanation of Davis by showing what he is primarily known for, what the audience was about to witness, and by creating a favorable atmosphere for the lecture. To gain the audience's attention, a video demonstrating Mr. Davis's history and accomplishments was played before he began his lecture. Overall, I thought that it was a moderately effective introduction because it reinforced the interest of the audience, displayed the significance Davis has to the illustration business, and presented his credibility as well–known illustrator. For example, I thought it was interesting that the administrator jokingly announced Davis as a man too important to be talking a public lecture. On the other hand, however, I also thought that the introduction was somewhat ineffective in that it never overviewed what was going to be talked about in the rest of the lecture (C4). Concerning the support used in the speech, Mr. Davis relied heavily on qualitative Get more content
My Out
Class Speaker Critique Assignment
Out of Class Speaker Critique
Walking into a speech called "The Importance of Being a Global Citizen" I was pretty convinced this might be a boring "do this, do that" speech. The way Braun started was quite uninteresting, but then built the attention up towards the stage. Braun involved the whole audience by asking questions such as "Have you traveled? Do you have kids? Are you a grandkid?" Not only did this involve the whole audience, he used comedy and made all of us laugh with him to grasp our full attention. Braun started showing funny pictures and videos that went along with what he was trying to pursue really added a comic feel into his speech. Me as well as the audience enjoyed that comic relief and made Braun's speech more engaging and intriguing. He showed us clips of a little girl getting pushed off the diving board into the pool relating back to leaving your comfort zone and needing that push. Although the video had nothing to do with what he was about to talk about, he actually related back quite...show more content...
Braun never slurred, stuttered, and never had mispronunciation. His use of language was phenomenal, using words and phrases the audience could connect with and interpret. With this being said, Braun used a quite excited voice throughout the hour and a half. The pitch of his voice never changed, but he did turn monotone when talking about more serious events. This use of voice was pretty effective grasping the audience's attention when things are exciting and capturing the audience's emotions at more serious moments. During Braun's transitions, he walked around more letting the audience think about what he just said. While talking about more serious points, Braun used hand gestures frequently, never over powering but just right. Although his hand gestures where well, Braun could've utilized his space more knowing he had a whole stage to Get more content
Class Speaker Critique
Speech Critique
The event that I was attending was an NHS Induction, that I was a part of. The person hosting this event was my AP World History teacher, Mr. Banks. It was an honor to receive this invitation for having a GPA higher than a ninety and being a leader in my community. In Mr. Banks introduction, he did a very good job on getting everyone's attention by having a strong voice. To add on , he did introduce the topic clearly, not only that but he preview what he was going to talk about before he started. The topic was related to the audience, because everyone that took part of this event was somehow related to the event.
Secondly, the body of Mr. Banksspeech, when he was presenting his point he made sure to not not briefly talk about them, but also explained them in a very sensible way for everyone. All his point were fully supported because they were relating to the actions and things we accomplished in order to be in the event. Furthermore, the organization was well planned, he started of my explaining it, but then he broke it down and gave a few examples to make it easier to understand. The language he used in his speech was excellent, the language was accurate, appropriate, and not only that but the connections he made with all...show more content...
Banks speech was his voice, it was loud, clear, and it showed enthusiasm. The power of his voice kept everyone hooked on his speech which is what everyone wants when they are presenting a speech. In the other hand, one of his weakness was his eye contact, he looked to the left side more and didn't pay much attention to the right side. This can be a problem because you can lose part of your audience by not paying attention to them, but not only that, they might not be able to hear you as well. Overall, I would give his speech an excellent score. Mr. Banks met his assignment to inform everyone about NHS, the specific purpose was well chosen, and most importantly the message adapted to the audience
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A Critique Of Mr. Banks's Speech
Never having been to this church, I was thoroughly impressed with Deacon Bob's sermon. It was obvious he prepared extensively for his performance and it made his message that much more memorable. He explained to us that he was visiting from Trenton, NJ so it was nice to have a different perspective, a fresh take on things. Although you go to church knowing you will be preached to aboutJesus and God, it isn't just that. There are life lessons to be learned and they can be applied to everyday life and he did a really good job at "teaching" us something meaningful through his speech, which isn't easy to do.
He used a thesis, posing a question if we truly know what means to be baptized and if we are truly living our lives as disciples...show more content...
He could have improved the speech by cutting those extra ten minutes out and by doing so keeping everyone happy. Also, he could have started directly with his thesis and then gone into the story instead of beginning with the story, which probably did not interest everyone right away.
I learned that practice truly does make perfect, Deacon Bob has years and years of experience and it showed in his execution of getting his strong message across. I
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Speech Critique: Sermon